The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, September 09, 1865, Image 3

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daily new era. A. R. WATSON LOCAL EDITOR. Dwfllisg Housss.—While the frenzy for erecting business houses in Our City has be come almost » mouomauiu, we see few or no dwelling homes going up. There ere hun dreds of femilies that arc in pressing need of bouses and urn willing to p y libera) rent, for houses. Why is it then, that men who have the lots and the means, do not turn their at tention into this cl aunel ? Such an enter prise would pay handsomely for all the money invested and will make room for the accom modation of the v st influx of people that are coming or desire to come to the city. If our moneyed mon desire to have our city densely populated it must have houses for the people to live in. The few bouses that are to let now, are let out at such an exalted fig ure that the renter feels like exclaiming, “see what a rent the curious Gasca made.” The dwelling bouses now in the City are packed to overfl wing, some have two, three, five and even more families in them. Some houses have a family to each room, and some houses have one room and yet accommodate two or more familie . We hope our citizens will turn their attention to the erection of dwelling houses. The people need them and the city nteds th'm. Longstreet, Sedgwick & Co., Nxw Yokk. - We invite the attention of Merchants aud oth ers to the Card of this House, to be found in our columns to-day. Longstreet’s Clothing Store is well known throughout the South as one of the largest establishments in New York. They are as clever as they are geuer. ous and merchants will consult their own in terest by patronizing them. It will also be teen from their announcement that our clever and genial friend, J. JI. Handlst, formerly of the house of Pulliam, Wills, Kankin & Co, is now in the house of Messrs. Longstreet, Sedgwick & Co. The merchants in this section will always find in him a true friend and be will take pleasure in attending to any orders they see proper to send him for Clothing. A more correct an 1 reliable business man th in MJ. Handley, can not be found in the whole coun try, and by his polite and attemi e deport ment he has endeared himself to a host of business men and others in the South. Being well acquainted with the leading nouses in New York, he can be of great service to mer chants from the South v siting that city, Sea his card. Personal.—We had the pleasure on [yes terday of meeting in our office Mr. L. o’- Brideweil, special agent and correspondent of the Angusta Constitutionalist- Mr. B. is here en route for the Western cities and New York in behalf of bis paper. We can say to our merchants and others of this city that do better medium in Georgia it offered to ad v»rtisers than the Constitutionalist. We are happy to note the improved appearance of that paper and its late enlargement with the many marks of success which show out so plainly. Messrs. Zimmerman & V-rdery, corner Broad and Marietta streets, will re ceive subscriptions and advertisements. Auction.—We call attention to the auction sale of Jlessrs. Godfrey & Oatman advertised for this morning. It will be seen from their advertisement that Mr. H. Marshall is now their auctioneer, and a good one he is We can say to our readers that while he may not be quite so buffoonisb on the block as auctioneers too frequently try jto make themselves, be may be relied on as a conscientious man. And the goods he knocks down will be what he resresents them so far as his information ex tends. We commend this firm and their gentlemaniy auctioneer to the public. Jones & Tapp—Louisville. —In the great press of advertisements upon our column-, we neglected to notice the advertisement of this House. They are extensive dealers in clothing and will always be found to be clev er and accomodating to parties visiting their establishment. Besides they offer gieat in ducements to parties needing anything in tbeir line. We call particular attention to their card, to be found iu the Louisville di rectory. Intelligence. —11. Marshall has opened Gedera! Intelligence office, at the house of Godfrey A O-ilman on Peachtree street. It is just the thing that is wanted. Persons wish ing employment and those wanting employees ore referred to his card Dry Good-. W. 11. Bioib-rt n, dealer in Staple and Fa> cy Dj Goods, has an extensive advert s' merit in our paper ths morning. He ha« on hand a splendid lot of goods in bis bne. ami it is as well s 1 -ct. d a<- a >y in ihe market. We refer all buyers to his hou-e, on ihe cruet of Whitehall and M ichell streets. Manhattkn Hotel.—We invite the atten tion of merenants and others who expect to visit New York, t>> t e card of this house.— N Huggins, the Proprietor, is a perfect gen th man, and is always very kind and attentive to travellers fr rn this section. Eek change in edvertiS' merit of M. C. Blan chard, Insnrai c t Arent, with additional securi ties, be now represents comp »nie» to the am runt of Ten Mi lion Dollars Parties wishing to insure would do w -il to call on him. Partner Wanted—A gentlman of fine business qualifications about to commence business in this city is in want of a partner with a capital $2,500. He may be found by enquiring at this office. Pers NAI.. M , >er. St-erlman was in town yesteid y. P I(h vernoi J ffinson,Ge . J bn B. G ir.ioo and Hou. Ben. H. Hill weie also here, Jno. \ i.HDßiiv A Bros have a house and lot for sale They also advertise 1000 Bush els of corn. ■* •-*. Skaco offers a house and lot on Peters streets for sale. 5 oung ladies often asked why they blush so wben spoken to about their lover, but they are seldom able to give a satisfactory answer. Taking pity on the basbfulness, a writer in the American Medical Gazette furnishes the following lucid explanation of the beautiful phenomenon: “The mind communicat-s with the ci-rural ganglion, the latter, by reflex action through the brain and facial nerve to the organic n r esin the fa e, with which’ its brane es inosculate.” The mystery is now perfectly clear. S PE C I A L XOTI CE S . TO ADVKK-riSKKS In order to insure insertion tn t. <e morn. Ing’s paper, ad vrrt Uer« will please hand in their fUvon earh day, by M o’clock, P. Al. O’* PHILLIPS k FLANDBRS, Whitehalk Strrkt.— I These g nthunrn have on hand a good BJBurtm nt of Family Also, Factory Yarns at wholesale, which they propose to sell at fair prices. TO BUSINB3S MEN—Nkw Era Job Printing Office —-Having fitted up a first rate Job Printing Office, we are p eperod to do ail work in that line, ou reason able terms .nd in the most expeditious manner. Hoving a sociatvd with us Mr. T. 8 Reynolds, one of the most experienced Job Workmen in the South, we think we c»n give entire satisfaction as to style and everything else. Cail and examine specimens Bept 7—ts PHILLIPS 4 PRATHER. Wanted to Rent, a good Dwelling, with four or five rooms, iu a good neighborhood, convenient to the business part of th? city. For such a place good rent will be paid in advance, monthly. Inquire of II MARSHALL, Real Estate Agent, at Go Ifrey & Oatman’s, sept s—dh ts Peachtree street. HEADQUARTERS MILITARY’ POST,! Atlanta, Ga , Sept. Ist, 1866. j Gixeral Orders No. 5 I. The trade with firearms and ammunition is hereby strictly prohibited until further orders. Any person acting against this order will be severely punished and the shark oomfis*atcd. 11. All persons, both white and black, found in the streets without domicil or means of subsistence will bo put to work on the streets ot this city under the super ▼•sion ot the Provost Marshal 111 Ihe Provost Marshal of this Post is orlered with the strict exec ition of this order. By command of Bievet Brig ‘Jen Felix Prince Salm FREDERICK H t ESTER, Lt. aud A. A. D. C. sept I—ts M?’ MR- DAVID F. WALLIS, “ Union Office,” Na bville, Tenn., is our authorized agent at that place. Aug. 31—ts BGU MESSRS. WEBB 4 LEVERING, Book sellers and Stationers, Louisville, Ky., are our auth rizt-d agents at that place. Aug. 31—if Office of Assistant Special Agent, 1 First Agency U. S. Trbas’rv Dept., !• Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 30, 1865. J A PUBLIC SALE of captured and abandoned property, belonging to the United States Government, will take place at Madi son, Ga., on Thursday, September 7th., 1865, commencing at 11 o’clock a. tn., and at Wash ington, Ga , on Saturday, September 9th., 1865, commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. By order of V. SPALDING, Aug. 31—7 t Ass’t Special Ag’t. MONETARY AND‘;OMMSRCIAL ATLANTA MONEY MARKET. Corrected by Robert J. Lowry, Broker. Georgia Railroad Bank, buying at 60 cts fi r one dollar. Ceu r 1 Bank. “ 45 .* « «• .* B-nk Siate of Georgia, »< 20“ “ “ “ Marine Hank, “ 30 “ u ‘‘ «* Bank of avaunah, <* 25 u ** « *• Rank of, *< 20 “ “ « “ Bank of Middle Georgia, u 35“ “ “ “ Bank of Ful<on. “ 15 “ « ** <* A I other Ga 3 C. and Ala. Banks “ 5 to 25 <• “ Grid, baying at 35 cents, selling at 40 to 46 cts. Silver, buying at.3o, selling at to 40 ct- prom Atlanta Wholesale Market. Corrected by It 'bert J. I owry & Co., Commission Merchants. Bacon—H»g round 24 to 26; Clear Sides 28 to 30, in demand Beeswax—3o cts per pound. Bagging—Kentucky 85 to 40 cents. Pepper—Black 40 cts per ib. Blacking —Small Size 65, Large $1 25 yer dozen. Coffee—Rio 38 t< 40 cts per lb. Candles -Star, by the box, 30 cts per lb, half box, 31 cts pe. lb.; quarter box, 33 p*r Ib. Candy—Common Stick 50, French 50, assorted 60 cts per lb Cotton r ARDs—No 10. sls per doz**n Cheese—English Dairy—3s to 40 cents. Corn—sl 25 per bushel. Peaches—Dried Cut Off $2 per bushel of 36 lbs, pealed cut off, »3 per bushel of 40 pounds. Flour— Extra -»nd Family 15 to sl6 per barrel. Indigo—l 75 to $2 25 per pound Mackerel—New family i > kits, $4 75. Madder—2- to 33 cts per lb. to 15 < ts per lb. Soda—lß to 20 cts per lb. Epsom Salts—l 6to 18 cis per lb. Starch—lu to 20 cts per lb. Matches—f 3 per gio«s White Lead—ln 011 25 to 30 cts per lb. bOAP —20 to 25 cts per ib. Sugar—New Orleans 20 to 28; Crushed 33 to 35 oents per lb. Tea—s 2tos2 25 per lb. N Alia—B 50 to $lO per keg. Iron—Sweden 10 cts per Ib. Rope—Kentucky 25 cts per lb. I- omestic—4-4, 28 to 32; 7-8, 25 to 27 ; Osnaburgs 22 to 24 cts per yard. Dry Goods.—Prints, 32 tw 35 c«8 per yard; Bleached Muslin. 28 to 54. Cotton Yai.ns—2 75 to ’3 per bunch. Cot'on sin 11 sales at 27 to 30 cts per lbs as to order and quality. PACIFIC HOTELS 170, 172, 171 &176 Greenwich St., (OSESUU4KK WRIT OK BRO DWAY ) Between Courtlandt & Dey Streets, New York. J 01IN I*A TTEN, Jr , Propri tor. FIIHE Pacific Hotel K well and widklt known to the JL in*veiling puOnc. Tae lociliou i esj e lai y suitable merchants and bufda< ss men ; it >b in c os • proximity uj l e business part of «be Cuy—>s cn the highway ot Southern ard trawl—and adjic“nt to ah ihe princlpa* Rai read and M- amb -at depot • , •he Pacific liah liberal i<c o mil- d .lion' for over 300 guests . it s well furnished, and posbcsßos » very mooe n improvement f«>r ik: c>m.< rt and emert dnm<*ut of hb inmates, ihe rooms are spacious and well ventilat d ; provided with gas and water; the attendance is prompt and respectful; and Hie table is generously provided wi.h every delic cy oi tie* season. ILe Hubscr her, *h«», for the past f;w ye rs, his been the le.-Ri e. is now so e proprietor, and m e d- to identify li.mstlf thoroughly with the interests of h.s houses. W th mi g ( xpern d- ea- a hole keeper, h- dusts, by moderat" c aiges ui.d a liberal |H»licy, to inamUiu tue favorable reputation of ihe P..c fl. Hotel. sept—7 1 yr. JOH v pATIEN, Jr. “irbK saxjeT" I/Ik / ACRES oi Woodland, fronting on Georgia -1 A x * Z Railroad 306 yarda and being 1% m lesfrom the city limits Terms rea enable Kell Ac <naskill, reptT—tf Real Estate Agent. W. SLEDGE I EDWAR> VARSONS, Late of Perry House, Colum- I bus, Georgia. SLEDGE HOUSE, OPKHKA, ALABAMA. Kb' Rorii ar Br. nkuiHt and Dinner Houao from Waat Point and Montgomery. SLKDOX ,fc PA ll* ON', a pt 6—lm Proprietors. For Sale. 12 D z •!> Fine Gold Pens, IIP) Gi’obb Steel Pena HHsorted. D.vitl .L Arnold'a B"»i Inka, P>-st School SI Her ill a ■/, B. VV< Btenliolin’a Fme Pocket Knives, li'kstinds and P 'nbo derH, F tie P iper and EovelopeH. Best Vioijn and Guitar Strings. Sealnii Wax and Mnci’ago. J J. & S. P KICIIAHDS, Pete-s St, 2 ) door wect of Wbiietiali St. N. B I’eteta Street is one blork south of R. >»ik’a c■ iti-t. adg 31. if. AR.CHKR CHFAfHAM. GEO. W. DAKO'N. GEO. g. KINNEY. ARCHER CHEATIIAM&CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND IMPORTERS OK BHANniKM, WISER ARD I.IQUOftM. And Dealers in TOBACCO, HA VAN A OICARH, Rlc., Be. No. OColbge streat, NABHVIL.LB, TKNN. aug 313 m. walt/paperT A I. KOK asiortimmt, all qua,l.i ui ami i.r.eoa. For xw f«l» by. w. KETCHUM. B p 3 ts DIRECT EDOM NEW YORK, By every steamer leaving that City for Charles ton and Savannah, and for sale at prices to defy competition iu any market this side of New Yoik City. Bourbon Whisky, in oases, Old Kentucky Whisky, iu barrels. Pure Holl >nd Gin, pints and quarts in bottles, Raspberry, Blackberry, Cherry, Ginger and Cognac Brandy, in cases, Lemon, Strawberry and Raspberry Syrup, in boxes, St. Julien Claret, in cases, Heidsick Wines, in cases, Mackerel, in kits and half barrels, Bi Carb Soda, pound papers, in boxes, Glen Cove and Satin Gloss Starch, in 40 and 6 pound boxes, Maizena, in 40 lb. and 20 lb. boxes, Wahoo Bitters, for Dyspepsia, in cases, Colgate’s No. 1 Soap, lb. bars iu boxes, Colgate’s German Evasive Soap, lb. bars in boxes, Clark <C Co’s Friction Matches, in boxes, 4,6, 8. 10, 12 oz. Tacks, in boxes, Waite Lead, in 25 lb. cases, Pad Locks, Axe Helves, Faucets, Burg St irters, Cacoa Nut Dippers, Washboards, Varnished Keelers, Tubs, Brooms, Shoe and Scrub Brushes, Ground Ginger, Ground Pepper, Baking Powder, Cream Tartar. Horse Halters, Cotton Twine, Cothrs Liue, Window Cord, Flour, best Genessee, in barrels, Axes, Assorted Cand 7, Candies, Willow Market Baskets, with covers, Gallon Kegs, w th screws, Pocket Knives, Table Knives and Forks, English Breakfast and Green Tea. Having made arrangements with the old and well known firm of BOYD BROTHERS, OF NEW YOBK, Affording us unequalled facilities for tho pur chase of goods adapted to this market, and having our own teams running between Orange burg and Johnson’s Turn Out, we are enabled to lay down poods at low figures. Dealers in Central and Southwestern Georgia and South Alabami would do well to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. w. A. RAMSEY & CO., 308 Broad street, Augusta, Georgia, sept 3 Iw. infiTFciM. We find that the large quantity of Cotton which we own and control in bouth-western Georgia, and the unset tled condition of the country, will re quire us to establish a house at Apalachicola, Florida, For the purpose of receiving and for warding all cotton to our houses at Liverpool and New York. We will be associated at that point with the most eminent business men of the country, who will receive, store, com press aud forward all consignments, pay taxes, charges and make advances upon shipments to WAT IS, CRANE & CO., New York ; W. C. WATTS & CO., Liverpool; or GIVEN, WATTS & CO, New Orleans, Or will forward cotton on the most rea sonable terms, where owners prefer to cons’gn to other houses. BAGGING AND ROPE SUPPLIED. Shippers can rely upon prompt attention. General patronage solicited. 18©" Addrcsfi E. M. BRUCE, MORGAN & CO., sept 2lm Apalachicola, Fla. CAPERS, LOWFITCO.. Office nt Godfrey & Oatman’s. Wo nro prepared to receive coiisigrimoiits of Cotton, Tobacco and YArns, For »a!o in this market, or lor con pig nm cuts for Halo to ROBERT E. COXE & CO., NEIW YOK.K. Every fitcility will be Hffbrdwl for whipping direct to Now York. Advitn* es will bo ina >o. Hope and Bagging fur ni Ind, &c , &c. 11. L>. Capei-M, Win. IS. Lowe. eej t 2—’m LARD. o lIIH.B. very liue. ’> tepZ tr tv KhTUHUM, ROUT J. MASIEY, M. P. | UENRT S. OBMZ, M. D. MASSEY & ORME, (Successors to B. J. Massey), WHOLES!!! DRUGGISTS, WHITEHALL STREET, Atlanta, Cxeorgia, Coal Oil, Linseed Oil, Kerosene Oil, Castor Oil, Petroleum Oil, White Lead, Machine Oil, Paint Brushes, Venetian Red, Prussian Blue, Spanish Brown, Putty and Burnt Umber, Window Glass. J cut received a nice and choice selection of Handkerchief Extracts, Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Pomades, Bear’s Grease. Hair ISrushcs, Toilet Hrusites, besides many articles essential to a Lady’s Toilet. MASSEY & ORME. ALSO, Warranted pure.for medicinal purpoßes, Cognac, French and l each Brandy, Old Port Old Sherry and Old Madeira Wines, and best Old Bour bon Whisky by the case or bottle. MASSEY A ORME. At Abbott & Bros., Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. Sept 2—ts Now offering for sale at prices to defy competition at ABBOTT & BROS. WHITEHALL. STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. 500 gallons Kerosene Oil, 250 gallons Petroleum Oil, 500 gallons Machine Oil, 500 gallons Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil, 200 gallons Lamp Oil, 200 gallons Pea-Nut Oil, 5,000 pounds Pure White Lead, 5,000 pounds Colored Paints, (mixed and dry), 300 boxes Window Glass, 1,000 pounds Putty, 10,000 pounds Soda Asli, 1,000 pounds Copperas, 1,000 pounds Sulphate and Brimstone, 500 pounds Bluestone, 100 gross Matches, 10 barrels Old Bourbon Whisky, (warranted pure), 5 barrels Cognac Brandy, 5 barrels Sherry and Madeira Wine. Itobt. J. Massey. The Ladies of Atlanta are respectfully informed that I have jn«t opened, aud wtll sail at very low prices, a choice and select lot of Perfumery and Toilet Soaps, Kerosene < >il and Lamps, at the store ol Abbott & Bros., Whitehall street. Robt. J. Massey. Aug 20—ts Win. D. Luckie & Co., Invites attention to their stock of Coffee, Sugar, Salt, Bacon, Corn, Flour, Meal, AND FAMILY SUPPLIES GENERALLY, On Loyd street, next door to Jones’ Livery Stable. <e-Call and examine. Bept 2—lm W. D. LUCKIE &. CO. T. KILK. | L. G. PIBKLE. | J. L. QUEEN. T. KILE & CO., WHOLESALE Grocers. Auction AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Havin’ completed our large and commodious build* ing on the C rner of Marietta and Peachtree Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, And having procurod the services of “Undo Billy Hill,” THE PRINCE OF AUCTIONEERS, We intend, in connection with our Grocery Trade, to d » a General Auction and Commission Business. We Hatter ontselves th t we will be able to give perfect satisfaction. As we have procured the services of one of the b st Book-Keepers in the State. Onr motto is qu<ck sales and prompt returns. «ug 26—4 w BURNS & DWYERj WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocery and Liquor Merchants, Near Georgia Railroad Bank, ATLANTA, CEORCIA. July 30—6 m LIMETUMErLIME niUOS. H. WILLIAMS, who has now in successful op- L eration the extensive H .WARD LIME WOKKS. near King-ton, Ga., has established f,r the convenience of pur ci-nsi'is u Limo Depot at Atlanta, Ga., at which place par ties can bo furnished at kiln prices foigi.t added, in any quantity d<*Rired, by calling ou or addressing the under stilled or Mr. l ochuan at the old stand or Bailor & Peters near the Mate Hoad Depot, where the lime 1 stored ’ aug39 Im. WM. M. WII.LIAMB. NEL MS HOUSE, Griffin, Georgia, Meals Beady on the Arrival of Each Ttain ftoin A lanta and Macon. tfd’“ Good Fare and Moderate blunges, - MRS. A. M. NKLMS 9 Sopt I—lm Proprietress. wXntedT - I “ Rc,Mo,,co Aug 24—tl W . p . HARRIS. FOR SALE. Tnß> E quarters of an acre of I and % of a mile from the city towards the Rolling Mills, good location for arc H-deuce. Enquire of nn , n marshall, aug29-tr. Kettl Kaßlute xgont. For Sale. rpilK rut’s Reaidence Lot, four acres, lying, moat 1 beaut!fully,o 11 earhire. street. This ia one of the most dtsirtib.e lots for a first c | residence in this citv . .. BKLL IMSKIIJ ’ Al 11 Heal L>Mlc zig tuts Beal Estate & Collection Office. 11. MARSHALL, Real Estate Agent ATLANTA, GEORGIA, (OFFICE IN GODFREY & OATMAN’S AUCTION HOUSE, PEACHTREE STREET), Will give prompt attention to the sale or leading of property iu the city or country, and the collection of claims. aug 27—ts " GREAT BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE, I HAVE on hand, aud for sale, the following Real Es tate: 1. One City Let, near the Gas Works, 75 feet in front, and 200 feet deep. 2. One Lot below the Arsenal, on the Georgia Railroad, 100 feet in frunt --n I 60 feet deep. 3. Ono Lot, adj .ining Co'. Cowart’s, on Decatur street, in a fine business position. 4. The Seminary Lot, at tho junction of Peachtree and Line streets, near Wesley Chapel. 5. One five acre Lot, one and a half miles frota the centre of city, beaut fully situated. * 6. Three half acre lots, on Fair street, in the city. 7. Two half acre Lots, lying between Washington and Crew streets. 8. Twenty five acres within one mile of the business portion of tho city A very desirable location tor subur ban residences, t will sell it as it stands, or lay it out tn lots to suit pnrcli is rs. This is destined to be one of the finest local ions for dwellings in the country. The water, an important consideration, cannot be surpassed in the South. 9. One hundred and sixty acres, on Peachtree creek, 70 acres cleared, 30 acres bottom land, with one building on the premises, and situated four miles from the Gate City Fou dry, Car and Machine Works. Tho timber is worth all I ask for the land. 10. One hundred and twelve and a half acres superior bott in land, eight miles nor hos Stone Mountain. The timber is very fine and untouched. 11. Also. 80 acres near High Bri ’ge, quarter cf a mile from the Western and Atlantic Railroad, on the Uhrtta h whee river. Frame house, good web of water, and finely timbered. 12 1.950 acres eight miles west of Newnan. The best water power in the Stat Saw Mill and Gin House standing, with a good Frame House on the premises. 13. Two forty aero Lota five miles south of Marietta, on the Western and Atlantic Railroad, and within three hundied yards ot Rough’d station. Upon each tract there is about twenty acres of good timber, a variety of fruit tr« us, good water near each dwelling, aud running watar through b th lots. Parties having houses to rent, or land for sale, will consult their interest by putting the same into the hands o the undersigned. Those who wish to purchase land will d>, well to call >n me before going elsewhere. I have much land for sale not advertised* Special attention paid to the collection of debts. H. Marshall aug 27—ts Real Estate Agent. IBMERMIH & YERDERY, GROCERS, PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner Broad and Marietta Streets, Atlanta, Georgia, Will buy and sell all kind of Produce and Merchandise on Commission. Prompt and personal aetention given to orders on con signments. R. P. Zimmerman, S. A. Verdery Late of L ite of Scranton & Zimmer man, Jackson, Miller & V rdery, Augusta, Georgia. Augusta, Georgia. Aus 23—Im lonoir I offer my sarvicos to persons wishing sat rent or lease ig:al estate In the City of Atlanta or m the State. Office in Parker’s New Building, on Whitehall Street. Aug 24—3 m w * F * Harris. 1 4 k bVILDIXG LOTS, iu the most desirable JL" / locality in the city, for sale or lease. xug24-tf W. F. 4 O LOTS, half acre each, suitable for Residences, JL-w/ omy tmee-q.iarters of a mile from the Car bheu, lor sale or lease. Apply t<» Aug 24—If w. F. HARR! . AF ARM F*Ml SALk, four miles from the city. Cun bo had luw for the cash. Aug 24—ts W . F. HARRIS. Mineral Lands Wanted. PERSONS wishing to sell or lease Mineral Lands will find it to their interest to givo mo a call. Aug 24—tl w. F. II ARRIS. DR. B. L. SEAGO,’ Office on Whitehall Street. be found at Mrs. Coleman’s at night, on Pryor y street, oppo site Mr* Chisolm’s Will practice Medicine and Surgery. aug3o—lm Notice. THE Partnership of the firm of Powell & Marshall this day dissolved by mutual consent. C. POWELU Atlanta, July 27, 1865, H MARSHALL. The business will be carried on by C. Powell, who w pay all claims of the late firm, aud respectfully solicit patronage. j„| y 29—ts To MerctLants WE have just receiv’d a choice lot ol Bleached SlHrt ii'g, I‘rinis, l.i. en Handkirohiofti, Noektles,Pocket Knives Ac., Ac., which we are ordered to close out at 15 per cent ou first cost. Jpnly ear y. LANGSTON, CRANE & HAMMO K, yfug. 20 ts. Commission Merchants. Wm. H. McNAMEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LaFayette, Chambers Co. Alabama. WILL attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to his care. Particular attention will bo paid to Collections and pr mpt returns made. July 27—ts FOR SALE.” LOT No. 101 f ontlng on Taylor street and tho improve ments ou tame, apply to JNO VERDERY A S ’p3-tf Commission and Forwarding Merchants. For Sale. A NICE Cottage Residence near tho City Hall, cheap for cash. 1301 l Gnslcill, Aug 24—ts Real Estate Agents. FOR SALE. WITTILY five minute, walk of the Railroad depot, a Cottage House with four ronins ai d basement kitchen. 11. M-KSHiLL, aug 27—ts R ul Estate Agent. Prime Bread Corn JIOR sale at JNO. VERDERY <t BROS., sept 3-ts Communion and Forwarding Merchants. ~Tgood investment. I WILL si'H a good bargain, mj- Drug store and Medl cil.r. lit Fort Valey, Georgia, junction of South Western and Miiscogco Kailioad. For paiHculars apply toinoiinin. diately. R. N. SIUNKS. eqil 7-2 w LATEST ARIUYAL! JOHN Wo«BTcO., WITH T, P, FLEMING & CO., Next Door to Roark’s Co nor, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Have just received a large and well selected stock of Dry Goods, direct from too last, ceuaistiug iu part of Ladies Dress Goods, Large Lot of Prints, Gassimeres, Ready-Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Gents Hats and Caps, Varieties and Notions, Bleached Domestics, Ladies Hoop Skirts, Ladies Hats, Cotton Goods, AU of which tbor effor, very low lor ca,h, at Wholesale and Retail. Aog 25—2 w Doyal & Ransom, General Produce and Commission MERCHANTS, GRIFFIN, GbOUGIA, Will keep on band for sale Bacon. Sugar, Coffee, Flour, Meal. Tol»ac.:o. Ac AH goods consigned to our care for eale will receive prompt attention. sopt I—ts TWFdIOicDLANTATiONS. THE Undersigned offers for sale two desirable places in Chambers C «unty, Alabama One coiaprisii g 750 odd a res, Oak and Hickory, miles from West Point, immediately on the Montgomery and West Point Rail road. as well a tho main thoroughfare between ihe Cities. T v ie other aituatei one mile south'-ast of the above described place, consists of 1200 acres of fine Pine Land, 400 just cloired, th t rem tinder hvnvily timbered. Both places are well improved, couveuient to good Schools aud Churches and adapted to Corn and Cotton. Tho ab ve lands offer groat inducements to any one wishing to embark in the Lumber or Planting interest Refers to Jno. C. Whituer, John Wright and C W. Winter. Allred Harrell. Aug B—2m ' FOR SALE. 500 BU9HELB PBIMK WHITE CORN, 4,000 POUNDS CHOICE BACON BIUKB, 500 POUNDS CHOICK BACON HAMS, 50 KEGS NAILS, 4’. TO »O’s, SUPHRIOtI LOT «R.IatDSTOWRS, LARGE LOT SOLE LEATHER, CORN MEAL, WOOD BUCKETS, HOLLOW WARK, <fcc. Wylie Johnson & Co., Jnly 25—ts Depot Street, near Trout House. “flouJTflourTflourF' lAM now prepared to 'urnish the trade, who esale or Retail, Fifty Thousand Pounds of Flour, in fortv five pound Sacks, Stipe- fine and Family. A libera) deduc tion made to dealers iu city and country A. K. MEAGO., Commission Merchant, Atlanta, Georgia. Aug s—ts House Wanted. SUIT »BI.E for a small I'ami y, in n ce p rt of the city, for which a lair uml wdi be paid. Api» vto j\u<24 -it p - HARRIS C qffeelC offee I 20 Rio Cbflro for sale low by A. K. SEAG-O, Comthii-sion Merchant, Corner Whitefiffll And Jfltcbell streets, Atlanta, Georgia. Aug 19 —ts FOR SALE. A BEAUTIFUL Building Site, ot lour scree, on a commanding eminence, m*! mile from Cir Shed, wim fifty large ehade trees on it If you want one of the most desirable lots about A ;Unta tor a flue house come and see this pr pert.y, Prien $2500 cash. W F. II AR IS Roml Estate j4grnt, jfug 26—ts Pirker’o Building, Whitthxh street. A LOT. of forty acres, beautif .lly situitod, between McD » ©ugh and Crew el ects, and t rec-quarters ot a mile from Car Shed, can be hud low for tne c<«h If bought in the next week. W. F. HARRIS, Rea. Estate ylgeut, Faiker’s Building, Jug26-tf Whitenall street, gokdoF&“co7“ General iXmmidsion Merchants Aud Dealers in COUNTRY PRODUCE, Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. Aug 2a— Im I or Sale. AVFRY desirable Residence, cheap for cash, naa City Fail. Inquire nt <>u 6 24-tf BELL <fc GASKILL. Wanted. A DWE 1 LIP’G house containing four rooms, with a J* JL Kitchen, located conveniently to tho business part of the City ; for arrangement of term- apply to aug 22 ts J VO. V «BDERY A BROS. Cellar Storage. We have Cellar Storage for 400 bar rels Liquors. Clarko & Kester, sopt I—2w Trout House 810 k. Valuable Real Estate iu GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, sale. A BEAUTIFUL Residence, with 10 ronms, excellent out hous>B, with great variety of fruits. For tar tuulare call ou Jennings & Harris, R<at Estate Agents, m ar Trout House. A LARGE Building on Soloman street. 60 by 7ft feet, two Store Rooms on ground floor; both rented, six moms on upper flo r s iliable for » family to live in.— Rents go with sale. Fo< particulars call on llni*i-iiM, sept 2—lw Real Et-tat Agents, rear Trout House WE >1 A VK dai y app ientions for Business Lot* Resitloncos and Wood < ott uPantatio s. P> rsnns L iving such property fur sa e or lease are invite I to give us a call. BELL GASKILL, ang 29-ts Real Ehtatc agent*. For Rent. A STORE, with basement and up-stairs, on Whitehall str el. BELL &, GASKU.L, ftUj2V—tf Xca Estate Agents. Hams! Hams! A FEW tierem. vmy superior augur-cured Csnrsssed lliuiis. .>lso. 4,000 pounds choice Clcer B.icou Sides, just received and for Bale wholesale or retail by A. K. WILK.O, „ Commission Merchant Coiner Whitehall and Mitchell streets, Atlanta, UeoiKla Aug 19--ts SYRUP AND j E HHI.«> C no Syrup. 10 bbls So- gi nm Molasses, fir 1 Cl sale by 4111100 It HH'ITIIF.RS. uug2a-il. Cumulation Merchants, Wlntvliall stl fSYFLTJJP. n BBLB. W,JUiTCi |IM, REMOVAL. yiRSHBERG, LOEB & CO., Have the pleasure of informing the peo ple of Atlanta and surrounding country, that they will open on Friday, the Bth of September, At their New Store on Whitehall Str cot. With a magnificent assortment of Goods, purchased in Now York, at’[the lowest market prices, consist, ing of a beautiful assort ment of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, AND GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS. Especially would we call the attention of tho Ladies to the fine as sortment of DRESS GOODS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS, AND FANCY GOODS IN GENERAL Having disposed of our former stock, it would be for us to say that our new be surpassed in any market South. And we earnestly solicit the poople to call and see for themselves before purchasing else where, from the fact that we are confi dent that we will give great bargains and general satisfaction. We return our thanks for past favors, and hope to merit a continuance of the same. Having a large assortment of Goods of the above class -we are prepared to do a general wholesale business also. Merchants and Jobbers are respectfully requested to give us a trial. soft 6-3 m ~pTp. pease. Receiviug, Forwarding and Commission MERCHANT. Also, Dealer in COTTON, DOMESTICS, YARNS, TOBACCO, PBOVIICNS, &c., &c., &c. Scott’. Ran« Cherry .nd Mui- Jtrix ts NTWWBW, ’Georgia. Reference: K B Long & Co, AugixsU. Ga; Mitcholl A Smiths. Macon, Ga ; McDaniel A Irby. Lynchburg, Vs ; Wm Biyce A Co, Now York ; James M Beebe. B iston. Mass; Erwin A Hardee. Savannah, Ga; J A Enslow, CharlesUn. 8C; 8 S Webb A Co, Mob’la. \bi; D Rodites King* Philadelphia, Pa; Ward A Sh tw, Montgomery, Ala; Lemuel Peebles, Petersburg, Va Fjp ft—if A. K. SEACO, Commission. Merchant OFFERS for sale a beautiful farm of 400 acres with ex cellent improvements, near Gnffiu, Georgia, on ihe Macon and Western Railjoad. A valuable farm ot 300 acres, with 20 acres in selected fruit irees, two miles above Jones bo o’. Improvements good A small farm throe mdes from J •nos’ oroon the Mc- Donough road. Some good farm ng and, orchard, Urge comfortable dwelling, Ac. A farm of 640 rcres in Gordoa conn tv. near Clhoun ; not surpassed as wheat land by any 11 ( he l < kee Ga. Ono hundred and twenty acres three m'les south west of the city will be wold in lots to suit pnrch isors These lands are invaluable for gardening purposes A city lot of eight acres near tho former residence < f Colonel J. J Th ashar, miles from the c. ntre of the city. A business lot on Forsyth street. A brick business house on Peachtree street,ls valuable property and will be sold on favorable teruu by A. K. SEAGO, Commission Verchant, sept 6—ts Corner Whitehall a;.d Michell streets. DR. D. C. O’KEEFE HAS rcßuniod the Pruttce of hfa Proferalon In tnl. City. Office with 801 l A G ioklll, (.dd Piwtoffiia corner). «,>-• hesidenco on Whitehall stree , i rxt hoiiso to Mr. W A. Mlti holl'a. »pt I—lui FOR SALE? AKTNE Business Lot. 40 bs 120 feet w th an alley la rear, situated nerr the centre of thh l<neln< a« or tiun oi th • city. The lot will be divided should parties wwh to purchase 25 by 120 feet Fay Grant, Architect, an I Lund dgenta, Hunter street, between Loyd and Waebingtou. sept s—if Store Room for Rent A LABOR un i comrfio 'lo«s Store room with a email and Bolccu'd .took es good, which wil bo od to the partlea renting, on liberal ternu. T ■st re Is locat ed iu the very beet portion of Hi' city. dp. y to JB KINGS A IUURU •eps4t Heal near Court House. HOTEL," PUBLIO 3QUA||€, Nashvme, Tennessee, J. T. ISTRONQ A U 8. PHILLIPS, aug3O4m. Y’ropitrtors« JOHN L? HOPKINB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ATLANTA, GKOfiGl l, Offl"o, at present, at ilaralgon s, corner Depot and Dil.lui'.-i eU. liu