The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 22, 1866, Image 3

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THE DAILY ERA. A. » MM, Up i» nr*. - - HATCH DAY MoUNING. DSC ». IP •rTfc* Hum lUv"*. Ml apeeWUir »• *• *•* MralW ba trend ta mm O bar Op«» *• UM» —teidire Mi Item. M toey vdl to bread h*n pasfedlj saluki*. m 4 wp to fee TH K CITY, Rn'/n • Uoytrli - F.n larged and ito|*r* \-4 With many n*-w and fUikiotf features. this —f rtn-, fotJanoary. » bwfor* n*. and w feßhaaiiaten«ly lOTMkOUMM U m>4 cmly the boat ■•aabor yi iaaue*i, bat the b«*t a urn bet of may —giHloe tfeu Lm brfu published !■ the H- nub •ftfefew Uft LLfte number. Tbejr havw the no* ot the p«i*gnH which ta to elevate* ftaJ as •whliwh Uua DufuiM m pu|»alAi ep|N<eirutioo. Aft e fruetftepiere, firutt gives an tin* m<*oth Ml eioeiUiit portrait at (fen. K f? Lee, en CHtred lor the Mfuiat. Field end Camp u eonlinUed, with wore than ■■ntl mini—C The Loom of RmOie, by C. li DbA hi «!•<■ continued. with th«* gratifying eauoaweioent Rpprti i'-l u a f«**t n< to, that the et ary '•will he oeticlud* *J ant month. * The Tp>jm» of the Hible, a* illustrated by A Ur mam L L , LLD.hI magnificent nrti do. We ere led to know that tin* u» only the ffr-t of e mmrutm which i* to follow No mau can wnte e more eloquent end graceful art> le then Lr M-ana The Her ret Maanagr, or the 8m nod Kxpt etfton .of H'Vo (Arey, i« e new •tore by Mr C A- VarM'l eetbor of •'The liooabold of Bourerte.” Thu atery will ion through lour or fi*«- Biim'ieri of the magnciua It u wi*** tea wit it grace aed eleganc.- Ambition u a p-*eta 10 blank verwe. by J li Bom k. ta which the writer sustain* hi* rep •taUon What u It, by" XyHtary mjmiAlrm !»>•• good ehampagae C—olaph, by N C. K . of hfteaoan. u a graud poaoi =>lt u oae of three metrical bar ■ohhm that sound* ip«n the ear and heart lik* a kuell from a great bell bang «n the dome of •’teraity. No grander |uiu *v r ap peared iv a Boott a will |mum over tin* poem l** cause oI iu extreme length It u worthy a bund rod readuga Lirtnj ami I'u-thura •** Fame » readable Winch treats of old B-uhehira, by Man* Lon Eve. etamp* th>- wnt»-r a* a w >iuau of no andinary -lit erary feat of producing au <**-ay ou a hockurved •abject which i« freah as dew. sod a* clear from being proxy as t* poasihle. That'd* s triumph for he/ •'Seimageudr m s new featnre in the mtg axuo- It i« a brief summary of wit and au nedotw, which will gTow |*opular with the general reader We are highly pleased *tlh the g. nrral ap 'paaraace of the magasine, 10 I if Mr K* r>it continues to improve it, b« will iad that hi* past * woe ewe good a* it ha* bo«u u bat a tithe of whftU it will be m fatar* Mr. Kcutl a« to aay that «absrri bent m the city will have their magauuiiev delivered to them through th- FofttofSce. Iku t roaorr the Lrwptre kewtaarsnt nett door to (rtorgia N*Uoaal U*iik. AlaWaai t etr««t Linuer tr<wi 1 till 4ml k-1 Him nee* men will find it greatly to Umt luUreat and oonveuu u* * to give a* a rail. de«3l ts Atuhti C >lxsoe -Dr John t». WeeUu<mian>l has placed in our baud the ▲auiml Cocumrnrcmcnl of the Atlaula M>fli«-d College fi»r the mmnioo of IH»T7, with a ml* logo* of MatnculsUw in fi It con: priaee also a list of all the graduate* <4 th lnatitutioo W* make the following extract , from the annoauconient for Ih»'7 •The next regular conree at lectnrna irr! this luntituti >u will commence on the first Monday of May next, and cuuuau- until the , last of the following August. "The Faculty, in making thu annual an BuUbc«*ru«;ut, arv gratified :n b«Uigahh> to atat< that the OUoge building ha* thorough rwpaim, and has been rc*«pp4ie,| with app uiMma for insCruclion in the various of the College.. They congrat ulate m In’ing able, through a munificence timely boetowed. to make the neonaaary exprnditnrei, and to jtlace the in atitut. -u in a coudftUon to the fariliUe« for teaching heretofore offered to the publi< prevKiua U* the war Jn every |»artft«'ular the building has been restored to its former cut diUon "The Amphitheatre, so imp>rtant hi dels onstxaUousm Auatouiv. Surgery, and Ob»t«4 nr*, and which was torn up during the war. has be* 1) substantially rehttod. with a d< ruled improvemeut in the form of oonwtruc lion. ' "In thw chemical lecture r»KMn. rsi-o and s*«at«. affording perfect view of expenmentft. and otbtr fiiture* c«*nc* u-*l with the laboratory, have been r» pl*ce*l. also, in this department, •uch-appM/alus. chvuic iK. ale.,'a* ar>< n« c ansary .to f*edH*i< the study of ch< uustrv. have b* -li imj»jdie*L In ahert. the c*;liege i foruisbcd in every dcjwrtnicnt with appara to*, aud all other appliance* required ui tl»* Institution. f«»r through in»frnctiou in the v* rmui branche* connecte*! with the study «*( ntedu iae " If yua want to make a band-om* Christ ms* present, go to I' 11. Sut*»k sud buy an elegant lii cb* Sltawi. a Iteautiful ( a hand**line 1 of Fan, or a rich Irish. To|u lin dec 12 2t ’ attenUon «*f dealers tbrvagboftl ihr State i« di reel* l U* the cants of the Van -ua leading busi ■um. h«»u*e* in Atlanta which appear in our Directory Tarties at a dmtance wisbpig orders fUle.l for any dcacnplnm of |p**d« ob J only rwfer to i*. and we will guarantee aatisfactiou to all ao doing, either in price, quality or promptness Th* Young Mens Dwhating t'lub bad a brilliant uwwting last night, lathe haaement of the Fitwt l*rest*ytenan Church. <*n Marietta atrw* l May aocctwia attend our young friends In sll the walks of lifw. Wb roh all auea Uilt Molding I‘n-tur* and Glaaa Frmruo* made hi outer dwctV -ts MoaoftM A Cos Knfc*u Awmis Isuit evening wc notice*! a gang of amis two or tlin*e hundred ftr»*»»d men, women and children, hnddlod logeth* r an>und a r»w of camp Are* at the railroad d>- pot. They are on their way from North Car olina to Mtaaiaeippi. and ap|*aar to l>* in good apint* at the change ot .juari.r* W»o vim Lniitß* Tvo Hundred Thousand feel Framing and IMank, sud Sr»- •nty-Ava Thousand fee* Flooring dreawwd «*r Riutrswwl -«*n the yanl and for sale by the (lata City Foundry Cos . MartatU street derlO It JfrwT arrived from New York, a fine umnl of Looking (lifts* Flat. ' d.cfi If M tawiAN Jr C«» Tax Ma»ft.s»n*ia U— W* mm ve*c*r4lay ftOWB* apeciturns of wuotwa gnudi which www —Bmta—4 oa th* abova rift mad law Tbaaw foods wars all wool, and aoaaa #f th* apadtutu which bad bwe« fuiUd atftd Iruaid would par*favorably with th* bam V reach mmaftmava TWt is ao a—l at having better good* than th*** aampl** af* the re praam tali van mi They hut ouaArw our prevKHinlf vßprMfttd opinron, that the Mcwtestadt firm—, aunpta nad ch«ap a* It ta. was c*p*bi« of taraiag oat any kind us p«4a ! that can be maaafnatarad oa the beat (acierj loom* The Georgia Loom and Msnufactarlag Com pany. which ha* parrhs**d th* right to tuana l#* tur< and aril lAaa* loom* thu Htatr. will aw»a be in fall bloat and prepared U> famish them tn large q iaatiaft. Wear* glad that this at tnoUcUwy has bean eatabliahad la oar mty, an I glad to know that it has been established au all. Every oouuly la thu Htat* lowii a nauiher oT the** looaxa. Properly ap|diad they will aavw the aaoaaaßty <4 poorhoaa** ami paup- r funds. No ptantsU' u will be oottplrU without use. In the hands of an ordinary Operator on the old field hand loom, on* of them c»uld aaeAly manufactar# the "«rv*rj day - and Suitdej too” cloth** at th** wind* family Tb* i. ta no blarney in thu noltc*. and if any one is <Liapoecd to doubt what wc assert, thry h lift but to call and see <>aa of tba rus chin«* in opwrstiou Its ma>-bioarv, ao simple thsl adullard oau uausgr it so easily uader*t<**i sad ao little liabU to g*H out <4 repair, rieouiavud* it at ooca Ui the iftsibka observer Thr looms are new oa exhibition in Am* h ry * building, on Peachtree street, near the Las office, where thry can be seen in •q t *rs- Uou. Bp*e4meua >4 the different kind* of g<«otka which it man a fart ii r*s may slao be **« n An lyupycAtvn «*f the** will b« ftufficieut to c«nivi*v* any h**4 at « family that his »-stab liahtu*M will remiun incomplete i/nlil he has one of M’-udcnhall'ft Hell-act mg Hand I/xuni Go to P 11 Koook. and get an elegant for Christmas dec Ti it Fulmdui. Wr bsd the pleasure, last *»hi iig >«f u-erUng with Mr Fltrli, of the Gnffii. In-Weekly Star W. ar* gUlt.i|e«rn tb*t 1 kia paper I* rajndJy I bereaving ta mfalati<a snd ree«»mina«td it to «*ur merrh'ftitt* ** a sdrertoug medium for tnat t, u and” *f to G*'>rgis Ns.j »U.U HsiTk A'.» -(.Ji.n ■lti I Dimmi in | till 4 < mm Baai n*--- mm will find it greatly t< their lot#-rest aud convenience |„ givwo.s mil dacil—u X The Ladikh Homk. Thai p.paUr W« kly , for to day * ivc up u* iu na ler* It s*-u --new ChiiMi o. Si i> Mugby 1 n.- is "ue .f the UI.MI 1 harming pr-be ti-.nv that b *».- ,ta in »r. and ft >ta tb« pi nos (*• groat i.o« e 1 i*t. The other article* ta the II »me this we-k • ar» also.* ui l: nty A* a fstuiii puprr. it i« 1 fHkned. as'lt a-- \o cal * tifall a purr in rUlity an l a sound literary teste. Ue *rr gl*-l t«>kn-'w im»t the pubiivUer e m t«n»| date* no jov» git rariy iu lh* ye*i, h> to*- alium «*f lour vujipi. m- utary I PNF" Th»* woi r-b. v. Horn- proper I the ■ amieresting .b«r l-*n of ulv-r iv w uu and notice* that are alt uC* tk*-r -»«t >4 place iu it The suppleui* utsry »t*«-«-t v« aud -rwlan l. m t<*ls mnl' toe bu«m<*Mi *fti»e#-t of th#- c »«* oeru We hop«* it I* tv I- ..roll with a 1 vcrtiaemMftU te th#- utia *t ii.u lCr»r;i* aj » i ty It ought to hsve S liberal pair < Why may it not? L-t*.! r*» .»t 11 »rj«-r s Week hr and It -oner v L l.,’*-r auvwer For SftLR ’ \ N • 1 Slean! Ktlgfne » ill KtHlera CO HI pi el* js.wer. h.rvr Hill *.il very low much l«wo# thsu c.>st -ls*c*us« *• have uo use for il All in prrfcet Ap)4y *»»B to J L it. Rti ur Lr H X lUi*» * Jw Fa Residcvci im titi/m J H White A Cos offers house to rent in tirifhu Hoot AMU LiIHiII Will bold ‘I ftpVHlsl njp tin n ' at the Truck l!->u*e to-mght. Liviei*,m,l Salt. New Urleana Syrup an 1 new crop UtU purchased at A K tkag»» a Lh»m t maoKT tt»e Kinpir lb**isursnt. »>• xt d«M>r b> Georgia >*U >ml lUnk AUlmiu# street Liuifter Tp iu t tin +#» B<-ei ukui will hn I it gristly to th«-ir iutenet slid C»>meUMJU*-e l. - glVe .is a call, devil —ts A mum on i* directed t«* the order *«f the City Council in reword t<> fir*w*rkv M li H«.n A « o bsv.* n f „ th -i-i .and biftahelfc Com st th bj- ! nlurh lb «•• **ll n*ss.,UaVl J*B Fbittiv*! neatly sud . xjw Uo* ■ > e»,'- cultd ttt t o Kra ofli • Non r \ tiu. Jot iv. ~ter N ro I:.k 1 r as «( Kk% ** - tr toil ai r.iu i vi. J h f*» n R-siM i. ui . • s orti« * xr w uu. , Tr. U h«a bc.u very fan t lay th -u*i . t quite h««vy s» it **- yretetdav and. on tli»’ whole. a|’j***r*» t>* bav-- been saiidsctor' St*H"k* geticrstly h»vr been replenished. that the abtd»e* o| .*nr n» rchsuU diajday foil ami varied so-ortmeuta *1 g • > U *”llat little has tie* n dome by our ltrqki n» in elttu-r Com r li. UMUiI in iu «* -1 bought at V» and sold at 17 per cut pr«- uuum. and Sri van bougtit at 2“ au.) sold at It itai Xon lbs ret-tipU of to d»v bav, b* . n light, and the pn *o, under the uulavorsbo n*|vi*-ea fu.iu N.w \ rk. hs 2 stfsili feceah L We quote *J7|c as the highest figures for thr t*«at The demand for Coaw continues active, bat tl»e incrasuHd buoyancy |pMnel was loftt to day. Txlcta. hoa-evur.. remain the same, and we q lots pruur White at *1 .Why the car-load fr»n» de,. »t. and ft I I » 1 from store, according t*i condiUon »b* st«ick is ample There i* a fttemly deman 1 for Flora at the pmats heretofor. q i »t« and. an I Uf>-- sbn-k of a t gra*l«s IS kept very rv»n bv on«l »n1 s Id ill -n 111. *M IK vriy I ill t Hi i 111 •Ii s-;|. limited (’leal Hides are wurtu l.'. o-uU Lsati is uue- sng>nt Sto.*k (Ait. d»«uau I g..s| TU* demand f T <bm IM very sative and the abH'ft moderst* W« hear »*f n * ,*hang * in price. # The stock Os Hu t hv. b*.et, much r. t i l Imil to-ilai w»a iRCMncI by h v*rr ro . ipt. from Virginia. Th- inquiry i« a* a-tiv* ta »r I aevcral weeks, an I price# are Ann at laU q »<*- tationa. with an advancing leiidatMy Tb» mark* cis M*'*l*ir < Vr quite b*rr of IftvrrpiMi #4 Wav |*«i I f»r tb> laAl lot reeaitinl and *«*4d. Iby the car lo* I Virgiui* >a w«*nb fi.t t»y the quantity, and something high, i by the im-k I lU-auinaand H >ra are in*- n«o The stock* of I»bt o«hb are full, and the aMvortlueuts tailed Our deslrT re |<iqal>d U» *U|'P*y « unu* m • chant- at v-rv tow A ure*. and Mich a» * isti I • repi.*n4»h their a* « k, . Will do well to Visit this uiaiket Ga<- aaiß* are row id fwii anpp4y, ftftdpaxla in th.* line are affhr*»l at vary law pnrna. a* nil Bftg admit who will look through «mt storks Owr HiUiWftU Bwvkftßift, aliiftto th# grant ■«ni at all arw im* i* thrs lima, hnw kept vwry full Block*, and by selling a! a aaaaJT ad van#• hop* to ae> ore the mteuu «4 e**wntry 4n'm Th* atemha ot Ifmtutm ftfti* MrDKiiLi have h**n and are now a* foil a* bdow th* war. *a4 aampnas itee pwroat and fra*heal arUetew to b* had. IteaWi ia tku »l*partm*wt will duplicate aay tnvuftca mad* Howta at Bain BBOVW liars aud Car*, and Ikon and Harobs at the lateml atylna and leal mah«*. arw in ampta sap ply, sad the pr*r- a at w hvh dealers offer Uem ■mat attract tba atiwnUoa at reentry n** r chant* and ladnoa ibatn to pnrrhiftft here. Th* murtnvat Bad extent at lk« Mocks of Cbiciui ib Uua market will coin part favors bly With markets at greater pr*t*B*i »ua Knows will he f>>wad tempting No interior market, and not many of any other kind this a»de of lUkimore. oe* make a betw <h*pLy of Ktovb* and M-w Foiftiii l»o (itmum than this—all which are offered to i IWtail dealers' Beee lark NarkH, The J'*ariisi A Ckmmibs, of th« 18th. re ports Iha Money market mod* rauli sfltiii (a pi L*l was offered m**r* freely. temporary h*ar<- were naaiiy obtemci >n tmaceUarM- •»• eollsterai# at 6 per rent . and npon Govern men! aevuntiee at a lower rate The BBkount of ftrel class comimr iai pa|*er on the market was com| nralively small th* 1 *e«t aignatt *•• were re*-tiiy taken at Cfm 7 |*er cant per fan num dia* "ini, and aeiartftona from othergir*d name* at ft per eenh The total rweetptu at the Hwb-Treaaary were to,ilia. \Hl 3 . u»Lsl payments. t 4 Oio. 111 71 lexvmg balance on hand in specie aud paper money off 197. >12.346 72 Mate and Western Fl**/ rol*-*| higher with a fair d'-inand tuaiuiy f r b#*me trade while 'fvifttkeru w*a in m re *■!.»# revpiest at hrm figures Th* Ui! sale* f.»m-.l up T mMA»>*U at tn IU„ vl*i f */. * ; ij rIS , Htatr. 110 l**'■> • U f at exira > * ill IV- f|] e for good feo chawn l Iff IbtgilQ for r fine M. gigan Indiana. t>h - ! »> vU and •> 7UT«.»11 VI f»r extra I * 111 QOto !It f*r lh*»* nn 1* in. i»d ug aliippmg brand- of r■* .-I !#"!»•» * Bt f|o B«gtf ||i and tr%*l b a- ! : ,t fl 2 *l2 7‘> M K m. st tee- sij'i m, V-wT* - —ei. J. j TTT’ j W-i tit 'M> f.»r *% . .them Extra and Family. Tb* m.vrKet f**r Ri« 'v./sr i» fjrtu st q«ie*ta t. .. •:„<•}, were : .r f*ir to g !#|G lo» Til. «%?••** Were «•,#» hud- at I*l Itr Cob*, a dli fr I* r ll>o rn#re was a fair r*H. t* ref! • • . •• n- (Ml - . . )\ -p - t n*« it ABd erjubed. pt>*d. er 1 4 I l -c I*» .« r» if nta Tn* r sen- i«.e jU the C -ffee market 8 ■ * 1 U * | - D . in tr* t. t s. rms •1 n#r# wit * ..utiuud g-e-1 .lemead f*r (!hees«' ■ ft-nu s'.ip|e-rs ai f. l rat#** Fart.try, i» qu *!■ 1 . K/.HT. r I r -J to.p/mie and Dairy s* !«*.. nt* Halttwsorr Marftfl. k#<U Uc i-f tb# hfh. asV the Ci.ffer msr*et . xi.ibtted n. r- * u. witu a-tie . ; te»lß*. Ill*, at l"'*# l**! Cef.t- i' ; l (4*l *tgtft >na unrhatiged The at.-., k m tir-t hai, t* l‘. ss'^ Hallnu FttniTv an 1 high grelre <4 K 1 or % brsul- lr ft *»*. 4 rW. stern sti-i Street 1-s. r ,• . »:*% I. . br- * .Ui firm* r. (mt tber. *4. « I J,eVfr • „ the trele and and f r--its ark ws- 1V» bt;- N *r:. s'•>!,.m extra, . uc - brand-, at 4li - - •ft- UsU Harket. Ta. iKBi - fit f the 1 VI. -ST*, the attend sn • . t'hsßgw -a* i.-ry thi bu; tci-iaea dull lie Flour market - * fl *t with v,rr f. w bn\*r* mI V nrork-t .Ns.-- •mpftaed Plo Kh*' • a -up- r .1 -f t * 2'- 42 t.f.i- -oper at F.w , * I‘, 2 si bid. s, riuv Extra. •In*-. Iu 2- l.w !**'•• Extra f l2‘-* U 2 - Ftd .at *l2 T!> And < e * ch . . |.. a *ll e» to *l4 ~f 144. fLe i . ira-t f.r I •■ *#,- -a ,u 1 heavy "n a. *mm of the adi*a<-. and freight fv.ies C U:prised 3>. M.ii new Ui*X dat a* II 2VRI -a- new n:l*#-d a:. 1 y, .; *w at t at-mt 2H*»-W* , . , y a and whit* tn the Lit' J at ‘it. r *i 'Ti l .1 Ito.X xl . and xril .a -[ >2 t . * * 7* • - • lev id yej* -a and a t.ift— a. *-• i a‘vi -kv —»tnrrrr t.-M ■ *4.1 at..4-—^4 —es ll. a .vv l k»" « Isr lasall Xfarkrl n»- Eojuirer. x»f thv iTth aay a there was a • n- .all rnarX* *f. r li>>*- and a g*>! I# BiAnd resulting ia heavy sale* at g«**l pncea A!»• it *<AR>l b« .i.l Jifax .1 tj> vw* r# a**id at pric«a rwugiug from S7 d* t * $7 75 for light aud lire wax eras’«*a- Ther- were alw -alr-» of ■VC b‘*g* lu lbr n>*>riitUg a* high .v» f*’. 7a ItK <h< or* : n:-» at tb. «1 ... i t b*s»vy. and hg - . . ft- 'e x , J ,i at.- |. / | receipt- r: tb. t*~. illy !. ut b ore emhug, n a»u w* r -Umi 7J»»» bead Ih*r* •, i r ta i u the Wr. k t -* tUp -4 7 •e i .II I -pi * i*i% 111 W tost iM-xkmg n a i-'fai t-.f th* yi-rt. 4 173 . . •I. ii waa alem 1' LisUvil). Ma.k't. - f pr-vaibug .v i,. r. iu .ra» si u». iu rrirrvn.v to Ib ewe meeting-, which w. -h-ii trauairr It* cur column*, jvith la.nie i>M ternsi - r-*ur own h% Which we h »pe to trftsski n an *oter.*at m mt oau H-sui o( r»ad I.- b *‘ir market as* a llltU sufirr. With -aU*** i id, - oibsl orands at i * ao (• Vls lid t ..ip. rhn. xl i* . *•7 5. aid 225 t*». r*»- A S lat *l4 2a That i- ai* ad va , - ii that g:a. Q . -un-u- ... ‘* l superfine t*m H W wacaCid t • *lO. p.ain • xiia -1" 2>*i t H 75 extra .tanhly, t\2\- Mid ’A S%* 114 i Uncy brand*. #l4 7. i 1 5 4-5 The 11 -g aud I*r«*i lattiii market, th.-ugh n M stiniul .’.' and. rul* \ at* sty. with a g » *1 demand l**r at* laercliaßtable h »g*. which met with ready sal*->*u arrival Ibe per-vailing qu-4a la >i.- - weight* at th. |*r«iv Sales ot m*-** pert acre n»a*»a at #Jf in round I.*u, and awl* **f Xti.ikM pound- balk p rk wa- made on private karma Salas .1 given ahouhlerm aud hams at * to 10 cents 11. n<m ?*r -l-.igblerwd i*. dat. tool. .) I» ad . Llllcat Mnrltct llcparla, • ere I*vk NsrkM. Nrw YiWA. I>t*ceaal«er 41 N-n <*• II ojan.-l at 311 and a*tvwfti«f-l l» > »t* E«. hangc S*x*-m» Five-lwr> tica ltWt| Ten (or ||v« t'j S* veu thirties Hh» Naw Five twe*- (l»t lIM t'ott.m fiat and lower \f*bti»«g upland* !441 t.ilk! cent* Flour declining, with sab-- >4 l»arr»ls Southern at fill 10 fa* filfi *! H heat 110 2 cent* I. *rr t’**rti d«s ting tVats 1 cam lower l‘«fk with aale- .4 *ikl hamda n- w •Hi *» rt*l tT 1 Unt quiet, with mb - Os *s. Uriel* st lli I 111 Sis \ % lh mb. * 21 l'u n.n , *. id ' o|>aue«l at Idi* and rl.*e**l at 13-M tiaah gold a4 tens tftftto* tods/ waa worth <Ma eighth yarn to lain c M -€>•/ ia iaersa*s4 tents# in temaagusmna •4 ttea tertiß* ta I 14, an and has rkaan fr*m I 4* 7 par rent Thw Mnagency, Als mftd. mm* lufiftkft doll and W/w*r Frtmw ftlity Bfft •what «{te» n|ktl|te#| par rent. pe» - taißte toranmatit ascnnlMS etemnd heavy fW #W«M Os I*l. 11l to 114 IMA KM I to I4M|. IM4. |fffi| to 106|. IM6, lU6| to )«fi| Tam fortftwa W| to ItN FivwHwwnteea. HM# Iht -ndtorio. ls& Cteun and ill ante* «# ISffh bwlm U M| to Jf*. Vi-mtt deehnißg. with mi** of »j*rr#-4a (towtbarn aft ill 10 u# #!'■ San. H treat 1 .4* 2 ore la lower (rt rbaawd belter Fw/k firm. With waiea <4 f Vs) tmrv-U at l»> K t* IIQ T*. beef haary fewer With aal-ft tff l.ffob barrels ai 114 to 12| owat* %*/iAs taqaa Use 74 to 7C can La Boats UK to tlO TV* safes of rice were IJO barest < art»(ana at Bf lo cewu M - saar ■ quint, with aafea at Dl) bof beads <>rieatfta. new 90 *m *M rent*. Balllnsr* Barßn hiLTZift *BB. booabrr 21 Wheat inactive ReeeipU <4 oarn atnady white •( Hi feifew It 09 V-1 97 Gats Arm at fid to 62e Ftowr dull «priftnr wheat Oran Is heavy (jrrocwrt** kegW«Wl and dfto.pftkg Vkftslj haaey (karlsstaa Bsrh.i 1 BftßimrT***, l>#evcuher 21 win fjf \mlmrn *4 rtxuMi at 1 ««ht decline. Middling Ni; *tr*cl ii| I*l il c*n4a ■•tell* MartiL M Bii-a Itesnfef <1 Ibe -ai-s of redßote wet- 1500 bales M.ddlißgs32 reads hsea tor ike week Ifi.SMO bafe* Becespft* 13 HJF* ba!*-a. ybu l lh. 413 baMW last week.—- Export* J Ml* stoek an band 71.341 bafe* Llv»rysl Marteet. LrvmroH. ItormM tl, V»on. TW ssiss d<' tin (V the week HO ♦'bale* aul threw ml | BB -** •/• •TU A-'; at i «|rd LjvtfcfSJlfth.. ll Evening The ■" i:; ,*n*rke< dmamn »Lre4«iy at Wb- r«re* a'#i el kt Uteia to .fey Tbe aa.»-* am >ui.U-l to Iff 4Mi t«al*a lbe kr#s4<!uf* market t* wn r babge>i • Mixed Wenters rern is mttX qw«t# t n\ ’to* Evtru'Mjm rviaaiu- steady at yrniou rate* Th- n**j *-1 fee tnifew i* firmer wilu a alight Us4*k Nsrli*l. v I>*Bt>oß, Ikonrer 21, V»»b F.v* iwwb- Ue»7l| i"D*uuii Loftt-** - Evening —The I f.r :£ ucy n.«rket easy Con ci* *** Ist I u money Tb# mart#H f*t \ me# -an re .nt:e, ...a-i steady ai lh# f«te k»ai offa .ai figure U K. Kiv twikliftl 72, En*- Railway shares 4ffi lUißom * Nsarki «i < Ksrkfl Ms*. Krorta. I» .Vai--r 21 Evemteg Ira-le at MaucnUtef 0.ibu0.% g —i,BH:I j*rv>« I'>r ( t,-i on and inahafa cured yarn steady •4 iII.HO Xl* ( Oft *l«.\>:Ka. I •atlgs*#* per (••«, ala Kallraad. r M to t*V'Le -a J T K-~1 - i K» *a ft 'ey j.*** a . n. v s » r . . -rs % . A R f>|i •*!•«»' ft 4 h » re-erer * 2 li ..i v * * J i tow ft». TV.aa ll ftei Ato-'i ft to SPECIAL NOTICES. Ta K*si.T* a S leassl *»• sf lkft A|H a. w, 3 H WNXTBfi'*V. .to r: ft' »u.vk*. *i'-v fttiaoftft. ia til.-lias. Hawk and I sdtet-Tkm wtU t- a -4 w • 1 ~ r it* H • * so i Lsdßsr • .-wire* ai T~* ft H.- W* To M .HT liewskt «' im Tte# attentfew mt all laftereoSed U 41ml - inffn 11 A• • 1-ra 4 -ft -Oa. * I#T r■A t* t Cfw l*#s av u» % J 4 tr. • #ft» vjtftif U»# -si. Xjs. u V lfc> i* I iu« u. * t., „t |»rwi**f* ib * rm» f-'* u, M»- ar-A •* * S*.r ■' - .4teaoa ymj a Bn# <4 a a > 1-. #y».n* S## i >oare sac H* *-t v ! tb# M.y e aa.l « -a*-*. <to 74 Mt SR Icvx C. C ftsMNilr—The issssl Kleettow te OB- Nanmic TO*, wxfl MB. l4a >dTt UteAt 4VIHV. ft fill. ai * -A loss pa*- da tab# 4aa »*«>*-* / M ROBIBH. IL C lawato iW . Ornll-m ftllaala %f.dl#*t tallege. Itoesskev 18. '*•» fu l-xkl ■ •' tk »-a-4 <4 TYte'is ■/ tSe ftuaaia Metua an fe-nst* wiU be k«M by reC It. ■l* r MX Kyi W |R<* frvftn lk» Luni «mk X ISf/srS* a.J **.n«nbau *’ «4uia*x n •11 .• ft >i vt.KI .ft . 41 ft Wf. ft Pill I ftTftWTßft t-ftßii.l A ft r r*- -sir'd vx . , #*»:■»oU lii sumß k*wee tba; I**»peetHl <• -A. and Ise ffßin xSV x:.' i\« i.i ;.> m ft \i. »2rati, ft %T!X I «»b re KkJoft roraa»-*o *.» K*ifi_iai ftKf Ja. a. *l* tee TWI.iR | lutriX Far retie l«*e Urarrwl.—lans a rand Mat. M .u isea-raj ‘ lb- rfc*t>« • ,»v«*i ktete v .mpeft—*■ « t U" Rrai h aa*t Ha.* id Ike • oa.-esa ab<l Tailsf—*as ' Vrmtft. are I lb# n»»»n HI the Wat CRT ■ Wit. ab fta»« me. Ite-Oaa. 8.-es %.IkaU* mt Jar.i4K.-~. im- f a rmi Ae id# ey 4fi W v • **er a-tb mo te anruiak ft... 1 aau *ra U-I.l* -ufl. -’ao. f iftKii - ant 4 h#r#e arid ahf ■•tuded reywkwe . *a«. tb# i’*—-rs. t .rm*t S t»4Ur -I !' A4.Lsn.-k H.lStrs Andatif fsu. ea« *■ ding wwwte. * • • - RBim and ? 'me iHs-rfar.i. my neasftb lr asaakre bad - • » l,a{s*atu.vt> «c-it-isa* -*» to*. fta ass lbs* I Hfas. m»«(y *n4M r **r tectire s -a tw a* *eai bare dtaa^reca R • *—-1 s *» -iwA ao K4t—*'»- » keen 1 VI- -erf •■«*».a. * *.,i*vl (***..UK.-. I KSd m ftu.. ,- JQ.U sI afitssiiin fciui w- SI wws^fk* NOTH 1- 11 m. n» suv rj- Rockawarb Bu/ps* Wsgoa '.I S4 See |*a* M*l ot Ite# >SftlW< M*lm M Ster Set av 4«i*sl*e< • .rimes si*■ 1 sar .mftsreedma ib# *t* ia Mils ar dweafekftr * live ael .-aaas -1. -a* 1» AI N T mIIO 1» in tikr t, |sa pe-faee.l k rre-aafte eekirliss mt * * kaepti.«BN*.d K«a tote* wtea baa. NMITII W O R k an ten.. * J, A I rib ML! special Kmcra. liyrfl fwla—lliß »*«T* H aim “ ' I ■iiUMfifimniK rmjßMurrm. F—« mnmm n. aU »**'- »»jpn.>y a—ar»4aar %»a—Patß-pg imu/Tnrk M lMM«B»M*ti** raw g •* lii gi>| pr rt—4 Igai '*»> f rfciZ/A ala «fa > I *•! 4 flDi nil or AAA. IflA vw* A* » Jinx X wig i< ■i*wn A-m |1 U iV __ < Wr» Ir • as. |« W- f» pn Bsta fWMnaOMrilKtt ”» «m t* |1 ImAt «AHI i Imb |U aw IA •• u#u r rum TV Opt ■» H..m >■!■«■ awi B— a >t. ■ lllli .fS mu aa4 ». O# IHA • vMA - Iwna, ta* mr,< «**— 4 g~ fa*..* ■ ■ TV* mm .r. **. »*Vii ta ai l***f-~* «m. 23 A ( m«w * v mm* ta? m tan i tw. m ?mr -nr--- •ViXH >ai ■ iwaiv '4 -w K— mtgv n *** «** * . ViwManl U» arftlOmnr. at ■■— • • * - »a~ » <— »v an mpt—m t- «*.«-.n.tay- im~ ri w r>jQix * 4v* iOou. A- l-fcUi aasg-.Ai*i4HL r ' v. .i. at 1 mt-' ** n» «. an*. r miiin^ *■ h.*. rt ww *»Hft MIL *1 m. map,.: urn * ira. Aw> ».i, A, t. htf. a -oyat**, W Ur Aw • na* pagmu’w.' w A « -»•••*-*» * M»»n F|f’ fc*T"P mi lUbk. :mhm la <L Ur 4 :.* fc *ar«( ■’ l*bt •Aij w W»ni* fr *• »* Vom «f Hoi. t - mn. { IW «MA nr ■*»- »l M «!UOA **.** mi hnmat gwn.k mm*. 4 T 4rMfcl»» * ‘Ti. «**iV i-Pkilj au*— ua lUw«f »«• p—-TVm ?<«u) •A. ,• - IV •« t « MM ft; w. M >v* i '»•»«« l*mtrn» Mmlm t-ml • Uvrwi -.w A ft«. i.4 bnM >.p*r Ala BrgWlw. ' iw. H* -11. »> 1.« : • .;..vr itua j-ffti .1 * VMrk ’.v a >u* A *i.. .n.-m »* u.- a »a yria •H 6 •»■»*. •*.. i tm v ta*. r iT-n aii-nn at. . «ir* u-» a» w» <■ njmi .*• vn> a t>i . • >t k. «' •*'****• ■% U-* An< lii*w -1 ta-* r*-n |»a <***■'» ; «j* • I >-**’ * rig »Ato4lj VfnfcJ-i •rtViirgarflVrau.tMif at. twftb-»n » ;n- tV a mtg» .i rtai r»» k*t aa: bm-raal TV*, a » ■ •“- •• > - “ * •—• kr» i r» -i: » Ik* Am-wis* tapt i- • r * ■• tab*- iu I* HiVwKtJHBi kM Nkg(t*l • MlliiMt ny «p* parr aaA Wav ifc.i fii!! V."ilm4H IWMN' M„\ M* g ' * » > *«*!■» i » M. * •«» TV> i»m»« * . of tv MR II **. tk» «» "HIM tfc. !*•*« 1» •»r* * -*•"'•» * «fVi fcl»* at a a- j- t **4-... MialAgi «>pn.* H a*#r. *- t aS I t T ■ ■*• T ■ hnkua n,*«rrg i k. >a *a>' iw *irlbn( TV * kk v * I «*k • • .• - * ia»i It»i —• ••-' • r » u* IB • i: • fta-rat. i ifciv r. *• i *• i» tkar art*- •« **t> m.l if- -Irani■ TV| a*» •*-* -»:.«* wura *v 4 mi • grmt r* *W l wanvl F i«Hf - tT 4.v hi* a -T iVVh ' Tkw w -»***•.• b a-, >* •<' Maaaag Ua« «*»*i*iwf% • ■» * l-ru**-k >!*•« —« . Attw wpra vat ■ bMafi. 1- -*• • * v • c»M *raj*t—i t •» **• ■ 'jpTWTigf l1 ' ik* iifMwn PnM ■ • » kra kai.iH* kp* tkf w *»*4 . h ai. tvagptn It »V *'aia* » v*-,«.-a *~**J Sn* >U >kpa t» «w 4 a V^r* k ; m Ha> l 1 •* >v*n V»« \«t taming* *p<M w ■*»» . **i' **' IkktWV fg.l IV.- • » ' -m* *l' rannux fc x Wr^' WMlnnl* r- . n *.»**-■ * v u |A' •* * l*«i *«*. ».A.i A Iktf *k«Wl H* paa • Mta « *<ta Itaia. a« • -►— •«-*• •■ k*7 *iaa* IV as taialag* »|M«g« V ••*• . *4S k* tai It-ana H-...nwn • kwaMi ka. WaMai a- . »ta« ■» *»' * ■*"* I«*M> *A. h k« vapa. » V rt* rrsmv kg 'a**'* AM M»- aiHMN 4ir« AmA» and *KP**» «h* ban WtaA ■< * * 'a i"*mßUfk »Ui* fanvuT Ptw* M taming, apt lag « at*«. a<M kt il Iva—t ii. L«a«X *ira..*r m 4 .am. . >i«nt tai* b Bta*—m . Vaaam. NwWtar. AI W-Ukt- VW» BA»n. ta.«NM lAtawgm 1W rifw* m«' aih- »U .»«ry«ktk w A* .tulip* Mta. taming* *|M tag Haiti, »jW kj ak l~i u jpiti •f*n* iivta ATLUTTA lUMTOB KXKTOAT Hr * Mh/rvnT'/*. wt 1.11 *4 mn hrr ftSipM •JiaTLAB A Mrs «4*a> ni hafl Tingp.i I /fS jh I> ITTAMa WV * W l» '\IJLX% ri.afc.r* n Agi taara* ha lAny Wa ai L^aTu - 1 ■ lad.N a 0.. vwmi I .at waw .at* tn 4 Mgragi aarart A Ck*M*l Wa-taak «aail ii Bar pv» c»i anw , Manna Ah/V|Zl A 00 ar fc g.i, «ag Ban Uva« BU PUAI la . WV..aaaa twnint * l»i Wilng A r*l ml. ftn in. mg Onn- gat4l A CO . Tkatu* ni Ini »■ tlna «■ PI f ' M UOUIMmI l«mr * aatn TV ami an I JP WHJTI A 4«X. vwmn nag Ana. IwpAnAV • Anpn n-4 Am*? lay m < iAa. rygAanp, Aaaa Ji*l> C II Xlrt -ant ng < ■ ilia Bar cnaa- Nni/n n*t J• : tIBB 4 Arm f ans O—nw AaP Up* k *WPSrn * tgnm wag feOfOrr A a.m nan—.a Ik/ Aaoßigk ***—* ML * M Uran* Pami* Pi. A- uamat urt ruruvr ngpurr — at. PWPWf. .aaijnig Aa-tr u?va»* »v - J> * <.«• lamatac —nan J 7 ir«ir«> a ft. la—• IwaprwAi i - Sill Ik yb i XT’ .l» mk% 4 « tata.— h** A— AH'HU :>c SLAP 4 41* it—aai Gaaaa Iwta arm ymn«4« *V U. 4JBI nag-ra. P*> Aan aaP | |Uir 4 riUli Abm AtA n lb— I i***’ » c •—«» at 4 Pan. * Ia~» nA- atigat. A »■-»:_ A I*l P— P—— «U • mm KV*k\ 1 *. <1 a* Agiinii Oa lta P~A . b. Hn.-V tta.tX -* | 1 I *LJOa *•%. «b— »b lanli^A ¥' V' L*-fM 4 ‘ W— aatta.i t— ji. u. A— aa‘ 1— n Upn* tai Van A>- T w •* igw«m» nJ L»a Bnrhagta ■C.-naC D* BrAgaak •* TAta C-*n: ia—cnpr -nr—t I- J & »*—»A U»* P-apr—i yrr* ti»nV< tar *1 tk r:a|« aa» paaraJ* >mg |nr I, P*“ 1 a» w- r.f tw> taryn* mmm tats tWt Wha * l. m ymar *amojC»*« that fct*» k V IPW <g Inn' .gta-n a*c n • *m ■, nafca —At **—n r**A la •* ata r P—aar Atx —< ivrug 1-a mnpg.i n PVA Am i-ttn a—paA* mk. U< f*m aAraa ha* !«.’ »■•» * A-awH Mia itilia IVaar larj tVt|n*—ap CAn iVtavlta anil* «Ar- m A* mm Aa n paafnrt l<n4kgiata ami !»—,. Prra f 1 J» ynr .«! v r a TV aar A»t I— I* tht* ’ntaa-U fcfna** - «—1 i- lx AAn4 » Pna -<ga» p S \rtk«i Mta.< Pk mamrr • > law im t>k !«-■«*.. Pa ram A Oa.. % \ - s Htn Vtiat Ui t i*pa I' fWrl SaUArtar . Hair l»? * —TA l* a^lraaPM Um • • a uy *u-ta—. krAntgg. lan—n Bi or p- wtvgn tk* -- -Ana .A Aan ."V"* lanr ~f an- »l*og V »**«M %U V afl I«ntau- » . ia4 h?Xa.n fnAar? M harm a.’ n—4. Va I r*k fpg—Aar'*.. UPA-iry IMPORTANTto FEMALES - s ’Sa^ | i A\fe\ f PlLtS V HCPOETAJVT TO FEMALES* UK. (HSCSKMArH PILLS. *ppf * tatnn-n 4 ngr- gimn la tA*m V ■uM t* vkmr ~ n at-* .—— jn ta lAt b*• a. H -w gnat Xa n Aaat angAaaAk Ar Aav*»i tawp, vtat grama Pan* mmrrajn. a 4 ML « HKHKVIVi PILU *'tn.-«aa Inin lA* p*n»— tatt >•— A A ■m. Tbn i Ktk tarn V la* * % n"m «n mar am tanma IVAU'UTt an 4 PLAMkIk-XT a/T. law. IWI An PttßlrtP. TAA* Vwahwk*** ana' ta m Ivtap*. ani Vi I— —* rmm n— «• ftl'Tinm *T. , Ukl n A HA BAIN*T>«/V f«* VT4ti.A aVA W ——4 n Am Pita | , IB ( MRKIKNUI'I PILL! IU- a— . «AanA—Jmaai? W pkathßn | i i-aAar v alia TV aB «Aaaam Art tra m -4 A— *4 4—ga— -v. Pm —— At « a— a— k-1 -Pm Pm cam Mr pn Am. at g Paam fg »* *aaa..g h-nm m VBWfc^^ 4 t <a At T' MiPuP A HtUTn. P—, at I— m tamart. Vnn )<ai *B m. PBLin il: IfAwtl >HIA| OEOYIGU LOOM PJLIUFACTTJSIIiO OOMPAJT. *A»I W ACTGRKRB riarratt look to toca dibbai tni»rrruLacjii.«ni C*m*r V.ILLI aa4 a—j mm, ut> u a * 11 ■ w BaPmAaPt tagrttrag ipf 4*»M RAM AM POWER UNM f eamieji nu*amjOD. r A 11C B TO OFEIATE, **l» MOU KZUABUL runn HTOuat ADVtxTAan ttn ill «rm un utat, B MOU. n.Mt-Ufc kXU K'UUX Ptarur. cna b» I ■lipulirl By »n*-t* t A*g p» A* Ag ant nam nPa TfiOM 15 TO X TAEDB Cbb hr W#tß bp lib* Lsbbi la Oar Day! rfvurpi ai purr aa apt ra-roti u*m: BnrPtnaHv ana. 4> P—B? «km| vy rmpsf4 W #1« a bps rpp tm baL bb IL mFnjrr»k*l BLP4YAtaDk BY THE TT *VT*‘» OF 4.X EAST < KaSK irkiii W ALI 4E AIAV bf tfc« «kgi Lr—in tpg Trmmtam. ml ur«i Om Skm UM 1: 4 *.«at ian—, Plait a*<a Umar T m Ht—kai TavL * la tlm-PVap t AoUk. Y tnMt kia A* <V Kafeivi • i ingjp FfAiW Tv - M aT kumiA. rwx T » r All WmJ ricHk. i “ngL Toarilpf Tahir lapm. Haiz» g->. *># rVA , H -at LtiKt ial H«*r> ' s.rjmtn. blast e*ITHJ\.» frßi HAH.Milff SllJi to a lLk*» * AMI’ET ** >-*A»A r *4 ■;• * n >—«. +***7+4*l LntßM u 4 Ctaat? Rirkti f»r tain uta*.l. L.. u k%l bt.TktmA. is? ■* DBT COCOS' DAT 00006 GREAT HKDI'tTIOX magb. Fmmry —t DBT GOOD BOOTS AND SHOES, Ba AH Ml %mrtr4 ia IV, Flmm I O>' K I» IA I L II O X X. V ! JOHN M. GAireOK a i ,-T’h'k "F FALL AND WUTTUt DBT OOODB ■ la orArr a aw> h»n' ir Un ***< <P*n-» I «BL nr*T man * u )tt ft*** rm. n- ptaiy MW pt«n , Gival liiiitraiua?! Ifnbl M-mat, *nt btrwM liihE’ wru. as runt A Scbaiale of Ute Lndiog Am dm BtaaP mi fk.- %Ha htn l Mg inat ta-y Baa. hai ani Pamr? 4A V— I» laßaniA BPacA mg Wt iB-V .. TWia. mnnt n-M-IM. A BEAUTIFUL LUST OF CLOAKS ■ Bn— Pnrtft, mi Patßaa rv : mft lJam. ipiiiA t— laaun hliaul Tmap lai nag tar I— UMadUtßrntaUi Kta-mrn B ißaaf. kg La— ani CVaami hka rt aan An* Fta aa4 it 4 PMn Bnani r/gtat AB-Baai BtanPata vm Pam ang —p ram i. ani Hr nigV r av—. Tgk ani tMlni la—MPm 1 aAn KML Gbß Bn mmm * fftatw »f » V *aA» ga- TT» ar T*rr MBS, I —kr H*l BOPML PPU*LT \NI» -a vnßf, t TV» «mm* -■■ laa-awi *• * >, m, .. . ». m* Mi* Am **U JT» LA r«I«B. rtk muit muwnubmw m>»« *o«4 *vn< mvapHai HOO FLAKE’S GERM AS BITT£K> •tU 'All Mil till or CAHF Ur II ikfnfifpAi, pb4 MvrpßM riißptttn fr la.nil aa 4Bm &jam ani —j-- HOOFLAHFBGERMAI BTTTT I « - WIIJ f» W tliXKi ■' <> HOGFLAtfIFS GEKMAK BIT’ rkfPßlf PB'J \crvoij* f>t k TV—■ ng Mt ■— ai Pm ri r CFar* <Ln T * - T. Pita ““ amribrT.BntiaaiiananAlhnbili , r—TUU an ms na rami. AXD CAXSOT mu DBOmniU*. am a M tm* ta mm w—u. ■ aagB.WBBMMtaB 88. .... ■» ~~ qwi» Mb nta« i t~» <™» "* at K i ** Pnt W P igjni I. famrn MTbißPi Papam Ctar.A h. tin,AA aag an pm mmi? • Asr-mm - a— aappr rtat in m 4, ag am* g—=Trnn I Bm tkm . r 1 J L Fan Bat A Pam*« aim **. D D. Hh gknrV hw I4« * "* - —n. ta tar tav» » - 4 » * *nb* • k—itam r—' w ft . -al t.<. a. BBr— an: a .n. n. ! *-ta'r-‘ *ta _ 4 -pm pr -n. • -m • «» Bnrab. I- .f-* * —f is am * •* t vtai ! kai b t'fciTr si «a nr'f. * “a.* ani ta< * •» n A. Px • 1 BMP ft, MB IA. lABA jNJ man —y mLpjTta'y^Sa *rata— ' J!HZi"r—ltaT Mtitanpiai m» akto "|L "—ml' at aa y pr—l 4 ayjCr m *«4 'J* hT taata 1 Bar. fTnat aamaii fna ta. aan 4 a ksa. n tar spnm ami ML TW mi ta} ms iißii a wgrrat aft 'Om. Wat «m tkaatar a— ta Mb »? I? Pm BA ia H'taA «-? a aa tan taraam onto. ~f » I1 B* —>l'.. ' « »•» i* n aa yarn* ar»trs. Tmn. ar*o A H rtMLU' rr—tAaßa* « D »«4BL I ■■■■» I «*ta* - thn h i H BMta Bg i -inrmw. hrm, ami Ari ft m« ynnta' r Lanark] L D FWlili, rmiPn I Pta— 4 tan Ppap ai t 14s • an tftwi. rvntapLs r?— ivmmj F ,w, v»r- ta v - *> • 4 rmarfj •* J 1 r MB. ni i» mT* lma« n—l ta* tan ■* nmsA D. HIM .. Warn Bn* *a 'Xnj — 5 •» • ■—Am4 l 4ta !4y ay _ r LT im ■ »ta Akllttk T—a taQ HTLAUAB ODTI! Bata—ara D iMkki mtaTK u hi, ~ I Mi it ia* ta ym ■*» iiAn— paaps . pLT ■*' .L.i 'cL— »m **!.:< rr J- i—— Im M BB - n>l 1 _ r **** 1 * •* rjf* n* n. I B-- Ltnni-i-, i ~" *r zi i 4 kid . a> « IKBor • urwssrsit. -■.Bm 11-7- ' *■ Jtcsßua B.i • ' "Vli..x —«•- bm*. ''•*•— ■y o - ' k-l-ntl! no .(»-BW—•>**!'» - * mm mm w a—- 1 . —* ► • i~» *- - rwttu utnos u»stfwiw»' w m m b—. Ma»mn , laaSanttUß- m*rn —*lf