Weekly Georgia constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, March 02, 1853, Image 4

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pnrtrq. The Uuknnxvn World. There i< a world wo have not seen. And time can ne’er that world destroy. Where mortal footsteps hath not been. No ear hath caught its sounds of joy. There is a region lovelier far, Than sasrc* know or poets sing Brighter than summer beauties are. And softer than the tints of spring I Thuro is a world with blessings blest. j Foyond what prophet's o’er foretold. 2* or might the tongue of angel guest ► A picture of that world unfold. It is all holy and serene' The land of glory and repose ’ No darkness dims the radiant scene — Nor sorrow's tear within it flows. It is not fann’d by summer s gale. Tis not refreshtxi by vernal showers. It never needs the moonbeams pale, Not there are known the evening hours. No. no! this world is over light With ainre radiance nil its own; The streams of uncreated light Flow round from the eternal throne. There, forms that mortals may not see, Too glorious for the eve to trace, And clad in peerless majesty, Move around with ulaltered grace. In vain tho philosophic eye May seek to view tho fair abode, Or find it in the curtained sky— It is tho dwelling place of God ! i % i . . ■-- --■ jUisrtllautaus. Innocent Flirtations. This is tt very common phrase for a very common folly, practiced by selt-conceited and . thoughtless girts. A sensible writer says : Ah ! dear ladies, beware the mimicry of love. | In man it is never innocent, and in you it is al- i ways dangerous—much more dangerous to your- , selves than to those on whom you cast your nets. Besides, what pleasure or profit can there be in making an impression on every trifler’s sanev—we cannot say heart, for they have none —or in listening to every flatterer’s vows Wherever there is flatter,', there is a fool in the case. It the flatterer is discovered, it falls to bis share; if he be not, to her whom he deludes. We have no very great respect for those who stoop, to every prize. A picture i« often so diawn that its ey es are fixed on those ot every one who looks at it, the lady whose eyes, like the pic ture, are turned to all, is as heartless as the pic ture, ' Soma looks there are so holy, They seem but given, they seem but given, AS shining beacons solely. To tight to heaven, to light to heaven While naw-Oh 1 ne'er believe them— With te np'ing rsy. with tempting ray, Wouli lead us (God forgive them') Th? Ollier way, the other way." •* Innocent flirtation,’ - we fear, often lead - ‘the other way. - ’ They seem, indeed, but too com monly a return to the old Egyptian mode of worship, when divine honors were paid to apes. There is a great mistake in supposing that the mfiuenceof woman is extended in this way; every “innocon flirtation” that is indulged in has a tendency to deteriorate the feminine character. Lord Byron, no mean judge of female character, no inexperienced hand in female wiles, thus writes of these innocent flirtations . "Your cold coquette, who can’t say ’No,’ And won t say ‘Yes,’ and keeps you on and offing. On a lee shore, till it begins to blow— Then «ees your heart wrecked with an inward •ooffing, Tai’ works a world of sentimental woe, And sends new Werters yearly to their coffin ; But yet is merely innocent flirtation. [IV. K. Organ. Female Heroism—“ One day,” said ns.' being a Buzzenden, I peteeived a young soldier belonging to the light artillery, whose horse had just been wounded by a lance. The •young man who appeared quite a child, defended himself desperately, as several bodies ot the ene my lying around could testify. I despatched an officer with some men to his assistance, but arrived too late. Although this action had ta ken place on the borders of the wood, and in front of the bridge, this artillery had alone with stood the attack of a small troop of Cossacks and Bavarians, whom the officer and men I had des patched to put to flight. His body’ was covered with wounds, inflicted by shots, lances and swords. There were at least thirty. And so yon know, Madame, what the young man was?” aaia Massena, turning to me. A woman.” “ Yes, a naan, and a handsome woman, too ! al though she was so covered with blood, that it was difficult to judge of her beauty. She had followed her lover to the army. The latter was a captain of artillery; she never left him; and i when he was killed, defended, like a lion, the remains of him she loved. She yvas a native of i Paris, her name was Louis Belletz, and she was the daughter of a fringemaker, in the Rue de Petit Lion.— Memoirs of the. Duchess Mruntes. Terba-Culture.—Here’s a new invention that is attracting the attention of Eastern agri culturists. It is a discovery of a principle of natural law in vegetation, by Mr. Russell Corn stock, Mabbettsville, Dutchess County, New York. By the terra-culture all kinds of trees, forest, fruit and ornamental, flourish ; peach trees from fifty to a hundred years old, partially decayed and barren, are restored to a healthy and thrifty condition, as when young, in a single season, so as to produce the most abundant and finest fruit. j The same results are produced upon all fruit trees, and, what seems scarcely less remarkable, I . "wears that the precise age of trees are ascer- | tained and determined by Mr. Comstock's the- ■ ory. The terra-culture has been applied to all kinds ot garden vegetables, plants, fruits and shrubbe ry, as also to al! kinds of crops, with wonderful success. We cannot go into details of what ex periments have proved. Crops of grain and ve getables are, at a great-saving of labor, more than I doubled by terra-culture. One experiment shows I tee production of 135 bushels of shelled corn to I the acre, and another the production of 1000 I bushels Mercer potatoes to the acre. It is also ; shown that the great crops which have com manded premiums at the agricultural fairs, have been produced accidentally by terra-culture. A Terra-Culture Convention is proposed, to I beheld at Rochester in March next, of delegates I from the Agricultural Societies of New York, to consult on the means of making the discovery | public. What next ? Where's guano ’ Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, with her hus- ‘ band, Dr. Stowe, and some other members of | their family, proceed direct to Scotland by the steamship Glasgow, which sails from New York on the 26tb of March. Charleston -T-"--' - - AMERICAN HOTEL. A CARD. YTESSRS. G. F. KENMEDY, of Cheater, ana J. M. HURST, formerly one of the proprio tori of the Planter:-’ Hot-1, Charleston, nave footed the AMERICAN HOTEL, Kingatreet, and ; would reape .ifuHy solicit from their friends and the i travelling public, a portion of their patronage.— ' We plfcdzr nnelves that the guests of the Hotel • will recei .o accommodation unanrpassed by any in the city, KENNEDY <fc HURST. • Charleston, May, 1352. jy 24 WARDLAW“S, WALKER; EACT9RS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS | NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. W. A. Wakdlaw. G. Walkrr. I jaly 20 fimow DRY GOODS FOR I W. G. BANCROFT & CO.. 253 KING STREET, CHARLESTON. 8. C. VITE HAVE in comformity with the spirit of the VV times adopted in our business the system of low tariff and prices, and offer to the city and country retail and wholesale trade, every va riety of goods in onr line. PRINTS, MUSLINS, i SILKS, BOMBAZINS, SHAWLS, LINENS, CLOAKS. CASSIMERS. DRESS GOODS of ail kinds—GLOVES, HOSIERY, Ac. Ac. Weshallbo constantly receiving tho latest and most fashionable styles of goods, and it is our de termination that our stock in point of srylo and shah he unsurpassed ; and in cheapness of prices unequalled by any in the city of Charles ton. We have made this change in our system of business from our preference to tho small but more certain return of the nimble sixpence rather than that of tho slow shilliag, and in the belief that tho public cannot fail to perceive tho advantages it of fers to purchasers, our business will be conducted so m to ensure their entire confidence and wo ap peal directly to their judgment Through ourcon noetion in tbe various markets of Europe and of this country, wc possess the ability and the will of offer extraordinary inducements to the consumer, the planter and the merchant. fob 1 4motd<tc LUMBER FOR SALE. WHITE PINE, Oak, Ash, Hickory, Poplar, Mahogany, Cherry, Juniper, Black Walnut, and every variety ol Northern Lumber. —/. LMG— GRIND STONE and ICE, for sale in lots and quantities to suit purchasers. Address: JOHN B. MARTIN, Agent, Charleston Neck Joo House. H. C. oot 24 dfAc Jy BMT" —?1 ' - .■"■ggr ■ : ...£ J - -J— --pnltirnore JUnjfrtisrinrnis. GWYN it REID, (LATE GWYN, REtD te TAYLOR,) IMPOSTSBI AND JOBBERS OF DRY GOODS. TVo. 7 77<r/'9v*r street, Baltimore, Nd. aug 2b Jy HOUSE? YEUUj7. <7>BB At CO., 255 BALTIMORE STREET, UALTIMORK. SILK GOODS, adapted to the wants of the Sou thern States. A stock competing with noy found in the Northern cities, to which the atten tion of Southern Merchants is rnspectfully invited, on terms libera) as elsewhere. ( Baltimore, August J, 1852. dfAcly aug 1 urgis r - ■ i ■■■ bim- PEA NETT'S BITTERS, IV A CERTAIN, Permanent and Pleasant Rem j edy for Dyspepeia, Jaundice, Heartburn, Indi gestion, Liver Complaint, Loss of Appetite, De- j oiliiy, and all diseases arising from a derangement of the Nervous Syatern. The'se Bittors uro very pleasant to the taste, and alingle dose taken after dinner relieves promptly thone distressing feelings, common to Dyspeptics. I For sale by WM H. TUTT. Druggist, 1 jan I<‘ dAolm Hole Agent in Augusta. Jlh’iliiul. TRUTH IS MIGHTY & SHALL PREVAIL. >?-fe X . itil * r DH c. WILLIAMS' PULMONIC BALSAM OF WILD CHKRBY AND WOOD NAPTHA, for th’ cure of Coßgh*, Colds. Hoarseness, Hooping Cough. Croup. Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, Asthma. andCousump- U °lf any one doubta the efficacy of Dr. C Williams’ PULMONIC B ALSVM. by trying one bottle ho will be come fully convinced that' it is tho best and most prompt remedy ever invented for the cure of Coughs, Colds. Hoarseness, Bronchitis. Hooping Cough. Croup. Pneumonia. Asthma,and CONSUMPTION Dr. Wil liams' Compound Pulmonic Balsum ot Wild Cherry and Wood Naptha far surpasses all remedies oter in vented for its safety, promptness, and efficacy, in arres | ting almost instantaneously all diseases of tho Lungs and Throat. TRY IT’ TRY IT!! It is warranted to do you more goodgtliMi any other re medy ; and if its effects do not prove fully satisfaslory, U-’the MONEY WILL BJI RKFCNDKI) . j The many wonderful cures with this valna’de medi cine has effected are truly astonishing. Subjoined are some HOME CERTIFICATES, from gentlemen of high and undoubted character, many of whom are well known throughout the country for their standing and integrity. Proof Upon Proof! Read and be Convinced! CI.MKDTMMN S TK3TIMONT ! I ! Th* following evidence is from the Rev. W. D. F. Saw rie. Presiding Elder of the Methodist Episcocal i Church for the District of North Alabama : I Dr C. Williams—Dear Sir: I take pleasure in giving 1 mv testimony to tho virture of your very excellent “Pulmonic Balsam of Wild Cherry," having used two bottles in my family with decided advantage in every case ; I can recommend it as the best and most pleasant medicine 1 have ever seen. W. I‘. F. SAWRIE. Tuscumbia. March 22. 1549. From the Rev. N. A. Fenland. Minister of the Presby terian Church. Tuscumbia. Alabama: Having used Dr. C. Williams' ‘'Pulmonic Balsam of Wild Cherry and Wood Naptha" for sore throat and hoarseness, 1 freely recommend it as a valuable medi cine in the.*e cases; especially for persons who have contracted these affectionsirum pu^ ic A } ’ P pp ; J. n I^Np Tuscumbia, Aug. 14, 1849. From Rev B. W. Harris, a minister of tho Methodist Eniscop.l Church: CornTtASD. Ala., Feb. 21,1849. Dr. C. William* —Sir: I accidentally got a bottle ot your'Tulmonie Balsam of Wild Cherry.” and have no hesitancy in pronouncing it the best expectorant I have ever used; and I have tried nearly all of the far-famed expectorants of the day. as I have been laboring under ' a nulinouie affection for 9 year.. I received a letter I from my brother-in-law. Iter. James Walis. a few days . since, and he and hie wife both were using the ‘-Pul ' raonic Balsam," and they were delighted with it. His . wife, two weeks before, had lost all hope of recovery, i but was astonishingly improved. Your obediant sor- I rant B.W. HARRIS. From the Principal of tho Female Academy of Tuscum bia, Alabama. Dr. Charles Williams—Dear Sir: Having tested at I different times, the efficacy of your Pulmonic Balsam. 1 I cordially commend it to tho attention and use of | an enlightened public, believing itjto boa most excellent i medicias. ’ I 1 am, very respectfully, your ob t ® erv I Testimony of Professor King, of the Female Academy of Tuscumbia. Alabama: ’ | Dr. Charles William*—My Dear Sir: Permit mo to ’ congratulate vou. upon your success in the discovery I of that (as 1 think) certain remedy for colds, coughs and all diseases of the lungs; I reto<to the Balsam of I Wild Cherry and Wood Naptha. We have used it in our familv.’in cases of whoopiug-eeughand severe colds with perfect success. I have been subject for the last six years to very sever* attacks of Bronchitis, and have never found relief except in tho use of that rnedi cine It gives me pleasure to express to you my entire confldence in the Balsam of Wild Cherry and Wood Naptha, and permit me to wish and hope that your sueccM in its sale may be as great as mine has been in ’ its use. Very respectfnilv, yours, Jcc., 7 K G H.KING. Tuscumbia, Ala.. August 14, 1840. ! ry- Be sure to ask for Dr C Williams’ Pulmonic ' i Balsam of Wild Cherry and Wood Naptha, and let no > ' other be palmed upon you, as your life may depend 5 i upon vour caution in this particular. > I Cautios. —None genuine unless there is a fine i I engraving on the outside, with the sac simile sig -1 i nature of Cjias. Williams, M. D., engraved thereon— ’ also, his name xgd. |he name of the medicine are blown 1 in the glass, thus: „ ► i ‘-Dr. Williams' Compoimp Pplmonio Balsam.’ ’ ' For sale in Augusta by W. H. A J Turpin, wholesale and retail, and are general agents for the same tbrough -1 ’ out the Northern part of Georgia; also by Ilaviiand, - ' Bisly & Co . and Philip A. Moise, and by all tho Drng -1 gist* in the city. and by respectable Druggists generally ' throughout the South and West. [ ! Price, in large bottles. |l, or six bottles for $5 • uov ‘-M dJcoucoSm . | ._____ ■ _ > DR. ROGERS’ LIVERWORT AND TAR, ’ ' A SAFE and certain care for Consumption of the ; jjL Lungs. Spitting of Blood. Coughs, Cold.-. Asthma Pain it; the Side. Bronchitis, Hooping Cough, and all l Pulmonary affections. EXTRACTS FROM 0 BRTIFICATES. ; which ean be seen in full by calling on the Agent and • getting a pamphlet. ' Mr. Adam Harris, assistant Surgeon U. S. Navy Hos pital. New York, says:—Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar ; cured a case of the most distressing Asthma of twenty- ' six years standing. ; (Signed) ADAM HARRIS. Gabriel Whitehead, Esq., of Cincinnati, says:—l had the Consumption, attended with the most distressing Cough, and discharged quarts of blood from the Lungs, and all my friendsand physicians gave me up to die,yet a few bottles of Dr. Rogeis' Liverwort and Tar restored me to perfect health. GABRIEL WHITEHEAD. Sworn to and subscriced this 28th day of November, 1546. Hinrt E. Spencer, Mayor of Cincinnati. Mrs Child (resides on Sixth street, two doors west of Smith, Cincinnati.) says:—l had the pulmonary Con sumption. attended with a most distressing Cough, which reduced me to a mere skeleton, and although un der the care of an able physician (Prof. Harrison.) I continued to grow worse, and gave up all hopes of re covery. At this crisis I was persuaded to try Dr. Ro gers' Liverwort and Tar, which entirely healed my lungs and restored xne to perfect health, by the use of ; a few bottles. I (Signed) ANN CHILD. iDr. William Richards, of Cincinnati, say* : Although it may seem unprofessional. I feel constrained to state that I used Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar in the case of ! Charles Wade, who was quite low with pulmonary Con- I sumption, with the happiest effect, after the usual reme edies had failed. (Signed) WM. RICHARDS, M. D. The following is written from Elizabethtown. Ky. : Your Dr. Rogers' Liverwort and Tar gives great satis faction in this place. Dr. Howard prescribes it, and ! pronounces it one of the best medicines in use. E. H. HAYCRAFT, Druggist. Mr. Meriweather, of Denmark. Tenn., writes;—Dr. i Rogers’ Liverwort and Tar has met with groat success. I A young man of this place, supposed by every one to be in the last stage of Consumption, was entirely cured by Its use. (Signed) DAVID MERIWEATHER. Draggirt. Rev. Henry Wideman, of Patriot, Gallia county, 0., i writes: —Dr. Rogers'Liverwort and Tar has been the means of snatching my wife from a premature grave. I (signed) HENRY WISEMAN. ; Mr. H. E. Drake, Druggist es Xenia, Ohio, states: — i A gentleman of my acquaintance, who was apparently i in the last stage of Consumption, was restored to per ■ feet health by the u»e of Dr. Rogers’ Liverwort and i Tar. The cure was a most extraordinary one. Dr. Wilson,’(an old school physician of high stand ing,) of Patriot, Ohio, writes:—l have been the family physician of Mrs. Wiseman for twelve years, and du ring that time she has suffered with diseased lungs, which finally settled into pulmonary Consumption.— She was entirely cured by tbe use of Dr. Rogers' Liver wort and Tar. H. R. WILSON, M. D It is a positive fact, that wherever Dr. Rogers Syrup ( of Liverwort and Tar has been introduced, it is super j ceding every other Cough Medicine before the public. This is wholly owing to its truly wonderful medicinal virtues. 03 WARNHD IN RHAION! And neglect not that Cough which is daily weakening your constitution, irritating your throat and lungs, and nviting on that dread disease. Consumption, when so soothing and healing a remedy can be obtained as Dr. Rogers’ Syrup of Liverwort and Tar. Beware of Counterfeits and baie Imitations! ! The genuine article is signed Andrew Rogers,on the I engraved wrapper around each bottle. I Price. JI per bottle, or six bottles for $5. Sold whole- I sale and retail by BCOVIL A MEAD, 118 Chartres street. New Orleans, Sole general agents for the States, to whom all orders ; and applications for agencies must be addressed. Sold wholesale and retail, by Haviland, Risley A Co., ■ Augusta, Ga.; Barrett. Carter A Co., do.; William K. 1 Kitchen.de.; D B. Plumb A Co., do.; Haviland, Ifar- I rail A Co., and P M. Cohen A Co. Charleston, S. C. ! dec 16 3mos DR. MUNSON is sotting Teeth on an entirely now plan, uniting the Teeth and gum in a continuous‘•tQ'Jyjjrr and solid mass, and the whole to the plate Ly a Rilicious compound. It is truly beautiful, strong and cleanly. Tosco is to admire. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Public inspoc ; tion invited. Dr. M. owns tho patent for Rich mond county. dfAc oct 2 LYON’S EXTRACT OF PURE JAMAICA GINGER. NOTHING need bo said to command tho atten tion of th* public to this article, when con vinced that it is PURE and unadulterated. Med ical mon, or those seeking a harmloss beverage to destroy tho unwholesome effect' of brackiah and turbid water, can roly upon itt genuine character, and it is also extensively used for culinary pur poses, in flavoring cakes, preserves, Ac. To the afflicted with Dyspepsia, Summer Complaints, Cholera. Nervous Debility, Fovor and Ague, Dizzi ness, general Prostration, Ac., nothing has ever been proscribed with equal effect. Manufactured by E. Thom ka Lyon, Chemist, 161 Broadway, New York. Inquire for LYON’S PURE GINGER. Bold by repute bio Druggists throughout the world. Sold at .Manufacturer’s prices, by D. B. PLUMB A CO., jan 19 dAeoofim August a, Ga. HEANEY’S PATENT DOUBLE POINTED PLOUGH. A SUPPLY of this justly cu- r - ~-wr-- 4 Jebratod Wrought Iron * 1j PLOUGH constantly on and for sale by S. A. VERDE RY, jan 29 dArlm At W. E. Jackson A Co.’s. BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS. CNONG HESS having passed an act authorising d tbe assignment of Bounty Land W ARRANTS, all personshaving said Warrants in tho office of the undersigned, will please call and obtain them apri!2 MILLEDGE A ROGERS WATCHES AND JEWELRY. THE nubucribcr ban on hand, a largo >ih aortmontof lino GOLD and SILVER WATCHHS, Chains,Scala, Ringa, Pinß,Pon tli_J& oils Ao. Aa- —AT.kO— SILVER and PLATED WARE, all ofwhioh h. will soil low forearti. Watohea. Clocks and ffowoTxy repaired, and war ranted. V. A. BRAHE. fob X SHOE 3, BLANKETS, KERSEYS, &.C. O / W W i I’HS- Heavy Brosann, made to order; O,V/’/v7 6,000 Iba. Solo, flarnoea and Band Leather; 10 caeca Heavy Wool Hate; 20 caaea Geo. Plains, 10 balosNo. 1 Oanabargi; 1,000 pieoua Hoary Negro Blankotn. —ALSO— -100 boxea asaortod qual. Tobaoea; 60 boxea Goshen Cheese. Juat received and for aale npon good terms, oot 14 BUFORD, BEALL A CO. Hydraulic cement.—a supply always on hand, and ft>r by 1 fob 22 WM. UAfflfE#, Druggist Rh’bitflL LIVER COMPLAINT, "I AUNDICK. Dyspepsia. Chronic or Nervous Debility, ,1 Disease* of the Kidneys, and all disease* arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach, such as Constipa tion. Inwar I files. Fullueas or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea. Heart-bum Disgust f.»r Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Sinking or Fluttering at the pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head. Hurried amt Diffeult Breathing. Fluttering at the Heart, (poking or Suffo v ding Mentation when in a lyieg position. Dimness of \ ision. »lots or webs before the Sight. Fever and dull pain in the Head, Deficiency or Perspiration. Yellow boss of the Skin and Eves, pain in the Side, Back, Chest. Limbs Ac., Sudden Flushes of the Heart, Burn ing in the Flesh. Constant Imaginings of Evil and great dtfj ression of Spirits, can be elTeetuallv cured bv DR. HOOFLAND’S CKLKBRATKD GRRMAN BITTERS. PRKPARD RY UK. < . M. JAt KNON, At the German Medicine Store, 120 Arch Street, Phil adelphia. I’heir power over the above didßasea ia not excelled —if equalled—by any other preparation in the United States, as the cures attest, iu many cases after skilful physicians had failed These Bitters are worthy the attention of invalids Possessing great virtues in the rectification of diseases • f the Liver and lesser glands, exercising tho most searching powers in w eakness and affections of the di gestive organs, they are withal, sate, certain, and plea sant. RE AD AN DB E CON VINCE l>. From the " foston Bee ’’ Tho editor said. Doc. 22d, Da Hooflamd’s Culrhrathd German Bittrrs for the cure of Liver Complaint. Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, is deservedly one of the most popular medicines of the day. Those Bitters have been used by thousands, and a friend at our elbow says ho has himself received an effectual and perma nont cure of the Liver Complaint from th« use of this remedy. We are convinced that, in the use of these Bitters, the patient constantly gains strenth and vigor —a fact worthy of consideration. They are pleasant in taste, and smell, and can be used by persons with the most delicate stomachs with safety, under any circum stances tVe are speaking from experience, and to the afliictcdweadvi.se their use. ‘ Scott s Weekly.’’ one of the best Literary papers published, said. August 25 “Dr. Hoofland's German Bitters, manufactured by Dr. Jacksou, are now recommended by some of the most prominent members of the Faculty as an article of much efficacy in cases of female weakness. As such is the case, wo would advise all mothers to obtain a bottle, and thus save themselves much sickness. Per sons of debilitated constitutions will find these Bitters advantageous to their health, as we know from expe rience the salutary effect they have upon week sys tems.’* MORE EVIDENCE. The Hon.C. D. Hineline, Mayor of the city of Cam den, N. J., says: "Hoofland's German Bitters, — We have seen many flattering notices of this medicine, and the source from which they came induced us to make inquiry respecting its merits. From inquiry we wore persuaded to use it, nd must say we found It specific in its action upon diseasert of the Liver and digestive organs, and the pow erful influence it exerts upon nervous prostrati'iu in really surprising. It calms and strengthens the nerves, bringing them into a state of repose, making sleep re freshing. ‘■lf this medicine was more generally used, we are satisfied there would bo less sickness, as from the stomach, liver, and nervous system the great majority of real and imaginary diseases emanate. Have them in a healthy condition, and yon can bid defiance to epi demics generally. This extraordinary medicine wo would advise our friends who are at all indisposed, to give atrial —it will recommend itself. It should, in fact.be in every family. No other medicine can pro duce such evidences of merit.” Evidence upon evidence, like the foregoing, from all auctions of the Union the last three years, and the strongest testimony in its favor, is. that there is more of it used in tho practice of tho regular Physicians of Philadelphia, than all other nostrums combined, a fact that can be easily established, and fully proving that a scientific preparation will meet with their quiet appro val when presented even in this form That this medicine will cure Liver Complaint and Dvspepsia, no one can doubt after using it as directed. . It acts specifically upon the stomach an.l Liver; it is preferable to calomel in all billions di eases—the effect is immediate. They can be administered to female or infant with safety and reliable benefit at any time. look whll to thr marks of tub gbnuine. They have tho written signature of CM. JACKSON upon the wrapper, and his name blown in the bottle, u'ithout which they are spurious. k'or sale at the German Medicine Store. 120 Arch St., ! one door below Sixth, Philadelphia: and by respectable dealers generally through the country. PRICES REDUCED, To enable all classes of invalids to enjoy tbe advan tages of their great restorative powers. Single bottle 75 cents. Also for sale by HAVILAND, RISLEY & CO- Augusta, Goo. Wholesale Agents for North Carqlina. Mississippi, and Georgia, HAVILAND, HARRALL A CO.. Charles ton, S. C. «opt 11 eow d&cly Let the Afi Hated rejoioe and the Despairing hope ’ THE REMEDY IS FOUND AT LAST, muTT’S PECTORAL ELIXIR is ono of tho 8 most certain and most pleasant Remedies over 1 offered to tho Public. Its soothing, healing and j strengthening virtues diffuse themselves so gon ■ erally throughout tho human Lungs, that it is im possible for Pneumonia, Croup. Bronchitis, Pleu i risy, Asthma. Whooping Cough, Hoarseness, Diffi ’ c«lt Breathing, Pain ir the Sido, or Consumption, i to withstand its power. Its effects upon tho Dopu ' ratory Organs are so prompt that Nature is enabled ; to throw off all unhealthy or impure agencies that tend to disease tho delicate substance of tho Lungs From the hundreds of cures that aro almost dai ly reported, it would be impossible for tho most incredulous to doubt for a moment. Many who have suffered for years with diseases of tho Re spiratory Organs have been cured by it, and are sounding its praises abroad. Tho PECTORAL ELIXIR is prepared from vegetable substances alone, and its uso for years would tend to strengthen the system, and not like most other Medicines, weaken it. It is now being used by some of tho most eminent Physicians in the country, and by many is considered an infalli ble remedy iu CBQUP. Parents who have young children, should keep a bottle at all times, as a single dose will remove any case of this distressing disease, if given at the on set. Prepared in Augusta, Ga., and for sale by W. 11. & J. TURPIN, ) Au<yu .. ta W. 11. TUTT. j Augusta. WM. ROOT, Marietta. THOS. S. DENNEY, Atlanta. B. F. TUTT, Agent fer Tennessee. oct 5 dJccly JEW DAVID’S HEBREW PLASTER. rpIIE great remedy for Rheumatism, Gout, Pain in | the Side. Hip, Back. Limbs and Joints. Scrofula, King'* Evil, White Swelling, Hard Tumors, Stiff Joints nd all fixed pains whatever. Where this Plaster is applied, pain cannot exist. It has been beneficial in cases of weakness, such as Pain and Weakness in the Stomach, Weak Limbs, Lameness, Affection of the Spine, Female Weakness, Ao. No fe male. subject to pain or weakness in the back or sides, should bo without it. Married ladies, indelicate situa tions, find great relief from constantly wearing this i Plaster. , The application of the Plaster between the Shoulders has been found a certain remedy for Colds, Coughs. Phthisic, and Affections of tbe Lungs in their primary stages. It destroys inflammation by perspiration. The following commendation is from an agent resid ing at Trenton. Tennessee: Trenton, Gibson Co.. Trnn .Nov. 7,1849. Mossrs. Scovn. & Mead —Gentlemen: The Hebrew Plaster is becoming popular in this section. There is a lady in this county, who says she would not be without this Plaster for five hundred dollars a year. She was afflicted for seme time with an enlargement of tho spleen, which gave her a great deal of pain. The swel ling and pain had extended up nearly to the armpit, and occasionally she could scarcely breathe. She was confined for a considerable time, during which she was attended by some of our best physicians, but they gav her no relief. She procured a box of tho Hebrew Plas- j ter, and it relieved her almost immediately, and now she keeps a supply of it on hand constantly. These i facts you are at liberty to use as you think proper— J they are substantially true. Respectfully, yours, &c., JESSE J. WELLS. Beware of Counterfeits and base Imitations. Caution. —The subscribers are tho only general agents iu tho Southern States for the sale of this truly valuable Plaster; and, in order to prevent purchasers being imposed on by a counterfeit article, sold in this citv and elsewhere, forthe genuine they invite partic ular attention to the following marks of the genuine. 1. The genuine is put up in smooth, engine turned bottomed boxes, soldered in. 2. The genuine has the engraved head of Jew David on the directions around the box, with accompanying record of court, to E. Taylor. Rochester. A Iso. take notice, that the genuine has the signature of E. TAYLOR on the steel plate engraved label, on the top of each box —to imitate which, will be prose cuted as forgery. ... The counterfeit is coarsely put up, in imitation of the old labels, and is sold by several dealers in medi cine in this city for the genuine article. Beware of it —it is worthless. SCOVIL& MEAD, 113 Chartresstreet, New Orleans, Sole General Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders must invariably be addressed. B-/ 1 ' For sale in Augusta by Haviland, Risley &. Co., W. K. Kitchen, Barrett, Carter A Ca., I-. B. Plumb A Co., and by one agent in every town in Georgia. jqiy U LYON’S a k k ok r For the Growth and Embellishment of the Hair to Prevent itt Falling Off and Turning Grey. AWARDED tbe highu.it premiums by Iho States of New York, Maryland and Michigan, at their Annual Fairs of IHSI. Tho Kathairon neutralizes tho effect of disease, climate, and old ago, in preserving and restoring tho human Hair oven after a baldness of twenty years; cleanses tho scalp from Scurf and I andruff; will euro tho Nervous Headache, Sonld Head, Erysipelas, Disoasoa of tho Skin, Ac., and is the most desirable TOILET ARTICLE For Ladies or Gentlemen’s use in tho world. Its perfume equals Lubin's Choicest Extracts, and being free from all offensive oil, or coloring proper ties, it gives tho hair that clean, bright, soft, lively appearance, socured by no other preparation. The use of tho Kathairon is adopted by tho first physicians in Europe and America, and has a pat ron ag i and sale unprecedented in tho history of the materia, rnedi.eu. But words aro superfluous, a trial only can attest its real virtues, as millions certify. To be had throughout North and South America, Europe and the Islands of tho Ocean, in largo bottles, for 25 cents E. Thomas Lyon, 161 Broadway, New York. Sold by D. B. PLUMB A CO., jan 19 dAoocflm Augusta, Ga. APERIENT PILLS. DR. A. CUNNINGHAM has, far tho last twenty years, used tho above PILLS, and found them a safe and useful remedy in c< stivo habits, and in those sick hoad-achos, arisingfrom aderangod con dition of tho digestive organs. When taken accord ing to directions, they never fail in assisting to rem edy tho many evils arisingfrom tho abuse of medi cine and improper food. Many of my former patients cont in no to use them, therefore I can safely recommend them to all who may find it necessary to rosort to tho uso ©I medicine. Dr. Win. Tutt is my ngont, of whom they may bo qad, wholesale and retail. d<fce mar 9 n AR RICON’S COLUMBIAN PERFUMERY. —A general assortment of elogant PER FUMERY from the manufacture of A. W. Harri son, of Philadelphia, has just boon received by tho undersigned, containing assortments of Extra Fino Perfumeries for tho Handkerchief, l r ancy Heaps, (unequalled) Hair Dye, Flavoring Extracts, Ac.— Catalogues fnr«inkod purehasors. For sale at low prices by WM.HAJNErt, i fn.n 1& Driigglstand Apotboary, Brond-st. j AND PLASTER. —J Off barrels Land Plaster I .1.-4 just received and for sale low for cash. Ap ply to WM. HAINEH, dec 2J o2ui Druggist, Augusta. JHisfcllancoiis. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMSHIP I S A B E L . WM. ROLLINS, COMMANDER, Between Charleston and Havana, eonneeting with the Pacific Mail Steamship Company' s Line for California. THIS splendid Soa Steamship will hereafter leave CHARLES-^"4- TON for HAVANA, on tho 15th and 30th of each month, and from HAVANAfer CHARLESTON, on the Sth and 22d of each month. Tho ISABEL will connect nt HAVANA with tho li. 8. MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S LINE TO ASPINWALL, AND THE PACIFIC MAIL LINE FROM PANAMA TO CALIFOR NIA AND OREGON. Passengers will be landed at the Railroad Wharf at Aspinwall FREE. Transit of tho Isthmus at the Passengers Expense. The ISABEL will iU.«° connect nt Havana with 11. S.MAIL STEAM COMPANY’S LINE TO NEW-ORLEANS. T 1 Tickets for Key Wont, Havana, Now-QrJeanS. Aspinwall and San I raucisco, can ho had bv av- Plyingto , MORDKCAI A CO. , ”0 East Bay, Charleston, Sfi Through Tickets for the Isabel to Charleston via Havana can be had from the Comnanv's Agents at tho points named above. 1 J _J an 18 die 10 SOUTH CAROLINA JOCKEY CLUB. — THU following Sweep stakes have been open ed by this Club for Fubru ary, 1854, to bo run over tho Washington Course in Charleston. S. C . and known ns the ’ HUTCHINSON STAKES. Sweepstakes for three years, two mil© heats— s2so entrance; SSO if declared before Ist Novem ber ; SIOO after that time, to close «.n the first of May. If two or more start, the Club to adj SSOO. Tho race to be run on Wednosday of rat e week Sweepstakes for three year olds, mile heats-—250 entrance; SSO if declared before after that time, to close on tho first of Nay. If two or more start the Club to add S2OO. Tho race to be run on the Friday of race week. Tho nominations to bo made in Char&tnn S c., with e. p. millikenSLc"; fob 13 d£c4 f y ‘ LAFAYETTE COURSE, AUGUSIT"g a .“ The following Sweepstakes £ have boon opened by this Club, for January, 1854, to be run over tho Lafayette Course hi Sweepstakes for three year olds—twojifle heats —entrance $200; SIOO of May. If two or in orb SSOO. The race to be run oa the Tri il. > <>f the race week. Sweepstake* for three year olds—**nilo heats— entrance S2OO ; SIOO forfeit—to close on the first day of May. The race to bo run on the Friday of tho race week. Tho nominations to be addressed to R. D. GLOVER, Augusta, Ga. feb 13 d£c4 SALE, a thorough bred Ayr-SEffSWBj) shire BULL, four years old,/nd in tho highest condition—imported __—-A.*——-JIL from tho Dairy Farm of Lord Corehouse, in Scot land, throe years since. This Bull has been pro nounced by good judges to be superior to any of the Northern importations of this stock. He is sold only to .avoid too close brooding and with a view to another importation. Also for sale, a two year old BULL CALF, from the above Bull, and an excellent COW, of mixed breed. Both these animals took cups at the last Macon Fair. They will be delivered to purchasers at any point on tho Railroads between Kingston and Augusta. Also for sale several BULL CALV’EU. bi If Ayr shire, to bo delivered to purchasers about Ist June next. For particulars address J. T. Howard, King ston, Cass county, Ga. |4<tc2 feb Hl AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. THE undersigned would call tho attention of Merchants and Planters to the extensive * stock of Agricultural TM PI ,K- MENTS, which they keep in connect'on with ' HARDWARE and CUTLERY. Their stock of PLOWS, HARROWS, CULTIVATORS, Corn . SHELLERS, Straw CUTTERS, Grain CRADLES, , Fan MILLS, and all articles in tho Agricultural line, is not equalled in the State. They are pre pared to order, at the shortest notice, the best kinds of HORSEPOWERS, THRESHERS, Smut MACHINES, or any articles in their line of busi ness. They aro also Agents for tho Boston Belting Company, and have now on hand India Rubber Packing HOSE and Machine BELTING. nov 7 c6m CARMICHAEL A BEAN. IRON WORKS FOR SALE. The coopervilli: iron works, located at Cherokee Ford, Broad River, itii. in Union and York Districts, South Carolina, are offered for sale. This is ono of tho most extensive i Iron producing Establishments in tho Southern • States, and is offered on liberal and accommoda t ting terms. The Works and Machinery are very complete, and include ail the facilities fat nrodue- I ing iron of various kinds. Tho ufachHicry is driv | en by water power, obtained by means of a largo dam across the river. Among tho Buildings there aro Hot Blast Bloomery, (3 flies,) Blast Houses, Rolling Mill, Hammer, Nail Factory, Machine Shop, Blacksmith’s Shop, Foundry, Saw Mill, Flour Riill, Store, Store House for Iron, Hotel, Dwelling House, Cottages, Ac. Ac. Tho buildings have lately been put in good repair. Attached to the property there aro various Tracts of Land, located in Spartanburg, Union and York Districts—in all upwards of 10,000 acres. There is an abundant supply of excellent Ore, both red and gray; also, a large quantity of Limestone. There is some fuel on tho Lands, and contracts can bo made with the neighboring farmers for supplies of wood and charcoal. Tho iron made at these works is of superior qual ity. It is very tough and malleable, and is said to be well adapted for RAILROAD LOCOMOTIVE T IRES, nnri will yn!’ f<>v r<, STEEL. ' Connected with tho Works, there is a prime gang ofG5 NEGROES, forty of whom aro able bodied Mechanics and Laborers. The Dam at tho Works, across Broad River, has lately boon good order. The supply of wa ter is good, and with a tight dam, never known to fail in times of greatest drought. Tho Flour Mill is a large Building in excellent order, and could easily bo turned into a Cotton or Woolen Factory. In tho Machine Shop there is a large number of valuable Patterns, and all sorts of Machinery can bo mado at tho Works. The whole property offers to capitalists a most desirable opportunity for advantageous investment. In the hands of a skilful and experienced mana ger the place could not fail to be profitable. If not disposed of previous to the 24th of March next, tbe property will then be offered for sale at Public Auction, at the Works. Partioulars will bo given in a future advertisement. The Charter of the Company, with the right to keep the Dim, granted by the Legislature, will also bo disposed of. For terms. Ac., apply to WILLIAM B. HERIOf, 4 Broad-st. fob 13 dAel Charleston,S. C. RAIL ROAD HOTEL. AT BLACKVILLE, S. C. THE subscriber having taken charge of tho Hotel at Blackville, formerly kept by ... : i. Captain John D. Baxley, begs leave to inform tho Traveling Public, that they can be accommodated either going to or from Charleston or Augusta. Passengers by the night trains can also find com fortable lodgings at this house. The rooms are largo open, and airy. The table will bo supplied with tho best the market affords, and no pains | spared to make every one comfortable who may I patronize the house, either by the day or week, j The Stables are well supplied with provender, i and largo lots on tho promises for the accommoda- I t-ion of Drovers. J. B. CARN, jan 26 «6 VALUABLE PINE ANITcOTTON LANDS FOR SALE. rriHE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale a large JL quantity of valuable PINE LANDS, ly-3u ing in Lincoln county, embracing several thousand acres, known as the Curry Survey, situated ; or 6 miles South-east from tho town of LinQoi'Mon, and about equal distance from Savannah and Little Rivers. Said body of land contains a large quantity of valuable Pine Timber and a considerable portion of good COTTON LANDS of Black Jack and Post Oak growth. Said, lands will bo sold privately by tho subscriber upon liberal terms to suit purchasers, both as to prices and payments. Tho premises afford a convenient location for a Plantation and a Steam Saw Mill, there being a great deal of first rate Pino Timber, and a g'od market for Umber in tho surrounding counties. Apply to the subscriber at Lincolnton, G : FRANCIS F. FLEMING, Agent for William Curry. CCz” Chronicle A Sentinel please copy four times and forward account. 4c LAND FOiTSALE. For SALE, a tract of LAND in Sariven county, containing throe hundred acre®, more or less, extending across the Middle Ground Road, adjoining lands of John M. Lucas, Sheppard, Falligant and White, about 46 miles from Savan nah. This Land is said to be good .’and. and is well timbered. For terms 8-ppJ.y I- llnuter, Exocutor f ’-i feb 5 c 5 __ LEVI CHOICE ROSES. f " THE subscriber would bring to tho nv tioeof tho amateur of Roses, that has now on hand, and for sale, an extut* wive assortment of ROSES, CAMELIA JAPONI CAS, ORANGE and LEMON TREES ; al|u Iroen Houso PLANTS, and FRUIT TREES, xuch as choice Peaches, Nectarines, Apricots, S(d shell Almonds, Plums, Cherries, Pears, Ac. Ac. All of which he will sell as low as any N irsory man at the North, South, or elsewhere. All orders from tho country promptly altended to, and delivered at tho Railroad Depot, in good condition, or as othorwi.se directed. „ , I'- A. MAUd'J, Murbury street, near the Cotton Facto i<>s __ do J. 7 .. .. . " , th.tc3m_ __ Ar.ja. ...J; a A TEACHER WANTED, TO TAK E charge oftho Indian Grovo Aeidomy. Tho School will bo small, but a Ba | ar , of throe hundred dollars will ho pnid, oxclnsirc t? tho tuition, to any gentleman ofgood moral char-Mor capable of teaching all tho English -brat •he’ Hoard can bo had nt $7 por month, and tho saoi-’ tion is very healthy. Address D. F. BAILEY, Four Milo P.O 8 C fob 20 o 5 PARTNERSHIP. THE ENHEKSIGYED who have long been eonneotod with tho CARRIAGE 8uX,.., of the Into U.S. Iloadly, havo this day formed ft Partnership under tho stylo and firm of Vip,,,, & ; Daurow, for continuing tho business at the samo G. N. WYMAN 1V , , , J J-DARROW. IV o Imvo on hand nnd aro receiving, an a«,-ori- 1 raentof Carriages, Rookaways, Buggies, Harness and Trunks. * Orders received for building vnrious stylos of vo ' hiolos. Wo respectfully solicit n shnro of patr/m- 1 ««''• WYMAN & DARllow , Oot 1. 3tdc6m. 1 _ . ; BRICK WORK AND PLASTERING ' THE SUBSCRIBER, having located him.Uf near tho Double Wells, Warren county f for the purpose of doing BRICK or STONE WORK * " rid Mastering androugii- CASTING, any persons wishing such work <1,,,,.. f KteM ■ WR.LIAM J. GEE ’ GARDEN SEED, WARRANTED CROP A » I)LI. ASSORTMBIMT received and for'asm J* wholesale and retail, by fi J Iq Joo« »«U1 WM. HAINMg 1 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will bo sold, by an order of tho Court of Ordinary, of Warren county, at tho Court Houso door in Warrenton, on the Ist Tuesday in APRIL next, Tho NEGROES belonging to tho estate of Juno Landrum, deceased, to-wit: a Woman and Child ren- Sold for the benefit of tho heirs and creditors of said deceased. feb 19 JOEL LANDRI’M, Adm r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will bo sold, before tho Court House door in Waynesboro, Burke county, on tho Ist Tuesday in APRIL next, between tho usual hours of sale, bv virture of an order from tho honorable Court of Ordinary for said county, Tho following NEGRO SLAVES, to-wit: Penny, a woman ; Nancy, n woman and her child ; and Nathan. Sold ns tho property of the estate of Ralph Penrow, deceased, for the purpose of divi sion among the heirs. Terms on day. Purchasers to pay for titles. JOHN P. ALLEN, Amd'r., feb 16 Do bon, non. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will bo sold, on tho Ist Tuesday in APRIL next, before the Court Houso door in Waynesboro, Burke county, between tho usual hours of sale, under an order from tbe Court of Ordinary for said county, A tract of LAND, situate, lying and being in said county, containing 584 acres, more or loss, through which the Augusta and Waynesboro Rail road runs, adjoining lands of John C. Poythress, Catherine Shepard and John Landing, and Big Buck Head Crook, tho lower lino being bounded by Little Buck Head Creek : sold as the property oftho estate of William Brinson, deceased, for tho benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms on tho day. Purchaser to pay for titles. SIMEON BRINSON, fob 10 Surviving Administrator. ADMINISTRATRIX SALE- On tho Ist Tuesday in APRIL next, will be sold, at Appling,Columbia county, within the legal hours of sale, Tho NEGROES belonging to tho estate of Heze kiah Young, deceased, of said county. Sold under an order oftho Ordinary of said county, for tho be nefit of the heirs. fob 10 ELIZABETH YOUNG, Adm’x._ ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will be sold, on the first Tuesday in MAY next, before tho Court House door, in Sylvania, Scriven county, between the usual hours of sate, agree ably to an order of tho Court of Ordinary, of said county, A tract or parcel of LAND, situate, lying and beingiu thocounty aforesaid, containing one hun dred acres more or less, adiffining lands of Levi 11. Elijah T. HobbVua and otr era; cold as the fSopcrly belonging to tho estate of Abraham Bost, deceased. feb 15 LEVI H. BEST, Adm’r, I'cgiil Matra. NOTICK. —All persons having demands against the estite of ELIZABETH BEALL, late of the county of Columbia, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment; and all persons having demands against said deceased, will present them within the time prescribed by law. feb 16 THOMAS E. BEALL, Ex’r. IVTOTICE—Is hereby given that 1 shall apply to li the Court of Ordinary, of Walton county, at its April Term, 1853, for leave to sell a Negro nam ed DANIEL, belonging to the Estate of Matthew I Gallaway, deceased, according to tho requirements of the last will of said Matthew, deceased. THOMAS GALLAWAY, > jan 21 Adm’r. with tho Will annexed. *|V| OTICE. All persons indebted to the estate of . \ANCY BRINSON, late of Burke county, j deceased, arc requested to make immediate pay ment ; and those having demands are requested to render them in within tho time required by law. feb 10 SIMEON BRINSON, Adm’r. TVTOTICTL—AII persons indebted to tho Estate of Lemuel Daughtery, late of Scriven county, deceased, are hereby requested to make immediate ‘ payment; and all persons having demands against t said deceased, are requested to present them in f terms of the law, to i AUGUSTUS DAUGHTERY, Adm’r. , jan 15 1 -|\TOTICE. —All persona indebted to the Estate 11 of Benjamin Daughtery, late of Scriven coun ty, deceased, aro hereby requested to make imme diate payment; and all persons having demands ‘ against said deceased, are requested to present ’ them in terms of the law. to r AUGUSTUS DAUGHTERY, Adm’r. jan 15 - IVTOTJU JE. —All persons indebted to the Estate IN of Sheldon Daughtery, late of Scriven coun ty, deceased, arc hereby requested to make imme diate payment; and all persona having demands 0 against said deceased, are requested to present e them in terms of the law. to 1 AUGUSTUS DAUGHTERY, Adm’r. jan 15 ]\TOTiCE. —All persons indebted to the Estate IN of Samuel Seegar, late of Burke county, de a ceased, are requested to make immediate payment, e and those having demands will render them in duly attested within the time prescribed by law. j jan 13 JOHN P. ALLEN, Adm’r. NOTICE. —Ail Pisons in<b.’biwd to the Estate of Carolus Lightfoot, late of Burke county, s deceased, are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having demands will render them s in duly attested within tho time prescribed by law. r janl3 ARCILY LIGHTFOOT, AdnPr. ■’ IyToTICE. —AH persons indebted to tho estate IN of James S. Burt, late of Walton county, de ’ ceased, are requested to make immediate payment; 1 and those having demands against said estate, s will present them duly authenticated in terms of tho law. THOMAS GALLAWAY, Adm’r. J j£ b _l ß ] TYTOTICE. —All persons having demands against j I M ISA AC. M MOR.*. ’ !C. Into of Xcuqolu ccnAity,: Ga., daceflrod, arcTßTeljy notified to pro r sem them, properly attested, to me, within tbe ’ time prescribed by law ; and all persons indebted to Wiid deceased, are hereby required to make im s mediate payment. FRANCIS F. FLEMING, feb 12 Adm’r. } fIVTOTICJE. —All persons having demands against IN the estate of Joseph Grifiin, late of Burke L county, deceased, will present them properly at ' tested, and those indebted to said estate will make payment to GEORGE W.GRIFFIN, Adm’r. : jan 25 * c 6 : Itta nf Sminfafnitinn. GEORGIA. WARREN COUNTV. —Whereas, WIL LIAM GIBSON, and HENRY WYNN, applies to ' me for Letters us Administration, on the Estate of i THOMAS WYNN, late of said county, deceased : These are. therefore, to cite and admonish, all and > singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to ) be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, in Warrenton. Feb ruary 17,1»53. ’ ARDEN R. MERSIION. Ordinary. feb 19 JCetta nf GEOi: (; I A, SCRIVEN COUNTY.- W herea -. WILLIAM 11. WILDER, will apply to the Court of Ordinary, of said county, for Letters us Guardianship of the person and property ofREBECCAH ANNA WHITE, orphan child of HENRY WHITE, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all con cerned, to file their objections, if any they have, in my office within the the time prescribed by law ; oth erwise said letterswill be granted the said applicant. Given under my hand, at office, inSylvania, this 10th day of February, 1853. ft b 15 ’ ALEXANDER KEMP. Onlimi-y. Georgia, burke county .-whereas, asa pen how. applies for Letters of Guardianship, ’fer LOUISA A. DILLARD, minor, under 14 years of age. These are. therefore, to cite and admonish, all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors us said minor, to be and appear before the Court of Ordinary, on the first Monday in March next, and show cause, (if any they have.) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office iu Waynesboro’, this 2d day of February. 1853. feb 4 EDWARD GARLICK, Ordinary B. C. GEORGIA. SCRIVEN COUNTY.—Whereas, MILLARD, will apply to the Court of Ordinary of said county, for Letters of Guardianship of the property of LAURA, JAMES, THEODORE, JASPER and LUCY MALLARD, children of the said MAL- LARD: These are. therefore, to cite and admonish, all con cerned, to fife their objections, if any they have, in my office, within the time prescribed by law; other wise said fetters will be granted the applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this 22d day of December, 1852. dec 30 ALEX. KEMP, Ordinary. Stawnrq nf (fßuni'MinwJjiji. Georgia, bi rke County -wh-reax. Robert A. ALLEN, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from the Guardianship of JOHN G., SARAH A, JULIA E., PETER B , nnd JOSEPH M. MATTHIB, minor chil dren of PETER MATTHIS, deceased. nr<» therefore, to ''f<‘ nv.’ E- Pl a.i.l sihgixlav. the kindred and creditors of said minors, to bo ftnd appear at my office, on the first Monday in April next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, in Waynesboro, this 8111 day of February, 1853. fob 10 EDWARD GARLICK, Ordinary, b. c. GEORGIA. WARREN COUNTY.—Whereas, JOHN ENGLISH, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said Guardianship'’ of the property ©f MARTHA, ELIZABETH. JAMES, NANCY, and HENRY NORRIS, children of WJJ.LTAM NORRIB, now living. Those are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said minors, to be and appear at my office within tho usual hours prescribed by law, to show cause if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand at Office in Warrenton, Febru ary 2d, 1853. ARDEN it. MERSIION, f c b 4. Ordinary. SI,OOO REWARD. Dr. HUNTER’S celebrated SPECIFIC, for tho cure of Gonorrhoea, Strictures, Gleet, Leu corhoea, and Analogous Complaints of tho Organs of Generation, both Malo and Female. (X/ - Os all remedies yet discovered for tho above Complaints, this is the. most certain. It makes a speedy ami permanent cure without restriction of diet, drink, exposure, or change in application to business. [JV* It is perfectly harmless. Gallons of it might bo taken without injuring tho patient. (HZ” It is not unpleasant to take, and contains no mereury. jXT"It is put up in bottles with full directions, so that persons cure themselves without resort ing to Doctors for advice. [O'* It is approved and recommended by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, London, nnd has thoir certificate enclosed with every bottle. It is prepared by Win. Richardson *t Son, No. 4, Soho, London, and has thoir singnalnro over tho cork of each bottle. None, other is gen- It will invigorate tho system, and complete ly remove and renovate and restore tho Genital Organs to thoir original healthy condition, oven in persons who havo past tho meridian of life. (j'/'ln ordinary cases of Gonorrhoea or Lou conli<mi, one bottle is sufficient Io perform a cer tain cure. Price, sl. (XV” In Gleets or Strictures ol long standing, its continued uso will always cure, and in all diseases of tho Genital Organs it will afferd relief. XT*’ The General Agent for the sale of this in valuable uiodioino in tho Soutnern States is PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist, 195 Broad-st., Augusta. Ga. Aho for sale by D. B Plumb & Co.,* W. JI. A J. Turpin, Augusta; and by J. M. Run«n, Atlauta. fob 6 IWrfi Di’jininnnnj. C' lEOKGIA, WARREN COUNTY.—Whoroa,. WIL- I LIA.M A. RICKERTSON. applies for Letters of Dis mission from Die estate of AARON JACKSON, late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and 1 singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted the applicant. Given underlay hand at office. February 2d, 185*. f. l> I ARDEN R MERMION. Oi iinary. CIBORGIA, BURKB COUNTY.—Whereas, LITTLE- F TON CROSS, Administrator.applies tome for Let ters of Dismission from the Estate of AXEY PIERCE, late of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, al! and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on the Ist Monday in Septem ber, 1853, and show c iuse. if any they have, why Raid • letters should not be granted said applicant. Given under my hand, at office, in Waynesboro, this Btli day of February, 1853. feb 10 EDWARD GARLICK, Ordinary B. c. Ct EORGIA, BURKE COUNTY Whereas, AENON X CROSS ami JOHN T. BROWN. Ex-cutorsof the last Will ami testament of ISAAC CROSS, Hr., late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dis mission from said Estate. These are. therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and friends of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on the first Monday in Sep tember next, ami show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted the applicants. Given under my hand and official tdgnulure, this Bth day of February. 1853. t •. i'. EDWARD GARLICK. Ordinary b c. Z 1 EOR'H A. BI RKE UO! N j . vX CROSS, Administrator, applies to me for Letters es Dismission, from the Estate of ELIZABETH CROSS, late of said county, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular the kindred and creditors es tne said deceas ed. to be and appear at my office, on the first Monday in September, and show cause, If any they have, why said fetters should not be granted the applicant. Given under my hand, at office, in Waynesboro, this Bth day of Eebruary. 1853. , . feb 10 EDWARD GARLICK, Ordinary, B.c. GE OR< 11 A ,'B URKECO UN T Y.—W hen7as7 E1) VV ARD W. LAN E. Administrator, applies to me for Letters , of Dismissionfroni the Estate of MATTHEW 8. BRIN . SON. late of said county, deceased : These are therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on the first Monday in Sep tember, and show cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not bo granted the applicant. Given under my hand, at oilice in Waynesboro, this > Bth day of February. 1853. fob 10 EDWARD GARLICK, Ordinary, i.. c. GEORGIA, BURKE COUNTY.—Whereat ROBERT A. ALLEN, Administrator, applies to me for Let ters of Dismission frt»m the Estate of FETER MAT [ THIS, late of said county, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to ' be and appear at my office, on the first Monday in Stp ‘ tember, and show cause if any they have, why said let -1 ters should be granted the applicant. Given under my hand, at office, in Waynesboro, this Bth day of February, 1853. , feb 10 EDWARD GARLICK, Ordinary, b. c. GEORGIA, BURKE COUNTY.—Whereas, .ENON CROSS. Administrator on the estate of ELIZA- BETH CROSS, deceased, applies for Letters of Dis mission : = These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditorsof said deceased, and f all other persons interested, to be and appear before j the Court of Ordinary, on the first Monday in Ju f ly next, and show cause, (if any they have) why said ’ letters should not be granted. 1 Given under my hand, at office in Waynesboro', this Ist day of January, 1853. Ei WARD GARLICK. Ordinary B. C. 9 EORGIA. SCRIVEN COUNTY.—w"h7rea7, ROBERT t vT W. LOVETT. Jr., will apply to the Court of Or dinary of said county, for Letters Dismissory on the r Estate us JAMES RORERTS,deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all whom 3 it may concern, to be and appear before the Court of Ordinary, to make objections, if any they have, within the time prescribed by law; otherwise said letters will be granted the applicant. C Witness: Alexander Kemp, Ordinary for Scriven 11 county, this 22d day of December, 1852. dec3o ‘ ALEXANDER KEMP, o. 8. c. O Fl EORGI’a?~SCRJVen""COUNTY.—Whcreas. ROIU \_X ERT LOVETT, Jr., Administrator on the Estate of JAMES ROBERTd, deceased, applies to me for Let ters of Dismission from said Estate : C These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and / singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to ’’ be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed ° by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said let it ters should not be granted the applicant. n Given under my band and official signature, this 6th day of December. 1852. dec I’> ALEXANDER KE.MP. Ordinary s.c. Gi.iHUHA. Bl RKE C-'H '.X I Y— Wii.-i.-a,-.. BENJ. T. L. SMITH, Administrator on the estate of 0 AVA TARVER, late of said county, deceased, applies i- for Letters Dismissory from said estate : 3- These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin |s gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear before the Court of Ordinary, to be held on the first Monday in June next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Waynesboro’, this 23d day of November. 1852. q ndv 25 EDWARD GARLICK, Ordinary b. c. 1* rTEORGIA77CRIVEN CoUNTY.—^Whereas. SAM -- VT UEL M. HOWELL, Guardian of CIVILITY ROB ls ERTS. will apply to the Court of Ordinary for Letters jt Dismissory from said Guardianship These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said Civility Rob erts, to be and appear at my ofi.ee within the time pre scribed by law. and shew cause, if any they have, why ;o said Samuel M. Howell should not be dismissed from 7 said Guardianship. Given under my han I. at office in Sylvania, this Ist dav of November, 1552. n £ov 4 ALEXANDER KEMP, Ordinary. 71 EORG IA. SCRIVEN COUNTY.—Whereas. DAVID _ VT B. NEWTON, Administrator o i the Estate of ,c JAMES TUTLE, deceased, applies to me for Letters of », Dismission from said Estate. r . These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and n singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within tho time prescribed r> by law, to show cause, ii any they have, why said let ters should not be granted the applicant. 0 Given under iny hand and ofiicial signature, this 3d , day of November* 1852. nor 7 ALEXANDER KEMP, Ordinary. »’ rSEORGIA, WARREN COUNT WIL r vX LIAM GIBSON, applies to me for Lett < of Dis mission from f <3 Administration ontheEst:. >• >fWIL LIAM JOHNSON, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de< “■•>< 1, to be nt my office, within the time prescribed by laib. u» »bow cause, if awy exist, why said letters should not bo granted. G Given under my hand and seal, this 3d day of No el vember, 1852. novs ARDEN R. MERSHON.Ordinary. GEORGIA. WARREN COUNTY.—Whareas, WIL LIAM GIBSON, applies to me for Letters of Dis mission from the Administration on the Estate of 1 NIMROD NUNN, deceased. 0 These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to e be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this 3d day of No ? Tcmber, 1852. ARDEN R. MERSHON. Ordinary, nov 5 • pIEORGIA, WARREN COTNTyT-WI.-u-.’. •. JAMES VX 11. TODD Executor and Administrator on the es- - tate of JAMES TODD, late of said county, deceased, applies for Letters Dismissory from said estate : o These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and f singular, tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office with the time prescribed by 1 law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letter’s o should not be granted the applicant. d Given under- my hand and special signature, at office 1 in Warrenton, this 7th day of August. 1852. aug 11 ARDEN R. MERSHON. Ordinary. NOTICE. WE, tho Trustees of Bascom Academy, Mill Haven, Scriven county, Georgia, havo se cured the services of Mr. and Mrs. IVES, for the lonsuing year, to take charge of the above Acade my. The scholastic year is divided into two terms of five months each. Tho School will commence on the second Monday in JANUARY. Tho rates j j of tuition aro as follow, viz : i First Class lncluding Spelling, Reading, Writing, and Mental Arithmetic, por term, $7. " Second Class—lncluding Grammar, Gcogra ‘ phy, and Arithmetic, per term, $lO. TuiRD Class—lncluding History, Botany, Phil i osophy, Chemistry Surveying, Modern and An cient Languages, <tc., per term, sls. No deduction of tuition except for sickness. Board may bo had near tho Academy, on rea sonable terms. BENJ. PRESCOTT, Chairman of tho Board, pro tern. W. 11. Nunnally, Secretary. c 6 dec 25 , ; TEACHER WANTED. A SINGLE MAN, capable of preparing boys for the Sophomore Cla s in College, is desired, ‘ to take charge of a small School, in a healthy and pleasant neighborhood, to whom liberal wages will be given. None but a i trictly sober and moral man need apply. For particulars, address, tho subscriber, at Syl van Grove, Jefferson county, Ga. Jan 18 ctf_ WM. D. STONE. CHEROKEE LANDS. PERS ON S living at a distance owning LANDS in the Chcrokeo purchase or Carroll, Heard, or Habersham counties, wishing to sell,can have a fair and liberal offer, by addressing me at the below Post-office, with a full description of tho same. Persons wishing to purchase settlements, or par ticular lots, will find it to their advantage to com municate with me, either personally or by letter, ns I have, considerable quantity of Land, now on hand, and will sell at a small profit. Address (post-paid,) B. J. Wilson, Cedartown, Polk Bounty, Ga. jan 26 ©lO BRICKS, BRICKS. BRICKS forsale. Apply to OvU,vVU 8. L. A 8. G. BASSFORD. julyll d*tc i YOUNG’SI MAMMOTH COKN. ' ’ THIS variety of YELLOW CORN, which is be ginning to attract the attention of our Farm ers, recommends itself on account of its early turity, abundant production , and superior weight. « It is two weeks earlier in maturing than any other S Corn known in our country, and weighs SIXTY-TWO POUNDS PER BUSHEL. It is also known to contain ilofc nutritious mat- - ter than any other variety of Corn. I recently sent a. sample to market, in order to tost its superiority, and was offered fifty por cent, more for it than our common Corn wns comm inding. A few grains of it was first introduced in this country from abroad into West Tennessee, whoro it was found that tbe soil and climate wore admirably adapted to its production. Tho stalk is somewhat larger but about tho usual height oftho common white corn, bearing generally two, and frequently Three Ears on a Stali:. Tho ear is very largo and grain well developed ; with a hard rod cob, which is a sure indication of soundness. This Corn is no Yankee humbug—no wooden nutmeg speculation, but strictly what it purports to bo. An experiment in its production was mado last year in Cass county, by Dr. R. M. Young, who is so well pleased with its superior and prolific yield that ho intends this year to plant his entire crop with it. Tho Corn is neatly put up in sacks holding one pock, and can be had at Two Dollars por sack. Address the subscriber, at Calhoun, Ga., or ap ply to my Agents, at this place. R. B. YOUNG. J. W. Dodd, W. 3. Cothran & Co., Agents, at Romo, Ga. Messrs. Davis, Kolb A Fanning, Agents, at Au gusta. Ga. A. M. Bonson, Agent, nt Hamburg, S. C. L. C. Pnrr, Atlanta. Goo.Platt, Lexington. C. C. Norton, Greonesboro’, J.H. Newton, Athens. C. A- Baldwin, Madison. Gon. Jos. Clarko, Social Circle jan 9 d6AclO BURKE PLANTATION FOR SALE. MRS. BALDWIN, Executrix of Dr. Augustus C. Baldwin, deceased, offers the PLANTA TION »f said deceased for sale. It is a valuable Plantation, situated iu Burke county, near Rober son’s Store, containing one thousand acres, more or less, of fine Oak and Hickory Land, with good Improvements, a nice Dwelling Houso, out-houses, Ao., Ao. Persons wishing to purchase will apply to JOHN J. JONES, June J «ts Waynosbere', fita. fry* NEW LOCATION. M. P. STOVALL, WAREHOUSE COMMISSION MERCHANT, Augusta, Ga., WOULD respectfully inform his old P ft t rona and the public generally, he has leased for a term of yean, the new and extensive Fire-Proof Warehouse, situated on Jack son street, between the RaJ Road Depot and Broad street, neartho Globe Hotel, loimorly occupied by Walker A Bryson, and more reset tly by G. W alkcr <k Bon The location is an excellent on leingconvon- - ient to the Rail Roads, Hotels, Ba «,and chic ’ business houses oftho city. Having every facility for burinosi and tho dispo sition to extend every accommodation to his cus tomers, with a lang acquaintance with tho interests of the planter, he hopes he may havo, not only a continuance, but an increase of the liberal patron age heretofore extended him. Orders for family supplies, Bagging, 4c., prompt ly and carefully filled ac the lowest market prices. July 21st, 1852. rr/” Having transferred the lease on the Ware house lately occupied by us, to M. P. Stovall, in consequence of our removal to Charleston, we take great pleasure in recommending him to our friends. G. WALKER & SON. Augusto, July I. 1812. jy2l DYE~a~ heardT WAREHOUSE &, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Augusta, Ga., WOU LD announce to the’r former pat rons. and the public generally, that they continue the above business at their old stand, Fire-I'roof Warehouse, cast side of Mc- Intosh street, where they solicit a continuance of the patronage so liberally extended heretofore. AH orders for Family supplies, Bagging, Rope, <fcc., will bo promptly filled at tho lowest market prices. DC/*’ liberal Cash Advances mado on Produce in store when required. James M. Dye. | Stephen D. Heard. Augusta, August 5, 1852. ts aug 5 LAMBETH HOPKINS, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION xUERCIiANT, Augusta, Ga. THE UNDERSIGNED begs leave return thanks to the friends and pat roni of the late firm of Adams, Hopkins EflEß9l <fc Co., for their liberal support in past years. The firm of Adams, Hopkins A Co..having bcui dissolved by limitation on the Ist July last, the WARE HOUSE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, (atthe same atani, in the city of Augusta) will bo con tinued by tho undersigned, and he tenders his ser vices to tho cutax>mers of ths old firm and the pub lic. His personal attention will bo given to busi ness confided to bis core. Particular attention paid to tho storage and sale of Cotton, and all other Produce, receiving and forwarding Goods, and purchase of Planters’ sup plies Cash Advances mado on Pro luce in store when required. LAMBETH HOPKINS, aug 5 9moa BUFORD,'BEALL fit CO.'. WAREHOUSE & GROCERY MERCHANTS Augusta, Ga., THANKFUL for tho patronage so libo rally extended to ns, diying tho past season, respectfully inform our friends that we continue the GROCERY BUSINESS, at the same well known stand, and aro constantly receiv ing a largo and well selected stock, adapted to Planters’ trade, embracing Shoes, Domestics, Hats, <tc. Wc also continue tho WARE-HOUSE BUSI NESS at tho same stand, on Campboll street, in the business part of tho city, and convenient to our store. All Cotton consigned to us, will be sold free of commission. Liberal Cash Advances made on Cotton and other Produce in store, when required WM. H. BUFORD, WM. M. BEALL, July 20, 1852. J. W. L. STOVALL. D’ANTIGNAC, EVANS &~CO., ‘ WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Augusta, Ga., C CONTINUE to transact the above d siness in all its branches, at their old stand, tho extensive Fire-Proof Ware house, immediately at tho Georgia Rail Road De pot, where they recoivo Cotton without charge for drayage. Their OEco and Salesroom is in a central posi tion on Broad street, nearly opposite tho Globe Ho tel. Cash Advances made on Cotton in Store. Orders for Bagging, Rope, and other Supplies, promptly filled at the lowest market prices. Wm. M. D'Antiqnao. Gro.W. Etans. Wm. E. Evans. Augusta, August 12, 1852, 6;no aug 25 ROBERTSON & CROCKER, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANTS Augusta, Geo., CONTINUE the above business in all branches, at their old stand, (Fire- Proof,) on Reynold street, where they may bo al ways found, ready to advance tho best interest of their customers. Liberal Cash Advances made on Produce in store, and all orders for Groceries, Bagging, Rope, &c., filled at the lowest market prices. Augusta, August 10, 1852. aug 11 ALLEN ANDERSON, AUCTION AND COMMISSON MERCHANTS, Rome, Ga . I) EFERENCE.—Hon. J. H. Lumpkin, Col. W. L S. Cothran, D. S. Printup, Rome, Ga.; II Vanderzeo, Charleston, 8.C.; Seymour, Ansley Co., Baker & Hart, Augusta; J. P. McMillen, Chat tanooga, Tenn.; Woodgatc & Roome, Now York, sept 24 6mo Gbsbnwood. | Josiah Mennis. | Jno.J. Ridowat GREENWOOD, MORRIS &- RIDGWAY, COTTON FACTORS & COMMISSION MER CHANTS, 47 Carovdalet Street, New Orleans. Refer to B. H. Warren, Esq.; Edw'd. Thomas, Pres’t.; John Craig, Cash’r.; Messrs. T. N. Poullain & Son. Mr. Morris will remain at Montgomery, Ala., and all orders for the purchasing of Cotton or any other business entrusted to our care at that place, will meet with prompt attention. GREENWOOD, MORRIS & RIDGWAY, oct 14 e6mo New Oricaa WASKEURN, WILDER CO.', ’ FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS’ Savannah, G?o. (Jas. Washburn. Jno. R. Wilbur. Fras. G. Danna,) WILL continue tho above business, Bay street, east of the Exchange. Orders for Bagging, Rope, and other supplies filled promptly at lowest ca-sh prices. Refer to Maj. Wm. Sanford, Gen. S. P. Myrick, Baldwin county. M. Dennis, S. B. Marshall, Messrs. Carter & Har vey, Putnam county. A. McAllum, Ira Peck, Twiggs county. Messrs. Blace & Cobb, Messrs. Carter & Harvey, Rome. Major John S. Rowland, Cass county. Savannah, August sth. 1852. 6mo aug 8 WM. W. GARRARD, FACTOR AND COMMISSION iMERCHANT, 82 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. Will give prompt attention to the purchase and sale of Merchandize and COTTON, and to all busi ness entrusted to his eare. 6mo sept 3 SIMPSON & GARDINER, WAREHOUSE Ac COMMIS’N MERCHANTS, Mclntosh-street, Augusta, Get. THE undersigned continue tbe WARE-frorvtx HOUSE and COMMISSION NESS in all its branches, in Judge gaSsS?® Starnes’ Fire-Proof Warehouse, on Mclntosh street, under the name and style of SIMPSON GARDINER. In tendering to our friends, and tho public gen erally, our thanks for the libera! patronage extend ed, we take this method of assuring all, that no effort on our part will be wanting to advance tho interest of those who may confide their business to us. Orders for Bagging, Rope, and Family Supplier, promptly filled attho lowest mart rates. Cash advances mado on Produce Lt Store when required. J. R. SIMPSON, j. T. GARDINER. Augusta, July S, 1852. july 9 W. H. MAHARREY & CO., PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL GAS FlT TEßS.—Dwellings, Churches, Stores, <tc., fit ted up in tho neatest manner. All work warranted Plain and Ornamental FIXTURES for sale. References.—Col. 11. 11. Cumming, President of tho Gas Light Company; and Mr. William Helm. Engineer erecting the Gas Works. ts apr 15 TO FARMERSAND OWNERS OF HORSES. Read the following certificate; Augusta, Ga., Oct. 25th, 1852. This is to certify that one of my Horses has had a Spavin growing on his leg for more than five years, which has been entirely removed and tho Horse perfectly cured by tho use of only one bottle of Collier’s Remedy. I therefore take pleasure in recommending this preparation as a valuable arti cle to owners of Horses, believing it to be all that i it is represented. S D LINTON Collier's Remedy for Horses is u certain and J never failing cure for Lameness, Spavia, Founder, Big Head, Sprains, Saddle Gaik, Old Sores, Swell ed Legs, Ac., iu Horscsi, No Farmer should bo without it. Prepared by Isaac Collier, Barren county, Ky., and for salo in Augusta bv the only agent for ilia State. PHILIP A. MOISE, Dealer in Drugs and Medicines, No. 195, Broad-st. N. 8.-—Price $1 per bottle. oct. 27 BACON! BACON!! AT CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE. THE undersigned having tho agenoy f< r several extensive packers of PORK, including Devine, Williams A Co.’s lots ofsupirior extra cut city stylo, now offers for sale, 490,000 pounds, from tho smoko houso, all from corn fattened Hogs and of largo size, and in lots to suit purchasers. Terms cash or approved Bills. Wo will also, bo in constant receipt during tho season of other lots from East Pennsylvania, and from Cincinnati, St. Louis, Nashville, Ac. All orders for Meat will bo filled direct from smoko houses, and packed in now Bacon casks. jan 25 oil) C. E. GRENVILLE A CO. $lO REWARD. RANAWAY from the subscriber, on Saturday night last, his negro man CATO, about for ty years of ago, and about five foot ton inches high, heavy set, will weigh about 180; limps in nij right log and walks with a stick. Has a SC«V eu ono of his hands, which is not recollected, lie has a wife in Dalton, the property ofMr, 'i'arvei, where ho is, no doubt, rnalung his way. lie is very polite in his manners, and whop spokcu to, is quic l ,; In reply,mid always puts bis hand to his ha.’. Thu above Rowafd will bo paid for his apprehension, and lodgment in jail. ctf J. D. COOK, fob 3 Woodburn, Burke eonnty. 1,000 BOOK AGENTS WANTED, To Sell Pictorial ami Useful Works for the- Frt>r 1851 1,000 DOLLARS A YEAR! WANTED, in every Comity of tho United States, active and enterprising men, to en gage in tho sale of some of tho best Books publish ed in tho country. To men of good address, pos sessing a small capital of from $25 to .$lO9, such inducements will bo offered as to enable them to make from $3 to $5 a day profit. KT” Tho Books published by us aro all useful iu their character, extremely popular, and com mand largo sales wherever they are offered. For farther particulars, address, (postage paid,) ROBERT SEARS, Publisher, 181 William street, Now Yo»k. I janll «4 1 Uuainrss Qlurbs. I To Professional and Business Men FROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS, n-.te,. ceedin, six line., will be inserted undnr till* he id at the rate of $lO per annum. Card, exceeding aix line, will be charged pro rata per line. M. & R. M. JOHNSTON, Attorneys at law, sparta. ga. The undersigned will practice Law in Hancock and tho adjoining countioa and the Supreme Court. Mark Johnston. | R. M. Johnston. fehll Jy R. J. to W. T. MILLICAN, ATTORNEY’S AT LAW, Jefferson, Jaekaon county, Ga., will practice in the Western Cir cuit of Georgia, and also, in tho counties of Madi son and Elbert, oftho Northern Circuit ROBERT J. MILLICAN, WM. T. MILIICAN Jan 2(> jy I). H. SAUNDERS, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Grconahoro, Goergia. 21 jan 5 tly J. C. & G. A. SNEAD, ATTORNEYS at LAW, (Law Itango.) Au gusta, Ga. Practice in tho Courts of tho Mid dlo District, and Common Pleas of the city. John C. Snead, also practices in the Courts of Edgofiod and Barnwoll Districts, S. C. John C. Snkad. Garland A. Snead. aug6 ly Tames Gardner, jr., ATTORNEY AT law, Augusta, Georgia Office en Mclntosh-st. mar 17 LOUIS DELAIGLE,' Attorney at law, Augusta, Ga.—Will practice in tbe Middle Circuit of Georgia. Office on Mclntosh street, third door North of the office of tho Constitutionalist & Republic. vol 19 Jy DAVID S. JOHNSTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Commissioner for N Carolina, and Notar; Public. Office orer the store ol Messrs. B. 11. War. ron <t Co., Granite Row, Jackson street, Augusta, U* may 9 JOHN D. _ REILLYr Al TORNEY AT LAW, Augusta Ga., will prac tice in tho Courts of tho middle District and Common Pleas of Augusta. Office up stairs in Motealfs New Building, third door North of the Constitutionalist<t Rcpublioffice. aug4 ly _ MILLEDGE & ROGERS, ATORNEYS AT LAW Augusta, Georgia.— Office on Jackson street. John Millzdge. A. M. Rogers. aug7 ly "" t. vF’cobb, A TTORNEE AT L.AW, Eatonton, Goo., will jLA. praettec Ifi the xerornl Conatlctl dT Futnini, Jasper, Morgan, Jones, and Baldwin. [Ly- All business entrusted to his care will bo promptly attended to. sept 15 WILLIAM A. REID, * TTORNEY AT LAW. Eatonton, Geo. Rs> 2V furs to Hon. F. 11. Cone, Greensboro.’ sept. 8 ts JONES ’& STURGES “ ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Waynesboro’, Gcotx gia. Jons J. Jonhs. J. R. Stup.gi.s ap2l BERRIEN & JONES, ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW—Office, Waynesboro’, Br.rke county—Will practice iu the Jlidtila Circuit of Georgia. ly jan Ift Thos. M. Bhkrien, | Malcom D. Jonh . SHEWMAKE & MONTGOMERY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Waynesboro, Ga, will practice Law in Copartnership, in Burke , county. John T. Shewmakb. | W. W. Montgomeev I sept 16 ly “EDWARD R.~HARDENr ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ringgold,Walker oom>- ty, Geo.,will attend promptly to thn collec tions of claims in Walker, Murray nnd Whtfield ■ 'ounties, Georgia, and Jlamilton county, Tennoa eo. ■ Refferencrs. — Graddy A Burfford. Whitman <t Young, I'. W.Thornton, J. J. Johnson, Ringgold, W. H Stark & Co., P. A Scranton, Col. Jno. Milledge, Augusta. ly oot 26 . “ B.’R.’DANIELL. r A TTORNEY AT LAW, Atlanta, Georgia, at- 71 tends to the collection of debts and other pro . fessional business in tho Coweta Circuit, and in any . of tho counties of the Blue Ridge or Chcrokeo Circuits. Refers to Messrs. J. R. and Wm. M. Dow, Augusta. oct 8 ly . sTTrSTRICKLAND? ATTORNEY AT LAW, Franklin, Heard coun ty, Ga., will attend promptly to Professional. . Business entrusted to him in all tho counties of 2>« Coweta Circuit. References.—W. T. Gould, Augusto, Gs ; D. L. Grimes, Corinth, Ga.; W. W. Gunter. Frank lin, Ga. ly ap 9 T.*ALLAN,”~’ - * TTORNEY AT LAW, Lawrenceville, Gwin- t Zi. nett county, Ga. ly may 6 ! ATTORNEY AT LAW, Bowensvillo,{Georgia, will giro prompt and faithful attention to aH business entrusted to his care in tbe oounties oi Car roll, Heard, Coweta, Meriwether. Fayette, Henry, and Campbell. tfo mar 2 ’ MARTIN & PARKER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Abbeville C. IL, So Ca, , J. J. Martin. | W. H. Parker. aug 25 6m JAMES C.~I6nGSTREET, * ATTORNEY AT LAW, Calhoun, Gordon coun ty, Ga., will practice in the several Courts of tho Cherokee Circuit. Refers to Hon. J. P King, Robert F. Poo, Augus ta, Ga.; Richard J. Peters, Esq., Atlanta, Go ; W. Aikon, Esq., Cassville, Ga. ts july 23 HERBERT FIELDER. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Cedar Town, Polk coun ty, Ga., will promptly attend to business in Polk and tho aborning counties of tho Blue Ridge and Cherokee Circuits. Refers to Hon. James H. Starke, Griffin, Ga.; Hon. D. J. Bailey, Jackson, Ga.; Gen. J. W. Bur ncy, Monticello, Ga.; and Hon. John A. Jones, Van Wort, Ga. ly fob 12 JOHN T. SHEWMAKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will practice in Btlrke. Jefferson, Washington, and other coiiatios of the Middle District. Office, first floor over J. C. Carmiohael’s Store, Warren Block, Augusta, Ga. ly fob 6 G? A. SNEAD? COMMISSIONER for taking tho acknowledg ment of Deeds, administering Oaths, io., for tho States of Alabama, Florida, jan 28 ly THOMAS L. COOPER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Atlanta, Ga., will at tend to Collecting, and other Professional business, in any of tho neighboring counties. Refers to F. H. Coxb, Greensboro’, ly feb 5 COLLECTING AGENCY. THE UNDERSIGNED will attend to tho COL LECTION OF ACCOUNTS, NOTES, Ao., ot Physicians, Teachers and Merchants, and all others who may favor him with their patronage. LC?“ Office corner of Reynold and Molntoah-SvS.. Augusta, Ga. C. C. TALIAFERRO. nov 21 ts •-t.---.rz?.’ $lO REWARD. I JANAWAY on the 17th ult.. mn Js.»y X& L GUS. He is about 22 or 23 years old, Aul dark color, chunky built, about hi feet high. N—» with no marks recollected. He ranaway some time ago, and was taken up at Macon, where be has a family connection. Tike above reward will be paid for his apprehension and delivery at anv Jail in the State. J. CHEVOUS, feb 2 Imod&c Richmond connty, Ga. $35 REWARD. RAN A WAY from tho subscriber, near A 5 Waukuhan P. 0., Jefferson county, Afi Florida, on or about the 20th of Juno, 1852,_'y—» a Negro man named BILL, about thirty-five years of ago, quite black, 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high, will weigh about 160 lbs., is slow spoken, and it is said writes a middling good hand. He waa raised in the State of Virginia, and is possibly making his wav there. And a WOMAN, about twenty-five year.-, old, very stout, 5 feet, 6 or 8 inches high, black, a*ad has several scars on ono es her wrists and anu , enusod by white swelling; was raisedin District, S. C. I will pay to any one who will lodge, them in any safe jail so that I get them, Twenty five Dollars for the man, and Ten for th<i woman. aug 6 ts OLIVER, HEARN. RANA WAY, FROM the subscriber, living in Augusta, ® on tho 26th ult.. a MULATTO WO MAN, 28 or 30 years old. of modiiim®rtßX height and rather liciky, weighing about 161) pounds (no marks recollootedl. She is perhaps ma king her way Io Charleston, S. C-, where she live! 4or 5 yaars formerly; she was purchased in Ham burg 8. C., from Wm. Spiros. A liberal will be paid for hw app/uhension or lodgment 7b any jail. JE. ROBISON. fob 6 etf SIOO REWARD. I WILL pay tho above reward for the do- Jts livery to mo of my man Boston. When Aa last heard of, ho was at largo, about Mr. T* l , Jefferson Boyd’s, near Poor Robin, in Scriven Vo- Goo., where he has a wife. My address is Four Mile Branch. Barnwell Dis - trict, 8. C. WM. ASHLEY. jan 27 etf RANAWAY, IpROM the subscriber, at Ruckersville, Elbert county, Gorgia, about the last of January, njj boy LAURANA, weighing about 175 pounds, near 5 foot 10 inches high, yellow complexion, with a scar on his nose. Ho may endeavor to r;,ako hi < way back to Bertie county, North Carolina. A liberal Reward will bo paid for his detention in jail so that I get him. LEROY Cla? VELAND. fob 8 c 3 to fhysic.xans; — ANY PHYSICIAN wi'.nig to purchase a fin» location for tho practice in tho midst cf a dense population, ean now nave the opportunity of doing so. Tho practice, is worth from $2,5110 to $3,000 per year—-th j present owner’s books will bo exhib ited if dojjyod. The location referred to is thirty odd ty,itas from Augusta, in ono of tho counties ad imutug Richmond. There aro 534 acres of good PINE LAND in tho tract. There is a good Dwel ling House, and all tho necessary outbuildings con nected with farming operations. Also a fine Spring a littilo way from tho house, and a Well of W ater ia tho yard. If tho paleo bo sfild. there can be bought with it, if desired, Corn, Fodder, Hogs, Cattle, Horses, Furniture, Ac. &c. The present owner wishes to locate in a city or town —thoroforo tho Stand is offered for sale. Terms five dollars per aore. For further particulars apply at this of fice. ts oot 20 P’RESH GARDEN SEED, CROP 1953 - A L second supply of every kind, suited to the sea son, has just boon received, by WM. HAINES, Broad street, Augusta. Country merchants supplied atroasoiiablo prices, fob 5 elm PLANTATION FOR SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER, being desirous of locating in another State, offers for salo his PLAN - TATION in Colombia Connty, about J 5 miles from Augusta. On tho place is a good Dwelling with all necessary outbuildings. There is between six and seven hundred Acres of LAND, adjoining Nathaniel Bailey and Goo. W. Crawford, ono hun dred of which is in wood land. Oak and Hickory. For further partioulare apply ou the promises, or to nov 6 9. A. HILL, B»U Air.