The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, September 02, 1865, Image 3

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daily new i-’.i: A. R. WATSON LOCAL EDITOR. Nsw MoMTUCV—IUv. W. J. Scott bus a - on toot for tbe foundation of a Monthly Mngizine in this ci y, which, ho it forma us, are so far completed that he will he able to issue tbe first number shortly after the lOlb of October. We are pbaseu «o be able to announce this enterprise to our readers and predict for it a complete success. Mr. Sco.t is a gentleman of fine intellect and splendid education, and is a graceful and versatile writer, and we are sure that under h s control tbe literary merit of the periodical will be such as to entitle it to the patronage of tbe people, lie is uego titting tor some of the best talent in the country as co laborers with him in his en deavors to propagate a pure and good litera lure in the South. We hope to see the first number of the Magazine on our table at an early day. Though the present disarranged state of Southern mail facilities will debar its extensive circula tion at present, but with tbe gradual resump tion of tbe mails, tbe enterprise can be brought before the people and tbeir patronage secur ed To make tbe periodical a success, it will need good talent to produce its matter, aud rigorous enterprise to push it into the notice of the people. Mr. Scott is at present, confined to his house bv Illness, but expects to be able to come out in a few days when bis Prospectus will be published. Tne | rice of tbe Magazine will be §5 per annum. Nsw BojK. —Browne's Aiitbmelical Tables, combined with easy lessons in mental arithme tic for Beginners, by Rev. Geo. Y. Browue ot Tuscaloosa, Ala. bus been laid upon our ta b'e by Mr. J. J. Toon, ot the Franklin Prtnl i g House, Publisher. Tne b ok contains sixty-four pages, is ele gantly printed and admirab y bound. It is re- < plete with useful tables and questions which ’ are suggest ve to the mind of the theaeher and , admirably adapted to tie minds of very young I npils. Tbe tebles cent rise all that are pub -1 s >ed in any arithmetic and many of them are much fuller that- are found in other arithm iti- r cp works, while it contains still other tables wb ch are not found in any arithmetic ihat we fuve yet seen. j The book is already introduced into the e schools in this city, and we comm.-nd it to ? t. ac*>ers elsewhere. g -The Gate City Copy Book” is also being , in •nufac' by Mr. Toon, of elegant paper. c 1 i tbe preparation of these books we are glad i to see that the mannfac'urer has abstained from ® the questionable practice of introducing copy £ plates. We think the teacher should always t •‘.■et copies” tor the pupils. t Mr. Toon is prepared to furnish these books ' in any quantity required. Take the Papers.—No sensible man will ] shrink from that advice. There is no better , panacea for tbe “ ill (humors) that flesh is I heir to” than a regular perusal of the daily ' papers. They are a sovereign remedy for the ( blue devils. They chase lanked-visaged des pair away from tbe clouded brow. The •• maps of busy life” are as good for grown up children, ns picture-looks are for children not grown. Take the papers and know wnat ir going on the world. Take tbe papers and know whois dead—who married—who ought j to be hung—and what you are likely to git fur the goods and produce you have on hand- ’ “The man that doth n • paper take, Grugdiog the price or one a year, Will never a good husband make Because his wife can never know what i 8 g ingon n the world, and bis children will very iguo rant appear.” Bold Robbery. - Some daring thief mide a tour through the B -iivue Bouse last night, and li led about twelve hundred dollars and a fine gold watch fiom the pockets ot the sleeping guests. Ilis peregrinations were made with the aid of a lighted candle as was proven by the caret, ss manner in which be allowed the tallow to drip on the g ntlemen’s clothes, woile examining tbeir pockets. No clue is as yet had as to who committed tbe robbery. Attkxtion. —The members of Hook and Ladder Fire Company, are requested to meet in th- building on the corner of Whitehall and Hunter streets this evening at 8 o’clock. The purpose of the call is to reorganize tbe company, and we hope a lull attendance of the members will be present as, in case of fire, this company would be of most iuvalua lie service to tbe city, owing to tbe utter | want of fire engines. Let every man go up ; a id have a full and effective company organ ized. Mr. J. B.’ Carson & Bro.—Dry- Goods nnd Commission Merchants, St. Louis Mo > have a card in to-day’s Era to which ’the' reader’s attentien is specially directed. ' will give attention to tbe purchase of Cotton for which they have superior facilities, and srdicit consignments. I is proper to state in t lis connection that Mr. Carson was at one time of tbe Roswell and Sweet Water facto ries and is well and widely known as a dealer of tbe strictest integrity. Remember this firm. Caeeis A Lowk. Wi- invite the particu’ar at'ebt on to th- erd of this fi-tn. They are in the mirket. Ri d ih<- facilities which they have *" m hud, by their ieiiv.< n to tbe fi mos Robert E Cox- <fc Co., if New York, enables them to g-t tbe very highest N-w York prices for all coneigr m-nls in their line entrusted to them.— Read tbeir advertisement and consult tb-m before tnalrir g corndgi m *nt« elsewhere. In this issue of the Era will be found soother handsorn- address from oar young friend Luckie — loni for it among our adver tiieinenls. He q.m supply your wants in the family grocery line, and we hope our reader will give him a chance to do so. There is no more worthy and desiring a tradesman. - - - FttasiTCßE.—Dr. H. W. Brown will sell on Tuesday next, at his residence, all his fur niture, which embraces all articles necessary to a well regulated household. It is not often that a good 10l of furniture is put up at auc tion, and those in want of such article bad better avail themselves of the opportunity. 4 More valuable real estate offered for sale by Mcsari. Jennings & Harris. Borno of it situa ted in tbe flourishing little city of Griffin Ga. Read their advertisement. J no. A krdkry A Bros. tiave'Jnew long nd vertisemeut in the Era this morning, to which we invite attention. Fresh lot of Yankee no tions and fancy goods offered by them at the lowest market prices. And more good old Bourbon than we ever heard of before It is good, for we have—well our word for it thn s sufficient. Go and trade with the Verdery i Bro. k desire to direct attention to the adver tisements of Messrs. Langston, Crane & Ham tam kin to-day’s Era They are clever, up right gentlemanly dealers—they deserve a large share of the public patronage and they get it. Tbeir notices show many articles hard to be found elsewhere and they are much needed too If you want wall paper, syrup and lard, go t Ketelunas. His store is well supplied wi h t eu. He always offers the bis |of goods and at living prices. Go to Messrs. B W. Adams & Co’s, store, if you want good flour, corn aud yarns—you can’t do better anywhere else. Call on them. Mississippi Central Railroad, —We are in formed that tbe force now employed on the Misssissippi Central railroad, between Holly Spr and Grand Junction, will have com pleted tbeir work on that section within a week, and that immediately afterwards the united forces employed by the company will be brought to operate upou tbe north section of the road, extending from Grand Junction to Jackson, with the view of pushing tbe work through with as little delay as possible. Within the space of three or four weeks, it is thought, all necessary repairs wlil be com pleted, and tbe road in good order, and in operation tbe entire length. The advantages, in a commercial point of view, to result from the completion of this )work, are numerous, and apparent to every intelligent reader. The country along the line of the Mississip pi Central railroad is in the most desirable state of repose—no guerrillas, no robberies, no violence. All have turned tbeir bands to peaceful pursuits, ond the demoralization caused by yhe terrible erdea! of the past four years being obliterated ; society is being re organized ; the sword has, truly, been cons verted into the ploughshare ; the future is bright with promise, nnd all eyes are bright with anticipations of the good time ciming.— Memphis Eu’lelin. John Mitchell—The Fortress Monroe cor respondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer re yorts as follows: John Mitchell is sick. He has never com plained ; this dogged iograte never murmur ed save once, and that was occasioned by his glimpse of Davis and Olay enjoying their out door promenade, a privilege denied him.— The physician who visits Mitchell daily, not withstanding bis sulleness, has given it as hi opinion that Mitcbell is laboring under the insidious attacks of pulmonary consumption, and that in a few more weeks he will be pros trated if not allowed outdoor exercise and a more generous diet than the soldier’s fare upon which he has hitherto subsisted. On tbe conscientious representations of tbe Docs tor, Mitchell's diet was changed two da : i ago, and a full and true statement of his phy sical condit ia forwarded to tbe War Depart ment, with the request and recommendation that he too, be allowed the privilege of out door exercise accorded to Davis and Clay.— Gen. Miles has forwarded this humane appli cation. The General does all in his power to mitigate tbe duress of his important pris oners. He acts under instructions from the War Department, and like a true soldier, as fie is, he carries out bis orders to the letter.— Besides tbe care of tbe prisoners, Gen. Miles has care of the Eastern District of Virginia, the affairs of which he administers to the sat isfaction of all loyal men j Female Institute —Disappointed old bach elors are fond of asserting that women are e t ■ the bottom of all evil. Tbe fact that pre'tty waiter girls figure in our bank defalcation , and that Prince Plon-Plon is travelling about with a mysterious female companion, are cis ted as fresh evidences of the truth of the axi om. These crusty philosophers mistake the effect for the cause. Men naturally seek in the companionsqip and sympathy of women relief from tbeir cares. Had they consulted them previous to yielding to temptation, they would in nine cases out of ten never have got into trouble. As it is, tbe conso lation which they afford is precious to both I saint and sinner. If it costs a diamond-ring or a slice of imp rial revenue, the donor no doubt thi ks the article cheap at the price.— N. Y. Herald. Previous to March 4, 1841, there hs.d been but eight Presidents of the United States during a period of years, viz : Wash ington, 8 years ; J. Adams, 4 years; Jeffer son, 8 yea s ; Madison, 8 years; Monroe, 8 years ; J." Q. Adams, 4 years ; Jackson, 8 years, and Van Buren 4 years—none of whom died in office. In remarkable contrast with this, since March, 1841, a period of but twenty four years, there has been nine Presi dents, two of whom died during the first term, and one in ihe second, viz : Harrison, one month ; Tyler 3 years and 11 months; Polk, 4 years ; Taylor, 1 year and 4 months ; Fillmore, 2 years and 8 months; Pearce, 4 i years; Buchanan, 4 years; Lincoln, 4 years and 1 month, and Johnson the present incum bent. NOTICE TO COMMISSION MERCHANT*, AUCTIONEERS, AND OTHERS THE Tax Ordinance for the City of Atlanta, lor 1865, requires, All Commission Merchants, Auctioneers, and others selling Goods, Wares, Merchandize. Real Es tate and Produce, on Commission, (or for others) either in the city or to an ive, to give into the C erk of C 'until | the gross amount of such sales for the month previous, and pay n tax of one-half of one per cent, thereon on the firs day of each and ever' month. The Ordinance al«o requires Hotel keepers. Livery Stable keepers, and Warehouse men to give in as above their gross receipts, and pay to the Clerk of Council one fumth of one per cent, tax thereon. I will be ready at my office to receive the shove faxe*. and hope parties will come up promptly aud give in and pay the same Cleik’s Office, City Council, August 30th, 1865. 8. B LOVF, aug 31—2 t. Clerk of Council. g-eorgia _ hotelT~ BREAKFAST AND DINNER HOUSE, Near Railroad Depot, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. <4-Meals always ready on arrival of the Cars Caeli way from At anta and Macon. Good faro and thd best of attention given to passengers. L>. 11. KAWLINGS, a«pt I—lm* Proprietor. Doya! & Ransom, General Producs and Commission ME ROH2LISTTS, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, Will keep on band for sale Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, Flour, al, Tobacco. Ac All goods consigned to our cure fur sale will receive prompt attention. sept I—ts AELSI S HOUSE, Griffin, Georgia, Meilsßeady on the Arriva! of Each Ti ain ft om A'lanta and Macon. Gool Fare an<l Moderate Cliuigoe. “’6 fi MRS. A. M. NKDBIS, eopt I—lui I' SPECIAL NOTICES. TO ADVERTISERS. In order to insure insertion in tRc morn. Ing's paper, ad vertisers will please hand in their favors each day, by 2 o’clock, P. M. RKLKGIOUS IWOTICW Rev. Dr. HOLMES will preach to-morrow (sabbath) morning, IO?. o’clock, in the First Presbyterian Church, Marietta street. sep2-lt ATTENTION HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY NO. 1— Tlie members of this Company are requested to meet at Ute Building, Corner ot Whitehall & Hunter Streets, on Saturday o von Ing, September 2d, at 8 o’clock r reorgan ization. P. J JuHNOSN, Sept. 2—lt* Ass’t Foreman,' 4®-WANTED TO RENT, a Dwelling House, with three or four rooms, and kitchen attached—convenient to the business portion of the city. Apply at sept 2—dh THIS OFFICER fC-it- J. M. GRANBERRY has an office room to rent (up staiis) in rear of Godfrey Oat man’s Auction Store, corner of Walton and Broad streets. sept I—ts JfS-NEW MUSIC! NEW MUSIC!-One hundred and seventy six piepes New Music at SASSEEN & HENDERSON’S Variety Store, Peachtree street, Call seon. sept I—2t JJSTVALUABLE CITY LOT FOR SALE We offer for sale a most desirable CITY LOT on MARIETTA STREET, fronting FIVE HUNDRED FEET—large enough for . two or more building lots. There is a good young orchard of Peach and Apple trees on the place ; good vineyard , good well, and a large number of bricks. Apply early. PHILLIPS & PRATHER, Daily New Era Office, Aug. 30—ts. Atlanta, Ga. MR. DAVID F. WALLIS, “ Union Office,” Na-hville, Tenn., is our authorized agent at that place. Aug. 31—ts BCL. MESSRS. WEBB& LEVERING, Book sellers and Stationers, Louisville, Ky., are our authorized agents at that place. Aug. 31—ts Office of Assistant Special Agent, ) First Agency U. S. Treas’ry Dept.> L Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 30, 1865. J j@“A PUBLIC SALE of captured and abandoned property, belonging to the United States Government, will take place at Madi son, Ga., on Thursday, September 7th., 1865, commencing at 11 o’clock a. m., and at Wash ington, Ga., on Saturday, September 9th., 1865, commencing at 9 o’clock, a. m. By order of V. SPALDING, Aug. 31—7 t Ass’t Special Ag’t. MONETARY AND COMMOTAL ATLANTA MONEY MARKET. Corrected by Robert J. Lowry, Broker* Georgia Railroad Bank, buying at 60 cts fcr one dollar. Central Bank. “ 45 “ “ “ “ Bank Siatc of Georgia, “ 50“ “ “ “ Marino Bank, ** 30 “ “ “ “ Bank of Mivannah, “ 25“ “ “ “ Bank of Athens, u 20 “ “ t( “ Bank of Middle Georgia, “ 35“ “ “ “ Bank of Fulton, “ 15 “ “ “ u Adother Ga. S- C. and Ala. Banks “ 5 to 25 *• u Gold, baying at 40 cents, selling at 45 to 46 cts. prom. JUST Riitlll VEU & FOR KILL SI,OOO in specie, 25,000 pounds Bacon, 80 barrels extra Family Flour, 10 kegs Soda, 40 kitts Nos. 1 and 2 Mackerel, 20 J bbls Nos. 1 and 2 Mackerel. 20 boxes Soap, 40 boxes Candles, Tobacco, Cigars, Coffee, Pepper, Spice, Bluestone, Copperas, Snuff, Table Salt, And numerous other articles not men tioned. By T. Kile & Co., Corner of Marietta and Peachtree sts., aug 29—4 t Atlanta, Georgia. For Sale. 12 Dozon Fine Gold Pens, 100 Gross Steel Pens —assorted. David & Arnold’s Best Inks, Best School Slates—all sizes, Wostenbolm’s Fine Pocket Knives, Inkstands and Penholders, F tie Paper and Envelopes, Best Violin and Guitar Strings. Sealing Wax and Muci'age. J. J. & S. P. RICHARDS, Peters St., 2d door west of Whitebait St. N. B. Peters Street is one block south of Roark’s corner. aug 31. -ts. AKCIIEH CHKATIIAM. OKO. W. OAKDKN. GUO. S. KINSEY. ARCHER CHEATHAM&CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND IMPORTERS OK BRANDIES, WINES LIQUORS. AnJ Dealers in TODA CCO, HA VA NA CIG A RS, Etc., Ec. Xo. 9College Street, NASHVILLE, TENN, aug 31.—3 m. T WjYJSTTED ! I WANT to purehaFo a Ixit suitable for a Residence within half a mile of the Cor Shod. Aug 24—ts W. F. H ARRIS. FOR SALE? THRFE quarters of an acre of J and % of a mih from the city towards the Rolling Mills, good location for a rcs'dencc. Enquire ot 11. MARSHALL, aug2o-tf. K» al Eusiutc Ajcnt. TO 3FLEHXTI". A COMMODIOUS Store ro< in 110 feet by 25 feet on v arn ita struct, tor one or years. Apply to aug.29 lw* ORME & FARRAR, FOR SALE. OVE half acre Lot, adjoining Payno’s 1 hnprl, and near Gate < ity Car and Machine Works. Enquire of 11. marshall, aug 27—ts Real Estate Agent. FOR SALE.~ WITHIN five minutes walk of the Railrosd depot, a Cottage House with four rooms ai.d basemeut kitcheji. h. Marshall, aug 27—ts It al Estate Agent. limejlTme, lime? TIIOS. 11. WILLIAMS, who tins nowln successful op eration the extensive HOWARD LIME WORKS, near Kingston, Ga., baH eKtablirticd f>r ihe dbnveniencoof pur chairs a Lime Depot nt Atlanta, Ga., nt whi ;li place par ties can be sum sh< d at kdn prices I) eight added, m any quantity desired, by calling on or addressing the under signed or Mr. l.ochmanat the old stand or BiitlcrA Peters, near the Slate Read Depot, where tbo lune I stored. uug.TJlm. WM. M. WILLIAMS. CHAPPELL, BRUCE & CO., Importers and Jobbers of DRY GOODS, 144 West Fourth Street, (Between CINCINNATI, OHIO. Every description of DR.Y GOODS, And every article necessary to make a complete outfit fur a CITY OR COUNTRY STORE, Can be obtained at Tliiw XCstaJblislimcnt. We will duplicate prices of any bill purchased in New York We are determined to make it to the interest of the Southern States to purchase their stock of us this fall. One of partners reside m New York and consequently has great sdvan tages, which wa propose io extend to our customers- We can sup ply every article kept in a country Dry Goods store. Chappell, Bruce & Co. aug 29—Im REMOVAL* Now offering for sale at prices to defy competition at ABBOTT & BROS. WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, G-EORG-IA. 500 gallons Kerosene Oil, 250 gallons Petroleum Oil, 500 gallons Machine Oil, 500 gallons Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil, 200 gallons Lamp Oil, 200 gallons Pea-Nut Oil, 5,000 pounds Pure Whitejuead, 5,000 pounds Colored Paints, (mixed and dry), 300 boxes Window Glass, 1,000 pounds Putty, 10,000 pounds Soda Ash, 1,000 pounds Copperas, 1,000 pounds Sulphate and Brimstone, 500 pounds Bluestone, 100 gross Matches, 10 barrels Old Bourbon Whisky, (warranted pure), 5 barrels Cognac Brandy, 5 barrels Sheny and Madeira Wine. Robt. J. Massey. The Ladies of Atlanta are respectfully informed that I have just opened, aud wtll soil at very low prices, a choice and select lot of Perfumery and Toilet Soaps, Kerosene Oil and Lamps, at the store Ot Abbott & Bros., Whitehall street. Itobt. J. Massey. Aug 20—ts ~ NEW DRUG STOiFE-’ ~ niijoiwtco. (Formerly,T. P. Fleming & Co)., NEXT DOOR TO ROARK’S CORNER, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Are in receipt of a well selected stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS, AND VARNISHES, Which they offer at Wholesale and Retail low for cash. Which they offer at Wholesale and Retail low for cash. MR. J. R. BARRICK, A practical and experienced Druggist will supervise the business and give special attention to the filling of Pro scriptions They have pure White Lead, Paints ground in oil. Win dow Glass, Putty, Copperas, Brimst* ne, Blue Stone, Matches, pure Wiivs and Braudfes f r Medical purposes, Bord. Snuff, vigors, Log and Red Wood, Pa'mt, Varnish,.Whitewash, Shoe, Horse, Tooth and rfair Brushes, Fancy Soaps. Perfumery, Rosi i, Opium, Al'spice. Spanish Brown, Venetian Bed, Ac., Ac., Ac. They are also in receipt of Crushed Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Black Pepper, Indigo, Madder. Candk s. 8o p, St rch and many other articles in the Drug aud Grocery line. aug 27—ts T. KILE. I L. Q. PIBKLE. | J. 1. QUEEN. T. KILE & CO., WHOLESALE Grocers. ZLuction. AND COMMISSION MBimiOT, Having completed our large and commodious build ing on ths . C rner of Marietta and Peachtree Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGB, And having procured the services of “Uncle 33i11y- ZEXill,” THE PRINCE OF AUCTIONEERS, We intend, in connection with our Grocery Trade, to d a General Auction and Commission Rusine-s W< f|a |<-|- ourselves th t we will be able to giv. perfot t sati-factiow. A* we have procured the services of one ol tin b et Book Keepers in the State. Our motto is qu < k sales nnd prompt returns. aug 29—4 w BURNS & DWYER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocery and Liquor Idercliants, Near Georgia Railroad Bank, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. July 30—Om A UKIGK STORE™" FOR Salo, on Ponchtroo utroot, Atlanta, Georgia. Ap ply to A. K. SEAGrO, Commission Merchant, Corner Whitehall end Mitchi 11 streets, Atlanta, Goon-in sept I—4t Real Estate & Collection Office. 11. MARSHALL, Real Estate Agent ATLANTA, GEORGIA, OFFICE IN GODFREY & OATMAN’S AUCTION HOUSE, PEACHTREE STREET), Will give prompt attention to the sale or leaMhg •f propel ty iu the city or country, and the collection of ■ lai ms. aug 27—ts GREAT BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE, I HAVE on hand, and for sale, the following Real Es tate: 1. One City L t, near the Gas Works, 75 feet in front, and 200 feet deep. 2. One Lot below the Arsenal, on the Georgia Railroad, 100 feet in tr nt < n l 60 suet deep. 3. One Lot, adj ining Co 1 . Cowart’s, on Decatur street, in a fine business position. 4. The S minnry Lot, at the junction of Peachtree and Line streets, near Wesley Chapel. 5. One five acre Lot, one and a half miles from the centre of city, beaut fully situated. 6. Three hal. acre lots, on Fair street, in the city. 7 Two half acre Lots, lying between Washington and Crew ; treets. 8. Twen’y-five acres within one mile of the business portion of the ci'y A very desirab'e location for subur ban residences. • will sell it as it stands, or lay it out in lots to suit pureh «s rs. This is destined to be one of the finest lo a ions for dwellings in the country. The wa»er important consideration, cannot bo surpassed in th • South. 9. One hundred and sixty acres, on Peachtree creek, 70 acres cleared, 30 acres bottom land, with one building on the premises, nnd situated four miles Irom the Gale City Fou drv. Car and Machine Works. The timber <s worth all I ask for the land. 10. One hundred and twelve and a half acres superior bott in land, eight miles nor hos Stone Mountain. The timber is very line and untouched- 11. Also. 80 acres near High Bridge, quarter of a mile from the Western and Atlantic Railroad, on the Chitta h ocbee river. Frame house, good wel. of water, and finely timb red. 12 1.950 acres eight miles west of Newnan. The best water power in the Stat-*. Saw Mill and Gin House standing, with a good Frame House on the premises. 13 Two forty acre Lots five miles south of Marietta, o>» the Western and Atlantic Railroad, and within three hundred yards of Rough’s station. Upon each tract there is about twenty acres of good timber, a variety of fruit tries good w»t« r near each dwelling, and running wat?r through b th 1 ts. Parties having h >uses to rent, or land for sale, will consult their inter.-st by putting the same into the hands <»• the undersigned. Those who wish to purchase land will du well to call nme before going elsewhere. I have much land for sale not advertised* Special attention paid to the collection of debts. 11. Marshall, aug 27—ts Real Estate Agent. AUGUST 27th, 1805- T. L. SCOTT & CO., WEST POINT, GEORGIA, Grocers and COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HAVE on hand 5,000 yards Heavy India Bagging, 5,900 pounds Machine Rope, and are receiving daily Sugar, Cofiee, Bacon, Lird. Salt, Tobacco, Factory Y r arns. Flour, Mackerel, Cheese, Car.dies, Candies, Oysters, Sardines, Crackeis, Soda, Pepper, Spic<*, G'nger, Starch, Cop* era 5 ’. BhiestonP, Soaps, TABLE ANO POCKET CUTLERY, CBOCKEI Y AND GLASS WARE, Aiso, a large aud well selected stock of Men’s. Boys aud (.'hil ’ren’s of the latest s'yles «nd best q alitv, wh ch we will sell a Wh lesale and retail at living prices. Callsoou. Quick sales and abort profits. T. L. Scott & Co. aug 27—ts PLEASE TAKE NOTICE CITIZENS AND TRAVELERS. I have refitted those large audsplond d rooms under the Micronic II di, and opened a first chess Drinking and Billiard Saloon, And. intend it shall be second to none in this State. I have on he nd and always shall keep, Old and Pure Liqu >rs; noue other be sold in my saloon. The *lar is under the executive mauagement of these clever and affable gentlemen Tom Collier and Billy ' laik. who have no superiors iu tneir line, and they will be happy to see their old friends. Ciptam White the clever man of Atl nta and Augusta notoriety, ha full charge of the Billiard Tables. 1 re spec fully ask a liberal share of patronage Geo. SSlitirp, Jr., Proprietor. N. B—ln a f*w days T shall open a First Class Dining Room aud Rest an rant on the European style, with ac commodation for one hundred and fifty to am* al. Tra velers will be r this in mind, as my table will abound with ail the deiicacie; of the season. G. 8. Jr Aug 15 —tt To MerctLants llf have just receiv'd a choice lot of Bleached Shu t ' V ii-g, I rintK, I i..en Handkerchiefs, Neckties, Pocket Ki'ive* &r., &c., which we arc ordered to close out at 15 p» r con: on fin t cost. Jpply ear v. Langston, crane & hammo k, rtug 26 ts. Commission Merchants. WraTn. McNamee, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LaFayette, Chambers Co. Alabama. WILL attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to his care Particular attention will be paid to Collections and pr nipt r turns made. July 27—ts Hams! teams! \ FEW tierces v<- y superior Sugar-cured Canvassed . k Hams. 'ho. I.“ 00 nminds choice Clear Bacon Sides, just and for sdu win,less! * or retail by A. Si. SEAGO, Commission Merchant Cornet Whitehall and Mitchell streets, Atlanta, Georgia WANTED I WOULD like to buv a House ami Lot, with five or six Roohis, n« ar the business part of the City—would prefer one on Mai iet , a, Peachtree or Dec »lur Streets. July 30—ts THO 3. E. WHITAKER For Sale. FYMIE Pitt’s Residence Lot, four acre*, lyin’?, most g. brautifu 'y, <» ca -h rec street. This is one of the most dts.iub e lots for a ft st el>»s< residence in this city. BELL GANKILi, Aug 29 -ts Real fcsi »te Agents FOE? SALE. HAVING engaged in Other business I offer for sale the entire ura nst of ton months Lease tftock ami Bar Ext ir s under Ex hange Hotel. The most promi mvit stan J intheclty Receipts for the past four months nineteen thou anil lour hundred dollar*, at once, it you wi h to buy, to J C. HENDKRION, aug 30—Ot Bxohange Hotel. SYKUP AND MOLASSEST v rs 881 > C ne Syrup. 10 bbls 3o«*ghuin Mo lanes, fbr I CJ Pa’e by ABBOLT & BROTHERS. aug2o-tf. C>mmlaeion Merchants, Whitehall stl NAILS AND Cc AS ST KEGS Wh eiing Nalls, assorted, 4 pj -5 boxes Gt ibs, F.-i -ale by aug 26—ts Sa lmciiH, Simmons & Co, Wanted. A DWEI LK’G hotiss containing four rooms, with a Ji V Ki tel on. located conveniently to the tiusinoHH part of the City *, fur of tenon apply to aug 22-tl. - J NO. ¥ e 11DER Y £ BROA. MMB COLLECTIOH OFFICE. BELL & GASKILL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Having renewed their partnorsblp fsuspended toy the war,) offer I heir services to the public as Ttoal Estate -Argents. Wil! give special attention to Conveyancing, Examining Ti’les to Real EstHe, Writing Contract! aud Collecting Debts. On* of the firm bus been a R* a! Estate Agent in this city for fifteen years, and thn other c nnected with him for several yoarg before toe war and, ir »in their thorough acquai tauce with the pla< e. they are conff'ent in Assu ring, by their Ag -n>y, decided advantng I to persons wishing to buy, soil, rent or lease real estate in or near Atl >nw. 4Ttf- Office up-st iirs, first building on Whitehall street, on ihe icit goiuj from the K.dlroad. Hefcrertcu: Miyor and citiz n« o r Atlanta; Jas Gard ner Augusui; J W Fears It and C A Nutting, Macon ; Austell & Inman, John Livingston Now York. MARCUS A. HKLIi, Aug 24—3 m V. A. GASKILL, oaam i nwi GROCERS, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner Broad and Marietta Streets, Atlanta, Georgia, Will buy and sell all kind of Produce and Merchandise on Commission. Prompt aud personal Retention given to orders on con signment*. 11. I*. Zimmerman, 8. A. Verdery, Late of Late of Scranton & Zimmerman, Jackson, Miller & Verdery, Augusta, Georgia. Augusta, Georgia. Amr 23—Im CALVIN FAY. I L. P. GRANT. FAY & GRANT, ARCHITECTS AND CIVIL ENGINEERS, Will irivo their attention to the preparation of Plans and Specifications for, and superintend the erection of every class ot buildings in Atlanta and vicinity They will also negotiate pirchascs and sales of property. Surv vs and Maps of Lands and Railroads carefully executed Mr. Grant refers to Riceard Peters. Esq , and Geo G Hull. Supt AA WPRR Atlanta: Hon Jno P King, Pres G R R. August*; Chas T Pollard, Esq, Pres M & WPR R. Montgomery: .1 Elgar Thomson. Esq, Pres Penn A Centra R R. hiladelnhia. Mr. Fay refers to R C Brinkiev. Esq. and Sarn’l Tate, Esq. J S < lagborn, Esq and 1) II Baldwin Esq, Savannah; Mi‘crell & Smith, Macon; RH Ram’ sey, Milledgeville. Ang 23—ts REI! KUH Itllltt I offer my services to persons wishing te purchase, set 1 rent or lease estate In the City of Atlaina or in the .state. Office in Parker's New Building, on Whitehall street. W. F. Harris. Aug 24—3rn "| 4k BUILDING LOTS, iu the most desirab.l I y f locality iu the city, tor sale or lease. Aug 24-ts W. F. HARRIS. L.OTS, half acre each, suitable for Residences, | aud omy th'ee-quurters of a miio from the Car bhed, lor sale or lense. Apply te Aug 24—if AV. F. HARRt . A FARM F ’R SAEK, four miles from the city Can be had iuw lor the cash. Aug 24—ts W. F. II ARRIS. Mineral Lands Wanted. PERSONS wiFbing to sell or lense Mineral Lands will find it to tbeir interest te giv • w n c Gl. Aug 24-ti W. F. HARRIS, ~ DR-Br’C^EAGOr - Office on Whitehall Street. CAN I e b und al Mrs. Coleman’s at night, on Pryor street. opp« site Mrs Chisolm’s Will practice Medicine and Surgery. aug3o—lm SALT ’ SALT I! T -g "0 1,500 Hacks no Virginia Sult A? l he Warehouse in r»’ar of Masonic Hall bv J. J. FORD. aug 3 Im Agent Bagging* and Rope. FFFTY pieces bagging, FIFTY COILS ROPE, For sale low by Clarke & Hester, Aug 23- 2w Trout House Block. B. W. ADAMS I T. 8. POWELL. B. W. ADAMS & CO., GROCERS AND Ccmmission Merchants, Peachtree Street, next door to A. C. Wyly’a old stand, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. 4‘s*Consi"unieiit3of all kinds respectfully solicited.*o Aug 2—3 m GORDON & ( 1 0„ General Ccmniiss-on Merchants Aud Dealers in COrjIN'TYJAT PRODUCE, Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. Aug 20 —lui Private Sale. GODFREY & OATMAN. 50 Sacks Extra Family Elmir (now), 40 Bdxcs Choice Chewing Tobacco, 1 L >t Fino Cigars, 1000 Pounds Bacon. July 26—if LOST oifSTOLEN. a dray, on the 23rd in t.. in the cvcniug, bc / twe« n Hit* ca’saud Betlvuc Hotel, a CARPET BAC, with two forks, containing clothes a.d palters. A suiftt bl© itwanl wili be pud fqr the r Mnrti of the Big • r con tents to this olllce—or information loading to its recovery. No questions wiil bo a-rkea. atig2o H. AN indefinite number of elegant Y< ung Ladies, finely accomplished, are uxi< us to marry. Particulars can be haunt a Real Estate Agency, on street, aug 27—ts For Rent. A STORE, with basement and up-stairs, on Whitehall str et. BELL dL GA.SKIL.D, aug 29—ts Rea. Estate Agents For Sale. ANII'R Cottage Residence near the City Hall, cheap for cash. 15cll At OnKltlll, Aug 24—ts Kcai EbluU' Agvuts. LATEST ARRIVAL! JOM ffiWl) 4 CO., WITH T. P, FLEMING & CO., Next Door te Roark’s Comer, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Have just received a large and well selected stock of Dry Goods, direct from tue East, censisting iu part of Ladies Dress Goods, Large Lot of Prints, Cassimeres, Ready-Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Gents Hats aud Caps, . Varieties and Notions, Bleached Domestics, Ladies Hoop Skirts, Ladies Hats, Cotton Goods, All of which ther effer, very low for eft'b, at Wholesale and Retail. Aug 25—2 w Notice. THE Partnership of the firm of Powell A Marshall is this day dissolved by mutual consent. O POWELL Atlanta, July 27,1865, H MARSHALL. The business will be carried on by C Powell who wH pay all claims ot the late firm, and respectfully solicita patronage. July 2S— ts ~J. T? THOMAS' & CO , ' SAVANNAH, GBOUGIA, Commission and Forwarding Mer chants, will give prompt attention to all business entrusted to them. References ■ A. Portet, E-q , Dr. F. T. Willis, Savan nab. Qu. ; Doras L. Stone, Esq , N. P. H<MuOk, Esq., New York ; Messrs. Eider A: Haw, Q. Some, villa Norris. Esq., Baltimore aug 8 Im HALL HOUSE. TRY IT. ON corner of Pryor and Hunter streets, In rear of Exchange Hotel. Neatly furnished for the accom mouation < f tne traveling public. Inquire tor the II ALL HOI TSE. Porters in attendance on arrival of every train, te transport Baggage, etc. aug 4-lm JOHN T. BALL. mXjLOftMiIHOCN Inform their old patrons and tb* public generally that they have roHumed tbe FH.ACTICE Os the various branches of the MEDICAL PROFESSION. Kif" They can be found at all times at thMr residence, corner of WaHhington and Peters streets, A tin nt a, Ga. July 14—3 m INSURANCE AGENCY. M. C. BLANCHARD, A few d<x>rs below Exchange Hotel, is prepared to take risks on houses merchandire and property gene rally on liberal terms in the following aubsLantiai CompaniM. JEtna, of Hartford with Assets. Continental, of New York 1 4*45,000 Assete. Metropolitan, of New York 1,430,000 Assets Equitable Life Insurance Comp’s. 1,125,000 Aaa< ts. aug 20—8 m TWO CHOICE PLANTATiON& THE Undersigned offers for sale two desirable places in Chambers County, Alabama One comprising 750 odd acres, Oak and Hickory, miles from West Point, immediately on the Montgomery and W*st Point Rail road, as well ”8 the main thoron rhfare between ihe cities. The other situated one mile sou th rase of the above described place, consists of 1200 acres of fine Pine Lan I, 400 just cleared, the rem Under heavily timbered. Both places are well improved, convenient to good Schools and Churches and adapted te Corn and Cotton. The ab ve lands offer great inducements to auy one wishing te embark in the Lumber or Plantiug interest Refers to Juo. C. Whitner, John Wright and 0 W. W inter. Alfred Harrell. Aug B—2m FOR SALE. 500 BUSHELS PRIME WHITE CORN, 4,000 POUNDS CHOICE BACON SIDES, 500 POUNDS CHOICE BACON HAMS, 59 KEGS NAILS. FROM V» TO !40’», SUPERIOR LOT GRINDSTONES. LARGE LOT SOLE LEATHER, CORN MEAL, WOOD BUCKETS, HODJUOW WAKE, <fcc. Wylie Johnson & Co., July 25—ts Depot Street, near Trout Houm. FLOUR I FLOUR! FLOUR?" lAM now prepared to furnish the trade, wholesale or Retail, Fifty Thousand Pounds of Flour. In forty fire ponud Sacks, Su|.e flue and Family. A liberal deduc tion made to dealers in city and country. A. K. SEA«O., Commission Merchant, Atlanta, Georgia. Aug s—ts House Wanted. SUITABLE for a small lami y, in n co part of the city, a imr rent» d. bo v Coffee! Coffee! BAGS Primo Rio Coffee tor sale low by A. K. SEA GO, Commission Merchant, Corner Whitehall and Mitchell streets, Atlanta, Georgia. Aug 10—ts FOR SALE. ' A BEAUTIFUL Building Site, ot tour acres, on a commanding eminence, eno mile Irom Car Shed, witu filly largo shade trees on It. II yuu want BBC of the most ibslrable lots about A limit, lor a flne house Como aud see this pr p-riy. Price ,2.’i00 csb. W F. II AH > IS • Ileal Estate Agent, Jug 26—ts Pirker’, Building, Whitehall strc.l. AL’TT.of t Tty acres, beautifully situ itod, between McD> engh and Crew streets, and t ree-qnarlora <>■ U mile irom Car Shed, can be hud low tor the cash if bought m the next week, W. F. lIAKKIS, Rea: Estate Agent, Parker’s Buildlug, Aug 26-ts Whiteuall street, “rjissoEuTioNT” THFVaile'y business conducted in tills city by F. Hagan AC. W. i'eden, under the flrm o< F. Kagan ACo was tty mu<ual consent dltso ved on the lOtli lust. ’ F. HAGAN, Atlanta, Aug 25—101. C. W. PKDIJf. ISTJETW FIRM. WK ha- e this day associated with us, in the Genoraf Commission business F Hagan, late of the Him u. F Hagan & to ,of ibis city, tbrmorly of Nasbvllo, Tonn The Style ol uur firm In future will bo Stlmoiis-, Slmmoua & Cu. SALMONS A SIMMONS, Augu.-t 25 lot. Wiuitetf.” ASM A LL House with four or five rooms for a private residence. Jlso, one with two rooms aud a kitelion. Enquire of 1 H. MAHMIAIX, Real Estate Agent, at Oodrrey 4 Oatniau’a Auction and Commission House ou Peaclitreo street, next to Kyle’s building. Aug 23—11