The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 04, 1866, Image 2

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THE DAILY ERA. " ATUffli, tti.: rr—pat no—*. —a a >ma_ ruafl—»lWM MmOMm gCiMM tmd </. UhrthWMMl Ih. Cua«»tai «r fa P»*i awa^ ChadL** tl*l Omm. hrai(fa«e t, M n w! it» 1 — mu paMtaw rt ou i i mite 7 hw. >—n«iM*y. mU atari taalhtaril haw fca«B hwmaU; fartawe* T ”*‘-* ur 7 MM»as»»;«n ■■'■>!■»« w—?—- Th» nr' -*•*- I'T" 55Sffi»5 thT-.i.i nfa ■ h.**.— *" kUMIIT rthwta rt ■■—fa-vl —•* “* TnWr^j !■»■■■— *» I!! 1 ■ "*» ___ of fi Lt—|h||m IBSSt bt t>9 aantaMßhhrtowyy-.ote.Wt «4 w wiß Jgpaa srattaßpdtakad omr grafawacg . n 1 ———-« «h*a !,wr»UM fa j —i urtaMrtfapa—■ mU !•«■■*.•—* ; T I' r sSSES&get niM wMh »«»rw ha fa (i-w*- 1 »—■»»• MMoIIkHM* m whwh Ik* utaar - » M. »W nkM «Uj fcaatetaCLhgsi' • aU. Umaen «k<f»d. I attafarr*. Aom »• «hw CW-M«- and fa lukd W*. Cotart. had haaa far th* aafaw—l «ri *a»a k»a« im -fay- , •w TWH»<*«*yW far. retailed. -fT. pat fa fcfa*. .<■, :-. -vv -. • ■**•- *, Ur' Mini wmk. • Wfat’ t*w -• Hi t tml fa** rm**A <•** fa* bnr • mA v> nvliw fa* *■> Ans f«*«- „ «*u« rt Tfa fa—' If,, 1— M beva fanl fa Ul' part » Ufa h*h fartt*— rt fa—Hak fa* l » . kMkk. aa4 far* «u«tto<uag tfa ** *fa"Tl - «** rt tfa ; L ill’-*Ti ‘ fa« C-l **Ha< n (taaorwfad lhaa I" fa* £***• In. Dv**fa a M ”** ■MHfa>» aatatf aB tfa* waa witkic tfa Kvpr <>( it* Cifain« *»l aallfarit; tfa* , IknA irim, wot r—aiavd to fa <*>••* b—tk.**AA —too. ~aU fa raaapDtod. aad tfa* wa* tfa ihiwi. to r ■*ll ~! loral Heart"** *»■! Ks-pceaea- . toll*-, frota tfa H«rt*» «»*.-* p~>p*r fad tofafad agataal tfa (aa-lai aalfcvTm of (fa flianri (fanafa Tfa* wasnuna daw fatal ape- tfa »..psrtlT* Ho-r*. tahMA. fa fa* C—ldfa ma, **» —fatfa *—offadatfat nan*. *ad an*l -j—- -- -* IMt am arafat; aad ito aafafadaaawd fa* attra tfa Ex*«-atr*. Tto^t aal *- *tfar ptam kniag fa*a an> Cjagl— i Mti.T* ito *fa>ru fa jMfat. a* to* a* (aartoeaUa. tfa «««*•-, rafaa «< tfa ftiif trialfa**. fafawatfa -- I,- - *| tfa iMfuti.* Stom. tfa Btofa*. tod tfa r«faa! (farnaat. r* I~fa; buto M* to tiM*. a* tfa P'lt fa u*m* amard to nqun. tfa jtfbn*!, nrmr. *ad puatai n*Ma* of tfa c*toa •ry. With tfa adrm *ad maU ol thr"* imtydfaniii W*®*- •a *ad niti - toad* fa Otogn-w fa* tfa p*Tto.tot o 4 tfatr tofana Tfa paopuaitito to ito ra 1 tfa Frfarmi t ->uu tom*, a* to to y*T*at tfa runtrao* of rid I«IJ Wfttoa tfa C aitrd Slito. or •»> afato wfacct to tfair jam fan i*. »•» ratofadfa tfa n*|— t* antofar M ‘hato*. aad aa tfa Mth da; ut Ifartofar. fa*». U vto iiWi taillj dtofard to far* faeuto* imfai to a part at tfa <■ VatoUto* oI tfa Vafad m*tto Ail at tfa saatoa tn afa-h tfa laaorraetMa had entod pntoptlr ■a *-* tfair Cmatitatioa*. a> a to *-- Ifaat eatohwto to tfa (r*at raaa«* thaa rdfatod ta tfa organ*- Wa ol tfa 1.11 itulri I aallaad rnadall ardiaaaen ■tod baa of to lunto*a; Trj**ii»*oi «J 1 prr toadad dafaa aad afahgßttoa* ciratod tor tfa rmidfaur pman at tfa ia*ar itotiaa; ad |n*nhd, a food toit. to dfamwtmtotadtaaamn* to* tfa t>*u**>- taoa aad aaa*bo*attoa ol tfa aiialui .p of tfa till mad **•*. Coagrtfa hoaotot. «*t fa iktri to adtort aa; at Haw Stato. u, r, ririimtoii Ta aad to Vto net aattl u. mnkSaadaa* W tfa tutoth olto* a of limit attijati tri pwirnl r«r*« that Oama fa* tfaa fa Wind to adaut toaafa torai Hll lir aad hpanu. km fat tfa other HU Ito. afaaa lafabt taata, with tfaa* of Tttatma fad «a gmrd la tfa twfaUtoa. Tea Stalta rooe* tfaa oar-foarth of tfa what, aatofar nikria vrtfatol r-praaratatioa. tfa arata of Cft; toitotirto ta tfa Ito* of Djur arulattrto aad of twaot; atotafan ia tfa Rtult art ;rt Taeaat—ant by tfair owa eoaarat, not by a fatlan of idcetton. fat by tfa nfiatol ol Coagn** to tnrt* tfair rrtdtotaria Tfatr adaaaatoa. U ia bdrtoi. woald fart aoeotapfafad toaeh toward* tfa t*to* aral aad *trta*tfaa»ir "f oar rt aa oar payb. aad nweid arrvtoa totoi hr damoatoat mi the aart of tfa ia bat*tart* of tfaar HUto It woald fare arcutdrd with tfa (nal |*iMfa raaaeaa lol la tfa lMrlatalaoa of Aamraa la-to prwdmrw. tbit aa peoffa oagfa V. hrar tfa kwl'fa. ol laubn. aad yrt fa ibani tfa riKht tl npowitau-j-. It wooU fart faaa ia onaaiwanrr rti tfa tipow ptnnwoaa ol tfa Uaaatuatoaa. aad that "•ach Htato «h*D fare at kraal ofaßrprt arotatirt.' 1 *ad "that auMiie. ntbol ito ooaamt. atoll ba depn ml at it* equal wtf fraf* i* tfa Km*o " Tfawe prorvuoaa wee* ia'-radcd to arrare to rr rrr fttato. aad to tfa propie ol erery fMalr. the’ n*bl of rapriwamtoa ia each Htfa *1 (Va rna ; aad an important n it lararl br tfa framers of tfa f'oaatttataoa toai tfa wl tfa itotea ulfafanato ahoai.l fa prtpnrradL that ata-od aval of the foaatoi ntioa eae aa; ntat*. rrthont iu reave a A fa dimwsd. a sore ta that traaeh of tfa Ratioari l aadilan It ia true, it ha* fara waad that the extatrorr ol tfa Htaeto were tom mates] by Ito mfa lhoaa actaol tfair lakabttaata. and that tfa maurrei-ttua bast a* been wppnao 1. tfay were tfaoevforward to fa fnaaaad »r*d at- te!r a* eoiejosrsd tern tum. Tfa leetcatoiite, Lieratire. sat Jahnal IbpartaruU of tfa ieorwrameat fare, kowrrer. with (real .fadortoato j an I uniform nsaatatear;. ref need to aater tl-Hj aa mu iaruaa|vlibie with 1 th. aatarw of oar RepaUirar sntrn. aad with Ufa prnfmairl oigarta of its war.- Tl iDogboat the rereut lagiri.lVoaoK.Vja l ram. Use aad mtalde fart make. lUrli ap la-aat, that lliaae In p bto al eoaaaaam tie. art B‘U bißk *w* tiiaa Ktselr* .if this Tntoa At tfa sen ruaaaaw nn-ni ..f th. I'hsßiia. swob House derfared, with . a auaiiijßil; aa rraaarhahir aart »a< aatraid raat. that t m war not "amKjuxm uor jvrt ia any spint of o-.r for an; p .rjuiu. ut j gmltum, 80. | atfuv# of i* sutorfer rmp .ah Ito right* lush tiiUnita of Uaaae MtutrJc|B hi ili-f. o I and u.atataia tfa tfa ( ..netitu torn and *d lawa af. aad to (maaoaflHbriawtth ad the •faint*. as|aallty. E rigb ** “f tfa •*»- aril Mata* i aiaHflfaL had that aa *s«e> a* th ewe ..l.t*mTßr i *are.oa|dvfad. tfa air aaghi to aAMf." lhaaaaa iaa«a* twjL^jdßßSK^rw^rta^Ci ■aataftoaaJaSfaatfUfa mi m>Ay fad apoa tfa CaUadßtatoa by Art fanHMafltiMt.MlL Ouagraam ' . fa tfa Aat al Harrh 4th. IM. aad by tfa avaaa. fato dmdad tato daatrwto. aa ■totaa dma aaa fa dirated. Tfa aaa*. twaonaataea apprvrs m tfa raoaai iswuia I too* ia nhiaan to TWaaa—. which *»- ' adaatly wwa* apoa tfa tart that tfa UH unto al the aaa were But dartawtod fa ' ’ the 111 ilia r bat maaaiy ss««|wodrd. aad !ffi»as! , JUl.‘K'irSf£ tfafaptod to raaaaaaa thmr pt— la the Km _ „ ! « *» ******* « msmsm ■ h waathaa nliaal; pewatoaaad aad daatoaad da 'hashi. aa s=i^£s2 l RS== ari of tbs rivto aad iha paapM there < m vh-eh tarn ton a i la or any to npato *Tto i'~ igtiria* af W»W— iftofa oto tap— ni el«fa ! ariheaapmaaa a* Uaarn hadJatha tnpr wr >^*^ar., «*f rnmmma ^ r tW» .ytom'tofaacvtoh T h rto bdato eu (W fSn»TiT-T Mi ?k* iwi rili by » a*4 ***** •»* ;pm Xm4 Horn prwhfw q< ESS a? * mtmbrt ' • Ml m ■>pt. Mi upu.» M nlrli dWtxm. to »«f •« Mto to 1 «. atotobi Itoto U «» tom mu. km ****** 7. km imtoifb my f to itorto bMtotof^V|^« k «f« I*to—l> mmm* m I*3 to tto Bmm at *\*rb to ItotouM ft MBto. Itoltopum wtimiimii m 4 •; • ? ttomtofti —d wl—< to btooHumm •top to* ■imuipwbto tom mmm tojarvu, tojr«l totto TftM fltoam will W B»w* « worn* to tto iaHfWtoMww CiWfiil fit to* N* toft, ami ito pntowmi wwtr mI mvti «l« tin •* (.oaftoi ar« torn fitontly twnui m tto mimn mi toytoty tor ito ifvmumftk rpuft ibMtoiK*. to wttft^fttoctnr Os mr Vrwfti ttoto c 4 gornmrmmmm. my |mh m rbiftg* . bto. mi tto mUMT tW to um. If ito 1 IftiMft rf^tilmftb but to wto to tto rwfMtm iuwn U • yrr— *m *m mml ct|w>bmt * r*mr mt' * » *m> to ««M ami ny»b*H m m it ito • —pn. ift m iftwtftl to ndwk ttoa tom rwpc-- Htolrft I <Jo Ob 4 M tto I tb* fII D wOi to ctofr* by tto «Aai <4 tarn. Th w bcatofts -l ttom Stoftm Trmmm m itow am. tto mi *til to »■ *rr ito nfbt tef odm m wui to ■*» wwbr Tto CiMtuVhft at tto litol >uu» wm tow 1l tto tot* o* (to hnwbkt u» rmm fc ip>m* to tto wiikruinß of teifahW fat to atoOi jifai** u I —wy m »t ’ pntoll 1 ktt-rm ;4 »> r,rmn » ymtmij (ktoftiidti by #*rn o«toitMi ' of ftttmi Witm. wtuui j» ocy. Mi uyto jOdtor*. ttoa tto •ill—ns *f l**y«u BL-mtom Into Ito mm aarv(im»»t«ti Mum Tbta woaldito— ito vwk of r—rnrwtjna. «ur. a to«ft «faftt*f y hHm*t a tto - term iaU| it * |m4 frwiij t« r*- mw Ito eutobdwmrw at tto JLmmnemn pry fdw to tto nvor ami mtmkkixtj < ttour It bind to ton ctomiy D'fwCOtg ** • ■ntteto. to »—bt to 10 ato« fa tto world tto uatorw&t ami wnjkrnui* po*M <* a sr*>* (ftoil ( wteb* ofoo tto toil ai tto aad aaftai mtoi ajm tto pc.aaptM a* utorty /to Hr*. a&d iaSnii«rtD.~<r (Vv Mmd om*tl aad Hbaarui pnmpanry nail in*- tragi in T dr— f aafTaar Ito taitoy of ito area mattbi agtonaft irwa ito*auD- c* trt»4 fruaa . ov rwc*to mtftanmhl dtorirn by tto 'omm at lorai toibn !r at ito Mm* arm a*- ■ rbft 11 1 ir « C«a*rm by allayvag toM a»H ftpywab«a«ina—Wv-oid tara flafrtai* ay* mmauu mg an >y)»toaUf Ice (amtaunt. too Vto etaurit aft toab ami mtotn it wundd at ■ Wtob tto Utrarai twato-i aa4itiaa of ttoaa torn ftftHt. by ifaboß* aui m tto wttlmiat at tout# rwgtma. bo« lartih tumL ami mad Cos aft karrmnl pmtiartioa est ; tbomr wtorli tov« a*Jj><i •> fr**Xiy to tto maafcb aft Ito Baft*m ami Ito rt «awi aft tto ftoebi. Saw toitoof *Birrprwa wmbi to ■y«ai i to o«r pr yiauf p>-ffa, iada*-t tto Irw—ftafti m* aft war wooid t<w r>pmr**i ami aii Umran oft omr d>-m mtac fthn l from tto mmd* oft on/ nnairtma ia <nr (dm* to irmn* \M aatt* fttior ' •nm*t wburb nmunt jUp* *• om paojib, by 1 itomaft tto (ton fa ito romtn>*a wtoeb ttoy bmd pmr u> tto ntoUwa. to to mmmtaa tola ba«>e nurfatt onr am um fruaa park •* UimteW w< rya/t ba er<«todd»«. ami ra tto «mi uaolm toftrttna. an a re— Ij lov tto mrema-e ft * ftftiiir trntbim. Tto ev barn« Urm natwi ami wttb It aii nrrma fu« tM *urrtn - ? pn*m aft dnntoffti aomtitaiuitfathty. w ■bon Id tot— fa bn at* Wodto« w ijmb Um bonmtoto pra—-ntod by tto CmtftdM. ams to nun to tto mini iaa.iamb> mtab imtod by oar hton t*c Um nuban oft ito wtort* at a y um nwto. aiU ftoifd by aa uphnt aad M'-fawU *rt of tb«- wtom m armUj *tofhfafj tfra. a.*!,’ "If. ta tto opaaam oft tto tto -Udtnintw* or »dcftalhn<ftlft| CMCnLtq’h • no*Wl to. hr. •ay f IHI aiar wrmg Wm a to r»mrto* by aa anrfilanft m tto way. ia w u*rt. Ito < ‘ntiua U« ftratfMto. Bat Mt ttotw to a > roiam •by ManaUMi. to" 'it w tto rn«to—ry waaprm by *toft (to (to*n»»iau am to aft wywdt' W#diaft*faft imw mmia t tu» f* Marry aw a. wton. iftto-J by fto«r io*« aad graihlfacto, to *d*4oaban]y to— to «arm oft Mbtar Uto "To to*-p sa ail tbejugd , wttbm tto pah* of m/ omnetinnal pnm. aad cfcrrto tto f dmi f'&wm an u*n «mly nark oft aatotw. * wm jmarnUJ by toflbrwo*! ft* rwto* aft uto to »wtov to to* "wmatry ■m tto trm pTMuaptoa 4 tfair < •ndl.ihi aad pr fa ymaaa at anwfrm-wi and Mt»n •atoty ‘ t+ehmm told Uml tto ww* of Um> toftani Ir ttpiwct bnalti aftwaye to dnefly '«dwi to tto apbar* aft m> ayp— > t .I*. , taaa, ami jmtiy aad fcmbj trewl ttoc m . (totraaMtl m wft to to am war Cotow praam** 1. "by ia*aah.m* of tto ng*» aad poem oft tto wttral Hum la tfcft* at brmpftiag to am nw <VamJ (totma— ft, wrmtod «<U. lin Urn afreagtD •muu aa mb brnnag ta.imchto aai rata fta maeb aa fMMMftd* to ftomml*m. ta maim? . I—if bdft. aft at da pom*, bar 11 it* —a-ft 1 war* wft ia da eoabd. bat ta M* pfH*n*oa | an* ta btatfrag lb* Htetu towa ebmiy u> (fc. r-otn*. bat U artag aarb to am qanfatrwtai ia to pmprr mmhih ton nrtat rr*—a am tto Uarkiagi <4 bm Ttow todi ami *f» ran tom mad* ttoaa tlhaft/vM*. aad wto. k>e« ■ana wubdrawn fro— tto tnfta oft |§f*, .'*«>• laftl 10 Umßkrmmatry tto nek \-amry 4 thmr 1 wnmfda. tbrnr wtwinm ami (tone |ndnc4aaaa Dnwiftg tod lagunlra from ttoir Iw ■ a 1 Wi aa >m>fti* tto at ia term of naistry ami r* •pmt iar tba Ctodkaba aad tto lawn Tto rftfbift oft Ito tontoy of tto ' r—ary •f «rda mark bri name* rwapmt* tto rm waa ami arnmmmrm at tto waatry 8m n»*t rtt>—ry. aad wild fa» a prewr tijHani aft mi ntMii *y*twm abradai »*H a* —fw— ar» toaanMb toft to tto «a*afta! roantoawtion of «> agmra la aiy to aaato ft aaaigi I »ipr«awd my fmwrai vtwwa aye a tbara aabjaMa. I wd aow ««ly mil all— tana to tto rtmrmmf/f 'U ran y»ag |g|a May 1 bp—to aft tto (iwinam a fplta wft « aad *i*a nea"jraay With u 1 «|4aal u**c ' •aa*fam ripr* cm f • r ,-r.wa *« toad of teidra ran to U .am t by «a— a taadMfa nat— aft aag r*w*aa* *•• aa will to "tobi Jtad wtA Ito pakftjr ftoi. aad tto kfUaag . aid toaaarary wami* <4 tto tam rra—it. Tto Np*t prwuh a ftMMdi ftbor* aafaaftoftm * ry wftdtioi aft wav toaaba* ttoa oaa year f agw tto mom atagaiaa ft H*e« aatotpacaft rv*na« tto Amal J*mw tto toh Joa*. . Ifttt. (to UM y«ar aft tto Wac. tto p«M * Ufa an* acrewJ M) W.W, aad tto iU n*V B w aa*U hlftb: I t u. mt (fa— M. IhJ I T - *MiiMW a*# l *-! tu*a. Sss a pewi .* !—**■ iaajC fawvw 1. tan. —m*Hr j 1.1 Uhl, t. IMA avert* haaa MMWMW HaiaiUhipri m (b» ***** *« (bs ■ S.4hMMbMw MMftw «mPt I—wim a* saa bey ei th. mu nhftary ami mmi I—Wbcbmrab. oaa p -| mftaraft fmra • WJ taw (b* iwevivt* he (he bswi ywr eaAiw I Ih* Mth el isw. IMt. wiU he »lT**»(.»»( afainaatfa ijWi lißMaaariiihe «*» *< (U7.Mh.M4 Isewa* ia tfa rlsevii « : eupta* .4 (Liß-UUM. T'« Ih* hvvl revs IV. ,~S| ott tv MkhlM-fa*- s* M tssvs el m«aiaa«v Us-, el lb> rrsstsSTsrsracis sriSr-T-tX'-r^iiS JW— waL*ra^hg*Jrtjy— *«•* whp rt**. wa* art b* r*.V«*sf *8 fa SII IHUIM* ® I «V to ■ a* l rtU aafarthtav *<at hs smttfa 4 wab Ibe npoli'ekriwlhosisis 5 War haUh mHs eari Mpartan ivhwwaii.w aa r* ' haw rt ih* npenlha of hv I'lpertiao: , wrTw rtw* Lis -■■«««** aa afa*Br a* tlvj vw hv avpMa ri rt faa Wwa rt -afa' :rt*l laaifanj pvwsfai vah am heal Irsv*- | ia aal. H shiharsit aaJ wlwamsl. vah vrt -be nwrthe i *Bh faavcß hsaha* whl ns The Vfas 17 etteuph of the a.lev rt* rtwa nnwaai I by fa halian ol waavisvrt ■he Mu 1 81l 1 1 fan 'eonnahle-ew .fwsvaeM*. aharwt aaaa fa wins ihaseai ol sipvhuis ' SoMivalfar Batfail rt vev w; satvqeuc; hv* has* isfasi, saL Mow the . hsrtsW 1 Is.asrn 11 v Bag sseb rt iwpov I w fa nviaswA aslh Un fans oaa b* isjsAj or svvrtvh eqaippM. wl eov.-eatr.tesl Me hrsertsH v* fa owl aal favi.e he-* iw ' rood oe art beta* ;npaw 1 rt rtre p'Wrr- Ivi Urtvsv* sat* aaaserv aaA rtsh-f svd * ' w vievustsssls *tv ;* COOrte i># erisOYrlic 1 1 . r .v,. ha fa pars* ■»! M fa ahstl oao aafa in Ora fanag fa rsswal nvv el «.'■ * pvt aal aasksr sal rsnhlesi svwtll pr e tart fa fl' i,nfaiai fawa hsvt ami serais a t it. hamtl; ihi shnsysi ssshVer fa. w-T. .IVSI. J iseml of hta huiaftlasrt sil l .-*U*M ' Mi*. Wav asm lasaeaf ninsei s'lum Us.. rarer.e.l srliMssi UrtO.. iv .ahef anr-sl ** psrsls. SO* tarty -Be aentns- ressunv - 11T1 s-iiy fa —of UM.VW Caaiv ■»*■ uen. rtee fatal! b~a srt.hinh-4 Th' hV*i svtrsavl* at willrtr; apprupnell >u* is ff. pat eev |t v vnvi at fa apn o| fa Swoarj ol fa N*»j fat fa vsssf twee *i fa. (aa» sut* of IWSI kfahtai tad ■ Stalls rtshi IV v«*. --| |- with iwvlhtavnl threw hwrvtr. l awt Mt.-otas xaav 01 fart, .ra- ra.elreil stal thaa swart*, anpia ns faiasvn.l m l Iveta, was (tat voa in ewvivi v. Attni etwd rhofy tatrw 1 awara eqiolr a* Hv BtaVrtr at meal V ive seme, m farters Ihoo tatal ail hntairvt ftrawl artiru; tail atrfi yaw rtv rtw fi Ipty?e-I hr aft th - vpi* I rw. sot ah fair v-eeta- tits ***a far. j-s --hi mart; vaA <(fc trTvagni in soeh aceerf ra eu«hi tmft pr- cm fa; iaorfv a® nyta- aiwft aad prMwrt tto ngbm ami <d •mi Tto *»-wMdn aa*m- i pwywd mem amtor*** rrpmn. at er* toi ap waul ton wmrw may to lYqtnrwd M-i T tto OTKlftl 1-Tl m ftt Lf*t IwLtol m tb •enmty «ft FWitototouM. • p imiu dr—lew BrtMa MvwiUi to Lrawc by t « agree*, ww* wtototl by tia tomn; ui ito N *»y an tldl MM *hgibU bmUMi lu* tl*vtt cifai <«wwK It (* impi ft*ni UH a BaitabU p ibi - Maura iiiwid to priMatoi tar tto tWM tie! fI(H it m lat—toA tto ttoa* »«a»»U to— to ia pmfim crato* tor aay cmwcgwacy. *nd it I* JfHuNc tto tto bell aemyrvmt lilaal for ftftTjd parp*rlfili yam* i tb- H mm at ii j iM. *>*tirra *1 it* Unt. •«*--u. •totaki IWHW ftaai ft.-tioa «& aa aarlv pwi>-t ta cedar tkaMtom tun* to * eftMatto pal>2V' Mafhna fcx- iam era aft nwek a- wp{] a* * aarr yard oft arm %tSmat Cor tto t«ju ->o tto DwUwar- Ri«*r Tto Sa*ai straw fan! MM»Bteto lll.Joft.ta, bavtag toe to 42.7ott.gQQ tto mar Tw wip-n l»- tama at tto Dwp*rtiu*'ftt w tJi# toii Y-*f Mrikactoh J«Mto am M-lUift. *n-l tew Mtia-tim tor tto eamtarr «»*r MhHat to IXI MUJI lanftkoo m iurunsl t» tto e* *c dm «a oft oar ramc. aad tto uapurtmt**- oft UgMUlim aftaraitr** hr tkmsr miwi ami i»- w)fi»ato Tto ragif— ira ta tokalf at Uh irarrjm riarac oft oar te-ltow-rm/rtt*w «ie rarmtoly wcuatMoto to tto k*onto «l»o- rto Dpnrt oft tto P xtaMtcr Ooml prra rata a a>M mfm fnrmry utiMM-w f tto r»naai wmec. tat waftauU amndi’.i -rw Bftwa i 1 fttata ito MiMuwntirja ml Ta fptefito srf tfj*- (Wpu'ttea! f r tto » nr lag Jram 9k l»to> w**rv Hi.** «'- lift th- tour mt gsftoidUL la ft&.’hrtfaiioa of ttoc n epmifd nfppropru tra wa* m win by foLgrraa ta noc ap p/firtl iaiy th. IMR ito Mead tag appMprMiba oft ITO'M) frr frw aui witter ra t Upoaete parthaeft ito f*mc*mm ' yHt rmamaiag atwtpaUL tto aetwnl ird . rwwy fur tto prac y*ar m oaly IKi * •aaa wicam toi.lll est tto aaooaat ( ut *to aaaaal rwpart oft l*M4 Tto m-chm oft rwwaaa*. —parwi wtf b tto JWwth m* j*mr. * wan cat aad <—> dfUk pwf n*al aa I tto *a -man oft MpadiaM owrag pianptiij u. ito n-oiaff• a»*nt oft tto bum. #•«»►.- ia ih rteraUt. wra tw«h>« pm rwat Oa tto tnh <*l J aa* led. ttom wnrn m «a atew baadtad aad tberty mra fijotan. wttb aa nggrßgftt* ana***! unnnf-.fdi a -ft fwvasty m.iuoa «cgb: hielrt i and tbtrty **n Uh-nemo 1 iu a* baa ifrd am! t *m+an Rttim. aad ac aun vni iruat. ift- o %il Btp^mbtnrra. oft to 110 I*l Tto Un rib of rattrral mu* m tbsry two ta *i*aa 1 and ' auh/ty-f wc ia:Uw aad tto anawai traanpurtn- Imtm thirty Mlii.oa Ml homicad and a.u --i—ri ! -Tl boadrv.i And wity ravan »itc* Ito Uauftb and aCra-bNaec W"«v* »* ’ tib neaad tarm ban lr~ J aa I forty -a. t*n»»rtßM ami taa aanaai trniA*p-vrtni. -c ttn* iaru ban*ir«i and *ton-a tbmiacarl mm* ana toad ami Mity-tw. aito Tim cbb! wmr* M rapiUy taer-aniov' ■ flß’TwgVfac tto wbafia onaatry and it* Mafui* , «.1 imn •» tto acat:-«rn *h*t-w mUhtei Imu c# »*ceaft./ o -adiT—a. Th i r i rig|f itopotaara aft tto ( •*•»/» mhitp ato> a«na «ttenu>a Tto IMt 'dH - Th t . at r a . _ l f atom ibt oft drat Brum acci oar own to«e ' agrrad ipwa a praliataery to*** U« l a*w • f fWvsV* (BilMli i/ 'nii'lr:H H sh« •* ■*» t.-r- .w. iterate oft tto L'aii-d Htatra mm * wiHPwpfcm * red rath j a oft Ito MtterMteHul Idter praagw *» f *» to(f tto »iabg racra. a radar*a*a oft pnupi wilb ail oUwrn.nafriti te aad tram which o»Tapmba» I* (rra* cataßd a* ta* Biinn mart, or a ~* —i aab u*r -nari* tto tTntlnd tto ratabti*fc arat oft Bnifurm aad fraamh chary for tto aaa aad tamCfietai tnoai *4 fxrropfaft •wm ia '•wwi auk. aa iaa aii •* mk* so aaah B-m tMW* iKpirtmeLii '4 tto ngbt u> ara a.I mad immai ra»*o«* n*tabii*tod no ter tto antU/r iy if tow Hto tew u»e» tufutek «f mm r*»po*i' i>. *fittor hb iipco <#r cioad bm i to ito Mm t«a< ra Ito— appiicabter to tto khdfttMte A tto mmaarj pru« ktaf tto Tto raywwt oft tto towtery oft tto intenw vtJMbctß tto Mtabß oft tmraa of tto patoia harvira wuM-b ara BaMutud to tot aefanwim Itecoft tto Uat to* m y*ar. f*«wr BMAteua., tat Uuadrwl ao4 i ••niy-atyv* ♦h a—ad rlirra Uwtol ajw! (w*i*« am oft , potto* toi wrm di »p"*rad oft. «o* milfioo aagM haadrad and muara arm* «ft wa»/ t, war* —c*rwd aad at ito bactoaUad ace. Tto piny ovifiaoUj Bdoptod raUftct* fa ito pal-iM toto bra Ufterf iM ißiirntid oediiotom* la madtaf» rrvaMM, ud oat oar rapid aUm awt, wac Ito aaxdub*! fca»am of ito*r Mad epaum Iriaag ttpinwbi aad —i lliwaa •a tor* r> hHm » ihf cmtirtwo Umi tba : Btaßte. and tto i | 111 p toilh rra am Ito territory to* abpaUa oft br gftaCM tafarnar. la tto aaftoaal gcwwta aad prcmfraMf *•* prmamb'A ttoaoU oft ito Ugd to tto togtoat btddar ta apMB marhto. Tbo pmraptea law* rcofn «m tto p OMBBt oto aotapito* Wiib Ito tcra* taoy Mto* ta* pnrdaMß aft mtoa tag a borttad pctira aft , 'nclw*4 UaV to Ito arfmmwm pnr* Tto b aanat*n*l Htertßtmu icte*** Vto cat tier from Ito pa< ra ut us par* BLc tjtaflht dlllta IXuJitV ta* i. in ii jP llit m&m i > i ante. r Irn -\i lil sm4 toga tto B W I svwAb ahrtrtsnfaHhv law wo.*. lie pr.- —dbriaSi ,r ‘ - ‘ bri »ui h. ■ewv vwv*tt; ■ T - ‘ wrta far srtU aadradatatoptatab. L O' fan te* Wtahs lfaori (Hart vs ywhhe mmm. a»art aw —» h—*M* iw **a r^Tasnativanr fas Iv fa Mart shirt I art paw V) pates" <v iMirtMi. ijtwaih la fa fcwwv rtrt(«h*nM fart Msysev. rt fa rvf hv* haaa vrtawily hath. P rtfam aM«ht Una, Bfa —B.l—l. awsiy.ii rt fa vwpwvilKß. art Bevsr IV • fart i* trtrt hi fa ah As vwainy rainvl |s fa (wvtfavfa avviAvurt (Mrt hfa w fa evtlrs hvrtih rt fa pefa rti istps-.- ■seat Thm rtilnsßaa wM « « Uyss-Srt. W fa igskn rt any vvAenvhnq r*vrs. vl la r&fiss ssr^srirsau bfa tatahsl fa IwvM fallfa wßhi* fa efw rvrtta rt each warts, task t*a* rt SIS-I» W fa artefOea tat rtUrfariH vAfasa ncht A tasawh at fa eotakthw which r.ajrss. ta*. hrt peeyet rt avsv she*lt W..S s * Ksfetars us ehuai to fa La.ks *• wwhArswa hot stohsssal iwi rt Start to fa Marts ™*. •samptod ngor ami Wim. Hboab! no on fhvnCMO aeg ra aft «UUy *mw. n w ol ly ■ ootofd 1 1 ttoa ibm grrai iWhl;! f r will to corap In ml bdun tto ripnlMU oft tto povrad Jiicrgaalßil by Ccagrra lUng tto tonal rai tto •mnini paid t*> pß* t iubw. iariadiag ito taf ■■■* oft dUboi^r 88-ala WM tblfP—n Bit ilk >a laar bowl'M*! nud Atty-aia. Ib.-mmsd wtw* huadrrd aad mamty hit ikdinra. aa l hf.y tbooaaml a*o* huodrni aovt rawary -him anta. * wra akted l > «h pHMHi mOa Tto railra aatatond MMCna | era. Jam ft*. iwStey wra ooa boadra-l nu ! i««ng ni lO'Wlwmkl »»h bamiral and t wvaU-twu TltMftcct ftbrarato * BdM<-h B aad atnkiaa pr*of ni tto ranto* m Asmiirat* tto rmmmotKtaal atotowrey of tto Pwdacoi c vsiArrußMOt. aud to taaiwtain tot m tat* tto totßgrity aft tto Totoi Ttoy m*|»«w. ipuA to cocrtopAMMiiag it m m muntefi that thirty-tbraw mdttera itelkn « »ii to ra«§«ital to mart tto rtyronra «and IU: • . hcaacb oft tto aarrira daring tto -c»t h*a*\ ! 7 - ~ r Trwtiad to«v total er*ociu»tol tto la liaaa wb >. rart-aJ itttvk artoAvl or*p» . -or Ocwronraoi at tto ootbrn ak at tn# rwtot ' boa. tow* am* .mimosa!?* laUuiii.'! U* ->ur natb-T-.ty, ami aintolni as wu*»; *k**ici ! f*»r a renewal of fnemliy reUie.n^ l^inog (to yaar Bmttwg tov4*-a*i**r 30 I^>* »Ufbt ihiMYUki raeep MWM %nd bltMl pi t -o<« Ira uiteat.i uc ml ' • jyt jtyt -ihtv th** to 1, »n 1.1 two huu-lnwi w*ed haaired an-1 unxii mran .tu.nn .to a wabjek-t ap-a which «4-fvnlw a-i in* meow Aia*>uat ol tto bvtoii-a VvsJ ran i l r*-- Bg .i mJI # w iTT'irt .orb lacatebMU m but to oar rai i/v u>. Ito prwra-rvAlna of the lewewa of tto Hpm* nwer. it M A matin/ of :ra {KWIaaOB ttot e-hfly Alejisa I- »- a ■ tail to add to the . fl| a*rua4 iWHrwtm{i<ai. bot t t lit rvuiraai uC aU üß4r» li.>a* to tfie fr ■* nn 1 ■-.»! oft that pr*i eto:ia<d oft au coaama Tto launch oft Coiomi'ia. BfAder asMrn !iw« i* n »t cnfiii«al to tUat feptac ntnfi*m tr ite Ncffta >1 t»;gpßia|ft wine b. lira t> *r eariirt auHaryv to t*-*M uaifJTutei ace^irte-1 u* * u rrmt.»ry Mteteube) b"iu »»• t»» l a »itht - ora naiu. it u*** pv .h tr retnuoa» i • to whom th»r ..hni*tni'Ba hoc rr*n' i eci tto p»«W es Ol cmut'tbUltf «l lOnii ei*—A uo« m-r toe -ent •*( gotrmatnf fttetrfelbra i oilara fwMikm in the Ibwtrhct, *fi in U-r iMbc irv thaw naltml to the *r- n*' spin dhMWdgft ui UftftPMU ’ l »<ya*C rcaawi An prxoMi«t J *uT a <1 . nfnte ttortrcb»*o-e whoftl l t-.d to aUitte/’" a *•* m tha Htww* 4 Hf'-vjrnn-i V-» ne> 1 aw'-m* w. nf *. ■ l»nnt- an t *!f ■ tan. de« ..m ttora to man* tu*iwn tto*r p.- iimt io«t armntn. an 1 *f br-uv.. 1 .toe l .At S 4-w*» ' IJOB tebpte.i to lu* m CtbrlßUkn lrtaliurn.l iu.r u*"-4rt,'« cf * t*« Bwtb««rt/mg the wrw •>f Ito l».Atnr| at t»» ewenm- • Wi- tei ba fai>«**i the m*U*c au.k p - • t - ;«u a dairgat# riprwntiot • I rntor -4 Tbe iiv r’*aniOta’ nnterprice aad rw|4d f>r /ra i of rmprwvßi&eut to tar Ihdrul are nr ‘ otAOMApal *nibnr .ura to pr iA *u tto p *.p n *y <d tbo ant’ aal nwtr- t«»to »U 1 r*c«-ie- tt* fft -ient Anil peoercu. co «piraboa of C«a» ifrara Ih- report f tto C* mm r\<r f tti rm fra-Bw* tbn ■peraiT Mo* f b*w It-ainiu- .■ Irn hd the pmt Tea/, and the CM 4 4 * chirb. to war.-ara ttowraroah*<y>- .*tii««i *a tto ra- */|tn*nCnl «->n of d 1 **«•• *lw ~- tfemtn It w a A'lbjeßt of mtHt'ratwlatKM th t s • f-.rasm «*»tidHoati*im» agataa oar I prore asd BBte-fy. of (Mr Mtf.l tAA-U- intoma nateXig the uati*4M- bare .*/ veutpte l While «elit*U*ebl* •>( fvr->oe|l:«tte<U. i*>yajty. aad patholwi hn*e uttoVed b>>nar. a ttti*rajaarnrantel* r«* cf »*ir n.»f| »n l - uar»i't*-r nod refill bo* to n nuiiitolni h ftoraign aaii.xtA. b« aolire aoesrera oft the Atiaatir T- to r*| * leU-a :h- ran Aat A Ire I*o * aftel S'ewl ‘ Alt . Mol . < aa wttoU Un- la u j« - jn (eHh total'7be,|fa*m thwc^-'i. •if au art t*i tue f cjoiifac. n Ttor m r»» II Ui f l tunt C-Jl I aacrvta will « (rat and *«va-4rmarr ryaaitf ft •.!*»*. U* e»* tcrprine #nr th*’ Hio batmen'- thmugb lb* ottM by th- pr j- u ♦ t»Oe -4 tot»een Kiniv hiUr nud th* Hi mean praan-m i» l.'-itrvv Tto ram'iaiem at f-iQ/T. * «tjr .* agaiSßt pardoa* by tortga ibarrrr ur« »i« and perwns* nanrtni oft ittUm >Oo ointr-a. o ctadMMHft n«»i/T»ti'-Ki u> <»ar eoagtry bv% n-wca eiieimu'ikratifi to lira bint'* w. n wbieb w« BiAiutnta i<Twr‘'«ne. aiml t-*- pmrtice. ♦> cabjurt H < -rapt ».ct *»U oir pi/t hnn wij toes renewed. ‘Tto «s*n.*rshtei£Yti »o«« f to tbi* P.;:i of Rim; », npwi h**mei*prt. tr*te» hll ill;* wi»u. k»*« torn prawr ai>w| is. taa b-«at*n* nn-l roiifbteael rsl-r. ab I r*«**cvetl by turn cut* •lypnf ot gMclul tea Tto Ei-eattre wamnd af an attempt’t 'kpaiM-AacriChA ad»* iteMi to m-he- u. saOriO'W >4 frcaArm * nft tto C »{a Ii- it. . r'-eiatry. pgßiMgal • a* ta- wbteb, if rnavtaat * 1 won*.l r* loo* ttoa to a booinge -een ro -r« npit*.. tv* Uun that (mu wh. »* they b*l j »<* t. u tmak the (eittnunen* <4 tto fit .t* t.« *■ .:~"7 tto pian baa tAAtwrfal that tto por- a * carat botor Mcocn,-o»*fit n t a ;* It ic • ntra-Tum w.ittby uft y*rar r »r,a, lrr.»(> .*, [ wik-Urar <>ar l»mm upo IbM •n»*w- c at- *«le l*. tto praTrtoti-1* .AT -»f tto etna* urn* bbIiUIaI In tto m *«th «jf April Ira*, u C nrr --* i» . Arab. Cf> «aftif htm W W made K twaao tto Eu»f«eror <f Praueeani tti* Pifat Mat at Ito Latt-i dtatea tew um withdraw*; fr>m Me two -ft tto Ft*t eh njellteo aiiUtary torem. Ta*« wttbdrnWaJ w«c *•» « ejf-ct-.i in throe «teWart*B*nst •. *to Aril vtecL. Mwm naftettod. an*d iaa»- H*« wo in H-ramter. to'w para, tto cm >nJ . . Marrh wtL cad tto fbtrd ami lent to N sas tor A407 Immeaiwteir ap-wMb- c raptef/on j# tto eT*cnnti<»i». Ito ftraa-b <te»rernßM*nt wwa fa ram* tto raw tMHob <4 m r. imer vemcteMi. in ragwttl U* Menm. m ia told by thw fr»eem«Mut *< to dcitfead rtealaa R peatw- 1 araiirancra tow toeu ertv-a by tto Hop-raw «A*e* that cgHtßHil ttot ho wmtef e rrapto a tto p-mM*l mrmba wiihia tto p-m i taentj-ra-d. or MMNf, It WM aeeooanfy or poet cl that Ito cfaMteag* tboo Btaiempl-Atad w»mld pr -dn o « taM '4 groat poiiuoa* Uttorwcf m it*e lUp ii, to «f Htato) Tton«w!y app-wo'.od M B>«tnr at Ito Uatfad Mtat-O Hr Oamptod. wa- cu-ra 1-wo Meat forward, oa tto Jta •* 80 reactor lata, to Boat bca p -pw fartrtitaw ac M.o*- Hrr PlwMptoifterT ft tto C’actnd Mute* •»» ttoc lUpiate: Ii wraafwf itomgbc I%H to ■ >«raid to atteiidrtd >c Ui» »-• tuly M H-rten fry Ito lidfeccwt ****** mi Os tto Ami fd tto fitted ftealca. with tto »4 •dHniu -b/ cart* lafbnMtK-n aa « yki to toferttnat tadtaarmia* tto awne.ft tto roctal MUta Hi 1 i*on r tecbmg aad guiMmaft twh-«-4(» airt perifwr ial*«.' vsv w.ih -rt UoMt. f ' M't»e*r tfary IVI restart in fa r-**e» n< ifart; airt htaa*a't; rt artaisrt *n sMsvi. (rt y nil re./ (, ft tn . s-rr-sw* wnslertW Ink e *hsa vs V-V. sae.l Ur ih • r-ite*.a s urt pet .l r~.i*arti*.»- .11 fat cbsuiir; of a rtovsestMT tart r- t .aMta«a hma rt a r.-enta. nl Haeb was ih* vartfaw rt «*«• in svot'J , •a fallen. ■s— *a fa JSJ rt ri si fal (he Kufesrrw rt Frsae* hart •'•ro- H u. , h lues rks—vle-k asrt to W.lbrlseW a rletsr tatail rt hi* hwvr. ia fa tararth rt Crtee nli • anrtlna i • • ■■ m t«t that th s -le ri n •h« uu'U w>*h kfm pjrp-te iA o*i.wire • tto es Ite m* f waa* in tto •#. uloj* wlf th* r»U l)>Mw Mi *t*4 wwrj-y »fre or j «M imiwlif Um flwJfcH. cft|» »*' u*ft#o * jM fcftov* Mb Ilf I b*»K»| 1 r L*J* -SUr» ti» *wpc tfcot rrafeM «iU j rr%- <irt>tec Uw «M adopC mmum r*»J« . umm ta Nyv< «0 IN »mbhiiim Os Um to* ] WkL OutlHM M Mtfit M pmctftairt- «IU »*• »v|TH M—*w»«* f*d iftwo f* «*< J«M of tw Ikuiol fWM Tbs | !«**** Ttlb—vaß*»t will b# Ud bw h»*w jr-W**. J% p ifcal With Uk#ee#rt** u »b ol K«tks» b?u. tiyiiNwirr a« f MibjvH lor wmMM bfirm i M»«r« h«ar« j Bad lb. 9imN tfca** M*#d VbMMfa Tb >mn»MA of lb. t»po«r rad tu* ••# FriMM firmal • M *hat Uk Ii •-fr-yf-r kwirwu lb** iru ouaotvWa aijrtt •• ' i J(bafat»v w#d»ad fro., —ftOyv**—d A euaw «T a «u«mi of ihs l uiwtd *«(«• i»c kadMomilj lor apuhatlocks vcooaMtted * a Um wa» by tb» ft—ll aofftpfMß**. m in wiwm #f a baur nai fao Meanta. bar bo*a Mat by ibe Uororiuueul “f' Franc# wuh a prxrpbiaiuoA l«> dri#r *«niei»#ui nttl a lai—l l < Um i,a ail rbim* 1 4 eilUr-mm and »*!%» Wof both .Xitttihw, tfMBU (Ml (4 tba iwmol van "» !W« lb«» MM. afcaU ba «sfwad upon by the j tnwa ia#b|r. but il lu Ci«graa ft vitrect *Um ■ lanrr in abmb cLuai fur HcbVß • tftv br f.wwtgwei 1 *. an Ws4l a* by rituen* ul ia#’ I’nNnJ H*#4*o. an* a* u«l»f IMUia tml nr, mall b# alfaiaaial ami •Wwaiod 1 Ilia a** ao Uuob* that lb# MBhpwt *»f «U *u#h • I .)■> will *u4*K# y wr altwoiKio at a cumm- imil no«A (Mm. It ia a Bufbr ul nfM bat <u> ra—idumh ■ ait#oo» baa bam ai mU towards *u at^pift oa**ul mi Um dtseiea»w* b*4w«*»n lb# Uuilai >4al#a and OrOat Britain, arvoo* *at and lb* I .yot Aauoaa ap>ia oar tutf'od o>««frw ittd Monr b»a|».ti*.-i c-aamitu-d »ui civil war by Hnitdi ia vatUUoo **f lutrruaiKnwak taw aad Vrrwtr utofc*t* kh.» The •totay, loaavM. nut t*» Udiwvcd i<> ba»« rr saltod m wo —all dagar# Irma th# .'.o«n#«4l»- unatftwt c 4 Orrat llnuw Aa rour* chanwe ol MuMafry laxunij tu that onwbf to# UN «#Mi ol Paili .nv-nl. Tb - •UcftCK’ti »l lb# !»« ainidr) aa* called l*» Uia *U»j**«*t at aa rarty (biiia) iNrv m «>om> h#«hj M» np>vi tba* if will bu m bv c#Mvi< »«*4 in abr outojftg and friendly nptnt. l'b* napm tuic'* of #a aariy dtanoahttou of the <|»i*fttfcia c.tuflfti (M ( •> Wbat-rrr ivnftU be »Kr «t*bca ul lb# two G-m. ra*«iriM». it »• man - tbal M vill and tnwbAtp b#t»«- n tba two coontrir* caan*>« br r*ialU>*b*d uvtit a tu Ibr pvacuorof fia»d-<ai»b-rbd nrwt p al My. abaii (*> r«%t«Mfed bvlwn-u tbr rr 'V#-U>r uatioua On tbc Cib of J aw* laat. ib violation «‘f MdirvuU la**, a Military rvia-Jlitm and *u- I. t'u. l*» t •:: N ft'. Vid ru in Q ibrnim ti • MwjrrlMt .nl att«*aipt#B »• *>•• ' Aarinad on aUbiti lb> U*r imfy «m! Jfrtakl ► ' lb* t ailed Jwatr*. In .Uv|».#ir# to i. i i U Ki - by th i ra.- a*, t ad crftwttt nuMtt >u an«in*t tafinv; jK.rt tu <>r .u.imit **u'b uuNwful aad tin* civil, indiiMry. and aiv-d utßc%»r* war# and r-- U-d to UkA«* «dl waMf? to* *»uf'V f,»f iKr . ill *r» r iu> ilt ot lb« lv«* * Tft# r|j>»dlU' , ll fal»#d. I»*U .t ium not v'lltiWnH faiiiifa* em N—’\4 nnrcutfrbv *u-». it a** •l i r-?* » «ri« vtuMC* <i ia tb«‘ wrr. caj**u.- I. and h.ivr hr-wi U» trjjd. l« r « mjat and . iJ.-bc.., iu tbr domino** 4 C*u«wla. Ju lii-u* ut *ad wabacr ut •I '.tu ba« i !•#*•« |*rmn.»uur#d - .a*. * .Ue olnir* i*vr d. ‘ rally mhwrtaf m ta« tn*i ai > f iua»*' ’jit, - j--* -uri!j <4 riff! p h*r i«.*fcrn «i ,-d prn a- * *» hav** rORnH » n r##f4*»tiou^ry * *'lrnp:« wb*cb b-*v« U ■ J i* .ibvim-, *»»«■.. b*v# b*-'***» m»k 10 tu# itriuui tb-vrru iv*i*t. iu Mali ' the .-on'TMrt.-d prr*.B«, *■» t»*-»U4 »4>UID- '1 l»T ua urti'-l <Ol<l fi uuiuie j idlin' ill. nl it • n ~ and, v in ©*»•*» au ri r i**- *>f < M«a»«* r. aa-1 * j’t i* aom«*»y t *fl wt* > * b-rn #*i> 4<»*•»■*l bv Ib' i*i«.lQui.«l * » ••4tiJ***--d Um* rortmt HU»«* **n »r»*l x »j . Id .-d-no#* in Can i<U; an 1 a >* «-#of tu# pr***»dutV"H« #hH.b *rff m tu# .o«t« of Ul# t’nilrd > ti* - ttb* <*i tn ■*+ * • . IU lb# ftprdmilO. H*** Lrro direeU i 1 b#*# rvaardrd tbe . -n « not *»=!y ‘ ,*■ -iti *1 14 tu mUMe, *'*xt . - .11 * H-mt ui«M*»ara <• fr*‘i;i '-#d - s ’ - u !*■« IIIUBI *. Cb4l*..«r and lb** *ltr'ii * *•* ;R.b<4.«dt« U* tu.l »• V* .*• * •* »n ta—rgmi in lr. ..ti l. an*l by .ink 4 ilfll*h PI.'MUO I'U U* . I >ut ID* u'. *l**l-- vj*;urd u» aid in radr*-* 1 1 | iu-d area wnt *b ll a a* a** inn and Thr f iirUna tout it (tic u 11 id' “i tb*- lint *»u uv*n&bM«M <Nwa< * j- 1 1 i■ • cwntonaa Tu* |> > • Q-* lo 4 #rr# ' et»k«*#y BBiitn of ifi*t r untry. *-■ t. of wt *m bad. vbiU *»ii»**r* li*| n n. br***>ia# » niiaco* <4 ta«* L'aitmt Ruu* our »{»n** law* of tularßlitiUoa i %>w»|.Ula*a u( mv MaM ... .1 t;t a^ieati--a fi- * pc> %«.Ul4; in Irrlaad iu*t mi) to v„- .- «.l to.' Wrs! ••! , ;• in iu*t c -nutry rwvu;u4f*u - am« 4 tn* amanij modify to* OBH»<a •me’, *r 1 1 r#i*e b*r- rti!« rtun *d In r* <?.r I »•> au > »a Mfinariy pt UitMtrd *»nr .• utratliy iiv* >. | ~l* *. tic■-#- Ui< m*vi* H**»* o«u *io:iu*r-bi**ii* tu y •li<»akl br u»th fmlty rt#rwt«-*i and il lb*y op#f#t- ha.-arilr. lujutiii ..r .»ppr*-mu* :> «' w- . •1* »n apply tb** r»'tn*oty. l»y tueir ui -i a. .» .hi or i I'dluml and *.nnm r -il iBl-nv * «f I*4ll. J State# ar# u-.l MuaM ly I** la* uIT. clial 11 mamrn 4r-«rr«* by nu wtucb *r W4tr*»»i- iM,' iu tb* «*#**t«m r- ••! L> *r * » 1 tb * (r rv -r. ail to r for #brr» onr ts r m . biml Ui bai« a |Mo|*rr dipt *«*-♦;h- fl|W*r *-bUUu(i in (iriwi 1 a,!* G»*v* rum nt ha- claim* 1 /»r all p r *.•»« U'*t c**a»it«l. or vratid. *»r H-. 4 • X{*truti'>n, aad * *tb«ni- 4»f n* * n-di*»*jal (Mb * M.••-.! n| th*- Kuropmn H *!-• «ai. <iu*M#au*i fr ru tb. * prirtripw *inl iia»r ».| U *«1 • M;ht to bald B i b of tli* if #ah}-W* *« BO« :niMßtifrab and t-V* and U«u natural / and m tn** Cijud .Wat#*, au-l aflarwarda r#tn*nnl *>u traMUant n#u lo tNll n#t*v«* r .iinirir*. I-. in* pr-rfonaatK# **f Military *#rvi r in tikr - Bga I ivbUi*eojf lei* ■ n *u- ll !*'l *Stal*T» and • *to# nf th*- Eurtficui {> »*r-«. «a*l rn*- irr t u -®- ->a-*vi-r.f u f > ** < --r. ' Ju-* . vVmi# Grroi l<n:#i'i uc* u-t-r 1 th# r‘4ht >4 * tpatriaic-»i, * ir t** r> i pr*< m»i-' In/ ' i l‘ »n» haa t**»-u #*|Ualiy .l*'i nrarmjj . ,*nd I’niAui b*i t.t »♦. * and • n*«|ir >ibi# win » .il . ../ft jin lHfty tu-* Cailed n‘ »?. *. P- . i- :r - *aihn«f rv**rrwb#rw hi bfi",*. and th pit «rr»l • -***'« t . t** r -iMi ib 1 nb> * C - «"*•». v- . .»|H- . ■ -rs w . ... .11. I uy lb# Kiwntin |) j**rr»ib-nt. that in.or. ;/*- ti mi »i •»»*• MtiU* fully rtefttptf t"-l ..ifil*- ■>t 1 .<t any nflwf f- - m 1 - (. » fWlßin- <d rnilMKry «#rn«T# ytor-i^a 1 tardy r* it»<im*i a* I*4*o* and ixicUt-%. !». • ,*• pwfonMaM m \ ditty lapdbf apm •., r-* *v«. nt*U##* n# tl.> ml.fth* #■•••. 1 . . -ru*. cm if o-ir <1 I.«_u*e ami so. *il ir. i* lb#* m; r ai#.“*»m t , r-,u *. thr tkrtirrmacat »- n»w «>id«rv *.*»tf : it* r*c--t vnfral. *fr! my '•rrurv pivjt I* iW tu* imtii m*J t m VJr-w iJiy .»nd lin*»4y pa*** b wuiioai imp*intitf il# »tr#u n -ib t and •} uadry Tb- t»***i#m* of tj. n*n >u */r br*t to b*- pynmot.-d i»y »b* ravin] of tn- . oru*! Mait>#«, U# ©*»ru|tlri# i*i»*>i« of *ir i**4t *nd tb* r#-in*upnrati •»» jof all tb* |*«rvuiU '»# j#i*-. UimbnK oar •dorta ts. tb# *alir m* *Wylidißo<rf of lb*«# • *od*. let *t* *a i*#«or U, p*- •< r# liifm - n/.b#*#r*n tb# oi-t liniii- |k| • •m# '»♦» I .* I lOMriiiMHii, U»*t aach m it* pr»p f apber** n»«y medially atnif" rob* with • M -.«»cr in •# '-*•lo*4 lo* aiiwimoo- -*f lb* (Viottilßtii'B, th* prr*rmti m of tb* I'mm. and tb* p#rpa , taity of oar fr#* matitut* na A*MI«V i 'NU'ili 1 Wwkingfuu. I>ac-“(ab*r i IttW j M* Korr*»»--f'b#r# ba* Imlh a” r. port irmUbd >u lha alrarla ihal tb# nu*l#r •iip'VHl. C 'turnill#*- oti Piampa, W-U* ainl tldufto. of lb# ()«ty 4>MiD*-ti. bay# Icteoti *rart* for tb# bniblmA of twelt# Cmt* rna , for a mm an lho.w»nd dnllani (rrrdir aad il*# Wirwaat ny bail. Th»a w»-■b uoiir>'*> #• a drhbitab*, atllfn! and mat;*un*« Ur. prrp*4r*l»«l f- T a r#*n of • nfffiafr.aiMl *Ubrr of tb# »od* ra»#n#4 ar« par* <*u*Uj , m aorb. AntMßf ¥1 lf«T, Y N H«< riAMftoo«. i.ia Won neatly aad *»p#diumi*ly * «#*wi#4 II Y i«d»n# TELBGRAPmO. AMOCUTSB rfl MBf AftHßi j nyuanfera tu utu m baa. 1 wirom imfetATvuiiH. Anriß# a# Urmil thabiaiaU. Tbatnaa. WtfplNtMm DmvbiW i—Tb# H4b»wiaf ; f I'bgßUAi B*rf tb* Allanik- cold# waa r—nd a kb# War l»of»arta»#a« to-day I -Tb r if fb—rd. ITmAfnytoa - I law arrant* 1 Jofeu Man nil. Mm of Ptwi- * drill t*kAr«»n’A a—in# TWra la ao doubt • <ji bt# idraiiiy V ti IVoaal ibMßara’. I— AUtantlria, K<ypt ” Ofßuai b iciuiv r#c«irrd bar# -tale Ibol, | M Anaait# i*l*«4#«a b*# hr k*n oat in Bt IbMBM, W»*t fnlim. TWt 1* amm y«d*' *- ‘f« »«r aad ail-pot or#vailing al*«x { lll—####JUr. HlUlc-OpyoU •« «Ib# to • •Haw 4 vaM. vat4#w, Ar- Srw Y'*BA. iK-rnwlHf 1 —N I*. Willi* aa*» ■ . aifb jjarlraia y«wl#vday, and laia every j kTUAuI con* tit ion A ms t»u#r vm« held tut nigbl at Climbm Hall, by Pr -oi-a iwnaduu* rvaulmg m ilm | I'iuUhl .-state*, prob-atiue *4.*m-« tin* r.-n.i-l, .n I uilml St*t«a and« < taring ID favor of anurWioU ' . i.f 1 Niva da to the llepablir H»afa is blit little rtcHrm- ill *h»Ut the 1 l'twri«r rIoc.KJO ua l oradny. lbt rr afe Ibrer catcl. lair* b-r t‘*mvf»t n.IU-r -Kicbar*l and hli rbsrl ('-***♦!'* *ud William Kelly. Fifteen hundred and aia* tv ftv# * Üblc ivil vo(. a b*v« Kru r#|<ist*ied, maki. >4 tb*- wh» !e mimnei USiflOti it t* »ute«| at Frnun lM*a«b|nart#r» net# tb-it Si. p ras has not k#T. ibr <0 luttj. luring h**#a *. r*» Uuly in liwton. coa##r*inj» with *Uip ornrnt L-i- ;e *4" !* r* of tvr*#c*hdimdin»t artu- U »v»* bo-u 4iv#« U» manof v turrrs- Tb#y *rw wud t.r b# mu u<Uhl lor tb# empire of Mnieo. 1,. -N* fr >tu the City ol Muk* r»' --»v.-«l Kerr. dat#*l on Ibe Uhb nit . atatr the |*et that (lea. liaraißc bad |fiv«-u artu*.itnl ammuuiti u lo two Mi-i'caki LibcraU. and pnmiasi thi-ui that they abimlti t|**t be mterfefed with by tb.- Kivtidi son .-a. prthey prou**uno#d for G.ll Oil. v i and pr vUimed hua Pre»aA*ij| *>l Makcu. ■wrap* an 4* w—P* l able. l'*ai v > * i».n r i \ di»pa*y»h fnau Arner y* yye.,ttne;ntf the or*-up#tiouM*tacn*»ra* Lun here. *' ' -••• ■•- L **.• •* Ik* nuber L All the rrjular tKpvp* tu tin* city wilft eowtimd U» ib* preempt* *’’( ibeir fwrraek* ibe K- !. rtu\ ! TiifF ifiii M . >r\ 1. Oaafad ibli übi •• cojmubnd-r. ih.- *rrrw-u uiT. ud -n Ill» 4 .•* | r <habl« that »»it be Nr nl , to Liv. ti ->l aiid Gla*gnw <*i a » tut fii • Itotd Ircln *l.l u pr* valU atn> 14 !»*• lfi-*a ll^ tb-*- citls#. Lovtcs, Ivcm'-r A Many arreaft of !' ,-m 1 Itn IroUmL hn.iuviM. li - -inner - Tic- »t**bip Pa. ... I -O* * VY -1 U»e lifTie-ii **fi|. U«i>WYS PIHFVIi TU«S. (M| r. !•■•! IV.wre4lnav.lVr. w r.r I'.es-BiherS IL. 1, ib*..,. eof C . i it Ml rar vi. mi t. . 1 - llO •.1 « .*» Iby ft—*; ! -ts .*• n-s o: *.‘4h ’ 1- l nu pr*— :iv and punctU Aiiyatl#*t*< - * o.ek tb* pr*-idum "tfi-- mol both UiNMev npmvrid and railed their re -j*. -tiv. brnneh## %>> order Tb# Setwli aas opanrrl with prayerb> it* ChipLun. l>r. liny, and in* Hod*# by Mr |C.ynt v n. Thirty *. v.n ■ Tb* bf-t bu-mese waa th- pr#srtitat>• >n of 1 tL eredmt* «l* of tb# f 11-mim* K net "v Mr P*r tud, fr*‘tn V- rtn tii, Us u-dtoflll I ■ Mr. < Nitrtl. fr>*m New Jrr—y »lected :«. dll the one x, rri term of Mr Stnrk’oa. Mr n. Ir up NeW *#rr*ey, -irctol t ) nii til# UU-iptrcd t«fin *f the latr .Senator WikgM. Mr ISdwurda. from Verm *ot. elrrted U* fill tor naeapirvd t.r.« M Mr. F-ote. Mr Fii«. from S*e# lUmjchtre. t*» till tr»e tw in y uccaduiwd by tb# r»-*-.g:.a --b »n *>f if r. (’’.art —~ AL! «*f ” I hear tfr I*ll* Bit'll took the <-tlb *>f ■ li e and were re(#n IB Tb *>l M «*>n llimett and K •(>'rt*. from TVi.t*. #*-r* l.ud on the tat'.#. Mr SawNt moved b> tme no th# bdi t*> establish negn» »nC.iufe ia the Gistnct of Co s -..y tiitf the .people of file C«»Untr> *le tuiu b-d it- Jins* .re. awl wmibl bail it with j-iy At tb* di*eii*st*m Mr i.'ha.' *i#c»- b and tfia.l ibe no tion l*» u»k« l.*« bill up waa Amo;# tb# MIU intrisiaced #a* our I»y dr. Chaod* *r, i#4Ue*ua; tic* PrMi’bnt to- .#• UIU-.C-at# to the &r'*««e Vj-'Ui* ; U#* 4*.:i-1 • »Vs 1 at F**ame Imcl <v>ni;*«i«t! with I lie «4t|»n' i.n«» ! enter- -i into with i*or GoVf—ioo* «t’ r* t v- ti the wiihilfavral df li«e Yrrm-tt U»e p« tiota , ; < • r [..« s-Hi*- ..f th‘ PtM-ißflant aa* #■'* mi tn- ' l -n?ed ak*out two o clock, aid r*-a*l by the S*- * ei*Ury i \ r*-*»lßi* *ci »»1 tafrodpcnl 111 Ih* 11-*'i*e by Mr. Lututl. of aana-bwartlis pmvl-bti^ f.-r tb# Ap)*>iMt«e*it of H staiclinv <• m.u.i lr* ’ Mai .Ui’-u.- \ *s th* » oonaitti mi Free j dm Mr It >ut«ail itttbidu* -d a bill rnllm • up**n Ft»r *s*»4... tae* of kstata t**r all COne-pMlelrr.i « | I.UUVe !*• Ibe A/ I J*4tl II .-snriatt Me -V*>a oft -e.l ;i blit to |-r * I that tn* r*rv"»i#r Lm* *-t m- «.n -f ti.e k t* ‘ - -hail la; at twalv# o ob** k, B'-'U. »>n lb- l ,M ir b of March, a id th* en-imu *m tl.r flr*t • | January. Ibe bill waa triad# «p**« lai nrdrr f »r Thursday \| 4 41 nr & :.! tstitda *•! a bail ir I Mr ketty -mu»diK#d a bill !«» ermts • ,J* \ jurt*., nt -t Internal lie wan# It transfer*! all r - |Mi«#r ol the Serrrtary of th# Treasury n % |i -i. »Uh r-.:»rl lO foe fat rual H* venae. U» tbe < -i«j»**#uuu<-. lb !•ir~l ti the Jadteußry. Air S-- vroi f»revent*>d a full fr> regaUlr re from *fh - It pr.ifWt#* th-»t m*U e iars of- p|*oitilmr at, where lh« ron**ni and not mu« r-ouoVaM while the Sinaf# fa fa unbo* eofjenrred in by that Issfy. Apj dnMNtoaa lu-dsAurmr IWAAMI m»t b*' •filauiU'sl •- *!— pr-rViV-»na >.*f Ibis l*i’i Within ten <bt* aft* r tb** .H«iiaUi aa»»-inf»l**H. for «v.u firm*U),d. Tula bill wav ir-C th* tp#r«#t ; . onl* r for Pridir nett Mr khmiwuil iiitrvHlii.le ! a lull Ir* author a* ' 11. .WroUirj .rs <!-« tl.-umry to Mil 01. .1 1 public Blirtc n. )Q Nr* Y **k. two in lt'ina ol KuM «*a M..relay 111 *a* b week. It* loti led M a#**bng ten Ih-»n*aftH -l-dlara. Mr EUiiSI Awbed bat# tkurMtg (ha U, day tu ml I value* a bit! to repeal the \ n eti-'U of tie Art r*f inly 17, iHhi, whit h 1 a #tami ByikerttM tb# l’r#«i«W-nl u» nUrd, b. pc#Al#«aal4.*o, tu pefwona who may b#v. par*irfpa*#4t m th# r-beibon. |*-/«l'*w mt-1 am new*y. with anrh earfpUona *it »n* h 'ib « aad n« muiii coudlf i‘*Oa a* U IWitfbt a- r«n A ~wdi ; ant f.*r th# I*ubi»e # *od. Mr T»nA o* >#ete<llo ; il# uumdowt»«» ib# rale# requmad *»* day'#' it*4tea -ha: wp*«a a»otu*n *4 )ir I*, bod. th* mb'* w*#a iQ*|«ixi'<l l andth# Mil ]#Mwl hy • of 111 t>. tJ TW« »i«w wm »—* mmd Oml-NevUi «••**•: *#• . K) frrntOm ks i l— *• **4* * P*- ; •d-M* ta ui*> fa* i*p»-l.—e V*u« -V* hrw*; mm «*'»>w »p*» 'U Ph*l»"' " i mf>«'t ittim !» a.—i a it* 0-Minlt C—nl 1-I*lll fa* I"* 1 Tb. fa; *o on,,——l Milu.lT »-lh lb. lb indnin * MotnUoa, o—l VHo. *»»1 'b, *rml ol lb. IC—cr. b,lu«, »kkk M-. i Stx.M mmU mm iacVoc—l —mk* 1« eU )—" Tb, Pom—r ll—-J » wfort Aow» lb* lb. luMhw tarn mum l nnm u lb* tau ('«■ Mknh fa* Ik. )« radio* Ju— #Kb uo. •«•* —it s u— «i u- oa far po—W fa—« —ll.O. | - k rmpuoo m linn lo lb. lUj—klic ■ oi Co—too Ib— olUrnoon oo iu. m—rn port—u ol Uw CopUal Tho r»«- w.m whtrk pro—lr4 Ibltbaf w— —*#l loom Ikon on. knlf of M«r— IfaKortir. Wrrr mod. by JuWirr CmtUl. h|iiokrr '-IW, S.i—l or V.U—. .ml IHprupoUM.r K"Uj. Th—r rrm.rk, wrrr ui lr. r—l—o. »—I r—l with gn-.l inror t>v ib. —iml —rnniil*.-. fa. York M.rkit in« Volt*, lktvßiliriS.- Onlti 140| to 140;. Fivr-lTrontw— of lsti wilU <H>np .lll,; d.l 1N64 1<*I: Au llfaVi list. nrn i—ui. 10rt|; Ina fortir. W| M*»ueynuur- j wl—t uiuru KUn a*l )—r —nl Muck* ■t—ulr. I.4Um Aria mtli «nlr« of 3,800 I—U at j Ml Ui 3ft| —nu; floor nnoh«n*nil nitb iuj—i of 6,500 bunrU; Htolo »t $7 55 Ul *ll 20; Ohio *lO Ui *ll 10, j *7 MU. *ll 90. Hontbi-ni *ll i*> *-> Bl*. ' WTi.-.t dull, wit i —],« of H.OOO ('Urlii l. .1 ! SJ S3; MU—nk— N; rhoiro *2 SB.— J (*.tru uur cut 1» ttor, with wilua < 1 f 65,000 liuJiul. »t *1 into *1 30, o.U .tuiulj . I.rlilnllipirk dull Mul In-nr, wiu.kj «P»i I rt: nr*«cwfii**i dor lining; naval atorca dull; turjwnUac 72 to 73 cents; ru"tu Hi W to $10; prtrolamn brwwy; fr»*iicbu tinner Latest Wes* V#rk Nssry Msrlwt. New Volt, Lfc-otaiber Tb« J the KvcrwUry us Ibe Treasury ia regarded aa Ilk* !y t*i ha#e ait aatrwuirjy tavorakde «dTe* t ■*n th* paiJic cr»sliL ami the iipnuou e»- j.r* ss.-.l by the Sb-e,r* tary that apreit- |**yat<*uU •hxibl he re-iuß*d ou July 1. v*» vart«»a»> ly iliseus*** I. and * prevatbnt; CfAuiou »a tiial within that turn- our S«i. u-ibirUr* and Con* - *„■**' •■Tail !*■ [kll'l ■-r• -fi.J<r. v-iA; we.rr —' Gt»id wvreiiy i-> ilrprvaa th# pitunum, i*uT iberw ki rn* atttb>»nty hw thvA TkrV.-um.rkn',, easy at five to BIX per < '•Wnh U-r Kv"Biu*'4itioo o» call, #HI» k*«l , s. \r.ti. s. IW'**tul slow at seven to et K bi per The eieanutf h*tn*« Slat* oi- nt !• . iras GWirtble tb iu rep fled The Bank wtaleui :tt t# fsfV'Walvle, slid lh-v*« • dfTpuw ill Im>. ointl.lXKl,;*". drc—. in 4.JMW4U ■ 1 s3.sM£*o7; (U-uderv tbTS.Ti l ' deer* A**e io ap.*ci«* f*24o K r ,H; inert ate tn ap*ei« f7is.- 1 Um'Tof i-.iWjlKinn s3l tit! I ae Hi***.k rn irkali-pyucd **t4 <ug and closetl ‘ ti r ;u wiihikot BiMb Ktbitjr. Oim-nuarM'i j better, e*|*euil!y *evro tbvtttrw which w#r# i in activw rV-rr — A si as .«d- t <mm qvh 1 K-rt -t're b-* iLi.ima larv< w# lan Ufa *-.r*! nipum< l'be tmn»a« ti- a. at the clear* nits h* i** I-t lli- s*#st we«-k w. re aafaxfoihiw* ( 442, Halahew, 1D.tb5h.1t47. ti-'ld closed 40’, ettr. ruily plenttfuh f‘*r Minnie share# i|aiet an I firm. \ i :\\ aD\ KHTihPH f:.NTs. OCEANSOFGRO C £ RIE S 4 ® Ju.l llrrrlrril ot JOHNSON k GORDOBPB, WUit. Kali SCrest. 1 | t J k I- XF-S WTAR i'KSVUL* 1 I M f luO i ore,, lasts, tart MdU aod Cwha •#.**» ur 1« rss. Uk M l-l - ru CU*rh tvr ri. Ifaf.n srs Mttfsrs Mwr«K I) # u*r» lurl. :■! 'Ueßawl *«»ts (-.• h , U Xm \ M *.l*lU*>NH S I 4rs*>—< f»«.a I Uu.: I 4*4 rtx.trtftstl strtsp* ( liei-M* ! ( Tirt*ar ! S' tk IV >XBI Ns *V-rk - Iwe-e r*# o*l# by rill (IMrtKUVIAV A VLAPEBT Oftim! OfßfrnJ S' rwUEEW l n#4 •«a Oy#i*r« *..r sa— * 1,1 U Xii.MiN t VEU KRT Shirtinit Mud Micrflnfv i hCTXW T 9 »tqrnfa*» AirtlM J 4 I,k isi.i i-i \j* ..(. M.. rtt.a llial In < .t<4 fa' ll I-f Stir by AcPiu ziKUKUWcxa Trm;»rrir W 1 4> O It E W A II II . Tnkra Iraa (far Lai , .1 —nfa. > Lk-HT-Hioa. n ii «. I I «i>< i*t i owl » fa.s.l (Bess a*.l*> ##B -4 H». i-* i'.he. Bksrksd aaftaknrb Ua* U'tttl so-« *tuse ball way lb lea (be *s*e I) llet ISoC * Mua tu IBs p“— *. S *4sr a. ihe tare; h*l»« oawrilt Wwvy H*B» i >«avs •*»l ss* -4J Ihfa sat**-nhtr wtSi«y FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD ‘ rw* tb- 4V4i, Met rrm nuudim sw h* iu>rt. a. •1 -*# (r *UW si iwm.efttw. rv»« *t#«s -a . Are# M* l*tX3. M ACILLXJL EARTHENWARE, I'L \TV. i> W \ UK, CLASS and CHINA. MoBRIDE, DORSETT & CO. lyimmTKM# AWD or. A I.Kite. Offor as Rat, i <rt Qooih js can bo had m the Country. I SKKCHtSTK, IJIOK Tfl YOl'B ISTIiRKM r 4mW— |a*U A*».*l WUX III! POIIO AT KAUYF-HTs O.WW rt*## Sletee ft frtee ,a# **»# Mess Klert. «Mt sHWlws nl lOtWe* sw*. BsMle rhay*J ' r>rvh thrmo**. W •#•*• #• tl iai lai»*»* rt *#*v». alt »*—J iHMstUKS M) »# *# '-e*n set! s*«» <*!**# sett i |e- a. **T ••!*» BM 4. < wk>* »e-w*.n are#,.. •• *». ' JO ft#rre*s Uh-lie 4 TVsSlev. , w •uswt imw* r w i uivrirt ] Largo B*l* of Building Lota I—lad-<h**r—— W. —«*—**—■ OS, Til*; 74* IShlTu itrmnuct.4.K ~,. EIGHT ACRES OF LAW), Mp(»UW,IiN «eW*li s*Br ot th* IAHI TBAOK. A«4 I**T»|V^ sch uarr •* h raicuf BuAl* ysos* thmogh K* wluKs |m#t, u I* has b#sa 4**tdM koiv M* vmytm la was ha (iBLIXN tfWH a< a* *u#* t- iMlld Miq *4A •*' -Hi—* MWK. *4#f% hr., fee. i TKsas Luts srs *a th- 4».et*#W has hsAMoa BK# *mm n#— #4rt «| ia tu.tad ••Wr.WT KBIA" Bart s#s esry A. «*K *■» h ihbfV'i H’NPitCa . hast »a#s lapntcaoity #- »a*a- wha w*W»«# ls««Km UOA nAA*# k*bS*4 aßasi Ka*Bs TUKs psrt-fat **ks poWU# TBAMB-ctn Kilf 4—h. Kaiaans A wad A W**rtha «. W Al'Aia. Ndhtnugw. owns WMUMI Wrw v a#at t%# Ighwi « 4*4 -4 - - , • v. j ti. W. ADAUk. lAMliAa—w. FOBTFON ED SALES. THV U*iT-K iHD IaTT of L ft AAfIUTF, #a bu rst a# smsuA taaoklaa ''**a*# 9M “ Ks#wslurs t j ui-iitiri f — sal* ua T4«r*Uf fi*- KrtvßnAss* l .o r «*los*u*si.loftle*«sß>w. wWt##aA**M TnnHaj ant, tbr 4UI Smmlnr, rw *Ks yemnß—. aB A s'il»k »- BL IU. 4**—os* land ; oObrC IMd#l bkßh; sau -o*4*l iWbies OKMBths, v#tdk -aneat hamsrtistaly sOee IW sK# ml#. I wth suO oa Ih# r .,as ia*l WrOh QllalhlW U*l laoUj.# «hs Kr«-* .in*#. a*ac UKL.L’S CE>TBE COB.VEIt, w fa n iw. mm —• —sb. a——a U* suwk TtHMv-»tfbi«kf»- -n. A W ADAIR m**l Kelslr Itruksr, 4-1 Id (WWBCrawWsassl. Busaastima.l ti. W. AOkIH. Aarllsatsr. iVrdnrMftrt), the .Ssh Dcrraibcr, at a«»VLon. r THREE BEAUTIFUL LOTS! Aii truitUttg ua Muwtu strssk ss fcilluws M ftel fr»H»l by IMfeuc kwb# oi HuuuK wU BtrsM.) s# fed n#a* Wjr IBAft.l 1 Ats issi Ir a** Atj 188 Ire* Ats rui. mitts to* A fat* to A la-iwjC AQey Ak#o. TWO ixrrn, ret*ei I*U( «n Lorfc»* •trmrn. <-sHi W s Inal aa fjacM* hr |» lm i. ntnuUuf l—* k «r* »> lW AW| sbuvsd itaia— i. JU<«. 1- • see MsifaliMsteas <4 I'NCU -’XIU» PU.r*" Al'l'Lfc'OU Itahi* sea#**! fckts Wsser tu *m • lu-iN **r I \l-.i til MU.KI* #«n •#*# (»', .i». , «. «l KssUtßl t**aruH| rat'lT TRftßit. wWI ir-.a *r- k r#rwk fayd it 4?« #fff 'WBMBfhaw Ti *— r»n.e* *b4r * ‘* i I t iiil* *>ue-tbml ta«l). oa* Olirtl iters# «x*alk> . 1 4Wt#Uuftl mi aiottuob. O W cntFH lU-i KiksAe Hr*a*r, udk* WUitchaA sirs#*, user im htu.nesd d»<l —BJ ST«M kIIOLDKKB Moor wall Loon aad KaibUajc Aaaarulioo. »PH» rJOt IMIW K fUSMdhMAwurUIKW wtllb* 1 UsAtstlhr-Uiy Hail ou Tl'E«l)iY Wiairr>rxf . Itii |i t*, s >4*k *#«nteiua#r« on* • st*l Ms Jim U B W k< ->rm, It-i-irrt. Sl M R ItfJkUl ’B. klsiArttts sUWei. P»VV l». Of l#e«Ht*4 tty or>ler 04 lit* Pi V nrt—l t . j r k>m rrr. inwnn I or llwul. 'PHI FARM, s* IW Lothlin ].dit*« pt#esi 1 Vying -n *#tf 111 vsr. »>arM(kl iwOes -•*« *4 Al* lartis At pty to J MOIU>.V»V *>ra- 1.1 At *>Are -4 Mioses Otom A Fsrrsr To ( la*# < onMrnmrat. 1 i U W l * akim MTU *o*ll*o |l M M / Vfa ) srrt- Kr HtieXy fhaiq ««* th H -i* IB rare. - s/msd T-xusU- > 4 saves Ffjfrf Bsu. • ? ru* Ijuadou <>*b Naare B 0 l-ites U->-a. ttnap rut bsK at M»w ISnl 14>. by m. ft an a. a on. V Poonanat.JP Mechtktt, At ftsrkrOs aftmei *" WASTED. •>ll4 14 1 HiWMHim RACIrt. f*w mm ' ft M J eUI-b IW nksrfteC pet— w l) b* 1 T—el s* M ft ftsJ.L aon a a «•* Manrtu fair—* M \< 111>F.KV Foil SALE. i i/v'oTfnrrv* rx.itwii. m r*d <*-# ». a I f Htstvbnarv | j.tfiue 4# fttW or (*rw# AIUK. #r anr • U.-r fa .e» ••( fr- u» :*j u. TJ tee* power It teas TW .» 1 »• e*et. « ) uuetarsh «'• >*W#r Klttr# lrt~afte Mark. 5...| • .Ifc slu<ta rr»*u# **a 4k* f«l w-yR StfWtn ass Uk*»- ID.ill** m- fT T~* TIT) >bsfl \ 4*l ill * • 'VLINUr.It IVI! F.HH. s*rft la Metlona. »> m ♦ -n*t, *•*#.«—ß4* W IU« TtiUli . ar , fiUi I,At 11 U si! farpsratel) P r»»rw RSTR i hi ha luck roftTaiiid: mili*. B» r>-4 set* *. ffaslt btr aa- by at4arteiu« -u* Tb best Mi I In usr for f oe# nr Wb*at rwwwtea# n«*|y er-m. 3UI th«» m.r Iff s#rh Mil) I*TV - ftwr tHte ft. |J » Iter I*4»K.A of sf-IKt CLAUWAW MILL >4 a|*f>r*<» -l psßfil Prim. |ia tte-whet* «iU b# su| sl ateres wrwwaiu# oyftHAl.r PAAM. aad laftk-c» at *X WiVTNA *w wit) bast cWsn#* *w UMUkkif aftftftrt *i nt#v«*t prv Avirtyw* ( ft (ißr.xvuj r a*ivTß~M tAnlciAtyMliU nmu lM> ATI.ANTIC RULKOiH. / UN AStl> Amta hKOnBKR x UM. RftftttNOfJl 1 / will ruii te r<4f-'#s «w*nt« Roam LE A I 1.744 ATLANTA tt.MO A. M IFally-wirryt Bnntarw (trtat Csrlhrm NaU-lmo »t I" T*v si % Itop M, rr.faSel.m Rr s TVS) •art **erw»ta RMlraart TWsJas Aw Mm «dte, i*n hb-ir«. WsOiiittfiow, iMftiNM*.. IA. #- d-HA*fa.4BFW Y«)ftE. Am*« at . Ha f tiklkli* A a I’.M . WHIPS. taa« •«* Trains •f Nasnntte faJk-t < TstUMoy* HsWr-u! f r WbsLntts. i-» msltte. aad (As Vet. •> t 1 - I W-wtfti, #,.) i hattsMUx. Hatir —.l t “*">*"• #4 (Mi SOS, ar ftJA P. a. k*bll)..|4Tpi BsnJsfsi n*l »'*•* 4' « oo>m»u4*Msm. *mri •> V»n u A.M P M Uart-cvetU* : t U . ftjns.i.n. s I* H.litsll top M n.Vtl P. M. f»*ity-Kvptrsaa Patasgrr-tr p»e at * ft--Urrtfasrn Aft* k M . saaAo.v •'-* wtlili Trains *4 Na*bnfir s .|. „st tat*-oa IvMteod Rw KaMinHa. L-uis» a—t Uk. fti«4 t tilliwo BOCTtI. \I«RYVS: AT ATLANTA 4 t. VI. IJatly—44rwat Wowtßirra Mall— tea* -II «llAiTa>tJiCiA aAH r M r.iifa i (.1 H “Ml Trsu.a ••# VaafttiiU iMilait u >#• a.ei M-u./ua sad ( hsrlsst n fts.l --' •; u 1 ** 11 r " n "** ll * IU.JO .V. X ILitlf *1 %.4 M ft. ..10,. AU II- AAA M-r; «S*Xrrjracs^r..v , ,‘ ***Tfcfr'? c»« >u jiibx n pfa-v 4—» -if ffaw If—r—li NOTICE. 'TVlKf'l up ... Um nlrtif '■film rtlli ,<l u,.. lam 1 i»m—r- Mr Hn.LAf timiu.a. .xu raiiiu i Tr- ».<-*. . I-I .o- 1 .-! r. .HR, far I-I- .. r if. v* ■ 1,..—»M-i ta. *u— ...i —»*-** fa k. cum. w THE GATE CITY MILLS, • nsn mttMUU. 4irtm, ftttwata CAewrgla | * n •» HiSiinfffaHurtn# PTA>PN <4 auprrvw -is.iiiy J frtHn e«k. new WT-**t, sort sfflteiw 1-4 lo Msßee*. l-aler*. an I .tfterm on fseorahb Wi.ui Mend frr s o*4 -4 MV. -and qwaimea M.-ai. from Mftii* iVww sJw.,. m , ftst-t n ft aa|tlß -dfta# frr.i r • - School for Young Hen tad Boys / Vs. ff.lfUHI u- M * I—b.f. . R.1..R .ui.. " " il tft* Atlanta (t»ii*r»».r lai i ymevnes of #|.iatf Itenronaft taeMwima la WntiiHi sal FrVwm k«pr m-nWi. pawwteA* la art tapes. aiiWA fti DRS. FORD ft HAPE, 1 *»•••! 1-1 M, Alabaman >•».< ... Alln-ta, fa..|la, ' WfLI. pNf(w all o|«*» mfiif imW t *>Mr lM,h - ■ vlfrmJUVw to-** "•* 1 IIE.MOV Al lu* w I. WTTRUWn ftaeton e»a»as>d bw r#*< >-" » " t* Mm ftnsda ft—»**. *a Ckibet #• < Ai*e fvmn la*not*. WUf Re I-owd at nl#t*( »!*• <4ftw W«L Ml a f»s -lata. Re *e-»H ta »ft- •*<»*»• e .w rtWi»te4 ftf ft W. Hmfty -tj-'-Miu# HM r *■**## -«* et fib.-.i'le ft MirtlHg'i fwtt# RftWa. snwlli Ode Hfuilt iIKMt *(Jts*a tea «H|rt «