The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, March 16, 1866, Image 1

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J. S. PRATHER, WM. L. SCRUGGS, Editors and Proprietors. OFFICE OF THIS NEW ERA, t'p Stairs in the Kile RuiKing, Corner Marietta and Peachtree Streets. Subscription and Advertisine Rates. The undersigned Agree to be govenied by the following rates of advertising and subreption in every instance, believing the same to be flair an 1 ust to all ooncemed. TKRMS OF SUMCCtrnON. Daily, twelvemonthssl2 00 Daily, six months T 00 Daily, three m0nth5........ 4 00 Da‘ly, one month 1 50 Single copies at the counter 10 Single copies to News Boys and Agents * rahc’ os anvMmstxa. for etch square of 10 linos or IS?s. for the ftrst inser tion sl, and each subsequent insertion 75 cents. One square, one week....«......$ 5 00 One square, two weeks. 9 00 One square, three weeksl2 00 Two squares, one week. 10 00 Two equates, two weeks 15 00 Two squares, three weecs 20 00 One square, one month 15 00 One square, two months 20 00 One square, three months ... 25 00 One feurth of a Column, one month 42 00 One-fourth of a column, two months 70 00 Ono-fourth ot a column, three months 90 00 One haff a column, one month 66 00 One half of a column, two monthsloo (X) One half of a column, three monthsl2s 00 Three fourths of a column, ouo mouth 80 00 Three-f 'urths of a column, two monthsl2o 00 Three fourths of a column, three mouthsl6o 00 One column, one monthloo 00 One column, two monthslso 00 One column, three monthsl7s 19 Advertisements inserted at intervals to be charged as new each insertion. Advertisement* ordered to remain on any particular pace, to b • charged as new each msertio Tae money fur advert!* ng oouaidere de after fl rst insertion. JARKD I WHITAKER, of Daily Intelligencer. PRATfIRR, A SCRUGGS < of Dai v N 'w Fra. ON CONSIGNMENT I 1 A A Barrels Flour, “Pearl Street Mills,” JLV/U For Family aud Bakers’use3 F -j MA Barrels Flour. “Orthodox,” IVv Superior article for Family uie . L Bushels Wheat Bran, • An excellent article for Stock. 0 OAA Barrels Flour. “Cook’s Fancy,” OVV To Arrive. XT QA A Barrels Flour. “M & I d'JU To Arrive. R The above Brands of FLOUR .re taking the lead in thia and other markite, and are dirict from the NEW ALBA?i¥MILLS, INDIANA. Proprietors of Hotels, Boarding Houses, and also Bakers, are requested to call and ex a mine samples FOR SALE BY M.R.jßellcfcCo., Marietta Street, Atlanta Georgia. fabZl—ln ' L. C. WELLS, I A. D. ADAIR, Late L. C. Je D. H. Weils, I late Anderson, Adair &Co Atlanta, Ga. J Atlanta, Ga., T- L. WELLS, late J. H.&. T.L. Wells, Shelbyville, Tenn WELLS, ABATE & CO., Wholesale Grocers and General I FORWARDING AN® COMMISSION MERCHANTS Westrside Whitehall Street, Atlanta Georgia. WE will confine ourselves strictly to a WHOLE SALE BUSINESS, and from Ion; experience in and ear extensive acquaintance with the trade in this section, we hops to rhare a liberal pat ronage. We are now receiving a* large stock of Groceries, Pro visions, Ac., to which we invite the attention of pur chasers. We are now receiving and in store, 1000 Bbbs. Flour, various brands, W 0 Sticks Corn, 30.000 Lbs. New Baeon, 50 Prime Leaf Lard, 50 Cbbi and Kegs Prime Leaf Lard, 5o Boxes Ilx'nburg Cheese, 50 cases Fancy Liquo s, 25 M. Cigars, good quality. WELLS, ADAIR A CO. jan2B—-3m R. M. CLARKE," Wholesale Grocer, AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Whitehall Street, i Atlanta, , Georgia, j HAVING Rebuilt my Store and Warehouse, am now prepared to do a trge Grocery and Produce Buri* Dess, and from experience in the trade, (OVER TWENTY YEARS,) Feel confident that I wfll be able to give full satisfaction to »U that may give me a trial. <fr*Con rigornents respectfully solicited and remit tances promptly made. ROBT. M. CLARKE, Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. ZhZA Bales Hay. 50p Btsbefw Freeh Com Meal, 350 sacks Exira Fam I y Flour, 400 bbls. Ex fra Family flour, 1000 buriids White Coro, 1200 bushels Mixed Corn, 25 000 lbs New Bacon, 10,000 ibs Prime Leaf Lard. 110BI'. M. CLARKE. March 4,1866—3 m THE BAITY YE 1 U I’ll A I tliL HAIL I li ih W EKA, VOLUME I ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. T. M. & R. C. CLARKE, Wholesale & Retail DEALERS IN ENGLISH AND AMERICAN HARDWARE Consisting in part of 25.0001 b? Plow Steel, 5,000 lbs. Steel Moulds, Cast. Blister, and German Steel, Plow and Tyre Iron, Trace Chains, Hoes, Horse Suoee and Nails, Nads, Shovels and Spades, Axes, Anvils, Pellowa, Vices, Stokes and Dies, Carpen ter’a ioo)s, Building Mat rials, Mill and C ouscut Saws, < Files—assorted, Leather and Rubber Belting. Hemp and Gum Packing, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Guns and Pistols, And all other goods usually kept in the Hardware line Also, Agents for FAIRBANK’S Platform and Counter Scales. T. M.& R. C. CLARKE, Cbrner of Peachtree and Line Streets, jan23—3m Atlanta, Ga. Cotton Seed! Bushels Crop of 1865. LANGSTON, CRANE & CO. Tobacco. 150 Boxes,Pali’s, Empire and othei brands. . LANGSTON, CRANE A CO] Whisky, BOURBON and Robertson county in barrels and cases. LANGSTON, CRANE & CO Wrapping Paper. 500 Reams—various sizes, LANGSTON, CRANE & CO. Cigars. 150,000 Various qualities. CRANE & CO, Carpet. WE have for sale a fine Brussell Carpet, suitable for a room 18 or 20 feet square, which we are in structed to sell very low. LANGSTON, CRANE & CO Atlanta, January 31,1866 ts iiWT WfBERI 100,000 feet of LONG LEAF PINE LUMBER FOR SALE AT H. O. HOYT’S In the rear of the MASONIC HALL, Keep Constantly on Hand, Kiln Dried Flooring, Rough and Dressed, Doors and Sash, Wealhernoarding, Rough and Dresssd, Lumber dressed for Shelving, Lumber dressed for Washboarding, Dry .umber for Sash and Doors, Posts, Beams and Sills, Scantling and Joists, Pickets and Palings For Fencing. House Stripping, and Sawed Lathes. All order, filled promptly and at the lowest market Ou the yard Mr. Joseph Lamb, KEEPS A Carpenter and Jobbing Shop, And as he keeps nore but No. 1 hands, and has dry lumber to work, he is able to turn cut work wit despatch and neatness. jan27—3m MASON’S BLACKING-. Os 1 Dozen Large size Maaon’s Blacking, i 60 dozsmall sfxe Mason’s Blacking. For sale by GEO. W. PARROTT, Trout Hoase Block, Decatur street, I feb22-tf Atlanta, Ga. H *,? Rr w,|!,rr , | L fIUTHRII. Troupe County Ga. | Late of Tennessee. WEST & GUTHRIE, AVliolesale Grocers, AND COMMISSION MKBCHA.NTB, Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga., And Dealers -n Corn, Bacon and Lard. Consignments solicited. ruai £ ; > m S. STKADVAM. J, K. SIMMONS. P. TIIOMAB,JK STEADMAN, SIMMONS & CO., general COMMISSION MERCHANTS, **n wnm.r.r'ALK dkai bks i.x Groceries r.n<l I’l'otfm.e, Norcross’ Building, cor. Whitehall and Marietta Streets, ATLANTA, GEOttOIA. tnar3—3m ATI, \\ r.v ADVERTISEMENTS. GEO M. OAMIIIE, M I>. W. L. STKBI.INO M n GAMBLE & STERLING, Druggists and Apothecariesj South-ida Marietta Street, Atlanta Georgia, One Door from Norcross’ Corner, i Are daily receiving and opening a large and well selected stock of • Driisjs, Medicines, DYE Stuffs. Paints, Oils, GUss, Putty, Fine Tobac cos, Pure Brandies and other genuine Liquors for Medicinal purpos s. Also, a variety of Toilet S’aps, Cosmetics, Deutrifices, Tootti Brushes, Hair Brushes and Combs, Paint Brushes, Sash Too s. P rfumeries, Pomades, Extracts, Essential Oils, Cullinary Herbs, bpices. Condiments. Ac., which they respectfully invite the ladies to call and examine. Drs. GAMBLE & STERLING, Will give their personal attention to preparing and compounding their medicines, and from long exper ience in the p act'ce ot their Profession, can assure city Pbysic’ans that tbeir prescriptions will be skillfully, promptly and carefully filled. The afflictedprblic may implicity rely upon their ad vices and remedies. Druggists and Physicians, throughout the country, will be supplied at all times, and at moderate prices. feb2U—tf W. n SIMS. A. J. ROBERT. W. F. ROBERT SIMS, ROBERT & CO.. Wholesale Grocers, Aim COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Franklin Building, Alabama Street, In Store and to Arrive: "1 /k Bushels Corn, IVeVV’ " 1000 Bushels Oats, 550 Bushels Cotton Seed, 50 chests Tea, 50 bags Coffee, 50 doz Weeding H»es, * 2W bbls. F our, 95 bbls, cugar. 5 bbls S S Almonds. 5 bbls Pecan Nut’, 50 kits Extra Mackerel. 1000 Reams Wrapping Paper, Axes, Spades, Shove’s, Blacksmith Bellows. Vices, Anvils, Nails, Horse and Mule Shoes, Fibs, Stocks and Dies, &c., *c. Bope, Plow Linns, Trace Chains, Tongue Chains. Fifth Cha ns, Slay Chains, Log Chains, Stretchers, &c.> jlc. Powder, Shot, Tobacco, Soap, Pepper, Spice, Cream Tartar. Soda, Ginger • Starch, RAGS WAITED. SIMS, ROBERT & CO., Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, Franklin Building, nnr3—3m Alabama street. MORGAN & CO., DIC.YLICIfX IN FURNITUR E; Mattresses, Looking Glasses, Gilt Frames, Window Glass, Carpets, &c., Marietta Street, ONE DOOR EROM PEACHTREE. teb4—3m NOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE! SIGN OF TH? RED FLAG ! WOJtTII OIT DRY GOODS, To be closed out in FIFTEEN DAYS! Calicoes at 20 cents. NOW IS YOUII CIIAKCK for BARGAINS Delaines at 30 cents. Goods given away. Go early and Price for yourselves. SIGN OF THE RED FLAG All goods at less than New York Cost. INTENDING to close out our extensive stock by the 20th oi March, we offer it for 15 days at less than New Yoik cost. tall in, examine and bo satisfied. LIEBERMAN BROS., Sign of the Largo Bed Flag, mar2-lm Whitehall street near Alabama. DR. COODMAN’S COMPOUND CONORRIIEA MIXTURE. FWIIIJH is emphatically one of tl»e best prepaiatlons of r>- ‘ V| edi'unes ever used ior the cure of Gonrrrhea and bieot. Prepared by Dr. J NO. GOODMAN, Peachtree street, Atlanta, Ga For sale by Druggists generally. Price, Three Dol- march Its Manhood and Youthful VI or are regained by Hohn Tolu’s Extract Buch a ATLANTA, GA., MARCH 16, 1866, it l)i' paili) 'Ucto fe. ATLANTA, CiHORtilA. Fri day Morning, March 16 1866. from"ouh evening edition or yesterday. News. The Southern Express Company has com pleted its telegraph line to Athens. A National Bank has just gone into opera tion in Athens: Comparatively nothing is being done in cotton in Columbus. Middlings is quoted at 29 to 80fi. Montgomery cotton market easy. Quota tions 30 to 31c. Holders are disposed to wait for higher prices. .A youUt; "nfiii, wLo him brer- crossed in love “ took a cup of cold pizen,” in Mont gomeiy on Tuesday. He did not die this time. Name withheld. The Court Martial, in the case of Berry who was charged with the murder of Clapp in Montgomery, rendered a verdict last week.— The decision has not been made public. The evidence against. Berry was entirely circum stantial. \ The body of John Nostrand, who was re cently drowned in the Savannah river, was found by a negro on Sunday. Several otber persons were in the boat with him at the time of the drowning, of whom nothing has been heard. The 26th day of April has been suggested as a day on which the Southern ladies shall decorate the graves of soldiers. The propos sition has been agreed to in some cities, and henceforth the day will be observed as an anniversary for this purposo. An individual is said to be traveling about in Georgia representing himself to be Cooper Lindsay and appealing to the people for funds to assist him. The Columbus Enquirer thinks he is an imposter. There are 168 cases of Small Pox in the General Hospital at Chattanooga. The dis ease is constantly on the increase. The sports of Louisville have dwindled to “ dog versus dog,” at SIOOO, stake. “Blind Tom” is in Louisville, and perform ing before large audiences. General Scott heartily endorses Andrew Johnson. Incident of Wilson’s Raid—No ble Conduct of an Ohio Captain. The Memphis Avalanche publishes the fol lowing incident which occurred during Wil son’s raid : On Wednesdiy after the fall of Selma, some young ladies of the Female College in Sum meifield, informed the President that one of the Female teachers was running rapidly before a Federal soldier. He immediately went to the “Front" and met Miss 8. in great terror. The soldier had demanded her watch, which was secreted iu the college, and under a threat of violence to her person, she had promised to give it to him. The Doctor said to her “you must not let him have the watch, oe is a scoun drel and shall not have it.” She said. “Oh I Dostor, if you knew how he bad threatened me i you would not blame me. I promised it to him and he must have it.” So saying, and eluding the attempt, of the Doctor to take it from her she ran and delivered it to the soldier robber. Then such a volley ot indignant abuse as hard ly ever fell from the lips of a minister was poured fourth on the jofflin. He called him scoundrel, thief, robber, brute, villian, and or dered him to begone. The viliian pointed his gun and threatened to shoot. This d d not in timidate the preacher who was a cripple, and unarmed and in uflgovernable rage be cons tinued to use tbe only weapon he had—his tongue—until the robber beat, a retreat, his ears tingling wilh tbe words of impotent wrath which indicated that the blood ot the indig nant Southerner bad been raised to fever heat. All this occunei in the presence of the school; the ministers wife fainted and was removed insensible to her room. Tbe robbery, the threat of violating the per son of a noble southern woman, and tbe threat, also, to kill the gentleman at tbe head of the school, were all reported to headquarters.— Captain Mcßatney, of General Wilson’s staff, took interest in the matter, had the same column to pass before the school, and the man was identified and arrested, and the watch was returned. But this was not all. The Captain obtained from General Wilson protection pa* pers for tbe, College, and kept it guarded whenever pcsiible. He weut still further, and o died for Miss , and said to her: “I have a present for you.” He then handed her an elegant six shooter, and said: Take this, and if any < ffleer of our army steps his foot across the threshhold of this College, with evil intent, shoot him. No one can conceive tbe effect of this noble conduct on the part of the gallant Captain. The feeling of insecurity which had | taken hold of the inmates ot the College was dissipated, and many an earnest prayer weut up from warm southern hearts for the safety ot Captain Mcßarney. Very different was the conduct of Colonel Noble, who upon the case being represented to him, simply and careless ly said: “Your soldiers did us bad at Cham bersburg.” Now, if Captain Mcßarney, ot the Ist Ohio Volunteers, should ever see this, let him feel that g'atitude warm and deep filled every heart in Centenary College, and that bis chiv alrous gallantry made an impression upon free southern hi-arts which time will never efface. Young America Wonders.—Wonder why mama keeps Bridget al home from Church to work all day, and then says it is wicked for me to build my rabbit house onj Sunday? Wonder why our minister brought that pretty cane with the yellow lion’s head on* the top, and then asked me for my cent to put in the missionary box? Don’t I want a jewsbarp just as well as he wanted a cane? Wonder what makes papa tell Buch nice stories to visitors, about his hiding the mas ter’s rattan when he went to school, and about bis running away from the school mistress when she was going to whip him and then shut me up in a dark room all day because I tried just ones to be as smart as he was. Wonder what made papa say that wicked word when Betsy upset tbe ink all over his papers, and then slapped my ears because I said tbe same thing when my kite,string broke? Wonder why mama told Bridget the other day to suy that she was not at home when Tommy Day’s mother called, and then puts me to bed without my supper eveiy time 1 tell a lie? Ob, dear! there arc lots of things I want to know. I wish I was a man! A Singular Case.—Wo heard of a singu lar case in the returns of the income tax the other d y, as follows: A gentleman in the year 1863 made some SBO,OOO by speculations in cotton, and in January of 1864, reported the same, but during the first part of the year, owing to tbe great 'all in cotton and gold, be lost not only what he had made, but all his own and friends’ money in unlucky speculations. On last May (wo believe that was the month) the payment of the tax on the earnings of 1863 became due. and found tbe gentleman penniless. The United States claimed the payment, and still claims it of him, though no proceedings have yet been taken to get it by law.— Memphit Eullclin. Associated Press Dispatches, New York, March 13.—Cotton dull—de clined ono to two cents. Sales 1040 bales. Gold 129 7-8 New York, March 14 —Salos of 2500 bales. Gold 130 I=4 ■Washington, March 13.—The Senate re fused to pass tbe bill for tbe admission of Colorado. [Colorado voted down negro suffrage.) The House by 109 against thirty-nine passed the Senate bill declaring all persons, white and black, born in tho United S'ates, citizens, and it is tho duty of tbe United States Government to protect them in their civil rights and to furnish the means to in', dicate those rights, but nothing in this bill is to be construed so as to affect the laws of any State concerning the rights of suffrage. Washington, March 14—Sen ‘r D ’’’9 | off. re., a reso'utiua stating that tho J ■!.. i I Committee ou Keeonstruction ought to take the testimony of a reasonable number of per sons whose names may be suggested by the Senators and Representatives from said States. Senator Grimes objected, and the resolu tion was lost. A bill to increase and fix the military peace of the United States was then discussed. The House is engaged iu the consideration of a joint resolution making an appropriation for the Paris Exhibition for 1867. The Senate has passed a bill fixing the peace establishment of the army. It has a proposi tion from negro regiments. SELECTED TELEGRAMS. Washington, March 13.—House.—The Speaker announced the following Select Com mittee on the Civil Service of the United States to promote its efficacy : Messrs. Jencks Shelia barger, H igan, Biker, Myers, McKee, and James H. Humphrey, The Speaker also announced tbe appoint ment of Mr. Harris to fill a vacancy in the Committee of Private Land Claims. The Speaker laid before the House a coms munication from tbe Secretary of War, trans mitting, in compliance with the resolution of the 9th inst., the report of the Adjutant Gen eral respecting the retention in service of the Illinois Volunteers. Mr. Wentworth offered a resolution, which was adopted, instructing the Committee on Affiirs to enquire into the expediency ot reporting, by bill or otherwise, for the re lief of such persons as were charged and who paid commutation money or put fin a substi tute a second time. On motion of Mr. P.helps, the Committee of Ways and Means was instructed to enquire in to the expediency of amending the Internal Revenue Law so as to remit monthly duty on average deposi's of Savings Banks. Mr. Wilson, of lowa, from the Judiciary Committee, reported back, with amendment, the Dill*to protect all oersons in tbe United States in their civil rights, and to furnish the means of their vindication. The first amend ment was to strike out tbe words “eleven,” ahd insert “there shall be no discrimination in civil right.” so that the first section shall read, “that ad persons born in the United States and not subject to any foreign power, excluding Indians, taxed, are, hereby, declared to be cit izens of tbe United States, without distinction ot color; but the inhabitants, of every race and color, without regard to any previous con dition of slavery or involuntary servitude, ex cept as-a puu'sbment for erfaie, whereof the parly shall have been duly convicted, shall have the same right to make and enforce con trac s, to sue, etc ; to be parties to suits'; to give evidence, and to inherit, purchase, lease, sell, hold and convey real and personal prop erty, to have the lull and equal ben. fit of all lands and proceedings for the security of per sons and property, shall be subject to like punishments, pains and penalties, and to none other, any law, statute, ordinance, regulation or custom to the contrary, notwithstanding Amendment agreed to. Ciiicinuati Markets. Cincinnati. March 13, 1866 —Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat steady at §1.75 to 180 tor the better grades. Corn dull at 480. for No. 1 mixed shelled. Rye dull; prices nominal Provisions dull, without change in prices. Mess pork inactive at $27 00 to 27 50 for city. Bulk meats dull, without change in prices,— Lard sold at 18Jo. for prime city. Groceries dull, aod prices a shade lower.— Sugar held at 12Jc. for raw; 15J to 17jc. for soft refined, and 17c. tor.hard refined. Coffee is dull at 25t0 28e. for good to choice Rio. Cotton is dull, and prices nominal, at 36 to 37c. for middling. Whiskv dull at $2 25 for duty paid. Gold 130. A Thrilling Incident.-On Monday night Mr. McKean Buchanan and his daughter, Virs ginia, were announced for “Hamilet” at Terre Haute. Mrs. Buchanan was at the time lying very dangerously ill at the Terre Haute House of neuralgia of me heart After the first scene it was announced that Miss B. would not be able to appear as “Ophelia,” on account of her mother’s sickness, and it the play went on her part would have to be omitted. The au dience desired the dramt to proceed, but when Mr. Buchanan appeared, and commenced the soliloquy “To be or not be—” he was noticed to lack bin usual fire and energy. He had not proceeded halt a dozen lines, when bis faltering voice broke, and falling into a chair, he exs Claimed: “My wife is dying—lake your money run down the 1 cannot play!” and the audience slowly and sadly dispersed. .Mrs. Buchanan was dead when her busband reached the hotel. The Pope in a Bad Way—His Health Fails ing and His Mind Giving Out. - In a letter from Rome, published iu the London Daily Mail Gazette, it is stated that the Pope tins had another turn during the last few days, and the doctor* have been somewhat ut>ea.-y about him. His Immediate attendants say they ob serve signs ol growing feebleness in him, that bis memory is shaken, and that he yields more than Ln. in -rly to violent, predilections and an tipathies. Tills is said to be especially notice able in regard to tbe impressions ot earlier years, which seem to be gradually coming back to him. He shows a marked leaning to wards Italy and the house of Savoy. He has even, it is reported, been heard, iu conver sation with some ol bis more intimate friends, to pronose the investiture of Victor Emmanu el as Vicar of tbe Holy See in tbe Romagna, the Marches and Umbris. A Singular Case of Impaired Eyesight.— A physician in the city is at present attend ing a youn gman afflicted with a severe affec tion of tho eyes. It is said that the disease was contracted by the patient, a highly re spectable youth, while adjusting the retina of his right eye to the keyhole of a room occu pied by a servant maid, who bas a predilec tion for cayenne pepper in her toilet as well as culinary arrangements. The case should prove an effectual warning to all young men against, subjecting their eyesight to severe strain in looking through small orifices. Tho physician designates the malady described as ‘‘blinder-pest,”— Hamilton (C. IF.) Times. —— The San Anton o (Texas) Herald says that, with tbe exception of fifteen or twenty fights and the exchange of a few friendly shots, without any unfortunate results, nothing has happened for two days of moment in that city. There had been no cases of citizens being disturbed by the soldiers—quarrels being altogether among tbe latter, and all between regulars and volunteers. Hundreds ot disorderly soldiers were about the streets and the r principal amusements seemed to be fighting—a “regular” would step out. and say he could whip any d—d Third Michigander, when a fight was uur« to ensue. A well known broker informs the local that there is a great amount of countefeit in cir culation ; they are well executed and very dangerous. Tho denominations counterfeited are 100’s, 50’s, 20’s, 10’s, s’s, 2’s and I’s There is also a great amount of counterfeit postage currency of fifty and twenty.five cent denominations. The small-pox in Houston has been con fined to the house wherein it originated: The cases are mild ones, and not necessarily con tagious. J The State convention are acting on the most economical principle—they ordered only one thousand copies of the Governor’s mes sage, and take but five of each of the Austin papers.— lndianola (Texas') Times. Mrs. Avonia Brooke, nee Jones, tbe Ameri can actress, is creating a furore in London. She is always attended by a superb Newfound land dog, endowed with wonderful intelli gence. He is admitted into the saloons which his mistress graces ; in railway carriages and s’ ■ üboats he is by her side in defiance of rules-, eps beneath b-r bed ; sits in a private ■K wi ti h'T —t ♦tie theater, and W— telips over berai rehearsals. Ofl one occasion,when she was rehearsing Leah, and bad to bo dragged from tbe stage, the dog, who seemed to un derstand everything, except this apparent maltreatment of bis mistress, leaped upon the man who had seized her, and, but for timely interference, would tave indicted condign punishment. Stock for the South—The New Albany (Indiana) Journal writes that the number of mules shipped from that city and Portland to the South, since the 28th day of November, 1865, exceeds ten thousand, and shipments still continue to be mads without any abate ment in numbers. Daring*no previous sea son for the past ten years .has the number shipped exceeded eight thousand. The price of mules rules high and the supply in South ern Indiana and in Kentucky is being rapidly diminished. Shipments, therefore, will soon begin to fall off. Tbe shipments of horses since November baye also been very large. ATLANTA AD VER LTSEMENTS. GREAT REDUCTION AND REMOVAL! UNPRECEDENTED INDUCEMENT A splendid opportunity to supply yourself with STAPLE GOODS -AT- UNAPPROACHABLE PRICES, FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY! Ten per cent, deduction fiom all retail bills exceeding ONE DOLLAR! My Stock is full and complete in every P ARTMENT, ConPi-iting of elegant Plain Black an I Fancy Silk, Handsome Chena, Plain and SUiped Poplin and Poplinetts, Plain Plaid and Figured Merinos, Beautiful Eaglish, French, Scotch and American Gingiiam, . English Hose and Half-Hose, A laige and splendid assortment LIMES’ AND GEffi’ SILKS, AND Merino Underwear. LADIES’ AND GENTS’ GLOVES, of all descriptions, Togethor with an immense stock of Housekeeping Goods, To which particular attention is invfua, consisting of Bleached and Brown, Double Table Damask, Bleached and Brown .Napkins and Doyle-’, Four, Five, and Eight, Nine and T« n quarters Bleached and Brown Pillow and Sheetin'! Cotton, Elegant White, Red and Gray Blankets, Marsuelles and Honeycomb Spreads and Quilts, prochatelle and Chena Curtains, Together with a full line of NOTIONS & FANCY IRTIIIS. Also, Ten Thousand Dollars worth RHOY-MIDI CLOTHING, AND piece croons Cut and Made Expressly for THIS MARKET. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, With a splendid stock of tMffi THS «D ZEPHER GOODS. Every one in search of desirable Goods wi l do well to give me a call, as the principal portion of my stock con sists ol goods seasonable the year round, while this method enabb s me to run my stock off, thu* always giving our friends and patrons new and desirable goods at the beginning of every sea-on. REMEMBER the NEW STOREROOM, In the Norcross Building, Fronting- on Whitehall. PRINTS, TWENTY-FIVE GTS., With ten per cent. off. p - H. SNOOK. GEMBAL ITOMCI AGENTS, UNDERWRITER'S AGENCY, • Composed of the Republic and Hanover, Germania and Niagara, INSURANCE COMPANIES Os Now York. CAWII ASSETS, S», OoO9<> o« . ISSUE Policies for Fire. Inlan I and Marine Insurance, fr trl' t attention pai l t-> Insurance on Cotton and other Gouls in transitu, ami Losses promptly paid SALMONS & riIMMONs. Agents', W hitehall street. Atlanta, Georgia, February 7, 1860 3m iNUMBER 201. _T > rofessional Cards. W. L. COLDSMITH, ~ Attorney at Law, Atlanta, Ga., "IMTII L practice in Fulton and surrounding counties ▼ ▼ Also in all the City Courts. Prompt and stnc attention given to writing Contracts, Heeds, Wil’s, Con ▼eyrnces, Renting and Selling Real Estate, sud collect ing Debts, of all kinds* Office at City Hall with tho Ordinary.| Refers to Hon. Joseph H. Lumpkin. Athens, Ga., lion. Wm. Hope Hull, Athens, Ga.. Hon. Warren Aiken, Car tersville, Ga., Hon. Wm. T. Wofford, Cartersville, Ga., Hon.s L.J. Gartreli, Wm. Ezzurd, Jared I. Whitaker, At lanta, Ga., Hon. M. A. Chandler, Decatur, Ga., J. B. frtew art, Esq., Stone Mountain, ua. x Rb27-3rn THOMAS M. NORWOOD, (Os lato firm of Norwood, Wilson & Lester,) Attorney and Counselor at Law, SAVANNAH, GA. Office over Bank of Savannah. febl3-3<a Attorney at Law & Real Estate Atrent. it Zk, r- •’onotiil. Office over Tally, Brown & Cb.’s, Whitehall street. WILL attend promptly and faithfully to all busi ness entrusted to his care. All kind of claims receive special attention. ded7-3m MKiJicXiTcXiSb. " DR. W. T?BROWN, HAVING located in the city of Atlanta, would say to the sick ami afflicted, that be is prepared to treat all forms of disease, both Acute and Chronic. Ills remedies are sate, sure and effi melons His success in the treatment of the fallowing diseases has been such as to guarantee speedy and effectual relief, Dispepsia, Dis. easts of the Liver, Dysentery, Dropsy, Khtnmatim, Scro fula, A’c 4^Special attention given to the treatment of Small- Pox. Syphilis, in its various forms and stages successfully treated and a permanent cure guaranteed In ab cases. Offi o—At Dreg Store of G. C. Douglas &C » , (form erly Finney & Winter,) corner of Peachtree and Walton streets. Rooms—corner of Decatur and Ivey streets. leb4-6m ’ henry p. fabrow, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity ATLANTA, GEOUGIA, AND Commissioner for South Carolina, Tennessee and Alabama, to attest Deeds, Power of Attorney, and all other pipers executed within the State of Georgia to be or record-d in either of these States. Will always be found in his office during bu sin ess hours. Prompt and strict attention will b 3 given to all usiness confided to him. Office on Whitehall street, over Holbrook’s Hut Store. feb3—3m DR. EDWIN S. RAY, ~ t ffers his Professional services to [the Public. When not professionally engaged he may be found day and nighty at his office on Whitehall street, over Wholesale House of Howard Evans & Co. Atlanta. Ga., January 9,1866—3 m Dr. Geo. GTBelir HAVING located in Atlanta, Ga., will devote his at tention exclusively to the practice ot Medicine ana Surgery. Office, (for tho present) at Mrs. White’s Boarding Home, rear of the City Hall and opposite the “Bellvieu House” janlo-3m B. R. STRONG, Banker and Broker, Trout House IBloclr. Decatur Street..—Atlanta, Georgia. GOLD and SILVER, UNCURRENT MONEY, EX CIl-'NuE. STOCK- and BONDS bought and sold. jgEjT’Speciat attention given to COLLECTIONS at all accessible points, and prompt returns made. febls—3m Hotels. JOHN W. STOCKTON. | M. FITZPATRICK | T. LEARY. |!U STATES LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, &4J Centrally located and undergoing thorough S repair. |l| STOCKTON <Sc CO., h Proprietors. W . I JOHN T. COX, (late Col. C. S. A.) Chief Clerk 11 U janl6—3m PACIFIC HOTEL, 170, 172, 174 &176 Greenwich St., (ONE SQUARE WEST OF BROADWAY.) Between CourtlandSA Dej r Streets, New York. JOHN PATTEN, Jr., Proprietor. THE Pacific Hotel is well and widely known to tho travelling public. The location is especially suitable to merchants and business men; it is in cose proximity to the business part of the City—is on the highway of Southern and Western travel—and adjacent io all the principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. The Pacific has liberal accommodation for over 300 guests; it is well furnished, and possesses every modern improvement for the comfort and entertainment of its inmates. Tbe rooms are spacious and well ventilated ; provided with gas and water ; the attendance is prompt and respectful; and the table is generously provided with every delicacy oi the season. The subscriber, who, for the post few yoirs, has been the lessee, is now sole proprietor, and intends to identify himself thoroughly with the interests of his houses. With long experience as a hotel keeper, he trusts, by moderate charges and a liberal policy, to maintain tho favorable reputation of tho Pacific Hotel. sept—7 Iyr JOIIV PATTEN, Jr. Auction I Auction I WE are now prepared t« receive consignments of all kinds of goods to be sold either at private Ba>e or at Auction. Our Mr. O. W. Adair, Having nn Auction l icense, will sell property of every description either in store, or anywhere in the city. He will also sell tor Executors and Administrators in the country. CLAYTON, ADAIR & PURSE, feb27-lm No. 18 Alabama street. GEORGIA BONDS, [JNEW IBBWSTTJE,] THE ATLANTA NATIONAL BANK has authority to off r SIOO,OOO of these Bonds ’< r sale. The interest at the rate of 7 per cent, per annum is payable Hemi annually on Coupons. Tho principal in five to tan ynare at the opt! >n of tho state. As security loi the pay ment of these Bonds the income from the Western & Atlantic Railroad is p edged, as well as the Tax. < Capitalists will find this a safe and profitable invest ment. For further particulars apply to A. AUSTELU feb27-lm President Atlanta National Bank. City Lots for Sale. AN aero lot, near the Mineral Spring, fully fenced, having thereon a good brick dwelling, containing five moms, also all necessary outbuildings. A vacant business lot, 25 feet front on Broad near Alabama street. A ten acre lot, partially improved, near Peachtree street, writable ior a gentleman’s residence. Apidy to W. iM- WILLIAMS, feb2s Ini Phoenix Building, Decatur street. Cinjinnati Paper Warehouse. Chatfield & Woods, 1 Manufacturers and Wholesale PAPER DEALERS, 77 and 79 Walnut St., Cincinnati. KEEP constantly on hand Ruled Cap, Letter and Noto Papers, Printers Flat Caps, F »lios, Plain Let ter an ' Note Papers, Royal, Medium and Demy Writing Papers. Solo Agonts far the celebrated IVAIIOK MILLS WRITING PAPERS! Also Manufacturers of BOOK AND NEWS PAPERS, Paper Bigs Also on hand, Grocers* Wrapping Papers, Manill.t Paper* for Drugg "nd l»rv Goods use. and a complete stock ot Leathern and Binders’ Tool* Binders fitted out complete, in Tools ami Materials. Orders by Mad promptly filled feb2Blm —________ fl fl fl If fl Kegs Leaf Lard, iu store and far sale en I commission by 10b21 ts MJRRISON NALLE A HANSON bnfceblrd ami BoHcate Cbnstitutione, of both saxes, > uro Heimbold’s Extract Buchu ft MU give brisk and energetic feelings and eua sleep well. ££ la nt a advertisements. A. J. HARALSONr Wholesale & Retail uxr DRY GOODS, AND GROCERIES, And General Commission Merchant, And dealer in all KINDS OF PRODUCE, Opposite Roark’s Corner, Oonngnmeata KllclUd of *ll kind, of , a * REfERENCrSi * Chyton'3* Por’, e S Amcurt*. 9*. Fi;h« t Son, Tr.n’h’: C «' Hardcastle. Gannett &Co N«ahvru l, i U “’ 10(, |ir’Zi’2 n Duncan & Co., LoulhAiV"/ Il’teS * ’pXr fl SUiker & Cincinnati, Ohio 7 ” ‘ d * Pl "’ er > u Ihave on hand a nice stock of Htaplc and Fancy DRY GOODS, Conßistnig in part of, DeLafnes, figured AlpaccaT < Prints of nil grades, Bleached and Brown Domestic, Bleached and Brown Drills, A splendid lot of Jeans! of various grades, Buttons, * " Cotton and Flax Thread Pins and Needles, Hooks and Eyes, LADIES’ DRESS TRIMMINGS. A largo lot Gents’ and Ladles’ Hoes and and Half Hose. Gentlemen’s and ladles’ Glovds, Worsted and Linen Shirts, n . „ NeU Drawers, and other articles in the Dry Goods line. Also, a large lot of Perfumery and Pomades, HARDWARE & CROCKERY Boots and Shoes, A iplendid .lock of Hat«, (nd in addition to th. aboya I have a good stock of Sugars, . (. offee, Salt, Flour, Corn Meal, Soda, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Soap, - Tobacco, . * Thread, Copperas, and in fact everything in the way of Grocer ies. I want to Exchange Goods for all kinds of Produce* Come and see me If you have Butler. Eggs, Ch’ckens, Bacon, Lard, Meal. Corti, Po tties. Feathers and Fruit if you want to exchange for Goods or Groceries. A J. HARALSON, Whitehall street, - . . O posite Roark’s Corner, feb7-tf Atlanta, GEORGIA NATTONIL BANK. OF ATI.A.YTA, Will do a general Banking, Deposit, Exchange Collecting Business, And will Buy and fell all kinds of GoY’ernment On favorable Terma. DIIIECTORSi John Rice, President, W. W. Clayton, E KRowaon, 8. A. Durand, John Chiller, R L Jones, Cashier. Office for tho present, at tho stere ot Messrs J Clayton, Adair &, Puree, NO. IS ALABAMA STREET. jan3l—3 m WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE, CEO. SHARP, Jr., (Successor to Mo A fee & Sharo,) Has removed to Dr. Taylor’s old stand, CHEROKEE BLOCK Peachtree Street, Where he will continue to keep a large at*ok of flue IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC UQGORS, Ciga-rs, &c. In Store and for Sale at moderate prices i 50 bbls. Old Bourbon, J 20 bbls. Bobertson County, 5 bbls. Holland Gin, 10 Is pipes Brandy, 50 bbls- Saud’s Cream Ale, 25 boxes Claret, 100,000 fine Ogars. >LBO, Irish, Scotch and Rye Whiskies, Wampoo Bitters, Champgne, Poi t, Claret, Madorfa, Bh»rry, And all other Liquors usually kept incur Hue, which will be sold at Prices to suit the Times. Call before purchasing elsewhere, as I wi>l sell as low as the lowest. GEO. SHARP, Jr, tnar2—tf H. BLOCK. !>• J- BBF.KAM HEVRY P. SIIACJKKEFORII. Formerly of Atlanta, Ga—with H. BLOCK & CO., . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Pure Bourbon and Copper Distilled WHISKY, Wines, Brandies, 4. in, &c No. 330 Main St re st, between Eighth and Ninth, Louisville Kentucky. “au'J— 3tn