The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, May 08, 1866, Image 1

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&{jc paiin stto sra. J. S. PRATHER, WM. L. SCRUGGS, Editors nnd Proprietors. OFFICE OF THE NEW Ftt.V, Upstairs In the Kile Building, Comer Horlettannd Peachtree Stroets. ■«AML T. ATKtX . JOS. L. KINO 55. T. ATKIN & CO., WHOLESALI AMP RETAIL DEALERS IN I Stoves, Ranges, Grates, Pumps, UtlffffßHY, IRITtSU AMD PLATED WAKE, Wooden undWillow "Ware, ROUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Ac. *iso, XAXvr actc uras or Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron War*, Mo. 9 WUISIHF BLOCK, Street, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. Stoves, Ranges, TinPl&te,eto. HAVE IN STORK AND TO ARRIVE SOON: 150 Heating end Cooking Stoves, » with Furniture complete, 10 Borton Ranges, 5000 lb* Sheet iron, j 300 lbs Zine, 100 boxe* Tin Plate, 8000 lbs Hollow Ware, Wire, (No. 7 to 17), Copper, Spe’ter. Rivets, Tin Kettles, Fire Fronts, Grates. Ac. *- A Nice Assertment of English and German Table Cutlery, / Sciuors, Butcher Knives, « Shovels, Spades, Ac. Also, A Large Assortment of Plain and Planished Tin Ware, Brftania and Japaned Ware, Wooden and Willow Ware, J House Goode, variety], Gias-; Ware, Lamps. Gas Fixture*, Mauilli Rope, Bed Coris. Twine, B’acking. Shoe and Blove Blacking, Ac. merit—ts HOGE, MILLS & COMPANY. Gate City Foundry, CAB AND MACHINE WORKS, Marietta Street, Atlanta. Georgia, e We are prepared to build and repair Passenger and Freight Railroad Cars. ALSO. STKAH ENGINES <fc SAW MILLS, SU- GAR MILLS, HORSE POWERS, AND ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY. IN tke Fmnlty Departru'nt, we ar® prepared to mnke parting* brth Braw ml Iron, of every d>*scriptioß, and having a large a r a mat of Pd.erai on hand, have ' >ecnl ar ic litt** for Alling orders. We especial y be; to d raw in e attention of Builders, aad others, to aar oleguit patterns for Columns, Verandas, Steps, Window | Caps > , Gratings, &o-, Front which w« n «npply r aatines of the best quality and in the shot tert tim% and at less p'ice th ia they c *n be obtained elsewhere. We snail, also, soon go into tke Manufacture of Hollow Wares, Os all kinds. In the Carpenter’s Department we are prepared to mar ufactare SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, And every description; oi Carpenter’s Wo k. Aino, to DRESS AND MATCH LUMBER, In a superior manner. All kinds of TURNING, SCROLL, SAWING, &c- Come and see us. mar 10—;3m HOGE. MILLS & CO HP A NY. Paper Window Shades SIDE-LIGHT PAPER, FIRE SCREENS AND BORDERING, A large asaortmem jnrt r«'ce.ved at Richards’ Book and Music store, Bank Block Alabama Street. COPYING PRESSES &, LETTER BOOKS, Just received at Richards’ Book and Music Store, Bauk Block Alabama Street. Medical Bookw A large lot foi Student* in College. just received by JT. J. <fc S. IP. RICHARDS, Bank BlockAlabamaStieet ; ajrftf—tt Newton House, ATHENS, GA., Et. ROMS, Projtrietor. T BIS well known hotel han been recently thoroughly nnovated and furnished- It will now compare fa* vorai/l/ with any home in the country No pains will b». spared by the Propr etor aal bis employees to ren der the <u *t* comfortable. Pereovs seekinz a summer tesort will find the water and rlinrute of Athens unsurpassed in the State itteched to th- hot® is a Bar, we I stocked with Choice liqtora. wines, Mgare, Ac. aprlb-lm 830,000 Worth of DRY GOODS, AT AUCTION. C. POWELL, Auctioneer. (1 POWjJLL respectfully Invites *je attention of Merchants. Traders and Jobbers to this Whol* sale Auction, being the ia r g<wt lot of goods that ha* been of *s*. ~ A ,lct * ' r * twelve months in this city, which will be sold without reservation, commencing on TUESDAY, MAY Mil, 1SO«, “? ®* n ‘ l,)o * kom d»y today until the whole ia deed out. Tale stock couxuib era large lot of Linen Goods, Ladle,’ and Men’a B >ote,Hhoea, Hat,. Khirta, Prints, Towe I ng, Hosiery, Gloves, J'ea'ly Made ClutMug. Trenks, Valises. Perfumery, And an almost an endless variety of Notions. As Merchants generally bare purcbas**d sparingly this rpnng, they wil find they can assort their stock* most advantageously at this sah. In addition to the Dry Goods will bo sold, Nails of all .fz-s, oJaw War>| wines, Very Choice and fine Luiuotw. Cigars,Tobacco, Ac. Parties having goods for sale to be sold will do will to rend them t*» tbU sale as we expect a large attendance of country and city buyers. Goods fur sale must be sent in each morning by 8 o’olock C POWELL, Auctioneer, Whitehall street near Roark's corner. ♦•l-Io cunsequenew of the large amount of goods to u- u b 4 * made arrangements to nli in the Brick Store, threo doors north of hie auct-ou Room. _jnay3 bt Just Arrived, Direct from Europe, of Malawi R.l.lnk, rXxFV/ 100 tx>»e» Malaga Hy<. For .ala by I, HIfcJIIJON BR<W., NorcfSK Paulding, .. . . Whitehall near Munetu street, May 4,1896-1. Atlanta, da. THE DAILY NEW ERA VOI>. 1. AT LANTA ADVERT(S RM R N TS. JV. J. HARALSON, PROD <D' C E— AND — Commission Merchant. Corner of Pryor and Bocatur streets, Atlanta.-. Georgia, I havejust received a nice aod very desirable assort ment of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS’ Which I am offering for cash at prices to c irrespond with the recent heavy decline in Cotton and Gold. I have also a good assortment of Boots, Shoesand Hats, Crockery, Hardware, Perfumery, •Fancy Articles, Yankee Notions, Fancy'Groceries, Confectioneries, Ac., &c. I will exchange Goods for all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, If you have Ootton, Corn, Meal. Potatoes, Butter, E e«», bacon, Lard, Chickens, for anything else to spare Come and See lie. apr22-tf A. J. HARALSON. GEO. W. GROCER, and Commission Merchant, TROUT MOUSE BBOCK, Decatur Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. RrrsßEyrcEs—lt. J. Lowry A Co., Atlanta. Ga.. Fit-m --ining A Wheeless, Auuusta, Ferdinand Phinizy, Augusta Noble II Hardee, Savannah, D. Morris & Co . Lonisvide, Ky., Abner Cooper, Louisville, Ky.. C. Powell. Green 4 Co . New York, Harr s, James & Co, New York, Mc- Daniel. Irby a Co,. L} uchburg, Heniy Ault, Knoxville, Teun., Jae R. Anderson, Bristol. IK STORE AND FOIL SALK. 5d kegs Prime Leaf Lard, 300 Hacks Virginia Sult, 10 coils Machine Rope, 500 yds. India Bagging, 2*>M> ibs Fresh Buckwheat Flour, 25 busheh < hesinnts. 1 Oh.l If bills Mi' kerel No 1 and 3, 10 kit-i Mackerel. 19 kegs best English Soda, 25 boxes Snap, several brands. 15 cases “Prfd® B-thel” Smoking Tobacco, 25 b >x».-s Assorted Candles. 50 boxes Brandy and Port Wine Drops, 10 cases M fckl(M. quarts and pints, 10 bags Rio < offee, JOO boxes Sardines, 50 g. p Macroboy Snuff. Fine Cut Tobacco, Blacking Brushes, Green »'nd Black Tea, Almonds, Brazil Nuts. Pepper, Spice Ginger, Brimstone. Cigars, Indigo, 'ladder, 40 kegs and hail k.jgs Dupont’s FFFG Biflu Powder. Sash, Doors and Blinds, 1). MT. LHGEK, AT ATLANTA VARIETY WORKS, WOULD call the attention of Contractors, Builders and ah concerned to his having secured the sole Agency of M. SAMELSON’S, NEW YORK, Superior work of the above descript I >n of goods, a'l mad of Canadian ‘ Jeer Pine, and which he Is now ready to offer at r< duced New York Kat< «, and far below any ofl red in the Atlanta trade Test the tru’h of this assertion by giving him a cad before piirchusiug elsewhere. D. .-T. LKGEK, Atlanta Variety Works. Sash, Doors and Blinds. aprß-2m MiBRIDE, DORSETT & COq IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN QUEENSWARE, China, Glass, Lamps, &c., CORNER WHITEHALL AND HUNTER STREETS' Atlunt* * ..Georgia. *irA largo nnd uplendld otock of Wnro mutable for Country Tntdo. [ 4M*l>esl«ra are requested to call end examine good., IM our, price, compare favorably with beet Now York r ate«. api-13-lm ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENT’S j lISGO I Ollo£Xl> Good s.! We have and are now receiving air SPRINCANDSUMMER STOCK OF GOODS, To which we invite the attention of the trade ir-nerally. I Having delayed makitiK ou- purchases until tne HEAVY SPRING DECLINE ! We are prepared to offer very Superior Inducements in QUALITY AND PRICE. Taylor. Williams & Crookshank, a Cotnmsrcud Building Whitehall street. IF 1 YOU Cheap Prints and Choice Styles, They are to be found at Taylor, Williams & Crookshank’s. Commercial Building Whitehall greet. I IF YOU "VU-A-TUT Nice Mesambequcs, Organdies, Jaconets, White and Colored Must. db. Bleached Cottons, COTTON AND LINEN DIAPEKS, And Handsome Silk Patterns, call at Tay’.or, Williams & Crookshank’s, Commercial Building Whitehall Street If you want Hosiery, Gloves, or any Yankee The place to get them is Taylor, Williams & Crooksbank’s, Commercial Bui d;ugWhitehall street. When gentlemen are kx king for nice Shirt Fronts, -Cassiiueres, ( oilers, ( ravats, and nice HATS AT COST, They find them at Taylor, Willliams & Crookshank's, Commercial Building Whitehall Street. Nice eetts Cullara and Cuffs, new and beautiful at Taylor, Williams & Crookshank’s. Thoee beiutiiul HHr Vytt-« and Ivins Patent Hair Kritnpeis are at Taylor, Williams & Crookshank’s, ' Street. > To close out a large lot Q TT ' EN*W ARE at unapproach ab e prices, at Taylor, Williams & Crookshanks, Commercial Building Whitehall street Windiw Shade*,, which nre beautinil t « keep nut the 1 gun, Fans, to keep co< I; Mosquito Bars to Bieep com fortable, are lor sale at Taylor, Williams & Crookshank’s, Commercial BuildingWhitch*ll street When you are hunting btrgtins in anything call in at Taylor, Williams & Crookshank’s, Whitehallstreet. |F A very superior assortment of Trimming* are now offered by TAYLOR, WILLIAMS & CROOKSH INK. Whitehall street. Remember, Felton’s and Jennie Kid Gloves >ire in the store f TAYLOK, WiLLIAMS & CKOOKSHA NKS’s, Whitehall street. ■ ; n; A few ni e pieceß D im.-igK have erne, at TAYLOR, WILLI & CROOKSHANK’-L apr26 -3m Whitehall street. X PTEADMAM. J. K. SIMMONB. L P. THOMAS, JR’ STEADMAN, SIMMONS &CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, w. AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN[ x Groceries and Produce, Norcross’ Bulidiug, cor. Whitehall and Marietta Streets, ATUAJUTA, GEORGIA. mar3—3m B. J. WILBON UR. M. A. IBHACKELFORD W. Gr. SnA.CKKLH’ORZ), ' (Late OilliUnd. Howell & Co., Charleston, S. C.,) with 1 WILSON & SHACKELFORD. Commission Mei*clianls, HOLESALE GROCERS &. GENERAL PRODUCE AGENTS Keystone Building. White li al I street.'Atlanta, Georgia. Zffl-CONSINGMENTS SOLICITED.-S 6 RxrxKBNCKS— lion. T. T. Hefln, Selma Jia.; Thurbur A Co., Mobile, .41a.; 11‘ rry, Jones & ■ o , homo. Gm: A. Austell, President >lflant;’ National Bank; Gamble & Sterling, ylllauta. Ga.; W. 11. Gilliland, Chari stop, 8. C; Jennings, Tbonilinaon & Co , < barleston, S. C ; , French & <o. hasbville, Tenn.; 11. Tompkins le Co., Nashville, Tenn : Tapp. Kenim'iy & Walsh, Lmiisvi hi, I Ky.; mter & Hi other, Louisville, Ky., W. W Hamsey * Co.. Jugusta, Go. fib2B 3ni ' HERRING & LEYDEN, ARE SELLING GEE Clotliing-j Cnssimeres, AND Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, AT AND BELOW COST 1 HERRINC & LEYDEN Keccivo mll the Ia A. T W S* TL’ Yk. E W O E Beady-Mado Clothing, Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods, AM) ALSO Cloths, Cassimet Bs, Linens,Vestings, &c. Which they are jrep ued to M/tKE UP in a superior manner, at xhort notice. HERRING & LEYDEN Are the regularly appointed AGftNTo for the Hide < f the A.tlicus< ITuctory Yarns, Which have no fMier or In thh nmrki t. They will ko. p a full Nupply on banu at mH timed, and we • «t the inaik. t rate*. heri I>G & DE , nprl3-1f Gl.thr From, Whitehall street. I. CALVIN HHAfUI. w. C HAMILTON. SHAFER* HAMILTON, MucceHsorH to LEONARD .T. GQrWOJNT <Sc CO.. Formerly t-Hll.ll* ••SDON, Fruit JSiyTrxxiJs, LOKDMLS, HI i i Elis, &c. Whiskies un«l Imported Winos, No. 66 Vesey Street New York. apr2’J-ly [Bj -A I I-i r JD_A_, Cr •, f lic Jliiiln |lthi fe. NEWS FJROM T|IE STATES. OKOHIIIA. Ten prisoners escaped from the police jail in Macon on Friday night. Two of them re i turned and surrendered themselves. . I’atiny V Tabb aliiia Kate Wilson commit- I ted suicide in Savannah on Wednesday. Robert McGowan committed suicide by j jumping from the steamer Herman Livingston I on the last trip of that steamer from New i York to Savannah. The “snakes’’ ware after I him. The Steam Mill of Messrs. Littlefie. 1 & Brinson, of nurke county, was buroe*'" few nights since. Incendiarism. At ALABAMA. Geo. P. Wagnon, of Seima, had bis dwell ing house and furniture destroyed by fire last week. Kev. Willis Jones, pas’or of the Baptist Church at Opelika, died recently near Green ville, Ala. We have had the most violent storm that has been known in this vicinity for years We had no April showers t>u genuine Noabie floods. The streams overflowed their banks and submerged the neighboring country, fen ces were washed away, bridges floated, and the garden am! field crops were beaten to the very earth The river has risen prodigiously. Thu damage was very considerable, but. the ruin not irretrievable.— Demopolig New Era. A company is boring for oil in Clarke coun ty. We saw one of the stockholders to-day— and be informs us that the indications are very strong. He says the well has already yielded gas what kind he did not say. Our informant is very oily-tongued as we had reason to know in a late Senatorial contest.— We had rather bunt for gophers in Clark than oil. We have seen some gophers from that "State’’ hut we have not yet seen any kerosene.— lbid. NORTH CAROLINA. A meeting of the Stockholders of the Bank of Charlotte was held in this place on Thurs day last The Directors were authorized to close the afiairs of the Bank in accordance with the late Act of the Legislature, when ever they thought proper to do so— Charlotte Democrat. The Bureau has just received a report from the Assistant Commissioner of Freedtnen Af fairs for lite State of North, which contains the following matters of interest : The number of destitute nd dependent freed tnen has been gradually reduced to such an extent that issues of rations may soon be dis continued. The demand for labor still great ly exceeds the supply Notwithstanding this fact there are still large colonies of tteedmen at Roanoke Island and Newbern who am not earning their support The Freedmen at Roa noke Island have been notified that they would receive no more supplies a'ter Mar 1, : and strenuous efforts art. being made to effect ■ their removal. This is not the case with re- . gard co the paupers about Newhern. on ac count of the prevalence of small pox in that town. T hat malady is now decreasing, and Captain beely, the local superintendent, has already rented a farm, upon which be intends to place some of the dependents, and require them to do something towards their own sup port. A pauper farm is in successful opera tion at Goldsboro’, under the direction of Chaplain Glavis, assistant superintendent, and the freedmen’s camp has, in consequence, been broken up.— Wash Chronicle. At the Spring t- rm of Union County Co urt, a white man named Michael Nash was tried tor committing a rape on a girl, his own cousin. The crime was committed nine or t n years ago, when the girl was only twelve years of age, but the prisoner escaped and did not return to the Slate until recently. He was found guilty. J. H. Wilson, Esq., de fended the prisoner, and the Solicitor and E. A. Thompson, Esq . prosecuted him He was sentenced to be hanged on the Ist of June. The Seaboard and Roanoke Island Rail, road is taxed to its utmost to carry the freights from Norfolk to North Carolina, anp Eastern Virginia. Northern nnd Southern companies are buying land ia Chatham county, in which it is sa d oil abounds. Tne wheat crop of the State is said to be very promising; the farmers are planting large crops of corn and cotton. There was a general meeting of the Stock holders of tbo Bank of Cape Fear in their Banking House in this city yesterday. We learn that the representation of stock is as fol lows: In person, 998 shares. By proxy, 5,033 State of North Carrlina 5,444. Total repre sented 11,475. The whole number of shares is 15,919. The meeting, without any itnpors tant action, adjourned until this morning. Wo noticed in attendance, Mr T H Selby of Raleigh, proxy for the State, and Messrs. Chas T Haigh, of Fayetteville, J H Lindsay, of Greensboro’, Wm Murphy, of Salisbury, R Y McAden, of Graham, and others.— Wil" mington Journal, itk. SOUTH CAROLINA. 7 wo attempts were made on Sunday last to Set fire to diflerenl. parts of Darlington. Attempts are being made to rebuild the Methodist vburch at Columbia. Ihe Georgetown Times of Sunday save quite an explosion was heard on Thursday last, which was occasioned by the inordinate expansion of the gasses in a soda fount. W. Burke and Mr. Hood, the gentlemen en- gaged in arrangiug the same, were seriously injured. The following is from the Sutnler Walc/iman; The work and prospecis of oui planter.-have recently been eermusly interlen-d with by heavy tains succeeded by severe winds. The young corn and plumed and sprouting cotton have been much injured by the former, whilst ibe latter has necessituied og-rolling and fence making Hie second time lor the season. Not. wittisiamling these dilflciilties our planters are applying themselves with a dilligeuoe winch must secure at least, measurable success. The freedmen, too, as a getter .I thing, are working with a zeal and earnestness exceeding the ex pectations of our people at the beginning ol the year. VIRGINIA. The Wincbestet (Va.) Tunes says : Tim late tains have so improved the wheat crop that there is every prospect nf there b< i: g a much larger yield than was ant cipultd u (on night since. I'H Ids that looked hopeless at that t me now present the appearance ol an ordinary crop, while the opinions of farmers generally is that, but few of the past years will exceed the amount ol corn that will be planted or raised. The Lynchburg rirginiun says : The wheat in ,S< uibweaieru Virginia promises well, being especially flue in the counties ol Bodford, Roanoke. Montgomery, Pulaski,Wythe: Smythe and Washington. The Shepardstown Register says: The warm sunshine following the late rains, hits acted like magic on the growing wheat crop, and that fields which two weeks ago had a bar ren appearance, now look thrifty, clothed with a green and refreshing sward. The farmers are I also preparing lor planting an unusually large crop ol corn this season—larger than for many years. The Lynchburg News says : The farmers of this section, the Piedmont region, and in the Southwestern portion of ' the State, and in other localities of Virginia, i are assiduously devoting their time and ener ’ gies to the main objects of raising large crops of the various agricultural productions du ring the present year. Preparations have been made for the cultivation of large crops ■ of corn, and more than an average amount of oats has already been put in the ground. The w beat crop, it is generally conceded, will not prove an average one, though a better supply will be realized than was anticipated a few weeks ago. "An Old Farmer” writes to tbe Richmond Examiner from Ha’ifax county, under date of April 2Gth, as follows : Believing that you feel an interest in the farmers of tbe South, especially Virginia farmers, 1 thought that I would drop you a few lines, giving you some idea of tbe pros pects of the present growing tobacco crop, (the great staple of Virginia.) Tbe Virginia farmers of the tobacco region have made great e ,ir orts to make a large crop this year, s» far as physical labor and circumstances, etc., are concerned. But for tbe want of means to buy manures, the neglect of their tobacco lots during the war, and tbe scarcity and smallness of tbe tobacco plants—all of these things considered, 1 am sure that there will be a small as well as an inferior crop made. I have traveled a good deal lately through this section of Virginia, and also through tbe growing region of North Carolina, anti I honestly believe that there will not be more than a fourth of a crop, if that. There will be a great failure in plants ; no doubt of that. I burnt, four large beds, which, if they were tolerable, would plant three times as much as I shall be able to plant; and ns it is. 1 shall not have a single one to spare.— ! The tobacco crop at this crisis is a sine qua | won, for there is no money in tbe country, ) and tobacco is the only staple that farmers in i tb s section can depend upon. TEXAS. The Galveston Bulletin, of tbe 15th, says: Geo. Gregory bus returned horn an extend ed tour in the interior, whither he had gone on a tour of inspection. The General reports that tbe laborers are at work, the cotton most ly well up and doing finely. He savs that the planters are all satisfied—that unless the worm, or some other unavoidable cause in tervene, tbe crops will be larger than were ever made before. The Houston Telegraph says, upon tbe sub ject of crops: We thind they are better than usual at this season, and doubtless a great deal more cot | ton will be raised than will be gathered, but ! still we are hopeful of securing a full half s crop. In al] probability thyre will be fifty I thousand bales of cotton raised in Texas this year more than will be picked out. IN GENERAL. There are seventeen actions for divorce pending in the Vigo, Indiana, Court of Com mon Pleas, A brilliant genius is writing for the Kos ciusko Star a uovellette entitled “The Georgia Gal ; or Who Stole my Goobers ?” Many of tbe farmers in Franklin County, Indiana, are plowing their wheat fields, and sowing oats and flax in them. “Arkansas Steals Zeitung” is the name of a German paper to be started at Little Rock by Mr. Pingel. There are five Lodges of Good Templars in a flourishing condition in Blair county, Pa.> and six Lodges in Huntington county. The cause ol temperance in the interior is pros pering. A young lady in Mississippi writes to the Macon Beacon that she is determined never to marry a man if she finds out she has bis first love. First love, she says, never lasts long. Os the for'y-six Republican papers in Cali fornia, twenty-four are with Congress and twenty-two with the President on tbe Recon struction issue. A Providence man lately put S6OO in a straw bed for safe keeping, and went away for a few days. When be returned be found the bed filled witn fresh straw, and the mons ey hopelessly gone. Helena, Arkansas, is to have a new hotel to cost $50,000 It is to be a stock concern,— Shares one hundred dollars each. Over $40,- i 000 have been subscribed. Little R>ck, Arkansas,’has only six police men, who receive each three dollars a day, and are expected to do tbe work of at least twenty men. Tbe Maine men who skulked over the border into the Provinces to escape the dralt during ttte war, now have to pay a Crown tax of three dollars each and become liable to do military duty against the Fenians or leave tbe country- Charles F. Browne (Artemus Ward) has corn, menced legal proceedings for the purposeof pul ing an injunction upon tbe sale of a wotk recen " ly issued io New York, tinder the title of Betsey Jane Ward, husband of Artemus. The book in question endeavors to convey the impression that At lerntiM Ward is its at thor, but. to the cred it of that great Showman, he indignantly denies having had any thing to do with it, and charac ter zes it as a dishonorable attempt to impose upon the nublic, as well as to injure his lair tame. The People is the title of a new literary weekly ju s i issued in New York. ( The Commercial is a new daily about to be published by an association of practical print ers in New Orleans. The Memphis riot is at an end. AU is quiet, there now. Ludicrous Scene in a Church/—An aged Clergyman, speaking of. solemnity attached to the Ministerial office, said that during for ty years that he bad officiated therein, iris gravity, in the pulpit, had never been but once disturbed. Ob that occasion he noticed a man directly in front of him. leaning over the railing of tint gallery, with something in his hand which he Hlterwards discovered to be a big chew of tobacco, just taken from his mouth. 1 Directly below sat a man fast asleep, with his head back and his mouth wide open. The man in the gallery was intensely engaged in raising and lowering his hand, taking an ex act observation, till at last, having got it right he let tall his quid, and it went plum | into the mouth of the sleeper below! The wholo scene was so indescribably ludicrous that tor the fir t and last time in tbe pulpit, ’ an involuntary smile forced itself B p O n tlio conutenauce of the preacher. Knoxville Correspondence. [Special to the New Era.] Knoxville, Tenn., May stb, 1866. The Convention intended to represent the interests and sentiments of the people of tbe 31 counties of East Tennessee, assembled here day before yesterday. The delegates seemed to be almost unanimous in their advocacy of the “new State movement.” Mr. James, of Chattanooga, offered a lesolution adverse to the movement, but it was promptly laid upon the table. Hon. T. A. R. Nelson, 001. Tem ple, S. R. Rodgers, and nearly all the old politicians of this section favor the scheme.— Mr. Nelson, in his speech before the Conven tion on yesterday, accidentally gave the main reason which actuated this secession move ment. He said : "We want a State in which we cau govern.” Gov. Brownlow, it is urn. derstood, favors the scheme; but he has man aged thas far not to commit himself. His paper here (the "Whig,’’) is however, in the interests of the plan, and I have no doubt the Governor has been silent only from poli. cy. If Nelson and the Union party will for give him bis gross inconsistencies, and then recognize him as the most available candi date for governor of the proposed new State, he will come out in its favor; otherwise he will bang his hopes of election upon the Fra nchise Bill and go against separation. This scheme of dividing tbe State and crea ting new offices for the accommodation of a numb-r of competent and patriotic gentlemen, is not new. It was agitated in 1849-50, and again in 1861. Tbe same reasons which actua ted the miiv-m-nt then, prompted a renewal of the agitation in 1866. Middle and West Ten nessee furnish too many voters who fail to ap preciate the political aspirants in this remote end of the State. Heretofore the scheme baa not the shadow of a probability of success for the reason that, the Constitution of the United ■ States requires lhat the State Legislature must Concur in the movement before application can be made to Congress tor tbe admission of the Stale. But a majority of the Leg islature being from the State, always opposed the move. The scheme has more probability of success now thau at any previous time, fo r tbe reason that tbe "Disfranchise” Bill re cently passed by tbe Legislature will give East Tennessee and those who sympathise with her ambitious schemes the majority in both Houses. Hence I should not be surprised if this last move should not, iu the end, prove successful. If so, you can buy farms in East Tennessee for $2 000 and $3,000, which sold before tbe war from SIO,OOO to sls 000. The taxes necessary to support a State Govern ment over a territory so small and so impov. erished by war will, I apprehend, cause the the better portion of the remaining popula tion to sell out and go to Georgia or to Mid dle Tennessee. R, M. FLOUR AND GRAIN DEPOT. M. R. BELL & CO., Marietta Street, Atlanta Georgia. On Consignment: 300 Bales Timothy Hay, 500 sacks Oats, 500 sacks Bran, 200 sacks Shipstuff. 200 sacks Barley Malt, 500 barrels Flour, various brands, 20 barrels superior Cider Vinegar, 50 dozen Pickles, London Club, and Pepper Sauce, 30 dozen Tomatoes in cans, 25 dozen Apple Sauce in cans, 50 cases Bath, Toilet and Imitation Castile Soaps, 50 kegs Nails, 550 kegs Blasting and Sporting Powder, 8000 Genuine Imported Havana Se gars, 10 barrels Kerosene Oil (extra). apr24—lm* W. H. SIMS, J. ROBERT, F. W. ROBERT, Os I arrange. Os 4th Ga. Os Marietta Sims, Robert &. Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMHniSSIOY IWERCIIANTS, Cotton Factors, AND Recieviug and Forwarding Agents, FRANKLIN BUILDING, ATJLANTAGEORGIA, Offer inducements to parties Wanting Corn, Cotton Seed, Sugar, Coffee* Tea, Flour, Bacon, dfc., BLACKSMITHS’ BELLOWS, Anvils and. Vicos A fine lot of WEEDING MOK IS , Including Scovlls’ and other UAIRDWAFIE , Wrapping Paper, Os the best qua lity, at REDUCED PRICE, inlarge or small lots. A large lot of genuine Killickinick Smoking Tobacco. CLEAN COTTON RAGS WANTED. CALL AND SEE. »pi>6 tt SINS, ROBOKT A CO. NO. 346. .■Professional Cards. 11. MARSHALL, DKMTIBT, I ) KSPECTFUI.LY Infirm, hf« frlnnda nnd fellnweftf n zena ilial he has ro-.utued tbe Practice of hie Pro tea.i on. Having hid more than TWENIY YEARS ex peri, nee lu the buMnaav, flattera himself that be can pleas ' the mo«t fastidious For the present he win operate for those who wish his services at their residences in the city. Orders left or directed to Taylor A Ball’s Druz -tore will receive prompt attention. ma)l_tf ’ T. XIXOS VAN nvKE, n. VAX UTKK, Athens, Touneaaeo. Chattanooga, Tenn. VAN DYKE & VAN DYKE, Attorneys at Law, ATHENS, TENN., AND CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Will Practice in the vari 11s Courts for the Counter* t Monro, McMinn, Meige, Rhea, tfxnrtltoti, Marion, end Bradley, and iu Federal and Supreme Court* at Knox'-’ill*. Addrert, T. NIXON VAN DYKE. Athens, Tenn. W. D. VAN DYKE, Chattanooga. Tenn. imr for Collection promptly attended to. apr!s—3m W. L. coldsmithT Attorney at Law, Ga., Office at City Hall with the Ordinary. Refers to Hon. Joseph H. Lumpkin. Athens, Hon. W.u. Hope Hull, Athens, wa.. II >n. Warren Aiken, Car tersville, Ga., Hon. Wm. T. Wofford, Cartersville, Ga., Hou.a 1,. J. Gurtreh, Wm. Ezzarrt, Jared I. Whitaker, At lanta,Gm, Hon. M. A. Chanoler, Decatur, Ga., J. B. ,-tew art, Esq., Stone Mountain, ua. fet>27.3ai THOMAS M. NORWOOD, (Os late flrm of Norwood, Wileon & Lester,) Attorney and Counselor atLaw, SAVANNAH, GA. Office over Bank of Savannah. feb’3-3n> r>i<. j. gooum: vn Formerly of Fart Teonessee, RESPECTFULLY offer* his ProfeßNional service* t the citizens of Atlanta. Office on Peachtree street. Hprl **m MHUICAL, dr. j. c. c Blackburn, HAS removed hi* offic« to Decrtur rtteot. (jurt be|ow Ivey) wh- re he can be consulted by those who d<’BiTH hi* uervice*. Residence, corner of ivy and Gilmer mar 27 3m MKDICAL CARD. IDR.W. T?BROWiN, HAVING located in the city of Atlanta, would say to the *ick and afflicted, that he is prepared to treat all f.trirs of disease, both Acute and Chronic. His remedies are safe, sure and effi acious His success in the treatment of the following diseases has been such as to guarantee speedy and effectual relief. Disoepsia, I'ls eases of tbe Liver, Dysentery, Dropsy, Khmmatim, bcro fuia, fcc <drgpecial attention given to tbe treatment of Small- Pox. Syphilis, in its various forms and stages successfully tieatMti nn ,i a permanent cure gu srantee i in al cases. Office —At Drug Store <»f G. C. Douglas At C• , (torm erly Finney 4 Winter,) corner of Peachtree and Walton "treetg. Rooms—corner of Decatur and Ivey streets. leb4-6m B. R. STRONG, Uanlcex- and Brolcei-, In Blpnchard d: Chisolm 7 ® Bnildintr. WliltcHa.ll Street Atlanta, Georgia. GOLD and SILVER, UNCURRENT MONEY, XXI CH -NgE. STOCK ' and BONDd bough* ano sold. flSF“Speciat attentio* given t* COLLECTIONS at a] accesrtMo points, and prompt returns made. feb!s—3m "ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS? EXTENSIVE SALE OF LIQUORS AT COST. AS we are determined to deal in nothing hut FAMILY SU PFLIES, we sow offer our extensive variety of LIQUORS AT COST. Ccme and get them, as we are determined to sell. TERMS CtASET, Or, Short Time with good A. ceptancv. JOH'SONd&GOKDuN. April 10.1866-1 na Groceries, Provisions, Cobb’s Excelsior Flour, llacon, *. Lard, # Meal, Corn. Syrup, Vinegar, Pear! Mills Table Salt, Pickles. Ct ackers, Ac., &c., At wholesale and re ail, by *pr!9-lm JOHNSONS & GORDON. FICK’S* Metalic Burial Caskets & Cases. THE VERY BEST KNOWN, Furnl.heii on call, by aprl9-lm JOHNSONS & GORDON, Dray and Two Mules and Harness FOR SALE BY JOHNSONS <fc GORDON. aprl9-lm ~ oiH~oiiToiiT~diiT _ PETROLEUM OIL., LARGE Lots for sale by *pr 19-1 m JOHNSONS A GORDON. JRlonr mid CJorn. ,500 b,rrel " flour ’ / W h bushel* CORN, t-F " " " " For sale by aprl9-lni JOHNSONS & GORDON. J. 1.. WINTER. I C. w. WINTKR. Montgomery, | Late of Atlanta J. l. WINTER & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding, AND Commission Merchants, 97 Commerce Street, Montgomery, Ala, Goods sent to ns, either lor lorwanllng or on Con eisnment, will receive our personal attention. mart—3tn Hrjtnv west, | v tnmtni.' Troupe County Ga. | Uto o f Tennessee, WEST & GUTHRIE, Wholesale Cwroeers, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Peachtree Street, Atlanta, «a., And Dealers .n Corn, Bacon and Lard. ■ Oonaignments solicited. mm 13m IRWIS B. I.A.VIKR. WM.FHILI.IPB. HKHKr 0. nZHSLKT. LANIER, PHILLIPS & CO., (Late of Nashville, Tenn.) WlioloHttl,- Grocer., AKO General Co mm Un ion iUerehantu, NO. 3» VINK NTRKHT, ('inrinnnti Ohio. aprs 3m (S> WINKS. CORDIaLM, Ac., du-., HACi VA <JO., North-Nlde Whitehall Street, HAS just received the following Liquors, taj., pi epar ed by Kus* Co., Now York; M. Domingo, Nt. Domingo Punch, Brandy Cockteii, Gin Cocktail, Bom bon ** hisky Cocktnß, Messina Punch, Arrack t'uncli. Ginger Cordial, Blackberry Brandy, item >i> Syrup, Raspberry . M yrup, Jkc., &c., &o. For *ale by tbe ease or single bottle, by ap<ls-U HAGAN ATLANTA ADVERTISEMENTS. REMOVAL. KING & ATKIN, Wholesale Grocers, AND * J r. ...| i tn : Comniissiou Merr-hant*. PKACIITRKK BTRKKT, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Having removed into their new Building are n<* pared with ample STORAGE ROOM, to ss.ts tbslr frtaod«,an<l aollclt ron.lgnmrnt w"’ nsanruiceof thdr bwt efforts for lhe interest o, chasers and consignor*. They have la Store and [for Balo, hales Hay, 4 VF 10,000 the Ten nessee Rncon, 36,000 lbs Iron, assorted, 66 boxes Manufactured Tobacco, 800 Iba Kentucky Leaf Tobec- o. >l.O, Sugar, Coffee, Spice, Ginger, Mustard, Soda, Starch, Foapa, Indigo, Madder, Cai>dl»«, -, Painted Buckets, Brooms, Beivea, Glass Ware, V J w Glass, I uity, Castings, &0. april 20,1866—ts a. M. GAMBLX. 1. K. HprSKX. GAMBLE & NELSON, Wholesale Grocers, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND Receiving and Forwarding Agents, Second Door from NorcroM Corner, AtlantaGoorg*iB r Have in Store and to Arrive I BUSHELS MIXED X)RN, xOOO busbols Prime White Cbm, 200 barrel* Flour, various biand*, Coffee*,Sugars. Teas, trices, pepper, Hardware, best Las’; Meel Hees, T.ace ( bains, Axm. Pal ii to I Buckets, Rel»es. And a fine lot of Soapt, Com moo. Fancy and Toilet And various other urticles too numerous to mention Be sure and call >nd see us before purchasing else where. We will keep canmantiy on baud Mock'* Pur* Copper Distilled Bourboiil Whisky 9 Which we warrant to be genuine, and have a few be*, role Five Yeat’s Old . Those wishing lhe very bert had better enh soon. By receiving ft direct from the Dis ■tiller* we are eaabled to sell at LoulmvHlo I’x-ictoH. aprl9-tf Juist Received AND FOR SJkLE, 150 Choice COOKINGSTOVES Among which m.y be found the following litolar, Storo Eastern Stoves. Sauford’s Rangos, Harp, Model Canfe. (two vvens,) Harvest Queen, Mania. Good Will, Woodman, Sumpter Beacon Light. Western Stoves Great Wait, Capitols, Planet, Pbosnix Rang •< &c ,&c1 Ac fiAho, incomplete stock fit House Furnishing Goods, t i int: niEi CUTLERY, &C-.&C. 20 Doz. Lanterns—Rail Road. COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Are respectfully Invited to examine hie very enlnadld. utock ol Tin Ware. F. M. KICHAHD9ON, cor. Whitehall aud Hunter nrwb. marl—Bm Atlant Gt. Sheet Music and Music Books at WHOLESM.R AND RKTAIL TRACHBR3, BKM inari-s. and the Trade supplied at thalowu.:t wboleea e rates. JOHN CHURCH, J*.. No 6fl West Fourth at., Cincinnati, 0., Publisher of Music, Importer aud Dealer in all Minds of Musical Merchandise. apill 1 « Violins, Guitars, Bows, String**, And musical merchandise of every •etlptlon. at uhole«a'e. Dealerscan rely on h r ’. , their Orders filled with fresh good* at the lowest lobb; i prices. JOHN CHURCH. Jr . No. 68 West Fourth st . Cincinnati. 0., Publisher of Muaio, Importer and Dealer In all kindeul Musical Merchandise. aprll etn Pianos and organs at Wholesale, D BALERS SUPPffIKD aT MANUFAOTVRUS’ pricw, with addition ol freight. J. CHURCH, Jit, No. 66 West Fourth street. Cincinaatt. Ohio, Publisher of Music, Importer and Dealer in *ll kinds us Musical Merchandise. April-lu* Tmh iiiuts,' UNDERWRITER'S AGENCY, Competed of tbo Republic and Hanover, Germania and Niagara, INSURANCE COMPANIES Os No* York. CASH A.MKETM, $3,000,000. ISHUE Policies for Fire, Inland and Marine Tnsura Strict attention paid ta Insurance ou it. other Gouda in transitu, and Losson promptly paid- SALMONS A SIMMON*, meats, Whitehall stroei Atlanta, Georgia, February 7, 1866 8m URLMROLD’d CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BL’ Is the Gieat Diuretic Helmbold’s Concentrated Extract Sarsapar 'ls Is tho Great Blood Purifier, Both are prepared acccording to the rules of Phnriuiv* cy audEhuieistry and are Che most active that can ba unde. Mlfcja.'-iy*xi. _ w