The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, August 27, 1865, Image 3

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daily new ery A. R. WATSON LOCAL EDITOR. Cbv.vciu— Tt>er« w-’re present on Friday evening U s Hon >r Mayor J unes M. Calhoun, »nd eounoilmen Adair, Salmons, Simmons, Wood, W ll t rd R chardson and .Meador. Minnies ot the proceed ng meeting were r< ad and adopted, also the miOutis ot a called sea sion. Report ot J. H. Mraoaslin, lute'city Treas- Uiet was read and leteired to the Finance com tn itt«e. A report of the tax accounts last year was rendered by Mr. 11. C. Holcomb"-, late clerk ot council, Was received and adopted. A petition from J is. Jones asking for retail lic-mse was read and action postponed. A petition from 0. E Granville asking that some repairs be made on nil alley near his old business s>and was referred to a special com mittee ot them. A report of the city assessors was adopted. • By G. W. Adair, R'solved, That it devolves upon ihe city physicians to furnish g.amitously to each of the poor and iuiigent ot the city that calUipon him or to whom he administers in their i loess nudieiue. That it is a part of thwooniract between him and the city cc un ci! it mi said pbysi.iun, the latter paying lor the same out ul the sum allowed him by the city council as c»ty physician, such having been tie custom beretoldie. Adopted. By Adair—Resolved that tie Mayor be in structed to open a correspondence with the military authorities with a view to recovering the fire engines formerly belonging to tho city ; also to confer with the officers of “Tal lulah” Fire company in relation to providing means to repair their engine and fixtures and make them efficient. Resolved, By Adair—That the Mayor be authorized to pay Dr. Thompson for the market lot either in 8 per cent ponds, or in 'currency, ha f in sixty days and the remain der in ninety days, from date of purchase, as Dr. Thompson may elect. By Adair—Resolved, That the Mayor be authorized to make a contract with the Presi dent of the Macon & Western railroad in res gard to the grading and all other necesssary arrangements for moving their depot to the ground recently purchased from Mr. R Pe ters. Mr. Gaskill, having desired a hearing be fore the council, it was granted. He made some statements in regard to a piece of land which the city claims for a street, he having purchased the land from Mr. Kile. The land was purchased sijme years ago by Mr. Kile, as agent for the city for the purpose of open ing Houston street to Peacbtree. Mr. Gaskill endeavored to show that the titles he held to the land was perfectly valid, and be appealed to the council not to interfere with it, as he had made arrangements for erecting upon it a building which will be an ornament to the city. ’ . The Mayor expressed the opinion that the city could only control the land through the power granted oy the Legislu’ure to open a new street. Councilman Adair suggested that all the pa pers and letters connected with tne affair be laid before the council tor exainiuatiifn. Wood d.d not regard the opeaiugxit the street as important to the city. RicoarCsou thought it important that it be kept open, as there is at present no Conve nient w-y ot getting Irom Peacbtree to Hous ton street. Wiiiilord thought the ciiy had no right or title to it, and nut worth me money it would probably cost- The city Solicitor thought all impediments could be removed by alluwii g Mr. Ga k. 11 to g> on wiifa li.s building, and it it be proven,that tue land belongs really to the city, Mr. Gas kill then pity of the land. The qi.eslrCn was sedlleo by the following resolution. Resolved ITbat the-Mayor and council with draw all opposition to ihe improvement of the lot lying between Peacbtree street and Pryor street, and between Pe old Academy and Gas kill’s warehouse, by Mr. Gaskill. Council then a'j ruroed. Nasbvillk Businkss House —We our readers to-day with a goodly number of advertisements from our friends in Nashville Tenn., and to which we call attention gener ally and specially. Messrs. Paul & Sanfordi Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Nash ville, Tenn., is one of the largest, most enter prising and responsible firms in that city.— They keep on hand constantly a large assort ment of goods all kinds. Agricultural impli ruents and machinery of every variety, carri ages, buggies, and almost everything else that heart cou d wish. We commend this house to.our readers. Mzsaas Stik.m, Nassaueb & Co'., Nashville Tenn., are whoisale dealers in boots and shoes, bats caps, trunks, &c. The right sort of firm and say they can nd will sell goods as cheap as they can be bought in any of the Northern cities. We bespeak for them a liberal pat ronage. 8. B. •Spurlock & Co., Commission and Forwarding Merchants, Nashville, Tenn. A substantial and correct dealing firm. Have splendid assortments of Dry Goods &c., which they offer-to the public at Northern prices.— Merchants would do well to make the ac quaintance of this house. Geobgk A. Dicklk, Nashville, Tenn., im ports Wines, Liquors, Cigars, and deals in Bourbon and other fine whiskies. He will make it to the advantage of dealers in the country and elsewhere to make orders on him. Look at bis card. P. P. Fick, Insurance Agent and General Commission Merchant, Nashville, comes re commended as a steady, upright business man, and entitled to the confidence of the public. Bead bis card. Muim. McGoVkhv, Abvold A Co., Nash ville, deal by the wholesale and re'ail in leather, shoe findings,’etc. They propose to make it to the interest of the trading public to make orders upon this home- See card. H. 8. Fhzvch & Co., do business <>i> n large Scale in Nashville, because they are faultless in their dealings with their fellow men. It is one of the most popular firms in the South. I hey are cotton factors, commission mer chants, wholesale grocers, &c. Southern merchants, remember the firm. J. W. WILSOM& Co, have a Urge estab -1 sliment in Nashville, with a fine repu ation. They deal in copper, tin ware, wrought iron cooking stoves, Ac. Can furnish any thing in their line promptly and at figures the most paying. Read their card. .J. A G. Whorvkv, Nashville, imports snuff, cigars, tobacco, Ac., and wants Southern trade. Reliable and accommodating firm, and we heartily commend them to our business men. R S. Wilber, Nashville, deals in all kinds of field and garden seeds, sugar mills, mow ing machines, and farming implements gen erally, and advertises them in the Daily New Era. Send your orders to him—you cannot do better. Ni.w Dkco Stork.— We take a special pleas ure in culling the attention of our readers to this establishment just opened by Dr. J. M Johnson it Co., because it will thoroughly meet the wants of the city and surrounding ebuntry. It is to be under the immediate per sonal supei vision ot that accomplished drug gist. and courteous and high-toned gentleman, Col. J, R. Barrack. We cordially commend them to the public patronage. A Four Legoed l uickbn. — We remember that in our juvenile days a roving band of Gip sies attempted to stop us, in order that they might a “tale unfold,’’ but failed in all their effjrts until they arrested our progress by the exhibition of a three-legged chicken. But we have lived to see the Gipsies outdone, for we were shown on yesterday a v erii able four-legged chicken, a curiosity indeed, for a sight ot which we return our thanks to D.s. Warren and Sea g»- Personal.—We had the pleasure of a call from our old friend, C. H. C. Will.ngham, Esq., editor of the La Grange Reporter. He visits the City for the purpose of looking af ter the interests of his paper, which, by - the way is one of the finest weeklies in the South, and with a large > nd increasing circulation, it is an excellent medium for the business men of Atlanta. Lonisville, (Ky.,) advertisements appear in the columns of the Era this morning in hand some numbers. W’e haven’t space to notice them in detail this morning, but will take occasion to do so in our next impression.— All leading, reliable, and responsible firms, we cordially reccommend them to our mer chants and bn-imss men gtneially who make purchases North. Great bargains in real estate ofiered by H. Marshall, real estate agent Atlanta. Read his long advertis» muta headed thus and then— read the balance of his advertisements. Stolen:—Ao elegant Pic sic Basket was al« stracted fr< m the store of Messrs. Salmons, Simm ns <fc C<. Ten dollais is offered for its return and the apprehension of the imp who appropriated it. • r BSy* Mr. Wood P. M. at Madison, Ga., is our duly authorized agent. Thanks to the gentlemanly and accommo dating agents of Adams Express for files of late northern papers. 'CONFIDENCE IN PRESIDENT JOHNSON. -The Lynchburg Virginian, in an article upon the uuty of the iS'iuth.-says : “We have been permitted to read a private letter, written by ex Governor Letcher, now at his home in L xington, to.a frieud in this city, presenting almost identically the same views. The Governor bid an interview with President Johnson, with which be was much pleased, the tendency of which was that we have only to recogn ze the existing state of affairs, regard slavery as dead, and sustain the Government, and the President will do all for the South that we could expect. He is not vindictive towards us, as some have suppose 1 ; and will it sustain ed,.resist to the last, the radical pressure that may be brought against him.” Upon these revelations ot the ex Governor the Virginian remarks : ••Whatever, therefore, may have been our an tecedents or preferences and we can neither blot out the former nor divest ourselves ol the latter, we should the best ot the existing status, and with quiet dignity conform ourselvis to the new order ot 'hing-i. In this w.,y only can we strengthen the f... ds ot the President, and make him a 1.11 wark against which the surging waves of mad lanatacism may dash in vain. I i North’Alabama, recently, at a meeting in one county, it was resolved : “That we have the highest confidence in his , Excellency, Andrew Joan on,.President of the i United Slates, and we believe he is an instru ment ra s'd up by an ail Providence to vindicate the rights and honor ot the laboring men, and to secure the integrity and glory o this gr. at country, against all its toes, internal and external : and we laud and approve bis c urse, and pledge ourselves to stand by him to the death.” At another meeting, in another county of the same section, was resolved : “That we beg to assure President Johnson that he has many triends tn this State and c unty wb) will sustain him and the policy announced in his proclsm .lions, and in his de-, votion to the Union. 10 the last man and the la-t dollar. Treason must be made odious, a id traitors must be punished.” The Guano Supply.—A recent lecturer on Guauo and the Guano Islands, before the roy al agricultural college, says : “It is now twen ty-two or twenty-ibree years since the first c >p of Guano was mpor -d from the Chinct a Islands, on the coiist of Peru. Those Islands Comprise three rocKs, the joint area of which is under 3 000 statute acres ; and the quantity of guano still upon these rocks is commonly es timated at 15 millions of tons, valued at more than 100 tnillions of money.” His brother had visited the Guano Islands last year and as to the result we have Ihe following statement : “His account of these islands is totally differ ent Irom any 1 have ever yet seen published, for instead of the guano being exhausted in eight or ten years, which most writers assert, he says.that the supply, comparatively sp aking is inexhaustible, the beds ot guano being in many places more than 100 feet thick, and two ot the three principal islands being yet un touched. On climbing the cliffs an innumera ble quantity of skeletons of large marine ani mils were presented to his view, such as those of the seal and walrus or sea-horse, striking up cut of the surface in such quantities that the place oppeared to be completely white ail over. Passing along over the islands he could scarcely take a step without b.s foot break ttg through into a bole in which the guano bird mikesi's nest. These boles extend 5 or 6 yards into the bed of Ihe guano and the birds are continually occupied in fetching fish Irom the sea to feed their young ones. The num ber is so immense that the air seems complete ly alive with them. By this account it seen a that gnano is not all excrementitiniis matter, as w 1 have bitbeitobeen led to suppose, but Consist- of a considerable amount of dreompos ed animal matter, in addition to the excre j merit of birds. It is evident from this brief sketch that the supply of guauo will be at present by 00 means limited.” The St. Louis grain elevator will soon be completed and in operation- This building is 250 feet long, 85 wide, 128 high on th lend side and 172 on the river, arid contains 103 bins, with a capacity of 1,200,000 busbo els. It is expected that 100,000 bushels of grain per day can be handled easily. In ad dition to the ordinary use of an elevator ar rangements are in progress by which 10,000 bushels of grain can be dully sucked for rs shipment or other purposes. SPKlfl A I, NOTICES. TO ADVERTISERS. In order to Insure Insert lei. in tue morn, lllfc’a paper, advirll-eri will please liand Their favors eacli day, by 14 o’clock, P. M. CHURCH DIRECTORY. First Baptist, Walton street, H.O Hornady, Pastor Services 10’.j A. M. and Bl> M. Sabbathßebool 8U A. M. Second Baptist, comer Wellington and Mitchell ala. Sabbath School 9 A M. Preaching lOVf A. M Wkslkt Chapel, m. e.. Peachtree street, a’. M. Thig pen. Pastor. Preaching 10JZ A. M. and BP. M. Sabbath School P. M. Thinitt, M. E., Mitchell street, opposite City Hall Squille, A U. Haygood. Pastor. Preaching 10U A. M and 8 P JI. Sabbath School BAM. Filter Presutteiuan Marietta afreet. Hr. .1 8. Wilson, Pastor. Services lOJaj A M. Sabbath School 9 A M. CZXTSAL Pkksbvtekian. Washington atre t. R Q Mal lard, Pastor. Services 10U A. JL. and at night. Sab bath School, 9 A. M. AGKNTS. Mr H. H. Richards is our authorized agent in this city. He will receive subscription, and attend to the delivery of the papers. All subscribers in the city may subscribe to the Era with the assurance that it will be punctually delivered. Mr. Richards being a prompt and energetic man. Dr. W. T. Brown is our authorized agent at La Fayette, Alabama. r J. S. Walker, Esq., is our authorized agent at La Grange, Georgia. Capt. William Parker, is the authorized agent for the New Era, at Macon Georgia. D. Redmond, is our authorized agent at Augusta Ga. J. R Davis, is the authorized agent for the New Era, at Covington. M. Hill will take and receipt for subscrip tions to the Daily New Era, at Grantville, Georgia. John N. Swift, Esq., will receive and receipt for subscriptions to Daily New Era, at Lytho nia, Georgia. John G. Carpenter is our authorized agent at Cnsseta, Ala. O. D. Towles, is our authorize'd agent at West Point, Ga. R. C. Jeter is our authorized agent at Ope lika, Ala. J. A. Holifield is our authorized agent at Auburn, Ala. S. M. Pettenoill & Co.. 37. Park Row, Cor ner Beekman street New York, are the author ized Agents for the New Era in that city. Buiness men in New York who desire to ad vertise in our paper are referred to them. TO THK BUSINESS HEN OF NASH VILLE AND L.OUISVIL.L.E. Mr. Wm. H. Moore is our authorized Agent to receive advertisements in the cities of Nash ville and Louisville. He visits these places for the purpose of securing advertisements for the New Era ani we commend him to the business men with whom he will have transactions. PHILLIPS & PRATHER. P. S.—The New Era h is a large and increas- ing circulation in Georgia and Alabama, and is a desirable advertising medium tor business men. ts. Soup, (free) at Bill Moon’s every day. CARDS. The IVeto Era Job Office has superior facilities for Gird PaiNTixa. Merchants and Bussiness men are in vited to call and examine specimens. METHODIST HYMN BOOKS for sale at GEORGE SASSEEN’S news agency. Aug. 25—2 t If yon want Sugar. Coffee, Syrup, Flour. Meal, Corn, Cheese, Dried Beef and Factory thread by bunch or bale. Call at PHILLIPS & FLANDERS, Aug. 26.—3 t. Mitchell street. MONETARY ANDjOMMERaAL. ATLANTA MONEY MARKEL Corrected by Robert .T. Lowry, Broker. Georgia Railroad Bank, Buying at 60 cts ft r one dollar. Cen r*l Bank. “ 45 “ w “ B ink Slate of Georgia, “ i 0 “ “ “ Marine 'auk, “ 30 “ “ u Bank of avannab, “ 25 ** “ “ Bank of Aihe. s, ** 20 u “ ts “ Bank of iddle Ge >rgia, “ 35 “ M BankofFulon, «</ 15“ “ a « A l other Ga S C. and Ala. Banks “ 5 to 25 *• “ Gold, buying at 40 cents selling at 45 to 46 cts. prem. Atlanta Wholesale Market. Corrected by Robert J. I owry Co., Commission Merchants. Bacon—llog round 24 to 26; Clear Sides 23 to 30, in demand Beeswax—3o cts per pound. Bagging—Kentucky »5 to 40 cents. Pepper—Black 40 cts per ib. Blacking - Small Size 75, Large 1 30 $1 60 j er dozen. Coffee—Rio 38 •(■ 40 cts per lb. Candles Star 32 to 35 cents per lb. Candy—Common Stick 50, French 50, assorted 60 cts per Ib. Cotton ards—No 10, sls per dozen Cheese—English Dairy—3s to 40 cents. Corn—sl 25 per bushel. Peaches—Dried Cut Off $2 per bushel of 36 lb?, pealed cut off, $3 per bushel of 40 pounds. Flour—Extra 16, Superfine 14 to sls per barrel. Indigo—l 75 to $2 25 per pound. Madder—2* to 33 ct« per lb. Copperas—l2% to 15 cts per lb. Soda —18 to 20 cts per lb. Epsom Salts—l 6 to 18 cis per lb. Starch—lo to 20 cts per lb. Matchks—s.3 per gioss White Lead—ln Oil 25 to 30 cts per lb. F OAP—2O to 25 cts per Ib. Sugar—New Orleans 20 to 28; Crushed 33 to 35 oents per lb. Tea—s 2 tn $2 25 per lb. Nails—B 50 to $lO per keg. Iron—Sweden 10 cts per lb. Rope—Kentucky 25 cts per lb. Pomestic—4-4, 28 to 32; 7-8, 25 to 27 ; Osnaburgs 22 to 24 cts per yard. Dry Goods.—Prints, 32 t® 35 cts per yard; Bleached Muslin 28 t<» 54. Cotton Yarns—2 75 to *l3 per bunch. Cotton rather dull, sales at 26 to 29 cts per lbs as to quality. “corn ground At the Gate City Foundry, Car and Machine Works, Marietta Street. Atlanta. Ga., We have now a Corn Mill in full operation and are ready to Grind Corn for all persons for the usual toll. Lee, Jones Co. Aug 4—ts WANTED I WOULD like to buv a House and Lot, with five or six Rooms, near the business part of the City—would prefer one on Marietta, Peachtree or Decatur Streets. July 30—ts THO 3. K WHITAKER B. W. ADAMS | T. 8. POWELL. B. W. ADAMS & CO., GROCEBS AND Ccmmission Merchants, Peachtree Street, next door to A. C. Wyly’a old stand, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Consign men ts of all kinds respectfully solicited. Aug 2—3 m Gunny Bagging. Ten Bales Gunny Bagging, For sale by Abbott & Bros. Commission Merchants, Whitehall Street. Aug 19—ti GORDON & CO., General Commission Merchants And Dealers In COTJIYTTiY PRODUCII:’ Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. Aug Im TO OWNERS OF COTTON. In answer ter numerous inquiries from abroad, we would say that we are pre pared to take charge of, put in order and ship any lot of Cotton in the States of Georgia, South Carolina or Alabama, as we have local agents at almost every town, and a corps of most efficient men, selected for integrity, capacity and ex perience, to take charge of every lot. We w.ll also pay all taxes and charges of every description, and make liberal advances on the Cottom In short, we will take charge of the Cotton on re ceipts or orders and give the owners no trouble whatever, from the time we re ceive it until sold and returns are made by our houses. WATTS, CRAXE & CO., New York, or W. 0. WATTS & CO, Liverpool, England. We invite the special attention of non-residents to our facilities. E. M. BRU JE & CO. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Aug 26 —ts LATEST ARIuVAIF” JOHN CiIMBD & CO.. WITH T. P. FLEMING & CO., Next Door to Roark’s Corner, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Have just recsived a large and well selected stock of Dry Goods, direct from tue hast, consisting iu part of Ladies Dress Goods, Large Lot of Prints, Cassimeres, Ready-Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Gents Hats aud Caps, Varieties and Notions, Bleached Domestics, Ladies Hoop Skirts, Ladies Hats, Cotton Goods, All of which ther effer, ’very low lor ca ih, at Wholesale and Retail. Aug 25—2 w PAUL & SANFORD, FORWARDING AND Commission Merchants, No. 41 South Market Street, JNaslwille, I'enuesHee, PARTICULAR attention will be given t » receiving and forwarding all goods South, or C lion and Tobac« o North. We keep constantly on hand a luil assoi tm< nt ul all kinds of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINES OF EVERY VARIETY, Consi'ti g in part of t’-o following, v z : ucv<t P wcra and thrashers (with wrought iron cydudert), Engli h Chain Powe s, Freshers,etc.. Portable Mills, for wood cutting ; Western i{.n 1 Coru .Miehers, obi.rgie Machin-s, 'Clothes Wasners and Wringeis, Pumps, En gines. Cotto a Gins and Pre u s s, .*anlor-l’B traw < utte s. Kentucky Cider Mills, Cast Plows, Revolving Horse Rak s, Reapers ana Mowers, with latest improvement-. Agri cultural I>nplements aud Scil s will be sold at manuiuc tur-r’s prices, the cost of transportation added. Sugar-Cane Crushers aud Evaporatora. A full assortment of Carriage, B igcy and W 4fon Ma terials always on band. We keep u nsianiiy on and for sale the latest and most, improve I stylus <4 B <g gies and Carriages We are also agents for Fairbanks Scales. Orders filled fur Hay,Cb>u,* ata, Produce an I Provisions of all kinds. Orders rtc ived lor an t. Con signments respectfully solicited. W* Lime for sale. PAi'L & S.IXFORD. .Aug 26—tt a large and well seleoi ei> stockof REIDHIIIIE CLOTHING Just received and for sale by GODFREY & OATMAN, THE stock consists of Coats, Pai ls Vote, H inting Suita complete, M» riuo Underin i is and Drawer*, B ota, Hats, Caps, Shoes, &c. Dry Goods. coQhisting ot Silks, Fine Mrritms. Alpacas, Bombazines, Drap de Ete, Mo-air, and a variety of *a dies Dress Goods. One dozen Ludies B'ack Broadcloth Cl -aks.Mlk Fringes, Gimps and Bindings, Embroideries, Fine I isn Linens, Towelling, Napkins, Linen Shirting, Diaj *rs, Tah.e Cloths, Ac. The cbove stock embraces many art des not men tioned, to which we call tne utl- nticn of the ir.ule espe ciaiiy. Tne stock will be j >bb”d out io suit, purchasers, fhvso articles are offrred to the trade at r-.- ued prices, and if not sold shortly will be sold »t auction, < f which due notice will bo given through the p-tp uiug 26—ts Godfrey di, Oatman. New Wholesale House. STUN, HlSmiß i CO., NO. 70 EAST PUBLIC i-QUaCE, Nashville, YenueHHee, Wholesale Dealers in Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valices, f pleasure in announcing to H e Me.chaeta, a id JI the public g nerml;. , that .hey have opened a largo and complete sto k of everyth ng tn tn ir line, aud won! 1 res ectluliy solicit an examination of tHT-ir G .oils b- Cdy and Country Morcliauts, as n.ey c.n and will se i goods as low as can be bough in unv of the Northern cities. BTEI>J, NASSAUEK k CO. Aug 26—3 m AUGUSTA x ADVERTISING AND COLLECTION -A.GEIVCY. IHAVK opened an office for Ihe receipt of advertiee meuta lor various newspaper*, and the collects n ol bills, notes, drafts, 4e., st 30S Sireet. Aokmvu. Business attended to with promptness and cist ateb Terms liberal. Address W <l. WHIfiHY. 308 Bowl Bl'. et Re £* A mnw * Ch. t B Davi . p.utnb 4 L 0 ner, T R Rhodes, Augusta ;S B yk| .JWII i k A C’layland A Dutnble, Macon , Dr T S i o.v i- j s Peter son, Esq, Cipt C R Il.mleiter. C•! TC II w.’u-i peuno Brown, Hilmons & S.mmou , A K 8 ago, Atlanta. ang 26-tt CLOSE HOTEL. BROAD STREET. AUGUSTA. GEORGIA, IMILLXER, NEBLKTT & CO., 3?ropriet< THE undersigned lake pleasure in aunoim''ing to the r fi lends ami the piiolic generally that they have re opened this favorite Hotel. No expense ill be bn ired to m »ke it a first-class House. 1 .Aug 26—ts MiLI Nl R, NrBLFTf & CO. 50 kogs Old Domlnio i Nails, 1 I) de 4 4 Augusta Factory Shotting 3 boxes Ch wins Tobaci o, ] caso Smoking Tobacco, by Zlnunrrni'i.. Ar Vct<lei-y. Aug 25-41 i it ~v i an ,m ~ , LAID Mi MM ifflii. BELL A GA&KILL, t ATTORNEYS AT LAW, H iving rrnewe I their partnership (suspended by the war.) offer their services to the public as Real Estate _A.gents. Will give special attention toConvevancing, Examining Tl’e io Real Estate, Writing Contracts and Cohec'.iiig Debts. « of the firm has been a R-'al Estate Agent in this city for fifteen years, and tho other c nnected with ffim to- H.«v''rnl years before tne war , and, lr<»m their thorough acquit! lance with the place, they are confident iu assu ring, by their Agency, decided advanteg* h to persons wishing to buy, sell, rent or losse reakestale in or noar, •Ail n-t Office up-stairs, first building on Whitehall street, on th.* leit goiug from the Railroad. fernnets: Mayor and citizens of Atlanta ; Jas Gard ner Aiuusta ; J W Fears k. (Jo, and C A Nutting, Macon ; Austell A Inman, John Livingston. New York. MARCUS A Aug 24—3 m V. A. GASKILL. ziMtBMrr&TRDi; GROCERS, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner Broad and Marietta Streets, A. 11 ant a, Georgia, Will buy and sell all kind of Produce and Merchandise on Commission. Prompt and personal aetentiun given to orders on con signments. It. P. Zimmerman, S» A. Verdery, Late of L ttu of Scranton & Zimmerman, Jackson. Miller A V« rdery, Augusta, Gcoigia. Augusta, Georgia. Aug 23—Im R[R ESTiTE AGENCY. I offer my services to persons wishing to purchase, setl rent or lease HEAL ESTATE In the City of Atlahia or in the State. Office in Parker’s New Building, on Whitehall Btreet. W. F. Harris. Aug 24—3 m WbUILDfAG LOTS, iu the desirabi ocaiiiy in the city, lor sale or lease. A ug 24-ts W. F. HARRIS. g LOTS, half acre each, suitable for R sidences, ,L• hd omy three-quarters «»f a in de from the Car due L *or sale or lease. Apply t*» aur 24—If W. F. HARRI . AN ELEGAN f STORE, on WbiUh Jl street, for rent. Inquire of Aug 24 -ti W. F. HARRIS. "A FARM FDR SALE) lour miles from tho c,lv - au be had luw for ih** cash. .mg 24—ts W. F. H ARRIS. Mineral Lands Wanted. PE t.*ONB wishing to Fell or leise Mineral Lands will fi lit to their interest to giv nu» a call. Aiig24—tf W. F. HARRIS. PLANTATION FOR SAFE IN SUMTER COUNTY. fTN.IIS place is situated five miles from Americus, and J con ai s 700 acre-, 350 n>w in cultivation. Toere is a . excel ent Gin H«iu>e, Seven Negro Houses, Barn, tbl s, Shelters, and all necessary o -t-bui ding?. There is also a comfortible Residence, u g > d, Gri it Mill attached t«. a 20 horse Engine, a Ktce Clean r, <x.c.. all in goo<l run nng o der. There are about 15<> head of H gs, 20 or 30 head.o Cattle. 10 Horses and Mules. Tnere will be t-ol a so, Mill Boilers, a sett of Blacksmith foots and Farming Utensi s, 3 ttr.-t rate Wagons, 1 two-hors*. I four-horse and 1 six- horse, a so 3 common Wagons. With the place wul oe sold ihe growing crop, consisting of Corn, F id-ier, Peas, &c There are other articles too numen us to mention. Price SII,COO in cur rency. For further pa - tied rs apply m Rev. H. C. HORNADY Aug 24—3 t Peachtree street, Atlanta, Ga. "oxFolaiy - FEMALE SEMINARY, fINIIE regular exercises c,f this Institution will ,be re* I sinned on Monday, the 4tn of Sf.ptembkh. In addition to the English branches, Greek, Latin, French and the Mathem ties are taught. Terms: $3 00 aud $4 00 p»-r month. Good Boarding can be obtained in the village. MUSfc uOKNEbJA JOiO'OM. Principal. MISS LAURA A. 11AYGUOD Assistant. REFERENCES : 1 Dr. A Means, and Rev. Mr. Branham, 1 Oxford, Rev A G Haygood, Attanta. ’ aug. 22—if. FOB SA.LF. WINSIIIP’S IRON WORKS. Property consisting ot 1% acres of lan «. on right of way, State hai.road, in Atlanta, Georgir, and giodrot k and nrek w vlis of ext n ve building, wi h machinery and ir n of seyrral th< us in i du.lars v due. The owners prefer to sdl on y one half interest to a pu chaser who will join them m re esia 1 shbig the Irwn Works, but -‘ould dispose o tlx -whole premises at a f.iir price. For particulars apply to BKL.L. GASKILL, Attorneys aud Real Esrate Agents. / ALSO, ; One business Iz>t, 89 by 100 feet, near Wyly’s building on ■ Peacbt.e • street, luw for casn. BELL & GASKILL, Aug 24—3 m Real Estate Agents. Bagging and Rope. FIBTY PIECES BAGGING, FIFTY COILS ROPE, For sale low by Clarke <fc Hester, Aug 23--2 w Trout House Block. FOR SALE. | QA ROLFS KENTUCKY BAGGING now in store at O’ ’ Macon, Georgia, aud a large lot of BAGGING KOBE AND I WINE in store nt Atlanta, and to arrive, which will be sold for less than market value wholesale or retail, iu order to close c HiHignmuiit. Addr- as by letter or telegraph immediately. A. K. SEAGOj Commission Merchant, Corner Whitehall and Mitchell Streets, Atlanta, Ga. aug 22—ot 000 sniNGIjES ’ A.K.SEAGO, aug 22—fit Atlanta, Ga Commission Merchant, Wanted. i A 8M.4 I L House with four or five rooms for a private i residence. j/lso, one with two rooms and a [ kit. h .ti. Enquire of >i. iriAKSKAFr, R -nl I’.stAto Agent, nt Godtrey & Oatman’s Auction snd CoDiniisdon House on Peachtree str* et, n« xt to I . Kyle’s building. COTTON 45 BALES FINE COTTON, For salu by Abbott & Bros., Comm ssion Merchant, Whitehall street. Aup 2’—tt For Sale. A KI E Cottage Rosidenco near tho Citv Hall, cheap so« cn.-.h. ’ 1 a ... .<■ Hell «Sc (intslflll, Aug -4 -ti Uaai Est.ue Agents, I N\ A N r r rjP > RlNfngood House hi the central portion of tho JL city with lour or six rooms. 1 a., e *4-it A. J. Haralson. REMOVAL. Now offering for sale at prices to defy competition at ABBOTT & BROS. WHITEHALL. STBEET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. 500 gallons Kerosene Oil, 250 gallons Petroleum Oil, 500 gallons Machine Oil, 500 gallons Raw.aud Boiled Litisced Oil, 200 gallons Lamp Oil, 200 gallons Pea-Nut Oil, 5,000 pounds PurQ White Lead, 5,000 pounds Colored Paints, (mixed and dry), 300 boxes Window Glass, 1,000 pounds Putty, 10,000 pounds Soda Ash, 1,000 pounds Copperas, 1,000 pounds Sulphate and Brimstone, 500 pounds Bluestone, 100 gross Matches, 10 barrels Old Bourbon Whisky, (warranted pure), 5 barrels Cognac Brandy, 5 barrels Sherry and Madeira Wine. Robt. J. Hassey. The Ladies of Atlanta are *re«pectfully informed that I have ju-t opened, and wtll Hull at very low prices, a choice and select lot of Perfumery and Toilet Soaps, Kerosene 'JI and Lamps, at the stole ol Abbott & Br*>s , Whitehall street. Robt. J. Massey. Aug 20—ts NEW STORE? The undersigned offers to the pub ic of Atlanta aud surrounding country a full assortment of ware, Cutlery, Kerosene Camps, And, in general, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, For whlsh he solicits a libera) patron ige. KEROSENE OIL kept at Retail, 20 SACKS CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR, DOOR LOCKS AND HINGES. Henry Heltzer, Aug 17—eod3m Peacbtree street, Atlanta, Ga. CALVIN KAY. | L. P. GRANT. FAY & GRANT, ARCHITECTS AND CIVIL ENGINEERS, Will give their attention to the preparation of Plans and Specifications for, and superintend the erection of every class ot buildings in Ailania and vicinity They will also negotiate pu chases and sales of property. Su»v< yg and Maps of Lands and Railroads carefully executed Mr. Grant refers to Riceard Peters, Esq , and Geo G Hull. Supt A A W P R R Atlanta; Hon Jno P King, Pres G R R. Jugustv, Chas T Pollard, Esq, Pres M & WPR R, Montgomery: J Edgar Thomson, Esq, Pres Penn A Central R R, hiladeluhia. Mr. Fay refers to R (' Brinkiey, Esq. and Sam’! Tate, Esq. Memphis* J S Claghorn, Esq aud D H Baldwin Esq, Savannah; Mi'crell A Smith, Macon; RH Ram. sey, Milieu-evilie. Aug 23—ts A CARD. FAMILY affair* obliging me to leave the country for a time, I have transierred my professional business to L. P Grant. C. E., who. in conn* < tion with Calvin* Fay Architect, will con inue tin* Lusin- so < f Architects, Civil Engineers and Land age ts. und»-r the name and styleoi Fay A Grant. The estab ished reputation of these gentlemen n-i.deis aay commendation of mine a work of supererogation. I may. permitted to say that they combine as much professional skill, experience and professional integrity as can be found in their de* partment, iu this Stale WILLIAM GABBSTT. NOTICE. ALL debt* due Fay A G»ibb* tt wi I be paid to Fay A Grant, who are authorised to receipt, and who will pay all claims against th * same WILLIAM GABBKTT. NOTICE LP. Gant Esq, is my authorized agent for the , transaction of mv private business WIL. LI A. M. G ABB SJTT* WANTED IMMEDIATELY A SECOND Hand Job Power Press, about half me dium, or somewhat smaller, Persons having such a Press for sale will please inform us of condition, whose make, Ac Address “DAILY NEW ERA” OFFICE, Aug9—tf Atlanta, Georgia. Bread Corn. One car-load choice. Bread Corn. . AM a. Sugar, Bacon, Leather, Iron, Salt, &c. For sale by Abbott & Brothers, Aug 13—ts Whitehall Street. Dr. C. 11. Smith rp ..VDP RS his Profession d Services t'» the C.t zens es J Ailan’a and v ciuily. /le may b* l found nt the re ideuot) of Rev. H C. Hor* nady, ou Peac.itree st. eet July 22—tt FLOUa! FLOUR! FLOUR I ]AM now prepared to ‘uroish the trade, who esale or Retail, Fifty Thousand Pounds of Flour, in fortv-five pound Sacks, Su[.e<fiue and Family. A liberal deduc tion made to dealers iu city and country. A. K. KEAMO., Commission Merchant, Atlanta, Georgia. Aug 5 —ts ATLANTA, AUGUST 13th, 1865. ORME <Sc FARRAR, HAVE just received a lai go supply of Kontuky Rope and Twine. Virginia apd North Carolina Tobacco, ail grades; Osnaburgs, Shirtiugs. Yarns and Cotton Stripes, Pepper, Ar., which they will soil at wholesale at very low figures. Ang 13—Iw* For Sale. 2pr DOZEN assorted Door Locks, a’so, Buts, Screws, 9J Jacks, Ac. 25 Bnrro’s of Sugar 10 Bales Cotton Yarns. K. j. lao-wry Co. aug. 22—Iw. Wanted. 4 DWR’ LING house containing four rooms, with a j Ji V Kitchen, located convenie itly to the Lusinesa part 1 of the City ; for ariaiigemeut of terms apply to -.HU2 22—ts. J.X’O. VERDERY A BROS I DRS. E. N. & EH. L UILHOUN Inft>rm their old natronswind the public generally that they have resumed the fuactice. Os tbe rarlun. branches of ibe MEDICAL PROFESSION, ' They can be found at aH times at their residence, corner ot Washington and Peters streets, Atlanta, Ga. July 14—8 m BILLIARDSAND POOL. THE EXCHANGE HOTEL . BILLIARD AND POOL ROOM> HAS been opened In the basement of the Exchange llqlel with three < xce leut .Tab ea The room la large, liirfit and cool. Billiard and Pool Players MH everything conducing to their amusement in gooiietifrr. The Billiard and Pool Room is opep from eight in the mprning until 'eleven o’clock at night. July 26—Im Private Sale. GODFREY 1 OATMAN. 50 Sacks Extra Family Elour (new), 40 Boxes Choice Chewing Tobacco, 1 Lot Fine CigaYs, 1000 Pounds Baco’n. Jul, 26—If CITIZENS AND TBAVELERS. I have refitted those large aud splend’d rooms under the Maronic Hall, and opened a first class Drinking and Billiard Saloon, And intend it shall bo second to none in this State. I have on and always shall keep, Old and Pure Liquors; none other shall be sold la my saloon. The Bar is under the executive mauagerueut of theso clever and affable gentlemen ;Tom Collier’ and BIHy < latk, who have no superiors in their line, and they will be happy to see their old friends. Captain White, theclever man of Atl mtaand Augusta notoriety, has full charge of the Billiard Tables.. I re spec ■ fully usk a liberal share of patronage Geo. Sharp, Jr., Proprietor. N. B—ln a few days I shall open a First Glass Dining Room and Restaurant on the European style, with ac commodation for one hundred and fifty to a-meal., Tra veler will beer this in mind, aa my table will abound with all the delicaciel of the season. G. 8. Jr Aug 15—tt “wanted immediately. A BUILDING LOT for a Residence, situation prefer* red on Marietta, Peachtree or Decatur Streets, convenient to business portion of Uty. Apply at once to Sasseen, Whitaker & Co. Aug 11—ts ' DR. B. L. Office on Whitehall Street. Will practice Medicine and Surgery. Hams! Hams! . SUGAR CURED CANVASS HAMS, For sale by DANGSTON, A: HAMMOCK. Aug 19—2 t ’ •» Wils! Wils! Wails? ASSORTED NAILS, .A For sale by LAKGBTON, CRANE Ac. H AMMOCK. Aug 19—5 t H. T. HEARD, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, WEST POINT, GEORGIA. Office over Hyman A Merz store, same AA occupied by General Tyler. Aug 19—im Wm. H. McNAMEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LaFayette, Chambers Co. Alabama. WILL attend promptly to all pVofcssioual bnsines ■ entrusted to bis care. Particular attention will be paid Io Collections and pr nipt returns made. July 27—ts SOMETHING A large lot of Boots and Shoes. The attention of Merchants Is called thereto, They must be sold. LANGSTON, CRANE &.HAMMOCK.. Aug 20—4* Hams! Hams! A TEW tierces very superior Sugar-cured Cafivsssed Hams. Also, 4,000 pounds choice Clear Bscon 81 les just received and for sale wholesale or retail by A. K. SEA4IO, Oom mission Merchant Corner Whitehall and Mitchell streets, Atlanta, Georgia. Aug 19--ts TO HESINTT. AN OFFICE. Apply to Sifton At Ua-wes. On Marietta street, next door to T. Kilo A Co. Aug 19—ot Coffee! Coffee! 20 BAGS Prime Rio Coffee for sale low by A. K. SEA GO. ComihlMlon MenbaiJ, Corner Whitehall and Mitchell atreeta. Atlanta, Geonna. Aug 19—ts oottotmT 40 BALES Cotton in store and foi sale by A. K. SEAGO, Commission Merchant. Corner Whitehall and Mitchell streets, Atlanta, Georgia An. 2)—lt Family Flour. 100 barrels Family Flour, for sale by Abbott & Brothers, Aug 13-ts Whitehall Street} SALT! SALT!! ■j IO 1,600 Sacks no Virginia Salt | at the Warehouse in rear of Masonic hall .by J. J. FORD. aug 3 Im Agent BURNS & DWYER,’ WHOLESALE ANO RETAIL Grocery and Liquor Merchacts, Near Georgia R ill road Bank, ATLANTA. CEORCIA. July 30- t>yi