The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 23, 1866, Image 1

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THE SUNDAY ERA. mat or si bm nmoi. lag Dj.fSM- »*>■ %M uui.uMihsU um . EATBS or ABViariMIB. Twv U wtUtA.. Ow# M«U Boabcr •ii'tara*. Ow Nmw Tm Imm I*ft* W® # *A MM MM *••! fi* k|«n« j|« MOU R, tofuam MM MW Mu I (Mtflrt <»««■• MM MM M <>• jLr Calsw MM M«o *••»! Tvu-MMUMm MM Mw l<A'*l 0— (Mm Tt M IM M m» MmMmM lor • poru*l U»*n tfcr. ■wlti if Ba wm«4 ai • Mtoutu* i4 iwntj y» < M frwi *• lkw» IM« r« M IRMT* «* 10 luu or fur Ok 4r»i )tmer M. 11, Ml Mr MfO .u—rt. -*> 4*t ■ **»(• Tor— MU. Mm or m 4*um4 o/urr w Arm u> iklirM—MU «M U. Mrud l- r • (|or.M U»r UnrtlMOi oU iMtrtodal utumk lu U «*«#♦■» ** All a4*«nia— o» MOW sf M'-rturwoto. •■Av Locfti kUMI." SC# > U4r r *lor At Ik* MU *4 truri n*i run » Uho M mJi KM will A4*yrftr lur a Imm muu lUn ■<■» UjU*» M««MmaU tttoter Mr hml '4 *"*■**- to# ny (MU per Um Ir Ini iwrtMt.. o»4 lu «-*Mfts iur «u #oh#rnu#H uwrtM #P«Mu.n «M« IroM M#y qwrtrr k*»i MnOwihtfMMtowalMrul Mo Mote -*~toU. l Mil. OffK I or Till Ml • Vr WTbIBS tM m BU*S SCtlOttttO. OHIJU - r mum in rainrui mtm M» »H fcur*. bay a*4 tuoßl M NDAY moiuso MM SI MU (miAUB AID (OWABOKK. A WTOBT n>» BOTH. A Ditry group of Vx>v» pfcorvd in the nil by liir quay wall oue Salunlar after boob. Ailing tbo air vilb laughter that seemed to make ah old man like me yuing ogm-u M i heard. 1 took my neat on a grey atone benrh by the water wide, ami aat watching, now the hajipy boy a. Bird now the deep tide that flowed fast to the sea below my feet. Herr is sunshine, there ia theconstant water flowed —here "lipping by the »**» wall, ih rrr fretting against the prow of h*r?‘ or -hip it ran, aud aaj watched Ugh la and gloom*. cairns and fn-Ui altj pingypo Ibj*l to the eternity beyond, and looking out b«you«l th * barl*>r - tnouih I could see the great ocean lie in sttnlight, ami pray that iny eternity might be bright a* that. IVrhapa I looked a quaint old Itody am 1 aal musing, and this may have provoked the Itoya to play me a trirk. One of them pissing me kuoeknl my hat ofT with a •in k Luckily 1 had not a wig. like John (rilpin, or that would itare gone too. It would have gone into the water. .•* mi doubt he intruded, hail not one of the boys caught it The others laughed, an I the mischief doer mutteretl aomeihing ah«mt “an now*dent” while my jouug friend handed it to me politelv “What a lad he ia!" I could hear ni\ diaturlier say. aw he ran off; but the U<l did not look difliirhal by the compliment. J was roused again presently from my mu wing by a about from the boys. “If* over’’ ami looking arouud I uw my friend stand mg rapleaa. “Brine threw your cap over on purpoe**." “Fight him, Wilson’” “Tea, give It to him. Wilson. We’ll seel fair play." said the boyi MgCrly B squared, and sLsml ready in due fighting position. **[ will not fight," said my fnend Wib s*n *■ **l am sorry you threw th • cap over, lirnw. for it ia ail but new; ami 1 don t M*e the fun in mischief of that sort >»*«, I am not going to Agtityoa." “Come on. if you dare," said Brice, with irritating look and gesture; and ail the boys gathered around Wilson and urged him to go or and “give it to him “1 don't like Aghting. and I will not Aght." said the boy. A moment before the bo vs had been ready to make a hero of Wilson, but now their mood changed. ««> Ackle s thing m popular applause*, and two or three cried,l “Coward! ' “He daren't!’ **l su no coward, and I dare do any thing that is right," he said, while hi* crimsoning face showed how he felt the taunt ••Coward! Never mind him. Brice; he’s nothing but a milk-sop He'll come here iu anew cap to-morrow, aud let you kick it amund the quay for an apjn Ut« , if you're inclined," said one. “It is not coward! v to be afraid to do wrong I won t fl«ht (■ »r the sake of sj cap " And Wilson, an he spoke, thought of the minister s exhortation last Suud.iy "We have a great example to follow, yu i know," he added. “aud it’s our duly to follow it No. lam not going to name that Great Name for you to laugh at. brine, 1 must do what I think right, and if you call tue a coward 1 cannot A chorea o/ laughter greoted Wilson h tprerh, ia which Bnce's voice was the loudest •*Go home; we don’t want a coward - company." “Go home, coward’" Aud Wilson turned sway. He had not gone twenty yard* when he turned, as did 1, at the sound of a heavy splash. “He’s in!" “He’ll drown! be can’t swim!" 1 is drowning!" cried the boys si the edge; and some ran for help, other* began lo.tlimw otf their clotbea, *.•* ii Uj jump after, but OMNOCsI t«» look si tin ,»rcp taler running te l lei t blloi faiat a a mill stream, aud loae courage, and n *u would venture. There was any amount of Boise and shouting; and oue threw N rope over, that fell short of the dnftiug boy. ! “I’ll try,” said a vrace near me; andl Wilson threw hu picket on Uie ground.l ran s stone’s Jtkrow’ along the sea-wall.l and plunged in g.dlantly headfnrennvd. • • *a»a him 1" “Ho wont—he a not much*of a swim mer." “They’ll both go I" Wilson had outrun the tide befor« he sprang over, and the next instaut he had slopped Brice, cat* lung him by hi* hair. “Han sad throw him the rope !" 1 said And was olejnl; lull the rope fell abort, and they Inilli drifted on “The mial-frarg- I —on % fug it* Wilson," touted mail▼ voices. “He sees it! —he is d*nng it !" v “Let him go. Wilson ! —arc yourself *" But Wilson was not the boy to let g" He had now canght Bnce’s jacket, and was striking out with all In'! remaining •length for the barge. Would he res*- . it ? Would the t>ost put off fn*m th* Nhij reach him ia Utu- ? Slowly and painfully h« swain parti, ■croMtit, Uile. I abut m\l ryrm —l I'oubt not wat.'li him. I 10-1. l nit h'roath to hoar tho word of life or Jralh. ••Th,y‘m >a(« T I hoard at laat, an.l looking np, I *aw Wilaow holding on with on* hand to th* at*ro of tin- .and harg., and kroping up Brioo'a h*a.l with th. oih«r. S«it n>om*nl th* ln>at reach*.! than. "Bow,!" Mtid I. whrn Wtlaoo h»d walk*.l<iui*t!j horn* for hr wrnt (pnrklr a>..rr »o »Unn our praur. I aiu «arr. Uun. pi rhang* hU driptung cloihr* ' !t..»a ' try and don’t ■latak* a hrro (or a oiwni! orttUmr. ltrllrr* an 01. lnu thro In toll* run Um truth, that ha who inn In- Makrr fr*ra no man -ho dangvr not d*atb itarlf !"—/*.«.»«. l*uur* Hour A atari .unpnwa Kogan*. bvcaUM alir lo»*a her Sap. Wan woaJ 1 beauty Ihi without -Jay T THE DAILY NEW ERA. lAftt Kb HIND, E4MW.I A U**» Imusi «*? fl«nmsrt f -Mm7 Ward Ihwrbev re4«i««i ib« fUiuwiag Umu*l* at 11 os* bM rtrrsl wrmoM : N«.( I i»v #««> • gwolbraas who wsseugfig*•! id ibr *«Mkl oti IwiOSiM h#d >wsd« #**o>e t«wi*« rn.r etlrwn ih.MMAb<i dolUrs sad b» r*s*eind-*l ' i# bad ia uls mu -mik —« Btr#ur huarj as U w»» ( •-eui sitU Ut«i be w**altl wind op hi* sfldlla *id r**m» bn«M. I 4o not bells** omm c 4 y«»*i - •sldhsvs A*uc it lifteon ikonwod d-i. ■m! Why. UuU is j*i*t snoash t«> bsil ll»* lr*p of Ms u»« Well, be won* and *>p tw f |#.iw ami was on lk« po«nl of Uaihig. *b*« '.s v•* m*-t by s young M*n of bis arqa i » - tries I !»!••»• they both lies IS New \ »iX woo I hi livcslel sis IbouMod d* l all U b#dL i« ss eifaninriiUl well, so<l Us<l been tojrtii, notil be h»d gi»ro "«l la disr»»*irag*-. meat Aud coouag to this man. he #*iid ' I ■ tali 1- •«w »ii ih 'UaMU*! dollar* if I sis <»My t| to on. up u> y ifiterm iu lb* wsli. sad b*-«- t*S bli't (<> lake It off bl* baO«L “I *i» «*ll i*mg <»ut trrd uof taking on," »ay* sh« tu *u Hot 111 yiMintf man pie«dr*i with blflk. sadoul iif tH-i -*rti#l kmduMw ba said, “Ywv| well I will lake 14.” li. two days they #«rnrk • »riu in tbu well; irw#. iu> mnnenacly fruitful well, and be a.>l.| hi* Mfisrw for ito buudred lb**aaand <t/tUr« ft** tuati w## present whrit Ibe rbrek ,m drwwo on Nf# Tora lor fba am *unt. aad Its frit like death and id mrne 1 #o<l satd 'll i. aUATimr luck; I am always a Ir.iis V», labs/' Aud Ibe tua* said “y<*u may lake te® fbouaaltd of It, if JO* WSUI it." T « eittiig' man Ihoßgbf hie VII j«*M tftg. but La •-anred Ljo* that be w#« w»i and said. "I will make il twenty tbtMiatnd if ll will d.* any K*od; M "Or.” said he, I will make it nn\ UtnnMii l ” * Well." said be. ‘take tl*e wb*>l* :»f it, I d-» not want it. (live ni'* t an l tild y*rt| rua* have the s*lranta*;e of Ibe jpk-l luck.'' Aud s> la ga*< tbs y >omtl nu»u U«« h*lvslita«fe *>f the two huudred in*>u-awd All and p Q Who Would bass d*>Ur that iuaj liar Q|> ; Bot.rrios »-r * ••Wtea.i" Qcssno* A Rad irnl sheet, Ibe Tamoqua J-Htmal, aa\a We have bad ibe Republican Victory -u*jw, wbsrn'a the **»iicgrrF Tbtrrautto the B. lie!*»»»!« Wairbbiau g'a-* tu u st tfar rapid rate t*o l*» ytmr *i«*re. #r»d ym get from u la twenty fire c#t>f* worth of ju er« t> rwrd o{ tuualio you buy. fr*»m ten t<» ftf«e»-n c-BU' w>>rtb **f tugger id every yard »f calx* >! fOdV dTfr •nfTfTS'ye'r TO" fr- f•' asm; lour your family oooautnM. is«Bfy-6v«ewtii>' worth of nigger iu e»«ry p*un 1 of *'i.:*r you buy lo »Wa*H*D, you’ll find a »IU dt bit <4 tog i*~t in v*»ur h*a «*f loaU-be#, and r*»t»«idsri*ble u*K’ rto y«*'ir (dug of tobacco. Y »•» c#q eai itofbin?. »!rrnk nothing, wear no:tun/ *»•*- BdCkiug. to-te ti •thing. «»r b-\»e n•< »' tl**t i* n*.l ix».*r* visa «ffc*led by tbit iu.-'ISMe Lllgg* riatu lUal u-u» coUU.Jlie l ILc C.» iutty of Li'a Fioanso • KHiKyo* "-The Fri*nd* lattl !>get.- >r, |> .bitobe I iu i'blisdelpbta. diarn«ar*» lbs |>r*»p«-r c.*ir*e r.f action tnwariL th *#* l BMNbU -of lie Q taker aooiCti*# n b - ba*. lutfi- irrua 1. inglto late war l< a.y getk«-r#l of noil oiu ruM L »- tou fv»;i*»a»-l m Um caor. ?> U»e |,| the KQlih |erwli|« .have • off. r.-d acku Mile win h have #,tiw. ried ih-ir monthly aiwrtmg* Other- #r« un :• B l !.■ ir l . ..: Pbl l • • u*ein er w *Uid ha*t* k-riMt lenity ahoaii l<> t*i «-*■ who •■*•¥■ re lU'l’t c«l to bn<*kle v >u u*. -word. ' iKpectally a- they w- rr *k. mh* v.| by *.*•* • «t --|»wsnun of ayiD(»sthy aod interest id th«- i-.uiw # i*-ue by th »■ who wi re old* r. and *rt- I -»k« and up**a •* coo Mat (Dt uieuibvr- «*f >ur n ligiouA Ma*iet * 'Built think* that, f>r t.V* future. Flood* abollld g«»*' rill llVt'A*-! {UuUtiU(-!.c■(. Ui llic • (Knee priUi_*ff« ill rv I I JfiO IV l(K lilUki*. tfc** ojr » i .uld be’ ’ivkeu to iui|Mt « it up >u ■ . a* e*r.y ml life a« p»-viblc.. slid shit lb - in-fto. ii, MKMilj not b- tmufintliced, “by plvrtng in-1 i . pistol * u’un. with th tin bttfaii m. whrrn. to « io I - rUTe 111 themwrivw*. ar DavALOpiisst—.Vslight orrup:.Jß *-■'] icvil-ap-metit. Misp.rt loves coujuny, but c mujuuv it void# misery. A ( sreomp nir* ewh b Mle of] :.- . * . every ca#e of I'<>>lgha ImAu-mixv. «*fl i dlarrh Hi* Sgcuta have m-’rn-ti >ti. In fM 1 .n-l tM- m i • •• i mats ■ . • : tt» tell* ve aud cure. I H'>v Tvkiir fi.KiD Health If the bio ll i- thru sod send bealthv bd* . o.u t Iw ** Trtwl; beucr the ftr-t sud »!l uo,- riaul loinjj t*»r the debililat. ! and dyspeptic should Ivj lo commence lb* punfi'ali‘>u of tbeir bio-si I K -back's Blood I‘unfi. r n *l only purifi< • an ij rtuvha* the blond, but add. Ih* grevt pnnei-j | !es wbirh g-*« »t p*»w* r !•» resist di-*.»**-.I Mild, yet powerful. auJ s*i uh.rly (ul in ita op* ration that a lew bottle* tak> u rotij ii,i-ti-*n till Robs l. HI s ll* + ■ r| fail to remov* cveiy partuh lurii v.l hy r j imulstion until the hi-el is jo. I. t’i«j wh**l«* M*t» Ui Is cetiovali-d. and tll*'l'll'< • •! life, wbicb t*tliifd .a-eu bnr 1-uv • p'e»s in s. : neatly ff *u»e t«» the I'm cflt«*e For >alt. V’ " | * r.»Y .'e to s*.;-i AW vast: M-l l. k AldX. ( lieu|i fur >.ilr. ''•‘•7 .17 H ~| ■ -i »> i.i Ito ce*wrj .at ■( *>• toi t*i.. *•» A *"■*. .« .. B, -UW#ui -(- •' slsb* #n-l • g- rvtoP-l •'*. vu. i **sr. ■ * ■ tax a blil auirl- < .... hl a ri: liooi i>(i rpt »i.4V<tvjll» hlaTk mimxu iximpam I Rsistef •to «w (sroanirnUl o- Huts OnLn non. R.i.) |art ot il»r Male i. V»< »Mrr«eU U* A k MUCSIIU l. tora#n % Haiti#. .• r O Ok IT* ■ TTTU g twa--im.i DURYEAS’ MAIZENA CORN STARCH Fresaeuit ton IS# CIIOiCE.IT IXQIAX coax, Bluf lur., Wiliirv Cm#*, CU». It, It. MAIZENA Is unsqusled by sny preparation from Corn for Food. DURYEAS 1 GLENCOVE STARCH TUB (ILtVroi B r*l Sf *rw vokß *o Si*, aatok < maixbm.ic *i mb woai pruiyi *» rr »*— . r.Tilr ►' :ia~ , totak Com ia I an# #aU a >«*ka.A la4<e(*| y-sH*. , ll (a to* Ik. S rmt La.t #*lm is aal S' #■**- Tto Ctoa #**a H ito Messrs IK ITtA ro.tad Ik* M aSra* Arts* MeMW ■* tto U-eo* | v likHKs. lto*s »*W law A to»~ toi-# IWtW>*«a I# aagrt hann, ak*a chMIU las— , —- WH. BVmTKA, Afaat, IM VWMM B. VWW TartL %o*nS -lyr l> . Drll WI N. LEE CRANDALL &CO. Cotton l'uclura COM MiSSii >N MFKC IIANTH, fsa <lm* ter Aiuwt. \ aVS llHvas* Ualal###, I- " ATLANTA, GA., SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 23, 1866. UK ft: AT UIsTKIBITION Merchicu’ aad ilacufkctaren’ JKWKI.KI ASbtK IATIO.V, IVI a.4 m HMH4DA «Y. Bess \ ath <ltf /11 K -»»-4 I'.aft, a #l,l Mr4*<SM fa* hiki • 9 M«s UN* War. *#Md aft 4 W*H vSi. .i4Ug*Li i •*»; c'Kkfta .» f -4 U»W»k4 C. I>.*tu #ei l-.UBS. '-A! HfuMU*. < sWU. rVeaullb-, Mtaafto. to* Ota asto Ui*. ItoV# mud esaa wu* ■ 4 Stoto. Van A »- A toama |MU awd S«.art ttoM ' Sataa Sr .Sc laiaM a* ffl,ooo,ooo f r 0 H OX K DOLLAR The !ff»rchinta' and Mmaf.viturm JMI H.UV IViIkUIIOI alia , air (tokU m Ur tto la t ut ita tak* l«a Wfaai -•-* *» «« t*ywkf iawr-l ty iftmalp# Sto I'Mtol "V Vur tAfthrSM t* kU !<**« tad .. ito u.‘<rt (Au-tgi a cel UsuiraUr laaaurr (>yr ra(k4 I Mcf.aaiUß Uftto - • s.f. BuafSUlee <g ito (fft » l»M '-4 >e#r pair .na f « u*,a aifli H >4 •jtoft.sitaf fVS. r ~B* 1 *•'* • V»M*f C -eto I'M a«liM a<baU A l/ada u. Hiry. **• u« b Um to >• naa* «#/ aa,4 /. e»« liaaacr «.« ft', ut*- ,ai . r.aji \u Uaa . aa—.j :to Uiiw <4 a -s/v* i..«M I Soaaaa ia Ixm i-« kij Pan* • '-*Wi*»*i U**m If- *eS IW r»la al i iWlani.. .. o.u** .a-taie.-a a» oa lUn 'a* UuK il*e o»l sia. .ta.'iua W« bar, to.; pun ia» J I n lAOf-K (4 ttoaa ltoi.krt[4 a* a«kc* flVato ) !-• V*" *« •• «». *4 >f I v. e*l »•»; Visor » «4* st.'l /.« to*i st oaie «a i too* (to aal *sia ito a- « U.A*. a*.? -«tor o-Aft# a mmtmi • • Kl to AIM I* !•> fUMk #ft4 w fayft. I ■ I Uiiy a *4* .t fu r I mu ua*« #• •• are . .mSSaut o 4 DViW tto utotaon aaioLoM, lunar Cto pane k» t»a » l-fawilr-t a k*ml*f .4 ito uitolw \ -Ue. tv a ! }*«n« -4 Ito Ctawtry Ito*— *>u (str aur lA# W.. If> <•** IM- (uii •to mm iA Itotr d*iv< aa so aru '*uwu •**- • eaa Uaai. •>.»# taiiar. reta*L #u-J D. el I* !U*l. lilies daain.g atu. aa ».< to ou Ua*. .0 v- rsaurwa. saU (Sa artet- toa«S TXe I 4’. O 0 Jane. Baa* rweestir dn»*Q eakaaSto t-'Mr* I oca lua MafUaau acei Bn..'euir»ra tow rifj Asa* *oC a*, as-i Ware B-ftii* #IL«d Use aa* m fftora* V hr *u*. Ito-t Traaawrj Tkepartmeo I • iaklliCv., I* *: h*#A a*lo*. Mto . WiOS Aft# L. Vr-ftt w.aer.j T rrare % 1 ol; laAe* mAd Laa«c iej ft 4 IW-4 aa »kt- k «Uu. f ha- W uitala S > lODI I.A Nra O'ieasa. Is B-WJSW Mftß.ua ua. »*3. krorjfa L lu»*i.p*t M*4«w Aia Wj-ar 1m mi •*■ ♦<-•* Ms* • f-rttt AHmmi id Vt*W| •ikt • -al.ko Ufa Mar) J !• a. u.J Ltotto, «•*>’«! •» --'U. aaiua |sa<. iara-a ll r »*rr. ti.rrua b ira r- sii.e- ttuwnos i ft-e wr ,vu v#,-*# |T». to. • ililitt. I isier MJwawkie Ww, *i*aer A w tm*u ft-wc»rf Ua Bm. *kiw*. Itii l i hvil a Wao rr#a *• * 'ft >l-44 Usui k,*M lea toe v«Ito. ftSSL »4- •*nll- Kmo M f. M- M * Mei va lm- | tin. 'b»a H-m-u t FUrvlaff ileCr *:« ik»n it I'iA*- ur Mil.* .sue I/.-6 H «auii 1> tm «t <S -a«o dt •“i 'lh .‘‘-.(e. h-yW/.H;.. >-dl liu '.a »*e« •itu -hl peruift-kou *»ur pat. t>a are Ir k»/wd Wl irud l’ S '.ufWKj • left t-aiciuabl tAMTUL LIST or AK7I‘’4EJ» To RE *OU> . r«*H OIK DOLLAR K U ft. < or. Mil irfktjio *ama s*.d tM lo tor paul fur astil •O ki. • a ctol )vU ata I" mvt.r - • . ■ - -n j -i * «. • • •, I I • . , I. Os » • iu* to.i rn.r*<U4rt frau* <i k* t> W *i It-caa Mw- S» IWto • +> .i-a I*.l* „; • aet-. • «iu»«r > W *0 lUi.f-r rrail aiol < aß* Ho.a- la >• to » Mlto f ra»>,]li*«V,.*i ») •« to M I'.nnß i aft- Wa< •irraitW V» u, 1%0 tsi Ina it. :• ! h.i-a .uai«r *al *(nsi 75 U>' 3M I Iu 4J Sa b*W SV lu Ito -*» I *4ia* W at- u*w w l<> l>ai hM Stl.f-r Wai tst a > :i lna«ii teJ I*l- a hr -* si, I ;»r i» Uiea Srta •f *a.i.l • .cal Jet a 1 » .1 Ki vradse M «ki- Is. a • r*a baM hftßUs *»>*•! C* a ,>i I'mj-m I*.h ; W i . • . - - .... ii I AeWe.r» f .'.(4. t. (to twat luaAe as4 sw* » l*. Utaio any 4 lb** »!*». art, to f-r 1; j» 4f uaaiiA • es.eiv,-* tis *,* » .«■ ! T"i. pea «.i t*. f- >r ft I; FTneat. I -*i. I : 1., Vi. b,«lur tio; ,1* Maiai .4 *■ • Amenta M aaled Krtrywhir*. Ir» *l I*l *xl is hi, easiest* €'f»4 u, ItoMW M 4 * fo*i*b I*o'. ». la-• .. -eU <»>*/ dravrtpl.fc vATC Aia, a WvU to I .... a.ii ae *. 4 f .ofrfy.s, »bl U *"» «**ii »-i*4 "u* f I , si-.. |w*. . -ul lUHg «.,* •«* .£bate e - led-r f-r I I i.rf Ihe Omft *»• r*or baarf *4 see e |l a f sur ?!■ rNVUHT-.s mi. .inLj h'»-.nef. 0-4,41 mo a u.i- *urtA f -ue %*■ 6«« U.,- ■ i«> le U-a are eiiliMVWr Ha»a lb* 1.04,'«al ■ |> if Ui ore uui,a at 4.1. o- - «!■* nai am w. cr<‘;4 ij-ae If** ' iu-«U»*i f .* atll- 4a-*irwd (>r4»ra | MM1.1.1 L v VlLiiHa to *i a ever, vaa to a, Ii . *B,i an-' .ud to. Ml' wnttet, II- • Ivtoi to e*. I'rad t Ito vn.ih aal I hss Ja- Esu.A ' '.,\to.i a • .•* a 1 • I * ft 4 «>» I d* . *l. >r« 1 n l» SOUTHEfiN LAND AGENCY. A It K(i 1 4 Ii: It | I* l»|4 at ia; iiflLw. Lrorb • h*sl, Ivi hlle bail Sir, e( Allaala, (*<«r|la. j rrr and othdr property ILt ' I* TVrt.l V *U Cie bunt*Ml M (W|Muan«U k-~l . **.-• t. ia* Alu.il4<a ..I IM*. . *- I -j» ... lit y toa) nfl-f L-f ism, abler-4 iw» ui? IU% \a Ii» • the M..« raj Mgr.-»e 4 tSe S»<a»b. it# **lu. v j Tb Atoll. < I -p, . lafti. a... t. uak i Msja .* *e #• *»i j 4 avi I aaaav-l > •» r 1 T (he aj.,ta.'ia€a .4 U*. Nv.rU> laid * > r t e>;. : arra - ißic a peacUal .an** | a.. ~.u * .. iesb .id C**r mMi Mkb.-f I ■ ' I- i-b . to*4 U i-Wiftot. Id * biel Mau I *'.» • «*U aim *4 pu • 1 *»• «H J>u« m tb*- I.'tob ,*X * Ivuhßks. ’-ja 1 b#»a <4, ftarda ■( liOO.OO » \cr* > of flics*- Itick ff hid si l*suds j ISOI l \ HI Mil I M | i. Ito fdM tot bt lur If hr tmuir«u j.iHLrtut G4\ lleißfdfadl n I General Southern Land Agency, N.> 11 l< kod Ha il New abcK l\. vo lark, I Pnr bas »n ! -'ll lan I* N < 4W* LoftS#; (Sa ft . » •' 4 * * ! I ft*,-*.- 4 4 olaU-rr*. liantottoas. Farm a. a,.J 4 i»e- i*r OU **.4 Kata»-is4i i to-miM rMr*i;«B Ten auto au4 L-law »*• IV ,-nei e* .4 tftu la. U.uaa. a, • i.i .Auuftbi -toe Must to a-k.trr -»-] »•> P * WiU«»HT. iTfsiJahi, Atan a-, in ma rws Petersburg Land ur.d Emigrant Cos., K J TuDD, SrtiYtiry. rtslial tMkr, IT an.! IV UisaHma; . H. V, I have sr ttus time, to k.-l oeaf (to lTt| «f AUaata lili house’s Ub snd Simsll Farms tor Nsl and Rc«(. 111 Ito Male .4 (tooSBM. XW ria: (atASkS a».-l W .*si» « taikon#- » VbyWara* tu lb' * r ta»- <4 A.stoiwa. » l‘WU**-ft* Ml.I Wii tlJUitt • btftMUiß Rill ft r* ■ In Um lab . ( ’w.ulh • ar»*’»wk, !I Ptor la tbu.a ai. I W ald la. .n.ta.M .4 4 1?; ft rv. iku- ki t W.. 1 lAf la. ftmiainm*; tt IM ft-m. li» Ito >ai. *U Ytiontt VC llai>U)t >M ar .1 Wi).| UlU* seitt f iftA 4il arm ; I Ilka v kU A Miaaiaai| |« . * tlantatMafes aa *1 w..,t l kb !• OMtSitnlWß * Mi fcw* la Ibf kUu 4 r<WftftFr, IA inkii*«i, >na ami *IM lftW-I*. ”T»*kAa:iMa4 MS.>ll ftrai a is. Mato 4 irtMMs * 1 b - Si. 1 A.. ’* 1. la ■--* ’ * V 'ea ■ M Ito S*s*r . I LsuatMS, I PVaftla(b^.a afttl W’.al la.d> .■>-!.»a**i ng A TW‘ arraa fa ito la*. lb**, uu 4*U4.tan>..• .u t WU4 l*aiwts ~%iO«ia« AAI.STI areas • Ito state .4 |.,.vk |l|lA..iA(i.«tat.d w 44 lOft-ls .S sitaimna JO* Ma o. m Iu Ito tote .4 Seal...ft, I a* sft.l *S> 1 A*.U .’xiUuaut O’SWT *re»- 'ft fb« ?U'. .4 *.aa-un . I*W«(all-Oka aiei w\kt Iftftja. amiAintna tb M’ arm Hal lag • Mfi to t*na.wrv arm M, l>w, roai.W’f to Ito W.l an.i mmomu tr»«, I, (to a.-eA*.aaa .• aiumiig Uftto Iw* to enaMe me (-.-ak a.l > •>’ .hrn. tb»a laoto ar# Arwi •' .ref* ato’< »*.• lsmk.4 k*m bail ltoa» > a,a* wawaM . «n man* .on. fauftij Ihait nmrtw*% to wnl (to-«> tb. tbMi.-i ai ito- pnami bft j»rwa lUft to ■ak atofti I aims. * M«toni kk*. toftrfti. Ttomrvav (•*«. * i».at, ttar‘- ’ ai..t < llau»an a* t.rwaifto T*.iY*ft *we. Miner Si aft.l laUftbaf la* of* Vkeo U.eaav. I mail •t« II eaaa, I abnira. luaftlnw, Ir»«a haadivk k* . 4 Orlai M.tla *la»"****toa •bhiw to |M»r< Ikaaa tontom l«a4a ar, 1- *rte-l to rail -ti m» Tto, are to man* <A ike Im oftnnt -4 the a-»«h and if* iStoUii yc«*a •!. . * s.eegsft. • ill pa) Sw. beaiftra wtaSiSg ito aap.-fta» .. »r*»WWMi 11. Mu • H(*> as Ri.-ftarJ IWra. IU) . tnw L 4 «aar mi. imW-l* r Hamm-Ml. tot l. J Utoaw ¥*•. •m| to W aiift e iu.i.ia (*s . AwaNeM B Uimaa. S* - k.w*. Itwa H M talcoa. Xaftimva. R.L .to L\ U. HtHts lll *. TUtotoA, lab. '*v*a K. L HOL t*ft ClWXlth Vi TUB >V«, |WS.-.'« S|b •l.lbh*.; aim (, ftl aftto (M K:-"! -*• VMwa lOMS I Ml M T QSf " "fn a Ifni kSw ” “%m 4abpnno i to la* Hisn rSMiTf " Xab (soft# M *rf OMf Mbs to Sto " -Csaiai*!* 4 Hot, Basafi, Eibna'i la a CftSka «ft 4 to fIW4. Men. Babto. Btoi aU Se 4 ias, to . to la a bywl or waaft «M to liMray aa4 bam aa a paaaasn lur AOJap. Sc •H nUr*a" KUclrk Pa*r«*r to laaa» to la Sw M-Wto lafbi.M, fla. SOlap immru n tttob tod. iaaaa*. be «r«M Bwwass 1 ••w a* wartßlasa issitoSlwis Ow- Mas tbac “OotsS a mm *a aft «U tov koto* and Kbai to ton pa tor •T ASHsm NHRI 1- MMTIB. *#a Oruadva; Bow loft sr SU w lakte fi i wpi. •w k» iw*torr« is! a.. Df **4Ab ai*J tutor* rwrYVkar* IaUU haju* * nu, ttww Oriaaao. , ...... * ..* 4-»-- "f OIT Al'l” HUCKTHORN SALVE r w * «tb ttnrua. ttn ian W yatoto BuUa. CMS Sto -fte# Ore at. V4* b ffttoft aft eft* U« M.ft« Sft4 1 ftttfi*. r-Jka tor 4 lb-ua r-ttivl aod nanaAirFftN' , fe, tVef« „*,a kßim-st kii r* -n. tub r.ns toaaai KVTStofta *( b»m- M»s4b Lap#, to tolaa « spa Wft. I ba» *A A 111 ma a A . * *#- ttolea » c»a. kb i3a~ bb4 I m •r Wubl t*Y »n ! ~-n# r*ef • e*nr»wWee* a#- iftj » « ItLiBI i. . u*7 ib Iftpu* 4b4 kod •a*. 1 ft «f Ao f » aL iVuxf'*** (*» AUas lb rta Dili>*> * iW' b Cl . V bfbeaNN V4WSU M MNIbWV ftalN -CO»T 4 n • • • tJIVUOU. C URN SOLVENT, r<wO*wWb ttssaftoa Warlb to ft#* boiac 34 cm . b 1a . SA*4 ft l MM •# Aftl b. HL>kl k •k) if* T Tt aa- ba* t a. Ivtfttteko '» biiMto. lift fiuti* Wbiu» 4 <V» . >#» < fbana. I*b. W„..'i—i#ie U*:.b for baton. Wain f ' •COlTftll- t I rtiriMTin <4 ttITTF.R.VO t IT A OKAVII BMIS.M**- »..k *» «i nn;v. tki- '.ariiXKW j IVI u> w/t-w on ttebi'ify ike ftt.ft rw?* ‘ I *. ».to« C » j ft* »>sip»> -a*, ar Lftsi.. a tfiuM *t lb pNbr'aco to a.. < s C*aen MET B»-ti.eft ftt ar t •»» ail Iv-'X.-INA eeeeaftftere ao'taJh’ HkMii to (ÜbUft, Dft.fiki toa.l -A’ if. V.Tt ar illJ he all I>n*«S*alA iflautb *l# BißNtk. M AML* I iXV. Na* * >rVui. Ua . tt bMeawie bpeftte ftw btlken Statoa t, •TOST A R ' B *• CtoTOBAI. Cor GII RK M El> Y , F * C.NfSa.r.' l» n- »ra*aN’ Bn TVrwL Crw '< h-vp B| '»«||» li4l'i r»b AeCbtßb I'NNiftyft’F liras’ i.aaJ Ur- u-to asJ ab Iwaaoua af (to IMnw* aft aw Bciift* » b S' .t» . aft-J |1 Akaaa aw toft4 be all TVwawta’a evere-aklfta • a inf*’ Hi.>Ki to (XtolAK iap* 4Htoft • N.« 1 wt wa Aft 4 B; ai. IW* t« iflbbVa **a iUI-MA lAlU'tno.. tt b laaaii Aa> iila lo* wnaitoww aSftAeft e 0 j ; , j ‘ *t DITAR'I** ( KUBJUTTP BISHOP 1* ILL 8 * b t XITKMUL IMMttfiß rUX, r\W barm* aftl Skft » M AIM tsfipa tt.ftL !*.» 'fto, tt*n*-m«ft*M uawpOkft. IbkrrWms | I 4Mb itokßa r**WA ft»4 psefb bwitwifti to «b 1..(*• paiaA •Wft-s-ft.*—*.-*»• SB ~~ r* k) 4 larnsswaa mnskwe. «S btol be MBJkSTk CttUX Ctopftl «M kea* MSg. MbW t*wft 4 88-bftb be aB BwwHktototft AMaaka fa* KAKkIDB tt AM* ft CXV. VlXmia Lb, ttl naftlf b»to. to WftN Weto 111 RsNUw I I>K. JOHN HI LI.-S 70MP0EID CEDBOI BTTTEBB Tio Lafrsf m.mA Nbm p I an|»»r*tbtut l)ta4*ovsryf or tbj Sinr.TKF.YTII ( Esm U\ !!! I Bs BAfti'a MNft. a ftft. Sftaek* w« Aka A4ft47 to Mb? SB! A KJC-4 b to toe t fta*-4 Stoke# r - - JWi. DUii, 01 iiKUfToifc, JuflETiderj | 1 lasis-Wms pf ipirm ii a* taraapartl'a Bm k«w toft] a* tka 4eaa4 to Jtoa *• -vma raapftab to (to* fwkwftkaa Am# i Rb « ■■>■■■* to HIM « tony Baa k. tt Ml. Nia ttana I mis f«a. !■ lea# i toft ft • fear att*» »B«lr lairtoar’fta. Hiaiato ft iiueftfSesa. (-atoe, to Sard Mbit wWX Uft as. to Uft Bller, l tokse* t VsTlatekM *** * bw-Jed ;wn Arab *!u U w a tm*ft.' nu tbem Uaa4 etj. iben- * waft a U*. iwaw. UAI aa a rsm-ft) f- n ftiirrr ,r,,t|Mt, " wr, ’* > y >t !■*(. * mke tt ITMOtT A All 41 1 i» i ».*,f»h aftd JSa aiNiif in *« UVWS* • ft ft* mil m UB« ft ( kaiai -sat. a b*4f -. TW .* rblalftc is tk* •b Me eaitf* to Baif'i W -ft- a iku w *■< a ftsu*»l A fu*' ain-ui to tb *on brtw t mu' me - Be Mnl w Okr 1. th ftlM»-.*c to tbt r 't toft n**T«e . - oeaai c , b ftN-ft* to FAje-r-tueftta ia wße-l In Baa be-w fcw fN" ■ba-s,-’ 4 fcaa>ft« *mi a awr.i-am ACIOBIA. ’ 4 < «tore»ft «Ttu. U •ca, ttl* wtr*e fftvarre*- 4 . « ike bm- ito CM* iMOLLbI tt»u-:«<*. ttb.aft, Beta * . kk«< B#a .. WWft. A tße • Tift He WU.-L < ATWraB A • to .fW* ito* bfti Uft •ttl*.-' Ha - y l>ti alft * m left to efttb-ax* <**arb tLep f* ifce-.r trae ’a.oe TV* *afr< f.bF 10 bftof)S' •r leal lor B-n.*to ibe w ea» »: a »*"■ mx. *as. 441% K THK < Rimitt irTTMIe r» inb »*i •>• e*,r n*,*r sm aa* Wtora >kh< w 4*Nr; i > j itoia* a h#a ua to b-eaa »a tor ftto kaleftiaaßillenantyurW U a." lismh ft BUttflLt. UIBA OR BIOtBIb. tk all ages 3-est w *B» BSttib • .pee l A»-tt loan aft. •Mai to tße «**«*•. u w krwv • -a Maai- KB*mesa• i lama ftaaft tesiwlgla. A«r ftt Fever and A true, naa rise 4 tß' hfkrra take* at letse Saak . aaftl. Wfll Wnb Uft Ui fteh >4 tb* Ms est »ftb-*R». ■ BuM b* *4vJ Ofsesw* -# r*R K M 1 Bt U# hto*)a Mkr*. rw*b BbtoN 1-siuk. Op fiaM tt RIM.Kb 4LB fttoft RKTAtB. sis J T irwiiws A (tt, . tiaaalb . 4figOßßlO WBf* bkft arOa OS itwwkfth-jw ■kav * lewr sm fiiS’ttk-, i \ JlOßttttt * «vi EARTHENWARE, PL ATE 0 WARE, CLASS and CHINA. & Mlßride, dorsett a oa IBfWBTRBI 418 DBbURRi. Dfer tt Lew Raw* oo abore Good* u can be bad ut tbe Country. «r*i Hi’ivuwi Toioi ti>T»«Bi ’* * ABBOTT 4*MOC “ < "cm SSS iasaal •» Aa M«r«'hnSUL proih t»: no okim r.siEi. evmetu rrwsarr *iphlnmt 111 kUi ! lUf : .) ft I .r- : -e ■ : Ha. .ttbfto—a..ft.*ft*A ye ft »>0 iik'T . * Hk'tt ( Wtttoa Uft toaw a •v-w. aswat < sra ! f torsa ! | ui- •- 1 ** W "** IU(.! Bogs! A —bl i *4ft to w tta#k firaeb A ambitt * iu - C*to ■IBMiiS- Irrttoß. VkJWtAi Stotoft to il ~r a 'miNA ms Sttii! son: .IWABbti YlßblMjtAlT yw irr ml to Jf)( I me 10-rim m He tack Aar I—C ttry ,n,Bftn amv i mv ua Oofs ! Obi* ! Ift 4 V Sa to BLb tt UAT* ftto mftwto amft M r>V " b? A187T4 BBS tor* to 4 tt~b;*a| A ’ ftL-wrC bltoSSb US Floor ! Moor! ft SALMOJk fk. OS» W-- Bttpaftttto rVttf ;*a< 4 O re*- —' »« w bBR 77 b RR to •WVI* -to vs#: aerwM. (UkSlk MS fMotty I lour - t-OfittrLb r.-Afl- r-N* f*e— -4 •> )MT«n-Uto»etoU bKR *rr « tt*. ■* lUroB Mdvß * » CABtti* Bwß4ft kM re--MWwft Bw Y arm! Wro*’ j (} /j.r*’ w a.ft i**. ami MhSSAi Is tt Site * ara. ;*r Bacciwc I l<U(iM ! ' \ -»( ) f 1 ' * T?o** n*w «.—*• .i .-i* Kepr '. Hep. ! ft I A ’ *<IS kpeef ttaafft toft »htt*w» aaft to* > * f «ftk* V, lib -TT a SB. ft arejb k'-vka' aewaftk. blm*.to. >«s lard ! I*aN ! ft )() A nu*rs « :*:ums .to Mfh'LA&K Srp WiuXhUmVt fttrvwL Hoio ! Hno! |(pu*l»(bkeNcnftd fcaua f-aabafe IKianr * BK<IS •' «.rt 4HI T. M* ? - UClb c ktrarl DVSPKPM % , Or. strict load'* X*r S*r. ktopsl . Tttoft- a i tonic. gthrr ik« a*i -aaar-S ssft b'O'.wi «’ N'» I* » A .-wrWttb rwjftaA’ ..ry .nm ! 4)fNto l- tli” to U» tt-to-l Iftakr- e a*>7 fftibVp It M ftto sbftkf'br tktfei ft a*»-kftry u rtri ito ft*toS. >'»*■•» m-1 «*_▼*%''«- .04 KWIW Hr. ttrtdle.4% (IKK ~ PILE REMEDY, PILES. r, te. ii, ■ ... —**. * i ■*. —. r* NWt WN TV* n OWewße || M WMTTttftkaS b Hr. iarlrkUito. COUGH . IBU>IJ>OCI '* 4> ** *"■ ’ Coegk Helaaai ' <»*« iftpc-J -vea ».tt-ee llwW *» •• kaAltbe . rim, aal -M'«bwK4 >- * aB siftSMft* 4 Oft TBpwmi as4 I Tm aftke V, !»*««• wwjvtn*- MAMHCA. ,i> -fc. a ■pee » p-e wa* me*« t 4 ft -ifcMfci • uMVie ■»»* ►» a* *,*• «f •»* *a *ie» a»* <*■»«*-■ *fci i>fc< *. •»*— »rf*»fcfc • aa raa iM a btoa .4 ■ tbeiS’ ll Biw4 B| ftP k*t eaawtoppr j , Jf ttl\A Ii .»? • tty 4rft - 4gr >X (Ji A'W % 01.4 am n-itma aa a. KtlMU'lD AWP«W»mt WEfcTt*' IWATLA wnr EUIMtD. iu ifbt i+' »w> i mm >uww.n <w» t »orra LR.I%IM* ATUMTA Mt A. 1 »v»|H A■ y ■ Or**l Iwtliini *4 mi T if • U'F K fc—c Toft - —4 •»—r* Bu m t T»<u* »» ibM. Snif t!m ~U »Sff Tiv/Mi»r h ft* W.*o far T«M -4 vWfaftfaft ■—**«4 far a «fa» Aftft -Wl. *- ■ u r. a. ifai<v-«M«9t imi>m fa«w •mm 4>ru w.fal’—i-M HM u r * jW- i im. l i p a Lg*.».: «#¥ a. ft a* r «B. r>«tiy—fc ar r*~. fa..r.f>r rr*m •* ' -.urm-*—T.>. ft a «fcfa» M* «* ft»M< P-* >■—«■!**■ »—arfin, ;***-* ft< 1 AKHf V»; at ATLANTA 14* A- ■- i—•!»-*.r... *—«. ,■ fa u.*- / t>”iv .i w o URi< . 4 -*, • wi lft« -fa 1/ 4 •x- ***. omr »* T<ww U ft/*’* ir.v!l2j M fain> >!!■■•■■ i ■■■§■■ Ml P a «*»•!* »•/•?• fa*4*>f Cr hMfaaa'* fau mt «g « rfa ■ i■« *l4 ■ ftgfcft Tn.*. J*f » K I !WJTH K TO MIIPFKItH. ftarrtM .*? »«um« far.* a, i . a* . fafft—l *M. van I liftl iw v Vr-sfar 4ft(Ui fa ft« ft- fa* MMi -A •—i •#— >t »” l M 4 •» f**i4»Z •«. W ftw m Amu g ftr ■ irft ■■ i ftfaft yft* ■—< IV *M L*<* T fa •far mti ft rv i w T THROUGH rates ox oottoi 414 llfa.rm *4DTr44E*tn EltLßuilr pit faTU - ft»A.ft. U’< Li ftjgfafa | >« i i* ifag r •» v Mm l « ftfa ! T fa r•. fateftvu tv t •( t r- — - ias «u Tft—afa ftft r L*fty ft<r f*M » ft iwLru. • lllfftlft Aw 4* L&1 L«xft <•4 V-ftA-A r>M t*.*-.*-* a—r v i ft ftofaCft7fa-4 ft. faft-rr r-Mrt l/*.. « Aft iM I T*l .m, vr %*P«< A Pfa A M T . M<-< fa A ft a A ALMLfaw •*. through rates ox cotton Ruhioit Uur>!l» had CiaciauU ftt/*r&jo ft’r: An-ftvrft* «ur; saw.. . yrr» . Mun • * T j pi) • Uftf Ffa* •—* *yw t X r*i* ‘A* Tx.i—ii ft Jt |r- w. t lfafaft* 3*. & i. *.15 A •* pm Aw I > •farvrsftft’a fit.’ « fa fag' TV>%l «A .» 4 1*4.14 »1 *- M» >W*I Ts g/a* • 'gT-.-fti '--«A * PVI*. »U) -ft I*- rmmrnx ■ 1-0 H K VTI> OX I OTTO> To >.•»% Vork. TVr vt ft—* A >»■ jft M 4 ft* AU* •» Aft •AT*-* • .A* 4* 4 >• •*! fl *A» *. - x • ft ft * Ar- P* fa *- / -ft' . ft f V T ft —1 *:* Uak>> . ft A lillfV ft. V . t«-v r*l<M 4^o. * «fa3» —fa * ATTK>TH*N. Mnri'l KV - ■ - rHEODGH BILLS OF LATINO, r -V-aft. fti : ~m, •■ :•'- Lrw#*'^J vat Oat--.: u2Ti . • v* . - v-rr, ft 4 l' » ir. , !» |f * Sjx -- ftfa m * " tl,,iri ' ** niATT At M . P' -ir . ,ft . *ri -ft a • fa fa IJIW Till' UIMRiT t» fOTTU>. tna irlaati (« V* )«1 tUllvMft «»fa«iMl tfafa'x t. i Atun* )4 IMA I i V ’ I'.rrr-ft rt u wmmrn "»» *^*i -% ’ T * X -WAirtift. *ftl* .- MM* r -A* •» ’ *4l}- ■> I » M. ft. -Wjftd fa |-U ■•»». ft**’ -«g. Tfar* r - •* -• Uu-4 flftftft Mftk MTftlfa Tftk*«-| »—»« >• *€ fa* *1 V ” 1 U * *" ft"'*'* • I Aft --*• *~i • W-- ft'.. .4* /ft* —»M 41 Uftft gA ft. -••-• >*. g I -T4 -« 14ft luir far I*- TV. ► •ft'fa-An* ftA? tu AiftM i^>> y *c- ft— T--»A <*• -mi -gr. ft f«< * t COfafa. 4- —g • ■ ri*-'«.Art. fa*—r «A s i .rua. t**ft>.* * ' . U«r W ' ft 4 U 4 H 04 U.rftl DEW JEWELIT BTOII LEITNER A FRICKER, >1 UltOtl’. Vrrt Atlaata, I imti )U*- I- or %• faki Ci Mi ift ■my fa *r>. IV JvviMvi rmr crv-.'X ot ron WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWFJLRY, Mrrliftr m* rut-d W«r», •Emu.! im> otmt srcrriofa Gold IVift ftr . rota uor /r tv> ran nuu; li t hit t, S4t— G-*mU r 4 rr *. 4 WATVM VUfal KUi A *m iaJLITV |>KXfa ‘ftft M*m mrftM Ml Am* ft** VjmlA «* fa*ft» Li* pmt It. ifaaaCfaf* rrfa». fafal fa>fa • fafafary faywft. Dfafaft U fan gftJ ( f«Mg 4* •■yfa»— *«4 L-*M Oft n *" ' I ALL TM MX IWil! lOBLAIIBI . WO HUMBOOI E. M. ftlUUfa, rn LAM'ijr>rjua> morT ziTxrsm <* 11—T K. 4 | HwrWllWe Crystal Pulace, f 4»4 <4, )«1 • | - * mmm dollaji pop bach umruii i tm u* MM*fa wp tfa* —■■» M « u« • ifcfafat p\^» •ftSSfa 9* »* Ufa Ifaift- «fa< faift EftfaMM «W fa-44 faft-fan Pk» a mt-a «■ at** Pfafa f— fal m 4 I—ii fa <Mftn Mfa faNT Pftft Ift (MM PfafaNftPMftPMlMi ffafa- fa—— n— i Avtfa rpfa— —i o »ifafai* 4* *<U CafaH Pffafa fa— I'M —i Pfaftf f —rrfa t —a faM*f a— rUrf. O—Afafafa—» •"ftf-T lM^.«ttW4«fa-faM— «fa I— *-4 T—r «. Tfafa r— w k 4 !•/-*%* pfa»«M—i/iiirp—2 3 —» t—Tm faj[ o4* —ift* ft r-ftV am ■■—i a «Mfa m fa — lll 3 fa*w* » • fa— «fa— *—far -fafafa-M EVERT ARTICLE H THIS LIST MU AT MULAI IACH. —ftp *l«i|* la*r at * i tiVinuirtwm «—*.*«< »• ft .art • hMlwq « 4* i—. .* —I«« ull I- .4 IJ. ac WM* MW <»■ 4 ■ miilt ('•**na*n*l* * Watt**. T*» f*^*» *—t* •* w=rrftSr lls ’ 1— « ipW. Hmh t 1 JOHNSON A ECHOLSi CfaMMl*4fafa Ncfcteati, ftW—LwAd. -nfti. xoworrtß /.? GOOD TEIHSS FOR CHRISTHAR ■M i>«J— ■ »- *. • »■<*»* Px4 T n t IftwTaL MUM—L ktfacrrlw it AlialfafaCfa 4 ftfa L? CJW V >* J.n • fa* 4* IA-4U —Ca* ML f— fcf IV/u m —tft rv«4*i «ft*i*4 Xi far P » ; Art far* • t/gf *> I* HI— • ft t|ft 4g—V-_T*(-V faftM *ut fa* Ifaft* fa4ftWftft • Aft* ft ft—r v 'farr ftu-*v* jfarw. u.ft * r-y Mft C ■ «uft* fa .i-.vt.* *. Mwf fttt* /. MSfa l A LAXi -• .. “ ILL FOR SALE AT THE STORE ORTfC 4 K.4RRAR. 10000 STS' I* i .4- JL.. 1-r —TV— Ar -d —LM 1. ft Ciw—ft T*ft* « iaa noL .. i| u IBM rv '« •—i * Mftcr— Mftft !»: fa— r fa- *i k )/*» fa. ' -»fa -'»faT 4.' k >»<r ft -/.lft •»' ft lUifa A« *l/.M«LfafaV A 4 f Ti‘* t » • t * far *. i. » » ft *•*■' fa Am *m* W1L605. CALLOWAT A DC, Os N«w York, wf ft** pWftftTftft ft ■«> ’ *‘.M I * Mtf Mfafa ft I TT 3 ft -4.-a.‘. fa 'fa*fa. fafJAd* -Ml fa If PLARTATIOS FOR SALE, la C-fafa* Ceanty, W* irlaßypt, \PTT ftV efaftlft*AW Ml >■■ft AM Am* . ft. tLftft- MftftA, *fa irtfa ft—Ml <VT’ N Ifa>l —ft. -TUMU ft* nn* ft UM facfa • a • ifar-c* 1 -ft* ft fatmift T K K M H LIBERAL. r < tftrw -**■*. *rrij a i*. mt 4UftftM —.. IfaMlfa* O. i— ft HOLIDAY^ IFTS !! Hew led Ptize Association. »M HROlim A¥. IIW iota. V A tr*«o PU»ift ft—A IMS V M - MOMMA )M Mft-.M falhX - Aw M UP fa Hfa A v* - U fa Ml ■ Mt' 4*MO MftifaM ... . . - AO MMi :\ft» «Lfft»r Atftfai # - 30 M 00 .•A- A- Tftft Otm .... .. “ »M MO r mjut % mr r iiftiw*mft fa 4 tLtfLVr JrrELET Tun® AT \ #,%OO.CKK>. wm. M ramaarr*£ m> puluivw* nfaMftft ftfat saw 4«f| WA'i* M Wl.lAwi i*rtft as ifa** !• a ■twm ft*4 ftftL fa ftfti fa -4 M IfaM, M a>".ft,-*j*d v amAM*■* ft»f *—ft Tfa* fVHu*' *fa- ft—— ftfaftft AN • I Mfaftft ftftft tfa .fakuw-ftM-ft ft— M» M—fa ONfa* • rt«« Hftftrft IMtorft wr— est pft*AMft4 4—ft IMlftl ■ft*/faU,. —fa n ftMAI. ftr Mft? ftft ■X - nk ~41 thiLlkil. wt M,yrM l*a«» *r«i<-’ '<»«■ rw/-/■ hni .#r M.L «h'«L. vjjtriiijt mTtl . * kT*V’ wT <*l. Lw* •—4 I* . Wl— »>1 » fr. » M. IkWl. •».(W4U~»*4.14~1» *• 4**^|» MgctS «. u> Mi «.R 1, Wi M 4 *M>, ft. M, Mw Tws *«"»*.»». *M>. >■■■■*■■ lll.».HMtt<«»fc.fa ftM «. |o/ • h« W>M '— *144. 4*W., I * Steji-ea.'BSal srsm 5 assyfca ! _BasMift. r.l M4>.lll.ft ■*«■** Tv**4» Ift Ofa* Mji—fa* -% *