The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, September 13, 1865, Image 3

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DAILY NEW ERA. A. R. WATSON LOCAL EDITOR. Bored.—From every quarter of the City, from every bear hstone, from every mansion and every hovel, comes a general deprecation of tbo immense swarms of mosquitoes, which are as thick as the locusts of Egypt. There are few tongues th it have not uttered male dictions on them, few hides that have not been punctured hy them. We see tortured individuals emerge from their rooms in the morning, their skins bearing the appearance of having been speckled by a breaking out of very red measles. The mosquitoes have certainly just descovered that they have a great many enemies in this community, and are engaged just now in spotting them, and the spots are as thick as bubbles in a stags nant pond. In our room the 1 ttle “ varments” are supremely severe. As soon as the thickening shadows of night shut out the last wink of the day-god, a dull, drowsy, dreamy chorus breaks outin a deep insect-bass, which reach es a very fine tenor by the time candles are lit. And when the hour comes for retiring, it is dif ficult to suggest a key in music which would convey in idea as nearly related to the truth, a- an Irishman is to his Dutch cousin. Squiggles who rooms with us—and who, by the way, is an exceedingly moral man— says he intends to get some frienu of less iru reproacbable morals to sleep with him one night, that he may have the satisfaction of hearing the pestiferous insects comfortably damned. We have tried to damn them outside our roem by c'osing every discoverable means of insect ingress, but still they come. In at the windows—in at the doors—down from the ceiling like a thick fall of dark brown hail— down the chimney—out of the closet—out of our wardrobe—out of our drawers— where we keep our clothes—in tact from every nook large enough to accommodate the corporeal fabric of an insect. A youth who s eejs in the same house with ussaysaswaim of them se zed him a few n ghts since by the seat of the small clothes and made ati< mpt to fly away with him. He Only thwarted, h< ir purpose by a coup de main e. e. changed bis base to a basin of water. Another youth asserts positively that one Came into bis room and poured the water frem the pitcher into the basin, washed his feet and C >me to bed with him with all the familiarity of an old chum —but a very drunk one. The mosquito wouldn’t lie still, but continually poked b m under the ribs with bis l-ft tore foot. He tried to k ck him out ot the bed, but could not find b.m. Another inventive young man erected a bar over bis couch with the aid ot a quilt. The insects buzz d around it awhile and finally lifted up the edge and walked en masse. Our'‘petsonal < xperience” dees not evince so much ingenuity, hut quite as much suff rirg. We determined to meet the rascally insects boldly ai d fight them tut on their own line. In the beginning we did pretiy will ; captured ; s-veral prisoners and killed as many more. I But they rallied to the cot fl ct an i beset us in | tbefront— ths rear and the flank in such a m in ner that we had to beat a .etre t under a con ■ pie of quilts and our head under a bolster, re solved to sweat it out rather than have our b< dy punctured by such intolerable nuisan ces. We have had many at noyances in our time, we have had to “di dge the demon conscript” and we did it. We have seen our “familiar” smoke our last segar and cooiy ask for more ; end we bore it. We have bad many a ki>.k fr< m our sweetheart ; but we recovered from the blow. We have suffered melor—:olic af fi'itions ; but we have grinned away the [aina. We have bad enraged individuals confront us Cloudy I row and threatening case ; but we have always managed to out-run them. We have sat down to a breakfast of raw eteak* smoked coffee and burn' corn dodger, and we ate it - beeause we were not able to do better. We have seen many afflictions many sore trials—freak, of outrageous furtunej we have hid our pocket bock empty many a ime when we wanted to treat ourself to a segnr ; but of all aifl etions. all annoyances, all insnff-rable b.res, the bandy shanked, cowirdly, skulking, whizz ng, buzz ng, singing, gurgling, fiend sb, abominable, pestiferous, odious, everlasting mosquito wb’cb howls around us every night is the worst. It we had any epithets at band we Would certainly call them some hard names.— In all our suff-rii g frem this source, howev er. we have the consoiarion oi knowing that all ot our friends are uffl cted as sorely. Misery loves company, and we have plenty of it, ii we may judge from the speck ed lace. and aims of our friends and—thank ib*> tans our Arrested.—XVe mentioned yesterday, the fact that a couple of oxen which bad been ■ tolenfrom Mr. A. A. Wilson, bad been traced to a bnteber pea near the City We are glad now to be able to menjion the arrest of the individual who stole them and sold them to Mr. Calhoun, the owner of the pen. lie was arrested in the City on Monday afternoon, and had bis trial yesterday, before Justices Smith and Butts. We have not heard the res suit of the trial, but. we presume it can result in nothing short of a committal. We are glad to be informed that “ Cousin John” has the rogues’ and cattle stealers’ room in the jail about completed, and it will be ready for the reception of this light-fin gerd gentleman by the time the Justice* Court is done wiib him. We would like to publish his name, but have not been able to get it in full. He claimed this privilege of proving by colored Witnesses that be bought the oxen from a ne gro man, but when the prosecutor intimated that he could bring colored witnesses who saw himdiivetbe steers from the field be concluded to desist. Second Baptist Chvrch Atlanta—All of the members of this Church, in this city, or vicinity, are hereby notified and earne-tly re quested to meet in the audience room of said Church, this afternoon at 4 o'clock, as business of importance demands early and prompt attention. By order of the Deacons. To Pbintkkh —A country printing office is advertised for sale in our advertising columns. The material in tbis office is complete and amply abundant for the publication of a weekly newspaper. Tlie type is a little worn. We call aiteotion to the advertisement. —**—■ Changed Schedule.—The trains which have heretofore left on the State Road at 8 A. M. leave now at 7,} P. M. thus making connection with the trains on the Nashville Slid Chattanooga road. The connections are sow perfect from this city to New York, and thereby, travel is greatly facilitated. SPEC I A L NOTICES. HKADQU INTERS MILITARY POST, I Atlanta, Ga , Sept. Ist, 1866. j Gknkral Orders No. 5. I. The trade with fire inns and ammunition is hereby strictly prohibited until further orders. Any person acting against this order will bo severely punished and the stock comfiscatetl. 11. All persons. both white and black, found In the streets witnout domicil or means of subsistence will be put to work on the st re is ot this city under the super vision ot the Provost Marshal 111 The Provost Marshal of this Post is ordered with the strict execution of this order. Bv command of B evet Brig Gon Felix Prince Salm FREDERICK H AKtiTER, Lt. and A A. D. C. sept I—ts <*.TO BUSINESS MEN— New Era Job Printing Office —Having fitted up a first rate Job Printing Office, we are pieperod to do all work in that line, on reason able terms and in the most expeditious manner. Hoving a sooiated with us Mr. T. S. Reynolds, one of the most experienced Job Workmen in the South, we think we can give entire satisfaction as to style and everything else. Call and examine specimens sept 7—ts PHILLIPS ‘ft PRATHER. Country Merchants can make it greatly to their interest by calling at JOHN T. MEADOR & BROS , Whe-e they can buy a well assorted stock of goods, suit ed to the country trade—low tor cash. sept—l 2 st. Persons desiring Mill gearing or casting of any kind wou d do well to cona«i>t us either in person or by letter. We are prepared to fih orders at short notice. JOHN T. .MEADOR & BROS. MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL ATLANTA MONEY MARKET. Corrected by Robert J. Lowry, Broker. Georgia Railroad Bank, buying at 60 cts fur one dollar. Cen’r <1 Bank. “ 45 “ “ “ •* Rmk Siate of Georgia, “ fl) “ “ “ “ Marine Bank, “ 30 “ “ “ Bank of avannah, « 25 “ “ “ “ Bank of A the is, u 20 “ “ “ “ Bank of Middle Georgia, “ 35“ “ “ “ Bank of Fulton, “ 15“ “ “ “ A 1 other Ga S C. and Ala. Banks “ 5 to 25 <• “ Gold, buying at 35 cen% selling at 40 to 46 cts. Silver, buying at 30, al to 40 cts prem Atlanta Wholesale Market. Corrected by R >l>ert J. I owry db Co., Commission Merchants. Bacon—Hog round 23 to 24; Clear Sides 25 to 17, Canvas- bams, 28 to 30 cts per lb. Demand small. Beeswax—3o cts per pound Bagging—Kentucky 35 to 40 cents. Pepper—Black 40 cts per lb. Blacking -Small Size 65, Large $1 25 j er dozen. Coffee—Rio 38 u 4V cts per lb. Candles -Star, by the box. 30 cts per lb, half box, 31 cts per lb.: quarter box, 33 cts per lb. Cam»y—Common Stick 50, French 50, assorted 60 cts per lb Cotton ards —No 10. sls per dozen Cheese—English Dairy—3s to 40 cents. Cohn—sl 25 per bushel. Peaches —Dried Cut Off $2 per bushel of 36 lbs, pealed cut off, t 3 per bushel of 40 pounds. Flour Extra and Family 15 to sl6 per barrel. Indigo—l 75 to $2 25 per pound Mackerel—Nt-w family in kits, $1 75. Madder—2' to 33 eta per lb. Copperaa— to 15 cts per lb. Soda—lß to 20 cts per lb. Epsom Salts —16 to 1» cis per lb. Starch—lo to 20 cts per lb. MatchH'—s3 per gioss w hits Lead—ln Oil 25 to 30 cts per lb. bOAP—2O to 25 cts per lb. Sugar—New Orleans 20 to 28; Crushed 33 to 35 oonts per lb. Tea—s 2to 72 ?5 per lb. Nails—B 50 to $lO per keg. Iron—Sweden 10 cts per lb. Rope—Kentucky 25 cts per lb. Domestic—l-4, 28 to 32; 7-8, 25 to 27 ; Osnaburgs 22 to 24 cts per yard. Dry Goods.—Prints, 32 t® 35 cts per yard; Bleached Muslin. 20 to 70. Cotton Yarns—2 75 to *3 per bunch. Cotion small sales at 27 to 30 cjs per lbs as to order and quality. R AILROAD GUIDE Georgia Railroad. GEORGE YONGE, Superintendent. passenger train. Leaves Atlanta 4 20 A. M. Reaches Augusta 6 20 P. M. Leaves Augusta 6 00 A. M. Reaches Atlanta 8 00 P. M. Atlanta and West Point Railroad. GEORGE G HULL, Superintendent. Leave Atlanta 6 00 A. M. Arrive at W st Point. 1 05 P. M. Leave West Point 10 45 A M. Arrive at Atlanta 6 00 P. M. Macon and Western Railroad. E. B. WALKER Superintendent. DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Macon 7 60 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta. 4 05 P. M Leave Atlanta 7 20 A. M. Arrive at Macon 3 20 P. M. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Mac n 6 30 P. M. Arrive at Atlanta 3 23 A.M. Leave At anta 6 50 P, M. Arrive at Macon 3 30 A. M Montgomery West Point Ft. Lt. DANIEL H. CRAM, General Superintendent. Leave West Point 2 10 P M. Arrive at lolumbus 6 00 P. M. Arrive at • hehaw 7 00 P M. L*ave • hehaw 5 00 A. M. Leave Columbus 4 00 A. .4 Arrive at Weit Point 10 00 A. M, Western A: Atlantic Railroad. ROBERT BAUGH, Superintendent. Leave Atlanta 8 10 A. M. Leave Chattanooga 7 45 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta 7 30 P. M. Arrive at Chattanooga 7 45 P. M. For Sale. 12 Dr zen Fine Gold Pens, 100 Gross Steel Pens -assorted. D i’ id & Arnold’s Best Inks, Best School Slates—all Wostenholm’s Fine Po“k> t Knives, Inkstands and Penl olders, F tie Paper and Envelopes, Best Violin and Guitar Strings. Sealing Wax and Muci'ngo. J. J. <fc S. P. UICHAR.D<t, Peters St, 2d door west of Whitehall St. N. li. Peteis Street is one block south of R .ark's corner. aug 31. M. AIICHKK CHSArnAM. GKO. W. DAKBAX. GKO. S. Kl.sXKr. ARCHER CIIEATHAM&CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND IMPORTERS OF 3RANDIBS, WISES AND LIQUORS. And Dealers in TOBACCO, HA VAN A CIGARS, E'c., E'c. No. oCollege Street, NASHVILLE, TENN, aug 31 .—-3 m. waYZT:paZperT" A L ROE aeeortnaent, all qualities and t rices. For Hd«by. W. KETCHUM. «' p 3 ts A Partner Wanted. SPLENDID fridiicernenta nn«red to do bnsinesa in thia city. A capital o> only $2,500 required. Apply at This Office. »vpt 9—ts FOR SALE, If taken Boon I will sell a hall anre of land joining l ayne » 1 hapel. and near the Gala City <■»!• and Ma chine WorkH, lor four hundred and fifty dollarn. The land lays well for building, arid has « fine Mprlng. 11. Tlai-whall, sept 9--ts ftfrtjitf. Agent. NAILS AND CuASS. 1 iX Wheeling Nalla, auaorted. 1• ® J boxes Glass, F »r Hale by aug 28—ts Salmon., Simmon. A Co. AM Indefinite nnmberof elegant Young Ladles finely MCOlßpushed, are nxhms to marry. I'uith iilnra can ho had at a Kcal listuto Agency, on a I rent aug 27—ts W. H. BROTHERTON, ROARK’S BUILDING. CORNER WHITEHALL AND MITCHELL STREETS, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, DEALERIN STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, G E N T S’ CLOTHING & FURNISHING GOODS, LABIES DBESS UD H CfIODS, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, SILKS, TRIMMINGS, &c., PERFUMERY AND EXTRACTS, TOILET SOAPS, YANKEE NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, GLASSWARE & CROCKERY, &c., &c., Ac. step 9—ts NEW DRUG STORE. H. W FINNFY, I C. W WINTER, Os Alabama. | Os Atlanta, Georgia. FIIEYHWER, Wholesale and Retail DRUGGISTS, Second Door from T. Kile’s, Corner Marietta Street) ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Have on hand and are receiving daily ALL KINDS OF OILS, DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS, PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, PERFUMES, HAIR OILS, <fcc., &c., <fcc. The finest and purest of Wines, Bran dies and Whiskies, for Medicinal pur poses, always on hand. Country Merchants and Physicians would do well to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined to sell at the lowest market prices. Prescriptions of any kind can be filled at all hours, as we have engaged the services of a competent Prescriptionist who is endorsed by the most prominent Physicians in the city. sept 8 ts Dwelling House for Sale. A NEAT comfortable residence, throe rooms and cel Iht. one acre lot. im trovementH and fences nood, a thriDy vin- yard, good settlement, on Peters street. Ap ply to A. K. SKA<4O, ■opt 9—l w Commission Msrcbunt, A Hunts. Ou. Corn! Corn! 1000 on consignment and for sale low at Jno. Verdery & Bros., Commission an I Forwarding Merchants, Whitehall street, between Alabama aud Hunter etrculs. th pt 9-ts M C CAMY & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NEXT DOOR TO ROARK’S CORNER, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Have permanently established themselves io the Drug Business in this City, and trust by their strict atten tion to merit a liberal share of public patronage. J. R. BA.RRICK, A Practical Druggist of long experience, AND J NO C WHITNER, Well and favorably known to the business and com mercial circles of Georgia, are both connected with the House, and will give their undi vided attention to the business. They are just in receipt of a fresh supply of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, Selected for this market Satisfaction guarantied in filling all orders for Fysicians, Country Merchants and others. Prescriptions promptly filled with the utmost pre cision. They have on hand and for sale Dyo stuffs of all kinds, Black and other Varnish, Paints ground in oil, Spirits Turpentine, Linseed Oil, Casior Oil, Sweet Oil, Olive Oil, Pure White Lead, Copal Varnish, Coach Varnish, Japan Varnish, Perfumes, Hair Oils. The finest and purest WINES, BRANDIES AND WHISKIES, For Medicinal purposes. Miccaboy, Rappee and Window Glass and Putty, Scotch Snuffs, Pepper, Hair Brushes, Soda. Horsn and Shoo Brushes, Allspice, Paint Brushes, Tea. Varnish Brushes, Sugar, ■Wall Brushes, Candies, Madder, Candles, Indigo. Starch. Soap, Pateut Medicines, Fine Cigars and Tobacco, And many other articles. sept 7—ts jamesTseymourT WHOLESALE GEOOER AND Commission Merchant, MACON GEORGIA. Offers his services to his friends And the public, in the purchase of cotton, and sale ot merchandize, respectfudy solicits consignments and orders. Refers to K. W. Cubbedge Macon Ga., Butler ft Peters Atlanta, D. L. Adams ft San, Augusta. Bep—7 6 mo. SSOOO WORTH of Hats just opened at Jno. T. Meador & Bros, sept 7—ts MEN’S and Boys Hats of all styles, qualities and prices at sept 7-ts JNO. T. mEAJDOR A: BROS. FOR SALE. Z \ ACRES oi Woodland, fronting on Georgia _l_ v y V / Railroad 306 yards and being IX miles from the city limits- Terms reasonable. Bell & Gaskill, sept 7—ts Real Estate Agent. W. SLEDGE. I EDWARD PAJWONB, Late of Perry House, Coium- I bus, Georgia. SLEDGE HOUSE, OPELIKA, ALABAMA. jO” Regular Breaklast and Dinner House from West Point and Montgomery. SLEDGE & PARSONS, Bt*pt 6—lm Proprietors. NELMS HOUSE, Gi’iflin, Georgia, Meals Ready on the Arrival of Each Ti ain from Atlanta and Macon. Good Fare and Moderate Charges. MRS. A. M. NELMS, sopt I—-lm Proprietress. WA.TSTTED! I WANT to purchase a Lot suitable for a Residence within half a mile of the Car shod. Aug 24-ts W. F. HARRIS. FOR SALE. THRVK quarters of an acre of<l % of a mile from the city towards the Rolling Mil’s, good location for a res donee. Enquire oi H. MARSHALL, aug29-tr. Real hastate Sasseen & Henderson, NEWS -A.&HJTCY AND GEXEIUL VARIETY STORE, At junction of I’i acbtree nnd Broad streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, sept B—lm ISoardisig*. GENTLEMEN Clin get Day Board at MRS. IxYOM’S, Oil Mitchell street, Between Whitehall and Forsyth, west side, sept B—ts UoidFGoJdir VERY BODY wants Gold. If yon want to make a .1 j fortune quick notice niv advertiseme it of a ' lanta tion oi 225 acres. You can get it for th«* very smrll sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars. Here 1h a better chance for gold than in California. sept B—ts 11. MARSH ALL LA Dl KN and Mifrhr Hats of all styles, qualities and prices, just opened at Jno. T. Meador ft Bros. 8< pt 7-ts Hams! Hams! A FEW tierces very superior Sugar-cured Canvassed Za. Hams. A150,4,000 pounds choice Clear Bacon Sides, just received and for sale wholesale or retail by A. K. SEAGO, Commission Merchant Corner Whitehall and Mitchell stieota, Atlanta. Georgia. Aug 19—ts ROBT. J. MABBBY, M. D. | HENRY 8. ORME, M. D. MASSEY & ORME, (Successors to R. J. Massey), WHDIESHE DRUGGISTS, WHITEHALL STREET, Georgia, Coal Oil, Linseed Oil, Kerosene Oil, Castor Oil, Petroleum Oil, White Lead, Machine Oil, Paint Brushes, Venetian Red, Prussian Blue, Spanish Brown, Putty and Burnt Umber, Window Glass. Just received a nice and choice selection of Haudkercliief extracts, Toilet and Shaving- Soaps, I'omades, Bear’s Grease, Hair Brushes, Toilet Brushes, 4eslde« many articles essential to a Lady’s Toilet MASSEY & ORME. ALSO, Warranted pure.for medicinal purposes, Cognac, French and I’each Brandy, Old Port. Old Sherry and Old Madeira Wines, and best Old Bour bon Whisky by the case or bottle. MASSEY & ORME. At Abbott 4 Bros., Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. sept 2—ts Win. D. Luckie & Co., Invites attention to their stock of Coffee, Sugar, Salt, Bacon, Corn, Flour, Meal, AND FAMILY SUPPLIES GENERALLY, On Loyd street, next door to Jones’ Livery Stable. and examine. Eept 2—lm W. D. LLCKIE <& CO. M. LYNCH & CO., BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, AND TMII2WW DE AI/EKH, WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA., Two Doors West of the Railroad* «eptß 3m J -list Received. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Ponge Silk Handkerchiefs, Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, Ladies Linen Collars, Collars and Cuffs in setts, Irish Linen, Plain and striped Nainsook, Muslin, Swiss Muslin, Dotted Swiss, Jaconets,’’ Green, Brown and Blue Barege, And a large lot of Notions. ALSO, Large lot of dark Prints, Ladies Dress Goods, Shawls, Balmoral Skirts. <6c., For sale at wholesale by Jno. T. Meador <Nc Bros, sept 8 —ts 14b t.’IL,L>IO LOTS, in the most desirable J_ locality in the city, tor sale or lease. Aug 24-ts W. F. HARRIS. T LOTS, half acre each, suitable for Residences, and only tinee-quarters of a mile from the Car titled, lor sale or lease. Apply to Aug 24—If W. F. HARRI . A FARM Fl>R SALE, four miles from the city. Can be bad low for thp cash. Aug 24—ts w. F. HARRIS. Mineral Lands Wanted. PERSONS wishing to sell or le»se Mineral Lands will find it to their iuterest to giv-> mo a call. Aug 24—ts W. F. HARRIS. ' DR. B. L. SEAGOT - Office on Whitehall Street. (‘'l tN be found at Mrn. Coleman’s at night, on Pryor y street, opposite Mn? Chisolm’s Will practice Medicine and Surgery. aug3o—lm Notice. THE Partnnr.hip of the firm of Powell A Marshall this day dissolved by mutual consent. C. POWELL, Atlanta, July 27,1865, H MARSHALL. The business will be carried on by C. Powell, who w pay all claims ot the late firm, and respectfully solicit patronage. July 29—ts To Merchants WE have just received a choice lot of Bleached Shirt ing, Prims, Linen Handkerchiefs, Necklies, Pocket Knives &c., &c., which we are ordered to close out at 15 per cen» on first cost. Apply early. LANGbTON, CRANE & HAMMOCK, Aug. 26 ts. Cbmtnission Merchants. ~FOR~SALE? IOT N<>. 101 fronting on Taylor street and the improve J merits on tame, apply to JNO. VERDERY & BRO*, s p - ts Commission and Forwarding Merchants. BURNS & DWYER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocery and Liquor Merchants, Near Georgia Railroad Bank, ATLANTA. CEORCIA. July 30 —6m Prime Bread Corn ■piOß sale at JNO. VERDERY BROS., sept 3-ts Commission and Forwarding Merchants. A GOOD INVESTMENT. I WILL s< 11 a good bargain, my Drug store and cinrg at. Fort Va ley. Georgia, junction of South Western and Muscogee Kailroad. For particulars apply to me immediately. H. IV. SPINKS, sept 7-2 w ’ l nTwhittle, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MACON, GEORGIA. Office noxt to Concert Hall, and over Payne’s Drug Store* sept 7-3 m For Sale. THE Pitt’s Residence Lot, four acres, lying, most beautifully,o i Peachtree street. Tianis one of the most desirable lots for a first cb»M residence in this city. BELL Ai GASKILL, Aug 29—ts Real kftlale Agents LIMErLIIHETLIME? THOS. H. WILLIAMS, who has now in successful op eration the extensive HOWARD LIME WORKS, near Kingston, Gn., lihr established f»r the convenience of pur chasms a Lime Depot at Atlanta, Ga., at which place par ties can be furn shed al kiln prices fieigot added, in any quantity desired, by ciliing on or addregning the under signed or Mr. Loch man at the old stand of Butler A Peters, near the state Road Depot, where tbo lime I stored, aug.jy lm. WM. M. WILLIAMS. 10 OWNERS 01 COTTON. We find that the large quantity of Cotton which we own and control in South-western Georgia, and the unset tled condition of the country, will re quire us to establish a house at Apalachicola, Florida, For the purpose of receiving and for warding all cotton to our houses at Liverpool and New York. We will be associated at that point with the most eminent business men of the country, who will receive, store, com press aud forward all consignments, pay taxes, charges and make advances upon shipments to WATTS, CRANE & CO., New York; W. C. WATTS & CO., Liverpool; or GIVEN, WATTS & CO., New Orleans, Or will forward cotton on the most rea sonable terms, where owners prefer to cons'gn to other houses. BAGGING AND ROPE SUPPLIED. Shippers can rely upon prompt attention. General patronage solicited. Address EM, BRUCE, MORGAN & CO., sept 2—lm Apalachicola, Fla. Doyal & Ransom, General Produce and Commission MERCHANTS, GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, Vill keep on hand for Rale Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, Flour, M< al, Tobacco. 4c- All goods consigned to our care for sale will receive prompt attention. sept I—ts THE Undersigned offers for sale two desirable places iu Chambers County, Alabama One coiuprising 750 •dd acres. Oak and Hickory, 8% miles from West Point, mmediately on the Montgomery and West Point Rail oad, as well <s the main thoroughfare between the •ities. The other situated one mile southeast of the ibove described place, consists of 1200 acres of fine Pine •■an », 400 Just cleared, the remainder heavily timbered. Both places are well improved, convenient to good Schools and Churches, aud adapted to Corn and Cotton. .he ab ve lands offer great inducements to any one vishing to embark in the Lumber or Planting interest . Refers to Jno. C. Wliituer, John Wright and C W. Winter. Allred Harrell. Aug B—2m R. A. CRANE. | J. R JOHNSON. | J. H. GRAYBILL. CRANE, JOHNSON & GRAYBILL, FO R WARDING AND cMiiissign incuiis Savannah, Georgia, Will attend to receiving and forwarding Cotton and Mer- V*mndi>»e to Northern ports and the interior. sept 10—3m* RAILROAD HOTEL, Stone Mountain, Georgia, MRS. M. L. LEE, Proprietress. THIS is the Breakfast and Sapper House on the Geor gia Railroad, Passengers wll always find the table supplied with t lie beet the market aflords, Meals ready »n arrival of trains. Give it a trial* Charges moderate sept IO- 3m “Tlouri flourTflourT“ lAM now prepared to furnish the trade, wholesale or Retail, Fifty Thousand Pounds of Flour, in fortv-five ‘.-'iind Sacks, Sut.eifiue and Family. A liberal deduc ‘.on made to dealers in city and country. A. K. *»EAGO., Commission Merchant, Atlanta, Georgia. Aug s—ts House Wanted. SUITABLE for a Rmnll fami.y, in n»ce part of the city, for which a fair riuit will be paid. Apu yto Aug 24 -If * W. F. rfARUIS Coffee! Coffee! BAGS Prime Rio Coffee lor sale low by A. K. SEA GO, Commission Merchant, *k>rner Whitehall ami Mitchell streets, Atlanta, Georgia. Aug 19—ts FOR SALE~ A BEAUTIFUL Building Site, of four acres, on & . > commanding eminence, t»ne mile from Ctr Shed, im silty large shad * son it. It you want one of •* most dttsirable lots about .Atlanta tor a flue house me and-see tbis pr perty. Pn *• $2500 cash. W. F. HARRIS Real Estate Agent, Aug 26—ts Parker’s Building, Whitehall street. A LOT. of f -rty acres, beautif illy Mtuatod, between ■ V. MeD » ough and Crew streets, and t r ree-qnarters .1 nine In tn Car Shod, can be had low for the cash if •ught iu the next week. W. F. HARRIS, Real Estate Agent, inker’s Building, Aug 26-ts Whitenall street, ~GOTj)ON ft CO., reneral Commission Merchants And Dealers in COUIN r ri«Y PRODUCE, Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia. Aug 20—lm For Sale. VNICE Cottage Residence rear the Citv Hall, cheap for cash. Bell Gaskill, Aug 24—ts Keai Estate Agents. ~ FOR SALE. VITHIN five minutes walk of the Railroad depot, a Cottage House with four rooms at d basement chen. H. •ng 27—ts R al Estate Agent. For Sale. \ Vi RY des rable Residence, cheap for cash, naa V City Hall. Inquire of .ng 24- ts BELL &. GASKILL. Wanted. A 1»WE! LI?’G house containing four rooms, with a V. Kitcbe i. located convenie tly to the business part he City *, tor arraugement of term* apply to ng 22—ts J VO. V KRDERY ft BROS. Cellar Storage. e have Cellar Storage for 400 bar rels Liquors. Clarke <& Hester. sept I—2w Trout House Block. TK HAVKdaiy applications for Business Lots / Residences and Good Cott n P'antatio s. Persons ing such property for sa e or lease are invite 1 to give i call. BELL <fc GASKILL, <ug 29-ts Beal Estate Agents lardT - BBLS, very fine. ep2-tf KFT'*nTT\f Just Received </ 'UPERIOR Sugar Cano Syrup. For sale by JNO. VERDERY & BRO’.. Mpt 3-ts Comuiisbion aud Furwiudiux Mercb/nU REMO V AL. HIRSIIBERG, LOEB & CO., Have the pleasure of informing the peo ple of Atlanta and surrounding country, that they will open on Friday, the Bth of September, At their New Store on Whitehall Streel With a magnificent assortment of Goods, purchased in New York, at, the lowest market prices, consist ing of a beautiful assort ment of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, AND GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS. Especially would we call the attention of the Ladies to the fine as sortment of DRESS GOODS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, FALL AND WINTER SHAWLS, AND FANCY GOODS IN GENERAL Having disposed of our former stock, it would be useless for us to say that our new assortment cannot be surpassed in any market South. And we earnestly solicit the poople to call and see for themselves leore purchasing else where, from the fact that we are confi dent that we will give great bargains and general satisfaction. We return our thanks for past favors, and hope to merit a continuance of the same. ..Having a large assortment of Goods of the above class we are prepared to do a general wholesale business also. Merchants and Jobbers are respectfully requested to give us a trial. sept 6-3 m MORGAN & CO., Corner Peachtree and Marietta streets, up stairs, _A.tla.nta, Georgia, Dealers in □f’tjjflistitttjfle; 411 aixcwi Window and Looking Glbm, Parlcr Sat., Bedsteins. Matireaea, Buraaua. W.irdrohea, Washetanda. Tahlaa. Safes, Loung hairs, Oilt Frames, Picture., Shades, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Benaine. Japan Varnish, Putty, 4c , fcc. eept o—ts PACIFICHOTEL,” 170, 172, 174 &176 Greenwich St., (OMt SqVSRK WRIT Ol> BROSDWAT ) Between Courtlandt <fc Dey Streets, New Yoik. JPropri tor. THE Panne Hotki. m wkll ssn wing'r ksowv to the travelling public. The location I. eei eolal y iiiiMin to marchiiuis and business mon; it la in cose proximity to li a business part ot Hie City—ls en the highway <4 Southern aril Western travel—«ud adj ic*-ut to all ha principal Railroad and Steamboat depot*. The Pacific lias liberal accommodation for over 300 guests ; it is well furnished, and possesses i very mode n improvement for the comfort and en<eriaiumm.t of is inmates. Ibe rooms are spacious and well ventllsl. d ; provided with gas and water; tbs atteuoauoe is prompt and respecllul; and tlio table Is generously provided wi h every delicacy ot the season. The subscriber, who, for the past fi-w ya-rs, b is been the lessee. Is now sole proprietor, an I iniei d* to identify himself thoroughly with the interests of h s bouses. W.ih long experience as a hotel keeper, h* trusts, by moderate charges and a liberal policy, to maintain too favorable reputation ot the Pacific Hotel. sept—7 1 yr. JOHV PATTEN, Jn. FOR SALE. A LARGE and elegant House, in Madison, Georgia containing eight rooms, with ont honses, stables, and one acre of land, new fences, and all complete, can be bought for the small sum of five thousand dollars. H. HAHMi tl.I, sept 7-ts Real Estate Agent. C.A. LOBOSTMKT. I roan BIDOWIOK. I W D. TRUnwxT, eT. M. Y WITH LONGSTREET, SEDGWICK & CO., Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in MEN'S & BOYS CLOTHING, 380 BROADWAY, NKW YUItK. sept 9-ts INTERNATIONAL PUBLIO SQUARE, Nashville, Tennessee, J. T. STRONG & L. S. PHIGhTPH, aug3o-4m. Proprietors. THE AIIGUSTI SAVINGS BiAK. THIS Bonk having appropriated all itw a net’ and capf ul to the re<k inption of its phang • bi s u paving fur th ru fifteen cents in the dviinr. H. IS. HECKMAIV, si pts ts i resident. DR. I). C. O’K.EEFE HAS resumed the Pratloc of hie Profession in tnls City. Office with Bell A Gaskill, (old Post office corner). Keshleuee on Whitehall st res , next house to Mr. W A. Mitchell's. sept I—lm FOR SALE. A HINE Ruslnaas Lot, 40 bs 120 feet, with an allev in roar, situated nerr the centre of thh Im-iness .or. tion oi the city. Ths lot w|i) be divided should parties wish to purchaw 25 by 120 feet Fay A Orant, ■drehitertfl and Lan«l AgentM, Hunter street, be tween Loyd anl Washington, anptfi—tf ~ SYRUPANDIffOLASSESr ~ 1 E 8813. Cano Syrup. 10 bbl. Sorghum Mol.iwcn, fir IM sale hy ABBOTT * RhnTWpnu u. C’lmni l ® *o-* •