The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, November 01, 1866, Supplement., Image 5

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JhA j '* ] ■ m " j W’ -''* JSmßm 6 ff H « B%| B 4 m Jfc m Jr^k ■ W)VKHm , Sr-«BSAfl&-- EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Miixeikikviuj:, Ga., Novkmsoi Lit, Ih<>C. -fenoiorf owl lirftmmbtttrrr: Although, during the year now drawing to • done, the maw have been unpropitiou* to th« husbandman, trade disappointing to the mm bant, and tbs sign# of the time* diamuraging * u l !“' I*triot, n<H wholly “in di»- guiae," have <nme to all. The true believer toongai»« the hams of an over-ruling I'rnvidMtu- as well in aastning evil a* in poaitiv# grs*|. It become* all men, of every age and every elime, to accept adversity aa merited chastisement, and to propitiate offended Deity by repentance and reform. rKTIKRAI. RKt.ATTOWH. Si nee yoiir (net adjournment, little pmgnxs. has lueti made either in the rwx.mitru.-tmn <*f a diamewbrml Governm. nt, or in the reatoration of material prusjaTity to that portion of the country dewulat.xl by mx-nt eivil war. However pnslivxxi, the fart iit indisputable, Unit the Government of tbe (Tiit.xj Slat™ this day st/uide lie-fore the civilized world in the Immut able condition of dietm mlaniiCTit. Four of the thirteen Stat.s that originally t.sik part in the formation of the I’ni> n, and ail that have been added in the i.mgnx*. of a marveh«i» de velopment, ore now totally iwhaw from part U pat ion In ita iTfiah ttive and admin i-lrutivg functions. It ia true that the now excluded Ntat.~ diil voluntarily alnndon »«h partiripo tion, hr what was d.wign.xl aa a |aweeful an<l pertiuinent with drawal ; hut the right an to do war denied to them, and upon that qumtion of right the war cnaned. Tlie tairty denying the oxiatenre of the right, maintained that the l nion via- in diaaoltible by aueh meana, tliat it atill ciMhl in full b ►roe, me I nothing more waa iwmwarv than the auppraMnn of im-g --ular reaiatamv to ita authority. That iwiatanoe having l»-n aupprwtad, after a struggle of five yearn’ continuum-—tin resistant* haviup grounded their arm.-—- t id>Hflfr.*l in wort! and art to the kutlmritii -of the I nitrd State*—rt- —ll e I !i conatitutimia, qtxlinaiwxx*, law- and resolutions »nrting ind" pendente of, or mitagntiisni to that fioverament —dcdaixxl it <A institution their supreme hiw, and elected fVnah.nx ami Repremmtativn. to the Federal Congress—the logical eonelu aiou from the pmniare of the victors i*, anti the rc ault ahoiiltl la-, that the attem|>t ha# failed aqd that the I nit n aUui.l* unshaken. All tliat the nnistaut* may hum dime towartla dUmemla-nnent, they have umloue. 1 lie temporary breach thev nuule, they haven-paired. Why, then,, arc tie v not in the Union aa f.iruuTlv - The answer ia, tlna tie- tt-me inant State#, through their reprusentativ.# in Condo-*-, j-.-i --tivrly refuae their admL-xsmn to tlie natioual couneilw, ami tin* omeliiaittn i- inevitable. iln-.t frpm thi.-_nifti-ol tl-- i-H# -a .H ... e «».< ***? if the Southern .Stall* If not now within the pale nS the Union, tbrv have la-t-n t-jeeted by this 4’niigtxx* l . It they I-, their niii-titutional ri-jht of rrprcaeritatioti ia tU-nit-1 tln-m In the tome authnritv. » The I‘ruiident of tie- I'nitnl State*, aecond to uom in ▼Otitm to the Union, tlei pla/val during the sar. In tie in teuaity of that set lino. in. njipa-ition to Iti.a naliv. - • ronaiateutlv illuatratea it in restored jaatv. He dwtiueiii af firma tlie riglit of the Smthoru State* to repmw-ntati«u tn Congrr-e ; and, for thie adherence to principle, lin- I— n tiliin doned and denuuntwl by thoee who jilaoyl him in |»»v.--r. The La-gielativt- and Executive IVpartnicnt* t*( l he (i \tni ment are time hnmpht info omflirt, n- mingh irfwon .1.. !• an<l daily The people, too, ill tie- dominant Statce now wit-1. to. whole ptwer of the < ioveninu-lit. are theiuaelvo di\ i.h-1 : ami we, the ext hided, again-t tln-y r tvntly preeeiin-tl tie un brnken front of rchmlhxw war. thtaigh now pireiv. mJ nm aiating, have —Alwitj bccotnM io them an ap;.|t "t tkayn). In tliia conhwt, our (awition, our motive*, ami "Ur purjeese are aex-erelv i«TUtiili»'l. I lie-e an all flagrantly nii-repre aentrxl by uii-eniptiltwxa d-'niagogm-. ami niaitv, very loiiuy, xrell rorauing prrwon- an- undoubtedly ilwxivoi he ile-oi. The pending Laaiie niav not tin*! a very early .-olutinn. Meantime, we jia-- through an tlmroughlv try mm'i tout*. ' I’.iil xve mu-t 1“- true to our-eivt-, t.t tie- , who, though not of it-, are fighting t*ir hot tl.-. ami to u* rounlrv ; we mu-t -tiatlily and laluily pursue the on wbieh we li.iv•---tnr.t-1. neither betrayed tTprcarntations of th. malignant ami o»n-<xiu«i. iujnn-v-i ■MpicaMttof the neduluua; nor ytfWinj to Im it mands, against wliieli ju-tier e-.eUum* ami juauhoml r.-vnl:-. Pursuing thi* oouna*, we -hall, in tifne, live down l-tth th tratXion anti delusion, ami aehtpvr a moral victory fir n>ore exit luring ami ennobling than any triuni|th of nun- phveie I fine. nnirtwKi' a»ii:m>vevt of tiif. c»wi»TiTt tium A* germain to tin- subject already di-ctweed, I call y.uir attention to another pro]-—-! amendment of the ConStitufi -a of the Unitcxl'State-, transmiUtxl t-> me by the Sxvn t.iry . - State, ami aotyiiiijianving thi* coriStiuniration. ll* ho t that ' rtHir action upon it is thus invoked, imj—w on Von an ni*U— jjmtion to cotieider it rt-|iertfiilly. Tliia amemlntent, designed, like all of recent origin, t op-rate xwpm-iaUv «m the tw-stthrm State*. i-Uitafli- -cv.-ra: •tretion*. to some of wliieli I invite special attention. 1. The prominent feature of (hr first is, that it m-tth - >1- fi nitely the right of citizenship in the several Stale-, a- pditieal corainunitiiw. thereliv th-priving them in the futitre_i>f all tii iretionary ptwer ovt-r thesubjtsX within their ratpective limit-, ami wllli refertxitv to (heir Stale GovemnietKs prt.ptr. It make- all |H-r-oii- of tttior, Isirn in the I’nitwl States, ritlrcn-. 2. The w—ntd rhangtst the losis of n-prrsemation in t>- popular brant-h of the (’..ngrtse ami in i’roddojtial cU- nw-tfi rmliegc*. It providt-s that, in appirtinning representation among the States, all p-rsotis I except Indians not taxt-tl sjml' lie taken into the cnumt-nttioit, utiltws the elective frnn.-lii-e b denied in any Mate to any male inhabitants, being citi the Uniteil States, ami twenty-one years of age, or Is- in any manner abridged iotherwise than as a punishment for crime\ in which rvrirt tlie rt pr.-s ntati.m shall be prO(mrttonally iy duretl. Whether the object in pi\i]io*ing thi* change lie the i-xtcn sion of the -elective fr.o-.t tiise to -person- of African .1 - . lit Hu-artv aIT .and W-li.s.. St. iuttorttittsly nnqua|itiisl tor ii.- ..r a further tlimiftmittn «f th- already relatively small wn-rbr r.f the Southern State- in tin- administration of the Government, the atloption of this amendment will certainly tort-- upm them a ehoiee between th evils. If the forint r U tie- mil objert, the latter alternative must i»- reganleti simply a- a I dial tv for refusing it. In this view, it is not ttiflieiilt t.t t-v --poae the flagrant injuetieeoi flic propoatudo. 1s tu- -> briefly how the ißuenilmetM "ill affect States wherein slav ry did not exist prior to lit.- w ar, and how those w herein it . \ -t isl. lu the firmer class, the -election of the one or tin ..-fit r alternative will !«■ only a matter of taste, let great ptififi ts rest Iveing involvtxl. If the frnn -hi-e In- exteiuh-l, t!i auin lier thus newlv admitted to the billot will he so small tl i a|v|treei«hle etfeet Upm ptpular eltdiptis rail result. Ifrt fustsl, the ntimhsr excluded fn.m thecwwmrrition in fixing the ratio of rt-presentatit'll will -till so small, that tli .- -n sequent reduction would not lie seftously f it. and in - - instances wtmld probably !»■ merely fractional, prudii- lug no curtailment at all. N0w,..100k to tin' other efie** o! Sian-. There the nitmlter «>f voters prope'sl to lie rnfranohi- ami whollr unprepartsl for tin- trust woultl l>e inifitims.. and tl tlisuirlwnte in the motive piwer of tepublii-an mat him ry ,t raleulahle. There, !■*', on the other jin ml, if the franchise ! withheld, the reduction <>f representation would he .vast. I tbere fairness, is there ju-tiee in a proposed change -• dif ferently affecting tlifti rent pirtions nl a country, united antler a contnutu government lor tlu- eoiuniiin utal ‘ \\ mtltl th» axilbSwawait weh a change by a majority, it multi not harm, uivon a minority it must ruin, lww|»ak magnanimity “ It may be iwitl in reply, that the Constitution d.vrs not resjieet tivtitmal differ, ncew—that it was th-tigncsl f.r the pn‘lection ami advanix-mt-nt of p-rsonal right*, lo n jgt-gv extent this is an egregious error. Ihe l nitvn was originally dxwtgnexl mainlv for the conduct of foreign affairs ami —m moa iIT^T-—, leaving u> tb« wtataa Uia regulation of th«tr ■ duttu.tu tnnurw. Ih* CnbOkliiiii e—uluid from a coxppe— mine of aectixaai mtiriMi. xrHiil wtteh i| aowU wot hive ! boen favnatd. ladaod, io that txanpruxaM, Aa right* aad i mit-nwis at tbe Oaaeab*n m Atari by live pm i of • | *«nr large Afruxui pifiulatioa ia anave of tbe rhaaa, wxae 1 oa.-i.|tT.-l ami aitjuntid. The African «lnanl, whether botvd . nr free, was computed alike with nknam to tkia ideatkal ' sulijeit ut' n-pnaentataun, aed alike ignored regarding the I ehstivi: fraiK-itiae. T he now urgni against tbe amimlairal ia, that it : will tall upm eitiaou mltal/iung an* latitude like m nv ’ huw he frotn it* mountain pen-b, cruabiag where it a^h*; whilst upm tin.-of another will alight untait Kbe , u fi-alhcr titsiliug in still air. ! U. The tiiini sertioa engrafi* upon the fundamental law a 1 new tlistjiLilihuui'Si lor otfica, State and Federal—a dai|aali fitxilioii mil tin- riMill of any art to la.- done after the aduptine of tlu- aiivcndmxmt, Imt "maumiuated iteiurr ita mocepuna. Hit- act entailing and u-j tui lift rati* ai f.r oftioe ouoaiaU ia baviag ht-rcttifir. uvki-n an oath to -opp-rt th<- (JonatiUtUon of tbe I .Stall*, anti having llwuxtiflrr —ffsgsst ia relvrllton or I insurrw-titm agaiu-t tin name, or having given aid aad enat | f>rt to th.- int imt* tlurtoC” < ooatderiag tbe naaaher of oxv ; i-itiwn- who have taken the oath und.T the cimunstaanot lorih, ihe miinlsT personally < ugagrd ra tfar war, amt the l-oadlii of ground covered Iw the words “ yawy aid and i-rmiifurt to tju. n.owt* Uirmt/," we can rxadily perceive the swot-plug of live duspialiheatevn. it is as distinctly pns-criptive a- if the p-ntuo* to be affectssi had been svit tliim-1 and their insertssl. lc ; tl b ii‘»tisl, also, that (Im- pnar-ribed are all dwellers on "'!■ -«!•• Oi a certain gt-vgraphieal line, whilst the auilmrs of tin- prtwripiit. !*ave theit head habitation on the other side. It i- <|Viii.- reiiiarkalilf, moreover,that there is in tbe entire -eclioif tin -4. v eiause in tavor of tlxeie wbtg in the inter v.t is-iwt- i lb .cKvititsi of itontiiitiai and the adoption of tin- At.lend.m nt, niav have ruveived tlie amnesty of the Gov iHllnt-lit. i ' ;—lomd litet may Itave been, btft tltsfmncinst-i tin v will Is*. Ami art- ashul to give your eminent tliat such a tatc lie , vi-iit,il many ot your l**tt . iticens, who Itave long I i-njtiytd TTic puli!., confidence, ami stane of whom now fill j imp ant putda irustc. Can Georgia epareail of thxsw fixvxn h- r -. i v t*- • lie mil ia.-t »ctc«i einpumt (he Congress “to • and" -1., appropriate hyi-latimi," the provisions of tin Aucii .iii.-i.t. It will Is tvml«-iitlisi that they are live |>r>-per |t. ; -nt v.ii.,: . iv-tiiiit.e. ap|irt>|iriate legislation. If. tlw-n --lort . 1.. An. u'iii.uii l»- atloptol, and a fraeteiual (.'migmtr, ir ■. • ! -t t. ■‘stiudt-rn Nai*-», chiefly intt-rast<-l in it, are •'tel !d. ; t is -" ryl “to enforce it by apfraftruiU UffJa '• fi .- "t fi--|« remains to the p-.ple of tlene >: *i 'tliat -ciubiai-x-of lii-p.bli.xui Govern. _ '• :f- tie Nctnh m s'vjlj V* 1 - ' — *” i 1 x ttfiii.ii- t--: tt.-m ;- nt. a--tir.ini-- vt lialcvtT tliat even ! ■ HI t*ir r. -I.‘ration. \mentlite-nt- tan air a-i t l.rop- tl to and atceiutsl by us, whief. it was b 1 . ! would t *-t t n-nlt; bat hopw i- stilt deferred, ■ ..... p I vv.:. . • j-.i .t- c- i iifr- tins Amentlment, crpiallv novel . 1 a.. y. .1 to - i-tier, l.owex er, why it Ls that v<vu in t-.i r-i hi •-n t v c npm it— adc.pion. wbfl-t vmir State liail 1 .* v- - - m r |.r- • tri'-n? Tlie Conetitiltioo soeurtw to the .- : ii“ ..:, ri. .! 1.- di-:irvxlv and as pnsiirvely ms the other. ' It It • ); .:. 1-..- and-tins--of other State* similarly ] - "tfi.* , »-i ■ • .idling in {.riving ami <nfni to it. y--- -• .- .1 fiATt ' ln-tofe yon a InwislKtu* thing, j i am I---. 1. jbwf to pu-li it,-with“iit thru par:: ■ -1, 1. v.... i ti“- stag- of amen I went, and tb«*n sav K> !1 O . ’■Cl'.itig or tike tllC*roll-ei-jlieiirs—. The on- - I- . .tl part of fitfi prrs—. of atuenilmeul, .lU.Lr t.- t by ...tine it---lt. tlpWaAtofioxui/, hti tt tied c'/efi *• - i-. - ■ • >lty to I-* affect'd bv tins arm-tul m- I.a tU»..r a— :j>t • it. it cannot l«- adopted *it limit • a-. : • ‘-iXi t: • count ami placing its rati n> at ion u;- 1 th v.i • tiins -fisinh- of tl*- now dominant 'Sait*. It i* v.-r, that unit—thi-txtntv—ion lie math-, tin- II t Ms*: i N.-e-- w-Ihr kt ut oi'tlw lulls of I Vuigrt— lieitfie. ■ t V.lie- Am. tnlmenf pn-saitetl w ith -ticfr a el .1 .or-- I. a l.filer inottvi if p— ib .titan .. . -. -I x'lt-ifif |.f “t,p ..« rejection. 11 of 1.0-titiiics. it w»« right ami j'.rop-T tii.' y rt - -(mg Mat"- should, in the nnt-t unv cti-v.s- iei . : ii i..T“-r,sltantlo.i-i.cli resistance —-hould rt—■ : . . fi: I tit ... m antagntiiani to, ami tlo w hat*-ver vt. - .: . y .r-.d pmp-r to plate ihenis<-lvt-> in comwitutional n. . "I \ ti ' crnmnit. All this, we l« lieve, Gror -_-t. it 1- : I tie-, ill acting upm anv prnp-sv) i mai law, . vim in this critical juncture. 1 ..ov. • . -.: fi rfi gi-lator- art with the same init lligmi 1 _ - :fi ,:n- uifiincKmg firninx**, that they would ;-t it pi-t, or wtwihl exen ise in the future, Wl.l . 1 tn. t-mn-ti a a.itl unambiguous pwition. Any t . - 1 t.iav inv.tlv. -aerifits- of interest ami of j-fir. 1 ..-i^.-i,unniitr would nofexaef and self-rvwp<>et - 1 “Hires i-i the Constitution, when -... 1. .uv - rtlmg !-• th“ fonu* prescribed for it* aim.. I--. .»= v.-‘ is- .-nr thing; to p*rfi«<ipatr in making tt. : .... “1 fi.o -. :i;-.iin-t her -cfise of right and ju-tiiv. , ' \ - rut thing. Ihe tlifletvncc, in prftiei p;(. - . i: - t“.- which ili*tinguisbxvs marty rtliwii. fn im :'«■ ; .ohuiy awa.t a returning reuse of justice, and a 1 ' r “it id’ tin- tide now running «trmglv i ... , ii in-whi. h. a< a pwople, wc have been nub en nvintba, no difimat from all mwsarilx be m..n- .<r hws prv-jud*- 1,: i- v. uuniiing itn-owr tivling*. Vtra are w .. ■ .:. fit it h:v« l«vn greatly mitigatol during v.t-.-r 1 • in. ni-irntioii, 1 think, have bi-vnie ■ - r-t -.i - at. thr -wi-ir,l ami tin- Iwvunct an not “ n: of law-and enter in tis*‘rgia. \t . . .. 1. ■: n-tw a larger military fonv within n-.r i“. : o!':..i! be-gu «tatiiinv>l lietw in Unm- of' p - . ( >uP j-vo-le, with ran- exception*, wneh as 1 t. ..l it, iiavt ins si ipnet. onlerly. amt ilevotcil tn officer* tin- Armv and agent* of ~isr Td——-ddH'fiifriT afhoTig ns.Tiavc, with few , \ -• 0- a faiyoviHg «fci*»ndsx*iswxuwl-a. : xb^x*Wxfwwt-: i- I leave the admimWTmtioii of tie !,r.v i• n- Vi xatiou* mterti-rencc* sonuTinii* ... . . t: - t.i imprudent emiduct on thr-part of v:-d ; I t ,’p .a- m ahe offienm* intermeddling of inju ,. . •,1 -iii-cdmat*-* lhn alloxraiMv* Iw-ing , n. ■ id opiaintt upm nttrstioxx* arising in i,ii ; - of Htlitirs, tin- I‘nwiiient ams head* of depait ..-niii-t'xl a cratitying detiTmination to .leal i ri> .m 1 “tvTmim-iii ami p-iph 1 . With » \ , . .i-uut.i: ..t -on:- [-tints of n-mx-, tlie nw*rr r .,p 1 I:.' focidtnami tlie pfxwyiring of , of our eitij. n* for amnesty, in which ;r - ■ anxictv. I math a sliort visit to \. . , 1 “‘iin.fiint n 11— hi to be gratifhxl by the :“ -1 . - - our pxvjilc in word ami in act. I ivfNt t -TVTf M.nT AVI' Tvxvnos. • y, of tlie dilTicultiixi that have lv*ct the ,i , Govrmuwnt during the |«*J yi-ar. : [fi ' 1. .-. 1, \a--oii of tin* pn-w-tin- upm the 1 ri-a -ii;, ; », Ktnjiiv sht-n the pn-xxts of i, - -t, wriintent iximtnemxril, att.l thx* i»nli *, | \ --it ndixl, it ha- liern ealhxl upm to tlie 'car 1 lii't.'i, originating i atit.-r -r t-i il t-x]«i*- of tin- I’rvmsi.mal Ihw -Iri it, \ - • tfii -i in of the iw@ini!«-nt of this ofthxrj : r \ lifil-.T Ilf 1 All A, tfass ofltw iwtpMtißd G..V. in n-jtairs .1. ,1 r. -fitnig of th. Western and Atlan -1 tic lUilnv-id, tl.c siy.plv of ix.rti for the diwtitute, ami .hlkt i npprnp. - id. at tin late -—IOO ot theticm-ral As -ml . Av a- nit. it«it.x| ami pn.v.tlol for.flMxw hextvy 1 ih-niaii'h od I I-- fi.irgixl hv rixxmnw- to tin- enxiit .'I ! the '•late. tli. '■ The a-itliofiTv given me at your ]a»t s«w*iim to raise numex ‘ hy iaiw of tl«* Um.U wf th* >tai« Uaa hoaa pwrually •aaeutwi. Afler careful eoaudaraowt aad advaMwait w tu .i .-mu mute *eraed in laanexal aflbiia than atyaclf, 1 ihdißimrl, ia tbe ueariae u € Ik* fimtiga nbuxol ia km, to i**t» Utxad* •ith the ampin aartiritv atturdmt by a n.urtgap of tbe MWm and Atlantic luulroad. Tha delay imaictit to the preparation of tbaaa buxtda, aad tbe aanexais-n ut tlw ntun- CH* security, rendered a naoxt to la»nt*,irary lian isoauy. Avery liberal Spirit warn matuimud ly rii/rte-yisl mrpaxa tioaa aad hy indfriduala >4 Hr exra Htoto; imt in tine tuae of, barely enough noxxid be nmlianj from ti me araxmta to defray ordinary eipnmn and prewemg arreara.-i*.. To obtain tbr nwwrw of parcbaauig earn iw tD -iirtitute, mA ‘toaiung repair* apoxi tbe WuHtru ami At. c waa fount 1 m utasHy to neorl to Loral it *W wmr. Ucsvcy ex am* aliundant and Htotea and indivuluaU hw> artxly. In New York, the great omuatn-ial unpinum of th*- csintry, ti* r.- <1 wired relief was found. Dan* for four anal time mouth* w.t. negotiaud at tb*- rate of aevxn par <*nt. |*r annum. (Inly in two or tbrxe iwxanos, rxxitbib the hut*: tr*r mall aimwm* mapormtively, when ther* r raaintd rim 1 m o, m*p« the expat*** -.f y.oir last msv«, rapt-llr dra-.i ,g to * .-j.**-. -waa more titan wAt-u p-r .wit. paitj fir this*- ux.tjsowry- Itm... All us thr *h**rt baub tints far r -guuand by 1..1 - It. u«l ali aegcriand liy tie- UmviMotia] (knmu, thii u urnl, have bxwxt paid in full. The immature boje. netrautl bv him arm nun. in tin- aggregate, to fifty-tbr-* .tb<*.i*aml tl. ni humlml ami thirtv-tlirxs ami oxje-thfnl <k.i. j-, jwjalae in gold or ip ei]uital<-nt in eurrrm-y. 1 foumi th. .cde-aii-s*. ch»r and cheering ti.x:, mewitb-tawiing ii.. i-.tioii:;:** of the maiiTiul wialth -übj—-t to her taxx’. . riemesv, aisl her j>rx»*Tit poe*ration, i-:ir g>*.*i...... < r. an hum>niile *nd 00 Lal»l>- ernilit. I cn!*-rts . m< x .. of dotlbt that, if praiittisl to enter tin- rr -. 1 ,r-. ■ >» 1 her own inerils —tie- baimf the iitierxi lb'-, rill -ri. wit:-., lev l'Jtals htT future, reniov*xJ—her —sire .- • 1-j mon- than |wr in tie pn—-tit etreulating ne-l.t:m, N’utvith waudilig tlx [Ktljcdih- de{*r-xWKH Hsauiuag fr-cn tl.:- --.ut- . ipireiy political,; 1 i-s.k with confi.irmr u> tiu-ir xjtj.c—.x tion, a/el thesetnr* liave ae.. d'd, a- far a- jo*d»!c, Jtr.--I.t --tam-y 111 tlx sale of them. It srem>-d to lea f Tt-g.*n< ciusi'Hi. a/ the money catiter. that fsiliriia beads w<m!tl !« aril **»!d at i-ighfv-five m tlie hutadrxxl, ami it VIX- »n --rnmncxx! to m- The prompt am! .U> *l—i r-yc*xion of »j! offer- Is-lttw iiiucfy in die bundrxx) njiMslilv l.f- t.gkt t!a*-f:i v tiia: |s»:iit. at which, h«wrever, no •rno'.nt titan ing nowwitv rctjninsl. wae sa'd. Tl* btmi* authnrbwfby the C«tßv<vitioa of 1 —atmn ril ing to toOOAW and h ri,it«id iu tune to five v.str-—wer* r -fi well rxxxi\,d by ixajcutii-ta. The t:n»e xra* tm >h-ct to -i.- vite permanent imotiwnt, and far tl.;- r--.- n urt**ii;<-I t.i *[— -iLa.t-tfi. Tire: Frrrrtsiona! < lAWnwr rdf.-c.-I *4 ™. f tmsn only to the ani-41/it ~f JIJA.fIOn.OO. IJ-jt thb diffoxihy -,t -* QVt rtsvme in a'gpxit tm-asorc I r im<>rf* -s' v -.g .c •!,<» , 1 '-A'*;- - ;-"r. ■-•- I** ~ ... fiesm-xtr fi. -ft*.’ *• !T- < f it-r .' \— .1 might authorize. Tlw .*th artim of tie- vt i-. ■ixwri l-'fi Mi-fi. ).!* -ing mi {(inn - aUtWiard t thi 4 “tivent“<n, n a’, n-|*xfi* t on th* sa-ie- ng v rfi li provid and f.r :n t!.. prcsjeling —xi<.,is. fa:’- - xam -l •• - ••xpsln-tit'. Very .elofiiply pn-parrxl, in a-t . n.:- - rial ixrtTop-niiing-fo tie- *u--rt rxistexyx ihtcielctl f-r tie r. they nidtxl ti,. 'fr-ti-ury materially wbii*. ist-x availal.',- :**.-> were In I*. A Ing n- lhte sulg-iuxu-.— —■ +h*-af ter f-.r tfit i-trmcrai a:, xwrlv .lay, 1 cs-i-x] I**, i-* . j |«Xl**l ix'H.ftri! _g I- ■ tic pnf. !-:• -i* 'if ti. at • -to. **-follow- ‘ 1 utlt-r tl.c ofxluiaii cos the Convention a* ena -cl hr th a:-: tic I>-gi-':itur* * VX 1,1 gift Un-h-r th. t-t —fiion t-f tin art. , 1,.-*si cast ,Tmh r tin- 7th tion to prov ide fi-r pavnc-tit >f ifi- '*x .... Und.T sill —-t -ii to fnml jcvt die b“ni- Umler lltii *-xx I*hi a.T to jm* - - «<ni for tl-e (Institute ... Tdte awtilnption of the K«hni tax u<-t v <t.g i» ;r --mittcxl. and it- -.-ts-m—o haring di-fs-n—l w•' m-x -v fur .—iii'h a-*tmipt7onrT!“ b.n-L- iliwigxwsj : -t: - 1 :r*~. though u ngmvi-i, i. .. 1. : Isx-n exo-x/ti-l. a.- at- o --* -I in the T rvstpiin. lh .tig .--vertvi, howcvtT. i > ‘ ir~i r “g.ig' on th. W.-it-m j.. ! Ivarlncvl. tie 4,A—-; v may. in prfi-clly g. •! taith. if il*<Hti*«l a-b.-al fi ■ -r-1« r t ; .- rv-aitixl and is-u.xd : r v ti.-T puq- ~ am! • ,; a,J fi. tiunal ex[» . Xp btaads • -wer nriat th in lM- dollar, anti v/ry few a’- vefit. The Tnsr ,xr’« r.pcfi • will a'!' - ' aoldand !*• ncfx-oarv to disp*- of The e:.i;re amount au:i. .rir*-! and j prrjiarixl for salt. w tlcnev cr afa - - pc.~ —t« .j—xtni-t. ts/t arawngcxiieaL- Uav. h.% ~ m*t* whtdi, xrithotit Trtrrcased -a -U, j totktfitate, w, ... . the nrraayitx jbmd mi» ’o! -* their nstl niarket v:.! 1 ■ Tbe.sahw not having aid the lull* for material am! w rk in pxv-parati-.n. •fi th- IsHiil* not having b--n r. mi. red. tlie rip-n-* anxtwling tin* pirtienlar serv ex eann -• n w !»- -tated. Ev idi-mT. having tran-pired that tfi- re are extar •. bnoiL- “f th. State not rvg;-trnri in the Treasurer'*“arebcfrTrxxvt injjly doubtful ift-tiuitn-imto -and .<n* havtnc t*en [ rxs.-nT.vl f.r ix-f-.inding viiiit h r.i.v-.inxi several year-- am! .- tnarkol paid on the rvgi-try—it ivas been dce-mi-1 t- |.r-*xx-l with great estiti-Hi in the pn-'s. f fund :-. A.i due an reqn-n-f to t» [.nx- ntol for that pi.rjw*-- a: th. Ttxxxsnrv.san-! anv .iijvon,- pas: due whetev.-r jnvai-i- ,i: .v tv fundixl then-. ( ouj*in- {.arable m New V-.rk ••* ;c Icsm are tumlahlc in the :i>rtn«T city, hot ail utlw-r-. ..nS »-. th Ttxxvmrv.' That laiMBCM i» n-.w in pn*?-.»*• j- • p : The amount of Isvn.U author:***l t>' 1« -mn-l t r th.* *{*- ertir pnrprs* is * 'C; nf ilfii- am--un: f. . t •»»', it esumotol. wt-tiTd !»■ n-jt.inxl to refund jtas! iii:c I- fi. 1-. i<av- Ing to Is- appliid to interest llu*. tbe toitn of £.'■*»■.-Vs Tic pnx-i- amount «f [Oik due eoup-n-. then n p-rti-J l > t!.* General A—-nil-'y wa- whi.h a.i.i-i =•■ ;;c ..:n- -,:n of |«i*t -due t- • ;■ a:: agg*vga:e , f :. - ,::g rli’wHv in niv opuiiati that the ■ ieneral A—-rr - •* rntmdtxt t pttivjih trim htt- c -1 o(h- r TKah wa- evldcin—l 1 ■ j**-; d— map hi-. In tlii- v. .1 «... pn>v..;..a wa- made for t in- pav nient »f int. To- a-.-rt,:-g on poet dne»f»-'d- a:-- tt:- ,r matiiritv. !km w net whether this .v-.i.s* : -aa* ...r aj*. not iiiinii- .ua’ 1; 1- v.-rx tru : v let . i-WBBxw it th. ficvdrr -f -i --ft a fi. ‘ ' . - ' maturitv for ravni.ait. he is held mat rtit.-tcxl : itit.-nw: This nile ha- lw»-ti aj.pii.xl by -nnilty ix.q.-r. :■ -|«. j-.rrat. and pi bib-, to Until- maturing during tb- war: ' I- to the xxui-uicTWtx*-n -«f th- ti- ncra! A*ms.-:>!y. v.' :' • h applicatbxH. umltT the I .reximsiano-a. is just amt nfifirrrahfr. It L< \t-rv certain that af:er t .Hifixlerate a- i S\. . Tsa- ,-x noito hail fiiit-l up tie- ikiaadt pro- t ti. of «iieh l»>nd- for my mint in the medium o rmctixl t r would have lieen an idle -x remony. No i*- or- - ••: c tin- l“.|d.-r- oT inonV of (hear lend, were ent c" tn . x-.v-.n.- t-lAlv pin.- of jwy - : :fie existing war. : fii.via | ixHild twH make demand. 1 recxHumctwi a- m m -rsti-nt xrilh the h<Hior ami dignity of tlie Nat.- t:..-.t ;ro - :; Is made fio- th- Tvt'of th:- inti-nvt. Ev-hk-mx-haring Iwxai pm-e-ntixl to this dcpi- cr.t. that simv the lan pnvm.nt io tic S:.. c .>n il* sii!*- ,;>• • : Modi \ meat-have l«x n pc.l in by the pnrair atorkhofiit ;•*, hr the term- oft!:. a. :-- .x.-)- the ixHtipany. approve! JTtii F. hruarv. !> ■•'. -.i!-t.x.'l in. State to Um payment -fi Sl.Uc’s*! .wi her *.;!—-riptiiHi. 1 have, tn .xhwh. -,-x to that ae»,«Miatd tobeaxeentedand «Wivtri ltn thi > • i rH the State for tint sum. n AVhi-n all of the Kind* auth rrexl by th* at of ti I hur ra! AxcemlUv. a|>].rv<vcd l '2th March, |vi4, ex.x [M th— iutendw! tor the at-iorpt-r-r—f rf*- KrehrafiAJCXA »:.»11 IxSv. tvxai di-ps-sxl of a- rxmt.-mp.attxl, th* (nmiol .!• t fi t.u State will stand tbu- : Horn!* i-*ucd anterior to 1 1 ami not vet due. $ A l ''A..'* *> Mortgagi- is-iiixl in ! < *4“>, al».v e m.-niiomx! llshiil- is-u.xi to the Atiaxit.i atvl (oilt liaurna.! in Itxtlfl l-'L-VJti Total $ 4,840.000 •A U..s aursxo: 817i>,VJO will mature ia latbl; ■ 1 Mil; fllletc>ia la7u—anabxnj a total of 9476A4AL TW iatlsr *u», tliHHfim, mint be prwvwiod for within soar yuan sewn tins time. I rxaxwamaml that the bumlo b«for* mm- U/ued, prwftwml to me** tbe Fnb-raJ lax, hat aa yet aaakiaa trd, bn placesi at tbe dupes! us (be I'jnmrmur, with aatharilj to tus ibetH a* 1 —flaw mav be pneaunl kw aide or if dissaad adviaabk, in nsfaen[i4sna o* tbe bombs Cos MONa ami Iwfiitx) tbe year 1870. Tbr public debt will ant that be irn-rsand in aaumut ami may l» somewhat dimmiabed. Itoads auxountmg to will mature ia la7l,aafl lAbers amounting to ft lIjAA) in 1*72, tbr aggregate boag to be pmvtiiasi fur in aix years. To meet tlu* aad mham|U*-ntly amuac liabtlitkw I raonm meml that tb* sum of uo* bundnsi aad twrotx thomaad dolUn be anuaally art apart a* a Making fuul >■ amnbtin If the lint elan* «f Hoods u- inature within hair yearn,) Ls provided foe Ha tin axanmr ii ( j > iad>il. aad tbr fluid jirofMsxJ hr allowed to aoiombte until 1472,8 fl par cvnt. 1 filer**!, it will Im adequate to tbe payment of tbe liHsb maturxag ut 1871 ami l*7i Hal, if in tb* then exatiag financial eomiitria us tb* State, it abnnld be 1 T ** »iv isaldr bv xwsir sureewaorw to meet lb* ixahriittm of 1971 ami 1M72 ay ade us ibr State’* Mark in tbe Atlantic rad Gwlf llaHnad. we by applying any «aher r—Hirer availabia at tluu lime, and permit Its- sinking fund to wo no arr-uma- Lating. tbr entire ib-bt us ihr state may, in tbe pragma of line, ia ear ly jh-.v *ksl for. and b*T rrxdit maiataraed. Ia urging tom n. look tbo* tar into lie futuie, and to [axwida “*»» or m -.*ic a p*»iry for the aixxHß[dadameni of nab *0 ■b~ini4»-, 1 th-f k I i«i press-tit a ease of clear dray. It ia true, that dunng thr imiuataritv of State amritia, if the aiiinaiiy ao-niurg nt<Txwa lie tjuthfoily paid, tbe holders hav* n* “gal right u. 3*k tre-re. Hut 1 Id press apa Jour hasjptm tii-- sfsiis of a sinking fund, as one if Um- anal pry- to S,|, cr-xli,. and a* an art of just see to pxaiia,- ami lor three r-ar-Hc. a- a grvai mewur* of State p.tiey (fa gr-»t advantage i-.tim it dirtrilsiii* tin burthen of paymaat .-juaiiy ov.T X OTIC* -f ■ -ar- . ami, usieed. the Hna to ha pruvvirri m ear . wot be -mall, a* searxwly to ißtril tin 1 j.p! i4 a I-irtic-c \i Iswiisxrr a large imaat maiur- iu sox v.-wr, —fi jeiS Mta, ntiaf tin tax pa’v cr* if that year f -u-4 ts -fi fi V <-! V Uirtktad, or anew vh-bt must be inrugrxxi. -N*«!d tl.c ..ut wbrw tn-He-V l* -*rrr, it m*-. )*. itflwxih,-it nt< im{>rm-tsr9dde, to I .law -a o»-w i.c.n. tbu- I winging tbe (fotwrai A-onMt flaw la fjw- with tie alternative >f ..[.[ireiatve taxation or ds-hoaoraf tie Nat. > .j. Igatco- 1 i.» —sp from thi- dih-maia. now ps.j--.-l, 1- *a*y. that I think it will ssnaeul Maris to lis fa-. omt.l. c*e:-“i<ni.“jn us the (iemrai Aj— mbly. Tito! of the I nitrd Sta U-i t rm.TTiment w • large, aad her - T-edif “n*ta.rv-d by r—sire— *e am;.h. that for -si*-tatdia| —1- *8 > alw-s. - »ft—t c - 1 - air— / - ■ I r—t/Tn-. tic- -avirtsm c\rx—l in mx fin* message to yet. that tfo Unwcrti ami AtianTc Kaih-anL pat in a con dition of tlwexHigh rr»«air. aiwl furnwhed with adequate r .-eg --,,1 W I -in the future, xnrh pr-per rr in aye an rt, -uetain itself ami vieW a rn -nu.-, wh irk. irrr»iftwl w licit 4.l*y U fn«m Atlintir tnd <'m\f *n.U *i«r*v» rri>fi*T *JOrrr*y> ; Thr TrpnrTF rs !V'Tr»-*furFT *nr] C nfnptmlW < r*tx r*J wTJ | Trm k« relative ir> the finaarva ut 1• “ Nat*, and with statistc-a! infMmajion of an :.t» r. wing : “ara-yrr I cnci—i-n'l to rreir eeri-ejs o rx- ideraticie tbs *!igge-f:.Hjs of the latter in reference to x~.T»jn>rx»te if the rx -retui*- laws. _ The —-.ft**" nos the Fixhrjfi tax urjac lamis having le*w -Ti*tiC!ided ts-f-r* much progreee bail ma.l* . I did not feel , autie.r.wxi nurpend that imtseexl fur the enpysvt of th# N*f. I ...en.iu-s-i l r*-g—t exnfxxhaylr si-a! any portion of •*.r f- * -ex' ia.fio -uof.-fil have \mo n required u> par th# K-!er»I Tax. I« not beTiering that your er>ot»«»- ;>.a:i-l poe*to/ -j-tiensehi of tlie Stste tax. 1 cth/H act »x<n# : f Thr State tax. od roJorrm. i# very light. I* 1-ig iHibr erne—:xTh of lOe per cent. Tin tax :: J*the sab- «f *;■: r.tuchix liquor* maioj ihr its term- tu exntirara the fim unarter of the prewetit rynrf wtueb nearly expired lie*.we the tax wa* inpwiL Being o -.raixift, tie eel ter wa> ihpryl us thr -yy-et unity «o add priaa, is bis aaß.- Hbudee. many nun hauls Uurinjr tuat quart»r trod the article for ncn-iwaleau, aa • -r.imvs-mn. and mad. final —-crLemf-nt* with the oamra Had the tax hern exaciol of thews, it wemki haxre exees-ded !..rg*-:y th- r runimtoso-.aii.! —d—te.l them to srmw* Scrav lauit •« their pan. F>«-xbe>e rew-ins I mspesded the tai for tie fim .juarter. ami now invite year Mustui to It. T Trw p>—jut of tbsiTjgia hav e alwav - beexi light!* taxed, and in.ii.wt**>- trial tne. rwbte .*«rmuswi »ttl Wa ' T.-Tr-sinol tu make tkir isirthen corrxius in the future. tr-t ,*n< -x Tbr txx.js ti.-- Uairmaty, after ac u&avo-wiaMa -u-jsu-.-s.. ha- . I*-;Uxi the awe* swlmla.-t.ry evsieoce of pabisc •approval. Many .4* it* nwes anient fnrmi* mtertaiard the apprebs-tv-ion t/iat cbumw ounmixfirvi with the war reeeatiy Ver minai.xi. and chief anvmj-tis-m the utter imps itw kiarl *f mot. ami to* -ars.towr-i itmintoanox of <4tcr*. formiGy •«>;*> abi. ami wi!lu>- to exiu.ate their -se. would .wxoaatoa -ucii dim tauten of jatrxiagx a* w.«ihl the effort abor tive Tiie tx-Mih iia* I well Lar other* irr. The nomher of an ]>liharn* te »b:;t-e..-n. very nwfanxahie at fim, ha# rap id;. int-TvSjsxi, and i* HiU itK-rx»*ing There are now. aaam euiaUxi (xm-aderahly inarv than one bundled. It oßm to thr peojo# of (.sxx.qria very grx-at rxiis-aje-uai airtnfgws, whiho tb. ton- fi nr -m ami relighiu* opuiMin ami hv-i/ng i* dcridodly h ;gh. the tat a! if sn-tanan Iwaa. Wi tiv.-ui an ag. wfoxi exlucatexi mind anr-t lake a ioad -11 g (Bin in afla.r- .4 Mate, Any [ssyde negieruag Ui pra vi.l cither < t.metnary oiui-atc n for the mam. or to afford s»!<.~ tbr .draining -u.b higiier ami m.ex- cxT.-ndcd knowl <xtg> a- »(l! ruaio. their x.with, [aeeing into manbtsxi, to mm • I-..- t::. - -i.5-.-t:ifi pr '■ fixn- ... {s-dneai eexHwony aad in Mate policy, *!!! jsoiwliv la!! !*-h:mi KB the evHnpeCitaaa of NAT.s iTct nation-Tt -ujs.-fi.xr <it-v t-L.qiment. I’njudcxx. sliK-ii in fi.-tm-r t::n>- b*uwi voice in cor Irgia iativT a—x-mbiles aganmt Übrra: odneat- ti. we may wall hopw, haxx- brx-n an- ;al.d bv rxjs-n.tKx. (ir-Tgia has profited too ranch hv tb- - rv kx> ..f bxT .-ineatexl - ex-, in all .w-ponsaraH r rtt pet-ite rtrq>!ox-nieait; n-4 k- *x ehwrly bx.w hugely bar futun and deprod upnr the .nlightoa tux nt »f ri-utg em. rai**i Ttrc thin! eiausa i>f the fifth -ex-* :,fc. -.xxand aric hos tl«- ('..n-eituti.«. dearly imi/cats that, rn the oj.inixxu ot the t..Hivvotb-n ot In*.., the praxnl tsaha nic/U of the I’nivotNty us Gxx>r>gta i» inadequate to its neeaosa tws, Mimifiti of the *«-rix<u- .sir [»'-J»Le have recently mm nuiixxi, and thr t.-nij-Tarv dqvnxes.4l <*f their maiervai intemHa, 1 fvrisxtx urging xio at this time to inexx-ais- the rmiowment. V. ... ~ (hx -uiy.xd now #to eoagratuiate X .Ml ami v.Kir exHi-titux-nt- upon tl.c j-.xxl ux* which a* bring made “f tbe liraitxxl aid h.rvt. - .rx and -till xXlx-pded to thi# vet. mb!.- in-titnti-Hi. ami to a-k that b*T ja-t ami pisnent tx—* f:.hits# lx »xx j.(.xt a- an ewnsxxM -f (be fruit that may In .-.tii:■ jvxi.-l fr-xt-i x ixrYeremiow!u*x.t in ni.T. pi-*j»-r'<i- time#. Tforr xs K.>\*rxx-r. a' r.Mxi-uTx by w hieri the ix-*fulnera ■»t tlie I n;v : er- tv mar is gm*t)y im-rvaiKxl, am! a great thi!.;- tm.-:. -■ w «!eV"’;ied ut--n tb. (txn*Tal A-xwnbly, tinisx.Ht-iv exemtex!, without impeing any Imnien opua .sir iuij*iven-bxx! T»-y>c . -A large . xtenl of public lands Is “Htgiog t" the t 'nitfxl Mat" Iva- isx-ti. Io an a.A of ( .xngrx-e. .b-\..;e,l to the .etabli-hm.-nt .4 agry-ultura! eoi iitr -rvxral Mat.-* At ymr last srxsm'u x-rwi aorx-pttxi, tbe jKiq-es- in*ii<-atrxi. -u. h land as might is allotted to twxxnris umier that at. am! your acceptance ho* Isx-n cnanninnw-ntexl to (liat <-.v.-runwot. Tin* n-ssircr eon i*.- applied to .“for jsin—» whatever, am! (be nuest/eai in-.- ii can - is- ni-*t »!v antawix-si-iv employ <x{ 8«r that. It :> yuinvt. in.iejwn.kxil in-filutHHt l»- niux-b . xis-ii— mu-t Is l.Mxirrvx!, whi.h might !w -avrx! by making 1: an aj.jsxi.ixgx of y.Kir I'tiiv»T-ily Tfo-term I'mrrrmly m i.l|W4,Hiii 1 "t the idea us diTets ~ fosds an.l mnegew, each (! i.» «Mtix [xartiexilar t.r»nei: of w-ixxmx-, and all uiiited msbc .xernsnl gxoxTxinieat, and .xHtstitudng a gram! seeni nan of foaming This xra* the objxsx et xnteonpiotrd in tho aetabiishmexit of th* Uaivrrsity of tfoorgH, though th#