The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, August 19, 1865, Image 4

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LOOK SHARP AND ST 3P SCATTERING-. Received thin day al the “ Varieties,” White-, ball Street, Eml ol Railroad, between Railroad and Marietta Street. 109 barrel < Extra Fanvly Fleur, d#«en Gents Paper Cellars, U'» Palm Fan* ■n hoop. Extra fin. Cbewie, 10 boxM aMortrd Cnudy. 6 boxen Rock Candy, 10 boxes Son Cream Candy, 10 boxes Butt,-r Crackers 10 bonis Bi Carbonate Soda, •20 I'OX9 Star Candles, 10 boxeat’oarl Starch, 50 piecea beautiful Prints, 10 piece. Scotch Gtnchuni, 5 grow Bottle* and Corks. 1 Brnimeli Carpet and ling 100 keg. Nalls 4 to I'2, 1 fine Opera Glaus. *2O down Spelling Book* Glxm 8x10.10x12.12x18,12x20.14x20. Ladiea and Gents Boots and Shoea, assorted, Um brellaa. nwrted, Handkerehleft. Towels, La dles Belts and Buckles. Coat Buttons Caudle Moulds. Cou u tor Brrubes & Brooms, • 1 nney Bas- kets, Brittantn and Co-oa Dippers. White Wash Brushes, Cedar Bnkets.lßKASS BANDS) Toy BtMfcets. Meal Sift er*, Spittoons, Raisins, Figs, Meats.,Btationery, Ac., Ac. F. Hagan & Go’s, t-VARIETIKS,” Bast of Railroad July 30—ts Hardware I Hardware ’! CAKPESTKItS’ TOOLS, DOOR LO'IKS, BOLTS, SASH FASTENISGS, SAWS, MILL SAWS, , II ASPS and STAPL ICS, PATENT STONE 11AMMKBS, TIRE BENDER, COFFEE MILLS, THERMOMETERS, GATE HINGES, PAINT MILLS, BOX-WOOD RULKS, WHITE AND WALNUT KNOBS, 3,000 FEET SAFETY FUSE, PAINT &• MARKING BRUSHES, And other articles 1 > the Hardware line, for sale by Salmons & Simmons, July 14—ts Whitehall street, Atlanta, Georgia. HOME INSURANCE C O 3I I’ A N Y . » foj r - Oldest in the State save One ! CHARTERED IN 1859: Capital Stoclc, - - - - 3350.000, A LARGE CASH AND SURPLUS ON HAND. RISKS TAKEN OB LI3KRAB TERMS. D. F. WILLCOX, J. p. BOZEMAN. Secretary. President. John 0. Whitaer, Joly 30—ts Agent, Roark's Building. Intelligencer copy. JOHN C. WHiTNER, INSURANCE AGENT, AND COLLECTOR'OF NOTES, &C., In Roark’s Building, MITCHELL ST., ONE DOOR ABOVE WHITEHALL. .735* Business promptly attended to. Intelligencer copy July 30—ly ~HERSHBERG 3 LOEB & CO., Have just received a large and fresh lot of Gentlemen’s White Linen Shirts, Northern Clothing, - Boots, Shoes, and Gents’ Furnishing Goods Generally. also, . , Carpet Bags, Pocket Books, &c. Aug 6—ts D. P. FERGUSON, GENERAL CROCER AMD Commission Merchant, Strict attention gtren to all orders and consignments. UNTO. 4=, Mitchell St., Atlanta, Ga. July 13—3 m TabusTnlsslotforsale ON Forsyth, running back near te Broad S'reet. This ia very desirable property- Cali and see pint, Ac. Suburban Residence Locations FOR SALE, Sight acron near Co’onele Whitaker and Patton. A more delightful location could not be found in the vicinity of this city. ALSO, Eleven near the subscriber's former residence on the Western and Atlantic Railroad. Apply promptly to A. K. NEAGO, Commission Merchant, Atlanta, Georgia. July 28—ts Notice. THE partnership of thi firm of Powell & Marshall is this day dissolved by mutual consent. C. POWELL. Atlanta, July 27, 18U», II MARSHALL. | The businrss will be carried on by C. Powell, who will pay all claims pi the Ulu firm, and respectfully rollcits patio a age. I July 29—ts •/ B. X. sxsaixx. I t. x. WIIITAXXB. I A- *. n*”o - WHITAKER A CO. auction AKl>’ Commission Merchants, AND REAIj ESTATE AGENTS Ac BHOKERS. IN LOWER STORY OF THZ exchange hotel, ATX.a N T a, GEORGIA. THE services of tho well-known W. M. Hill have been encaged as Auctioneer. Strict and prompt atten tiou will !>•» given to all business entrusted to their care, and prompt returns made. . . They refer to Messrs. Dunn * Mangham. Macon. Ga.; Col R A. Crawford, Macon, Ga.; Messrs. IS. A. Ramsey A 00.. Augusta, Ga.; 0. V. Walker * Co., Augusta, G<; Col. J. R. Powell, Montgomery, Ala; Messrs. Loo * Norton, Montgomery, Ala. , . We have a large, commodious room for storing. Aug 10—Im great mammoth AUCTION SALE. SASSEEN, WHITAKER & CO., Will soil on tho Second Monday in October next, at their Auction House in the City of Atlanta, A larue n'umbeh of city lots, Both business and bnildiug lots on the most destra ble streets in tho City, situated in part on the fullowing streep>: Whitehall, Marietta. Loyd, Peachtree, TJecatur, Pryor, Mitchell, Forsyth, Broad and Walton streets ALSO, Several Thousand Acres of DESIRABLE TRACTS OF LAND In this and different sections of the State. They invito those wishing to sell their City Lots and Landed Estates ta make early application and secure a place iu our Catalogue of Real Eatute, aa we will m a few days give a complete description and advertise them iu all the principal newspapers in the United States. W. 11. HILL, 4 Auctioneer. ggp* Augusta Chronicle & Sentinel, Macon Telegraph, Columbus Enquirer, will each copy twelve times and send bill to the Intelligencer office for collection. July 3iA-tf TEN YEARS LEASE. WE WILL LEASE TWO LOTS, On the Corner of MARIETTA AO BROAD STREETS, For the term of TEN YEARS. Parties wishing to LEASE OR BUILD Will do well to call as weaiu fllW**"' l < • " BETTER BARGAIN Than any ever offered in the City of Atlanta. seen, Whitaker C?o. July 30—ts WEXEL & McßiriDE, Have just received a lot of NEW GOODS, consisting of PRINTS, FLANNELS, GINGHAMS, JACONET, MUSLIN, LINEN, SWISS, AND A FINE LOT OF Silks, French Corsets, Ladies’ and Gents’ Hose, Collars, B-iis. Buckles, Cuffs, Braid, Tape, Dress Buttons, Vail Buttons, Pearl Shirt Buttons, English Bone Buttons, Kid Gloves, Ribbons . Perfunierv, La- dies’ fiats, Needles. ALSO A FINE SELECTION OF Ladies’ Shoes, & Gents’ Boots and Shoes. And other aiticies ton umerons to mention. Wexel & Mcßride, PEACHTREE STREET. July29—3m PRODUCE AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN General Merchandize, IN BUILDING FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE POST OFFICE. July 28—Im Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. W- A. RAMBIV | B. F- HAIL. I JAM. E. GOSFIIEY. Augusta, Ga. | Augusta, Ga | Ant-anta, Ga W. A. RAMSEY & CO., AVCT 1 O N AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Peachtree, 3«1 Door from Marietta Street A-tlaxita, Georgia, JNO. 8. HUTCHINSON Auctioneer. Having established a branch of tbelrbuslnawln this city, we solicit a •bare of public patronage. Will give their prompt ami personal attention to the aale and purchase us Bonds H tucks. Kcal Estate, Merchandise, Ac.., having urge expjrioucc and ample facilities. July6—tf 4 p. L. GORDON. | W ' L ’ ADAMSON. GORDON & CO., general COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND Wholesale and Bctail Dealers in FAMILY SUPPLIES BUCH AS bacon, coffee, EABD, SUGAR, feoub, syrup, COKN, SALT, MEAL, ' r,> WAKE. ALSO, Smoking & Chewing Tobacco. Peachtree Street. A'lauta, Georgia. July 19—lm . IwiNiirMLL&M, DEALERS IN HARDWARE & CUTLERY, No. 47 College Street. Nashville, Tennessee, We have in Store, anti keep constantly on hand, a largo and complete stock of B FOREWN HARDWARE, Which will bo sold at very reasonable rates at Whole ale or lietail. Wo also keep a full stock of Gum and Leather Belting, Bolting Cloths, Gijmmer Bitts, 1,000 Dozen Assorted Pocket Knives, 300 Gross Assorted Knives and Forks, 1,000 Dozen Locks ofKvery Description, 390 Dozen Axes, Best Brands, 1,000 Dozen Files, Beit Brands, Assorted, aOO Coils Rope, All Sizes. ALSO, A full xiasortmcnt of Carpenter’s t>nd Blacksmith’s TOOLS, For salo by ALEXANDER, FALL * GRAY, No. 47 College Street. Nashville, Tennessee. July 25—lm HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SAXE. We will sell at private salq the Trout Hoiise PROPERTY. Situated ou the coiner of PRYOR AND DECATUR STREETS, which needs no comment on our part, as ‘showing it to be the very BEST SUE FOR A HOTEL In tho CITY OF ATEzIIVTA. Call immediately, as we offer great induce*, ments to parties wishing to build. The prop, erty can be so built as to make TWKLVK LAltaK STORK ROOMS UNDER THK HOTEL. SASSEEN, WHITAKER & CO. Aug 1-ts bTlliardslnd POOL THE EXCHANGE HOTEL BILLIARD AND POOL ROOM HAS boon ononed in the basement of the Exchange Hotel WitW three • xce-leut Tab'es. The room h large, light and cool. Billiard and Pool Players u ill find everything conducing to their amusement iu gootl order. The Billiard and Pool Room is open from eight iixtho morning until olcvtfn o’clock' at night. July 20—lm j '■* Jn C tCOTT. ' J. n I‘ARBONS, c. P. FREFMAN. sum, ITRSOKS & HIIESUN, Whitehall Street, Have Just received another fresh supply of Now Goods, consisting of DBY GOODS, GROCERIES, • BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, " HARDWARE, DRUGS, MEDICINES HD DYE STIFFS, Fancy Toilet Soaps. perfumes, &c. Our goods arc purchtvod from the Eastern markets, and are of the latest style and bestquality. Persons de siring anything in our line will do well to call and examine our htock before purchasing elsewhere, as wo buy for eash only and WILL NOT BE UNBEKbOLD. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully COMPOUNDED- N. B We also have a Newa Depot established at the i Exchange Hotel, Alabama street, under the management of Mr. George Sa’Been, where will be f >und all tho lead ing papers of the country, Periodicals, Books. Stationery, &<• . ftc. SCOTT, PARSONB & FREEMAN. July 15—ts T II E CHRISTIAN INDEX. BY the First of October, or as s*>on as the mails are re established, I will repew the publication of the | “CILRISTi IN INDEX.’* and of the “CIULD’StfNDEX,” I have been publishing. Price of “ ChrisrfUfi Index,” per annum.. .$3 00 Price of “ Qbild’s Index/’ per annum 50 Money may be remitted at once, as my determination is positive. My desire is to secure a larxe subscription list with \vhi<h to begin, and I i-sue this Prospectus that subscribers may have time to forward th- ir remittances 1 It is my intention t< issue first cbiss p ipers, and no 1 pains or expens ; will bo spared to sscuro that end The I best writers and correspondents will b« secured, and the : highest religious and literary talent will be given to the 1 paper . Tho ‘ HILO’S PAPER will bo profusely illus- I tinted, an I will, in every sense, be made to conform to its now title, The Child’s Delight. • Money may bo sent by Express or otherwise—if by Express, at mv risk, if the Express receipt is sent me, on the resumption cf mail faci ities. My connection with the film of .1. W. Burke & Co , is dissolved, but I will establish au office in Macon, Georgia where communicatiouJ may b® addressed. SAMUEL BOYKIN. jy29—lm E. M. BRUCE. | T. S. MORGAN. E. M. BRUCE & CO., 388 BROAD STIiEIST,- AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, BANKERS AND COTTON FACTORS, ' ll aixciKb EXCLUSIVELY IN I Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Cain, Uncurrent Money & Cotton. I HAVE tfiis day taken Into partnership THOMAS S. MORGAN. I do this in recognition and apprecia- I ti_>n of bin u limr eib hai lo integrity, and high capacity i as a businesd man. and his ong satisfactory and surcess | tul management of n:y commercial and financial a airs, | and his fidelity to uiv interests, (having been with me I almost without intermission for more th in fiiteen years.) I do therefore ccmmoud him with confidence to the bu ' siucßs public. E. M. BRUCE. 1 Aug 6—6 m | SUNDRIES? - | BLACK AND WHITE ORGANDIE MUSLIjfIT 30 REAMS BES 3? ENGLISH LET ! TER PARER, 100 LBS. BEST ENGLISH SHOE THREAD, 8 DOZEN COTTON CARDS, 7 GREAT GROSS BONE BUT TONS, 5 BALES 3.4 SHEETING, NAILS, &c. For s-de by Salmon & Simmons, July 75—ts C. POWELL? yV-Tictioiieei", REAL ESTATE AG-ENT,. AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Whitehall Street, NEAR ROARK’S CORNER. ’ All business entrusted to mo will meet with promp t t attention I have several FARMS for sale. Auction days Wed lieHdays and Saturdays. July 29 t’f ~FOR SALE. 500 BIISHI’.I.S PRIMBI WrflTK CORN, <I,OOO POUNDS CIIOICK BACON SIDES, 500 POUNDS CHOICE B,irON HASIS, 50 KKGS NAILS, FUOII i’H TO !40’x, SUPERIOR I.OT ORJNDSITON ISS. LARGE I.OT SOLE BEATHEK, CORN MEAL, WOOD BUCKETS, HOLLOW WAKE, &.C. Wylie Johnsen & Co., July 25—ts Depot Street, near Trout House. I). F. HAMM >ND. It. BAUGH. L.AW OFFICE. HAMMOND & BAUGH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, < Next dour to Intelligencer Office, over Witlki & Young’s old stand, on Alabama ritnxt. Atlanta, Georgia. July 11—Sm "REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY Sprstyberry & White, TjAND ag-kntb. Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga., We oflor for Sall' at Hie Lowest Trice, for Cneh, tlij fol lowing list of Linds nntl Town Property. *3- TITLES IN ALL CASES GUARANTEED. Lot of Land No. 191, 25th District, 3d Section, Murray Uoutily, Georgia. Lot of Land No. 188. 8 h District, 4tb Section Walker County, Georgia. Lota of Lund Nos. 281 282. 295, 298 and 318, 12rh D Strict, 4:11 Section, Walker Couuty, Georgia. Lot. ol L u.d No. 279. 10 h-District, 4th Section, Walker County, Georgia. half ol Lot of Lind No. 73. 26 b District, 31 Section, Walker County, Georgia. Lot. of Land No. 206. 13rb District, 4th Section, Chattooga County, Georgia. Lot ol Laud No. 241, 13th District, 4tb Section, CDattooga County, Georgia. Mineral Lands. Lot of L md No. 965. U'b District, 4tb Section, Lumpkin County, Georgia. One-eighth Interesfiu (he south half of Lot No. 229. 28<b District, 3d Section, Catoosa Couuty, Georgia. Eae half of the norilieaff quarter of Section 26, Township 10, Kauge 9, Cherokee County, Alabama. • Five Business Lots in the Town of Ringgold "T’O L>E2kSE. Wo have some desirable Business Lots to Lease in this City. Tbofi • set king investments in Georgia Lands cannot do better than to give us a cal! at our office on Whittfliall w Sticet, near Railroad crossing. Spray berry & White. W. A. RAMSEY. | B. HALL. W. A. RAMSEY & CO.. AUCTION AND General Commission Merchants 308 BROAD STREET, (Opposite Union Bank,) AUGUSTA, GJEORGIA, G. A. PARKER, Auctioneer, Wi’l give their prompt and personal attention to the sale and purchase of Bonds, Stocks, Real Estate, Mer chandise, &c , having largtf experience and ample fa cilit cs . * julyfi—tf . “ITOSS & TRIGG, 'IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS.&o., »Q. 53G MAIN STREET, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, Aug 8 - 6ni NEW VARIEtF STORE. IP. UAG-ANT cfc 00., WHITEHALL STREET, EAST OF THE RAILROAD, ?• Between Railroad and Decatur 1 Street, Keep constantly on hand, at Wholesale and Retail, Dry Goods. Boot., Shoes, Hats, Ready made Clothing, liar txvare. Glass and Putty, Paints and Oils, Fancy Groceries and Confectioneries. aug 3 ts TVJZI'W AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE. T. P. FLEMING & Cd., HAVE opened on «troet. next door to Roark’s Corner, for the purpose of doing a general Auction and <J.>mmi.*teion Busin.hs. Persons entrusting consign ments may rest assure i that their intt roat will be cared for. Our motto is, • Quick sales and prompt returns.” In tho Auction Devnrtmeut, the services of the well known T D. WRIGHT Lave been secured, who his no superior as an Auctioneer. julyfi 3m HOTEL, 13 prepared to furnish Bread and Cakes, In any quantity, will get up, on the shortest notice, Fancy Cakes for Parties. July 30 -tt SASSBEN, WHITAKER k CO. EXCHANGE HOTEL, SASSEEN, WHITAKER & CO., PROPRIETORS, Atlanta, July 3D—tf « n. J. 00DHIHT. | B. B. OATMAN. GODFREY & OATMAN, AUCTtON AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Peaclitrce Street, Second Door from ■ niuviotta Street, ATLANTA. GEORGIA, . JNO. S. HUTCHINSON, Auctioneer. Will give their prompt attention to all bush.ess et> 4 trusted to them v A . Consignments o! Produce' uud Merchandize Solicited. July 25—3 m TL. UUMiST ’X. I i:f.M »: <IUXK I CO. HAMMOCK GENERAL Commission Merchants, ALABAMA STREET, Under Exchange llote>, Atlanta, Cr e<> r g-i a. Will give tho'r prompt and personal attention to tho purchase and hale o .ill kinds of Merchandize and Country Produce. Consignments of M rchandtze from all p its of tho Union solicited. G. W. Williams & C »., Charleston,S. C.; A. J. Brady and Christian ft Aivunnah, Gn •. Hbtfllzy k Clayton, Au gusta. Ga.; F. I’ Pu »o. G J. t’, P< nor. nt Georgia Railroa" ; H J l>’wr_> kC > . A luntn, Ga.; h. L. Moss, Attvuis, Ga ;L. McGwier, .Albany, Ga. July 22—t! c. 1 erown. | Gzo. w parbott. BROWN & PARROTT, / DEALERS IN Fancy ar,d Family Groceries AND Commission Merchants. Particular -attention given to sale of Western Produce, at d j urebuse and sale of Cotton. Trout House Block. Deentur hstroot, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Refer to W.W. Chyton. Iste Agent Georgia Railroad and Baukin Company. Atl«* ’‘l'inzy 4 1. layton, Geo. R. Crump & Co., ugust«: Noble V. Hardee * Co., Sa vannah; W 11 Inman, 8( Vial 8 .eet, New York. • Juiy 28—ts W. J. GABKZrt I YOUXG GARRETT? GARRETT & BROTHER, Commission Merchants, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, SECONDDOOR FROM MASORIC HALL, Decatur St, Atlanta, Ga., References. —Pbin’zy & Claytnn, Augusta, J. L. Villa bnga. Savannah ; J. W. Fears A; Co, M con ; R .L- 'toll, Madison; Wm.C. R>y A’on.tL’Oin'-rv ; McGruder, Taylor & Rebe. ts, Laiumure; Aus.ell Inm. n, New York. July 22— ts JCHN SNYDER. | THOS. 8. SNYDER. JOHN SNYDER & CO., Wholesale Grocers AND Commission Merchants, FOR THE SALE OF Western and Southern Produce, 306 Main Street, bet, Third and Fourth* Louisville, Ky. Agents for the sale of Raw Whisky, 49* Particular attention given to sale of all kinds of Grain and country Produce. », July 27—2 m w , Oil Consignnient. 2 cases Old Bourbon Whisky, 4 cases Rye & M ondngehala Whisky, 2J bbls. Robinson County Whisky, 4| bbls. “ “ “ 7| bbls. “ 4 cases United Vineyards Brandy,. 3 cases Corn Wiiisky, 2 cases Mastel Brandy, Lot of Corn and Meal, 500 yards Country Stripes, Case Fine Smoking Tobacco, ’ Hand Saw and Mill Saw Files, FOR SALE BY SALMONS & SIMMONS. July 28—ts /- - ■ r DR. J. T. CAAIPBKUI, RESIDENT DENTIST, Office above Ruark s Corner, Whitehall St., Atlanta, Oa. f Rcsjfectfi.lly informs the citizens of Atlanta and viclni y that ha Is prepired to do all k work in his line. RjjJ- He is to Mount T< eth on Rubber Plats according to tho latest stylo. All orders promptly at tended to. t July 29 -lm Inferm their <»ld patrons and the public generally that they have resumed the m.A.OTXOJEI Os the various branches of the medical’ profession. 49" They can b# found nt »1! times nt th<4r re>ld,nre, « corner ot Washington ai.ii Del era btreota, Atlunta, Un. July 14—3 m Wanted. A SITUATION AS AN ENGINEER OR MACHINIST. July 27—ts Apply at THIS OFFICE.