The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, September 08, 1865, Image 4

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ATLA NTA ADVERTISEM ENTS. GENERikL " INSURANCE AGENT, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, SALMONS & SIMMONS Have been appointed agents for the New York under writers agency, composed ul the G ermania, INiixgivra, Hanover, and Reptxblie Fire and Inland Insurance Com panies of the City of New York. The combined assets of these popular Combines amouts to $3,000,000. One policy ie issued binding each of the four Companies for one.f nrth of erery risk. J# -4.0.000 Taken in one risk If required—only eno set of papers necessary to prove a loss. Tee well known character of the larre number of prominent Mer- bants of New York comprising the Boat d of Directors, and the large amount of assets ass >rd an abundant guarantee for ample security against loss to the assured. SALMONS & SIMMONS, Whitehall street, near Qeorgia Kailroud Bank, aug 18—ts arrived' AT LAST AT THE “VARIETIES.” White Lead «d Oil, Nests of Tubs, Copperas, Oysters, Slates and Pencils, Whitewash Brushes, Meal Sifters, Fancy Baskets, Cheese, Candy, Whitemore Cards, Fine Pocket Knives, Curry Combs, Star Candles, Candle Moulds, Hand Saws, Extra Fine Green Tea, Telegriph Matches, Men’s Shoes, Hats, &i., &c., At Wholesnle and Retail. We sell cheap and they will buy. Salmons, Simmons & Go’s. “VARIETIES,” east of tbe Railroad, On Whitehall street; between Railroad and Aug 9ts Decatur street ’newVlrietystore? Salmons, Simmons & Ce. WHITEHALL STREET, EAST OF THE RAILROAD, Between Railroad and Decatur Street, Keep constantly on band, at Wholesale and Retiii, Dry Goods Booti, Shoes, Hats, Ready made Clothing, Hardware, Glass and Putty, Paints and Oils, Fancy Groceries and Confectioneries. aug 3 If POTASH. Qf Wk POUNDS POTASH. 500 pound® Putty, 20 kits O’ ' v7 Mackerel, 1 coil Well Hope, Just received and for sale by Salmons, Simmons & Co. NE W BO O K AND MZvuslo Store. f lIHE subscriber* respectfully inform their friends end 1 llie pubbe that ih.y will rempenou Meuday, August diisl wub a flue assortment of SCHOOL BO'IKM. STATIONARY AND FANCY GOODS. lor the pres mt at their s ore >u PETER< S'REKT, titty y-rd <W si street, an t ueai Holb, ooka fu> in er Hat Factory. School Books, Violin & Guitar Strings, Blank Books, Gold and Steel Pens, Music Books, Paper and Envelopes, Bibles & Testaments, Slates and Copy Books, Pocket Books, David’s & Arnold’s Ink, Feather Dusters, Fine Pocket Knives. ALL AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. Turn aside from the dust of Whitehall, And do act fail io give ns a cab in these long days of beat ’Twill pay to visit our eLady retreat. J. J. 8. P. RICHARDS, a g 1» If dlpTferguson, GENERAL GROCER A»® Commission Merchant, Strict attention given to a!! orders and consignments. INTO. 4, Mitchell St., Atlanta, G-a. July i3-8m T. G? HOLT, Jr., ATTORNEY AT LAW, MA.COJST. GEORGIA, Office over IHix & Kirkland’* Store, Will attend piomptly to all business entrusted to liUcare aug 12—3 m FOR RENT BY THE MONTH. ANEW IIOUSK on Fair street near the J ill, with one a re oi laud,four rooms and kitchen. Or, I wi i soil tbe properly if I can find a purciiaeer 11. Mwrihnll, Red Estate *>g nt. 1 h'jvo also one Cottage House for sale un Luckiestreo*, ne -r w «Iton Springs, four r >orn i and kitchen, good well ”• war ><n 1 new fence. Thia will be on th market o iy a few days. f|, Marshall, /tog 25—It R-al K ta»-. A ent. Pay Your Taxes. r pHS b ok. for receiving an<| collecting <yiy Taxes are I . w at .tore,lß <V A nuns 4 on p«4>dicreo .(■■« >. O.ment <>„.,■ . llw | ~.,y ..vmd 111 > .BV.-1.1..11 e~f n..|i,gcr ,w.i...| ,„u al th( . |, , ■ nice lioure fr im Bto 12 m . 2i, I, )■. M Robert Crnwibni, -lug 20 2 0 Tex K nudCC A WEST POINT ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED And mw being opened by M. E. ED WAR OS, WEST POINT. GEORGIA. The attention of the citizens of West Point and sur rounding evil try is <*a led to the fact t> at I am now opening one of the largest and beat ae ected stocks of DRY GOODS Kver offered in this market; and as they were pur chased low in t'v Lest mark* ts North I can sell them as c eaply as they can »•<» i urchased anywhere in the South. Give me a sal' before purchasing elsewhere. My stock consists in part of Ladles Hats, Trimm ngs, Ribbons, Dry Goods, Hoop Skirts. Ac., Ac.. &C., ladies and Gents Furnishing Goods, frothing. Soap. Stationery, Cand'e*, Hits Sugar, • aps. < igars, B ots, Notions, Shoes. Ac., Sc,.Ac., And comprises the latest and moat fashionable styles. M. E. Edwards, aug 39—ts West Point, Georgia AUGUST 27th, 1805. T. L. SCOTT & CO., WEST POINT, GEORGIA, Grocers and COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HAVE on hand 5.000 yards Heavy India Ragging, 5,900 pounds Machine Rope, and are receiving daily Sugar, Coffee, Bacon, Lird. Sait, Tobacco, Factory Yarns. Flour, Mackerel, Cneese, Candies, Candies, Oysters, Sardines, Crackeis, Soda, Pepper, Spice, G nger, Starch, Coonera’. B'nestone, Snaps, TABLE AND POCKKT CUTLERY, CBOCKEi Y AND GLASS WARK, A;«o. a large and well selected stock of Men’s. Boys and Chil ren’s Hats of the latest s yles «nd best q aliiv. *li ch we will svl a Wh lesale and retail at ID ing prices. Call soon. Quick sales and short profits. T. L. Scott & Co. ang 27—ts MONTG OME RY AD V ERTISEM’TS. J. L? WINTER Jfc co., - (J L. Winter, late of Atlanta, Ga.) General Commission Merchants No 97 Commerce Street. MOISTTG-OMERY, JkluA., Wholesale Dealers in all classes of Groceries and ail other Classes Merchandise. Also, will attend strictly to buying and selling Cotton on order; having fifte.-n years expel ience in Grocery and Cotton trade, think that we are fully competent to give full Bit is fact ion to all business entrusted to us. Give us a call Will also receive and forward Goods to order. Have ample storage rooms for all shipments to our care. Ad vances made <-u Goods in store it desired, at usu Jratts. Prompt returns m*de References —JoMab Morris, Banker. Montgomery, Ala; a Campbell M«>bi'e. Ala; R K Walker & Co, New Orleans; J W Fears A • o, Macon, Ga : M P Ellis 4 Co, Colnmbua, *ia; A Ans ell. President Fulton Bank. Beach IR-et, Perino Brown, Win < layton, Georgia Railroad Bank Agf*ut. Atlanta, Ga; D H Wilcox & < o, Phinizy & Clayton. S D Heard. Augusta, Ga • Geo W JjVllliams. Charleston, .* C; Bruff. B- other & Seaver. Austell & Innman. New Y<-rk ; cDanie! & Irbey, Lynchburg, Va; S N Pike, Cincinnati, Okie; McGrew & Robertson, St Louis, Mo. Aug 20—3 m TO MANUFACTURERS. FOR SALE SEVEN BUTTON MACHINES, Nearly now. and in complete running order, for making Woodin and Horn Buttons of all descriptions, also, a number of COME ZVr-A-dITIVZEJS, Nearly completed with saws and all necessary materials, Cant Me- I. Sheet Ureas and Copper. Brass and Copper Wire. Punches. Cold ( his- Is, Drills, Stocks and Di-s. Hammers Callipers, Dividers, Hand Vic s. Bcfttb Vics, -nd a large amount us other tools. Pulleys, Hangers, &«. 25 dozen fiat ba f Bound and K<>' nd Fjks, assorted Bis« s. Circular Saw, bO feet turned Shafting, I’ulle s and Belting. Also, a Steam Engine of six-horse power set on Loco motive Bui er. in com pl ’e order All of whioh will be sold cheap To a try one desiring s good investment this affords a rare oppoi tunity Enquire ol •Toll 11 Egrgre*!*, Jeweler, No. 10 Market street, Montgomery, Al?, sept 52w CtXCINNATI ""ADVERTISEMENTS CHAPPELL, BRUCE & CO., Importers and Jobbers of DRY GOODS, 144 West Fourth Street, (Between Race and Elm) CINCINNATI. OHIO. Every description of DDY GOODS, And every article necessary to make a complete outfit for a CITY OR COUNTRY STORE, Can be obtained at Tliis Wh will dup icatp price* of any hill purchased in New York We "re determined to nnke it to the interest of the Southern S ates to purchase their stock of uh thiN fall Ono of partners reside in Now York and ronseqnently has great dvan tag’*, which w propose o extend to our customers Wecin-up ply every artic’e kept in a country Dry Go-als store. Chappell, Bruce At Co. aug 20—1 m GEORGIA HOTEL. BREAKFAST AND DINNER HOUSE, Near Railroad Depot, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA. Hr Mr»i" nlwaye r<-.-ly on orrlvni of the Car. each way from A* Mit'ia id Mncoo. Good fu o and the but ol attention given to pa»»er>ger». t». H. MAWhISGS, .opt 1 -Ini* Froptltior. AUGUSTA ADV. RTI SEME NTS. COTTON FACTORS, NO. 483 BROAD.’STREET, .Ajugiista, Oeorgia. We take this method of notifying Owners & Holders of Cotton Throughout Georgia and and adjoining States that onr facilities for receiving, putting in order and shipping are thoroitgli and pel feet. We will receive Cotton, put it in order, pay all charges of every description, inclu ding Revenue Taxes, make LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES, And thus relieve tbe owner of all csre and trouble Our Northern and European correspondents and iriends are among the oldest, n)OSt experienced and reliable Mer chants. Messrs. Norton, Slaughter & Co., New Ycrk, Me srs. Charles L Colby, Esq., New York, Messrs Loes 4 Wai er. Bankers, New York, Messrs II B Clallin A Co , New York, Messrs. Glidden A Williams, Boston, Messrs. Loes A Waller, Oriental Bank Corporation, Lon don. Proceeds es sales will be remitted with promptness, in tbe National Currency er in Gold as shippers may desire. HOLDERS AND PLANTERS OF COTTON Wishing to avail themselves of the present Northern and Euiop**aH rates, will consult their inti rest by send ing it forward, thereby avoiding the heavy insu rance and storage expenses ruling here Great commercial centres are tbe most desira ble markets for staple productions. References: Robert Campbell Esq. Harper 0 Bryson, T S Metcalf, Augusta; J W Battersby, 0 L Colby \ Co, Savannah ; Richard Peters. W P Orme, Tbos M Clarke, Atlanta ; General Geo R J< stop, Madison; Porter Daniel, Greensboro’; Colonel G M Logan, Roberts, Dunlap A Co, Macon. tjk- Parties desiring to send their Cotton to other houses, we will ship it for them at reasonable rates to any Northern or European port. The steamers General Berry a* d Falcon are under our immediate control, as also a large portion us the shipping on tbe Savannah river. MAUDE & WRIGHT, sept s—ts Cotton * actors and Shipping Merchants- TO OWNERS OF COTTON. In answer to numerons inquiries from abroad, we would say that we are pre pared to take charge of, put in order and ship any lot of Cotton in the States of Georgia, South Carolina or Alabama, as we have local agents at almost every town, and a corps of most efficient men, selected for integrity, capacity and ex* perience, to take charge of every lot. We w.ll also pay all taxes and charges of every description, and make liberal advances on the Cotton. In short, we will take charge of the Cotton on re ceipts or orders and give the owners no trouble whatever, from the time we re ceive it until sold and returns are made by our houses. WATTS, CRANE & CO, New York, or W. C. WATTS & CO, Liverpool, England. We invite tbe special attention of non-residents to our facilities. E. M. BRUCE & CO. AUGUSTA, GKOKGIA. Aug 26 —ts XtjgtjstX ADVERTISING AHO COLLECTION & JE3 TV C Y . IHJVE opened an office for the receipt of advertise meuts for various newspapers, and the collection ol bills, notes, drafts, Ac., at 308 Broad Street, Augusta. Business attended to with promptness and dispatch Terms libera]. .Address W. G. WHIDBY, 308 Broad Street. Refer to W A Ramsey A O>. L B Davis, plumb & ner, T R Rhodes, Augusta ; 8 B »ykii>. J W Burke* A Cb. Clayland A Durable. Macou ; Dr T S Poweb. J S Peter son, Esq, OUpt C R Han loiter, Ohl T O'Howard, Perino Brown. Salmons & Simmon-, A K Beago, Atlanta. aug 26-it W. A. RAMSEY. J B. HALL. W. A. RAMSEY & CO.. AUCTION AND General Commission Merchants 308 BROAD STREET, (Opposite Union Bauk,) AUGUSTA, OKOROIA, G. A. PARKER, Auctioneer, Wi’l give their prompt and personal attention to the sale and purchase of Bonds, Stocks, Real Estate, Mer chandise, Ac., having large experience and ample fa cilit es |uly6—tf GLOBE HOTEL, BROAD STREET. AUGUSTA. GEORGIA, IMILLNER, NEBLETT & CO., Proprietors. THE undersigned take pleasure in announ'’ing to their fi tends and the puolio generally that they have re opened this favorite Hotel. No expense will be spared to make it a first-class House. Aug 26—ts MILI NER, NFBLhTT & CO. JOHN K. JACKSON,' ATTORNEY AT LAW, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Has resumed the Practice of hfs Profession. He may be consulted at the Store of Geo. T. Jackson & Co. Persons desiring to make application for special pardon > an have proper papers made up by him. aug 12—lin new“york advertisements. DURYEAS’MAIZENA Was the only “Preparation for f ;od from Indian Corn” That received a meda and honorable mention from the Royal 1 omaiissioners. the competition of all prominent manufacturers of '‘Horn Starch” and “Prepared Corn Flour” of this aud other countries notwiihstanding. MAIZENA, The food end taxuiy of the age, without a single fault. One trial will convince the most i-keptical. Makes Pud dings, ( akes, bustards, Blanc Mange, Ac , without isin glass, with few or no eggs, at. a cost astonishing the most economical. A slight addition to ordinary Wheat Flour greatly improves Bread and Cake. It is also excellent for thickening tweet sauces, gravies for fish and meat, soups Ac For Ire Crenm nothing can compare with it. A litilo boi e<l in milk will produce rich cream for ctffee, atr t( a, Ac Pm up in one pound packages, under tbe trade-mark Mnizena wi h di • ctions for Uie a most delicious ar icle of food for children and Inva lids of a I iges For sale by Grocers ard Druggists everywhere Wholesale D pot, 166 Fulton Street. NEW YORK. WILLIAM OITRYEA, Aug 23—3 m Grneral gent. Wa ren’s CeM hrated Needlesand Fish Hooks. ANDKICW CIjU’.TtK <Sc CO.. 48 Maiden Lune, New Yotk, HOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS Our former customers wil find a reduction in gold prices of Ihe Needles while the quality is always kept up to the highest s anduid known to English inunu ac* turers. A. C & Co,, respectfully solicit a renewal of the mer n ntlle relatione so long aud favorably esteemed by their couso. Aug 23--Bui NASHVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. J. W WILSON. I H.W UUTTOKFF , T. J WILSON. J.W.WILSOHIO. No. 17 College Street, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, Manufacturers of TIN AND COPPER WIRT, Wrought Iron Cooking Stovesj Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Cooking and Heating Stoves, House Furnishing Goods, Coal Oil Lamps, and Coal Oil, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, Wire and Tinners’ Findings, And Tinware of every Description. Aug 27—3 m M. MARBURG, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Uo. 42 PUBLIC SQUARE, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE, Announces to the Wholesale Trade of Atlanta and vi cinity, that he in receiving daily consignments of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, &c., From New York and Boston, which will be sold at East ern prices. Aug 16—3 m PAUL & SANFORD, FORWARDING AND Commission Merchants, No. 41 South Market Street, le, Tennessee, PARTICULAR attention will be given u> receiving and tor warding all goods S»uth or Cotton and Tobacco North We keep constantly on bqnd a full assortment of all kinds of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINES OF EVERY VARIETY, Consibti' g in part of the fol owing, viz : Lever Powers and . hrasbt rs (with w < ugbt in n cylinders), English Chain Powe s, Fresher*, eic.. Portable Ciicuiar Saw Mills, for wood cutting ; Western H-n I Corn .-beliers, abiugie Machin'S, Clothes Washers ai.d ringers, Pumps, En gines. Cotto i <>ins and Pre c s<‘B. - antord’s >traw (utters, Kentucky Cider Mills, Cast P-ows, Revolving Horse Hukes, Beapers and Mowers, with latest improvements. Agri cultural Implements and Seal -s will be sold at manuL»c lun r’s prices, the cost of transportation added. Sugar-Cane (.rushers and Evupo' at<*rs. A full absortment of Carriage. Buggy and Wagon Ma terials always on hand. We keep constantly on hand and lor sa.e the latest and m,.st improve I stylus of Bug gies and Carriages Wa are also agents for Fairbanks Scales. Orders filled fur Ha) , Corn, Oats, Produce and Provisions of all kinds. Orders n c ived for sail. Cm signmen 8 respectfully solicited. Lime tor sale. PAUL & SANFORD. A ig 26—tt p7 P. PEC K , Insurance JYgent AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, INasliville, Tennesssee, WILL give special attention to the purchasing and snipping of all kinds of merchandise on orders from ibroad. O** R w f' r p to the old citizens generally of Nashville, aug 26-Im * McGovern, Arnold & co., 40 NORTH MARKET STREET, (NKAJR THE SQUAHK,) NASHVILLK, - - - TENNESSEE. Wholesale and Retail DE LERS IM LEATHER AND SHOE FINDINGS, HIDES, OIL, AND CURRIERS’ TOOLS- Aug. 26 3m. CEO. A. DICKEL, IMPORTER OF Wines. Liquors & Cigars, Distiller and rtectifiei - , AND DEALER IX Bourb >n, Rye &■ Rvbinaoit Co. Whiskies, No. 12 SOUTH MARKET STREET. NASHVILLE, > - TKKBEBBEE. ■ug.S-Hm. B. S. WELLER & SON, 50 ISi’oad Street, Kasliville, ’X’en.n... i dealers ix FIELD & GARDEN SEEDS, Threshers, Reapers & Mowers. ALSO, Larße lot of Stills, Stoves and Sugar Mills always on hand. nUfiST 3m. PARRISH &"cC W II O DSA. I. HI Dls A LEIt S ix BOOTS cto SHOES 226 MAIN SIREET. (.HTOSlft l.i'UP VILI.E HOTEL,) LOUISVILLK, KY. aug27-lra i.n.ruicg. geo. n.r.KiD. w. n. chadbovbn. FRENCH & CO., Cotton Factois, forwarding n<l Commission Mercliinis, Wholesnl Grocers <fcc., CI.ARK STIIKBT, XASIIVII.UK, TENN )NSIGNMENB R •'jelled an I liberal hdvun?<*H mad / m U'*t> dtalrtd. Ord*Th for Groceries, Salt, Biggin aud R''pe promptly executed. oug 26-ts N A SIIVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. Wholesale Hardware, ARTHUR A. RREAST & CO. Dealers in HARDWARE, CUTLERY, BELTING, MILL-FINDINGS, METALS, CORDAGE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, JVT WHOLESALE, 29 Public Square. NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. Are now receiving direct from the Man ufacturers as large and complete a stock of all goods in their line as can be found in the West or South, and at prices as low as in any Western or Southern City. Their Fall and Winter Stock is now Complete. The Proprietors being PRACTICAL HARDWARE MEN Give their personal attention to filling orders, and use their best exertions to merit trade. They respectfully solicit an examination of stock and prices. Quotations given by mail. COPPER STILLS AND WORMS, ALL SIZES. aug 30—3 m NEW IRON STORE. JOHN C. NAUTS. | WM. C REAMER. KMIS t RML No- 247 West Main Street, between Sixth and Seventh. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, Agents for NEW ALBANY ROLLING MILL, And Dealers in IRON, NAILS AND STEEL Also, keep constantly on hand a full assortment of “Brinly’s” Steel Plow Plates, Hollow-ware Castings, Horse Shoe Nails, Blacksmiths’ Tools, Horse Shoes, Mould Boards, Plow Plates, Wagon &oxes, Spikes, Rivets, Springs, Washers, Axels, Nuts, Bolts, Safes. Or Orde’B respectfu ly xolicted and promptly filled* aug 80—3m* New Wholesale House. STIEN, NASSAUER & CO., NO. 70 EAST PUBLIC SQUARE. NaslivlUe, Tennessee, Wholesale Dealers in Boots and Mhoes, Hats, Caps, Trunks anil Valices, f gIAKE pleasure iu announcing tn the Merchants, and | the public g nera.L , ttißt they have opened a large and complete sto k of everyth rg in their line, and would res ecLiuby solicit an examination of their Goods by City and Country Merchants, «8 they can and will Heil goods as low as can bo bough in any of the Northern cities. bTEI V, N AB3AUEK & CO. jiug 26—3 m S. B. SPURLOCK & CO., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN GROCERIES & DRY GOODS, Hats, Cape, Boots and Shoes, NO 33 BROAD STRKBT, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. aug26 3m. CITY HOTEL, EAST SIDE PUBLIC Nashville, Tennessee, J. R. WIMBOUKN de. CO., aug27lm. Proprietor.. J. & L. WHORLEY, IMPORIORS and dealers in Snuff. Pipes, Foreign and Domes ic CIGAR-4 and TOBACCO. O.deat Tobacco House iu (lit) city. No. 32 Market st, N übv lie, Tenn aug27-3m. LOUISVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. DAVID R HUTCHINGS, I W W.FMAZKB, JAMKB A. DUNCaN, | BKN. 0. WKaVRK. IHIH, DUNIN & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS Leaf Tobacco, Ccuntry Produce. &c., &c., &c NORTH SIDE MAIN STREET, be tween SEVENTH and EIGHTH, LOUISVILLE, KY. Strict attention paid to the Bale of BACON, JLARD, PORK, WHEAT, FLOUR, WHISKY. Will fill all orders for Rope, etc. aug 8-3 mo JCHN SNYDER. | THOB. 8, BNVDER, JOHN SNYDER & CO., Wholesale Grocers AND Commission Merchants, FOB THE BALE OF Western and Southern Produce, 306 Main Street, bet, Third and Fourth Louisville, Ky. Agents for the sale of Raw Whisky, Particular attention given to sale of all kinds of Grain and ountry Produce. July 27—2 m MRS BuTiiiffl &10., GROCERS, PROVISION DEALERS, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, NO. 116 MAIN STREET, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, Orders for Groceries, Provisions, Bigging and Rope, promptly executed. July 25—6 m MOSS & TRIGG, IMFOBTEBS OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS.&c., NO. 536 MAIN STREET, - LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, Aug 8— 6m ~ lT'd. carterT” Formerly of Carter County, East Tennessee, with J. M. MOBIIXSSOISr & CO., Wholesale Dealers in FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, isro’Tioisrs, & o .» 516 Malo Street, between Fif'h and Sixth, luouisville, Kentucky, Aug 19—ts J. 8. IXTHGRoW, I J. L. NMYMtR C. O. SMITH, | VINCKNT OOX J. S. LITHGOW & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Stoves, Castings, Hollow Ware, MANTELS <& GRATES, Tinplate, Sheet Iron, Copper and Tanners’ Findings. N. W. Corner Main and Third Street., t LOUISVILLK. KY. ang27 3m. ». BONIGOMBKV. j R. I. CRAWIORn. MONTGOMERY & CO., Manufacturers of u , Mow ded. plain. Flint and Fancy Colored Lamps, and Who'esa’e and Retail Dealers iu Burning and Lubricating Oi s,' handa lers and Lamp Fixtures of mH kinds. Arents for the sa'eof *'ays ville < oa'. Oil, Paraffine W’ax and ' and es. 408 Ms n street, between Fourth and BuUitt, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, aug 27—3 WM. L. WKLIKR, JAS P. PI CHNKR. WELLER & BUCKNER, DEALKKB IN Pure Copper Distilled Bourbon WHISKEY. 614 Main St., Opposite Louisville Hotel, LOUISVILLE, KY. aug27-3m. sTBrJCKNERT Importer, and Wholreale D* Rier in Notions, WhileGoodw, Fnnc}’Hardware, Hosiery, Gloves, Slilrtw, Ac., No. 513 Mali, stro it, between Filth and Sixth, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. nug 30-3 m J. B. o’banson, Jefferson Co | a. w. o’b.nnox, J. 18. O’BAAAOV & SON, Wholesale Grooers and Commission MERCHANTS, No. 208 Main street, between Second and Third, LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY. ang 30-3 m C. c. RUFER. | PHIL. K. H. I OTICH. Mt. Clißi-leN TC'OMtuiiruiit, C. C. RUFER & CO., Proprietors, Fifth street, between Multi and Market, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. Also. Wholesale Dealers In Pure Wines, Bran lies, Wille bies, Ale, Porter,He. Bolesg-nt for Harris’ Ituyton Ale. ang 30 fin LOUISVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. WM. kriecshaberC Jobber of and Wholesale Dealer in Domestic and Fancy DRY GOODS, No. 171 Main street, between Fifth and Sixth. LOUISVILLE, KENTU KY. ang 30-2 m 0 o. JONES, I PROF. K. TAPP Late of Nish ville, Tenn. | Late of Florence, A la. JONES & TJkFP, W holesale Clothiers, No. 200 (old No. 620) Main .treat, Louisville, Ky. aug 30-1 m xnwis xonns. | c. a. morms. EIfWIN MORRIS & CO., Wholesale Druggists, No. 197 (old No. 527) Mel, street, between Hfth * 81xth. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. ang 30-3 m HATS, CAPS & FURS AT WHOLESALE. Tl <¥ stock of Goods for the F »II Trade is now cumpk’te, _LVJ[.un(t will be sold as the m rket will allow. Partfcu* hr attention given to orders- Wm- F- Osborn, 72 Main St. beiw.ea 24 aud 3d sis. Luuisviik, Ky. aug3o-3m. A. KARN, J. W< LP KJKHISr & WOEF, Mauufacteros and Mholwalo lioMrr. in READY MADE CLOTHING AND FURNISH ING GOODS. No 438 Main street, LOU.UVd.LE, KENTUCKY, and ho 22 Boutu Fourtu at. PHILAI'KU*nIA, PA. augSOitn. MITCHELL ARMSTRONG. New No 65 North Side Main St. between 8< cond and Third LOUISVILLE MY, bene at C .mtnlMlon and Provision Merchants, Particular aUtniiou given to the purchnse ana eale us Purk. Bicon, Lird. Uieuse, Flour, loo.hc > aud Bourbon Whiskey, Rope and aug3o 3m. WM HATT, J D ASLI PIATT & ALLEN, Wbo< Isale d alors id BOOTW Jfc SHOES N<-. 195 Main Street, between Futn and B.xth, LOl ISVILLH, KY. aug3o 3m ALIX. CKAIG, B I*. TKI MAN, T. M. SWAMI. CRAIG, TRUMAN & CO., Wholesale Dealers in Hats, Caps, Straw Goods and Ladies’ 000 u s . 607 Main Street 21 do.r East of Louisville Hotel. Louisville, Kentucky. aug3u 3ir. JAS. TRABUt I W. A. navis. I T. J. AMIS. | , TRABUr, MATT. BULL. Trabue, Davis & Co., Importers of and Dealers iu Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Hosiery, White Goods & Notions, tJuB Main strwet, < ppos te Louisville Hotel. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. aug 30-3 m R J MENEFEE. JAS. 0. MCFERRAN, JNO. B. MCFBRRAN. Md'ERILIN & MEABFEE, COTTON FACTORS, GENERAL COMMISSION Merchants, and healers In Provisions, Rope and Bagging, Main Sheet, Between First ana Secund Streets, Louisville. Kentucky. <9. Our facilities for the handling and sale of C'ittun arc i.iisurpa*-B')ti by any honwe iu the West. When d - sired, we will make liberal Cash Adv nces un Couslg -- rneuts, to us or to our friends iu Rtw York. FOR W TrDING. To this branch of our budne’B we are p -yintf special attention. Goods sent to our care will go torwaid w| h dispatch at lowest possible rates. aug 31—3 m. 8. CASSKDAT. BEN. CABBEDAY 8. CASS EDAY & SON, IMPuRTKIU OF Queensware, Glass and China, 626 MAIN STREET, Louisville, Kentucky, aug. 31.—1 m. J. W. BEKTER. | T. C. CBAUDOHT. HEETER & CHAUDOIN, Wholesale De .lorn in HATS, CAPS, & STRAW GOODS, No b'Yl Main Street, between Fifth d- Six h SoutHwicle. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCK Y. aug 81.—8 m. HARVEY & BROWN, WHOLES AI.K DKAI.EBB IN CLOTEEIMG, 527 Main Street, Up Stairs, South Side, O VER HEETER <£• UDOIN, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY aug. 31.—3 m, J. P. TOBBITT. H. C. MUHBEI.L 8. CAFTI PM N. MURRELL, CASTLEMAN & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 122 North Side Main Street, betw en Fifth A Sixth» LOmsVLLLE, KENTUCKY aug 31.—3 in. W. H. BTOKKB. J. MAKNKAU B. F. V»l »S. W. H. STOKES & CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN COACH AND !»<!»- dlery Hardware, Leather. Collars. Jlan-e*. Ti <e Chains, Ac., and Wholesa a Dealers iu Sadd cm. Bi I ka, and llarneaß, No. 509 Main Street, between F fth mil Sixth, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY Men hants and Manufactuteis w- uld find it t«» tlv ir interest to examine our stock before making I »ir put* chases. Orders from a distance will be attended tu if made in person. ang 81—>3m ~WEBB & LEVHIiINb. Booksellers & Station, rs, ASD BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER-. DKiLKItSin School B-ika. P. .r BUtioi,. r<. <1 14 Pohb Ac., Ac. Main Street, 3 door, below 3rd. LOUISVILLE, KENTUUK I. ang 31—ts. Tax Notice. THE books for receiving and collecting tbe C'ty Tapes for the present year will be opened on Moudav i e*t. 21at inat ,al the store of B W. Adams ACo iKXt door to A. C Wyly’s old aland, Peachtree street In order to shorten the wink aud tave the rdlgens trouble, from those who are prepared I shall receive and collect at the same time The people are urgently requested to come forward at once and give in and pay their taxes Robert C?r«iAvl"«.r<l. Aug 16—2 m T. R. and C. A . JOHN M. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATLANTA, GIG OR FI A Ofiloe on MoDonough Street. W’lll give prompt attention to all busineta •ntrur <d to hiataio. au e 2v—tl