The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, September 05, 1865, Image 4

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ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. general INSURANCE AGENT, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. SALMONS & SIMMONS IIJS-Have been appointed agents for the New York under writers agency, composed of the Germania, INiag’ni’a, Hanover, and Republic Fire and Inland Insurance Com panies of the City of New York. The combined assets of these popular Companies am outs to One policy la iaaued binding each of the four Companie. for ono.fourth ot every risk. Takeo in one riek If required—only ene aet of papera necessary to prove a loan. Tee well known character of the large number ot prominent Merchanta of New York comprising the Board of Direct ora and the large amount of axaota, afford an abundant guarantee for ample aeenrity against loss to the assured. BALMOKS St SIMMONS, Whitehall street, near Georgia Kailroad Bank, eng 18—ts ARRIVED A.T LAST AT THE “VARIETIES.” White Lead sad Oil, Nests of Tabs, Copperas, Oysters, Slates and Pencils, Whitewash Brushes, Meal Sifters, Fancy Baskets, Cheese, Candy, Whitemore Cards, Fine Pocket Knives, Curry Combs, Star Candles, Candle Moulds, Hand Saws, Extra Fine Green Tea, Telegraph Matches, Men’s Shoes, Hats, the., &e.. At Wholesale and Retail. We sell cheap and they will buy. Salmons, Simmons & Co’s. ■•VARIETIES,” east of the Railroad, On Whitehall street; between Railroad and Aug 9—ts Decatnr street Salmons, Simmons & Ce. WHITEHALL STREET, BAST OF THB RAILROAD, Between Railroad and Decatur Street, Keep constantly on band, at Wholesale and Retell, Dry Goode. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Ready made Clothing, Hardware, Glass and Putty, Paints and Oils, Fancy Groceries and Confectioneries. aug 3-ts POTASH. O(V1 POUNDS POTASH, 500 pounds Putty, 20 kits o' ‘‘J Mackerel, 1 coil Well Rope, Jnsl received sod for sale by Salmons, Simmons &. Co. NEW. BO OK AND Music Store. f 11HB subscribers respectfully inform their friends and L the pub'ic that they will re-open on Monday, August 21 st with a fine assortment ot SCHOOL BOOKS. STATIONARY AND FANCY G-OODS. tor th© present nt their store »n PETERS STREET, fifty yards W< st of Whitehall atreet, and neax Holbrooks form er Hat Factory. School Books, Violin & Guitar Strings, Blank Books, Gold and Steel Pens, Music Books, Paper and Envelopes, Bibles A Testaments, States and Copy Books, Pocket Books, David’s & Arnold’s Ink, Feather Dosters, Fine Pocket Knives. ALL AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. Turn aside from the duet of Whitehall, And do not fail to give a call. In these long (lays of summer heat Twill pay to visit oar shady retreat. J. J. A S. P. RICHARDS. • K 1W DEP-FERGUSON, GENERAL GROCER ABD Commission Merchant, Strict attention given to al! order* and consignment*. uro. 4, Mitchell St., Atlanta, G-a. July 13—3 m 7t. gThOLT, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GEORGIA, Office over Mix & Kirkland’s Store, ..•a- Will attend promptly to all buaineaa entrusted to bi* care. aug 12—8 m FOB RENT BY THE MONTH. ANKWHOUBKon Fair street near the Jail, with one aersoi land, four rooms and kitchen. Or, I will seii the property if 1 can find a purchaser 11. NlHrsliall, Real E*uie Agnt. 1 b* vo *!**• one Cottage House for eale on Luckie stree*, new W»lton Springs, four room* and kitchen, good well of wat r end uew fence. This will be on th market only a few days. fl. Marshall, Aug 25—ts R 'a! IsUle A cut. Pay Your Taxes. THE hooks for receiving and collect Ing Cfiy Taxo* are mnr open at ti o store of B. W. A -amif A C’>,, on J»h r.htree stre*l. <7'meat race end pay up, aid evold the i r/mvruien e of being crowded out at the l.vt day. Odice hour* from S to 12 A. M.. and fr. f(l 2 to 6 I*. M. Robert C'ru wforri, dug 20 2n Ta* K and C C A ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. B. B. BASSKKN. | T. 1. WHITAKB*. | A. K. SB A GO. SASSEEN, WHITAKER & CO. AUCTION . AND Commission Merchants, AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS de BROKERS. IN LOWKR ST iRY OF THB EXCHANGE HOTEL, ATLANTA. G K O RGI A. THE services of the well-known W. M. Hill have been engaged a* Auctioneer. Strict and prompt atten tion will b given to al) business entrusted to their care, and prompt returns made. They refer to Messrs Dann A Mangham, Macon, Ga.; Cd. R. A Crawford, Macon, Ga.; Messrs. W. A. Ramsey A Co., Augusta, Ga.; C V. Walker A Co., Augusta, Gl4 Col. J. R Powell, Montgomery, Ala; Messrs Lee A NertoßjMontgwmery, Ala. We have a large, commodious room for storing. Aug 16—Im “ greatliammoth AUCTION SASSEEN, WHITAKER & CO., Will sell on the * econd Monday in October next, at their Auction House in the City of Atlanta, A LARGE NUMBER OF CITY LOTS Both business and buildiug lot* on the most desira ble streets in the City, situated in part on the fullowing streets: Whitehall, Marietta Loyd, Peachtree, Decatur, Pryor, Mitchell, Forsyth, Broad and Wultou streets also. Several Thousand Acre* of DESIRABLE TRACTS OF LAND In this and different sections of the State. They invite those wishing to sell their City Lot* and Landed Estates ta make early application and secure a place in our Catalogue of Real Estate, as we will in a few days give a complete description and advertise them in all the principal newspapers in the United State*. W. H. hill, Auctioneer. Auzusta Chronicle A Sentinel, Macon Telegraph, Columbus Enquirer, will each copy twelve times and ■end bill to ibe Intelligencer office for collection. July 30—ts tejTyears lease. WE WILL LEASE T’WO I-.OT'S, On the Corner of MARIETTA AID BROAD STREETS, For the term of TEN YEARS. Parties wishing to LEASE OR BUILD Will do well to call on us, as we are prepared to give a BETTER BARGAIN Than any ever offered in the City of Atlanta. Sa seen, Whitaker Ac Co. July 30—ts HOTEL PROPERTY FOB. SALE. We will sell at private sale the Trout House PROPERTY. Situated on the corner of PRYOR AND DECATUR STREETS, which needs no comment on our part, as showing it to he the very BEST SITE FOR A HOTEL In the CITY OF ATLANTA. Call immediately, as we offer great induces meats to parties wishing to build. The prop, erty can be so built as to make TWELVE LARGE! STORK ROOMS UNDER TBK HOTEL. SASSEEN, WHITAKER & CO. Aug 1-ts GREAT ATTRACTION! NEW FURNITURE Os Every Description. At Private Sale a large and selected MT OF in W FOM. COSSISTINO or Bureaus, Wardrobes, Safes. Chairs, Parlor and Chamber Setts. Lonngea and anything else yon want. Call at once and supply youreelve. cheep Sasseen, Whitaker & Co. Aug 12—ts Painters, Glaziers & Builders. We hnve on hand, and for *ale low, a large lot of WINDOW GLASS, of all Sorts and Sizes, PUTTY, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL. Call at once or your chance will soon be gone NAHNKEN, WHITAKER <fc CO. Aug 16—ts J A ACRES, an old a*tiled place, five mile* from ' Atlanta, well known. The House* have been de strayed. There slbl remain* a large, fine Orchard, in g <•<! condition. A Bargain may be hud by applying soon. ALSO Two vacant I/'tv, adjoining Sam Sherweo I’s, on Doca* 1 IMF afreet. aug 2 tl bAILEEN, WHITAKER U CO. AUGUSTA ADVERTISEMENTS. ToWnERS OF COTTON. la answer to numerons inquiries from abroad, we would say that we are pre pared to take charge of, put in order and ship any lot of Cotton in the States of Georgia, South Carolina or Alabama, as we have local agents at almost every town, and a corps of most efficient men, selected for integrity, capacity and exs perience, to take charge of every lot. We Will also pay all taxes and charges of every description, and make liberal advances on the Cotton. In short, we will take charge of the Cotton on re ceipts or orders and give the owners no trouble whatever, from the time we re ceive it until sold and returns are made by our houses. WATTS, CRANE & CO., New York, or W. C. WATTS & CO., Liverpool, England. We invite the special attention of non-residents to our facilities. E. M. BRUCE & CO. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Aug 26 —ts r E. M BRUCE. | T. 8. MORGAN. E. M. BRUCE & CO., aSS BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, BANKERS AND COTTON FACTORS, DEALERS EXCLUSIVELY IN Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Coin, Uncurrent Money & Cotton. I HAVE this day taken Into partnership THOMAS S. MORGAN. I do this in recognition and apprecia tion of his nnimpeachabla Integrity, and high capacity a* a busines* man, and hi* oug satisfactory and success ful management of my commercial and financial a'iairs, and hi* fidelity to tux interest*, (having been with me almost without intermission for more than fi«teen years.) J do therefore commend him with confidence to the bu siness public. E M. BRUCE, aug 6—6 m AUGUSTA ADVERTISING AND COLLECTION AGENCY. lUVE opened an office for the receipt of advertise- L meuta for various newspapers, and the coilaction ot ill*, notes, drafts, &c., at 308 Broad Street, Augusta, Business attended to with promptness and dispatch Terms libera). .Address W. G. WHIDBY, 308 Broad Street. Refer to W A Ramsey & Cb. L B Davis, Plumb k Lett ner, T R Rhodes, .Augusta ; 8 B »ykin, J W Burke & Clayland & Durable, Macon ; Dr T 8 Powell, J S Peter son, Esq, Capt C R Hanleiter. Q>! T C Howard, Perino Brown, S ilmons & Simmon-, A K Seago, .Atlanta. aug 26-tt JTTST OUT. IMPORTANT PUBLICATION. How to Vote; How to obtain Pardons. A PAMPHLET, giving information nf the most vital importance on these interesting top cs, with all the necessary forms, e c., for applying lor a special pardon. Bent by mail, post-paid, any where t n the South on re ceipt of fifty cents. Price flfiy cents, one-third off to trade. For sale at all the city Book Store*. Addrts* P. WALSH, Aug 26—ts Publisher, Augusta, Georgia. W. A. BAMBXY. | B. HALL. W. A. RzAMSEY & CO.. AUCTION AND General Commission Merchants 308 BROAD STREET, (Opposite Union Bank,) A.UGUfeTA, GEORGIA, G. A. PARKER, Auctioneer, Wi’l give their prompt and personal attention to • the sale and purchase of Bond*, Stocks, Real Estate, Mer chandise, &c , having large experience and ample fa cilities July6—tf GLOBE HOTEL. BROAD STREET. AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, [MILLNER, NEBLETT & CO., Proprietors. THE undersigned take pie.sure in announcing to their fiiends and the puuiic generally that have re opened this favorite Hotel. No expense will be spared to make it a first-class House. .Aug 26—ts MILLNER, NEBLETT & CO. JOHN K. JACKSONU ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Has resumed the Practice of hi* Profession. He may be consulted at the Store of Geo. T. Jackson & Co. Persons desiring to make application for special pardon • an have proper papers made up by him. aug 12—Im NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. DURYEAS’ MAIZENA Was the only “Preparation for Lod from Indian Corn” That received a medal and honorable mention from the Bojal t’ommissioners, the competition of all prominent manufacturers of -‘Corn Starch” and “Prepared Corn Flour” of this and other countries notwithstanding. ‘ MAIZENA, The food and luxuiy of the age, without a single fault. One trial will convince the most skeptical. Makes Pud dings, I akes, Castards, Blanc Mange, Ac., without isin glass. with few or no eggs, at a cost astonishing the m< st economical. A sliuht addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly Improves Bread and Cake. It is also excellent for thickening sweet sauces, gravies for fish and meat, soups. Ac. For Ice Cream nothing can compare with it A little boiied in milk will produce rich cream for cuffee, cboco ate Ua, Ac Put up in one pound packages, under the trade-mark Maizena. with direction* for use A most delicious article of food for children and Inva lids of a'l ages For sale by Grocers and Druggists everywhere. Wholesale Depot, 166 Fulton Street, NEW YORK. WILLIAM DURYKA, Aug 23—3 m General (gent. Warren’s Celebrated Needles and Fish Hooks. A.TjTURE'W CLERK Ac CO.. 48 Midden Lane, New York, BOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTBIIB. Onr former cn.tomere will find a redncllon In gold prices oftho Needle., while the quality Is always kept up to the highest a andard kuowu to English n.uuuiuc ‘"aTc & Co., respectfully solicit a renewal of the mer n ntlle relations so long and favorably est' oinod by tlulr cvu.o. Aug 3J*-3m NASHVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. J. W WILSON. I H W BUTTOKKr , T. J WILSON. iw.wiMm No. 17 College Street, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, Mannfacturere of TIN AND COPPER WARE, Wrought Iron Cooking Stoves, Wholesale and Retuil Dealers in Cooking and Heating Stoves, House Furnishing Goods, Coal Oil Lamps, and Coal Oil, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire and Tinners’ Findings, And Tinware of every Description. Aug 27—3 m M. MARBURG? COMMISSION MERCHANT, N*e». 4C PUBLIC SQUARE, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, Announces to the Wholesale Trade of Atlanta and vi cinity, that he is receiving daily consignments of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, &c., From New York and Boston, which will be sold at East ern prices. Aug 16—3 m PAUL & sUnFORD, FORWARDING AND Commission Merchants, No. 41 South Maraut Street, Nastliviile, Tennessee, PARTICULAR attenti n will be gi/on tv receiving and lorwardmg all good* S mth, or o<>tU»n and Tobacco North. We keep constanc you band a1 ml aasoi imunt of all kind* of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND MAGHINES OF EVERY VARIETY, Consisting in part of the following, viz : Lever Powers and ihrasbers (with w ought in n cy.indert), English Chain Powe- s, freshera, etc., Portable Circular aaw Mills, for wood cutting ; Western H-n i Corn shelters, dbfugle Machines, C lollies Wasners ai.d ringers, Pumps, En gines, Cotton Gins and Presses, 'aulord’s straw (-utters, Kentucky Cider Mills, Cast Plows, Revolving Horse Rakes, Reapers and Mowers, with latent improvements. -Agri cultural Implements and Seal-s will be sold at manufac turer’s prices, the cost of transportation added. Sugar-Cane Crushers and Evaporators. A full assortment of Carriage, Buggy and Wagon Ma terials always on band. We keep constantly on hand and for sale the latest and most improve t styles of Bug gies and Carnages are alt»o agents for Fairbanks’ Scales. Orders filled fur Hay, Ci» n, Oats, Produce and Provisions of all kinds. Orders rec ived for salt. Con signments respectfully solicited. Lime lor Sale. PAUL & STANFORD. .Aug 26—It p. p. p eYUiU, Insurance jYgent AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Ntishville, TenneHHee, WILL give special attention tn the purchasing and snipping of all kinds of merchandise on orders from abroad. Ref- rs to the old citizens generally of Nashville, aug 26- Im McGovern, Arnold & cl, ~ 40 NORTH MARKET STREET, (NEAR THE SQUARE,) NASHVILLK, - - - TENNESSEE. Wholesale and Retail DEtLERS IN LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS, HIDES, OIL, AND CURRIERS' TOOLS- yfug. 26 3m. CEO. A. DICKEL, IMPORTER OF Wines, Liquors & Cigars, Distiller and Ttectifler, AND DEALER IN Bourbon, Rye Robinson Co. Whiskies No. 12 SOUTH MARKET STREET, NASHVILLE, - . TENNESSEE. aug26-3m. B. 8. WELLER & SON, 50 Broad Street. Nashville, Tenn., DEALERS IX FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS, Threshers, Reapers & Mowers. ALSO, Large lot of Stills, Stoves and Sugar IVlills always on It and.. aug27 3m. SNODDY, PARRISH & CO., WHO LS ALK DH A LTC R. S J3OOTJS cfc SXTOESS 226 MAIN 8 BEET. ( jPFOSITK U UI-VILI E HOTEL,) L.OVISVIL.L.E, KY. aug27-lm. ii. s. rii»ncn. aso. B.mtin. w. a. cmabiiookn. FRENCH & CO., Cotton Factors, orwaniing nd Commission Merchnn’s, Wholesol Grocers Ac , CLARK STREET, SASHVII.LE, TENN CONSIGNMENB Solicited and liberal advance* mad when desired Order* for Groceries. Salt, Baggin and Rope promptly cxtvulcd. aug 26-ts NASHVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. Wholesale Hardware. ARTHUR 1 BREAST & CO. Dealers in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, BELTING, MILL-FINDINGS, METALS, CORDAGE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, A.T 29 Public .Square. NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. Are now receiving direct from the Man ufacturers as large and complete a stock of all goods in their line as can be found in the West or South, and at prices as low as in any Western or Southern City. Their Fall and Winter Stock is now Complete. The Proprietors being PRACTICAL HARDWARE MEN Give their personal attention to filling orders, and use their best exertions to merit trade. They respectfully solicit an examination of stock and prices. Quotations given by mail. COPPER STILLS AND WORMS, ALL SIZES. aug 30—3 m NEWJRONSTORE. JOHN 0. NAUTS. | WM. C REAMER. IMTS X REMR, No. 247 West Main Street, between Sixth and Seventh. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, Agents for NEW ALBANY ROLLING MILL, .4nd Dealers in IRON, NAILS AND STEEL. Also, keep constantly on hand a hill assortment of “Brinly’s” Steel Plow Plates, Hollow-ware Castings, Horse Shoe Nails, Blacksmiths’ Tools, Horse Shoes, Mould Boards, Plow Plates, Wagon &oxes, Spikes, Rivets, Springs, Washers, Axels, Nuts, Bolts, Safes. Jty Orders respectlu ly solicted and promptly filled aug 80—3m* New Wholesale House. STIEN, NASSAUERT CO., NO. 70 EAST PUBLIC SQUARE, DiaKlrville, Tennessee, Wholesale Dealers in Boots and Shoe*, Hats, Caps, Trunks and Valiccs, f |IAKK pleasure in nnnouncing to the Merchants, and 1 lhe public g nera.lj , that they have opened a large and complete sio k of everything in their line, and would respectfully solicit an examination of their Good* by City and Country Merchants, as they can and will sell goods as low as can be bough 1 In any of the Northern cities. STEI.V, NASSAUER & CO. Aug 26—3 m S. B. SPURLOCK & CO., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN GROCERIES & DRY GOODS, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, NO 33 BROAD STRKIST, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. aug2tl 3m. CITY HOTEL, EAST SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE, Nashville, Tennessee, J. R. WIMBOUKB A, CO. 9 aug27-lm. Proprietors. J. & L. WHORLEY* T MPORTORS "I'd dealer. In Snuff, Pipes, Forel 1 Dome".lo CIUARI and TOBACCO. Oideet Tnhnoco Hmne In tho city. No. 33 Market nt., Naebrillo, Tenn. a<ig37 3m. LOUISVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. DAVID B. HUTCHINGS, I W W. FHAZKB, JAMES A. DUNCAN, j HEN. C. WEAVER. HUTCHINGS, DUKCAN & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS Leaf Tobacco, Country Produce. &c., &c., &c NORTH SIDE MAIN STREET, be tween SEVENTH and EIGHTH, LOUISVILLE, KY. Strict attention paid to the Bale ot BACON, LARD, PORK, WHEAT, FLOUR, WHISKY. • Will fill all orders (or Rope, etc. aug 3-3 mo JCHN SNYDER. | THUS. 8. SNTDSR, JOHN SNYDER & CO., Wholesale Grocers AND Commission Merchants, FOB THE BALB OF Western and Southern Produce, 306 Main Street, bet, Third and Fourth Louisville, Ky. Agents for the sale of Raw Whisky, JKB* Particular attention given to sale of all kinds of Grain and < ountry Produce. July 27—2 m Brew niciiim & co., GROCERS, PROVISION DEALERS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, NO. 110 MAIN STREET, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, Orders for Groceries, Provisions, Bagging and Rope, promptly executed. July 25—6 m MOSS&TIIKiiGr IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, cutlery; guns, &0., NO. 536 MAIN STREET, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, Aug B—6m L. D. CARTER, Formerly of Carter County, Eaet, with J. M. ROBINSON &. CO., Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, sScc., 516 Main Street, between Fifth and Sixth, Uouisvllle, Kentucky, Aug I»—tf J. 8. inHGROW, I J. L. RMYSKR C. O. SMITH, | VUtCKNT COX J. S. LITHGOW & CO., MANUFACITRKRB OF Stoves, Castings, Hollow Ware, MANTELS <& GRATES, Tinplate, Sheet Iron, Copper and Tanners’ Findings. N. W. Corner Main and Third Street,, LOUISVILLE, KY. augSTSm. B. MONTGOMERY. | B. I. CRAWFORD. MONTG-OMERY & CO., Manufacturers of • u\ Mw'ded, Plain, Flint and Fancy Colored Lamps, and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Burning and Lubricating Oi s, < handaiiers and Lamp Fixtures of all kinds. Agents for the sale of Hays ville toa! Oil, Paraffine Wax aud < and les. 408 Mam street, between Fourth and Bullitt, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, aug 27—3tx* WM. L. WKLIJSR, JAS P. BUCK NKR. WELLER & BUCKNER, DEALERS IN Pure Copper Distilled Bourbon WHISKEY. SIS Main St., Opposite Louisville Hotel, LOUISVIL.LK, KY. aug2T-3m. H. S. BUCKNER, Importers and Wholesale Dealer in Notions, Willte Good*, Fancy Hardware, Hosiery, Gloves, Shirts, No. 513 Main street, between Fifth and Sixth, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. aug 30-3 m J. B. 0 BANNON, JeffOTSOn Co. I J. w. O f BANNON. J. B. O’BAIVIVOIV & SOM, Wholesale Grocers and Commission MERCHANTS, No. 208 Main street, between fiecnntl and Thin?, LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY. aug 30-3 m o. c. Burnt. | phil. i. h. towen. Wt. Clmi-leH Restaurant, 0. C, RUFER & CO., Proprietors, Fifth street, between Main and Market, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. Also, Wholonale Dealer* in Pure Winos, Brandies, Whfc kiee, Ale, Pvituv, Ao. Soloegontfoi Harris* Dsyton Ale. augJg-Zia LO UIS VILLE AD V ERTIB E M EN ST. WM. KRIEGSHABERr Jobber of and Wbol«'S>ile Dealer in Domestic and Fancy ' DRY GOODS, No. 171 M.ln rtre. t, between F.fth .nd Sixth. LOUIsVILLE, KENIUcKY. Bug 30-2 m 0 o toitn, | B . Lal. of NaabvlUe, Tenn. | L.teof Florence, 31a. JON ES & TJklPl?, Wholesale Clothiers, No. 200 (old Na 620) Main atreet, LoubTllio, Ky. aug 30-1 m inwra mobmb. | o. a. mobkib. EDWIN MORRIS & CO., Wholesale Druggists, No. 107 (old No. 627) Mai > atreet, between Fifth A Sixth. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. aug 30-Sm HATS, CAPS & FURS A.T WHOLKHAJL.IQ. MY stock of Goods for the F <ll Trade is now complete, and will be sold us ibe in rket will allow. Particu lar alientiou given to orders- Wm- F- Osborn, 72 Main st. beiwteu 2d and 3d sis. Louisviih , Ky. aug3o-3m. A. kahn, j. KtYEI?\ & WOJLF, Manufacturer* and Mboleaalu Uealeta iu READY MADE CLOTHING AND FURNISH ING GOODS. No. 438 Main atreet, LOUtfiVitJ.E, KENTUCKY, and No 22 Soutn Fourth at. PHILAbE-l’lilA, FA. aug3o4m. MITCHELL & ARMSTRONG. Now No 66 North Side Main St. between Second and Ihtrd LOUISVILLE KY, Gene at 0 mm las lon and Merchants, Particular atu nnon given to Die purcuaee anu sale of Pork, Bacon, Giousc, Fiuur, lod.iccv and Bourbon Whiskey, Rope and Baggitig. aug3o dm. WM HATT, j D ASd PIATT & ALLEN, Wboelsale d alers id BOOTIS Ac IS II O 11l M No. 196 Main Street, between into ana Sixth, LOUISVILLE, KY. augSOSm alrx. cmia, h. r. rxvMAir, t. m. swank CRAIG, TRUMAN & CO., Wholesale Dealers in Hatg, Caps, Straw Goods and Ladies’ Ct O O » M . 607 Main Street 2d door Kart of Loulavilla Hotel. Uouisville, Kentucky. aug3u4m7 JU. TBABUX. I W. a. TiXTIS. I T. J. AMIS. I .TBABVr. ■att. Manx. Trabue, Davis & Co., Importers of and Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hosiery, White Goods & Notions, 608 Main street, tppos to Louisville IloteL LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. aug 30-3 m B. J MENKFXB. JAS. C. MCFSRRAN, JNO. B. MCFXRRAN. McFERRAN & MENEFEE, COTTON FACTORS, GENERAL COMMISSION Merchants, and Fealers iu Provisions, Bale Rope aud Bagging, Main Street, Between First and Second Streets, Louisville, Kentucky. fiHUOur facilities for lhe handling and sale of Cotton are uusurpai-se'i by any hon*e in the West. When d' - sired, we will make liberal Cash Advances on Consign* meats, to us or to ourfriendt in Aew York. FOR W ADDING. To this branch of our buHne*s we are paying special attention. Goods sent to our care will go forward wi'h dispatch at lowest possible rates. aug 81—8 m. 8. CABBEDAY. BEN. CABBEDAY S. CAS? EDAY & SON, IMPOKTKKS OF Queensware, Glass and China, 626 MAIN STREET. Louisville, Kentucky, aug. 31.—1 m. J. W. BKKTXK. I T. C. CHXUDOIK. HEETER & CHAUDOIN, Wholesale De tiers In HATS, CAPS, & STBAW GOODS, 2Yo 627 Main Str er I. between Fifth <f Six h Southside. LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY, aug 81.—3 m. HARVEY & BROWN, WHOLKSAI K DKAI.KIiS IN CLOTHING, 527 Main Street, Up Stairs, South Side, O VER HEETER d: CUA UDOIN, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, aug. 31.—3 m, J. P. TOKBITT. H. C. MURRBLL 8. CA*T’ F.M ,W. MUBRELL, CASTLEMAN & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 122 North Side Main Street betw- eu Fifth A Sixth, L 0 UIS VILLB., KEH TU( KY. aug 31.—3 m. W. H. BTOKBB. J. MARSHAL. B. F. OH A RS. W. H. STOKES & CO., IMPORTERS AND DKALEHB IN COACH ANDBAP dlary Hardware, Leather. Collnra. Hamea. Tr <e Cbalna, Ac., und Wholea»!« Dralera in Sadd'ea. Brbllra, and Harneaa, No. 509 Main Street, between Fifth nn I Sixth, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY Merrbanta and Mannfacturei a w mid find It to their interaat to examine our etock before making t.ieir pui chaaea. Order, from a dialanco will be attended to aa if made In peraon. ang 31—Sin Booksellers & Stationers. AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, DEALERS in School B'«>ka, Pa'er Stationery, Geld Pena, Ac., Ac. Main Stre-'t. 3 doora below 3rd. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. ang 31—ts. Tax Notice. THE books fbr receiving snd collecting the City Tnxes for the present year will be opened on Monday next, 21st Inst, at the store of B W. Adam* ACo , next door to A. C Wyly’s old stand. Peachtree street. In order to shorten the work and lave the cHisons trouble, from those who are prepared I shall receive end collect at the same time The people are urgently requested to come forward nt once aud give in and pay their taxes. Crawford, Aug 15—2 m T. R. aud C. C. A. JOHN M. CL AM KE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATLANTA, GKOHFIA. Office on McDonough Will xita prompt attention to all buainvaa mtruaird in hucare. aug 30-II