The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, September 12, 1865, Image 3

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DAILY NEW ERA. A. R. WATSON LOCAL EDITOR. Stone Mountain.-A »<j >uru ot a few days the pust we> k at this uotrd plsca impresses us with the opinion, that it is the most place to spend a few days of this oppr< ssiv weather, tn Georgia. .Aside from the mignifi cent sceneiy presented from the summit of that huge woik of nature, the mountain itself, which will fully repay a visit to the place, there exists other fuels which go to verify tie obove assertion ; and not the least ainrng them is the one that v'si’ors can always be accomo dated at the Hotel there in the best manner, kept by M.-s. M. L. L>e. This Is the Break* fast and supper house on the Georgia R dlroad end rhe table is always supplied with the best the markets ; fford. With the clever and po lite clei k, Tom Dougherty, Ito manage affairs about the house, we guarantee salisfao ion Give him a call. See card in another col umn. Catti.k Stealing. - Cattle stealing is getting to be a nuisance in and around this city. It is ac ually dangerous to allow a good cow to go out to gr< ze tor fear she will turn up in some body’s butcher pen. We have beard of a great many cows that have been missing of late, the hides of some of which have been found near slaughter pens in this city. O.i Fiiday last a pair of oxen belonging to Mr. A. A. Wilson, who resides a lew m 1. s I from town tailed to tome upas usual. He searched for them on Saturday but lail.d to fi id them. On yesterday he visited a butcher pm in this city and found there the bides of both animals. The butcher professes to have bought them from an individual who lives nol tar from the the city. We suppose he will have a chance g.ven him to prove it. We hope a few of the scoundrels who are perpetrating these bovine thefts may be con victed and -ent to the penitentiary, that other miy learn a lesson from their experience.— The people cannot i fford to lose their cows in this way. Milk and butter are too scarce in this maiket now. Thievixc*. - We bear much complaining of pety thefts that are being perpetrated in d flor ent portions of the cuy, such as r.fl-ng gardens <£:.•. Mr. T. S. R-ynolds ba 1 a saddle and bri die stolen from bis cellar a nigbt or two since* We hope ibe police miy keep a sharp look out and and bring a few of these rascals to jus•> tire. The law has been lax so long that the people are beginning to imagine we bave have none. Let tbtm be taught better and to do that, we must bare a vigilant police-one thoroughly and aud at ail times awake. Goon Wokk.—We bave been shown by Mr J. J. Toon, a copy of the City Bonds which be has recently printed for tne City. The workmantbip of the Bonds is really excellent, done on fine bank note paper. There are few offices in the whole country that could bave done a better job. These bonds are for five hundred dollars each, bearing eight per cent, interest, pay a- ■ ble semi -annually at the Park National Bank I es New York. It is the design of Council to put these Bonds on the market at once in order to aise a sufficiency of funds to c >rry out the projected City improvements. Rais.—A refreshing shower of rain fell last evening which had the effect of settling the dust slightly. We hope to bave a few more of the same sort. If the dry weather contin ues a lew weeks longer we will have to bid farewell to visions of pork and turnips, for our turnips will be nipped in the bud, or i roasted in the earth, and roast turnips are not good. Negro Killed.—Last evening as the West Point train was passing Whitehall crossing, a negro, in attempted to get aboard, missed his fooling, fell, was run over and instantly killed. Avctios.—Messrs. T. Kile & Co., will seij at auction ’o-day, one pair of extra fi--young mules, besides several other articles of value. Having secured the services of “Uncle Billy Hill” as auctioneer, they will now have their Auctions regularly, of which >he public will be duly notified through our paper. They | also have on hand a lot of groceries, which I they offer to sell at living rates. See their advertisement. In Towx.—Messrs Sweet of the Macon Journal Meaeenger, Junes of the Nashville Gazette, aud Hood of the Chattanooga Gazette a 1 vailed on us yesterday. We are always glad to receive such calls Irom our brethren of the press and hope all who come to the oiiy will drop in on us. Retail Licence. i uiiiem applications for retai. ncen e weio gra >e i by council at iis ai. uieeunx. Pilose wuo have not i.cause hid better apply for them fortb-witb, ns council will, in justice to those who have paid tor li cense, suppress all nl /il tr.iffi : i.i spirits. A lew fi i< s w II le >cb 'he people a littlle common sense, and t ey be Certainly ad m.metered ou mi delu qu»-nts. Augusta Hotel—Parties visiting or pass ing through Augusta can’t do better in the way of a hotel than to stop st the above house. Mi e host, Rice is a whole team in his line and is determined not to be exceeded See Card. Retaliati n.- A wi.iie lad had stirniish a co.ored soldier on Snnd y. in which the soldier was s< m-wnat demural'zdd and considerably bvtered. He fell b-ck, however, and procur ed reinforcements, and Com ng up with bis ene ruy one* more took twigs by securing a forced loan of sll ibe m«n. y .he lud had abont him utid bis pocket book iie-i n-e. » The Washington corretpon ent of the Cincinnati Gazette mentions the gratify ing fact that the Government expenditures which had before averaged $2,000,000 a day, diminished during the month of August to $.436,C00 a day. The Emperor of Brazil Is said to have placed a fine steamer at the service of Prof. Agassiz, to forward the objects of scientific expedition. BW' It is said that a son of George N. Ban ders is in New York city soliciting aid for the distinguished rebels who remain over the border. President baa commuted the death sentence of all aoldiers tried for deser tion, to iuipruoumeut for a term of years. SPEC I A L NOTICES. lIKADQU 4RTERS MILITARYPOST?) Atlanta, Ga., Sept. Ist, 1866. j Gkxkral Obdirs No. 5. I. The trade with firearms and ammunition is hereby strictly prohibited until farther orders, ffiiy person ncting against this order will be severely punished and the s(«>ck Cfilll ttHi'at' 11. 11. All |er eons, both white and black, found in the streets without domicil or men ns of subsistence will be put to work on the strata of this city under the super Vision ot the Provost Marshal 111 The Provost Marshal of this Post is ordered with the strict execution of this order. By command < f B evet Brig Gen Felix Prince Salm FREDERICK IBKtTKB, Lt. aud A A. D. C. sept I—ts t»-TO BUSINESS MEN—New Era Job Printing Office—Having fitted up a first rate Job Printing Office, we are pieperod to do all work in that line, on reason able terms *nd in the most expeditious manner. Hoving a sociated with us Mr. T. S Reynolds, one of the most experienced Job Workmen in the South, we think we c*n give entire satisfaction as to style and evers thing else. Call and examine specimens «ept 7—ts PHILLIPS A PRATHER. Country Merchants can make It greatly to their Ute e t by eall’i g at JON T. MEADOR & BROS , Whe.e they c m buy a well assorted stock of goods, suit ed to the count y trade—low for cash. sept—l 2 sc. <B-Eer9o:is desiring Mill gear it g or casting of any kind wou d do well to consu t us either in person or by letter. We arc prepared to flu orders at short notice. JOHN T. MEADOR & BROS. MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL. ATLANTA MONEY Corrected by Robert J, Lowry, Broker. Georgia Railroad Bank, buying at 60 cts f r one dollar. Cen r l Bank “ 45 “ “ “ “ B ink Si ate of Georgia, M i 0 “ “ “ ° Marine Hank. “ 80 “ “ u “ Bank of avanuah, *< 25 u ** “ “ Bank of Aihetts, “ 20 u “ Bank of ouldle Georgia, “ 35“ •* “ “ Bank of Ful'on, u 15 “ “ “ “ A l other Ga S' C. and Ala. Banks “ 5 to 25 “ “ Gold, buying at 35 cents, selling at 40 to 46 cts. Silver, buying at 30. selling at 37% to 40 ct- prenx Atlanta Wholesale Market. Corrected by R »bert J. I owry & Co., Commission Merchants. Bacon—Hg round 24 to 26; Clear Sides 28 to 30, in demand Beeswax—3o cts per pound. Bvgging—Kentucky 35 to 40 cents. Pepper—Black 40 cts per lb. Blacking - Small Size 65. Large $1 25 j er dozen. Coffee—Rio 38 u 4o cts per lb. Candles Star, by the box, 30 cts per lb, half box, 31 cts pe” lb.; quarter box, 33 cis per lb. Candy—Common Stick 50, French 50, assorted 60 cts per lb Cotton a rds —No 10. sls per dozen Cheese—English Dairy—3s to 40 cents. Cohn—sl 2d per bushel. Pekches—Dried Cut Off $2 per bushel of 36 lbs, pealed cut off, r 3 per bushel of 40 pounds. Flour —Extra «nd Family 15 to sl6 per barrel. Indigo—l 75 to $2 25 per pound Mackerel—New family in kits, $4 75. Madder—2' to 33 cts per lb. Copperas—l2% to 15 cts per lb. Soda—lß to 2V cts per lb. Epsom Salts—l 6 to 18 cts per lb. Starch —lO to 20 cts per lb. Maichk.'—S3 per gioss Whiie Lead—ln Oil 25 to 30 cts per lb. frOAP—2u to 25 cts per lb. Sugar —New Orleans 20 to 28; Crushed 33 te 35 oents per lb. 1 ea—s 2tos2 25 per lb. N aiib—B 50 to $lO per keg. Irox—Sweden 10 cts per lb. Rope—Kentucky 25 cts per lb. 1-OMESTic —4-4, 28 to 32; 7-8, 25 to 27 ; Osnaburgs 22 to 24 cts per yard. Dry Goods.—Prints, 32 t* 35 cts per yard; Bleached Muslin. 28 to 54. Cotton Yarns—2 75 to *3 per bunch. Cotton sin ill sales at 27 to 30 cts per lbs as tv order and quality. RAILROAD GUIDE Georgia. Kailroad. GEORGE YONGE, Superintendent. PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta 4 20 A. M. Reaches Augusta ti 20 P. M. Lva/rs Augusta 6 00 A. M. Reaches Atlanta 8 00 P. 51. Atlanta and West Point Kailroad. GEORGE G. HULL, Superintendent. Leave Atlanta 6 00 A.M. Arrive at W’ st Point ... 1 05 P. M. Leave West Point ... 10 45 A M. Arrive at Atlanta 6 00 P. M. Macon and Wewtern Kailroad. E. B. WALKER Superintendent. DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. ** Leave Maron 7 50 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta 4 05 P. M Leave Atlanta 7 2‘) A. M. Arrive at Macon 3 20 P. M. NIGHT TRAIN. Le«ve Mac n «....6 30 P M. Arrive at Atl nta... 3 23 A.M. L»ave At anta 6 50 P, M. Arrive at Macon 3 30 A. M Montgomery &. West Point R. R. DANIEL H. CRAM, General Superintendent. Leave West Point 2 10 P M. Arrive at * o’.urnbus 6 00 P. M. Ariive at ‘ hchaw 7 00 P M. Leave < hehaw. 5 00 A. M. Leave Columbus 4 00 A. .4. Arrive at Weit Point 10 00 A. M, Western A: Atlantic Kail road, ROBERT BAUGH, Superintendent. Leave Atlanta 8 10 A. M. Leave Chattanooga 7 45 A.M. Arrive at Atlanta 7 30 P. M. Arrive at Chattanooga 7 45 P. M. For Sale. 12 I) Fine Gold Phi h, 100 Gross S»eei Pens-assorted. Di' id & ArnohFs B *st Ink®, School Slatns—ill Z ’s. Wf-gieuholm’s Fine Pocket Knives, Inkstands nod P<-nho dvrs, F t<e Paper and Envelopes, Best Violin and Guitar Strings. Sealing Wax and Muci’ag**. J. J. S. P RICHARDS, Petftifi St, 2d door west of Whitehall S*. N. B Pete;s Street is one block south of R • 'Hf-r. aug 31. if. ARCHER CHKA'HAM. GEO W. DARD-N. GEO. S. KINNEY. ARCHER CHEATHAM & CO. ’ WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND IMPORTERS OF BRANDIES, WINES A&D LIQUORS. And Dealera in TOBACCO, JIA VAN A CIGARB, FAc.,E'c. No. oCollege Street, NASHVILLE, TENN, aug 31—3 m. WALL j?a.:per. AL R<< E all qua.ides and . r ce®. For ■<dw by. SV. KETCHUM. •» p 3 ts A Parkier Wanted. SPLEN DI D indi.'c# inenta on»-rcd to do bURin<M« in this city. A capital o. Only $2,500 required. Apply at This Office. »ipt 9—ts FQR SALE. IF taken soon J will sell a half arcre of land Joining l ayne’s ’ hapel. and near the Gate City Car and Ma chine Works, for four hundred and fifty dollars. The land lays well for building, and has a fine spring. If. Marshall, S*’pt 9-ts Real Estate Agent. NAILS AND Ct-ASS. 1 ry /X KEGS Wb-e’lng Nalls, tu-Mortcd, j 4 fy */5 boxes Glass, F »r sale by aug 20—ts Niilmona, Siifiiiiona A To. AN Indefinite number of elogaat Young Ladies, finely , accomplished, are iixk vs co marry. Particulars can be ha lat a Real Estate Agumy, on aug 27—U W. H. BROTHERTON, ROARK’S BUILDING. CORNER WHITEHALL AND MITCHELL STREETS, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, DEALKR IN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, GENT S’ CLOTHING & FURNISHING GOODS, WHS Dm MJ IMty coons. HOSIERY AND GLOVES, SILKS, TRIMMINGS, &c., PERFUMERY AND EXTRACTS, TOILET SOAPS, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, , BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, GLASSWARE & CROCKERY, &c., &c, Ac. step 9—ts NEW 7 DRUG STORE. H. W FINNKY, I C. W WIMTIB, Os Alabama. | Os Atlauta. Georgia. ■EUWIffIR, Wholesale and Retail DRUGGISTS, Second Door from T. Kile’s, Corner Marietta Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Have on baud and are receiving daily ALL KINDS OF OILS, DRUGS, M EDICINEB, DYE STUFFS, PAINTS. WHITE LEAD, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, PERFUMES, HAIR OILS, (Lc., *.V>c., cL • The finest and purest of Wines, Bran dies and Whiskies, for Medicinal pur poses, always on band. Country Merchants and Physicians would do well to call and icxamine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined to sell at the lowest market prices. Prescriptions of any kind can befilled at all hours, as we have engaged the services of a competent Prescriptionist who is endorsed by the most prominent Physicians in the city. nept 8 ts Dwelling' House tor Sale. ANR’iT comfortable roHldenre, three rooms and cel lar. one scro lot. itn movements and fences good, a thrifty vineyard, good Huttlernunt, on Peters street. Ap P’y to A. K. «EA«O, sept o—lw CornmiHslon Merchant, Atlanta. Ga. Corn! Corn! | 000 00 COMi, B niue,, t and fur sale low at Jno. Verdery & Bros., CommiMsion an l Forwarding Merchants, Whitehall street, between Alabama and Hunter struuH. sept 9-If MWUCO., WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DRUGGISTS, HEIT DOOR TO ROARK'S CORKER. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Hhto permanently eatablished theuMelves in the Drug BusincM in this City, and trust by their ntrict atten tion to merit a liberal share of pub ic patronage. J. UL BARRICK, A Practical Druggist of !<»ng experience, AND JXO C WHITISrE R, Well and favorably known to the business and com mercial circles of Georgia, are both connected with the House, and will give their undi* tided attention to the business. They are just in receipt of a frosh supply of DHUGS AND MEDICINES, Selected for this market Satisfaction guarantied in tilling all orders for I ysicians. Country Merchants and others. Prescriptions promptly filled with the utmost pre cision. They have on hand and for sale Dye stuffs of all kinds, Black and other Varnish, Paints ground in oil, Spirits Turpentine, Linseed Oil, Castor Oil, Sweet Oil, Olive Oil, Pure White Lead, Copal Varnish, Coach Varnish, Japan Varnish, Perfumes, Hair Oils. The finest and purest WINES, BRANDIES AND WHISKIES, For Medicinal purposes. Maccaboy, Rappee and Window Glass and Putty, Scotch Snuffs, Pepper, Hair Brushes, Soda. Horse and Shoe Brushes, Allspice, Paint Brushes, Tea, Varnish Brushes, Sugar, Wall Brushes, Candies Madder, Cindies, Indigo. Starch. Soap, Patent Medicines, Fine Cigars and Tobacco, And many other articles. *=ttA sept 7—ts JAMES SEYMOUR, WHOLESALE GBOOEB AND CommiFoion. Merchant, MACON GEORGIA. Off.'Tß h'R services to his friends and the public, in the purchase of cotton, and sale ot nwrcnandlze, reapectiuhy solicits consignments and orders. Refers to R. W. Cub hedge Macon Ga., Buller A Peters Atlauta, D. L. Adams & Son, Augusta. Sep—7 6 mo. WORTH of Hats just opened at Jno. T. Meador & Bros, sept 7 —ts MEN’S and Boys Hats of all styles, qualities and prices at sept 7-ts JNO. T. TIE ADOR & BROS. FOR SALE. Z X Z X ACRES oi Woodland, fronting on Georgia JL vJ x / Railroad 306 yards and being miles from the city limits Terms rea'onable Bell & Gaskill, sept 7—ts Reul Estate Agent. W. SLEDGE I EDWARD PARtioNS, Late of Perry House, Ciplum | bus, Georgia. SLEDGE HOUSE, OPELIKA, ALABAMA. Au’ Regn!»r Breakfast and Dinner House from West Point and Montgomery. SLEDGE & PARDONS, sept 6—lm Proprietors. NELMS HOUSE, Griffin, Georgia, Meals Ready on the Arrival of Each Ti ain from A lanta and Al aeon. jOhß* Good Faro aud Moderate Charges. MRS. A. M. NKLMS, Bopt I—lni Proprietress. WANTED! I WANT to purchase a Lot suitable for a Residence within half umileof the Car sh«»d. Aug 24—ts HARRIS. FOR SALE. TRRrE quarters of an acre of I and % of a mile from the city towards the Rolling Mills, good location for u residence. Enquire ot 11. MARSHALL, &ug2o-lf. Kcal I'.asiate 4gent. Sassecii & Henderson, NEWS AG-ESTCY AND GENERAL VARIETY STORE, At junction of P achtreo t<nd Broad streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, .opt B—lm Boarding*. GENTLEMEN can get Day Board at MRS. EYIVAS, On Mitchell street, Between Whitehall and Forsyth, west side, sept B—ts Gold! GoldY! VERY BODY wants Gold. If you want to make a j fortune quick notice inv advertlseme it of a ' lanta tion ot 225 acres. Yon can get it for the very smrll sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars. Here is a better chance for gol I than in California. ■ept B—ls 11. MARSHALL. LA HI KS and MiFses Hats of all styles, qualities aud prices, Just opened at Jno. T. Meador & Bros, ■ept 7—ts Hams! Hams! A FEW tierces very superior Rugar-cured Canvassed Hams. A ho, 4,000 pounds choice Clear Bacon Bides, juat received and for sale wholesale or retail by A. K. SEAttO, Commission Merchant Corner Whihdiall aud Mitchell sheets, Atlanta, Georgia Aug l'J-tf ROBT J. MAA SKY, M. D. | HKNRY 8. ORME, M. D. MASSEY & ORME, (Successors to K. J. Massey), ffflOlESILi DRUGGISTS, WHITEHALL STREET, .Atlanta, Greorgta, Coal Oil, Linseed Oil, Kerosene Oil, Castor Oil, Petroleum Oil, White Lead, Machine Oil, Paint Brushes, Venetian Red, Prussian Blue, Spanish Brown, Putty and Burnt Umber, Window Glass. Just received a nice and choice selection of Handkerchief ITxtructH, Toilet and Shaving Soaps, PomadcN, Bear’s Grease, Hair finishes, Toilet Brushes, &esides many articles essential to a Lady’s Toilet. MASSEY A ORME. ALSO, Warranted pure.for medicinal purposes, Cognac, French and Peach Brandy. Old Port Old Sherry and Old Madeira Wines, and best Old Bour bon Whisky by the case or hottie. MASSEY A ORME. At Abbott A Bros., Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. sept 2—ts Win. I>. Luckie & Co., Invites attent on to their stock of Coffee, Sugar, Salt, Bacon, Corn, Flour, Meal, AND FAMILY SUPPLIES GENERALLY, On Loyd street, next door to Jone.’ Livery St.hle. Artf'Cail and examine. sept 2—lm W. D. LUCKIE &. CO. M. LYNCH & CO., BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, AND JNEWIS DEALERS, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA., Two Doors West of the Railroad' septß-3m OXis-fc Received.. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Ponge Silk Handkerchiefs, Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, Ladies Linen Collars, Collars and Cuffs in setts, Irish Linen, Plain and striped Nainsook, Muslin, Saiss Muslin, Dotted Swiss, Jaconets,, Green, Brown and Blue Barege, And a large lot of Notions. ALSO, Large lot of da>k Prints, Ladies Dress Goode, Shawls, Balmoral Skirts, <fco., For sale at wholesale by «Tuo. T. Meador Ac IJpoh. sept B—ts T dh bUILDINO LOTS, iu tho most desirable JL" " locality iu the city, for sab* or lease. Aug 24-ts W. F. HARRIS. 1 LOTS, half aero each, suitable for Residences, aud only tlWee-qiiarters of a mile from the Car abed, lor sale or lease. Apply tn Aug 24—if W. F. HARRI . AF A RAI F)R SAlilC, four miles from tho city. Cau bo had low for the cash. Aug 24—ts w. F. II ARRIS. Mineral Lands Wanted. PERSONS wishing to sell or lease Mineral Lands will fi id it to their interest to giv me a call. Aug 24—ts W. F. HARRIS. ~ DR? BTTrSEAGO? - Office on Whitehall Street. CXN be found at Mrs. Coleman’s at night, on Pryor street, opposite Mrs Cuisolm’s Will practice Medicine and Surgery. aug3o—lm Notice. THE Partnership of the firm of Powell & Marshall this day dissolved by mutual consent. C. POWELL, Atlanta, July 27, 1865, H MARSHALL. The business will be carried on by C. Powell, who w pay all claims ot the late firm, and respectfully solicit patronage. July 29— ts To Merctiants WE have just receiv'd a choice lot of B'eached Shirt ing, Prints, i.i on Handkerchiefs, Neckties,Pocket Knives k<:., which we are ordered to close out at 15 per cent ou first cost. Jpoly oar v. LANGSTON, CRANE A HAMMOCK, Jng.26 ts. Cbmmission Merchants. LOT No. 101 Ponting on Taylor street and the improve uients ou same, apply to JNO VERDERY A BRO*, s p3-tf Commission and Forwarding Merchants. BURNS & DWYER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocery and Liquor Merchants, Near Georgia Railroad Bank, ATLANTA. CEORCIA. July 30—6 m Prime Bread Corn JpOR sale at JNO VERDERY BROS., sept 3-ts Commission and Forwarding Merchants. Tgodd investmenl - I WILL sell a good bargain, my Drug store and M«wli ciu-s at Fort Va ley. Georgia, junction of South Western and Muscogee Railroad. For particulars apply to me immediately. 11. N. SPINKS* sept 7- 2w “LN.WHITTLE? ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, G-KORGHA. Office next to Concert Hall, and over Drug Store* aopt 7-3 m l or Sale. THE Pitt’s Residence Lot, four acres, lying, most beautifully,o i Peach'ree street. This is one of the most desirable lots for a first class residence in this city. BELL GASKILL, . Aug 29—ts Real Estate Agents LIME, LIME, LIME? TIIOS. H. WILLIAMS, who him now in Riiccessful op eration tho extensive HOWARD LIME WORKS, near Kingston, Ga., has established f >r the convenience of pur chaseis a Lime Pepot at Atlanta, Ga., nt wbjr-h place par ties can be furnished at kiln prices added, in any quantity <b*Birod, t»y calling on or addressing the under aigned or Mr. l.ochmnn at the old stand of Butler A Peiurs, near the Stale Road Depot, where the Hine l stored. uugUO Im. WM. M. WILLIAMS. TO OWNERS OF COTTON. We find that the large quantity of Cotton which we own and control in South-western Georgia, and the unset tled condition of the country, will re quire us to establish a house at Apalachicola, Florida, For the purpose of receiving and for warding all cotton to our houses at Liverpool and New York. We will be associated at that point with the most eminent business men of the country, who will receive, store, com press aud forward all consignments, pay taxes, charges and make advances upon shipments to WATTS, CRANE & CO., New York ; W. C. WATTS & CO., Liverpool; or GIVEN, WATTS & CO., New Orleans, Or will forward cotton on the most rea sonable terms, where owners prefer to cons'gn to other houses. BAGGING AND ROPE SUPPLIED. Shippers can rely upon prompt attention. General patronage solicited. Address E.M. BRUCE, MORGAN & CO., sept 2—lm Apalachicola, Fla. T. KILE. | L. G. PIBRLE. | J. L. QUEEN. T. KILE & CO., WHOLESALE Grocers, Auction. AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Having completed our large and commodious build ing on the C rner of Marietta and Teaclvree Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, And having procured the services of “TTxiclo Billy 1X111,” THE PRINCE OF AUCTIONEERS, We Intend, in connection with our Grocery Trade, to d » a General Auction and Commienion Rusiness. We flatter ourselves th t we will be nble to give perfect satinfaction. As we have i rociir« i d the services of one ot the bst Book-Keepers in the State. Our motto is qu ; ck sales and prompt returns. aug 29—4 w Doyal & Ransom, General Produce and Commission MERCHANTS, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, Will keep on hand for sale Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, Flour, Meal. Tobacco. Ac. All goods consigned to our care for sale will receive prompt attention. sept I—ts TWO CHOICE PLANTATIONS. a HIE Undersigned offers for sale two desirable places _ in Chambers C.mnty, Alabama One cotuprising 750 odd acres. Oak and Hickory, 8% miles from West Point, immediately on the Montgomery aud W«-st Point Rail road, as well s the main thoroughfare between xhe cities. The other situate! one mile southeast of the above described place, consists of 1200 acres of fine Pine Lan I, 400 just cleared, the remainder hwavily timbered. Both places are well improved, convenient to good Schools and Churches, and adapted to Corn and Cotton. The ab ve lands offer great inducements to any one wishing to embark in the Lumber or Planting interest Refers to Jno. C. Whituer, John Wright and C W. Winter. Alfred Harrell. Aug B—2m “ FLOUR rFLOURTFLOURF lAM now prepared to urnish the trade, who esale nr Retail. Thousand Pounds of Flour, in fortv-five pound Sacks, Sui.e flne and Family. A liberal deduc tion made to dealers in city and country A. K. SEAtiO., Commission Merchant, Atlanta, Georgia. Aug s—ts House Wanted. SUITABLE for a small fami y, in n ee part of the city, for which a lair rent will be paid. Apply to «U 4 24 -11 W. F. HARRIS Coffee! Coffee! 20 BAGS Prime Rio Coffee for sale low by A. K. SEAG-O, Commission Merchant, Conner Whitehall and Mitchell streets, Atlanta, Georgia. Aug 19—ts FOR SALE. A BEAUTIFUL B'lihlmg Site, of four seres, on a coinmandiug eminence, mna milu from (7ir Shed, wiui fifty large Hbade trees on it II you want one of the most <!«• si> able lots about .Atlanta lor a flue house come and see ibis pr p rty. Price $2500 cash. W F. HAR IS R<k.l Estatn jtgrnt, .Aug 26—if I‘irkcr’ B'lil iing, Wbiub ili street. > A LOT. of f.rtv acres, beautif illy situ »to<l, b.*tw«mn /\ McD » eugh and Crew streets, and l: ree-qunrters j ut n mile I mtn Car Shed, can be hud low for the cmh if • bought iu the next week. W. F. IURRIS, Rea Estate J gout, i aiker’s Building, GORDON & CO.,’ , General Ccmmission Kierchants And Dealers in COUNTRY PRODUCE, Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. Aug 20— Im For Sale. A NICE Cottage Residence near the City Hall, cheap for cash. Bell Oiislcill. Aug 24—ts Rea. haiaie Agents. “FOR'SALEr” WITHIN five minutes walk of ths Railroad depot, a t tillage House with four rooms a <1 baaernent kitchen. H. M KSH LL, aug 27—ts R al Estate Agent. For Sale. AV“KY drs’.ruble Residence, cheap for cash, Boa City • all. Inquire es ‘-II BELL &, (MSKILL. Wanted. 4 DWE’ Llf’G lioiißP containing four rooms, with a J V Kitchen, loc «trd convenie tly to the busiueas part ■f Hie City ; for arrangcuient of terms apply to aug 22—ts J \O. ' ERDERV <t BROS. Cellar Storage. We have Cellar Storage for 400 bar rels Liquors. Clarke & Hester, •opt I—2w Trout House Block. WK 11 AVK duly applications for Buslnena k»ta Residences and Good <’ott nPantatio s. l’<rsona . ving such property for an o or loose nre invite i to give i a call. BELL dL GASKILL, aug 20-1 f heal Estate Agents. LARD? UHLS, very line. ' wp24l W KETCHUM, REMOVAL. fIIRSIIBERfi, LOEB & CO., Have the pleasure of informing the peo ple of Atlanta and surrounding country, that they will open on Friday, the Bth of September, At their New Store on Whitehall Streel With a magnificent assortment of Goods, purchased in New York, tho lowest market prices, consist ing of a beautiful assort- ment of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, AND GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS. Especially would we call the attention of the Ladies to the fine as sortment of DRESS GOODS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS, AND FANCY GOODS IN GENERAL Having disposed of our former stock, it would be useless for us to say that our new assortment cannot be surpassed in any market South. And we earnestly solicit the people to call and see for themselves 1 e bre purchasing else where, from the fact that we arc confi dent that we will give great bargains • and general satisfaction. We return our thanks for past favors, and hope to> merit a continuance of the same. Having a large assortment of Goods of the above class we are prepared to do a general wholesale business also. Merchants and Jobbers are respectfully requested to give us a trial. sept 6-3 m MORGAN & CO., Corner Peachtree and Marietta Streets, np etalri, -A.Clarita, G-oorgia, Dealers in □F’lm.iNr itttr-f: All sizes Window and Looking Olass, Purler Sots. Bedsteiris. Matiresoe, Bnreaus. W.rdrobes, Washstands, Tables. Safes, Loung s, • hairs, Gilt Frames, l ictures, Shades. Wbi e Lead. Linseed Oil, Benzine. Japan Varnish, Putty, Ac , *c. sept 6—ts PACIFIC HOTEL, 170, 178, 174 & t7O Greenwich St., (osx SQuaxx wjut or ) Between Courtlandt 4 Dey Streets, New York. P Jr., Propri tor, THE Pacmc Horxt is wkll ixn wins, r knows to tho lruv.lllng public. The location i < e S( ee.i .1 y su.tabio io merchants and bißUess men; it is in o >os- proxlmliy to . e biudness part of iho Cily-is r.p the highway ot Southern aid Wosieri. travel-aod adi.e-nt to ah iho principal Rai road and bt**am boat depot • lhe Pacific has liberal aoconmodatiun tor over 800 guests ; it is well furnished, and posees-os - v.«ry tuude n improvement for the comfort and en«ertai inici.t of i's J FOOrnK s ßr ° B P* c ‘ oU « ftnd voutilat d ; provided with gas and water; the attendance in prompt and respectful; and the table is generously provided wi h every delicacy ot the season. .b„ TI uJ Uh T"’ Br ’ wl “’’ ,or the P“‘ < ew Is now sole proprietor, and miei d- to Identify himself thorough y with the Interests ot h s Imuses long experience as a hotel keeper, h t.usts, by moderate charges aud a liberal policy, to tnainUlu tno lavorable reputation ot I he Pacific Hotel. se pi -7 X yr, Jot! v PAT IEN, J». Murray Street, Second* Door from Broadway, Opposite NEW YORK, N. HUGGINS, Proprietor. sept 9-ts C.A. LONGSTRSST, | JOHN SSDOWICK. | w. B . TRStpW T J- M. HJVTSrniLEY WITH LONGSTREET, SEDGWICK & CO., Manufacturers ot and Wholesale Dealers In MEN’S & BOYS CLOTHING. sept 3 u ß -tf BR ° AI>WAT ’ WKW VOh K. ’ INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, PUBLIC SQUARE, Nashville, Tennessee, J. T. STRONG & U S. PHILLIPS. J»'g3o-<n.. Proprietor.. THE l«ST«t«. rpms Bank haring appropriated all its a sets .nd cant- sep t 6 ts « « HBCKMAM. * 1 rosldant. DR. D. C. O’KEEFE wpt I—lm for SALE. AEXNE Business Lot, 49 bg lao f ,, et w|(h situated nerr the con ire of thh bimin tlon ot the city. The lot will .ii.Lt « buslnene or- Wish to purchisozVby 120 feet dIT " ,M ’ ,huuM Fay & Grant, SYRUP AND MOLASSES. 15s B .“iV“ ,ei ' yrUp ' for M y . ' augld-il. Cjuimission Uerchauts, Whitehall stl