The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, August 26, 1865, Image 3

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DAILY NEW ERA. A . R. WATSON LOCAL EDITOR. Bigamy.—On Friday evening a lady arriv ed in this city from Newnan, found out Mar shal Davis, and made complaint to him that her husband had proved recreant to her, and had left her and her four little children, and was married to another woman with whom he was living in this city. The man s name was James McDaniel. On yesterday morning the Marshal sought out, and arrested McDaniel and his duplicate spouse, and took them before the Provost Marshal, where he was confronted by his for-, saken wife and four offspring. It Is needless to say that ho was astounded at the meeting, especially as his later and more favorite lady was with him. The Provost Marshal was at some loss how to dispose ot the case, and finally decided to turn it over to the Mayor which was done.— The examination before His Honor occupied seme hours, but was finally decided by the later wife yielding all claims on her vagabond lord and restoring him to bis rightful owner. The former wife accepted him on the condia •iou that henceforth he remain true to her, and provide for his children. At the close of the trial the second wife hade him farewell and said : “ You have fool ed me, James. You told me that you had been married, but that your first wife was dead?" It is more than probable that the recreant husband will be content to remain with his lawful spouse, otherwise he will be liable to arrest an 1 trial on the charge of committing one of the gravest crimes known in the penal code A Nuis.sck. There is e batch of some sis tern or twenty negro men who spend the whole of the day on the street around our office in the profider-s •mploynaent of playing marbles They are rendering the c immunity odious, w th their boisterous and pi ofaue demeanor. They are evidently leading the lite of vagrants and their case would admit of some examination.— We see no reason why a large party of stout, able bodied m-m should be allowed to become a nuisance on the streets. Every wretch ot them should be arrested at once and put to work at some prefi able employ ment. Naw Sizri.—Our neighbor, the Intelligencer, made its appearance yesterday morning, in a beautiful eight column sheet, and what is more threatens to put on a new suit at au early day. We congratulate our neighbor on the evidences of prosperity which it is mani fearing. It is now one of the finest looking sheets in the South, or anywhere else. Invaded—Our sanctum was invaded yes terday morning by a huge watermelon with the “ Compliments of R. L. Crawly” Crawly judged rightly when be fancied w» had a tooth for such things. It was a noble fellow, red, ripe and luscious. We thank our old friend Crawly for it in our own name and in the name of every one who got a slice. Poisnoivg.—Welearn that seven negroes were poisoned a night or two ago by drugged whis key. All of them are dead but one. We have no particulars of the affair, and are dis posed* to doubt its authenticity entirely. A person who would knowingly do such a thing should suffer the extreme penalty of the law. Ths WgATHia erntinues cool and delight ful. We are almoet persuaded to forget we were ever sweltering beneath the rays of a burning sun. The nights are quite cool, a,d the mosquitoes begin to sing dolefully. We hope they will soon have made “the last riee of summer.” Building —We ob/wve with pleasure that most of the buildings on Marietta street, be tween Whitehall and Broad are being rebuilt- Preparations are also being made to rebuild Norcross' corner, also that whole blocks, down to the railroad The Phoenix building goes on bravely and evidently will be the handsomest building in town. In o her portions of the city buildings are going up rapidly. Jgf” The Paster, Rev. Dr. W. T. BRANT LY, will preach at the 2d Baptist Church, ■Washington st., to-morrow al 10J o’clock, a h , and at 5 o’clock t>. u. Schofilo is putting up a commodious two. o’<-ry Uoi«len building on the corner of White hall and Hunter streets. .Motta or the Same —A large wooder building Las gone up on the corner of White h -11 and Mitchell street. Nashville Cahds. —We would call the at tention of our r aders to the new advertise ments from Nashville to be found in our col umns to-day. We have not space to notice them separately, to-d»y, but will endeavor to do so to-morrow. A brisk trade is springing up between this city and Nashville and we are glad that the merchants of Nashville appreciate the importance of this section of country. Nashville is getting to be a fine market, and business men will find it to their interest to examine that market before pur chasing elsewhere. The Globe Hotel, Augusta, Ga., has an advertisement io to-day’s paper to which at tention is invited. This House has recently changed hands and is now one of the best hotels in the country. Those visiting Au gusta will find every accommodation that they de.ire at this bouse and will not regret stopping there, as the Proprietors do every thing in tbeis power to render their guests comfortable. Messrs. Langston, Cran At Hatnrnook have added greatly to their former stork, having made purchases directly from the North This establishment is now quite attractive, aud the gentlemen connected with it a e d«. serving, and merit the patronage of the pub lic. We ask for them a liberal support. Th<-y wish the attention of merchants to their fresh arrivals to-day. Call on them They can furnish anything called for at living figures. We know whereof we apeak. Ready Made Clothing, new, fine and of the latest patterns just received by Godfrey k Oatman, and offered nt greatly reduced prices —if not disposed of readily will be sold out nt auction of which due notice will be given. Go and examine them aud make your selections. Hee advertisement in to-days Era. To Cotton Shipi’ers.—Messrs. K M. Bruce & Co., ot Augus a, Ga , Jbave made a most excellent arrangement for the. commerce of Planters, aud others who desire to ship their their Colton. They propose to take charge of, put in order, and ship any lot of cotton that my be put under their care, and pay all texes aud charges of every description, be sides making liberal advances on the same. Here the owners of cotton can have an op portunity of disposing of their cotton at the highest market price, with little trouble to themselves Messrs. Bruce & Co., are relia ble business men, and all business confided to them will be promptly attended to. Auction! Acction!!—Ye who would be comfortably situated in the city, go to Pow ell's to morrow at 10J o’clock, a. m. He will sell a most desirable house and lot, furniture, a valuable library or two, and a large assort ment of merchandize, Ac. It will be to the interest of everybody to attend Powell’s auc tion sales. Look up bis advertisement in to day’s impression. Attention is directed to advertisement of •‘Carpetbag, lost or stolen.” Suitable re ward will be paid for its recovery—at this office. Raad Salmons, Simmons & Co;, advertise ments iu to-day’s paper. They have nails, glass, & &., for sa'e cheap enough. See Abbott A Bros., advertisements in an other column, and then buy of them your wants. W. F. Harris wants to sell more valuable property. He is the right sort of a dealer. — See advertisements. B9L. Thanks to Col. Hublbcrt the courto ous and gentlemanly Superintendent of the Southern Express Company, for lata Mont gomery, (Ala.) papers. Literary Oddities.—Tue Loudon Pall Mall Gaz-tte says the present fashion of giving odd phrases and mottoes as titles to novels is open to much riditule. A correspondent ot that pa per sends the tollcwing as the result of his pe rusal of a pjblisbet’s circular : ‘•Belial.” feeling somewhat “Alone in the World,” bethought himself ol taking a stroll. He passed “The House by the Church-yard,’’ aud after trampling dowu the “Abeat and Tares,” emerged “By the Sea.” There, tis it were, edvaueing “Against Wind and Tide,” be spied -Beneath the Surface’ "Breakers Ahead.’ This was ‘A Bad Beginning’ -a kind of 'Notice to Quit;' so he turned into 'Bvliorest,’ and en countered ‘Some Famous Girls’ (bolb 'Biack and White’) who have sinse become ‘Famous Womeu.’ He was introduced to ’A Womau of Spirit by a Woman Without.’ He Deheld ‘E - eanor’s Victory’ aud ‘Christam's Mistake,” and heaid‘Cary’s Confession.’ Here be ‘Shattered Idols’ aud ‘Singed Moths,’quoth he;‘Grap your Nettle,’ but‘Link before y-u Leap,' for ‘Wuo Bteaks Pays!” Eleanor was ‘Put to the Test,’ Christian was ‘Paid in Full,’ and Cary w, s •Recommended to Mercy.’ It was just the ‘DaiL est before Dawn,’ but Belial perceived ‘Tie Woman in White’ (‘Molded out ot Faults') fighting with ‘The Man in Chains,’ and ‘How to Manage it” she did not know. ‘Once and Agvin’ stie seemed 'Lost and Saved,” but at last she inflicted the‘Crudest Wrong of AU.’ and fl d, crying out‘Quiisf’ ‘A lite for a Life!’ and be #as ‘L‘li io the World,” ‘Alone.’ ‘lt was to Be,’ and ‘Such Things are,’ for, though ‘Won drous Strange,’ Verily a ‘Strange Story ! Oliver Wendell Holmes on War Relics.— Tue Kuilund (Vermont) Herald says that a few days ago Captain Beaman, ot a Vermont regi ment, forwarded the handk-rchiet belonging to O. W. Holmes, Jr., which be p eked up on the Ball’s Bluff baitle-fieid, and received the fol lowing rej ly : “Boston, Aug. 7, 1865. “Dear sir • I have ju<t received the handker chief which yon have had the kindness to send, and 1 return you the most greateful acknowl edgements lor it. Hi- mother unfolded it, and s-id. as she read bis name, ‘I marked it.’ To you it was a curious relic, and as such I can understand that you valued it, and only parted wiih it from a generous impulse, which is honorable to your feelings. But. to us and to our children’s children it is, and will be, somfc thing moie than a relic ; it records the baptism o blood of my first born on one of the most dreadful fields of this lisrd fought war. My too has the Minie bullet which tore bis breast on that fatal day. He has the large bail from a spherical case which was dug out of bis heel at Fredericksburg. But this handkerchief, re turned alter so long an intei val, calls up the recollection ot that day when be was so near deith more vividly than any other memento could do, and will always be precious to him and to all ol us. “My eon is taking a vacation among Ibe mountains, as I believe I mentioned, but I thank you in his name, as well as in my own, and in that, of ail our family, for your prompt aqd obeerlul kindness. Very truly yours. O. W. Holmes.” flnr dis/inguished town-man, Gustavus A. Henry, fate Senator in Hie Coulederate Con grese, reached bis home in this city, on the Louisville train, on Sunday ev ining last. He appears to be in fine health, and received a cordial greeting Irom bis numerous friends, to whom he has endeared himself by long years of friendly social intercourse and public spirited Citiz-nship. We unders'and that he Las not yet received the Executive pardon, but that bis case is now under consideration. It is suppos ed by some that the President will not be dis posed to look with much favor upon Mr. Hen ry’s application, from the fact that the two were rival cand <i l< s lor the Governorship of Tennessee some years since, and conducted a heated canvass. If any hard feelings were en gendered, which we doubt, we Im tg tie they have long since been foigotten, and we are confident will not be taken into account in the settlement of the present affair. Those who argue thus certainlv place a low estimate upon President, Johnson’s magnanimity, and do not d > him justice.- Clark Chronicle 18lh. Pigmy Fchhil Elkhiants. -The Malta Tim's says : * Dr. Adams continues bis explorations in search ot rema ns of the Maltese fossil ele phant.. Recently be was fortunate to discover some more relics of this curious animal in sev eral new localities. He bus met with its teeth in great quantities n a cavern near Crendi. In another gap, evidently at one time the bed of a torrent, he has found the teeth and bones of thirty more individuals. These skeletons of elephants met with are jammed between large blocks of stones, in away that clearly shows that the carcases must have been burled into tueir present situation by violent floods or fresl.ets. Dr. Adams has now almost completed the skeleton of this wonderful little represen tative of au order of quadrupeds to which we fail, until the fossil Maltese elephant appeared anplied lhe term gigantic. It seems Irom Dr. Adams’ inquiries that the pigmy fossil elephant of Malta did not exceed the height of a small pony.” 1 » f ollowing pretty incident is said to have occurred in the New York Central Park : Yesterday, near the music stand, a dandy was lounging. A portion of the overture to “ Semiramide” struck him as familiar, and, with execrable taste, and aa execrable a voice, he commenced humming it. “ Damn yon,” said an attentive listener near him.— “ Did you refer to me ?” the dandy inquired. “ Oh, no, air,” said the other, “I but cars. d the band whose loud playing prevented my hearing your singing.” Amid a roar of laughter the dandy vamoosed. A great improvement ha, been made in tweeping the stieets of Paris, It is now done by a brigade of men and one of women. The expense is estimated at ninety thousand pounds for the" pavements. S P EC I AL N 0 THIES. TO ADVKII TISHItS* In order to insure lii.ertic n in t le morn ing’s paper, advertisers will please hand in their favors each day, by 2 o’clock, P. M. CHURCH DIRECTORY. First Baptist, Walton street, 11. C llornady. Pastor Services 10},$ A M.andS P M. Sabbath School BJ$ A. M. Sscono Baptist, corner Washington and Mitchell ata. Sabbath School 9 AM. Preaching 10l< A. M Wzslit Chapel, M. E., Peai htree .i'reet, A # . M. Thig pen. Pastor. Preaching 10U A. M. and BP. M. Sabbath School4>s P. M. Trinity, M. E, Mitehall street, opposite City Hall Sqnaie. A G. Haygood. Pastor. Preaching 10U A. M and 8 P. M. Sabbath School 9 A M. First Prxsuytbrian. Marietta street, Dr. J S. Wilson, Pastor. Services lOjaJ A M. Sabbath School 0 A M. Central Prbsbytsrian, Washington stro t, R Q Mal lard, Pastor. Services 10J4 A. M., and at night. Sab bath School, 9 A. M. AGENTS. Mr H. H. Richards is our authorized agent in this city. He will receive subscription, and attend to the delivery of the papers.—■ All subscribers in the city may subscribe to ths Era with the assurance that it will be punctually delivered. Mr. Richards being a prompt and energetic man. Dr. W. T. Brown is our authorized agent at La Fayette, Alabama. J. S Walker, Esq., is our authorized agent at La Grange, Georgia. Capt. William Parker, is the authorized agent for the New Era, at Macon Georgia. D Redmond, is our authorized agent at Augusta Ga J. R Davis, is the authorized agent for the New Era, at -Covington. M. Hill will take and receipt for subscrip tions to the Daily New Era, at Grantville, Georgia. John N. Swift, Esq., will receive and receipt for subscriptions to Daily New Era, at Lytho nia, Georgia. John G. Carpenter isour authorized agent at Cusseta, Ala. 0 D. Towles, is our authorized agent at West Point, Ga. R. C. Jeter is our authorized agent at Ope lika, Ala. J. A. Holifield is our authorized agent at Auburn, Ala. S. M. Pettbngill Co.. 37. Parkßiw.Cor ner Beekman street New York, are the author ized. Agents for the New Era in that city. Bniness men in N«w York who desire to ad vertise in our paper are referred «o them. TO THE BUSINESS MEN OP NASH VILLE AMD LOUIsV.LLE. Mr. Wm. H. Moore is our authorized Agent to receive advertisements in the cities of Nash ville and Louisville. He visits these places for the purpose of securing advertiiernems for the Hew Era uni we oommend him to the business men with whom he will have transactions. PHILLIPS & PRATHER. P. S. —The Hew Era has a large and increas ing circulation in Georgia and Alabama, and is a desirable advertising medium lor business men. ' ts. Soup, (free) at Bill Moon’s every day. CARDS. The New Era Job Office has superior facilities for i Card Printing. Merchants and Bushiness men are iu- i vited to call and examine specimens. METHODIST HYMN BOOKS for sale at GEORGE SASSEEN’S news agency. Aug. 25—2 t If you want Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, Flour. Meal, Corn, Cheese, Dried Beef and Factory thread by bunch or bale. Call at PHILLIPS & FLANDERS, Aug. 26.—3 t. Mitchell street. MONETARY ANDTOMMIciAL. ATLANTA MONEY MARKET. Corrected l>y Robert J. Lowry, Bfcker. Georgia Railroad Bank, buying at 60 cts f r one dollar. Cen Bank “ 45 “ “ “ “ B ink Slate of Georgia, “ iO “ “ “ “ Marine Hank, “ 30 “ “ u “ Bank of avannah, “ 25 “ “ “ “ Bank of Athens, “ 20 “ M “ - Bank of Middle Georgia, “ 35 “ w Bank of Fulton, “ 15 “ « « “ All other Ga 8 C. and Ala. # Banks u sto 25 *• a Gold, buying at 40 selling at 45 to 46 cts. prom. Atlanta Wholesale Market, Corrected by Robert J. I owry <fc Co., Commission Merchants. Bacon—llog round 24 to 26; Clear Sides 28 to 30, in demand Beeswax—3o cts per pound. Bagginu—Kentucky 35 to 40 cents. Psppjjk—Black 40 cts per »b. Blacking -Small Size 75, Large 1 80 $1 60 j er dozen. Coffee —Rio 38 to 40 cts per lb. Candles - Star 32 to 35 cents per lb. Candy—Common Stick 50, French 50, assorted 60 cts per lb Cotton ards —No 10, sls per dozen Cheese —English Dairy—3s to 40 cents. CORN—SI 25 per bushel. Peaches—Dried Cut Off $2 per bushel of 36 lbs, pealed cut off, $3 per bushel of 40 pounds. Flour—Extra 16, Superfine 14 to sls per barrel. Indigo—l 75 to $2 25 per pound. Madder—2- to 33 cts per lb. Coppekas— to 15 cts per lb. Soda—lß to 20 cts per lb. Epsom Salts —16 to 18 cts per lb. Starch—lo to 20 cts per lb. Matches —$3 per gioss White Le\d—ln 011 25 to 30 cts per lb. bOAP—2O to 25 cts per lb. Sugar—New Orleans 20 to 28; Crushed 33 to 35 oents per lb Tea- $2 $2 25 per lb. Naha—B 50 to $lO per keg. Iron—Sweden 10 cts per lb. Rope—Kentucky 25 cts per lb. Lomestic—4-4, 28 to 32; 7-8, 25 to 27 ; Osnaburgs 22 to 24 cts per yard. DryGoods.—Prints, 32 to 35 cts per yard; 810 tched Muslin. 28 tu 54. Cotton Yarns—2 75 to per bunch. Cotton rather dull, sales at *26 to 29 cts per lbs as to quality. CORN GROUND At the Gate City Foundry, Car and Machine Works, Marietta Street. Atlanta. Ga., We have now a 0 >rn Mill in full operation and are ready to Grind Coru for all persons for the usual toil. Lee, Jones Co. Aug 4ts ~ WANTED r WOULD like to buv a House and Lot, with five or six Rooms, near the business part of the City—would prefer one on Marietta, Peachtree or Decatur Streets. July 30— ts THOS. E. WHITAKER. B. W. ADAMB | T. 8. POWELL. B. W. ADAMS & CO., GROCERS AND Ccmmission Merchants, Peachtree Street, next door to A. C. Wyly*e old stand, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. ffir- Consfornmente of all kinds respectfully solicited. *£• Aug 2—3 m Cunny Bagging. Ten Bales Gunny Bagging, For pale by Abbott & Bros. Commission Merchants, Whitehall Street. Aug 19—ti ■’Goi{Dojr&~(To~ General Commission Merchants Aud Dealers In COTJIN TIL Y PRODUCE, Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. Aug 29—liu BELL & GASKILL,' attorneys at law, Having renewel their partnership (suspended ty the war,) off ir th dr aervices to the public as Real Estate -A.gen.ts, Will give special att*nti”U tnConvevanc | Titles to Real Est ite, Writing Contracts and Coliec iiig Debts. Ouwof the firm has been aR- al Estit 1 * Agent in this city for fifteen years, and tho oilier c. nnecteu with him I for several years before t-.e war and, ir >m Uodr th..rough ' acquai tance with the p|a< e, ;lv»yarec«»tft <*nt in i soi ring, by their Ag‘*n-y, d. c.ded advanlng st » persons I wishing to buy, sell, rent or ’.erne red efeta o in or near. All nta. Office up-stiirs, first huifdtng on Whitehall street, on lhe lelt going from ‘he Railroad. References: Mayor and citiz ns of Atlanta ; Jas Gard ner Augusta ; J W Eears & Co, and C A Nutti g, Macon ; Austell & Inman, John Livingston New Yuk. MARCUS A BW.LL, Aug 24—3rn V. A. GASKICIj. ZIMMERMAN & Ml GROCERS, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner Broad and Marietta Streets, Atlanta, Georgia, Will buy and sell all kind of Produce and Merchandise on Commission. Prompt and personal aetenti n given to orders on con signments. R. P. Zimmerman, 8. A. Verdcry, Late of L >t« of Scranton & Zimmerman, Jackson. Mil ‘er A V rdery, Augusta, Georgia. Augusta. Georgia- Aug 23—Im HUL Klin IGEHCL I offer my services to persons wishing to purchase, sell reut or lease REAL ESTATE In tho City of Atlanta or in the State. in Parker’s New Building, 01 Whitehall .Street. W. F. Harris. Aug 24—3 m 1 i I I>UIL ‘ I>INCi LOTS, in the m »?t desoabi IMF iocamy m the city, lor sale or aiug 24—ts W. F. HARRIS. '| LOTS, half acre each, suitable in R I and only tmee-q lartera of a mno from lhe Or &ue»i, for sale or lease, apply t>> Aug 24—If W. F. II ARRI . AN ELEGANT STORK, OU .H street, for rent. Inquire ui Aug 24-tt W. F. HARRIS. A FARM FOR SALiK, four miles from the city. Can be had luw tor ih p cash. Aug 24—ts W. F. HARRIS. Mineral Lands Wanted. PERSONS wishing to sell or Mineral tands wi 1 find it to their interest to giv m" •« <• *ll. Aug 24—ti W. F. H A RRIS. PLANTATION FOR &AUS IN SUMTER COUNTY. fIIHIS place is situated five miles fi’«»in Americus, au*l 1 comai. s 700 here-, 350 U”W in cu!*ii Toer< is ai. excellent Gin Houre, s ven Negro Ileuses, Barn. Stables, Shelters, and ull necessary o ’ l»ui ding . Then* is also a comfort »bie K* sidence, h g >■ d, Gri u M ill attached to a'2o-horse Engine, a Rice Clean* r, . c ill in good ru > ning o der. Tnc<e are aoout 15*» head of H g .20 <n 80 head o’ Cattle. 10 Horses and Mine?. 1 uerc .i ibe ?o' . also,.Sugar Mill Boilers B’a- k mi h mo g m i Farming Utensils, 3 first rat' Wag<* s. 1 two-hors*. 1 four horse and 1 six horse, a so 3 common Wagons. W.lh the place will De sold lhe g oAiug nop. c »uß.sting *f Corn, Foduer, Peas, Sugar Cine, & ■ T.. r • an* oth r articles too numerous to mention. I’nc • sll,lOO In cur rency. For furiher pa r tici.l rs app y • Rev. H. C. HO'INADY , Aug 24—3 t I'each tree street. At aat., Ga. ' OXFORD FEMALE SEM.NARY. ■ 1 IDE regular exercises of this Institution will be re sumed on Monday, the 4tn of Sepikmbfk. In addition to the English bra cfes. Gieek, Latin, ' French and the Mathem tics are taught. Terms: $3 00 and $4 00 per month Good Buarding can be obtained in the village. MISB UOKNELIA JO.i • -OtJ. Principal. MISS LAURA A. HAYGOOD Assistant REFERENCES : Dr. A. Means, and Rev. Mr. Bzanh\m.’ Oxford, Rev A. G Haygood, Atlanta. aug. 22—if. “AIJCTIOX SALKv P<» T QUAKTE<VABT4tK S ‘ FFI'E ) -ill nta, <a. J ig 26, IF6». j On Saturday, .August 26, i w..1 sal . .t ;ub «•. Au im. • the Government Coirals near th** < 1 j *ii. at, Ga., 400 CAVALHY HOriSR , tho property of tbe United state*’ . aios t«» commence al 10 am., and continue from <lay to la , tinti t iw Mock is ail sold. Terms cas . By order of < art (’. K. SMITH. .Ir Chief Quail im.iHv r, Dipt. Ga. Otto Poticher Jr. Ist Lieut/tQ M, 68th N Y V V and A A Q M !* aug 2 Uls Bagging anti Rope. FIFTY PIECES BAGGING, FIFTY COILS HOPE, For sale low by Clarke & Wester, .Aug 23—2 w Trout House Block. • FORSALEr QA ROLES KENTUCKY BAGGING now in stere nt O’’ Macon, Georgia, and a large lot of BAGGING ROPE AND 'WINE in store at Atlanta, and to arrive, which w II Le sold f>r less than market value wholes^l<• vi rrbdl, in order to close consignment. Address by letter or telegraph Imine lately. A. K. SEAG2, Com mission Merchant. Corner Whitoha’l and Mitchell Strovts, At'antn <lu aug 22—fit 'XTV'furvto <3L. quality by ° ’ A.K.SEAGO, aug 22—fit Atlanta. Ga Commission Merchant. Wanted. ASM ALL House with four or five r-*«ni- f*r a pr’vntv residence. >iso, one with two rooms and a kitchen. Enquire of 11. NTAHSIIArL, Real Estate .Agent, at Godfrey & Oatumri’s Juction »n I Commisdon House on Peachtree str <»l. n- xt (■ Ky e’a bui ding Jug 23—ts COTTOPJ 45 BALES FINE COTTON, For .ale by Abbott & Bros.. Comm ssion Merchant, Whitehall street. Jug 23 tt Warren's Cel< brated Needles and Fish Hooks. ANDREW CLMltrc <Sc CO., 48 Maiden Lune, New York, SOLE AGKNTB AND IMPORTERS Our former customers will find a reduction in gold prices of the Needles, while the quality is always kept up to the highest i andard known to English manu tie turers. A. 0. k Co., respectfully solicit a renewal of the mer antile relations so long aud iavurab y esteemed by their vutc. Aug23--uhi REMOVAL. Now offering for sale at prices to defy competition at ABBOTT & BROS. WHITtifIIAL.I. STREET, ATLANTA, GEORG-IA. 500 g’allons Kerosene Oil, 250 gallons Petroleum Oil, 500 gallons Machine Oil, 500 gallons Raw an 1 Boiled Linseed Oil, 200 gallons Lamp Oil, # 200 gallons Pea-Nut Oil, 5,000 pounds Pure White Lead, 5,000 pounds Colored Paints, (mixed and dry), 300 boxes Window Glass, 1,000 pounds Putty, 10,000 pounds Soda Ash, 1,000 pounds Copperas, 1,000 pounds Sulphate and Brimstone, 500 pounds Bluestone, 100 gross Matches, 10 barrels Old B tnrbou Whisky, (warranted pure), 5 barrels Cognac Brandy, 5 barrels Sherry and Madeira Wine. ECobt. .1. Massey. Th<* Ladies of Atlanta are respectfully informed that I havH just opened, aud wtll Sbll at very low prices, a choice and select let. of Perfumery nnd Toilet Soaps, Kerosene il and Lam|>s. at the store ol Abbott & Br 'S . Whitehall street. Kobt. J. Jlassev. Aug 20—ts A BARGAIN TO ANY ONE DESIRING A GOOD HOME. 9' OFFER for sale my House and Lot in the ’own of Ln Fayette, Alabama 11 is one of the most desirable best improved situations in town. THE DWELILING Is largo and completely finished, with seven rooms. 20 x 20; a paasago. I’2 feet in width, rn in ng through, and a pantry attached to the dining mom The out houses are good, consist ng »t kitchen, smoko hous . meal house witli two rooms, dairy In n house, three negro houses, with two staoios, carriage house enough for two carri g<*s, «nd a buggy house for tlir<*e buggies Tnere is a'so a comfortable office—a well affording an abundant supplv o as good freestone water a< chu lie found in toe country, an ■ a good garden con taining au acre or more djacent to the garden is a peach orchard containing several hundred trees of se lected fruit. Tbe enclosures are of heart iumbei and painted. he dwelling is si uate l on ’he southern side of the t->wn. in a beautiful gr<>ve. with twenty acres ■ f land belonging to the lot There ire male aud female schools nnd three churches in the town. Puss ssion given immediately. VV. T?ei<l, Aug 23—Im LaFayette, Alabama CU.VIX FAY. i L. P. GRANT. FAY & GRANT, ARCHITECTS CIVIL ENGINEERS, Will give their attention to the preparation of Plans and Specificatior s for, ant* superintend the erection of every class ol buildings in A lania nnd vicinity They will also negotiate pu chases and *ales of property. / Buiv ys and Maps of Lauds and Raih'uads careful y executed Mr Grant refers to Rlceard Peters. Esq . and Geo G Hull Supt A A W p R K Atlanta: Hon Jno P King, Pre* G R K, Augusta; Chas T Pollard, Esq. Pres M <fc WPR R. Montg< mery: J Elgar Thomson, Esq, Pres i’t nn A Centra R R. hiladelnhia. Mr. Fay refers to R C B inkiev. Esq. and Ssm’l Tate, E«q. M-mph’s* J S Claghorn, Esq aud I) H Baldwin, Esq, Savannah; MPcrell & Smith, Macon; RII Ram sey, Milled eville. .Ang 23—ts A CARD. F7IAMTLY affair* obliging me to leave the country so- * a time, I have translerred tny professional badness to L. P Grant, C E., who. in connection with Calvin Fay Architect, will con inue the busin as nf Architects, Civil En ineers and Land age’ fa- »ml* r the name and style o' Fay & Grant. The* stab ishe I reputation of these Kentlf men ivi de'S a.iy commendation of mine a work of supererogation. I may ho**ever, be permitted t<» say • hat they combiu'-as much professional skill, experience and prof* ss)i nal uh grity ; can be found in iheir de partiue t, iu this Sta e WILLIAM GARRETT, NOTICE. 4 LT. debt' du-4 F-iy G ibb tt wi Ibe pal Ito Fay & 4 A *<• '»‘ r - who are authorised to receipt, and who will pay nil < .aims against th • same WILLIAM GABBffiTT. NOTsCE T p. i? nnt Esq, »h my hhil.oi iz.'d agent for tho I J. tea .ruction ofmv ir Irate bn-ln' ss WIL.LIA. H GABB ‘.TT DURYEAS’ MAIZENA Was the only “■ reparation for f od from Indian Corn” That lecoiv. d a meda and honorable mention from the Ro.ul o n.iMSS'oners. the competition of nil prominent m’Hiut;«ct*in rs of “Corn Starch and ••Piepared Coru Flour’’ ot this and other countries notwiihstandlng. MAIZENA, j Tho»‘.*<'d ami luxuiy of the age, without a single fault. | One fii il will convince the most ►keptical. Makes Pud* ’ ■ in.:s. • ak<-*. < wshirds. Blanc Mange. Ac . without isin- I jr th f v wor no eggs, at a cost astonishing rhe m st eeouomi al A slizht addition to ordinary Wheat Flour gr-.itly improven Bread ond Cake. It is also excellent fr t hie • ni*'.g >weet sances. gravies f>r fl ih and meat, b. iipi X c For Ice Cream nothing <an compare with it a li’il. i»oi vd in milk will produce rich cream for c flee, citoro at ha. &C Pu up in *'ne pound packages, under the trade-mark M ilzi-na wi’h di returns f-r u*e moMt del ci us ar icle of food for children and Inva lid* t al 3gtw For sale by Gr<*cern aid Druggists Vi hid sale I) p'.f. Dili Fullon Street, NEW YORK. WILLIAM MURTEA, Aug 23—’in * General .gent, FOR SAL «. i MHIP’S laiw WORKS. I I’n per y c.iiHP Sting of I ’ 2 ' acres of lan .on right of way’, »‘ai •• aI, in Atb.n a, Gviugi and g »qd rock ami i<• * in ext n v« bu hling, wi*h machinery and lir ii <<; <rd th usm i <!<• lars v duo. i T t w fi- prok*i to F«* lony on • half Interest to a ; pu < Ii isrr who wnl Join them in re • s‘a I 3hlng tho Iren i w. , tint ould df-pos*- o ih whole prem-ScR at a 1 t’d* ii For particulars p:»’y ’<) BELL Al (MSKILL, Att.on.uys aud Real Esrutc Aguuw. I lire liufik W Git, 89 by 100 feet, near Wyly’a building on l-u.ctii <> t eot i„w fur c i»n. IIKI.I, A GASKII.I , ■ Aug 24 3 n R al.Hi.e .genW. Cotto i. ! TWENTY BALES OF COTTON FOR SALE BY Abbott «8t Bros., Ang 15—ts Whitehall street. Bagging and Rope. 100 roll< Kentucky Bagging, 100 coils Ropb, For sale by Abbott & Brothers. A„-13-lf WhltuhdlSU.jt NEW STORE. The undersigned offer, to lhe ptib'fc nf Atlanta and • nrrounding country a full aesortmeot of QueenKvva re, Cutler.y, Kerosene Kamps, And, in general, BOISE FCRMSiIIXfi GOODS, For whkli he solicits a libera) patronage. KEROSENE OIL kapt at Retail, 20 SACKS CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR, DOOR LOCKS AND HINGES. I Henry Kelfzcr, Aug 1- eo43in Peachtree street. Atlanta, Ga. EVERYBODY RUS HERE. WINN, TIBBS & CO., II IVO Just received a large and well selected stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, FANCY GOODS, &c. Os tho latest style, whirh they will sell at the lowest price wholetmiv or retail. Whitehall street, opposite Roark’s corner, fl Aug 17—Iw * PLEASE TAKE NOTICE CITIZENS AND TRAVELERS. I have refltte 1 those largo and splendid rooms under the Maronic 11 ill, aud opened a first class Drinking and Billiard Saloon, And intend it shall be dfecond to none In this State. I have on h-nd and alwavs shall ker»>. Old and Pure L : q i rs; n *wo other shall be sold In my saloon. Tiie Bar is U’idurtno executive miDagement of these clever and affable gentlemen T<»m Collier and Billy < laik, who have no superiors in their line, and they will be happy tn see their old friends. O<« ptain White the clever man of AH nta and Augusta notoriety, ha full charge ot tho Billiard Tables. 1 re- Bpec fully ask a libertil share of patronage Geo. tShni-p, .Ti-., Proprietor. N B —ln a few days I shall open a Fir-t 01a<s Dining Room and Restaurant on the European style, with ac commod dinn f>r one hundred nnd fifty to a ineal. Tra velers will he r th’S in mind, ns my table will abound with all the delicaciei of the S‘ ason. G. 8. Jr Aug 15—tt N E W“BOO' K AND JVEvxslo Store. fIIHE subscribers resp»c’-fully Inform their friondi and I it) pubuc th it they will re-open un, August 2lßt with a file aswtment of SC HO M, Rd STATIONARY AND FANCY O O D S . for the present at their s ore »n SfRBKT, fifty 'yai'N W st ot Wailehalt street, and neat Hoibcooks fmm er Hat FacWiry. School Books, Violin & Guitar Strings, Blank Books, Gold and Steel Pens, Music Books, Paper and Envelopes, Bibles & Testaments, Slates and Copy Books, Pocket B 'oks, Divid’s & Arnold’s Ink, Feather Dusters, Fine Pocket Knives. ALL AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. Turn aside from the dust of WiMteaau,: And do not tail to g.v -n< a cab. t z In Hies** tong d-»ys of summer Lent ’Twill pay to visit our Hiiady retreat. •J J. S P. RICD'ARDS, Aug 19 ts. Choice Goods. COFFEE, BROWN SUGAR, POWDERED SUGAR, REFINED SUGAR, CLARET WINE, MACKEREL, in half bbls- ’HINTED BUCKETS, CANVASS HAMS, GERMAN SOAP, &C , &C-, &O , &0., For B d* by Langston, Crane & Hammock, Aug 19— 5t Under Exchange Hotel. WANTED IBISEDIATELY. A SECOND Hand Job Power PreM about half me ‘V. dium. or somewhat Bin iller, Persons having su *h I *’res«i tor sale will please inform us of condition, whose I ik<’, Ac Address ’ “DAILY NEW ERA” OFFICE, Aug 9ts Atlanta, Georgia. Bread Corn. | ne car-load choice Bread Corn. AI.SC> 1 igar, Bacon, Leather, Iron, Salt, &c. For sale by Abbott & Brothers, , Aug 13—ts Whitehall Street. Dr. (Til. Sinith~ I V« A 'T)FBS his Profession J Services to the Cit zoos of il Allan* a and v citiity. fit* miy be f *uud at the re klenco of Rev. H C ITor-" I *ly, q.i Peachtree street July 22—If ' FLOUI! FLOUR! FLOUR! lAM now prepared to urnish tbe trade, who csale or Retail. Fifty Thousand Pounds of Flour, iu forty live und Sacks, Sue fine and Family. A liberal dcduc m imide to dealers in city at d country A. K. SEAWO., Coiiuniasiou Merchant, Atlanta, Georgia. Aun 5-ts ATLANTA, AUGUST 13th, 1805. ORME & FARRAR, H I AVE Just received a Ini ge supply of Kentucky Rope 1 and Twine. Virg wia and North Carolina Tuhaceo, grades; Osnalmrgs, Shirtings Yarns aud Cotton ■ ipos. Pepper. Ac., which they will null nt wholesale at I, ry low figures. Ang 13—Iw* Wanted. 4 I)WE LIP’G house containing four rooms, with a t \ Kitchen, locited convenie■ tly-to tho businOM part t.| ihe City ; for arrangement of termi apply to aug 22-ls. JNO. \ ERBERY X BROS, D. P. FERGUSON, GENERAL CROCER AMD Commission Merchant, Strict attention given to all orders and consignments. no. -s=, Mitchell St., Atlanta, Ga. July 18—3 n» DRSILX&ED.L ¥uS Inform their old patrons and the public generally that they have resumed the r»H.«A.OTIOEI Os the yariuui branches of tbe MEDICAL PROFESSION. They can be found at all tfmes at theft resideiKe, corner ot WnnhiugtOD ami Peters ► treeta, Atlanta, Ga. Julv 14—3 m BILLIARDSAND POOL. THE EXCHANGE HOTEL BILLIARD AND POOL ROOM HAS been opened, in the basement, of the Exchange Hotel with three • xcedeut Tab es The room is large, light and cool. Billiard and Pool Players a ill find everything conducing to their amassment In good order. The Billiard and Pool Room is open from eight in the morning until eleven o'clock at night. July 26*—Im i Private Sale. GODFREY & OATMAN. 50 Sacks Extra Family Elmir (new), I 40 Boxes Choice Chewing Tobacco, 1 Lot Fine Cigars, 1000 Pounds Bacon. July 26—If ~DRFfTh7 ORME. Homieopat hist. HAS resumed t 1 e practice of his profession in Atlan ta. He may be found, for the present, at the i wd deuce of Col. Dabney, corner of Mi chellahd Washington streets, fronting on City Hall Square jy2B Im “wanted A BUILDING LOT for a Residence, situation pro'er red on Marietta, Peachtree or Decatur Streets, convenient to business portion of City. Apply at once to • Sasseen, Whitaker & Co. AogU-lf ~ DR. B. L. SEAGOj ~ Office on Whitehall Street. Will practice Medicine and Surgery. jy2B—tf Hams! Hams! SUGAR CURED CANVASS HAMS, For sale by LANGSTON, CRANE A: HAMMOCK. ’ Aug 19—2 t tt . • Rails! Rails! Rails! ASSORTED NAILS, For sale by LANGSTON, CRANE A HAMMOCK. Aug 19—5 t iPtTheard,' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, WEST POINT, GEORGIA. JW Office over Hyman A Merr. store, same as occupied by General Tyler. Aug 18—1 m ATTORNEY AT LAW. LaFayette, Chambers Co. Alabama. WILL Attend promptly to all professional bnsinee a entrusted to bis care. Particular attention will be paid to Collections and pr nipt r< turns made. July 27—ts SOMEIH.'NGATTRACTIVE. A large lot of Boots and Shoes. The attention of Merchants is called thereto, They must be sold- LANGSTON, CRANE AHAMMOCK. Aug 20—4 t Hams! hams! 4 FEW tierces very superior Sugar-cured Canvassed /X Hams. A150,4,000 pounds choice Clear Bacon Si les, just received and for sale wholesale or retail by A. K. SEAUO, Commission Merchei t Corner Whitehall and Mitchel! streets, Atlanta, Geoigia. Aug 19--ts TO mZMNTT. AN OFFICE. Apply to ISiltou Ac On Marietta street, next door to T Kile A Co. Aug 19—3 t Coffee! Coffee! 20 BAGS Prime Rio Coffee lor eale low by A. K. SEA GO. Oomtnl.alon Mrrrbai t, Corner Whitehall and Mitchell atreeta, Atlanta, Gvoi uia. Aug 10—ts OOTT<Z>ZXi\ | BALES Cotton in store and foi sale by A. K. SEAGO. Commission Merchant, Corner Whitehall and Mitchell streets, Atlanta, Georgia Au 21—It Family Flour. 100 barrels Family Flour, for sale by Abbott & Brothers, Aug 18—ts Whitehall Strer*! SALT! SALT!! “fl Packs no Virginiafaltt-ir JL.-W'XfR." at lhe Warehouse m rear of Misonlo l.ftll-by J. J. bORD, aug 3 Im Agent BURNS & DWYER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ; Grocery and Liquor Merchants, Near Georgia Kallr.vid Bank, l ATLANTA. CEORCIA. July e0- 6m