The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, August 20, 1865, Image 4

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LOOK SHARP AND STEP SCATTERING-. R«O«ir«d this day at the ° Varieties.” White hall Street, East ot Railroad, between Railroad and Marietta Street. too barMto Extra Varney Flour, too 4»mo Oral. P»g»i Callan, WOO fatal fau« 10 hnuRS Kxtra Flna Cheese, 10 bakes assorted Candy, t buite K,«k Candy. 10 boxes Sod Orvaui Candy, 10 base* Butter Crackers 10 beaus Bi Cartonata Soda, 30 Itoxa Star Candice, 10 boxes Pearl Starch, to pieces beauliftll Prints 10 pjacae Scotch Uiughsui. 0 gross Bottles and ?orka, 1 Brussels Carpet and Rug 100 kaga Nalls 4 to 12, 1 flna Opera Glass, SO down Spelling Books. Glass Bxlo, 10x12,12xW. 12x20.14x20. Ladue and Oenta Boot, and Shoes, assorted, Um brellas, assorted. Handkerchief*. Towels La dies Belts ami Buckles Coat Buttons Caudle Moulds Con ut a r . - Urusbes 4 Brooms 1 aney Bas kets. Brittauia and Cocoa Dippers Wlilte Wash Brushes Cedar Bukets.(BitASS BANDS) Toy Buckets. Meal Sift era, Spittoons, Raisins, Figs, 4c., Ao. F. Hagan & Go’s, ‘•VARIETIKS,” East of Hailroad July 30-ts GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE C O M P A I\ A r . Oldest in the State save One I CHARTERED IN 1859: Capital Stock, - $350,000. A LARGE CASH AND SURPLUS ON HAND. RISKS TAKEN ON LIBERAL TERMS. D. T. WILLCOX, J. P. BOZEMAN. Secretary. President. John 0. Whitner, July 30—ts Agent, Roark’s Building. Intelligencer eopy. Auctioneer, REAL ESTATE AGENT, AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, "Wlxi.teh.ali Street, NEAR ROARK’S CORNER. All boeineaa entrusted to ma will meet with prompt attention I hare several FARMS for sale. Auction days Wed nesdays and Saturdays. July29—tf JOHN C. WHITNER, INSURANCE AGENT! AND COLLECTOR OF NOTES, &C., In Bark's Building, MITCHELL ST., ONE DOOR ABOVE WHITEHALL. 40- Buaioese promptly attended to. IntoUlrencer eopy July 30—ly HERSHBERG,LOEB& CO., Have just received a Urge and fresh lot of Gentlemen’s Wh’te Linen Shirts, Northern Clothing, Boots, Shoes, and Gents' Furnishing Goods Generally. ALSO, Carpet Bags, Pocket Books, &c. Aug s— ts D. P. FERGUSON, GENERAL GROCER AND Commission Merchant, Strict attention given to all ordera and consignments. NO. <l, Mitchell St., Atlanta, Ga. July l«-3m FOR SALE. 500 BVIHKLS PRIME WHITE CORN, 4,000 povsbs choice bacon sides, 500 POUNDS CHOICE BACON HAMS, 50 KEGS NAILS. FROM 4’ a TO SO’a, SUPERIOR LOT GRI.IDBTO.Vi S, f.AMGK LOT SOLE LEATHER, CORN MEAL, WOOD BUCKETS, HOLLOW WARE, *C. Wylie Johnson & Co., Joly 25—ts D'-pot Street, near Trout House. A BUSINESSLOT FOR SALE ON Forsyth, running back near to Broad S'reet. Thix in very dMirublo property. Call and mm» pkt, Ac. Eleven wren near the iubacriber’* forme: rwidence on the Western and Atlantic Railroad. Apply promptly to A. JK. KEAGO, Commission Merchant, Atlanta, Georgia. July 28—ts D. F. HAMMtND. R. BAUGH. LAW OFFICE. HAMMOND & BAUGH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Next door to Intelligencer Office, over Willie A Young’i old eland, on Alabama etr<xt, Atlanta, Georgia. J uiy H—3m B. B. BABBXXN. | T. B. WHITAKKR. | A. K. BXAfIO. SASSEEN. WHITAKER & CO. ;AUC T I O N AND Commission Merchants, AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS & BROKERS. IN LOWKR STORY OF TUB EXCHANGE HOTEL, AIII A. N T A. Cr E O RGI A. THK services of the well-known W. M. Hill have been engaged a» Auctioneer. Strict and prompt atten tion will b < given to all buslueM entrusted to their care, and prompt returns made. They refer to Messrs. Dunn 4 Mangham, Macon, Ga.; Col. It. A. Crawford, Macon, Ga.; Messrs. W. A. Ramsey A Co., Augusta, Ga.; C. V. Walker A Co., Augusta, Q*g Col. J. R. Powell, Montgomery, Ala; Messrs. Lee 4 Norton, Montgomery, Ala. We have a large, commodious room for storing. Aug 16—Im GREAT MAMMOTH AUCTION SALE. SASSEEN, WIFTIKER & CO., Will sell on th© Second Monday in October next, at their Auction House in the City of Atlanta, A EARCE NUMBER OF CITY LOTS, Both business and building lots on the most desira ble streets In the City, situated in part on the following streets: Whitehall, Marietta. Loyd, Peachtree, Decatur, Pryor, Mitchell, Forsyth, Broad and Walton streets. ALSO, Several Thousand Acres of DESIRABLE TRACTS OF LAND In this and different sections of the State. They invite those wishing to sell their City Lots and Landed Estates ta make early application and secure a place in our Catalogue of Real Estate, as we will in a few days give a complete description and advertise them in all the principal newspapers in the United States. W. 11. 1111.1.. Auctioneer. W- Auensta Chronicle 4 Sentinel, Macon T dcgraph, Columbus' Enquirer will each copy iwelve time, and aeud bill to ’he Intelligencer office for collection. July 3u—tl TEN YEARS LEASE. WE WILL LEASE T’WO LOTS, On the Corner of •» iiARIETTA AND - BBOAQ STREETS, For the term of TEN YEARS. Parties wishing to LEASE OR BUILD Will do well to call on ns, as we are prepared to give a BETTER BARGAIN Than any ever offered in the City of Atlanta. seen, XVliitalcer Co. July 30—ts WEXEL & McBRIDE, Have just received a lot of NEW GOODS, consisting of PRINTS, FLANNELS, GINGHAMS, JACONET, MUSLIN, LINEN, • SWISS, AND A FINE LOT OF Silks. French Corsets, Ladies’ and Gents’ Hose, Collars, Belts, Buckles, Cuffs, Braid, Tape, Dress Buttons, Vail Buttons. Pearl Shirt Button*, English Bone Buttons, Kid Gloves, Ribboss Perfumery, La dies’ Hats, Needles. ALSO A FINE SELECTION OF Ladies’ Shoes, & Gents’ Boots and Shoes. And other articles too numerous to mention. Wexel & Mcßride, PEACHTREE STREET. July 23—3 m JOHN T. MEHWR & BROS., PRODUCE AND GENERAL COM.4IS ION MERCHANTS AND ' EALERS IN Gei.eral Merchandize, IN BUILDING FORMERLY KNOWN AS THE POST OFFICE. July 28—Im Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Georgia. W- A- RAMBVY I B. f HALL. I JAS. K. GODTBEY. Augusta, Ga. | Augusta Ga | Antonia, Ga W. A, RAMSEY & CO,, auction AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS Peachtree, 3d Door from Marietta Street yVtlsiittJi, Gcorgiu JNO. 8. HUTCHINSON Auctioneer. Having established a branch of their business In this city, we solicit a share of public patruoago. Will give their prompt and personal attention to the sale and purchase of Bonds Stocks. Heal Estate. Merchandise, Ac., having urge experience and ample facilities. Julyfi—tf ALOW, FALL &GRAY, DEALERS IN HARDWARE & CUTLERY, No. 47 College Street. Nashville, Tennessee, We have in Store, and keep constantly on hand, a large and complete stock of AMERICAN AID FOREIGN HARDWARE, Which will be sold at very reasonable rates st Wholesale or Retail, We also keep a full stock o / Gum and Leather Belting, Bolting Cloths, Gummor Bitts, Saw Hummers &c., &c. 1,000 Dozen Assorted Pocket Knives, 300 Gross Assorted Knives and Forks, 1,000 Dozen hocks of Every Description, 390 Dozen Axes, Best Brands, 1,000 Dozen Files, Best Brands, Assorted, 900 Coils Rope, All Sizes. ALSO, A full assortment of Carpenter’s and Blacksmith’s TOOLS, For Bal© by ALEXANDER, FALL * GRAY, No. 47 College Nashville, Tennessee. Joly 25—Im HOTEL PROPERTY FOB SALE. We will sell at-private sale the Trout House PROPERTY. Situated on the corner of PRYOR AND DECATUR STREETS, which needs no comment on our part, as showing it to be the very BEST SITE FOR A HOTEL In the CITY OF ATLANTA. Call immediately, as we offer great induce'- meats to parties wishing to build. The prop, erty can be so built as to make TWELVE LAKGK STORE ROOMS UNDER THE' HOTEL. SASSEEN, WHITAKER & CO. ! Aug 1-ts “Here’s Your 3-Penny Nails,” Another fresh arrival at the “VARIETIES,” WHITEHALL STREET, EAST OF RAILROAD, BEAT DOOR TO SALMONS &. SIMMONS. 50 Kegs NAILS, 3 to 12, 6 Sacks Fine RIO COFFEE, 20 Kits No. 1 MACKEREL, WELL BUCKETS, TuY BU KETS, Mason ai d Plaaterng TROWELS, SPELLING BOOKS. &o. COME IbIOHT ALONG. F. HAGAA <fc CO. Aug. s—ts Private Sale. GODFREY & OATMAN. 50 SackH Extra Family Elour (new), 40 Boxes Choice Chewing Tobacco, 1 Lot Fine Cigars, 1000 Pounds Bacon. July 26—ts BILLIARDS AND POOL * —— THE EXCHANGE HOTEL BILLIARD AKD POOL ROOM HAS been opened in the basement of the Exchange Hotel with three ixce.leut Tubies. The room is large, light and cool, billiard and Pool Players will find everything conducing to their amiiMwinent in good order. Th© Billiard and Pool Room is open from eight in the morning until oiovou o'clock at night. July iSG— Im J. n. o ISOOTT. J. B PARSONS. C. P. FRaUIAN. WT, I’ARSOAS & FREEMAN, Whitehall Street, Have just received another fresh supply of Now Goods, consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ROOTS AND SHOES, HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, HARDWARE, DRUGS, MEDICINES AND DYE STIFFS, Fancy Toilet Soaps. PERFUMES, &C. Our goods are pnrchated from the Eastern markets, and are of th© latent style and best quality. Persons de siring anything in our line will do well to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we buy for eash only and WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully COMPOUNDED. N. B We also have a News Depot established at the Exchange Hotel, Alabama street, under the management of Mr. George Sasseen. where will be found all the lead ing papers of the country. Periodicals, Books. Stationery, Ac . Ac SCOTT, PARSONS & FREEMAN. July 15—ts WINN, TIBBS & CO., GROCERS jVNrr> Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN GOLD AND SILVER COINS. Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga., Will neep constantly on baud BACON, FLOUR, CORN, MEAL, SUGAR, MOLASSES, TOBACCO SALT, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, OSNABURGS, COTTON YARNS, &o, &c-, &e. Prompt returns mad© for all goods sold on com mission. July 11—3 m T H E CHRISTIAN INDEX. BY the First of October, or as soon as the mails are re established, I will renew the publication of the “CHRISTIAN INDEX.” and of the “CHILD’S INDEX,” I h v© bean publishing. Pri *f “ Christian Index,” per annum,..s3 00 Pri e of “ Child’s Index,'’ per annum, 50 Money mav be remitted at once, as my determination is positive. My desire is to secure a large subscription list with which to begin, and I issue this Prospectus that subscribers may have time to forward their remittances It is my inrention tc issiw first class papers, and no pains or expense will be spared to secure that ©nd The best writers and correspondents will be secured, and the h’ghest religious and literary talent will be given to th© papers. The CHILD'S PAPER will be profusely illus trated, an I will, in every sense, be made to conform to its new title, The Child’s Delight. Money may be sent by Express or otherwise—if by Express, at mv risk, if the Express receipt is sent me, on the resumption cf mail facilities. My connection with the Aim of J. W. Burke A <k>, is dissolved, but I will establish an office In Macon, Georgia where communications may be addressed. SAMUEL BOYKIN. Jy29—lm E, M. BROCK. I T. S. MORGAN. E. M. BRUCE & CO., £BB BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, BANKERS AND COTTON FACTORS, DEALERS EXCLUSIVELY IN Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Coin, Uncurrent Money & Cotton. I HAVE this day taken into partnership THOMAS S. MORGAN. I do this io recognition and apprecia tian of his unimpeachable integrity, and high capacity as a business man, and his 'ong satisfactory and success ful management of my commercial and financial al airs, and his fidelity to tny interest*, (having been with me almost jrithout intermission for more than fifteen y ears.) I do therefore commend him with confidence to the bu siness public. E, M. BRUCE. Aug 6—6 m ANDREW IIITIUMX & CO., GROCERS, PROVISION DEALERS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, KO. 116 MAIN STREET, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, Orders for Groceries. Provisions, Bagging and Rone, promptly executed. July 25—6 m WmrHTIVIcNAIVIEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LaFayette, Chambers Co. Alabama. WILL attend promptly to all professional bueinwe entrusted to his care. Particular attention will be paid to Collections and prompt returns made. July 27—ts Notice. fIIUE Partnership of the firm of Powell & Marshall Is I this day dissolved by mutual consent. 0. POWELL, Atlanta, July 27, 18C5, Il MaIUIIALL. T e business will be carried on by U Powell, who will pay all r limaoi the lato firm, and respectfully solicits pairuaago. » July 23—It REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY Spray berry & White, LAND AGENTS, Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga., We offer for Sal© at the Lowest Prices for Cash, the fol lowing list of Lands and Town Property. 40- TITLES IN ALL CASES GUARANTEED. Lot of Land No. 191, 25th District, 3d Section, Murray County, Georgia. Lot of Laud No. 188, 8 b District, 4th Section Walker County, Georgia. Lots of Land Ncs. 281 282. 295. 298 and 318, 12th District, 4th Section, Walker County, Georgia. Lot of Land No. 279, 10;h District, 4th Section, Walker County, Georgia. East-half of Lot of Land No. 73, 26tb District, 31 Section, Walker County, Georgia. Lot of Land No. 206, 13th District, 4th Section, Chattooga County, Georgia. Lot of Land No. 241, 13th District, 4tb Section, Chattooga County, Georgia. Mineral Lands. Lot of Laud No. 965. 1 Itb District, 4tb Section, Lumpkin County, Gporgltf. One-eielith interest hi the south half of Lot No. 229, 28th District, 3d Section, Catoosa County, Georgia. East Iftlt of the northeast, quarter of Section 26, Township 10, Range 9, CLerokee County, Alabama. Five Business Lots in the Town of Ringgold. TO LEASE. Wo have some desirable Business Lots to Lease in this City. Those seeking investments in Georgia Lauds cannot do better than to give us a call at our office on Whitehall Street, near Railroad crossing. Sprayberry & White. July 25—Im W. A. RAMSEY. | B. HALL. W. A. RAMSEY & CO.. • AUCTION AND General Commission Merchants 308 BROAD STREET, (Opposite Union Bank,) ztUGUSTA, GEORGIA, G. A. PARKER, Auctioneer, WPI give their prompt and personal attention to the sale nnd purchase of Bonds, Stocks, Real Estate, Mer chandise, Ac., having large experience and ample fa cilities july6—tf MOSS & TRIGG, IMPOSTEBS OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS.&c., KO. 536 MAIN STREET, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, Aug B—6m NEW VARIETY STORE. JF’. <*3 00., WHITEHALL STREET, BAST OF THE RAILROAD, Between Railroad and Decatur Street, Keep conatautly on band, at Wholesale and Retail, Ury Good. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Ready made Clothing, Har.lvrare, Glass and Putty, Paints and Oils, Fancy Groceries and Confectioneries. aug 3 ts nxnax’v AUCTION AND COMMISSION MOUSE. T. P. FLEMiyG & CO., HAVE opened on Mitchell street, next door to Roark’s Corner, for the purpose of doing a general Auction and Commission Business. Persons entrusting consign ments may rest assured that their interest will be cared for. Our motto is, * Quick sales and prompt returns.” In the Auction Department, the services of the well known T D. WRIGHT have been secured, who has no superior as au Auctioneer. july6 3m EXCUA VGE IIOTEIa Is prepared to furnish Bread and. Cakes, In any quantity, and will get up, on the shortest notice, Fancy Cakes for Parties. July 30—tt SASSEEN, WHITAKER t CO. EXCHANGE HOTEL, SASSEEN, WHITAKER & CO., PROPRIKTOIiS, Atlanta, Georgia, July 30—ts R. J. GODFREY- | 8. B. OATMAN. GODFREY & OATMAN, AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Peaclitree Street, Second Door from marietta Street, ATLANTA. GEORGIA, JNO, 8. HUTCHINSON, Auctioneer. Will give their prompt attention to all en- trusted to thron Vgu. Coneigwniotits ol Pioducu and Morchaudiso svheitod. July 26—viu T. L LAXC-Tog. I HEM r. <a*XK I C C IIAMMOCX LMFON, I’HiINE&IIAMAHKK GENERAL CQmmission Merchants, ALABAMA STK KK T, Under Exchange Hote,, Atlanta, Georgia. Will give thc r prompt and personal attention to the puichase and sale o' all kinds of Merchandize and Country Produce. Consignments of Al rchamlize from all p-itsof the Union solicited. J?e/trences: G. W. Williams & Co., Charleston, 8. C-: A. J. Brady and Christian k Beil, Savannah, Ga.; Hifnizy Ar Clayton Au gusto. Sa.; P. P Pe.f©. Macon. G.,; J. i!, Porter. Ag-nt Georgia Railroad ; R. J. lx)wry &Co.. A lento. Gu.- K. L. Moes, Athens, Ga ; L t 4. McGwier, Albany, Ga. July 22—ts 7 ’ c. 1 BROWN. | GIO. W. PARROTT. BROWN & PARROTT, DEALERS IN Fancy and Family Groceries AND Commission Merchants. Particular attention given to aala of Weetern Produce, and purchase and safe of Cotton. Trout House Block. Decatur (Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Refer to W. W. Cliyton. late Aeent Qeorvia Railroad •nd Bankiu Company. A»h "lilnzy i < layton, 6eo. K. Crump 4 Co.. -iigust. : Noble A. Hardee * Co., Bz vannah; W H Inmau, 80 Val S reef, New York. July 28—ts w. J. aa&uxTT | vol'ko aaxxzTT. GARRETT & BROTHER, Commission Merchants, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN COUNTRY PRODUCE, SECOND DOOR FROM MASONIC HALL, Decatur St, Atlanta, Ga., Rtfermai.— Pbmizy 4 Clayton, Augusta; J. r,. Villa knga. Sa van nab ; J. W. tears s Co. M con ; R L. Molt, Columbus jCol. A.P. Wright, Thomasville ; W. L. High, Madison ; Wm. C Riy Montgomery ; McGruder, Taylor & Roberts, Baltimore; Austell & lum»n, New Yoik. July 22—ts jcair savDsa. | Taos. s. BNTnza. JOHN SNYDER & CO., Wholesale Grocers AND Commission Merchants, FOR THK BALK OF Western and Southern Produce, 306 Main Street, bet, Third and Fourth Louisville, Ky. Agents for the sale of Raw Whisky, 49* Particular attention given to sal© of all kinds of Grain and t ouutry Produce. July 27—2 m Quick Sales and Small Profits. E. M. MUNDAY, At his old stand on Pryor Stheet, north of Trout House, LS now recelVina a I uge lot of Dry Goods, direct from New York, consisting of Prints, Gingham,. Muslin, Jaconet, Flannel, Swiss, Pants’ Goods, &c. ALSO A line collection of Lnriiee and Gen a Boots and Shoes, ALSO A fine lot of School Books. Give me a call. Aug 13—Im OK. J. 'J'. CAMI’BELL, RESIDENT DENTIST, above Roark 9 WhlUhaXl 5C., Jtfanfa, <?a., Respectfully informs the cititens of Atlanta and vicinity that ho is prepared to do all work in bis lino. 4®* He is prepare.! to Mount T« eth on Rubber Plate according to the latest style. AU orders promptly at tended to. July 29—Im diO.l Inform their old patrons and th© public generally that they have resumed the PRACTICE! Os the various branches of the MEDICAL PROFESSION. 49* They can he found at all times at thMr residence, corner of Washington and Peters streets, Atlanta, Ga. July 14—3 m Painters, Glaziers & Builders. We hare on hand, and for sale low, a large lot of WINDOW GLASS, of all Sorts and Sizes, PUTTY, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL. Call at once or your chance will icon Im gone SASSEEN, Will TAKER A CO. Au; XC—U