Weekly Georgia constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, July 27, 1853, Image 6

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JHfMcal. HERE IS YOUR REMEDY! HOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT. A MOST MIRACULOUS CURE OF RAO LEGS, AFTER 43 TEAR’S SUFFERING. Extract of a Letter from Mr. William Galpin, of 70, St. Mary’s street, Weymouth, dated May 15th, 1851. To Professor Holloway: Sir —At the age of 18 my wife (who is now 61) caught a violent cold, which settled in her legs, and ever since that time they have been more or less sore, and greatly inflamed. Her agonies were distracting, and for months together she was deprived entirely of rest and sleep.— Every remedy that medical men advised was tried, but without effect; her health suffered severely, and the state of her legs was terrible. I had often read your Advertisements, and advised her to try your Pills and Ointment; and, as a last resource, after every other remedy had proved useless, she consented to do so.— She commenced six weeks ago, and strange to relate, is now in good health. Her legs are painless, without seam or scar, and her sleep sound and undisturbed.— Could you have witnessed the sufferings of my wife during the last 43 years, and contrast them with her present enjoyment of health, you would indeed feel delighted in having been the means of so greatly alle viating the sufferings of a fellow creature. (Signed) WILLIAM GULPIN'. A PERSON 70 TEARS OF AGE CURED OF A BAD LEG, OF THIRTY YEARS’ STANDING. Copy of a Letter from Mr. William Abbs, Builder of Gas Ovens, of Rushcliffe, near Huddersfield, dated May 31st, 1851. To Professor Holloway : Sir — l suffered for a period of thirty years from a bad leg, the result of two or three different accidents at Gas Works; accompanied by scarbutic symptoms. I had recourse to a variety of medical advice, without deriving any benefit, and was even told that the leg must be amputated, yet, in opposition to that opinion your Pills and Ointment have effected a complete;cure in so Bhort a time, that few who had not witnessed it would credit the fact. (Signed) WILLIAM ABBS. The truth of this statement can be verified by Mr. W. P. England, Chemist, 13 Market street, Hudders field. A DREADFUL BAD BREAST CURED IN ONE MONTII. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Frederick Turner, of Penshurst, Kent, dated December 13tli, 1850. To Professor Holloway : Dear Sir —My wife had suffered from Bad Breasts for more than six months, and during the whole period had the best medical attendance, but all to no use. Having before healed an awful wound in my own leg’ by your unrivalled medicine, I determined again to use your Pills and Ointment, and therefore gave them a trial in her case, and fortunate it was I did so, for in less than a month a perfect cure was effected, and the benefit that various other branches of my family have derived from their use is really astonishing. I now strongly recommend them to all my friends. (Signed) FREDERICK TURNER. The Pills should be used conjointly with the Oint ment in most of the following cases: Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Burns, Bunions, Bite of Mos ehetoes and Sand Flies, Coco bay, Chiego-foot, Chil blains, Chapped hands, Corns (Soft.) Cancers, Con tracted and Stiff Joints, Elephantiasis, Fistulas, Gout, Glandular Swellings, Lumbago, Piles, Rheumatism, Scalds, Sore Nipples, Sore-throats, Skin-diseases, Scur vy, Sore-heads, Tumours, Ulcers, Wounds, Yaws. Sold at the Establishment of Professor HOLLO WAY, 244 Strand, (near Temple Bar, London,) and by Messrs. A. B. & D. SANDS. New’York, P. M. CO HEN & CO., Charleston, S. C.,' and W. W. LINCOLN, Savannah. For sale by all the Druggists in Augusta. Hy There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N. B.—Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each Pot. mar 31 dt&cly DR. ROGER’S LIVERWORT & TAR, FOR the complete cure of Coughs, Colds, Influenza. Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, and all oth er Lung Complaints tending to Consumption. LOOK AT ITS UNPARALELLED SUCCESS.' The above distinguished COUGH MEDICINE is carryiug all before it in Lung Complaints. In all sec tions of the country it is constantly performing Cures which astonish even Physicians themselves. Look at the high character and standing of the names which vouch for its unrivalled healing power. 11. Cox, M. D., late Professor in the Medical College at Cincinnati; W. J. Richards, M. D.; Hon. Judge Morse; Hon. Judge Wm. Burke, for more than 20 years Post Mas ter of Cincinnati; R. S. Newton, M. D., Professor in the Medical College at Memphis, Tenn.; John A. Col lins, Esq., Proprietor of the Temp. Organ and General Agent of the Grand Division of the Sons of Temper ance of Ohio; Wm. 11. Levison, Esq., Editor of the U. S. Military and Naval Argus, at N. Y.; Thos.C. Faul der, Esq., of Albany; Rev. 11. Wiseman, Rev. R. Hoyt, N. Y. City; and we could name hundreds, aye thou sands of others who testify from personal experience, that it has cured them and their friends in some cases after all other remedies had failed. Such men never make such statements, unless convinced of their truth beyond a pessibility of a doubt. Read a few of the letters. from F. M. Cory, to H. L. Ste- Second street, New York. ’ Sparta, June 30,1849. Dear Friend Stewart: —I have been home now just two months. When I last saw you, I had but little hopes of ever getting any better. But I have now the pleasure of thanking you for recommending me to take Dr. Rogers' Syrup of Liverwort, Tar and Canchalagua. I got a dozen bottles of it and took home with me, determined to make a fair trial of it, as I had done ■with everything else. I have only taken four bottles of it, and I must say it has done me more good than any other medicine I have ever taken. On my first taking it, it increased the expectoration, and I raised a great deal »f bloody matter from my Lungs. But that has now ceased, and so has my cough nearly. I cough but little now, and expect soon to be entirely free from it. I consider it an invaluable medicine, and shall recommend it to all who are afflicted with a Cough or Diseased Lungs. ******* I let a young lady who had the CONSUMPTION, and had bled a good deal from the Lungs, and doctored several months with our Physician, but grew worse, have one bottle of it, and it cured her. It acted almost miraculously in her case. Your sincere friend, F. M. Cory. SCOVIL & MEAD, 111 Chartres street, New Orleans, Wholesale General Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders must he addressed. Sold, wholesale and retail, by HAVILAND, RISLEY A CO., Augusta. D. B. PLUMB A CO., 1 W. K. KITCHEN, “ BARRETT. CARTER A CO.. HAVILAND.HARRALL A CO., Charleston, S. C. A. A. SOLOMANS A CO., Savannah, and by one Agent in every town in the South, apr 19 dAeocly EMOLLIENT AMBROSIAL ELIXIR. THIS is the name of a delicious article which the undersigned has the pleasure to recommend for its Magical effect, in shaving, and its peculiar virtuos in improving the skin. No matter how thick or stiff tho board may bo, it is softened in a moment, and is removed by a razor in a good con dition, without the loast troublo or pain. A single trial will satisfy any ono of its wonderful virtues. A few drops upon the brush, with ordinary soap and water, makes tho procoss of shaving a positive pleasure. A single bottle will answer for a whole year, for one who shaves every day. The Emollient Ambrosial Elixir, is an elegant articlo for a Lady’s Toilet. Nothing can equal it in imparting a dolicato whiteness and smoothness to the skin. It is perfectly harmless. Prepared and sold by ,T. DENNIS, Augusta, Ga Price 50 cents per bottle. Directions for use ac companying each bottle. apr 27 AN IMPORTANT NOTICE. PLAXKTT'S HITTERs possess Tonic, Aperent and Alterative properties without a partieel of Mineral in its composition. In Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Indigestion, Flatulency, General Debility, and all the train of symptoms, commonly called NERVOUS AFFEC TIONS, they havo boon employed with tho most unparalleled success. During he summer soason, when tho system is relaxed, the appetite gone, and a general want of, energy prevails, these Bittors exert a most liappy ; effect, creating a healthy notion throughout tho i system, restoring tho appetite, equalizing the circu lation, giving tone and onergy to tho body, and 1 creating a power, which wards off diseases during tho autumnal season. Planott's Bittors is a certain cure for Dyspepsia. They aro purely vegetable, are vory pleasant to the taste, and are adaptod to all agos and condition. They aro in full quart bottles. Price sl. For sale, wholosale or retail, by july 7 dclm WM. 11. TUTT, Solo Agent. DR. MUNSON is setting Teeth wsaii on an entirely new plan, uniting the Toeth and gum in a continuous and solid mass, and tho whole to the plato by a silieious compound. It is truly beautiful, strong and cleanly. To see is to admire. * Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Public inspec tion invited. Dr. M. owns tho patent for Rich jnond county. df&c oct 2 WHITE LEAD, FOR SALE VEIIY LOW 10,000 pounds Pure and No. 1 White Lead, t. for sale very low for cash, by f july 12 PHILIP A. MOI6E, Druggist. JHfMcfll. CARTER’S SPANISH MIXTURE7^ BLOOD ! NOT A PARTICLE OF MERCURY IN IT. AN infallible remedy for Scrofula, King’s Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Boils, Chronic, Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter. Scald Head. Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stub born Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spina, Complaints, and all Diseases arising from an injudi cious use of Mercury, Imprudence in Life, or impurity of the Blood. This valuable Medicine, which has become celebrated for the number of extraordinary cures effected through its agency, has induced the proprietors, at the urgent request of their friends, to offer it to the public, which they do with the utmost confidence in its virtues and wonderful curative properties. The following certifi cates, selected from a large number, are. however, stronger testimony than the mere word of the propri etors ; and are all from gentlemen well known in their localities, and of the highest respectability, many of them now residing in the city of Richmoud. Virginia. F. Bolden, Esq., of the Exchange Hotel, Richmond, known everywhere, says he has seen the Medicine called Carter's Spanish Mixture administered in over a hundred cases, in nearly all the diseases for which it is recommended, with the most astonishingly good re sults. He says it is the most extraordinary Medicine he has ever seen. Ague and Fever.— Great Cure.—l hereby certify, that for three years I had Ague and Fever of the most violent description. I had several Physicians, took large quantities of Quinine. Mercury, and I believe all the Tonics advertised, but all without any permanent relief. At last I tried Carter's Spanish Mixture, two bottles of which effectually cured me, and I am happy to say I havo had neither Chills or Fevers since. I con sider it the best Tonic in the world, and the only medi cine that overreached my case. JOHN LONGDEN. Beaver Dam, near Richmond, Va. C. B. Luck, Esq., now in the city of Richmond, and for many years in the Post Office, has such confidencejin he astonishing eflicacy of Carter's Spanish Mixture, that he has bought upwards of 50 bottles, which he has given away to tiie afflicted. Mr. Luck says he has never known it to fail when taken according to direciions. Dr. Minge, a practising Physician, and formerly of the City Hotel, in the city of Richmond, says he has witnessed in a number of instances the effects of Car ter's Spanish Mixture, which were most truly surprising, lie says in a case of Consumption, dependent on the Liver, the good effects were wonderful indeed. Samuel M. Drinker, of the firm of Drinker & Mor ris. Richmond, was cured of Liver complaint of eight years standing, by the use of two bottles of Carter's panish Mixture. Great cure of scrofula. —The Editors of the Richmond Republican had a servant employed in their press room, cured of violent Scrofula, combined with Rhematism, which entirely disabled him from work. Two bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture made a per fect cure of him, and the Editors, in a public notice, say they “ cheerfully recommend it to all who are af flicted with any disease of the blood.” Still another cure of Scrofula. —I had a very valuable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter's Spanish Mix ture. 1 consider it a trul y valuable medicine. JAMES M. TAYLOR, Conductor on the R F. A P. R. R. Co., Richmond, Vu. SALT RHEUM OK 20 YEARS STANDING —CURED. Mr. John Thompson, residing in the city of Rich mond, was cured by three bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture, of Salt Rheum, which lie had nearly 20years, and which all the physicians in the city could not cure. Mr. Thompson is a well known merchant in the city of Richmond, Va.,and his cure is most remarkable. Wm. A. Matthews, of Richmond, Va., hail a servant cured of Syphilis, in the worst form, by Carter’s Span ish Mixture. He says he cheerfully recommends it, and considers it an invaluable medicine. Rich ard E. West, of Richmond, was cured of Scrof ula, and what physicians called confirmed Consump tion, by three bottle’s of Carter’s Spanish Mixture. Edwin Burton, Commissioner of the Revenue, says he has seen the good effects of Carter's Spanish Mixture in a number of Syphilitic cases, and says it is a perfect cure for that horrible disease. Wm. G. Harwood, of R ehmond, Va.. cured of Old Sores and Ulcers, which disabled him from walking. Took a few bottlesof Carter's Spanish Mixture, and was enabled to walk without a crutch, in a short time per manently cured. Principal Depots at M. WARD, CLOSE & Co., No. 83 Maiden Lane, New York. T. W. DYOTT & SONS, No. 132 North 2d Street. Phil adephia. BENNETT & BEERS, No. 125 Main Street, Rich mond, Va. And for sale by IIAVILAND, HARVALL A CO., Charleston. IIAVILAND, RISBY & CO., and WM. H. TUTT, Augusta, and by Druggists and Country Mer chants everywhere. Price $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. may 20 LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Jandice, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Disease of the Kidneys, and all Diseases arising from a l isordered Liver or Stomach such as Consti pation, inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart-burn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Diffi cult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a lying posture, Dim ness of Vision. Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head. Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side: Back, Chest, Limbs. &c., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh. Constant Imaginings of evil, and Great Depression of Spirits, CAN HE EFFECTUALLY CURED BY DR. HOOFLAND’S Celebrated German Bitters, PREPARED BY DR. C. M. JACKSON, No. 120 Arch street, Philadelphia. Their power over the above diseases is not excelled, if equalled, by any other preparation in the United States, as the cures attest, in many cases after skilful physicians had failed. These Bitters are worthy the attention of invalids. Possessing great virtues in the rectification of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the most searching powers in weakness and affections of the digestiveorgans, they are, withal, safe, certain and pleasant. READ AND BE CONVINCED. The “ Philadelphia Saturday Gazette,” says of DR. nOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. “ It is seldom that we recommend what are termed Patent Medicines, to the confidence and patronage of our readers; and therefore when we recommend Dr. Hoofland’s German Bitters, we wish it to be distinctly understood that we are not speaking of the nostrums of the day, that are noised about for a brief period and then forgotton after they have done their guilty > race of mischief, but of a medicine long established, universally prized, and which has met the hearty ap , proval of the faculty itself. , “ Scott's Weekly” said, Aug. 25 ’ ‘‘Dr. Iloofland's German Bitters, manufactured by Dr. Jackson, are now recommended by some of the most prominent members of the Faculty as an article of much efficacy in cases of female weakness. Per sons of debilitated constitutions will find these Bitters i advantageous to their health, as we knew from expe rience the >alutary effect they have upon weak sys tems.” MORE EVIDENCE. J. G. Moore, Esq., of the Daily New?, said, October 31st:— ‘•Dr. Hoofland’s German Bitters. —We are try ing this renowned medicine for a stubborn disease of the bowels, and can with truth testify to its eflicacy.— We have taken the contents of two bottles, and we have derived more benefit from the experiment than we derived previously from years of allopathic treat , meat at the hands of our first physicians.” The Hon.C.D. Uineline, Mayor of the city of Cam den, N. J., says: “Hoofland's German Bitters, —We have seen many flattering notices of this medicine, and the source from which they came induced us to make inquiry respecting • • its merit.-*. From inquiry we were persuaded to use it, I and must say we found it specific in its action upon • diseases of the Liver and digestive organs, and thepow ' erful influence it exerts upon nervous prostration is I really surprising. It calms and strengthens the nerves, 1 bringing them into a state of repose, making sleep re freshing. “If this medicine was more generally used, we are satisfied there would be less sickness, as from the stomach, liver, and nervous system the great majority of real and imaginary diseases emanate. Have them in a healthy condition, and you can bid defiance to epi j demies generally. This extraordinary medicine we I would advise our friends who are at all indisposed, to give a trial—it will recommend itself. It should, in fact, be in every family. No other medicine can pro duce such evidences of merit.” For sale, wholesale and retail, at THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 120 Arch street, one door below Sixth, Philadel phia, and by respectable dealers generally througli ’ out the country. . Sold by Haviland, Risley & Co., and Wm. 11. Tutt, Augusta, Ga.; P. M. Oohen & Co., Charleston, S. C.; Hill & Smith, Athens, Ga.; E. C. Jones, Madison; A. A. Solomons, Savannah; and by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the South. apr2o d&cly WOOD'S SPECIFIC MIXTURE —For sale by WM. HAINES, warranted to cure, may 28 WM. HAINES. JHfMral. MEDICATED ERASIVE SOAP, FOR THE CURE OF CUTANEOUS DISEASES. THIS soap is highly efficacious" in curing Ul cers, Scrofula, and sores generally. Is a supe rior article in cleansing the tcetn, and will also extract tar, paint or grease, from clothing of all kinds. RHEUMATIC OINTMENT, OR RELIEVER OF PAINS IN GENERAL. Equal if not superior to any of the pain killers or eradicators of the day. Ring, Tetter Worm or Pile Ointment. This article has been but recently invented, and has already cured hundreds of the above complaints. In cases of long standing, a cake of the above soap should be used alternately with this ointment. All Healing Salve. Prepared from the extract of elder and wiid plantain. It is both soothing and healing in sores generally. The celebrated RAT DESTROYER, or Exterm inator of Rats. Mice, Bugs, Roaches, Ac. Prepared by C. Pemble. And for sale by W. H. TUTT, july 13 Sole Agent. JEW DAVID’S HEBREW PLASTER. THE great remedy for Rheumatism, Gout, Pain in the Side, Hip, Back, Limbs and Joints, Scrofula, King’s Evil, White Swelling, Hard Tumors, Stiff Joints and all fixed pains whatever. Where this Plaster is applied. Pain cannot exist. It has been beneficial in cases of weakness, such as Pain and Weakness in the Stomach, Weak Limbs, Lameness, Affection of the Lungs in their primary stages. It destroys inflammation by perspiration. The following commendation is from an agent re siding at Tienton, Tennessee : Trenton, Gibson Co., Tennessee, Nov. 7, "43. Messrs Scovil & Mead —Gentlemen: The He brew Plaster is becoming popular in this section. There is a lady in this county who says she would not be without this Plaster for five hundred dollars a year. She was afflicted for some time with an enlargement of the spleen, which gave her a great deal of pain. The swelling and pain had extended up nearly to the arm pit, and occasionally she could scarcely breathe. She was confined for a considerable time, during which she was attended by some of our best physicians, but they gave her no relief. She procured a box of the Hebrew Plaster, and it relieved her almost im mediately, and now she keeps a supply of it on hand constantly. These facts you are at liberty to use as you think proper—they are substantially true. Respectfully, yours Ac. JESSE J. WELLS. Beware of counterfeits and base imitations. Deal ers and purchasers generally are cautioned against buying of any but our regular agents ; otherwise they will he imposed upon with a worthless article, as man}' base counterfeits of this Plaster are in exist ence. REMEMBER ! The genuine if sold only by us, and our advertised Agents throughout the South. No Pedlar is allowed to sell|it. In future the genuine will have the signa ture of E. TAYLOR on the new steel-plate engraved label on the top of each box ; to counterfeit which will be prosecuted as forgery. SCOVIL & MEAD. 11l Chartres street, New Orleans. Sole General Agents for the Southern States, to whom all orders and applications for agencies must be ad dressed. DR. GUYSOTT'S YELLOW DOCK AND SARSAPA RILLA,for the cure of disease, or as a Spring puri fier of the blood and as a general tonic for the system, is unrivaled. The curative powers of this Extract are truly won derful, and all invalids should make immediate trial of the “ Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla.” It cannot injure the most delicate patient. THEN FLY FROM MINERAL NOSTRUMS TO SEEK hope, life and vigor from this pprely vegetable remedy. Therefore, however broken in health and spirits, however loathsome to himself and others, let no one despair of recovery; let the patient only un derstand that his hope of physical restoration lies in “ Guysott's Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsapa rilla.” and persuade him for his LIFE'S SAKE, to try it, and we have no hesitation in predicting his speedy restoration to health. GUYSOTTS YELLOW DOCK AND SARSAPARILLA, as a purifier of the blood, a renovator of the system, and a supporter and preserver of the powers of life, it has no equal. Take it, on the first indication that dis ease is upon you,and you will avert perhaps weeks and months of sickness and suffering. The above Medicines are sold, wholesale and retail by IIAVILAND RTSLEY & CO.. Augusta Georgia. BARRETT, CARTER & CO., “ “ D. B. PLUMB & CO., “ “ W. K. KITCHEN. “ “ IIAVILAND. HARRALL A CO., Charleston. S. C. A. A. SOLOMONS, & CO .Savannah. And by one agent in every town in the South, april 10 eowly LYON’S For the Growth and Embellishment of the Hair to Prevent its Falling Off and Turning Grey. AWAKUED tho highest premiums by the States of New York, Maryland and Michigan, at their Annual Fairs of 1851. The Kathairon neutralizes tho effect of disease, climate, and old ago, in preserving and restoring the human Hair even after a baldness of twenty years; cleanses the scalp from Scurf and I andruff; will cure the Norvous Headache, Scald Head, Erysipelas, Diseases of tho Skin, See., and is the most desirable TOILET ARTICLE For Ladies or Gentlemen’s use in tho world. Its perfume equals Lubin’s Choicest Extracts, and being free from all offensive oil, or coloring proper ties, it gives the hair that clean, bright, soft, lively appearance, secured by no other preparation. Tho use of tho Kathairon is adopted by the first physicians in Europe and America, and has a pat ronage and sale unprecedented in tho history of tho materia medica. But words are superfluous, a trial only can attest its real virtues, as millions certify. To be had throughout North and South America, Europe and the Islands of the Ocean, in largo bottles, for 25 cents E. Thomas Lyon, 161 Broadway, New York. Sold by D. B. PLUMB & CO., janl9 dAeoc6m Augusta, Ga. Let the Afflicted rejoice and the Despairing hope THE REMEDY IS FOUND AT LAST. TUTT’S PECTORAL ELIXIR is one of the most certain and most pleasant Remedies ever offered to the Public. Its soothing, healing and strengthening virtues diffuse themselves so gen erally throughout the human Lungs, that it is im possible for Pneumonia, Croup, Bronchitis, Pleu risy, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Hoarseness, Diffi cult Breathing. Pain ir the Side, or Consumption, to withstand its power. Its effects upon the Dcpu ratory Organs are so prompt that Nature is enabled to throw off all unhealthy or impure agencies that tend to disease tho delicate substance of the Lungs From tho hundreds of cures that arc almost dai ly reported, it would be impossible for the most incredulous to doubt for a moment. Many who have suffered for years with diseases of the Re spiratory Organs have been cured by it, and are sounding its praises abroad. The PECTORAL ELIXIR is prepared from vegetable substances alone, and its use for years would tend to strengthen the system, and not like most other Medicines, weaken it. It is now being used by some of tho most oininent Physicians in the country, and by many is considered an infalli ble remedy in CROUP. Parents who have young children, should keep a bottle at all times, as a single dose will remove any case of this distressing disease, if given at the on set. Prepared in Augusta, Ga., and for sale by W. 11. & J. TURPIN, ) . W. 11. TUTT, j Au 6 asta - WM. ROOT, Marietta. THOS. S. DENNEY, Atlanta. B. F. TUTT, Agent fer Tennessee, oot 5 dAcly APERIENT PILLS. DR. A. CUNNINGHAM has. for tho last twen ty years used tho above PILLS, and found them a safe and useful remedy in costive habits, and in those sick head-aches, arising from a do ranged condition of the digestive organs. "When token according to directions, they nevor fail in as sisting to remedy the many evils arising from the abuse of medicine and improper food. Many of my former patients continue to use them, therefore I can safely recommend them to all who may find it necessary to resort to tho use of medicine. They may bo had at my Office, and at nenrly all the wholesale and retail Drug stores in this city, april 12 dAcly JKfMcal. MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. TO THE HALT, THE LAME, THE SORE, AND THE STIFF I JOINTED, “WE BRING YOO GLAD TIDINGS OF GREAT JOY!” , VOLCANIC OIL FROM MF.XICO. HAS long been known to possess within itself, won derful soothing, healing and curative powers,and has been extensively used by the Aztecs for Rheuma tism, stiffness of Joints or Limbs, and for all kinds of Sores, Ulcers, Burns, Wounds, Hard Lumps or Tumors, and for all kinds of Pains or Inflamation in Manor Beast. The happy combination of this wonderful pro duction of nature, with other powerful remedies in the Mexican Mustang Liniment, renders it one of the most perfect remedies ever offered to the afflicted. Its action upon the organization is truly wonderiul. Its volatile, penetrating, soothing and healing prop -rties diffuse themselves to the very bone. It enters into the circulation of the blood, gives a new impulse to the whole nervous system, to the very extremities of the fingers and toes, stimulates the absorbents and se cretions, and thus assists nature to throw off and rid herself of rheumatism or pains in any part of the body, from a diseased action of any of the strictural portions of the system. RHEUMATISM OF TniRTY YEARS STANDING. Has been cured with it infour weeks. The mostloath some Ulcers that have been running for years ar healed and perfectly cured in an incredibly short time Fresh Cuts, Wounds, or Bruises, yield to it like a charm ! Any kind of Swelling, stiffness of Joints. Hard Tumors, or Cancers, are cured as by magic. BURNS, SCALDS, AND SCALD HEADS, Are healed and perfectly cured by the Liniment alone. It has proved itself the most extraordinary preparation ever offered to the afflicted. It has proved an infallible remedy in CHRONIC AND INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM. It has perfectly cured a lady who was seventy years of age, of confirmed and long standing NUMB PALSY, OR PARALYSIS. A boy fifteen years of age had been under the treat ment of several eminent physicians for years without any benefit, was restored and perfectly cured by this Liniment of that awful malady, WHITE SWELLING OR HIP DISEASE. We offer this Liniment as a remedy in the various diseases and complaints for which it is recommended, with full confidence of its success in curing them. The following is a list of the numerous and extra ordinary cases it has cured during the last few months : 6,750 cases of Rheumatism in all its forms; 4,200 “ Sprains and Bruises; 5‘400 “ Burns and Scalds; 3,450 “ Fresh Cuts and Wounds; 40 “ Cancers; 7 740 “ Scrofulous Sores and Ulcers, that had re sisted all other treatment; 4,240 “ Inflamed and Swelled Joints; 7,-500 “ Piles; 400 “ Lumbago, Sciatica, Gout, and hard bony Tumors; 6,250 “ Chapped Hands; 2,000 “ Caked Breasts; 4.C00 “ Tooth Ache ; 10.000 “ Various Chronic Diseasos. This must appear almost incredibly, but the numerous certificates and letters from distinguished physician.*, citizens, agents, and others who have used the medicine, enable us to substantiate the above facts. MILLIONS of bottles of it are yearly consumed, and it has always given satisfaction, because is has performed just what we said it would. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Every Store should he supplied with this valuable Liniment, as it pays a good profit and sells rapidly. PRICES OF THE LINIMENT. It is put up in bottles of three sizes, and retails at twenty-five cents, fifty cents, and one dollar per bottle. The fifty cent and one dollar bottles contain fifty and one hundred per cent, more Liniment in proportion to their cost, so that money is saved by buying the larger sizes. A. G. BRAGG & CO . Sole proprietors. Office 304 Boadway. N. Y, and St. Louis, Missouri. For sale by Ilaviland, Risley & Co.. Barrett & Car ter. D. B. Plumb & Co., Dr. W. 11. Tutt, and all other Druggists in Georgia. sly&eo jan2l F BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN • GER. —This ESSENCE is a preparation of unusual excellence. In ordinary diarrhoea, inci pient cholera, in short, in all cases of prostration of the digestive functions, so common, it is of ines timable value. During the prevalence of epidemic cholera and summer complaints of children, it is peculiarly efficacious ; no family, individual or tra veller should be without it, as it enables the system to resist the influence of incipient disease, which lurk in a changing climate. Caution.—Be sure to get the genuine Essence, which is prepared only by F. Brown, at his Drug and Chemical Store, N. E. Corner ot Fifth and Chesnut streets, Philadelphia, and for sale by all the respectable Apothecaries in the United States, and in Augusta by D. B. PLUMB A CO., IIAVILAND, RISLEY Sc CO., feblO dAcly PHILIP A. MOISE. DYSPEPSIA, WITH all its distressing attendants, from a list of diseases, than which no other produces such sad effects upon tho human family. Liver Complaint, Neuralgia. Headacho, Heartburn, Fla tulence, Loss of Appetite, Languor, General Debi lity. Nervousness, Loss of Spirits, Ilippochondria, and even Insanity is not unfrequently the resuit of Dyspepsia. To cure these diseases, tho remedies must he di rected to the cause, and for that no agent has ever vetbeon discovered, which has bad such happy ef fect, as PLANETT’S BITTERS. They restore tone to the stomach, impart a fino healthy appetite, strengthen the whole system, and built up the nervous system. They cannot he too highly recommended, as many who have dispaired of ever being relieved of this dreadful disease, have by a few bottles of these Bitters, been restored to vigorous, robust health. They aro put up in quart bottles, and pleasant to take, being entirely free from all those disgusting ingredients which usually enter into Anti-Dyspep tic Medieines. They are sold by WM. 11. TUTT, Who is tho sole Agent in Augusta, " SI,OOO REWARD. DR. HUNTER'S celebrated SPECIFIC, for the cure of Gonorrhoea, Strictures, Gleet. Leu corhoea, and Analogous Complaints of the Organs of Generation, both Male and Fornalc. 03” Os all remedies yet discovered for the above Complaints, this is the most certain. 05?“ It makes a speedy and permanent cure without restriction of diet, drink, exposure, or change in application to business. | Q3= It is perfectly harmless. Gallons of it might bo taken without injuring tho patient. It is not unpleasant to take, and contains no mercury. 33“ It is put up in bottles with full directions, so that persons can cure themselves without resort ing to Doctors for advice. 03“ It is approved and recommended by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, London, and has their certificate enclosed with every bottle. 03“ It is prepared by Wm. Richardson A Son, No. 4, Soho, London, and has thoir singnature over the cork of each bottle. None other is gen uine. 03” It will invigorate tho system, and completc -1 ly remove and renovato and restore tho Genital ’ Organs to their original healthy condition, even in persons who have past the meridian of life. 03“ In ordinary cases of Gonorrhoea or Leu corrhoea, one bottle is sufficient to perform a eer tain cure. Price, sl. 03“ In Gleets or Strictures of long standing, its continued use will always cure, and in all diseases ! of the Genital Organs it will afford relief. 33- Tho General Agent for tho sale of this in ! valuable medicine in tho Soutnern States is PHILIP A. MOISE, Druggist, 195 Broad-st., Augusta, Ga. Also for sale by by J. M. Rantin, Atlanta. Buy nojwhere else. fob 6 BUY no OTHER.— Doctor Huntcr'sCelebrated SPECIFIC for the euro of certain diseases, can bo relied upon as superior to all tho nostrums extant. It never fails. Being approved and re commended by tho Royal College of Physicians and Surgoon3, London, it deserves the confidence of the public. For sale in this city by PHILIP A. MOISE, W. 11. k J. TURPIN, D. B. PLUMB & CO., BARRET k CARTER, Druggists. Orders from the country promptly attended to. march 9 dActf F~ LULD EXTRACT ARNICA—For Bruises, Sprains, Mosquito Bites. Ac.—An invaluable article for family use, as by its timely application in cases of Bruises or Sprains, it prevents inflama tion and produces speedy relief. It is one of the best applications for the bites of Mosquitoes or other insects, For sale only by july 21 WM. HAINES, Druggist. Dyspepsia, or indigestion.— ln order to relievo tho Dyspeptic before the disease reaches a crisis and passes into its most fatal forms, it is necessary that the Stomach should be braced and invigorated, tho Liver cleansed and regulated, and that all the Secretions which enter into the composition of the blood, should he thoroughly purified. Nothing which medical science has yet enabled the most patient experimenters to produce, will effect this grand object so speedily, so certain ly, so radically and permanently as IIUTCHING'S BITTERS. Price, 50 cents, and $1 per bottle. For sale at the DRUG STORE, may 25 Under the Augusta Hotel. (©rnrrttl DISSOLUTION. THE firm of DYE A HEARD, Warehouse and Commission Merchants, was this day dissolv ed, by mutual consent. Tho notes and accounts of the late firm will be liquidated by S. D. Heard. J. M. DYE. Augusta, July 16. 1853. S. D. HEARD. S. D. HEARD, WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION MERCHANT, Augusta, Georgia, RESPECTFULLY announces to the public gen erally, that he will continue the Warehouse business, in all its branches, at the old stand of Dye A Heard. Fire-proof Warehouse, East side of Mc- Intosh street, where he hopes, by unremitting ex ertions, to merit a continuance of the patronage so liberally extended to tho late firm of Dye A Heard. All orders fer Family Supplies, Bagging, Ropo, Salt, Ac., promptly filled at lowest market prices- Cash advances made on Produce in Store, when desired. Augusta, July 16, 1853. IN withdrawing from the firm of Dye A Heard, I avail myself of this opportunity ot returning my thanks for the liberal patronage extended to the late firm, and solicit the same for my late partner and successor, S- D. Hoard, july 19. ly J. M. DYE. DISSOLUTION. THE COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between the undersigned, under the firm, name, and style of SEYMOUR, ANSLEY A CO., has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. The name of the firm will be used by either part ner in settling up the old business. H. C. SEYMOUR, J. A. ANSLEY, JOHN G. McHENRY. COPARTNERSHIP. TIHE SUBSCRIBERS have this day formed a Copartnership for the transaction of a whole sale GROCERY BUSINESS in this city, underthe firm and name of SCRANTON, SEYMOUR A CO., and have removed to tho store No. 2, Warren Block. Thankful for the patronage so liberally extended to our late firms, P. A. SCRANTON and SEY MOUR, ANSLEY A CO., wo hopo to merit a con tinuance of the same to the new firm. P. A. SCRANTON, 11. C. SEYMOUR, JOHN G. McHENRY. N. B.—We shall receive and sell PRODUCE on Commission as formerly. The books and papers of our old firms will be found at the office of the sub scribers. S. S. A Co. Augusta, Ga., Juno 13, 1853. detf junc IS DISSOLUTION. THE fjrm heretofore existing under the name and style of J. A P. MULLARKEY, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. JOHN MULLARKEY, P. MULLARKEY, The business ot the late firm will be settled by JOHN MULLARKEY. July 6th, 1853. • july 7 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. JOHN MULLARKEY' has this day assocciated with him. in the Hardware and Cutlery busi ness, WELLINGTON OAKMAN, under the name and firm of MULLARKEY A OAKMAN. John Wullarkey, | Wellington Oakman. Augusta July 7th, 1853. july 7 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE subscribers having associated themselves together in the Boot and Shoemaking business, have purchased tho entire stock of A. DOUBET, take this method of informing the public and the patrons of tho late establishment, that they are prepared to execute all orders in'the manufacturing, as heretofore; and will also keep on hand a general assortment of ready made work, Ladies, Misses and Childrens Boots and Shoos of all descriptions. To gether with a general assortment of Gentlemens wear. To which they invito the pbulio to give them a call and examine for themselves. All work purchased of them is warranted. JOHN PARR, J. D. SMITH. Augusta Ga.. July 7th 1853. july 8 COPARTNERSHIP^ THE UNDERSIGNED having associated with them JOHN T. MILLER and SAMUEL A. VERDERY, in the Wholesale Dry Goods business, tho same will be continued from this date, under the name, and style of Jacksons. Miller A Verdery W. E. A G. T. JACKSON. d|e4 july 1 AUGUSTA, JULY 13th, 185X~ THE UNDERSIGNED, Proprietors of Ware houses and Factors, deem it expedient, in view of the greatly increased expense of conducting their business, to establish the o'd rato of FIFTY CENTS per halo commissions for selling Cotton, on and after the first day of September next. The rate of Storage remaining the same as here tofore, to wit: TWENTY-FIVE CENTS per halo for the firstmonth, and TWELVE AND A HALF CENTS per hale for each month thereafter. L. HOPKINS, DANTIGNAC, EVANS A CO., DOUGHTY A BEALL, BUST IN A WALKER, HEARD A DAVISON, PHINIZY A CLAYTON, M. P. STOVALL, SIMPSON A GARDINER, ROBERTSON A STOVALL, J. J.PEARCE, DYE A HEARD, july 13 dfiActf PLANTATION FOR SALE. THE. subscriber offers for sale his PLANTA TION, situated one mile from Ringgold, Wal ker county, Goo., containing 815 acres, 200 acres in a high state of cultivation—a fir.-t rate three Stoiy Dwelling, and all necessary out buildings, good orchards, saw and grist mill—all things con sidered, it is one of tho most valuable farms in up per Georgia. For terms enquire of the subscriber on the premises. 11. BREWSTER. 03” The Augusta Chronicle A Sentinel, will please copy to the amount of five dollars, and for ward account, july 21 dAc9 GORDON SPRINGS FOR SALE. A DISSOLUTION of tho copartnership heretofore existing between tho under-llL dersigned, having taken place, and ono of the pro prietors wishing to remove to Florida, and a divi sion being necessary, a sale of the above valuable PROPERTY will take place on Thursday, the 25th day of AUGUST next. It will be sold at public outcry to tho highest bidder, (if not disposed of at an earlier day at private sale.) It will be offered on the following terms : Three equal instalments —the first due on the 25th of De cember next, and tho other two annually thereaf ter —alien being retained on the premises until the last payment. A liberal discount will he made for cash payment. The FURNITURE will he sold at the same time and place. The Gordon Springs is one of the mn=t beautiful and healthful situations in the South, and combine as many or more advantages, either as a watering j place or private residence, than any place in the ! South-west. It issituated at thehcadofaheautiful I and fertile valley, at the base of “ Taylor's Ridge,’" in Walker county, Georgia, surrounded by majestic mountains, affording a most wonderful and pictures quescenery. There are a great number of excellent Springs, and of as great a variety as ever gushed from the earth—Chalybeate, Magnesia, Freestone. Limestone, Ac., Ac. There are no less than 20 or 25 of these within a circumfercnco of ono mile. Tho climate is delightful, bracing and healthful. There are attached to tho Springs, 1,400 acres of LAND, about half of which is fine cultivatable land—from 300 to 400 acres cleared and in a fine state ofcultivation. The land grows to advantage all crops of tho South and West—all the grains, cotton, roots, grasses, clover and tobacco. Con nected with this place is a most excellent Apple and Peach Orchard. Tho improvements aro large j and commodious, sufficient for the accommodation of 200 boarders. The premises are about eight miles from the IV. A A. Railroad—W est of Tunnel Hill Depot. The above property can be well divided to suit purchasers, if desired, so as to make two or more good farms. We will sell the whole or divide it, or sell the Farm apart from the Springs, to suit those who wish to buy. The Springs lie in the mineral region of Georgia. Possession given in the Fa 11. Property sold on the premises. N. B.—The Springs are now open, and will he kept for the accommodation of visitors during the season. Board 20 dollars per month. B. 11. A G. W. GORDON. Gordon Springs, Ga.. July, 1853. july 13-td SEGARS, QA /Y/Y/Y LA FASHION SEGARS. Ovr,\ *U/V* 20.000 Delicioso “ Received direct from Havana by steamer Isabel. ! july 23 DAWSON A SKINNER. Hftt) JUuifrtisnncnta. paper warehouse. 7 CYRUS W . FIELDS; ClO . , COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 11, CLIFF STREET, NEW YORK. ARE SOLE AGENTS IN THE UNITED STATES FOR. JYT US PRATT'S superior Bleaching POWDER.. ictoria Mills Colebrated Writing Paner . Russell “ Superior “ “ Genesee “ “ Printing Rawlins A Sons’ English Tissue u First quality Ultramarine Rluo “ They are also Agents for the principal Papcn- Manutacturers in this country, and offer for sale b yr far the most extensive and desire hie stock of Paper and Paper Manufacturers' MATERIALS that can bo found in this or any other country. They occupy the largo .and commodious Ware - , No - Cliff street, No. 58 Cliff street, No. , lot Christopher street, and the Lefts over the lame? Iron Stores, 7 and 9 Cliff street. Their business is stricTv wholesale, and Writing Papers are sold by the ease only. Their extraordinary facilities’enablo them to of. or all Goods, both Foreign and Domestic, at the lowest possible prices. Paper mado to order, any size or weight. Libera'f advances made on consignments of Paper, Paker- Mnkers stock and other merchandize. The highest market price paid in casii for all kinds ofßa g g - __ _ _ July 24 REMOVAL. A. BIMYGER & CO., Formerly 141 Broadway, have Removed to th"--> Whito Marble Buildings, Circular Corner Nos. 92 and 94 Liberty st. ' Corner of Temple, Third Door West of Boadwav NEW YORK, ' Where they continue to import GH. MUM >1 & CO.’S CHAMPAGNES • WINES, MADEIRA, SHERRY PORT FRENCH and GERMAN WINES, COGNAC BRANDY, in bond direct from Otard, Dupuy & Co. Ilennessy, Maret, Chassolas, D'or, Ac. Ac. Vintages, of 1790, 1815, 1825, to 1852. Choice - Havana Segars. Crosse & Blackwell’s PICKLES,. SAUCES,Ac. As well as every other article intheir line ofl’busincss. is.'im june 7 BLANKETS AND CARP E T S OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FOR SALE BY GREEN WAY, BROTHER & CO., 39 Barclay street, and 24 Park Place, New York. apr 19 3in VARIETY STOVE WAREHOUSE; BARTLETT BENT, JR. Manufacturer ami Dealer in the most approve^’’ Stoves, Ranges, Farmers’ Boilers, Ship Cabooses, Gas Ovens, Charcoal & Hard Coal Furnaces, Oven Fronts, &* . Iron Castings generally. 238 Water Street, New York. apr 29 c.3in Southern Uttering IJlarrs. WATER CURE INSTITUTE, MILLEDG EVILLE, GA. DR. E. G. DOYLE takes pleasure in announc ing to Invalids and the public generally, thaV the abovo popular and superiorly appointed Estab lishment, formerly conducted by T. Carleton Coyle, . M. D., is now ready for tho reception of patient? seeking a restoration to health. Ail Chronic af fections of the human organism successfully treated : at this Institute. Dyspepsia, Gout, Bhcumatism, Constipation, . Hemorrhoids or Piles, Hemorrhages, Amcnorrhcea, • Dysmenorrluiea, Fluor AH>U3j Genital Di«iiece ments, Affections ol tho Eyes and Ears, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all Chronic diseases < f the skin and scalp, Scrofula. Dropsy, Syphilis, and tho Humoral diseases generally, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Tic Don louroux. Hystina, Epilepsy ortho falling sickness, Virtigo, Paralysis, Apoplectic tendency, Asthma, Bronchitis, Chronic Inflammation of the Stomach > and Bowels, Atrophy, and indeed every possible • habit of, or Chronic diseased action that is curable and all diseases are curable, if no organic lesion be present. The Ladies Department is under the immediate • '• supervision of that accomplished lady Mrs Jane Matthews, so well known to the old patrons cf the Establishment. The facilities which this Institution offers for the • prosecution of a stictlv Hydropathic and Hygienic course of treatment, together with its easiness of access from all points in Georgia and tho adjoining States, renders it peculiarly adapted to tho wants of Invalids desirous of availing themselves of the efficacy of tho Water Cure. Tho purity of tho Water, and tho accommodations for Guests, are too well known to need comment. In fitting up the Establishment, no expense has been spared r bat could conduce to make it one of tho most desirable ■ places of resort for Invalids in the United States. Patients will bo required to furnish their own out • fits: these will consist of Friction Sheets, and : Towels, Compresses, and Blankets for Sudorific • purposes, all of which can be purchased here on the most reasonable terms. Terms.—Professional attention, use of baths, Ac. . $lO per week ; board §5 por week—payable month ly. Servants treated and boarded for $lO pc;- week. All letters of inquiry promptly answered, june 8 2m LADIES’ WATER-CURE ESTABLISH- " MENT, AT COLUMBIA. S. C., KEPT by Dll. EDWARD RILEY and LADY. . For the Cure and Relief of Amcnorrliooa, Dys tnenerrhcea, Prolapsus Uteri, Fluor Albus, Bar renness from early marriage, and Nervous Prostra tion, Ac.; Diseases of tho Eyes, Ears and Nose; Throat and Chest Complaints—Asthma, Bronchi tis, Ac.; Diseases of the Liver, Spleen, Stomach and/ Bowels; Dyspepsia, Constipation, Piles; Rheum;;-- tism, (Tout, Paralysis, Neuralgia and Nervous Com plaints generally ; Cancerous Complaints and Old Ulcers; all Diseases of the Skin, Erysipelas, Scald Head of Children, Tetter, Scrofula, St. Vitus Dance; Dropsies, Sick Headache. This Establishment is now open for tho reception - I of Ladies, where all their diseases, chronic or acute will receive devoted attention. Gentlemen can only be admitted for treatmen in cases where their wives are patients. No small children can be accommodated, save those broughi for the cure. Those who prefer bringing their servants can dc so free of charge, provided they attend to the baths and chambers of their respective owners, and ob serve strictly the regulations of the house. Each Lady will have a separate room, with the comforts of home. For an entire outfit, with board and treatmen'; per month, from $75 to SIOO will be required, al ways in advance. No patient can bo received for the cure ol chronic affections for loss than two months. GENTLEMEN (with their servants) from a dis tance will bo accommodated with board and lodg ing in tho vicinity of tho establishment, convenient | to thoir hath house, and will be charged $75 in ad vance tor 2 months’ treatment, exclusive of their outfit. All communications from Ladies to bo di rected to Mrs. R. 11. Riley; those from Gentle j ment to Dr. Edward Riley, Columbia, S. C. aprilfi tAc4mos WHITE SULPHER SPRING, j Situated iu Hall county —(i miles from Gaines ville. THE PROPRIETOR would informthe^ .teii public that his HOUSE will bo open on_£f. the Ist day of June for visitors, and deem it almost needless to say, that as heretofore every ef fort will bo made to add to tho pleasure and com- I fort of his guests. STAGE LINES convey passengers from. Athens direct, and also via Gainesville, three times a wock. E. PACE, Proprietor. may 5 dActmos AUGUSTA FRENCH BURR MILL STONE MANUFACTORY. T)I E Subscriber kind patronage re EHsX E- kPhHIp lie, that he continues rlj to execute orders for jfcfeYS j his well known War -1 ranted French Burr * MILLSTONES, ot every desired size, at Vu./-' Jy/U/: v J the lowest price, and He also furnishes ESOPUS AND COLOGNE! STONES, SMUT MACHINES, of various patents, BOLTING CLOTHS, of the best brand, CEMENT for Millstones, and every other artiolc necessary in a Mill. Also, for Planters, small GRIST MILS to attasb to Gin Gears. All orders promptly attended to. jan 3 ly WM. R. SCHIRMER.