Weekly Georgia constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, December 22, 1852, Image 4

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CHARLESTON, Doc. K.—Coriow.—There was a good demand for this article on the day preceding the date of our last publication, and when wo clos ed our inquiries the market exhibited a consider* ble degree of firmness, wi’h too Middling Fair and Fair qualities valued at 9} a 9jc. Buyers again operated freely on Friday last—the first day of the pre*eut weok~nnd at the close es business, prices indicated rather an advancing tendency, » atur day, however, was comparatively a quiet day. but the transactions fully sustained former rates. Thus stood the position of affairs when the unfavorable advice* by the steamer Niagara came to band, and completely unhinged the market. Several purcha eers made their appearance on Monday, and claim ed a concession corr spending with the decline brought over by the steamer, but as factors refused to meet them on these terras, the day passed off very quietly; or* Tuesday, however, sellers let themselves down.’ which resulted in rather extensive opera tions, at prices indicating a reduction of about |c. on the higher grades, and 3 a so. on the lower qual ities: but the market rallied somewhat on Wed nesday, under the influence of Uo favorable advi viecs by the Arctic, as the operations of that and the succeeding day, show that a portion of the de cline noticed above has been recovered. The e advices, following in such quick succession, have unsettled the market, bui the subjoined quotations will approximate, as near as possible, to the valueof the art: be at the close of the week. The receipts since our last uprise 14.176 bales, and the sales in the same timo may be estimated as follow, viz : Fridav. 2.000 baits ; Saturday, 914 : Monday. 400; Tuesday, 4,000 ; Wednesday, 1,700 ; and Thursday, 2,2» i)—making an aggregate of 11,200 bales, at the folia wine prices, viz : 5 bales at 7, 24 at 7}, 67 at 7J, 22 at 7 15-16, 166 at 8, 165 at Sj, 23 at 8 3-16. 472 a; 285 at : 136 at 8 7-16, 1,760 at Sj, 82 at 8 9-16. 714 atßs, 40 at 8 11-16, 1,080 at SJ, 18 at 8 13-16, 1,642 at Bj, 2,043 at 9, 775 at 9|, 129 at 9 3-16. 448 at 9j, 288 at 9j, 400 at 9s, and 39 bales at 91 cents. We quote Ordinary to Good Ordinary, 7j a 8} ; Middling to Good Middling, 8* a 8* : Middling Fair, V a 9j: Fair, 9* a a 9j; and Fully Fair and Choice, —a —. It will be seen on a comparison of the -bovo with the que tations given in our report of the 10th, that the market e osed f a jc. in favor of buyers. Long Cottons of every description, arc. now coming in freely, but are not taken off, as heretofore, the de mand having been checked in consequence ot the difficulty of shipment The supply has consequent ly increased en the hands of factors, which has de press* 1 the market, and prices have declined fully 2a 3 cents. YVe quote common to good Floridas, 30 a 33c.: Ban tees and Maines, 45 a 50c.; middling tine to tine and very fine Isl .nd Cottons, from 52 a 60c and upwards, as in quality. Cara.— The receipts since our last comprise 3 cargoes North Carolina, amounting to some 8500 bushels. Two of the cargoes, prime white; were sold at 72 and the third cargo wo learn was sold • at several cents under this price We quote 65 a 70c, which may be considered a fair criterion of the , market at the close of the week. O.rs.—We note the arrival this week of 2800 : bushels, which were sold at 4Sc per bushel. Flour— The Flour market has been very quiet throng, ut the week, the tranactwns having been confi- ed to sma 1 parcels fcr immediate consump- U7n- Baltimore l rands commanded from 5$ aSJ ; " L Virgin S’! : and Georgia from 5| a 5* per barrel. Sugars.— The sugsr market has boon veiy quiet since our tert, having been limited to about 120 hliu.-'. Louis.ana. of the new crop,which were sold at prices ranging from 5 j a 6c. /ifaZr-.*' —About 500 of the 900 bbls. New Or leans re eived at the close of the previous week,have been sold. The market opened at 31c, and gradu ally droj ped to 29c. Burtdes these transactions, some 400 bbls have been said to arrive, on terms not m *de public. Luba is very scarce, and prices are nominal. Coff-.e. — We have no transactions to report. It will be seen on reference to our auction head that a eargo.comprising about 3100 bags Rio,is advertised by M.C. Mor iccaiA C0..t0 be sold on Monday next. Bacon— The market may be said to have been brought to asiand. o little has been done this week in Ba on. Good Sides are scarce, and are worth 9| a 10c. at wholesale. Shoulders are neglected, and prices are nominal. Lard.—'X* note tales of upwards of 400 kegs Western at 13 j cents. Sult.— Some 5600 sacks, received in the early part of the week, has been sold prior to arrival at 85c.; and about 3500 sacks, received subsequently, brought 87 a 87jc per sack. Freighls.— In will bo s_en on refcrrence to our List of Shipping, that there are thirteen vessels loading at present for Liverpool, and six for Ha vre. V»’e quote to the former port 9-16thsd. for Cotton in square bags. The most of those for Ha vre have nearly completed their cargoes at Ic. for Uplands in square bags, and Ijc for round bags and Sea Islands, and $3 per 600 lbs. for Rice. To New York, Cotton, jc., Rice, $1; and to Boston, jc. for the former, and $1.50 for the latter. SAVANNAH, Dec. 17. Cotten.-—Arrived since the 9rh inst.. 10,853 bales Uplands (7,059 per Rail road, 7,999 from Augusta and landings on the river. 727 via Darien, and 68 per wagons, flats, Ac.,) and 603 do. Sea Islands. The exports for the same period amount to 9,215 bales Upland and 256 do. fe’ea Islands, viz: to Havre 1.298 bales Upland and 109 do. Sea Islands; to Providence 941 bales Up land ; to Boston 5,099 bales Upland; to New York 1,335 bales Upland and 109 do. Sea Island: to Philadelphia 157 bales Upland, and to Charleston 365 bales Upland and 38 bales Sea Islands—leaving on hand and on shipboard not cleared, a stock of 45,791 bales Upland and 1,889 do. Sea Islands, against 34,436 bales Upland and 2,114 do Sea Islands at same time last year. Oar last report closed upon a quiet market On Friday and Saturday, there was but a limited de mand. Ha c-i on Friday 870, and on Saturday 434 bales. On Sunday we had later intelligence from Europe by the Niagara The Liverpool market was reported to have declined Id., and, under the influence of these advices, prices here declined j to *c. Salea on Monday, 1,196 tn lea—the market closing unsettled. On Tuesday, there was an ac tive demand—sales 2,600 bales—no change in pri ces. Ob Tuesday evening, we received three days later advices from Liverpool by tho Arctic. The market hud recovered the decline reported by tho Niagara, fair Orleans being quoted at 6}. and lair Upland at 6d. On Wednesday there was some improvement iu prices here. Sales 1911 bales. Yetto rd ty th re was a further improvement, tho advance of rhe two diys being about jc. The IWban j *'l3-.- bales, at OX- *”*tremas of bj Wo quote: to Good Middling 8$ a 9 Middling Fair 9j a— Fair to Fully Fair 9| a 9J. The gales of the week amount to 8,520 bales at the following particular- 4 at 8,10 atßj, 342 at 81, 55 at BJ, 801 at Bj, 852 at Bg, 2,379 at 9, 1,196 at 9*, 22at 9 3-16.2,108 ntVj, 102 at 9 5-16, 159 at Os, 387 at 6at 17 at 9|, 32 at 9j, and 57 at 10 cents. Sea /'>la//jL.i— The sales of the week amount to 366 bai‘ ?. at the following particulars: 123 at 36, 53 at 37, 7 at 38, 7 at 39, 4 al 40, 32 at 36a40, 10 at 36 a 41. and 131 at 7'B a 48c. Prices are not so firm as they were last week, but we notice no que table change. The receipts of tho week amount to 602 bales. Exports in the same time 256 hales. Rte-. There has been a fair demand for this ar ticle during the week. Prices have declined full jc. on ail qualilH S. The sales ©f tho week amount to upwards of 900 casks, at prices ranging from $3 50 as 3 75 per 100 lbs. Exports of tho week 792 casks, and 8.463 bushels Rough. Flour.— This article still continues in demand prices continue firm and full. We hear of sales of Baltimore brands, in lots at $5 87 j a $6 per bbl. Corn.— We bear of sales of White Flint N. C. at 80 aBS cents. Western Mixed u worth from 75 aBO cents, according to quality and quantity. The supplies from the up-country which have come to hand arc generally of an indifferent quality. The supply is about equal to the demand Bacon.— There ha-, been nothing done in this ar ticle. Our quotations must bo considered us alto gether nomi»al. We quote Khouldors at 8| a B}, and Sides 9| n ill cents per pound. O >t. --/.)<• - »< c ana in demand. We hear of small sub at 50 a55 cents per buiibel. lide, Rope.— Thu transactions have been limited. Prices ha ;c advancul, and ho deis are now diking 74 a7l lor com-i.oji, and 8j for ‘ JDillon’s.” 1/ime.— There Vas been no arrival since our last report. It is selling from store at $1 25 per cask. The last cargo sale was made at $1 per cask. Salt.— One cargo arrived yesterday after wo had clu ed our inquiries ; previous to which there was none ufloa*, and it was in demand. It is sel ling from storo, in small lots, at $1 25 per suck. Exchange.— Su ri log is quoted at per cent, prem. Domestic.- Thu Banks arc wo ling Sight Checks on all Northern cities at j per cent, prem ; and purcbaslng - igbt Bills at par, 30 day Bills, j a per cent, discount; 60 days Jj a per cent, discount; and 90 day Bills at 1$ a 2 per cent dis count. Freight*— Foreign.—We quote to Liverpool jd.; to Havre In., and to Glasgow jd- Coastwise—We quote to Boston ic. a 9-16 c. for Cotton and $1 26 a $1 37| per cask for Rico ; to Prov nonce 40. for Cotton ; to Now York, 7- J tic. for Cotton and $1 for Rice; to Pni'adelphia, &-160, for Cotton and $1 , y per cask for Rice. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. iVillbc sold, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY I next, before the Court House door, in Waynes- ; boro’, Burke county, between tho usual hours ot ; sale, agreeable to an order of tho Court of Or- j dinary of said county. A NqGRO BOY. Edmund, belonging to the | Estate of A xev Pierce, deceased. 1 dec 10 ’ LITTLETON CROSS, Adm’r. , 1 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will bo sold, on the first Tuesday in FEBRU ARY next, before tho Court House door, in Waynes boro. Burke county, between the usual hours of sale, agreeable to an order of the Court of Or dinary of said county. A NEGRO WOMAN’. Roso, belonging to the Estate of Pleasant 11. Duke, deceased jec 10 JOSEPH SAXON, Adm r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Agreeably to an order of the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Walton County, will be sold before the Court House door, in th town of Monroe, on the first TUESDAY in FEBRUARY next, be tween the legal hours ot sale, All the real estate be ongiug to Robert Lester, lecoased. containing seven hundred and fifty-six ind a quarter acres, more or loss, being the land »n which the widow of said Lester now resides, and i adjoining lands ot Lucas. Chandler, and others, tract of land lying all in one body, and divid •d by the county’lino of Walton and Newton. , There is a creek running through said land ou which are situated two valuable mill seals. Said and sold tor the benefit of tho heirs. Terms on • .Lodav oi sale. JAMES R. GARRET I’. _ _ Adm 1 WARREN SHERIFF’S SALES. Will bo sold, before the Court House door in War ronton. on the first Tuesday in JAN I ARY next, ■ within the legal hours of sale. Fitly acres ot PINE LAND, lying on the waters if Beach Tree Creek, adjoining lands of 'Thomas Seal. Sr., and liters, in said county—levied on >v a Constable, with a Justice s Court fi. fa., in la ■or of William Usry vs. John L. Newsome, and •©turned to me for sale, to satisfy the same. dec I I- A. BR! NKLY . Shottfi WARREN SHERIFF’S SALES. Vill be sold, on tho first Tuesday in JANI AR\ next, within tho legal hours oi sale, at the Court House in Warrenton, t Odo hundred and forty acres PINE LAN I . i.y ng in Warren county, on the waters ot Big creeK. md adjoining lands of John L. llillson, 1 nomas Kent, and others—levied on by a Constable, as th® property of William Downs, with six Justices Court ti. fas. in favor of J. and C. Dickerson, and Spraguo vs. said William Downs, and returned to , mo for sale, to satisfy the same. —ALSO— . , , At tho same time and | lace, one HOUSE and j /LOT. In tho town of Warrenton, whereon Thomas Ji’?;''-?!’?.JV/l'A"?. IkX.?> *vr gXJko ! F. Hudson, boa;er. vs John T. Bmith, as hi* prop- ( ertv, and returned to me for sale and satisfaction. dec 2 E. A. BRINKLEY. Shorin’. ADMIIfISTRATRIX’S SALE. Will bo sold, at the lato residence of Dr. Robert 1 H. Saxon, of Scriven county, Ga., deceased, on Thursday, tho 30th DECEMBER, All the perishable property belonging to the Estate of said deceased, consisting of MULES, “ Horses. Cattle, Hogs, Corn, Fodder, Plantation Tools, Household and Kitchen Furniture, Medical Books, Medicines,' 1 sett Surgical Instruments, : Ac. Ac. , I Will bo hired, at tho same timo, tho Slaves be longing to the Estate, consisting of 4 prime fol- i lows, 1 woman, and throe children. Will be rented, for one year, the entire Prom ises. LAURA V. SAXON, Adm x. dec 3 EXECUTORS' SALE. Will be sold, on tho first Tuesday in JANU ARY' next, within the legal hours of sale, at the Court House of Gwinnett county, Tho following LANDS and SLAVES, as tho property of William Drummond, deceased, for the benefit of tho creditors and legatees—to wit: 600 acres of Land, more or loss, being Lot No. 281, and parts of Lots Nos. 263, 312, 313. and 282, and part of a Lot, the number not recollected— all in the sth district of said county of Gwinnett, and being the tract on which deceased resided at the timo of his death. These Lands will be sold in lots to suit purchasers. Also, the following Slaves—to wit: Eliza, a woman, about 50 years old : Mary, a woman, about 45 years old ; Letty, a girl, about 20; John, a boy, about 19 ; Tom. a boy, about 14; Mil ledgo, a boy, about 14 ; George, a boy, about 13; and Gilbert, a boy, about 12 years eld. All the above property to be sold to the high est bidder, on a credit till the 25th of December, 1853, secured by notes with good security. JOHN C. WHITWORTH, I P . oct. 24 GEORGE REED. | ___ ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Pursuant to an order of the Court of Ordinary 01 Scriven county, will bo sold, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY’next, between the usual hours or " sale, before tho Court House door, in Sylvania. Seven negroes ; namely : DICK, a man ; RACHEL, a woman; DAVY’, a boy ; SALLY', a girl; ROSE, a girl; CAROLINE, a gH ; and HANNAH, a girl . belonging to the estate of David Williams, deceased. Sold for tho beneft of the creditors, and a division amonz the heirs of said deceased. Terms on the dav of sale. sept_l7 WILLIAM R. WILLIAMS, ' EXECUTOR’S SALE. Under tho provisions of a decree of the Honorable the Court of Equity for Edgefield District, S. C., in a proceeding wherein the undersigned, as the only qualified Executor in said District and State, of MARTHA FURY, deceased, was complain ant. and William P. Dearmond and wife,William H. Turpin, Trustee, and others, were defendants; will be sold, on MONDAY the 10th Jan uary next, at the South Carolina side of the Fury's Ferry, to tho highest bidder, for the ben efit of the creditors and legatees of said estate, „ | All that tract or parcel of LAND containing ; 681 acres; being part of tho tract known as the Fury’s Fern tract, situate in said District and State, on the Savannah River, < n which it bounds for one mile, and adjoining lands ot Ware, Crafton & Mackey, and the balance of the Fury’s Ferry tract not comprised in that offered for sale. 100 acres ot this and is cleared and under fence, and the balance being in good Oak and Hickory up land well timbered. This valuable tract of land will be sold, on the following accommodating terms, viz: Ono-third i cash, and the balance payable in three equal an nual instalments, with interest from date of sale, and satisfactory security. JNO. P. KING, Ex r. The Edgefield Advertiser and Hamburg Republican, will publish the above weekly till day ’ of sale, and send their accounts to this office. oct 14 ctd POSTPONED ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Agreeably to an order of the Honorable tho Infe rior Court of Madison county, when sitting for 1 ordinary purposes, will bo sold, before the Court House door, in the town of Danielsville. Madi ’ son county, on tho first Tuesday in JANU ARY next, between tho usual hours of sale, tho following property —to wit: One tract of LAND, belonging to tho estate of Benjamin Smith, late of said < ounty, deceased, ! containing one hundred and eighty-eight (188 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Willis Strickland, William J. Cox, John Griffith, and others, on the waters of Fork Creek. Sold as the property of Benjamin Smith, deceased, for the 1 benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. ' Termscash. ISAAC SIMMONS, nov 14 Administrator de bonis non. POSTPONED ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE? i Will be sold, at the Court House in Waynesboro’, Burke county, on the Ist Tuesday in JANUARY” next, under an order of the Court of Ordinary for said county, Ten shares in tho Bark Camp Steam Mill Com pany, belonging to the estate of Alfred Inman, late of said county, deceased. JEREMIAH S. INMAN, ) . , . sep2B DANIEL A. INMAN, j Ta ” ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Well be sold, on Tuesday 21 st DECEMBER next, in Monroe, Walton county, at the late residence of James L. Mitchell, deceased. Ail of the Household and Kitchen Furniture, and Perishable property, Ac., belonging to said es tate. nov 9 JESSE MITCHELL, Adrn r. ADMiNISTRATORS’ SALES. On tho first Tuesday in JANUARY” next, will bo sold, at the Court House of Cobb county, within the legal sale hours the following lots of Land, to-wit: Lots Nos. 590, 606, 608, 637, 628 and 639, all in the Ist District of tbe 2d section now in Cobb coun ty—to be sold in lots to suit purchasers Andon the Ist Tuesday in FEBUARY next, at th) Court House in Gwinnett county, 250gcres tend, Lot No, 269, 6th District, Gwin nett county. And the following Slaves, to-wit:— Amy, a woman about 31 years old; Lucretia Ada line, a girl 13 years old; Alsey, a girl about 10 years old; Dick, a boy about 7 years old; Torn, a boy about 4 years old, and Matilda, a girl about 2 years old. AH the above properly to be sold as tho pro- ■ perty of tho cstite or Robert Dun«»n !a<o of i Gwinnett county, deceased, in persuanee < fan or- J der of tho Court of Ordinary, for the benefit of tho i heirs and creditors ol the deceased. On the tend sale, one-fourth will be required in cash; the balance of the land and negroes, a credit : given till the 25th day of December, 1853, secured i by note with good security. CATHARINE DUNCAN, Adm’x. 1 JOHN DUNCAN, Adm’r. DCz*The Marietta Advocate will please copy once and charge Administrators. nov 5 EXECUTOR’S SALE. Will be sold, before tho Court House door, in Ap pling, Columbia county, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, All of the NEGROES belonging to the Estate of Elizabeth Bell, lato of said county, deceased, to wit: One Negro Woman. Rachel, and her seven chil dren, to wit: Henry, Edwin, Julian, Emma,Jaboy, Caroline, and Andrew. Sold, agreeably to tho last will and testament of Elizabeth Bell, deceased, for the benefit of tho heirs and creditors of said de ceased. Terms mode known on the day of sale. nev 2 THOMAE E. JiEALL, Executor. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Agreeable to an order of tho Honorable Court of Ordinary of Scriven county, will bo sold, before tbo Court House door, in the village of Sylvania, on tho first Tuesday in JANUARY, J 853, be tween the usual hours of sale, Tho following named NEGRO SLAVES—to wit: Vinah and Arney, both girls, belonging to the Estate of Jesse Lee, deceased. Sold for tho i benefit of tho heirs and creditors of said deceased. I oct 12 HARDY C. PARKER, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. Will be sold, on the first i’uesday in JANUARY ! next, before tho c airt House door, in tho town ! of Waynwboio, by order of tho Court of Ordi nary of Burko county, Tho INTEREST of the Estate of Alfred Inman, in a Planing Machine, attached to the Bark Camp Steam Mill. Terms made known on the day of sate. DANIEL INMAN, ) . . , JEREMIA If S. INMAN, Adra rA ' _nov 23 ADMINISTRATRIX’S SALE. Will be sold, ut the late residence of John A. Par sons, of Burke county, deceased, on Wednesday, 29»h day of DECEMBER next, All the (Mjrisbnbio PROPERTY belonging to the Estate of aid deceased, consisting of stock of Horses, Hogs, Cattle, Sheep, Corn and Fodder, Plantation Tools, Ac.; Household and Kitchen Fur niture, Bods, Ac. Sale from day to day until all is sold. SARAH A. PARSONS, Adm x. nov 17 public £nlrs. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Agreeable to an order of th® Court of Ordinary of Burke county, will bo sold, in Waynesboro, before the Court House door, in paid county, on the first Tuesday in FEBRUARY next, the fol lowing NEGRO SLAVES: Sylve-tcr, a man 21 years of ago; and Poll}, a negro girl about 14, in fee—and tho remainder in terest in Robert, aged 26, and Anderson, aged 2< the life estate being in Mrs. Mary Rogers, widow oL William Kogers, deceased. All to be sold ftsbt® longing to the estate ot Joseph Nunez, deceased, a free person of color. , . dee 19 HUGHES WALTON, ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will bo sold, on the first Tuesday in FEBKVARI next, at the Court House door, in tho town of W aynisboro, Burko county, between the usual hours of sale, agreeable to an order of the Court of Ordinary. A tract o. PINE LAND, containing eighty acres, more or I ■>., adjoining lands of Isaac Sapp. Evon C Glisson, and others. Sold as tho property of I'.lbort Llllnbert.de cased, and so'd at the purcha ser's risk. -• ho bus failed to comply with tho terms of snlo. Terms cash. dec 15 A. MCDONALD, Adm'r. EXECUTOR’S SALE. Will bo sold. 011 Friday, tho 12th JANI ART next, nt tho late residence of Banjumin Boyd,deceased, in Burko county, A flirt, of the perishable property of said deceased, eensisting of Horses, Corn and Fodder, Cotton Seed, and other articles toe tedious to men ion. dec 1 I ALLEN I OYD. Er r. _ EXECUTORS’ SALE. Will bo sold, at the Court House, in Gwinnett county, on the Ist Tuesday in JANUARY next, within tho legal hours of sale, the following I property—to wit: ! Four NEGRO MEN—William, 35 years old; I Sam, 3.1 years old; Venture, 22 years old; and ! Fergus. 20 years old ; and two Shares Stock in tho ! Lawrenceville Manufacturing Company. Terms And at tho same timo, at tho Court House, in Forsyth county, the following LANDS, lying in said county—to wit. ! 120 acres, on John's Crook, composed ol Lots i Nos. 183, 208, and another Lot, tho number not re collected. —ALSO — 2121 acres, on tho Chattahoochee River, com posed of Lots 339, 365 and 366 ; and Fractions Nos. 38,41 and 42. . All tho above Lands in tho Ist district and Ist section. All of which will bo offered in lota to suit purchasers—and sold for tho benefit ot the legatees and creditors of George M. Waters, de ceased. Terms on tho day of sale. THOMAS J W ATERS, ) A. R. SMITH, }Exm. WM. ROGERS- ) nov 20 ADMINISTRATORS’ SALE. Will bo sold, on tho 28th day of DECEMBER next, at tho residence of Abraham Youngblood, deceased, of Burko county, All tho perishable property of said deceased, con sisting of Household and Kitchen FURNITURJft" Corn and Fodder, Horses, Cattle, Hogs, &o. Terms made known ou the day of sale. • The sale will bo continued from day to day uiftii every thing is sold. G. R. YOUNGBLOOD, 1 • ISAAC YOUNGBLOOD, J AUUI s ' nov 25 “ TRUSTEE'S SALE. ~ Will bo sold, at tho Court House of Gwinnett county, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY’ next, within tho legal sale hours. A NEGRO GIRL, named Milly, about 13 years •Id. Sold lor tho benefit of Lucy E. Jenkins and her creditors, by order of tho Superior Court of said county. Terms cash. DAVID W. SPENCER, Trustee nov 28 of Lucy E. Jenkins. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. By virtue of an order from tbo Ordinary of Burke [ county, will bo sold, on the Ist Tuesday in JAN UARY next, before tho Court .House door, in tho town of Waynesboro, Tbo undivided half of a Lot of Land, in said oeunty, owned jointly by Cordial Clark, deceased, and his’sister Betsey Clark. nov 9 WILLIAM B.YTES, Adm r. ~ GUARDIAN’S SALE."" Agreeable to an order of tho Court of Equity, will bo sold, on tho first Tuesday in JANUARY next, at the Court House, in the town of Co vington, between tho usual hours of sale, About 35 likely NEGROES, consisting of men, women and children, boys and girls. The above Negroes are likoly and valuable. —ALSO— On tbo day following, at tho Plantation of Thomas Jones, about four miles East of Coving ton, will bo sold: A large lot of CORN, Fodder, Oats, Horses, Mules. Cows. Hogs, Plantation Tools, Ac. Ac. All the above property sold on a credit of twelve i months. THOMAS F. JONES, nov 21 Guardian. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will bo sold, on the first Tuesday iu JANUARY next, before the Court House door, in Waynes boro, Burko county, in pursuance of an order from the Court of Ordinary of said county, A NEGRO MAN, Sain, about forty years of : age, belonging to tho Estate of George Madray, deceased. ' Sold for tho benefit of the heirs. Terms on the day JOHN ROGERS, Adm’r. nov 17 GUARDIAN’S’SALE? Will be sold, on tho first Tuesday in JANUARY next, at tho Court House, in tho town of Coving ton. Newton county, A NEGRO MAN named Simon, belonging to Dougte-s Phillip’s orphan. nov 19 GILES S. WHITTEN, ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Agreeably to an order of tbo Court of Ordinary of Warren county, will bo sold, on tho first Tues day in JANUARY next, before tho Court in tho tdwa of Warrenton, between the visual hours of sale, the following Property—to wit : One tract of LAND, lying on tho road leading from V/arrenton to Wrightsborough, continuing seventy acres, more or loss, adjoining lands of Robert Hill, Lewis Holomon, and others, lying on tho waters of Middle Creek, generally known as the Widow’s Dower. Sold as tbe property of Hugh Armstrong, late of said county, deceased. SHERMON ARMSTRONG, nov 17 Adm’r. de bonis non. “EXECUTOR’S S“ LE 7 Will be sold, on tho first Tueadoy in JANUARY” next, before tho Court House door, in Sylvania, Scriven county, agreeable to an order of tho Court of said county, A tract or body of LAND situate, lying and being, in tho county of Scriven, containing four ! hundred acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Walter Walker, Paul B. Garnett, and others. Sold as the property of the Estate of James C. Hum phreys, deceased, lor tbe benefit of the heirs and creditor.- of said deceased. Terms on tho day of salo. CURTIS HUMPHREYS, Ex’r. nov 16 “ EXECUTORS’ SALE. Will be sold before the Court House door, in tho town of Forsyth, Munroe county, on the first Tuesday in JANUARY next, within tho lega hours of salo. according to the test will and tes tament of Benjamin Dumas, late of said county, deceased : The following LANDS and NEGROES, viz:— One hundred and twenty-two acres, more or less in rhe seventh district of said county, being parts oi Lots Nos. 195 and 196 ; one hundred and eighty acres, more or less, being part of Lot 219, in said d strict and county. Also, fifty acres, more or I less, in said district, number not known, but • known as the Meeting House Place, adjoining i John F. Goggans. Also, the following Negroes: Joe, a negro man, about 27 years of ago, and a first rate Blacksmith ; Phil, a negro man, about 25 years of ago; Jim, a man, about 50 years of ago; Mumpford, a boy, about 15 years of age; Anderson, a boy, about 3 years of age ; and Murf, an infant child, about two months old. Sold for the purpose of distribution. Terms of sale will be made known on tho day. EDMUND DUMAS, ) T . , a nov 16 THOMAS DUMAS, j rs ’ PIANO FORTES. THE SUBSCRIBERS would res poett'ully call tho attention of their friends and the public, to thoir. W 8 St V U assortment of Rosewood and Mahogany PIANO j FORTES, from tho well known and justly colebrat [ ed Manufactories of .Bacon Sr Raven, A. H. Gale Sr Co., and Dubois Seahury, New York, which ! aro luarranted in every rosf oct, to bo at least fully equal to .any instruments macufactured in this coun try or Europe. Tho subscribers would also state that the instru ments new on hand are of tho latest paterns and fashion, an<\ fresh from the manufacturers. For salefat very low prices for cash or city acceptance at GEO. A. OATES & CO.’S Piano, Book & Music Depot, Broad-st. SI,OOO RS WARD. DR. HUNTI'.R’S celebrated SPECIFIC, for tho cure of Gonorrhmu, Strictures, Gleet and ! Analogous Complaints of the Organs of Generation rpr Os all remedies yetdisoovored fer tho above i complaint, this is tho most certain. i (jy-It makesa speedy and permanent euro with i out restriction to diet, drink, exposure, or change ; of application to business. i IXZ" It is perfectly harmless. Gallons of it Blight bo taken without injuring tho patient. It is put up in bottles, with full directions accompanying it, so that persons can euro them selves without resorting to physicians or others for advice. One bottle is enough to perform a certain euro Price sl. Uyll. is approved and recommended by tho Roy al College of Physicians and Surgeons of London, and has their certificate enclosed. [jy It is sold by appointment in Augusta, Ga. by PHILIP A. MOISE, Underneath tho New Augusta Hotel, and W. H. & J. TURPIN, Druggists. PARTNERSHIP. Till; UNDERSIGNED who have long been connected wit:, tho CARRIAGE Business of tho lato U.S. Hoadly, have this day formed a Partnership under tho stylo and firm of Wyman & Da into w, for continuing tho business at tho samo tend. G. N. WYMAN J. DARROW. Wehave on hand and aro receiving, an assort ment of Carriages, Rockaways, Buggies, Hamess, and Trunks. Orders received for building various styles of vo hic os. Wo respectfully solicit a share of patron age. WYMAN & DARROW. Oct 1. 3tdc6m. TO FARMERS AND OWNERS OF HORSES. J)EAD ’IIIE FOLLOWING I,'ERTII h A I’E: L AuansTA, Ga., Oct. 25th, 1852. This is to certify that "no of my Horses has bad a Spavin growing on bis log for more than Ove years, which has boon entirely removed and tho Horse perfectly cured by the uro of only ono bottle of Collier’s Remedy. I therefore tako pleasure in rccommonding this proporation as a valuable arti cle to owners of Horses, believing it to bo all that it is represented. 8. D. LINTON. Colli< i s Remedy for Horses is a certain and never failing cure for Lameness, Spavin, Founder, Big Head, Sprains, Saddle Gulls, Old Sores, Swell ed Legs, Ac., iu Horses. No Farmer should bo without it. Prepared by Isaac Collier, Barren county, Ky., and lor salo in Augusto by tho only agent for the State. PHILIP A. MOISE, Dealer in Drugs and Medicines, No. 195, Broad-st. N. B. —l'rics $ 1 per bottle. o*t. 27 ifrgnl jfhtirw. SIXTY It IVS after date, applcuitioTiwill be made to tho Court of Ordinary oflWarren county, Georgin, for louve to s«H tho be longing to tho Estate of Jane Landrum, said county, deceased. t ’ JOEL LANDRUM, 1 W ILLI AM LANDRUM, Ad » ra ' doo 8 SIXTY DAYS after date, apl>lieati^~ w ni - "bo made to tho Court of Ordinary, f or ] oa , v o to sell the negroes belonging to tho estate of Hezekiah Young, deceased. Sold for tho benefit of tho heirs, det 8 ELIZA I ETII YOl N(l, Atlm'x. SIXTY DAVS after date, .ijiplieation will ho made to tho llonornblo tho Court of Ordinary of Burko County, for leave to soli the Real Estate of William Brinson, deceased. SIMEON BRINSON. Adm’r. NANCY BRINSON; Adm'x. nov 25 SIXTY DAIS nl'fer (late, will 1)0 made to tho Honorable tho CourKf Ordinary of Burke county, lor leave to sell tho,Negroes of Ralph I’onrow, deceased. 1 JOHN I'. ALLEN, Afhn’r., nov 25 With the WiH tnnoxod. SIXTY DAYS a tor date upplioaffan will bo made to the Court of Ordinary of .i Richmond County, for leave to soli all the RetfcjfmLj’orson al Estate of Gilbert Longstreet, lattftf Stt id Coun ty deoen.-od. AN pp;HS O JJ V .LONGSTREET. JAMES (J. LONGS! ieeT. Administrators, with tho Wit Annexed. nov 14. __ SIXTY DAYS after date, I sha apply to tho Court of Ordinary of Nowtoxl county, for leave to sell a Negro Man, Simon, jolonging to • Douglass Phillip’ orphan. nov 5 GILES S. WlUTTEliGuardian. SIXTY DAYS after date, applififon will bo made to tho Honorable tho Iwior Court of ’ Burke county, for leave to sell all Irßeal Estate * of Powell Godbee, deceased. A* J nov 5 LEWIS _ 1 QI XT' DAYS after date, apportion will bo made to tho Cwurtof Ordinarftf Hall county, s for leave to sell all tho LAND andKEGROES be longing to the Estate of Judith Scfcrs, lato of said county, deceased. All potfcnsliaving claims against said Estate, will proeenKfccm in terms of law, and all persons indebted ts aid Estate will c, make payment immediately. oct 30 M. Ex’r. SIXTY DAYS after date, afication will bo ■ made to the Ordinary of jjvon county, for leave to sell a negro woman, Dol» a3 tho property of Martin Herrington, minor, Bf oct 24 BEN J PRES Guardian. S~IXT A DAYS;’ !t Scriven county, for leave t egr o woman, about twenty-fivo and nor too children, Lydia and an infant, belonging to B. T. Herrington, a minor. oct 9 BENJ. PRESCOT, Guardian. _ DAY’S after date, application will be made to tho Honorable the Orcfinary of Scriven county, for leave to sell tho Real fstato of Abso leijv Byst r deceased, lato of saidcoanty* 7hov 16 LEVI H. BEST,. Adm’r. NOTICE. — All persons indebted to the estate of BENJAMIN BOYD, lato ofßurke county, decreased, are requested t o make immediate pay ment. And all those having demands against said estate, are requested to render them in, duly attest ed, within the timo pre-oribcdjfry law. doc 11 LLC rC BtTY NOTH’ E.—All persons indebted to the Estate of James Todd, late of Warren county, de ceased, aro requested to make immediate payment; and those having demands against said Estate, will present them duly authenticated in terms of the law. JAMES H- TODD, nov 3Q Administrator. NOTICE^— All those indebted to tbo estate of James L. Mitchell, lato of Walton county, deceased, are requested to make immediate pay ment ; and all those having demands against said ostato to present them in torma of the law. nov 9 JESSE MITCHELL, Admr.__ NOTICE. —All persons having demands against tho Estate of Robert C. William-Jon, lato of tho county of Scriven, deceased, are requested to render them in to tho Administrator, legally at tested. Also, all persons indebted to the Estate of said deceased, are requested to make immediate payment. TIIOS. B. LANIER, Jr., Adm r. nov 7 LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE. Dyspepsia, Chronic >r Nervous Debility. Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach, such as Constipa tion, Inward Files, Fullness or jdlood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea. Heart-burn Disgust for Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at tho pit of ths Stomach, Swimming of tho Head, Harried and Diffcult Breathing. Fluttering at the Choking or Suffo cating sensation when in a Dimness of Vision, dots or webs beforeftbofSight, Fever and dull pain in the Head, Deficiengy or Perspiration, Yellow ness of the Skin and Eyfs. pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs Ac., Sudden Flushes of the Heart, Burn ing in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil and great depression of Spirits, can be by DR. HOOFLANDJI CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, FrWaBD BY DR. C. iML JACKSON, At the German Medicine Store, F.H) Arch Street, Phil adelphia. Their power over the above diseases is not excelled—if equalled—by any other preparation in the United States, as the cures attest, in many cases after skilful physicians had failed. These Bitters are worthy the attention of invalids. Possessing great virtues in the rectification of diseases es the Liver and lesser glands, vx -rcHng the most searching powers in weakness and affections ol the di gestive organs, they are withal, sale, cortari, and plea sant. READ AN 5 BE CONVINCED. From the '' j The-editor said. Dec. 22d, I Dr. Hoofland’s Celebrated Uerian Bitters for ! the cure of Liver Complaint, Ja”«Hi C e, Dyspepsia, ■ Nervous Debility. is ene o f the have b\-eu says he I I . nent cure of the Liver tffeuse of remedy. We are convinced that, in tho use of these Bitters, the patient constantly gains strenth and vigor —a fact worthy of consideration. They aro pleasant in taste, and smell, and can be used by persons with tho most delicate r tomachs with safety, under any circum stances. We xro speaking from experience, and to the afflicted we auviso their use. ‘•Scott's Weekly,” one of the best Literary papers published, said, August 25 ••Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters, manufactured by Dr. Jackson, are now recommended by some of the most prominent members of the Faculty as an article of much efficacy in cases of female weakness. As such is the case, we would advise all Withers to obtain a bottle, and thus save thomselvon much sickness. Per sons of debilitated constitutions will thid these Bitters advantageous to their health, as wo know from expe rience the salutary effect they have upon-weok sys tems."’ _ - MORE EVIDENCE. ; The Hou. C. D. Hineline, Mayor of the city of Cam den. N. J., says: land's German Bitters, — We have seen many flattering notices of this medicine, and the source from which they came induced us to make inquiry respecting its merits. From inquiry we were persuaded to use it, and must say we found it specific in its action upon diseases of the Liver and digestive organs, and the pow erful influence it exerts upon nervous prostration is really surprising. It calms and strengthens the nerves, bringing them into a state of repcso, making sleep re freshing. ‘•lf this medicine was more generally used, we are satisfied there would bo less wlckneM, as from the stomach, liver, and nervous system the great majority i of real and imaginary diseases emanate. Have them in a healthy condition, and you can bid defiance to epi demics generally. This extraordinary medicine we would advise our friends who are at all indisposed, to give a trial—it will recommend itself. It should, in fact, be in every family. No other medicine can pro duce such evidences of merit.” Evidence upon evidence. like the foregoing, from all sections of tho Union the last threo'-years, and the strongest testimony in its favor, is, that there is more of it used in the practice of the regular Physicians of Philadelphia, than all other nostrums combined, a fact that can be easily established r and fully proving that a scientific preparation will meet with their quiet appro val when presented even in this form That this medicine will cure Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt after using it as directed. It acts specifically upon the stomach and Liver; it is preferable to calomel in all billions di eases—the effect is immediate. They can bo administered to female or infant with safety and reliable benefit at any time. LOOK WELL TO THB .MARKS OF THE GENUINE. They have tho written signature of C. M. JACKSON upon the wrapper, and his name blown in the bottle, without which they are spurious. * For sale at the German Medicine Store, 120 Arch St., one door below Sixth, Philadelphia; and by respectable dealers generally through th® country. PRICES To enable all classes of invalidate tf&joy the advan tages of their groat restorative, pfrwers. Single bottle 75 cents. Jt Also for sale by HAVfLANJ, RISLEY 4. CO " Augusta, Guo. YVholosahl Agents for Norik farolina, Mississippi, anil Georgia,.HAVILAND, HARRELL & CO., Charles ton, S. C. kept 11 eow d&cly BURKE” PLANTATION FOR SALE. “ MRS. BALDWIN, Exocutte of Dr. Augustus C. Baldwin, deceased, A>rs tho PLANTA TION of Bald deceased for sale It is a valuable Plantation, situated in Burke lounty, near Rober son’s Store, containing ono tlilwnd acres, more or less, of fine Oak and Iliclprjt Land, with good improvements, a nice Dwell!.e.House, out-houses, Ao., X.. ' '' Persons wishing to jBTjfT JONHS, juno 3 ctsf TLWayecsbora’, II T. Gbhknwood. | Josiah Masts. | Jso J. Ridowat GREENWOOD, MORRf & RIDGWAY, COTTON FACTORS CW.MiSSION MER CHANTS. ■l7 CarondaUt Orleans. Refer to B. 11. Warren, lA.; Edw'd. Thomas, Pros t.; John Craig, Cash’r.; Mw.-rs. T. N. Poullain A Son. | Mr. Morris will remain at |1 ontgomcry, Ala., and all orders for tho purohlsing of Cotton or any other business entrusted tojour care at that place, will meet with prompt mention. GREENWOOD, MORRIgfA RIDGWAY, »ct 1-1 clime If Now Orleans AGRICULTURAL ImSEemENTS. THE undersigned would calf tho attention of - *l - Planters to tho slock of Agricultural IMPLE-MfeaSHmKHßb MENTS, which they keep ir'Bu.-.noction with HARDWARE and CUTLERT’ffTheir stock ot PLOWS, HARROWS, CULTVATORB, Corn BIIELLERS, Straw CUTTERS, drain CRADLES, Fan MILLS, and all articles in J|k Agricultural line, is not equalled in thoStatJ. They are pro pared to order, at the shortest notice, tho beet kinds of HORSE POWERS. THiESHERS, Smut MACH IN ES, or any articles in their lino of busi ness. They nro also Agents for tho J’os'on Bolting Company, and linvo now on liaiTil India Rubber Packing HOSE nud Machine BEI/lING. noy 7 c«iu NOTICE. ~ STOLEN from tho subscriber’s Stables, <VY—_ on Monday night, tho 21st inst., a BA Y JtzX HORSE, bob tail, about 15 or ill handshiglb close and well made, black legs—-drives well in harness—and is <1 or 7 years old. One of his hind knee-joints is a little enlarged, tho left I think—no other mark recollected. Also a Baddie, (quilted scat,) with a black horn. I will give Ono Hundred Dollars Reward for the thiof, with proof to convict, or Twonty flvo Dollars for tho Horse. Any in formation thankfully received. <, JAMES A. McGRUDEII. Holcomb, Buiko county, Nov. 25,1852. nov 27 ciin BRICK WORK AND PLASTERING- THE SUBSCRIBER, having located himself near the Double Wells, Wnrron county, Ga. for tho purpose of doing BRICK or STONE WORK ;f any kina, and itlso I’L AST ERING ngd ROUGH CASTING, any persons wishing sueh work done, will please apply to him, and it shall be done In tho beat kina of stylo. ; mareh 24 «ts M MJLIAMj J, MM \ i’tttra nf aiiniinifitriitimi GroKGIA, WARRKN COUNTY M h*i I’-i... JAM E.S N. NUNN, applies to mo for Letters es Adminis tration on the Estate of MIEOUIII DAVIS, lute of naid county, deceased: Thene are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, tho kindred and creditors ®f tu» said deceas ed, to be and appear at my office, within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, If any they have, why sold letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, in Warrenton, De cember 15th, 1852. dec 17 ARDEN 11. MERSHON, Ordinaiy w.c. Georgia, bi’iike < <»i ry —whrr. a .ioiin p. ALLEN, applies for Letters of Administration on the Estate of SAMUEL SEEG AR. lute of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my oilice, on tho 2d Monday in Janu ary, 1853. and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, in Waynesboro, this 6th day of December, 1852. EDWARD GARLICK, Ordinary b. c. ( < EOIIGI A, BURK E COUNTY VI W. GRIFFIN and FIELDING GODBEE. appliuH for Letters of Administration on the Estate of JOSEPH GRIFFIN, lute of said county, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear before the Court of Ordinary of said county, on the second Monday in January next, and shew cause, if any they have why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, in Waynesboro, this 4th day of December, 1852. dec 7 EDWARD GARLICK, o. B. CL GEORGIA, BURKE COUNTY.—Whoroas, Dr. ROD NEY E. BURK, applies for Letters of Administra tion, with the Will annexed, on the Estate of Dr. RICIU ARD B. BELT, of said county, deceased : These are,therefore, to cite and admonish, all and sin gular, tho kindred and friends of said deceased,to be and appear at my office, on the 2d Monday in January next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Waynesboro, this 3d day of December. 1852. deo 5 EDW Ai.D GARLICK, Ordinary B. C. G" EORGIA. BI KKE UOCNT V.—When as, ARCH I- BALD LIGHTFOOT, applies for Letters of Admin istration on the Estate of CAROLUS LIGHTFOOT, of said county, deceased. These aro, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on the 2d Monday in Janu ary next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand, at office in Wayucsboro, this 3d day of December, 1852. dec 5 EDWARD GARLICK, Ordinary B. C. G~ r AS 11. BURNES, Jr., applies to the Court of Or- dinary for Letters of Administration on the Estate of THOMAS H. BURNES, Sen’r., deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear before jtfrid Court, to make objections, if any they have, on or before the second Monday in January next; otherwise said letters will be granted. GEORGIA, BURKE COUNTY.—Whereas, ANDER SON MCDONALD, applies for Letters of Adminis tration on the Estate of THOMAS SYKES, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred aud creditors of said deceased, to bo aud appear at ray office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Waynesboro, this 3d day of November, 1852. _ £DWARn GARLICK, Ordinary n. 0. GEORGIA, SCRIVEN COUNTY.—Whereas, WIL LIAM C. BOWIE, will apply to the Court of Or dinary of said county, for Letters of Administration ou the Estate of JAMES W. BOWIE, late of said county, deceased: These aro, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and sin gular, the kindred aud creditors of paid deceased, to be and appear at my office, within tbe time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this 2d day of November,’ 1852. nov 71 ALEXANDER KEMP, Ordinary, teta of GEORGIA, BURKE COUNTY.—Whereas. MARY A. E. ELLISON, applies for Letters of Guardianship for THOMAS J., LUCY A E., JULIA R. and EDMUND 11. ELLISON, minors under 14 years of age, and or phans of BENJ. J. ELLISON, late of said county, de ceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said minors, to be and appear at my office, on the 2d Monday in .Janua ry,.lßs3, aud show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand, at office, in Waynesboro, this 6th day of December, 1852. dec 8 EDWARD GARLICK, Ordinary b. c. EORGIA. SCRIVEN COUNTY.—Whereas. JOHN BRINSON, applies for Letters of Guardianship for JASON and JOHN BRINSON: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and friends of said minors, to be • and appear at my office, on the first Monday in Janu ary next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand, at office in Sylvania, this 10th day of November, 1852. nov 16 ALEX. KEMP, Ordinary. EOligTa'TcßI VEN COUNTY.—Whereas, THOM AS H. BURNES, Jr., will apply to the Court of Ordinary, for Letters of Guardianship of the person and property of VIRGIL 11. BURNES and GEORGE i G. BURNES, minor children of THOMAS 11. BURNES, Sen'r., deceased; Those are, therefore, to cite and admonish all tho kindred of said minors, to be and appear before said Court, to make objections, if any they have, on or be fore the second Monday in January next; otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness: Alexander Kemp, Ordinary of Scriven county. November 22d, 1852. nov 25 ALEXANDER KEMP, o. s. c. Swnffinnnj nf (BunrhiniisJj i|i GEORGIA, BURKE COUNTY.—Whereas, BENJ. T. L. SMITH, applies for Letters Dismissory from Guardianship of WINNAFRED M. TARVER, ROBERT »B. TARVER, and ELIZABE isl ANN TARVER: Tkese are*, therefore, to cite aud admouish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of raid minors, to be and appear before the Court of Ordinaiy. to be held on the 2d Monday in January next, aud show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granfrsd ■failHri-en yj-ider g££-°- iu ue-sboro’, Ulis , day d? November. v nov 25 % EDWAIJID GARLICK, Ordinary b. O. G~ 'cdUNTY?— Whereas, JOHN HARDAWAY. Guardian for ELIZABETH HARD- AWAY, (now Elizabeth Ataway.) applies for Letters of Dsimission from said Guardianship. are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said minor, to be and appear at my office within the usual hours prescribed by law, to show cause if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand at Office in Warrenton, Decem ber 2d, 1852. ARDEN R. MERSHON, doc. 4. Ordinary. DR. ROGERS’ LIVERWORT AND TAR. A SAFE aud certain cur® for Consumption of the Lungs. Spitting of Blood, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Pain in the Side. Bronchitis, Hooping Cough, and all Pulmonary affections. ’ EXTRACTS FROM CERTIFICATES, which can be seen in full by calling on the Agent and getting a pamphlet. Mr. Adam Harris, assistant Surgeon U. 8. Navy Hos pital. New York, says:—Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar cured a case of the most distressing Asthma of twenty six years standing. (Signed) ADAM HARRIS. Gabriel Whitehead, Esq., of Cincinnati, says : —I had the Consumption, attended with the most distressing Cough, and discharged quarts of blood from the Lungs, and all my friendsand physicians gave me up to die,yet a few bottles of Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and Tar restored me to perfect health. GABRIEL WHITEHEAD. Sworn to and subscriced this 28th day of November, 1846. Henry E. Spencer. Mayor of Cincinnati. Mrs Chil<l (resides on Sixth street, two doors west of Smith, Cincinnati.) says:—l had the pulmonary Con sumption, attended with a most distressing Cough, which reduced me to a mere skeleton, and although un der tho care of an able physician (Prof. Harrison.) I continued to grow worse, and gave np all hopes of re covery. At this crisis I was persuaded to try Dr. Re gers’ Liverwort and Tar, which entirely healed my lungs and restared me to perfect health, by the use of a few bottles. (Signed) ANN CHILD. Dr. William Richards, of Cincinnati, says: Although it may seem unprofessional, I feel constrained to state that 1 used Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and Tar in the case of Charles Wade, who was quite lew with pulmonary Con sumption. with the happiest effect, after the usual rem edies had failed. (Signed) WM. RICHARDS, M. D. The following is written from Elizabethtown. Ky. Your Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and Tar gives great satis faction in this place. Dr. Howard proscribes it, and pronounces it one of the best medicines in use. E. H. HAYCRAFT,Druggist. Mr. Meriweather, of Denmark, Tenn., writes: —Dr Rogers’ Liverwort and Tar has met with great success. A young man of this place, supposed by every one to be in tho last stage of Consumption, Mas entirely cured by itsjjse. . •'“'Signed) : ■ DAVfb MERIWEATHER. Druggist. _ Rev. Henry Wiseman, of Patriot, Gallia county, 0., writes: —Dr. Rogers’Liverwort and Tar has been .tbe means of snatching my wife from a premature gravd?’ (Signed) HENRY WISEMAN. Mr. 11. E. Drake, Druggist of Xenia, Ohio, states : A gentleman of my acquaintance, who was apparently in the last stage es Consumption, was restored to per fect health by the use of Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and Tar. The cure was a most extraordinary ono. Dr. Wil..on,’(an old school physician of high stand ing,) of Patriot, Ohio, writes: —1 have boon the family physician of Mrs. Wiseman for twelve years, and du ring that timo she has suffered with diseased lungs, “'Which anally setttba into puiuiouary Consuuipiiou. - , .She -wasentirely cured by tho use of Dr. Rogers Liver wort and Tar. H. It. WILSON, M. D. It is a positive fact,, that wherever Dr. Rogers Syrup of Liverwort and Tar has been introduced, it is super ceding every other Cough Medicine before the public. This is wholly owing to its truly wonderful medicinal virtues. RE WARNED IN SEASON! And neglect not that Cough which is daily weakening your constitution, irritating your throat and lungs, and nviting on that dread disease. Consumption, when so soothing and healing a remedy can be obtained as Dr. Rogers’ Syrup of Liverwort and Tar. Beware of Counterfeits and base Imitations! The genuine article is signed Andrew Rogers, on the engraved wrapper around each bottle. Price, $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. Sold whole sale and retail by SCOVIL & MEAD, 113 Chartres street, New Orleans, Sole general agents for the States, to whom all orders and applications for agencies must be addressed. Sold wholesale and retail, by Haviland, Risley & Co., Augusta, Ga.; Barrett, Carter A Co., do.; William K. Kitchen,do.; I). B. Plumb & Co., do.; Haviland, Har rallA Co., and P. M. Cohen A Co. Charleston, S. 0. 3mos AUGUSTA FRENCH BURR MILL STONE MANUFACTORY. TH E Subscriber thankful for the kind patronogo re 'V" . / coivod.wouldrospoo* X ffiaiSSZ A lie, that ho continues :Y‘ k.--- to execute orders for . his well known War- ~ ranted French Burr MILLSTONES, of V. / 1 \ every desired size, at ‘ 1 tho lowest price, and BHORTBHT NOTIOK. Ho also furnishes ESOPCS AND COLOGNE BTONES, SMUT MACHINES, of various patents, BOLTING CLOTHS, of tho best brand, CEMENT for Millstones, aud every other article necessary in a Mill. Also, for Planters, small GRIST MILS to attach to Gin Goars. All orders promptly attended to. Jan 3 ly WM. R. SCHIRMER. CAUTION. ALL PERSONS nro cautioned against trading for a NOTE given by mo to Williams A Broth er, for Ono Hundred Doliars, dated November 21'11, J 152, and payable four months after date. The consideration for which said nolo was given having failed I will not pay it until compelled to do so by law. HENRY G. M. FLEMING. dee 8 81 Wart-Wtm HARPER C. BRYSON, WAREHOUSE COMMISSION MERCHANT, ( At the well known Fire-Proof Warehouse of L. 1 llopkmoy CAMPMKLL STREET, AUGUSTA, GA., W r IIERE his personal attention will given to all business ho may be fa-fcj2‘j£l vorod with. Orders for Planters’ supplies promptly exe cuted. 03 s * Cash advanced on Produce in store, aug 20 d&clstjan LAMBETH HOPKINS, WAREHOUSE A COMMISSION MERCHANT, Augusta, Qa. The UNDERSIGNED begs leave return thanks to the friends and pat- rons of the late firm of Adams, Hopkins -3 <t Co., for their liberal support in past years. The firm of Adams, Hopkins & Co.,having boon dissolved by limftation on tho Ist July last, theWAKh ; HOUSE AND COMMISSION‘BUSINESS, (attbo [ same stand, in the city of Augusta) will be con tiuued by the undersigned, and he tenders his ser- l vices to the customers ®f tbs eld linn and tho puh- 1 lie. His personal attention will bo given to busi- J ness confided to his care. ■ Particular attention paid to tho storage and sale of Cotton, and all other Produce, receiving and s forwarding Goods, and purchase of Planters’ sup plies Cash Advances made on Produce in store > when required. LAMBETH HOPKINS. ; aug 5 9mos _____ ._____. . WAREHOWSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1 Augusta, Ga., f OULD announce to the r former pat- s VV rons, and the public generally, that they continue the above business at their 8 old stand, Fire-Proof Warehouse, oast side of Mc- Intosh street, where they solicit a continuance of - tho patronage so liberally extended heretofore. ’ All orders for Family supplies, Bagging, Rope, f &c., will bo promptly filled at tho lowest market prices. d do/*’ Iciberal Cash Advances made on Produce ° in store when required. James M. Dye. | Stephen D. Hear®. Augusta, August 5, 1852. ts aug 5 is ' J. J. PEARCE, WAREHOUSE &; COMMISSION MERCHANT, Augusta, Georgia, I- TTAVING rented a portion of the ex rtctV r- JLI tensive FIRE-PROOF HOUSE, on Jackson-st., near tbe GlobeleßHal Hotel, and south of Broad street, tender my thanks for former patronage, and say t® my friends, and the public generally, that I am now still better sit uated to promote their interest, as well as my own in the storage and sale of Cotton, or ether Produce, to bH b»feti3«Bß orders directed to my charge, and will make cash advances on Cotton in store, wlioii desired. J. J. PEARCE. Augusta, July 23, 1852. 6mos july 27 N EW LOGI M. P. STOVALL, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANT, Augusta, Ga., WOULD respectfully inform his old rons and the public generally, that he has leased for a term of years, tho now and extensive Fire-Proof Warehouse, situated on Jack- ! son street, between the Rail Road Depot and Broad . street, near the Globe Hotel, formerly occupied by Walker & Bryson, and more recently by G. Walker & Son The location is an excellent one, being conven ient to the Rail Roads, Hotels, Banks, and chief I business houses of tho city. Having every facility for business and the dispo- ; sition to extend every accommodation to his cus tomers, with a ler.g acquaintance with the interests of the planter, he hopes ho may have, not only a continuance, but an increase of tho liberal patron age heretofore extended him. Orders for family supplies, Bagging, Ac., prompt ly and carefully filled at the lowest market prices. July 21st, 1852. Having transferred the leas*’ on the Ware house lately occupied by us, to Mx M. P. Stovall, in consequence of our removal to Charleston, we take great pleasure in recommending him to our friends. G. WALKER & SON. Augusta, July 1, 1812. jy 21 D’ANTIGNAC, EVANS & CO~ WAREHOUSE A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Augusta, Ga., CONTINUE to transact the above sinoss in all its branches, at their old stand, the extensive Fire-Proof Ware house, immediately at the Georgia Rail Road De pot, whore they receive Cotten without charge for , drayago. Their Office and Salesroom is in a central posi tion on Broad street, nearly opposite the Globe Ho tel. Cash Advances made on Cotton in Stere. Orders for Bagg’ng, Rope, and other Supplies, promptly filled at the lowest market prices. Wm. M. D'Axtignac. Geo. W. Evans. Wm. E. Evans. Augusta, August 12, 1852, 6m® aug 25 BUFORD,BEALL~&COr, WAREHOUSE A GROCERY MERCHANTS Augusta, Ga., THANKFUL for the patronage so rally extended to us, during the past season, respectfully inform our friends that we continue tho GROCERY BUSINESS, at the samo well known stand, and aro constantly receiv ing a large and well selected stock, adapted to Planters’ trade, embracing Shoes, Domestics, Hats, &c. Wo also continue tho WARE-HOUSE BUSI NESS at the samo stand, on Campboll street, in the business part of the city, and convenient to our store. All Cottcrn consigned to us t will be sold free of commission. Liberal Cash Advances made on Cotton and other Produce in store, when required WM. H. BUFORD, WM. M. BEALL, July 20, 1852. J. W. L. STOVALL. ROB ERTsdN&r UIY ’ WAREHOUSE A COMMISSION Augusta, Geo., CONTINUE tho above business in all its;X\'\% branches, at their old stand, Proof.) on Reynold street, where they may bo al ways found, ready to advance the best interest of thoir customers. Liberal Cash Advances made on Produce in store, and all orders for Groceries, Bagging, Rope, Ao., filled at the lowest market prices. Augusta, August 10, 1852. aug 11 WASHBURN, WILDER & CO., FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS’ Savannah. Geo. (Jas. Washburn. Jno. R. Wilder. Eras. G. Danna,) WILL continue the above business, Bay street, east of tho Exchange. Orders for Bagging, Rope, and other supplies filled promptly at lowc’t cash prices. Refer to Maj. Wm. Sanford, Gon. 8. P. Myrick, Baldwin county. M. Dennis, S. B. Marshall, Messrs. Carter A Har vey, Putnam county. A. McAllum, Ira Peck, Twiggs county. Messrs. Blaco & Cobb, Messrs. Carter & Harvey, Romo. Major John S. Rowland, Cass county. Savannah, August sth, 1852. 6me aug 8 “ SIMPSON & GARDINER”" WAREHOUSE & COMMIS’N MERCHANTS, Udclntoeh- Augusta, Ga. THE undersigned continue tho WARE-rrxprxx HOUSE and COMMISSION i NESS in all its branches, in Judge Starnes’ Fire-Proof Warehouse, on Mein tosh street, under the name and stylo of SIMPSON A GARDINER. In tendering to our friends, and tho public gen erally, our thanks for tho liberal patronage extend ed, we take this method of assuring all, that no effort on our part will bo wanting to advance tho interest of those who may confide their business to us. Orders for Bagging, Rope, and Family Supplies, promptly filled at tbe lowest mart rates. Cash advances made on Produce in Store when required. J. R. SIMPSON, J. T. GARDINER. Augusta, July 8.1852. July 9 WARDLAW & WALKER, FACTORS & COM MISSION MERCHANTS, NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston, S. C. Commissions for selling Cotton 50 cents per bale. W. A. Wardlaw. G. Walker. THE subscriber having formed a partnership with Mr. W. A. War d - law, of Charleston, formerly of Abbe villc, S.C., for tho purpose of doing a GENER AL FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSINESS, avails himself of tho present opportunity of re- I turning his sincere thftriks to his numeroas friends for the liberal patronage bestowed for a number of years past—and on moving, tenders the services o tho now concern of WABDLAW A WALKER, Charleston—where ho hopes many, if not all, his old patrons, will find it to their interest to ship their Produce. Tho recent arrangements of tho South Carolina Railroad Company will enable them soon to have a Depot in the city of Augusta, thereby save the cx - -f toll, a_n<l -vorj- Warding of Produce of any kind. Mr. Jon7T*U. Rocs, Agent of W. A W. in Augusta, will attend to tho forwarding of all Produce that thoir friends may feel disposed to send them, free of charge, save drayage. The books of Walker, Bryson A Co., aro in the hands of Mr. Rees, who alone, except myself is authorized to settle them. Tho books of account, notes, Ac., of G. Walker A Son, will bo in his hands also for settlement. I hope those indebted to eith er of tho above firms will make settlements as soon as possible, as I am much in want of the funds duo. G. WALKER. Augusta, July 19th, 1852. jy 21 WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION BUSINESS, AUGUSTA, GA. THE UNDERSIGNED continue W A RE HOUSE AND COM MISSION BUSINESS,at their Fire-Proof Buildings, ou Mclntosh street. Their personal attention is at all times given to business directed to their can*', and they hope to merit a continuance of the patronage extended to them in past years. [TY* LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES made on Produce in store. HEARD A DAVISON. Isaac T. Heard. John Davison. Augusta, August 4th, 1852. d4tc6m aug 4 w ii_i _ 2 FAIRBANK’S PATENT. PLATFORM and Counter SCALES, warranted.— Adapted 1® every required op- | eration of weighing—as Rail road Scales, for Trains or sin flo Curs; Warehouse Seales, dormant and Portable ; Heavy Portable Scales on Wheels for I ** *2- Foundrics, Rolling Mills, Ac.— " Store Seales of all sizes ; Counter Scales, Ac., Ae tor sale by W. A J. NELSON, Agents. aug 26 dfAoly LEWIS’S PATENT FEED CUTTERS. THESE MACHINES will eutcornstalks,shucks, root.H, and any kind of straw, w’th groat ease and effectively. They arc substantially built, not liable to got ®ut of order, or cutting tho operator's fingers, pronounced to bo superior Machines by per sons who have used all other kinds, are the things for saving food. Offered for sale by b. picqOet a son, Opposite the Moehanies’ Burnt, Hack A Duvall, Spring Hill Factory, whore they are made, and W Lewii, l*r«pri«ter,Mamhar(, I. fl. «ly d 0023 NO. MOI. ASSES—IO bbls. Primo Now Crop • just received and for tala by dot 14 8. C. UKBNYILLH & CO. Qlarbs. To Professional and Business Men. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS, DOtex eeeding six lines, will be inserted under this head at the rate of $lO per annum. Cards exceeding six lines, will be charged pro rata per line. EDWARD R. HARDEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ringgold,Walker coun ty, Goodwill attend promptly to the collec tions of claims in Walker, Murray and Whtfiold counties, Georgia, and Hamilton county, Tennes see. Rejferenres,— Graddy A Burfford, Whitman A Young. F. W.Thornton, J. J. Johnson, Ringgold, W. It Statk A Co., P. A Scranton, Col. Jno. Millcdge, Augusta. ly oct 26 B. R. DANIELL. ’ ATTORNEY AT law, Atlanta, Georgia, at ten Is to tho collection of debts and other pro fo sional bu. iness in the Coweta Circuit, and in any of the counties of the Blue Ridge or Cherokee Circuits. Refers to Messrs. J. R. and Wm. M. Dow, Augusta. oct 8 ly J. C. & G. A. SNEAD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, (Law Rango,) Au gusta, Ga. Practice in the Courts of theMid dlo District, and Common Pleas of tbo city. John C. Snead, also practices in tho Courts of Edgefied and Barnwell Districts, S. C. John C. Snead. Garland A. Snead. nug6 ly J AMDS GARDNER, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW, Augusta, Georgia— Office on Mclntosh-st. war 17 LOUIS DELAIGLE, Attorney at law, Augusta, Ga—Will practice in the Middle Circuit of Georgia. Office on Mclntosh street, third door North of tho office of the Constitutionalist A Republic. oct 19 ly JOHNSTON? ATTORNEY AT LAW, Commissioner for N Carolina, and Notary Public. Office over tho store oi Messrs. B. 11. War ren A Co., Granite Row, Jackson street, Augusta, Ga may 9 JOHN D. REILLY. ATTORNEY’ AT LAW, Augusta Ga., will prac tice in the Courts of tho middle District and Common Pleas of Augusta. Office with J. C. AG. A. Snead, over tho Post Office. aug 4 ly T. W. COBB? ATTORNEY AT LAW, Eatonton, Geo., will practice in tho several Counties of Putnam, Jasper, Morgan, Jones, and Baldwin. All business entrusted to his care will be promptly attended to. BC Pt 15 s. tTstrickland, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Franklin, Heard coun- j Referencbs. —W. T. Gould, Augusta, Ga.; D. L. Grimes, Corinth, Ga.; W. W. Gunter, Frank lin, Ga. ly »P 9 JOHN P. WILDE, ATTORNEY at LAW, 37 Gravier-street, New Orleans, La. ly doc 18 T. ALLAN? ATTORNEY AT LAW, Lawrenceville, Gwin nett county, Ga. ly may 6 ~ WM. J. HEAD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bowensville,(Georgia, will give prompt and faithful attention to all business entrusted to his care in the counties of Car roll, Heard, Coweta, Meriwether, Fayette, Henry, and Campbell. tfc mar 2 VZiLLIAM A. REID, ATTORNEY at LAW, Eatenton, Geo. Re fers to Hon. F. 11. Cone, Greensboro.’ sept. 8 ts SHEWMAKE ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Waynesboro, Ga., will practice Law in Copartnership, in Burke county. John T. Shewmake. | W. W. Montgomery. sept 16 ly MARTIN & PARKER, Attorneys at law, Abbeville C. 11., So Ca, J. J. Martin. | W. IL Parker. aug 25 6m JOHN "tTsHEWMAKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ‘Waynesboro’, Georgia, will practice in the counties of Burke, Scri ven, Washington, Montgomery, Tattnall, Emanuel and Richmond. 1 y 1 JONE S* & “STURGE S, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Waynesboro’, Gcok gia. John J. Jones. J. R. Sturges ap 21 JOHN D. DIOMATARI, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Eatonton, Georgia, juno 25 ly "BERRIEN“oc’JONES, ATTORNEYS at LAW—Office, Waynesboro’, Burke county—Will practice in the Middle ! Circuit of Georgia. ly jan 10 Tiios. M. Berrien, | Malcom D. Jones | JAMES C 7 LONGSTREET? ATTORNEY’ AT LAW, Calhoun, Gordon coun ty, Ga., will practice in the several Courts of tbo Cherokee Circuit. Refers to Hon. J. I’. King, Robert F. Poe, Augus ta, Ga.; Richard J. Peters, Esq., Atlanta, Ga.; W. j Aiken. 1 ' G ts jul y 23 L LEDGE _ & ROGERS?' ATTORNEYS at LAW Augusta, Georgia.— Office on Jackson street. John Milledge. A. M. Rogers. aug 7 ______ : HERBERT FIELDER, A TTORNEY’ AT LAW, Cedar Town, Polk coun -2 A ty, Ga., will promptly attend to business in Polk and the adjoining counties of the Blue R:dge and Cherokee Circuits. Refers to Hon. James H. Starke, Griffin, Ga.; Hon. D. J Bivley, Jackson, Ga.; Gen. J. W. Bur ney, Monticello, Ga.; ans Hon. John A. Jones, ... vau Ga. *. Jy fob 12 AYERS’ CHERRY PECTORAL, FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Whoop ing-Cough, Croup, Asthma and Consump tion. TO cure a Cold, with Head ache and Soreness of the i Body, take the Cherry Pecto- >5 <"?) ral on going to bed. and wrap up J : "- 7 J warm, to sweat during the night. / Fora Cold and Cough, take it \ morning, noon, and evening, ac- J'; cording to directions on the bot- r-.-f —y 'v-V' tie, and the difficulty will soon ' be removed. None will long suf fer from this trouble when they and it can be so readily cured. Persons afflicted with fiseated cough, which breaks them of their rest at night, will find, by taking the Cherry Pectoral, ongo ing tombed, the}- may be sure of sound, unbroken sleep, and consequently refreshing rest. Great relief from suffering, and an ultimate cure, is afforded to thou sands who are thus afflicted, by this valuable remedy. From its agreeable effect in these cases, many find themselves unwilling to forego its use when the necos-’ sity for it has ceased. From two eminent Physicians in fayktteville, Tenn., April 16th, 1851. Sir :—Wo have given your Cherry Pectoral an ex tensive trial ia our practice, and find it to surpass every ; other remedy we have for curing affections of the res piratory organs. DBS. DIEMER & HAMPTON. To Singers and Public Speakers this remedy is inval uable, as by its action on the throat and lungs, when taken in small quantities, it removes all hoar?®ness in a few hours, and wonderfully increases the power and flexibility of the voice. Asthma is generally much relieved, and often wholly cured by Cherry Pectoral. But there are some cases so obstinate as to yield entirely to no medicine. Cherry Pectoral will cure them, if they can be cured. Bronchitis, or irritation of the throat and upper por tion of the lungs, may be cured by taking Cherry Pec toral in small and frequent doses. The uncomfortable oppression is soon relieved. Kev. Dr. LANSING, ®f Brooklyn,New York, states:— •T have seen the Cherry Pectoral cure such cases of Asthma and Bronchitis as leads me to believe it can rarely fail to cure those diseases.” For Croup. Give an emetic of antimony, t® be fol lowed by large and frequent doses of the Cherry Pec toral. until it subdues the disease. If taken in season, it will not fail to cure. Wlioepiug Cough may be broken up and soon cured by tho use of Cherry Pectoral. The Influenza is speedily removed by this remedy.— Numereus instances have been noticed where wh®le families were protected from any serious consequences, while their neighbors, without tho Cherry Pectoral, were suffering from the disease. Doct. J. C. Ayer:— Salem,Ohio, 11th Jun® ’sl. I write t® inform you of the truly remarkable effects •f y®ur Cherry Pectoral in this place, and in my own family. One of my daughters was completely cured in three days of a dreadful Whooping Cough, by taking it. Dr. Means, one of our very best physicians freely states that he considers it the best remedy we have for pulmonary diseases, and that he has cured more cases of Croup with it than any other medicine we ever ad ministered. Our clergyman of the Baptist Church says that du ring the run of Influenza here this season, he has seen euros from your medicine, he could scarcely have be lieved without seeing. Yours respectfully, J. D. SINCLAIR, Deputy Postmaster. From the distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Materia Medica, Bowdoin College. I have found the Cherry Pectoral, as its ingredients show, a powerful remedy fer coKh. and conjrltN. and- Bninsvrfblc. Me.. Feb.s. ’47. Parker Cleveland, M. I>. DR. VALENTINE MOTT, The widely celebrated Professor ®f Surgoi’y in tho Medical College. New Y’ork City, says:— “It gives me pleasure t® certify the value and efficacy of "Ayer's Cherry Pt-rtorali 'which I consider peculiar ly adapted to cure diseases of the Throat und Lungs.” Cures of severe di eases upon tho Lungs have been affected by Cherry Pectoral in such extreme cases as warrant the belief that a remedy has at length been found that can be depended on t® cure the Coughs, Colds and Consumption which carry from ®ur raids* thousands every year. It is indeed a medicine t® which the afflicted can l®ok with confidence for relief, aud they should not fail to avail themselves of it. Prepared and sold by James C. Ayer, Practical aud Analytical Chemist, Lowell. Mass. Sold by Haviland. Risley &. Co., and Wm. 11. Tutt, Augusta, Gu.; P. M. Cohen & Co.. Charleston, 8. C.; Hill A Smith, Athens, Ga.; E. C. Jones. Madison ; A. A. Solomons. Savannah ; and by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the South. oct 24 3m THE WINTER IRON WORKS, Montgomery, Alahamn. The largest Iron Works South of Philadelp ta, their average yield being an Engine and Appu rtena arcs weekly. THESE works manufacture to order: STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES, of from 5 to 101) horse power, and of most approved designs, together with BOILERS. SUGAR MILLS, and SAW and GRIST MILL IRONS, of every de scription. HAND’S patent and fully perfected SEMI PORTABLE U RIGHT ami DI RECT ACTING STEAM S\W MILL, with Hovie’s PATENT CONTINUOUS FEED WORKS. COOPER’S direct acting GANG MILL EN GINE and Appurtenances, tho best Mill in use— together with REUBEN RICH’S justly celebrated IRON AV A1 ER W HEEL and IROJi SCROLL—and such other Machinery as is usually made in the large Establishments ot tho North, und upon terms as reasonable. All sales cash, or for approved paper with six months to mature, interest added. DRAWINGS /Vo’mAZicrf without charge. 1 ho superiority of tho work from this Company is well established, and fully warranted. Addrusc : A. WARNER, Secretary, or J. 8. WINTER <t CO . Agents, Montgomery, Ala. Montgomery, {Ala.} August 1, 1852. aug 10 finio NEW SILKS. LI). LALLERSTEDT has just received a • largo assortment of rich Brocade colored SILKS, and a great variety of English and French MERINOS. To which he invites attention. ■ov 24 • Clbirlfjtoii (Al)iirrfisrmrnb._ LUMBER FOR SALE. WHITE PINE. Oak, Ash, Hickory. Porlar. Mahogany, Cherry, Juniper, Black Walnut, and every variety of Northern Lumber. —also — GRIND STONE and ICE, for sale in lote and quantities to suit purchasers. Address . JUHN B. MARTIN, Agent, Charleston Nock Ice House, S. C. oct 24 dt&c ly JSPIRITS TURPENTINE AND PAINTS. \ BARRELS SPTS. TURPENTINE, in fino order, for sale by B. F. SMITH, Corner Washington and Calhoun streets, Charleston, 8. C. B. F. SMITH alflo offers for sale : 3,000 gallons superior LINSEED OIL, at 75 cents per gallon by the cask or barrel. 10,000 pounds superior pure WHITE LEAD, at • dollars per hundred (kegs full weight.) Together wit • a large assortment cf PAINTS; Sperm, Tanners’, Machinery, Neatsfoot, and other OlLS—which he will sell at a lower price for cash than any other establishment in the city ; Doors, Stutters, Blind , and Glazed Sashes, of every size and description, constantly on hand and for sale very low, for cash ; 5,000 lbs. chocolate color, Fire Proof Paint, at S 3 per hundred, in barrels; Tanner's Oil, in beautiful order, at sl2 per barrel. [Xz* AU orders will be promptly attended to. B. F. 3. He also manufactures Camphene and Burning FLUID or GAS SPIRITS, of best quali* ty. ’Present price 62| cents by the barrel. to arrive: 200 barrels superior CEMENT, $1 8® 100 “ “ Plaster 2 25 20 “ K Marble Dust, I 09 A constant supply of tho above will be kept on hand. Drayage to the Railroad only 25 cents per load. (XT* Every customer will bo furnished, free of expense, with a receipt for making Cement Paint oi various colors,-which will bo found useful for cover ng Brick and Stone Walls, Fences and out Buildings. c 6 now 14 GOODS FOR FALL TRADE, 1852. CHARLESTON, 8. C. French, German, Italian and English Goods. BANCROFT, BETTS & MARSHALL- No. 209 fc 211 King-st., (corner of Marks WILL offer for sale, on the first of August, thoir now store, a full and complete assert . ment of SILK GOODS, of their own importa. French and Scotch Do Lainen. Rich Printed Cashmere®. Plain high Colored MuhU DeLaine?. English. German f MerteQg. Icon 5-4 and 6-4 Bl|H|, rd C® Coburgfl. French and Qing baraH. Black and Colored Crapes Paris Kid Gloves. Silk, Cotton and Worsted Hosiery. Dimities and Fringes. Marseille and Counterpane Quilts. Linens and Towelings. Damasksand Linen Sheet ings. Alpaca A Mohair Lustres, Linen Cambric and Linen Cambric Hdkffs. .SO tion, consisting in part of Rich Brocade Dross Silks. Plain and Chameleon do. Plaid and Striped do. Brochc and Fig'd Chame leon Silks. Colored and Bl’k Satin De Chene. Silks. Colored and Black Plain 9 Figured Satins. Plain Black Silk, all widths afid qualities. Colored and Black Silk and Satin Vestings. Black and Colored Velvets. Black and Colored Serges. Paris Mantillas, Visettes, and Shawls. India Silks,Plaid and Plain. Bonnet Taffeta and Satin Ribbons. Millinery Goods. Dress Trimmings and Em broideries. White Goedsand Laces. Embossed Alpacas. —AL! A full and complete assortment of Foreign and Domestic STAPLE GOODS, such as French, German, and Belgian Cloths ; Doeskins, Cassimercs, Vestings, English, French and Ameri can Prints; Ginghams, Jeans, Tweeds, Flannels, Lindseys, Brown and Bleached Cotton Goods. —ALSO— Scotch, English and American Carpete, Rugs, Druggets, Oil Cloths, Curtain Stuffs, House Furn ishing Goods, Ac., Ac. Particular attention will be paid to our SILYC and DRESS Wo intend to embrace in ®ur stock Dress Goods usually wanted by tho countr^^R((B^fcK r * Cur facilities for purchasing Goods, bolhinlTOt9P 0 ant * this country are second to none, and we ly invite the attention of purchasers to as one of the largest and most complete in country, with the assurance that our Goods will be j sold for prompt pay as low as in any market in the United States. july 2 AMERICAN HOTEL. A CARD. Messrs, g. f. Kennedy, of Chester, ana J. M. HURST, formerly ono of the proprie tors of tho Planters’ Hotel, Charleston, have leased tho AMERICAN HOTEL, King street, and would respectfully solicit from their friends and the travelling public, a portion of their patronage.— We pledge urselves that tho guests oi' the Hotel will recei. e accommodation unsurpassed by any in . the city. KENNEDY A HURST, s Charleston, May, 1852. jy 24 AMERICAN IRON FOUNDRY, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. - OSMOND, GRAY A CO., Proprietors. 1 TTAVING completed their arrangements, tho XT Proprietors of tho above tunned Establish ment, are now prepared to execute all orders lor • every description of Castings at tho shortest no tice and in the best manner. TO RAILROAD CO’S. AND CAR BUILDERS. We are prepared to manufacture Chilled Rail road Car and Engine W'heels of every hind, equal to any Wheels manufactured at the Northern and superior to any manufactured at any Southern Foundry, and at prices as lew as any that can be delivered from any other Establishment. Also, all other descriptions of Engine and Car 1 Castings, Warehouse Trucks, also Cast Iron 1 Water Pipes, Waler Wheels, Columns. Lamp Posts, Cemetry and other Railings, Bridge Bolts i of every description, Pullies, Shafting and Hang ers of all kinds. ■ Particular attention paid to tho manufacture 0f... Frogs, Urvitches, etc etc. TO MILLERS AND MILL OWNERS. Mill and Gin Gearing, of every description, furnished of the best materials and workmanship at the lowest prices TO PLANTERS. Particular attention paid to the manufacture ot j PLOUGHS and PLOUGH CASTINGS,of all kinds, ! having purchased tho patterns of the lato firm of Taliaferro & Torbett, a supply will be constantly ou hand, Tho proprietors of tho ‘• Ameriran Iron Foun dry, being practical Mechanics, and having the eg lishment under thoir own special superintendence and employing none but the best workmen, confi dently assert that they can manufacture all do scriptions of Castings and Car work, equal in qual ty, and at as low prices ns can bo furnished bv any other establishment North or South. They hope, therefore, by strict attention to business and punc tuality iu fulfilling their contracts, to merit the pat ronage and encouragement of Southern Railroad Companies, aud all other parties who may require Castings, or Car Work done cheaply and expedi tiously. OSMOND, GRAY & CO. Augusta, Ga. We aro enabled to refer to the following named. gentlemen: Hon. John P. King, PresidontGoo. Railroad. F. C. Arms, Esq., Sup’t, Georgia Railroad. Wm. Harden, Esq., Sup’t. Motive Pewer. Hon. Wm. E. Dearing, Augusta. Wm. K. Kitchen, “ Hugh O’Neil. “ Wm. 11. Goedrich, “ Wm. Baldwin, Sup’t. Motive Pewer, W. <fc A. R, Atlanta. Richard Peters, Atlanta. George Robinson, Hamburg, S. C. G. T. Oglesby, Gin Manufacturer, Augusta. 18 _ 6mos dAe S. T. Combs, I E. T. Pentecost, " Augusta. | Charleston. COMBS Sc CO’S. Northern, Southern and Western Express, f'ROM CHARLESTON TO NEW YORK, and the cities of tho North. From Charleston to Columbia, Augusto, Athens, Atlanta, Rome, Chattanooga, Macon, Columbus, West Point, Montgomery, Ala., and all tho Villages en route, and connecting with Railroad by Stages. We have boon in operation over ono year, and aro doing business systematically. Boxes. Balos, Pkgs, and Parcels, can be forward ed with despatch to all the above places. Always mark '■ For Comb’s & Co’s Express. OFFICES AND ADDRESS: Combs A Co., 183 Meeting street, Charleston. Combs A Co., Cor. Jackson and Ellis streets, Au. gusta. E. Parsons, Agent, Atlanta. W in. Bradfield, Agent, LaGrange. J. R. Roberts, Agent, Weat Point. W. 0. Hutchinson, Montgomery. se>t< Let the Aft licted rejoice aud the Despairing hope THE REMEDY IS FOUND AT LAST. © rpUTT’S PECTORAL ELIXIR is ono of the A most certain and most pleasant Remedies over olTercd to tho Public. Its soothing, healing and strengthening virtues diffuse themselves so gen erally throughout the human Lungs, that it is im possible for Pneumonia, Croup, Bronchitis, Pleu risy, Asthma, Whooping Ceugh, Hoarseness, Difii cult Breathing, Pain ir Itho Side, or Consumption, te withstand its power. Its effects upon tho Dopu ratory Organs are so prompt that Nature is enabled to throw off all unhealthy or impure agencies that tend to disease the delicate substance of the Lungs From the hundreds of euros that aro almost dai ly reported, it would bo impossible for tho most incredulous to doubt for a moment. Many wh* have suffered for years with diseases es the Re spiratory Organs have boon cured by it, and aro Bounding its praises abroad. Tho PECTORAL ELIXIR is prepared from vegetable substances alone, and its use for years would tend to strengthen the system, and not like most other Medicines, weaken it. It is now being used by some ol tho most eminent Physicians in tho country, and bv many is considered an infalli ble remedy in CROUP. Parente who have young children, should keep a bottle at all times, as a single dose will remove any case es this distressing disease, if given at the sot. Prepared in Augusta, Ga., and for sale by W. H. A J. TURPIN, | Augusta W. 11. TUTT, ) Augusta. WM. ROOT, Marietta. THOB. 8. DENNEY, Atlanta. B. F. TUTT, Agent for Tennessee, •ct 5 d&oly $35 REWARD. RANA WAY from tho subscriber, near X® Waukuban P. 0., Jefferson county, Florida, ou or about tho 20th of Juno, 1852. a Negro man named BILL, about thirty-fivo years of ago, quite black, 5 feet 8 or 10 inohoa high, will weigh about 160 lbs., is slow spoken, and it is said writes a middling good hand. He was raised in tho State of Virginia, and is possibly making bis way there. And a WOMAN, about twenty-five years old, very stout, 5 foot, 6 or 8 inches high, blaek, and has several soars on ono of her wrists and arm, caused by white swelling; was raised in Edgefield District, 8. C. I will pay to any ono who willlodga them in any safe jail so that I got them, Twenty five Dollars for tho man, and Ten for tho woman. aug 6 ts OLIVER HEARN. rriAKKANT'S PREPARATIONS— T»r sale by I A dee 18 WM. H. TUTT, Druggist