The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 12, 1866, Image 1

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THE DAILY ERA. TftiuiM ur wasi ftirriM > (MH.OwTw »-*)*«■■*>■ %m Mr. Ttew IMb* kF» imty. W^... I •* MATKa or kUVRRTiaavu. Three MeuUw TA- MoWJL* . M.ath bftwaew. OMifitH* . «>• * in* hm« t*.. bq'uiw iana n« -* o» TX.'.u . 3»**U #* re M** r«»ar H *w a» w» «S •» r>»# bftwao* ««• •« '** *••• Ml lk|Mtr. . X« M-O • iCft? <x4«uaa u*« Rfi«a» w»w Tw«* ibmla c,4ama Mw »»*•»» ÜBf OvbMba 7» «> IW*- 134 •» *.hrrl|« fcrui, fca • Utur-r fe-rv 1 l». a* ta«u* u>, HAlb* Will W IUWH..I M a iWikls**C .4 »•«*(} »**' tr'-m Mt> rf«.f rate' fur «<ii H«a. 91. MkJ U «»U null |H IrriM iMil, tkUu«« I* U* b «n*r 16. a»*rf »» «ru>« 44 ■’■ KUWWM NUMt I.* tuAr%«l ».a • *P»- ft*. I lIM 4J.Hlto.wwil> iMMtoIU toU to. to* cbaOP"<l aa oew w.'h in*, rte at All a>t«-*rfl»*«.*to<to. •* bnfipow * •JtWltoWtofcto Pn4.r L.-aI UtoAUaua. • ai» «baf»r>Abb M Iba rmi. 4 rvmf rivE * rar* • to* ***•». iwwrta* X •<«<« will •M'wr to* • to* Mini lUu *« »■ ■> • -»* 4-l.rr\.*»-uir-«iiA iii*trr Ito* tortoi .4 b. tn Mi .rato |mu ui*« VataMHy mawaaaau toii-toi*. rototAUau* iwbatabarf *a ■ mj-TltoM »•*•, A.b.uu.l iiveu mij «|*arbr b~«a mrto r»<to Uw rtft>ito«to»to «< ImOW*. urril K OF THK KM A • VMTUtt m THE Elt.C RrtLMBM. ft*»U "f maaietta ahu purmni mm* WEDXEftDAY MottJ» ISO. Dtef EL I** THK Mil TIIKHt fMK«» 0% IMPARTIAL •1 FFMAOK. 'Fnwa Mr M MV Hrywi. r ; W* have bfiuau unhappy a* u* wound U»»- sen-i bill lira of imr neigbi»*f **f Ui«- Tim*re, «*n our umioat Hie fawdiugw *m *• should “too far h»rg**t our unwu ourm lvui from the paat a* t>* pfvreHM th«- *r gUMic’lt on a gr» at *|Ur«tH>U l*- UtUig tip >bt *' that rJa** tM|»*-t.Uiur. Tb» i» U* Kirat !«•>• our neighbor ever admitted *r L.i-I * |..*-i t.. -«u*tch from and *•*- that nobody had •• pawl* th- all" "trtt with hliu in the O'vrhnitiof . abm) from first to l**i ** Wegnt-ve to hurl our MijUtor, but ala*' the hurt In the iiAti ai •uio «h*i«**. by aririal T*aia. our alii le ( n| Kuinlay laaC It vaa mtfi. t- l «Iku Uth no happy baalhc** U*pui. an l the i|Ut*tioii Uv day la bow to cura tha hurt how i rui ije«!» tba wtmttol that haa d the nulltt »l «h> oue* n>-h and S-ioth. and ** p »*•• rn»» piaw '-ami*.' <*> *' 'awnaw o ' »* « a»»n to (iteruaa th« iitiewluat .•» cur not allowed to h"ld a eon*'ilUU«*i aiih ih political dprtora aa to the t»e*i mr*ui id ur inp the iitotieOt almoat »» «frr m,i+. b>t •. no "Mr*. Ununly” ahould eiclaiiu again*! L.* r«. reaiu*y‘Ui tiu- pa*t. th«u w ih* c*. d«*j« i ate indard. Thtsc ara anme umotie u 4 (and our n• U>r la of th«> nuuilicr' who have nn* r tah«n 111 aud < .Kiipr. hrinlet Us. lull u».n -i S J.'^- ]ih4ebf ntuitli'li Tliay C|»UU‘H r. aii/*- that we arr a conqnrrci |M«-.nla. and h »l I our . ibi prv<|wrty and life, at th< will of i ■ wiuuuciof, that our Jorum *iav* % ar«* n»a t. free by the ari of the aauii awor I th.»l pi • • and tin- white* *«»> juy: that the p.rty thM ir -.i« U» theme tbrtonea of the rexult <>f th«- 1»«•• » .r la UI Uito uMdi»(Miled CKilrd and p*r 1 tl g >v, rniueni, and that Ihei are at tiu* in tu*r.t deliatiUto' whether thrv »hitll not n*e that p * cr to declare our State u- »• rnrn* nl- n ilhin - to carry our lewd*** t<i Um •'*s ■•l.l. aU MMKlllg aruiiee to* nil.- Mi \>. i * I to b* pwnßitte l to couuaid tngnhrr h t t avert thia blighting uat.ialmph. Ax< «. t l* told Ihah though the brave tin tall' a! i •*w»en while m the death «tm*»i(la, ‘ r an- »•> edo nothuiK' but ••*pu in l.i f veraary our .lviuy wonl* of'i*oul«uipt and.- Aaooe," and tiwit we are ••eight, cullioii- .f free bom men who hare neHthtag |r» hxr fr-tn. Urn dcMigwea «>f a handful of traitora. tor* and onward* * Tiiear* are bntVv w>»nU. i»ot what and v il. \ avail when bmv® awoedn Ha»* l.r-.V. aud brave triabler* have g.Hir down in th • fort to make them goo*!' Thi* *«»rt »t Ihiuc we bey our ardent c<*rn|Mnirv t«* |* r e»v. i> “playail uul " We are iu a "Im ! rtv no .|* raU pT..di( auieiil. f ! ■ li nun »a ou our aud * v **ni it* \ removed Wa are op|KMed to • *pittn iu* ila lace aud dying. and prefer t-» h.- if ranont eomprooiine the matter on % b*»:* abort of dr in? And in arguing and d* I. • mining the ouaatton. we |wrfrr no! to mi> i|t anlimiutttmriy to thi**».- r ••blind vm l. * wbowr ey«w are m*4 ye* opetod U. lb.- at realitiea of our rondltlo'i We *.-re . : l„ who • lured to rt*a*ou bebu. in Ui U. ih |Hwuuon. and we nua .iar.- to and * it now ag?» i when time and ev«>uU have vmdn dni ur rtr*t judgment, and onr country aud 4 « hil dren demand of ua th* me*. ■*. ur,«; * *t reaarm and mo*! diapawo. uate judgment «*•*! kn >w« we wnah we bad the .and reiving upon the valor of the ••right* >n* *f f r .*e bom men 'U» reeru.- ua ftom th huiu.n .ti n of the preneut aitol th* th** d«**p gloom | ih.- future We have tne-i t||f »" I "t t..|. i'l l valor, and we hav.- nothing 1. ft tail neg lion and tnttprwiM, and th»- th. I .. o. r . f i%. * ua. It i-leet*. to aptt and d»* V like KalatafT. we aav. W. Uk n*i *u a grr mug honor aa Sir Harry hath Tin* mueh iu reply to the Infr." . t it rofeu.|H,rtoi>. for pointing th. »:g m *.t -n thtM ipieatiiKi for. th «vii‘il r . I ir South. :Q ratoilem. And ibi* h • • .\ • t ! our nfTunding. tor *• have not pr t.n l \ t .le.ile lb We hav. aai.i. iio- .-••ldl.rV that we are not able to at*, onr * »v t< . •uiattoQ «>f a comptouu»e ~u n.. b.,* i "tjualiti. and •uffrage. even th *ugb vrr vt. i. 1 conaent toil and onr adver»arie« M . . j.t itr Hu. It to lel ItoCuttitlg th- <pt.-lion ..f t,. d»v and * • iuu-1 Ih |H-lliurt«'d'trr i.i.viinir iii. 1 i ii• it. .\• .i i'.. la wlurh o«r neighbor . vok** ij m tb. •‘hid {wet W. *r«- a little auqtnae I that th- 1 irue* did nol luPPide IU lU fttrieturoa our «K.. t i it* Umporary of the Tnbunr, * » «>*i t , Mill, fitorajng. ipllteeieelle.l ua in th. **».mth <>f iu •iijirrmUetu .4 the of . • ,| i lui*** W‘e . strai t a couple of ifn p»r. r 'Thl* »a the artrumeni an.l tie p*. i> that*, ahail ‘*urj>l umvirsil a ifT . ... i the'modification i» •with a*j .1. n • t . >»t prt»|*ertv or inielligen.*. With th* . i dt tion w- shall he ready t*. accept thii Ih*i • t frt for the purp-*iH* of r. storing p.* » t . country for until, in *•>«!.* way. that |~-. ahall have tan li reaton and. and •nerv .-lie u*. i. aii.4.11 *4 ela fore theiu aolTle certainly tiiAt Ula*r shall aeeure to them i-ttuv rvtum. Il» r. can be uo ta ae. no profit n Hinng g»v*v.| t>*r the general welfare r.>miug tr to the f. mi aod Ol till Hi Vioktol s. 11th -t) Mat.-* • want nothing more thm to !-■ jun < n f 1 < plane -f Maaaarhu*eu« for tlo- i. *. can liv.- wilh him mu* h iwi:-r i!t.«n t* 'of the North, and if the Oi»«-f Ja»: h * and nthin» of hi* diejatoutiou ch.*— »«* t. M n I'reaident tlial he can give pe*r. i.- il.. . un trv oi» the t«*im- »'.u*h o« luenti ii th. d.-Epwtchea, wrv uhall not any a arord tog .oot it _ Tha Tribune l*» it rrra.nd'crrd. “f-.r the moremeut. first and l»'t but unl ». in. HuortfcMS i* able to* *. >no ii> mg and learn something from aspen, ii.-e, >* ' t • orcaeut writing would g pt • nr % and tu. n, like Kirbv. dying Tn* torture rb/inml by th •*. -ul . Asthma. t« lejOßil e»pre* il> I r'l.'h v\ have a .pK-atioti to a*>k Why • isl r. lief »a within your reach M »rwd. i. * \‘> rial Haliu haa proved ma-o*! il in in- fi* .’ ment of t-tory ca^e • A Ki.iomt t'. i.n, ' t’or.iiu !'<•** «'■ • of the ‘ impurtau«'« *•! do*, king . '•M4UEI «a**.l> Ui it*, fil'l stag. Mlwl wi.o 11 it» the begs lining would yi. Id to a mid »■ !m dy if lH*glwele«|, »>»>ui atlack* ihllmik.'. |P-«*ih bronchia! TfinehiV pile •.niv and aim- -t m . dial# relief. "Th> 1 iiK'hefc have pi.-'.-d then efficacy by a teal «4 many year* and have ». ceiv»*«l f.-aiim muU ii«*iu i inmmt non * have we* and them. lul»w.> dl I'lmu TM4t AHE r.IITEE* IM- '• **»• l»n hiM*-ra for th«- Ntoma<'h a.. Imm r. U p pc', .i in thi« region of Ua country a»li > < ■* m»< n far lured by Ime of our own resident*, I)» C W Holmm k i A* an .vp|H trr* r id | ■ V*u»l and agreeable ionic, they »rc ..oniced n-» • otio r importation Having inol t». uu* ». We can apeak fr.wn . «p.*ri. m>* *». It». -t willingly recommend them a« an invaluable lubir. — r iuriJWtoifi (irnttun t t THE IIAII.V NEW ERA. • iaim. biiui. uu.1.1 00EAK8 OF OROCEKItS iM Hrirl.H at JOHNSON to GORDON’S, WEllttoail «|iol s I.ii I 1 *Rt arats « \M*| to* 1 " "v" *su iar>-1* Ika... ai 1 M.i.> > «*»• Mewr la.toM* iok ra to~. a.«u l» aw. ..... totoe ti fUrr. to!*. BMR WUCRTe EHto M I Aa,’MV ker«to U iA,u. t***rr« to C totoe f» Itorato. rwto*l touawr* -HM tot to k>M« u Hwll 4H U-r a»V «t MHVatV * w •VnA-w twill a I HUM, tog WtoiUMwl. »Q. i 1867. ALMANACS 1867. I'm* rd* (’linrgo 1 rnULIAHWIHto Al ttVM I** • *.u,a 1 ai • - * t. Flwf toril wm t her rto . K»rg* .ill «rHQifitoJ u. .toll Mel I torVA*-« Jordl.lV l e .I.oN norm i:. niTUEI .ae-tßcl Ml %I.W ft IK» IH► »r C4R ill 4 It All. »E. ut. W toJle* MT*. i .U. rvtof 4 ttor »**i» M hmw. Imu i*rvpu«-t i u«(itUi*rUir Bockawayg, Budgie* and W igou», U >l. 4*— I|H* t.» Ml .J (fir til.*T *l)l*>. n mt,4l I ». . *•. ... w r.„ M<-e t • a * 4 ln»» *>> • Oto«i atel u»e u.*' (>rM iu*n rial m> I u*». i. ! w> - i.j-o. am, * u*i|->rw I uo*. Uu- • *•* U* *t>W -Jt dunbOtl; Ua*.*.. Mm i»M o> totoa.O'-ui 1> A I N T * II O 1> in Um .ilr. 1 *oa \-f -,,»/• i t*> >r . !.,•'» torpMAUi .aj (kfl b4m * b«ui.l*-r* •*.<■ h*» s M I I il \\ O U K ». < will fin I II t- QMf IMW*W V*. • Ai. e ! .»• •I R.* AAMiirlum.'* net. . hu., AT FLV'H DURYEAS’ MAIZENA CORN STARCH fill nr VST i\n it v ttn: v . coir uk*. r4£ui> t ram-, ht*k ic ic MAIZENA Is unequalad by any preparation from Corn for Food. DURYEAS’GLENCOVE STARCH THE oi rv -o r. . . it vr* t**ek •. S££V“ .:l",; r:.;Ta'::r- y *•**•• *» ha to*e4 by »t»» fir»> l*n mMrre in V*»* #»• IU r r- < Vi »« a. «w o.a e. • . I » «... - UM. l* r-i 1.i.Ml ,ui M , unto to. - • 'to* r—** •/ -o-r IM} Lm>* fr.i.oto •to* UlfVeM A-aria W* DCTtTXA, ,M FuAion a . Xr. lurk AT I KM ION. SHICI'KK*. A THROUGH BILLS OF LAWNO. ■ ft*tori+M» »-. ih4 •*.-f-u. ’at ■ Im-. I*o .to. •M-I'. rC -o* ' - I |to•aVVN • , . N V l •ruin; ii n- . . r.-. .*•!.: A.. 4.tM A 4 « M. .V 4 \ • i. .. • ml* .in,, FAST PASSENGER. ROUTE! \ 1 4 \V «* ** t «• I* II II II <1 A i 141 II f » «*. VIRGINIA AND TENNESSE IC VILW TO THE EAST AND NORTHEAST TIMt: KIIOM \II.\M \ Te Uashlnilou I' Ujh.,- 1* Vrw lo.k >7* - ffc* few., hVf r i/././ -w ■.*■ lb * ♦ * t. ’ t* ' . k t-.-t . >t t>*t . .a, . ,•. !Mto '-n V-- • . • . rnuoi 1.11 ! H uliiy 1• v - . • ! 1.. I »• ... li. .. .. .... ... .. .Ljr. AI I h r-vr if, kill' t,>r .> ( \ Humtl.) a 111 I Kill 111 tl oi (.11 . iWUV* tbOr.KpAU *- -i • LIFEREJdYEKftTuR. sTHKN.iTU 10 TUI' WRIK-L vtn rit tu i ii * .i )' HlOli H'K'V c , il>rnij f i- v , . IIS.. M»J tolS.* >.4 «■-. e! ■ 1. k*iu—,—a—. • tf.UA f WlM*. -i,. w.tb-r w u tn. «,. * .4 li»« • i Uuhtlr. 1.1 "•.'f.ll i.i.M ' *? iiiuk ii r \ i . b «•- p -i • - *n .( l*. W.tok —M. • 1 it.i ... . .; f .*• a*. !«...* .... V* . to! |, , . . !• . • w. -m 4*-. rfl.ilai .1- -. . . • *' • I* '■ I.V IM 'iMtohU'.l-to ACT e - . . .ur. ti. H.*» ... *1 . %:ih. Ia», I k.«..| .a. .I » * *-* •«. IS ~ tore Wl. I b». as Ul. I Svs Itl At. Wto«>U WUi .. . Ia «, . |. Ml, I , Tt. IIIUK MKM T - »_«.*■' . « . : ! ... 1 t • 1 f K 1-I4a»l> .niferrwl a2. ... A*ir !*• I.W 11. TO FI-VI tI.KM.Mr I*--‘tEiiwn » ‘ «OA • Ii «a «.. . A EttoltoWo.iA . A. • *>W. . . • k. fr, t‘»toj* J e« w.ib Ih* Rre I— V leVef • ... At.l M»..fAl« lie *.<«• N I-. a .|««nto .4 i» if* Ii- ■» IS. All l K .1*1*;. I* *«' J to fc‘T. * to . *»j, |ACV*I per l‘Elk- 4MI lull-. |., r }\ MAU.I lKM*g.*4» to •*' rwllj tMttbf *•»!•( to 4€.\ *k» tos 1.-* A-flr. a. |, w . m u MiNuE * mud ru. i*r. i ♦>; .vAaT, X- • VO J «»..>* intkiAAfii.i ATI.A VTA. f« A.. W EDNESDAY MmHMNG, DETEMBEIi 12. NE W JEWELRY STORE LEITNER & FRICKER. , Wltll. hull sfrrto-t ttlauln* »*eA»rgia. >; ■**. .• . u, f*it i A.I-.m*M»- viu via .**•» vi>*. rw*. uw.ixi itf'ji't o* wtnr WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Merllnr silver and »'lab*d Wart-, rtjniu. AM» UTIII.H M’Hlif l.l\ <...1.1 lA;r*. nit fiaiAuiir t'i Tin* uuiii-T H • * il* 11 u 'UK MAM. % attrULTr-Y | )lf* N •»'« • * »-*to - • I 'A ito. I ‘ P- - - O.W-r W*el M-Air AA 4- «*•* K- ;* r. *!, 7 : lak. ’a*V *-'l Jla ■» n» **"* * titiis-iif MORRIoON L NEVIMA.K, Real Estate and Commercial Brokers, a *«•»>• !■ •• * Sri. ‘ I P i*l-’ f : •*. Afl t 1.4A I. A-aaU u. - . . . < * ot. i-.r, ~:*a a A— la J 4. .re . . l> to«a» i_ il} «HRC 4U .a* l-r. »- r- M .m > tu.*. l. :,.r| Pwrwr At.. n U . * . , 1 >• .- V . .• M pfto-w« A 1 I . . .J .1 11. J - I .. M to I! . t -• .. -1- % » •- (* M • L* -V --* - - ■ ‘ ' • V >1 .' • V"- . .1 < .. r*..i *V- - -ir t v - 'T M r . ... * .-*• • • *“• *•>-•—4.- ».e, Wat.** A. to- *a»n V' >• to \ A M ■-»*■• li. ! V ..—*r • • > Pl* U **'* 4 I I**a> .u A * >. I Si *• I ft 4 -r •* XJ.. U i V f • M -,-- I , * IU- •. j . II- si.v ■* ■ ■ - >'■ : ii.ii. .a-. Mg aa> N - " • *.l, . .n. .1 . PH i'.N LAND 'A'»: . ' \ it i:.. i— ii: ic c:rv and OTHER rROPZRTY r • - ’ ■ !’ M ■ - *. 111. Il Hu. ia I I’m Hjk . ■I \ .... V..U 11. G ' .: S. itb-rn I : Ag--..-v, -A .. . ■•. .«, N .to \.V SFS . . ito Ur. . •. -- v- L Y ■ -.. ..... ..i t»u. i; t n«. h is* h % v \ * :«»; h ' *, i t-to x. . ti ;i t.*;to ~.i vn ami l** Ml. . y . • - '• !•»•!.' -• ... im * -• * - ' <- -to -1- to A Qs ' ’.iw «-•♦** .:: the - •' • ’ t* ' • ' , - •« . » i ' “ .‘V « I I ' i *r J . . gr-MCMI if 1.. . ... i * » A ! \. i• I 1V■ i • • J•• , • • , 'N • • » • * > . > U . II VI I*4 '.l*. la fa Lm hl'H 41 P PIT* \ v •vi. \ 1 1 Koori \ t. . »|VMt ftltaAXrt VIUJt Mi ATI MlW.v Mt \M § • • ■ 'I. li." ftlt; *<*)• ««l IK* **» • ■». '1 *1 . .. i. * L‘”v» v Mm to I*A -to ;! m 1«» tftaal i. M 1 1 •tor. r U4.UAF r li. <MA fcaarWfc. " ‘ P*». P -s— tows “ toto da ug ' Alrtfc. Misa* fawut - iwiA.’r ftal. RAAfh. Aw.. RilAnwi I.A.AH* ..-,1 f.rr 4U * Mai •—1 M~4 Am U. A* .a* *H «u» . H.d-u., RibnataaMv ’•SI. I m «*mM .-oe-1 u i«a(Wf aa4 Ala.. AA A J*fto-*M*.M*» I if Arljtv. A *4 a.isi . Rkelrit Nwkr Ur lamb I. Vt -H-' • a Ito w aaa 4 mix —T-rtil-Tir milwr iai If • * wu». uata* —«• —O. A l tkxii. A«.«i tvi »-♦*. r**u t>s» me HKIN! K nwilll *M W «U«a} Irs » -'A ‘ Mm to VI • \ to.rlA, a A i». I» b At*.! a. 1 mi : Ih .4m, .i.nrvr. - lial'.Mjb « Afclr a « 'lUreirt. Wl • Vo*, to fjf A .Men. WAI4.S 111 ' < K T J "It X - \ !. VE, ' * ■ - * ■ . • I* • a. • ■ > - -• 1 -- • ■ * -- ' - •i '* '< '( •* 1. i , e !*' * • It» * 1 \ H -w u . \ Stll. \ [\ TANARUS, 1 ' * *<.'••- \ - . • to to- J A S' « t» V | t |( *. ;i in r ii \ oi;am.» m ? iV.Vu Till «vt>lr XX, t\ s**. v xf- 1-A.r-i (Lm -sAiu »tl 1 • k —. . - ... ,-rvp -efu— V ■ Am. I■■ Ca A, - «'■ - -» ** i-t. -■ iM lir ♦ r » um a il»:* k »W. V • • W Ire . ')■ :i - --UI. A IKVII II V M riVTOIiAI < ii i <; ii ri:m f n l , * • . H >wrwr%aa«. *4 -r» «'*^»wl 'i ... i L . r;i,dit :.a * w«fc|<»• •• • II in- . A» . !H«**rs.<a-f It’FAU 1 Vi.'i - (xTaR. 1-1-< AM He.-a I e .to w «kj> r* «v New . V V • to" -. 4*x .-..u •%. x. at-* « O v T t fi V •• iii > ii or pills, . v rN.ufvi, . :n\i t. nu„ 1., \ t 4M ■t to i JtAA.l*. 1 « ‘rerie»fMHSAk . ... p. ... a. n . n+u.m-.imt \\% rr». * . • t . • » < a v—rwl 4 x4 V .,ton.i ol i r.♦ t- » • ! I , . 1..N1.1 <» . oai*4l. 1- jv.K 4«4 !»**• L an • I . » ♦*»* l>nM.\««kl>4(\E Mk-..**' V. els K NA%«A Mh.m *KV?4 J4U-V* W l»I»; JOII.N inLLI.X CJMFOUHD CEDSOH BITTEES • ■ to Thr Ulnl and H»u I m t-f „,» ( Olwnrery or ?aa MNKfKKVTH CF..VTI KV!!! X rs»toL . ua»to , , v , ;.auu , . # - a- * -■ 4 M’Ujt.t Ml ft * rtfc Jj- ’to ‘ M S " ? V- KZUrtoW A* A |«a>. i t re M—i,. to. it* ■x F v 4 , • •Ar*A P ,«, ) ,. • b*«so« b-U, «a«*i4 lb..UKl—a. i ib. f* ia i... Ihaa a ,-mr ' * ! " •- * U tl HOI T A HIV 4L to ■ ■jt,’ - ■ •*■* cr. .*•*£ ix : i *p» r*i 4 ; Mm ■»-. -* . •’ Ha •,* w a*4 «» • , - V • T'« ■ • I** I* *.A* »U—W <ui t»r ’tu a*, -v • « a fxa. .- : « *• («. a- a . « • *4 * «»» . ■ *rer-..* « b- -to - M-! •• trea ..t - * 4.1 X K T»«K i KUIttlX HITTr.Rw INMU l.v i.ItKU OH MPM U. a.. Art • ; - • tkvit 4 • •;-* rvrvAg* «*.! . Vk.kAiebVA> A treat. RhiwwAlUa. a ssJ l.ars If la, AXP !N Fever imd Airnc. ’. reAsii. a. ne. ib« fu»» *. taA*aa ** arwaM Sae-wu «».». i »WA :-»•*** • i * «;■ • b'.4 ‘ l«T-reo aW M>! gnaarwilv OK Jt HX Rt IX. Pruto *. ! grtei. 1. au« .re. k' to .1 n Hill Mil I mm* KV T All. by 2 T JSAkIXA A t\V, ttlaxu Ovavfla » w *V,ea lvw»-**r. mC't t*wF *vrw|» t ]»■.{** Icu j I —«*" I. Ik* <• ABBOTT *~BBOa,' “"’J < '.mtatwiii>n Mnr<amnt«, V , PROOrcr. AM* OXHRRm. eim«*u mxn illaaU trearfla Salt: hall ! £■) «' / I nrr» vnorvii Itl T ymm «r-**sf aarf ter J.>H . i, *»n»4A ‘ OaataAA Rrckaaw but I~A VU.AS B Max. 4&BBIA <AW OaKa! flats! I*r I hMre AUdft <gl». wa aaavH «U to *>l | t*y Aimr/TT a Rtoe« Elanr ' Hair! - kif.KTIA Fa* to« M:.'*a now jW |* J /—-. **< ft« awat ay * na tt 4 a * rwaiwwanaa H*. aare WArarelt arret ÜbM* re Kaaaily Flaar. w B 4EW2A E«r» FawXfty fV«f fnre ware atoire | #> Vm ;rerua* tJswrrz a wa Ha* ui *'i4px. w . ivl* war a. V- wre r-«rer»re* a* O -ra TT • W- re c/sctoureret V • re-it* a -rIV « ire re re )<nu! « arakl lii ■* wire Ya-wA F— a- *kc » I aJMxEZ I'lfctn Wkov -a -V--^ a•" it < ’ Xre—'.<* 'X tt Nile I am. loop ? ' •. s* Kacrin:•' ifaxsiuc ! - . k -to * IX ft AKtto ’TI • Kbi-re Fraaibul m*tot, re lvo|M ! Hope ! * , - • v. .* r? * Mai * . atfta re •«.. I.ard ! I*ard ! sft 4h!F»rT A 14a *X M ■ * • retila. -x; . (Dm*: llam*: j m - V *»*—*»—• V— * --• u.rvirr aim •' < \l Mill Soro ! Mill xfonr* ! xt x> ■ - At.lniTT A 1 L Übb.«;.t M- exact* U at/• for *xalr ! for ’ X* ' XI »*• • SHI v MB* * lan* • u»»-*-««rtria ... - - • ift■ " *■ t * - .to, eryy-. K.-—• l~'jku vr--. * -i» ». |» re | \ . iftr. *Mn« lLand'- lr W—. Area'• T re*’- a* a. TONIC. ’ .v\ Iftr. MrklluT* i i k »: FILE REMEDY, s *re *•".* . T— t ft* re wama-ai* ► ft e %A . *. . a: X -.«<-* *** ■■ i, Iftr. Mr-irkUbd'* COUGH x nr.dn'i ■"> SI «* It *:. c , |lM(h 1A,,1«a,n, '. - • .... ;a - re tt •-* aeA S—a Mre bao»t to. to ’ ‘ T”to *l -I 'LL .* ft * " -i »*r» tfc “**. in vuhiiu: to* -to- *~ T're ■■ - a-> to - V Itr. -to Tt- iret *4 aa bn-.i . rrerel <•!»«* - -tore - H--! ire* ■- ~ *-•?- I* to k . . . \ -to Vi Uto * 4 Uu* -4KV rtf > to-.* * w . a»-. ? : rer Ujka ms>£ l'' vtv- » --CA . • * ’ - ' A -u ■' A»r . •• : too -! .t • .. a ' ' A- ITUR ; t aw 'a r.i awn'X'"!* 4»HA-.a CRME & TLKBaL fflolfa)* t.rwerxJkt M AMIIvTT A »THKKT. Attaala t^rjU nrrerarw w ftXa«' « ib»xa Aacwuaa. tkreerre » re, • - A «A- »,-» A-«Ak UA M toAA'A >A«A . • ■ • * * > * I re. Ure 'to- .towart tA bsc*aAr«t t —r— V rerrta. ••• , * - • v }X?w--. 41.* ’a (a* x, -a B» . b i », - V W »*v.A*. ta L«ia Hre ** Tt» itftTTON fI.AMITts IM* Bl UR> WILSON, CALLAWAY A CO, «« irewl baa. X(« lok. \XT ac* r—r-parwA *■ rrefce hfc—ca. A*tt aa—re a* . • *A -wrere a i\ T’ >\ IX tttl 111- AWI . •'a .( » UifO*«i . vaiAwxeA a* ib am W* fea«a . to aX**‘» arnai (s**-, l a !t VrA tto —r r* ' , KHI 4 FaKUkX for Mir. \.X 1* r' tillsT.-* X 4 .«* ftb tv, re , to-: ( t - t.*u* * Ms I. <ba?u-e» 1. .- « *>a, K-rei. .vaaft--vai-.* b—• ,<re are! wv.l h-.’ll-iH .-reb bl.l i- a RtkU. - 1 It rap land for Mlf. • >ft I to) 1 A. . •«* avtke »«au ua»u lb anrua _* ft « re -taa I wwSa> l uvi lete-re M area* rwb i- k -u 4 NON Wkl U* Wl a. aa marbasa - .» \"r .A- w*r* b» «a a* •*■*■! flan .m a %♦»»» T " # uri ito aagfi to E** MaA V|tbU V«tr« HELMROLI/8 EXTRACT BDCHD. wrx mmHsr* trcwr f Ht :.nx> iM m k.r HI Ht: Wl* !-t' • KT* H Tii *i.f aran t r\^ the r um r r**i m u»lt i>u*« u «u,i r*>* Mium iiunniv >/r rut . «m </r rsi rj .m>l* tita *r TKt in. !4E «J U> .1 tK] Oi. FAX* rri. rkn»n». J, v * a#» m V%f? * immr. rmm • Ij "* ** •**'*• “** "" , " o- - •'•kid rtk flMt !•- M PM m tk» •M*- '-v A WTMniM A*» OTHKEI rumm, »/mi nUMMI A«D(HtJO«T*I. TW» amr »* m %».<*•* *• * i Dii irnr ■ KI-SBULir* KITRKT lltHl /• H Till * I TtxfA f 7/ T Os .<££ — tir.. *■** i- r■ ** ■*-#• « t « <flt- r. Lwarn rf.v- «-•*»»<*. • - ■**_*•' ' •* l£ Iff » -* - 'ftTJV'«C. - •* " ' r «- * ■ . n • at-'- wc r, » am k r»M» ib> Uty«*t k>aUi la lk> V% ma 4. »» *i.i*4n*4i - f.ra i I « - ,4mt > - - --4 K. _a a. ' • ' .■>■■-. '•»mih prep ißinoii TMF.K POtm . HI M)KT !W»»M4’» Umutm* I*o un:*«»s i ).* • ,=4 , **->. *f % F~ ■ ■ j f ;.. kto ui * a.- i>. lit* • MR Dia (.p«: nut <.*•: MullMll »' Mi 11l I | t *T7 i* tfcp <UW #T n .rcia v - .. /U' »t fc-r TnVrfcit .. .- : a :m» MrartL*. i- . r* «»» U .. • I-- *.-> * ItbAk **i T* Ml. »«S H.. ■■«ym+2 t*. >?•■•» *%*: ’Wap. at,- hav- • !&*& >—a- * --ajk *r*» - a -qt-r r»i ■£ i *•• TTk* iuM .111 MI «*tt|*»* •* pum. . P»- OV** 1-tSMB a*-* Fa. ! va4 A* . V » »i»i-AW-..A.' A**7 «a*«fftft»*'ft. ULI«a. Ta-cv* -ft-, A— fFM-% AT ■ Ihifaif Mat* KyUgk* «■■*. fc-** H « >■» f»* UA JFKJLM II BRIMHKv niAf. AMI WhttklM. U Rf- -A r -M— Mi A AV MWAJ “ M*- IL-wrA K.a. Scr A (V* Champagnes; M -a. A’vk'»-i.A »-.u. Ma.cla mm. aim. L . -A-' A. HA A A*u* hm« AMI *^A» a»*fc. Ai**- aaaiMkrd laa < «m»U « a.oa-' Tinwa r%*A wa Iku im*|*>nta.« ***** '<7 * »t Wil ML ft I. VMf lAnari taal &r aa‘,m fttaata »%A ANN Art , i AM arr T. la A. f ALL FOR OUT DOLLAR' NO BLANKS' NO HUIHOOf E. 11. WII.I.IAMM, rut: lAßoerr a rr> mo«t xXTixsivA ti it-'-r K^iTKiiPitiMt: Palace, Allaaca fti.argta. T*»waTTi- Mi T -1 * W ** mmmm aftM* WE OULL4R EOft E4(ll IRTK LK ■ 5 *7 *"*J At nw A f<fAM FIMA > a AJA M |jr lafta-M<lftrv.' Ia lab—| • MAiaMVaft^. Pi-* I >1 w 1 lauiai.« r. . ftHMr FM(4 T«a «m«Aa. rm» Kat-.l Lr* F^t-n ha <R Maiaft Frrl Mi •M* kani. !<■*»> «< . aa4 ■ /J** ( r*j» R-«»'a ami tiM—r • Aa» ft 'fM I -AM a«4 ftMfTAf I . •?2S» ‘ZZramm o' »."»•< m*i Irtf M —. , ETTBY ABTICLE Dl THIS LIST SOLD AT QSE DOLLAR EACH tWaibur* ftJvaT. Fair m 4 S^un. r—.«. v-. . . m mm.. J~- . » « «<- . .» niacou. THAI■ ATLA> I A romrDRT ARB Amiran ur. L An fc-n , ana i So ftr aft Bait f < aMiit* ana. 'll!) Marti. • 1-. »«c «.. la Faaav*«7 ut Aarfctar itrt«rt»ra TV; AT» pr*ymn*t a* n<i-M a. mWbn ►» Caao^piaa■ I.AllfAAft CftiUftMU. (Ai I*i4mlaU «l II Lrarlai aII 4»«c rl|M i*M*. Iraa Fiml aa4 \ tnMafet Car RalUlAfi ftAft ai 3iU* aa4 IKUn.Af all aA««a. . «U>. Slalajr aaA «a.R Aaw MIIU FITT* LH IliUJi Urj at* |Ta pimc w fa* *; ft. U4a < iAHTI \ (- w • ■ ft. 'yarfti 1w? *-■ T niafiiii -tiAWj aaC . 11a lra#4 (-<«]»iA«r> * i Srrrka ilv. fl2l al. • '-• J I * n % «» r u ti 1 T «• r ««i a* ■ n • • n * * Mt A* ,#■» % . t -*-m > ai * aftftr mm! ftw THA aTL-*> ,». R * • • WF »>1 m •* EARTHENWARE, N. \TKI> WARE. CLASS and CHINA. M.BRIDE. UOB3ETT k CO IMMIKTEH* Ol> MALKRt. Cr:- :jj Lrx TAu ; ca \bcve Go tud m ue Cjasvry fFRI H LOOK T)l TOLA IVFFAF^T a*4_ t, LOW A> TIIK U)HEM 0!S COTTON, I rva liiftAtAU \+m \ »ri TUduriM«i. an-m iv R4iLßf**r> cinn«*«:. » nun*. *•» . Rk *«*. i « V?'*•> I' ’ *•!» A i*< u%«r V« ;• mu • <»'*» a Tftrnr k -h Ifta, 1 Aftinft ftS»aa al V' I at, M- tunmaa Aftirt ftr. rMJAOMI Wkak M F - ■" AWM -< Mm lift IM aitfiiM* ■*■« •MCAR frwfc hr >aM«y\A lnLr-A.l • -ni« tIW -M •• M US. Aftr.A rvl.n M AM Oft* (.si k •JL. 'kj . •> U.lm* .mAilklMM I * ol_», .{Eui. M>;ri< »: T«» hiuhP»:k>. Riritti t*» »n*»n ktiuu*’. . An.aMt. iU., AftAaakr R l*» ' -pHI A » V**..•• I «n«ai. * * *++■■' f\ «. - •*. lUk* • * * • < .1 RM >*a A mi. M 1