The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, August 19, 1865, Image 3

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DAILY NEW ERA. A. R. WATSON-- LOCAL EDITOR. JE®' Everybody ■ b<n <i know it m it i. a tNted by huodnds daily, that the fineat assort- Bient ot Prints, Gtngbuma. 8i Ribtjoc. and Ladle. Hom in thia city can bn found at WEXi-L <T MCBRIDE'S. All; 18—At 4B0“ Ou- Pair Fine Ihatfotin S. ales, drawing IbOO pounds, tor sale by Aug 17 3- WINTER A PITTMAN. AW-It yon want Bio n. Lard, M>»l, Corn. Fiour «h.d everything in the supply tine go to PHILLIPS * FLANDERS, Supply Store, on Mt.chell strerL Aug 17—3 t TO TUR BVUXBU MXM OF NASH VILLR AMD L.OUISV.I.I.H. Mk. Wh. H. MooHk is our authorised Agent to receive advertisements in the cities of Nash ville and L- uisv lie. He vi its these places for the purpose of securing ailvei ti-emeais for II e ‘ .Veg At-u ni w.i c uim-nd him io the business bk-u w,th ahum he will have trnrsictioiis. PHILLIPS A PRATHER, I*. S.—The Aeie Era tics a large and increas- ; ing circulation in Gecrgia ai.d Alabama, and is a desirable advertising m *dium lor business men. ts. AtGV-T l»lh, I SOI. JF the Lidiaa will go to WKXEL a MeBRIDE’3 they will find * largy Supply of Prints, Ginghams, Corsets, Brown Linen for clothing. Ladles Hate, Balin irta Skirte, | Muaquito tiers, Ladies Umbrellas, Jet Belt Buckles’ Collars and Cults and tier lest selection of Lice in the city Which they hare jn»t received. School Teachers r.n Hid McGytrey's a Goedrich's Readers, McGuffey’s Sp .Hing Books, Pena, Ink and Paper, cheap for cash. Aug W—St ■ — w . w OcTKAfiious.—Mm Lydia Maria Child throws the gauntlet at the feet.of every daughter of the land, by scurriiously denouncing the •* Waterfall” >nd Hoops, and snubs Mrs Em press Eugenie outright, as an originator of fashions. Perhaps Mrs. Child would have all the ladfbs b come bloomers—but from such a fatality may th • good fates save us. We see nothing ref rehensible n tbe unique style in which tbe ladies choose to “do up” their hair; besides it must be delicious to have a waterfall trickling down on one's,back'during these hot summer days. As our hair is not ' convenient sot such an experiment we try 1 what is next best—from a pitcher—and find it to be a splendid thing. As for unhooping the la lies, we are opposed to it. We are sure tbe i fair ones would burst—with indignation—if I it were done. What would they look like < without tboir skeletons 1 Each would become ! i a skeleton herself. A lady without hoops must either put on a superfluity of thirty, j coate or appear like a bean pole rigged oqt in muslins and laces. And it we have young 1 m lie friends who contemplate marriage, we , 1 would suggest to them to always wed with a ■ ' lady who wears hoops A skeleton with less 1 than a great many yards of domestic which i would be consumed in order io preserve the | shapeliness of tbe figure. As for marrying ourself, we have no notion of snch a thing, i as we are much too old—and we suppose Mrs- Child is also—but were we about to assume ' the knot we would take out own advise in the 'matter. ’ In thundering out against the fashions M s. Ciild is really cbildieb. It has lorg ago be n d moustrated that paper bullets cannot knock a leather off a lady's hea,l, or break a sprirg in a hoop-skirL For our part we shall always diem it « part of our duty to speak kindly ot everything the ladies wear, and do our beat to I k*ep those Who bave not access to Godey, post- . i nd i i what a lady s iculd wear. This we have ' I tried to do io Io mgr articles and we ' have been -Vsnred of tbe approval which they ( h .ve met at the bands of tbe fair ones. Noth-1 i iur but this approval could induce ns to con- ' 1 tioue the articles and as we are amply assured ] ot that wo shall produce them from time to time j as we consider it necessary. For tbe present we sim rty aim to serve Ue ladies by denounc ing Mr*. C—*’ proposed innovation as a most uoc illed-for ouw«ge. Were we a maste. o rxplet.ves we sboulo aay something harsh about it J. M. Rcsissos A Co.—The advertisement of thia Louisville Ky., firm appears in our col umn. this morning. This bouse has for years bad a reputation wbicb trikes it not only one pf tbe first in Louisville, but one of tbe first in the Sou h. As such we recommend it to our merchants, and others, who contemplate gain; North for goods. * Unless we mistake tbe signs of tbe times there ia now a trade springing up between our eity and Louisville, which will closely uuite the two There never was a time bet ter adapted for bringing about such a result, and it seems to us well that our merchants should -examine into the matter and see how nearly theit interest is connected with such J a trade. If we can get our goods from th s I market oa terms sufficiently advantageous to justify our merchants in mak ng tbeir pur cbases there, tbe convenience of the transpor. tntion, renders it desirable that it should be known. For this reason wo take pleasure in calling the attention of our merchants to all bouses in the above named city who may fa vor us with tbeir patronage. * C. W. Wixtkr—Tbe many frlendsof this gen Hemau will be glad to learn that be bag opened a bouse for the purpose of doing srictly a Commission business. His extersive acquain tance and well known business qualifications will ensure for him a large patronage. ‘ ChaK lik” is tbe prince of good fellow i, and has few superiors m a business man. By hig energy and attention to business, be has won tbe con fidence ot tbe basinets circles not only in At lanta but throughout the entire country—there fore commendation from us is useless. Refer t>> bis advertisement. Don’t fail to attend Powell’s Auction rooms fbis morning at 10 a. m. Large lota of goods to be sold to tbe highest bidder. See card to day. DkLiuHTfTL—The rain which fell on Thurs day interspersed with freqmnt hai gtones, has reduced the temperature of the atmosphere to a most del'cious coolness. Testerday we felt uo burning suns, no swcut drops trickling down our foreheads, no sul triness, no nothing te oppress this poor mor t lily. Our energies, which wore sunburnt to a crisped cramp, have set to work again and we feel revivified, reg- aerated and al most refrigrated. We respectfully return our thanks tj the thermometer for condescending to lower, and a night about two days long, that we itiight take a nap, would restore our fried niortul parts. We bave frequnntly thought in days just past that it would have been a good thing to have tbe tabernacle of our body roofed with good reflectors, as the sun has demol ished tbe reflector within. Going to Set Up.—We arc glad to be able to announce to our readers that our old l friends McDa.mkl &' Strong, wbo are well known in this city, are to be numbered once more amongst the busiest of our business men. They bave rented one half the Phumix I Building now being erected by Mr. James E., on the site of the old Atheneum.— The building will be one of the most elegant that has gone up in tne city, and will be ele gantly filled by our It will be ready for them about the 10 h of September, when they will commence busi ness immediately. Niw Book Stobk.—We ar^glad to be able to chronicle the fact at last that Atlanta baa a Book Store. Those enterprising gentlemen, tbe Messrs. Richards, have opened a store of this kind on Peters street, and have their ad vertisement in to-days paper, to wbicb we in vite att ntion. A Book St re ia a very ae ces-ary institution in a city like Atlanta, and we are glad to know that we bave one at last. .* Something Choice.—Langston, Crane & Hammock bave just received a choice lot of Groceries—something that will please tbe most fastidious. We advise those of our" readers who desire something nice to call on them immediately. If not, you may go there acd inquire for articles advertised, after they are sold. The goods they advertise are in demand, and will go off quick. Removal.—Wm. Ketchum now occupies big new stand on north Pryor, near tbe Trout housr. His card appears in our advertising columns this morning, and to which attentb.a is specially directed. He is a most upright, worthy and enterprising dealer. The City Council hoIJS its meetiugs so late on Friday afternoon that we cannot give our readers the benefit of tbeir proceedings in Saturday morning’s paper. We shall con tinue to publish them in Sunday morning’k issue as usual. * ■♦♦♦ A. K. Seago has a number of new advertise ments in to dry’s issue—Riad them. Abbott & Bk tucks offer large lot Gunny Bagging -for sale. Messrs. Sltton & Laws Lave*a law office to rent—call and see them. SENILITY POSTPONED. The X ma. Torchlight ot the Bth gives the following : Yes.erday morning Rtv. P. G. Prugb unit'd in mitrimony Mr. B'-nj im-n Eyler. aged eighty five yeaiT, to Mrs. Anna Cray, in her seventy- Qltl*>,year. Tbe happy Couply are both resi dents of this city. They had made due and ue« liberate prenjiations lor ‘ beginning life” by procuring i> Rus- and lurni-hb g it, som > time before the manige ceremony occurred. At the appo n'ed hour, yesterday morning, tbe bride and groom repaired to tbeir new hi m“, sum moned Mr. P ush. «nd there became one, ‘‘for better or for wotse.” They wisely concluded that they had uo time to waste on a billing and cooing weddmz tour, and Accordingly went s’ratghtway to bou-ekeepirg Mr. Eyler, although in his eighty fifth year, retains a wonderful amount of muscular pow> r. Du iog the pa-M year, he has chopp ’d one hun dred cords of wood, split six hundred ami flftt rails, utade 4 840 c’apboards, and riv n 3,00 j c toper’s staves. Nor is his bride much inferior in vital activity. Now seventy-five years old. sbe is still active and vigorous—frequently ; walking two or three miles in one day with lit i tie fatigue. Ic is also said that sbe rides on I horseback wi b singular gracefulness and ease. MONETARY ABD COMMERCIAL. ATLANTA MONEY MARKET. Corrected by Robert J. Lowry, Broker. Georgia Railroad Bank, buying at 60 cts f r onje dollar. (cn ral Bank. ** 45 “ “ “ u B uik Slate of Georgia, “ •* M “ M Marine bank, “ 30 “ “ »/ <* ' Bank of'avannah, <* 25 u u “ u ! Bunk Qf A’hei'S, . « 20“ “ “ “ i Bank of "Wddle Georgia, “ 35 u “ ** “ Bank of Ful on, “ 16“ “ “ “ • A l other Ga 8 C. and Ala. : . Banks “ sto 25 <• “ Gold, buying at 40 cent*, selling at 45 to cts. prem. Atlanta Wholesale Market. Corrected by It bert J. 1 owrjr A Co., V Commission Merchants. BACON-Ulng found 24 to 25; Clear Sides 28 to 30, in demarul Beeswax—per pound. Hwanro—Kentucky «5 to 40 cents. Pbppeh —Blnck 40 cts per lb. Blacking -Small Size 75, Largo 1 30 $1 <0 j ®r doxen. Coffee—Rio 40 cts per lb. Candles - Star 32 to 35 conts per lb. Ga'J'Y—Corpmon Stick 50, French 50, assorted 60 cts p<-r lb Cotton r ARDH—No 10, sls per dozen Cheese—English Dairy—3s to 40 cents. Cokn—Si 25 per bushel. PE'.cftF.S—Dried Cut Off S 2 per bushel of 36 lbw. Flour—Extra 16, Superfine 14 to $lB per barrel. Indigo—l 75 to $2 25 per pound. M adder—2-v to 33 at* per lb. ComiUS—l2U to 15 rta per lb. Soda—lß to 20 ct< per lb. Epsom Salts—lß to 18 cis per lb. Ftaig'h—lo to 20 cts per lb. Matched—f 3 per rioas * hhe Lead—in Oil 25 to 30 cts per lb. 1 oaf—2o to 25 du per lb. 8( oar—New Orleans 19 to 22; Crushed 33 to 35 aents per lb. Tea- S 2 to $2 25 per lb. Naus—B 50 to per keg. Trox—Sweden 10 cts perlb. Hops —Kentucky 25 cts per lb. Domestic-4 4, 28 to 32; 7-8, 25 to 2'; Osnaburgs 22 to 24 cts per yard. CoTtom Yawps—2 75 to *3 per bunch. CuUoti rather dull, sales at 28 to 3U eta per lbs as ts qualify, x tmidasury DEPARTMENT,) Offich <»f Ansibtant Bpkcial Agrnt, > Atlanta, Ga., July 16,1865. J Notice is hereby given to parties hav»ng in tbeir pos session any Cotton, Leather, Wool, or manufactured aruclee which were owned by the late so-called Confede rate Government, at the time of the surrender of its armies, that the same ia now the property of the Gov ernment of the United States. The undersigned has been regularly commieswned as an Assistant Special Agent, United States Treasury Department, and as such has th6 rightful c introl of such property in the District of At louta. 1 hereby assume possession of the same. Any peraon or (Mpons having such property in their pos seMion, will at once report the saino at iny office, m Atlanta. All persons who have such property will be held responsible lor tbe same, unless it is at once re ported to tbta office. If reported, the party holding such property will be relieved from any reapunsib lity in the matter. To dispose of such property, except in accor dance with law, is etnbczeling, and will be held as such. Parties having such property stored with them will be liberally paid fvr putting the same in shipping order, should they desire to do so. In cases where Colton has been sold satd Confederate Government, or its agents, and said Cotton is still in the possession of the party who sold the sumo, tbe preference will in all cases bo given snch ftereons to put the same iu order, anti deliver it to me at Atlanta. 1 will contract such delivery at a liberal rate. 'y. SPALDING, Assistant Special Agedt U. S. Treasury Department, , , „ District of Atlanta Approved.- Jos. R. Diujv, Supervising Special Agent First Special Agoncj’. July 19—-lin HEADQUARTERS U. S. FOItCEJ*,) Provo. t Mahmial’k Office, > Atlanta, Georgia, Juty 26tb, 1855. ) 1. The sale of intoxicating liquors to enlisted men is hereby strictly prohibited. Delinquents will be se verely punished. 2. z»fter 10 o’clock P. M., all enlisted men and citi zens will require passes (from these Headquarters to avoid beinz arrested. 3. On Sunday all public places of amusement will be kept closed. * 4 Th»* discharging of Are arms within the limDs o Hus city is hereby prohibited. This order will be strictly enforced and all violations d>unnhed. E. JOHNSON, Capt. and Provost Marshal, J.v27tf Atlanta, Georgia HBiLQ’Rg 2d BRIG., DEP T GEORGIA,} Atlanta, July 21,18t>5 J General Orders No. 1. « Extract.” I. Tn compliance with orders received, I hereby as sume command of this Post until further otders. 11. Cam. Augustus Steuernagbl, 68th N. Y. V. V., A. A. A G., is hereby appointed Post Adjutant, and E. Johnson, 68th N. Y. V. V., is appointed Post Provost Marshal. Both these officers will enter upon their duties at once. By command es FELIX PRINCE SALM, jy27tf Brevet Brig. General. GENEBzVL™ INSURANCE AGENT, ATLANTA, GEOKGrIZk, SALMONS & SIMMONS Have been appointed agonta for tbe New York under writers agency, composed of the Germania- Niagara, Uanovei*, and Republic Fire and Inland Insurance Com panies of the City of New York. The combined assets of these popular Companies amouts to #3,000,000. Ono policy is issued binding each of the four Companies for une.fourth of every risk. 4*4 IO 000 Taken ir*g>ne risk if required—only one set of papers neceßsary to prove a loss. Tee well known character of tbe latfe number of prominent Men bants of New York comprising the Board of Directors, and the large Amount of assets, afford an abundant guarantee for ample security against loss to the assured. SALMONS dt SIMMONS, Whitehall street, near Georgia Railroad Bank. Aug 18 —ts BELLVUE HOTELr CORNER OF Washington & Mitchell Streets, ATLANTA, G-EORGTA. This large now house his been recently Sited up fur the accommodation of the traveling public The house bus twenty-four rooms, and we are prepared to lodge as well as !eed a large ntimber. OUR TABLE Shall always he supplied with the market affords, and no pains or expense will be spared to make the’ BELLVUE HOTEL A FIRST CLASS HOTEL. Wo have attentive and accommodating waite s, and every other facility that will contribute to the comfort of our KUestM. Porters will always be found at the Depot on the arrival of the trains. Try us. Price Jk Stokes. Aug 17—Im Nashville Gazette, Augusta Constitutionalist and Mscon Telegraph will each copy one monih and send bill to this office. B. W ADAMS I T. 8. POWSIX. B. W. ADAMS & CO., GROCEBS AND 9 Ccmmission Merchants, Peachtree Street, next door to A. C t Wyly’s old stand, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Consignments of all kinds respectfully solicited. Aug 2—3 m Family Flour. 100 barrels Family Flour, for sale l>y Abbott & Brothers, AuJIS-tf Wliitvh»ll Street} jxo vxKDU<r. | M. •. nmn. | m. r. vihob.y. MN VIHOiBI i BROS., Have completed tbeir Store-house on WHITEHALL STREET, BETWEEN ALABAMA <fc HUNTER STREETS, And announce to the public that they are ready for the transac tion of any business in the GENERAL COMMISSION AND FORWARDING LINE. To all who may be disposed to patron izc them they would say forward promptly to us Merchandize of every description and Pro duce of all kinds. Orders (accompanied by the cash) for the purchase of anything to be found in our market; Also, for the col lection of • NOTES, DRAFTS, RENTS. &C. Orders lor purchasing and consign ments, whether large or small, will alike receive prompt attenton. And if close application to business and im plicit compliance with instruc tions will give satisfaction you shall never com plain. Jno. Verdery & Bros. Aug 15—ts M.TJMEADOR JOBBERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS IS THE BUILDING FORMERLY KNOWS AS TUB POST-OFFICE, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLINT.I, CEORGI.I, Have now in afore a large and wall selected stock of MEN’S, BOYS AND LADIES DATS, DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, DRUGS, SADDLES, HARDWARE, STATIONERY, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, &c., &c., Which they will sell at the lowest prices for cash only. Now is the time for Country Merchants to buy their goods at Nashville and Cincinnati prices—freight added. Now in store a splendid stock of Dry Goods, Not’ons, Groceries, Ac , which are offered at wholesale and at prices to suit the times. Consignments solicited, and all business entrusted to our care will be p omptly attended to. Call and see us, ox send yeur orders. John T. Nleador & Bros. Aug 13—6 m Whitehall Street. NOTICE Painters, Glaziers & Builders. We have on hand, and for sale low, a large lot of WINDOW GLASS, of all Sorts and Sizos, PUTTY, . WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL. Cull kt once or your chance will aeon hnjnun S4SSKKN, WHITAKER A CO. Aug 10—ts M. MARBURG, COMMISSION merchant, No. de PUBLIC SQUARE, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, Announces to the Wholesale Trade of Atlanta and vi cinity, that he is receiving daily consignments of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, &c., From Now York and Boston, which will bo sold at Enst ern prices. Aug 16—3 m GREAT ATTRACTION! . NEW FURNITURE Os Every Description. At Private Sale a large and .elected LOT OF mon W ■!!, CONSISTING or Bureaus, Wardrobes, Safes, Chairs, Parlor and Cteimber Setts. Lonnges and anything else you want. • Call at once and supply, yourselves cheap. Sasseen, Whitaker & Co. Aug 12—ts ARRIVED AT LAST AT THE “VARIETIES.” White Lead and Oil, Nests of Tubs, Copperas, Oysters. Slates and Pencils, Whitewash Brushes, Meal Sifters, Fancy Baskets, Cheese, Candy, Wbitemore Cards, Fins Pocket Knives, Uuny uom.i... i„.. r Candles, Candle Moulds, Hand Saws. Extra Fine Green Tea, Telegriph M itches, Men’s Shoes, Hats, rCc., &0., At Wholesale and Retail. We sell cheap and .they will buy. F. Hagan & Co’s ‘•VARIETIES,” east of the Railroad, On Whitehall street* between Railroad and Aug 9 -ts • Decatur street PLEASE TAKE NOTICE CITIZENS AND TRAVELERS. I have refitted those largo and splendid rooms under the Maronic IIaII, aud opened a Drinking and Billiard Salocn, ’ Apd intend it shall be second to none in this State. J have on and alwaj’S shall keep, Old and Pure Uquors; none other shall be sold ia my saloon. Tbe Bar is under tbe executive management of these clever aud affable gentlemen .Torn Collier and Billy ( laik, who have no superiors in their line, and they will be happy to see tbeir old friends. Captain White, the clever man of Atl ntaand Augusta notoriety, ha full charge of the Billiard Tables. I re spec fill ly ask a liberal share of patronage Geo. Jr., Proprietor. N. B—ln a sow days I shall open a First Class Dining Room and Restaurant on the European style, with ac commodation for one hundred and fifty to a meal. Tra velers will bear this in mind, as my table will abound with all the delicacies of the season. G. 8. Jr Aug 15—tt LxOD FOR SALE. A A ACRES, an old settled place, five miles from Atlanta, well known. The Houses have been de Biroyed. WThere stir! remains a large, fine Orchard, in g od condition. A Bai gain may be had by applying soon. ALSO Two vacant Lots, adjoining Sam Sherwool’s, on Doca tur street. * aug 2 ts SASSEEN, WHITAKER & CO. jTRTMOUiCEr Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Tin-ware, Copper and Sheet Iron, Stoves, Hollow ware aud Hard-ware generally. Next door to corner of Decatur aud Wheat streets, Atlanta, Georgia. Aug 6—3 m Bread Corn. One car-load choice Bread Corn. ALSO. . ugar, Bacon, Leather, Iron, Salt, &c. For sale by Abbott & Brothers, Aug 13—ts Whitehall Street. CORnTOORN- 130 SACKS GOOD BREAD CORN ICOR SALE BY R. M. Wall & Co., Pryor Btrcett, oppoaito Hi. Trout House Piece.' Aug 11-Ot MH Maude & Wright, "Cotton and Tobacco Factor*, General Shipping and Voinmieeion Mer chants, No. 282, Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Cn»h lutvnnore m uln on u'in.lirnm"ntK ti tn, or to ou» Agent, al Now York, Messrs. Norton, Bl.u>ghtor 4 Co., nod Moura. Loe & Walter. ' Lotion aud Merchand ehippod with deepatch to Now .York. IJvorpool and Hav.e. It. t r to Richard Pclora, W. P. Orme, Thoe M. Clarke. Atlanta, Gu aug 3 2<r-aoa BUGGY HORSE? AFNE, largo at?., BAY HOR-'E, eight yaara old, block man i aud tai), and perfectly soil d Any one desiring a good, reliable horse for a famij/ Rocka way, can call on us. Terms rea enable. • ALSO House and Tx)t on n f achtree street, with four rooms. Kitchen aud Stable, and g k>l garden. ALSO Eleven acres lying on State Road, opposite Mr. Ponder’s residence, and adjoining Mr. Ixiyd’a property, and May son’s Ferry road. For sale by aug 2 ts SASSEFN, WHITAKER A 00. nroiißnLoirßjTLoußr I AM now prepared to furnish the trade, wholesale or Retail, Fifty Thousand Pounds of Flour, in forty-five pound Backs, fiupe* fine and Family. A liberal deduc tion made to dealers iu city and country. A. K. SEAGO., Coin tn ins ion Merchant, Atlanta, Georgia. Augs-tf ATLANTA, AUGUST 13th, orme~& Farrar, HAVE just received a lai ge supply of Kentucky Rope •nd Twine. Virginia aud North Carolina Tobacco, all grades: Osnaburgs, Shirtings. Yams aud Cotton Stripes, Pepper, Ac., which thoy will sell at wholesale at very low figures. Aug 13—lw* ’ TO CAPITALISTS! Good Chanca for Investment! ANY one who has a capita! of Five Thousand Dollars, and wishes to nvest it in one of the most paying institutions iu the South, wili find it to his interest te inquire at > Tliis Office. Aug 6—ts FACTORY YARN & SHEETING. 30 bales 8 aud 10 Yarn, 2 bales 4 4 Sheeting, 200 barrels Salt. For .«lo by A. K. SEAGO, Commission Merchant, Corner Whitehall and Mitchell Streets, Atlanta, Ga. Aug s—ts Wm. H. McNANIEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LaFayette, Chambers Co. Alabama. WILL attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to his ca>rei Particular attention will be paid to Collections and pr mpt r -turns made. July 27—ts Bagging, Rope, Flour. 450 Burrela Western_Flonr, ohoico br».J« 100 Coil* Kentucky Itape. " 100 Rolls Kentucky Bagging. 100 Hauks Twine. uioal rn.onn.hla terma. by A. Ki SEAGO, Commission Merchant. Aug I—ts Atlanta, Ga. House For Sale. A NEAT an ! comfortable Cottage Hoove, near the bu inevv part of Whitehall atreet, conlaning .five rooms, good Ketchen, Water and Garden. ’ b SASSEEN WHITAKER A CO. Alvo one Vacant City l ot on Hunter street. aug. 2-tt 8 W. A CO- BURNS <ft. DWYER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocery and Liquor Merchants, • Near Georgia Railroad Bank, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. • July 30—6 m ~S. H. PATTILLO, TAILOR, HAS opened a shop tn K. W. Munday’s "tore, on Pryor Street, north of Trout Home, where he will manu facture Clothing in the beat at) Io and latent fashion. Particular attention given to cutting for Ladiaa to make up. ALSO, Clothing Repaired and Cleaned. Aug 13—Tt WANTETiMMEDiATELYr A SECOND Hand Job Power Press, about half me dium. or some what smaller, Persons having such a Press for sale will please inform us of condition, whose make, Ac. Address “DAILY NEW ERA” OFFICE, AngO—tf Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. C. H. Smith hie Services to the Cit zonsof Aiivnta and v cilaity. de may be found at the rc ideaoe of Rev. H C. Her nady, on Peacntroe street Joly 82—if WANTED WOULD like to buv a House and Lot, with five or six ReotnH, near the businera part of the City—would prefer oh» on Marietta, Peachtree or Decatur Streets. July 50-ts THOB. E. WHITAKER. City Property for Sale. A BEAUTIFUL building site, thia aid. the Fair Ground, aear Mr. John T Jonea and Mr. Pettie, containing about throe fourths of an acre. Apply to A. K. SEAGO, Au 9—ts Commission Merchant, Atlanta, Gal CORN GROUND At the Cate City Foundry, Car and Machine Works, Marietta Street. Atlanta. Ga., We have now a Corn Mill in fnil operation and are ready to Grind Corn for alt persons for the usual toll. Lee, Jones & Co. Aug 4—ts TO LEASE. SIX of the best Uusincsn Ix'ts in the City, fronting on Whilr ball street. Apply to FAY &. GABBETf, A'chitrctr and Real Er la to Agonta. w-Office on flunlor slnei, between Loyd and Wash ington. •'"« ’-‘f