The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, November 17, 1866, Image 2

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fgE DAILY ERA. UiLLJKr.TT^TS 7 - mkfrTto 9IT .■atmtuar warn »w n. m Tm >—r *«.-»■ !■■■! >»■■<■■■ 'to apM «* ■*«» tawa»,to>i ■iii^i(—lijl ■»*. Ut«to hnk-Mto w 4 radk totob. ttonliM»*i«i wawtot—**- IWU«I«iS to » to— lTk« Wew». Da— ultej., ,r.b.bty_— a* TWrteßtatebatftmcigputoauar pc~ >m»toitoto«m—*ji tto—« •i-i-* r Mini n nBtol«to Urn. **■« ** *i>ffcMto CVmgu rata toto. Lm- IHUK —— *«■» dtoktoiM to iwm* K«y»o—- ptaj tabta tetaßg rguabttei.M ataburgten toatoto. TV. of • <( ■ ■ -1 • - to** ton Ini to Cton *•• lAtoifi ap.— *r» to Hi >«■. nn tecta. ■■!*■. to ito yuc. ni to to tod .ton iiuir Mbau.r»rt *** ton tow tontor to* Ito to tbcr tow to "- to to totontoL to« ton toton K—tetek.«ta«C to toto* to Mem i ktoatotoitoltoWltodtoto) ■II iWtccte a (to nrni n*j ton to tototot Btoto. n r«ad ton to Wataug kto. aad hia* -’ . --- -■ to (to land gi.l -fimc. toto to »i*to* n Tan day Ito! hau to* ton < to tcfna 111- -• tor to (to toto tuuknru to to aai Tto -Wnilin.intoi* m (to ***** to a«a ton ■■■ lt T m^ha* tokninltoa ton ii m».a.ito Cd* ■ate- • Tto Utonl grata. ni tojamoto •toad to ton* On***, tod tay nangute. m Tanto. a nto "Pnato tot**.* Tto tody to a yang Ur. nanrty V » «m ton ton • ***** to T I* ‘ la* Taltoato A lii ht T part to Itto' auto* a to* **r*T *to toaaa ton a kirgte raiy aantod ItoMpto ton ton tototoltrU aM to to* tto—l lan* Band to pa- Tto* ■* a a** CUB*, to Baton to (I*, to tototot to* »'*■«*- Ti. to* tataad. by a aaa* to «T to M. to .(pipati »K*' «' to Un to an eon to** ton aad* to Laa in eoaady. T*. at (tow ti Itow pr >***!- Ttoy an ftoag <• ton n Orpbua . H<aa* at Tntoga*. Ala., aatto (to in.pir.. to (to j JVpihtoto to |»nnH»ig to aw* mm 11 , (to I- ■ Lyaetomx. Ta tto lynlial. utacb wiHcak. aa natptona. Dana A lag' a«na tonba*dnini agtoy tarto* ntotototai* toatototy. Tto -mu toaaa- to pnag aoatnto to feirbcncfi Tto iaatoi adß *n* to* ton into to to an aittototona (toner tana, to Mintol t to* M*f*t Ito Wlh n a toy to Itoatopna* It to ptapoaad la tab* Bma Otautej C to *ii — bn* ton Tack. ***** aba p**rto**d *an to oynan at that rrtj * tea day* ago. to *tot to till * pari. »*l*.d to ton OK te •*» Tton to a gnat **n*al to Hatooa. Caaa A aaataA* toyyari toa ad aad a**d ail to* Iran* to tarry katodpltotouan a day u» wi»«riag , ■ »■>—*'« G Tract* to* ton i|ip tot it apaaai poaudtoa Afral fa* Cddn* aad Ito Pntto faa. A toagari Baton to to Intoai to Cyra* W Paid by iaudeg Sn la* nil*.** TtofagtoA |a*a* ragato Itot tto laecpto to to ttlmir T I frag* Canpaay an aaa n* Kto n to.«» tody. Ttoy tod a Banc n ito pry to a to . Teat euari n »n(ty Ha paid tto graataat atoraliaa t# tto mdaar*. bn ■ vaa taaity dno.arad that to aaitrrtom I as KagbO. aad tto Htori* cm ted bn oat. A party to aanan ban M iatoa* baa* a ■yard to tint* ntb nufl( tto n gild daat Aatdtot party laartod Bt Joaapb Ttonday. ana tin nu Mmrmiry ana abaat ttt.tOO bartiag n Ito Bade** ntparty n Mn Tort atop. Ttoßntop to In rial cat, ftoa. to a, paadtoC tto -gem ral.nb*i~ iar Baaap* tot*** Ito atm of ta e* alary Itto*ag ninlril Itol (iaanl Iht adi raaaga tot pm a Ha*al dmai|r« T-* to Ito anarta to a toa te/v 40Mai m toatogad by agpbnat* to II i W i ...» Hal war to* arittia * an |Aal, akab to ntt* -W.lttogr Into Be rJb ~ w. app pan tto UUto totoagar ariii to tealr.WM Tto rrap to atoto. )*g aaadad. ( loaiu Mat* top* an triMUr natad b> an Tto latfna h ol \ ircnu* a nH to Xortuik. U aa* to "ffal*' to bpan. •mil pat to bell Hag mto Ctoitaanaj* Aadtanan aUp top-it to todla*' tola j taAw* Mmgmpctaa. >pttiti.< m prodartoas adkata ton bnatatin ton diniO.d toarard an dmiaiat tapto. nd praaaUy oar bm tolniat. tadn tto old ordn to •nga toy to tto* 4taatfea;lnt tona.n ttot nay baaaton. it toa inad any aatb Bn oU tbnga ttotanabniatol. aad (** ton to aaßiiata .an lank to* toat nanarik tkaktor krtba n at aardaps aal. aad. to toa gnaatin i. tpc apankn aoaraa n gr*a pgnnna at ranuasrakua lor toa tobog np ia Ii i apaa tton Oaocgtoi* by aa naan harm of ra autroa. Imtk tornatmi* old tom* In baton ahaadaot mm of mlto toal aatarpato* bn sat jwt fatottol Fton I tk* taadM)aato tfiUai auk. a* ! ton BO drrabt bat that ato ■ neb to aur ' alii wealth. toad ato to abt* to tanu ; tab iroa. ooal aad aaob tbiag*.. auto wet lor tor on foarneptioa at tom. aad tto aooarr tbc lart ■ intoprd tto tottn it will ha lug oar taUraat. Eltry Mos coal aad iroa tog bon nr an aaai w jato that carb adtod to to* grairal wwaa. It to a cattar at each regret that a ttoroagb gadugnl aarrry at tto Ham bn ***** ban nad* aad pabhab*d W* bainae t tor* tnb aacb n atonl n a Stats dakgri Mala a Ito dto beaadta tto Stat*. ■ ■ narrly aoauaal Tto paapla aad tto malt of ansauto «ihnrrat*iia* jtnl bow for ttotr gwidaare. V# attain nib phanaaito gotatag lateral u> maieg aprrakun of tto Sam. At pram ttory tor* aot adTaarrd far Iran Ik* praam nr«at bn as rank .Intis axpaet to me torn teat Jo** to to* am tbnkat aad n tone tout nia rnk Tk. i* amrihing of tto kiad of rrroa aoattotie ton a* aaad. ttoorgn aaato nor* nor* rolling null* aad foaadnaa, nore anrbio* abopa. too** g r| ———— am cotton aulW. daatnui taiagr W* toss bra m tto car nab* of program Wag noagb. Vs toss aosur bssu anto-mtlT artoss, aad toss tesst tod artas* eagutal saoogb Harrtofurv our wuultk to* toso lorbr.l aggiV uawsm torsaftor srrubb cn*l —• . . ''- m— *>' < ■-* So Stats bn nor* naaafartanag tank ■tan ttoa fltaama, bn as ws moat toss tto narnifartiirna adtabbabsU. Tins will sa ooarag* lan ignli a wto-h ws aow assd n narb n aastbing V* want a*s*- lalursra. nerhanaw. nnalartarrsm. pro- i basil att-au atUn wtoars ttoy aone nd w* want bus of tton It a to tot* total ruonntrac*iue Itol tto dleaan of tto praplr *toii bsJi parted. Vtoa ws to eon* fully eagrtnsd IS neb. ww srtll gad tout oor politanl af In* will das oat nor* rtgodly. red tto p*MpW of toa grsoi Bspobli - will fid toal ttors i* bo Vsagsr tel wrtm, but tout tto ißtrTsut* of tstiy part are *U* teal * ura or tub tuernu. TVs Badml uga *llad* ta (bar rant MteMM m *• pxonrl Y ' br nar tWv wAirM. m m Utartni, na tlkd> Am n# aa f+tr* Mf« vwAW to? n ■Mrr«p«lM*t im viitia«; Ui MBtii tW knArssl tailp«a (.4 .ArltaT - ttnm Utm mm fH 1 tfcftt Um mutt m mm pnycidf refect ngßtaat tk* < «>iiitfnn»< prtwrj u 4 tto PrftaWt TA* bffvmvl m m w tto* pnaim m tatoc. UaAataatoi/ few tto oaatry mmd Ito AftaMiKdiwiMO. ttota «MI oAtwi ptfrw tto mmhnm of ii»gl mratratoAtto 11. ra DCt -wrirtof kj tto* EwmttiTc. M wmm WH atom mmm»y t* ito* ttoa toAri to. ami wm by tfc ■■ mm| ta toxm —toy. —crgßOctolj. and mmmrmfmkirmdr * ttoa Ktorr«BMrki < ttoetr iwmc ■ngtoytoa Ttoa r—U '•■ybaftrally t—rbaa ttoa to— -r. tkto if (toa amt ftotn—f n tod A— vtaktod by tto* Prufanl. M v— <b—• by all to* p—if i lain —a aa bad ■run— ■ b> to ito wtiMwi 1 —lk» af Mann—l E—raum*. ttoara vo«ki toa— b—a toa lUtbrai virt.maa m ttoa Uml rkrlrn to ramad. It «a— >*a to dray ttoa* ttoa* |iiaton—l<a furum a fra* a pus. it —tin— Ewj c4b:« toubtol m ap> hmeal vorfcar to«* bacvtodnra abnmn by a mmummm raimtoiam. ttoas that pat— to vortto ta tto* party rvmmf «al W fv-va ttotfty to toatj ibi—xl vo—• . a Pm a irlnau. aaad fir— tort? to* ftfty tto—ad a tom Tat la Mm HiMytor» « oa—tmt, ITimtii. Otox ladaa— and <tor SCaXm. tto# laltamn of ito* Mto—r* bwn a enrrm a pr aifing ratio lx toaa ton a— «# m**— aaart ar—ptoual tto* part at fhrada of Pr— »dmt ioto— m ttoal tot baa WiAdbmd to Colt* * Ito twitoi -4 all bia pr-tor*ta.c*. —.i torn par win ad aAaanat ttoa artooto of ito* T—pv to vmuua to tto* toaad* of larVrai |— t—a, lo to* by ttoa— ■ —b.i»( tto— *b» —ppoctiarx Ito* podary of bai I toa aHtop— of ttor »«wxk r 4 Ito mtt *W tto— »tori*fT Ik* «— aupfy«i«t by ttoa a«fport»n Y ttoa tod—lattorvXum tton •«r* pMI C'f—r—4** a—i ttou wtor ♦ rar U ba>l town toft tto* to—da c 4 ttoa iU*l- Ktatot karjr* Etatorai |m w-r* r—li—d T-v i—». m ttoa «wy af PUdtoljduv «tor* a «■«<—idarahia post*— of ttoi* y—trk* toad. <—Ay •fm dart Won ttor toNtoa. b**n tr—afarrad to C —smtim to* eu» f*ay v— —dans! aon tto— o— NI. atom ttoa nty of Xm Tat, sum a it— o—* v— par—* X ttoa Cc—aarvati taa frr*r ■1 ns ttoi a—■ 1 wOi> vtormr sd— in ttonaa Ht—r* ttoa kaxHoato —a* left m oadaa t—ttad pr—r—»r« of tW 'Em, tt*T * MBttodsd lR #<t«f a Kmay i—a nos tto* lladwsl lt m a pta— —lacs*- fr>—o Ito— farta. if r*——ml b*— —to ta ito* —f y— ■ ■*■ ‘-(.■■ta ktal f4toM to— I—. Um fto—H —Aierntb— by vbkoh lto*j wr» am*! by ttoa s» «H ton bm oi—*ast—j into —to gw»rr < «■—nitin a— MAmi «f Ito* raaa.’to by ito* Infbt of tto— l—jtra« ttoal, attto »tfT *V esf—nsaa* tto* Eadwral »tsto*to« *r* atrr b»i*b « —ia ly. if tad —rtiy u> ttor p—« —1 a—rTtojati— toy ttoaA party af Ito* tart psirrs—p. wwltac to* a—at* ttoa— tota*- : dnd—hi— of dottara." by Itow own on— fm— Tto*y tow —joyed. —d «rdl e— teat— to> •—i4y tto* afeob of f|n« p». IgtKb— a<4 td«* kt».n>tr*Uidl Ur*y l? 4—a— atal ar* stnetaf in br—a dr/vn ae4 f** ttoa Pt< r I—|. vtote to— t*fi lto*4 t—k ttoa— eiesartfia Y —ad tad*U—i pnsrer, , to— I— aad at ««U datiy to—*l toy tto<— •ton ar* Ito— bUduofi at Ito* piMr *r»fc >4 aHe rnm to—ly aa if to* bad lb* as aat|4# of be* jrdw—*• aod uto— ttoe af A Fat— llir.« -Ttoa rapwst af ttoa asar der af Cad—s>s Pbilhpa atal fanaa* ta la—s • birh tto* Tr—■ l—Sad v— *•——aalar* ta— —A to be adAsfty fa tow Tto* learnt wostto Ttar* aaya •* •• tap— to —* ttoat <l rep-ret of ttoe kilim* of iW wWI ka -w?, . nffie— a» toW lx v— aa idtot huas A— a Wardra. af« Ito hOwyd Earlm gw—s. to—rd ttoal a—— tto* CMfstow aa I— toad toa— stood, aad to—g ttoaA ( oto—Hc FTuUjpa aad Q— a— tto— nps—l tots to— tto— ttory toad tom —da—A Tto* •etftobor syiread ‘to* —ay aad —I af ttoal •toury grm A* Ad— —pan * | “Trs»» Of—’—Xoswittoat— 4 g tto* lays mm —4 —iNsattal Sfpsan— af Cor —a s Aft Bsidto#. «—» of P—iiil»a«ifi Ae— a*d to—<—a'tto stf*r« it will to* “tarasddssCiaatovdm ViMr orr>r—. (to—Aeaylua /top—asa. Hittosrtr ww bare nlaald to ttoa p*yl« Ito* II otl *m lf H»ry —Am rod fVal Ato. tasfi. if tbat's ymr asasry. sapp—4—o gie* (Km a leui* Utah -f yowr wrtoai'j Fv Lap* ttory wtii Utoa U UasAer Lev Xwsd Onowgrlat LagMlatara.| •SNATV | TWltan aat g M.'tWb t. w. Psasarbs ta Has Mr. M* Matrs icibi.l abtU tp cab* la a Ml licb.i 1» kra ktarwilbagiy luabaadn hk—L AtaabOta aßaw ta jarVw ol! cutej k' i-M*. lAj fu m akbttaual n ; bejel lac. |Wk ■MI ta grss.ul bulbing am Iba Sub bulb Mr aui eab teabag lo piaoc at pwb be *mbf Mr. flwtec - A bOI lo isgnl aa Art narad ugl Mbtacl at lb. Cada lb. j. A* tebaan - A b*U lo allow aaic at taw *» b» broagbt «**■—< railroad nd a* proa* 1 c aaj (SUM) c sbacb n*d - r cay ban etaa* a* tic » tall la ■*nl ta Art c tsteiirc b> .an tel lu Ac . u> n t* akow ng*n af act nm or drafta to ba *wiw* bk Mr Tg 1 J » tell b> ate Job tepiten cm ter Ata nta* tan Mr QaiOca nlwmi ta npnt <* «b* sonauttea n ta bai nd Jack. "hub. wttb m M-, md. -n-taud nba *nc* Mr G R Smtb - A teß n*B**c urpban ' ta laaafil Mr tali Ateaii A tell tu Iff" cam aa mti ml tow in be ptbl • ml— Mr Para A raalna b Ufb ba K> criWury b* coaaawßuwls ta ta a«t tWnrul ; Aaaactes lb* iawl of tend auw owmi by ta nuts, aad ta pm at wteeb nd tend a»s ba add s Kill* d.b.m -A ba Cdaamtß lb. Oapt.n Mata talk ba ntu tatep. Mr M>nrs t tell la ring* ta auc* ad OM rwans* 1' ■■<»... ba tbat at iba ifigp*. ruliasul aad Maaafariamag of. iteutgwk 0 » I Oa cotaoa af Mr. Isaaa. On Oosdn aad Way*. *c cotad lo aan aa ta taw Iba tell tu *ca*d lbs ebattsr * ta Aa gum MtmWsibil wnpccd. TV* tel Is cubfy aad alter ta Canty Com Art TVs giwl antes wn tebsa ap. poaad UH Itelantej Mr. a X. Scab eauobarsda teil lopso.ute is union* Cblll sdarutca ta Orawg* Tbs men adyoarwsd HOC SB OP Eti-fikSAXTATIVKS. TVs Bans east a. W ifktS. b » Ou Bin a a cat wn na irrid C ilaurel •OsswtowA Ttoe bcU b‘ —km by ttow Mm* tto* bt«d* es ttow Mams w—l EtW—M»"WI Wirt bsJ ttow mftmrni v— tto— tni— «p. «sa wftor A— his diwm—nm wmw p——d by M wto rd VA tn A4. Tto* Ho—w wdjmr—.i ▼■R PKTTTIITIIII RlEirnot. ■rtkiiii a—w.i <ir floißioi auiM. Eurrmi IXfisrvnT (—mu. V*» M ItoA « ’btaSPWfi aM Inp—wewtoiArt* X t—it to y— bwn*w»tto fbe rrp*rt of ttoe ■■■ II rnr~ nr * *~ * nwtou n «(b*p—d Ml y—tr üb*4 wm wa “to uniae —wf rsprt »p« »b* p—pn*ry at rmummis ito* («wsl PcfioUntisr* %tot WtoMing rt *torwt»*rw or 4 y« e — Mbtofutani me ** 1 ASM r—— inwd u» —y ttost tdo tot con <w us so—i' ■'* like vmtww prmstol by ttoras. ItoMpto it m mat sub«l .tostr—t • 4 tb* or HKf— of WSJ «wr» ops—>m ttost I »e—Mr* u. ASrf f— gw—to—en •< sarb ssqßMto—b'.r wKiITT la ttow swrut of ttor #wt»Wt*bita-ta of m pentte—ry «s wo—- krwifty wtowb 1 be— auifitor espwltenv | .*•» n*-t Mppr . ttor jropt—ton tr> Bto—wto-si tb- jowst w>* wit lV"ttoer If tilts bw tows, tber* will .b»nb< to— bw si— V—i Mte-nfi. -us tb* anew*- nse»t in lb* gT'wsnatosAti toaiidiwpe now pr—ed I*' l—l otofwrt. F— itowl pup— Uib eery —h—bbr pripsrty. fnr y octowr M w-.abtl bw Sdsrlj end—k— v It *bwia o**4. at ltoss unfed*, bw r»v—rVtaJ m a tiUpekatwd rna Abn Al 4 InAinc eMpr«b*e tb. wily pirtaoc of rb* —pro—>bu wbsrh nm wwara ito* w*p—? <4 m nun —U b* pat in ; b«w ngth repsur If H bw rwCta—*l and —to! a* tor—Awe. in* w»— -jf bntbdbitg a ne« os— wul bw eery ai'S imwsal A«(Twnng wttb ibe t\—a—.w»era in ttow open, w tb— white an l rel •tod—Ad be kwf* vnd e—p. Tdtei epHialrll, 1 mmtgjgem t tbni UUfi object n*ny bw 'TWat -otftWT as -sere toaemg two St.*te pnwn— u -i.tlex . —t hiosliti— Ttor mnag of ernn.-t* ■ lias— atal other aantan—n w (umb!y re c turn—led in Um report, be *•—toy do— by ctM-wwal soanrtfi. in a —w lo cmkuy tbifif. ut ttor pre—ol oe 4to*r -m Jir JtaSU AMfht be pC'Mtad-nte-t tfws. I ■>—& U*U fr«j— tto* pr of lisprii—sm sit ynm siuien|snjn<-ai tn ttoe —tonate aru tn thin tnetat itwwu 1 yield t no ota> m appm-vtonsi of ttoo— aria or m rev perl lur ttow— »m srorttotfy tton. bnt 1 An nfitt permit* ttoa inry Will to* tAwg—fitai by tos‘»C Itoeir hatato raft tn or pr—- U—ts by —wrtrts. Twnuiarxty n# nn^np— - Ad— noc by y sawn—, o—emnint* auemi in toreoo—. nr »«}4y we ml mfsmldtf If meehnnx-ni pamita are AfrwW by ttoe fisgtieami ttow— wf dtartonrgwd enstnrta. «o —t any astd all «4towr pi— aimatal ttow 4)o*—a ttowo ai—a whwt ar* —to parwous to Dndm tto* mjtMrr narpeatwr or ——«er toMta wtoo r—ploy* a AMftotfgtoT f» ®ryi, f aad wton Aa It ««if»nst*a>to tni cuatrto tow labor. ««nto to to*« twee* • if w. U— ttoe pin— wtoo mmy cs»p*oy tot— to tul tu* tan W 4 tend tom Aurkw —1 b-rU, like . snot The i— r—w abAaA nugtoi bwr applied It- any octowr b—neto nf i»k«ny. and ttow am., pwbry dfl—H Wf—Ul l—d tn *— pto»yro*tit ’ dunag tto* terra of itnyrTTwc—. atal no wtofSti— to rcopt yment of any kind wb*a It atonil tonee ewie.l Mw (a/ at »—<e iu* * pnen ttoe tn lr»r life. n» »“o take awny ttoa? nfw. ttonn an to *un|- yar Hpaiati. >r. m to daraarasy ttowir htspi ton^ncre—ent tn r-wpert aMe employ ntn it a arjfe.i. wvtto f—t Cure, tbal w mm* ‘ rrWl.’O* r*. t ri*r- <!*▼• i'dpetneßTt. and ttoe —og«otw« M. the* 'e.„w»rT !n»*jr b- e— fd- y*st I t ttont pwrpdawe W i/Uw r-ww. oita< «f ttow . —part tn reupar i to tb* naerbmwr arts In ap piMd to branch of i*»'i«*eiry jt wcMtid tfen* the arioprwm of ttoe potiey. »« 1 metaled w ai.) at ran rjrattor iskowar ttoe of an;— and ywnrryiac tlua ar* klmiUwt to be tmportnot and « *tii j of ta- li a Ft BftdSlnn war* —tabtodtad *in wber*. adept el to (to* and r<*—. V rf~-A I.U arcr—coodslksf) of pero TM of r dor. and wttto a nm to tto* and d—top of rmoerai sshd»ar», it wiU TST eery *a*y. sbi«'l fntnre apTMnr render * »t wd»iO>ale. to enlnrgw (be rw an*t atowo ■lot ttoe 4*t wNskiaktaSi Then, t*-., tn* uowrw may b* nw to ito* anle of fbw itolsr Fhr tb* pr— at I arrei m— 4 tb* idsntini and enat—M o** r»f it, spn ttoe pi— bsto—tn— waul if it be taak--» » f . * ta leet ttoe’tttaCto—ll* tfW fo* t hr> . f uMrvti « ant employw»t. ttoe ao-wer w randy It m. —U ia*y a*« le* jrw jtort wttsts a fisn lit arm, wtA-fc m«y to* wnmiy and awmr*Jy walled. I «gye* mi tto tto* <— tan ttoat there are Mi'iprto of pnntwtosaml estrea»*ly Tirexu end '(li*r»lr. tot when wtouii fa as— umhfa •»tei see* dban.*** la ' bugs' a Tfsr IS W-rMtot altar «WOf> (he )(TMU A Uffaratnra »and pre«rr,t»ng ttoeir evil spu Tbw -nwew *r» |m<XmUt nsr* ttoe Otwe and bM«n Bn* *to*'w» «4 Win- Utmby ymr indgr** wonAd—»•*»*4j a*<od ifa to*, frecioml mdUrtvHi Witbont fortbrr I th—A pm wji fl «and »a ttoe rep*wt —*f«l M|g— tto* wiptom Y *Wb wtroftd mprwww Ibe rywXem 1 also t—n—l barrwttJb. ayx of ttow.•». port of Atow Tr—l of ttow Arwdw—y fur ttow fUisid, aswXof Hewer* W—htngUxi P«o. 4«aa*w iartoaoss. an\J«m*a f Xwolwrf appmated nn- r <Wt s fpsuf—abi adopsod *1 yon? I—l to ridbtol nso^.. refejft a poo • dig—l «and tto* Ewportn of ttow nab— Co—t* prayss—d by A. O feanun. Cmp \ I oaii Iba pt—tiia of ,'hw fl ■ —nasal An—Nt In Itow btaoton* a—ototototo- rb—to*«a and Crti aa—w Traa—ry Eat—, mdhpad to ttow Ito. part— by « -dtaswl Ashd I ffbitntoer. <W - mi— j (Aanwral of tto* Mtosi* rt-V' * tto* ftma .wnr b will bw aa— by r»l*r*n\ to> ttow r*. pet of Mi ii. HaE 11. Lo«. hr an*, and iurdan. * rartaCd bg ta C-arataa W IW. * «*■ to unity-- tb* Ansuwctwi dUm «r W» Ota tat Cata—l WWtlt "; te~A» ««d 2wtmd*bs bca atxstesl >b~r .tectad rSHtafegbckl Atat m ~J-W Mini! I liunag iui rssuua (Wtetai ftet tamblta b 1ta..l urintec, •Mte race ta-a Wta-tatatafi 0m cci *ibcul iciitetuteaatg*giic ““^ssrss bs CilLtaTwtetabc. ta a**— c Atbwc oa iter be ebargs, rate artetaa W r'W 1 - begtag lo ta State, übtab tasUt ba «rld— n« -aatakt *4 a teac* gnaw a* «WrM drab. . xtetao. • tekW. lw. Wig* ten* atate m .mob, ate- TVcu te abn a bateau. A*a kg taiMad ta* aababl opra I •nb—U tbs —bra —nr hr pur ar»«. and nr cci— * tat gnotaiiia ba wad* *» ta tela ad ta. pnfMts. aad aasa*m ri ps«f> oris *BW»*nmHd team II tor cat. a* Oatetal Vbtcbar c muted te bam tbu .bite hunt *— l tea bate aagatte aanciktaM Cte—J lan- _ TELEGRAPHIC. A—As »■» OtkfATtMß*. tsiwmp run m dulv mrw knx- SOON DitoFATCHEK »w w» Vorh tUrfcbU. | Nrw Tt—. No——Ur 1A -Aiold ii; Ki ctonapw IWI Mspbt l«, C—kon is dnil nad oa« o—t W*wwr. &*k uanß. at »U> 36 —n rWv dull. Moattowm fit 50 to fl 7. Wfeutw curt an* esat kowr AJNtew tn Wuhlagtsn. Wk—miTw*. M—ibar 1A —Tb* Fiwh Mm—rr bas msirrd MtM» knj— — bwra o_ tbs iOtto of D—s Oms. for bm new poasUon I Minswtwr la hstapl Ru naccwm? will l bare at tbal lias. The MiM—yifh O— ianon. wtoo are «n one tto* ivifiSK of Mr Itom, will naiw o tit ttory bn*w bm! another usl*r*i*w with ll Ft—■ As X In—fy Btnnioa Us. tbronrt bto f-’Uiw’ —ta—d a pi— of n*it g idly m tto* itact i treasp— bongtot sr%m<4 bun in tb* Ctrr« Omit by W T fauikMu?* Uotoitoxt. * wnw asp—l dnnap Um wnr IsiMfdtta Inw toy Cntot*. Ham. S*»Mensb*r IStb. Tbn Admiralty rrswas m iHfVbi tn tto* crmhin of a 4Ti> A*< n—dc—Tfuilw .* N— b**M_oeil/ re.] ' Csiiitelfik atokiuieiy nf —-i“i ■ a> \ mii. XoMe—bcr 11,- Th of t* day. in editostni. any* ttoa! ttoe rtfitua* n and Praanta. a—k prof»*wMd» ra)ralot*<i pnrift Earops Lnurnt. Novembnr li A *h time nerrmest Sw been mode, among tb* tAhs miUn of Lnncaabirw. !?i u rnw-Tim. Xivshbtt I*. E»* rarth n WfeT* asanctnrtt'ei ton-* hren cloned, n. a soi«<nsl stntow %% looked for Mor ess her IS. r a —Totlt op*n*>| dail, witto prireu .Wlimw. fhlly «» (purler few*. T'pAsnda ltd Sale* to» ttoon—nd boko. NoMesaber IE —f*o—els ‘JO Fi» iMsfitM 704 l4TEar-->u Notentber IA, r il-TW brew usff MAorket ta wub iit any change l orn t|M«i«*d st Uuriy eight shiltmgy fr>r Miud W tern Pdrofasn w qm.4#*t at on* shilling’ qt pence to 'na Mbdlmg wnd e-om pwn. t_ ~\, vrte-M Ma—bs lb • ■ —As M T foikonng are ttor >p*niiw; |*r>**-» Ph \n»*nc uer 'tntira FiisYarstm VJ4 Illinois t'« trsl 7En* Wj XIOHT MSPATt'HI-H. ag mm t ark ton rtoefiw. dLe. Nsw Toth. N OfSihrr It. ie*ld 1431 Cot too Stemtoor wuto saies «»f !(■»' lw»l— --23 lo Xi rents. Fkmr .tall hm-v of stM*» Uim. heath* fli 50 to •!?; i WbesJl doll and «al*s -»f JT is* - ) IsavbeU. Cant irre’/olar. and ulv» IS.3UU bustorlw. lower M*«s 9‘Jf\ lo 123 37 Wbnrtiy more «cU‘«. Hie* <|ii. fll T*r AT BA u >4 Amend, steam*rv WiiaioKtob, from Os *<wO>a sod Veteran, from Ben nf oft. N C Iwwpnrtnat tnSwretwMW mmtfito Ito# PrrtM*• Wu«iwt.r’.ji N<*e« tnb*r !»». Tb* fcdlowt wn* t*Wrspbed from this nty to tto* N* York Times, by Us «(>*onl wwsp idcol •CbMf iasli** Hum csltol at the Wh H -«m» this evening, and w— donated wi ttoe Pmaid—t sos aa toonr. Kdotv h»« a . pwtart, Mr. He ward. (k*r. Randall, Mr. M - Cnitork sad Mr. Browning srnr*d. and r SMiOfl! in c(owaltafkki with the. Pr—id* tototfl c.n* o dock. It is Uiievwd ttoat tA> meeting wws Cor euns«ltat*sa ap>m s tn*"»t is pstssi lws»l Bp's an cdFo t no asaking by Innrting ai-n of all ts» i da** ttow h—kmt to M»f«*at, in eonsirler tins of a gwoerol omne-ty. tto* je pie nf ti bniatk to hmrpt nnif*r—i satfeag*. with v qaoUAentKrO *|ttowr of p*sp*rty «* ißtnto»|fe** Pr—ioeni Sumtoerrj m*m sr* co-*p*ntti* • with ttoe Repobhena* xnd I>rt»o*T»ls in th •A’d." [Ws bat- a*, h—ltsnosi Tn pmnwun. ♦ arrow* • ifßWti'M. " asnd* op Cor «|* *ulwti« porpow— Eos. J Htrry P'wtr Iw %M aototngSwn. N"W*a»bef 1A Ttoe Ii : Fair w»ri rt.,mm*nc* *n 'M Ui n* tt T. pets— sawemt Ui m> tfa**a<vtud hAlsr*. Mat nV i borwew will bw pewwent. ineludtng I>* let fiStl ttow neletormttal |ncMf. M*gnwto>r. Hr. Dfeflt Rswtb**4 U fwitortafeto gssrtwr*. F 'VTKkjtc H'W-a l*>m bww been restarted fr»*m bw -wnetnai Id mar* r—Aam apartments in Carr Matt. tom*** toa rises. < M-mruL Xows-nil— 1A Tb* mlm *.•£ 3L-n to Aay wr **' Ulea. Middiiruc h> 11 wwota HwA—tor ttow tsek •*r-4 J»» Iwfaw Itr*< ||4w tor live Si*A J "S’Adasfega. ogams I 'j |• n* tsUwn<fls Cor ttoe swk 1. I'M h«W Ak—A s.t-tai 4 ¥•> bato« hr we OrUsw* tonrhe*. M*w Otuuwt. S-*»*ai*r 14 r*4ton .r rngtilwr. and i**wwr I*ow mid riling U U> fl *sfib. Ht/«ck <m hand lA3 WS) Ul*n C«mwtn—opAw U a *n*kwt *lwb ■•nary Stack Or Sab, Vary Law 11'tSHtMMw tarwite uawfVy 'ta I M« » r(>SH OCT #T ▼ KMT MJ-f' ki» mh t* ta ajMfier Mart 4 Tr— B*-*ST —, >wm As r» 1 j- - - r —r *****" '** HMpia4<* Uu'nartv Tttata. *.U rmtarut hWek'ta Ms*—>*MTV . •wty f*ry krer **4 Ira—■ «hS *—f Uwitag • fro'HalWrrwu kf*y4» Ttao« bwt Trwra item Hwfai S Jwepa ewrCwfif. t»W* M*ry »m. f|Wta f talte* kw* Mad* *l*rw frlnlu MuribwCtW W—tta W .bra* sraw* *4 wear Mayfe. ka«bW. •*» '—te rrara Ic-am, teuta, ute ate, teu rl a. r C ywewwW. « —B— i imp— »(WfeM • ■—a irWTita to—l '—fa a— -StoMM ItMurra. • worn sOwm* Many bw toe>*ash ta naal 'TlwflW (—S •» f ► wta— M I— wbOm Owa —i— w hita o» cm? tosh T 0 RA#UWS *?oou (i«MT Arcs Wmic*. yi'iixw!, Msa ww— iwso^ own—« Miwhisat. Owner tolStab P*wsy«s —*wr— —ell Ml« SlissSi. 04. ™ rsr' ■.yS? t r T » o vs ■e-wym.Ji^ ' ■•££ ksFlssn^Si ; ?SS«j—tfaertaa nONiMIMM momtern. Mi-yftn * rwivSL*—»• w?j SX'wSST 3 wmSiSS^La^a* V I &MM, • lUirw F c mmj. »•• K«rt •ai moui. fVaidi J L <W%ifWiili M«.b»Mt *> wimm*rn+*+.*m Ms« if PA Mhm«i r r K*«Hiai v a Anton Hmwa NwiMiut. w in toHi ****** jTi-oA .iel—Wn J WthM»—■ ton hutft (iVtwAa l'(t J IKAto. Atto—> 1 9 n-TT itnin C 8 Utaftwf. .'»• 1-r* t*en B Ttotar. 1 ■IHH A Wnta. totonto to-Alim Pta* MM- - Hw Will A «IlflAA. iTUIU !|||fMßto H I*4 iJ w 4—M. tototoi J M »•—A tow* J A ttok Mini M— (tow. to* W J C—sea. (iitoi w *r» Him r«AnM4M-t» VU • tal • i* >1 twi^toitol 1 ■ toto —* A.Uih,>l*'« wbpwa to » u »a i i> Tin ir^■ iii—r >mk—. au JUttOW4T- ilttlVj. 1 T iriMiitor (to- « t» ' u L ftto 7n J li Ik—*, tow* Hr* titan**. I—ur I By T Kl—• IWi :s2^^r=r:?SA j W- • ■ a TsS UHSsrJb pr X»». *■■ *—■ llss >KH ADI EKTISEJIK .ITS. riMU! Il*ar! - UUIU hi CWr MUM »■*’ Bon ;as It) r.» st. b» ABB. ITT * Kitts, t,Ymu*ii—w Mem to*.l*. H*t: 4 VfctWtoß imw. Alt*—*. Us. niallT Ftear. ~ BABJULLA totra ranttly Fh—xr fr—a* nm —Uctol 1 ») WtoA j— n<wn4 —U>r wM !.» Ailift * 1~1 A BftatH . (to—tuw M*n toot. AltortA iw. liaron SWe*. *T*) r • •—(T«B>rt IT t)»p -* , . !•<—* Mrrrtotii*. •o*l7—c tttaai*. to. NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! hn. ii. mum, I..M* S TUI.., Bf>«» * CV. » s atwi 's**iß< » Iw.t mnl Im—to— tow* •< at*i-v and r*n*y iir> (Uto. F— ? <to—u jkma to-, iu nbaft wtft to to— *i»* to b* I—l ia * ar*« ctmmm t *ry «►-*!• « «*»» Tb* -m-m to.— •> Cm A.m*L ttftßAT UW t EMBXT* eOl to «ie«* •> all üb> tae f—• n«b a —ii. an *att—ty New and Krr*h Sfneh. of Ow4*. Ttoaki*< tto <-uxarna .* Itonta. *a4 **»tt undine ~wnri n ito toral aba— ul iMiraw* n*rti ■*. tto Br— layft-r Will—.• A * f>-feahanft. Ito to. Hi ■• hwu<« pr|*4*ia»* «Hft tto—. to -V- «*i'i*lly **ll Mid add —a BJ tow « aaa»*n*r« to j bn*.h«m. —» H ft—n ATLANTA TURN-VEREIN. Opening es the School for Children I > r*p*y to (to tuaai UMytonra a* will *»UIV tto 1 trtnvti 4 «ur *.*td ud tho pnbia* #»n*-rail?. rbal to* gym—t ramviara I—t->)a h»ior»# lA •<•« T ti *fe4 atto— ?••—• »•« tor... ■<* toll TlAal’hY. tto M ■< Jtot - mtor in ar Sr* Hail. <a l»tf MM. Uh tto rrar 4Sr a. ..toll. hwtWa r Tto #) amaai; *wc .aaptoti aw. and ito a. ».U to m «a>l J K*iiil& Ftor- • ;I1 U »w» >ora« <1*«o • •trh.c lU.MUb'VJ »Uial\ a Tto pn» i* $1 • —>—tk u a «nrVo* A> poll <WH It' n*mr fctmfr* * tor h Unw j- mm! wurtd rrn.>»T,f«l >Dn *ar« »ifT to t« jmath ao>! arr gn allY tada>*d *■ tolirr tUat <mr Mrto>ui WtH to titoraiiy polrtui*! f. r*f. r. hr furttor |—i—w. to tto i—rtofa, Sr T to htia*. —r nf (ir— A %hnna. wr>-hr>i Ttom. H< auaauU* r • *or*. on VbitrtaUa—.udMr J. Uiuiij. —Ulinu i lArtoV • lan —4 UrtnntUu « « tot—ail trro4. vfe wtll tftvr ail Aaral adraMht. JOHN MUEH. liiMoi H-rmui, torivtori o* *IA~a« -■ ( R<N kKRV. MIBEIDE, dorsett & CO. j vrria l» <nMH» TT RIM a* ran to tod Snnh at ■ t WKHh Caa and arr tto— -r arxod yonr -rdkro wall—r G. W. ADAIR, Auctioneer. T VTTK.K* 11.1. tIfTIOVs: HI WILL HELL OS NATI'HDAV, 17»h ln«U AT TEN O CLOCK. A LOT OF FINE MOLES, * WrA-tonto Hon sa llkhm 1 TVtoarh Brad Hnhaio MiW t» < '«*• and <'.ahr«a lT» .V r* War—" i tot 4 SaffV n»w| T*«*rTH»H wtth *rrwui. Ilorwv Mulrv VI uanv !<■., TO IRUVIL NKM) I> VOI l< Ml'<)< H LT You Want tto Monej, r.iHi.r "irrßPtr mohsiso, lt«» aa *" fir* u— in to** tto— pr lyrly *rroa<« A ramt rtn, mur u.u ast» Ptlioc. 4*. ST. &OAIR. A—Ha—. '• Lutat to the E—to *to Ur WUrth- Mm.” / W MEDIATELY AFTER TIIL < IIOHMK KALE tt ThTTMUUJXM WfAALJn —> SATTIUiAT MCIT A LOCOMOTIVE, ST*Y*fS*J. ia tto w* to tto r-nr W Ito drf Sa an—r tott I—ld—a <nA to nr# (> ind In OtT M kmtUmm, * ' >aa—a> wW% a—Sh* >|H —g*dMA AArto <4 Sw 7—y. ofl nt %. to a iwupfc- r—aia« d’-Vr. n* I ft—A *— a—l Tv irwidto to Fw— ■ t #vft—«— m— !»to UAh I tv 'Aa* ■— tlto* AdWi I to—*l A—to and. Fv ■— * l* T * lrtm **** ** M 4 mm mA-to m *' ****"* Tt Arrltr irws PillAdrfFiUi. 1 i 111 BtrAIW tto—Mi ‘At** A—e •» pi—And, | I M F TU* to •n* «4 ito »to »■*-«■ M F— toy n*adr to Mr I -had Man > «—4 -vtoo to % A SUtMh, UASon* • —to o^KSsrsKsrmrrjr —» noahmuam JUMM AiTSAT. -ar _ —.ia. ims DMaMDa Tir=r?? i .rsr.y? js £ aaOTaten «>**" 1A *» [««1 a»! GREAT BARGAIN! \nxt nv rrh.*n KvatxL am- r—d, I— —A* to ( UKITI 1 VIUIUM —anaail, un. LOOt lUitK, tVERIBOtI! ■rmix rLiT aulua. —i ** LaJAM MX A WILLIAMS S—nt. tto. ITTEMIOV li lIBEHRKN! * manuTi sew aaw mu. n an— ihm—. with aS aepvnila— a.— ft—• top—l w> any a——at 4 n«l to —la *»f LnMOCMB A AIM J A S’* Tto Ato— wtS U nddat NEW To AM WLMAn- Tv-gS>aAAad -|—laly nr rtoto— if mtr AA toft WAS— to n— to to— V«toabir —a (Slnrry —a; to tod ton UU OmCE. toVll~M C'AMI A UVANCKH WILL BK U«M: OM COTTON OR PRODUCE, la Sloi f mr fer KblpOwoL Ain i> « u» <ne <4 r r i-u- 4 i», »o 1* ** Inina ttm-i I. H. HEAL. AiU<.u. Koto-tor I*. 1"M~ « MLKIGIKT OF HAND. 4 TOMA and ft—tto tsrtx W.m.Wr' lib* ft wit at A V E Winra >»niaial uutortto *ai»>nal H td Ft— <4 n—r vac I y«— (rvwfta ao rtw—p y.— hal ralah, •rdu— tto— itinihis tto j ••» i » ctonfi m i»« 3 -MAfctof UN —to a all bn *by **Uu— tto no —any flu* t»rv— (m»U l * - Uttto <—•? •»►** 4. SchuK tlv badan.l* all to. jy by bu.iyi tto-rr wt—van—aa* g*--U tv ». buto u. —. * u»*; U>< j lb—httoy an Dvt rttrav,gpux I ‘IiMOM. strut AHja J- K I>4* n# e , «*U tm un try Mvrwiaanta *a 1> >S A THKT « AS SI V THT. 4 tS S»W TURK. AO <4 lb* Rtotcbt o 4 Ha—l F*r< -rm*. —to idar* rvary day. fr*w id cHtrv* L E WINN. novlA— toio Alpnm* and l*opliu*. V> » W bw *4 Ntnparl Al|—. a and Mi* fttni—i Huyimt. jnat r—tr.l b* CH(MBEAUS O >LL * BOTSTnS Nebla.uml Strkv VS rUftbi k*t »T ft—iSt Mtowta. Nutuaa and tSddrm • —k*. at CMAMHXUA OOLE * BUYSThtS Flaiinrl*, KlankelL ShfrtiAKV IWHTRLa Tabto H—ft. Na* *—•. and Mar—uir* v*ha« —> by ... CH tMHLKUS <T>U A HOYKTOM, i tmar Wtowbaiiand Nunto *trr^—. tttoih. *♦*. nnvl J—e jnrtjl—*nK»i •i— Sana s i »rr*«a. •*» *■ ■. » I Into ufMa>i>u. tt*. | Lax* of rrttuikf. On NEW JEWELRY ST ORE LEITNER & FRICKER, Whlifball Klrrel AIUnU, l.rvnrU, j - If It I 1 - iw J*T»<iMw r> Ait. aar saw "PASn»o the uausTinri of use WATCHES. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, KUrllwr Siltrr ud I'UtrJ H »rr, PF.BHI.I AXD OTHER SI'KITULES, I'l'llN. .v.* , TTCH Tn THIS KIHIFT Hr fcfi - *' •« Sk <*r<—; *»'**/.« wKHKrr tti pfAw«, i or —4 • WATVW Work MAHE A HFECIALm PFJW 'N** Inis Wab lM tbat K»*' ton in"iT*d by '•wjireirt v -rttam -v "fhrm* *4 '«r4er ran to«* ito— put in ih-r-ugh —pair. —I map m !'• (■ * lU-i—trad. loan**—da tot and K—rtimi di—* U».wd.r n rmlA odjl ljr _ COME ONE! COME ALL! Kto. VROI.R— r* tto awrbtly or* arr*— r* >4 ftf- *- irs ,a«uad} —vniTkr uwMml aitod lal— Halm- r* U •iattor*. Aid ifn—r» Eanry fr—rh Mp |—r* t'biktr*** ■ and S*m • ato-m. *4 all »tyVa h>w*4tor <«— icr» UOto—e and • Ujp*r» W* <tor t*rrmt IMitrr—rula iw ¥1 Uwlrmwir Bwjerx, AaftN—k mwdnrl la naanrpa— i I ia »to rttj W* ait*. m«Mr Mpsiai all—to— In • r Cloti.uK and GenU* FuraUhing Goods t'H twrrtnn * rm-wrnr ** "TW’SSSlrn— TS4H 1 * C.4W, W Vihrtmil *tr«*4. Adan la. <A yy Itlle Kid Mlpperm. I U 11--* Whit, tod t* part- a Is l KhWruAft A I-WITT T»’ F*-n frnm P*M • *r VUib tail ttunta. Ta —.«W -< i -rti* Fyr| Kntl K*ule I N tto 'll* Mod V try .—trr>v«-d and «MV—jv«*ad If t oat. <— v*iy ht—l Wn— by A A SAAttO. anli I— c C ll——Mil Hi M rrtiant I o** Pr». loon 1 -'Tr;.,.^ >lml ! .Mml ! FtfU >S ' ir *•■* *—l wait* lom. nofiKt—itto band am,**—to»»y A A MAAOIA —I I—at r tv—laatoa. Mnduat uo. q—o i^ui If * TU,.«. aU '»»u. ~7 1 <*<*■ i r.»-*.br tTit*i n—II •< r.—in— S' r'boat %•« In M.rr : I*l hi h Wh,t. and tall— « «• hUM I— L—mHM.* »**•* r— ■f— »M —0 oodhtmaflaat aittaAi . NmnO*.-, Map* Twin#. I v«<\ MAe tnd I pytav I—ltof [J*cr|w 4 stab ' 1 '•» —«*ar H>n|* IW.—, lard 1 »Kte i n—too>j W—f. to .to Star—t. by a | MUM. n»vl I lIH V r— Ml-toa K—tont ATTK.HTIom, HHIIM'f.KK. > \ft auttorloe-t —la f •» Ito Waah»St* Mat < Wat— r»e./a «k~I Aa* .*Sa—4 S ilS—>im lUllr —U. • # ar* rr**nr*A w- ton* THROUGH BILLS OF LADING, T* 'ton*. M I—a. Cbt—. Lw—Sto, lift v-anAa P—hiea --boo— ta m* ft* dbtp—U *—n tasafttm tto ratan w* Httor «W ito ato—* at»>—t ptaeaa hr apt— e—w— V* aa. at all a— W. ntM la ail 'to—a * I—. b— aud </*ar»tora—. sh—w ]—of-Aw yth-i »—W ft * W and S ft r ft <’ Wailr—ta. ot. • ad —tpanrowa n—to —and a#t«r tto W'th —aa< MIATTS. fct*W Ml- ft rrt. r**wM Aw—ta NfttaadMftSWAk. to-!* to« tOTHK TO Kllim.Kli. Wnrvnaa i— Aiurn lUiiaat'. J (—r« Mann— <*V Tna— —i*rt—. J InoVt* '»* tto—tor ft*. I— 1 rA ty.Hl AntaW-4 fi-Sftl hatva AAWlta and pat b I tuft— —i inantnr -4 ««m*aat 3» *Wi to dto*m li ana 4 —and W*r '—tor 1. ami all FrappM •* to *hatr<. Mbt «tot <—». ai'i -Ann r* wfik pnb- Mattot Tto—wb and Lm—l Yartto ayTc —• P/HI A FAUft, M. T i Chaacf of—hadal*. wcmu *— nun* ««—«■ 0* £ in - m— ... - ult*.?*—b . Ia * a WfcUßeniß-BMKW**" , . . . .. tlUiw i>» toa*/tV HENRI P. FARROW, ATTOWNBY AT LA*, Ittuu. IBWfl.- J rST OPKNI »«y a rttt ww» «F WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, •Utkt oai Ml tot Ptabi Warr, O r ,»l Bin —t-Ma h* —to* nvnr »WnUIL-*-*l ati*rr and aft—l F—*«. A—to* ■•dltotofti F-itKlli j Utd ft—ao ftuevl «Uft • ftft— a— baMtCJS* A htll ctocftuT 1 yrtn H*AhK«’H tools wcatijuu. run tor nm. Ha«—w yar baaad «id—tdy bn CASH, I ,I*l IM Jhra„ort.rrr. mml iMd /**.*♦*■* i asm prapnr* I ta >4Krr (rial inftaa—•* *• P* r toarn t—ftao and i* wry Repaired by Competent Workmen. Itr.rrlßu* W»»KA.WTtD * **"*"-*1 *1 aa u««L acts—b*> It lu Ad del WBIMUIt Mrcrt. ALL FOR ONE DOLLAR 1 NO BLANKS! NO HUMBUG! F~ 11. WILLI A.MS, : THE L.UMJEST ASH MOAT KXTISSU E j (HI T KSTKUPIUMK i 'Oi*yt a 1 Palace, iVamrr <4 Wbtt.baU and Xbmatnr mr—ta. tilaaia (torgla. npHF Ntomt ia a pdrthnj *4 a/, huma— aftnrk 1 nbtab nliibr a>4d at OIK DOLLAK POH KM II AtTK LK. 1 r»ty T-d ,ftln*d. by tto rsy ■—.aanra. at §! •**• S ii—d hamm « tori'-r ft ftlb« o ftrmrtnc Sarhtm A Sl—' H"tra mil* -w—a IVlh and vtlbort tto— wrth trim*, ft-ftft U* ft J»i Indwa arv.l t«*u— Fin* IlnnHu « • l**4d Walrton Fin lluau—ran* ml«*r Wat*.to* Nn !n«a—4 and Inmatcmi Jovdry, Fine ftlvn hoL-l Tow a. ft* Ft»r miter Flat*.! Uv Flbtora Flto Hdt*r Plated Fruit and «Sftr Ba—ria. Itoani t*4d Ctoma and ('bairia— M.vhaiU a.e a»i l -4Ue L rn* S m* *tnod. to- aaitot and tftuaar Caaftm lirorri la.l Mrrry Inato* P—r MHt— PUtn. oni and lUvnlvu— mo—r iUohelo. ••tb and itmort, Tabiw. I—TttaJ T-uniK-UA. TaH* Ib-*rri and Ton t»w% a Flur aamto—t -4 > nil and Tea BrUn I ito iarwtt of Odß ai.d Hftlml i.n'lfv Fluent am*-r«u>n,t <4 IY"l«vf*|4> ftlb-una mtvt hrevg' i mttlh. id Ito rial* rule- top. .-ntnhto nt >v«UWb« fltm Iftj In In. ftatadnml ytr turra And a Urr vanvtt <4 f‘”b M —nth—d. m»* hmi i ar* <»—nil) left in a Aral rbwa tondy oatnUtabaM*.L -EVERY ARTICLE IN THIS LIST u to as SOLD AT OBTE DOLLAR EACH IVbllsirt a)way* Fair aa# Sonars. torwnta fto— a detanno Ml atftdr—o ttou Wdtrrw b» the ■ «*> .4 J«to hill hTKISm. trto will n't aatbmr —« -it and ar* tbnt ttoy ar* .Wall favrly —lft Ail —iuoihft OXM laiUeAb. ndi to nrun.ydlj aitrn.Wxl to R. M WUXIAIR, t-Wtor W bitnbaU and Dmtttr rtmt. M AU—ta. Ito. lEH GOODS Jl ST KW EIVFU. Head t vis sis. .m HUal nbdra Mr*! tottmo i—lafl «.• Mtieonan* a«Mt IndV* tlhnwa am! H-wary luv h > fleet 11114*410. ah— toofrii actd |'latn l I.iovnd Voter! luMkku. rdffto and piata to it Kibtoma. btm k and ' Irtl ton liira. jot. irtß and atari I Itranftlaat Miawto Nab—. tl.-<4a > ‘lift and Veto** hr— tottnma fryxbtn'n and la— Lmm and > V— HaadoT IrfrhWo / T.wirt bnf. tan ftinOa FvrTtanirry -*4 ail h i»d«. Wbr h •* «4Wr at Stot—aie nr Hr— »l s.RM» ft «H>orm»:T. std s%wrr, Alabama nrod. ftanlUH Bu.’dmft Atlanta. V..e.iutor v. la— . dlt ltcO] Lumber, f ATHft. ISa. hoinltha < nai, to . F.«» oni- by 1 J K K NK.VOO. not 11 - its r ibainumoa Sonhant. MKIM4 %1* C ARO. Dr. E. FT KNOTT, (F»wfnrrty n< <»rtn».t KmrWTFT 1.1. Y Uitdara bM Pr 4—taal wrum to tto rtitama S Atlanta. Sr mat aiwnya to (•mad at bta odft * . >ievT Pb.iih«w ft Hoivb n Wb, Ihdd • n>m t»*T. b l!tfbail tBTOt, rlfrpt «S*n |w<4on nnaib *maaa! , koto— t« » •vtnoe patoaa ortlh Inn DRB. FORD 4 HAPE, Y>**iftt Uts, Atabaam itrml Atlanta. Goarftla, rare, ia «b. nant air—lto be tb* abi <4 Sana M|ttO| Aim IhR W L NTEMUYUJ bav—c rraa/two* M* rvaftrtrffaw j 9 WifbrK'mti h.K— <aa (aibnun at n~* wt-n ! ; L-* ftnou tmratar tnU be tonnd Itor* at nfttbt Ito 1 ,itto« will, ia a tow da?* to rfn>w*d In tb* atnrw a« •Ktruydad by I. W Sunday toa t vmrr ndb . at 'taynbi* a a Drug itoaw. auntb awto Maivtu Uiirl. AlUil—. UA (faSSto A SCOTT’S MONTHLY MAGAZINE. H Kro A D YEAR X Tbo Otdvat and Iwrfovt btotary (Ufa* tin* In tfttn ft—lb. 'Pur IIS Ipsirrtm nf tbw |~n—tar adl I j übn.b an bditi m*4 aav.woM ito-mau I imyami in la nary iwiL fa lomri/Ri* —.-maeatm '*'•—4 i< t< ia ail i» rti -i K>4 U«- m- . an I W*— Iu ■ *wt<a d< eh - and >ui !- *4r-u*t?i- ' -d b> Ito mftdll m k 4 me— *> —lent, fe— and F< tna fa ar.te-ra liam.lf* lb* a*mi van- ty .4 •*nr»a.l aa.| —ftHi If ard 1 • '('> « I e aft—— (W al-i 111. ( tft> *ai, 'oiuk . th|» C AMP/* by a*. .4» fV Atari. • tto A Hit*** aa M vefaf h tonaan** •( (ft, r "t . r V»IK TUOFFN ASH MPTAPtftaoUl OF Tfefft , diplX- aA lilf«.aifl iy.W—*fV. m*r«..e. my \ { May. »> l> 1.1-1* tto amwte. .4 aifa't—.ia IJ»F IS Bee N ft. UoMaotd •* ftentu h n-a uat. a «.» If t» , e«Tv« * . It will to . V vanity fen* to IK-tod by h TAh 1. FLA rtf* UrM«a»MAF»Wland W*«»l>tl IX ynpaml ' ftw »b»* imbttraA'm. «-WilW <4 auper* Ilfeanm— IdtE. MAFIA. JOB JURMWIMN. SHjl. Ft >BNftjri ft*. Ita 'tuantaty and r*adiu« —saw aid ato» to ia*yeam.l. ar. tbnt U udii rant—a aaarly tab* lb* —..tiM of rot sass (Mtoy "V Pel* mm W . *baU a—» latrwft— a Inymrlßi-nl - WIT AMU 111 M< >R. and v—»l W-al O- IHa—a——a o ft—bm and Weatrra —are II van to pare—rod tbnt iftve plan i»e,4e— a—H, S , ditannaJ 'ip>*or and aa lavti* ib* bre awe • nuad and . toeatml U—V—are to —Ay ft. Ibta an trey—a* U baa -re—ly —a*t«*4 Uo- h»«to— inreaHa— tft ton, to N to-a bavr —atrrt— a«d a*id we premda* a Mortal ar|«aat fa. any to— (to • torma pnidb TFSlfft- —ngto BubmObava. Five India— bme I'xptaa. ft— T*tof»"«*tto iM.ndS I ft* net ratoa tav Ttone av fti M— tba • W—yaoaae «and all dttomtaaiirma. and F—alWaata and Fi <■ aa xra .4 04fay. ntA ——tea Wat Kaan Ibdta— | Tto ywrnm vW —ft a- aa tto Wr**— i lab - toh , a*i tore, mot b— tban tn—aif •»' b»rvea to MariW 1 l. *(•—s fert—ea • pv*f»t«a. af PShy (ndha— A ddm- w j Biryrr, fttb—ta *to Tto laate—ry Sanb. rw« ba ready ft— ito M—i by Iw id* i*4 iWe—ntor * H mr —ftaUfM i»ee to* *»-»• a toe >„ Oe Tender, the ao«k ter—* I WILL HELL OF THE PHEMJHE'. vat wwa r—rt An. rHSSsiiHixSH 3 •23 WILDING LOTS r— “ i^tnlkibftdiSMißtoNft.^ •atlMI 7*l. 7 - - ■ to. «. bllAlH* Atonafttot. -* nt— Oe Ten—f, ta# —a lautaat, am I am I— o*l. e ÜB. I «iu mb •vtm 12 BEAUTIFUL BUILDING LOTS. tH (to Aer* Baeß, BKLOSOIIfV TO lIK. WYLT • m—iit*Mi m;Bßueu, .v*.«U."tn*** V“ [Him* w.» BfiW u » »’*Kl mrr, 0.1 *TeHu** p**rVuaua. 4, ■>*. ,I* |4m»u v a.,*i*h*uk I MlSua>*fV*M mrn; n*« limrtli *« *<e»W. *. I Vmrtft ta bum inuntod (l. W. ft MAIM. ■a— Macato Hmftar. ie..fMair*<. mrm iuu, ~i B'»V Ift—Wt Tkf Dr. H. a Jmp\ Prw*wru, N' cab ik—c. HUM l-an dtvkhed into (Sir I*l a. FW bmy to aaem at uatrotoce. Trr na i»t, *r»i PuraaWby A. B- MLtoSl. ■toll -1M ft t li —ldafti— Manbnai. _ tiimi THMit JrST RJUTETED and star ante *7 A. E. MBA*H>. holi-ftt On—aitaab— Ranetooi Unroll 1 ftUirwß ! »)» ( AHjm rbaftew ri—r ftadaa and Nto—Vtan to—» m* > aud bdlbft f—atvad. Fur nda i, A. B ttBA4H\ atrrt I —dl * Co—laaaoo Marvbaat DRT GOODS' DBT GOODS! I | GHBAT RKDr(!TION IN—, Far; ml iaparted DRY DOUD3, (BOOTS Mil omut-i, cm. 11l U 4. Sju kid iu Itula llsiirr. t OM K I’ltlCG ONLY! JOHN M. GANNON K‘ KfetFß ryrLLI an—wren la hM Bto-W aod tb. pibtfa that, to nm—inemd U*a ay-fa ..Jfat > ! rnoa** hr m ront«—. hr will Wav* (nr N.-er h >r 1 ill aft - dnja. ft ft Uv j—rj-ma us purvbfta—m db .l SE> vi.Xtt STfi' K OF FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS. In ffev to mala r—i Far Ukta Ito—d Marl, I —ll. oti tb* i,i ol awlrnr. tuarh and -no top pre— t eftrn al«r ayn ft (in plam <hfuv>«i at r—ly —da «and pm a*. ; TrY vUJft l?ai memm. re (UA fa— tb* ; rfa-ee Ui*n> ! a—er. iGivnt I3iuT?aintt! 1 If r«i •ul fti a,*-nre event bar*—oa la Baaaan— da (*••«• -rll e ■ tin mi A*U.. Mad ym »tB l—inly be —paftrd wilb to* tf—eftfe and prtema. NpsUl ImiftfHßfaU ftffkrf# iw Ufssta (vwislu m —to ..,1,.. < A.SSEXKP sriu. life: PtKTO* A Schedule of the Leading Articles: hftw ft and Fan- > dlha. j ta*.. * < ‘aft-ire ta Frrorh Martaen—, ib—a tukwa ta Cn»|— tWdto. Frvnrb and Inab Puptom. Kb tm4 fm- , AU Waul IMaM. lU»* KKI Wkt* Aimra.4 PUB. (ttw ft mm! WtaW M'dt—r f*to(V. La tlaana. ilir—Uovkli ) Artnr ura and Mnbaare M-atia Itoiam*. A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF CLOAKS, Os to. r.nto wnaliiarananl Mmt Ue—rabW ftjla— Nbaela. Varfe, a—t Sail—. Fine Inan bnac. Sap4nna, ffajyton, I—aaft Fu—ml Ton*b. Hart and f'r— ft TV—atsatf. Rtotol and ftrv en Tto bt* Utnuft , (t. 9, 10 end 114 Ml —fa".l need Bn—ll ftb—ting, ft «la. nan and OWfam IMft>n l nmeua Nm Y—h MUW 1 ..medal*, and ail tav—l fa- IwatMl* 4 UUdml and Mr*—a VbartttieNa a wpir—itd ba* <4 Print* at aft atyUe and Ir«—itw. ftaa aN-W«h| rutnw-te in Wbrn, Bad. ttoay. a—l Fan i Os; F»»ah*r nanavW t anfam rUai».*U. IJnaato. Ll. a»t 11 4 Bifaboe Mdaa I Kncbrdi U Rwt Manftne Wbitn. Brr.wi. and •>—? FV—V. Eatadtab and in.rrt*nai • a—m-r— aa I LVdtaa. Imnd: I 9r-u »a. SaliMU aid TvfeoU. lidnonl and wilb iloaavy Ihn ftaraftiib. Kxm betnd-taa. Uiuram. Valla, and iMlin. -4 ! haaaft— iutotoa Vfai tWH Itav n*«a. f audtY—ft Oftltara: Oreti Hid. •■S—( l■**!—-* and laV lb-A* .ware >4 IV. «m*. mm! toney, ralra —al ii—t*—. —**♦- ~* 'V laaplT • A—ll * Ml] IIC I I A NTS WHo MtTE HITISTLI RKTVBSEI> FBO4I NEW YORK AND CHARtESTON, narnnr that Ml BRIDE, DORSETT fc CO. nrrßii u imhh> BtrtM r* C ROCKERY, CHINA. O laswware, U nua U K4I, IB TUB OOCBTBf. NORTH Olt NODTII. —•* i ■«» m«i