The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, August 31, 1865, Image 3

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DAILY NEW ERA. A. R. WATSON LOCAL EDITOR. 10-VALUABi.r. oirYLOT Forsalß We offer for sale a most desirable TTY LOT on MARIETTA STREET, fronting FIVE HUNDRED FEET—large enough for two or more building lots. Th err*'is a good young orchard of Peach and Apple trees on the place ; good vineyard, good well, and a largo number of bricks. Apply early. PHILLIPS A PRATHER, Daily New Er. Office, Aug. 30—ts. Atlanta, Ga. . fey-MR. DAVID F. WALLIS, ‘I Union Office,” Na hville, Tenn., is our authorized agent at that place. Aug. 31—if MESSRS. WEBB A LEVERING, Book sellers and Stationers, Louisville, Ky., aro our authorized agents at that place. Aug. 31—ts Office of Assistant Special Ag.’.nt, ) First Agkncy U. S. Thsas’kv Dser., L Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 30, 1860. J Stt?" A PUBLIC SALE of captured and abandoned property, belonging to the United State? Government, will tako place at Madi eon, Ga., on Thursday, September 7th., 1865, commencing at 11 o’clock a. m., and at Wash ington, Ga., on Saturday, September 9th., 1865, commencing at 9 o’clock, a. m. By order of V. SPALDING, Aug. 31—7 t Ass’t Special Ag’t. More Louisviixe Advertiskmrnts. —To-day we present several other Louisville cards. In our yesterday’s issue the cards of Wra. F. Os BORS appeared as Wholesale Dealers in lints Caps and Furs, where Merchants visiting that city, or ordering from there, can have their bills filled quickly and cheap. See card. Messrs. Jones Tabb Wholesale C! dhiers offer inducements to Southern Merchan's rarely equalled. They are practical business men and clever gentlemen. See their card. Khan & Wolf are also Wholesale d-alers and manufacturers in ready made clotting and furnishing goods, in that city, and are responsible men. Give them a c 11. Seo card. Messrs. Piatt & Alles, of that city are wholesale dealers in Boots 4 Shoes. Doubt less merchants could make it profitable to or der from this house. See card. A Goon Place to buy staple and fancy dry goods, Hosiery, white goods and Notions is at the well known house of Trabue, Davis & Co., Louisville. See card. New Iron Store.—Mes-rs. Nauis & Reamer have opened a large Iron Store in Louisville where they keep many things in that line needed. They sell precisely at Cincinnati prices. So there is no use tn ordering iron from beyond that city. See large advertise ment in this paper. Something to Eat.—Messrs. Mitehell & Armstrong, of Louisville, propose to feed everybody who are hungry, .on as reasonable terms as can be had anywhere. Grocery merchants are referred to their card. The National Hotel at Nashville is a good place to stop at while in that city. The pro prietors and clerks are always ready to ac commodate those who stop with them. Their card is in this paper. Don’t fail to visit Craig. Freeman & Co. when you visit Louisville, Ky. They do a big business in their line. See card. Salmons, Simmons <t- Co The Era begs to bow an acknowledgm-nt for the souvenir of this firm. From the manner in which it was passed around. »e should judge that it was ful ly appreciated. We took occasion recently to visit the store of these gentlemen, a brick ed » fice and one of the largest in the" city. With the two leading m- inhere of the firm we are per sonally acquainted. They are old standirg merchants of Atlanta, enterprising and reliable men, and woiking members of our city council. Business men and oibeis, at home and abroad, would do well to notice this firm, which has numerous edvertisements in our columns. Book Stoke - Jesses. Campbell, Gregg & Co. have opened a new Book and notion store on Decatur Street next door to Masonic Hall.— They keep a good supply of books, stationery, notions, and all the late papers and periodi cals. We are glad to see another institution of this kind in the city as we think the prices of papers and rnegz tines will be brought with s n the limits of reason. The New .Market.—This much needed in stitution, we arje pleased to learn, will soon be a reality. The excellent and convenient site, an Ivy street, which has been purchased will give ample room for every necessary con venience. The building will be one hundred feet in length by thirty in width, and will be set back thirty feel from Line street, the same distance from Ivy street, also the line on the West side of the lot, and leaving a space of about one hundred feet on the North side for elbow room inside of Thompson Alley. We suggest that the market, when comple ted, shall be known as the Thompson Mark et. It will be ready for use, We learn, in less than six week. The services of Col. Robt. Mad dox have been secured to superintend the work, which is a sufficient guaranty that the work will be quickly and faithfully perform ed. A Cask.—A rather novel case came up be fore the authorities a day or two »go, A gen tleman of Lager beer nationality, who evacu ated the city in obedience to Gen. Sherman’s orders, afier having taking the precaution to ir.ake bis property over to his wife, returned a few days ago and looked up his spouse and bis property. To his niter consternation, however, Lis wife refused to resign her claim on the property, and, what is worse another man laid claims to the wife, which claims be ing contested, resulted in Hans, being mostun mercifully beaten by spouse number 2. We have not yet learned how the matter was ad justed. New Jail.—“ Cousin John Thrasher” will have the new jail completed in solid grandeur in less than tea days. Pay Your Tax.—Robert Crawford, Taxs Receiver and Collector is now ready to re ceive and collect the City Tax at the store of 1 B. W. Adams & Co., on Peachtree street. If i you want a new Market House, go pay your tax. If you want a bridge over the railroad, go pay your tax. If you want the rubbish , removed from the streets, go pay your tax. : If you want the ugly gullies about town filled I U P> P a y your tax. If you want the nuisances about town abated, pay your tax. All those City changebills which you made such a fuss about can now be used at par to pay your tax. If you are a good citizen and desire the prosperity of the city, pay your tax. In bort, go and pay your tax anyhow. Gen. John B. Gordon.—This distinguish ed officer, who won so much fame during the campaign in Virginia, and such golden opin ions from the Federal army, by his gallant daring and uniform Christian bearing toward all who fe l into his hands, is now in the City making arrangements to commence business in this, his old home. Success to him. Railroad Bridge.—We are informed that the building of this indispensable necessity on Broad street, will be brought before Council at its next meeting. As Broad street, is a fix ed fact, the bridge should be erected at once. Many property owners on this new street will be greatly beuefitted by it, which fact we hope may not escape the notice of the city as sessors. This enhancing of the value of the property of individuals should be made a source of revenue to the city. We are glad to see that the Mayor and Council are determined to keep pace with the improvements going on in the city and the en, ergy of our citizens. Rsv. Dr. Braijtly.—This eminent di vine and polished gentleman, we are glad to learn, is once more permanently located amongst us as pastor of the First Bapti t Church—his old charge. We are sure that that our citizens generally will be gratified at this information, as no man has a firmer hold upon the affections of the people than Dr. Brantly. Thanks.—The gentlemanly agent of Adam’s Express Company has our thanks for late Northern papers. Papers.— We are indebted to Geo. Sas seen for late papers. The Cotton Crop of Louisiana and Texas.— The New Yoik Heiald’s New Orleans corres. pondent, under a late date rtma.ks as fol lows : Ail reports to the contrary, I am able to state that the dreaded army or cotton worm has not appeared in this Slate to do serious La.m to the comi; g crop. The cotton never looked finer or wat more abundant. Cotton picking has already commenced in every portion of the State. It the worm keeps out of the anolher week the whole crop will be saved. Li Texas the worm has undoubtedly appear ed in Wharton county, where it has destroyed thousands of acres. A number of the Texas journals despair of picking any cotton of Coir sequence this year on account ot the ravages of the worm, while other newspapers state that these reports have been greatly exagerated, and though agreeing that the army worm has appeared and devastated thousands of acres, there is yet a good prospect of a fair crop from the quantity of cotton planted. The crops of corn, sugar, rice. &c., in these States, were never finer than they are this year. The latest advices from Mexico show that the liberals have lately met with several de feats near Sin Louis and Reble- The forces engaged were not large, and the lloniteur represents the result as unimportant. There was quite a large fire a few nights •ince, in Saint Rock’s, one of jthe suburbs of Quebec, which destroyed between sixty and eighty buildings MONETARY ANQ uOMMMAL ATLANTA MONEY MARKET. Corrected by Robort J. Lowry, Broker. Georgia Railroad Bank, buying at 60 cts fcr one dollar. Central Bank, “ 45 “ “ “ “ B ink State of Georgia, “ 70“ “ “ « Marine Hank, . “ 30 “ “ “ <« Bank of avannah, <« 25“ “ “ “ Bank of Athens, « 20 “ “ “ “ Bank of Middle Georgia, “ 35 “ “ « M Bank of Faßon, “ 15 u “ w <« AH other Ga S C. and Ala. Banks “ sto 25 “ “ Gold, buying at 40 cents, selling at 45 to 46 cts. prom. Atlanta Wholesale Market, Corrected by Robert J. I owry & Co., Commission Merchants. Bacon—Hog round 24 to 26; Clear Sides 28 to 30, In demand Beeswax—3o cts per pound. Bagging—Kentucky 35 to 40 cents. Pepper—Black 40 cts per ib. Blacking-Small Size 75, Large 1 30 $1 60 jer dozen. Coffee—Rio 38 to 40 cts per ib. Candles—Star 32 to 35 cents per lb. Candy—Common Stick 50, French 50, assorted 60 cts per Ib. Cotton ( ards—No 10, sls per dozen. Cheese—English Dairy—3s to 40 cents. Corn—sl 25 per bushel. Peaches—Dried Cut Off $2 per bushel of 36 lbs, pealed cut off, $3 per bushel of 40 pounds. Flour—Extra 16, Supertine 14 to sls per barrel. Indigo—l 75 to $2 25 per pound. Madder— 2» to 33 cts per Ib. Copperas— to 15 cts per lb. Soda—lß to 20 ct J per lb. Epsom Salts—l 6 to 18 cts per Ib. Starch—lo to 20 cts per lb. Matches—s 3 per gloss White Lead—ln Oil 25 to 30 cts per lb. >oap—2o to 25 cts per ib. Sugar—New Orleans 20 to 28; Crushed 33 to 35 bents per lb 'IEA- $2 to $2 25 per lb. Nails—B 60 to $lO per keg. • Iron—Sweden 10 cts per lb. Rope—Kentucky 25 cts per lb. LOMEBTIC—4-4, 28 to 32; 7*B, 25 to 27 ; Osnaburgs 22 to 21 cts per yard. Dry Goods.—Prints, 32 t‘» 35 cts per yard; Bleached Muslin. 28 to 54. Cotton Yarns—2 75 to S 3 per bunch. Cotton rather dull, sales at 26 to 29 cts per lbs as to quality. WANTED r WOULD like to buv a House and Lot, with five or six Rooms, near the business part of the City—would prefer one on Marietta, Peachtree or Decatur Streets. July 30—ts THOS. B. WHITAKER For Sale. fTSIIE Pitt’s Residence Lot, four acroß, lying, most A beautifully, oi 1 each Tea street. This Is one of the most df saabie lots for a first cless residence in this city. , nn BBJLL CU GASKILL, Aug 29—ts Reul instate Agents FOR SALE. ~ HAVING engaged In other business I offer for Rale the entire interest of ten months Lease Stock and Bar Kxtuns under Exchange Hotel. Thfl most promi nent stand In the city. Receipts for the past four months nineteen thou and four hundred dollars. Apply at once, if you wish to buy, to J. C. HENDERSON, aug 80—6 t Exchange Hotel. GLOBE HOTEL. BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, PHLLNER, NEBLETT & €O., l?ropri ot< > rn. THE undersigned take pie 'sure In announcing to the»r fl lend and the puolic generally that they have re opened this favorite Hotel. No expense will be spared to make it a lliat clusu House. auk 2a—tr mili.nfb, a co. Real Estate & Collection Office. 11. MARSHALL, Real Estate Agent ATLANTA, GEORGIA, (OFFICE IN GODFREY & OATMAN’S AUCTION HOUSE, PEACHTREE STREET), Will give prompt attention to the sale or leaning of property in the city or country, and the collection of claims. aug 27—ts GREAT BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE, I HAVE on hand, and for sale, the fullowing Real Es tate: 1. One City Let, near the Gas Works, 75 feet in front, and 200 feet deep. 2. Ono Lot below the Arsenal, on the Georgia Railroad, 100 feet In front an 1 60 feet deep. 3. One Lot, adjoining Co’. Cowart’s, on Decatur street, in a tine business position. 4. The S niinary Lot, at the junction of Peachtree and Line streets, near Wesley Chapel. 5. One five were Lot, one and a half miles from the centre of city, beaut fully situated. 6. Three hah acre lots, on Fair street, in the city. 7. Two half acre Lots, lying between Washington and Crew streets. 8. Twenty-five acres within one mile of the business portion of the city A very dosirab o location for subur ban residences. 1 will sell it as it stands, or lay it out in lots to suit purchas ts. This is destined to be one of the finest locations for dwellings in the country. The • water, an important consideration, cannot be surpassed in the South. 9. One hundred and sixty acres, on Peachtree creek, 70 acres cleared, 30 acres bottom land, with one building on the premises, and situated four miles from the Gate City Foundry, Car and Machine Works. The timber is worth all I ask for the land. 10. Ono hundred and twelve and a half acres superior bott m land, eight miles nor hos Stone Mountain. The timber is very line and untouched- 11. Also. 80 acres near High Bri’ge, quarter of a mile from tho Western and Atlantic Railroad, on the Chatta hoochee river. Frame house, good weL of water, and finely timbered. 12 1.950 acres eight miles west of Newnan. The best water power in the Stat*. Saw Mill and Gin House standing, with a good Frame House on she premises. 13. Two forty acre Lots, five miles south of Marietta, on the Western and Atlantic Railroad, and within three hundred yards of Rough’s station. Upon each tract there is about twenty acres of good timber, a variety of fruit.trees, good water near each dwelling, and running watsr through th l >ts. Parties having houses to rent, or land for sale, will consult their interest by putting tho same into the hands of the undersigned. Those who wish to purchase land will do well to call "n me before going elsewhere. I have much land for sale not advertised* Special attention paid to the collection of debts. H. Marshall, aug 27—ts Real Estate Agent. AUGUST 27th, 1865. T. L. SCOTT & CO., WEST POINT, GEORGIA, Grocers and COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HAVE on hand S, OOO yards Heavy India Bagging, 6,000 pounds Machine Rope, and are receiving daily Sugar, Coffee, Bacon, Lard. Salt, Tobacco, Factory Yarns, Meal, Flour, Mackerel, Gbeese, Candles, Candies, Oysters, Sardines, Crackeis, Soda, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Starch, Copperas, Bluestone, Soaps, TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, CBOCKEKT AND GLASS WARE, Also, a largo and well selected stock of Men’s, Boys and Ghiloren’s Hats of the latest stylos and best quality, wh ch we will sell a Wh lesale and retail at living prices. AS" Call soon. Quick sales and short profits. -'{□J. T. L. Scott & Co. aug 27—ts PLEASE TAKE NOTICE CITIZENS AND TRAVELERS. I have refitted those large and splendid rooms under the Maronic II ill, and opened a first class Drinking and Billiard Saloon, And intend it shall be second to none in this State. I have on he nd and always shall keep, Old and Pure Liquors; none other ahall be sold in my saloon. The Bar'is under the executive management of these clever and affable gentlemen Collier! and Billy Clark, who have no superiors in their line, and they will bo happy to see their old friends. Captain White, theclever man of Atlintaand Augusta notoriety, ha- full charge of the Billiard Tables. I re spect fully ask a liberal share of patronage Goo. .Sliai-p, Jr., Proprietor. N. B—ln a few days I shall open a First Class Dining Room and Restaurant on tho European stylo, with ac commodation for one hundred and fifty to a meal. Tra velers will beer this in mind, as my table will abound with all the delicacies of the season. G. S. Jr Aug 15—tt Gunny Bagging. Ten. Bales Gunny Bagging, For sale by Abbott & Bros. Commission Merchants, Whitehall Street. Aug 19—ti GORDON & CO., General Commission Merchants And Dealers in COUNTRY PTtOUUCE, Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. Aug 20 —Im Private Sale. GODFREY & OATMAN. 50 Sacks Extra Family Elour (new), 40 Boxes Choice Chewing Tobacco, 1 Lot Fine Cigars, 1000 Pounds Bacon. July 26—ts LOST OR STOLEN. I7IROM a dray, on tho 23rd ln t t., in |ho evening, bc ’ tween the evs and Bellvue Hotel, a CARPET BAG, with two locks, containing clothes aud papers. A suita b>e reward will be paid for tho raturn of the Bag <t con tents t<> this office—or information leading to its recovery. No questions will be asked. augkfl ts. To Merdiants WE have just received a choice lot of Bleached Shirt ing, Prints, Li .en Handkerchiefs, Nockties, Pocket Knives Ac., A:c., which we are ordered to close out at 15 per cent on firat cost. Jpnly ear v. LANGSTON, CRANE A HAJIMO K, Jug 26 ts. C -mmißHon Merchants. Wm. H. McNAMEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LaFayctte, Chambers Co. Alabama. WILL attend promptly to nil professional business entrusted to his care. Particular attention will be paid to Collections and pr mpt r- turns made. July 27—ts Hams! Hams! A FEW tierces very superior Sugar-cured Canvassed . Hums. A Iso, 4,000 pounds choice Clear Bacon Sides, juat received and for sale wholesale or retail by A. K. SIIAUO, Commission Merchant, Corner Wliltohall aud Mltclioll ulrcotu, Atlanta, Georgia. Aug 19—ts ißywraoyfflCL T3ELL & GA.SKIJL.L, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Having renewed tboir partnership (suspended by tho war,) offer their services to the public as Ileal Estate .A-gents. Will give special attention to Conveyancing, Examining Titles to Real Estate, Writing Contract? and Coliec'.ing Debts. One of the firm has been a Real Estate Agent in this city for fifteen years, and tho other with him for several years before the war , ami, from their thorough acquai tance with tho place, they are confl lent in ussu ring, by then* Agency, decided advantages to persons wishing to buy, sell, rent or lease real estate in or near All itita. Office up-stairs, first building on Whitehall street, on tho lett going from the Railroad. References: Mayor and citizens o p Athnta ; Jas Gard ner. Augusta ; J W Fears & Co, and C A Nutting, Macon ; Austell & luman, John Livingston. Now York. MARCUS A. fUCLL, Aug 24—3 m V. A. GASKILL ZIMMERW&VERDERY, GROCERS, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner Broad and Marietta Streets, / -A_ 11 ant a, Georgia, Will buy and sell all kind of Produce and Merchandise on Commission. Prompt and personal aotcntlon given to orders on con signments. 11. P. Ziiniiiermaii, S. A. Vcrdcrjr, Late of Lite of Scranton & Zimmerman, Jackson. Miller A V< rdery, Augusta, Georgia. Augusta, Georgia- Aug 23—Ini CALVIN FAY. | L. P. GRANT. FAY & GRANT, ARCHITECTS AMB CIVIL ENGINEERS, Will give their attention to the preparation of Plans and Specificatioi s for, aud superintend the erection of every class ot buildings in Atlanta and vicinity They will also negotiate purchases and sales of property. Surveys and Maps of Lauds and Railroads carefuhy executed. Mr. Grant refers to Riceanl Peters. Esq . and Geo G Hull. Bupt A & W P R R. Atlanta: Hon Jno I* King. Pres G R R, Jugusti; Chas T Pollard, Esq, Pres M & W P R R, Montgomery: J Edgar Thomson, Esq, Pres Penn A Central R R, l hiladelnhia. Mr. Fay refers to R C Brinkiey, Esq. and Sam’l Tat**, Esq. Memphis’ J S Claghorn, Esq and D II Baldwin, Esq, Savannah; Mitcrell A Smith, Macon; RH Ram sey, Milledgeville. jfug 23—ts REAL ESTATE AGEKCT. I offer my services to persons wishing to purchase, setl rent or lease • REAL ESTATE In tho City of Atlanta or the State. Office in Parker's New Building, cn Whitehall Street. W. F. Harris. Aug 24—3 m 1 < I bUItiUIS,G LOTS ’ iQ the m ' ,at I locality iu the city, tor sale or lease Aug 24—ts W. F. HARRIS. LOTS, half aero each, suitable for R sidences, I and omy three-quarters of a mile from the Car Shed, for sale or lease. Apply to Aug 24—If W. F. KAIL KI . A FARM F->R SALE, lour miles from the city.. Can bo had low tor the cash. Aug 24—ts . W. F. HARRIS. Mineral Lands Wanted. PERSON’S wishing to sell or lease Minenil Lnnils wi I finil it to their interest to give w , e ill. Aug 24 ts W. F. HARRIS. wantedYmmediatelT - A BUILDING LOT for a Residence situation prefer red on Marietta, Peachtree or Deca'.ur Strouts, convenient to business portion of City. Apply at onco to Sasseen, Whitaker & Co. Aug 11—ts ~D R.B. L. SE A GO, - Office on Whitehall Street. CAN be found at Mrs. Coleman’s at night, on Pryor street, opposite Mrs Chisolm’s Will practice Medicine and Surgery. aug3o—lm ~ saltTsalt I r 1 ODO TO 1,500 Sacks no Virginia Salt "vF at the Warehouse in rear of Masonic Hall .by J. J. FORK. aug 3 Im Agent Bagging and Hope. FITTY PIECES BAGGING, FIFTY COILS ROPE, For sale low by Clarke & Hester, .Aug23--2w Trent House Block. FOR SALE. QA ROLES KENTUCKY BAGGING now in stere at 0 V Macon, Georgia, and a large lot of BAGGING ROPE AND TWINE in store at Atlanta, and to arrive, which will bo sold for less than market value wholesale or retail, in order to close consignment. Address by letter or telegraph Immediately. A. K. SEAGO, Commission Merchant, Corner Whitehall and Mitchell Streets, atlnnta. Ga. aug 22—6 t "Wanted. 000 SHINGLES best qualify by ’ A.K. SEAGO, aug 22—Gt Atlanta, Ga Commission Merchant, Wanted. House with four or five rooms for a private residence. >lso, one with two rooms and a kitchen. Enquire us If. MARSH ADD, Real Estate Jgent, nt Godrrey A Oatman’s Auction and Commission House on Peachtree str et, next to Ky e’s building Jng2T- ts LUMBER AND BRICK. WE propose to deliver nt the rate <>l 01 fe.-t i umber per d-.y in Atlanta, or nt Hie Mills Call on ua n Walton et. near Ist Baptist Church. Also on n xt S.uur day will have 120,000 Brick wry goo.l ■<><• sale. Cidl and give us a trial. N. R. FOWLEiI A < O. nug27 3t. Atiiu ln. For Sale. A NICE Cottago Residence near tho City Hall, cheap for cath. Bell Onwlcill, Aug 24—ts Real Estate Agents. AN indefinite number of elegant Y ung Ladles, finely accomplished, aro . nxi* us co many. I’articnlars can bo had nt a Real Estate Agency, on street. aug 27—ts For Rent. A STORE, with basement and up-stalrs, on Whitehall str et. UK LI j <4 ASK ILL, uug 20——if Ria. Estate Agents REMOVAL. Now Offering for >ale at price, to defy competition at ABBO'IT & BROS. WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, G-EORG-IA. 500 .trillions Kerosene Oil, 250 gallons Petroleum Oil, 500 gallons Machine Oil, 500 gallons Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil, 200 gallons Lamp Oil, 200 gallons Pea-Nut Oil, 5.000 pounds Pure White Lead, 5,000 pounds Colored Paints, (mixed and dry), 300 boxes Window Glass, 1,000 pounds Putty, 10,000 pounds Soda Ash, I.OnO pounds Copperas, 1,000 pounds Sulphate and Brimstone, 500 pounds Bluestone, 100 gross Matches, 10 barrels Old Bourbon Whisky, (warranted pure), 5 barrels Cognac Brandy, 5 barrels Sherry and Madeira Wine. Robt. J. Massey. Tho Ln,lien of Atlanta arc respectfully informed that I have just op ned, and wtll soil at very low prices, a choice and B«lect lot of Perfumery and Toilet Soaps, Kerosene < il and Limps, at the storo ol Abbott & Bros., Whitehall street. Robt, J. Massey. Aug 20—ts NEW STORE? Tho under-lgnod offers to the public of Atlanta and surrounding country a full assortment of . : r • Queen s ware, Catlery, lierosene Tramps, And, in general, HOUSE FUEMSniM GOODS, For which he solicits a liberal patronage. KEhOIENE OIL kept at Retail, 20 SACKS CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR, DOOR LOCKS AND HINGES. 2 Barrels of Linseed Oil. Henry Seltzer, Aug 17—eod3m Peachtree street, Atlanta ( Ga. W ANTED ”IMftIEDIATELY.~ A SECOND Hand Job Power Press, about half me dium, or somewhat smaller, Persons having such a Press for sale will please inform us of condition, whose make, &c Address “DAILY NEW ERA” OFFICE, Aug9—tf Atlanta, Georgia. Bread Corn. One car-load choice Bread Corn. ALSO. Sugar, Bacon, Leather, Iron, Salt, &c. For sale by Abbott & Brothers, Aug 13—ts Whitehall Street. FLOUHTTIOUR! FLOUR! lAM now prepared to 'urnish the trade, who esale or Retail, Fifty Thousand Pounds of Flour, in forty-five pam I Sacks, Suj.eifine and Family. A liberal deduc tion made to dealers in city ai d country. A. K. SIALO,, Commission Merchant, Atlanta, Georgia. Aim s—ts X 3 O D. G'K»d Board, in a priv to family, in a part of the city c>nvenieni to business, cau be had by appb ing to M. \i AKSHALL, or GOI>F EY & OAT »IAN. August 25.- ts. WANTED I WANT to pin chase a Lot suitable for a Residence within half a mile of the Car Aug 24—11 W. F. HARRIS. House Wanted. SUITABLE for a small fami y, in n co part of the city, f>r « hich a fair rent will be paid. Apply to rt U4 24 -if W. F. HARRIS FORSALE?” 10 000 POUNDS CIIOICE BACON SIDES by ’ ABBOTT & BROS., Gomtnission Merchants, Whitehall Street. A’ianta, Georgia, aug 22—ts x Cotto i. FIVE BALES OF COTTON FOR SALE BY Al>l»ott &■ Bros., Aug 15—ts Whitehall street. Bagging and Rope. 100 coils Hope, For sale by Abbott & Brothers. Ai g 13—ts Whitehall Sti < e DISSOLUTION. fllFll' Va; ie y business conducted in this city by F. | II »giu & (’. W. I'edon, under the ft- iu of F. Hagan &, C was by mu u d consent disso ved on the 10th mat. F. HAGAN, Atlanta, Aug 25—10 t. C. W. PEDEN. JXTZHS’VST ZF’IZEtIVE. Wi Im e t is <|.iy associ «t.ed with us, m the Gennraf C>>iniiiDHi <i business F H igm, lute of the fit in o. F. f.ig.iii & o of inis cjty, formerly of Nashvilo, Tenn I he siyic ot our Ur.u in luturo will be Salmons, Simmons & to. SALMONS A SIMMONS. Augu t 25 -lOt. Wanted. VI)WE LIfTG house containing four rooms, with a Kitchen, loc ted conveniently to the business part of the City ; for arrangement of terms apply to hu i 22—ts. JNO. V ERDER V & BROS. BURNS & DWYER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocery and Liquor Merchants, Near Georgia Railroad Bank, ATLANTA. CEORCIA. July 30—6rn For Sale. AVrRV desirable Residence, cheap for cash, City Hall. Inquire <»f Au, 24—11 BULL & GASKILL. LATEST ARRIVAL! join MmiH co., WITH T. P. FLEMING & CO., Next Door to Roark’s Co ncr, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Have just Temived a largo and well selected stock of Dry <loods, direct from the, censistiug iu part of Ladies Dross Goods, Large Lot of Prints,. (Jassi meres, Ready-Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Gents Hats and Caps, Varieties and Notions, Bleached Domestics, Ladies Hoop Skirts, Ladies Hats, Cotton Goods, All of which thor olfor, very low lor ca.h, at Wbolowtle ami Retail. Aug 25— 2 w a large and well selected stock of REIDHIIIIE CLOTHING Just received and for sale by GODFREY & OATMAN, THR stock consists of Coatß, Pants. Vests, Hunting Suits complete, Merino Undersoil ts and Drawers, B cts, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Ac. Dry Goods, cm.-isting of Silks, tine Merinos, Alpacas, Bomb&zi e«, Di up de Etc, Mo .air, and a variety us La dies Dress Goo<b. One dozen Ladles B ack Brondcb th Cloaks, Silk Fringes, Gimps and Bindings, Embroideries, Jriael.isn Linens, Towelimg, Napkins, Linen blurting, Diapvrs, Table Cloths. Ac; The b >ve stock embrac s many articles not men tioned. t<> which we cud the att< nticn of the trade espe cially. T e Bt'»c< will be j »bbed out to suit purchasers. These artici<*s are off red to the trade at reduced prices, and it not -od shortly will be sold at auction, of due notice will be given thmmjn the p ip rs. uiug 26—ti Godfrey <fc Oatman. Notice. a THE Partnership of the firm of Powell & Marshall Is . this day dissolved by mutual consent. C. POWKLU Atlanta, July 27,18P5, H MARSHALL. The business will be carried on by C Powell, who wll pay all claims ot the Into firm, aud respectfully solicits patronage. j u | y 29—ts J. T- THOMAS & C 0.7 SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Commission and Forwarding Mer chants, will give prompt attention to all business entrusted to them. Rkferexcbs • A. Porter, Esq , Dr. F. T. Willis, Savan nah. Ga. ; Doras 1.. Stone. Esq , N. P. Hosack, Esq., New York ; M.ssrs Elder & Haw, G. Somerville Norris. Esq., Baltimore. aug 3 Im Z. R. SASSBEN. | T. E. WUITAKBK. | A. K. BEAUO. SASSEEN. WHITAKER & CO. A U C U' I O N AND Commission Mor chants, AND REAL ESTATE AGJKNTS & BROKERS. IN LOWER STORY OF THU EXCHANGE HOTEL, .A. TH. 7k N TA, G-EOXEG-IA. THK services of the well-known W. M. Hill have been engaged ns Auctioneer. Strict end prompt atten tion will b given to nil business entrusted to their care, and prompt returns made. They refer to Messrs. Dunn A Mangham, Macon, Ga.; Col. R. A. Crawford, Macon, Ga.; Messrs. W. A. Ramsey k Co., Augusta, Ga.; C V Walker A Co.. Augusta, Gl4 Col. J. R Powell. Montgomery, Ala; Messrs Lee & Norton, Montgomery, Ala. We have a large, commodious room fur storing. Aug 16 —Im J. L. WINTER Ad CO., (J L. Winter, late of Atlanta, Ga.) General Commission Merchants No 97 Commerce Street. MONTGOMERY. ALA., Wbol«>snle Dealers in all classes of Groceries and all other Classes Merchandise. Also, will attend strictly to buying and selling Cotton on order; havingfifteen years experience in Grocery and Cotton trade, think that we are fully competent to give full satisfaction to all business entrusted to us. Give us a call- Will also receive and forward Goods to order. Have ample storage rooms for nil shipments to our care, /d --vances made on Goods in store it desired, at usual rates. Prompt returns m«de. References —Josiah Morris, Banker, Montgomery, Ala; A Campbell Mobi'e. Ala; RK Walkei & Co, New Orleans; J W Feats A > o, Macon. Ga; M P Ellis AJCo, Columbus, Ga; A Mis'ell. President Fillton Bank, Beach A R‘>ot, Perino Brown. Wm < lay ton, Georgia Railroad Bank Agent, Atlanta, Ga; D 11 Wilcox A Co. Phinizy A Clayton. S D Heard, Augusta, Ga; Geo W Williams, Charleston, ? C; Bruff B other A Seaver, Amtell A Idihiihi), New York ; • cDaniel A Irbey, Lynchburg, Va; S N Pike, C'iu Jinnati, Ohio; McGrew A Robertson, St. Louis, Mo. Aug 20—3 m HALL HOUSE. TRY IT. ON corner of Pryor and Hu tor street*, In rear of Exchange Hotel. Ne it y furnished for the accom modation <>f tne traveling public. Inquire tor tho II AJL.L. HOI TSE. in attendance on arrival of every train, to transport Baggage, etc. aug 4 Im JOHN T. HALL. DRUAODJUiLHOBN Inform their old patrons and the public generally that they have resumed the PR-ACTIOE Os the various branches of tho MEDICAL PROFESSION. O' They can bo found at all times at th»>ir residence, corner ot Washington and Peters streets, Atlanta, Gu. July 14—3 m Family Flour. 100 barrels Family Flour, for sale by AW )tt & Brothers, Aug 13—ts Y bltebwll Street B. W. ADAMS I I. S. VOWZLI. B. W. ADAMS & CO., GROCEHS AND Ccmmission Merchants, Peachtree Street, next door to A.C. Wyly’a old stand, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. 4SF* Consignments of all kinds respectfully solicited. 'W Aug 2—3 m Coffee! Coffee! 61 Primo Rio Coffee lor sale low by A. K. SEAG-O, CommißHion Merchant, Corner Whitehall and Mitchell strode, Atlanta, Georgia. AuplO-tf NEW BOOK JkNJD IVCixislo Store. fpilE eub«crlber« re«p<cttully liiform their fHend. nml 1 the public that Uiey will re open on Monday, Auguat 21et wnb a fine aasortmenl of SCHOOb BOOK? STATIONARY AND FANCY Gkooris; for the present at their storo in PETER? 8 REKT, fi Ry yarde W, st of Wnilebali sired, and nuai Holbrooks foi in' er H it Factory. School Books, Violin & Guitar String., Blank Books, Gold and Steel Pens, Music Books, Papor and Envelopes, Bibles & Testaments, Slates and Copy Book., Pocket Books, David’s A Arnold’s Ink, Feather Dusters, Fine Pocket Knives.* ALL AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. Turn aside from tho dust of Whitehall, And do not fall to give us a ell. In those long days of summer heat ’Twill pay to visit our shady leiruat. J. J. At. S. P. hiciiardf, ' a ■ M-tr GREAT ATTRACTION! NEW FURNITURE Os Every Description. At Private Sale a large aud selected 10T IF nm Iff OTITBE. coitsisrma or Bureaus, Wardrobes, Safes, Chairs, Parlor at <1 Chamber Setts, Lounges and anything else you want. Call at once and supply yonretdvrs cheap. Sasseen, Whitaker & Cx Aug U-ts lT r ferg uson, GENERAL CROCER AND Commission Merchant, Strict attention given to all orders and consignments. isro. -s=, , Mitchell St., Atlanta, Ga. July 13—3 m T. G. HOLT, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, Office over Ulix A: K.irklmid 9 N Store, Will attend piomptly to all busineta entrusted to his cure. • aug 12—8 m JOHN K. JACKSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Has resumed the Practice of his Profession. Ho may bo consulted at the Store of Geo. T. Jackson & Co. Persons desiriog to make application for special pardon can have proper papers made up by him. aug 12—Im INSURANCEAGENCY. M. C. BLANCHARD, A few doors below Exchange Hotel, is prepared to take risks on houses, merchandize and property gene rally on liberal terms in the following substantial Companies. JEtna, of Hartford with $1,000,000 Assets. Continental, of Now York 1,425,000 Assets. Metropolitan, of Now York.. 1,430,000 Asset• Equitable Life Insurance Comp’s. 1,125,000 Arae s. aug 20—3 m “VALUABLE MACHINERY FOR 1 doublo-headed Screw Lithe, 15 feet shears, class No 1 1 Screw Lathe, 9 feet shears, riass N<> 2 1 Screw Lithe, 9 feet shears, class No 3 1 Chain L »lho, 6 feet bhoxrs, ohss N<» 4 1 Chain Lathe. 10 feet shears, class No 5 2 Hund Wood Shears, class No 1 1 H tnd Wood Shears, mass No 2 6 Hand Wood Shears, class No 3 1 H ind Iron Shears, 4 feot shares, class No 1 2 Hand Iror Shears, 4 loot shears, class No 2 2 Hand Iron Shears, 4 loot shears, class No 3 1 Drill Press, clnss No 1 1 Drill Press, class No 2 1 Gear Cutter, 1 Milling Machine, class No 1 1 Milling M chine, class No 2 1 Boring Machine, 71 feet Shifting, complete, Vicos, Anvi s, Bench Tools and Grindstones, will bo sold separately or togethnr. Annlv to ZIMMKIIMAN VERDKRY. Aug 25—51 Corner Broad and Mariella streets. FOR RENT BY THE MONTH. ANEW HOUSE on Fair street near the Jail, with one a< re oi laud, four rooms and kitchen. Or, I will soli the property if I can find a purchaser. 11. (tlHrahall, Re d Estate Agent. 1 hnvo also ono Cottage House for sale on Luckie street, near Walton Springs, four rooms and kitchen, good welt of water and new icnco. This will be on th market only a few days. il. Marshall, Aug 25—tt Real Estate Pay Your Taxes. THE books for receiving aud collecting Oily Taxes ar o now opoh at the store of B. W. Adams & 0.. o n Peachtree street. Come at once and pay up, and «Voj ( | tho inconvenience of being crowded out at the last day. Office hours from 8 to 12 A. M., and fr< m 2to 5 P. m Robert Crawford, . Aug 20 2m Tax 11 and 0 C. A. TO LEASE. AVERY desirable Business Lot on tho corner of Broad and Walton streets. Fai particulars apply to Zimmerman A, V« rdery, Aug 25 5t Corner Broad and Marietta st>eets. FOR SALE. A BEAUTIFUL Building Site, of four acres, on a commanding eminence, eno mile from Car Shed, with fifty large shade trees on it If you want ono of the most desirable lots übout Atlanta*for a fine house como and sou this property. Price $2600 cash. W. F. IMRivIS Real Estate Agent, Aug 26—ts Parker’-. Buildiug, Whitehall street. A LOT, of f<>riy acres, beautifully situated, between Mcl) >• ough and Crow streets, and three-quarters «>i a milo from Car Shod, can bo hud low for the cash if bought in the next week. W. F. HARRIS, Real Estate Agent, Parker’s Building, Aug 26-ts Whiteuall street, POTASIHL QOA BOUNDS POTASH, 600 pounds Putty, 20 kite O' Mackerel, 1 coll Well Rope, Just received and for sale by Salmons, Simmons <v Co. SYRUP AND 1 E Unix C.IIO Syrup. 10 bbl. 80-.humMoliw.ffl.fte JLcJ satoby XBBOiT&BROTHERS. aug2o it Cbmmlßlvn Uerohauta,