The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, May 04, 1866, Image 1

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‘yailg Gtva. J. 8. PRATHER, WM. L. SCRUGGS, Editor* and Proprietors. OFFICE OF THE NEW EKA, I'p stairs In the Kile Bni I ding-. Corner Marietta and Peachtree St roe is. L. a WBVA. Lste L. C &P- H. W.lla. At ant.. G*. D AP*IR. late Aodrf-wm. Ad»lr A tb . At nnu, Os. T. L. WELLS, Late J. H. A T. L. Wells. She byvilb-, Tenn WELLS, ADAIR & CO., Commisaion Merchants, WHITEHALL STREET, Atlant*Georgia. WE HAVE IN STORE ALL GRADES FXiOUR.. ONE hundred barrela Falling Run Family Flour, 100 barrels Oakley Milla. Wariet tu, Ga., 3O> bArrela Ashland XXX Family, 100 barrels Fat’s Ohio Family, SO barrels <'<v»k Fancy Family, 60 barrels Pearl stn*et Family, 50 barrels Peer’ees Family, 300 barrels Extra Superfine. On consignment and for sale bv WELLS. ADAIR 4 CO. BACON. TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND pounds Bacon, hog round. Ou consignment and tor sUe by WELLS, ADaIR & CO. LARD. FIVE THOUSAND pounds Frim- Td*af Lard. For sale by WELLS, ADAIR 4 CO. COKN. fpwo THOUSAND bushels White Corn, J[ 1000 busnels Mixed Corn- On consignment and for sale by WEILS, ADAIR 4 CO. TOBACCO. ONE HUNDRED boxes Chewing Tobacco, all grades. For sa e by WELLS, ADAIR A Co. COTTON GOODS. TEN halts 7-8 Shlrlings and 4-4 Sheetings. 10 bales <>>tton Yarus. On ponsgnm-nt and for sale by WELLS, ADAIR A CO. IRISH POTATOES, FIFTY barrels Irish Potatoes. On consignment and lor sa’e by WELLS, -4 DAIK & CO. | mar2s ts BAM'L T. ATKiW. JOB. L- UNG j te*. T. ATKIN & CO,, WHOLXSIII ITO BXTXIt. MILUS IS Stoves, Ranges, Grates, Pumps, CVTLRaY. BRITABIA AND PLATED WARK, Wooden and Willow Ware. 1 HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, &c. buo, XAXtrracTCKBBs or Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, Wo. S WINSHIP BLOCK, . Peachtree...- „ Street) ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Stoves, Ranges, TinPlate.etc. STORE AND TO SOON: 1W Belting and Cooking Stores, with Furniture complete, 10 Boston Ranges, 5000 lbs Sheet iron, 3001b* Zinc, ICC fewtosTlnPHte, 6005 lbs Hollew Ware, Wire, (No. 7 to 17), Ccpp’-r, Spelter, Rivets, Tin Kett’e*, Fire Fronts, Grates, 4c. A Nice Aiisrtment of English an*! German Table Cutlery, Scissors, Butcher Knives, Shoveh, Spades, 4c. Also* A Large Assortment of Plain and Planished Tin Ware, Brltania and Japaned Ware, Wooden and Willow Ware, House Furnish*ng Goods, (in variety], Gian Ware, Lamps, Gas Fixtures, Manilla Rope, Bed Cor’s, Twine, Blacking, Shoe and Stove Blacking, &c. marl4—tf HOGE.MILLS & COMPANY. Gate City Foundry, 'CAR AND MACHINE WORKS, Marietta. Street, Atlanta Georgia. We are prepared to build and repair Paswnger nnd Freight Railroad Cars. AMO, WEAM ENGINR9 <fc SAW MILL*, SU- GAR MILLS, lIOHSE POWERS, AND ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY. rthe Frandry Department, we a r e prepared to make asungs both Bra«s and Iron, of every du»cr:ption, and having a large arnouGL of Pit'-ern* on hand, have peenbar l«eititie« for filling orders. We especial y be.' to draw th», attention of Bailde rs, and others, to our elegant patterns lor Columns, Verandas, Steps, Window Cap. ills, Gratings, &c., From which we n supply 1 aatings of the best quality and io the shortest time, and at less price than they c n be obtained elsewhere. We also, soon go into the Mann tsc ture of Hollow Waren, Os all kinds. In the Carpenter’s Department we are prepared to mar ofacture SA.SIX, ZDOOrtS, BLINDS, And every description oi Carpenter’s Wo k. Aino, to DRESS AND MATCH LUMBER, In a superior manner. All kinds of TURNING, SCHOLL, SAWING, &c- ( Come .nd ie« ua. marlO—3<n HOG K, MILLS * COMPA NY. GESEKAL iiSiIBAXCE AIiEXTS,’ UNDERWRITER’S AGENCY, Compoeed of the Republic and Hanover, Germania and Niagara, INSURANCE COMPANIES Os New York. CASH AsUsETM, $3,000,0 O O • I s *”’ Pojkloe for Fire, InUn 1 end Marine Ineorance. xfla P ail t ’ lusurauce on <7>ttou and Mkiier (ioMh iu transitu, arid L-w* yr nnptly paid. MALrf<)Nd 4 bl VI VI ON a. agents, „ Whitehall street. Atlants, Georgia, February 7, 1860 3m ' THE DAILY NEW ERA. VOL. 1. ATLAN TA ADVERTIBEMENTS. A. J. PRODUCE* —AND— Commission Merchant. Corner of Pryor and Decatur streets, Atlanta Georgia, I have just received a nice and very desirable assort- ment of Staple aud Fancy DRY GOODS? Which I am offering for cash at prices to c irrespond with the recent heavy decline in Cotton and Gold. I have also a good assortment of Boots, Shoes and Hats, Crockery, Hardware, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, Yankee Notions, Fancy. Groceries, Confectioneries, 4c., 4c. I will exchange Goods for all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE. If you have Cotton, Corn, Meal, Potatoes, Butter, Eggs, Bacon, Lard, Chickens, [or anything else to spare Come and See 'Me. apr22-tf A. J.HARALSON. lEOLMRROff, - GROCER, —and— Commission Merchant, TROUT HOUSE BBOCK, Decatur Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Rffsrencbh— R. J. Lowry 4 Co., Athnta. Ga., Flem ming 4 Whreless, Auuusta, Ferdinand Pliinizy, Augusta N"blo II Hardee, Savannah, D. Morri* ft Co , Louisville, Ky., Abnrr CXxiper, Louisville, Ky..C. P-*weil. Green & Co . New Yo»-k, Harr s, Jxmes 4 Co, New York, Mc- Daniel Irby A Co., Lj oebburg, Hemy Ault, Knoxville, Teuu., Jas. K. And’.rson, Bristol. IN STORE AND FOIL SALE. k<‘gs Prime Leaf Lard, 300 backs Virginia Sait, D) coils Machine Rope, 500 yds. India Bagging, 2000 lbs Fresh Buckwheat Flour, 25 bushel* Chestnuts. 1 Ohajf bbls. M >ckerel No 1 and 3, 10 kit< Mackerel. 19 kegs best English Soda, 25 boxes Soa*». several brands. 15 cases “Pride Bethel” Smoking Tobacco, 25 boxes Assorted Candies, 60 boxes Brandy and Port Wine Drops, 10 cases sickles, quarts and pints, 10 bags Bio Coffee, 100 ixixes Sardines, 60 *«., g. © caps, Maeroboy Snu.’l, Fine Ont Tobacco, Blacking Brushes, Green »td Black Tea. Alnwjds, Brazjl Nuts. Pepper, Spice Ginger, Brimstone. Cigars, Indigo, Madder, 40 kegs and half kogs Dupont’s FFFG Hide Powder. BUCKWHEAT FLOUft. I HAVE Just received another lot of that superior B”ckwheat Flour, which I will s»*li cheap G: O w. PARROTT. ) i DUPONT’S POWDaCR, < N Whole, Hair andQuarVfr K«k» foi 4k at reduced ( A prices. GEO. W. PAKKOTT. I TOBACCO r HAVE Jn.t received a '< w bore, of JL Gold r.«*f Tobacco, which t cun sell very cheap. ALSO, -■ b-'xee Sound Mellum T.becco, light plug., at JL *T lees than Lynchburg prices. Or.O. W. PARROTT, Trout Honee Block, • Decakr .treat, A l.nta, Ga Sash, Doors and Blinds,. I>. NT. JLICGKK,, AT ATLANTA VARIETY WORKS, WOULD call the attention of Contractors, Builders and ail concerned Uj his having secured the sole Agency of M. SAMELSON’S, NEW YORK, Superior work of the above description of goods, all mad of Canadian Clear White pine, and which ho is now ready to offer at nduced New Y <rk Rates, and far below any off ’red in the Atlanta trade. Test the truth ot this assertion by giving him a call before purchasing elsewhere. D. cT. LEG Ek, Atlanta Vadety Works. Sash, Doors and Blinds. I »prS'2in ATLANTA ADVERTISED ENTS l!-i<5(5 I.SUU | Clicap G ood s. I We have and are now receiving o:ir SPRING ANDSUMMER STOCK OF GOODS, To which we invite the attention of the trade generally. ' Having delayed making our purchiuvs until the HEAVY SPRING DECLINE We are prepared to offer very Superior Induccancntw in QUALITY AND PRICE. Taylor, Williams & Crookshank. Commercial Building Whitehall street. IF ’FOU WAWT Cheap Prints and Choise Styles, They are to be found at Taylor, Williams & Crookshank's. Commercial Building Whitehall areet. IF YOU “WAx-TSTT I i Nice Mesambequea, Organdies, Jaconets, ! White and Colored Muslins. Bleached Cottons, | COTTON AND LINEN DIAPBKS, And Ilaudsom * Silk Patterns, call at Taylor, Williams & Crookshank’s, Commercial Building Whitehall Street If you want Hosiery, Gloves, or any "Yankee Not ions, The place to get them is Taylor, Williams & Crookshank’s, Commercial Bui ding Whitehall street. When gentlemen are locking for nice Shirt Fronts, Csssimeres, Collars, iravats, and nice HATS AT COST, They find them at Taylor, Willliams & Crookshank’s, CammerciM Building Whitehall Street. Nice setts Cellars and Cuffs, new and beautiful at Taylor, Williams & Crookshank’s. - Those beautiful H »’r \’ett< and Ivins Patent Hair Krimpeis are at Taylor, Williams & Crookshank’s, , Whiteha.; Street. ' 'To clot* out a large lot Q n EN>WARE at nnapproich ub e prices, at Taylor, Williams & Crookshanks, Commercial Building Whitehall street Window Bhadert, wh-ch are beautitul to keep ont the Sun, Fan*, to keep cool; Mosquito Bars to sleep con.- sortable, are lor sa e at Taylor, Williams & Crookshank’s, Commercial Building Whitehall street When you are hunting bag Jins in anything call in at Taylor, Williams & Crookshank’s, Whitehall.....street. F 7 4 very superior assortment of Iritnmings are now offered by TAYLOR, WILLIAMS &. CRoOKSHANK, VVhiteuail street. Remember, Alexander’s, Feston’s and Jennie Kid Gloves are in the store f taylqk, williams Whitehall street. A few ni ’e pieces D imask have c>me, at TAYLOR, WILLIaMo & CRuoKSH\NK’S, apr26 -3m Whitehall street. SFKKSNiiY.TMIGEIia & til, Peaohtreo Mtreet, Atlanta Georgia, AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF Staffor<l’H Sulky. ■O MI Hill CDTTO® CDLTIVATOR, A MACHINE for the rapid, cheap and thorough cultivation of' orn, ’Jotton, or other crops, plant ed in rows. It 1* also used in Preparing Ihe ground and putting in <raln, will cultivate well from ten to twelve ficr«es per day. We are the sei * agents for the above machines for Midd e and hast Tennessee, Georgia aud Alabama, and are also agent-* forth best 1 and 2 Horse Railwav Powers and Threshers. 2 and 4 Horte Lever Powers and Threshers. Reaping and Mowing Ma-him s, Corn rihelL rs, Fan Mills, Plows, Field Heeds. Ha’loy’s Gang P»ows, 4c. Circular* mailed to any eddress. J. H. WARNER <« CO.. Hardwire Deniers, No 2 Public Square, Nasbviilj, Tenn, A sample Machine can be seen at McKENN ey, r geors a co.. marchl-tf Pe-ic. tree street. Atlanta, Ga. JE HTKADMAM, J. It. SIMMONS. L- P. THOMAS, JR* STEADMAN, SIMMONS &. GO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND WHOLKBALE DEALERS IN Groceries arid JPirotliice* Norcross’ Building, ©or. Whitehall and Marietta Streets, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, mars—3m B. J. WILRON l»R. M. A. KRnACXRLPOkD AV. G-. SHACKKLFORD, (lAt.OHHI.nd, Hou.ll A Co., Ch.rle.ton, 8. C.,J with WILSON & SHACKELFORD) ComniisMon IVlerchantM, HOLESALE GROCERS & GENERAL PRODUCE AGENTS’ Keystone Bulldinir, [ Will tell nil StreetAtluiitn, Georgia. J /WCONSINGMENTS .SOLICITED.-(.a i Rrrinitxow—lion. J. T. Helln, Solniu, Jia.; Thurbur , * Co., Mobile, vil».; Burry, .lohun & <o , Houio, Ou.; v, utnHtell, I'rc-idenl Jllatua NnMonal Bank; Cambio le Sterling, 4IIIUIU. III.; W. If, Gilliland, Chori .too, S. C; Joiiulugo, Thoii.Hn.oii As Co., CbnrlewUin, B. c; french « Co. NnehviUe, Thun.; 11. Terti|ikf>i» to Co., NiishvlHe, Tunn : Tapp, Konnouy * Wol.u, Loulevi l<>, 1 Ky.; waiter & Brother, Louiovlllo, Ky., W. W. Baiueey A Co., JugueU, Ga. feb2S 3m G-zV., NIA.Y 4, 1866. Oc Jlailij Ylcto | ___ - - ; i NEWS FROM THE STATES. 1 GEOUGIA. » A man minted McCormick was shot and killed by Jcbn Herrington in Macon on Mon , day uigbt. McCormick had demanded Her* rington’s money, and he got his death war- J runt instead. Herrington was discharged by the Justice' Court. Mr. Charles Delaigh, an old citizen of Au gusta, died suddenly on the Ist inst. Two fre d ladies bad a difficulty in church last Sabbath. One spitting in the other’s face, and the other banging the one in the face with a parasol. The tongue, (a woman’s weapon), was more freely used. Cause, a “tcAifs m<iH !—silk dress— **«**♦/» Tfa c difficulty is to be investigated by the propet authorities.— Madison, Ga., yews. The Athens Watchman says : Judge James b. Hook, of this State, has recently decided that the act of Congress, passed 25th of Feb ruary, 1862, making greenbacks a legal ten der, does not apply to debts made prior to tba passage; upon the ground that It is not in pursuance of the Constitution of the United States ; which instrument prohibits the enact -1 ment of laws by the States impairing the ob | ligation of contracts. I The Savannah Republican of the Ist says ; j Yesterday morning at the opening of the 1 Freedmen’s Court, no clerk was either visible, I tangible or iu anywise comatable. A litttle I inquiry elicited the fact that the clerk had , gone North on one of Saturday’s steamers.— We congratulate the North on his arrival, as be took with him funds belonging to various parties here, which must necessarily be dis bursed in New York. ALABAMA. Geo, Patlan has issued a proclamation co operating with the President in recommend ing Thursday the 17th day of May'as a day of ' fasting, humiliation and prayer, in view of . the fast approaching Asiatic Cholera. The Advertiser 4' Reijuter says, quite a flut ter has been excited in certain circles, in con-- ! sequence of an order received at this place ' within the past week, from Washington, for , the arrest of a prominent official iu the Treas- i ury Agent’s department of this city. We | learn that the books and papers under bis i care have been seized upon, and several other I distinguished individuals will have to “make | themselves scarce,” to avoid arrest. The ' main parly des gnated by the order is at present absent fiom the city. It is said that frauds on the government to the amount of nearly $1,000,000, have been committed at this place. FLORIDA. JuGne Sticknoy, one of the Direct Tax Commissioners for the State of Florida, has decided that, all the tax sales of tbe property at Fernandina and St. Augustine, out cdL which some of the officials made what ’they*| believed to be a “big thing,’’ are null and void tor want of conformity to the law. Tbe i original owners therefore come tigain into possession. The Army and Navy Journal, of the 7th inst., says: “The duties to which Commodore J. A. Winslow was ordered to Washington being completed, be will proceed to Pensaco la, Fla., and relieve Acting Rear Admiral H. K. Thatcher from the command of tbe Gulf Squadron. “Acting Rear Admiral H. K. Thatcher will transfer tbe command of tbe Gulf Squadron to Commodore J. A. Winslow, ou bis report ing to Pensacola, Fla.” TENNESSEE. A correspondent of the Nashville Union and American, writing from Sparta, Tennessee, gives the following distiessing account ol aff.irs in that section : Our neighboring county of Putnam has been i in quite an exeit- ment f-ir the fast week. ft has beconuu aim >st a common thing tor a few lawless met! wh > range thorough that county, to mistreat citzsus aud returned rebels ai H eir pleasure. O e nig-11 last, week, (hire meh, “.rtneily o Capt. Pennuigton’s company, of Col. Garrett’s regiment, nam d Maxwell, Mil ler at d Patton, wen' 10 tbe house ot an old man named Gunter, took him out from bis house stripped his shirt i ff, and Miller and Maxwell were whipping him umnerc fully. The old man’s ilaiigbier, lourieeu years ot age and sou twelve years old, bearing bis cries, went to bis rescue, eueb wiih an axe. Coming id, one of tbegi clove, ihe edge ot the axe to the eye in Miller’s back, and the other did tbe same in M.xweli’s hetd. Pattou who was bolding ho>es, rushed 10 their rescue wi b bis pisiol, when one blown almost, entirely severed Ins right arm Having released their’aged parent. | rtrauge 10 s>y they all returned 10 the bouse 1 fmTher molesting tbe whipping party. M iXWell has since died, and Miller, it is said is bound to .lie. The e are the facts as I beaid them, and J believe they are tine. Monday Circuit Court began in Cook-ville. and it was HXpec'ed a large number of those outlaws were on hand, cutting up generally. - Two of them, wlies- names I undetsiood to be McCalip and Sweareiigm, heat and abused the veueianle Judge Quarles, of Geinsboio’, badly tor what reason 1 have not learned. Judge Quaries is a Jiiwyer ol high standing, and es teemed by all’who know li m. Several arrests w re made tbe n*xi day, L am in'ormed by a Company of regular United States troops, who had just arrived, and quiet is restored, Al agree that no Court could have been h-ld a Cookeville, had it not been lor tbe arrival ot this company ol troops. Some two months ago, a part of these same outlaws went to the bouse of n man named Roberts, be'ow Cookeville, whipped him almost to death, took S6OO cash from him, and made him leave the country im mediately. Roberts had just returned from Indiana, whither he bad removed during the war'. On last Saturday, a son of Tinker Baty of Fentress county, and a in n turned Hatfield came to Sparta 00 business, and left in the rain. They called at the bouse of John Dewees, a man seVehty-Gve years old, ten miles east of Sparta, to warm. The old mau having kindly invited them in, built them a good fire. Baty soon found that Dcwees had left Fentress in 1862, to avoid troubles there, and settled in this secluded place, nnd com menced abusing the old man, and gave him his choice to go to Fentress with them or take a whipping. Ttie old man objected to both—had no business in Fentress, and was too old to Hike the whipping. But when they had dried thoroughly, they started, tnk ing the old man with them n few hundred yards from the house, when Baty let in on him witn a stick, knocking him down sever al times, aud then with a limb whipped him severely. 1 also to-day that a man mimed Jones, living five or six miles east of Smithville, was whipped to-lenth by three unknown men’ one night last week. If these men are not disarmed, and stop - ped from such inhuman acts, more girls and axes will have to be brought into requisition. Everybody is rejoiced to bear of the United States troops in Putnam, and we sincerely hope they will roniaiu there until all of these outlaws are disarmed in all of this mounluin country MISCELLANEOUS. The Honorable John A. J. Creswell, who succeeded Gov. Hicks in the United States Senate, and upon the death of Hon. Henry Winter Davis, succeeded him in the leader ; ship of the Maryland loyalists, is a mature ‘ , looking man of thirty-seven, with a full beard | and large broad forehead. He is large, qui j et and digniGed, and looks strong and posis live. His career has been highly honorable r| , J j as a lawyer, legislator, Adjutant General, Representative, aud Senator. He is an im pressive speaker, always logical and some j times eloquent. His recent eulogy on Mr. 1 j Davis was a masterly production, and all of i j his efforts promise well for success iu states > i manship. Gen. O. S. Ferry is suggested as a Republi -1 | can candidate for United States Senator from ; icut at the ensuing election. The western part of the State, wherein Gen. Fern ry is al home, has bad no United States Sena tor for a good many years, and seems to be stirring in his behalf. Chief Justice Chase, and other leading rad icals, express themselves satisfied, if the Con stitutional amendment introduced by Senator Wilson, Friday, shall be adopted by the Re construction Committee. By tbe recent statistics of the Kingdom of I’aly, it has been proved that no less than 53-1,485 of its inhabitants are artists, of whom 407,722 are men and 126,763 women. The greatest mass of solid iron in the world js Iron Mountain of Missouri—Bso feet high and two miles in circuit. Tbe longest railroad in the world is tbe Central Railroad of Illinois—73o miles long, aud which cost $15,000,000. Mrs. Horace Greeley and daughter, nnd Mrs. J. E. Johnson, nee Harriet Laue, are now visiting at Havana. More than a million new laid egg? a day, it I is said, are imported from France to England, i At the taking of Jerusalem, by Titus, 1,000,- 000 Jews died by slaughter and famine. j Cassius at one time slaughtered 37,000 ins i habitants of Selucio. A firm in Albany has received orders for j the manufacture of 50,000 Fenian flags. Tbe Masons in Brooklyn are going to build j a temple worth $300,000. During the occupation of the town of Port Royal, in tbe State of Virginia, by the Fede -1 ral troops, in May, 1864, tbe Misonic lodge rooms of Lodge No. 2 were broken open, and the silver jewels taken therefrom. They were present d to tbe lodge by a brother of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, more than one hundred years ago, and were much valued. From the Galveston Commercial Bulletin. Cotton Conjectures. We have, of late, had numerous verbal ac counts from many portions of the State rela i live to the now growing crop of cotton, and ;4>ouof them agree hi -luting that the pros- for .he codling season are exceedingly i Haltering, the freedmen working well, far be- Aond all anticipations, and that in some por ( lions more cotton had been planted than at any time prior to the outbreak of the late civil Wtr. We have heard of farmers who have heretofore worked from two to three hands are now working twenty five, fifty, and evenftnore This is more generally ap. plicable to tlie German farmers, who will make more than fourfold the amount of cot ton raised by them in ’6O- 61. The only fear of tbe larger planters is that when the time arrives for picking, the hot, sultry season of the year, that the negro, now that compulso ry labor bus been done away with, will not work witn the same diligence that, he does now, nnd that tbe g eat difficulty will be in gathering tbe cotton in time to prevent injury. With all these lights before us it is yet im possible to get anything but a vague idea of wbat the c op may be, still wo believe that if nothing happens to injure the plant, that our firmer estimate of about half a crop sos our State will prove to have been considerably under, rather than over tbe figure. This, however, must necessarily be all guess work, I es it has been generally conceded that even at the commencement of the picking season it is yet too early to make a reliable estimate of the growing crop If this was the case be fore t e war when the laborers were worked with regularity and efficiency, bow much more uncertain it is now when so large a por tion of the laborers 'hrougbout the Southern States have become inefficient, and, to a great extent, demoralized. This much for our State. The New Orleans Price Current of a late date quotes from the New York Commercial and Agricultural Review, edited by Mr. De- Bow, who, after an extensive tour through the cotton growing States, makes the follow ing calculations of the probable cotton crop of the entire South for the coming season. He assumes that under the advantages of the i slave labor system nnd full agricultural force that existed in 1860, the crop of the cotton growing States reach 5,000,000, though taking the chances one year with another, it would not be safe to estimate over 4,500,000 bales. Starting with these figures as a basis for his calculations, and influenced in his views by personal observations, he oeducts one-fourth for the loss of tbe inefficient ne gro population during t! e war, and another fourth for the inefficiency of the freedmen under the new labor system, thus reducing tbe amount of cotton to 2,250,000 bales, con tingent, however, that the whole cotton grow ing region is under cultivation. Sucu be contends is not the case, and assumes th it at least one-third of the cotton lands remain un cultivated, which would further reduce the entire yield to 1,500,000 bales. He says that tie figures are not likely to be increased by anything that, is now to happen, and may be greatly reduced by the ignorance, neglect or desertion of the laboring forces, which, judg ing Irom the experience of all other countries, is more likely to occur than not, and reduce tbe vop to 1,100,000 or 1,200.000 bales. His course of reasoning seem? to us to be sound, bu he has evidently taken tbe extreme inside track, aud can not, most, assuredly, well be made applicable to om Slate, as we have suffered but little, comparatively, ot tbe horrors of the late war—tbe negroes have r ot become d moralized to near as great an ex tent as in other Southern States. Neither have our gin houses, fences, farm imple ments, live stock, etc., been carried away or destroyed ns elsewhere, and we are, conse quent y, in a much better condition to raise a full crop than any other State. Hooish —The owner of a large dog at Gram) Rapids, Mich., a few days ago placed it one hundred dollar looking glass before bis canine to worry him. The dog flew around, barking and growling. The other was de lighted anil cried “sick ’em;” the dog “sick ed;” tbe mirror and the “other |dog” disap peared at the snme time. The joke rather turned 011 the owner. Civil Riotirs.—A white man stole a chick en, nnd a black m 11 it bog iu Goldsboro, N. C, recently. They were each tied to the whipping-post and submitted to forty lashes, save one, on the bare back. Howe’s cave, in Schoharie county, N. Y., according '0 the Troy Press, bus been sold to several gentlemen of New York city, includ ing Mr. Leland, of the Metropolitan Hotel,for $250,000. _ATLANTA_A dvertisements. FLOUR AND GRAIN DEPOT. M. R. BELL & CO., Marietta Street, Atlanta Georgia. On Consignment: 300 Bales Timothy Hay, 500 sacks Oats, 500 sacks Bran, 200 sacks Shipstuff, 200 sacks Barley Malt, 500 barrels Flour, various brands, 20 barrels superior Cider Vinegar, 50 dozen Pickles, London Club, and Pepper Sauce, 30 dozen Tomatoes in cans, 25 dozen Apple Sauce in cans, 50 cases Bath, Toilet and Imitation Castile Soaps, 50 kegs Nails, 550 kegs Blasting and Sporting Powder, 8000 Genuine Imported Havana Se gars, 10 barrels Kerosene Oil (extra). apr24—lm* MiBRIDE, DORSETT & 00., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Gi XT E E IST S "W JVR China, Glass, Lamps, Ac., CORNER WHITEHALL AND HUNTER STREETS, Atlanta,. Georgia* 1 irg« and splendid stock of Ware suitable for Country Trade. are requested to call and examine goods, as our prices compare favorably with best New York rates. aprl3-lm W H. B»MS, 4.. ROBERT, F. W. ROBERT. Os Ur range. Os 4tb Ga. Os MarietU j Sims, Robert & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMIHIBSION MERCHANTS, Cotton Factors, AND Rccieviug |iul For ward lag Agents, FRANKLIN BUILDING, ATLANTA GEORGIA. Offer inducements to parties Wanting Corn, Cotton Seed, Sugar, Coffee* Tea, Flour, Bacon, &c., &c., BLACKSMITHS’ BELLOWS, A-nvils and. Vlooo A fine Jot of WEEDING HOES. Including Scovils’ and other II jA. IFLX> W jSL 3E3 , Wrapping Paper, Os the boat quality, at REDUCE!) PRICE ,in rge or small lots. A largo lot of genuine Killickinick Smoking Tobacco, CLEAN COTTON RAGS WANTED. CALL AND SEE. *Pr6 ts SIMS, ROBORT & CO. HERRING & LEYDEN, ARE SELLING OFF Clothing 1 , Cassiinieres, AND Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, AT AND BELOW COST ! HERRING & LEYDEN Receive all the LAT E WTYI_.ES OE Ready-Made Clothing, Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, AND ALSO Cloths, Cassimerss, Linens,Vestings, &c. Which they are to MAKE UP in a euperior manner, at short notice. HERRING & LEYDEN Are the regularly up pointed AGkNTo for the sale of the /VdieiiH Factory Yarns, Which have no shier or in this market. They will keep a full supply on hand at all times, and se i at the mark- t rates. HERRING A LEYDEN, u P rl3 ‘ tf Glaas From, Whitehall street. I. CALVIN SHAFER. w 0 HAMILTON< SHAFER & HAMILTON, Successors to 3-.EO7SrA.ItD .7. GORDON Ac CO., Formerly PHILIP GORDON, r-rxilt Ssnruvos, CORDIALS, BITTERS, &c. Wliiskies and Imported Wines, No. 55 Vesey Street....". N ., w Vnrk apr29-ly |SJ iort ’ BASIL W DUKI, "jIMFHVTTrT" Late of Lexington, Ky. Late of Duke 4 Bigst AR. B. W & J. K, DUKE, Produce, ('o <iiuission Merchants, COTTON FACTORS, AXD PKALRI’S Its, llnpv, Bugging &. Pure Bourbon Whisky, No. *9 West Second street, bet. Vino and Race Sts.. Cincinnati Ohio. Prompt atlention given to tho purchase and sale of Flour, brain. Pork, B ,ci>n. Lard, Hemp, Grasn Seeds and all kinds of Produce Order- and cosaiunmenl. aollclted aprll—tf K ' ‘ N ’ lato 01 Lexington, Ky. WINKS, COHI>IALs7 io7~i«. HAGAN CO., North-side Whitehall Street, HAS just received the following Liquors, No., piopar* nd by Huss .« Co., Now York: st. Domingo, st. Domingo Punch, Brandl Cocktail, Gi„ Cocktail. B nirbon > hlsky Cooktail, Messina Punch, Arrack l unch. Ginger Cordial, Blackberry Brandy, I,ninon Syrup, Hnspbeiry Syrup, &c„ 4c., &o. For sale by the cnso nr single bottle, by *prls-M HAGAN & CO NO. Q 43. Cards. T ' m 0" '’w , " !Kt ' ”• ”*» Bits', Athens, Tennessee. Chattanooga, Tenn. VAN DYKE & VAN DYKE, Attorneys at Law, ATHENS, TENN., AND CHATTANOOGA, TENN. will Practice In the various Courts for the Counter, f Mon>o, McMinn Meigs, Rh> a, H.mlUon, Marion, Pcik and Bradley, and lu Federal and Supreme Courts at Knoxville. * Address, T. NIXON VAN DYKE. Athens, Tenn. • ,"’ P- Van U Y K K, Chattanooga. Tenn, lai mF for Collection promptly attended io. aprls—3m ■ Attorney at Law, Atlanta, Ga., Office at City Hall with the,Ordinary. Refers to Hon. Joseph H. Lumpkin. Athens, Ga., Hon. Wui. Hope Huh, Athens, Ga.. Hon. Warren Aiken, Cnr terevbie, Ga., Hon. Wm. T. Wofford, Cartersville, Ga., Hou.s 1,. J. Gartreb, Win. Ezzard, Jared I. Whitaker, At lanta, Ga., Hon. M. A. Chaudier, Decatur, Ga., J. B. atew art, Esq., Slone Mountain, ua. feb27-3m THOMAS M. NORWOOD, (Os late firm of Norwood, Wilson A Lester,) Attorney and Counselor at Law, SAVANNAH, GA. Office over Bank of Savannah. febl3-3»n T>JR. .T. GOODMAN Formerly of Fast Tennessee, RESPECTFULLY offers his Professional services t tbe citizens <>f Atlanta. Office on Peachtree street. aprl n »n MEDICAL, DR. J. C. C BLACKBURN, HI.S removed his office to Aecatur street (Just below Ivey) wh«re he can be Moulted by those who d< sire bis seriices. Residence, corner of ivy and Gilmer streets. mar 27 3m MEDICATa. OYIID. JDK. W. LBROWN, HAVING located In the City of Atlanta, would say to rhe sick aud afflicted, that tie in prepared to treat all f!>rn?s of direase. both Acute and Chronic. His remedies are safe, sum and offl laciom Iliw success iu the treatment of the f »ll >wing diseases has been such as to iriiarantes speedy and effectual relief, Dispepsia, Dis. eases of the Liver. Dysentery, Dropsy, Khenmatiui, ftcro fu a, ttc XNF-Special attention given to the treatment of Small* Pox. Syphilis, in its various forms and stages succeMfully tieat-*d and a Dermati' < nt cure guaranteed in nl« casus. Otfl-o—At Drug Store of G.C. Douglas , (form erly Finney 4 Winter,) corner of Peachtree and Walton ■treets. Rooms—corner of Decatur and Ivey streets. Isb4-6m “henry f. farrow, Attorney at Law and Solicitor in Equity ATLANTA, GBOIIGIA, AND Commission.-!" for Sonth Carolina, Tannewe »nd Alabimo. to atiwit Doeds, Pow.r of Attorney, and all other pipers ex-cuted within tbe Slate of Ge"rgi<! to be u-ed or recorded in ebher of these Pbites. Will elwnv? be found in his office during bu siness hours Prompt and strict attention will b i given tv all usioos. confided to him. Office on Whitehall street, over Holbrook’s Hut Store. feb3—3m B. R. STRONCT Ranker and Broker, In Blrnchard Cbieolm’s Build’n?. Whitehall Street Atlanta, Georgia. GOLD and SILVER, UNCURRENT MONEY, KXI CH N<vE. STOCK and BOVDd bought and sold. AVSpeclm attention given to COLLECTIONS at al acce-sible points, and prompt returns made. fel>ls—3m "atlaxta advertisi^nYs - ’ EXTENSIVE SALE OF LIQUORS AT COST. AS we are determined to deal fn nothing but FAMILY SU?FLIE>, we now offer our extensive variety of LIQUORS AT COST. Cerah and get them, as we are determined to sell. TERMS CASH, Or, Short Time with good Ai eeptanee. JOH'SOSSfcGOKDUN. April 19, 1866-Im Groceries, Provisions, Cobb’s Excelsior Flour, Bacon, Lard, Meal, Corn. Hyrup, Vinegar. Pearl Mills Table Salt, Pickles. Crackers, 4c., &c., -4t wholesale aud retail, by apr!9-ltu JOHNSONS & GORDON. Irijw.K’ss Metalic Burial Caskets & Cases. THE VERY BEST KNOWN, Furni.hed on call, by oprl9-lm JOHNSONS A GORDON, Dray and Two Mules and Harness, FOR ’ALE BY JOHNSONS QO R D O N. aprlß-lm Oil! Oil! Oil! Oil! ’ PETROLEUM OIL, LARGE Lots for sale by uprl9-ltn JOHNSONS * GORDON. Flour find CJorn. bsrrcl " FLoUR ' S’ i A k bushels CORN, Eor sale by aprl9-lm JOHNSONS N GORDON. DECIGiIITFLIu BEVTRAGE, Sparkling Ale. MORE of that excellent Ale, at a reasonable price. Come and get it soon. a P r32-tf JOHNSONS & GORDON. — ( 40 g barrels XXXX Excelsior Flour, warranted to f please, at »pr22'tf JOHNSON’S 4 GORDON’S. z h/A boxes Crackers, all snrts. at « apr-22-tf JOHNSONS 4 GORDON’S. J. L. WINTER. I C. W. WINTIR, Montgomery, | l ate ot J. u. WINTER & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding. Commission Merchants, 97 Commerce Street, Montgomery, Ala. Goods nent to us. either lor Forwarding or on Con signment. wilt receive our personal attention. mar4—3m < IIENRT WKBT, I L GUTHRIR. Troupe County Ga. | Late of Tennessee. WEST & GUTHRIE, ■Wliolesule Orocers, COMMISSION MKRCHJVNTS, Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga., And Dealers .n Corn, Bacon and Lard. ■ Consignment* solicited. ma> 1 3m LKWIS 11 LaNIKR. WM.rUIU.IPd. hknky c. rrnhlkt. LANIER, PHILLIPS & CO., (Late of Nashville. Tenn.) Wholesialo Grocers, AND General Commission merchants, NO. 3H VINK STREET, Cincinnati - Ohio. 1 ayrft Jiu (8) ATLANTA; ADVERTISEMENTS KiNg & ATKIN? Wholesale Grocers, •r ' ' AMD L'ommigKtOQ merchants, • f •. z . PEACHTREE...ITRtET, t i t ■ ',i:,i . . ■ . ,‘i ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Having reniovad inln their naw Building ar, now pra* parad with aupi. STORAGE ROOM, i to serve their friends, and solicit eoDsigntnenta with the assurance of tb< ir best efforts for the interest ofuwf chasera and consignors. They have tn Store and fbr Sala* / h bides Hay, 4 " 10,000 lbs Tennessee Bacon, 35,000 lbs Iron, assorted, M boxes Manufactured Tcbacen, 800 )l>s Kentucky Leaf Tobacco, Al.o, Sugar, Coffee. bp| o «, Ginger, Mb.tard, Soda, starch, .-oapa, Indigo. Madd>r, taudae. Bln.'tout Painted Bucket., Broome. B.lvea, Glaaa Wai., Window Glass, i uity, Castings, Ac. April 20,1866 ts G. M. GAMBIX. j K XBUOMT GAMBLE & NELSON, Wholesale <9v*ocei*s 9 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND Beoeiving and Forwarding Agents, Second Door from Norcross Corner, 1 Atlanta Georgia, Have In store and t. Arrive I x4O(JQ BDBHKLB MIXED CORN, XOOO bushels Prime White fbrn, 200 barrels k lour, various btnnds, Coffees, Sugars. Teaa, ztyMces, Pepper, Hardware, best < ant bieel Hoes, T.ace Chains, Avi, Paiute I BuoKsts, Selves And a fine lot ot Soaps, CcmiMon. F ncy And Toilet And various other articles to» du me rotis to mention. Be sure and call'nd see os before purchasing e*sr« where. We will keep cansiantly on hand Muck’s Pure Copper Distilled Bourbon Whisky, Which we warrant tn be genuine, and have a few bar rels Five Year’s Old . Those wishing the very best had better cat soon. By receiving it uirect from the Dis stillers we are enabled to sell at Loulmvlllc Price., aprl9 ts avuset Received AND FOR STYLE, 150 Choice COOKING STOVES Among which may be found the following I *t class Steve ♦ • Ran ford’s Ranges, Harp, Model '’onlc, (two*.veee,) Harvest Que«*n, Mania. Good Will, Woodman. Sumpter . ML Beacon L'ght. Western Stoves Great Welt, Capitol,, . Planet, Pnoenix Rang'« *e .Ac t * t Also, ajcompleto .took of House Furnishing Goods, TIM: W AR.IE, CUTLERY, &c.,&c. 20 Doz. Lanterns—Bail Road, COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Are respectfully invited to exarains his very spleadld. fctock ot Tin Ware. FM. kICttABDIOIt, *' cor. Whftehill nod Hilnter street,, marl—Bm A Hast W a. GEOMII NATOML BUiK. OF ATLANTA, Will do a general Banking, Deposit Exchange and Collecting Business, And will Buy and U?eU all kind, of Government £ieeui*itieiv. On favorable. Terms. DRIECTORSi John Rice, President, . W. W. Olay ton, E. b.Rowson, b. A. Durand, John Cbllisr, Jfi L Jones, Casbisr." Office for the present, at the stere ot Mees Clayton, Adair A Purse, WO. IS ALABAMA STREET. janSl—3m Sheet Music and Music Books at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. TEACHERS, BKM Inarb'.. aud the Trade .applied at the lowut wholesale rates. JOHN CHUROH, Jk., No Off We«t Fourth at., Cincinnati. 0., Publidier of Mimic, Importer aud Defter in all kind, of Mnalral Mercbandl... aprll In. Violins, Guitars, Bows, Strings, And musical merchandise or every dm. act!|>tion, at wholesa e. Dealers can rely <*n having their orders filled With fresh goods at ths lowest jobbing prices. JOHN OHUkCH. Jb., No. 66 West Fouith st. . Oinciunatl 0., Publisher of Music, Importer and Dealer in al kindsof Musical Merchandise. aprll vm Pianos and Organs at Wholesale, Dealers supplied at MANurAOTURkRs* orlbsa with addition oi freight. * J. CHURCH, Jr., No. 66 West fourth st re ft, «vn v . • Clncinnnu Ohio, Publisher ot Music, Importer and Dealer in all kinds of Musical Merchandise. aprl 1-1 in 500 Pairs Home made Shoes A T Jl J 0 per pair, w tMKWm.