The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, August 31, 1865, Image 4

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LOOK SHARP AND STEP SCATTERING. Received this day at the “ Varieties/’ White* halt Street, East of Railroad, between Railroad and Marietta Street. 100 barrels Extra Family Floor, 600 daseu Gents Paper Cellars, 2000 t’atm Fans 10 hoops Extra Fine Cheese, 10 boxes assorted Candy, 6 boxes Kock Candy, 10 boxes Soil Cream Candy, 10 bexea Butter Crackers lb boxes Bi Carbonate Soda, 20 box* Star Candles, 10 boxes Pearl Starch. 60 pieces beautiful Prints, 10 pieces Scotch Gingham, 5 gross Bottles .and Oorka, 1 Brussels Carpet and Rug, 100 kfgs Nails 4 to 12, 1 fine Opera Glass. 20 dosen Spelling Books. Gkas Bxlo, 10x12, 12x16,12x20,14x20. Ladiee and Gents Boots and Shoes, assorted, Um brelhw. assorted, Handkerchiefs Towels, La diss Belts and Buckles, Coat Buttons Candle Moulds, Om nt e r Broshes & Brooms, i ancy Bas kets. Brittanfa ami Cocoa Pippers,-White Wash Brushes. Cedar Bukets. (BRASS BANDS) Toy buckets. Meal Sut ers, Spittoons, Raisins, Figs, Meate.;Statiouery, Ac., Ac. Salmons, Simmons & Co's, ‘•VARIETIES,” East of Railroad July 30— ts “Here’s Your 3 Penny Nails,” Another rival at the “VARIETIES,” WHITEHALL STREET, EAST OF KAILKUAD, NEXT DOOtl TO BALMOHS <t SIMMONS. 50 Kegs NAILS, 3 to 12, 5 Sack* Fine RIO OOFFEE, 20 Kits No. 1 MACKEREL, WELL BUCKETS, TOY BUCKETS, Mason and Plastering TROWELS, SPELLING BOOKS, Ac. COME RIGHT ALONG. SLLMONS, SIMMONS A CO’S, ug. s—ts NEW VARIETY STOREr Salmons, Simmons & Ce. WHITEHALL STREET, MAST OF THE RAILROAD, Between Railroad and Decatur Street, Keep constantly on band, at Wholesale and Retail, Vry Goods. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Ready made Clothing, Hardware, Glass and Putty, Paints and Oils, Fancy Groceries and Confectioneries. aug3tf TEN YEARS LEASE. WE WILL LEASH TWO XaOTS, On the Corner of S.ISIEITA AID BIOAD STREETS, For the term of TEN YEARS. Parties wishing to LEASE OR BUILD Will do well to calf on tu>, as we are prepared to give a BETTER BARGAIN Than any ever offered in the City of Atlanta. Ha* seen, Wliitalcer & Co. July 30—ts HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE. We will sell at private sale the Trout House PROPERTY. Situated on the corner of PRYOR AND DECATUR STREETS, which needs no comment on our part, as showing it to be the very BEST SITE FOR A HOTEL In the CITY OF ATJLANTA. Call immediately, as we offer great induce, meats to parties wishing to build. The prop, erty can be so built as to make TWKLVK LARGE STORE ROOMS UNDER THE HOTEL. SASSEEN, WHITAKER It. CO. Aug 1-ts FOR SALE. SOO BUSH BLf PUUIE WHITE CORN, 4,000 POINDS CHOICE BACON BIUKH, SOO POUNDS CHOICE BACON HAMS, 50 KEGS NAILS, FROM l’»TO 30’., RUPKRIOR LOT GRINDSTONES, LARGE LOT SOLE LEATHER, CORN MEAL, WOOD BUCKETS, HOLLOW WARK, A.C. Wylie Johnson & Co., j n |y 25 ts Depot fitreet, near Trout House. tcTcaFitalists! Good Chanco for Investment! - 1 ANY one who has a capital of Five Thoneand Dollar., and wishes to invent it in one of the most paying irjhti utione iu tho South, will find it to bin interest to in-|idre at CTliiH Oilicc. Aug 6 if VALUABLE PROPERTY ITOR SALE. WK will well a» t . i rate sale ab< ut eight acres of land, Including the site of the Steam Tannery. The boilers i»i» I about thißy vats, ate in good order, a little expense will make them p rfect. Also, a tract of wood land about three miles ffom Dalton, Georgia, situated on the Kailroad, containing two hundred and thirty three acres. Aho, a tract of w» od land about two miles from Stone Mountain, near the Rrilroad. containing one hundred and ten acres Also, a tract of wood land, Lot No 304, 2d District of Appling County. Georgia, con taining four bund ed and ninety acres. Also, a tract of wood land in P&laeki County, Georgia, containing two hundred ami forty-three acres. Parties wishing to purchase will find me at the office of the Atlanta A West Point Railroad Company, Atlanta, Georgia. R. J. Henderson, Aug 9—ts Agent, TWO CHOICE PLANTATIONS. rpilE Undersigned offers for sale two desirable places 1 Jn Chambers Comity, Mabama One comprising 750 odd acres. Oak and Hickory, miles from West Point, immediately on the Montgomery nod West Point Rail road. as well -s the main thoroughfare between rhe cities. The other situated one mile southeast of the above described place, consists of 1200 acres of fine Pine Lam, 400 just cleared, the rem under heavily timbered. Dotii places are well improved, convenient to good Schools and Churches, and adapted to Corn and Cotton. The ab ve lamia offer great inducements to any one wishing to embark in the Lumber or Planting interest ttw, Refers to Jno. C. Whitner, John Wright and 0 W. W inter. Alfred Harrell. Aug B—2m a bargain TO ANY ONE DESIRING A GOOD HOME. J OFFER for sale my House and Lot in the town of LaFsyette. Alabama It is one of the most desirable and best improved situations in town. THE 1)A\ T ET;TJNC; Is large and completely finished, with seven rooms. 20 x 20; a paasage, 12 feet in width, running through, and a pantry attached to the dining room The out houses are good, consisting of kitchen, smoke house, meal bouse with two rooms, dairy hen house, three negro houses, barn with two stables, carriage house large enough for two carri «ges. and a buggy house for three buggies There is a'so n comfortable office—a well affording an abundant supply o as good freestone water as can be found in toe country, an a good garden con taining an acre or more djaevnt tv the garden is a peach orchard containing several hundred trees of se lected fruit. The enclosures are of heart lumber and painted. lhe dwelling is situated on the southern aide of th® town, in a beautiful grove, with forty acres 1 f land belonging to the lot. There are male and female schools and three churches in the town. Posafssiou given immediately. "W. IS. Reid, Aug 23—Im LaFayette, Alabama DURYEAS MAIZENA Was the only “Preparation for f od from Indian Corn” That received a medal and honorable mention from the Royal Commissioners, the competition of all prominent manufacturers of “Corn Starch” and “Prepared Corn ‘Flour” of this and other countries notwithstanding. MAIZENA, The food and luxuiy of the age, without a single fault. One trial will convince the most skeptical. Makes Pud dings, ( akes, Custards, Blanc Mange, &c.. without isin glass, with few or no eggs, at a cost astonishing the most economical. A slight addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly improves Bread and Cake. It is also excellent for thickening »-weet sauces, gravies for fish and meat, soups. Ac For Ice Creaiji nothing can compare with it. A little boi'.ed in milk will produce rich cream for coffee, choco ate ts a, Ac Put up in one pound packages, under the trade-mark Maizena, with directions for use A most delicious article of food for children and Inva lids of all ages For sale by. Grocers atd Druggists everywhere. Wholesale Depot, 166 Fulton Street, NEW YORK. WILLIAM DURYEA, Aug 23—3 m General /'gent. Wa~ren’s Cob brated Needles and Fish nooks. ANDREW CLERK & CO., 48 Maiden Lane, New York, SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS. Our former cn«tomers will find a reduction in gold prices of the Needles, while the quality is always kept up to the highest s andard known to English manufac turers. A. C & Co., respectfully solicit a renewal of the mer antile relations so long and favorably esteemed by their ouse. Aug 23—3 m laud"for sale. 4 A ACRES, an old settled place, five miles from tr’.7 Atlanta, well known. The Houses have been de stroyed. There sti.l remains a large, fine Orchard, in g od condition. A Bargain may be had by applying soon. ALSO Two vacant Lots, adjoining Sam Shorwood’3, on Deca tur street. aug 2 if SASSEEN, WHITAKER He CO. NOTICE Painters, Glaziers & Builders. We have on hand,, and for sale low, a large lot of WINDOW GLASS, of’all Sorts and Sizes, PUTTY, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL. Call at once or your chance wi'l soon bo gone SASSEEN, WHITAKER <&, CO. Aug 16—ts Tax Notice. THE books for receiving and collecting the City Taxes for the present year will be opened on Monday next, 21st inst , at the store of B W. Adams A Co . next door to A. C Wyly’s old stand. Peachtree street. In order to shorten the work and save the citizens trouble, from those who are prepared I shall receive and collect at the same time The people are urgently requested to come forward at once and give in and pay their taxes. Robert Crawford, Aug 15—2 m T. R. and C. C. A. BUGGYIIORSE. A FINE, large size B\Y HORSE, eight years old, black mane and tail, and perfectly sound Any one desiring a good, reliable horse for a family Rocka way, can call on us. Terms rea onable. ALSO House and I j)t on °(achtree street, with four rooms. Kitchen and Stable, ami good garden. ALSO Eleven acres I>and, lying on State Road, opposite Mr. Ponder’s residence, and adjoining Mr. lx)y<l’s property, and Mayson’s road. For sale by »ug 2tf BASSEEN WHITAKER (X). SALT, SALT. 200 barrels Salt. For tale by A. K. SEAGO, Commission Merchant. Corner Whitehall and Mitchell Streets, Atlanta, Ga. Aug s—ts House For Sale. A NEAT and comfortable Cottage House, near the bn-im*ss part of Whitehall street, conianing Jive rooms, good Keichen, Water ami Garden. HAKHEEN WHITAKER A CO. Also one Vacant City Jx>t on Hunter street aug. 2-ts 8 W. A CO. .JOIIJN M. O’LA.JWKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATI.AMTA, UKORFIA. I Office on MolJonouKh Street. Will give piviupl atteutiuu lu all Lu»lue»» <inln>s>wl 1,, |l,i»<.aiß. BiigliO—tl NASHVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. J. W. WIIJ3ON. I H. W. BUTTOBFP. ) T. J. WILSON. J.W.WIMIW. No. 17 College Street, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, Manufacturers of TIN IND COPPER WARE, Wrought Iron Cooking Stoves, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Cooking and Heating Stoves, House Furnishing Goods, Coal Oil Lamps, and Coal Oil, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire and Tinners’ Findings, And Tinware of every Description. Aug 27—3 m > . M. MARBURG, T 11 1 ' ” COMMISSION MERCHANT, UXTo. 42 PUBLIC SQUARE, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, Announces to the Wholesale Trade of Atlanta and vi cinity, that he is receiving daily consignments of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, &C.j From New York and Boston, which will be sold at East ern prices. Aug 16—3 m PAUL & SANFORD, FORWARDING AND Commission Merchants, No. 41 South Market Street, INasliville, Tcnnessiee, PARTICULAR attention will be given to receiving and lor warding all goods South, or Cution and Tobacco North. Wo keep constantly on band a full assor tnjent of all kinds of s AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINES OF EVERY VARIETY, Consistii g in part of the following, viz : Lever Powers and ibrasbers (with w. ought iron cylinders), English Chain Poweis, freshers, etc., Portable Cirqular Saw Mills, for wood cutting ; Western H<nd Corn shelters, shingle Machines, Clothes Wasners and Wringers, Pumps, En gines. Uottoa Gins and Presses, Sanford’s Straw Cutters, Kentucky Cider Mills, Cast Plows, Revolving Horse Rakes, Reapers and Mowers, with latest improvements, jlgri cultural Implements and Scales will be sold at manufac turer’s prices, the cost of transportation added. Sugar-Cane Crushers and Evaporators. A full assortment of Carriage, Buggy and Wagon Ma terials always on hand. We keep constantly on hand and for sale the latest and most improve 1 styles of Bug gies and Carriages. We are also agents for Fairbanks’ Scales. Orders filled for Hay, Corn, Oats, Produce and Provisions of all kinds. Orders received for salt. Cbn signmen.s respectfully solicited. Lime for sale. P.4UL & SANFORD. >lug 26—ts Insurance jXgent AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, INufsliville, Tennessee, WILL give special attention to the purchasing and snipping of all kinds of merchandise on orders, from abroad. A®* Ref-rs to the old citizens of Nashville, aug 26—Im &co7 40 NORTH MARKET STREET, (NK/Yli TKIH SQUARE,) IF ASHVILLE, - - - TENNESSEE. Wholesale and Retail DEILEHS IN LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS, HIDES. OIL, AND CURRIERS' TOOLS- >lilg. 26 3ui. CEO. A. DICKEL, IMPORTER OF Wines, Liquors & Cigars, Distiller and. Rectifier, AND DEALER IN Bourbon, Rye <fc Robinson Co. Whiskies No. 12 SOUTH MARKET STREET, NASHVILLE, - - TENNBBSK®. aug26-3m. B. S. WELLER & SON, 50 Broad. Street, Nasliville. Tenn... DEALEKS IN FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS, Threshers, Reapers & Mowers. ALSO, I.aruc lot of’Stills, Stoves and Sugar Mills always on hand. anp.27 3m. SNODDY, PARRISH & CO., WHOLSALE DIfIA.DTCKS[ IN BOOTS cfc SHOES 225 MAIN SfRRET. (OPPOSITE LOUISVILLE HOTEL,) LOUISVILLE, KY. aug27-ltn. H R. FRENCH- (180. 11. REID. W. 11. CHADROURN. BUTIEKTCTT A; CO., Cotton FoctoiH, ’ orwarding > nd Coinini&don Merchants, Wholesale Grocers. <tc., CLAItK UTKICHT, NASIIVILLR, TKINW <t)NHJGNMENB K<>hcitv<l mi-1 liberal advaiicun in id j wlieu <b Rii '<l Oi ib rh fur (JrucerlcH, Bitlt, B iggin ’ and Rupo promptly tx- uulcd uug 26-1! NASHVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. Wholesale Hardware. ARTHUR 1. BREAST & CO. Dealers in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, BELTING, MILL-FINDINGS, METALS, CORDAGE, WOODAND WILLOW-WARE, A.T YVBIOIuESA.LE, 29 Public Square. NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. Are now receiving direct from the Man. ufaeturers as large and complete a stock of all goods in their line as can be found in the West or South, and at prices as low as in any Western or Southern City. Their Fall and Winter Stock is now Complete. The Proprietors being PRCTICAL HARDWARE MEN Give their personal attention to filling orders, and use their best exertions to merit trade. They respectfully solicit an examination of stock and prices. Quotations given by mail. COPPER STILLS AND WORMS, ALL SIZES. aug 30—3 m NE W IRQ N ST OR E. JOHN C. NAUTS. WM. C REAMER. huts i mm, No. 247 West Main Street, between Sixth and Seventh. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, Agents for NEW ALBANI BOLLIIG HILL, J nd Dealers in IRON, NAILS iND STEEL. Also, keep constantly on hand a full assortment of “Brinly’s” Steel Plow Plates, Hollow-ware Castings, Horse Shoe Nails, Blacksmiths’ Tools, Horse Shoes, Mould Boards, Plow Plates, Wagon &oxes, Spikes, Rivets, Springs, • Washers, Axels, Nuts, Bolts, Safes. jOSF’ Orders respectly solicted and promptly filled. aiig 80—3m* New Wholesale House. STIENf nasslOeb & co., NO. 70 EAST PUBLIC i-QUARE, Pfasili.'villo, rVonuesfieo, Wholesale Dealers in Boots and Miocs, Slats, Caps, Trunks and Valiccs, F|IAKE pleasure in announcing to tl.e Merchants, and 1 the public g ‘nerud) , that they have opened a largo and complete sto k of everyth ig tu th.-ir line, and would respectfully solicit an examination of their Goods by City and Country Merchants, ms tLcy c.>n and will sell goods as low as can be bough in uny of the’Nbrtbern cities. STEI <, n ASBAUER & CO. Aug 26—3 m S. B. SPURLOCK & CO., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERC I I A. N T S , DEALERS IN GROCERIES & DRY GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots ami Shoos, NO 33 BdOAD Hi Rk-WT, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. aug26 3m. CITY IIOTEI7 EAST SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE, Nashville, Tennessee, J._ R WIMBOUWIV <fc CO., aug27 Im. * Proprietors. J. & L. WHORLEY, IMPOIirORS i nd dealers in Snuff, PipAs, Foreign and Doines ic CIGAIH and T iBACW. Odest Tobacco Jioiirp In fho city. No.- 32 Market i.l , Nashv.llo, Town align 3iu. LOUISVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. DAVID B. HUTCHINGS, I W. W. FRAZER, JAMES A. DUNCAN, | BKN. C. WEAVER. imiK, HUMAN & 10., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS Leaf Tobacco, Country Produce. &c., fro., &c NORTH SIDE MAIN STRXET, be tween SEVENTH and EIGHTH, LOUISVILLE, KY. Strict attention paid to the sale of BACON, LARD, PORK, WHEAT, FLOUR, WHISKY. Will fill all orders for KnfXfginfg, Rope, etc. aug 3-3 mo JOHN SNYDER. | THOB. 8. BNYDER, JOHN SNYDER & CO., Wholesale Grocers AND Commission Merchants, FOR THE SALE OF Western and Southern Produce, 306 Main Street, bet, Third and Fourth Louisville, Ky. Agents for the sale of Raw Whisky, Particular attention given to sale of all kinds of Grain and <. ountry Produce. July 27—2 m ANDREW BHMN & CO., * GROCERS, PROVISION DEALERS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, NO. 116 MAIN STREET, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, Orders for Groceries. Provisions, Bagging and Rope, promptly executed. July 25—6 m IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS.&o., KO. 536 MAIN STREET, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, Aug B—6m L. D. CARTER, Formerly of Carter County, East Tennessee, with J. M. ROBTIXIfiJOrsr <& <?€>.«, Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN & DOMESTIC TIRY GOODS, INFOTIOIN'S, &c., 516 Main Street, between Fifth and Sixth, Louisville, Kentucky, Aug 19—ts J. 8. LTTHGROW, I J. L. BMYBER C. O. SMITH, I VINCENT COX J. S. LITHGOW & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Stoves, Castings, Hollow Ware, MANTELS & GRATES, Tinplate, Sheet Iron, Copper and Tanners’ Findings. N. W. Corner Main and Third Streets, LOUISVILLE, KY. aug27 3m. R. MONTGOMERY. } R. I. CRAWFORD. MONTGOMERY & CO., Manufacturers of u , Mou ded, Plain, Flint and Fancy Colored Lamps, and Wholesale and Retail Dealers i.> Burning and Lubricating Ohs, < handaliers and Lamp Fixtures of all kinds. Agents for the sale of Mays ville t on! Oil, Paraffine Wax ami t andles, 408 Main street, between Fourth aftd Bullitt, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, aug 27 WM. L. WELLER, JAS P. BUCKNER. WELLER & BUCKNER, DEALKRB IN Pure Copper Distilled Bourbon WHISKEY. 614 Main St., Opposite Louisville Hotel, LOUISVILLE, KY. aug27-3m. 11. s. bttckkerT’ Importers ami Wholesale Dealer in Notions, White Goods, Fancy Hardware, Hosiery 9 Gloves, Shirts, &c« 9 No. 513 Main street, between Fifth ami Sixth, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. aug 30-3 in j. b. o’bannon, Jefferson Co | J. w. o’bannoN. j. b. o’baiwivon & sour, Wholesale Grocers and Commission MERCHANTS, No. 208 Main street, between Second and Thir<?, LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY. aug 30-3 in C. c. RUFKR. I PHIL. K- H. LOTICII. Ht. Charles Restaurant, C. 0. RUFER & CO., Proprietors, Fifth street, between Slain and Market, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. Also, Wholeealo Dcalera in Pure Winos, Brandlee, Wlilo kl«l. Ale, t oller, Ao. Soleeyout for Marrin’ Dayton Alo. 30 2in LOUISVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS wmTkrTecshabe rT Jobber of and Wholesale Dealer In Domestic and Fancy DRY GOODS, No. 171 Main street, between Fifth and Sixth. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. aug 30-2 m c. a. JONEB, I PRES. H. TAPP Lata of Nashville, Tenn. | Late of Florence, Ala. JONES & TA.PP, Wholesale Clothiers, No. 200 (old No. 520) Main street, Louisville, Ky. aug 30-1 m EDWIN MORRIS. | C. M. MORRIS. EDWIN MORRIS & CO., Wholesale Druggists, No. 197 (old No. 527) Maio street, between Hfth &, Sixth. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. . aug 30-3 m HATS, CAPS & FURS AT WHOLESALE. MY stock of Goods for the Fall Trade is now complete, and will be sold as the market will allow. Particu lar attention given to orders- Wm- F- Osborn, 72 Main st. between 2d and 3d ste. Louisville, Ky. aug3o-3m. A KAHN, J. WOLF KTVHISr & WOJLF, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in READY MADE CLOTHING AND FURNISH ING GOODS. No. 438 Main street, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, and No. 22 Souta Fourth st. PHILADELPHIA, PA. aug3o-4tn. MITCHELL & ARMSTRONG. New No 65 North Side Main St. between Second and Third LOUISVILLE, KY., General Commission and, Particular attuntion given to the purchase and sale of Pork, Btcon, Lard, Grease, Flour, Tobacco and Bourbon Whiskey, Rope and Bagging. aug3o 3m. WM PIATT, J D AKLBN PIATT & ALLEN, Whoelsale dealers in BOOTH SHOES No. 195 Mam Street, between Filth and Sixth, BO LIS VILLE, KY. aug3o 3m ALEX. CRAIG, H. P. TRUMAN, T. M. SWANN. CRAIG, TRUMAN & CO., Wholesale Dealers in Hats, Caps, Straw Goods and Ladies’ GOODS. 607 Mam Street 21 door East of Louisville Hotel. Louisville, Kentucky. aug3u-B<n. JAB. TRABUE. | W. A. DAVIS. ( T. J. AMIS. | 3 TRABUE. MATT. NEILL. Trabue, Davis <fe Co., Importers of ami Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hosiery, White Goods & Notions, 608 Main struct, oppos.te Louisville HoteL LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. aug 30-3 m AUGUSTA ADV i RTISEMENTS. TOOAYNERSOFCOTTON. In answer to numerous inquiries from abroad, we would say that we are pre pared to take charge of, put in order and ship any lot of Cotton in the States of Georgia, South Carolina or Alabama, as we have local agents at almost every town, and a corps of most efficient men, selected for integrity, capacity and ex-, perience, to take charge of every lot. We will also pay all taxes and charges of every description, and make liberal advances on the Cotton. In short, we will take charge of the Cotton on re ceipts or orders and give the owners no trouble whatever, from the time we re ceive it until sold and returns are made by our houses. WATTS, CRANE & CO., New York, or W. C. WATTS & CO., Liverpool, England. We invite the special attention of non-residents to our facilities. E. M. BRUCE & CO. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Aug 26 —ts E. M. BRUCK. | T. S. MORGAN. E. M. BRUCE & CO., »S 8 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, BANKERS AND COTTON FACTORS, DEALERS EXCLUSIVELY IN Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Coin, Uncurrent Money & Cotton, IHAVE this dny taken into partnership THOMAS 8. MORGAN. I do this iu recognition and apprecia tion of his unimpeachable integrity, and high capacity as a business man, and his long satisfactory and success ful management of my commercial and financial a'lairs, and his fidelity to my interests, (having been with me almost without intermission for more than fifteen years.) I do therefore commend him with confidence to the bu siness public. E M. BRUCE, aug 6—6 m ADVERTISING AND COLLECTION AGENCY. lIL4VK opened an office for the receipt of advertise meuts for various newspapers, and the collection ot bills, notes, drafts, Ac., at 308 Broad Street, Augusta. Busldofs attended to with promptness and dispatch Terms liberal. Jddress W. G. WIIIDBY, 308 Broad Street. Refer Ao W A Ramsey & Ob. L B Davis, plumb & Lett nor, T R Rhodes, .Augusta ; 8 Boykin, J W Burke A Cb, Clayland & Dumblo, Macon ; Dr T 8 Powell, J 3 Peter son, Esq, Capt C R Hanleiter, Q>l T C Howard, Periuo Brown. Salmons & Simmon •, A K Seago, .Atlanta. aug 26-tl JUST OUT. IMPORTANT PUBLICATION. How to Vote; How to obtain Pardons. A PAMI’HLKF, giving Information of the most vital importance on these interesting top cs, with all the necessary forms', eic., for applying for a special pardon. Sent by mail, post-paid, any where .n the South on re ceipt of fifty cents. Price fifty cents, one-third off to trade. For sale at all tho city Book Ston-s. Address P. WALSH, Aug 20 if rublifeher, Augusta, Georgia. CITY MILITARY DIRECTORY. FELIX PRI-4CK BALM, Brov.t BrlgAdter General Com manJtng Port. Captain A. BTISUEHNAGEL, Port Adjutant—Office in City Hall. E. JOHNSON, Captain and Provost Mar.hal.—Offlce in City Hall. Lient. OTTO BOTT CH Hit, A A. Q. M, Post Quarter master.—Office on street. A. 8. SEATON. Captain and C 8. Port Commissary.— Office on Alabaws street RAILROAD GUIDE Georgia Kailroad. GEORGE YONGB, Superintendent. PABSKNOKH TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta *2O A. M . Reaches Augusta <J Al P. M. Leaves Augusta « A. M. Reaches Atlanta 8 00 P.M. Atlanta and West I’oint Kailroad. ’ GEORGE G HULL. Superintendent. Leave Atlanta 6 00 A. M. Arrive at W' st Point 1 P. M. Leave West Point • ••- 10 46 A M. Arrive at Atlanta ® 00 P. M. Macon and Western Kai I road. A. L. TYLER Superintendent. Leave Atlanta 5 30 A. M. Arrive at Macon 1 45 P. M. Leave Macon 8 15 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta 5 30 P. M Montgomery Al West Point K. K. DANIEL H. CRAM, General Superintendent. Leave West Point 2 10 P M. Arrive at Lolumbus 6 00 P. M. Arrive at Chehaw 7 00 P M. Leave Chehaw 5 00 A. M. Leave Columbus .... 4 00 A. A. Arrive at Weit Point 10 00 A. M, .Western Atlantic Kailroad* A. A. TALMAGE, Superintendent. Leave Atlanta ........8 10 A. M. Leave Chattanooga w 7 45 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta 7 30 P. M. Arrive at Chattanooga. 7 45 P. M. Atlanta girrrtonj. A8 TAKEN FROM THE NEW ERA. The following Directory comprises a por tion of the leading and reliable business firms in the city. Their announcements appear regularly in the columns of the Daily Nkw Era : AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSES. B W Adams, auction ao 1 commission merchant, Peach tree street W A Ramsey & Co., Auction and Commission Merchants. Sasseen, Whitaker A Co., Auction und Commission Mer chants, and Real Estate Agents, lower story of tl < Exchange Hotel. Godfrey al Oatman, Com miss ion Merchants, Peachtree street. G W Sciple, Autivneer and Commission Merchant, on Peachtree street, Wagen Yard building. COMMISSION HOUSES. C W Winter, Commission Merchant, Marietta street, two doors above Kyle's new building I ¥ Sawtell, commission merchant, near the corner of Whitehall and Mitchell streets. Gordon & Co., General Commission Merchants, Peach tree street. Garrett A Brother, Commission Merchants, Decatur street. Mitchell, Reed &Co., Commission Merchants, near cor ner Whitehall and Hnnter streets. Wylie Johnson & 00., Grocers and Commission Mer chants, Depot street, neat Trout house. John T. Meador A Bros., Produce and General Com mission Merchants, Whitehall street. R J Massey, commission and forwaruing merchant, with Langston,Crane A Hammock. Winn, Tibbs A Co , grocers and commission merchants, Whifeha l street. Abbott A Bros, commission mwrehants. Whitehall street. Phillips A Flan de is, commssion merchants, Mitchell street. Clark A Hester, Grocery and Commission Merchants, three doors above M .sonic Hall, Decatur street. John H. L ivejoy & Co., Grocers and Commission Mer chants, Loyd street. Robert L. Crawley, Commission Merchant, South-East corner ol Hunter and Pryor streets Lungstou, Crane & Hummock, Commission Merchants, Alabama street. A K Seago Commission Merchant and wholesale and retail dealer in uiuichnndlse generally, Whitehall street, opposite Roark’s corner. A J Haralson A Co, Groc rs and Commission Merchants, XMieut street, opposite Trout House. Biown A Punott, Grocers and tommission Merchants, Trout House Block, Decatur str< et Wm Ketcham, Commission Merchant and Forwarding Agent, Mitchell street. Salmons A Simmons, Commission Merchants, Whitehall street. • D P Ferguson. General Grocer and Commission Merchant, No. 4. Mitchell street. Robert J Lowery A Co., Grocers, Dealers in Dry Goods, and Commission Merchants. Alabama street John Verdery A Bros., general commission and forward ing merchants, Whitehall street, between Alabama and Hunter streets. Dermot A Kramer, Whitehall street, next door to Powell A Marshall’s auction house. WHOLESALE <fc KJKTAIL DEALERS.] Scott, Parsons A Freeman, dealers in Dry Goods, Groce ries, Drugs, Medicines, etc , Whitehall street. E M Munday, dealer in dry goods, etc , Pryor street. J R Mounce, wholesale and retail dealer in dry goods, etc, next door to corner of Decatur and Wheat streets. JR Mounce, whoh sale and retail dealer iu tin ware, copper and sheet iron and hardware, uext door to tho corner of Wheat and Decatur str< cts. Burns A Dwyer, Wholesale and Retail Grocery and Liquor Merchants, near Georgia Railroad Bank. Wexel A Mcßride, Dealers m Dry Goods, &c, Peach tree street. Hirshberg, Loeb & Co, Dry Goods Boots, Shoes, Hats, Ready made Clothing, etc , opposite Trout House. Wm Rich & Co., dealers in dry goods, clothing, etc , Whitehall street. 8 B A E L Wight, dealers in dry goods, groceries, drugs, saddlery, hardware, etc., with John T Meador A Bros., ou site of old post office Salmons & feiminons, Whitehall street. HOTICJLS. Exchange Hotel, Alabama street, Sasseen, "Whitaker A Co., Proprietors. Hall House, corner Pryor and Hunter streets, John T Hall, proprietor. Fulton House, corner of Ivy and Gilmer streets, Geo B Welsh, Proprietor. Bollvue Hotel, corner Washington and Mitchell streets Price A Stokes, proprietors. PHYSICIANS. Dr 8 W Thompson, office at the store of Curry A Znchry Loyd street. Dr. F. H. Orme, Homooopathlst, corner of Mitchell and Washington street?, fronting on . ity Hall equate. Dr. B L. Seago, office ou Whitehall street. Dr. C. H. Smith, Physician, Peachtree street. Drs E N & Ed Calhoun, corner of Washiugton and Peters streets. LAWYERS. Gartrell A Hill, Attorneys at Law. Office on Alabama street, a few doors below the Exchange Hotel. John M Clarke, McDonough Hire* t Spray berry A White, Wlii ehali street. Hammond A Laugh, Attorneys at Law, office over Willis A Young’s old stand, Alabama street. INBVRANOID AGENTS. John C. Whitner. Insurance Agent and Collector of Notes, Ac., in Roark’s building, Mitchell street, oue door above Whitehall. M C Blanchard, General Insurance Agent, office on Ala bama street. Jennings A Harris, Pryor street, near Trout House. KBAJL ESTATE AGENTS. II Marshall, Real Estate agent, office at Gate City Car and Machine Works. Bpfayberry A White. Ij»nd Agents, Whitehall street. Sasseen, Whitaker A Co., under Exchange Hotel. Jennings A Harris, Pryor street, Dear Trout House. A K Seago, corner Whitehall and Mitchel 1 streets. C Powell, auctioueer and real estate agent, near Roark’s corner. ARCHITHUTS. Fay A Gabbett, Architects and Civil Engineers. L.LTMRKR DEALER. T Kile A Co., corner Peaditree and Decatur street. COTTON SHIPPERS AAD DEALERS. Austell A Inntnan. cotton shippers, Marietta street E M Bruce, Cottou Broker, Alabama street, at thf offlce of the Snperintendant Atlanta A West Point Railroad. AV Ketcbum. Mitchell street A K Seago, Whitehall street, opposite Roark’s corner. VAKIKTIICS. F Hagan & Co , east of Railroad, between Marietta and Railroad. E M Munday, Pryor street, north of Trout House. BAK. ROOMS, UKSTACJRANTS, dtc. Exchange Hotel Billiaidand Pool Room, corner Pryor and Alabama streets. Railroad Restaurant, under John T Meador A Bros. Geo Sharpe, Jr., under Masonic Hall. Bill Moon, Loyd street, near Alabama. DfCNTISTS. Dr J T. Campbell, Resident Dentist, office above Roark’s corner, Whitehall street. TAILORING. 8 H Patillo, in Munday’s store, Pryor street, north of the Trout House MUSIC AND BOOKS. J J A 8 P Richards, on Peters sit cot, near Holbrook’s Hal Factory. FOUNDRY. Hoge, Mills A Co., Gate City Foundry, Marietta street CUTLERY, A©. Henry Setzer. House furnishing goods, cutlery, etc., street |