The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, October 09, 1866, Image 3

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THE DAILY ERA. tPMPAT t IKS Ail hWhtK I lW |it^ : WA*» 4m. awl H U 1 ml lift* «>»y «ll b- i*ui *F*+/** wm*™ "*' Y *• «^»rw •tort. 4a 4*>T4*cm. prw«r will All riprttt— mart. «f W pai i T»i Dkutmmt m vctSii -If w,;i Mm* pwrnuabl favor ilmi *uU r.U r. viii iom promptly s*J neglige u * on tb* t part of oar ctrrian. Wa intend to »* rigid in ' UaptHoraMMof all oar contract- acl in--*© lor tka patron* tv bav* tbau pw|>« punctually «nd bare ibem #srl/ THK CITY. ■ Worn to Htn —A fiiniiakH bouae • itb frau fuor to atx ruuas Apply at , Tan Omn Huii Rrrn TSa poor Moaony of high ronto la an 4a—y alika to the pro*pwrity u| todmdaala and coaimnaiUr* High rant# for rvaidwnow an I btuuuaaa h>u*ov do mure to ra tal* tka raai luirrwau* of a city than almuaf nay otkar influence that may be hi ought to Avar t*p*« It W# nod«« ikat, in otker clttaa, •trrnaous affom an* bring mad? to redo** reiU In Naabnlic a lev landlord ha** voluntarily ra dtawi Uwa *»»o abila bolding tba' oblign-* to»n of tb*»r tananu u* p*» atorkknat rate* in aoana ctltaa. further N»rth. an almoat open war ha« apron* up Uta**« owner* an 1 rout am ol properly In many of item* ail>«a. and in *>m* further South. the aremtoty ui reduc tng r«BU is becoming apparent, and thereby a arkoiaoHflM rauu baa Uta produced upon buaiaaaa. Iniki* erty rent* null remain aaoraiooafy j high. tariff nniptuTa r*f ■ boil ding* arr WlUat «k>tnph4ed aaar* «a~mlh ami caauy otbvra «r« to raj a-1 program o< r«*n atrucUoo. reui# kill r -eo uu indued and with Tary UUie prv»*p**ct of ndn r«*«- Especially ! la tbi* tka cam Sub dwelling bud*- It in , nlnrovt im (»«>•«»• hie lor a osu, wbo i* living on • «** • * •’« * 'j fur a ran moderate Wiav tn any •oi..«uuni p>rtu. , »*f the ally lies haiti.** rann -JL._j>*y then* »<4 avr-u murrkaoWt. «hu il-j u-:i own rwaideficrt, fin I it 1 aortas* ni up m their Capital to furrnah tb» tr families with a uaUu- Aiou. W* think if landlord* wou’d loi at the , matter in »to true lightj tKey w.Hild fti. in t-- : tbnr ait»an.;. to inouify the tai lfap .t-.air booaaa. A rn.t tbai rmiu* the tenant not pure wry proflubia l*> the landlord Houoa may ba leaawl at exorbitant rata*, aim ply br oanae area mu at pat tbetr fatuilie* «mt of tbr weather, yet when they fail p»y ihr renti* tba im|>r«>|kfirty ol high ebarg*-•-> Uh- iii- 'n, ut- , ifeaL A moderate hot reftain m tne i- u. icb krtUT than a large afiat Uhct-rUIt ~H«. \ TiU»- 1 ant who can pay a maannabl* «atn fi t the u«e ' of a bouae and |miV it proui|i(l.v i* morn pro# table UsooM who engage* a b huh at ro *r- _ mom flgnre* and baa to be aued before the money can b* ertod Ha* n «* T the Latter bate he. u very c*muuou during the peat year, and nav« been the auurce ol uu Ut ile annoyance to owner* of bouaea. We are making no war up»>u Undlorda. for that wocud be a |**wr way to Uj.- end at wbicb we arc aiming, but we awL to «b<>w tka that »t i» t- Uhhi Ulklal I(» lei lh« IT k- naea at ralgs which Will enahla Uic n r ehant dark or meoftamc to taka th. m au l pay tha renu {•rotuptJy. Tber* it n- true •Oimotuy in high rwtita ~ afid i hTt^- pby oppute them, and will aoon «!*♦ tba Haiu thing But we Would like to ace landlord* take th- m hfrt «**- - W»«-- Uniy do jaaoc** to tbeonalva* and ten an la kimnr Tmn -Why la il that there ha* bean no mtibcation mr«-uug hel l in Atlant . Ih> our people • ndorae tile pf - dibg* of th* Philadelphia Com venti ui ' It v. why not let tb« public km*** IX> the* di*appr >ve of ti.« m- j 1/ au. let the pai-itc kn.*w where ydh »land If oar Tutor I* worth anything m p ditiml matter* why not apaak * If we rlaitu tohav* an optuiutt, why u*t utter it Il wt miaul" i support tba PreonUmt, wh> u t let hiai and it* pubitr know ihmi a* itteeZL lG J SffJ Jf j Wa can t aflor! to vnoMirag*- him and th* caoae of Coufftluthmal liberty. K-t him know where we Maud, that ha ma> mH Urn uj-m a broken atatf Wa maraiy aaggak tbwar Ih u|rhti to the pe* pic hoping to lufiueuoa tbam to aotnm f M>mc sort A dull aputh> ia by ii*>tu«MUka l<e. o*mng to ua. and if we ha re ant fewtra* m tbematUo owe way or atedb- t H U nrcedinvi - pr*|ef Ikat wa give njit. .u<m to it. W* w«.*uld lw gin I t** have the aeulUClcnt. <»f tba |>eople the qoawtiou , bnwurrr r*» r«i Hi A* ifav winter »t*- U naa.sV’cvry t • MI.4K- *r l**r aiffie promh u f - r ‘he p»*»r of the tity Liking to fhi* end the City Conned baa HH*urrd from Mron 11-ogbi A CbamWra the gr.«a proceed** "f ooe |H-rf»*r.n u»cw of Ibeir excellent nrcaa company, which amee.l eveuiug The pelf rnMiwe wm be ginu on t» owm*a aftern*am Ucwara W T Head and A. 1' 1W il hare brm apyo|«t*d w iWaiiiK to tnauugr ike, aflau OB the part of tba rkt The' have had ticket* piH.U.I ind put m aal* it al: the and Drug S«<»re« in tha etty. when they tn «v be porchaewi hjr th’»ae who are willing to con tribute a few dollar* (of the benehi «-f tbe poor It I* hoped that the people will make the bane At a han«le>u« oue, for it i** ‘ he**. I* I w.dully and wul be. uea 'ad »ur»i h. fore the winter ia gone Hr*»*r KtJ.ioTT Wr had a brief call ye»- tarday from th** High* K* v staph* n KHbgt, Biabop of the l>l«vm of (le*irgia. »l. w re rlaaiaaiical dufi## h*Te br ngh* b:tn ■ •tty Tbe Ui-Lo'p. we are glad ae*-. it 111 ex waßwut health, and wr hope for him many more year* of uedniueae inliie high calling to which ha l« ortLuined fie la a g. ntleinau ut bHfb ebamrter.wb*» at*a»d Arm ae gr.«nite a luh* . tbe atom waa raging ar***md hun and he came out of it with hta feb* nnapoUed, and hli ofßrtai and perwrmai rharasHer »*„•- | pwached Paorrrrv roa Hiijl Mrs) H Jaaai offara tor aala one of th* l*eat in tka rtty !♦ to to*>*ud cm Tuu>Atrtt, •*>• <d tba moat (taairakde Mrwt* w the hit. and ia eI.HM* t«i tba hnaineoa rent re The lot eon lama one acre, and ia ornamental with all the improvement* neei4e«l iu « large family N*> nuc.b place a* thi* has l«eeo put aput tha mar ket Utaiy It ia hamtoome and extu iuidy 4c arrwhle Tha hoaae la built in Or»t-rate etyla. tkarooma are all ***** toitii-i with gaa flsturaa. This aTurda an axt rUmt *.»p|**nu nity to a man of ma«na who ta in ne«**t of a bum# kvaadvertito inent iu ••Hacnrity beget > ncglnreimc ami bnnga a Mtow Ly tn debt aoinei»in-a. | n* -Ibw|«|Mt »iH U m. mM "** >» »il»li- ia aawi Ml ■Upm. «• ia. r * Un Sru UM allKa IW 0* Iw ; ■'*« iahabMaat.* *• an 10 ban • *KSjlai awl tali prtmua ao4 Um ■ aaMM of BMlod* whuk at uaw «• faa.l I HI 'Si law. aad na, St Oily IU, . *»ukac ua*c.**—Sat UiU rtwd iu>tarial ii<W "t ahieS IB (Khar twl Ban Uu i i*J“- *•»*«• ta laduftuaM. tlwaaat of n *««i a.lktaUcm An yam gmng la th. OpwO ulh. <|an.),«i - h which Ime in gn i tail flm ll mi nr gnea Os coarm, ia tbe reply JCe*f If *u<l*y ae*- utng tba gteaiaat cornu- work A tba immortal I «na|«M. Know. Th. Uuhi <4 Sanll.* , wffl hr reudarwd at Orme'a Hall by the 'JLiooi' 1 and Haaint Opera Company. nf-aWk M»x 4 fHrabowcb. tka Wei; known unpr<pmarto. *■ rwetof. buck of »*ur muaia loving ciuiwu aa , Ikava o<4 todnlges! tbamaafem ta otk m cttiea of tba Boa lb with an evening wuh Amah* BalU htraknack. Obloc 4, (Jaruaaa Iffra. Hoaini Marra and tka other a&owUval art let* of tba [ iruupa. will do wall to ambrac* Uiia tka only and last opportunity of bearing ib«m ru tku pu|uant production iUmrntui bimnalf tocWel Aouslta PatU to ha tba baat rwpraaaotntira af li*«*m* hr arar heard, no one ever atjnalliug h«w to her rendition of tka abac water of that tirvety and nod caprtrattag torment. Tka ptoi • of tba Opera ta taoet anusiug. and tor tka , benefit of oar nameroue readers wa intend publulnog it a day or two prior to tba avenmg , of the performance W« tmat that the eotbrocemact of mnaical art iu Atlanta wtU be aaauoipnmed wub all that makee an a ae*-takings of any «barnctor at tractive—tka oommacdaOun that ipeabe from xpaxibng ry« and beaming I'ba ticket "Am will open on Tba net* y morniug at B B Cr«w ACo * Wbiir hall at mat, opfxant* National Hotel, wberr » diagram of Ike ball will he mown, and amt* can bv procured ftt Paiuew n namrra were held iu fit. Philip* iKpiMCOpai Church <m Sunday moruiug ta*t be towwu w*rr raasi by Eev 8 J. Piokartou. of (hi* city, aud tbe dincourwe drhvrrvd by Rev Mr Benedict, Ol Marietta, from tba toet Giauae vMbc fort/ ' acvenlb vena. aecAud chapter of A- u “And the Lord ad-Usl to the Cburek daily *och a* ahoold be mm;red The M-rm m #a*ab!y prepar«el and delivered UB an rmincotly appropriate «y|e At ita cb<ae tbe candidate for ••filer* Rev J Know Ira, formerly a miauitcr in tbe M i Church South, fe pre*ente<l by the worthy 4re«»~ ami oidarned aa Deaooa iu Uie l*r teelaiit Epi*oupal Cbun h of Uttttod Stale* • A KttH-tU'W Tlh* wiede aeri irea VcH* dt» ply iUI. *. aiittg and lmpreweiVb, They were wit * *‘. r • i'mf* at»<l aitendva *u ii.-i,- e iu the afternoon the BivUop prcachr-l a Irani, and s-desmi aud luipre*aive mmuou fr->m tka toiler *U«aw of the fifteenth verve thtrt ebaptt r of Droverk* “Aud L» *d r**4Uir«lb that which t» jut. ” Du» Yot* Evu?-Reader, dul yoo ever, wbeji ittoiH to |*e«t.irill art -did y«*u e»er wheu you toll au invUitie and irrraiati Ne otMtarir nee op be toe- yo 'ike a great cbio-J wb'MM btockorws c*ali| be fe|t ar, I »>.4 •cen did you ver. when fOU bit tksl n hour .»f frial had * oiiic. that ih. Uri l o .r nved t>*r pntiing y w ur m*nh-«-1 «*> tn •44.*i y-.u neurt .-ompmr now or tail did you ever, when the t* m,’iat><«ti to shirk your duty WTilni xinrt apnr* yrra, and ymj f*4t - reeiduliou wavering cv-ader did you ever’ W# really won«lrr if you ever dni Rxai. EayiTt *t Arcno* —At 1<» >. |ork tht* m -minf l’<d Q W Adair w-ih atll th t pCitpefty on Mitchell street, fruniiug Kie reaid* l»c. oJ.CoI Rictiaiii Taian, ' TliT- TS " Ana pn.jwrty aud iu an ekcwltont iorxlttr Immediately after tbi* **le he will *eil t I Ltobuey * pwi(««rty ocmmeting at *eveu sui .11 h.tam. *M» lota at ua jdut U .Il Ilf Malit ua Hi t Wait.*u UtTvcta Term* of the whole fatora ble Pkituiu. We bad a call yesterday fnan I). L r W SadNnn. olSol. <■ e.1a.1 The I> * t-*r i* va ruofr North looking after t!... iat«n«n id hi* paper We hope !»*. will meet wtlh alt aud tuoh* then tbe lu-tvei he and» - awrvvo. At * vovruKr*onrr>T i’«u«ptur ha« -‘ur thank* fpr Nr* <>rle ß n-« pw per* of the s(b. and kl - uipbi-. aud Ka»Liiil< |wperv .4 th. Ml Tn* f'Vrcai fjjpt** A raewtinc "I the Kar.j ._»f Director* of ih.* Opera 11 . I. old iag. is caJ.e \ fir thi* aftvro-etn «f I o*cb«ck. m - the irloe of Hie •mapany. mK-ln.i a-Lund log Swe node*- in <.|>e*'ial column Limiii -ft b. trvv A Cos h»%v*- B*U-»u * Ui.iitbly f»»r November They have al*o at! lire r nur Ul-Mitbliwa and PeUtrtom h N*tl”ii»i lahdiea Mag uiine T<m Novemb. r Other ui .. uiuri ar* corning 16 dally The Richmond Time* »*y* B*ti ftntler hs-* Iweu put in roium*ixl of tin Maanachu— tt* in oil ia, will. l\ he ha-, divid'd ini • three mr|»% Ihr liadgw of ti}v tor*t corjH i» a ailv. r ih* asaUind * gold watch, aud lU* thud a rill. -.1 New Ortoann oaf*. “fttird Torn* motoond iifenif t- .k* th* Ixmdoner* oj**n thair cyva." It w. tfhi f r - a good thing if the Loudoner* could matr ! 'tr: .•pen bia • Rjvtori ha* goue to b«*n*ei«-. ptpg if the house abr kee(.M It ae |p"*d m the h » >-* - •be get*, aba’il do. •*A Mdrtnon Itiato'p. monnlfy I feavwaetovwa wt*** AATt forty -#vfen ckddrvu He ought to be a ell weft. Medical men *4via* Mr Seward to r* tip* from pu+ihe HfC. ** Tavbap* tbe median! -®rn are Radicala Big bole in an incovcne big rent Sax ailvrrtiaenient of wanted L4N Ah nt aiAKaa turrit icn. Ei uoiH'IW. —KfcW* ftxsi lioaisi A I*rge * ot.s k lA F'l'filtorv. and invite tlie aU* niton of th.wM deMnng to purctiaae l tie *».s ki* • tnpiete. *iWf?end>racew ev« r>lh|i s ft"’ * Towel Rack to the fine*t I'arlorrtMt octT —lw ,\1 -Kin tt A I^l. Mm Rivim r*vr«'lo to aun.-tmc*- a failure tn <•} N-hing her MillinFry and Ewwrr «»r»rwfw ot» yeatenlay. aa atlvi-rtiM*l m tin* |*s|m*i Tint r.*ouiv n-4 twang oomplete*! tt wa* to »K> an A tow iU> * will be lv«|qimi **» Anioh the rooiita, when • rto. k will lw* oprn«*d f.«r In *j**h (t.wi to *uu th* moot liniiilt-Ha ot to a Hrmx »vt* Uai io*b K*iji To any ooe deal row 8 to engage in huain**** we offer an ..ppwrtuntty to put-b«<w oar KNTIM *t*wmi i riebmeiug a g*w*.t weteetlou of |i.M»Tw *MI> Smom Hatw ann Carw, N.mona, Ucxrrw hifevisßiv.i U.R4W TU to vary daairable Apply to t . ’r.-w.Rt. H IM I . .. I Whitehall *trH>t. t’n*ler National H.4el AtUiH*. Ooiokaf 4, lhto> At ttA>wu»-iiTm tow I by km 4 k fimna Mr Wm 6 mms* m lb. dtom A fervaa as to totort* SUVSL muuvau. hnmifcin foix NMOon. s. v m+mu. cm Sruarrh. (JOuMr a. lflM , a M Awtoap, mvwo lltwmfsm i Vrt. Tblort 4 .Him Bat r v too «a* tom * A ttww T est * I w imhmb vat aft a a luaa tarwn • A has* *» ft 1 •* « »tm tor 4 a im*.-. i^wn* I I SXLwviy k wjSs. V Pi Jnfftiwxr oon. m , t ft r-*- Wpm vwweaß * « rt-44- «*M.wa V ft lm. ftavwawat i»rtov ia T-ipltoMn. Ito* M y Wm*. fmrwm a / i*!" town, a Ml lit*. * M Mu'po t-wrwrta S<4 Owntaor. ft O * CtoaM (MsrlefwtiU* F LO**ymr, A ****•» i I J tmto wm r nSftrsa.T O ldtv« (to ft Hwrt. twaa iruvu, OtWar a, me tocorvwt*m'JrwmvUte I T file, iu*to D4i*«Of.Ti WUm •* A |W>4 ua DO ftawt. U* Sf. rah.* r*m L SaJUwm u*er.»a M I -aw M J Mrs baaft laapw * l Wlift' m* (Jfthu J onfttc. Ua Jo Safa iuu*s 4 M Itof. Alton* Twaa 4ft J Warm, i • M b tonft to# .Mnlis Mr* W«g*. «Jtototo 4 T irwftaraaa. « msft*ld Mr* M 4 luqv» B it Y *m. <wriar*«ui* J t» 'Wr. Him* U ft ti«M.*v > 1 * •» - lltctoU. Mac.alia Mr* ts r UMtwwi Lt T L Vu.v*M. T«at> * w u*>a« Ortsaba W T 4*e* AU ft 1 i-fcae*. K***..l. L W ftalaa Ua l b Wee* JTaauw W A ton. C>nacm J fertaad. Tma U ft IwcAar. to 4 ft M ;-#. ft kali. Haw 4 W a aw*. Kj am Sr* iub*.*l. «C ft 'tolar* 4w**l. 44 •» lw ft*. AtacvrMa 4 <4 ftii«*r. Wuaj^u* the safwM ft K tomwa. tows I. toaufc Va J ft ftmft. Ttowaal-wi M ft JtotoUj . ftafcwr oo hantfc. MuTWfc—Villun i/tou/W.* Froyf-iwfcß* Aftsris. (Jrtotcr a iftfcr. w o Ffcrr— BJWT ‘»* t R TUMI ‘MwqAftiwur* 4 < to-rar. « tot/. 4Ta<wa U 0 hf.vw. A i *» toB vUasu i. tt 4«bW.V*’. ftf> F • aa>pi> 11. tia 4 «' Hasans :, ft C <• tt -w.iii.>.4». 4*l h> O W-'iuari. da } i r Svwfcuec. Keftoa w Ua*./ Mm ft L-v, ft Y ft M.'ft « tomky. <* r rtof. '•% it D huHiiftia. to Frwo H (I «tor*U (4a « H HsAwr Team Dr 4fcdr«w«. Me.on ft HW*. fft _ * * :*-• > t ■-■ ■ \ 4 AILHOItMUIhII-U.i l. (•■•l|*t*«|Hr Waa**** 4 Alleatt* H. ftxtaeia. Csa -Mto# ». lfcb> W 41 filusas irv*« ft WuUAasi ts tf-^rj AHM4d.'”l'o(M*|> 4 Caa F *4 M,>U* ntfve) a jhNi|'*rfti ft M "r»f 1 Oo I7*wlf(4 4 O Ks LftW. VftC* m »i mb riSASCIAL. r AtuiTa. Octoiwr ft. lHf>: The tranaartKja-* in m *orv inntton* y**t.r dtv. were •one-wtiat to re limi:»*J tb*o -»b r Sir'll**** 'Autocall w ur Ju sl.lji Zll— Lauded bivtnvw* do*ug in »! 1. bank bill* - ruout y acaycw ansi bigft lUj... *- -.n» i.M regular rti*tou>vn» -<mt*nder* p*y large r»Vr» ofintet-*: (OIIHUO IA to;a UcFf'brr 11, lb6to PbMNI -Sujwrfiu* 4i«* to- \1 ♦*• Kouily 414 'JU Extra Fauolr. ain Ui. Fane* brand* *l7 Utk > Ift 00 V. MS.T - »J Uf—.J M>l 1.u.t,.! Com Nk’iitu* >1 30 Yellow *1 He / ILuis iv, :v Mk T*u ftdcT; t rir i li - ftBT < . Bh*e.i> . 4-"e' J hliiiu* pwifi *nd u * an be! } at fir AH wool and« ;*.i»ew, pi*jn and hg .rev! "ira^quoted it tsnrf ‘Ar Aij*- a* I'm*, nsinre from Aik- tu II IU. 'FAIN'T I>*4J« 4, «.IM s. uic very pretty style* ><( pUol and *frip* » are in ih. m*rT«-t, an 1 qu->tvd *1 37 ,(* »• (ityiHtw nt .kfce 'o- Kl*wil« Facy wlnpra, 1-r ahirtingv held wi :wwt «■> I’aiM* . Artillvlv Fr-. m*q-17< IA til l> l*» ti 1 • A- . Sprwga* s 4» k . ~M7T:~~i> 21c . d-- w . 41- . - mourning I7«* Di«i»l IA- At.** like Swxr*i' Virgmu it I7c fiftgnaf* 7 i-v l i ..t TTf:.'.' CFHkvnt k-T: 11 ft, Tent-eawev Pr»-UinmH 4 4 T 2 Liman .» 4 4 £1 Lairel Uili ‘iiic and A. A* v lla.«vi Pi.aid ( "TT«»ww iV* Sir M.V HLTitM Ui>..rtsw« XW* c» S otiand J.i 3rr; ij*- , Roghwh < haiubr? \U* PV CV‘fT- ■*■ * IVall . lot mu dnll* 3-. . --■ Lttietv 1 '& i(* PW- Convm 11 >aixai ,*3 •*»p- r iota I»- Siliii. r-M-l j 4. . IN-ml art -u E, 7 ft. i* . iV ifi. 7 ft. 4 V . KmglevilW. 7 \ .>V . • - i|ne*:..g», extra 4 4 Ciy%' kiu.e uli> IX»MurTI(W Hunt a M.ii. 3-4. “I4tfe . I'-HiMßuuU. IL 31. 15c-.. and ft :-ft. "-Jgr-rAI 7 s>ilL., S.sff •; 1 7 a ‘37,. . Maui* 7-bT ‘i-*v . YuwiatiA 4-4. 3»v L«»ti»~ •4*to 4-4. 4**- . N* * York Mill*, 4-L lie. THE MARKETS NoHMUA October 7. Wr arc gad t - ts wen Ci-aitt^iriLhL.iAii^Liii-nip -r*r>« - ‘.h*MLc . cholera 1* win ling.. 40 fact, to 1 * a rtngtc death occtim-d fr uu the 'inwl di' am the |ft>puiatton. wiituu the city omit*. <-u s»?ar lay. and the gru<-ral tutQatioQ la a » cn.- ir aging that the r».*re -1 of tor phy-icisrtt* are «vs -pinion tisat ch.-:m i* •~»iwet- *4 io-u ei.tir. iy. Jlha.ll 1 J4m »V " .of every cnaracier r* regamiiu: it* wonted vigor ati-1 wriitirty t.■•-n-oderwble l. niurv iw r« . p.rnd uu Sat ntv lay, and a brt*k w.. k-a :k antic.ijv*te*| for, her nienrhant-.. couiruen. .ug 1-aifh to day. IYk«# carrent nn« han K *d but * tV-H-kd njivari ten it* Hi-» *- for. We omit qu-olaTi-ftl'. a- no rhaugv ha* taken jjUiv ; tn them tttHV Naluniay laat. . l—l imn iVrt.dw-T*'. Tl)t* market ** right in the tuid*t of an ceerwhrtraing tn»d* >4* git*- fhr la*t- qi»i'tnieHi‘ of iradiin; article* SaU-% of W bbd . Ud udiacc- . pnera an obanged Snj-rhne fi »ur. f*.* i > I*n»e wheat »i 75 < balk Bfi 5£ 4v 1 oloar .'Lud, iu tmrev*. Hie K*w wlaaby. 3-4 t*nrrmm. 4 4 ltoo*. ■«* hai link doing on t*Uan<<‘to day, th* prtncijaU mer . hauts betog nt («* fh»* great Butler iOreting af Carthage TT*ur and gran; n ruiually un r rhrtutf‘ t il in | n vt Wbiaky 12 33 in Umd. Ua* | •*»« k 3XI S* Lard, 17c. I Ibid, 1 4B| „ •>«*•«* 4My la»4 J4*|Ul*t. ’N»*r toe* w* . i«,*i,.<t >au tor*. •uy»r»‘(v *►«*' Lana Kwiwb* • «wa 41 sipwalj tto f*‘rj*o* .4 *«rtu* toJ ito* j af«erli*Am it. (mr h*«. M*u *-* «a«* ><# wal e - e.-.o* m- .. •ftft* hh wd dm mm ■ tosrt***t tee a Mbnqpa • wto-ttor tovi *eii4„> a* Vj rwfawwunt to* a* *r '■•*»• «w I •* Tto «to»e »'»ty l*W>i Kwgoa*# will to to fcvfft .f« ftw luspe- lxav » . tto . aad »e«r* UOO hr mliHi i It- tto warn, iwft mi townw "wahclft crtita* *r *a*r l ftu ftw real wreir w«*l »f a.* ai< tto rvrt —s*tr to ( , aalr nr rent ta *« u«*t \tlar-** W* wkU bay *wtL *a4 real to jtLav and *»■«■■* . Ita* •*«» tin** »t.4wtwb to tto H#to tour »iswwt. *4.4 ie tvwiwwtac 4*ia* tnojr aaft tomrwii- *i«wmi •a* .wm wiawna w* toftw to waato tto ttoto tMj Land tftSre an iwtirm* rt to. • to* to*4l t*> tto -w*l>lm, m3 Itowtoy h aa wrtl aa rwsixe>«v> , to«n»rto4«*a RLLL a OUX awUl tftw Seal total. Awwato. t«%*h* Hatty BMftawTlM i-Mfhiatol IMuri a..*r. ta ewrtt walewi-—I totoawA to anto towa ta* r*>-.4tmv s tna. ml ■■tVv* »ty howvrui to (to a tew, ujvwi B* *4ta FW **e> to aU lOsh* ***t ! IM, .►,* IHI. M>l* sPBOii fonoEa *m.i)™**p* ***^ *>Mb. —— —-** l * Tfc* S*e*i wF fill twaa* i a# Mha #p*va ■totoetaAdmf m turn •» towel to to* *mto rt TlMFnrffWi.tolt'toa. ‘ 1 f I . Mtottbt ft (*a tto to-r* to* in* toft; tto ; r*v*» F*t m*rn rt into# fttoftWto*a « *a VZPfM'Af . —* iR, dtomrs m* to*r tto j uu** aw Oi*4 v> |nvera**i oraato inwto/. n (tor TWfcto* map to i.rftml ft « to tone aaft »n« . ortj-m ftflMi lOmmrnm San F.agtnt waft tto we Hill ftm totem ftrttor wmiaSm* ****■•>- umwtm town town*. b-1* IW tort kto -am w«m pwtear* toft ftrwt tow baatfcg fcw tto aam *iw>m*to Tto wtoft* tt yftftf aa*. and am to |*wiiwl tow *a upa ui n to iiftiti. vsvr ft Dimu to to*l we tort a** uaw rwmwCly tey fir* me* tom Flit'll pwrt« ton ttT rn» lovau lLnstm Fma totmu umuri m law n- end to* otrue Ultra Iwratux U«tov*wv w Fuant. towmfttt A*e«,V Mr ito C Whttw S to m-tewft • yhiain to fcwar r w» to* pr-.HtirtaM* rt jH#i«m la An.-aaryg to*u-to*pi a m* Tto** OapMiaa too* atoaft art «i; won yr —| w. tot wnft ;na# tttovwMy to to to to ami *wnto*«f to to. to act «rua evaa ;wi IF to tel* aaftwtoi *A Wtewwt tetotog to *ftJ •“tort I. c Mslau ~ * nan ta. O* . Ocaotor 4. lftftft maa ftt Itefcf Itehl hrtf tovtrk I tormiete: arrafcfc WtfX*TUftftOnrntt3rr WDLX CTSSTMft ITCM a tuktt kiumt su m ah* <«*• a*. Kfcewn, r.*as Mteflltoin* aC Brupooa* rt.tto t 0... Two* to «mt* Fur easr tey mi. lrwagta* Sy nmftinft m <*ot* u. wrcfia a FoTTTJt, !«»““ Cv Satotinrywa rtawet Itoetao. tt wtli to by a*U frw* rt | n*tei«i. mm; pari rtlto tartrt tow* Jan* • lew. -tn. Marriage aaft (tilttary. mm WL—my mi a P-cun* *trt m*(ru u* 4k 1 wwag Mea to. Dm •**» ■ *i~t Aintn* wtocit ,«ttv*tmt tto eua. |e/**rs •tn* *wr* wmau* / ratW toaU frw rt . fcarjr* ta ms ftetiaratftafH 4<lirm* D* J *4 il I-f's US. *tf I- N H *»rt 4s*kttbah. Ftototpto. S toft! tt toe* ft * ***** • •f Mm. * —ato lit*.! v|#i m ua»l *’*e *li * > • taits. a wjftfce v rvutiaiu.' • t Til*, toar* -f nnjtli} «• --j ~ - - AtoftaAt tim ' k - * ft 1! 11. • • 4 IU.: H**d* “ P~ — *~ -TH riilHx r ~yr it r»aA*» tto H*r sdsh-l >,*■< • tto ta-aip. Our-tt tto il >M«I bru* X- u, ' fland'uft '' .r** tot-nt Hmt* to < arm la*ar«w Lul/totirtote la. ,w« tlar u, t wrl ta|er ■ *"* 4<* liar ton Oort .fttW# h,*p*m *< r*r* w - Tto tu.lra.l *ft. *uitjr«w to • T FVjaftU* ywi a}/ leißStoi; h*-rluaa'l Fsaowl—ft by OywvHiHiaaal Ut* i* arr U4UM -Jo I Wof ■ So. thr ***** It au urrui anorr rt NTUCUft . > AMtitortU a (to tot. to* gresU m. 1 -il.-tj** wntet Ui tto world. Tw y»v»* a try * ..tftrvfti- , ' Art by Iw-aarrrt* ItetiM • 4u.-r*a* Maowttacannaft Cmmymmj iw*i «j 311 Futfoa fttewrt. lUW Turn ft bn aaft (.rwaft Fpoik la Mvftlrla* : Dr HeiuSCL k tto f-mnto rt • anw Xrtrs. ywm Ti -i -V ' tan*: • »u*» *m- ibieraal ton alwto ito M/.a» i. *aJ larairie tto ti -via. a** «: vr 4e«, * r tto mat. «L >**r** bealeft aatt *tlfc fr--u. «wm w two rt us* rau-wurdiaani Fto* aa' ■ ..r*-. t,;- j u.toX*rwfcul era 'ft'lCL "X~Sgrrr a- rt tu# - V'- »• s-ea- ■}- - ars laat a,*-, *h tftv a*rs IJI-.1 I. 'fibs ttay > Itra-*-Uuary (WN by Maa-r.» # K * u,l mi** to** tto *vvw rt tto 4-- U>- toflk rwj 'C tto *=".11846 « -U.M-* a».t t,«h *n> a I— , - to** *i k-vt, *>. aftly iii|rfi4nl Mawc:r • hu» ar* to rt tto Ifcat ar* • **.. *' i *•« tto kt. ao-i rt Wto-i ***r» t»-« fa. ml-- *—al— at. ameaattt t* afcrttoT On# tt r - Ttii* Hafttem (ft -e-lrr i. ** tb* amrft rwi* at. *t-f<rt.w mi. retehr# ito t, ,vu ugso art ta-ya l Ttorv a L f~T|ni|[ mit nr r*H(i i ia II • T<T rt -•**»• -e> ••**’* i* *ff«« te.l :u f«»- t *'* ’**hr*.(. at,! J •*.* tor* ,u* syatett, .» terbl» it t* u. • TV.* is* i eLt» :ua4n* tto nir-is ; :.*• on toirstw N tb* •*t t* rt ttriicatr * ;.>***• I tcenv-a* art *rwp.*« tt.-» *-*• ar* *uherat:y eiitng ..*b*J y tb* .hoatotar.i ,« W. r 4 - M afglrl't Hi I lot**. t>y»p p»e aaft |>lav> etesea Mill. «I-- al ftbttWV ta . » M ** •Uftti'li ftatwv ta mi*., Ua is rt by 7 tinci V* »**l ami rt *UL at tt -*s p ‘v * _ “ !■■■■— ■■■■■■■! ■—W ■„ Il -•■■ ■ ' a- .us Wmorn u» TV* rHtkwt a:»4i tb* -wt r*t u. ii* mu \ tto K-*t rt •< for tto irwsit aaori ft __«**r. wr* tto -*>oe rt to* *» lswit i•■ m flm art artto U*a.i* to aittt . uftaaeUi at».T '•* a n*» eaaa/ » .xwafat. *>• an tft* «vt rw*at «e tto mutwwt art tto «ld*'>/arU It oao to hWilw.l nwiwbart M «*♦ tt tmr j-*e tola vaisisf* WfHtwft Satsr, mSti by -v : TV* OM.-I ( TcH* * Bitten* •44 .n <»* jar is *-«u. *tart TVs. v.rtft 0£ . ilmaituo at rt* btafc. frven tto l*art u- 4ii. »»T«t t- S*na4r • m**,nffc.tor> o */ rt tto mtaaai tg New 1 .rt bt* aa.4 Ito: Dra4*«s( all tb* ruefta m tto ntafc* •‘itft to* whrtata ’O. T - lift A. ac»4 . »»*•••• £•* »a*-•*•( craitto lunrtil WW I- i*m a law i*. test Ui**: Ta • rtMIBN. - vXKt |tua oar: , ft* A MftlaM baw tbts a w-r d tn* » tto ntatetew Stlttn shtJ to w.' etteer arr-. - mlj, aw.l a. -Imk* u*> rappte --ectata Tbe* an eerj uo a <atiua «tot. Mattgurt fccet «at a#>-l • (Teat aiveOttrr ftnrwtafta vpiiaf Water. •—1 by ai: l>rttdxt*t* •la inr.. 't-wt rfr t*-%i * ■•rt \jscj V>v**{ os** ~*•'! aiweat he a- *»*, Ito a <rtwrtt .miutoM aartaxwUr • w * TANARUS; tt *ar..- )/r.;mrrt u— abv- -- v- - .» bewSHl *wry W|*ttb wm* *wy A4e mat - - ---—aga-- / wt^ nwkt aA i It (* .e.toaJrt ta rt -a- •tt•«u l. ■ w*'.,«***. 1»“* '‘O*#- to^e* •a-.ti mac e tonal \ tk.tta#' rt a*, “rwtt ft ft, w ireta* nto «r-atf»<4 tn f#>- •«-*• *wt*rn*tctxl*>. '-ana* tie svnaiun ’.g W t.lihrntt. . Vftft art tto ynNOtua., !»»**• Ho*t» A Itt New fret •ar*t«f* Sate,. tti qiW an Mtrt cart a tohHtttfkJ bnad rt ba..', arrt •«* y«e*- w-r * ate -a mm. ywaum* bto.ta*— art twrtuoa arm* mstr* u* h*.f rv 1 efl *ai P*- . *rte asm ttashftrwtt ml .ww«»* ito tou* to grew wstfc Istsmi i*sut« tt k iM'rtAh LYON .Wt No \<w* . toratf ■ hplag S atm. aft tt* a,. Inputs W »*r ttu- ti »—A enwm lafty. etowrmta* «r to# <vw» I orv toww* fttoe a an> -om rt a f*w -.. -ate* w N»* \.*% •a* torttly r*>.y».,*rt V* toe m—ha ta pa* rt a !rww. ftwttftrTTXfis. m* butt a sslXjfty *•-• i .*ik* «* H .|wNarrM too i' ns*, v-4 u,- s*- t-a-*. v > *lm w— a tt* frn. • Mas'K'-ik-HB.'Ti. ml *-steeAtewiO.-.. Ai.y «*4\ -ss to/ tt*rv»nai affttwarwii *■ *wry mm a •>j w.i« U..t Sjt<- e It aasr. to •rtewl -las*. Utw 11-u t.s ,%o V MU * hsrsisft Iftiaf WalM. aft to all PngghH* ff «rwt . .Min.u: Ha.? i.*> k . *to ft* p'»rt ta •a** * fcw '*we tost.. **wr» li a. < : wns «to sto .iUat? mi tb* m-to rt tto bao •• • toafti U U, its ktfUft UT ' is Wft * dr- rtt t* .owte m tto malts ■**« letoAaft w a bmwttfui Mata 1 ftt waa P. - ma art |l m tort by to Amtoea Saratoga hprlap IS ater. art tty to TANARUS" La«v Sn*rt rt J case-* Httots to lals • «wv , h4a**e*a NearVtotra to,A H ta*b» tVbet X H*h It* .anCoi aa*< *ttVHw farWy mto** ft • ew*cy wttsrv. at S saato par tottMa Sara**** ipetag to aim, art tty all Itra**** 1 mwja i raft I > j *i MNOMoamui. L i tAWSI «%o im kmm r~ ■« ■**■**- ai —* if—■ I l twin 1 ■ I . i * j « HILOIKI <rf ato» -I - «M t n *t» mmm a-, - ' Na* *'* «4 • y•■*■•• •amnn I a—f wd Unrwnn aa AM to H( a ' | «T. DUMIIU) lITTkRI TKV THEM Bl T O.ML •«fRr rr. Duxiibo ptin. Ml II iakac k n Km ■ fraa B«u«a ftto ' I ■iMin rt «( M Min 811 COCKTAIL. ’ ijtiir •101)1 UH*TAI» N(W BIH taOl E» IIIABL % lAM AT All _ . - I- |W «• STtIH oama w- OaaawA Ml»<kto rty Bratoy. Ma*»tofT7 *7 r «l «l*fM (MAtol LrmM «rmi RDBS A 00 ■* »>••• »n l, I) WHOLKHLi! B » a « • i a Maaaua IMM * IU. unut* Btij. »•* t> w* Urartn aM til ■Him 1 rr*. HTj DBA JOHN BUUM 00KF0UVD CCDBOI lITTEJLB. I TBLMm >MI Dm . - \ iKpartaat Dtoeorwry RUDEDTH CI.ITHT!:! j iota Bail, ts Tamili* Lnt&cky | - __ L | •total* toawafeaM mmm* *** f 4 »• Am • <toir ‘n-ralgi ~lbh. -r‘l 1 m —" ,f "r»w«aM^w i*. .n a I ■ j ** j •TTHOI T A Alt AuL ’ , ABA to* i * ja* «a« **«’?•* Ol BTIPWA • ' Mm tom • ■ Htooi m cw ** Ata —ma!» MmS la BatoT|laa to tmm* im m* J mb to* w%,«# yr—i ■** i < a to* Boa ■P»i a to* anrtA •iti nn r KDBtx arrruu a ton *» paKto * lal at tmmmrm tor «ar» toi«ArmßUtanatf«to fc* to -~ u Ok* »o»iu uru <m> umn, Ml «and to* -r to•BaaT* IB ** " naai, AkwilHto Sto Ajcr> » Fever and .Vgue, HL Cl ■ »«T—. lto *Z‘ toaTtM MM B* BBfcMJUit tats Ay aM to- ■**■ y a.*y M. iOHI BI LL. Pm Mil Otom PVtt torm, t-Mii. 1» Iwm wmluiu .«* art-ia *< A T imn * ctv. «'P<|^ V -45 B> • V«m niariy*. iJiltoßmiy j u uuL||. T * 1 j **“l**oßl aiim okebey esoqul, •ftoTaniiii m to mL ta Jaaaa OaaaK M-a 1 alaiM|M«rliaiaiCaaa a*» £rSSfSH-ir I 52 * s I *•- 'T'* 1 '■ ■" ‘ ***“.• *r ‘ltxxii* a!5 .*“ am vroumv Mystic Pills.l TB MEAT FEMALE ÜBW r pst PTtnc PILLS to yapaa «ats fla • mb toAmUnTatopato "to to ««ir *a*w rrwk rto nt*« | TANARUS« «IUI V hair r entoreb. to i< -to ts tß* tor* hTT Jitoira toamtoto to «JA flpto*to^to*^tor^ T u:*:i» Aft> OLD PpanA a— to* Fra Lpv Btoi MM a* to >ama JAM OISIBAL (mb Ml ■pHt-Alt Ito cm GaIIICHAN sPiliS CHILLS & FEVER I , 4 . • • jj*s2K^r^rr2=»^ , ss ITT»ltoirraaa/ JlpaLr toaaJ ama 7ai *r > tm I frrnC m Atrt pcbmiwcal iuiacil str AAIAIAm mA Ml toaa tfttom ia F« to. ta ton mm ml |a ato Ato «ay Mi l* aft .wai ■■ ’■iVl waTTK t»*tom w Atom : «r Atom *» • Taujjl to »rto ■■■a H P? Ob, am ■to aixl a amnAUJMpMri. a« Cm AAA. ■ TUTU, - cxivrotd uik ■to l A. ftISU Cam Mato ill 9 O. Lb. •SO EiA t Em >to« Eaton, Ak KiU L WOOOA Arp to LbMMm. JLT ELOUeT AHALE, , 3m» Frfntoti. Miff—ry. lkk»L wiolmaui worn tom. jtoyATtoihiii, U 1 H toil— ML, » T. | JL A Bat to U. tom Or aam Lb Bold by mil Drafgitotto. ___ Eottoil Pnom *1 JO ym Bn. U>mr>tfMLatotf to Ptotoßai { toms pat to to. LtoAtoto T W Ell PEE to* T*t fciK'l Mlki *'V' V* tom EX « AMI ETUX-CM A CX» A Vto* fPMB VWAto«r|rwo* to» arm MW * EMM - tor Ml Mb- l*ar tor—* a toPTTEEtoto aym toil to. -ato yar j in*lto,t fftoatfto *-aw m. «a 111 " h » « PM^AJI tto t liiaig aEto* totom aßiata ; a a**« « «to a toa iuK9 k ll | - - - A turn TM ’* MOTU9. I tor a vtovtaß rum . ■ r«» —» * • m tol • '■ V Em V TQJA Av’t to ftoma Eiwl ■• Oami ’ Pa to*. aliiaA. to rißft My il JVion o oa.. totolA 1—« L) Haß Ob Mtorayt PElto BptA.p«y a Pmlllßf to. Rto»v • PUM tom* mm a*Barty ..into •»«? HIM m ttol to mil pwEfe Ml hiblb tomAtototomaiißMtoMtomato Pa arm***? to* naM wmrnto ta MPa, tory am to* toj atom toto ky aB ■A» la Tint am «a Man an Own r n.tow,— jst r JssuMy Patto— .8 -Pw ,11 8> "•fc •• Mtoto or « manat to MgMfBM -*toA. kto .t*m*aa man. tolto «*— ia *m> <m iTSXIs^ to e«MiM| 9 —l"' j j J « Matoar. Fa* M Uar “7~~ litwtn cuam iwoc, r—»■ l •%. ■«. —m »i.I «, —. *■ a— a— ; :.l WOKS' imEKED TV ill MoiwAai Fa* CM Uar (El I ' ! ■——•»——«" *air*r3^~ Bto a* awry —mil m j mMk hnn* to t v -. «■ im«m. Bonm [ . 73 I til nnrmm at cent . rr-:r , jrß?i3sE5 S g awia.a a P-atfl fto nto f aMa am* tonmtoO to mu tom tom n nai Mto* pm mito«nminl»pmAMHMiM<am 'ttopm SB ton to nW m. ton toAnflton