The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, October 26, 1866, Image 1

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’Tte DAILY Ma. -Se^a^aw ~ ' ■ «*Mi mr mwainun > IKK ate.tetosS. la W,flwlMi ... la I »a>».a* IMNI Ilia.a ■w a. au. Mr-run ■ana or »*ltTiuau. t ? f *— [ fj jwpw w ajr m» Ifc—tH—w »«. W a M*’ ••»•■•• H * w*w jajw ' *** *«■ !»..£» Q"**— «***- m*m U4<« •m • « -Ifw» iwv» t»a un Adrartte. mate fr*r • tMM p-rvel Wet. (hr*. ■g*™*XC", ** • *"*****“* <* tanm* Fw awrft tejssre at 14 Umatlni forth. Arte tnar •mi. |l. S»hl R>* Mck MiWte|i*e«t tiMartiuu R» . ata •rrtTT* ***** * -U ** "* rt —" * -%M «W ftm » A4Tartfwimn uwu b* amH for * •c-'r-Acl u«r >r^irk* ,l>f "l/w 1111 * 1 *^ U uuniu tube iWfwi m —4rr Law! Iwiimk" M* wun mi m-n • trt*» f» awcft rti n b-. Mikas vtli »W»*/ M « urn* mom Uut am a Tr **^ f "*r‘"*'“‘ 1 * 1 *" a> “ *“* '* "O-nal »jW orm ■ or ths ek «■ orarnaa i* ma aim acjumm. omm or M.aiarr, awo rwwnraaa intrm FRIDAY MORNING. Oi.T *■.. DvA. mom n rroiTi m-icn m.i. til" sum aau TiuTua iimiia TANARUS« “iiFilutii” rum ipLEt. Rrr. Htury W aril llurhrr jrlivrml in adrlrraa at tkc Briaillva AraJrajr of Muaic on )| in.ijt uigiit, mw hn-li Ur nl vocatn) lire paaaage of tin CtHi-iiliutiuual Amendment ua a Tiri'.i.iilV, Kuf ) rxjirnvw'il lua oafSJ.urw id tin- guoj faith of the Bi>»Ul Ho cbua'tmxol tlio IU -|>ui,ln-nti party a* tl'o true guanUaiiw -.J On Ml to rout of tkr <J.,*«r»ia.ut, ami ili.lin-.l it to b« the dtrtjr of tk<- North t«i otlu-ato Uio 8 with inli a rovoyuttiou of Oao ei|Ure jna tic* of tln Aa.olMiia> nt Os tin- Cotratl* tobonal Amo'uiliui ut ho aaya: Tliero tn-i a ho war of the < ' -natitu ttooal Aim uJui tiU ahioh, a* * iuatt,r of atatoamanahip, 1 »..ul t profor to liar* had put othi-raiaot hat th" u<*od of tin- Con atitutiouul Aiu-n-liu-uto I h*r~ urufj. Rial «-J., > . - a- aH ... t hiirfcmr. tkat tboj would 1» triiothor tin H-mtb. ru HtaU -i an-ro tu or out, ami with ■or* certainty aa to aotno of rii-tu. ts tln v wen- ia than if thi r bon- out In abort, tbo AraoDiinn-nU ur. -•-( iit-t.l. ami uadul, and ought to In m -1- Th* ertla that would accrue if tiny ale.-!il l n--t |n»a-, J. to ha auro, tuiuk 1-wa ruUKidonihlo ttnyi do maar than-. lam mon- rotirs«ooiui tl.-tn they arr. oi more ho|iofiU of tl.o future. Hut tu all human |*r»j i-atriiitr they art- aure to |wan If th. n- 1m- auythlnK that ha» not ooeum .1 of which we'niay Im- 0.-rtain. it t* that thoao Coiiatiintioual Arm-n 1- monta will (*»-' Meanwhile, i thought ami think atil! that thy whole uatloti a>--ihl lr<- lu a lief ti-r 0.. ml ill--u if many of thoao Ht.itoa wor atomva-fm tt -u-i-tv in tln-ni t!i-r- • by •rill. Hi. lull ImuU -t tJl** K‘|inl)|f(Wl) V*«T +UU oulT £~TF : t‘ »»*niT*«*r oi it. •uh liberty t«t . ipriM a»? ; what haa beun dou«* an I it t«» bo «l.»u.* ** eW bat tin* «'uu" ru'lit io ox )»roMi tua vifki An i when, not in u raat tor of pnaetpif, oot in a imu r <»f truth, but in a in to m »»t-r of |> *h«*y. I am over rnbbl. *«***il I *l*» ? S*lk an 1 rilu^ tO FiKt f ■ Nn. F~r* tani’ mrttr tlHl l»nl in*- b> ar*f.- th • aitmivwi .it of the fiouthrrii without w.utiu, r f.*r thex ohaugr* in tbo .C'ou»tituti..ti n >»'i #U m»‘ tuvrK<* th- Month to a pronijit of Uif .Vin* that thf w h ul ihv nn?n*Ytrnrit-nt »-»fltitHA W.,.- i: I.! t .1 . . up aaJ |>ut out of th* uay [Appl.oi-w The Drmof-rrtU, k l * I niKion*tan<l it, w*ml>l leawr the hiarha wholly to I**.*ml law I. ou the contrary, I*-In*** th** itrittoM t*» I*. undor the m«Mt *nlom»i nlili|'it;nuk t*» •*- cur# to tho fruediut-u th lit* rt? tli v lure enrno.t *h*ll Mvdru it is a m.itt* r which maw-well tlirnl.- mem <*puinoit Home Dlt U 111 IT more* MUKIIIIII* t I .11 other*; aom** men may t*«* fir in ire cour.*- po an 1 h.ipoi’it tliAii otlcTa. but that it nto be a*v-iir*Hl b y-»n-l |v*ra*lv.-ntnr** it Ms>m» t«» uie u<> ju't ah.l- r**u Pit?" nu»:i ran deny. lam lu favor of Ictfiala tl“U, but let it tie .1 \ It hi-* *• . ;n" t lai me that del.iy »• id ali i of il>. If jui ewil. Further ou he I dnrm it im|»ortant at thia time that th*- tetftimony «-f the N *rth j*lmmiM la- Kiren with a volume, a vjwtnra* nnH a tb— cuivenMii, that vhall admit **f no humid dentamliiiK’. am! that wh-u they wbo ivp reiu ut the |> take their {thm it aiiail in l with all the North behind thorn ami oudomiiiK t!vi*m Ills * K"1 h*we»u for UwHuaili. It i*» a g«>vd ft>? thov among th in tliat uiiitht b uuvrhn f piakera. And it will do no harm l*» them wi»*» are not mi-ndiief-makerr. When once our tf.tue, we can th.-u hav - our own ath< lsuiv aiuong <tur*e|iei i'Uero i" a n,dd to diTondtv .f opinion in the 1L publican party \\’e a right to d»* 4 the expediency i.»f miwo»'ir» *» II it' whuneyer they have Intii n. ttl.-d and dv p riniiie.l tiiHin. Ui**n it «■ **urduty hiatand hand lulikiiil idT* ■ I and with Itn-k* 1 *! utepand unbroki u rank. |*i go forward and to tnaiut.un the trov rmment of the counlrv After tha chw»»« of Mr. 11 .-cher's al dft *#, Mr. Fiicudrarr Itik*u bru>rty Ur laid: Th - igh I am a m *inb. r »»f th-- sap lb iiran party, when th*- Hynw , 1 1* in <*f the lb'publi Tin partj of »htvH»at«- aaid ths when «*p<* Slat** after another ac cepted th** p'*n<tingt on "till ill. .pal Am* id mant. they ahwll emu* Jhw * h* tiaur plwcoa in ('•infnwk, I. for ouo, .vitid “Nerer!** , (Appl-kuve al»d hiuaea'J When the N;» tionai Committee of ts».- f{ p-ibhcwn parfy —many of whom arc nobi** ami eminent men m.u«L that wh*<u tii**v<* *» nh.ili aixwpt the |n n ling t oUHtitutiomd Aim n l ro**ni they shall nuttm t»V thru ulacea. I agani anid. never ( AppUtiv*-and a ' Ah. BT friend, tin nwt htaa, 1 uat-d U> hear William I* Yancey utt**r v*nlni) nl« in the Cooprr Institute at whndi me aoul revolted, bat I never hiveed [Applamn* ] Ten Mtales an* out of the l uion. T* u htatwwwm waiting to ee.r m Who are the m*'U wit * are to h »v»* opUiioua Ui»t •hali \>e valid iu regard W* the construe- i tion of thov*- ten States ? I »ay that they arc the loyal citisenv of tl»o*e Sut*a [Al>|daitaa. | I went a few week# ago to rhdndclpUta. and 1 aal 1U a Convention the loyal citiseiia *>f thorn* unnwii strocted HUI« white men ami l*la* k Tbooe men, rv*|vmaentiiig th«»w* U'n nore com*truet*Hl States, Mild th it th«- }M*m)ing Constitutional Amendment Imfore th* lt*» publftown party la a good thing in ila way a pro|»wr nieaaurv. j*ist and •vptitabUs ami we h*»|>«- St will |»aaH lint const.|. r. las a achruu: lor lliaircrtnißirffhin.n ui the Uum It rs no better than a tariff btH or nentral ity law, g«mhl fur.its own eaae, but it «!•** v n*»* touch th** ease I w*» for the pending amendment in ita spirit, fdo not go for the pending amendment as a right condi tion in which the (mon is to U* p*o*n atrueUnl. f*»r I say the only true theory »• the theory of the c|UaJ lights of citiwns l»efore the law Tills *lav tho*. m< n lift np their harnts an*l their hearts to Heaven Imt prgy for the njrvM« of the K-jmbii «a i party Ij »m mv prarrr t«» that. 1 clasp my hands with Ulnae of the |*aity THE DAILY NEW ERA. • AWrn BARD, BMMaed I Hu! I ala*i Lair anotbar Afkd further and I think a nob! T—plrdgw, an*l that is for the tnuiuph of the great principle of pi litiml .quality for ait Amerwui e»!i/a-hs. Uoil favor IL ( Prolonged applaiur J Av Owirror Jkal/hwt —John Mibhrl, ttir Pans rnrrewp nulr trt of Me* JC* York Sews, states that Count JiuMkiurk i« almost certain Iv in disgrace lie baa not received Hie high lith-s which were dertarcst U*b*- )n atore for him; and Hie mint *rr grads , whichhaa been given him w h* id as the v>*vrfM f»f a promotion Ho hr haa been alwieut of laic fr*»in the Kiug a o*#uncib, under tbe plea of sickocas, th nigh it *» li hevrd in Berlin that he m enjoying cx c- llent health. The Ku*g U pilous There haa been t**o rri'ich credit giv-u u> lhsmark by mankind in general, and he tleaireato have ail the credit to himself. !Uaai»M« Tlie immMmv of mm logpf ia the .!,).» lUli.tlA of <ir*-.»t BflUl*. » 1 If laud in )Hd was ilk, the unuiber *»f lashes io flirted 54 WX Tt**- n«uut*sr »»f prwunen fl *g g*»l tu 1 s»*4 waa i2v aad the Uatm rwfiwm-1. i* <4B. The ntimlw r of I I in |v*i «Y* 411, and of la<i‘is-* lull ted 21 Vi I The nuu/bar **f nm m *ri< and with Mis Ut»ef [i mlMDlwssl with lIC. 11». In isi.4 thefv-Were tn irke*l with ths letter I» 1.43a, ui rkr«l with U C in "»OD*t Is r it ch-red.'* The number of men ntsrk»-d in lk*i. r » with the letter D waa l.Vfi, Willi the letLrm li C. » It will be seen by an advertisement in another cohrmn that f»f R'*back. *»f Cm u.* uatt. 0., (whose *»i *maeh Hitler** and •hnatiaii tt«*ni*s4u-s have achieve*! a «x»rid ; r»p«Uau**»i. »oia-U Ly VAitiic tff thetr lutriwir au l Rue; ♦«<*>»( m* ritD him sold out hi** • nine ImMur** let the HitTrjinving Arm of Pnoce, Walton A Cos , wh.. mil rontino*- tfc r at the «4d »Uu*L Soa. i*i. .Vt. Ml slid ijl lift*! Third Street, Cnu innati. 0 fit COAL Uil.\(Y. II’K are |«r* |*r* >1 V nit n*.-» f e TUX VI » iVlkl. of .1 rrale- Irr tm ear l- «sl Vk • „ - ,«■ |«ou. Amt* UA «uli • Os <a«4, I*o « aaorr tab • r*w K*f uru*» aw'l •* ear »i*>re. Wb.t. h**: iUtwt,tW.*M )UU'*K«k Willi Jut*. riHAITI Hk. ri'RVITt HK. At I.KO. p rß, •riOu-r Marietta street. • HAUER suits. P tRLOK SKITS, t'OTTAUK H RtlTl RA KI.KMM FI RMTHtk, Al CIKO. p. VK tZCM’t. XV XKDHOUKS, BRtDfTF. AI>S, TiBI.r.S, t II lilts. M IffHßtsßt, Al tiKO.’P. riItXKR S, •rj’A#—e Vis rletla street II IT-itt' Ah t\U U IftlTlMi UK>Hs, KtlT ( IIIIR9 MO omit* T IHl.iis. m hku a arp orrtf r. i tiiiKs. Krerytaiag lr (tor p u.allare Use. .|->l -r *1 t-KO. I". Fltll'rif.. ras monwll m<t «s . J. W. BRADLEY’S t rirbriAtrtl l>itplr\ I lliptic 4oil DQCIILK bPi;lN'i. I loop Skirts, 9 a a* mSg' ' Spw.S 52 JC. 'WI?3bW Be wmßm A **u<*tttt T»>«-* will n.s Is-r.l .e hrrak like ti.. * »»-- .Vkycua sAirU. b*it wt! tm-sn- Uwir i-rl.-. t *•*! h, a-i uh.l the., irv, s> lang r. n, y thst hss ens teen <*r ran le mate Thlt tovebti * eot»«l-*e **f i *r tw . ph|4l We«-I .e-.wings. iba**> oel.tu sjuf n.-n>.« lyetM. «*We u- . ut*kin« Ole fa. lifAa-si. tu- at fl. I iMe et»«t». sa4 Aural*.. 'priSH «*» ua-.-l ftw «-t • 1.-rfnl rtnl *!ra-» *• fTt p|>«a«|y |,. fc j,». is.l* •.-•nui! «* I*«d.-\ Kll>|Sa- .» Airt w*H Im- . vi-r i»ih*.l p*rHi «Urtc in iUfM« -J Aw-riUus, Oj^ras • 'arrlstf-s. IlsUesMl Cam. I'harrh ('.»» &r-u < hat-.. >,.» It-—tii ijasds s»*«t H*-«se !'*>—• k* the- >ktn t JMI {.4-1- i wSeo Ut use. V wrgek »'mII spsre ss -SD.I a..- . w uiawha in-ss r*** IHiMdwa Utrer* si. i T.iahg l-« AtM. tlej »r»* •«t|ieY..*f t sil-eix-rs TVLLKY. HUiYWYACO ~'TT* g« , rrm pry tv .-re W'hit. 'h ill street 81 LYEY t liOrailKtLTV; Ibwlcrs iu,t»ry Ibssta, IVcxtor sir.-* L W H BHOTBKHroN. Ib*al.-r in Dry tfcmd*. ConirrWhiti Ti.ip and Hnu'lai -trre-t* PEYTON II KNintK iMaler -in iw. i-g Whitehall streei, near National il<>ld JTiit.r.U’sA rmx tie**, < Cotumission Mc-reUatita WLlirLall street. Ailtnla fia I > WINS Dry (i -vis Atlanta, ft a. Mi HIRE A MARSH. TWrcatut -IP—t, AtUiOa. lia •r laqalrr ft*, ibr Umpire RClllwtl* ae d-aSI. Suiln* Skill. At WUaMssl. Ls Ui- K\. last** MAaU*Mn- n s»H W4r owners *4 Uk l Afk.NT WESTS, BRADLEY & CARY, W'w V Chambers at*-! Tv M wl *; Rm4* stn*ru. XK%* X Olt l\ Oflslssi a t (be Frees. •*yih.e*rnn tb* rvnpu-1 rniptv ttna -*S aU taCbr-f t lSiH»a»tC» l- I«.(lwi (a».M :■ |r -, h eiysA ■' -Pmal /,* -.. Vieea's*. neks ••Tbe *w«w.i l 4|.J * roitpk* v kirta an* i*rek-rr»*.| hj Is.IS • t<> si I -Hiker* *.l-1 sr* 4 >r/j sa|a> rwe mti. .<■ -Mil /-U» 1 Apnl IsSS •J W llrs-U. ! • n. • I •••vie % liUMb -Mirt.l-a. •rarl) #ar|*rr sit •!! -* to tb- e.srb.< TW sr« • r«*|.ra* r-sil 1. • --*1.4 imUis)* sa l |w •»**». «att<» «4fu. l .rMs* law •’TWeemr. ku-t «>*emu.i W sO*.*ee4 te W IW l*ee« |*lm-i'O lbr laM-Mse. U> Ui. »il»,S4a AAirtej ttkslr l*» Xtr MumlW y \r* | *>« y»- Ilr '"Tw N|WMim) «S Ihr |>M|>l.-t .*. bu( H4S.I W fbtrf? ml- rre»l fY*«m Its r* o- *»! um l r nsr-i h - vita tb* •4i|4»4, sat s* «<>U cUriiitiMl lu gft **• .a*T. u., u 1 Are f«—i tWs.s* f W sAtrts sr- th*- UnitD-mre ekin in tw nMirkrt TW* sit i»« i».r*a4j |>>|>**lsr .New lari ivasertel l*<^rtxmn -* ) » l*S|*lr» rihjm. . a.i4 mnsbe*. it « vrea* M**eiU see--us Us. -i.sU* | repb ' -.W |wt *4sWon* As*— Mill) rtal-Hl.H.saaett \.* |>r* H—*u ”11 f«*ee Uw tlra* s tWi rvatm U trsbi-i IM *|f *r»* . km Iw Hr4 E ) . n..|4ra H -,|, n fchts »r- lbs **e?Wl Hi* Laj**« Trail h.4.v..* sl*M|4ac *kirc« see woe Sit' th* rsy. —1 nir ipil siu / - Anwri. so lab** ret*mi * |*r*fsr fUs.ll. 1 • s»* Keiorme Trail, whi- h la .W ll.* seel S|n-n>k«,| sbs(- Ur reJlrr-M. sa*l hs- *he( tubes mil « ”hn*|* ■***'!■'' betuad " N-« r* l r***M "Iftlfln *nr v Km|VMi I :mil ia tb* nr- 4*rr skirl to eeaf VKff~fH*«A 4f.-**A aul * Wss a TV*,f U s Ll,I h*i Uaiam. ina II I*. \X .*--m ,4 wr ~N# W |*rl R'*rM •as* n Me* ATLANTA, GA., FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 26, 1866. IHOO. on met CHEAT CASH STORE - JOHN M. GANNON, at um •rfkkiMm —i Cararr Whltrkall aal Hnlar MW., ituiti uvaau ' . Hum mm w, atoa *m M. IV V-*Mi 4 r*i., n,.lWni*>« raimviaf «sm W Ua isrfrwt sea mum <*asft*Me Meets of BTAPLE, FANCY AND IMPORTED DRY GOODS fc»«r UtraHareH U tkr I'aHlir af Atiaala •r-4 virenMr. per- * *•—} *»rj„a^ T f * rak sa4 or r.U. .n*r si«l ar»!.a-r naSsl .re ... u, rT|Mutskei. vtorb • A.-. 1 petto, as see rA• a* «f kwgif uw Best Goods at tlie Lowest Price* wah s« etnrrv-fw- nt see. rsi years U> tW Err) <H»*da irsd* 4 Adams osl Au -uis, tatafc 1 *n ireiL DRY GOODS SUPPLIES. ! sm ihUemnel rbsi b.4hn.« st.sU W «satUk< am mj M <wta**M ia* tpUuUd psusa>a*< 1 sas ear* r fetetag <»NK I’IUC'E ONLY! Cdu*np lor Onsh! X- < m4it snl <•«*>—fnm>Uy toe be<* <i* » u I>arj aaw treated ruao. •,1 » * lta §.*• 0 E S ER A L >' A Tl.l F ACTIO X TUeea i-nti Mlm inste Ia 1.4 t>be s bars fesr%s*iw U isorea store dhrto) adk-ewt l- I e-rtood Ilk* t.. r**» • «b-L4*.«| * ued-ib o< me r'-i* v-d t-rvr* o*l tf*i» SJ.'I b-d I«m-I Mart ILso s giae*.* si Um daff-aysd la,art wots l' 'A ‘ ‘ v ' I*, h ; *... . r »J - V.:* * K a iisi..U r .j^oa It* h *4. sill PW4 Tifplitos lU to AU 5.4 I- ‘. V.r.i, *a ■b A L-u|>rr«4 *- ■ <t> »-.» - .A; i- . A* a Prutv >1 De Laaes «t-< P.-i tnfaus Km-HUimima ltu. k A- * fVlanei Luj n » ls»t |v *tl..iu>a li.*- a H -Jd'.-.s IT*. « H I-?■■ T:\iMTr, ■ »*.* IL? L.» k M r ~«>W Linen and Heiv h *a4* 1» pArtinenf. / * « 1 ♦ ; c - R- H - 'UUils.Mj-i Lv. i -i t 4*- *. cJh..:s Lei* i. (was*« N»r sasd l* • ~~ - Its A 11 issA« an tft -t t.« !*. - *, Ltomi’rwk so 4 *c t. I*ia;-m TIM Ll4b litrt-. Table Cos errs. In Ij Ikbutk lb-par lute at wav kr Fumd Nee 1 rt txr-Tjf * “Hk. I .alto* l*«iv i l-nl imr. W,. rI i 7. ; t*“ TT. r*T»m- - W:*?* I* -f • e-ib iMoW M. .* 1,, ic i tL A.. Ws IsUs l It,- *rY 4 HtiMu.,* T. X Ar-i-o. Rkc-'oto •*..! Iw«.Um'i. • s;> torn rtA-voals. T tr W-tUIT i LKU, •a# rvci UHT“. lii Mj Ylualrn Ib-|wkrfment Wffl w 1 W1..4 JH.m -0.0 A H i too- t resrto Hits.) iVU»iB-l OssAlkA PTmi b sad la. -vsr. •W.aier-a, IsUtl Uses. Te-rli sot Aetkaette. IH in Silt I J*A A.l 4 K . H -aid L ..... HiesJkrt*. !Uksk*r » Alunl K.:o*-yi t%au*U* Hale sod Med T sidad TaanrU. • I<-i I iso ms X ( l ink AMI Ml ml Di riKTSKST. to f lud in Uus ic^iilAttsL CO!\ST \MI.\ ON IIA Nil) .AfciU »* <A 4 'mikUaitoksls. raaton-ad arw^:TCe*:lf-Jtoi- 11 -11 *rr - ——. v ... tt-*.;. !v- •*:*=i T rT« toteaa tetnsik. lisudA- *Sv '«e*W —r Vsrts HraaAfset -howts H---»-* <. --» sod Uftotl 1 # .ill sa* to* k« IH*n>l« si A T«».vr 4u> I to*— toetosr. h«mV| IltM, snd Itosi s r.rt*es tro-ied tun») -ar* wUI .» ft*lld |avMu)-U). S»d si tW LoWl-f pi* wntl> fttoii |j4 orll lav. JOHN W. MNNON s iuokrr» Miid Drnlfrs I -a. r e...i 4 lire brsrtd. |«ire N.-.mia netors Aad > Jntosws Rreeaslrertlss »aokls| Tstoares. •*WI»-e i»UI L. RlMrt IRiX Virginia Null. *)C>R U’iWt. i«* arm* i***- a. MTJV « J-»* l KIWI) to W»X TENNESSEE BACON •)/ kAiY rx»fXls*i rannvaA sad fw ask* tor dbUU Jim | to itot. to b«* Ralyt. l«w Utf* I toX»: CAR Uitol* ore ir*i. T*- eto ht X f »n** J»e* 1. MXii to fto*H >rw I lour. X | X sark» I **rs r*ri..!* Kl.-inMe iXt) Wfia **" " " sad *u»er »• . . ->•« rsrind *» ■ bto.d, AlMiAHtt BROWN to WILDMAnV IIANII 1 Ilia. nATltoil nfwaed sr ******* nf XC AUTim l AMI* WMsikl* <t KKAk fX we see ,-m pared to te o*o# aad • tfv-wrewJ HOIHh AMR ESI MkMxl. llt SINES*. WUI be* sod sell > i ks* r . RmUko. 1.H4 toaltoo ee«» tw* fc* rwa* • i-*»r»«a i t m raw «n Lam of Heo*. (As j Lam W utewlw, 4s HEW JEWELHT (THE Man. LEITH ER to FRIOKES. (('* .a.-- »-*— ta. u. n lorcnn tm w WATCHEt, CHAIMS. CLOCK j t w e i. r r. MterllhK Mllrcr War*. Flair* Sara. NpaHniton. Ml Pna, sad tb tort, rttfytku* sys*el—elf to. s tore* doe Jee-fp awe >-» -**)-• to toe weXH W«rj eta- eUI la sarrwto.4 as rs»r*sneSi 1 W.trhwerk will b Bair 4 SyeeitoWj, Sb 4 aft ebo Wee Iw esteWa tial base tow ua)ei*4 ’ |a«t s 'WDJA.-U srdre •*#«* to* .fobbing Jcwclcru » ttas n 1 iwsdrj Md sdl U pnpmi il to* mm- m 4 r~r • iaa* -tiM hi a* • sm-1 Plea, er s* • aria*a *4 *r* etory t m t AJau, 4u fssaeeso J.toMat* Med pifTseif DR 8 . FORD to EkYl, I Rent Im t ss, AUbssM HI reek AtltotoU, tlearfl. . tl'lLl. p-*t-f toll n-SM*»-*e as t*- m*4 to- (tort w* T*eCb n:rbiel s|lk>>M( toy kW sad .4 X.tF- « NOTH L. nlHs siail ai «KW. nsw-if cat “TnCTaf F 9*4*7 Hire*. ■■pf—BSr tor- Rock a way*, Bugjde* and Wagtms us sil tos'TiiM.ite te l *4 tW letoet Mrlea 'Si »W-*h mW* sid •;»« res-slate l*ew« 1 wiL k«**) Huso la-ei m*i mI to t to*torr.-1 v- - -tanete sr»i«s sey uiaf**ru-t Mila. tW •43 Ui M>te of a-rtteai..** JUn, . I* A I N T N II O I* in th I sen to r*»-*«sse teUtteie* at s. (Write Miseb -n bter bailten eV toa*e KMITII M O H k ' V( . W*-—e r--e-^VfcsW»»<;lCTdHrlifp*#w^'Ur-W sC <Btol* ' of HU C«iUUki(. on? sran A T FT* *rY SHACKELFORD to KETCHAM, Au.t.on and Comm'ssion Herchant-. ATI.AXTA UKUKUIA. nAVi \ . tsk*« tw iwr* )*1 rt- nrs A* vasto-r* >-S, -tr C Nf '*! e-re te teSfcii- • X - • »■ ' *iiatotofv «• r'--eutey praade--. r* s Ifi: • Real E'*ab : , Rent Hi»«e*v l oilert Kent-. '*.r »e» dto r - • •>•*•*•<! si sa* -Ties * ti- MifrimnK \dminbtrators # trHK AT TION American Jewelers’ Aaseciatlee. Ikep alei i l aed—Li Isaass l> jfi f jhd I Übrl) Mieet, v r w ynll k (IT v Os » * e «»j Cvarxh *-4 k-i-l*-*« V 1 we tw bin ittf* bc-to * - *-rr Wei- msdsei h.*afto.t.W* s IV 4ft J. r .ry Iftas- wl Pi -or, r*U*rt A-4 Itetei iir*'* teto* f- -i e*SUh*. XI -ai . i • La*%, tod ts*i* IjmH - vi..,.d Em win. i*4kl and Mi.'vwr Ij'a 'wa s- He 4 8* Hi *>. fUtIMM. Vt» «4 W - !- >- 4 * (.4 -a ►- 0 linm.wH piH (in 17 DOLLIR. sSk ! .* u**-l &A ;*s» ttstu !j *e k*i fi *bst * tjr-en set 1 i» t-sio* IHt aMIkJ. n\ JKW tXCft to • M lATTOX rwi * - . * a r*» ( i*u sr J- s fry A» «e-»a*t-n. m tW ! mtel r«ai - • Tb* » ,-« -** ks Wm! slws* • Rsa t* a# r aaUtel is i - * l»e -» le Iks 4 r. to. ete* « s«”t -si **«!• TW wto*• *twretei a 4 tr* »* Mr- ( * l*nre snmt** r 4 tew«n 11--a * to I>n.d»t s> Ftorts . nir Item t -e. tb- -,- * 4! 4 . r—* ■*. m« at. mr * ■ ■ . » *- • % a .N*' na- »-n|S <♦ «»te M *t» fc *at| .* {•re**--* OU> e- S slt.-rd te* *e« t ... Ms r t***k uri . . (»l \ M :** T'» f’l.4\ I. si:4 » e**j« y* •* . * • * Sa seer .sr, «<MShWW« ■»( f■:f IW » • * 1 •• In--*»* u- »mmr ** h** f - -i U in -i»«* ae 4-. let * « es l.« INmi Mm ItodUr rvisal *:• ! tb*e* 4 - t*#. sia-i the srurte 4rr*t 4 e lt It.- » • ena |*srh«* bs'-r- *»■■» ».tU drswr. *aJw»i <•.* ABienesr J*-w- .-» A.-TtHT . S' m. 1 » . M J *ltea-. 4 m Mel* ns-e N > * • H. *,:w. ul-i,..» Hris- te_Mi_ JL. 1 .tivte-u l - \ ae \mHJ« In Hii»e* Trt* Si. »sl«r |i V< W —l-.-te. Hv.-. ’ fjrr te iUr<i-T,,-t. ra ?t05.:.4 Ms. War nbr Rtofi Ij. « i.. W«U ■ - ij -*n»nu»M»f A • . 11. > l *■■ -rs tkshh. «S,k*e f-W. ' J .lih. r. t M ’ e Vaditosr lN<ent Wues.v I* T-- •-•-*■ WZH ila- __ . . Nell thik. I* <: isi . rs!i.' T»* As-- 1 h !*>«« W Alt hart -oU'W I>.-- :.i Cli.H l / iNUu ad P;w T*r-?r fr*— li M I-• .aetrav 1 XI •( ts-Wto* * Ate wte Kt ** | 1.•-.!«*- Xa»„ I*-.. A.l*st.« NX .ikiL I* to li* *W lent |*n W*s« * ter* U «wi I*..* i*ki- hiptefVi *si i $Wi sta-J Inset, he *% irs * . to • • »->• -e* ..ei i‘ »*« IT-T... T a. . i-Afij+it t-JXT us AkTst I.K* Tv A__ MH.H POM VN K |Mi|.I.IH Ktlll W.lfcr i-■ .*srl h* »»to*-* Sf-t It at» W pwH* u>l. I' » 1 il— w | swtk Iren « *•• 1-1 uIUM .... K-ew.-Eae. i a * *. I IM. > W Pe* lanes JW to la. lb>luae*e. I e.*.lk#a iiteni pi to V to te.. IM • at to- 4 JV> K- • • .» l ater« . sat.-ors, v**( » U to .V S . 1 t Srt-M'skr ftesk-14 p, Hi 1 Vttn.l Ta !«|*>s* pi h- *, X.Mite «• if. i*V rt'M.rf Wele f HOtb TA I*. IM. lad »**•*• tea stel Isr I*" V*. laAw Art. J ...ajfra, . at SM.I <e-.» 1 • (NM--)to. Mete. I«.t se t t ****.-■ • st. A \.»I sw4 \r»W Ibtetw. *l% . 4**.i * t.—~i *• tot if -W Til IhiHA in. * kill Ni H«.k»si.-AI IStetev Waih rsai « k It l«e a.ud |Vtt« «Ik >*.*l Mbt -IW l «Ma* « H>« * r- » a ... 4 Wr **» -f*M* •* IVwe >*!*** to *rs | A Maan e hiIMMAf lto |S », try. la teitM lh*l 1 M. I) I ..->km .. * Mesa. I rfc.teie A< A» t «# I **.te*.«» I tot n-M M.ii W rujur f' T7ST-W If l fa |Vi -.*r he RIO tiwe H«si* • p*e |i ti.PNT* X% tXTKIt Kt KHI Wl RKRIt. te*tol 4. . . ei. S » '.ft •*• • ..M.i > e #4 to Sto-wte seat Ss tslwr |te« te toawl-i rl i- ,»v •!.eh tore »n-- M t*4 iMe -V Iteea ri »a --..--■a tei"..*.* Ihe iVlikatol. of itedee bn e -n.» a, 0* w.U he s»4.t• r.d *1 -mr Mfltew. «r seel b« *4*l < 1 uy *,l • lfNMrsnt to rte-toV .teVeaWAIS i* RA itoeM - -i-u ■ 1 ..S. l'l" if*!! • •?* ♦ i»\i Ito *t J-AK »rv.|.N*ei'* Ik* sH-d* MSinnrt f- , • t ee. —• f ***> r Vatel W te-toy-ee 1... -ia -* 4111. to- e. >nl» 1 • «a . a*, drvd 'V eIM”. write (ten,* «>. >4t«v *tt4 in . h»te*' ■» 4.(teeaw I aria ;-•« the* toto— drtototv. naesttote IW Nil. .tawntl •/ l.w MX Al44* k NX'bl4*PV> tea., m r*e-> tea. I- With tbe -eteh With to.' owe- 4 »*., pebtote etoluy sa., T*«wm, t .-aal) sea ; Bblgti ■» • tend W sd-tre—.-1 to th. Vai v*-» s* t . tee. MiUHIX.* -IWX k U< AT Mul »0 Asiwe* wseeeA bn X **X * >» T»(1C ATLANTA ■Wbc Id lsffiMf mm Caw»my, roomHT amd mm bill, Ma aa* mmmmt m 4a m MaM W ( artlaf. mud Milt Wat, Rrdp Laadte «f at as mm w A4 «s4 lew. m~ im Pm* Lrut. la tfcHr famndry mod " rpnYi i . . JUJU Wtrtof, wf sH fr.rrlpios. Imn Faaal sad I emsdoßi dwr WIMIsf HIAAe wad HaUte. af nil due < Imslor, Holsy sad Mw«b tow HW. Reel -tea V« TTTM* MAIERi (Wt «re pasd v. ps **. si. RaW oT CASTING* If iltrwwd l mapamlrs aad lirthmU, nl? A aw 'knwnt-m tbm W »• Pav«r abft r Tcr ma vm'TUCU AllLkrkist iwf a-JTterdCik« Mssslhtenn awwnl awd tee resewrr— Ree'iAiW'dL ks (ften mt M te THA aTLaJTI WTMfW* a»l> WrLLiWe Wild 'vrWVkirT e« te esoee cd i Kill iUIiXI'LA « Mila rer«4*4 ifweufl tUehlkS VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY For Hnlr. ■fr-m JMfct.fuaei - «Tw k»! k sum * /Vk tek-e twteU) MW up A«e e «r«| » od HR* to* tease it We S (e-ewi -d •"•/» 41 S r*Va teelMe petel Tlkry Wee - Ware to*-’. Ute ftetl Ito'-apA.) art >te imWi T par- -a-'. 7 J k.LMUS I'Rr Milt. . \ -• | 4- po Itodkn .* laikika t*. r.atua -1 T> '•» » S ***“• sot. OiWsJ enslSa Wdi-iee. «ted nf! W k*w toerasL bAAA- A UAL ( be-ap laßßd for Kaftr. |. )l e •*» fWae-e (tea A ■ .41**4 IR> SrfW SB*"S-. . ? rt.s —MI TW h»eS sr b» se kito -TJ ' l iIT) W* .a SO ftert IsA us 4 senef (aßhf •i.'-wm ■ 4. * srr «tW pa>w hvc. XJ&M *1 WiJ. 4 UJA , - paai —w a# am MEADOR A BROTHERS, General ( onx m t eel on Mrnhaafs XUUabi MrvH AtUwU. i.f*r?U. TOBACCO DEPARTMENT A Hpocinllly, MteW te> ew eery Rrp mOs«R «f TOBACCO, hlrewd* :« *• re wasre Date te*rtetsi«f dirert stews the mr - *- --i th- ! . ts» flu si*i jaocr mw hrwte 4 toesi.-i* Bsr-* debe Ite ' M L 'rrtdßte - La. A M.tbxihiia **.4 t - i'sttte « .WT terry Rar - 6*s WteK *» Al ii#af —Ore * <r% —on e ; 'is. A J >rds» • Wet l-rss.4 wre * et-«sry tss ■ hte K Ite Mfsfl r-sd*to Ate S terry lsr*-»- ssaartiwret -f G 1 (r, Ali S , ■ A LX •.HAL'D ~ >* Itef Tir- Has < V Piy<ew li Tt tm - 1«. »• LfMdhrr e.« sod Ufpwr WTbisA* tt were swd Wrr*te Brvxuns. Cracßery. Rto. Ks- Rk* |tote*X» 4 Wstewsto sswsrteai. St •%: p m ih. MV A 4» »R A Mk and « ,dRw to '-he Utete u 1 V (iswun Fliilidflpha gills, East Tennats**, 1-' I, O l" 11 . TX» IVtet teas tert MS Ike assrke< amt tee jwi* t»k fnr :t a mat «• maters aauaW-as 11 M ste.-tei* acted In ton As. ave* Wt We U" tesmel O* tmr We steo hate vsrvoa rdWe terwwda 4 PXoaiF Wr aste Try •• MKhlxm * U » g rrwanaa a M~r tear as M* « ' —--•**' kishsais akeeeM Leither! Lsither !! Lratker !! I IN «V»NK Ml) TO A N RIX Bi 10.000T.rt:ii io. htew (ssawda t Item* itehf ajtamftteiw tmtmmm Cte» A ttoh nypli and %'• ftid if* i v lat I Hn ALLA Ihmlw screes T Rldirtw. m 4 \ Wte* Tr4ant\ ♦)' ' >s«|.«MhMte(ha » ItwiWte W.s. k gmmU laaa'iteiai .4 Family Grapi'rlcn. •♦l*e to* a tell t\»r*a • ’ ' GARRETT ft BROTHER L 1 ttetoalitoito MrrrMstote, (lieseea I _ ■ Coaa (r r Prodace, MAMa ■■»■■■ i j nrmw < 1 stoke teMw Paels. tearkrrt. XXXX riaar. tea Sto iah to tea■>*■*! XXIX, - Si <s* ' also re iaai*a nua via. SS’irE:** •» Mm* <aw» W "* Wl, < Jl y.toilJatT7*4 »e/WA ABBOTT 4 _ BR.oa,' *" Commljmlow M crchaafw, '*■ * s’ r r-V v> 1 PIODITF. ASD (*RO( KIIIX warrvwsAA 11 ■—n, Allans RisagW Hrtrh ! Bw r SMB ! li. W'kte.ow Wrhwte yam mod «wd ID m a Ay *am/rr * m»a ( MS ■ ■■■■ W.TTtete. te I l«»«r ’ near! llki A »*W* mean • r r fw ate tee II n f *Rwm 4 Raa Omanaw eg Smm l*ard ! Lftfd ? '( |WM 'Wa. twsfty sH Pwr w*. Rj ABBOTT I BKOS nyC c Vauftai! «mi Ha^Tli—a! Dll* »TT 1 BBj »S. C m.mask - MrrrkawAte. wy/> < l*kttrßik mrewC B Mir C arm ABBOTT A 8808 Mar Wants. kUf» -d* WYuWtinL MrmH. Ilnnr. i*! £TT^ Umiiw w M<rTtusU. sarJA < t titriis.. ssrewc Kln C »r r. l(r w * fc Ahf* *TT * tt&Xi Crmw «r. geirßasts nngQS—c WkmHßnll www bmrar. K) — w ABBOTT A Cinamaw M^hnatß. / t kiietto. Mtrcwt Mill Maaev ! Mill Ma^t! \1 *■ V are We m»—w bw We teas e# Hu pa awd fiwrX abmitt inti« Coaaaacc li-rtoak. VkUakal' aliwC aas*>—c AUasta. Ga. Ker Veto J Par kal*! N r-cr .*i .au * »r- w is- _a> ■ si l>Jtetr*te4 ,*Wte hee.Wkd (W hteiAete e .to GiMlVai w- -toT*re to tohe-o * TWteto *Wfi *.w a Aar s f«Kt< Ns-wwss iRR ’TT 4 lA* . qi ttfc«Kft±- - - BUGGIES AND H A R NESS AI ICrduccd l-rli'cs t to AHto K S tot KkUil'S. aw m Mill. BUNDS AND DOORS, a *t i- at Me T <u ~*» erre nn.-vr am«i. W - • a w. ms .aw, aei ■, **“■“ (. ,XAUt , ittlWH atti-.ntion, sniPPMgt w* P%SS » -*-Y THROUGH BELLS OF ULDIHG, TV <w at l PWte. OBtamav Li ■■eWks. JaßtennAt Letes. item age as-1 > *eqr laafsaa ftwa Rk Leaks te «Ra ritee .» N 4 X m mu \ AC AC Bailrmn. a WLATTIw. KA*« UW ft «N» VVeatel kfswa. N ft i kaiX 1 I • 1 A IR» mi ' J LtoSe J ktetet (kb DAT 4 INMAN Aactloaccni aad General COMMISSION MKRC M A N TS. U an I BROAD tTMHHT. Ufwat* Okaefts 8.-V iStol mnE toPl'tok ted-4 sB IW* .4 Xlsreftaa dim,. r*-d»*. I»;a,-;--♦ 4-aito *-4 TV >*K Lite ■*•* na ii—naai at IWM Wmt+m 30.000 vzzzsu’rux .res 1 aan w rucmnrrr Tm rmrm in—« Italin. 2000' HD^nBOR *MIU| M< >!>>. auu H « * ...| M* .k. ■a*l Mali{ Haiti lykMlaniMM i»a»i>«M JV f f—i w unj^rdwrf nit Qa*. i 0 “*“— ~ ; FAST PASSENGER SOOTeT fli Wtat«ra aid A t laail (r, Tliailli ABB TKIIESII RAII.WAYH, , Tt ns CAST ABB lBllll ' i time rmon atlayta j V»lmi l«rfc M «»«> t i t ■ Ato ! B t t t m a • Aataaa* • ttt p « Ik p a *4P- • \ ■ - tito ‘ ' i*e m « , . cull :«! ■ La t'M IB » m AAA* ■ I*kk• M« m m M» t a uaa * I.* a » uw 0b FLUtirr (it\ ■b« I«M(iM k 4 lot TIIIIOrOH TK Kimi l-l. trAir"^ 1 * n< iTi woi> vyrit i &zit -mm ! BAMI«K CHKIIB 1 wamwi i«ii> Ltrr*«*r**ix. LOW KATKI«> (OrTOX To >ow York. ■ a*: a U T.i*m ICkk * .71*" %- ;*3TSS 1 fm prw A«a. t <fO •» ■ J ».i» » Pa l It T. . J 9 rv VLLTBaB 9 Tl| ICO I* (; II K ATKM Til WEVmtX AAD ITLA3TTK, TinriAU am 4 T "mmm fctoiwv Ltor. !-*«>. V« UL nmd EUIU- - M«T?» W. ATLA.NT i, OCOKtiIA. ysf M I H 1U ** kat» w« :«Bk . i-A iAo Us . It «* H *• M • IB Ik >k P« M • —** . :a lv in l M ME < Wa IM • I at IM l at R.> «f ltoi*t tri *» fr»«a a* r*«t •* 4»» -——a Ml to* jaaaaa j *r* ft'uM * ” ~ * J_w fci-aarrkoß V A A ato tktk* ak Taut U>.< t.i*a ’ ' m. m l Or a- A-OB 1 >AV ■ X ; .NOTH E TO MIIPPEK*. *i»m' tar iiu*ry> it—MA 1 ! A iv»* i«. «ia kftaMk kto M » a ilwto to Aarav to t-i to* Am*- alk'Jr nrp-«gk a»4 t—■ tank* T mf* tmm "‘ Ami ■» MAX M T * AS LA •>* AS* THE UIWEST OX (X>TTO>, Im I Hi at* to la lat tk (torts kit. ‘ awl t*HJU*»I -_ j InTa! M Mm* I|f« *k« tu*f «i. I>« •» X to* S to* Qlt« toak Vw*2Tmi >—kl «to Ultot a tor *.* 1r» Mat toa Ml «• a* Mr ‘ ***“■ l “"*“ K * ot*A. ■ THE SOUTHERN HERALD, NUbM 1 1 tTT ». w iawT - —». i■■ " ** ‘ *»*n* * uup. demarestTball a CO. Mtoaritollktoa ptotj, WnDAckk Ibhpm WAdßttrcy laNnarr, r IR MMinO GOOD*, ■♦to . VarA. HftiraS l anllf tlMr.** uw trx/ 1 .Tassr- TO liBKAT ITUNTinilll TMK. HOOFLAHIFB OEBMAI HITTDtB ItoHllty t DaMlltr ( *'i* *""*!*-^g*'**** «*a» »'•»»•!• mm •iiPAipt. [”.« M ( ! ~ *'***' *•» Our *1 - | - Mt mm HOOPLA HD'S GERMAN BOTB& WILL PAY klOOk ~ O HOOFLAHFB OEEMAIHTTEM m a» CAxaoT mu oannuiM. waa un •*. _MU«* 1* a**, n. * u. mm,. 2Tto?to3ai'*lllil! < lll , *k,’ ‘ •' # • , , . ■—‘ f * >—» . vT*... Uta .SwfT^C : Mftal* *dto itIEJto >« r»M «a V~r F* Apmk fo^S «ak aoit Ban 1 Cm to ar w i to tokto Tary a u Oi ijr yaara ■a. MtoMakto L Ftoa Mr» J II kkiiik tom » B. MBtor to | ~'' __ _ A *«aa toto Mat tow«pM toti.lL to> lal to MMkotoi « parx.i^Ay^,"^!* 1 iJm ntoZ"?"!! 1 * Sa " rto ktoßo k-a. *yal ar *;*. y- » < !ito y, : *»— toMtotoktodUlto toa aaa <k to>- 4 ♦ «to fc*ar t to* to* Bl i <k toa hwraat • TZ AZZ r S, i- 'tor' tons. tot'aLaTll « ; te—g »■* toa I.* airk X* lUUU*rt . nni~-7. ■ i tol. .anatWasL I to** k» a»* toa* I a* Ikaa. a*.*»Maaato. a> 1* ftj atop I » w, " r "* " wTaaiaw tocrm. T> to*toto TWaßnk. D V . Vtotor at Bm IMCto kroittoiiiMfnkaa. pana *J **MA 1 VtototoT* 1 ' Th*to I • Din I at toa rtirtoaa Atotl (Ban Itwm towto cmq. to twato* * *™' , " rU i*«A «kh wlwA J A MKBMAJ* tokutoanK I <4 -c. H iACSaur Ikatotok to totor. «c M *to totaßl totoraanai Atm*, -a •*•* »* to —a to oat agto toy *t to»toi*aaaa*a ia.> lit * toto oaf to itoa C I* to torn toa aa*lb as to t* OB kraaall ■■*»#? (*>W. ky atyaoa rtcMTMi arm in auivvaiomßv to. Mi Alto Unto DJBVa A nto PmmmAß ■ to Am A to* r « toa V? ttoapl to BAA Aaa*atrtto»kf