The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, March 10, 1866, Image 2

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Oc |ltto (fra. 1. I. PRATHHF WK. L SCRUGGS. PRATHER & SCRUGGS EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Saturday Morning, March 10, 1866- A Northern Ertimate of Confed erate Leaders. We extract tbe following from » long re view of the late war io th® New York Citi xen, a Republican paper, edited by Col. Hal pin®, (Miles OUielly) late of th® United States army : DAVIS. Let those loysl gentlemen, disciples of Mr. Abbott, who worship tbe character of Bona parte, make some consistent homage to the brilliant directory of Jefferson Laris. Both were nien of destiny, and the personnel ot tbe Aprvivor is by far tbe nobler. Os tbe fallen angels, whose dark p umage swept from our Senate Halls, he made the most courtly adieu. Os ail the traitors be was most en tirely in earnest. Os all decision his was tbe eagert, the promptest, and tbe most enduring. He, only, of the conspirators, felt that his quarrel with th® Union was irreconcilable, nod stood by h s capital till tbe last, and bas never yet advised submission. His captivity bas been belittled by none of Bonaparte’s querulousness. Blind, and gray, and wasted, , his dominions are narrowed to a casemate, while tbe republic he would oterthrow reach ed to tbe silent oceans. LX*. In Robert Lee the same austere Providence, to purify our republicanism, shattered our faith in traditional respectability. Tbe heir of Washington went with the rest of the new chivalrv. and with ten times the talent of that great Fabinus, crushed tbe armies of our lesser respectabilities till b® met in Grant a man without a pedigree He was the equal of Wellington in manoeuwring great bodies of troops-upon small interior forces. Tbe Duke at Waterloo fought bis whole army upon a mile and a quarter arc ; but Lee, at Cola Harbor, for ti-e days presented a solid line of battle wherever we sought him, till his whole force seemed manoeuvred by tbe wink of bis ey<, and every salient that we touched was a corps. While the fortifications of Richmond stand, bis name shall evoke admiration. Tbe art of war is unacquainted with any defense so admirable. Splendid as were the tri umphs of bis engineering, the victories of bis infantry were his best monaments. But over tbe glory ot bis talent fed a shadow as eter nal as bis memory—t e frown of a resolute D mocracy, whose sacrifice was longer than his art.* STUART. I stood in the cemetery of Hollywood at the grave ot Stuart—a space without a abaft. He revolution z-d th- c .valry tactics ol our time, a.d w»S in dash and di.-soluteness the Prince Rupert of tbe West Forrest and Stoneman, Morg n and Gri reon. Mosby and Kilpatrick wete bis imitators. He inauguarated the grand raid which taught Sheridan tbe notbiogaess of distance, and emboldened Sherman to tear tbe like a pocket map. Tbe fervid imagination ot tbe Southern peo ple, demonstrated tbe feats ot rom .nee. like Stuart's made (bem, during tbe war, tbe great suggestive aaptains. They built tbe first iron clad. made tbe first of the great rides, and un der Stonewall Jackson executed tbe earliest of the great infantry marches. But tbe colder adaptability of tbe Notlh developed every bint from tbe South into a perfect system. The ex pet m“nt ot tbeMerr.m«c his grown to tbe D ctator. the Dunderberg and tue Iron-ides.— The engineering assiduity ot Bemiregaid, imi- U'ed by tue North, bas marked tbe camps ol our armies, as if tbe protecting mountains bad followed our colums. But it may be doubted that any division commander bas yet arisen to rival tbe splendid infantry genius ot Jackson. JACKSON. As Lee was master of manoeuvres Jackson was tbe great captain ot aggiessiv® warfare. He combined tbe cunning andthe boldness ot Na poleon. To cover bis great movement by tbe flank i i 1862, be did not hesitate to fight Pope’s whole army with a division, and the celerity ot bis march up tbe Sh-nandoab, to appear again on tbe field of Bull Run, was only equalled by tbe energy ot attack. ■ He moved infantrr with tbe speed of borse, and having burled three great commanders back from tbe Old Dominion, died before tbe lustre of its arms bad diminished in tbat flush of vic tory when Rebellion bad assumed, indeed, tbe proportions of a nation. He was tbe most re publican ot rebels, stern and simple as any Roundbead, and ibis is *by we bold bis mem ory greener tb in tbat of Lis companions whose defection to ibe Unon w.s augmented by tbeir treason to popular insulations. There were other personages indentifled with this grand historic 1 defense, but these are tbe great statures - Davis, Lee, Jackson, Studrt, Beauregard. Artemus Ward—About those Charges of Disloyalty. Tbe B >ston Journal of March Ist contains tbe subjoined : . Tbe many friends of Charles F. Browne Esq., hive seen witb regret allusions in a few pa pete, which tended to attribute motives Uncer tain occurrences wbicb took place dmiog bis recent Southern tour. Mr. Browne passed through tbe city yesterday on bis way borne in Maine, and in tbe following letter disposed of tbe alleged charge ot disloyalty. Mr. Browne’s mission is not a political one, and be contents him®-If by adhering strictly to bis profession. t ‘ To tbe Editor ot the Boston Journal: “It is quite true tbaj I gave a benefit in tbe • city ot New Orteads r-cently, to tbe Ladies’ Aid Association ot Louisiana, a cbaritable so eiety of over thirty years’ existence, and one Which baa always been nobly anxious to re h-ve distress wbvreter it m gbt be found. I have been treated with muked kindnees j n New Oileans, and when asked by (be ladi-i ot this association to devote a night’s entertain ment for tbeir benefi, I compiled with their , request at once and nib pleasure. It is true # that a portion ot ibe receipts ot tbat entertain ment were given to Mrs. Jefferson Davi® and tier children, but it did not occur to me tbat I bad any suit ol right to die ate to ib* associa tion the precise use they should make ot the money received on tbat occasion. Tbeir right to regard Mrs. Davis .and her children legitimate otjeet® ol charity cannot be quesuoned/4 suppose. But, of my self, tbe benefit was given to tbe Ladies’ Aid Asaeciation ot Louisiana; it waa distinctly so announced in bill® and advertisements, and tbe name of Mrs. Davis was not mentioned in connection witb tbe affair at all. I acted pure.y in a spirit of charity, and without the remotest idea tbat toe affair would possibly assume any political appearance; I certainly did not suppose that it would induce auy’oewipaper in toe North to doubt my “loy alty ” J J Faithfully your®, Charles F. Brownb, • “Art, mu® Ward.” Mb. McCulloch to bx Pcsishud.—lt seems tbat Secretary McCulloch is so sensible a ms a and so mueb opposed to Freedmen’s Bureaus and to all tbe mad schemes of tbe Radicals, that, at tbe risk of destroying the credit of the Government and involving tbe commer cial interests of tbe country in ruin, Tbad. Stevens and bu followers intend to defeat Li* wise financial measure®. Tb® Washing ton correspondent of tbe Baltimore Sun says tbat “ tbe comuiuation ot interests against tbe ‘-McCulloch policy of a contraction of the cur “rency and a gradual resumption of specie “payment* is becoming identical witb oppo “sition to tbe president’s plan of reconstruc tion. Mr. Steven* is likely to control the • financial as well a* tbe pol tical course of ‘ Congress. Tbe supporters ot tbe McCul “loch financial scheme apparently shrinlfe “from competition witb tbe Steven* bill. BUt “ibe political and financial future of tbe coun ‘•try would be represented, and bath are to "be determined by this Congress, which, so “far, knows no leader but Mr. Stevens.” “I have a great confidence,” says a wr ter, “n young men who believe in thetn“< leer, and are accustomed to rely on their two re scues* Horn an early period. When a reso- • e young Mb VI .!• s,, greet hu'ly. ria. and tak,hi ,> O iiHiy by th" i enrd, be is often surprised to find it c .me iff j bis | f®nd. and it,at it. was u»ly tied on to t.carfc I •i n d an ven' vrerg/' r [From the Macon telegraph. CiJUOKGIA ITCiISLATURi;. HOUSE. . Milledgeville, March 7th. 1866. The House re-assembled at 3 o’clock, p m. Tbe bill to organise county U ni ts in each county, and to define tbe jurlsdictiau of the Same, was passed. On motion es Mr. Russell, of Chatham, tbe provision in the bill as it passed tin' Sen ate, that required the county Judge of Chat ham to be n practicing attorney was stricken out. At tbe instauce of M ■ H'rdemnn, of Bibb, the same provision in relation to the county of Bibb, was stricken oni Adjourned till 7 p m. HOUSE— NIGHT SKSSION. At the hour ot 7 p tn , tbe House recon vened. BOVSB BILLS OX THIRD BKADINtI. Bill to repeal an act assented to March 21 st 1861. and to re-enact the former laws in regard to publishing the decisions of the Su preme Court. Lost. B<ll to relieve tax collectors for tbe year 1865, from the obligation of their bonds.- Lost. Bill to extend the Charter of the Roswell Manufacturing Company Passed Bill to legalize aud make valid, acts ofNo taries Public i i certain cases. Passed. Bill to amend an act to incorporate the Georgia Home Insurance Company. Passed Bill- to estal lisb a military school at Fort Valley. Lost. Bill to alter and amend the laws of this State in relatiou to tbe Justices of ibe Inferi or Court. Lost. Adjourned. SENATE. March 8. The Senate met at 10 o'clock i>. m. Prayer by Rev. S. E. Brooks. Tbe Journal was read and approved. BOVSB BILLS OX THIRD KKADING. Bill to fix the pay of officers and members of the General Asssembly. Passed. The pay of the Speaker of the House and Presi dent of the Senate is fixed at sl2 per d ly; tbat of tbe m tubers at §9 per day. Bill to author ze the Governor, in case the Stale is not allowed to assume the Federal tax, to arrest tbe collection ot State lax on land tbFpresent year. Pissed. I Bill to compensate tbe Co nmissiouers for preparing tbe Freedmen’s Code. It allows Icch of the tour SSOO Passed. 1 Bill to authorize tbe Stipe intendent of the Western Atlantic Railroad and tbe Trees., urer of tie Slate to execute a bond for pay ment to tbe United States ot dues for iron, e.c. Passed. Bill to increase the pay of tbe Compiler of tbe Laws to S7SQ, Passed . Bill toreped the laws forbidding the cir culation of U. S. Currency. Passed. Bill to allow certain charitable schools in Savannah, to sell lauds donated to the same. Passed. Bill to authorize Courts in certain counties to be held in other places besides tbe Court House. Passed. Bill to make provision for the division of lauds among distributees in certain counties where no provisions is made for such divis ion. Passed. Bill to remit tbe unpaid taxes for the years 1864 and ’65. Refetred to the Judiciary Com mi' lee. Bill to alter tbe rules of evidence in certain cises. Passed. Bill totiutborize bis Excellency to raise money by the issue of Slate bonds. Passed: It authorizes the raising of $1,500,000. Bill Io incorporate tbe Brunswick & Alta maba Canal C mpany. Pas-ed. Bill for tbe relief of tWlimed soldiers.— Passed. It provides for supplying at the ex pense of tbe State, artificial legs and arms to maimed so.diers in tbe late Confederate army Mr. Gresham introduced a resolution au thorzizing tbe appoin ment of a Committee of Lawyers to enamine tbe Digest of the Su preme Court Decisions in course of prepara tion by A 0. Bacon, Eq. of Macon, Geor gia. Referred to tbe Judiciary Committee. Bill to incorporate the Oostanauia Steam boat Company, with powers of Insurance.— Passed. Mr. Butler introduced a bill to incorporate the Augusta Savings Bank. The same bill had passed both Houses but lacked some for mality to render it valid Bill to incorporate the Central Railroad and Canal Company. Made tbe special order for to-rnorrow Bill to incorporate tbe LaGrange Savings Bank Lost. Senate adjourned. HOUSE—MattcH 84b. The House met at 9 o’clock a m. Prayer by tbe Chaplain. The Journal was 1 cud and approved. Mr. Moses, of Muscogee, moved to reconsid er so much of the Journal of yesterday as relates to the rejection of a mil to incorporate the Union Express Company. Lost. Mr. Ru -sen, . f Uhalbom, tuov<-d to reconsid er so much J 'he Journal as relates to the re jection ot a bil> io change the name of ibe Home lueurance Compuqy of Savannah, to tbe Georgia Git z-:.'s Cutupany. Tbe motion pre vailed and tbe 1 ill parsed. Bill to legal z< fie appointment of L. J. B. Fairchild, Tie i-urer ot Chatham county.— Passed. Bill to incori ira’e the Augusta and Sum mervtlle R R. Company. P i sed. Bdl to incorporate the Atlanta Si reel R R. Company. Lo- . Bai to .regui e tbe liabilities or Ex-ctor , Administrators and G rr li ns. and regulate seiilements witt. th-same. Pit sed. Bill to autboi ze the inferior Court ol Pick ens coun y t> appropriate any tn mey in tbe treisuty of said County, ar sng trorn -.le ot cot’ori to ibe snpmirt ot the indigent poor ot tn d county. F .seed. Bill to author ze me I iferior Courts of the several coun 1 s in ths Sia’e ro purchase farms and bouses for paup-rs. and ro levy, a tax to pay for itie me. P«ssee. B ll to au'boi >z ■ tn- Oi iliuai i’ hos this State to issue tempura 1 y. letters ol administration tn certain canes. Pa-sed. Bill to irrcorp' i it>- a Str- et R. R. Company in the citv ot »S vannab PaM-d Mr. Moses o' Muse ge . iotrmiui-d a bill to regulate charges of R. R. and Exoress Com panies and to pleveut ex ornon oy the Same. 'ibe Stay L w vetoed by tbe Govern r on account of Constitutional obj-cdou* to tbe same, was taken up and passed "y Cunslitu- ; tional m jurity. Yea* 121, n iy.r 7. House adj .urm-d. Foreign Production of Cotton. Before the Atneiieati war this country sup ! plied 3,400 000 bales out of tbe 4,225 000 de- ! livered for consumption in all Europe, or : more than three quarters. Tbe cutting off of 1 this supply by the war, and the very bgh price that prevailed for live years, stimulated j foreign production Io the utmost Four c«uo- ! tries were look' d to for the new supply, tire j East, Indies, Btezil, West Indies, andthe Med- ! iteranean country. In the East Indies special i efforts were made to extend tbe culture which increased from a delivery in Europe of 573,000 b‘les ot 400 pounis in 1860, which ! gas tbe pruduc' on under the -Id order of t lings, to 1.58,000 in 1863. 1 607 000 ini 1864, end deeltn-U o 1 320 000 in’ 1865 There are otb r signs that lire increase in tbat country h'a eulminamd, even in the face of the high pric- of last -.ear. In the Presi dency o.f Madia 'lore were on the 3Ut of October an'y 93 72i aereg of cotton under cultivation, aga .-t 1,063,300 acres the year before From Eg)pt ami Syria ihe 'mports were. 158,000 ”“‘•'B in iB6O, 837,090 in 1865, with strong symptoms of a decline in ;*o ac tion. Brazil has disappointed the great expecta tions bused upon her. H-r delivery in Eu rope was 106,000 hale" in 1860, and 149 000 in 1865. Expeciniions of any supply from China and Japan have been abandoned. Even at the high prices of several years past the oreign production of cotton up. p-ars to have culminated. It Is evident tuat America will still control tne markets of tbo world, evou al much higher prices than prevailed before tbe war. Gironicle Sentinel. Tbe President. 1:1 ca.liog Fom y a dead duck, aeetns to h v : mad I the a,m mis' >ke as tb» E gliah traveler who wis dinning at Cii D -e in , H.v ng p 111 .ke 1 of a dish, the la te Os which be d d !>■■< H-c<g'lzi, beb<ct» Oliud to hie h IS' ai d |i ilpltig 1 , th i meat cm ‘ hie pla'e. naked 1 qu r n<ly. “Q ' >ek. <pl ink, quacs?” Tne Chi 1 nm •<1 a <>ok b - n ■. d 10 ain ni y no, and reple >i a. g . ll;ain-,> tu th -'rf-me phone U- languag' ,'J ,w. vr ,-w o v. r Scio Jor/c W;,U. SEE.ECTEI> TEILE«KAMS. Ciiicsgo, March B—The Republican has a telrgiair. from Ciheinnati stating that a pri i» e ciispa cti entirely reliable from Washing ton had been received there plating that Mr. Sinntuu Secretary of War, would soon resign and that Genera! Steadman bad agreed to ac cept the position. llAßKlsiiuacl, March B.—Tbe Union State Convention have nominated Gen. for Governor. N> w York. March 8 Cotton is dull, sales to-day 1,200 bales at 42 and 43c. Gold 132. WasuiNciToN Marell B.—ln tbe Senate to day resolutions were offered d daring tbat to Congress and not the Executive, belongs the power of re-establishing civil govern ment tn the lately seceded States. Vending the comtimtional amendment de bate in the House, Mr Boutwell, from the Reconstruction Conimitt e. made a report signed b‘ liims-lt aril M . Washburn of Illi nois, stating that East Tennessee is loyal, but Middle and West Tennessee are disloyal. They propose, as an additional condition for admission that “uffiage be Conferred without r gard to rac or co or A bill was debated declaring all black cit izens, conferring upon them equal rights and investing minorities with power for tbeir own protection. Nttw York, March B.—The Steamer Java, has arrived at this port with- Liverpool ad vices to the 25' h ult Cotton in Liverp ol showed a declino of 1 21 cn the week’s operations. Sales of the week, 58 000 bales ; of Friday, 8 000 ; of Sat unday, 6 000 ; the market closing easier Consols were unchanged ; Five-Twenties 69 1 4s to 69 1 2 Political news unimportant. From tne New York Herald. Ireland in EEebellion. The news from Europe by the Asia brings the remarkable though perhaps not quite un expected fact, tbat a third toe Brit ish empire is in a state ot’revolution. The writ of habeas corpus has been suspended all over Ireland bv an act of both Houses of Parliament, hastily passed, and as speedily signed by the Queen at eleven o’clock the same night. Tnis cannot be regarded io any other light than a voluntary declaration by tbe government that Ireland is engaged in a reoellioii which cannot be suppressed by the agency of civil law, and that the government is compelled to resort to military force in or der to keep that portion of the United King dom in unwilling subj 'Clion. Tnis is an ai mission “ bich strong governments ara, not accustomed to make. Indeed, it is the last thing any government would be likely to do except in a very serious emergency. There fore we are bound to accept tbe fact tbat Ire land is at the present moment in rebellion Tbe L rd Lieutenant, it appears, declared tbat t e wou'd not bo responsible for tbe con sequences which he foresaw as the result of the widespread Fenian conspiracy unless tbe habeas corpus act was suspended. It ap pears, furthermore, tbat thy first movement of tbe nuthori ies after] lie suspension of tbe writ Wau to arrest and imprison a number of officers who lately served in tbe American army during tbo war, now sojourning in Ire land, along witb hundreds of others, sup posed to tie-connected with Fenianiem. Tue Loudon Times declares that the special ob ject of th‘s action is to secure tbe persons of these American citizens. Remembering the outcry raised by the Eng lish press, and the denuneiat OIS of Elgllah statesmen, when Mr. Lincoln suspended the habea- corpus at n time when rebellion raised its bsad against a just and truly fraternal gov eium-il'- in this country, we mar well question, tbe consistency of tbe act ot the Eig isu Gov ernment now, and when Mr. Labouchere gives notice tn the H use ot Commons that he will call attention to the inadequacy of the neutral laws to enable Engine t 10 "litill her “ nterna • tiunal obi gallons” toward’ foreign couhtti S, now that it is the Bi ll s:' ox which is gored, we are remmeded how faittiless'iy these obligations were regarded dm ing our evil-war. Scrtipus lous as England is m the observance ot neu trality wirii rhe is ut ft scrape, she countenan ced the fitting out of privateers against Ameri can commence, fostered the nes gns of notori ous rebels tn Canada, r-eugii z d belligerent rights in tre insurg iff S ates, an t tn every way assisted rebellion in ibis coumry. It may be that iii tne f ace ot all these flagitious pr ic-ed ings the Briitsh G iverninent w it require ve U nited States 10 imerpn-e its authority to suu p ess Fenian sm, and imlursi lite misgovern ment which bas driven Ireland into rebel lion. But suppose tbat our gnvernnte it does not fl id itseit bound to do anything ot tbe sort, or eveu stiuuld be disposed tn demand the release of these American cn zens who have served under our fl g oa rhe battle fields of ihe South? Wtiat then? ilaa England any claim uooti us tbat she should seek our co operation in crush ing a people in their struggle lor freedom ? Has sin* a ly afgu to show why we should* not iitteipiet 1 eu ;a it.y. s she has interpreted it in the case of the Southern rebellion? These questions may arise out 1 t me present dis urbs ed condition <4 things in Ibe British empire, and it may seem the besi po icy tn our govern ment 10 let the Feni ans . 1 ,ne just for tbe pres ent. Sll'mld it e tme C‘ me to recogmza bel- I gereu r.’liß, we have a g, d precedent to follow tit the conduct ot End Russel at the c mtneucvineti of ■ ur iron lies, and f'te present E gl sb admimstrat on ea 1 hardly quarrel wt'b ns tor ad tp'ing us own idea of "international obligations towards foreign countries.” Bn', ap it trona >ny speculations as to fn turn c tniingenei-s, we ■'v-‘to deal now with the fact that th-- British G vernment bas de clared Ireland iiug'ivern mle by civil I w, and this mea iH rev.i itt on. It is admitted in Par- Itam nt. it is d-elared from tbe throne, it is es tablished by ihe suspension of the hab-as Corpus, that a deep to t ed conspiracy is s ip ping ihe toimdaiion of a portion of Ihe British emuire. which req urea all its military power to suppress. T 'al is ertongh for the begming of the drama. H w)t will shape its tuture re mains to besom, [r must ba brief to be deci sir , whichever way it ends. A Rkmi -iso'.ncic —On the 25th of May, 1859, but litile m re t' an seven years ago, a convention was held at Cleveland. 0 iio. It w .s styled Conventiuß of the Sons of Lib. e-ty, and was presided over by Joshua R. Giddings, lately United States Consul Gene ral for the Canadas. Uoon its cornmitt e of resolutions tbe chief man was benjamin F. Wade, hen, as now, United Stales Senator from Ohio. Tnat, committe brought ‘orward a series of resolutions, which were adopted, the principal one being as follows: ' “i.esolved. I'hat the several States com prising the United Stales of America are not united on tbe principle of unlim ted submis sion to their General Government, but that, by compact, under tbe style and title of a ' Constitu ion fir the United states, and of smendments thereto, they constituted a Gene rnl G'lVarnrneut for certain definite powers, reserving, each State 10 itself, the residuary mass of right to their own self government; and that whensoever ihe General Govern ment assumes nudelegated powers, its acts are uoautborilative, void, and of no force, and being void, can derive no validity from mere jii'tieial interpretation; that to this com pactgmeh State acceded ns a State, and is iin integral party; that this Government, created by this compact, was-not made the exclusive or final judge of the extent of the powers delegated 10 itself, since that would have made its discretion, and mt the Constitution, the measure of its powr; nut tbat, as in all other cases of compact among parties having no common judge, each party has an equal right to judge for itself, as well of infraction as of tn<. tno le and measure of redress.” - Salmon P, Chase, ex-Secretary nf the Treasury, hnd then Governor of Ohio, was pre.-ent, and made a speech warmly endorsing the resoln'io s. William Dennison, ex-Gov ■ mor of Ohio, and now Pos master General, wrote a letter approving 5f the Convention and endorsing its proceedings. --——* -or 9 e- Marshal Forey said iu the French Assem bly: He aeked what must now be done to comtib te ibe moral work which France has undertaken. Ilia deliberate opinion was that more troops must be sent to Mexico, and as II is statement called forth murmurs among the Senators, he added that if no: more tioops, nt. least hose that were there should r. m i llt ’ and more sacrifices in money shoul 1 b< ipa It waa once said iliiit France was rich 1 oug to pay for her elory; and would it beg. IOUS to leave imp of. ct the enterprise she bar com menced in a distant land? He adminen 1 at money had it. troportance; but was it rig t that, for a mere sum of money, the rea iza tiou of so great a design, conceived by the Emperor, should ba endangered? He did <1 at think so. Frozen io Deutis -A Fearful Struggle for Else. On Ihursday evening last, John Pultz, a German resident of Lansing, was frozen to death within a eai'e and a half of home, un der circumstances of the most, heartrending character. He hud been vi.-tting 11 brother, who lives a out ten miles from town, and at A two o dock on the fatal day stinted from home on tool, accompanied by his two faith ful '.ogs, the only witnesses of his horrid suf ferings. As the weather was extremely cold, his friends here accounted for bis absence until Friday, by the supposition that his business ; detained aim, but not hearing from him by r Saturday, hjs wite became alarmed, and a . messenger was sent who soon ditcovered ; tbe sud intelligence of the death of tbe miss- ■ itlg man. A party made a i.areful search for I him, but not until M ndav morning was bis bo iy found, being in a slough in two f< » of snow, within a little over a mile from homo. His tracks in the snow revealed the horrible fact that he bail lost ibe way, it be ing dark, and that long before one foot bad , been frozen still, and having lost the use* of it h® had walked on one klne, dragging him self along wit h one band, a long distance, ] until he wore the pants on that knee bare to tbe skin, and finally, not giving up, he had crawled forward with hand and knee, until one arm had been frozen, and then he laid down to die. He bad, in his bewildered and helpless condition, traveled round in a circle far enough to have reached home had he kept in the proper direction. One of the dogs remained with him two days, and the other poor, dumb, affect onate animal remained with him tnree’ days and nights, lying upon his bode, as if seeking by its warmth toresttre lite and animation to its frozen master, and abandoning him only when driven away by tbe keen pengs of hun- ger. FrXD. DoDGLASS OX PIIXItDENT JoHNSON.— Fred. Douglass, at Chicago, on Wednesday night last said: ‘ But the Government had been tried by treason, rebellion, and assasssination, and yet. remained to be tried by a traitor olacker than J-fferson Davis [Sensation ] Yet, despite that liell-blactf treason yonder at Washing on, the Government stood, and would stand. ‘■He was not surprised at Mr. Johnson's course. He was a poor white, who, as fust | as he got money, bought, negroes. He had been a Democrat.' When the Democracy split from its own rottenness, he hung to ths rot- 1 tenest—Breckinridge—part. Ma’ib rn «t the reshien-e of Mrs te«ter. in this citv, on lb' Bth in-l . l>v K-v A ex. M Tnigpen, Mr. J. H. Fcllbu. to M H Lon J. dwirus iti x'it r of the late . Kev.Oeo ge Ed»ards, Chaplain 23J Qrt Regiment. j McM'HON—K Y—M rrled. in the ci yof 'Uinta, | Ga ,on Um 3d in '.. bv Hie Rev. P,ther hom w 0 Rsi y. M Joßv Me'AHOX. of Ph. a.lelphia, to M <*. u.t K»v. of tin-city- r hla le phia papers please copy. [mar!o 2t* New jYdvertism.ents. HOGE, MILLS & COMPANY. Gate City Foundry, CAR AND MACHINE WORKS, marietta Street, Atlanta Georgia. We are prepared to build and repair PasseDgtr and Freight Railroad Cars. ALSO, STEAM ENGINE-' & SAW MILLS, SU GAR. MILLS, HORSE POWERS, and all kinds of machinery. IN the F undry Departm n r , we a r e nrepirrd to mike • <’ast both Brass and Iron of eveiy d acr ption. aud h.ivi.ilSk 'arge aiiiouni of P t ern* on hand, have pecnl ar ■ c liti- * for ti iin orders. We especial y be to d aw the attention es Bailde rs, j and others, to ur olegaut pattern-* for Columns Verandas, Steps, Window Cap o , Sills, Gratings. &c , Frnm whi h we can snpp’y aatinzs o’'the beat quality ai d hi the slioi t<*t»t time, and at Ipb« p ice than they c n be obtain'd uisewuere. We 8 ail, a so, BOx.n gs> iuio tho Manufacture of Hollow Wares, Os al! kinds. r n the Carp nter’s Department we are prepared to mar ufacture SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, And every description oi Carpenter’s Wo k. Also, to DHESS AND MATCH GUMBKR, In a superior manner All kinds of TURNING, SCROLL, SAWING, &c Come and see us- m.irW- 3u HOOK. MILL- Jc COMPA NY. TO BUfDDKttS, MASONS LABOKEKS. SEALED PR will be reteived mr the '’as n- ’ ry Ml<! Wood Work ot two Cotton Factories, «vd ) about sixty Dw« llinis for operat ves. near Wes Point. Grorj; a; also, tor Kockwork •am o a’ out two bun ired yards in the hattiboochte river. Bida »o be mole al follows: Rockworx by the Perch of 25 cubic feet, stating price | for dry wal , an 1 tor m rtar o. hyeban ic work. Bii *wor’< by the Thousand laid in wall, a' 20 to the ; cubic f“ t. for 7nO.t)oU < r upwards. Lj °P‘ D, ‘ , £ ,i deducted, ; ; no cutti g r quirtd. I i g|Ei ainliu, Karhug and Flooring by the sq iare of 100 j superficial feet < D'or and Windo v frames by the frame, ICO windows , 18 lights- t K’x’2 ulass (siogle hug) ’o each FvCfof.v. , 8 winnows and tu each of toe operative houses, 12 iigbti ] *•8x10” glass A number of Weclianlcs r*n<l I aborers Winded Jor ihe ab vcWo'k. Brick Llay aud R » k Qu irnes near the Factory sites, an i s veral aw ia the vicinity. For fa<th r pai- | ticulars 'pply to WILLIAM GaBBETT . E., ma 10-2 w • W. ht Point. Ga. ‘ • NOW IS THE TIME. favomb e o p minify .'a now offered to t iose wb desire ro attend a cour o of instruction in tne /Atlanta Commercial College, To Clubs - f Ten entering by the 15th iust, percent will b deducted I To Ciu sos Twenty onterering l»y the 15th inst, 50 por f cent, wi.l be deduct * . manO 2t G WAi.TON KNIGHT, I’re.’t. 1 M-r. A. C. WZLY :s» copartner with us ’rom and aft’ r 1 ‘.his 'late Wo will continue Ihe Wh »ie ale ro- f eery aud Produce business under the firm of c Wylys, Carrot A CO- 1 WYLY, CARBOLL & DU'N. I Atlanta, March 8, 1866. rpurlO iw < — I POTATOES® fl | M/A Bbls, Irish Potatoes, received this day direct fl Av/\y from 5 ankie land. I L KNGSTON, CRANE A CO., F Atlanta, March 10, 1866—ts A abauia street. n t TO RKNT. # E A BOARDING HOUSE, with 10 rooms, on Pryor street, near business on Whibh»d • BELL & BELL, « marlO-tf ’ Real ’-state Agents. J FOIL Sale. r RESIDENCE on corner Green and Mangum streets o House with 4 rojns, Kitchen. Msb e., and good i Guden. J % acres. DELL & BELL, i uiarlO—ti Rcal Estito Agents. j WHOLESALE f Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IX ' Grain, Produce and Provisions, Wo. 300 WEST MAIN STREET, ’ Louisville Kentucky. Southern orders solicited and filled at the lowest market pi ice. mar9-3m > Anils. U R«?s Nails, nemrtod B'zes* received on con* | si. UHieot an ’ for sale bv ■ CLAYTON, ADAIR A PUR E. » Cemmissi >n Merchants, mar9—3t No 18 Alabama street. «Nu(s. 4W* Bbls. English Walnuts, 3 bbls FilbortH 2 bols Bra-ll- Nuts, 5 bld-s. Almonds, In atom and f.r sale by HAGAN A CO. mar7-tf Vanhood and Youthful Vi or are regained by Helm J Join's Bxtraet Buchu AUCTION S-ZAJOE By Pirkle & Hudson, CONNER MARIETTA AND PEACHTREE STREETS- Atlanta• Georgia. W. M. IIIIjIj, Auctioneer. On SATURDAY, the 10th inst., at 10 o’clock, a. no., A LARGE LOT EXTRA FINE CLO T G, DRY GOODS Boots, Shoes, Tobacco, &c., Consisting, in part, as follows: Fino Ciissitnere Business Coats, Fine Cassim re Pants and Vests, Fine Over Coats, 7 pieees AU-Wool 4 pieces Fren h Merino, assorted colors, L idi -s’ B ilinoral Skirts, Fluid Linseys, Twil rd Cifbmeres. 5 cases Kip Boots, Gcasesfne Hats. ALSO, 50 boxes Tobacco, 16 caddies Tot acco, 1 excellent Two Horse Dray, 1 Two Hone Wagon, 1 New Buggy, • / 'many other desirable articles which will be offer ed . ri day of sale. Bule I ositive- mir3—2t 'ihe Ladies’ Home Gazette. ABOUT the ‘st of May- 1866. I propose to commence the p. lilicat'Oii. iu the city of \t aut.«. “f a week ly paper entitled THE l A DIES’ HOME GAZETTE T he e will be ab iut the ize and 8y e f the New York Ledger, wbich is a eat size a d siyle for binding ; »hisjournal will bj dev ted to elegant luer ture. scientific and pra: ical intbrmation. he arts and ' hcienc< s, oduc°t'on. agr-culture, nd the late t political and fn eign misce fan .. Iti oy intention t>gi«eita high, m r 1 aud re igiou* t • e; to hi ike the paper of the fir t das4, n awe come visitor 'o every household, Ih .he quality of th i piper use ~ and typnaraiihicai ’ appea ace, it will be equa to any ever published in ' tbe South. Among it > cunrributorH will be found many i of ihe aid st ma e and ie nae writers iu the coun ry. jjbiito.’ aly it will bo most abl managed. Each de* partme >t will t-o presiDd over by a compe'enl editor, the who e furan g a corps as talented andcapabeas any ever employed on any one piper in th'* country ''either pains or expo; so will be spared to make the Gazette an able and b gant journal, nnn of which thfc people ot lie .-oath may feel justly pr ad. T' o pages of the Home Gaze te wii! be devot dto adverti-e'u nts, 1 We. 'herefore, so icit the • ards of busiu rs hou* s, prof B'ional men, schools, colleges, Ac. I • ur ndre- tising rat * will b ■— For one square of ten I nes or less, first inserti »n $2 CO For eacu subsequent insertion 1 00 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One copy, one year $5 00 T • clubs ot ten subscribers an extra copy will be sent gritis E ery family in the South should have a copy of this paper. 8 n 1 us j’our name” at once, and if you h ve not the money to send now. you c n send it ou receipt of the first number of the , aper. • TH 8. POWE L. Proprietor Home Gaz tte, mai9-6t Atlanta, Ga. Fashionable Dancing Academy, 3XA..-OINIC HALL. ' Commencing on Friday, March 16, 1866, M. 411 IE subscriber announces fba* he will form a class _l_ sot Teaching the above polite accomplishment as a ove. wher he will be pleased to meet former pupils i uuda;l others inteiested. j References—Co . \V. W. Boyd. I’r. JA. Taylor, Thos. I G.&imms. p. M and erino Br >wn, Esq. Every variety of Drawing Itoom and Stage Danc'ng tau lit in classes or privately at the Hall or pinate ■ residences. I F r Te. ms, Ac., apply at the Ha lon or after Monday, March 12. 18G6. | oiai9 »t J. S. NICHOLS. Wanted to Purchase for Cash. WE have application for s vera' st'»re houses or inis on the h’i*iiies4 ar’s of eith-» ■ of the 'ol ow ing streets. Win’ehall Peach'ree Decatur. Alabama or Lroadstreets ■f-pp-y to MARSHALL % PERSONS, R al Es'aL» vents, Holland House Block, Whitehall street, March 9,1866 —1 w At anta, <ia DISSOLUTION, HPIIE firm of Botnar <fc Pirk e was d ssolve I by mutual I coopent < n th-* i nut. All p-?r ons indebted will pie r-e call and so’tle itnmedi tely. Those having cl inis will present them to either of the under* signed lor settlement. B F. BOMAR, L G PIRTLE. New Firm PIRKLE & HUDSON. LG. PIRKLE and W G. HUDSON have this day en. B teied into a partnership for the purpose of carry - iug un age .o *1 Auction & Commission Business. Having had long exp rience in the busin l ss the) flat ter thcmselve that tin y ran give ent re satifac ’i >n ‘hey hvVu seen « d the sen i< es of W M. H 1. whns- reputa tion as an Auotioneer is un quailed, and by u nemitting att nti' n tu busi <e«s ihey hope to sh ir • the publ c Ipat. onage. Our mo:to will ne quick sale* and prompt lAretutns. mar7—3i ~ A CHANCE” FOlf ALL ! GENTS ARE WANTED energetic meu. wi hur without capita' a e w inted by ‘he ! South rn Bus Hess Agency cf B RN 8 & BR CE, Bus j ton, Mass Send your natn s and good ile r<— I ’er rn e- ton-, Box 748 Bo t n .O. None bm active partie* need app y. As to who we are. we eler r. the I editors of this aper An hoaoia le aud pr-fitable agency is gvn rant rd. Auctioneersand >tl.ers <le-irmg consignments «ue leque ted to se»*d us rh-ir na ties, . location, &c. mir7-lw Lumber! dumber! OPR St air. Sa* Mj)) three miles from the city, is now in full pera ion, .nd w * a e prepared to fill all or ie ms r Lu über of anv kin 1 a short otic**. Orders may be ie t with F. P Rice, at hi- Broker’s Office under the hr. Office. , MUR. HY, hIC , & cO. maiß—3m MAYOR’S OFF CE. ) Atlanta. Ga. ? Mar*, h 7 I*6o. j Dr. J.ihn G. Wc itmoreU’d. Dr. B. F. Bomar, D. J- N. Simmons. Har'isou Petti.., Esq , Marcus A. Boil, Esq. are appoint'd a Board of Health in accordance wah the 150th section of City Code, which is a- follows: g 150 .Thyro shall be a Board ot Health appointed for the City, cum i Hug of five poisons and they sha’l have fu I powe r and authority to require the owner, or any ocvup'Dt of a lot in the city, to remove or ipnvdy ny thin: on sai i lot which, in the opinion ofthenaid, may end i g-r the pub ic health an I on fa lure of the owner oi oeeupautlo remove or reme ly th same, the Byftrd aha 1 d rect the Marsh It< do so at the cost of s*.M owner oi oc’.upiMH, o<® if the oc-upant b shut la’e y come into ih possess on, and haj not pl iced the Bdino th' re. or any nu mber of bis fami y, ur has not been done by h a , emission, order or direction, then it Fha'l bo remnved at th c> s of the former occupant, and if not to be f und, then at the c- st of the owner of the lot;’>nd it shall be.the duty of the said Board to m ke *uch suggestions as they may deem advisable to the Council, to preserve the public, health marS —3t J. E. WILLIAMS, Mayor. Notice to Stcckb. .kiers Gas Co. f |IHE Stockholder* of the Athnta Gas Liubt Company I wi>l please pi use Lt their cer mcates of stock at my office Hi«•* »n a convo ient The old books were <lo str*•><•<! v hvn the city was burne ' in Novemb*r 1864, ami it is ne e sary that new bucks be at owes pr- paied/* Any parties having lo t their certificates c.n establish them in ’ho dbdiuary firm. .1 W. DUNCAN, President. Phoeoix Bui'dings, March 5, 1806.* marß—lw 500 Bushels No. 1 Cotton Seed, ON hand, which we wish to exchan-ze for <'orn or Ba con. Apply to T. L. CATES & BRO , corner Broad and Walton streets. mir7 Im Atlanta Ga. XYB»NnshvH'e Banner p’ease copy one month and send bi'*. r • * Show Cases® A CONST *NM NT of thow Cases now in store ftfid so sa'u by nur7-tf MORRIBON, NALLE & HANSON. Candy. 4 Bou.uls Fancy Candy just rec Ivcd by 1 ■ inar7-ti HAGAN A: CO. Raisins and Figs* Boxes fine Raisins, t bo boxes fresh Figs, This day received by HAGAN & CO. mar7-tf Ale and Porter. A LARGE quantity of befit quality of English Ale and Po. ter iu bottles and barrels, for sale bv mar7-tf HAGAN & CO. w. J. & T . PARKES, Coininiasion Merchants, AND Sli.l:£>X3lxi& -A-sontsi, DEALERS IN FLOUR, WHISKY AND GRAIN, No. 3 Br isdway, near River, NASHVILLETENNESSEE, 4QFORDRRS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. E jilt EIGHTS cnnslgne lto oir cure wl'l bo forwarded, ' North or on’h. wi’h p "motn«ss and dispatch. We also agent* for different fteimboa s, Rall ro»dc, Freights and Express Lines. mar4—3m[SJ GEO- H RETD. W. fl. CHADBOURN. ». J. BROWN REID, CHADBOURN & CO., (SUCCESSORS TO FRENCH <£ C 0.,) COTTON FACTORS, General Commissioi AND Forwarding Merchants CLARK STREET, 'l' NASHVILLETENNESSEE THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING PURCHASED TI inierest of H. K. FRENCH in ihe F.rm of F 'CEN' & CO., v ill hereafter -.0. tiuiie the Geuera Cjtnmi^i*-. ami F rwarding Business, under it e Style of RKII CHAD oUBN&CO.,at the 'ld W arehouse, on Clar stre t. ai hereto oie conducted. They will purchase and s II Cotton, or other Product ou i om "lesion. Planters a d others who f vor us with their Businef , may feel assured ot getting the HIGHEST MARKET PRICI FOR THEIR Cotton or Produce. Our charged wi 1 be as LOW as th ‘B* of any reiponsi ble house, and STdlCi’ ATTENTION will be p id t lORM A PR MPTIA Good! consigned to oi care fom oih*r laces • The urge and commodinuß bui ding which we occur offesGre t ludu- em nts to lls.uterrf’to Store tue Cotton with us where it *iL be entirely PR.TagTE) FROM THE WEATH R. Askii ga share -f i üblic Patronage, we respectfu lj subscribe om selves, GEO. II R' ID, W H CHADBOURN, J. T. BROWN. CARD. On account of bad health I have this day sold ot my entire interest in th ' Firm of French & Co., to tl j ab ve Ho se, aud cordially r commend to my"o friends roy Succ ssors in business, wh > ma ’ be confc dent’y relied on as gentlemen of the highest busiuefr qualifi at.ons, and tho«e who may fivor them wit their business, ihat they can feel assure i that it will I performed w th probity, honor, and • nerg y. F’»r many fav »rs and large patro ia<e I ave receiv. du ing the long number of ye irs I h ive beei tongazC' in bu iness I warmly th ink my mauy friends, an earnestly solicit the con inuance of th j same form,. Successors anl friends, REID, CHADBOURN & CO. Very respectfully, mar4-tf [SJ H. 8- FRENCH.® A. R. MORRILL & CO., 69 N. Market Street, NAbHVILLE TENNESSEE, DEALERS in All Kinds of Government Property, BUY AND SEJUD, BRASS. Ccpper, Iran, Portable Steam an l Say Mill En.'ines, Wagons. Ambulances, B acksmiths and Carpenters Tools, Loi Jage, 1 mutation Bells, &c mai4 —3m[ ] j LUMSDEN, HUDSON & HICKEY, IS B oad Street, (near the River,) NAbVILLE TENNESSEE. DEALERS B Hides. Oil*, Tallow. Leatlier, Shoe Find .! «>•, Fur.', Skins, Moul, e.c. marl—3m[Sj GCETTENGER <fc PHILLIPS, 28 N Market Stree . . , Near St Charles Hotel, N ASH Vllit U T hN N ESSEE, DEAI.K.KS IN FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, LOOKING GLASSES 4C. ui»r4—3ui[BJ J. LUMSDEN & CO., 9 South Market Street, NASHVILLETENNESSEE, DEALERS IN Hides, Olis, Leather, Findings, and CURRIERS TOOLS. mar4—3m [ ] W. p. PHILLIPS, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker, 32 South College Street, Near ITireixien’s Hall No. 3. NASHVIILE.TENNESSEE, Steamboat and Distillery Work attended Io with dispatch. mai4—3m[S] M. MONROE, 105 BiOail Street, NASHVILLETENNESSEE, manufacturer of Wagons, Transfers and Drays, Dea'er in [ROH HUBB3, SPOKES ANDFELLOES. marl—Bt[S] R. J. JENKINS & CO., (Suc. eßsor toT. Wells,) Wholesale and Retail Druggists, No 3'4 MAHKET STREET, NASHVILLETENNESSEE, Sign of the Man and Mortar. <®-Sole agents f r the Seeds giown l>y Darld Lan dreth te Son marl—3ol(B] WOOD & SIMPSON, Boiler Makers and Sheet Iron Workers, Cor. FRONT AND BROAD STREETS, N A > 11VILLETENS ESSEE, WE manuficturo to order a'l kin is of Portable and Stationary Boiiois, with promptness and in the box t st vie. Repairing, both Isl the City and Country, promptly attended to. mart—3m[B] NOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE! SIGN OF THe’rEO FLAG ! oesdooo WOUTH OF DHY To be closed out in FI F T EIM DAYS’ Calicoes at 20 cents. NOW IS YORK CHASCE for BARGAINS Delaines at 30 cents. Goods given away. Go early and Price for yourselves. SIGN OF THE RED FLAG All goods at loss than New York Cost. ■ NTKNDING to c ose out our ’ Xl' nslve stock by the J| 20th oi March, wu offer it for 15 day 4 at less than Now Y -ik c >st. • tall in, examine and be satisfl y! LIr.BERMAN BROS., Sign of the Large Bed Flag, mnr2 1m "Whitehall >tr< el near Alabama. c <Z>X cfc Have now in Store and for fialet • Virginia Tobacco, various grades, JLvJvz 100 rosH Fine <ut 'obicco 50 bids Crow’s O <1 B nrbon Wh sky, 25 bbls Honch Uld B -nrbon Whisky, 25 bb'a» Rob-rrtson Conn'y Whisky, 10 bbls. Gibson's XX Hye Whisky, 10 bbl*. Gibson’* XXX Rye Whisky, • lo bbls. Gibson’s XXXX Hy* Whisky, 10 l»b h. Gibson’s 0 <1 Nectar Rye Whisky, (1840.) 40 casks Cognac Bra idles, 5 c iskt* Jamaica Rum, 10 bb s N' w Kn land Rum, 10 bbls. Old Pj t Wina, 10 bbls. Old M tderia Wine, 10 bbls Old Sb rry Wine, 100 b>xes Champagne Wine, ‘Mum,’ ‘Cabinet,’ Ac. 40 cases Cl «r t U ine 100 cases ass rted Liquors, 20 casks Porter, « 20 casks Ge, 10 packages Ho'land Gin, . 100 b ‘xes assorted Candy , 50 box- s Oysters, 60 boxes Assorted Pickles, 50 cases % b«xes Sardine*, 20 ! > doz. tiiackfng. 50 caddys Greeu and Black Teas, &c. mar 3 iin J. L. WINTER. I c. W. WISTKR. • Montgomery, | I ate ot Atlanta. J. u. WINTER & CO®, Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding, AND Commission. Merchants, 97 Commerce Street, Montgomery, Ala. f Goods neot to ns. either lor Forwnrding or on Con signment. will receive our persona* attention. niar4 —3m W. H filßta. A J. ROBERT. W. F. R<’BSRT SIMS, ROBERT & CO®. Wholesale Grocers, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Franklin Building, Alabama. Street, In Store and to Arrives •fl /k Buwhel* Onrn, JL"eOV J ’ " KOO Bushels Oats, sdo Bushels Cotton Seed, 50 ch fts Tea. 50 bags Coffee, 50 doz Weeding H»es, * 2'o bbls. F our, 05 bbls ug r. 5 bbh ’i 8 Almonds. 5 bbls P« can Njyts 50kits Extra *©B Mackerel, 1000 Ream* Wrapping Paper, jfxefi, ' Spades. Shove’s, Blacksmith Bellows. Vice*, Anvils, Nails, Hor^eand Mule Shoes, Ra'|»fc‘ Fil-e, Stocks and Dies, &c., *c. • Rope, Plow Linns. Trace Chains. Chains. Fifth Cha ns, Stay Chains. Log Chains, Stretchers. &c., Ac. Powder, Shot, Tobacco, Soap, , Pepper, Spice, Cream 1 artar, Soda, Ginger. Btarch, RAGS WANTED. STMB, ROBERT & CO., Wholesale Grocers and ConimiSGOu Merchants, Franklin Building, mir3—3m Alabama street. E STKADMAM. J. R. SIMMONS. L- P. THOMAS, JR. STEADMAN, SIMMONS &CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries aud Produ.ce 9 Norcross’ Building, cor. Whitehall and Marietta Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, mart—3m Onion Setts. WBbls. Onion Setts, just received by feb27-tf HAGAN & 00. 1 AM Bbls Potatoes juat received by , lUIJ feb27-tf , HAGAN A CO. WBbls. Homiiy in store and lor sale by feb27 ts HAGAN A 00. WBbls. Butter this day received by leb27tf HAG AN A CO. OE Bbls Onions fur sale by ZO teb27 ts • HAGAN A CO. t f\ Bbls. App es on baud and for sale by 1 v !eb27 ts LI AGAN A CO Q fi* Engli>h Diary Chee e lor sale bv ZD feb27-tf HAG^4N&CO. NAILS. pT ZA Keg Nails. 4. 6,8, 19 and 12<1. »)l I ij'iuishiDg Nails. jau3-tf W. KETCHAM. BREAD CORN. -f ZY A SACKS White Bread Corn. Ivv if w. KETCHAM. NEGKQpCLOTII. -s ZAZXZX yards colored Negro Clotb. lUUU jm3 ts ,W. KETCHAM. Fine Rosewood Piano. Octaves, round corners, panne ed, Pearl Keys •4g’ <1 as new for sale iuw. Apply to f>b‘A)—tf HAWKINS & WILLY. M P. CALDWELL’ W- C. HOLLAND. Caidwell & Holland, family grocers, Broad Street, (front of the Wagon Yard) ATLANTA, GEOAGIA, KEFP constantly on hand a good assortment of Family Supplies aud Country Produce. Oail and sou us- feb!2—lm Lard 1 Lard I Kers Prime Leaf Lard, for sale low by £>" F leb22-tf GKO W PARROTT. X. LEWIS. H. D.TITCH. LEWIS & FITCH, OF Silver anti Wooden Sliow Cases, DEALERS IN FRENCH & AMERICAN GLASS, ’St- Afch Looking Glasses of all sizes. 135 Main Street, between fourth and Bullitt, North,ld®, " LOUISVILLK, KY SAMUEL WRAY. Agent, mart—3m Atlanta, Ga. LARD. "■ Kegs Leaf Linl, in store anil for sale ®n "I" commission by leMl ts M9KKISON NALLE A HANSON J. H. WILLY. It A. ALSTON J. H. WILLY & CO., 'DOT.TON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Marietta Street, ATLANTA. GEORGIA, Will receive and sell COTTON, or whip it to New York, or other markets, as tbe owners may desire, and make LBtfill USH lOfUCtS, on all COTTON intrusted to them. t&T Great complaint havisjf been made by owners, of unreasonable charges, and lohssh in weight on Cotton heretofore shipped to New York, the ad.ertisers respectfully reanest per. sons desirouH to avail o 'the New York Market, to call and see accounts of sales from the New York house repre sented by us. febß—tf B HAWKINS. J. 11. WII.LY HAWKINS 4 WILLY, Marietta Street, Atlanta Georgia, BKI.I, AND BUY ON COMM ISSIO’N every description of Country Produce, AND MERCHANDIZE) AND GIVE Prompt Attention To all business intrusted to them. * feb6—tf * BHK CHECKS OX NEW WK. IN sums to suit i urchasers, at Current Bank aUfl. F ►hHj j h. will. >OO. February B,lB6o—ts Old I P A BREI 8, three years old. made iu F’oydcounty, 1 < Virgin! , and just from th* hands of the tli anlao tnrera th* se wishing agtxid artic wof Whisky, are in ▼it- <1 toca l and examine this lo*. F<»r -ale by the bar rel or k g. bv the manatactun rs agen’s. Feb 13, 1866-ts IU WKINS & WILLY. for chills and fkver i Use the Best ! HURLEY’S AGUE TONIC Never Fails—Always to be Depended Vpon—Nothing more KeJable thin Hurley's Tonic. ITT’LL euro Ague and Fever, Chills "nd Fever, Inter- V V mitteut Fever, Dumb Ague Every person who has tried Hatley’s tonic speaks in the highest terms of it. As a curative gent it is unsurpassed, an-i mora cert tin tnan quinine No bid r-silts from using HUR LEY’c-TONIC. Everybody should use HURLEY 8 AGUE TONIC. Send your orders to * HURLEY, RUOI LE A CO , Pr- pnetors, Louisville, Ky. HURLEY’S STOMACH BITTERS, FOR Debility, Loss of Appetite, Weakness. Indiges tion nr Dyspepsia, want ot action on the Liver, Dls orde ed Btom «ch there ve no bitters th «t can compare with these in removing these distrs-ing com pl ■iutse For s le or cun be had at any Drug "lore in ’he United States or from tb-’proprietors, L iuisviHe, Ky , corner Seventh and Green Streets, to whom all orders should be a dressed. HURLEY’S SARSAPARILLA. THE great 8100 I Purifier, as a Spring and Summer Medicine, stand - unriva led removes all impurities from the bluud, and gives heath and strength to tne system. HURLEY, RUDLLK A CO , Proprietors. Hurley’s Popular Worm Candy. AS t> is is really a Specific for Warms, and the best and mo-t palp < tabl* f»rm to give to ch Idren. it is no surprising that it s ast taking the place of all other preparations for worms—it being tasteless, any child will take it. t ORIENTAL PEARL DROPS. FOR Beautif} ing the* omplexion, effectually removes Tan, rreck eg, Blotihes, and giving the skin an ele gant fimoo btiess not easPy attained by any other. Its . use among 4ie ladies of fashion in the East, give it a character for effleaev wbich at ouce ste mps it as in finitely superioi for the of any lady. INK! INK! INK!; SEATON’S Chemical Writing Fluid is becoming world renowned for its superior qua ity. Hav ng been introluced only ab >ut six y-ars it has become the p>in cipal in us w th those who want a fine free flowing ink. and fur its pci in weucy it is decidedly the b-st Ink for r cords ti at can be used. Vor counting houses, b iuk-< or schools, it is unequalled, and needs only to be tried to be approv' d. For sale by Druggists and Mer chants everywhere. HUKLhY. RUDDLR & CO , Proprietors, corner Seventh and Lrevn streets, Louisville. Kentucky. For sale by all Druggists. mar6-6m Metropolitan Enterprise. CREAT GIFT SALE ./ OFTHK NEW YORK AND PROVIDENCE Jeweler’s Association, Capitalßl,ooo,ooo. Depot, 197 Broadway, A N Immense Mock of Plan os, Watches, Jewelry, .nd fA Go' da all to be sold for ONK DOi.LAK et»<-h, witb* out rogard lo vi:ue. and not to be for till you a®, what yon will receive. ’HI IFJCAI ES, naming each ar'fcle, and its value, are placed in scale len e opes and well mixe L O>ie of thebe envel pes will be sent by mail to anv add ess on receipt of 26 c nts; five for $1; eleven foi S 2; thirty for 15; sixty-five for $10; »nd one hundred for sls. On receipt of the Certificate yen wl’l s« o what you are - going to h ive, iud then irisut your option to pay ihe dollar and take the rttcle or not. Purchasers may thuN ob A n a O ld Watch, Diamond Ring, a Piano, Sew ing Machine, or my sei of Jewelry on om list, for fl; end iu no cuse can they get lees than One D liar’s worth, as there can be no blank**. Agei.ts aje wan ed in every town in the country; every per.-thj can make $lO a day. sell ng our Cert fl« cat.s in th * greatest wale ot Jewelry ever known . Bbad 26c. for a < eriiflcate, wbich will inf->m you what vou can obtain far sl. t the S'»uio time get • u» circu lar conta niug a full list and par’ic !vrs; also, Terms to Agents. JAMES HUTCHINSON a <0 , mat9-3m 197 Rioadway, N. Y. ~ IpL /"v Boxe s Tobacco, 1 f ’ Common, Fin* and Extr*. j” 3 ts W. KETCHAM. Large Maps, State of Georgia. | 9 Copies Butt's edition of If« 9, for s-tl® by ‘ H .WKINB It WILLY. Feb. 13,1866—ts Kiln Dried Lumbers WK »ro prepared to furnish, st short notice, order® for the delivery of Kila Dried Lumber, bv the on® or more csr loads. H WKINS fc WILLY F I" miry 13, 18«6—tf For Sale. THE Lease on tbe Brick store adjoining the Auction Room of Bomar & Pirkle. Apply to BELL & BELL. feblß—tf Real hstat* Agents. Choice IBuckwheat Flour. Chdw • Sacks V Buckwheat Flour tor sale by tFl> feb2o-tf HAWKINS A " ILuY. STATIONERY. ATsARGK lot of Stationery, 25 per cent, lower than the Invoice, to close out consignment, by febU-tf ORME fc FARRAR? CRACKERS ! CRACKSM 1 JUST received 5 lib's Butter t'rackers. 10 Boxes Butter Crtichers. st f«b22-»f gko. W PARROTTS. S7IOKHG TOBACCO. 3C»sen Snutkioß Tobacco. i't'3-tf W. KETCHAM FLOUR. 1 fl Bnrrids Flour, various brands, In store und ® V ’ " F fol sale on commission l.y febZl-lf MOR 18ON.NALLS A HANSON. MUFF ! Lb ’- Scotfl > l ‘ n<l Maccoboy Bunff, In store VZFV » n d for sale on commission by tebSldt MORRISON. NALLK.t HXXgON, Tsko m more Unpleisant and Uuiafe Rein.'iies for uupleiisan and dangerous diseases. Use H.lmbold'e Hxfrnct aud Improved Rose W»ih, Hembod’s Fund Kxtraut Biioha Is pleasTmTin taste and odor, tree irom ad injur, oa* properties end minediate iu itssciio"