The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, October 07, 1866, Image 3

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11 "“' -U * >* < ’* y *j||^ W | T TANARUS” ~ tWaoaar •—**■■ wtoct w |-.., AS lit •##"■. W paid tn Dwna or «■»**■■ *' »*U *c«n-« -H at |iwa< b'* * *W MWnltei» Till |0 w *f ■■■•%■ Ore rm the lWrafaaaaii(ri<a>«a>'>' ta. and ui fH ifc* fairoai to k*M *#•*• tol" puattuallj “SsSHtsW*- tub city. IUIT - MUKToai. »—— ri- ■" n r~*u~ iM- in w I'wZlMlKta to IW> W*M« ».aM.ui •, to Htauaiito for ruamiui HarWMa »«< In i a Vnaßß ruMr for**** i*» a. a* [-00i~ r■—■■■■ i ■ VB*M|tn« nfHi -t>T n Hl|| »aa fMH |V*M li a •> B to 4 flf ‘ p BA WwAlf P«f« B«HU| •*** rSafH.Uj at •p B. OWmO ■■*'■■■» ■ Dwr latM. *r» h r B-.»»ai.y. Mr. IBTM Nst » fohtom *■#■ '.I »4.a Waaamm uorrmt. <u»i Miv-AeU Bv hriun il*to/»vO m/ Crtf Mtoii -In TW»«a*. k/sOw» fcmr* !• , a m Lnuotun flOOcarmaa jOBW, «wrurr II auLar PO4 Lay 4 Bmß >■» Pawns* O lUtui. Nmm Bar —a* Im4U a. m V«f.n IF • A raw WUABt AT FAKTUA. BT 4. 0 W4TWB »«. Imb, I —ml#*— *•*♦ rmgr^im To goad Mia this Wnr «f p.rtiag. Ifo ■—-7 «< F*W P— . -acting. feat. ma Um «r Mi wart uAmm, riMM awl mm feta* Ok. U»iJU» 1 F T » I dreamed **l «fen «*» sArtjr —a# UU*a prm—*■ 4*U«bhw Boa./ ", ! T|V that whtorti wwUy UiMMd Mk 4 lon>v« . jp«mh ta «M iaAai S<>ur ▲a«l gkavto *W> t tbuagttX !'« wa* y«M V«a auary thn-wa away *pcm 7«- I mfe bm A« ay UmM4 —p». ■•*- wmtp lAa aa# ad af daaaauai. ' ft—r 4* I I—oqr Bn* f rr« For raaaaa Cor yaor 1 til aetoamit.«. TW* aar«4 Cato daairg lA to toi »—i mm H— | «at bay aftmtaato pair br»>o.i AM «* wo part last a toaa* «aa» n»oc. Os all aar jrtoaag •avw'a fra*.tv bliaao*. TW Maad partMCi Mot <h»or “ tikrtr* aaarttAid by ktaara Tha ao— tfcra vfD jraa <xo» tgnlsr*— toadt tbimr* 4 |Ammi aaruin|> a|* a*— TVa Up}>; imuMm 1 »n tb* lav. Tbr cua« of ad <o* « eafcra tuA term It aaay to (bat oar pmmmm grrm k litua out >4 »to[w aa-l r- •*«, Hnl9%*rj day it guabad MM*, ■kar nftoat *<>w Hi/W aaAoi »a >4 «w omaag iiaamag*- At aTMUbg rvto-I aivaya pavl A quart*,/ r «il **» Lto canrtag*. 1 awr (frram«l (to tia* vuaJA «mm Wtoa «ra *>mJ| Itoi mr loft grmm r»tdar, I lb*Might, pwrtupa. Itoou and vary axa* bat atroi.gti.Ma «bOa tvaa -»Uar 1 arftr draa/xtoMi Utai you would (M, And oabtt> taka* to raAaaaa yau. IMTUII ~ Tba IruAH* 101 1 bouglai lu plaaaa yua. WMO apati iihnil ktvo I gaw you aU. My o>pfa my lwpau. my food amU.Urn. WiHt * l-.ruaa« mitfM ttMM. If mobWA. -r m> bath pauttoa . Or bad a pn» rij hall tom« aalna It Mid aa •»!!. mag vtllug . A B -ail vaa t. Af*U OftMi abnur - I M— l tor yt*vi aay ouai atoll tup AM to tbrb wtoil draamiag to. I fcto tto l/a>a baa mom Mv |mrung. X’ai »«.w J a uhd out M*« you baml, AMfeMigU 1 <*«Atto u-toi 4r« p alaruug Af ommv abHMi tba bitgbnjMi pato, .Abd gaay yu«r ICb ba avar atutuy, Aar aruutd I ■ aby«« back agaui K At daarvaC I i«a ba.t mj n« RiM \ furru-L. -i l. u*> oiU. tu aii r<>mib. A|»|*lr at BBS I uut ( >m< r &rttu —Tkm o>Bituuni gatUM rtiMpUiba <»l b |{ri«T«ora wbiok i« ra- It4f bgeoaiiUK a uutMOc* Onr (»rrwi|-»n.t «ofc cdlla Ui« uti>iQof tbr |»>lw»e t«> Uta lual Mr tm • rrrr *45, *u4 «a ibc ‘ hnAnr yowrri* if OuCoMPl* Utt puller vAlb"" ■»>nhw oftitaWa— JLTLAFT*. Ors fi. |H«>* If- Suitor- Ycm ttii KruMily thr U 4»r«of At bun a bj ctoiug tb« aU«nu.>a of <b« pokto- t» Ik. rr,,.,i at Ofgr*' buy* obocouKrr- Cfbtr at tbr rattnwkd, IU M hit* hall atrrrt. and Atoll to th.;»a*.l>«a* by tAoi tag iiMin oti r lIM t**{*a of oara. tb< r« tr |trrw»ua rv*«»«ag mi au daragtiuo. it to tr *jf>r Htrot tiauifr 11 for M*l»r« or uth-r p»- AMtnaua to bo tn bat to-tudy I Mini »t ta 00ly pwto|ixy to rail (hr rttmtton Os tba graOria inij |*|Oom Ui Ibta uummuou to bar* It aiopprd Ur<|»ar(tally. A L*dt. Oo to V H Scooit.ißd cfi falifti at I*Ht* j aud a half oattla. A h«n j>-*kut at forty caota. RooUk* for <Ar dollar (b licmru. —A lectoir on tbr Ftni BitU# of Martaaaaa will ba dalCrrAl m Uir t'ftv Hal. 01, Monthly' aigbt. Himn »»’« to Mhv HpMicyL jrtl- oaa kffikl la (be "Hairy H ■«*•" H-ttla Pr4 H.iur m *y« »tloa«a |» ’tbr *o-n*« runnr*'t«*.l tba tMlllr. bnCbftootv an 1 altar, and ha* HlhlMl Xb»rr «»f in *b*ni ~in . (Hagtotoal *»b-rr»Ais<m -hM'fc >• w. li M* *<bfy « AMltoara Hr bo- At. .I t > HfbhhMkmai rat« Qo4*r ft Atotok tba tak and A H a bargain ta i>iy Uimhlb. •Hffpllbf MdbiNlil |*n»tralaiit < htm h lot |ba (toicgta diMnol vAI br h* Mat Fnn»«Uhif cbuM'li, la llrai.| d.nn y. roaiiurn*mg Ifhazah;. thr to (MtAar aatt IVr m tt i T~ouTl rrii T j VaiTn md hriil i*a and at Xtll* m W-rd- mMUy W Tbr* wrth aftoamyaiiw tu L'v*lrr» i<oa H«u, Capa Aorta, (Mu*aa and (3to).mg at r li «»xdi a ('mtui. rcncntiiuii Cavni A. JU» H %. Mallaid. r«a«dr .4 tbatVatral fSaabytonan jChurrlt ba* froo» Ortttn aad IU« aiM hr arrrtto aKui * bunrb aa Mai at • aMeb and at flr. IC. Wamaa — Wgpg to mi b*mm&mh rn non t• MldvaittaMlMfttofAA. a wAMim aca pruttd to bara oar UrtMghi Mi Itoai MfiOM. li an iMMiiff o aha ho* W* N id to Aa toptormC ptonada of a rapotalum. and aba baa turn ilwal b • A* ItUb. a Borg». aa ban* Dukioaoa, a#i * b* Wntarn. who bav« matoKMiad mail aC alb bava aaada If Ibair aftot-iaJ duly la pvniaa ar btama bar Tbry fancy that Aa Aktoto boa bottouborha. and lb»l ibay M pbbgad to Ut Ur bold oa 00a or tba to bag of tbrto Buts bare ta aa intartmCmg batveanilf wbu L t* rnipltatuiaUy rart.y »f MaU<a 1 Mtul obiaii baa barn aUoaad ta wlbf fruoi loagiaeC* Wa allada to tba «sou*a»oapkaoa a**- lirau, vbu la aot Iflatoriooidy goad aor nto«Hri «w*4y wicked, but ona wba gato ■? a f diaWa burn ta aa Mittpakbahtg atyl*. apd f iaa doughnut* accord ag to Mrs Hail Tkcaa *N booM*, tod their apbara of actfcoo A Uauttol by tba fanea afraid tbair bat their lufluraer rsuuda muck furtbar Our rwHWlacti .ua of tbia chaw of onr aakgato ouOiiMaoaa vary nrly li oaa 00a of Amp that firm introduced oa to ‘•huckaback aoft •*or face for Sabbath acb<x>i, and naifcM m* fur inic-rferiag wub Aa aauaog bra. «r nymx tb« bounding (juaiiUwi of oar hail open A* aaruoa of the parlor mirror was oa# of Him ouwMouO'pUa* woaaan Appar ad A A® the my-tene* to Cnroiy* ap#Uiag. and g*»« force to tba catachiaaa by a rigurun* afgWtca Hod nf a "rwt-hari ' *Hp*r« tba r#J au.l apoii tba abtld ' aaa oto lUuatraled ta o«r >« tentla mabatritoL Heuce va ar* j«gi*b*-*l it üby uo Bivotaa an laugaiftraal el—a. bat vbeu kept oot to booba and "blue stocking*. Ihry or tbr (Boat uwlul and lolnfgttßl ai ti/Mur race lIU lu tbeiu that the wi mh haa tba bdla to pay took* for lb* tfamoa o* kia kuoaehold Nu uvau waaU a Juan eg Ar< «u on hta baxtom or 4vd» hw ten A Ammj Laud would cat a p>*or Agura tu tba eototob* aary department of a well retruhilrd boaar bto.L A brovmtif or a Hrauu would br Madly away froui H« hcou tu a«t< lupuog Ito regulaUoa to a “wa.l-*pnog to plc—fre " Aa Ihr lugk-prwgiure «oa«u nr* u.»t aoagat after lu All Uia*«r nrbaa mi life They are oowmA* in m tbr h<>mr to gaUitr and their hart are •*>! a g*M/4 iiiilaby tur tbr baby. u*»r du lb*y an* wer well lor Ito larder*, / . \ , But oar betwaaniiiea .hi ttil thr bill. They are mcir—a*a to tha art «>( bonaakaeptag TW, tit tba genu <4 order Chao* «*aa >t rfiat where tknr S-i,or. are 're* Pit o.w* M 4 -r "" -. -Mr'*.- f n.'/hV. ita i rm p>l<i oiww* *;*•/ *a«. afw.T> . mant Witold (limb |*e wa*# .ntrul»r on *>wa« : IxHiy'k preiaiar*. WUru he returoa Tha> ale ! 11 fftonoga art to ervwrurcM* and kiwH «•» and aernb u<* while >; <nug cq -ir 1 t '> wh* n w>, < omr to br hj)». jilt and An Wi«b land Un toisaand Anally m»iry u» a* loftf'. (ban luaka abjiv: «hm to aur rarlrute* and apeu.l -wr law rb-iagr W IMitot B»• (hw c4aaa of wo #ea Uta batter» ; our toe-t. del- Utr aocfc4. baton- —Hr 1 haw -at be* •».’ eaforh*. A# At A-* #*#-«srr. - fr/ r *» ■ | guard, ta m‘ uni our m im*. ' and mb* Unu le 1 to., Ul ! ■hi'fctbfrtnn! of »ti ije **tr»^r»‘ tn-idr .ltd 1 •m««*ite The public may go utal o«er a tCstor or at» Ingeluw. nr a Sigourney, « Hrad.iuu hut lor all praCi.C-4 hum *n-l <uol.g -tu- u- A'true* 4, gira U* a Un dour*, or m jlr-* Sinitii. or a Hw- J* nAm-»-<**p T.*lljr-jita wu-* fneu our p uK'kkea and mu.! M old* 1* 1 r not co.ulUg bouie iu tmtr to rat thru. hot. Wc would r.tlw Lave our hair puil-d and our wah* darned by one of tb-iu 1 .'.an to be the |M**revMir of a p. o-» of h t niucr wo * «u*ld write a anottrt. bat COUI lo t b. .** 4 am or aow oa a ba Lion lUr*.; .nu. Btrgaina. B*rgauia No admun-. Til k«hhU Ml r II •' J NoTicaa rn# tiu Vmajtm. -To ihe rwtubvr* «*f th« prvit* *ii ihir# km l y a nice 1 a « a* . hdlowa we ar* gr«t*-tul. and will Lahe pi cm* urw iu rmpnwvumg the courtesy: Tm». Ntw ha* Yfnwi Prather A >*.-roifn bar.- reiir*d tx m thi* furonta AtUuta au.l L>i S»Ui‘i. 1 Bard au.x'owlk Ut the • diu» n-*l OObfTol «»I it** •'>imu »■» fig lb# Mifkg proprietor* w* war? f«rewell, with thank* for many omrt»i«a e*(ended u> a# iu the (ad. ' and aw 1,1 re Un in lUat <>u r beat Wikhl-j. at lent them, and u» tbo b.*:s-r we «xn ud a wrtonne to the caepmAbtonal of. onr P roxu h*a repulialiutt oa A ) and tba tour ot hi* fUluiaiorr. the pair u* to iu< Ea* tn *t be a*-ar**tl they will Au.l 10 tmu a wortuy »uo e**or to the jiropn. i-.r* W. ar. : h*p( ' t*> le*ru that LSe -pinl.-l I,- 1 I t r t It VL a«>n -«m'uot * bi« •• >0 btfel -ui • l.» w n-ld Cil* „• tui MAm iba Anttwafl m ayaa (mmi li •! r, real* r* of lhu> rtcwUenf Daily -ti. .-wayfun £* trrycia* e iai VruMi Nrw Ea* T'.iv p«|«*r h»* |vuwd tnwu lb** hand* ot \l<*w.n> Prather A S rugg* toio (he 1* •—non of Dr. rvno hl Hard • The retiring gentlemen, we trn*t. will diml witti pr.M.|writy m whatever pursun.4 lif. tbr) U*«y • >kT »-r. acid til. lira ( i ~r«• ;>r w. w»u iu«•* t with g0.k.1 lack wit pTetpcnrr ** ■ r itoirgia J HtNltol** —La Wrj-.J# lUy r Atuiti Nl* Kki - Vhi*} lUMWi Li* 1 «•« u 04.1 trr Mcrwra Prather A Srt-ugg V- l>i. uet lUni, f«*n»ertjr of New Oiiau*. tbe lu . •imlir it* w>* Mkpieie*. w ill *u|>}» rt the A*t miii#fe>6w» ami u- r *4 and. iua«U .Wt «ad /kr-t-/. _ I.tHOH au.l (Victim t iin« Diaiafc. Napkins and Doyltoa. Stun-tinga. Pillow C lIWS ( DiwactHsi and Brown flood*, at P H s«» -•* * Ckaa. The trial of Bimun I r the fcomUr .*f y.Mintf Tda m« a.ueitiik and yeatetday the jury bunging tn a ««rdirt to mni -11 ut ary W« an.brstaud that the (MBtuaeJ for the defence m* !•- a motion that a Be* trial be granted. Ik-.- deei*i >n n**t yni traoafxrwi The Superior C*»«r« wall rename »t»« ae*- .11 to ntorr • We acippnn the Inal of Un< SUV.Ir. w. 11 mtrtlrrera «tli uawaw ap durmg the early and |.,M W T»1 • Hll-M fr*n* kwl IlukPk) TTnapre** T kdwtba awl Dram good# of all tlewcnpiMto at, y P H ShM.k a SirTWiiiy # The Oetoliwr nuni. bag of m mAljr ia kb foie ll*. Slid trn a« ll tlltol With It* etc. 1- vbul matb t hiu •• l!f to--* '< ;fi. war the CultlvatiV kaa . o.*»e out grandly It I# et»- lmrto to * hand' do«‘ *i*e and 1* w. ii jiniowl thttogh t!• article of paper i**—! i* nto Bern! rate fb ftilHTtiaf b> pfektkAafl *H ill m U* .by ai N White, at CT (W prr acuiuui I Cuul Shawl*, Break to*l (ap* at I* It Sn-adt a Sear National H**te| Tn* Wjimta. Ortober. f.g lb* (wl sea •lay*, kaa (wan prt rannf (Ik function* •*! « —p>. 1b il anrt of Marrh fr fcto IdtoT *aa««enag »*.| ami with a<4u« •Mnu to w -|adT «•* wwkttwE' 1 ». > a-at* 11.' ( UrtWt A•( r U. HmaAA. J g M«w>tor ami Hi'* Kara oa 1 b#M vv-'V An* tooek to lobacr* . y Have aoo«e to the beat ' k ' b*.. Ui (be f ObW MMP A -f* tdkn Mb arh tin Mid m&d Ohktol m#d Bwdn* Opera Cnmpmmj. m wbub Aa berth baprm •k. Mag AMb > lb, »a Afrffo? Ml |w)- j tug l)>Af At Aurtlr Tbia Trwape to •auaawt a/UOa. 1 em>'y Ace A— kw. aith « grand eburwa aud wiktdra are ami p» form tog m Aog'iatikJtad iavaanaa Ta aarTT etty flair iayr»wAHA ora qowdto to*, the due am 4 rkcri I liiwliaf U the ■ls gti ot Aa proas. Aof kmva, jg #4j tha oiwbvbid Ary bwoap—Cum 1. givaa renderlUga of tba works to fba gesat WwUn Paokuo. gnd taata Mpe<tally adopt Aa Opiru lA# lAftojgpgggjjLjl mtaliartua ! ago; and fbM tha peupia slwara Araog <0 hoar mutoc. la a ouiameotafj gpun ow radar maftt aLigb m iqdupufahle sad nndemmd Wa a/« Aon. tot Monday ovggigg lith, to ka*« tha itohou Opocw—maab alHed to Wcnia ?n thr A jwmg eadwtma to Uut malod.. «w tongue, and fin# by artwh, whoaa Ail • bar me of |g« bigtinto order, ogd *hgae Word, baa barn att-of* 1 tn all th« esUaa to the bond by aidgaai and Aatutguiabad - j .Btaaiih • igganal amnoMlMt. " Tha Barber ►to bc»iiU,"_ mill ba giraa oa that cctawm Madaxa -• 4 gialia P*tu Stroknacbjwtfl we am lAa euU ui Meairaa, aiul m iha atugiqg lamum will 1 ntr Asro tba very popular Mehab***, " Wuhiu a uul« ot Eltoboro Town. ' and “Coming tkV'Ugh tba Uya.** Signor Arda vaunt will pmaonify Figaro, and, A** popular Coliatu wol perform the rto« to Dr. Bartoto bee ad»«-n -tart l in another ooiaai N*w B->O4 -Tnr tiutuerou* raadara and admiM-ra of M*rt«oi Hit land • w -ra* wui ba grata. 1 to Imrti l i ml a A-w woik by Ai* gtitri *u»h'-r.-a* will shortly appear, ou.tiled ‘■Sui.’.i Hina r This'is tba And omuuuou* story fn*uj har prß SIDCr- "Minratu.** which Wa* m the foil of HAL Her later *<»io uaa have beeu .romp *aad of bn* fttX tala* snnTdmtcbcv Wt and»« Ttrt »m the* new h*n will A f jiiaJ worthy io rank with any of h?£. • fomitohunk* mCe-mc-1 f*rti.»ir d*dinaati«Ki to <Baxiw ur at. I high iu > U»ne. Tkr .ttr*! lee.k puhlta'icd by VI nton Hariad l. •r-d which «-J: .iClci lac at '/u- e iu a pbu« ■ *T-' l *** a *•; able end uu **•. *>l; w**f il u » elmtato e»ur c*.u«trr. **A! *n* ' W.imu 4 |ew lu Mitba aj er IU piiblica' 1 -u it r>-erh<-d a •air dm r*t any rrerd-ntad b. any American boo* It Will be kutk nut U‘ Male that ft>« b> many of th (4a**aut at| laioraocoa with ou nu w#* grew Ua.liar in "A. »u* It alui-Ja p<ibi.*l.ed . .fly ...11 O*i ■•her by .Hneid j N 4 * - k . a » . A . I b »Vr II p. •* * 111 m | - *4a»* t.y Manou HarUgd. call- 1 '('hii* mae II •ijy It r ’i'at'aa . few of h. •in -f fuern- V, 1-i h ro.*l vngraviUb«^ba uituily printed in thrvr |l «*h*o», -• Th - raaof m l ,I|^TMi ViA >*• w : Aa Pitot I V * \| 1 “* * J.utu VI duv i n„4 gehttemrn-^va Urge «i,d • i-4 tni *t - * f I%• .1* if haa ♦ leWh 114 A«t th-Ud ciciu 1 -*ir* f . .braity • ■ in si -■ ' aui I.lth 4* ean only t*e -eie< tr I¥y a gr«Hli” m«a to U|*nm.r and toot* Mr UenT/'Tina a:. •cu 1 -l :u- : - *an l m *•• t genflrun n alw >y* ■urteou* an l -t> J i.rf , H- k«w(a» i-»at tl*. kind to a town) » *hu a the l,»r t- Karri A t’. —Thei- g-nU«-R 1 h*»« ;u*l (Ije ~v 1 Arir large *♦«» | *l* W, were c.ihhkt-I that U.-re «A re*lh*n_* ill lh»- cily »u|wan *r to their *t - 4 h-.r . othing '■l* ttttnufacl ut**i hr C i'b*>> Wintf .? 1 A< 1, to New \Vek who ha*' I rep It * I .f, ..I tn tog fir*: IU their iiu. U Uwr un *ci. ted at* g**el* w.xh . r t'-reurc t « thi* tnar Act. ai dIU *: *• ai.d ■{ **•?•) AT*- w . *d.*J-te,l for th. ir pen--. Larr O r In c nw»ijneo< e. f the m*w 1.-4 - pr.h and to .IJ.I to tt 'icl imralv LiTaaiai IT B Cr. wA r • tarre Le^te-* vt e. |{ I.VI 1(. N .»e*u >• lay M. r enn W I \|.*irof« lb . and all tba «p»rtrng pape.w Tlu’V aiim Wage bawd* m- l.thiigra)^* to Pri wi 1 i>’ l *hna..Bu Dana, tha ' r * ' uu'ouand B»aur» . . I’m*.ML W. Inara frv*ii th- Chn ai ie aod N nuaci that Me L b Dan* aril re»aru t » thi* city. W* g'.*c lilt# 1 c*»r •-M a . B=' la- . •ud ad e« »Ih u( gentleman. l um. Ih-Mt: Smyg -Tb»* - ‘h- nil. ..f a pH tty pmm iff *ai 1 .• I- li li.r a 1- j «... I; . Ihe irtaomTa. a —Tv 'Right Tt . ' Ste|>f»eet K*le-tt tbabsp-4 Alh-£L'>r 1 ‘ ••• *r gi v wiTl pres, h glftr HjiWwvif tii aivii vt H*f ■kc ■*ck *bt- B- » ia iluiiuMrr th. lit*'WrOtOiUatiua. Pnmiuay. WV aae C-*«i^u-u tia Butwr\*n*a AaT Aw Ri R- « Biab -j* C‘- Tiiwt rUl.d fba! c»t> U*l w.-.-a . dpr. ; . .«d *. Tttttoat aOd Tfedßoifay l?Wrf - ami atWmiiee ■udintroTand adui maternl ♦i.e Kb of maihriuanon to moon prn**ia M »n.»w ant* * rare aw Ration to We are in «lr‘i* Ito Mr ii B Walker. gu(mr;utmd>n to till a road. A (Hwttti— WI PoAi.f VOe man «g*mrnt of Mr Walker, the ww4 ha* te-e.i »* ll pc aa* read, and.tuadr t.* ferbf ully th. the oac# and or *hf« rs rbe pe yl. H 1- a Mwat laitnad m. and ta btm the ro*-t ba* ilfAiib 7 HKin Th H an t'an no n lin )!• daU kith l man l*he M fnh H*V»Uf a*y« lb> Journal and *ea not tell the a boh toory IVt kill* and and Me warh olHei ap. wad noa to Aaai *m ißiirtto rwit d«y to th# oaaly wema Om/rAu Uamir A Lady 0 Jenwn Citr ou Let dci'lkd* T a.mi*ed bo bwdmod *4 (wlwwitag li f The- |*a 1 otan wraaiai!# start j nnfiiTii &•& fl**ailjr ai»-iw* th. emm. ••The RiW-rtwn family to N «(4wa baa 4c t | (W 4 uj*>u wncbdratnng fi<»oi R*mie In Hpaia | In At* eooairy tbe • K *«irb.a«“ familt to Kn • Vocky h%• for a Ii; Kn». V«A Wllii Icawif fr -ut tx«u lea to glaiKwm Xbe ••mutfjon. I»H nuab* ' M anppwmd ] | 1 apeak to # “-Wad Wogoaga “ Tha- *• *ap- ! pawed to w Aw rasa, to a by ay law pwbplw hod | »L S Kiim Caooaaa Hoar —A Hwmotk- K J.) far mil has a bawd *4 cabbage in btA gard- »• wk.cb n-cw*fri V fi*g? fort eight and A ;lm he* a* r*«*S ' .Hthbag* ta «uT <Km a : : N*w T«wk. 1 iftUK p>wni iii LOCAL WMIKM IWI Voov A ag«*4 l a# ft irrfm tn Mom Cam- Mamma Hmn(W> F fm#w A(L Wm jmm wan 1 lead- • ear load of gwo sad eiawguaA fonmt or*, to b uyeomf M<<m4ay gtmof TW yapfi to Atlanta and ngoify, and wapwoawflv tba lad no, um taviuto to «gll sod tpma ■a Aatr Tba ba% oomgaa nil nap irom tvdmia tbirty-ata Ardtao# mg 7 U FmiltlA —Wa bay jaat ranmwad 0 I otmak of hcilfta amd Mmia- tba Hemiinm of that d«—nag tu p*trrhawe Tha mock m mgpfto, and wtlmce-a 111 ivtbiog. kom a To» el Mark to Aa Auto Faßir Vtt. #ct7-lr Magtoao 4 Cm Mas k4*o*'*egret* to aaooogea a fadooa ta cepomgg kef Vitßobry and Fftary t >oo+ am ywatarky. oo aiaaAtaad to lAia papor. TW moos* aot koiog oumpWtcd it *u in j lolTi to da 00. Aim days anil b* raqatrwd W Bomb I *«• noma, vbco a mU» k will ha opau—l for to •poruoa ui mt A* most faatkboaa MWto t+rorm tip Ltiu roa tit. 10 —To may cam* da—ruga so oggoge is bgwaa* wa aiar an ' •ppwHttaity l« pmrckoaa mar »—range * §umi malortma to -boom mm ft* urn. Hat* mao Cara Kvn-oa Osmra' - I"h noun Ov.m TW ioaa tiou m wijr dcwATobfo Apply to _ fo*OD Homo 4 Cm. • LiiahsM at not. Under N.iruoal Hrai Allan LA o tuber 4. IWM k FIIABOAh. Aruir. f> ’. 'Wr 7 lftdd Oar mun*y aurlui to Ac •eiuc Migua to artivi.y wtu« h Siggmxi- the tobwr hrauchwa us trwdw To* F*h»*cU(»m were unu*a*lly lieefy ye*Ler-i .y. ##<l the ht. h I »raqi 1 am paid 4a nlimfl JUa change haa 1%. (i-4d «a ber*jtx\ aui tod at 47 and A arid stlvew «t A a <<i 3i (OMICAtL. ATLxn»a Oetvbrr 7 UTA Gkvuul -T-- m *rk**u of Atlan ta daring to- e A L »rc t>er» m r« than ...,j , r •<a am ImnHM *f a .w elded turd-ia the hA• artAiira oi pf<»dt»', prvrtaAon. etc We h•* • r r-otiauq -'Ur cjo'rtatviuA, unc:m**:.ed. tm*tiug that, if ei roucMoa in aiyv .amaniiai |*uri tentam. w, Uw- meu Will j' th»-;r **a;*tanra ih ad- Our tu r« geo—ady will p*epne* !f *r tr ■ trr; r“ m - .» «► -•-& Ia . g •—pan .r *a 1.-u* u * - / t. 4 t-j* ia a-. i teh 4 #**-» oecit-ju I t and O. • arouu-1 Aii,:« ». Cki tpt -ir-a*««riltkAt it >* I th ra l« AUt-». t -it of .wjr dealer fa—Hi* ■#» IWk. «nd ati’i- »* « <’.ty Oa»- the tkrdem. Itw >(tag to the pca-egf a-404 m begiu ng ■ i>%*r ;tM A.'.WUM re olk tn*rket • -nd- It— Wt to ptfiM. 1 ti» for «*»**« **. I9UIM* Bill ( Jf Utm •!- ~ - yi iM f W« V-** .. >r '-4* hr *wn 1‘ m 17 . UiCiO' -i . Cru-.j->1 22 r * AC v tt 12 BaAe.ix,. K utiv.ay t • 10. Ownuy in 4>. Dcuou I’acin an lil .mdloti * are brl 1 at Ale. A;i dcTaiowa are q t.ged at s*t(a iV Ai^a£nfo~i , ricaaCaAiecl.tou to 11 JO. _FPar** (» *>t«s .■*. :ui* *rry pretty »tyl»* «4 plaid and atrtpga are in th« u.«raet a?*-l at *7.j+.fL\ r Fukwa —Facy atnp-a t*r al.ruay*. h«lu I’um -4)h(ica I* Free man W 17r . Ath !.♦ iit>q«H-*teir ISk. I'acifi 1> ttiH in iud l.*r s ; .r*ga* s A-.- . Mrmihac. D. Sir d•. W . il, * u*d- 4>c in-*nming !?t* . Duun-1 l>r . Alloa I‘iir saKATiHu* Vagii.u i4 IT k ..-uu* 7-ft. Is-, IVtuxeut 7-1 1> . t re*..lit t t 21 |C r* /ill. *se* l'retiwun.* 4 4 2-’- L rum. C, 4 4 ~- . Laurel 11... , Atlantic aii>i l'a- .h V Hsatt Pliil t- rr »\* JV* Vv Maw, Ht.«ru AU' >1 i' SctoJott 1 *Jo JtirmbKi .*L Okambry. SMm tOc. C«*TT •Hal*Em AT* luocn Du. kV i\ <7ttt C**rfOJ» li auti ?2'« •j- r and reu II nivoa S. >ruer>e! •( 4 *w . I\ tn bert. »& ' E 7 * ( . Fa ;ti . ' %x~ T.u ■ ' 7 S Dunam * Huai. Mill. 14 lh|c . iVirta/yiHiih B. i 4 lv da E T** *(■ MaUinwtrr r-* .. *a£ i T \ 27fc Jtfaraairt- rft. Verst—m4 4-4 u*a L-^o - . 4 ► thi viAhhi: rs 4'i*' v*r» (L~u j l_~lT7Jur qTiSet Vit hrurat 3 1 » :k*a,il* t'Ti ir *»•• V— - WatHj.Tk rrgtil rnWfJ tv Tni tT"Tn et »< i-v Si ao-t >J M . v. I. t N 1 rest aa 1 «7TJ7HTt l '.-tvliXTi' ' wm baac" l » it Oito kkaiSe to M »■ i ttaiki M (hmnrai rt <-* —i *• t !*u <vu 111 kky't 70 ilk fad. Br*~ dw■ • at .* I It* Hit a» * at Ai, d-; * pa*-. Trrrrt 41 1 -eoi- —l prt du.., c ‘ biJ B-uiiy at *,» bu,k m-a,*»i»« iy a(TI au i for atuu-tblrr * and *>,l»-a. D T-«r cie* *i-b'A Ja-rd add to i so A-gAn i C-otum qui t Nil Brut at 4*l* fl (e-4d I*7 \ tf* v v> i » i 4 tW* b iraijjbL artiviij 111 -foa: - Tt - 1 .« ff wiH«4 yoMcr Ur. a-w-t /, a *o»t • c r .. .1 l t • fti . *• * Ixance i ->.i miwi* aLlcli bar, a ll at Old pTuv*. „r. -bang a large baourwi, and with thru, ifwle ♦•quite attfo capaciofty hw to* r hoary ni >'«•*■ ot go->U. »a uu arr aba iu a -omWai ut-fi; | r -i aa 4b« ri li . ■ • i-'on 4e^ ui.-*itC* tliii ia-I'u.o*: with Very tow bales —-i-1..!» bad at ahr pttom 4* ;«"( A 'u; 1 to-rk >[*>i)til rathe* aw l*»! wal dull so—« ftoim* li.k-Q ' q« kbv-'^ .. •-r ..i|- Bui Niaic. A » La,ll !i» for nt . • ,t« rlDmtJrki f*W Hw-' so ' K ~i H-.o.i* (Ve* ru » 11 flu f<r amnia v,i'- ! .kuilcM’n i • la. •e •• • BMMMv* -bAp|HW% KX x-i ni ad .*l a. and do, in *r*we. oWung at inmda • quota* mtoa. NA'jtruuk Oci* •* '4 r”f > ■ TMtl-l ft .q% • xrr* *'ip rh •• at B *' - i in. **rpertme 'U ;l tai: ,1 ?,x *l# **j* Ii -c1 *l4 A :•, . ,A 41 »lt»t ivl tl*%. 14 Fh M 'Ttorvggaa iM aaijuLli.D fIWW. *4 l. u- * * iku « llexix. N«U —vxggb in t • rua'kel W» -nee BbeWm .ad ftp yi*' | IV bama iwklii-" ~7' *4^ Ufrnu iv-t -W 1 « n HlWi •-> 4V: MW iMßiti Hi "0 «•*» .j,, : «to* «W, «*»•* mw m «*»• M 1 T,7iS*Ti T,.** ’"it •■'*. “ “ iW«*ni il,. n.« ,K..k jJB .Wl-IL . ■ 1 ll - . <*•*•>Ml" T TV). 1 r m> '-- • M* »■«. s^, M ; —W« W *u» fW mt X, M IW'.« to WM M» MU. BPECUL ioncm wall sry »■■*■--* b matt*"* ■»• mm m» mm H»«l« Or »m«i»IV ff lir (MM. r CM m u me m mi m Muibir. •» mm ton -i (Ml m 1 «rM> I t vn Mn i* ■ *.imuLomk. j tonn Knew* M 4 tow BtU tmm ku. ' 4 ■«»— kM— M» !■»■' ■ t to-MM mm ] >IM».J *. « M |>M >M k. m I M. «<*>'*.'. mTH 'nlmlr • UMME ■ | -I — I 1 I ' IMto. no ton n. mm mm Mn m ton mm T MM. lilto M I—l*ll | too M .||l .** ~ t4to«tot. van « k«im • «n i I an. ! | f. IMBM—. ,«..M :*• ■ , "“ 1 « *«n —m to « LfMM •c« i 1 ' • totoo. > a nitusitoi «*—*. mm—• *#. toMM M M. MM. to.—O : .—I •■ OUMM »W <-.«—or Im. to , I mm O MM. tor.M toMM to to. ' —«M “■ (to ton. Lm* mM, k-M, Cooi-0.. to ; M* Mm Mro* M. loinnl n*. W i—, I *». LTtoCto. J l ** in loto'jMT* I °—"“to* MM «■• "* * ■**«» l to —« toto O.E.E M to *. t.Mk. toMMO-MO «*n Iwiin mm Wumam*. Im# V«a# .toAk.: Atot'L’—. Jfe Am l Wt vuk /%*» t#.—tiry to no— to- MO I hM mAo n— mm*, ■K »-•£** W to Im. 16 tar w W 7*mVM » C «AT»^« tnbo-U. Oto . fjetn+M 4. tofl. aa» » A ««IMi»to» B («<l Ihtl RaAto'a - rw> >A-CK c*AIXA.4f m <Am puo*' I>fM • rlMr - -*» »* “h-toi !>f«l tnrpt it> paaot w 4 HtolUwtf • Pill* —CptUpijr —r Palllag > ■ XlfJ.cT TV -to ; .: .. -* ut ibtob* r-r w>do4Mi Aha, - 1 !*•?>- —r*f»< w to.bte Ub 'tfcatniiii 1 Jto tnAl.fAwlt Ate M9MI to!4« .4 u* IM, In*. *J.J ~s- r- Uto Fw #iKtnjM4 mat 4W4 i u-Voa fit j av% tte 4*4—l» - »•"»•«* «♦»!*•* y. ■ C.kto, «4 —"V te*4 AM» »fc. A. tor— IV nte. fmmmmn. 444f>*> lir J MLUO AX-AM m—o, oA . UteWi— • A C r»- m i 4 .i0 ■|l . q ■**. *- - <~A** * A,o_i* rtf Lv . -■•. ». t TANARUS" t«« Utoi«B» * i i*T 4- Uu'ftoto **L tw ;«M k> » T »'- J-..- , •toteij •vrtmM PbAT-»i Mto4 H -yri Hiiign mi - ' *•> ■— te-to r- tea or an«to a <tea te *» • im* temM* -*. A fc* btoto-bo-b. So nar Bf4 imuiai avia'mu »ite teat. - *■• 1 -i*» au rutea. tei lip %*rm )«t Ite*.- Ite*: ite* r tera**: wrate* •ma •T\m^ l .urmorT trtLi. cttu:t*i I-H I\ »V>KTTT3..irr *rt*C Aim- emtm tel VAm-qix. riftet '.'XMi.tokU— M*i *T fmjin* «r Ite •»»•■<■*« ** w. * ni» a corm. -ter ***** * v *teu4W« *tert Ca« n «nj| te t rml.l te «**• fr** * [••‘•fl*. part .4U»« t'tetei Ite** •tr. u.-a »an Jj Urrrtafc.' » f,-» t. r. iTTiiiw imnK ~ « -i i abd A>—rjrt Lnju. “ « im j-' -*■*«» Br«u. >■>*»* A*.. •Hsrt an Oh mdnnt <4 ltu aow Piu.txT rnotmi irr *nr>*a Anar TW iTtl^ »b. rgrttkw terT W »LUL 2!T aaajT—J ■'"mm man hi MI J3F*r*tep* **- l " > " , "** * j ft «a • *•«•** r-te.-«**M, «r*>» *ii4 y—iUi «»• , l - rt» a****- an' 3i3s~Si&* "fa, ' •4k«« <4 tte , aate ttk*i )-* —, - r . r -* r « >i im>l> tar mr tvt> |«fe«4 ‘ “» triam *'■ UT F-h« At»>. (■«I>WK. «rv*r n< i*> \ » eau? .4 IVi. « Lmm. mm'. «* -ts, mm* mm* Bate*? m* by Imaa *▼*! £^*7- r-rm»ct >»«*>» **T aa* n ■ aa; mimm; n*4mm < ban* »*• ***aßh AJM--..48 n<M. < 4<u)uu 4tb>«i-«Hlia»l W>te*n ■***■•»■».»* k>H’:kM * b*»fr rn la ■***• « 4r*iZv' ** Pte w.4ik li mmm. r« Mm4a Mtol aWMt . MUCfc —44 *n *Vte •a-'aa* ••«■**.<*- % T 11[>t t f — ■ »Jlt . .T*?- * a.«i a» ulT*mZ3* »»-' *7 r! r _!7r *" w * rtA>^ ** '~rsA>ftT m«UTirrArm - s** j^gjj*-- *_.. 4i»nr NmmAl A MB* fteyte ****** *** •4*^ **' * CATWaAX * „«**■» »>a*b IHA l*\, )M9 «%* U*4 * „ r/f J* ■’**'“ r ' 11 " 1 rW °* Tt« wi am nin> •sw* TV r*Mv t».% -md aaaarai* «v am* rmm mii ifc* rate »■» l>H .4 Oh* Pvjtwrartea V .*» w VftfM t r^*77<ww^ - * r *j.r tur**"* r4»K' n m. # 0 « j3SS gg iT^amnHf^n^TH^ r. M. MARK *fO.«M> VMi- Ir«a Ti* <Ui«i nr Vm » r» ftiwwtm -TWAn, V «*r> bw ■ ■»** ' aonouvD cedeot nrrn& - laport—t Ww*tbi> - AUrTtrjfTH CCXITIT !! J I *• —«n to to.Tto»o.~»oSsr?MrcM!?—zr Esl--- j Joke Bull af Laonrißa, lactadrr SIIM L * ~ ■■> -u «l '- ... Km. Mb «m* ■-i , ■** *• Mm Cite* * ytaa • <telr toiralvb* • j [ - I &&se£ » ITkOI T * UTU, o i t>p*nii ‘.to UP. 1 * n*— ‘ —'• »-*totono., o— tm w. —mm pmm ** Cnt "* 1 J ' m^o Mto Bo MtoM to Mm* no M m Tl . O o O■ m. h : ~~ : - -1 •ITS TMI (BMOI BITTCtC * <* * *n»j te w-'.l .m~jr m a»* •OVUoAo UTKS •»« KIMKTA **••*• Ateaaaite . ata-l l*«n) ( ta, AJTt> D l-Vvor and Ague, ■tea* *4 *tw «te !***• te>* n *iirr -■— i ate* «te teart **'«■»* ite ■«— Mi by (V>«rMi te anww pte*|i DM t« U. ** cMtro rm tew*, uw* -« *M SHOUCAU a»l BBTIIA by i t .miv» * «>o %•%**«* —. Wte«*»arfM •i•« fto—Mo— ' 4 * toU*tea«M fktw» nr My*tio_ JPil I*. m otstr rauu *—t Aa tellte Hißiii i —4 H— i m mt Uto ter. tn *ma M A 1 K R EMTORER ao« fl “' *'** ~ ****** J*J" to mm. toj a— 007 too o *oto*Zl*l—m yy AWT. OLft 4 «■ ** te aa *M foo (. *M hobo kO wto -,,- - - - - IbC | ilM.—■ aa~a> *m M Gm S E AIIICHAN'S P| IL X CHILLS a FEVER ■bo*to—. , _*“ * eoeMO —— A. in mmo oniu »i* ftm ?. ** T > fWMui »U»»C»V «rt •H *** *'' "-*■*** too to to •* ' ’ ■ML ■— M—*IM—MM. 1 * ■— t a *ir*u«- too—* * T I - -T» ‘if. p ' - - * k*tll hoSil T » Oo— M Coo— too • to.flop Mooto - - ok. sr/.v? ■?■ »^ * laa « rv»r© lilt, - • s »at4ftw iiiteu 1 A.U •IO lAt ' iatlhra |h*aaa** ate JL i^te>4Uria»»*teSr a—n. «mo. VTlni—n* u -i ■■.—h. *T. *-•* V* en a—m— v • '' —n«r«-l—n t- bU.fl.Hto_ »x*ooi 1 NEW PERFUME For the Handkerchief PHALON’S jk. Mom. b»Ma. Dtr«a. *Md rr» rrat T—fn—o Tyota'm* from tfc* Rv* an! Bn* .tifcl Trcii" VkoCR XT «Mk— lU SDH M*t.-o -o- rattaaaiaa. inwi&E cr cocmixm. on rta r»ou>n fool no oranL K* 11 Ml* * tea baalar ft aa— Had Una n*t TW \ |- ia-kaii tea. *rnm *—• mifr "• «■ i ■*! rla aate aB b*drv« tetfte. Ik*l*#<fl|a ** ■>■! -a*»aar» IW ate ate te tee *a tea ar> »te>.al *p tea ia-i! a*4 te aba* aan bte tet . -aar Ite te Mitepi r> ffte* *ate«M» aa ptem bv bMte » ■ ca*i* te* apaw* *gt* aate baiteßi Tm* a m H tea Mar * aterai *aa ~m * ■ - m»«w -u «*tea PUb «aa» atei* %a rnAmrm *aL WT*a * ’ te** «af«*l'« te*lr« a ■■i.lba tete Bp 4- < laaarai V fate. *J »'■ p—b Mte te* par . . *a* i^lMl •tea* r*y Late t.pti*« ~-4l «tea *a weei. om one M**ft w—* lon. n—toM. «n -■ iw.emi*—b* —tono*——ro*Mk —..■ ——no I TM—Oto im . ...IE to* to to Me to—— ■ ... M O n— I n.n . MO oo M*o Mm to MM i to •■— to—r OM— —MoMOO V (. to, to*. Min—— *— Mi *»*-«. to —'**l. *»S»*Taa** «—• te —Vn MO—TMto to Mm to—to to to. 0t Vbaikfc aaec fie (vm iitf ImUtv ’■‘■to—Se—. '"■to, rum, ton—Z mM* - bitolann^^o Champagn —to^Jton' STD~l ~M*n ■ryy&aaa; Jb— — -— i fa."' 11 '"* *■ - lo.'- L — 1 •-’.' ■ ~r f 1 * idatefcF j .t- i v-i aafßaa tea* te y- <M to—MMinM^gji. * to. >U “ —— • “-or ' to— *m*i —Ton* THE KIDKETB MOto •Tton' -MIM IV .Ento—Vop; —e"3T Mto Imml toMM M ■■-, j ' *e» i* i— - T*l SUTCL > Tm «—o MM. to— « mm ~ r Tumour ■ '—» » to—7 —l—n l E.M to to n— m— -i *— *■■»—' to—" ■ *>»J— to *m rnm Ssarsrjsrag ■ms. wow warm rmm w :..t r - PMekrnmmmmAA P* - Wteaaa* m t tw ate* 3Hrr3'r.-s.-J2£S ss*jr-rSS2fenLi >ea* tteßtete an—ppaaa Wteteaaw awaatetea «aa te Bate aw iwpr mi* snsn»sa£r£sa rtaa * aiate bate prn*ir ap*w» b pate 1 I«a aaaHitHMl ■■ « «*r«*tet ’ u^tefatebWM* 1 Hm aa aai te *• br tem**i «*teaaiiaaalaalairS|i 4 Sate *b i* tete.m te*a> hi rpteaiii ' | . t* _.«..