The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, August 13, 1865, Image 1

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THE DAILY NEW ERA. BY PHILLIPS & PRATHER. DAILY NEW ERA. orricc OF THE NKW ERA. tn tike BnlldlMK known a* ll>« •' Ten n«s»M »•««►*, " •«*< Street. NEW BATES Tbe following er* the retee ot eubecription and adrer t Meg for We Daily Sen Sr*. D dtp for one Mmt A.. .................. t 100 Dally for fix months. ..... 600 Daily for twelve monthe 1000 Stario sophs, at the router, 6 cent*. Advertbing. SI 00 per equate of ten line*, and 50 cute far each wleeiUHt in*e< Uou. ■> ———— A Novel Entsmpkisk. Lenveoworiti, Kan ■ ■M, papers contain an advertisement of the American Uaion Cattle Annotation. acting un der orders Irora the Secretary*®! tbe Interior, httiling one buodr.d and fifty vo uateers to join tbe Society, for the parpuae o< going on the plains tn capture a beard, and tarn, not Ima than 6 900 nor more than 10,000 buffaloes, with »be ultima's object of dtiring the animals to lb* Markets of tbe States. The expedition M under tbe stfperintai derce sod comm tnd of it gentleman who is said to bare had tbe most thPßyiigh experience in the rough and tumble -> dl jMeie Itfe. Ag md deal of money is sup- posed to be in tbe enterprise, and bo little amusement ana physical iuv.goration ; but tbe propriety of tbis wholesome method of killing off tbe wild b<rdg,of tbe plains may be well doubted. They are the main support of tbe Indiana,and Ibeir destraction o-tn only lead to heavier Indian aoproprialione. a id the increas ed robberies and murders, superinduced by tbe want sad revenge which must follow. A Ssvißt Ca*b or Lovi-Sicknkss.—Tbe son of a well-known federal official in New York, became so frantic on Monday last, in consequence of being discarded by the lady to whom be wag paying attentions, that he swal lowed a large dose of laudanum for tbe pur pose of committing suicide. His mother was aoofi after informed ot tbe rash act, and sent for tbe family physician, who, by tbe forcible application of antidotes saved tbeyoung roaq’s life. The only recognition the pbysican re ceived for bis services was a torrent of foul in. veclives, tbe would be suicidcf declaring no man has a right to prevent him taking bis own life when tbe lady whom he loved called him a gooes. Rokhucx's Exmitt. -Roebuck, In bis addres to tbe people of Siwffi-ld s .ys : R~eMlect that tbe Untied Siatea of America extends over a territory so large and so beau tifully fertile, that by and by, when it is filled, as ft will be filled, with tbe great Arglo Saxon nee, that people— mark my wot da, our children may learn to believe them tbat people will govern tbe world. My feeling was, and is, tbat they k.ave manifested so arrogant a disposition, they have insulted England whenever she con Id be insuited, tbat I said, "I will, as far as I am concern»d. aid aad asabt iu breaking uo tbat powerful Union to communities' that will be less powerful and better behaved." A Garman to* described an accident •©wH* ©TCulfcFu w Cinßw ® sMMHF tTW *0 SCffl® her iS vail from the lowermost lImVOSW tog on both sides of tbe fence, andlike to stove mine outside to." Equally taeid was Mynheer Van Dunk’s ae count of bis ascent of tbe Aileghanis*. Said be ; -‘I vas going ep der mountain mit myself, wee my loot slipped binnelf oo der ice, and I cr otnod down deoaovataio, oo der proud oi allTr a>Ut ’ We team that General Dodge, before fata departure for his new commend in Lievens worth, virtually closed up tbe Secret Service Bureau of tbe Provost Marshal General’s of Ace in tbis city, and forwarded the papers and records under seal to the War Department at Washington. Among tbe documenta so sent were three thousand pages of short-hand notes tbat embraced testimo-y given, from time to time, by tae United States detectives. Tbe Swedish priest Lind back has been con victed of potooning people with tbe sacramen tal wine, and exec-ted. He asserted It roughs out the trial that tbe murdered person* were incurables, or were in other ways likely to become burdens on hie pariah, and that it was for tbe purpose of relieving it Os the bur den of their presence that bo became guilty of tbe series of crimes. At the close.of rhe trial be made a speech acknowledging the justice of the sentence. A story io told of -Vermont captains In tbe war. between whom was a generous rivAry, reUttog to their own gallantry and that 01 tbete eompanie-. Bitb were dangerously wounded at tbe Wilderness. Capt. B. was in. sensible for two days, but on tbe third opened bte eyr* and inquired it Capt. W. w.« alive, and on being told bo was doing well, said en ergetioally, "Well, it W. can live, I’ll be d,—d if I’ll die," and ho didn’t. About fiGG.OOO worth of defaced or worn out fractional owriwtiey is destroyed per day, aad its place supplied with new, tbe entire amount in circulation being upwards of s2l, COO,OOO. No more ihrei cents notes to bo is* sued—tbe act of Congress prohibiting them, aad tbe five cons notes will also gradually bo withdrawn. gs ggp* George B. McClellan’s income for 1804 is returned at only $1,449. The Ames family of Eaton, Massachusetts, consisting es five members, enjoy incomes that aggregate $250,000 Ono of tbe number is Hon. Oakes Ames, a member of Congress. • s9* The President of tbe United States, •ays tbe Mississippi Clarion, bus requested that, as a precedent to the delivery of the New Orleans and Jackson Railroad to tbe •fockhoidars, an election of loyal Directors •ball peovicusly take place. The election is appointed for tbe 25th lust. Am evement is on loot by colored men to purchase the Charleston Mercury and pnb lisb it as an antk-siavery journal. Some pro gress has been made, and money is being • übeeribed with a prospect of snccess. A broker was standing on aa oil-tub at an auction, held tbe other day st Birmingham, England, when to the excitement “going, go leg. gon*,” be •tamped in the staves and dis appeared in tbe Oil, CITY MILITARY DIRECTORY. FSUX PRINCE SALM, Bror.t Brigadier General Com m in itug Poet. Captain A. STRUBRNAtIKL, Port Adjutant —Office in City Hall E. JOHNSON, Captain aad ProVort Marabal.—Office in City Hall. Lieut OTTO BOTT CHER, A A. Q. M., Poet Quarter man ter.—-Office on Alabama street. A. S. SEATON. Captain and 0. S., Poet Commleeary.— Office on Alabama street RAILROAD GUIDE , Georgia Railroad. GEORGE HONOR, Superintendent PABSKNGBB TRAIN. Leavee Atlanta i ro PM Lwves Augusta....". b W A. M. Reaches Atlanta •••• 8 UU r. M. Atlanta and Weet Point RtUlrosul. GKO ROE G- HULL. Superintendent. aS?. w”.rt piinii::: :J J: m: Arrive at Atlanta W P- «■ Macon and Western Railroad, A. L. TYLER. Superintendent. Leave Atlanta f ?? ='S' Arrive at Macon ***"l »5’ Leave Maron. J 15 A. M Arrive at Atlanta - 6 30 P. M. Montgomery to West Point R. R. DANIEL H. CRAM, General Superintendent. Uave West Point... ? 12 £ S' Arrive at « ™ E“• Arrive at < ‘ 90 P M. Leave Cbehaw." - ».9O A- M. Leave Columbus 4 00 A. A Arrive at We,t Point 10 00 A. M, Western to Atlantic Railroad. A. A. TALMAGE, Snperin I endent. Leave Atlanta -8 10 A. M. Leave Chattanooga...— - ~ ’S *• M. Arrive at Atlanta - -< o 0 P. M. Arrive at Chattanooga - - —«T 45 P. M. — Atlanta gusinrs.'S givwtorg. AS TAKEN FROM THE NEW ERA. The following Directory comprises a por tion of tbe leading sod reliable business firms in the city. See anneuncemeuts in our col umns. E K Winn, Grocer and Commission Merchant, aud Dealer in Gold and Silver Coins, Whitehall street. Hivahberg, Loeb A Co, Dry Goode Boots, Shoes, Hats, Ready made Clothing, etc , opposite Trout Honse. Hammond A Baagh. Attorneys at Law, office over Willis A Young’s old stand, Alabama street. Lee. Jenee A Co , Car and Machine Works, and manu facturers of machinery of alt kinds, Marietta street. A K Seago Commission Merchant and wholesale and retail dealer in meichandlse generally, Whitehall ate eet, opposite Roark’s corner. Southern Express Company, office on Alabama street, next door to Exchange Hotel. Robert J Lowery A Co., Grocers, Dealers in Dry Goods, and Commission Merchants, Alabama street. Robert J Low-ry. Exchange Broker, Gold, Silver, Bonds AkAHagnuent Bank Bills bought qud sold. Office at Corner Mitchell and aad Commission Merchants, three doors above M eortc Hall, Decatur street. X«. C > -rjiK‘tMT' CtootafwfOin South-Kswt L*eSr?iikat Knlv-ee Ma sore and Sewing Machines, opposite Jones’ tarary Stable. Saaseea, Whitaker A Co, Auction and Commission Mer <**■(., aad Bort Estate Agents, lower story ot tbe Exchange Hotel. t Gartrrtl A Hill, Attorneys at Law. Office on Alabama street, a few doom below the Exchange Hotel Poweß A MsarttoS, Auellooeers, Oommise'oa and Real Estate Agee's, Wtetoha.i street, near Roark’s ooraer Ata bama .tree* ' D P Ferguson- General Groove and Commission Merchant, No. 4. Mitchell street. Foy A Gabbert, Archltecto and Civil Beg!peers. » f Wm Ketebam, Cemmlsston Merchant and Forwarding Salmons * Simmona ’cemm&sion Merchants, Whtteh/ll street. A Dr C C Shir, Office on Alabama street, np stMrs, next door to GartrMl A Hill, and Hammond A Paugh Drs E N A Ed Crtbotm, corner ot Washington and Veters L B Phillip*, Grocer and Comtntoffito Merchant, Mitebell street. Scott, Perrons * Freeman, dealers In Dry Goods, Groce ries, Drags. Medieiaes, etc. Whitebait street. E M Bruce. Cotton Broker, Alabama street, at the office of tbe Superintendent Atlanta A Wert Point Railroad. G W gclple, Anth neer aad Commission Merchant, on I'eeeUree street. Wagon Yard building. Dermot A Kramer. Whitehall Wrest, Mxr doorto Powell A Marshall's .netton bouse. A J Haralson * 00, Groc rs and Commission Merchants, Wheat street opposite Trout Hons*. Gordan A Co, General Commission Merchants, Psach treo street. Garrett A Brother, Conunuslon Merchants, Decatur street. "■ Mitchell, Reed A Co, Commission Merchants, near oot ner Whitehall and Hunter itreeta. Wylie Johnson A Cd, Grocers sod CommiMton Mer chants, Depot street, uea- Trout House. ■ Bprayberry A While. Land Ag-nts, Whitehall street, langeton, Cra .e A Hammdek, Commission Merchants, Alabama fflrceE Dr. C. H. Smith, Phyaicl»n, Peachtree street. Godfrey A Oatman, Commission Merchants, Peachtree street. Verdery's Variety More, Mitchell Street, nearly oppo site Roark's Corner. Exchange Hotel Billiard an<l Pool Room, corner Pryor and Alabama ot reets. / ' Refreshment Saloon, corner Washington and Hunter Streets. Hnghre, Pendergnwe A Co, Builders, Peachtree Street Dr J T. Campbell, Resident Dentist, office above Roark’s corner, Whitehall street. Wexel A Mcßride, Dealers In Dry Goods, Ac, Peach tree Street. Brown A Parrott, Grocers and CommiMlon Merchants, Trout Honae Block, Decatur street. Franklin Printing Houss . Gothic Building, corner Loyd and Hunter streets, J J. Toon Proprietor. John T. Meador A Bros, Produce and General Cam mission Merchants, Whitehall street. John C. Whltnvr, Insurance Agent and Collector of ntee, Ac, In Korrlt’s building, Mitchell street, one door shave Whitehall. Dr. F. H. Grroe, Hotnceopatbist, corner of Mitchell and Washington streets, fronting on City Hall square. Dr. B L Baago. office on Whitehall street. Bnrns A Dwyer, Whoteaalo and Retell Grocery and Liquor Merchaata, near Georgia Railroad Bank. H Marshall, Bert Fatale agent, office at Gate Olty tar and Machine Works. Dr » W Thompson office at tbe store of Curry A Zaebry Loyd street. J R Mouneo. wholesale and retail dealer In drygoods, > etc, next door to corner ct Decatur and Wheat street-). J H Monee", whotesrta and retell dealer In tin ware, copper and sheet Iron and hardware, next door to the corner of Wfiesfi and Decatur ttretts. Our Hoove, corner Pryor and IJunter streets, JobnT Hall, proprietor. j B W Adams, auction and commission merchant, Peach tr*o otr*o, cotton shippers, Marietta street. T Kile, tnmber dealer, Peach tn* street R J Mta«y, commlsstan and forwarding merchant, with Lanxsten. Crane A Hammock. ATLANTA, GA.. SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST 13. 1865. Phillips & Flanders, GROCERS AND Commission Merchants, MITCHELL STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Will buy or pxchansa Fectoiy Yarn and Ostmburgs .o Cotton, loose or in bslw, and will keep good supply of Family Groceries. Jf^/’erencej.—W. R. Phillips 4 Co., Griffin ; Lightfoot A Flanders. Mncon; and Merchants of Atlanta. July 14—Im NEW GOODS? YONGE & ANDEBSON, Os Savannah, Georgia, at the store of JOHN D. BUTT & BRO., 266 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA., Have just received an entire new stock of Choice Family Groceries, Liquors. Ale and Porter, consisting in part of Pure Java Coffee. Rio Coffee. Rt. DomingoOoffee, Crushed and Brown Sugar, Candies. Soap, Starch, Cigars, Macke rel, Vine Green'Tea. Fine Black Tea, aud every article in the grocery U«e. AUO, A choice assortment of Ladles* Dress Goods, Ladles*, Miss o’ aud Children’s Shoes, Hoop Skirts, Fancy Soaps, Extracts and Perfumery, Ac.. Ac. Patronage ooiicitrd PHILIP YOaNGE. July 15—tt GKO. W. ANDERSON, Jr. <. W MITCHKLL. | J. M. O RBKD. | ?. M. RICBARDBO2T. Mitchell, Reed & Co., EH OUSE AXD COMMISSION MERCHANTS ADD WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE AND PROVISIONS. Near Cor. Whitehall & Hunter Sts. July 21—Im D. P. FERGUSON, GENERAL CROpER AND Commission Merchant, Strict rttortUoa given to aU arder* and coiißignmcnte. NO. 4, Mitchell St., Atlanta, G-a. July 13-3 m ~ M. C. BLANCHARD. FHIE.«BUFE imWASm, k v . -.rf&S ~ . .....I, - . ATLANTA, GEOBGIA, Will take rUke on all kind, nf insurable property in some ot the most aolvent losurane* Companie, of the City of New York. AMO, General Agent for Buying, Selling and Renting Real Estate. •»■■ Office on Alabama sti eet,a few doors below Exchange Hotel. July 12—ts ANDREW BIIIW & Ik, GROCERS, PROVISION DEALERS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, NO. 110 MAIN STREET, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, Order* for Groceries, ProvWona, D igging aud Rone, promptly executed. July 25—8 w» Private Sale. • GODFREY & OATMAN. 50 Sacks Extra Family Elour (new), 40 Boxes Choice Chewing Tobacco, 1 Lot Fine Cigars, . • 1000 Pounds Bacon. July 2#—lf L. J. GARTKELL. ♦- W. J. HILL. GARTRELL & HILL. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ones on Alabama Ktreot, • ihw Door* Below ICxelasinge Hotel. .A. 11 ant a, Georgia. | ulyO lm / A. J* Haralson & Co., GROCERS AMP COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Corner Wheat and Deoatur Streets, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. tutor to Gl B. Crump * Co.,Augn.t*; DmmA Wan .bam, Macon; Bawwo, Whltakrt • o*.,*nd Kite * Oo , AtlMto.' •»«>? HEADQUARTERS FOR Saddles, Harness, &c yoswMOMow. I wx. a. xoax-.w. JNO. MORROW & SON, Ko. 48, North Market Street, NEAR PUBLIC SQUARE, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. Manufacturers and Dealers In Sadtfes, Harness, Bridles, ii- - . Whips, &c. COACH and SADDLE material kept conatantly on hand. GOODS sent on order byj Exprew to »ny part of th* South. We refer to Mauri. Cox 4 Hill, Salmon. 4 Simmon., McNaught, Ormond 4 Co.. Lockhart, Leo 4 Co, 8 A. Turand. M-q J T Porter. W W. Clayton, Agei t Ga. R R. 4 Bauk’g Go., aad tbe blulneu mea-of Atlanta generally. Terms Cash. Intelligencer copy. jy27—ltn JB" KA. INK LI IN. PRINTING HOUSE AKD BOOK-BINDERY, GOTHIC BUILDING, CORNER HUNTER AND LOYD STREETS. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. The'propr etor of the above favorably known JOB PRINTING ABD PUBLISHING HOUSE Bega to anneuncet • the Public that he hi again ready for work tn ah us im branches, having an ample stock oi ENGLISH PAPER, BUSINESS AND RAILROAD CARDS, With ample Machinery and Workmen ot taste, .kill and promptnes* to execute order* faithfully, Grateful 'or past favore, be hopeg, by diligence aod par severance, to merit a liberal .bare of patronage. J. J. TOON, Jrty 28— 2w Proprietor. WINN, TIBBSTcb., G-ROOEBS AINO Commission Merchants, ASD DEALERS IV GOLB AND SILVER COINS. Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga., Wilf neep constantly on hand BACON, FLOUR, CORN, MEAL, SUGAR, MOLASSES, TOBACCO. SALT, SHEETINGS. SHIRTINGS, OSNABUBGS, COTTON YARNS, &O, &0, &o. •ST" Prompt return, mads for all goods .old on com mlMlon. Jniv 11-3 m SEND YOUR COTTON”- FORWARD. fit; We-,"have perfected an arrangement with MESSRS. KKIN & 00., Os Savannah, Georgia, owner, of the Steamboat hhiij u jxt.” Running between Savannah and Angurta, to .h p *ll Cotton consigned to u. io New York. We are prepared to pay all freight and Internal taxes on *ll Cotton and other produce shipped to US iu Nov York. All orders for tbe purchase of Goods will receive prompt " j attention. A.. ALHTELL Cm be conferred with at hl. on Marietta Street, Atlanta, Georgia. AUSTELL & INMAN. Ang h—lm •ar* Maoo. Telegraph and Augusta Constitutionalist copy two week, aud forward MU to thl. office. J.R. MOUWCE, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Dry Goode Groceries. Book, and Stationery, and General Variety Store, n- Cal! and examine my stock next door to corner of Dteator and Wheat streets, Atlenta, Georgia. Ang 8 ■■ fan GATE CITY FOUNDRY, CAR AND MACHINE WORKS. LEE, JONES & CO. MARIETTA STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, BciLDKns or Passenger and Freight Railroad Oars, Manufacturer* and Repairers of MACHINERY OF aLI KIND, IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS, MAKERS OF Sash, Blinds, Doors, Framing, &c., Are now prepared to receive ant fill promptly all order* in the Above line es buainew. FLOORING and CEILING and Matclhed. Lumber of all kind kept con stantly on hand. Iu addition to our manufacturing establishment we have an extensive LUMBER YARD on the con fines of tbf* city, where w« are ready to receive consignments of Ltiraber, which will be disposed of spetdily on the most advantageous torint, and prompt returns made therefor. J. <?. HENDRIX, July B—t GENERAL AGENT. Wm. Ketcham, COMMISSION MERCHANT forwiroim; .w, A. 3? Iu -fk IV r r Gr TC O rt GT I A, Can ftu nlah good and safe Storage. Will receive and foi wI rd gr. Xis. and buy and Bell all kind* of Merchandise and Produce nn Commission- Consignments Respectfully Solicited. COTTON. I will pay the market price, “or a little more,” for Cotton in good «bfpp n? order, either in GcLD, GREEN BACKS OR PROVISIONS. W KETCHAM. liV 0.T08.F. Cbewmg aud Smoking Tobacco, ?Targe runm fiv. rup. Sorghum Syrup, Crushed Sugar/Brown bu£5 y Tea and Coffoe, Salt, Soda. Starch, Pepper, Flour, Meal, Bacon. Mackerel, Cotton Yarn,) all numbers), Whitiemore’s Cards, (gen uine), Weol Cards, Harness, Sole and Upper Leather, Calf Skins, Men and Women Shoes, Men and Boys Kelt and Straw H.tts, La4W and Misses L -g- * horn and rtraw • Hats. Pens. Psp<>r, Pencils Envelopes. Blacking and numerous wthe. articles, all of which writhe ecfd, Wholesale or Re tail for either Specie tx will be ex changed for Racon, Lard, Corn, Wheat, Fivur, Lumber, Shingles or auy other Country Produce. W. KETCHAM. July 14—3 m two tHoicE Plantations. TH 8 Undersigned attars for sale two desirable places iu Chambers Country, Alabama ' 6itecnu«prisi> k ISO odd aetesy Oak and Hickory; miles from West Point, ini mod ately on the Montgomery and W*i:st Point kail road. as well s the main Gtoruui/hfara between ihfl cities* The other situated one mile s'uth-sst of tbe above described place, cotisiats of I2OQ acree of-fine Pine Lani, 400 just cleared, ttu* remainder heavily timbered. Both plnc«s are well improved, ennvenfent to good Bch>ols aud Churches, and adapted to Corn and Cotton. The ab ve lands offer great inducements to any one wishing to embark in the Lumber or Planting interest Refers to Jno. C. Whituer, John Wright and C W. Winter. Alfred Harrell. Aug B—2in BILLIARDSAND POOL. THE BXCHANOB HOTEL BILLIARD AND POOL ROOM HAS been opened in the basement of the Exchange Hotel with three xce'lent Tab’es The rfioni is large, light audcool. Billiard end Pool Players v ill find everything conducing to their amusement iu good order. The Billiard and Pool Room is open from eight iu the morning until eleven o'clock at night. July 26—Im For Sale. AN improved pace, five mi left from the city, on the McDonough Road, containing TWO HUNDHED ACRES. Alwut sixty ncros cleared ; tbe bal.uce heavily timbered wub Oak and Hickory. Ibo Iniiidlnn ->re .11 iww. Apply to RICHARD OHJIE. duly 18— Im Dft F. H. ORME Homieopathtat, HAS rc«mracd t b e practice of lkis profewlon iu Atlan ta- He may be found, for the present, at the resi dence of Col. Dabney,coruer of Mi chsllahd Washiugtou streets, fronting on City Hall Square jy‘2fo*-lm HOUSE 7OR SALE. A LARGE TWO STORY HOUSE FOR SALE AT STONE MOUN- . TAIN, IN GOOD CONDITION- July 13—Im Apply «t Jins OfrlCß DR. B. L. SEAGO, Office on Whitehall Street. Will practice Medicine and Surgery. lyW-ti * • VOLUME J—NUMBER 34. nm i. nrrcwNos, i w , w nun . J.KI<H *. I *m>. c. WUVUL Mffi, DIM & co., WHOLESALE GBOOEBS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS 12 Leaf Tobacco, Ccuntry Produce. Ac., &o.j &c NORTH SIDE MAIN STREET, be tween SEVENTH and EIGHTH, LOUISVILLE, KY. Strict atu ntion paid (e tbe sale of BACON, LARD, PORK, WHEAT, FLOUR. WHISKY. Will fIU all orders for Uajrjjriiiftj. Rope, etc. aug 8-3 mo K. M BRICH. * I T. 8. MORGAN. E. M. BRUCE & CO., RBS BROAD BTRKIT, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, BANKERS AND COTTON FACTORS, ■* DEALERS EXCLUSIVELY IN Foreign and Domeitio Exohange, Coin, Unourrent Money a Cotton. I HAVE thir-flay taken into partnership THOMAS S. MORGAN. I dqjhie la recognition and apprecia **-m er Tills auYmpoa.Ultv.Ta iaUgrfty, ana nigh capacity m a business man, and his long satisfactory and suecsas fu! management of my commercial and financial atlairs, fidelity to ray interests, (having been with me i ” ; ‘bDut intermission for more than fifteen years.) I do therefore meod him wlth confidence to the bu siness public. E. M. Aug 6 6tn “Here’s Your 3 Peimy Nails,” < Another frr.b Arrival *t th. “VARIETIES,” WHITEHALL STREET, EAST OF RAILROAD, BRXT DOOM. TO fiAbnOBS 4k SIMMOMfc. 50 Regs NAILS, 3 to IS, 5 Sacks Fine RIO COFFEE, • 1 20 Kits No 1 MACKEREL, WEIXbUCKKTS, TOY RUCWETS; k - ■’ - > •• Mmon and Rwteritigr TROWBLB, :ta SPELLING B®©RB, Sa/: L . P ’-r COME rWh® AJLONGK F. HAGAN & CO. Aug. 5-ts » - —— ' x>R. j. □?. < AMrin-ri . RESIDENT DENTIST, Office abate Roark'i Corner, WhUehall St., AUantn, Ga., Re.per.tfally inform, tbe eltlien, of Attahta and vicinity that he ia prepared to do all work In hi. Una. -«*r «» » to Mount Ttrth on Rubber Pl»to •ocording to the lateat rtylo. All ortera promptly at tended to. July 2B—lm J. T. THOMAS & CO., SAVAMNAH, SKOROIA, Commission and Forwarding Mu chants, will give prompt attention to all business entrusted , . . to them. . „ ; sm— •* S.W. ADAM. I T.*.rcwnu. B. W. ADAMS & CO., GROCEBB AND Ccmmissiou Merchants, Peachtree Street, next door to A. C. Wyiy’. eld .tend, ATLANTA, CEORCIIA. WOwtraurti of rtl kind* rMptctfally wUolted. *«g Am a—*n BACXAN ’ * 6,000 ’ au«« « LASBkAN, WRIIAKMI• 00.