The Daily constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, December 28, 1854, Image 3

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Sjiffiol llotirrs. The subscriber has for sale the re maining portion of last winter’s impor tation of old Irish Whisky, now 6 years old. Those wishing a pure article, possessing all the requisite qualities for making Punch of delicious favor, should supply themselves soon. Apply to Thomas Whyte, At the office of John C. Carmichael, No. 3 War ren Block. Th&Su nov3o Mp*~ . lAf"* 3 br. Horse’s Invigorating Cordial —The only sure and safe Remedy, yet discovered, lor Genera! Debility, Physical Prostra tion, Instability, and all the various train of Ner vous Affections; it will also remove Depression, Excitement, Dislike of Society, Incapacity for Study or Business, Loss qf Memory, Alcntal De bility, Ac.—(See Advertisement. The Augusta Female High School, opposite the United States Hotel, over Mr. Kobert Carroll's Boot and Shoo Store, will be re-opened on Monday, 20th of November. Terms, lor Board and Tuition, in all the English branches, will be very moderate. No extra charge for French, Latin, Fuel, <fcc. nov 'l7 C. A. Sabah, Principal. Dr. A. If. Montgomery offers his *2s> Professional services to the citizens ol Augusta and vicinity. His office is in Constitution alist Range. ts may 9 Over-Coats to suit cold weather.— J. M. Newby A Co. have on hand a large stock of Heavy Over-Coats to suit the season. Also, Business Coats, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Ac. They will be sold low. Eagle & Phoenix Hotel —J. R. Pres- CojT, Proprietor.—ls now open for the reception of Transient or Permanent Boar »eks. The proprietor solicits a continuance of patronage, and can only assure those who may make a selection of his house, that no pains will be spared to render them comfortable. novls ts Worms ! Worms!—There is no dis ease more common among children, and yet none which so frequently baffles the skill of the physician, as Worms They are highly detrimen tal to the constitution; and their presence should be carefully guarded against by parents. On the first manifestation ot symptoms, every means should be used to exp 1 them promptly and thor oughly. McLano’s Vermifuge is well established as the most certain, safe and speedy remedy ever offered for thi3 troublesome and dangerous malady; and all who have the management of children, should keep this invaluable medicine at hand. In addition to its perfect safety, it never fails to pro duce the desired effect. 05?” Purchasers will be careful to ask for Dr. M’Lanes Celebrated Vermifuge, and take none else. All other Vermifuges, in comparison, are worthless. D. M’Lane s genuine Vermifuge, also his Celebrated Liver Pills, can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores in the United States and Canada. Sold by Haviland, Risley A Co., Wm. 11. Tutt, D. B Plumb A Co.,and W. H. AJ. Turpin, Augus ta, Ga.; P. M. Cohen A Co., Charleston, S. C 4 Hill A Smith, Athens, Ga.; E.C. Jones, Madison; A. A. Solomons; Savannah; and by all Drug gists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the South. 12 decl9 KP r ~T J We seldom recommend a manufac tured medicine, believing that, in most cases, nature perfects a cure more rapidly and ef fectually than can be accomplished by the vegeta bles and minerals of medical science. But in the matter of dyspepsia, there are chronic features about it, which, very often, defy all the efforts of nature to create a healthy action of the digestive organs, and it not unfroquently happens (hat thous ands suffer for years, diseased both in body and in mind, from indigestion and it#lkindred ills. To such, Iloofland’s German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, are truly a most valuable prepara tion. It is a tonic medicine, giving a healthy ac tion to the stomach, and will be found highly ser viceable at all seasons, but ©specially during the spring. Dyspepsia can only be cured by a patient perseverance in one course of treatment; and to all those suffering under this sad malady we would re commend an application to the depot of Hoofland’s German Bitters, 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia.— Philadelphia Inquirer. 12 dec 19 Consumption and Spitting Hlood.— ES’-—%25» S e the certificate of Mr. Turner 11. Ramsey, for many years proprietor of the Farmers’ Hotel, Fredericksburg, Va., and late of the City Hotel, Richmond, Va Dr. John Minge, of the City of Richmond, though a regular physician, and of course opposed to what he called quack medicines, was obliged to say that its good effects in the case of Mr." Ramsey, were wonderful indeed. He hadjaeen given up by several physicians; had tried most of the quack medicines, and was on the verge of despair, as well as the grave, when he tried Carter’s Spanish Mixture- We refer the public to his full and lengthy cer tificate around the bottle, stating his cure. See advertisement 1m dec 19 GEORGIA RAILROAD. LEAVE AUGUSTA daily at 6, A. M., and at 6, P. M. Arrive at Augusta daily at 4.30, A. M., and at 5, P. M. Leave Atlanta daily at 4.30, A. M., and at 6.30, P. M. Arrive at Atlanta daily at 4, A. M., and at 6, P. M. Connecting with Athens Branch Trains, Arriving and leaving Union Pointdaily (Sundays oxcepted) at 11.30, A. M. With Washington Branch. Leaving Cumming daily (Sundays excepted) at 1. P. M. Arriving at Cumming daily, (Sundays excepted) at 9.30, A. M. With South Carolina Railroad Trains, Leaving Augusta daily at 6.30, A. M. Arriving at Augusta daily at 4, P. M. With Atlanta and LaGrange Railroad Trains, Leaving Atlanta daily at 4.30 A. M. Arriving at Atlanta daily at 6, P. M. With Western and Atlantic Railroad Trains, Leaving Atlanta daily at 6, A. M. Arriving at Atlanta daily at 6, P. M. dec2l GEO. YONGE, Gen’l. Sup’t. TO THE LADIES. COSGROVE & HREVYASi aro now closing ! out a large lot of Winter Dress GOODS, at j prices that will not fail to command ready sales. They would invite the attention of the Ladies. ! Thev have full supplies of the following: Figured Muslin DeLaine, from 10 to 12£c.; “ “ “ all wool, 12£ 4,0 15c.; Rich Figured, Plaid, Striped and Brocade Al pacas, 18 to 37Jc.; Also, a complete assortment of Printed Muslin DeLaines; Persian, Saxony and Plaid Worsteds, 18 to 37£c ; ! French, German and English Merino, all colors, from 20c. t0 $1 a yard; All woo DeLaines and Cashmeres, 81 to 87 Je. a yard; fi Damask* Brocade and Satin Plaid Poplins; Mourning DeLaines and Alpacas; Together with a full and complete assortment of all the new and desirab ! e styles of Ladies’, Misses’ and Childrens wear. All of which is now offered at the lowest possible price. COSGROVE & BRENNAN. P, S. We will have a job lot of Silks next week. Due notice will be given. decls C. & B. VERY DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. ITIHE subscribers offer for sale the PL ANT A- I TIONof the late Hon. Geo. McDuffie,, situa ted in Abbeville District, known as the Flatwood’s Plantation, containing Four Thousand Acres (4000) more or less, and bounded by lands of Haskell, ! Norwood, James Calhoun and Belser. This pro j party is too well known to need any particular de- ! saription ; it has on it some of the best Cotton and Grain land in the State, about Three Thousand ! (3000) acres „f which are cleared, the balance well wooded. — also — About two hundred and thirty (230)strictly prime Negroes, belonging to the same estate, together with the Stock, Provisions, Tools, Ac. The lands may be- treated for separately at the ' option 01 the purchaser. For terms, which will be made very accommoda- j ting, apply to Mr. Burt, at WUlington P. 0., Abbe ville District, or to Col. Siugleton, at Fat Rock P. 0., Henderson eo., N. C. Mr. Burt will give any further information that may be desired, and will exhibit the premises. ARMISTEAD BURT jylS f M. R. SINGLETON. COGNAC BRANDY, WINES, &C. LANDING from ship Sophia Chariotta, just arrived direct from Bordeaux— -14 quarter pipes superior COGNAC BRANDY, different brands. 10 casks Claret Wine, St. Julicn. 12 half casks Claret Wine, St. Emilion. 200 casks Claret Wine, Chateau Margeaux, Lafitte and Leoville. 30 cases White Sauterne. 20 baskets superior Olive Oil. For sale by SARDELLE* DEL AIGLE, dec24 f 9 Accommodation whaif Charleston. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. RICH EMBROIDERIES, Ac. WARD fc BIRCHARD would call attention to an immense assortment of R : ch Embroi deries in various shapes, such as Coiffures; Dress Caps; Lace and Needle worked Collars and Sleeves; Chemisette; Collarette; Collars and Sleeves in eette. AJso a beautiful assortment of French Lin en Cambric Embroidered Handkerchiefs. These goods are recently to hand, and will be sold at ex traordinary low prices. • dec24 Uno JUmcftisfmcntts.. J. J. MARTIN, ATTORNEY at LAW, Augusta, Ga. Can be found at the office of A. M. Rodgers, Esq., Washington Street d&cly* dec2B SHIRTS AND COLLARS, made in every style, or alter Dauskin s celebrated pattern, by HEBBEY, dec2B ts Next to Mechanics’ Bank. COMFORT AND HIKALTII, to be found in the real Shaker Knit Shirks and Drawers. Bold only by doc2B ts lIERSEY. AT MERSEY’S Shirt Store Gentleiaen can find Fancy Silk and Cotton Night Caps; Night Shirts, and black and white Silk Socks, ts dec2B rpVENING NECK DRESS—A beautiful as- J sortment of white and light colored Lace and Embroidered End Ties and Cravats, just received at HERSEY’S, dec2B ts Next to Mechanics’ Bank. GENT’S KID GLOVES, of a~veiry~ superior quality, in black, white, straw and all the fan cy Winter colors, at dec2B ts HERSEY’S. CORN, HAY, AN D t OitN MEAL.— 1,000 bushels prime Corn; 75 bales Hay; 300 bushels Corn Meal, fresh ground. For sale by GEO. W. LEWIS, dec2B No. 1 Warren Block. GEORGIA, BURKE COUNTY Whereas Anzy L Sapp and Simeon Wallace apply for Letters of Administration on the Estate of Isaiah Sapp, late of said county, O eceased. Theso are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear before the Court of Ordi nary, to be holden in and for said county, on the first Monday in February next, and show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Waynesboro, this 26th day of December, 1854. dec2B EDWARD GARLICK, Ordinary. Georgia, burke county.— -Whereas, Nathan H. Preskitt applies for Letters of Ad ministration on the Estate of William A. Kelly, late of said county, deceased— These are therefore, to cite, and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear before the Court of Or dinary, to be held in and for said county, on the first Monday in February next, and show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Waynesboro, this 26th day of December, 1854. dec2B EDWARD GARLICK, Ordinary. 1,000,000 BRICKS. THE subscriber has on hand, One Million Bricks which he will sell or work up on reasonable terms. dtf dec27 L. G. BASSFORD. NEGROES WANTED^ NO* 1 Bricklayers; also, laboring Men and Boys, for the year 1855. L G. BASSFORD. dec27 d 4 tcTrent, " ~ UNTIL the Ist October next, a comfortable DWELLING, with a large Garden, situ-MIL ated in the 4th Ward, on Ellis street, above Mar bury. G. SIMMONS. dec27 f 6 SITUATION WANTED. A YOUNG MAN, of a Collegiate education, is desirous of obtaining a situation as Teacher in a private family, or in an Academy. Apply at this offiee. 5* dec27 HOPE FOR THE CONSUMPTIVE. DR. C, P. CRANE, Resident Physician of New Orleans, (and late Azsoeiate of Dr. C. E. Crane, 341 Broadway, New York j for the specialities of Throat, Lung, Heart and Liver Diseases, would re spectfully inform the citizens of Augusta and vi cinity, that for the purpose of introducing his method of treatment by inhalation of medicated vapors, as a cure for all diseases of the Throat, Lungs and air passages, he will remain a few days at the Augusta Hotel, to afford these of the afflicted who may desire it, an opportunity of avail ing themselves of this, the only reliable, philosoph ieal and rational process of cure. Dr. C has also been very successful in his meth od of treating Chronic diseases of the Eye and Ear. Patients consulting Dr. Crane may continue to correspond with him at New Orleans, from Janua ry Ist to April Ist; but after that date at 341 Broadway, New York, without any further charge. And no charge will be made for medical treatment, (except the cost of Medicine and Apparatus fur nished) until a cure is effected, or perfect satisfac tion given. Office- Room 58, CraL &oar Augusta XJofcol. Office hours from 9, A. M.. to 9, P. M.; and if de sired, will visit families at their re-idences. dec27 TO SOUTHERN MERCHANTS. WE continue to forward, with great despatch, all kinds of MERCHANDISE. PRODUCE, MACHINERY, Ac., to any part of the country. Notwithstanding the interruption to business last fall, from fever, Ac., out of many thousands of packages consigned to us, not one laid over a day nor have we heard of one miscarrying, or in bad order. Our arrangements are so perfect that mistakes cannot occur without immediate detection, Any thing consigned to us, either in Charleston or Sa vannah, will receive prompt attention. We pay special attention to the sale of Cotton and other Country Produce. OUR TERMS. CASH IN HAND to pay Freights invariably. When this is done, there is never any delay. For our reliability and promptness,. we give the following REFERENCES. Chas. T. Pollard, Esq., President Montgomery & West Point Railroad; all the Merchants and Citi zens of Montgomery, Wetumpka, Selma Marion, Tuskoegeo and Lafayette, Ala.: West Point, Ga; Messrs. T. G. Simms A Co., Newnan, Ga.; Messrs. John Frazier & Co.; Wm. M. Martin, Esq., Pres’l. Farmers' A Exchange Bank and Henry Missroon, Esq., Charleston, S. C. S. Wyatt, j WYATT A CO., J. Stogner, V Charleston, S. C., ' F. Wyatt. ) F. WYATT A CO., dee27 dAcfim Savannah, Ga. THE ADAMS EXPRESS CoT~ WOULD respectfully inform the public, that having effected contracts with the various Railroad Companies for the transmission of par cels, freights, specie, merchandise, Ac., on their passonger trains, they are prepared to forward as above to the several stations on the Georgia, At lanta and Lagrange, Montgomery and West Point Railroads to Montgomery, Alabama, by the Wes tern A Atlantic, and Nashville and Chattanooga Railroads to Nashville, Tenn., and also by the So. Ca. Railroad to Charleston, thereby connecting with their old established semi-weekly steamship Express, to the Northern and Eastern cities. And also, through to New York, via the land route, for the rapid and safe transmission of Bank Notes and Specie. No articles of freight forwarded by land route, unless especially ordered by that route. For the better security of Monies, eJwelry, and other valuables, an Iron Safe is placed in each car, accompanied by an experienced messenger, who has the exclusive care and custody of their Express car, and whose business it is to receive and deliver parcels to the Agents at the several stations on the line of the routes. Particular attention is paid to the collection of Notes, Drafts and Bills, and to the collection of bills on the delivery of goods. d«c27 ts J AS. Agent. FOR THE HOLIDAYS. DRESS GOODS, Ac. WARD 4c iU R('HAKi) have an extensive as sortment of Plaid, Striped, Rich Brocade, and superior makes of Black Silks; Merino , De laines; Cashmeres ; Prints; elegant Plaid Valen ciennes'; Shawls, Ac., much below the usual prices in this market, as they wish to clear off this sea sons stock. doc 24 WHITE AN DYELLmv SETTS.—A supply', of a superior artieie, received this dav, and ;forsa!oby dcc24 WM. HAINES, Druggist. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL be received by the City Council of Au gusta uutil the 27th inst. for fourteen able bodied Hands and eight prime Horses or Mules, with Carts and Harness complete, to be employed on the Streets and Drains, and for such other ser vice as may be required for the year 1855. Said force will be required to be quartered at noon as near as practicable to the centre of the corporate limits of the city. Persons making proposals may propose for the whole or any portion of the above contract All lost time from sickness or otherwise, to be made good by the Contractor. The Con tractor to submit his force to the inspection of the Committee on Streets and Drains before a final ac ceptance es his proposal. Proposals to be handed to the Clerk of Council on or before the day. I. P, GARVIN, T. B. PHINIZY, R. H. MAY, M. BRIDWELL, dec2o td Committee on Streets and Drains. Hay and TOBACCO on Consignment.— 150 bales prime Northern Hay; 100 boxes Tobacco, of various qualities and prices, ranging from 11 to 30c per pound. _ d6cl9 J- A. ANSLEY. CLOAKS AND TALMAS. THE attention ot Ladies is called to an invoice of handsome Cloaks and Talmas, just received. ALSO— Alexander's Kid Gloves, Black and Colored. „ J- K. BANCROFT, dceß Next to the Bank of Augusta. ®fitrrol JUxutforotfitta. CITY SHERIFF S SALE. ON the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, will be sold, at the Lower Market House in the city of Augusta, within the legal hours of sale, by or der of the Honorable the Court of Common Pleas of the city of Augusta, the following property to wit:—l Chest of Tools; 1 Bathing Tub; 6 Chairs; 1 Tub, and 1 Table. Lev’cd on as the property of John I. Donaldson, to satisfy an attachment re turnable to and carried <0 judgment in said Court, in favor of James Hope vs. John I. Donaldson. dec23 W’m. V. KER, Sheriff, C. A. AT PRIVATE SALE. A LIKELY Family of Negroes, four in num ber —a woman about 29 years old—good Cook, Washer and Ironer—and her three children, one a boyabout.l4 years old; and one 12 years old, and a girl about 8 years*bld. Also, a smart active house girl. 12 or 13 years old. They are likely and perfectly healthy. The pre sent owner offers them for no fault, only to change the investment. Applyo C. E. GIRARDEY & CO.. dec23 4 Brokers & Commission Merchants. PRESENTS, PRESENTS — A large variety of splendid Books, Work Boxes. Papier Machie and Morocco Portfolios, Writing Desks, Toys of all kinds, Inkstands, Atjcordeons &c., suitable for Christmas and New Years presents are offered for sale at GEO A. OATES & BROS, Broad st. dec22 TO THE LADIES, JUST RECEIVED, by steamer adelphia— -100 pair Ladies’ fine French Lasting Patent Fox ed Gaiters; 100 pair Ladies’ fine French Lasting Pat. Tipt Gaiters; 100 pair Ladies' fine English Lasting Congress Gaiters; 100 pair Ladies’ fine assorted colored Gaiters; 100 paif Misses’ fine English Lasting Do.; Tho above Goods are of the latest style and of the best manufacture. A call is solicited. ROBERT CARROLL, Opposite the United States Hotel, and between Mrs. Hall’s and Collins’ Millinery Store. P. S. I have received a splendid assortment of Gentlemen’s Quilted Bottomed Boots. Those in want of a fine fitting Boot, would do well to give me a call. dec23 R. C. SMOKY CHIMNEYS. THE subscriber will guarantee to remedy all snrtk fire places. L. G. BASSFORD. dec2l ts TO HIRE ~ FROMthe first of January, for the ensuing year, several Negro Men, among whom aro Ostlers, Draymen and Laborers. Also, a Carpenter. Ap ply to WM. H. BYRD, dec22 6 At Georgia Railroad. JUST RECEIVED AT McMASTERS, 1(10 PIECES of CALICO, warranted fast J- v/v/ colors, at 6jc , worth JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE— IO jars fine fresh Malaga Grapes, by dcc22 6 C. E. GIRARDEY & CO. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS GIFTS A fine assortment of elegantly bound and il lustrated Books, suitable for the season ; a great variety of Annuals; Juvenile and other Books. Also, Work Boxes; Dressing Cases; Reticules; Portable Desk ; Papier Mache Goods, &e.; togeth er with a pretty stock of Toys, of varions kinds For sale by dec22 T. RICHARDS & SON.__ BURNING FLUID. — A supply just received by dec2l WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. HOPS. —One bale, fresh, just received by dec2l WM. H. TUTT, Druggist. LYON’S KATHERION, BARRY’S TRICO PHEROUS, and tho EXCELSIOR HAIR TONIC, for promoting the growth, preservation and beauty of the Hair, arresting its falling; off, preventing baldness, and eradicating dandrufU Just received and for sale by dec2l WM. HAINES, Druggist, Augusta. BOOKS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE.—Boys’ Own Book; American Girls’Own Book; Family Friend, 12 vols.; Merry Tales for Little Folks; Tales from Shakspeare, Sandtord and Merton; Robin Hood; Quentin Harewood ; Mother Goose ; Riddle Books; B’Hoy Books; Leading String; Rhymes for Nursery; Picture Alphabet; Happy Home; Edgar Clifton ; Swiss Family Robinson; Nursery Souvenir; Children’s Year, by Mary Howitt; Young Islanders; Clarke’s Shakspeare’s Stories; Hans Anderson’s Tales; Stories from His tory ; Christmas Stories; English Historical Tales; Stories for Alice ; Flower of the Family; Austra lian Oiusoefi; Table* for the Nursery; T.ittlo Susy’s Sixth Birth Day; Barbauld’s Lessons ; Lon don Doll; Berguin’s Children’s Friend; Robinson Crusoe; Arabian Nights; Caildreu’s Trials; Pop uiar Tales; Young Naturalist; Oriental Story Book; Gremin’s Household Stories; Mrs. Lee's African Crusoes and Australian Wanderers; Mrs. Hall’s Domestic Tales; Frank and Fanny ; Fag gots from the Fireside; Wanderers, and other Tales; Nothing Venture, Nothing have; besides a great many others, too numerous to mention, may be found at GEO. A. OATES A BRO.’S, dee24 Broad Street. ri IHE REPUBLICAN COURT, or American J- Society in the Days of Washington, by Ru fus Wilmot Griswold, with twenty-one Portraits of distinguished Women, engraved from original pic tures, by Copley, Gainsborough, Stuart, Trumbull, ijnd other cantemporary Painters, 1 vol., 4to, An tique Morrocco, $12.; Gems of British Art, with ehoice specimens ?f >Pcetry, History and Romance, illustrated with thirty superb line Engravings, splendidly bound in morocco; Ornaments of Mem ory, or beauties of History, Romance and Poetry, with ’eighteen Engravings from original designs : The Queens of England, a series of Portraits of distinguished Female Sovereigns, drawn and en graved by eminent Artists, with biographical and historical sketches, from Agnes Strickland ; Birds of the Bible, by Rev. H Harbaugh, elegantly illus trated; Women of the Bible, elegantly illustrated. For sale at GEO. A. OATES A BRO ’S, dec24 Booksellers and Stationers, Broad-st. NEW BOOKS. —The American Home Book, containing sevorai hundred excellent Receipts, based on many years of experience of an Ameri can Lady, profusely illustrated with Engravings; Perils of Courship, or the Adventures of a Novel Reader, from tho French of Jules Saudean ; The Mysteries and Myseries of San Francisco, a Da guerreotype of all who live, or have visited Califor nia, by a Californian ; Laughing Gas, an Encyclo pedia of Wit, Wisdom and Wind, by Sam Slick, Jr., illustrated with one hundred comic cuts, and upwards of five hundred Jokes, Ac.; The Wood man’s Rifle and the Forest Maiden, by Miss Sarah Maria Howe; The People’s Edition of Complete Works of J. Fenimere Cooper, to be published semi-monthly at $1 per vol. of the series, The Bra vo and Pilot; The Rudiments of Architecture and Building, for the use of Architects, Draughtsmen, Builders, Machinists, Engineers and Mechanics, edited by John Bullock, author of American Cot tage Builder. Just received and for sale by dec24 McKINNE A* HALL. IMPORTED GARDEN SEED, New Crop—A full assortment of every variety, received this day and for sale by tho quantity or at retail. A liberal deduction made to the trade. dec24 WM. HAINES, Druggist. administratrixssale. ON the first Tuesday in MARCH next, will be said, at the Lower Market in the city of Au gusta, within the legal hours of sale, tho one-third interest of David G. Saulsbury, late of Richmond county, in 215 acres of LAND, lying along the waters of Little Mcßcan, and joining lands of Fultcher, Prescott and others. dec23 ANN SAULSBURY, Adm’x. DYSPEPSIA POSITIVELY CURED~ DR. BECKWITH’S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS AFTER a trial of 25 years, and sustained by testimonials from the most eminent men in the United States, is now admitted to be the BEST ANTI-DYSPEPTIC MEDICINE Ever offered to tho public. Price reduced to 25- cents per box. More than 500,000 boxes have been disposed of, and the sales are increasing. They are put up with the same care, and each box contains the same number ,40) as heretofore. The Proprietor pledges his honor as a man, and his reputation as a Physician, for the safety and effi cacy of their use. It is ncedi ess to publish certifi cates, but he has numbers of them, testifying, in the strongest language, to their virtues, Ac., from such men as Ex-President Van Buren, N. York; Rt. Rev. Bishop Freeman; Rev. Wb. AlcPheeters, D. D., Raleigh, N. C.; Hon. Geo. E. Badger, Sen ator, U. S.; Rt. Rev. Levi. S. Ives, D. D. late Bish op of North Carolina ; Hon. Judge Potter, U. S. Court; Hon. Beverly Tucker ; Hon. Wm. Preston, formerly Senator U. S. from South Carolina; Maj. Sam’l. McCombe, Greenville, Ga., and many similar personages. For sale in Augusta by W. H. A J. TURPIN, D. B. PLUMB A CO., And by Druggists generally. None genuine with out the written signature of John Beckwith, Pe tersburg Va, to whom all dealers will please ap ply- dAcly deel6 COUGH CANDY. —A pleasant and effectual remedy for Coughs and Colds, wholesale or retail. Every one troubled with a bad Cold or Cough should “ try it.” For sale by dec2l WM. HAINES, Druggist. ON CONSIGNMENT. ~~ I SHALL have To-Morrow, a fresh lot of Ribs, Backbones and Sausage Meat, far superior to those received and sold. deelO T. W FLEMING. (ffienrrol JUMrrtismrnts WANTED, i SMART, active BOY, from 12 to 15 years JV old, to act as Messenger. Enquire at the Telegraph Office. * deo2o WANTED. A SINGLE MAN, who has experience in plan ting, and knows how to manage negroes, will hear of a situation near the city by applying at this office ts decl9.rf TO HIRE R the ensuing year, two first rate Blacksmiths X and several Draymen, and women servants. decls WILL BE HIRED, ON the first day of JANUARY next, at the Lower Market H ouse, for the ensuing year, the NEGROES, belonging to the estate of Jesse Kent, deceased. I. P. GARVIN, J w , ‘ dec 16 td JOHN H. MANN, \ r 8 TO HIRE. A SMART BOY, about twelve years of age. Apply at this office. ts deel4 Wants a situation A MAN capable of taking and driving a pair of Horses, and making himself generally useful in a respectable family, Apply to decl4 lm L. P. DUGAS. TO HIRE. A NUMBER OF SERVANTS, among whom are several mechanics, laborers, house maids, cooks, washers and ironers. Apply to dec 13 dtf E. C. TINSLEY. TO RENT. THE DWELLING HOUSE south east M corner of City Hall Park, on Telfair lilfiß street, lately occupied by John Bridges. Enquire at the Planters’ Hotel. ts doe2o JUST COMPLETED AND NOW TO RENT. THAT large and commodious three story Brick DWELLING HOUSE, on the cor- Ml ner of Washington and Ellis streets. Apply to dec 19 tf_ TURNER CLANTON. TO RENT, THE HOUSE on Telfair street, lately oc cupied by Mrs. Cosgrove. Rent very Hiill moderate. Apply to dec 13 COSGROVE & BRENNAN. TO RENT, OR FOR SALE. A COMFORTABLE COTTAGE on liey- aggji nold Street, with four square Rooms, and iliiil Pantries on the Piaza, a large lot, andtheHou«e in good repair. Apply at HENRY DALY’S, nov2s Under the United States Hotel. TO RENT7 FROM the first of October next, a Store and Dwelling on Broad Street, above the Mia Upper Market, occupied at present by B. Henry. Apply to aug!7 ts THOS. DUNEGAN. TO RENT, TWO two-story HOUSES on Calhoun-st., containing 7 rooms. Jlilii Two double tenement, on the same street, single story. One double tenement on Taylor street. Two two-story Houses, 7 rooms, on Fenwick-st. Four 1£ story, on Fenwick-st., fronting So. Ca. Depot. Apply to JAS. L. COLEMAN. jy2B TO RENT. THE STORE, at present occupied by Mr. 11. T. Peay, at the Lower Market. Apply to , WM. H. PRITCHARD. scpts ________ THE HOUSE and spacious LOT fronting on Telfair-st., between Elbert and Lincoln Mil streets, at present occupiecfTay the subscriber, to whom apply on the premises. L. 0. DUGAS ALSO FOR SALE, OR TO RENT, A neat family RESIDENCE, in the lower part of the city, with out-houscs. such as Kitchen, Sta ble, Ac., and a front on street of 80 feet. Apply, as above, to decl ftf L. C. DUGAS. FOR SALE. a—a A DELIGHTFUL Summer Residence, with an abundance of wood, and a |aip[H fine Spring Water, 1| miles from Hamburg, S. C. Possession given immediately. ts septl6 BOARDING. YOUNG LADIES from the ceuntry, wishing to attend the Select School of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Griffin, can obtain beard with them, at M. W. Woodruff’s, on Reynold street, if they desire. novl2 THE SHADES. OPEN ron TII T. SEASON. WE are again posted up. and from this out shall bo prepared to wl serve up to our numerous customers all that the market affords. Oysters, Game, &c., in endless quantity—and with the celebrated Archy at the head of our cooking department, we hope to merit a share of that liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon us. GEO. PLUMB, Proprietor. N. B. Lunch, as usual, seifiod up at 11 o’clook of Steak, Mutton Chop, Hash, Tripe, Liver, Baked Beans, Soup, &c. The Augusta, Savannah, Charleston and North ern papers on file. novl4 CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE. F HOLMAN & CO., near the Planters Hotel, • are now opening a large stock of Fancy, Sta ple and Common GOODS, just received from Eng land and France, among which may be found— Gilt and White China Toilet and Tea Setts; Gilt and White China Dinner Do.: Decorated Gilt and Fancy Cups and Saucers; Bohemian and Gilt Toilet Goblets ; Fine Plated and Britannia Castors and Cake Baskets; Fino'Plated and Britannia Table and Tea Spoons do. do. Dessert and Table Forks; Cut and Pressed Goblets; Champagnes; Tum blers and Wines; Fine White Granite Dinner and Tea Setts, of the latest patterns, which is offered at wholesale and retail, at their usual low prices- dtf nov3o CLARK & CO., Dealers in Watches, Jewelry* Silver Ware, Guns, Cutlery and Fancy Goods have now in store a fine stock just to which they call the attention of their friends and customers. dccs TYHELP’b gin —20 barrels, for sale by . ~ JL _decl7 DAWSON & SKINNER. TOBACCO — 50 boxes, various grades, just ro ceived by dec 17 DAWSON & SKINNER. Til EAS.—3O chests and half chests, very superior JL Green and Black. Just received by dec!7 DAWSON & SKINNER. W’ORK OXEN.—A pair of well-broke young and large, Georgia raised work Oxen, jfor sale by dec!4 WM, H. PRITCHARD. JUST~ RECEIVED,— ~~ 12 whole boxes Raising, new crop; 10 halt boxes Do ; 1 bbl. fine Currants, new crop ; 6 boxes Citrons; Also, a fine lot of Buckwheat. For sale low by G. E. BOULINEAU, LIVERY STABLE. THE undersigned will be prepared to receive STOCK as usual, at the Sta ble formerly kept by James M. Simpson, in the rear of the United States Hotel. ALFRED WILSON. N. B. A few good Ostlers wanted. decl3 CABINET REPAIRING AND UPHOL STERING. riIHE subscriber has opened his A Work shop, on Broad Street, one door below S. C. Grenville <fc Co.’s Auction Store, where he is prepared to repair all kinds of Furniture, and do Upholstering work with neatness and despatch. Mattresses made to order, and for sale, dec 15 ]y G. W. WINDHAM. FOR DELICIOUS TABLE JELLIES” COOPER’S Isinglass, both sheet and shred ; Cox’s Sparkling Gelatine; Imperial French Do.; Clarified Transparent Gelatine; Refined Scarlet Do.; k With full directions for making beautiful Jellies. For sale by IIAVILAND, RISLEY & CO. decl 5 1 m GUNS f GUNS f! DOUBLE-BARREL Shot Guns, at all prices and of all qualities. One very fine English Double G un, in case, complete. For sale by dccs CLARK & CO. GUITARS. —With Tilton’s Improvement—Su perior Instruments. _doc3_ OSBORNE & WHITLOCK ON CONSIGNMENT—Lard, new and old, in barrels, kegs and stands. dec2 T. W. FLEMING. REMOVAL —The office of the Gas Light Co.. of Augusta, has been removed to the second story over DUNHAM & BLEAKLEY’S store, office hours from 10'to 12 o’clock, A. M. deel2 12 SALT. SACKS Cape de Veftjps Salt, in 2 Lr V/ bushel sacks, a prime article for Plan ters' use, for sale on consignment. f —ALSO — 2,000 Gunny Bags. J. B. GUIEU, novlO ftf General Commission Merchant. ON CONSIGNMENT.—S bbls. Eggs, in prime order. For sale by J. A. ANSLEY, Commission and Produce Merchant, opposite Union Bank. 6 dec22 ®ntmil Jiimrrtisfmfnta. FAKUKEDUCKD UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. NEW YOR^^^^AVANSAH. [semi-weekly.] an< * s P len did side-wheel Steamships : FLORIDA,.... 1,300 tons. Capt. M. S. Woodhull, tons. Capt. C. R. Schknck, AUGUSTA 1,500 tons. Capt. T. Lyon, KNOXVILLE. I,sootons.Capt C. D. Ludlow, W ill leave Savannah every Wednesday and Satur ay. .Those ships are among the largest on the coast, unsurpassed in speed, safety or comfort—making their passages in 50 to 60 hours, and ai e command ed by skillful and polite officers. They offer a most desirable conveyance to New York. Cabin passage, S2O Steerage passage, 8 PABELFORD, FAY A CO., Agents in Savannah. SAMUEL L. MITCHILL, 13 Broadway,New York. . .FARE REDUCED f Cmna Passage from Charleston to N. York, *3O. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. NEW YORK fc CHARLESTON STEAM PACKETS NASHVILLE, ) M. Berry, 1500 tons, j Commander. MARION, ) W.J. Foster, 1200 tons, j Commander. JAMES ADGER, )S. C. Turner, 1500 tons. J Commander. SOUTHERNER. ) Thomas Ewan, T 1000 tons. ) Commander. HESE Steamships are built ex pressly for the line, and for safe ty, comfort and speed are unrivalled on the Coast. Table supplied with every luxury; attentive and courteous Comman ders, will ensure Travellers of this Line every pos sible comfort and accommodations. Cabin Passage S2O Steerage itt ’ g «: For Freight or Passage, having elegant State Room accommodations, apply to HENRY MISSROON, Agent, doy3 _ Charleston. S.C., CHARLESTON TO PHILADELPHIA Through in 45 to 50 Hours,—Fare S2O meals included. AMERICAN STEAMSHiP COMPANY LINE. STEAMSHIP QUAKER CITY, Capt. Tons Burthen The above now and magnificient Steam Ship, built expressly for this route, is one ot the largest on the American Coast, and is unsurpassed if equall ed for speed, strength, comfort, or accommodations. Sailing days from each port , as follows. From Philadelphia, From Charleston, Saturday, Dec. 2d, Saturday, Dec. 9th, '• Doc. 16th, . “ Dec. 23d. “ Dec. 30th, “ .Tan. 6th, Agents in Philadelphia, Heron & Martin 37 i North Wharves. Agents in Charleston, Holmes & Stoney, Boyce Ac., Wharf, All produce consigned to the Agents in Charleston will be forwarded to Philadelphia, free of commis sion nov7 j'6tn FOR NEW YORK OR PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia and Savannah Steamship Line. Carrying the TJnited States Mail. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. THE Atlanta and LaGrange Railroad connects at East Point with the Macon and W©stern Rail road. Through from Montgomery to Savannah in 30 hours. Leave Montgomery at 8.30 P. M. Arrive at East Point at 8.20 A. M. Leave East Point at 8 45 A. M. Arrive at Macon at 2.30 P. M. Leave Macon at 4.30 P. M. Arrive at Savannah at 2.30 A. M. Fare from Montgomery to West Point,. .$3.50 “ “ West Point to East Point,.... 3.25 “ “ East Point to Savannah, 8.00 This Lino consists of the well known first class Steamships STATE OF GEORGIA, Capt. J. J. Garvin. KEYSTONE STATE, Capt. R. Hardie. In strength, speed, and accommodations, these ships are unsurpassed, if equalled, by any on the coast. River navigation, 100 miles. Two nights at sea. Sailing days, every Wednesday, from each port. agents. In Savannah, C. A. L. Lamar, Corner Drayton and Bryan Streets. In Philadelphia, Heron & Martin, 37} North Wharves. In New York, Scranton & Tallman, 19 Old Slip, near foot of Wall Street. STATE OF GEORGIA. Will leave Savannah, July 12th and 26th, August 9th and 23d, September 6th and 20th, October 4th and 18th, Nov. Ist, 16th and 29th, December 13th and 27th. j July 20,1854. MOBILE AND MONTGOMERY DAILY UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. CONSISTING of the following substantial fast running Passenger Steamers, viz ; MESSENGER, MAGNOLIA, CUBA, CREMONA and EMPRESS. The above oats, carrying the U. S. Mail, will commence their regular trips on the Alabama ri ver on the FIRST OF NOVEMBER next—lea ving Mobile daily and Montgomery daily, on the arrival of the Trains of Railroad Cars, and connect ing daily at Montgomery with the Cars and at Mo bile with the New Orleans Mail Boats. One of the above boats will leave Selma on the downward trip at six o'clock A. M. The above Steamers will be commanded by able aged experienced Officers, who will use every exer tion to secure the comfort and safety of passengers. The ratis of freight by the above boats will not exceed Fifty Cents per barrel, and One Dollar per bale of cotton. For freight or passage, having elegant accom modations, apply onboard, or to oct24 dAe6m COX. BRAINARD A CO. FOR FALATKA, EAST FLORIDA. Via Darien, Brunswick, St. Mary's, Jackson ville, Picolata, and Middlebnrg. fIIHE steamers, WM. GASTON, .■ilTI'— 1 '— .1. Captain Thomas E. Shaw, and ST. JOHN, Capt. Jas. Freeborn, will leave Sa vannah every Monday and Thursday morning, at 10 o’clock, for the above place. The St. Johns is a newboat, built expressly for thg trade, with large and airy State Room accommodation, and taking the inland route, offers superior facilities for inva lids and others. For further particulars enquire of CLAGHORN A CUNNINGHAM, Agents. Savannah, March 1, 1854. mar!4 COLUMBIA INSURANCE CO., SO. CA THIS COMPANY CONTINUES TO INSURE on the most favorable terms, Houses, Furniture Ac., and Marine risks, on application to J.H. ANDERSON, Ag’t. Mclntosh-st. H A BR00KS) " HISTORICAL AND PORTRAIT PAINTER, Constitutionalist Range, Mclntosh Street, novlO AUGUSTA, GA. SILVER PLATED WARE — A choice lot of Castor Frames, Spoons, Candle Sticks, Dessert Forks, Ac., Ac., at L. HANCOCK A CO. novl6 210 Broad-street. WANTED 2JOURNEYM AN TAILORS, novi9 WM. O. PRICE, A CO. '\7 OTICE- —A tine assortment of Opera Glasses, IN at OSBORNE A WHITLOCK’S, dec3 Under U. S. Hotel. Magazines for December —uiustra ted Magazine of Art, Knickerbocker Maga zine, and Putnam’s Magazine, have just been r-9 ceived, and for sale at GEO. A. OATES A BRO.’S, decl2 ks lers and Stationers, Broad-st. N~CONSIGNM en t— -12 kegs prime new Lard ; 25 “ Maryland Glades Butter. For sale by J. A. ANSLEY, ICTURE FRAMES —McKINNE I A BALL have on hand a lot of superior Gilt Moulding, and are prepared to frame Pictures with neatness and despatch. decl3 0~ “IT CONSIGNMENT 150 fine Family Flour, from A. Kennedy’s M;H. Blount coun ty, Tennessee; also, aay quantity fresh Bones. dec2l T. W. FLEMING. Feathers and bacon —A good stock of each en consignment, and will be sold low to close out. J. A. ANSLEY, deold Commission and Produce Merchant. KEYSTONE STATE." Will leave Savannah, July 19th, Aug. 2d, 16th and 30th, September 13th A 27th, October llth and 25th, November Bth and 22d, December 6th and 20th, January 3d, 1855. H. C. SCOTT, Travelling Agent. fottoirs. GREENE AND PULASKI MONUMENT lotteries. Managed,drawn, and prizespaid by the well known and responsible firm of G REGORY & MAURY. Sales Close each Day at two o'clock. Drawn Numbers of Class 308, at Savannah, Dec 27 63 70 71 77 J 29 14 45 74 10 24 3 18 19 ' CLASS 309, at Savannah, on Thursday, Dec. 28 PACKAGE SCHEME. $4,000! SI,OOO, Ac., Ac. Ticketssl. Halvessocts. Risk on a package of 26 quarters, #3.63. CLASS 310, aL Savannah, on ETiday, Dec. 29. EXCELLENT SCHEME $7,640. 5 prizes of $1,500, Ac. Tickets $2. Shares in pro portion. Risk on a package of 25 quarters, $6.55. EXTRA CLASS 83, by Delaware 299; on Saturday, Dec. 30. GRAND SCHEME. $38,000. m $20,000; $12,000: $6,000; $5,000; $4,000; $3,255- 20 prizes of SI,OOO, Ac. Tickets $lO. Shares in proportion. JOHN A. MILLEN, Agent, On Jackson-street, next the Globe Hotel. All orders from the city or country strictly eon fidential. dee2 SOUTHERN MILITARY ACADEMY LOT TERY. (By Authority of the State of Alabama,) conduct ed on the Havana plan. “GRAND SCHEME. CLASS I. To be Drawn on the 20tn of Jauuary, 1555. One Prize to 20 Tickets—and Remember, every • Prize Drawn. Capitals $15,000 “ 5,000 ' 3,000 5 of SI,OOO, 5,000 In all, 501 prizes, amounting to $60,000 Tickets $10 —Halves and Quarters in proportion. CEP* Every prize drawn at each drawing. Bills on all solvent Banks taken at par. All communications strictly confidential. SAMUEL SWAN, Agent and Manager, Sigivof the Bronze Lyons. Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 23, 1854. GARDEN SEEDS, grown and put up by the Shakers, 1854. A good assortment, just re ceived and for sale at wholesale by dec 19 IIAVILAND, RISLEY A Co. 96 K. S. ASSOCIATION. THE 96 K. S. Association of Augusta,! hereby make known to the public the principles of their Order, which are as follows: Whereas certain persons have organized in our midst a secret political association, which proscribes every citizen who does not belong to their organi zation or approve their principles, or who have not been born on American soil. To these proscrip tive principles they have added an odious religions test, in utter violation of that religious toleration which has ever boon our proudest boast, and with out which no genuine liberty can "exist. And, wheroas, it is the purpose of this secret association to swallow up both those time-honored political parties, under whose rule our country has grown and prospered,and to substitute therefor a secret and irresponsible organization at war with the rights of individuals and the peace, of the community, we, therefore, the friends ot equal rights and religious liberty, have formed ourselves into an Association, to bo known as the 96 K. S. A., with the following objects, viz : to defend the Constitution of the Uni ted States, maintain the rights of the States, pro tect civil and religious liberty, and to secure to every citizen, without regard to the place of his birth, or his religious creed, the rights conferred upon him by the constitation and laws of the land. To the maintenance of these principles, we hereby bind ourselves, and pledge an unwavering opposi tion to every one, without regard to party, who may ally himself with any Association which pro scribes citizens on account of their birth-place or religion, or any candidate for office, who, when called upon, shall refuse to declare his opposition to such proscription. th ts nov3o ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL. MR. T. H. HOLLEYMAN, assisted by Miss Mary P. Ilolleyman, proposes to open a Sehooljfor Boys and Girls on Monday, 13th of No vember, in the Schoo 1 Rooms previously used by Mr. Symn es and Lady. Miss Mary Holloyman, a graduate of Barham ville Female College, S. C s will conduct the Female Department. Mr. Holleyman is a graduate of South Carolina College, and has been engaged in the business of teaching for several years. He proposes to prepare boys lor the junior class of any College, or for entering into the active duties of life. Great attention will be paid to the moral culture of the pupil. Mr. Holleyman refers to the following gentlemen, from whom he has testimo nials : S. B. Clark, M. D., Col. E. B. Gresham, Col. A. C. Walker, Judge J. W. Casswell, A. H. Anderson, Esq. and John D. Mongin, Brothcrsville. Edward A. Eve, M. D., W. J. Mims, George W. L. Twiggs, Wnr H. Baldy and Thomas E. Greenwood, Esqrs., Twiggs Academy. Dr. Joseph A. Eve and Rev. J. E. Evans, Augusta, Rates of Tuition as adopted by Mr. Symmes, SB, sl2 and sl6 per quarter. Mr. H. respectfully solicits encouragement. dtJanl oct24 EXpRESg LINE From Augusta to 96, via Edgefield. WILL leave Augusta every _ Tuesday, Thursday and Sat urday. Returning, will leave 96 every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. By this arrangement passengers can come through from Greenville, S. C., to Augusta in cne day. Fare through. $5. To Edgefield, $2. Seats can be secured at Eagle A Phoenix Hotel, Augusta; Nichol’s Hotel, Edgefield. declO lrn. W. CRAWFORD. ’ SILVER WARE. OILVER Tea Sets, Pitchers, Goblets, Tumblers, O Cups, Forks, Spoons, Ladles, Ac. For sale by decs CLARK A CO. jJamutri) (Election. We are authorized to announce the name of George W. Toole as a Can didate for Receiver of Tax Returns for Columbia county, at the ensuing election in January next. dec24 We are authorized to announce Wm. Glover, Sr., as a candidate lor Coro ner at the election in January next. deel7 Notice.—The undersigned offers himself as a Candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns, for Columbia county, in January next. decl3 S. Kendrick. Editor.—Please announce, through your paper, that our former able and efficient Receiver of Tax Returns, Capt. Robert II Gray, has again consented to be a Candidate for the Office of Tax Receiver for Burke county, at the ensuing January election, any reports to the contrary notwithstanding, and oblige a large num ber of decl3 tActd Tax Payers. We are requested to announce Sime. on Wallace as a Candidate for Re ceiver of Tax Returns for Burke County, at the election to he held in January next. decs W<* are authorized to announce Pe- SSO2B> ter McMahon, as a Candidate for Coroner of Richmond county, at the ensuing elec tion in January next. doc 3 a We are requested to announce J. L. Q- Cliet r as a Candidate for Receiver of Tax Returns of Richmond county, at the ensu ing election. nov3o* We are aut,l °rised to announce ’ Alexaneer Philip as a Candidate for the office of Receiver of Tax Returns for Rich mond county at the ensuing election. nov22 We are authorized to announce Mid. Lk»- dleton Seago as a candidate for Tax Collector, at the ensuing election in January next novl4 fc-lecti oll Notice. —We are authorised tsL- to announce John A. Bohler as a Candidate for re-election to the office of Receiver of Tax Returns for R#shmond County, fifb*-* Election Notice.—Please announce William V. Keener as Candidate for Tax Collector, at the ensuing election in Janu ary next. novl Election Notice.—We are requested to lSr<_*2S> announce John B. Coarsey as a con didate for Tax Collector of Richmond County, at the ensuing Election. Many Voter Election Notg^e. —We are requested to announce Wm. Skinner as a Candi date for Tax Collector of Richmond county at the ensuing Election. cctl9 ts the Voters of Warren County.— Micajah Rogters is a Candidate for the office of Tax Receiver of Warren county, at the election in January next. novl Notice.—We arc authorized to announce Franklin G. Godbee a Candidate for Tax Collector of Burke county, at the ensuing election. ootl Many Voters. portion BY C E. QIRABDEY & 0 . ~ TUESDAY, the 2d day<v? Lower Market House It 12 o’clock *w?i[ heJtd !50 Shares of the Capital Stock of’the Augusta, Machine Works. Terms at sale. dec27 BY 0. E. GIRARDEY ctL A KsOok t Wusher and kroner. °V tho .TUESDAY in ne xt, within the usual hours of saleAwill be sold— A Negro Woman; years old, and her iv„fw b t at9 lT old ' The woman Isa g dec27 k ’ Washer and Ironer - Terms at sale. BY C. E. GIRARDEY & CO. Stock of Fine Clothing at Private Sale. To Tailors, Clothiers, and all others witlung to pur chase fine fashionable CLOTHING, can see a new and complete stock of seasonable Goods just opening and offered for sale, for a few days only, in cur Sales Room, consisting of— Fine Dress Frock Coats, made in the most sash ionable style; boautiful new style heavy D- .«h Velvet and Satin Vests; Fine heavy French new stylo Csssimere Pants. Also, Overcoats, of all styles; Talmas, Ac. A large lot of assorted Furnishing Goods, espe cially adapted to the Trade. The above Goods will be open for a few days only, as they must be sold to close a consignment. dec27 ~ BY C. E. GIRARDEY & SALE OF CITY LOTS. TN persuance of the following Resolution of the A City Council of Augusta, will be sold at the Market House of said- City, between the usual hours of sale, on Tuesday, the 2nd day of JAN UARY next, the two lots described in said Resolu tion, the same being on the South side of Calhoun street, below Centre-street, and bounded by lots belonging to James L. Coleman and City Lots. WM. R. McLAWS, Chairman, jfej Committee South Commons. Resolved, That the Committee on South Com mon be authorized to sell, at public outcry, Lota numbers 254 and 255, provided the sum of two hundred dollars is bid for oach lot, upon the fol lowing terms : one half cash, the balance in one, two and three years, with interest from date; to be improved within twelve months, dec24 td - - ALSO~— At the same time and place, will be sold, by or der of the Administrator, the Tract of Land, near Quaker Springs, to close estate of.Thos, Flanigan, deceased. Terms at Sale. dee27 BY S. C. GRENVILLE & CO Assignees Sale—Large Stock of Roots, Shoes, &r. WEDNESDAY, 10th January next, at 10 o’clock, A. M., at the store lately occupied by J. Welch, opposite the Augusta Hotel, will be sold— A large and well assorted stock of Boots, Shoos, Lrogaus, Hats, Trunks, Carpet Bags, and sundry other articles, usually kept in a wholesale and re tail Shoe Store. Sold under an assignment for the benefit of the creditors of John Welch. E. J. WALKER, Assignee. Terms cash. Wagp" dec24 BY C. E. GIRARDEY & CO. FOR SALE. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in JANU ARY - next, at the Lower Market, Eight Building LOTS, in the lower part of the city, bounded by Telfair Street on the North. East by Houston, and South by Walker Streets; all hav ing a front on Houston Street of forty-one feet, and running back eighty-throe feet* The above property can be treated for at private sale. Terms made known en the day of sale. dec7 td P. McMAHON. CITY SHERIFF S SALE. ON the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, will be sold, at the Lower Market House in the city of Augusta, withm the legal hours of sale, the following FURNITURE, to wit: 1 Mahogany Sofa; 2 Mahogany Card Tables; 1 Rocking Chair; 1 Bureau; 1 Safe, and 3 Mat tresses, levied on as the property of John Mular ky, to satisfy a Distress Warrant for Rent, in favor of Patrick Gleason vs. John Mularkev. Jecl9 WM. V. KER,, Stfff. C. A. J. N. FREEMAN fit CO. g£ WATCHES, JEWELRY, and SILVER WARE. £S> The subscribers (having the Store, f-o for many years occupied by T. W. gUyV tzzdA Freeman) continue the WATCH and JEWELRY BUSINESS, in all its branches, and invite the public and patrons of the late T. W. Freeman to their entire new stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, which they offer for cash, as low, or lower, than can be purchased elsewhere. Particular attention given to Repairing Welches and Jewelry. a%el2 3m J. N. FREEMAN A C 0 H. O’NEILL & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND Dealers in Produce, Groceries, <sr., Augusta, Ga. The UNDERSIGNED having formed a COPARTNERSHIP, under the style of H O’NEILL A CO.,as GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Dealers in Produce, Groceries, Ac., inform their friends and the public, that they have taken commodious stores, next to M. P. Sto vall’s Ware House, for the storage and sale of Grain, Flour, Bacon, and other Produce, on Jack son street, which runs directly from the Railroad Depot via the Globe Hotel, to the River. Liberal advances made on consignments, and they hope, by strict personal attention to business, » and the interest of their friends, to share their pat ronage, HUGH O’NEILL, N. C. TROWBRIDGE. N. B.—Orders for Goods promptly attended to. nov23 HOWARiThOUSE ritHE subscriber takes this method of informing A his friends, and the travelling public general ly, that his house is again open for the reception of private and transcient boarders ; hoping by strict attention to the wants and comforts of those around him to receive a liberal share of the public patronage. Charges moderate. ’a* novß 3m WM. H. HOWARD, Proprietor. JOSEPH A. BEALS, HOUSE, SIGN & ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, Office iu Old State Bank Alley, 3 d door. Having superior workmen, is now prepared to executo work in the best stylo. novlß CLOTHING! CLOTHING !! CLOTHINGTT MR. W. CLAGETT of the House of Messrs *' PIERSON, JENNINGS A CO., who is at the Charleston House, will fill all orders sent to that House, from North Carolina, South Carolina;, Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama. octs 3m PIERSON, JENNINGS A CO. ' LAND AGENCY. - « THE subscriber offers himself as Agent to ex amine Lands in any county in the State. Full and complete information in relation to location, quality of soil, and appearance for minerals, given. Will also buy and sell Lands for parties wanting to buy or sell. Terms for examining lots $5 each. Five per cent, on the amount bought or sold. Some 50 or 60 Lots on hand for sale. U. L. LEONARD. nov3o Opposite the Planters Hotel. “CARPETS, RUGS, &c. ~~ JK. BANCROFT has just received, per steam • er Marion, a large invoice of CARPETS, MATS, Ac., consssting of— Sup. English Three-Ply, handsome pattern ; Tapestry Velvet, elegant styles; Tapestry Brussels, beautiful patterns and colors ; Sup. English Ingrain ; English Brussels : Rich Velvet Rugs; Tufted do.; Tapestry do. —also— 5-8, 3.4, 7-8 and 4-4 Venetian Stair Carpet; J Matting, Drugget; together with Carpet Bindings; I Stair Rods ; Tacks, Ac. These Goods have been bought at the late New s York sales, and will be sold astonishingly low— % some among them as low as 31c. and 50c. nov2l NOTICE. ALL persons owing the late firm of J. Taylor, ? Jr , A Co , arc requested to call and settle. All f notes and aceounts not paid immediately, will be placed iu the hands of an Attorney for colletion. dec7 tJal J. TAYLOR, Jr., A CO. J PRINTED and Plain Baizes, for Crumb Car pets and Floor Cloths, just received bv J P. SETZE, to wit: Low priced Cotton and Wool Carpeting; Low priced all Wool Do ; Scoth Ingrain Wool Carpeting, at 87J cts.; fb “ “ “ “ SI.OO “ “ “ “ 1.121 * a# ' ' Three Piy “ 1.25 “ “ “ 137 i “ “ “ 1.50 6-4 Green Baize; 6-4 Printed Drugget; 10 4 Printed Drugget; 16-4 do. Do.; 5-8, 3-4, 7-8 and 4-4 Venetian Carpetings, for stairs; Hearth Rugs, binding and thread to suit the same, novl7 J.C. RUPERT. MARTIN S. CASSETTY. J.T.HiEDIR I JOHN T. HARDIE & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 85 Gravier-st., New Orleans. References —Hon. J. H. Lumpkin, Gen. W. L. ; C. Gerdine, Athens, Ga.; Col. John Banks, Samuel Rutherford, Columbus Ga ; John A James Mann, Madison, Ga.; James A.Nesbit, Macon, Ga.; L. j’ Deupree, Dr. W. Willingham, L, xiagton, Ga.. I James Gardner and Judge Starnes August*, ta - jy2B if