The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, August 17, 1865, Image 4

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LOOK SHARP AND STEP SCATTERING-. Boceived this day at the “ Varieties.” White hall Street, East ot Railroad, between Railroad and Marietta Street. 100 barrel* F.xtr- Family Floor, MO dwa Gent* Paper Cellar), 2000 Palm Fans 10 hoop* Extra Fine Cneeao, 10 box*. auorted Caady, 6 boxaa Kock Candy, 10 boxes Soft Cream Candy, 10 b«XM Butter Crackers 10 boaea Bi Carbonate Soda, 20 box* Star Candies. 10 boxes Pearl Starch, 60 pieces beautiful Prints, 10 pieces Scotch Gingham, p 6 gross Battles and Corks, 1 Brnasels Carpet and Bug, | 100 kegs Nalls 4 to 12, 1 fine Opera Glass. BO doran Spelling Books. Glass 8x10.10x12. 12x10,12x20.14x20. Ladies and Gents Boots and Shoes, assorted, Um brellas. assorted, Handkerebteh. Towels, La dles Belta and Buckles, Coat Buttons Candle Moulds, Counter Brushes Jt Brooms, Fancy Bas- Brlttania and Cocoa Dippers. White Wash Brashes, Cedar Bukets. (BRAS. BANDS) Toy Buckets. Meal Sift ers, Spittoons, Baisina, Figs, Ac., Ac. F. Hagan & Co's, •■VARIETIES," East of Ballroad Jnty SO—ts Hardware I Hardware 11 CAKPENTBRS’ TOOLS, DOOR LOCKS, BOLTS, SASH FASTENINGS, SAWS, MILL SAWS, HASPS and STAPLES, PATENT STONE HAMMERS, TIRE BENDER, COFFER MILLS, THERMOMETERS, GATE HING*CS, PAINT MILLS, BOX-WOOD RULES, WHITE ABD WALNV r KNOBS, S,OOO FEET SAFETY F>TSE, PAINT AyMARKING BRUSHES, And other articles,:.i,the Hardware line for aale by Salmons & Simmons, July 14—ts Whitehall etreet, Atlanta, Georgia. geoSi/Fhome Insurance <3 0 ME* a NY. Oldest in the State save One! CHARTERED IN 1859: Capital Estock. - - - _ $350,000, 4k LARGE CASH AMD SURPLUS ON HAND. RISKS TAKEN ON LIBERAL TERMS. ». r. WILLCOX, J. P. BOZEMAN. Secretary. Preaident. John C. Whitner, Mly 86—« Agent, Boark’a Building. Intelligencer copy. JOHN C. WHITNERj INSURANCE AGENT, AND COLLECTOR OF NOTES, &C., In Roark’s Building, MITCHELL ST., ONE DOOR ABOVE WHITEHALL. • Bosinetw promptly attended to. Intelligencer copy July 30—ly HERSHBERG, LOEB & CO., Have jut received a large and fresh lot of Gentlemen’s Wh’te Linen Shirts, Northern Clothing, Boots, Shoes, and Gents’ Furnishing Goods Generally. ALSO, Carpet Bags, Pocket Books, &c. Ang6-tf D. P. FERGUSON, GENERAL CROCER "AND Commission Merchant, Strict attention given to all order* and eonilgnment*. NO. Mitchell St., Atlanta, G-a. July 13—3 m A BUSINESS LOT FOR SALT / kN Foreyth. running back near te Broad S’reat. This ig Ter J property. Call and see pint, Ac. Suburban Residence Locations FOR SALE, Bight acres near Co 1 one la Whitaker and Patton. A more delightful location could not be found la the vicinity of this city. . ALSO, Hevea acres near the subscriber’s former residence oa the Western and Atlantic Railroad. Apply promptly to A K. MEAGO. OommlMlon Merchant, Atlanta, Georgia. Inly 26—ts Notice. TIE Partnership of the firm of Powell A Marshall la Iblailay dlaaoived by mutual content. C. POWELL, Atlanta, July 27,1866, II M > A-GIALL. The baainea* will be carried on by C Powell who will pay all claim, ot the late firm, and respectfully eolklta patronage. , July 2g-tf a. a. «***«■• I «• w»«k*“- I *• »• “Ado- SASSEEN. WHITAKER & CO. auction AND Commission Merchants, AND BEAL ESTATE AGENTS Ac BROKERS, "igt IN LOWIR STORY OF Tffll ' . EXCHANGE HOTEL, ATLANTA, GEORG-TA. THE service* of the well-known W. M. Hill have been engaged m Auctioneer. Strict and prompt atten tion will b • given to all business entrusted to their care, and prompt returns made. They refer to Messrs. Duun A Mangham. Macon, Ga.; Col. R. A. Crawford, Macon, Ga.; Messrs. W. A. Ramsey A Co., Augusta, Ga.; 0. V. Walker A Co., Augusta, Gag Col. J. R. Powell, Montgomery, Ala; Messrs. Lee A Norton, Montgomery, Ala. *3- We bare a large, commodious room for storing. A ng 16—Im GREAT MAMMOTH AUCTION SALE. SASSEEN, WHITAKER & CO., Will sell on the Second Monday in October next, at their Auction House in the City of Atlanta, A LARGE NmBEB OF CITY LOTS, Both business and building lots on the most desira ble streets in the City, situated in part on the following streets: Whitehall, Marietta, Loyd, Peachtree, Decatur, Pryor, Mitchell, Forsyth, Broad and Walton streets- ALSO, Sever til Thousand Acres of DESIRABLE TRACTS OF LAND In this and different sections of the State. They invite those wishing to sell their City Lots and Landed Estates ta make early application and secure a place in our Catalogue of Real Estate, as we will in a few days give a complete description and advertise them in all the principal newspapers in the United States. W. H. HILL, Auctioneer.- *9** Auzusta Chronicle 4 Sentinel Macon ” b Columbus Enquirer, will each copy <welve t'mes and semi bill to the Intelligencer office fur collection. July 3U—tf TEN YEARS LEASE? WJB WILL LEASE TWO LOTS, On the Corner of MARIETTA AJiD BROAD STREETS, For the term of . TEN YEARS. Parties wishing to LEASE OR BUILD Will do well to call on us, as we are give a BETTER BARGAIN Than any ever offered in the City of Atlanta. Sa?>seen, IVliitalcer & Co. July 30—ts WKXFJ. & McBRIDE, Have just received a lot of NEW GOODS, consisting of PRINTS, • FLANNELS, GINGHAMS, JACONET, MUSLIN, LINEN, SWISS, and a fine lot of Silks, French Corsets, Ladies’ and Gents’ Hose, Collars, Belts, Buckles, Cuffs, Braid, Tape, Dress Buttons, Vail Buttons. Pearl Shirt Buttons, , English Bone Buttons, Kid Gloves, Ribbons Perfumery. La dies’ Hats, Needles. ALSO A FINE SELECTION OF Ladies’ Shoes, & Gents’ Boots and Shoes. And other articles too numerous to mention. Wexel & Mcßride, PEACHTREE STREET. Jnly23—3m MITmEADOR & BROS., PRODUCE AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN Gei eral Merchandize, IN BUILDING FOBHERLY KNOWN AS THE POST OFFICE. July 28—Im Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. W. X. RAMS.T | B. F. HAIL. I JAX. X. GODriIXT. Anguata, Ga. | Angn*ta, Ga | Antanta, Ga W. A. RAMSEY & CO., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Peachtree, 3d Door from Marietta Street Atlttntu., Georgia JNO. S. HUTCHINSON Auctioneer. Having established a branch of their business in thia clty» wa aonclt a share of public patronage. Will give their prompt and personal attention to the sale and purchase of Bondi, Stocks. Keal Estate, Merchandise, 4c.. having arge cxporieuco and ample faclUtlos. julyfi—tf p. i. uounow. I w - *» adambow. GORDON & CO., general COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND Wholesale and Retail Dealer, in FAMILY SUPPLIES BUCH AS BACON, COFFEE, EARD, SUGAB, FLOOR, SIRUP, CORN, SALT, lUEAE, ’MN WARE. ALSO, Smoking & Chewing Tobacco. Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. July 19—Im ALEXANDER, FALL &GRAV, DEALERS IN HARDWARE & CUTLERY, No. 47 College Street. Nashville, Tennessee, We have in Store, and keep constantly on hand, a large and complee stock of AMERICAN AND FOREIGN HARDWARE, Which will be sold at very reasonable rates at Whole ale or Retail. We also keep a full stock of Gum and Leather Belting, Bolting Cloths, Gummer Bitts, Saw Glimmers. &c., &c. 1,000 Dozen Assorted Pocket Knlvei, 300 Gro.a Aborted Knives and Forks, 1,000 Dozen Locks of Every Description, 300 Dozen Am, Best Brands, 1,000 Dozen Files, Best Brands, Assorted, 5100 Coils Rope, All Sizes. ALSO, A full assortment of Carpenter’s and Blacksmith’s TOOLS, For sale by ALEXANDER, FALL 4 GRAY, No. 47 College Street, Lx ashville, Tennessee. July 25—Im HOTEL PROPERTY FOJR SALE. We will sell at private sale the Troxxt House PROPERTY. Situated on the corner of PRYOR AND DECATUR STREETS, which needs no comment on our part, as showing it to be the very BEST SITE. FOR A HOTEL In the CITY OF ATLANTA. Call immediately, as we offer great induce-, ments to parties wishing to build. The prop erty can be so built ns to make TWELVE GAUGE 81ORK ROOMS UNDKR THE HOTEL. SASSEEN, WHITAKER & CO. Aug 1-ts ~RFRESHMENT~SALOONr THE attention of tho public I* rnapectfully Invited to tho Now Kefr, nlimont Baloonju*t opened OPPOSITE CITY HALL, Corner Hunter and Washington Streets. The best Rhine Wine., Claret*. Cincinnati Lager Beer, ten cents a gl**>, Can be had there. I*<- and mixed drink* of all deaerip tlon* are aerved out by »n experienced bar keeper. Havana Cigar* of the beet brand* at low price*, i A call will give entire *utl»faction and make yon return ■ to CORNER WASHINGTON AND HUNTER STREETS. July 16—Im J. B. 0 SCOTT. J. B PAKHOM. C. P. TBMtMA.V. WT, PARSONS & FRUBMAN, Whitehall Street, Have just received another fresh supply of New Goods, consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, HARDWARE, DRUGS, MEDICINES AND DYE STUFFS, Fancy Toilet Soaps. PERFUMES, &C. Our goods are purchased from the Eastern markets, and are of the latest style and best quality. Persons de- siring anything in our line will do well to call * and. examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we buy for eash only and WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully COJII’OUNDKD. N. B We also have a News Depot established at the Exchange Hotel, Alabama street, under the management of Mr. George Sasseen, where will be fiuud all the load ing papers of the country, Periodicals, Books, Stationery, 4c , 4c. SCOTT, PARSONS 4 FREEMAN. July 15—ts THE’ CHRISTIAN INDEX. BY the First of October, or as soon as the mails are re established. I wili renew the publication of the ‘ CHRISTI 'N INDEX.” and of the “CHILD’S INDEX,” I have been publishing. Price of “Christian Index,” per annum,..s3 00 Price of “ Child’s Index,'’ per annum, 50 Money may be remitted at once, as my determination is positive. My desire is to secure a larize subscription list with which to begin, and I issue this Prospectus that subscribers may have time to forward their remittances It is roy intention tc issue first class papers, and no pains or expense will be spared to sscure that end- The best writers and correspondents will be secured, and the highest religious and literary talent will be given to the paper-. The CHILD’S PAPER will be profusely illus trated, an 1 will, in every sense, be made to conform to its new title, The Child’s Delight. Money may be sent by Express or otherwise —if by Express, at my risk, if the Express receipt is sent me, on the resumption cf mail faci ities. My connection with the film of J. W. Burke 4 Co., is dissolved, but I will establish an office in Macon, Georgia where communications may be addressed. SAMUEL BOYKIN. jy29—lm SUNDRIES. BLACK AND WHITE ORGANDIE MUSLINS, 30 REAMS BEST ENGLISH LET. TER PAPER, 100 LBS. BEST ENGLISH SHOE THREAD, 8 DOZEN COTTON CARDS, 7 GREAT GROSS BONE BUT TONS, 5 BALE? 3-4 SHEETING, NAILS, &C. For sale by Salmon & Simmons. July 15—ts E. M. BRUCE, JD JE£» .A. Xj m JR EXCLUSIVELY IN COTTON. The undersigned, representing the house of E. M. Bruce of Augusta, Would respectfully solicit corrcspoudence-wlfh his friend* and the holders of Cetton, with re gard to the purchase or shipment to New Yoik or Liverpool. Liberal Advances will be made on shipments, and cot ton purchased, from holders, at good rates, and payments made in Coin or Currency at option of holders. Holders will do well to confer with me or my agents before sel ling or making consignments. H. D. CAPERS. Office for the present with Superintendent Atlanta 4 West Point Railroad, on Alabama street. July 16—Im C? POWELL, Auctioneer, REAL ESTATE AGENT, AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Whitehall Street, NEAR ROARK’S CORNER. All bnsiness entrusted to mo will meet with prompt attention I have several FARMS for sale. Auction days Wed nesdays and Saturdays. july29—tf FOR SALE. 500 BCBHBLS PRIMM WHITE CORN, 4,000 POUNDS CHOICE BACON SIDES, 500 POUNDS CHOICE BACON HAMS, 50 KEGS NAILS, FROM 4>«TO 30’., SUPERIOR LOT GRINDSTONES, LARGE LOT SOLE LEATHER, CORN .HEAL, WOOD BUCKETS, HOLLOW WARK, &.C. Wylie Johnson & Co., July 25—ts Depot Street, near Trout House. D. F. HAMM iND. R. BAUGH. LAW OFFICE. HAMMOND & BAUGH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Next door to Intelligencer Office, over Willis 4 Young’s old stand, on Alabama etrotl, Atlanta, Georgia. July 11—3 m REAL ESTATE NR SALE BY Sprayberry & White, LAND AGENTS, Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga., We offer for Sale at the Lowe«t Price* for Caah, the fol lowing lilt of Lande and Town Property. «-TITLES IN ALL CASES GUARANTEED. Lot of Land No. 191, 251 b District, 3d Section, Murray County, Georgia. Lot of Land No. 188, Bth District, 4tb Section Walker County, Georgia. Lots of Land Nos. 281 282. 295, 298 and 318, 12th District, 4th Section, Walker County, Georgia. Lot of Land No. 279,10th District, 4th Section, Walker County, Georgia. East-half of Lot of Land No. 73. 26tb District, 3d Section, Walker County, Georgia. Lot of Land No. 206, 13th District, 4th Section, Chattooga County, Georgia. Lot of Land No. 241, 13th District, 4th Section, Chattooga County, Georgia. Mineral Lands. Lotof Laud No. 965, lltb District, 4th Section, Lumpkin County, Georgia. Oue-eighth interest in the south balf of Lot No. 229, 28ib District, 3d Section, Catoosa County, Georgia. East balf of the northeast quarter of Section 26, Township 10, Range 9, Cherokee County, Alabama. Five Business Lots in the Town of Ringgold TO We have some desirable Business Lots to Lease in this City. Those seeking investments in Georgia Lands cannot do better than to give us a call at our office on Whitehall Street, near Railroad crossing. Sprayberry & White. July 25—Im w W. A. RAMSIY. I B. HALL. W. A. RAMSEY & CO., AUCTION AND General Commission Merchants 308 BROAD STREET, (Opposite Union Bank,) AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, G. A. PARKER, Auctioneer, Wi’l give their prompt and personal attention to the sale and purchase of Bonds, Stocks, Real Estate, Mer chandise, 4c., having large experience and ample fa cilities July 6 ts MOSS & TRIGG, IMPOSTERS OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, G-UNS.&o., RO. 536 MAIN STREET, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, Aug B—6m NEYV VARIETY STORE. F. est! CO., WHITEHALL STREET, EAST OF THE RAILROAD, Between Railroad and Decatur Street, Keep constantly on band, at Wholesale and Retail, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Ready made Clothing, Hardware, Glass and Putty, Paints and Oils, Fancy Groceries and Confectioneries. aug 3 ts JNTE'W . AUCTION AND COMMISSION DOUSE. T. P. FLEMING & CO., HAVE opened on Mitchell street, next door to Roark’s Corner, for the purpose of doing a general Auction and Commission Business. Persons entrusting consign ments may rest assured that their interest will be cared for. Our motto is, * Quick sales and prompt returns.” In the Auction Department, the services of the well known T. D. WRIGHT have been secured, who has no superior as an Auctioneer. july6 3m EXCHANGE HOTEL Is prepared to furnish Bread and Cakes, In any quantity, and will get up, on the shortest notice, Taney Cakes for Parties. July 30—ts SASSEEN, WHITAKRB, t CO. EXCHANGE HOTEL, SASSEEN, WHITAKER & CO., PKOPHIETORS, Atlanta, Georgia, July 30—ts * R. J. GODFREY. | 8. B. OATMAN- GODFREY & OATMAN, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Peactitree Street, Second Door from marietta Street, ATLANTA. GEORGIA, JNO. S. HUTCHINSON, Auctioneer. Will Rive their prompt attention to all bualne** en trusted to them. Consignment* ol Produce aud Merchandize aolicltod. July 25—3 m • I. L. tXXGSTOX. I BX.XJ. X. CXAXX. ' | C S. HAXMOCX. uwoMimoniK GENEBAL Commission Merchants, ALABAMA BTRKKT, Under Exchange Hotm, Atlanta, Georgia. Will give thoir prompt and personal attention to the purchase and sale ol all kinds of Merchandise and Country Produce. Consignments of Mi rchnndizs from all p»its of the Union solicited. Refereneti: t G. W. Williams 4 Co., Charleston, 8. C.; A. J. Brady and Christian 4 Beil, Savannah, Ga.; Phinizy & Clayton, Au gusta, Ga.; P. P Pe se, Macon, Ga.; J. H, Porter. Ag<-nt Georgia Railroad ; R. J. Lowry 4C0., A lanta, GaK. Lw Moss, Athens, Ga ; L. S. McGwier, Albany, Ga. July 22 ts w C. 1. BROWN. I Gxo. W. PARROTT. BROWN & PARROTT. DEALERS IN Fancy and Family Groceries AND Commission Merchants. Particular attention given to sale of Western Produce, and purchase and sale of Cotton. Trout House Block, Decatur Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Refer to W. W. Cliyton. We Agent Georgia Railroad and Bankin Company, A tin’ * Phinsy 4 < lay ton, Geo. R. Crump 4 Co., mignsta; Noble A. Hardee 4 Co., Sa vannah; W H Inman, 80 Wai 8 reet, New York. July 28—ts W. J. GARRXTT. | YOUNG GARRETT. GARRETT & BROTHER, Commission Merchants, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, SECOND DOOR FROM MASONIC HALL, Decatur St, Atlanta, Ga., .References.— -Phinizy 4 Clayton, Augusta; J. L. Villa longa. Savannah ; J. W. Fears A Co. M con ; R L. Mott, Columbus ; Col. A. P. Wright, Tbomasvi'lo ; W. L. High, Madison ; Wm. C. Ray Montgomery ; McGruder, Taylor 4 Roberts, Baltimore; Austell & Inman, New York. July 22—ts JOHN BIfYDER. | THOR. 8. BNYDER, JOHN SNYDER & CO., Wholesale Grocers AND Commission Merchants, FOB THK BALE OF Western and Southern Produce, 306 Main Street, bet. Third and Fourth Louisville, Ky. Agents for the sale of Raw Whisky, 49* Particular attention given to aale of all kind* of Grain and country Produce. July 27—2 m ’ On Consignment. 2 cases Old Bourbon Whisky, 4 cases Rye & Monongehala Whisky, 2J bbls. Robinson County Whisky, 4 J bbls. " “ “ 7j bbls. “ “ “ 4 cases United Vineyards Brandy, 3 cases Corn Whisky, 2 cases Mastel Brandy, Lot of Corn and Meal, 500 yards Country Stripes, Case Fine Smoking Tobacco, Hand Saw aud Mill Saw Files, FOB SALE BY SALMONS & SIMMONS, July 28—ts DRS. E. N. & ED. I. CALHOUN Inform their old patronn and tha public generally that they have resumed the Os the various brancheß of the MEDICAL PROFESSION. 49* They can be found at all time* at tholr reaidenc., corner ot Washington ana Peters street*, Atlanta, Ga. July 14—3 m GENERAL REPAIRING, (Opposite Jonei’ Livery Stable,) THE UNDERSIGNED IS REPAIRING Locks, Pocket Knives scissors, « SEWING M ACIIINES, &c., &c., &c. PERSONS having any of the above article* ont of re pair uill do well toeeud them in at ones. jul?6-lm T. S. REYNOLDS. Wanted. A SITUATION AS AN ENGINEEB • OR MACHINIST. July 27—ts Apply at THIS OFFICE.