The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, August 27, 1865, Image 4

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NEW GOODS! THE LATEST ARRIVAL! n. LJOXES, A. G. GRIER, WITH WM. RICH & CO., Arc just receiving and opening a large and well selected stock of STffl AM FAACY DRY DODDS. ON WHITEHALL STREET, Between Alabama Street and the Railroad One of the meet elegant «t»nds in the city. THEIR STOCK CONSISTS IN PART OF Ladies Hats, Ribbons, Trimmings, Dry Goods, Ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods CLOTHING, STATIONERY HATS, . CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, SOAP, CANDLES, SUGAR, CIGARS, NOTIONS, ETC-, To which they Invite the special attention of the public. Their stock comprises the latest and most fashion able sty las, and was selected with particular care by an experienced tradesman. We will sell aa low as the market afford*. aug 13—6 m J. B. c SCOTT. J. B PARSONS. C. P. FREEMAN. SCOTT, PARSONS & FREEMAN, Whitehall Street, Have just received another fresh supply of New Goods, consisting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING, HARDWARE, DRUGS, MEDICINES AND DYE STM, Fancy Toilet Soaps. PERFUMES, &C. Our goods are purchased from the Eastern markets, and are of lhe latest style and best quality. Persona de siring anything in our line will do well to call and examine onr stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we bny for eash only and WILL NOT Mil UNDERSOLD. Physicians Prescriptions Carefully COMPOUNDED. N. B We also have a News Depot established at the Exchange Hotel, Alabama street, under the management ol Mr. George Ba«seen, where will be found all the lead ing papers of the country, Periodicals, Books. Stationery, Ac., Ac. BCOTT, PARSONS A FREEMAN. July 15—ts WEXEL & McBRIDE, Have just received a lot of NEW GOODS, consisting of PRINTS, FLANNELS, GINGHAMS, JACONET, MUSLIN, LINEN, SWISS, AND A FINE LOT OF Silks, French Corsets, Ladies’ and Gents’. Hose. Collars, Belts, Buckles, Cuffs, Braid, Tape. Dress Buttons, Vail Buttons Pearl Shirt Buttons, English Bone Buttons, Kid Gloves, Ribbons Perfumery, La dies’ Hats, Needles. ALSO A FINE SELECTION OF Ladies’ Shoes, & Gents’ Boots and Shoes. And other articles too numerous to mention. . Wexel & Mcßride, , , „ PEACHTREE STREET Jaly23—3m Quick Sales and Small Profits. E. W. MUNDAY At his old stand on Pryor Street, north of Trout House, IS now w-lvlng a targe lot of Dry Goods, direct from New York, consisting of Prints, Ginghams. Muslin, Jaconet, Flannel, Swine, Panin’ Goods, Ac. ALSO A fine collection of Ladies and Gents Boots and Shoes, AMO A fine lot of School Books. Give me a call. Aug 13 —hn I JA.COIN X OfWWI POUND* F.xtra flue, clear side BACON • VtHJ lor sale by 'uugtif BA.-S.iEEN, Will TAKEN A WHOLESALE HOUSE. 8. B. & E. L. WIGHT, AT JODI T. NOD & DU. ON SITE OP OLD POST-OFFICE, Have just received from New York.a largo a well selected stock of DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND BONNETS, CLOTHING, YANKEE NOTIONS, HARDWARE, SADDLERY, DRUGS, GROCERIES, &C-, &C-, Which they will sell at wholeeale at Nashville and Cin cinnati prices, freight added. Now is the time for Country Merchants to replenish their stocks. Our goods have been selected by our Senior Partner with a great deal of care and an eye to the wants of the people at this time Cail yourselves or send your orders accompanied with cash. They will receive prampt personal attention. — Write us and we w 11 send you list of goods on hand and prices of same. S. B. & E. L. Wight, aug 11—Im Intelligencer copy. HERSHBERG, LOEB & COL, Have just received a large and fresh lot of Gentlemen’s Wlfte Linen Shirts, Northern Clothing, Boots, Shoes, and Gents’ Furnishing Goods Generally. I ALSO, Carpet Bags, Pocket Books, &c. aug 6—ts J. R. MOUNCE, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Tin-ware, Copper and Sheet Iron, Stoves, Hollow ware and H«rd-ware generally. Next door to corner of Decatur and Wheat streets, Atlanta. Georgia. Aug 6—3 m J. R. WUWE, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry Goods. Groceries. Books and Stationery, and General Variety Store, Call and examine my stock next door to corner of Dec itnr and Wheat streets, Atlanta, Georgia, aug 6—3 m GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, ■'ATLANTA, gkeorgha, SALMONS & SIMMONS Have been appointed agents for the New York under writers agency, composed of the Germania, Niagara, Hanover, and U-epixblic Fire and Inland Insurance Com panies of the City of New York. The dbmbined assets of these popular Companies amouts to $.3,000,000. One policy is iarued binding each of the four Companies for one.fourth of every risk. SIOOOO Taken in one risk if required—only ene set of papers necessary to prove a loss. Tee well known character of the larsre number of prominent Merchants of New York comprising the Board of Directors, and the large amount of a.«sets afford an abundant guarantee for ample security against loss to the assured. SALMONS dt SIMMONS, Whitehall street, near Georgia Railroad Bank, aug 18—ts georgiahomeinsurance COMPANY. Oldest in the State save One ! CHARTERED IN 1859: Capital Stock, - - - - $350,000 A LARGE CASH ANO SURPLUS ON HAND. RISKS TAKEN ON LIBERAL TERMS. D. F. WILLCOX, J. P. BOZEMAN. Secretary. President. John C. Whitner, July 30—ts Agent, Roark’s Building. Intelligencer copy. JOHN C? WHITNERj INSURANCE AGENT, AND COLLECTOR OF NOTES, &C., In Roark’s Building, MITCHELL BT-, ONK DOOM ABOVE WHITEHALL. Bnaines, promptly attended to. Intelligencer copy July 30—ly Insurancugencl M. C. BLANCHARD, A few dorrs b»*low Exchange Hotel, Is prepared to take risks <>n house*, merchandize and proper ty geue rally on liberal terms in the following substantial Companies. /Etna, of Hartford with. $4,000,000 Assofs. Continental, of New York 1.420,000 Assets. Metropolitan, of New York 1,430,000 Assets. Equitable I lie Insurance Comp’s. 1,1*45,000 Assets, nug 20—3 m NEW BOOK -AJND TMCvuslo Store. fIIHK subscriber, respectfully inform their friends and 1 the public that thwy will ro-opeuon Mouduy, August list wub a flue assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS. STATIONARY iND FANCY GOODS. for the present at their store >u PETERS STREET, fifty yards W< st ot Whitehall street, and near Holbrooks form er Hat Factory., School Books, Violin & Guitar Strings, Blank Books, Gold and Steel Pens, Musin Books, Paper and Envelopes, Bibles & Testaments, Slates and Copy Books, Pocket Books, David’s & Arnold’s Ink, Feather Dusters, Fine Pocket Knives. ALL AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. Turn aside from the dust of Whitehall, Ami do not fail to give us a cab. In these long days of summer beat ’Twill pay to visit our shady retreat. J. J. S. P. RICHARDS, : U 19-ts 1). I’. FERGUSON, GENERAL CROCER AND Commission Merchant, Strict attention given to all orders and consignments. NO. -4, Mitchell St., Atlanta, G-a. July 13—3 m WILLIAM JENNINGS. | JAMES O. HARRIS. Jennings & Harris, REAL ESTATE AND Insurance Agents, AND REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS, Sell City or Country Property at Public or Pr vate Sale, AGENTS FOR THE MOST RELIABLE Fire, Life and Travellers . Insurance Go’s, Office on Pryor street, near Trout House ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Aug 9 - 3m* SEND YOUR COTTON F O R WARD. We have perfected an arrangement with MESSRS. KEIN & OO„ Os Savannah, Georgia, owners of the Steamboat 1 ‘ H E L E JNT,” Running between Savannah and Augusta, to ah’p all Cotton consigned to us in New York. We are prepared to pay all freight and internal taxes on all Cotton and other produce shipped to us in New York. All orders for the purchase of Goods will receive prompt attention. A. AUSTELL Can be conferred with at his residence on Marietta Street, Atlanta, Georgia. AUSTELL & INMAN, aug B—ts Macon Telegraph and Augusta Constitutionalist copy two weeks and forward bill to this office. E. M. BRUCE. | T. S. MORGAN. E. M. BRUCE & CO., 888 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, BANKERS AND COTTON FACTORS, DEALERS EXCLUSIVELY IN Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Coin, Uncurrent Money & Cotton, IHAVE this day taken into partnership THOMAS 8. MORGAN. I do this in recognition and apprecia tion of his unimpeachable integrity, and high capacity . as a business man. and his ong satisfactory and success ful management of rr.y commercial and financial a airs, and his fidelity to m\ interest- (having been with me almost without intermission formore than fliteen years.) I do therefore commend him with confidence to the bu siness public. E M. BRUCE, aug 6—6 m T. G. HOLT, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, MJkCOJST, GEORGIA, Office over Mix A: Kirkland’s Store, Will attend promptly to all business entrusted to bis care. • aug 12—8 m JOHN K. JACKSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Has resumed the Practice of his Profession. He may be consulted at the Store of Geo. T. Jackson & Co. Persons desiring to make application for special pardon ■ an have proper papers made up by him. aug 12—Ira D. F. HAMM >ND. R. BAUGH. LAW OFFICE. HAMMOND & BAUGH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Next door to Intelligencer Office, over Willis & Young’s old stand, on Alabama strett, Atlanta, Georgia. July 11—3 m JOHN M. CLARKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATLANTA, QKORFIA. OfHoe on McJDon.ov.Kh Street. Will Rive prompt atteutiou to all bueineM entruelert to bls care. »“« DR. F. H. ORME. llomoeopathiißt. HAS resumed V'« practice of his profession In Allan tn lie may be found, for the present, at. the rest d. ncH of 001. Dabney. Corner of Mi clmll nhd Washington si rests, front City Hall Square Jy2B—lm LOOK SHARP AND STEP SCATTERING-. Received this day at tbe “ Varieties,” Whites hall Street, East ol Railroad, between Railroad and Marietta Street. 100 barrels Extra Family Flour, 500 dezon Gents 2000 I’alm Fans 10 hoops Extra Fine Cheese, 10 boxes assorted Candy, 5 boxes Keck Candy, 10 boxes Soft Cream Candy, 10 boxes Butter Crackers. 10 boxes Bi Carbonate Soda, 20 boxs Star Candles, 10 boxes Pearl Starch. 50 pieces beautiful Prints, 10 pieces Scotch Gingham, 5 gross Bottles and Corks, 1 Brussels Carpet and Rug, 100*kegs Nails 4 to 12, 1 fine Opera Glass. 20 dozen Spelling Books. Glass >xU). 10x12. 12x16,12x20, 14x20. Ladies and Gents Boots and Shoes, assorted, Um brellas. assorted, Handkerchiefs. Towels, La dies Belts and Buckles, Coat Buttons Candle Moulds, Counter Brushes & Brooms, i ancy Bas kets. Brittanfa and Dippers, White Wash Brushes. Cedar Bukets. (BRASS BANDS) Toy Buckets. Meal Sift ers, Spittoons, Raisins, Figs, Meats,.Stationery, Ac., Ac. Salmons, Simmons & Go’s, ‘ VARIETIES,” East of Railroad Juiy 30—ts “Here’s Your 3-Penny Nails,’’ Another fresh arrival at the “VARIETIES,” WHITEHALL STREET, EAST OF KAILKOAD, FKXT BOOK TO SALMONS A. SIMMONS. 50 Kegs NAILS. 3 to 12, 6 Sacks F lie RIO COFFEE, 20 Kits Nn. 1 MACKEREL, WELL BUCKETS, TOY BUCKETS, Mason and Plastering TROWELS, SPELLING BOOKS, <fcc. COME RIGHT ALONG. SLLMDNB, SIMMONS it CO’S, ug. s—ts NEW VARIETY STORE. Salmons) bimmons & Ce. WHITEHALL STREET, EAST OF THE RAILROAD, Between Railroad and Decatur Street, Keep constantly on hand, at Wholesale and Ury Goods. Boot*, Shoes, Hats, Ready made Hardware, Glass und Putty, Paints and Oils, Fancy Groceries and Confectioneries. aug 3 ts TEN YEARS LEASE. Wlfl WILL LEASE 1"WO TjOTS, On tbe Corner of JURIETTA AXD BROAD STREETS, For the term of TEN YEARS. Parties wishing to LEASE OR BUILD Will do well to call on u», as we are prepared to give a BETTER BARGAIN Than any ever offered in the City of Atlanta. S*a.- seen, "Wliitalcer Co. July 30—ts HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE. We will sell at private sale the Trout House PROPERTY. Situated on the coiner of PRYOR AND DECATUR STREETS, which needs no comment on our part, as showing it to he the very BEST SITE FOR A HOTEL In the CITY OF ATLANTA. Call immediately, as we offer great induces ments to parties wishing to build. The prop erty can be so built as to make TWKLVK I.AItGIJ STORK ROOMS UNDBK TUB HOTEL. SASSEEN, WHITAKER & CO. Aig 1-ts FOR SALET 500 BUSHELS PRUIE WHITE CORN, 4,000 POUNDS CHOICK BACON SIDES, 500 POUNDS CHOICK BACON HAMS, 50 KKGS NAILS, FROM 4’s TO ao’«, SUPEKIOII LOT GRINDSTONES, LARGE LOT SOLK LKATHKR, CORN MKAL, WOOD BUCKKTS, HOLLOW WARK, <fce.. Wylie Johnson & Co., Jnly 25—ts Depot Street, near Trout House. A BUSINESS LOT FOR SALE ON Forsyth, running back near to Broad S’rect. Thia in very desirabl ■ property. Call and see plat, Ac. Eleven near tho aubacribor’a former residence on the Wcatorn and Atlantic Railroad. Apply promptly to A. K. WKAOO, Couiniinnivu Merchant, Atlanta, Georgia. July 23-tt VALUABLE PROPERTY SJVLE. WE will sell av rate sale abeut eight acres of land, including the site of tlm Steam Tftnnmy. The j boilers an! about thirty vats, are in good order, a little expense will make them p rfect. Also, a tract of wood laud about tbren miles horn Da!ton, Georgia, situated on the Railroad, containing two hundred and thirty | three acres. Also, a tract of w< oil land about two miles 1 from Stone Mountain, near the Rrilroad, containing one hundred and ten acres Alio, a tract, < f wood land, Lot No. 304, 2d District of Appling County. Georgia, con taining four hundred and ninety acres. Also, a tract of wood land in Pulaski County, Georgia, containing twe hundred and forty-three acres. Parties wishing to purchase will find me at the office of the Atlanta A West Point Railroad Company, Atlanta, Georgia. R. J. Henderson, Aug o—ts Agent, THE Undersigned offers for sale two desirable places in Chambers County, Alabama One comprising 750 odd acres, Oak and Hickory, miles from West Point, immediately on the Montgomery and West Point Rail road, as well is the main thoroughfare between the cities. The other situated one mile southeast of the above described place, consists of 1200 acres of fine Pine Land, 400 just cleared, the remainder heavily timbered. Both places are well improved, convenient to good Schools and Churches, and adapted to Corn and Cotton. The ab ve lands offer great inducements to any one wiNtyng to embark in the Lumber or Planting interest 'QTft, Refers to Jno. C. Whitner, John Wright and C W. Winter. Alfred Harrell. Aug B—2m THE CHRISTIAN INDEX. BY the First of October, or as soon as the mails4*re re established. I will renew the publication of the “CHRISTI \N INDEX.” and of the “CHILD’S INDEX,” I have been publishing. Price i f “ Christian Index,” per annum,..s3 00 Price of “ Child’s Index,'* per annum, 50 Money may be remitted at once, as my determination is positive. My desire is to secure subscription list with which to begin, and I iesue this Prospectus that subscribers iniy have time to forward their remittances It is ray intention tc issue first class papers, and no pains or expense will be spared to sscure that end The best writers and correspondents will be secured, and the highest religious and literary talent will be given to the papers. The < HILD'S PAPER will be profusely illus trated, an 1 will, in every sense, be made to conform to its new title, The Child’s Delight. Money may be sent by Express or otherwise—if by Express, at mv risk, if the Express receipt is sent me, on the resumption cf mail faci ities. My connection with the Aim of J. W. Burke A Co., is dissolved, but 1 will establish an office in Macon, Georgia where communications may be addressed. SAMUEL BOYKIN. jy29—lm GREAT” ATTRACTIONTI NEW FURNITURE Os Every Description. At Private Sale a large and selected LOT OF SUPERIOR H EURNITORE, CONSISTING OT Bureaus, Wardrobes, Safes, Chairs, Parlor and Chamber Setts. Lounges and anything . else you want. Call at Once and supply yourselves cheap. Sasseen, Whitaker & Co. Aug 12—ts buggTHorseT A FINE, largo size BAY HORSE, eight years old, black maue aud tail, and perfectly sound Any one desiring a good, reliable horse for a family Rocka way, can call un us. Terms reasonable. ALSO House and Lot on °cachtree street, with four rooms. Kitchen and Stable, and good garden. ALSO Eleven acres Land, lying on State Road, opposite Mr. Ponder’s residence, and adjoining Mr. Loyd’s property, and Mayson’s Ferry road. For sale by aug 2 ts SASSEEN, WHITAKER & CO. Bagging, Rope, Flour. 450 Barrels Western Flour, choice brands. 100 Coils Kentucky Rope. 100 Rolls Kentucky Bagging. ■ 100 Hanks Twine. For sale, on most reasonable terms, by A. K. SEAGO, Commission Merchant, Aug I—ts Atlanta, Ga. LAM) FOR SALE. 4 A ACRES, an old settled place, five miles from Atlanta, well known. The Houses have been de stroyed. There stid remains a large, fine Orchard, in g od condition. A B«) gain may be had by applying soon. ALSO Two vacant Lots, adjoining Sam Sherwood’s, on Doca tur street. aug 2 ts SASSEEN, WHITAKER & CO. Painters, Glaziers & Builders. We have on hand, and for sale low, a large lot of WINDOW GLASS, of all Sorts and Sizes, PUTTY, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL. Call at once or your chance will soon be gone SASSEES, WHITAKER CO. Ang 16—ts Tax Notice. THE books for receiving and collecting the City Taxes for the present year will lie opened on Monday next, 21st inst , at the store of B W. Adams & Co , next door to A. C Wyly’s old stand, Peachtree street. In order to shorten the work and save the citizens trouble, from those who are prepared I shall receive and collect at the same time The people are urgently requested to come forward at once aud give in and pay their taxes. Robert Cra."wfor<l w Aug 15—-2 m T. R. and C. C. A. TO CAPITALISTS! Good Chance for Investment! ANY one who has a capital of Five Thousand Dollars, and wishes to invest II bi one of the most paying Institutions la tha South, will And it to his interest to inquire at Tlilh Oflloe, Aug 6—ts SALT, SALT. ~ 200 barrels Salt. For vale by A. K. SEAGO, Commission Merchant. Corner Whitehall and Mitchell Streets, Atlanta, Ga. Aug s—ts House For Sale. 4 NEAT and comfortable Cottage House, near’ the L/> business part of Whitehall street, conlaning rooms, good Ketchen, Water and Garden. BABSEKN WHITAKER A 00. Also ona Vacant City Lot on Huuter street, sug. 2 H 8. w. A CO. A BARGAIN TO ANY ONE DESIBING A GOOD HOME. I OFFER for sale my House and Lot in the town of La Fayette, Alabama It is one of the most deal ruble aud best improved situations in town. THE DWELLING Is largo and completely finished, with seven rooms, 20 x 20; a passage, 12 feet in width, nuinmg through, and a pantry attached to the dining room. The out houses are good, consisting ot kitchen, smoke house, meal house with two rooms, dairy hen house, three negro houses, with two stables, carriage house large enough for two carriages, and a buggy house for three buggies. There is also a comfortable office—a well affording an abundant supply ot as good freestone water as can be found In the country, and a good garden con taining an acre or more, adjacent to the garden is a peach orchard containing several hundred trees of se lected fruit. The enclosures are of heart lumbei and painted. The dwelling is situated on the southern side of the town, in a beautiful grove, with twenty acres < f land belonging to the lot. There are male and female schools and three churches in the town. Possession given immediately. ~W. S. Reid, Aug 23—Im LaFayette, Alabama DURYEAS’ MAIZENA Was the only “Preparation for f od from Indian Corn” That received a meda and honorable mention from the Royal Commissioners, the competition of all prominent manufacturers of “Corn Starch” and “Prepared Corn Flour” of this and other countries notwithstanding. MAIZENA, The food and hixmy of the age, without a single fault. One trial will convince the most skeptical. Makes Pud dings, < akos, Custards, Blanc Mange, Ac., without isin glass, with few or no eggs, at a cost astonishing the most economical. A sliuht addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly improves Bread and Cake. It is also excellent for thickening rweet sauces, gravies for fish and meat, soups. Ac. For Ice Cream nothing can compare with it. A little boiied in milk will produce rich cream for coffee, choco ato. tea, Ac e Put up in one, pound packages, under the trade-mark Maizena, with directions’for use A most delicious article of food for children and Inva lids ot all Mges For sale by Grocers and Druggists everywhere. Wholesale Depot, 166 Fulton Street, NEW YORK. WILLIAM DURYEA, Aug 23—3 m General Agent. HEADQUARTERS FOR Saddles, Harness, &c jomr mobrow. | wm. h. morbow. JNO. MORROW & SON, No. 48, North Market Street, NEAR PUBLIC SQUARE, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. Manufacturers and Dealers in Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Whips, &c. COACH and SADDLE material kept constantly on band. GOODS sent on order by. Express to any part qf the South. We refer to Messrs. Cox A Hill, Salmons A Sitnmons, McNaught, Ormonl & Co., Lockhart, Lee & C<>, 8. A. Durand, Esq J T Porter, W W. Clayton, Agent Ga. R R. A Bank’g Co., and the business men of Atlanta generally. Terms Cash. Intelligencer copy. jy27—lm MOSS & IKIGG, IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, G-UNS.&c., 80. 536 MAIN STREET, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, Aug B—6m NEW GOODS! YONGE & ANDERSON, Os Savannah, Georgia, at the store of JOHN D. BUTT & BRO., 266 BROAD ST., ALGESIA, GA., Have just received an entire new stock of Choice Family Groceries, Liquors, Ale and Porter, consisting in part of Pure Java Coffee, Rio Coffee, St. Domingo Coffee, Crushed and Brown Sugar, Caudles, Soap, Starch, Cigars, Macke rel, Fine Green Tea, Fine Black Tea, and eveiy article in the grocery line. ALSO, A choice assortment of Ladles’ Dress Goods, Ladies’, Miss s’ and Children’s Shoes, Hoop Skirts. Fancv Soaps, Extracts and Perfumery, Ac.. Ac. Patronage solicited. PHILIP YONGH. July 15—tt GEO. W. ANDERSON, Jr. L. D. CARTER, • Formerly of Carter County, East Tennessee, with J. M. KOBINHON <'O., Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, ZN’O’X’IOJNTS, <Sec.» 516 Main. Street, Between Fifih and Sixth, TaoniscvilTo, Kentucky*, Aug 19—ts x J. T. THOMAS & CO., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Commission and ’ Forwarding Mer chants, will give prompt attention to all business entrusted to them. Rrfekkvcxs : A. Porter, Esq , Dr. F. T. WIIHr, Savan nah, Ga. ; Doras L. Stone. Esq , N. P. Hoeack, Ksq., New York ; Messrs. Elder A Haw, G. Somerville Norri«. Esq., Baltimore. . aug 3 Im Warren’s Celt brated Needlesand FishHoeks. ATSTDRmW CX.E3RK & CO.. . 48 Maiden Lane, New York, SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS Our former customers will find a reduction in gold prices of the Needles, while the quality is always kept up to the highest siandard known to English mauutac tnrers. A. C. A Co., respectfully solicit a renewal of the iner antile relations so long and favorably esteemed by their ou«e» Aug 23 3m _ JUST OUT. IMPORTANT PUBLICATION. How to Vote; How to obtain Pardons- A PAMPHLET, giving Information of the moot vital importnneo on tn< s>> interesting top cs, wllh all tho noci wary forms, n 0., for applying lor a special pardon. Sent by mall, post-paid, any whore <n tho South on re ceipt of filly cents. Trice fifty cants, one-third oil to trade. For sale nI all the city Hook Stores. Addr. rs I*. WALSH, Aug 26—ts Fublitlior, Augusta, Weorgls. CITY MILITARY DIRECTORY. FELIX PRINCE SALM, Brevet Brigadier General Coin maud mg Poet. . Captain A. BTEUERNAGEL, I%»t Adjutant—Office in City Hall. 8 .? N ’ Provost Marshal.—Offlc# in City Hall. Lieut OTTO HOTT CHI A. Q. M , Post Quarter master.—Office uu Alabsm t street. A. 8. SEATON, Captain and C 8.. Post Commissary.— Office on Alabama street RAIL R 0 A D GUIDE Georirla lluilroa<l. GEORGE YONGE. Superintendent PASBENGKR TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta 4 20 A M. Reaches Augusta II 20 P. M. Leaves Augusta 6 00 A M. Reaches Atlanta h OOP. y. Atlanta and West Point Hull road. GEORGE G HULL. Superintendent. Leave Atlanta 6 00 A . M. Arrive at W< st Point 1 05 I*. M. * Leave West Point I<> 45 A M. Arrive at Atlahta 6 00 P. M. Macon and Western Railroad. A. L. TYLER Superiatendent. Leave Atlanta 5 30 A. M. Arrive at Ma<*on 1 45 P. M. Leave Maeon 8 15 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta.. 5 30 P. M Montgomery At West Point K. R. DANIEL H. CRAM, General Superintendent. Leave West Point 2 10 P M. Arrive at Columbus 6 00 P M. Arrive at < hehaw 7 00 P M. Leave < hehaw ft 00 A. M. Leave Columbus 4 00 A. A. Arrive at We it Point 10 00 A. M, Western A: Atlantic Railroad. A. A. TALM AG E, Superintendent, Leave Atlanta. 8 10 A. M. Leave Chattanooga 7 45 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta 7 30 P. M, Arrive at Chattanooga «... 7 45 P. M. gitlauta gusi»riss Jirertory. AS TAKEN FROM THE NEW ERA. The following Directory comprises a'por tion of tbe leading and reliable business firms in the city. Tbeir announcements appear regularly in the columns of tbe Daily Nkw Era: AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSES. - B W Adams, auction av 1 commission merchant, Peach tree street W A Rams y & Co , Auction and Commission Merchants. Whitaker & Co. Auction and Commission .Mer chants, and Real Estate Agents, lower story of tlf Exchange Hotel. Godfrey <x Oatman, Comm Us ion Mer. haute, Peachtree street. G W Sciple, Auti. neer and Couinrssion Merchant, on Peachtree street, Wagan Yard building. COMMISSION HOUSES. C W Winter, Commission Merchant Marietta street, two doors above Kyle’s new building I Y Saw tell, coin tn Lsion merchutit, near the corner of Whitehall aud Mitchell streets. Gordon A Co., General Commission Merchants, Peach tree street. Garrett A Brother, Cominhsiou Mercbvots, Decatur street. Mitchell, Reed & Co., Commission near cor ner Whitehall and Gnu ter rtn-ets. Wylfb Johnson AC<»., Groceis slid Commission Mer chants, Depot street, nea> T>out t ouae John T. Meador A Bros., Produce and General Com mission Merchants, Whit«h'»ll street. R J Massey, commission and forwarding merchant, with Langston,Crane A Hammock Winn, Tibbs A Co., grocers and commission merchants. Whitehall street. Abbott A Bros, commission mvrclmnts. Whitehall street. Phillips A Flandeis, commssion merchants, Mitchell street. Clark A Hester, Grocery and Commission Merchants, three doors above M .sonic Hall, Decatur street. John 11. L ivejoy A Co., Grocers and Commission Mer chants, Loyd street. Robert L. Crawley, Commission Merchant, South-East . corner of Hunter and Pryor streets Langston, Crane A Hammock, O’ mmission Merch »nts, Alabama street. A K Seago Commission Merchant and wholesale and retail dealer in me chaudise generally, Whitehall street, opposite Roark’s corner. A J Haralson A Co, Groc rs and Com mission Merchants, M heat street opposite Trout House, Brown A Parrott, Grocers and < ommiasion Merchants, Trout House Block, Decatur stn et Wm Ketcbam, Commission Merchant and Forwarding Agent, Mitchell street. Salmons A Simmons, Commission Merchants, Whitehall street. D P Ferguson, General Grocer and Commission Merchant, No. 4, Mitchell street. Robert J Lowery A Co., Grocers, Dealers In Dry Goods, aud Commission Merchants, Alabama street John Verdery A Bros., general com mission and forward ing merchants, Whitehall street, between Alabama and Huuter streets. Dermot A Kramer. Whitehall street, next door to Powell A Marshall’s auction house. WHOLESALE RHTAIL DEALERS., Scott, Parsons A Freeman, dealers In bty G<>ods, Groce ries, Drugs, Medicines, etc , Whitehall street. E M Munday, dealer in dry goods vic , Pryor street. J R Mounce, wholesale and retail dealer In dry goods, etc, next door to corner of Decatur and Wheat streets JR Mounce, whoh sale and retail de*l«r intin ware, copper aud sheet iron amt hardware, uext door to tbe corner oT Wheat an- Decatur stn ets. Bums A Dwyer, Wholevale and Retail Grocery and Liquor Merchants, near Georgia Railroad Hank. Wexel A Mcßride, Deakra in Dry Goods, Ac, Peach tree street Hirsbberg, Loeb A Co, Dry Goods Boots, Shoes, Hats, Rea<4y made.ClMhiug. etc , opposite Trout Mouse Wm Rich A Co., dealers in dry good**, clothing, etc, Whitehall street. SBi EL Wight, dealers in dry goods, groceries. dr»GM, saddlery, hardware, etc., with John T Meador A Brut*., on site of old post office Salmons & bunmous, Wuiteba'i street. HOTKDS. Exchange Hotel, Alabama btreet, Sasseen, Whitaker A < 0., Proprietors. Hall House, corner Prjor and Hanter streets, Jo. nT Hall, proprietor. Fulton House, corner of Ivy and Gilmer streets, Geo B Welsh, Propriett r. Bellvue Hotel, corner Washington and Mitchell streets Price A Stokes, proprietors, PHYSICIANS. Dr 8 W Thompson, office al the store of Curry A Zachry Loyd street. • Dr. F. H. Homcoopathist, corner nf Mitchell aud Washington street?, fronting on City Hall rquaie. T'r. B L Seago, office on Whitehall street. Dr. U. H. Smith, FbyaiciHU, Peachtree street. Drs ENA Ed Calhoun, corner of Washington and Petero streets. . LAWYERS. Gartrell A Hill, Attorneys at Law. Office on Alabama street, a few doors below the Exchange Hotel. John M Clarke, McJ’oii aigti j-trc't Sprayberry A White, Whl ehall street. Hammond A bangh. Attorneys at Lhw. office over Willis A Young’s old stand, Alabama street. INSURANCE AGENTS. John C. Whitner, Insurance Agent and Collector of Notes, Ac . in Roark’s building, Mitchell street, one uuor above Y' hitehall. M C Blanchard, General Insurance Agent, office on Ala bama street. Jenuings A Harris, Pryor street, near Trout House. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. H Marshall, Real Estate agent, office at Gate City Car and Machine Works. . Spraybvrry & White. Lsnd Agents, Whitehall street. Sasseen, W’hitaker A Co., under Exchange Hotel. Jennings A Harris^Pryor Street, near Trout House. A K Seago, corner Whitehall and Mitchell streets. C Powell, auctioneer aud real estate agent, near Roark’s corner. ARCIIITEt TS. Fay A Gabbett, Architects and Civil Engineers. LUMBER DEALER. T Kile A Co., corner Pea htree and Decatur street. COTTON SHIPPICKS Aft » DEALER*. Anstell Ai Innman cotton shippers. Marietta street E M Bruce, Cotton Broker. Alabama stiver, at the office ot the Snperintendant Atlauta A West Point Railroad. W Kvtchum. Mitchell street A K Seago, Whitehall street, opposite Roark’s corner VARIETTEN. F Hagan ACo , cant of Railroad, between Mariotta and Railroad. E M Munday. Pryor street, north of Trout House. BAK KOOMS« RESTAUHANTS, Ac. Exchange Hotel BiHia d aud Fool Hoorn, cosner Pryor and Alabama Streets. Railroad Restaurant, under John T Meador A Bros. Geo Sharpe, Jr., under Masonic Hall. Bill Moon, Loyd street, near Alabama. DKNTISTS. Dr J T. Campbell, Resident Dentist, office above Roark’s corner, Whitehall street. TAILORING S ILPatillo, In Munday’s store, Pryor street, north of the Trout House MUSIC AMD BOOKS. J J A S P Richards, on Peters street, near Holbrook's Hat Eaclory. FOUNDRY. Hoge, Mills A Co., Gate City Foundry* Marietta street CUTLERY, Ac. Henry Setzer. Hrnro furnisl.iug goods, cutlery, etc., bl roc I.|