Weekly Georgia constitutionalist and republic. (Augusta, Ga.) 1851-185?, March 28, 1855, Image 7

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jMltc fnlcs. \ WARREN SHERIFF'S SALE. f WILL be sold before the Court House d or in the town of Warrenton, jWavren ei unty, on the FIRT TUESDAY in APkiL next, vithin the legal hours of sale — 1 One Mule, levied on as the ifiropcrty of ' lortch Newsom, to sati'fy a fi. fa in favor of Williar 1 West vs. Dortch Newsom, said fi. fa. issued from V barren Inferior Court. Property pointed out by idefen dant, this March Ist. 1865. I mar 3 E. A. BRINKLY, Dep’ty Sfc'ff, warrenTsheriffs^sale.l WILL bo sold before the Court llouso goor in the town of Warrenton, Warren coW“ty, on the FIRST TUESDAY in APRIL tho legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit ; \ One Negro boy. Elbert, about (19) mn«f«on voars old: (1) ono Bod and Mattress ; (1) one Spay Horse, ond (1) one Cow and Calf. The above sold as tho property of (1. T. Oglesby, to satisfy an at tachment in favor of George W. Dardon vs. Cb T. Oglesby; returnable to the Inferior Court of said county, and sold by an order of saiu Court. \ mar 3 E. A. BRINKLY. Dep’ty S h’ffS^ WARREN SHERIFF’S SALE~ V WILL BE sold boloro the Court House door in the town of Warrenton, on the first Tues day in March, within the legal hours of sale, one BIIiGRO MAN, named Robert, about twenty-six or seven (26 or 7) years of age : Levied on as the property of Mark H. Swinney, to satisfy a fi fa. is sued from Warron Superior Court in favor of John C. Jennings vs. Mark A. Swinney, Property poin ted out by John C. Jennings. This, January 31st. 1853. fob 2 E A. BRINKLEY, Dept’y Sh’ff. WARREN SHERIFF S SALE. WILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in MARCH naxt, between the usual hours of sa’e, three acres of Pine LAND, adjoining Lands of Thomas Kent and others. Levied on os the property of John J. Barefield, to satisfy two fi. fas. from tho Justices’ Court oftho 15lst district, G. M., in favor of Eloarry Todd, vs. said John J. Barefiold. Prop erty pointed out by the Plaintiff, and levy made and returned to mo by a Constable. fob! WM. LITTLETON, Sheriff. EXECUTORS SALE. LEAVE OU lAl'l KU, will be sold, on the first Tnosday in MAY next, at the Lower Markot House, in the City of Augusta, the Real Estate of James Lovell, deceased, in a tract of Land of four hundred and seventy acres, more or less, lying on both sides of ’utters Creek, and bounded by and lying south of tho Georgia Railroad, from the 8 uiilc”post beyond the 9 mile post on said road:— bounded on tho west by lands of G. W. Crawford; on the south and oast by A Pioquett, and on which is tho mud sills of an old mill, and part of frame, with good nator power—oa lot Hale’s Mill. The tract will be divided so as to mates 5 or 6 lots „f 10 acres and moro on tho east ond of said tract, and all wil be convenient to the Railroad, and none but will furnish good spots sot building on- Terms will be made known on the day, and maps of the lots, a few days before tho day of sale, may be seen at tho Ordinary office, and at this office. m hU S. CRAWFORD RvV 0 ADMINISTRATOR'S SAL~ "IYTILL UK sold, beforo the Court House door VV in Waynesboro’, Burko county, under an order of the Court of Ordinary of s id county, on the first Tuesday in MAY next,, between tho usual hours of sale, a tract of Pino Land in said county, containing 509 acres, moro or loss, adjoining Lands of Pendleton Sapp, estate of Archibald M. Hcr ringtoD, Anthony B Lovett, and William Bennett, belonging to the estate of Martin Herrington, Sr., deceased, of said county. Sold for the benefit of tho heirs, and sold at the risk of the first purchaser, ho having failed to comply with the terms of sale. Purchasers to cay for Deed. ROBERT M. HERRINGTON, mhll Surv’ving Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. BY virtue of an ordor from the Ordinary of Burke co mty, will bo sold, on the first Tuesday in APRIL next, before the Court House door in the town of Waynesboro’, Burke county— F-*ur lots of Land in said town of Waynesboro’, belonging to Ferdinand V. Burdcll, deceased, known asbnwllos. 28. 29. 70 and 71. Also, on the saw) day. before the Court House door in the City of Augusta, Richmond county — Fifteen aoros of Pino Inol, with the improve meats thorcon, known us the summer residence ol said deceased ; the latter sold to perfect titles. Terms made known on tho dav of sale. fob!3 fOTTN -T l ’ ADMINISTRATOR’S tiAbb. W r !LL ho sold, on tho first Tuesday in AT RIL no:*, ‘—f-s ;ar, the usual''botti’M of *»}•., by virtue of an ord r of the Court of Ordinary of Burko county at the Court liouso door in VY ayncs boro’, in said county— A tract of LAND, lying in said county, eontain iag (509) five hundred acres, more or loss, belong inj to tbo estate of John G. Hatcher, late of said oouuty,deceased, adjoining John B. Whitehead, Joha G. Groon, Zieliariah Wimberly, and others Terms on day of sale, and sold to perfect titles Purebasers to pay for titles, fob 10 * OLIVER H. PERKY, Ad m V ADMINISTRATRIX S SALE. Postponed. WILL IIE SOLD before tho Court house door in Lexington, Oglethorpe county, on tbo Ist Tuesday *n April noxt, botweon tho legal hours of sale, one negro woman named Winney, 43 years of ago, an 1 her infant child. Sold as the property of Isaac A. Howard, dec’d, by order of Court, and for a division. Torms on day ot sale. ELIZABETH S. HOWARD, fob 7 Administratrix. TRUSTEE’S SALE. ON the first Tuesday in APRIL, will bo sold, at tho Court liouso in Lincoln county, between the usual hours of sale, tho following Negroes, viz : Sarah, a woman, 18 years old. and her child, Al «ona, onoyoarand five mouths old. Torms on day of sale. tebl WM. F, STROTHER Trustee. EXECUTOR’S SALE. WILL BE SOLD, before tho Court-houso door, in Telfair county, on the first TUES DAY in May noxt, Lot of Land No. 229. in the 7th district of originally WJkerson now Telfair oouuty, sold as tho property of Richard Eubanks, late of Columbia county, doc’d. fob 1G WATERS DUNN, Executor. EXECUTOR’S SALE. I ''OR SALE, two valuable PLANTATIONS ir Warren county, belonging to the Es ate of Thomas Neal, deceased. One of them is generally and favorably known as tho Newsom’s Ponds, and lies 9 miles South-east of Warrent m. and 12 miles from Doaring, which is the Third Station from Au gusta on tho Georgia Railroad, containing Seven teen Hundred ai d Fifty five f 1755) acres; about Seven ilundrod cleared, and tho balance ir* the woods. Os tho sovon handl'd cleared, there are about four hundred deep mulatto land, and three mundrod productive gray.land. The improve ments consist of a comfortable Dwelling House with eight |S' rooms, oight (8) now framed Negro Houses, with brick chimneys, large Smoke House, Gin liouso. Screw, and Cribs, Ac. Tho water is excellent, and is one of the healthiest and most desirable places in this county. Take it all in ail it is one of Naturo’s favorite spots. Como and see The othor place lies tea ilO) miles South of Warrenton, or. Rocky Comfort Creek, and is known as the Mill Place, containing Seventeen Hundred acres of productive Pine land, about twelve hun dron in the woods and five hundred cloarcd ; 'he woodland heavily timbored with saw logs. The improvements consist of a CJinfortable Dwelling House, with four (4) rooms, seven new framed Ne gro Houros. with rock chimneys a fine new Smoke House, a fine airy Stable that will hold 12 horses, and provender to feed them 12 months, Overseer’s House, a line now Gin H use and Cotton Press, and a Use Mill, both saw and grist, with a good run of custom. This location offers inducements, for making monoy, inferior to none in tho country And again I say, como and see. I have about Seven hundred acres of Pino Land in tho woods, being one and a half miles from tho Mill, which I will soil w ; th tho Mill Plantation, or separately. Corn, Fodder, and Stock of nil kinds, Horsts and Mules include 1 on tho place, should a purchaser desire it. Both of those places. Newsom's Ponds and the Dcvorough Mills, arc now offered for sale, aril when either p'acc is sold, tho other will be with drawn from the market. Any person wishing to examine these places, can coli upon tho subscriber, at Warrenton. or address him through tho Post Office for farther inform 'don nov 17 IKOUGE V. NKAT*. E x 'r (NLARR A: UO., Daaiers in Watches. Jewelry. J Sil ’or Ware, Guns, Cutlery and Fancy Good.- have u *.v ill store a fine stock just received, ti which they eall tho attention of their friends and easterners. ___ , ■* . , Ueo6 ftohlir mta. EXECUTOR S SALE. WILL BE SOLD, on Tuesday, 3d of APRIL next, at the Lower Market House SLOTS on the north side of Ellis, between Houston and Forsyth streets, each having a front of about 32 feet on Ellis street, and extending halt way to Broad street, belonging to the estate o' the late John Martin, fcho Revolutionary Pensioner. The most eastern lot has a gcod one story Dwel ling. Terms—One-half cash, the remainder one, two and three years, with interest. Mortgage on prop perty and Policy of Insurance. Warrantee title. td ROBT. CAMPBELL. Ex’r. Ac. EXECUTOR’S SALE! BE SOLD cn the first Tuesday in - ’ MAY next, before the Court-house door, in the town of Carrollton, Carroll coonty, Ga.. be tween the usual hours of sale, ono LOT OB’ LAND in the sixth district of said oounty, containing two hundred and two and. a-half acre#, lying about mile west of Villa Rica, known as the “ Coal ” lot, and adjoining the famous “Jack Jones” Gold lot, a vein on which is now being successfully work ed. Sold as the property of Nelson M. Benton, late of Columbia county, deceased, and for the be nefit of his heirs and creditors. Sold under the authority of the last Will and Testament of said deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale R. E. WOODING, N. E. BENTON, Executors. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE WILL BE SOLD, on theflrst Tuesday in MAY next, between the usual hours of sale, bv virtue of an ordor of the Court of Ordinary of Striven county, before the Court House door in Sylvania, one Negro boy by the name of George, belonging to tho estate of Levin Clifton deceased. JAMES PARKER, Adm’r. mim MOURNING CLIFTON, Adm’x. ADMINISTRATOR’S" SALE. BV VIR tUE of an order from the Ordinary of Scriven oounty, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in MAY next, before the Court House door in Sylvania, Scriven county: one trmt or loi of Land No. 523, in tho 13th district, formerly Ir win county, now Thomas county, bolong.ng to the cstato of John Manor, Son’r, deceased. Terms on the day of salo. «nhli GEORGE H. MANOR, Adm’r. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. ] BV VIRTUE of an ordor from the Ordinary n Scriven county, will ho sold, on the firs' Tugs ay in MAY next, before the Court House door in Sylvania, Scriven county: one tract or parcel of Land, in Scriven county, containing five hundred and sixty-eight (568) acres, mere or less adjoining lands of W. W Starke. P. L. Wade, ar.d J. J. Mcars, belonging to tho estate of James W Bowie, deceased. Terms on the day of salo. mhll WTTT.T4XT r> pmvrr letters Disnussiirtj. GEORGIA, BURKE CO. —Whereas, George Mixon, Jr., Administrator on tho estate of George Mixon, Sr., deceased, applies for Letters Dismissory on said estate : There are, therefore, to cito and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, and all other persons interested, to be and appear before the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said county, on the first Monday in Oc toher next and shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at offico in Waynesboro’, this 21st day of March, 1855 mb23 EDW. G A RUCK, Ordinary B C. GEORGIA, BURKE COUNTY. — Whereas Lewis M. Royals. Administrator on the es tate of Powell Qodbeo. deceased, applies for Let ters Dismissory on said estate: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and sirgul.ir, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased.and all other persons interested, to be and appear bcfo , 'e the Court of Ordinary, to he held in and for said county, on tho first Monday in Octo ber next, and s ow cause, il any they have, wbv said lotlors should not be granted. Givon under my hand, at offico in Waynesboro’, this 21st day of March, 1855. mb23 EDW'. G ARMOR, Ordinary B. C. r»EORGI A, lit RKE GO.—Whereas, John P. * S Allen. Administrator de b mis nm, of Ralph Pcnrow. deceased, applies for Letters Dismissory or said estate: Those are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all end singular, the kindred and creditors of said do coasod, and all other persons interested, to be and •ipy>c*»r (Varf nf Ordinary. :* bw utM « » and for said county, on the first Monday in Octo her next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be grunted. Given under my hand, at office in Waynesboro’, this 21 »t day ol March, 1855. mh23 EDW .GARLICK. Ordinarv B C. Georgia, burke ton\ty7— whereaT Anderson McDonald, Administrator on the estate of Elbert Lambert, lat of said county, de ceased, applies for Letters Dismissory— . These are, therefore, to cite and admonish,all and smgu'ar, tho kindred and creditors of said deceas ed, and all other persons interested, to be and ap pear before the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said county, on tho first Monday in July next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my hand at office in Wayneebore’, this 4th day of December, 1854. deo7 EDWARD GARLICK. Ordinary. HFOKCHA, BURKE COUNTY Wheroas, VJ Ellington Attaway, Executor of the last will and testament of David Attaway, deceased, ap plies for Letters Dismissory from said estate— Those are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said decea-ed, to bo and appear before the Court of Or dinary, to bo held in and for said county on the first Monday in July next, and show cause, if ar - theyhavo, why said letters should not he granted.'"’ Given under my hand at office in Waynesbor this 4th day of December, 1854. doc7 EDWARD GABLICK, Ordinary. DYSPEPSIA POSITIVELY CURED DR. BECKWITH’S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS AFTER a trial of 25 years, and sustained by testimonials from the most eminent men in the United States, is now admitted to bo the BEST anti-dyspeptic medicine Ever offered to the public. Prico reduced to 25 cents por box. More than 500.000 boxes have been disposed of, and the sales are increasing They are put up with the same care, and each box contains tho same number ,4'!i as heretofore. The Proprietor pledges his honor as a man, and bis reputation as a Physician, for the raO 11/ and effi cacy of their wse. It is needless to publish certih c ;’.es, but he has numbers of them, testifying, in the strongest language, to their virtues, Ac . from such men a? Ex->rc«ident Van Buren N.York; lit. Rev. Bishop Freeman; Rev. Wtn McPhcetcr* D. D . Raleigh. N. 0.; lion G«o. E Badger. Sen ator, u. s ; Rt. Rev Levi. S. Ives.D I> late Bish op of North Carolina: Han. Judge Potter, U. S. Court; lion. Beverlv Tnoker; Hon. Wm. Proston formerly Senator U. S. from Sr,nth Carolina: Bam’!. McCombe. Gr *nvil!«. Ou . and many similar personages. Por sale in Augusta by W. H. t J. TURPIN, . , , „ D B. PLUMB & GO., And by Druggist* generally. None genuine with out the written signature of John Beckwith, Pe tersburg Va, to whom all dealers will please ap- dAcly dec 16 MOBILE AND MONTGOMERY STATES MAIL LINE. CONSISTING of tho following substantial fast running Passenger Steamers, viz ; MESSENGER. MAGNOLIA. CUBA, CREMONA and EMPRESS. The above oats, carrying tbc U. S. Mail, will commence their regular tri;* on the Alabama ri ver on the FIRST OP NOVEMBER next —lea- ving Mobile dally ar. 1 Montgomery daily, on the arrival of the Trains of Railroad Car?, and connect ing daily at Montgomery with the Cars and at Mo bile with the Nov Orleans Mail Boats. One of the above boats will leave Selma on the downward trip at six o'clock A M. The above Steamers will be commanded by able a,god experienced Officers, who vill use every exer lie .1 to secure toe comfort anil safety of passengers The ra’ is of freight by the above boats will not exceed Fifty Cents per barrel, and Or.e Dollar per bale of co f ton For freight or pas.nge, having elegant accom modations, apply on board, or to oct24 dotu6xn GOi. LRAINARD & CO. I'etta nf ibminsitrofinn. GEO AO IA, lilltKE COUNTY. Whcrea* Gen. James B Hajne applies for Letters of Administration on tho estate Augustus Gregory, late of said county, deceased : Those are, therefore, to cito and admonish, ail and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary, to be he'd in aud for said county, on the first Mon day in May next, then and there to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in W aynesboro’, this 12th day of March. 1855. mhU " EDWARD GARLICK. Ordinary. Georgia, scriven count* Whereas, Jofferson Roberts applies for Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of Louisanah Roberts and John R Roberts, doco&sed: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred creditors, and all other persons concerned, to bo and appear before the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and for said coun ty, on the first Monday in May next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Sylvania, this 7th day of March, 1855. mhß ALEXANDER KEMP, Ordinary. GEOGIA, BURKE COCNTT?—Whereas,~Jae Grubbs applio for Letters of Administration on the estate of James Ilale, late of said county, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish all and singular, the kindred, and creditors of said deceas ed, to be and appear before the Court of Ordinary to be held n and for said county, on tbe first Mon. day in April next, then and there to show cause if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Waynesboro’, this 2 s th day es February, 1855. fob2B EDW. GARLICK, Ordinary B. C. Georgia, BURKE CO —Whereas, James A Murphree applies for Letters of Administra tion on the e-tate of Malachi Murphree, lato of said county, deceased: These are, therefore,to cite and admonish, all and singular, thekindred and ereditors of said decra c ed. to be and appear before the Court of Ordinary, to be held in and fir said county, on the first Monday in April next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Waynosboro’. this 21st February. 1855- lcb23 EDWARD GARLICK. 0. B. C. CIEORGIA. Mf"KE «~U— Whereas Wiliiam I S Alexander applies for Letters of Ad v inis "aiion on the estate of Robert Rollins, late o said county,deceased: These are. therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindrod and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear before tbe Court of Ordi nai-y. to be held in and for said county, on the first Monday in April next then and there to phow cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under m v hand, st ofi’eo in Waynesboro’, this 21gt day of February. 1855. foh23 EDWARD GARLICK. O B. C. STRAYED, FUOVI the subscriber's Plantation..* about the 15tb of November la?*. ■wo young Mare MULES; one a dark sorrel, the other a light bay ; branded •■■■■» with the letter 8 on the aide of the inw Thev both have been worked wins little. A liberal re ward will be paid for them; or any information concerning them wi'l be most thankfully receive)) at Alexander, Bnrke county, Ga. janl4 c3m J. W. H. BELL WATER CURE ! WATER CURE I AT THE OLD STAND. MARIETTA. G“0 DR. C. COX would inform the public, thfir he is still on band to administer to those afiji.-to with chronic diseases of nil descriptions, the oura tivo and rrjnvenating effects of PrRK W vter rc jecting all physic except kitchen physics. He would say to those who havo tried all other remedies, not to d*ipa : r, but hasten to some well regulated Wit •or Cure, and there live naturally, and yon wi t be relieved and cured in accordance with the laws of man’s organization Post paid communications promptly attended to. C. COX. Physician and Proprioter. mhlß clO VALUABLE PLANTATION FOR SALE, IN B.tKSR COiniTY OA. THESOBSOR! It S'ft, desirous of removing from tUe State of Georgia, offers for sale his PLAN CATION, lying on the waters of the Coolawheee. five miles'Vest of Albany, adjoining ike lands of Paul Tarver, Dr and ol ors.- containing aor«s, more or loss. There arc about 800 acres of open, cultivated land. The land is suituatod so that it can be easi ly divided, and if two purchasers appear, the sub scriber will divide it so as to suit both. Any one desirous of purchasing, would do well to address “Moore & EJwarc*” or myself nt this P 1 ® 0 / JOHN J. RAWLS. Macon, Ga. August 30. 1853. ctf sop 1 My Agent, living on the place, will show tb- Lands to any person calling for that purpose J J.R TO OFFICERS, SOLDIERS, SEAMEN, Ac.. OF ALL Wars.- their widows and MINOR CHILDREN. 3 M. Knight. Attorney for Oovern't Claimants, . Washington. D. C., lOSTIAUES to giya prompt and pergonal at J tenUon to the prosooution of Claims of every leecription again.t the General Government, and particularly to those betoro the Treasury Depert tnent Pension and Bounty Land Bcreaog, Patent md General Land Offices, and Board of Claims An experience of year- and a familiarity with the means of obtaining the earliest and most fa vorable action on Claims with his facilities for the dispatch of business justify him in asrnrin- his Correspondents, Claimants, anil the public gener ally. that interc -Is intru-lmi to his keeping will not be neglocted. tS-soluN. BOI T 'TV-LAND, PATENT AND PUBLIC LAND LAWS. Do has nearly re* y "o g.utuHous distribution inong his ! usinr-c;i co-respondents. (and those vho way bteuae-ueh, a neat pamphlet c-ntain t ‘ ft ■ STnoj-S'g of ili cx'-tir.g Pemion. Bounty ;:d of the iat Cor grcts including the 5 lU.NTY LAND ACT OP 3d MARCH, 1855 Under whi. h all who have her-tof ire received -.••V than 160 acres are now < r,t tied to addulocal 'And; said Act, grants No 160 acres to ail Cffi -erg. n-n commissioned ( ffiiers. Chaplain*, Fo'diers. VVg/on Masters, Teains'ers, and fric-ndly Indians of Aho Army, including State Troops Volunteers une Miiitia, and all i-ffctrs, Seamen, Ordinary Beamon, Marines, Clerk*, a d Landsmen of the Navy not heretofore provided for, who havo serve 1 not Irgj than f urtcen da-s (ur.l gs in battle) at any pryind sineo 17 6 ; at d to tho widows ano minor children of all suoh for ong entitled, and deceased. ims pamphlet contains “Fnrras of Appliea iion ■’ moro tn'l and rimplcto than any elsewhere to be f >und; adapted to tile w .ntg of every clast of Claimant, under ihr, Act. with copioug deci sions and in-tru'inng of the Rcpartmrnt. and practical fugj-„„tior.s es to th course to be pursu ed in suspended or rij e'ed cases Parties n' twi hir; v to nvnil themselves of the facilities afford'd by this ffice in securing prompt and pergonal gupennt'ndoßc of their claims at the Department, can obtain copies of the above nnmphlet by remitting thiriy cents in postage s tamps. a INDUCEMENT TO CORRESPONDENTS. Correspondents who prepare and forward cases for management by this Agency will 1 e dealt with liberally; supplied wii h ail necessary blanks gra t s, and sept constantly advised of tho changer ihafc from time to time occur in the execution of the law ; s Correspondents to the 100 lity ofvtry many per song entitled under tho Mo Act: and hav.ug oh ‘mined several thousand Land Wsrrauts under former laws, be is in p.>« es.ion of data that will materially assist in securing additional bounty. Fees below the usual rates, and contingent u on the admission of Clam s. Tho highest oarh prices given fir Lard War rants, It Vo!'Nonary >op ar.d Illinois I rtni Pa* tents. Address S. M. KNIGHT, e4 Washington City. STRAW BERRY PLAN tS~A Uw~ hicdTed loft, Ilorey'g Aoc'imatci 1 Strawberry Plant.-, warranted to bo rresh. a d in good order. They m y i.e got out durin i February and March A pamphlet with full direct.!*,rs for culture aecotn pany? each pAci.ag ■ Fo- *do by teblß o WAV 11 AINKIS, Broad street. TM d, !Vt BROWN, OFF 111 rear Wh ; to (1 *ll, st •- W. White's will attend to tbo dis, asas of women and chil dren. Atlanta, Dec. 12. alv pjjfll IMits. *5 *'***’ afterdate i will make applies- Kj tion to tbe Court of Ordinary of Burke county •or leave to sell a tract of land, lyi D g on Big Buck Dead Creek, belonging to the ostato ol B. L. Per kins. deceased. F. W._B. PERKINS, Ex’r. SIXTY DAYS after date, I shall make applica tion to the Ordinary of Burke county, for leavo to sell the Nogroes belonging to Fordinand V. Bur dell. deceased. ml » 17 JOHN J. JONES, Adm’r. SIXTY Da *"S after date, application will be made to the Ordinary of Scrivon county, for leave to sell two Negroes, vix: Lucy, a woman, and Bob, a man, belonging to the cstato of Jason W. Brinson, deceased. mhll THOMAS DAUGHTERY, Adm’r. S ,XT1 ’ « 7t , or date, application will be m:»de to the Ordinary of Scriven county, for leave to sell nine hundred acres ol Land, more or less, belonging to the estate of Moses Howard. mhU BUD CALE, Ex’r. SIXTY DAYS after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Burko ooun l?-± 0T leav ® to Be| l one seventh of two negros, Cuffoe and Isaac, belonging to the estate of Mat thew Lively doc d, the above being the interest of Elixa Jane Davis, a minor. _ mh7 JOHN T. LIVELY, Guardian. SIXTY Days alter date, application will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Scnven county, for leavo to sell all the Negroes be longing to the estato of Thomas F. Lovett, Jr., de ceased. JOHNT LOVETT, 1 . HENRY F. MILLS, jAUmrB - • nA ' s after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Burke coun tj, for leave *o sell ihe Real Estate of Littleberry Mann. lat® of Paid county, deceased. A. McURUDER, Administrator. SIXTY DAYS after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Burke county, for leave to pell the Real Estato of Gilbert Lcnestreet, dec d, lying ip Raid county. —sJM-P- * J- 0. LONGSTREET, Adrn’re. QJDTY DAYS after date, application will be kji made to tho Court of Ordirary of Burke coun ty, for lca've to soil all the unsold Lands or Real Estato of I hoiuas Ward, deceased, of said county. THOMAS A. WARD, fcb23 Administrator do bonis non. SIXfV DA VS after date, application will be made to tho Ordinary of Richmond county, for leave to sell the Real Estate belonging to Gil bert Longstreet, late of said countv. deceased. A F A J.C. LONGSTREET, Adui’rs. feb!3 i) V¥s after data, application will be made to the Court of Oidinary of Scriven coun ty, for leave to sell the Land belonging to the Es tate of Bilan Morton, late of said county, deceas ed. SABINA MORTON, Ex’x. J fob! ■“ SJ’kTV HAYS after date, application will be b-J made to tbo Court of Ordinary of Scriven county, for leave to sell all the Lands belonging to the estate of Eli Archer, deceased, janl-* iISAAC CONNER, Ex’r. NOTICE —Alt persons indebted to the estate ot B. L. I’orkins are requested to make immedi ate payment Those having demands against said estate will please render thorn in properly attested mh2l F. W. B. PERK INS, Bx’r. NOTICE.— All persons indebted to the cs'ate of John Diokey. deceased, are notified that im mediate payment must be made, and those having demands against said cstato, will please present them properly attested. ,_n»r7 F. W.B. PERKINS, Ex’r. jVJ'OTIt.'E, —All persons 'odepted to James M i A Simpson ro requested to mado immodiatc payment to the ondersignod; and all persons hav ing claims against him will please present the inmo. JOSEPH S. CLARK, ALBERT HATCH, sepf.l4 Assignees. NOTICE —All persons indebted to thoestato of Shepard Brinson, deconsed, late of Burke county v HI make immediate paymtnl, and those to whom »a‘d estate is indebt d. will p,eso:,t them, duly attested, aecorditg to l.tw N AH M. BRINSON.) „ , Lb'/ 81 Mr,ON WALLACE 1 Jvirß ' jyroriCE. —Ail perrons having demands against iv John Radi-ill, bite of Han-oek ei nntv, ,le •eased, ate hereby notifnd to present them pn.yfo. li. ;I— -* * < ’>)■ roF with;-, tbc I «■ ;•>« ser bed hy law, or they will not be settled ; and all persons indebted to said deceased, are hereby re quired to make immediate payment. JOHN W RTTPrSTLL, ) „ febUO HENRY D. SMITH, { fcxr? - Vro riCE is hereby given that I shall apply to a X the Court of Ordinary of Scriven county 7 , on the first Monday in May next, for leave to' sell Clara, a Negro woman slave, belonging to Civility Roberts. JAS. M. ROBERTS, Guardian, febll ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Georgia, scriven countv.—To all the heirs at law of'ho Estate of William T Scott, l&tooi said county, deceased, will please take no tice. that I will apply to the Coart of Ordinary of said county, after tt e expiration of four months from this date, for an order to divide the estate, both real and personal, of the said William T. Soett. deceased. JOHN SCOTT, AUm’r. janl3 \! OriTK.—AH persons indebted to the Estate of ' Dr John Carter, deceased, late of Richmond county, will make immediate payment; and those to whom said estate is indebted, will present them, duly ittcaiod, according to law. janHl FLOURNOY CARTER, Arlm’r. [\J or It IK—All persons indebted to the Estate i.X of Edwin T. N.Everett, late of Scriven coun ty, deceased, aro r«'q lested to make immediate payment to the Auministrators ; and those having demands against tho Estate of said d- eeased, v. ill please present them, legally attested within tho time preecrib. d bv law. GEORGE STOTKSBURY, 1 . , , dcc3l ARCHIBALD STUBBS, j Adra rs - Hismifiaioir nf (giinriinnajiiji. Georgia, warren COUNTY Whereas, Matthew H. Hubert- app!i*p to me for Letters of Dismission from the Guardianship ot Jonathan '-V. Darden, a miner: Tho*c are, therefore to cite nnd admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of iho said minor, to be »nd appear at my effioe within the Timo prose ihed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and teal, this 20th day ot March, 1855- robgk ARDEN B. MERSHON, Ordinary. Gd EOtbfttA, IKIRKK CO.—' Whereas, Robert I T.-Tones. Guardian for the person and prop erty of Isidore ar.d TSyron A , and John It. Fryer, minora, applies for Letters Digmissory from said Guardianship: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, nil ■’pd singular, tho kindred and other persons int'-r --e. od, to bo and appear before the Court of Ordi nary, te be held in and for said coun y, on the first Monday in May next, and show cau*e. if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hard, at office in Waynesboro’, thi< 21st day of March. 1865 mh23 F.DW. G ARLICK. 0,-dir.un B. C. "VJEW ARitll AL,—IO,OOO I'.ig. Puro White tv Load; 250 hoses French Window Gluts; 500 gallons Linseed Oil; 20011 lbs Patty; 600 gallons Spirits Turpontinn: 2000 I us. No 1 Potash ; 10‘ 0 lbs. Vene'iur, P d; 5000 ih* Stow WbitoZino; 500 paT.-ns Cop 1 Varnish ; ‘■‘i dot j a.rortoi Pain* Brc-hus; I- “ “ Vft it ■ wos’a Bruthce ; 5 oases Ticiuan’e Cb; ~ Urum; 5 '* ” “ Yellow : 150 lbs Verdigris, in Oil. For sale very low by W',l. TT. TT'TT, W holosale and Ret.il Druggirt. nihlO dAo l:u WM. O PRICE & CO., r'JRAPERS VS J> T-ILOHP, invite the ut.ten > tiun -of the public to a ■buioo m 'tment of ■ ILOT‘IB CAR-UMKRE* and VESTINGS. ju.-t received to raasc up to eider jan2i °£B BROAD STREET :VJ EATS FOOT (>!{,.— lat-o supply jo t received is by [inhi3l N i FOGARTY A CO. Idtrra nf dFtmrtiittiEjrip. GEOHGIAjHIRXK CO.-Wh»r«M, Mrs. sT rah F. Porkins applies for Letters of Guar dianship of George W., Androw J.. John 11.. Wary D. Henry C , ami Susannah B. L. Perkins, minors of Brinson L. Forking, lato of said county, deceas ed. under 14 years of ago: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, tho kindred and all other persons interested, to bo and appear at tho Court of Ordi nary, to be held in and for said county, on the first Monday in April next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office in Waynesboro’, this 21st day of February, 1855. feb23 EDWARD GARLICK, 0. B. C. Georgia, scriven county.—Whereas, William S. Moore applies for Letters of Guar dianship of the porsons and property of Hardy G. Everott and James F. Everett, minors of Edwin T. N. Everott, deceased, under 14 years of age: Theso are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred, and other persons in terested, to be and appear before the Court of Or dinary, to be hied in and for said county, on the first Monday in April next, and show oause if any they have, why sail letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at offioo in Sylvania, this sth day of March, 1855. mhll ALEXANDER KEMP, Ordinary. Georgia, scriven county?—Whereat, Wilson Conner, Jr. applies for Letters of Guardiansbipof the porsons and property ofChas. M. Connor and Anthony Conner, minor children of Lewis Conner, deceased: Theso are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and all other persons in terested, to bo and appear at the Court of Ordi nary, to be held in and for said county, on the first Monday in April next, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Givon u der my hand, at offioo in Sylvania, this sth day of March, 1855. mhll ALEXANDER KEMP, Ordinary. VEGETABLE EXTRACT. DR. MORSE’S INVIGORATING CORDIAL A PHENOMENON IN MEDICINE Health Restored and Life Lengthened —BY— Dr. Morse's Invigorating Elixir or Cordial- AT FIRST the properties attributed to Profeomr Morse's Invigorating Elixir or Cordial were deem ed fabulous. The public often deceived could not be lieve the simple and sublime truths announced by the discoverer. But facts, undeniable facts, attested by witnesses of tho highest class and character, are now triumphing over all doubts Incredulity is overthrown by a mass of testimony which is perfectly irresistible, The Elixir remedies, iu all cases, thedeplorable evils arising from a misuse or abuse of the various organs which make up the wonderful machine called man It restores to full vigor every delicate functioh connected with that mysterious compound agency of matter and mind, necessary to the re-production of humai lift*.— To persons of feeble muscular frame, or deficient in v* tal power, it is recommended as the on’y meson of communicating that euergy which is necessary o the proper employment of all the natural appetites, e well as the higher mental attributes. Its beneficial fleets are not confined to either 6ex or to any age. Tho fee ble girl, the ailing wife, the listless, enervated yrutb. the overworn man of business, the victim of nervous depression, the individual suffering from general debili ty, or from the weakness of a single organ, will find imj mediate and permanent relief from the uso of this in* comparable renovator. To those who have predippcsi-» tion to paralysis, it will prove a complete and urfail ng safeguard against that terrible malady. Thor** are many, perhaps, who have ho trifled with their coDstitr tions, that tfiey think themselves beyond tho reach o medicine. Let not evon these despair. The *Flix* deals with disease as it exists, without reference causes, and will not only remove the disorder itseL UK BUILD THE BROKEN CONSTITUTION The derangement of the system, leading to nervous diseases, and the forms ot nervous disease itself, are so numerous that it would require a column to enumerate the maladies for which this preparation is a specific. > few, however, may bo enumerated, viz:—neuralgia, • dolereaux. headache, incipient paralysis, hysteria, pal pitation of the heart, spinal affections, muscular debili ty. tremors, flatulency, a pricking sensation in the flesh numbness, mental depression, weakness of the will, in disposition to move, faintness after exercise, broken sleep and terrifying dreams, inability to remain in one place or position, weakness of the procreative organs, sexual incompetency, melancholy, monomania, tluor a!bus. sinking at the stomach, female irregularities, a chronic tendency to miscarriage, emaciation, and all complaints growing out of a free indulgence of the pas sions, and all barreness that does not proceed from or ganic causes, beyoad the reach of medicine. Whenever the organs to be acted upon are free from malformation or strictural diseases, it is averred that MORSE'S INVIGORATING ELIXIR will re-place w. akness with strength, incapacity with efficiency, irregularity with uniform and natural ac tivity. and this uot only without hazard or re action, but with a happy effect on tho general organization.— Bear in mind that ail maladies, wherever they begin, finish w ith the uervous system, and that tho paraliza tion of the nerve of motion and sensation is physical oeatn. Bear iu mind,'also,that for o*ery kiuil Os ner vous disease the .Elixir Cordial is tho only reliable pre paration known. CURE OF NERVOC3 DISEASES. No language can convey an adequate idea of the im mediate, and almost rairaculouri change which it occa sions in the diseased, debilitated and shattered nervous system, whether broken down by excess, weak by na ture. or impaired by sickness—the unstrung or relaxed organization is at once braced, re-vivified and built up The mental and physical symptoms of nervous disease vanish together under its influence. Nor is the effect temporary, on the contrary tho relief is permanent— for the Cordial properties of the medicine reach the constitution itself, and restores it to its normal condi tion. ,LOSH OF MEMORY, Confusion, giddiness,rush of blood to the head, mol ancholj, debility, histeria, wretchedness, thoughts o self-destruction, fear of insanity, dyspepsia, genera prostration, irritability, nervousness, inability to sleep diseases incident to females, decay of the propagating functions, hysteria, monomania, vague terrors, palpita tion of the heart, impotency, constipation, &c., from whatever cause arising, it is, if there any relianoeto beolaced on human testimony, is absolutely infallible A GREAT MEDICINE FOR FEMALES. The unparalleled effects of this g**eat restorative, in all complaints incident to females, mark a new era in the annals of medicine. Thousands of stimulants have been invented—thousands of invigor&nte concocted— ail purporti g to be specified in the various diseases and derangements, to which the delicate formation of wo man render her liable. EVERY WOMAN OP SENSB who suffers from weakness, derangement, nervonsnoss, tremors, pains in the back, or any other disorder, whe ther peculiar to her sex, or common in both sexes, to give ike invigorating Cordial a trial. MARRIED PERSONS or others, will find this Cordial, after they have need a bottle or two, a thorough regenerator of the system. In all directions are to be found the happy parents ol healthy ffspriug, who would not have been so but for this extraordinary preparation. And it is equally po tent for the many diseases for which it is recommended. Thousands of young men have been restored by using it and not in a single instance lias It failed to benefit them. T TO THE MISGUIDED, prohese are some of the sad and melancholy effects theduced by early habits of youth, viz: weakness of the back and limbs, pains in the head, dimness of the sight, loss of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nervous irritability, derangement of the di gestive functions, general debility, symptoms of con sumption, Ac. Mentally, the fearful effects on the mind are *nuch to bo dreaded. Loss of memory, confusion of ideas, depression of spirit •• evil forebodings, aversion to so ciety, self distrust, love of solitude, timidity, &.c., ear someoi the evils produced. Ail thus a/bioted, PERSONS OF PALE COMPLEXION, of consumptive habits, are restored by the use of a bottle or two to bloom and vigor, changing the skin from a pule, yellow, sickly color, to a beautiful florid complexion. BEFORE CONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE, should reflect that a sound mind and body are tho most necessary requhitesto promote connubial happiness, indeed, without these, the journey through life be comes a weary pilgrimage—the prospect hourly dark ens the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with desp* and filled with melancholy reflection that the happi ness of außOther■ becomesbiightod with jour own. CAUTION. Dr. Morse’s In vigorating Cordial has been eounterfeit ed by some unprincipled persons, In future all the genuine Cordial will hare tho pro prietor's sac-simile pasted over thecorkof each bottle and the following words blown on tiie glass: 1)R • MOUSE’S INVIGORATING CORDIAL, C. 11. RING, Proprietor, New York. The Oordial in put up, highly concentrated, iu pint bottle.)—price s:> per bottle, two for io six for sl*2. 0. il. RING, Proprietor, 192 Broadway, New York AGENTS: Augusta—Havilacri, Riley A Co.; Macon—Geo. Payne; Savannah —A A. Solomons A Co. mar2s 0 HI. YOU . HAIR KROI.LEBION. T u K receipt for making thin Celebrated Com .l peun-J, (lately introduce!* into this country.) will bo Rent by the subscriber to any per on in the IT oiled L utes or Canada*, for sl. The Krollcrion will eutl or warn the hair in a nr gi beautiful man ner. Any person having *he most eoarge and u»- couth looking hair, onn trar.giorra it. into the most beuuiiful, by th-. use ol‘ this article. The ingredients will cot. ci gt over 12 cent*, and with thin rcooipt any one cat make it equally s,s good in every ro s, eet, to »hat - !d at throo dollars per bottle. Tt prufemd. a package oi Krolleriou will be sor.t free n! po>>t ,: go, in i* id o. the receipt, with direction* tor prepe-ing it in liquid form, and full direction* iin u«e. Seed all ietterg. post paid, to. H. A FRKBMONT, Warren, Trnmbal! County, Ohio, jan!6 c3m AYER’S PILLS, Anbw and singularly successful remedy for the cure of all Bilious diseases Costiveness, Indi gestion, Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Fevers, Gout, Humors, Nervousness, Irritability, Inflamma tions, Headache, Pains in the Breast, Sido, Back, and Limbs, Female complaints, &c.,&c. Indeed, very few are the diseases in which a Purgative Medi cine is not more or less required, and mnch sick ness and suffering might be prevented, if a harm less but effectual Cathartic were more freely used. No person can feel well while a costive habit of body prevails ; besides it soon generates serious and often fatal diseases, which might have been avoided by the timely and judicious use of a good purgative This is alike true of Colds, Feverish symptoms, and Bilious derangements. They all tena to become ot produce the deep seated and formidable distempers which load the hearses all over the land. Hence • reliable family physic is of the first importance to the public health, and this Pill has been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. As extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Proses sors. and Patients, has shown results surpassing anything hitherto known of anv medicine. Cures have been effected beyond belief, were they not sub stantiated by persons of such exalted position uk! character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Among the eminent gentlemen to whom we arc allowed to refer for these facts, are Prop. Valentine Mott, the distinguished Bur geon of New York City. Doct. A. A. Hatbb, Practical Chemist of Use Port of Boston, and Geologist for the State of Mae sachusetts. * Ira L. Moore, M. D., an eminent Surgeon and Physician, of the City of Lowell, who has long used them is. his extensive practice. H. C. South-wick, Esq., one of the first mer chants in New York City. C. A. Davis, M. D., Sup’t and Surgeon of tlx United States Marine Hospital, at Chelsea, Mass. Did space permit, we could give many hundred such names, from all parts where the Pills have oeen used,but evidence even more convincing thar the certificates of these eminent public men i» shown in their effects upon trial. These Pills, the result of long investigation and study, are offered to the public as the best and most complete which the present state of medical science can afford. They are compounded not of the drugs themselves, but of the medicinal virtuer only of Vegetable remedies, extracted by chemical process, in a state of purity and combined together m such a manner as to insure the best results. This system of composition for medicines has been found in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a more efficient remedy than had hitherto been ob tained by any process. The reason is perfectly ob vious. While by the old mode of composition, ev iry metlicine is ’urdened with more or less of acri nonious and injurious qualities; by this, each indi ridual virtue only that is desired for the curatiw jifect is present. All the inert and obnoxious qual ties of each substance employed ore left behind, the mrative virtues only being retained. Hence it ia lelf-evident the effect should prove as they have moved more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer, more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient that ray medicine ihould be taken under the counsel of an attending Physician, and as he could net properly judge of a •emedy without knowing its composition, I have mpplied the accurate Formula by which both my Pectoral and Pills are made to the whole body of ctitioners in the United States and British Amor- Provinces. If however there should be any who has not received them, they will be omptly forwarded by mail to his address. Os all the Patent Medicines that are offered, how few would be taken if their composition was known i Their life consists in their mystery. I have no mysteries. The composition of my preparations is laid open to all men, and all who are competent to judge on the subject, freely acknowledge their conviction jf their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral w» ■.tific men to he a wonderful fccts were known. Many em e declared the same thing of ore confidently, and are will heir anticipations were more effects upon trial, eir powerful influence on tlx rify the blood and stimulate it -remove the obstructions of liver, and other organs of tb« body, restoring their irregular action to health, ami by correcting wherever they exist - smch dejajjgfs ments as are the first Origin of uiseasJr'” * Being sugar wrapped they are pleasant to take and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise frow their use in any quantity. For minute directions, see the wrapper on thi Box. Prepared by J amks 6. Aybr, Practical and Ah alytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. For sale by F. Kcksteiu, Jr.. Wholesale Druggist, Cfn cinuati.Ohio ,* Havland, Risley & Co.. W. 11. l’utt. and D. Is. Plumb ACo , Augusta; Smith & Hill. Athens! J. D. Chase, Washington ;II Norton. Madison; Hea driek A Pringle, Covington ; P. G. Hhome, Crawfod ville ; and by Dealers everywhere. april2o ARE YOU SICK? BBWARE OF IMITATIONS. ASK for HAMPTON S VEGETABLE TINCTURB- Th© many cures made by this pleasant and mJ* remedy may induce counterfeiting. A medicine must have merit, and great merit too, to stand the test of public opinion. No art of puffing eao galvanize a worthless article, ho as to keep it up as a good medicine, if it be not really so. A good medicine will live, become popular, and t Xr tend its sales year after year, in spite of opposition* The poople readily find out its virtues, and the fame a € them passes from mouth to mouth with more rapidity *han newspapers can spread it. A living witness testi fying to the cure a medicine has made for him, ia of far more service than any newspaper advertising. In proof of what we say above, we refer you to HAMPTON'S VKGKTARLF. TINt TUB K. and its effect** LIVER COMPLAINT. DEBILITY. Extract from James Harris. Esq's Later , Alexandria Virginia. After speaking of wonderful cure - on himself, hssayv " Mrs. 11. bus been suffering with the Liver Complaint and w ith inability, constantly complaining from weak ness through her whole system. Sim now enjoys hot ter health than for thirty years, being entirely restored by the use of Hampton's Vegetable Tincture. DISEASED SIDE, BREAST, EYES. Extract from a Utter from J Grimes. Esq.. Loudon County. Va. “My wife has been for years afflicted wi h great weakness, pain in the breast, side and back, palpitatiom of the heart, feebleness of the nervous system, loss of appetito, complexion sallow, the sight of one eye al most gone, the other \ery weak. lam pleased to say, Hampton's Tincture has ret- ored her to perfect health. Her eyes are as good now a * ever they were. RHEUMATISM. 3$ YEARS Mrs. E. Bagwell, of Virginia, suffered from Bhouma tisin from her 12th to her 50th year ot age ; at times entirely helpless. Being wealthy, she employed the best medical attention, and tried many me Heines, but was cured only bv Hampton's Vi fetable Tincture. CHRONIC INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM. The wife of Thonia- M. Yeakle ?6 Pearl street, was great sufferer for eight years Restored to perfect health by Hamilton's Vegetable Tincture. M K UCURIAL KUEU M A T IX M . Mr. Jarrett Plummer, 158 East Baltimore street, suf fered this disease intensely six years, could not sleep, dreadful ulcers formed on his limbs, from which splin ters of bones issued. His physician pronounced him incurable; but Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture cured him. HEREDITARY SCROFULA. A boy in the family of Hon. VV P Thomasson, once member of CoDgr»*Bs from Kentn-ky, whk a mass of sores from head to foot. His eye-lid.- turned in ide out, protruding over the eye-balls so ns to produce blind ness. He was cured by Hampton’s Vegetable. Tiuctur*. DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUS DISEASES, Ac. Mr. Wm. Oldham. * f the Baltimore Custom House, suffered these complaints for eighteen months, with >dy and mind seriously affected. He was cured by Hamptons Vegetable Tinct ***. alter other thing* failed COUGH. COSUMPfION, *O. Mr. Henrv C. Winn had a caugh for /ears, great weakness, Ac ; had in all five or six Physicians; tried all their remedies. bu f wf,p cured only by 0 s * HAMPTON'S \ EUETABLE TI NCTURE, hy its mild action on the Stomach. Liver, and the Kidneys, wil 11 «Dyspepsia. Cough, Asthma, Bronchial luid Lm /Affection. Pains intheß&ck. Sdo and Breast, CoL.ximption. Scrofula. Uhcumati.-m, Gout. Neuralgia, Fistula, Piles. Bowel Complaints, Worms, Nervous De bility—-with all the diseases arising from impure blood, and is the greatest Female Medicine ever known. Call and got a Pamphlet with certificates of curot, grulis. MORTIMER V MOWBRAY, Proprietor*, No. 240, Baltimore site*-t. Halt,more, Md. For sale in Augusta, at whole. <1 (by liAVILA f>. KISLEY A. 00., And at retail, by WM H. UTT And b> PRACTICE Or SURGFRY. DU. BTKUii HArUUSS is prepared to a<v oommodato. with lodging and pursing, pooh patients ve may be directed to bin. for Surgical op orations or treatment. Masters may be poured hat their servant# will have ovary nocossory at ention oly nutyT / Bev©u to on. ut hundred > v,/ bushels Uow Pea*. mhti «S. W. FLKNiXNC.