The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, November 28, 1866, Image 3

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the daily era. A. ft tlfW*. .......... lam. *aa lm fem>« VKONHI'AY MORNING. MO?. Ml. IMft. A«OT» VO It THE UW Eli fok AfUtfi. - DMoas H. Wife*. IOW-A F-JM«ckg & H. J t EevEl*. iMOitt G Uumt. M*hi MEMi mU ftMWfli Rk« Tomb < «rr M—w. E. ■ ft 6m., Mmmm J<f.OwBO».;J UMkO*. Bonw, Mao*.- and. B. NOaa ■** oat jus#. U Tin Ka^ Eterrtu*, -«■. U. Hart><« »* I-ot'M two - » M. NkrfttoAl A (to hM-.wtfMi Tinas Mil Uorlandl. Cor Uw Mm* to hnipEiuik t kjeasfv. laa. -tM.ri i took. 04«ni ft Cos. cnoinn. Umn -A. R. Nma. Eutmoa Tk Km. —W# sre prw(*fsd to |*rmt BUdUon Ticks* ia *»y q own t tty no«Wd. CoadidElm esa W« Mrre4 promptly A»d rss ooaably by hmif tftsir orftti •« Übk TIIF. 1' 1 r V . . . Lex-ttse*. Act lag upon saggeoUto* »»<b tort’UifU the K*a, tfte mstu hers of tk# Eptsc*- pal Charrti lu»e ArrnagM * C<ia»iiu». aod «itcid hereby am tantalum to other chtrehoi to appuimt umiUr GounatUeßia. the vbolo to form a* organisation to pnirwle for a senes of loctmrai far the benefit of tb# poor. IV Com nntue from the Episcopal Ckmrch ta aa W lows: Dr. Hard, Dr. H. SrlU, Dr. Samuel if *l»«, 4 M Hall, H. 0. HoU and 1* 11. Hnonk. Vim 4 If Ball, lira. P. H Haooh. lira Dr. H. HaUa Mra W. F. WeaU* ore land Mrs II G. Bell and Mas* & C. Clayton. Other chmrcftaa ara solicited to Appoint < amitteew* at omoe, mad organ txa a* mob aa possible the uarhimery that ta likely to be productive of ao much good. .We b*»pe »» tune will be laat, but that the paople may go to work promptly and work efi'ocUtcljr Tma Hina at Snarl Kao -hotwithMaadlniT the very threatening appearanre of the wwaib er yesterday furemoon. and a light fail and rmiu a |MxUoa af the time, there ••» » rery fine atten.lanoe at the aah* of the valuable properly aold at North had by A action. A-lair. Wa were glad to sotics am<mg tb# purehaaem aoroe of the ft rat Qilttail of Atlanta, who are dis puted to ebow th«ur oowftdanee in city property, ntd only by their preaaacc, but by liberal m* ThutydiiMiu tot* finstTD'wr won* aotne vary eligible lota lyiag along the Paaeh> tree road, north of the very bcauU/al property , o* ucml by Richard Patera, lt-j . and nearly two mibto from the paaerager .lep<d. Tb. lota contained from oue acre to ou« acre arid thno fourth* each, comprising is all a fraction lew] than thirty-aii acre*, end brought fnua ft *3 to §‘43l each being an average of #H* p r acre. Before the war. property remote a* • that from the paaaeogrr depot, would iwt have j brought over ft2s per acre. Partita who |y» f UhW vMdenlay, would not, to-day. take j fifty per cant profit To aay that Adair wa* ? the anettoneer. i* saying that the property w*i J well aold. Thoa Atlanta move* onward, attending her Haiti Id provide tor the euU-rprtsth# «l**u and* thronging hither to swell her populatios; ' and thaa profxjrt) keeps advancing, in conse quence of the etmUousd prvwaing demand for burning lota, tn apiU us thrfaar* and lh« tisild - and the crook mgs of tb* palooa In leaa than twelve won lbs the property re cently aold at auction ta «»ar western, north eni ind eaatern aoburba will be dotted with , neat newly built rwaalencaa, oar popoUliim i net-owed twenty per ceat. and thi* n&mv property doubled or tbrsbftsd u> value Who ever ronte»|datoa baying ami nettling here should do ao Without delay, for eligible prop erty will never be lower. Atiantn takea no fry-t i-gnt step, -hf-suuraa ta onward and up- _J waftl The pnuaa of 4im lUack*b»ck waa ~i n the mouth." ot all who of Uio pleoUftil ; and «iJ* V ai.l l»rWu. by hln. on thr , caauni V T«r. Ladies at -Wa luarn that aome ladic* are now canvaaamg the city aolictuug contribution* oi ftiouey and clolhlug for the je»T. and are meeting with good auccaea It in ,» w>rk, ladiea - puah it ah»a<i 1 here are many widows and chil.Den that yw bounty must clothe. You cannot be too prompt nor beg har*.l. \Vi aid it not be a good idea t«i hare toioi" ,ppn| hnnniinrwl where clothing, old and new. may be aeut for distribution among the u -edy? It aeema to U* that a larg amount of eaat-off clothing could be collected in thi* way. if the apl»eal wa* made and aautt able depot appoint’*! f»r iU ree*-p(ion Tbw obi clothing could be remodelad into exceUmt garni• nta for p«-*v childran. M'hat do you think of it U-bea. and every l*ody? / Dat'd Horaa. —We take great bfeariM in itossMsg ftlrilits iKj •• Iwi Um u. ut of VCcsara T -y A Cos . whole sab* dr.uggiata, lUltimore, Md. I>r J I’ L<»ga!» i* well-known tu this city a* an cieel- Uut ,- nib-man and accomplished bn vines* man In hi* new situation he baa it in hi* powei to be of vast service to onr peoplr ra|uwiaily our druggmU The rtrm. of which be is a uieiuWr. pr*»pnsra to do a» wall |,v the public %a nn be done in N•• w V rk. worthy the |*atrouage of Houlbern' merchant* The n.iiii*' of l»r Ixvgan i* auipb voucher k# the rr*|M>aaibßUy of the house. Hi. xi Vt-'n n. \n agSd litWt M] lmi,, 1 11 Il'llTa stetfcm, oai the W. -tern o. I Atlanli lUiln»ad. w*« brutally amrdertul one . hum r.wt wssft ut- sspypiEßd kHpot 1 hsra* •hty night She 11 vs-1 abma. and hrr body waa nt .| di '-nd ontil*4titards>‘ right or ten segrt>«N and a white man have , been arrested, charged with having per|«rtrated the crlu- .Wf iixd not learn the name of th* unfortunatf lady. Asotmkr Move. -On Snn.Uy laat the Viral Itapdat ( burrh rwpirated the paatur. Rev If C Hsr.iady, ft>confar with tlie ntbsr munaterv i of the city, with the view of providing f<*r a amss of literary topic* iux thi lieneflt >t the pMMMT Sf the city Ib. y aim to make srrangemcfntA to aectire lecture* from such aid sa BUio|m Kiliott amt l’isree, Hon Ale*. II Stepheuv. Ih v J L M ( ? urry. of • AlabaiiM. and othar gentlemen whose re put* MSfi'fbt siStMSMIi iq kn-'wn i rountry \ The bill moves on Wa can now see plain h fHal ; Ml psftpls have it itito lb- ir (H kda !•* do Noai> Hung f«»r the p**»*r. a»«l our tea< has »»a that with AIUnU pmiple t*» rmtolve la Ui ai-l I*Sah on the g.swl work IjtrrvsaA Kan a*a have juat reeclvr«lthe largest lot of Ihrtinomla ever brought I-* thi* niarkei. • 27 2l Ynnituv was a raw, cold, d»»agre.«abb\ Narcmlv-r «lay Ws aupp'ias no one waa iui agiunlite am nigh to fancy it was Indian anm IU. r li waa tvShing but rough, ugly, chilly, cloudy, soughing No veto her. C'onimki. Adais will aall a valuable buaiuesa (.it i«» n»"row. hvK> mliertia* inenb { ft 6m ?**» «Ws qf As MmmA {**» irwrti Ms MritL-Mrnmd FnakßUul* •f Calhtosa, Wwug * amaparativs M—fivia * At la at* anl aurrouadiaß ewsatry, usd s cae- Aidatc lor Cong ram. to fill ihs rasa any #m»- • mwosii by the raaigUßtlfta sf fliaani Wuftird. to ta »o< .Uetued oi#4 plans to gala that |Usla a young gentl— ■ of End that 1 Ac. at tha ( utbvwak of th- war, left Via law ‘•Ct-Mt. It .\tftnn, tin., twl efaUrad fn.trrats s—lss M private /ft* • sAsmv, aa a ' an tuber or the memorable H th (Aa. iftsguarat. and caatAunad actively iatftv ftald. ssaapt while disabled trusi Wouods, au'tl the aarrrodcr if < irsul Lass. From kia ass rL*4 gailaatxy sa the battle ft* I t rosplsd with hu mealy h**rtng b>warda hi* (kSßra.ioa la arms, he waa, at aa eariy day, taviw««d with the positkm of Ltcalsoant. an 1 fr-.m th* no*, by rapid aasceasi.>a, hs waa ad vaiio««l to thu Csleoeky of Vta r*gim« ut From soar years hard fighting, both aa private and officer, m which ho waa asvrrai times m «maly sounded, it ta presumable h* j U aa well prepared, if sisetod and reorivad iu Congress, to appraciate and leynwßl li.e anfiertugs and wants of hie cotoatileeuta a* any th* district Furthermore, It la gamer Ally conceded that • tha Nut theca paopla have m.»ra reap**** and I coufidraca in tb>to« who boldly e<>nfrwated them in the k/.fWsf of tb* fight, thaa la thus* who were not tbai arr'ayed It ia well uadsntood that Coloo*l LiUis strongly eadorara the r*eon*tmeti »a policy of Preaideat fojiaaou, amd ia hruaklly oppaaed to lb* prop<Mie«l Amcn>lai*atsuf th* < Mint i tut ion of the United Htatsa, taeiadiag negro anf frage Tbaaa aaggeatwvna and stai'-aeata are not mad* with a view to diaparags the clause of bt* honorable oppoavail*, but merely to plac* . lb# gatlaat rsd'oauael pr<»psriy bftfure the iVivaxavATn* t»«>v 17 It* kl >*k Imjod Woana ram lUottvckt.—Dr. II Marabaii, us this city, has lately received j a I* tier from hi* sou. Rev C. 1L MarahaU. of . Kentucky, informing bira that the Christian Chnrrh us lk*l **“ «t ma tioca of corn to the p>v of this city, anTihai 7 it waa about being shi|*p*d hither to Dr Mar- j shall, who will have to prop* rlr di*Lnbut« and TUia is good hews indeed, and will be cheer ing to the poor who have a long, dreary win - ter before them. Fiuft Von M- L. Roberta ia ann‘eioe*d i this morning aa a candidate for Alderman in \ First Ward. . < n. and cotton card*. The Elmtiom. The pe*»pl« will plea** re- , collect that aa ejection of a tisprvsictitalive in : Congrena will take plac« to-day. The nam* v i of-thS four cambdatsa and th*ar claim* arc be- | f'Sa the people, ami it only remains for th* people to make a choice. \V« suppose the man who grta th* m««at votes will be elected. IHiiillHT" Tliil sill be a miktiißjg sf 4 Butchers at their assembly rooms at 10 u clock , t/‘ morrow. A S« b<k»l L*r young men an t bsys will.l*- | opened on Momtay in th* Atlanta t umucfeml I College. Hr* ad** rtlaciuenL : J<>aKi’H L. 11atx A. Cos. The advcrtiacment of this firm—manufaclorera of fire and burg lar pn»of aaf*s apjieam in t4»** Fa* tlrtainorn mg Tb* asffa manofaejored at thia eatal* Itabmcnt hsv« a'tain*d a high r*»puiati<m for asennty ami protection against hr*. Th* at ; U-nluxi of m«'rcliaut» and baukcraar* dirrct*d to th* h<<UM Mot a CAEmDAT*.-—CoL W' W Boyd de clines to be a candidate for Mayor. He hw lately reioroed U> the city, and aathoru** th* ' witlidrmwal of bu Dams. 4. L. Qriu U*» t»n»i rate oysters m any de «ir*d A»- tjo* < >well will aril atw story frame Ilr«a<I atrsad hous* si anoUou on Friday I evening Sts advvrtitement ! Finn n» Him* -4. Kotaiwon offers a farai for Hr hi in this mornings Kai Hco ad»er ; tisemrnt ( c> M >1 EUCXAL. J k VKTIIKH* •>. <owwaarua ftarros OlTt» r x»w nn i Ti uuo noiw. > * 21. i IWiness. «ea*raltv ha* kr,u r»u.«r inU t* -*U>. In" • Hul (*w i-5.,4* uc sac am. ».**• un U»* *lm«* j . A ur ■lrrtl* TtUtnai was It TO* m bai m as— rtuTvni m ar; Uir I>iiaiii*am dun* «m .jtuu s-tk* Tk* i*riuiUtu 1*» i thr.*uct» U>*- Us* Uh «» *U» »m «• p*r .-*tii prrmiwii. s* 4 thr •- lime rat* * mi v»iu>4 Hoi'Vva sr. witt» • ll . lianr* Tbrr* is s iarlkaiWj teller (senus* in U* I'* n> ' rusrA* t utd i>w;tn hs>* sltuxtyl U»- r»« ■( t •nl pH |>mnl fntaeEy U>«- roarA»A !■**•>snt ti W, cents, ut.l lliw tnmnna it it.sei miMUnl s«4 inensnt si TANARUS» ..tils with sb u; wsrU U>n4. net Tii' i r*»i|4» hs»* h**n >|Mte lur loil nstiiuio in ls*r ilhmiul si Ami*r prv** W ■ 4e ISA<n> lelkim Si f I JUllS' ' IYUM* »»*-» St fl A" ill SI Tk. «t.A Ihrruit, SI. i Ifc* T to r I*l. Th* .1-MUSn.t ( v run-s. is stns.l> atet jyic*V -n*U insmtstn- 1 TV*« ar* clisrur*' sn t bv..« .. in ir-*l ragtr withs fair .kins*.4. h«i in the |»r*«snre mI (**««h m .1* S«h 9 -h in.l f prices bs.<- »jitktuoi iMvl'oey ' ’Vsr tobVie selhi.*: We hear -4 ie* . h»v In i*U -Iml tA- s lit* 4r $ i k* aIMKI Ti W. w Tark Market. The Jmtrnal <*f i -«mmer * «f th* J4U. h." Ui- .>|. m *»• U** »ui iiisrhri u.c tux- ' .xj mu h '» 'M "«<-r th* Hanpv Ilf the Iwl f» » 4h« • sn-1 •••.U'Uen ■smut snJ auuu *jf thru, '(U...r little • s|Utsl. jsst s* «sa |v»lVU.l A s.. A .ir Mr., ir * MnM vras aold Stem. alnrE* were s*44 4>s&.the It-nr: . X. Act »M stnnffanl. su4 • ftr*< < toe* i sin «*• 4u ii.»uirursle4. sith-Ml sot msl rmiitl lor thu • hscuc rn th* pres, m **r pr«|e.M»* .asavtUlng cun . necSsd with tMßrul sSsir* There sb-*sM He W«s |* )<r m-*w) ibftsii *n there «h -oil !•# more nuU.-n u> ersniins cfedlls, there nufht to W «gu(tunit> f r s* 4U’* rtourn jr inj»u*nt« Ust tlw-re Is n ! lil.\ih-‘«l Ihsl »ii) »4 these .lest rah Is Uiiura wtU iwrar se s matter nl IsL ia th. nssr fkturr Ih* msrArt pc— Hte4 less •-» tten.eM thaa the <Vn brf’-rs tn Boue 4. but th. re »s> n. hnaitst. 1C) ill the |Sfl "( let)-—fW* |Sltle* fell Hipp j;, tranaarticsta, su.t hns-.ness a«t).-tsilx mm tsa«-n4 II lie.) . -HittDUr.l ill active Urmsi. i I'sll hatn were . r—III) (<hw—l on gi*«l o.lUu rsts at 7 par coat., sod in . \ e|Ai.Atal rasas snslklKosl I'niutomiKin ass paid rirai. issa cnmmsr.'tsl |«|.r si ah.ah das* «u taAen al . T-j-s pat oaal pcx sums .I,»e.HM t\»tkm wsa In demand fieai ntolors and m (Wirier*, srbkh. iu addilns t.» s rise Vn **44 snd tin- rm ; omr-ipne aorVUtoßa from i.nmjv, on**.! • attcht a.I ISP * Aslea t Bra* t>sles. m the tma*« <4 M nauto W nixVtlinc uplyaSa Trivial h.s dad asd kswsr Tha j sales 4 I kmr imMinM V> A. ItV) M«.» i tin ui>« Mtt 111 7Jhf HUH- to fell AHtlli v f.., ttox. | rttrs. iri.U ( <•#•- StsrAfl .lull, sales mum |v»dant, |Skws in favrs «# bajrsrs W.uhuwi S>»sa is s.»4ar-jwv.'ra «.Amn*l (Ur Niwm , '*M» lmplirv (-a r*Si.—l im (Vund. but lrsn«a> <wai* hmiinl Midi VaO>*a <|s.>*cd a( I afell'i ;eih. *4l Wtuae IMAM , .-ert* and H'l.M, |».»iiffe.l sa.| tfrsaslSße.l 1.-, cl* Itvs .a i tic*—- «»»•*itte»l -hayera todAt* lor a htof >l*. im*. iut* ttisa h<4.W*ra sc 4i*|WAßrd te nlh’r litotes* are. lain Mfetl *e*U. IMgl« mitasie Es-sc fee on Um Iwntfsand l»y s WamlstassSMir The «p»ir? I-A • «wl *ad Ms. here! nxwtsrst*. ih- imcU* md |.*«Y> !»•> ■• im. Hauvr-d Hmnu reman, si*. Ait <h* as*. or and lUnh t\al «|>i<»t*il al |* '.iAxtsl Au M ti - far • ManA al »e )A. and ( Bed < >wl si |T hgfefn > \ K.v Ha*ho*vl al |IMI» »» m« No 1 h M 111 lAgtftv >" AdoaiflA wen •he MmAernl at s fe< tit • S.Hoi (il A seals si |« tot , A Owl hak- al »J 'akM, *«4.i ahn.-e hectus at fa sat EtpltoaM fi kAt |-J 7k UatMsS.A hsmutf to ftt As ■■fiig ilg i Hi ftmdftfcUsftftft me ftv L biMpM tha yaaisM ftfeiEStotoM tha In* catoaa.aaS tmSa li lllSiSMf <lwwr|E jS. Thai— hi Dry leak mh. (to* hsnto a i Um loaasv mga. hm hsntf hsortiy -Ss nft. fls(W • bsa tone have SsrttqsE to sk; nsiisiki prka j “to tolf s hs ashs have taw oak vtoMly k SBfV»f into u*oV«4m»e bs*«i** 4n.lms4 Es q«4 as m quid ' '*•'* U net (he news at |Br A , tk* aucaua u Irak M n lag tw Uu but «hto aw ms* Asms the r«k Um say parpMa. vmH *a*y ao* is *4T*’«k U*. djArtoly. sad BasrlUc the mto wMEutot th« hss>a. TUe» Ua aatoadsan s i (he .jam toaua to *to Bssrk. i j** «*«»• •( ( .to, MS S VltolM E t She j UVM prMss. Many lohrMoato. ia miMMlim to MBs. Bs». ■itESiIBBB Bn Mss. the prshohto sSsto a t sash s m mm iisarato hw Mpi vnla a*orh ss Ms satoaa. sad ml Uu Mm mo .i sfi bar Ms atohEMMIMmr ftto j kmU mm mmrgim Im yruSA Maltlasars EarkM. rm Oosstos i4 tha Mth say* Tha SirfeS Im floor has kaMk ata stood *Uii tha poat oosi. ood Magi pneus ka«* fallen BE —u >m Dal tasors beads sad FtoOtoV. DhUS and Hsper. ands l-vl BE no hoCU»nlto kiWo. hoyars ar* >»t uvaiams *•- opresie. Thkv vc kw «to*re srurthy at tmtore hruoa rsn** fcos |l*» 71# •IS (to. soojcDotf ta grade Isa pert* a— fur Ito wash. •B.DTI ttoinia. Thrsa co cr**« >4 DBu C-otosa armed. ! ao. mt.untf ta ah to I,W tom*, out J ehtod 1«S0 be«. hod ton, Mid tu arm* Tk* Mtarhot a atonan duE. and with tha d—toos to gold prissa is »u» ha yon 9 ED ks«* at ISaslV* osatß. tf'44. far r-*d U» sinrtly pis. and betf* k*o, .anr> *4 h* a Agosa, ao priesf keuM Vr (si* feu u |*i • carpet U>,sl| i, carta. rW. U> t'to, pruoa duty paei, lk*W* gat* la Ml**, onto, fair 17 ,tol7 V <****. g"*d. Java MgS tok Lasuavra 17 V»»» . osota. (toe Ato Aral haoda |iJ /i« Itotf* Mm. XvlA he Ckatomato dsU. Irrsa* sod Uyaa awn active, but prtuas tead.a« See a ward* Sew OHvaat Market. The I'nue < aitasl to tt. fetlh ssya TV# reM{<U P I'’ daring Um |«u *A ssbibit a taaarruU uw —i aa ./«|«r* i *uh thus* '4 th* preview* seed, sa weil ippw fr<o the aaa't—l told*, ta wb v h the renrtpas , dec A* the <> AT rWfe Aiding preud toal Jam Alii siOn be t mad 1 I*4. -hmimm. IsEA-hqbA rn tint a li*: topt. 7 l>.«*e krvA endiotf H*(< n IMI U IT At* E.ea **»d.l44 fW(4 1/ till Aept #• !«.«!* o»fJin4 .Oil * T.Ato ot I .... W.UB. Weefe SBldtotf «>rt. 11 I IMS (XA 11 .'SEIA W'vA raMl.Utf ‘*4 4. JAk*- Xt ZiA hrd -idiiA-U' . ..Zl taMt **4. *7 litol B«* rtvii'iC he 1 23 VU )Xv J ... 22 VO WerfeWxhtffcur X" ... to *SZ V,v In 1 r »ol *.rtio* N•» 11.... It *4* hj* i; ... . ju ME «<vlukluu.w st 11,. zt .. ,e.»to TVr vnetopto f the jcv«ljiu ihew la. a were 14.81 i !—• and the teerannee AVC halos. Waving oa hand ott ebi(4e«rd and ut vtrvWei#*«• l*t. *rZJ b«Wo. toAua XT- aa4 'eh* mrrop’kluif (end iaot year TV ra ! Wf. r ftp ttrm 'Heirs ag-ei iSf «f r tuu* iaat yvo/. ah >*rUtf Id> • rvoaa to Joi Aoi baica. 1* cratrv is ahipuirnu W* irreitfn |- -n* to the oiut tiaae were al--to 104 to* lain. Ike taarhel tiused at tV f-i. vo«*atS4W tvrdniarv JUX nau, Ond iH-diUsry ZhihurtU, li.tbi<t Al *<*t sod Mxl diu»tf 14 'AA.ta Sew < wV-at.* . .we-i A-ale n Ike mei|4< 1 4 u*« rroj> Hucar are tnrrraSrr.r ltd fully uj- to the <Vio*-<i. whi. a ui total a<>4 lirrit*-L— --»-'ianri. | citUbSea dcf>rwe»d -wttrer iradee m (air de mand. (JootatHxu aa f dlowa. Waning h- ttwude Btf-i-e- Jnf-eer i*—-* , rent*. )4J , cut#. fur 1 coots; WkßtaOtofMsd |SV«I»*« < Motaasao oaa m jr-el *wh a Lr»u«4 4>niaud. tnJ pnow d.-|»riaa id The >|’i vote u« were lalmor 44 grtito. t-oiaia n 17 .ouia. '*-*1 o*-c4U cants. Pnra* 45 <nat*. mntUf trim* k> iX.era *:*.<* on, anl (» • "U cents. la a Msary-i rial* Jamlarat 1 A Wad::./ 1o 1 ,r» Jnarbe.’ : a X>b un Th* W ooc- rs M*u< v sirt-u ar* a# —_i a# >• seuai at VA .* •we* to.Um )«*t. and thr r- turn fl * In at the *nt w.U art in eery »*'Q Tha H ulh ta a* wrj anppitrd nth currency a* tu s-vaiW* cat: s's. ar. 1 Ure to ih., V.ara.i4«ilia map till -Xlkj mi to e ~arrm . cy than m already dherv. alth»’i K b •(* .», tu a htoti—l rat, ut. wi i(4 tabJy be rv*|tiired !*•»» ts/ rb enuanh b< ka» that we an ■« tha v-e*-- to a UU n* »n th« —m- *tra.u - - tn, war ended, bat o« ax. nrvdW* ntabW |a|«rr n»- tw > baei* (here .an He n au- h mu;«u*a u> U»«- ttasec f dbru ; * hrinc aH ait a fom»! n—.mpti.-n and »i- .*• (aymesta. to «VA Uwn l# n- pn>iSbt.Ur AkNOUHCEMES TANARUS& 1V- ii»way ftU ad * to tUi k L. KahtiU b**rv|.i anixtooce him a* a candidate Um < -,< tor u e first Wand to th* mauuto rierD *0 tr»t »*t d—U' ia rw*«A.iber neat. II d*ct»l h* will •■n*. 6dVS*-«B We re«|tfftfall| oanoaare lka( we are ran V tatea Aa f> -*W tn n aa (Vwim .'txM-n I r ioe Heo4>d War and k- V-MIXUULLa t-u: hi. Y M kUU.UUMO W* arr inlk'irltto to aaaoaaec Isaar ». VriUUILL OitoMdM t ntMlI frwths f*-wt HirL w"T. Vd# ttmnm 4 ul -’Uylir'BNscik a* a roi UUu for t.-uo .*» « t'T-’ « •**! * o *• ■' ’* • > l»» j artH‘*Ot li-J "thee (Aivaxe gwt. tinmen to th* city. -Aui ..f Hwted wOl irjr lo 4- h>* dwtj tiu< A ~t«le lit. It. wI M» la aanasoryd aa a *r. i: late f T l»b(:ua-. to th. Am»4 Ward. Hj i IVi -tde* M V.VT > TOH We are aal hnrl >e<l tw aaawaaee J. (. If t M-Ui* th a# a itliJMlal# Ha U Wtwaii in the \ .fUi U aril a •vjh.-Ul# We are aatkorlaed In aaaonre Joha MAXI a# a . f « Ahlerraao ta the I .rat War I We ate •nOoi|i..| Iu aaa«aa«e tke non. fu;: "X A I Idddi as a eatUUe (to— w, f AUkrciati ii. the » .ral WajJl . U.c v.J, b . wan*lt n Utv . tr e i an- to W M I' UU.Ii'lUXi a* t moibSaAr *'« ilUn#»<i im l».«- •xoto Ward, at th* »neut* < tty 44* ■ KaoxlL Uaul.-Mi A*' t • ... •to. un>v gat j o'Hi RKtH a* aai.t.un if Alter . ,a<> /*>%• I’ i.rtl "ad. al Ut- msaing iTty U-u n : i—»3i -lib IKinMgh tke, enttettattfis to •***«• »ahit 'i— ti— lit A- Hr»»m,e a ear— hd*«> f-A t -WfAi**» IO U,e First War-1 N I uAKI'NCn We ate awl hor level In •aaeaatr Ike I.a C »f " < ATT'MUX IN a* a ran ttdatr Ia AM f mna . rT.i TT int *ITI tJ*»—: ftrto -EHin-tot* ir. tv. miwA. many ruruk U •»*>—kte* Wr art awikartseu in aaawaaee ( nl. J. J M«»UIU»>N aa a candidate Es Alderman u. the fifth Maid. ,»gevti End • f.rto Wr An end a' it) l»e on.lvr Mk'JiYl* l*Y IN KUIII " Ahd* a--via id. We are aalhaitito la • aM*tMaee E. ( ItiAN-H AUl* aa a wn-tdatr Um Alt ott an is th* I »rsi - "anL >3alKm. Erst Wrduaaday in iWetmtsr •osi: «de Tke folio—lMS a a me* are aaaoaarewt aa aatfaiOe Cosn-timan E-r IV en*u:*a year I' r rkKol WiN U T t AKTtJMfAKY ' I* M EICH lEftkON A W MTTt HKIJ | Vh'HEKT » KAWn-lU* U " TKJ.ET U hi t AEEUL ' and ' 9 9 (It U.ATT a r iucll | AjmioXY vi ki-hv no* 14 Ide Mut Vo rase to a Mt'RTHY aa a-OS HBiH Ee Atdeevnaa ia th. Flfl . Ward Ue-Aaoo. End s -In.—lay .a UnaHr n via W W e ore astharlt'4 «• aaanaae-e Ikv rt>o -I rkIUWO BRimN U(« Ar lU.vwu ,4 the VMAJi Ward Drctl >n Aw Wed—la* »* In ! ooWaul o-*li -*4* W r are aatkaviswwl Vn a a ana Mew ike •tanwto fit I.4lran aa a candidate Ea IM.-matt .4 , Ute f-fth Ward lastolnq. Erst Vtoaetot- in l*n>sn ( Heti.U nv«ti hk AMNOUBCEMESTS. Wo a»* i aßk trlat I Ba laaosati the mmstoMT mmmmm * —— # m#ov to Ms GDf to UMk. MstoliM. DM fe.ksdlf M Ws are aathartasd sa4 rrpiml a* tr wuwors the tao. totJto. ». J HMEUIIb « • «sh SsßafosMaysVtoAOasßa - fl , ; *“ -1 v_ bwi a. DAysr-Eeairt. Edilaet • We l«k« j «h* Dwo. iAMDE L WIXXUME a* * a^UZtT ■•ksr an (i.Bi r sa w* M« Mo( he ms fstckfoU/ lion iitfatf Um SaUes to hto «4M* DAinr Wfrnm. Y* • art aalhartied |* sasssore the umma *4 lai. JIMD M « ilJf'H I a* a -r~ k talir Err , rosorv ftoM the hiraU, < - 1 | u , j w T *«to«c4 ttnaass, MU, j rwe taaferra. Bevealh UimirUt DAW7KL l to tJmtrnkurn, Dad nos day MO, | forntM , HIPB t<| - 1 ! SPECIAL MOTIOEa *■»>»,„„ an »..(.o r.., says x hood • e »»l a* aay n asris. M **— u,«r. MIUHj wn.O. u. M, hm, ; —“ )■ X vt-m. I W» * 1“ —1 «»•«,. u. Cn4n O. f. kl., , M., ..J! |. Bpn us > lac* uoi m, 1 rwtrt IU lU. ; - mius UU-JLU M or r*» uu/s. Mwu. j *•**• a, . I IMlmr, Pm.. IM.I.IUIM. .r j WAA.II T' - BUI, lA—.■. ol mm, t# tar tars n:.t to mawrwhii n, da- the psast:?. a iah At, <fOt- A aUvgjCk. ax«l -aa— al j *k>. are to full hahtt *A w (.to*-*#-. oe epe> j Ur Eta. eh nU u- «sr V rou st a *sp(4/ to ih*or j rsruaUe m-l, um a* they wto tod a aaiernard *a «c --1 ras—i 4eo>w -4 these la every a.e*aurv May have ; hwee aOrxJtad wuh Ms EecaE an -nag to laiim aad j »»/ f»nt,. eU twVH-a c i algoie Mostef Vap—TYu r*a HnUad T-axjtt H>‘*» • t AsaJ drutaod. ta loA ' <a U«*. iw»**t nutanah. Hluii ol is-Aitrt to _ i, (V-aorru —stsai, sod vgroMi) m m m u. im arUutt u(-a. Uo a* 7 1 -! aare b)~OM iJVWMptsis sod Tan. ) (e*-ll tktoera. k4*Elte A Ira aad Grantl K|mh* Im Mtoklse! XAr ItuuiEi a th* f./ua Ur ,4 an> *» MaUn ryak-a The 4usauiartsas «i*» ion tatewTtaJ <kw*a sJnce 'he *■■*» L ead (oraiywe tk* hvweta. iow-t ft** )aik-#w dec e n» the man wie- r i eiarM bsatth ar« l si-fe-hte. wita fr m HjO to two to his cunurEcari ai,, area the runs* nnhat a*a sun a Ua w » y u ■ ••edertut aad alt heoiuttf Haiti Thaw (a- y - rtAna to -*te l-wkrin ha soppr-adinr aU thr earreu pobis to ti. ta a(B aenry to the too railed r-|si 1n ,4 toheeo. and u r w wkn-h paupie hare m>- .af bUhdfy 'H--'- ; • fixta are not >.f the 1 .aa* tut »-. *w*h .-wed by the Jm.-k End to wht.) every U-y fsl. UAe -vtewan WhoniMta »w«aalti EA STvAhee <nr ‘to t» f Mu/idi fuU aoJ!ipea to f w u.- t« w- , jArte.4 flier L>*e »fae aUtm*. h. •Tvotr a:. a{ ~LU . a render the -f-irtt# UjrM and bnoyar.T * TT.-n :* Jb: • nping and m> mortanu m tha f >m, <4 r-f>at ; mr. n If the Uvs u ifo w-l, tie fwvttci ar* rm r j a. 1 the iter- U f.wbo t U Uulrniot TYj . X»e* A'MlXjtT #,*»«• Us Mr t» tna *-.ry >w r*- - fey* wants to deb. ate fraua**-* t Vwe> ua and «--;<-»» d.- ■Oeew are .ik rally ectiAtfatah* 1 < y the dteeoi- tai l (eve- r .* Bau,*ri na v» lash-t. it ta her*. *-.r, » .. that Haggler* MU loos, D> »p« pile aad L*lar rkas PHI* mr. where Ah 'Ah*IA Ih. W: H’trn* tt. li (Tiiitdam*. Oat and ai, ai,ro*. «,* ,ft; , •Mb Hagglet's Halve i# udao-U*. Hu*d by J V. N a TtoT. Slid *5 et#4.xa ,e_r h**h )WiyE— 17 *>’ •vhiark'a Pslmaak Ayrap—THl* fr-*i fc „H U e .-urM I*v i IT »l-x> k the Pr-Avne -l ut.o , .ee-’n|^ -c-. >-ad sc»->-v.~.) a* saw’s -rndh-l* mjo 1, sod wfc*t a afwrdy -»«q*H *p !»*rto ne-iHIS.. Hm jix*m .mm ;e«-iUKai bte as* ta-n aMe •*** Is »<anmew4 Ut* nee ,4 ih.# *abfdr H*it p.-a efiu Uiahsaiti; —>■ netie* 1 l iTii •fc Attune, aim itt rviam -4 th* d.«na*e ba* *-*r. a«- jr»b- ruled. t-A a.*] U.' •*w -,1:1. kly and hi* ptfsovot wsltftt l» me* than tw- btrodrwd libooEb Hi' - X*»# re-"- 'vary, he HS# d*ve-v1 alter, t* r, el rloaiieiy to Oo -vsr* to * ■ tmspba. and tier dtaon win, h ar* OMtaU• p-m.j b.atev! with it and th* carve *#•■« tevl by in Of*-1- • ha*e l»*a very aam-emw and truly w ««ireful I- * ' -ti l —it ~ |r(iam 1 wn lant ai *-uro> .4 pact* nta. ar.d it 10 trutj n*v timtunf Ito thetr ewmagio, an • » « few ovocKha b*o-thJ r t-«to prrar;* tT ntu l i T-u.'nesn.. Myntft. Hw*mt T«mw . aad Man ! ohe PUo. art gonandly ai. roioarod ik iWUa 1 t»itai|m. ) nb* f (tot > -qi|sii ,1 van h. •- >xa* amt <s* .so tal* u.-m ntk-wt mmm Ur Eri»en..X. t.Mit *Eal'J. I* «v.cvct nl# tvw» «c see hXBB 11 tfitewad«t<* tr>* but Era Ui'-e -woh luauiMt c ani.. ha IU-j«r>OrUr hts f-e a Unae ftaUam I*t*»aa- Harne. etira |*u< : Kaa&c. that th*tw>hke koßass tk* Ihacsa •* »h" ftsl mm- -a ’ k- W (us-rt- - hoaith- ars on the iemrto*ot *ian.;. ••-td hj ai: ltriuQpaSe ***•! I»eO.«Vn f*rv4 11 k> per H-AU* <A fl BE the hou 4 I<# LaATva* f-r ad Iks »b ;al aiwsy. He dtm-ted to l" Nkoli FnarVfwb i*M •* \ . li N Ath *t I4lrwp< Pk Ka iw-v-ee M ’if —X. ie*«U !*—■ ~*e iwne* 4 > Y w a Xan-r Wci n. Myl i-Tht 11. TarE. a kri- Nb«x M- -4; 5 th-aiulyr^ AYER’S 1 ILLS. drtwd bnn>< «r» -ponti tJv ***** <H W «e • **•»* -a to HcoltH. s'a.n Tky miw itsi* Uw ta»ct»«s 4 Uw-btok • »♦—t- *T—rr» **-»-♦» m*A- -4-e. -••» A.•—«, • p r -rr i ■ \l. r.-t Mwl IfTfiajiil n» nacoraj Ton. caa.. f TV* il-it rv>.ie,i. rvsa-t ii(«*s them art we a>-d the I* -x»:t WRiH <• tht* i-v• 4;ttx I ia*-- %«> r•l* .» awl h.-« dßOrtly th- - non.we the !.*t-, *. , t \hf sod with MMsko » to lb .* "it- ral »t.«i. «mi« cows] taxi, is- a to- irw^TO*,.. - - , •xabx’aot.tanA-nnMdMMwateA'a TH# ■*• j f•« I • li«+> theot Ousto lie Ml. | *tr-j tt : • aa.: !'.iaps«m to Me aaHir>lf«'- 4 the* -I'.lti.' sv rajodly and own to ik-i. wto urw, to i*., an,, omm Bnai wkr- know the w toe ’ u.-a. f*UiaSHU newt,-to El - Maot *Vv *w*W- B Its ■!,- nix*V ibei r*fw’ sort a* U-t la t>. I .o*l » Wtark. T>) eenteAy , Yhiaat* OnmyWatrda livdig-v l. : Ifxxntwim Rh*.t«ua*M-n Eonaa *«-! •oip)AAwa>.ei whew taken ta keg, 1a« ft • 'or* Ibatfcr < i«o*d ». tha* U.* at.«t soetiT, con tak. -bmt eoaji and ih«* sis aurtoi Um ba*A paigatiie ’•>•1. >e yv. Bhrovwal Ayer's Apue Cure, Pw* tk# •peed) aad ewrtolo far. to later. mNWbI Peter, ar (kill* aad fvrvi. Hekaltteal rem. (kill ftvet Ikmt *«V« »*..*e4nal lleadaeke am EHHwm 11. atoaeke. aad ft 11 !»«• E-« vrn ladeed. k» tke^jjvkale clan af and 1 teaw arttffa ali*R ta *111*1) de» oaueasr at. r ■ e,>4 hy tke a#Urta ew« «*. TV.-. rr»t>e.ti Hae r»*r*v EuTol to cure the arvwrvwt I '• * * »•- at.-.i 4 *•« a a‘ M I >t 1 * I*l * ,Wh r AtfVte Ybedi inea. that tt hK'dn the ftv (t.* • ; wit* I taJory a tH* poUeai D-mwmbsmm ta p. t.u-e a tohtw T • ' '-»• *«.Hatao.-e. nv .K*« it p. (Vmiot. .A «r v ttosrv-o* de w wkOßrvwv f*h»k ■ 1 to-rv tH- •rvtn sod tk* »n* try N SO-* )V** ati wd-tr tha*. aa*'ll'W» It- wav! li) IS J C AIB* * On, Ma*w sa amok b» i T jrwl\tA(\i M * tWY 4 Oil., 1 AYlxtg 4 DAU* » T 4 L E MIL4IV MAJMI Y * Hltil 1 r *W dwli’k’.' Aad ky al) Iks t—s li . M. DAMIILK, lau. -MUldile A Xerks . 1 DiaTi.G 1 ST, MM Til tIDK EIHIKTT4 ITEKET, t tlsats (evwtrjri I.MfeMp (ftfil. 1 Wk "If si on Iwwthie Yard ! a K HU**-' wm-tt -S itaossoMW Menkao*. 11m?. I # \KK <'4E IaIED wrs rßOfv foe sole Hv \ I arfds V ii<k I. kUHI E Mtk HFECIAL IOTICB. Wkw mass HSS IdUgWEB* Tftaeyard* ocilgo nnuM. UAkfLOn CATAWBA DDT CATAw»4. DiMLLi. Be fSEew fhwo lapwt.( 0*44 *O4 for H UTT AJfD * *X> u-idJdb k! v.ii JtrrioLfc - D4TITC Og fOgODD for sole ky (toODOE MADf ia •at* is* Thrum a pave Esdsasd Eau«ss V •»•* eta C ksrlid ■ a fi PUdl AT itiKWTA from I Baida k> for lot w |f« pe kh |>- - ~i skh |q > t mu orOt ImJt* 9 ,n "* ' <M | *l* ssd after tkM day las wifi churn at da Ms. i D*wera As naaa mTm*l # » and —new. no latßEwf. am ... IS rdsfe a ■ AWtfwa sad (ksrfoska. 4 C. ,E a kiod 7 tocisM t m M tof wery M hue and E-*w ■ai bob jEqtoiEnD a M Hanw sod I vd«| * m 1 AUaida sod W set )wl: Eoifowad Day Mod IS «r<*aEi a ■ ' Watoevw oto ttlaerfi' kn/-a4 Way KX .M WcEoM a ■ , R*-i» mrtDesßem kaur-wd Way Mm tRWrkwS a ■ 'e.e|a kdrto t»j IU- I ,Ycfok a m - 4kra • *(00* SC * «a4 * a , M ~* DMi ■» • * w < Van ax . .IS * ■ ■*m* ■* f-v s ■ ' —«•« • s m ■ onii- lor TMOE <* *JXMx f k VR*. 4WM» v tm —for Add MttL Uar tu —I am U(vf k. state tr yna than I he~ 1 a»4 y war ~biiml i - kdtan wuh gram twsii b myrntL la gusi rs •tonld) sad »r* torch w, to a»y syraa* prw*—« ky Me -i.tMhJthj sod uaMsh uJaaka to the TTi--mblj J r.»er a and waibd V ba*mr bass na foam pslft. » *•*—--p ’ 1 i 1 jn ,1 wk» sec >** siwa T t U m fto,LX. Atfefcfft « -| Ll tin rbito K t . kepon. u> r 14. iatl —os m- mut ■4 im . « into 1 Uto-Atyi an g-trt •< aota. ta ' - M<~ivro. fo.rwrVA to (he twpartMmt fUe ' «rht *X*4 etonl J aTvr be fawto u *■ ■alx'hrrrsfci Eppßsws us s*e mu. m* ima ndert Tb't huWMtf t# th- M*4*aa lorar».-e-» rv»«y. aad star I have it suift V. saber* XJUTfCXL. **f *r- •*:-•: -: Utai 1 tor* fbuees sril a. qo hans tr /-.'- - *. k«b. • Dcxxg paruoilMi b CepwV 1 x euucra. A. 10 IT TWtt***!** toEwr*»-»'« and Mtotn IwwEe 1. C- It J U kaCtarruA. Jtr pmLxw* w . ~ N*e- 'the. fenxt X. n a ** Ewi to b* ks*f* fcA sals tr> rather to Me army sale Tb* retf u**o- ctoto the I nswary > ;who: an 1* be ■ vuifoed wits torvxiy P? x- ..axto to X*. a • wanai h**e —hut "XX WJ-XX Mxr* mr! Et**v"jsb Mjrwxsl 'eeoarsß. ; i inntr>* * or». (toll, IBEdlf Aunoao. un rtekf Il’ht IBe k ! ke rate k f Beraleh n mt. l WHLaTu* avlTTXian a OX ' T*hJ THI •7 It x>i X iBTT-l ' «H 7 H 'K* Am m*vw a*.: a.i- PmhMvca for oe t t,h - -err* - * * ky it..’* re, u U W | »£% 4 P r TTIU4. Arfo * "a* . -b tltwet, 1- W. t. ft w-j; He ( ewsr-kd try ii*.. fne 4 pwtatfv. W>E«7 port to the l Brtsd taaaaa. June • ?*m-q«; A ( rwwatoblsr). Every Eta. M waaa -ae ih»» mat» U»e Atuhnw*# fan. oa a. ..*a the wcwtd. n t* w*aa*irr*i to r i**a * If Ti*w It b.n* to the H-to It jeev»»a Um Hair Br*«s Fmiumg • *sA It r>skn the Xoxr *4l and «■> may rauma LLi S to; Cooftl the Heated Brvw ivrceewcs 1 .* -ee Lniuioni t-w 4» IwUaw Hor k Ctf. *cpw * * XSJBTaiik Gwuft 'fow gfartET al oxe.-o. n TWA la ana srr **l Tke Arbis-, web tffl tu i »oc fee 4T- h»e—C» pav aj ;*v »ie.) *Vrf _ rad. IWAr O-Jkto ley Oywrc Kvyvfi an.; 34 t**c lonr* ;««"* k : Bor anu« >0 I for itvtuiK mu TANARUS» w Btnoi akorv n. PTEIUS’. > xßhkoU * Ue k*. bdom *r*wMr sxkd ifouu hut u. th* orvl Tb yr*»» a. try a VS#***"® M Tnrririr zai»"'«a E4> -xv-tinß* vempay. »”1 lok til Ftokifc aart. A*v Y *t •iivtitJ •» in U« r ji Ur tna iUnxm# Hxrxsjv- E. T.—|4kx.l. A few VAlke 4 Puvnn-v IfcrTtk*. w hi mr* kw-m Hakk “ , » ' Litrett-iu-v cr,i F**er;*t, Lips. to wt-Aua Vb-J F**ai hastA kef-v. 40 * ve «.* ka.veatev fehray au - HfoAt Breath " Kr. "Vw the Ryvw M-ViUk twcfeawidewov tfokow - .wapinska *-a Knk he uftu ooMi lxiiT’or in-rerun. Jt .» Mt.ta>k‘. lhai leVrtnrt'V kdoxt nlowih pnwasd frost • die nasi t ssd vryto b’A Tke tw war) •rt-ten AM ■ thieves i-wAtb-wma I**’ uw abAaorh so •>« the eettm evtoisn UM 1 . 'thitoit th* storwv *< r jA-aa rvwnariL*T>V ■wv tr uw» tmx xeunoi. . ,r*» . ine rmU W »**a yndiwal Witt;is twtt war -ott «.* bwadtod *n4 EAly th -o«arto p*e»v.» ha** U*r. the :-vj»*-. ,uci kmtK an 1 o»A an .betas.e to cuen)>eaix; . W -.1. villi AtoV* • t- al) rv-AdttvWka to .J» s- BV •Cd? !«to F- e Urr mu -to f4.m iMi» se. *it*ro4 a 4** to it* - - Abi- * toil* : txUMii H»sa owtosavi Er buodwd ran !l th- treat«MW-t to Iv-a Uk !•» w*V Mk X ea,„w. rt. ll Bk sv-dw *4 IBE In*)* hj the --.uw* • .te to um Vka » < fN-m ie ;tov- ar*' *? x-* «vw* 1* A'-n^krttoßOB —Tyuri r-v*-, a-o: wee fcnauy * a-W pahke hy Uw. IU Loaa to r-st- e M*-«Hati took** »wprtrvai rv4m*s"v te na tetinfike twliiMv terms ka» to-oth "amaa trawwa - »<i .art n* Kxm f-r Iwt -im. to* an - 4 ■.**!■ .4 t»»* *rt«to K ao-1 H~ w. 'J- pw.•: a^n-tT-w* i 'mam rm Fix wAhto- fr r:Sdh«l dyStiC . hiahd I'XHtoH W henroe* «■ hdity Vi«t%auMU J a owdHk. rE bkiaiw a. e^- An rhw-kwSn wq. asw* nrtasit 1 htk ffe'*Blis> MfekT to HS# a forma. h<a"m * life to. tn-vi u th- .-n vw-ei. .4 the world. sa4 wv iximdtaxt ixurnrßATDE 9 Stoiu X T ki ats Eiwa Eowa f I t*un 4 tk —4 ha«c tors a r»i m 4 Hew mow liweiws f t thrvw <w Ear year sad had to •luvrwW a- i«r *»w«-*it Ato Ml tow* nwothssr’ » trted the tlsataw r k»tom sod to aay ffvcai *cy. I aaa rr.-w a*w «S» I H*’ • Mtowsaßd Usa *r «ev . *. a»kr to I BBfow Hgl *44 Nab * Ut 4 g CAVMt'gX Nutauct-sh MmM.nMIHy.KIM Ttwran Ftor* X* deatfktsr ha# Hews «*»c4 I** ’* '"* AAA tXMTTE. B«u*ti R *W -k-W- ID ssh. U. HMD. I. l-e* 1 H Lwxeat A- ** fW aranl s* aw dksr lev . -ir-i to eiwir IWuHa hll *» A* 4 if . *■ - rese ttori ariwar w Have rwiryMtos Yown to . OAOB E WATTE. vsaldTw uT arw*hs wtoiTfoMHi kMiln^aM TYm pwNto Bar nwt s#wand thaa as a# saoa wgl Ms ,avv!i JWMV •Boa.tan! -4 Me rt-imta* krma to 4*rwrtoft fo*as Ace*v to4w» W-i MM 4W* pen H .ettTW# ftHitw »a wises <A rtfASMi MOW .tor oar ri’O—B Son w c»n nuiv mo ■ *w) Md aadfimfom IP. M. MIRB E CO. Dear York. Storm lyad A fefclLUm FUTURE! THE ATLANTA DAILY NEW ERA. A Ut« Newspaper. A PAPZH rop. Till COI XTIXU BOOM THE KIRIIIDE! A Paper far tfa Brrrfcfal, tfa v a jrc nri tabuwb. . i W— 7 I A PAPEB FOB EVERYBODY ! ; r.jDoc ic m tftwjr+ci or Free Speech . AATIOAAL (OVvEBTATMT POLITICK. rr niiwuKUi H« HstUl, lo 8«U. BiEist Ho Wort St*T J9B uUa7 At:.. I XOIUDCI) COl >TRT, F##tt part of wt>'L m ii#t.ixfai in icunril tad it. cmul.ftpAuc. Jk prK+cikj* a4 Um S» w'-rrrnto*-txi I* P 'Utua a ;* ,r- 1 -iiiwniiiM l##* lb# 4i p *m m c»f lb# ( as UmJ .i by it* ffr»fai#«: *-x;» *•:&-*#»*. tt na» eqna! n*bit and*? it for #**ry tvnt* :« i|m VinK.®.. nu rtn-1 t-y ttai bdaun .fami*..:. if tba tmn-ra. 1 —mEinl v!uci t ia*> closest to tb* oid bnivarfc of Croi and L*—** xtt Ut«tf V> .u. ib* -AO**# that »• knot vp bn*o b-:n*d lb# bfairfcr* a#«er kaTfain to b* ra»t-m#>ed #* o#T< IB tb# drfmc# of lb# (#C»<r»&AW of It# Utited Stein* ■tMtvt Ib# aaaanite of all vrbo to nb*Ml tb for vbcf U formed. 15 LOCAL KASAGEMEST, Tbr N Lea mi] i#od sti ai* oascy be i£# de#*k»pfe«tl C-T O* Y of Um Suit and iafo##n>#tela Ibeee Os»» at are tK»r l ter.iT It- mat its i4 nur '•baared inb>* •ju+tn. It ri.. aJ».«ofatr a,, prnroca. KAILROAD EXTXErr EUstS At tb# acre* method of i##wopmK lb# m • •on#* *f ibr Mat# aad U,#* aw prnrttm. ur it tUi fmthfu.iy ref ew— si tb aur-H of IUIIMO A» UAUUV< 80.. Iterar.iinfr lb#a# cimmm *# lb# viocUat t*teti nit of r r,c *d and pe-«*ft#e> *o* n«rjnt* Spretal defer#nr# -mil br paH to tb# vau* ani ntb#* of tk» »*#•***>i defending ibec. ta all tbeu THE NEWS COLUMNS W\i. be edited mth tb# grmtet car* and ex li-bri by a large T**#vrrapb»r and imt,#m. t rre*j**o Vn## frvn ail pioqu of intent ib tb# c.-aary Ib# site au. bv avtn u f~#v lb# latent nod ;-t#. peorr A- Tcpetrct ban<i mii tab# Ur# COM 'IBCLAL DEPAETMEST All tbat il»# to - rear; til# intej—te .f tb# City ani S’ *i# fantbi A fail <V..y reject f i » - • • trnme . of iia grismbi saarfcwta at an o# inter#*! .c Uut pwaaiaay SCHOOLS AM) COLLEGES, W ib ali tb# Efnoattoaal ;aiwr#f f tb# Stete mil b* earn«rtJy refneamtad and rva rmtnrxz • h » '*- ■ *» f»«! a übrra; aSSotfi c *iib ta Ute teacb U iLai pour aa VnL jm ibf mb THE SU NDAY ERA WR] contain no pdUiotJ nditenaU. bat mi. b* , to tr#4»*r>on* ao i other trn literary mauvra. bin r an 1 vtbar aava - aaf ftovat a# wl i >4 a obutov Kamuy iNaper TERMS OF PaTLY rbne Year ' $lO *0 1 Om M.«th 1 04 Batemf*U.«t ia#anahiy oaab m advance The Weekly New Era. AnnyrnfaU will abortl# be raannntitf p r lb# UMM of a LARGE AMD RAITDSOHE WEEKLY Tbit mil CP-eitain all tb# matter that ap pear* a tb# Dmiy. mlh lb# esarptam of tjmtinwnf It mil be afAret-cAaaa paper fv conn try ctt4fclaiHVL wb#r# tbnev art no daily aaiba TT.KMS or WKtKLT Oh T*r « <K Hu MobOh «... 100 vIVt. Moutfa 1 00 r»ul Um WVrkW » SsWnW. ru W MWixt null Um M XUAT ERA MUM MMrEL »\*l> Du!t tin ILn Aitmttk ifa. iP*r atir n. DumMitrmi. rr. ooium airraa* rr. Dtmrvoo nrrsftf. Omm tfte am aMN* ■ i tin 1»■ mu «T a an Km " mm * *“**• "* *" I % - 1 cair.Dar.i mt an. m t Jn IT n I ' ■; •tee.Mr rr. dohiiw) Brmuu- TRY TIIKM BIT ONCE. at «r * rr. iwanao rt r< at. t rt nr iiaica rt scat. Man# fnw Btittla Rtea rim ■aatiiA rvneau I atm UNKT4IL tiir . >l4llOl (OCaT444 rt ar rot rrtm nunti ua etail. TV mm* »*•■**« tefai nmfm§ a - -| - u*a **; ITUILT #A.Xii m [ ■*a>V«wy rtatej. b*MM lyrva BUSS & 00. bliHiM. »»• »»•» BOLD WIIO LEI AL C Bl Aim mum RUUJI . CUL. TATUM A lAU. AM IV Ml lUrann mmd UrantaU. nn.i I M MU Irai übeat matafamnw Vlk mm a r— aOOFLAH/8 QEBMAN BITTEBB -»A«. iiot.tiur s Dfhiiity t f?*** FT mm4 IWw— noKfac trmm HOOFLAMD’S 0 FRM A w BITTEBfv "HI PAY ttOOO | o HOOFLAHD'S PERM AH tlTtna < ttrmmte mmd >«■ #fai DfMlttt, jjjMjnnmy^bvS' m'J’mXm. J* >- » . L* O .. .. ■■ torriin vo um cm whisht. . A*l> CAMi</T MARK DROEARO*. •“ *• AIM- AM ta «M VTWM. : v ! bkao w no vat* n. Mm IA. A— b. *A M. rmn V M Hi. I 'Mrt. h»M». * I . trmn.r <4 u. su. “JM “ I*” iM.Cfc. iLim* m - M 1.1. f1H.,1 . W. M—. |’ J ii* mj. MCI F | M v_ r Hit Vii A tmmm U tMO - |- IM n mi «» . mm mt n. n. m HWNWMiHH.nAMi.MiM IMV S.M'tWTT -A., in IM N MN) M~. M. «u mo. IMI *M I mThmiTm M > '~" ** "** * ““M I-< ' i iT"“ P D- **»» -T AN CM . NijMr :i»*m. VMMNN ■in* *** yy .» KM a**N#i .# <^##» X a-0 "4 Ufa Wfagf «a pen#' v T Ibu > 0 . Wi*m* imMmrw varte MbCl Aa-te.-*. tte* , C#- *A- •> i— m «<tml# «fa>; •*-' —4f 1. art —a t* ter fan iMt, a. T ■* mu i: v a} iu*i • -M --v *%y aui ) Z#w * ~TV I te* fa.# tel# natete**. n-e tettt a BM - • . * "** „ # i4iru> rt>/«> tw FV m a a *ft itM m v I m-n a,-, aa a -rtl tta «nvt ’ n—ufa— r Ml Li>. t nnrtj cf t-nIM miU *3«f 1 nln* *''■ *'Bvnstn r rw— w»%> * *#e* fat fa ■ rMv •itr VP tUm Hmvh •* •*• *fcT7L Haan eB-te **-• Wo r*fa r'—e —in fafaV** m< mSmw an -nt > in# mk ■ ■ i ■#■ fate bt* n* terftej an *t#te tei te- Tk-v tea #Mb cr-vm umium ] K »ii*. va r* - » w-Msidj fa-fa. in u« anr fa-. fat- Mb' St-Ba -i*fawteu4 fa f.» yanr hit#. % o--s #ae« i. : te. CMtet; m-~i f)"» teen r*teC it Iltetev wntj. a. a. UHoIA 2s IMn btefafal tfatete «fafa*ai ban a#Mi * K«fa 'AMfai*. »*aaw*#fa sj^-r--< CfaHM *'i..#tfa b-fefa -ly *g tWfateiMM kite I«an any. L. D rCtDUi. f«ntlfar4 : *#—.*. TV'iTOir»nfa*iß.r . SiJlßPtt fr- -fafa . te ?.# «b> ofaMaM*. L* MtJdHt rr>« bn »• SB-te te~M#Tty fwt.# U ate TV mi # fate Jt-#jfa V i Vttei it«mn t rstte W STL. nenl fa n. tteuO • *#P fc -»uf ><Si of r—» Rvtel • <•.**#■ * Vffa I te*#n»«n» c#4t l ifaV4 m «m»m ~I"Ims'I'II * rwf . *te *#> nfarftw te ajfa#~trrn #< te# a«M mo# ■* Ifanvily. yjjta arrTH. X) rwe tee Se# Then. Ste«*c, IX U. ft ten of r#a ] ‘boMPte itef*Jill B ' tteiiteiit'te l^ Int— I—t *— 'S»4 I 4**»fcrf— ii MHMteoteteifaittiffai fiindip vrr b—i *bMte try n tte wfj noAPOit* H**#An#4 1 ifafabteru tejr i#n» *Vv. tteioUjr omm| of Ufa*#«—4 j utiafnndbi. *S. 'i« l * »n l 1 tTT tete i>j r n »ii ■ ••nrl* in may fonn*. to## *m## o^tef ■*'*■• iL#i Lmm ## bU't r -*v) mm Hi Vail • Bate. I nan nc tenet Stevent te teU. » lte*a« ta«nM »•* twfaltfafa (te, Vita rteteafa 111 KKHMtJL bis ire or bKrrunun. tew tent (b# #te*fart«eo of **C. H JaCMMM" a«V ,r 7ITY tfafaW Ufa*, (ten Wbf. mlhMbwa •vtfau-1 ro»p n»*r— 4f*«te no* tnon ten anUte v,fa4S#]*i'tft< te* Sfa tetMUatenr rte| nrnainn. Ufa mm, V -Ttefai te an Hte». bte mV te aa anH «n ob lorotfC ■*«*!» VnrSml. by n(#te ruKirtr. orracs >»o Murrtcrurv 10. art tear Manat, nth >.»tte anaaftnante Aona a rvtste h*.n#e«i #> r l| JtetfaM SCtei lot Bate by Prongiote mU intete tn~prynte#at