The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, December 23, 1866, Image 3

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THK HFNUAY EH A. A.«. flttW. ftmnx. m*9 tw* turum hunijay Miimwix.. t»r/* n insa Tg m. * km>«iu« -<to* »< w cwtw ‘’•*4l «Mk /«.i.-mi«, tt r*»<•£. (fir MUcrihm W* »u.« u „J.U) u pn.a4.JlW p«p*r W» »l«ll tuiU*k Ut to, iu pc. *td« aiaaiM lor tu J«li»trjr, tU -..1 *uj °ac mHrn M hum w. y quo to r- j.ri ( r dg»y. W. xruu rx|«MUMir petiosi h io ium»"di«w*lj r-p-rt any and. uu. 4 4.u< > ui th of their pejver a oar u«oe, *..j t, wiU U pr*>nififYy r. in- lied nitIMH DIHAI4 TOM Y. MHUiliNiru .M At rMktTM I— to tu y w.i 9- r>*d ImiL* |w . ft. m . anil *1 7j# ■». —MI Btoeulßa u ‘IAr ,, * r < A L H.kiMll MP«V HUM • H|r HMI -Kn A- 8 *r*»ooit. htiuc. hct*ii_c U'-, **»., «p 4 7j* w *uu4»t «v bout »* a. riM» flWMTrttil. Mmr , <t* Mnrl Kit I S * ««•»*■. tVluc krtto. k» , a. u »M y A ■•i-Mh Writo.l n a, lMUik„Mti .»IM- Art K 4 MhLuu. hMgt. —in lav. A. Si and 7 |> at pr*y«r la.Uug AtoTT lUuiaaA*} a* •p. B**mu.'#....u*4 m fi. nimui tiit 0.U..1 In H C Hosv.i... IrftV* las 4. la. SeUneUi Weßeul » a a«-.» u darner. Oflir j A/’ 1 M .1* l.< !] •lr—u l*r W T HrtHUr;, Kmi *. K«n.t«* In ,ik awl 7 i*. iM (taUtoU. ivttool • • m. *' Fh lXr» <¥■*+• -immi Waakiuftou •( rr»t, u»ah uy lf*ii -Hi « A Ts.-saa, |fc-nioi |y ,a. hi la*A. r. AT, run. rnir.l K M lunar HwuUr l Bsyd airrr-t -Her p 4 O Unut fta-w r » •k-x tial n ■ Trfp*ra tis m xii i«: c; i 'l* v . • r/#A 4/ x/> iX4i tau<*is • 11 1 K I'iTaiK. " hat guilts h» n<»e th*- birdie* p«al, Klti - hr* wlia tang ha** gene tu revt H* d>.w< r» U't win** own* but br«w»t, H.i* lit ah «u fairln IRltbs Mur* d*ll* Srofi»'» nr J le-st binding tar earh* ? Nar blither herd ha 1 HcoUft** iele H»- matin s' li«-r lawlana untif, Hi. thro'h«r tiiyhlui dno y > tuiU An r rhn fluigiu’. Til.. i« t.tcll dnaa/t A-cd glad,ln* wink la hr aha ha-1 »ni« pr.«i»e- I *l*hr mnl hr tn»d *■»’ (irattaot -hv» >u, Har art th* viry.iarM aiwi hV hi# aiiigm', , And ta th - vnira o* *'B<>niiii* Ihv>u" It vjri i« nuMia . { T>aA hirara loV l hi* raotim twu^. While bleth'nn *il» a i> arei i*»» atutig. I An' lairdf#*'* doNlgr-d th* bolt h»- flaiM W» wirkati aiaiu*. * An* coaim ctiUoa (u«ud era Uu< j —— Him wrrl worth natfam'. H» thocht nar man b« ncaih his h**n, I An atood hs*d w; tiohltt u#ii . Hie mann» in k hi* walna Ima To a th# F-rni?# : Ho hM thro* ilka rnuk an' kin A aal#*. nor* at*WHTatf«*. H waa .t man. an' miir than that Na»* lard.'* vai. he loathe 1 rua i a]. at On rauk like *mjr D«iuixr«l Wl* gondii*, hatin',' | Xor alerateti tortnn* » hr»r I W» T ovrr-ratm’ IJ« had nae voire for lattrry . Th« gowd in iuan aye hia ee , For »iU* r in thepot-krt ho Nver riu-'d a jingle . Nor «wti| pt*d for pnraa-ptou l xutr . The pair u »u a mgit He qmehlrl np th* hill o’ f»m. Hap aharhkdfo pr> patron n«m-. For 8ond«» l *ai hi- amlta aim J And high, tnft.iv. >o ; 1 Ho flatig a vtlory r**und th* *lwm« O* her c uidiUiib ! Siu* he wha aang o' S. ntioad a u.w . U Mug «b* rc th«* Mu. !«iU LI j , I What mind «a bovhia bnn«e «ti go Wi *U haiaciy Wbat tb •' Th* aaid cU\ ' < • Bum a’ rnttac# W ad'rrtifc! i-T in * I**. >.o«U«h paper '* <tfl W mIS i f»r Jonmirj, XVtan Eso-Ire A* It i* gratifying t*» kn'*w that th rnterj • j r tintt of th«*> known »% W«at Ln I i*h**Hu « plrnaabt and jtrvi i. il WjUiarawth , T»ai - Nainrr.” in rendering . anon n .... , - thr innuf drairahl* pU« >e • f r*-id-*n • in t . Slat.- The a/ r. iu. Ull s:fd . i l * in* aMI lavt-h han l. ah**wrrrd h*r l-’ - gar lr u »• ktßl Jit s*i.i FU n Tnr a:;. to I ie such that th** rvaidnnt* have iu «t bran tifnJ viewa otSvru. K*nti—u.* n.«l I M n>»t.uiia. ;«4id enj >y tb* purr air !• r who h th*wM- mho in dej.rewd l*«ralitii»n »itfhj in vain It i.a at jrnd th* ph .vvaut diat.ui « fnmi tha c«*ntr» of the rtty tw*» nni»** t ] * hav< «M the quirt of Country hi. . ai* l nil tin and pleanure*. f ,tlu*t.f'jr.*ii r S \ mm h stir th** kind **l*l and itn- ; Ai.d u«*w t! I other l»riligeri*ht» lm In’ J f Hid la*., it the gn»«W*U. have I r. »and. \ ’' » *1 * . • * .v. ••*»» h« •! ’ i -trwetl raiirxvi B**-i kn r* .** ui.j Uar*j of aoniid and thoron_' t • f i a:i n. t: ■•* ► 1 determined t** aecure I*r th<-ir rkii lr**n .%’! it aott4 end j*rrtn»a nt * i . - » —a i that war. n<>r rrtaia. n.*r any « !«•■ r.»-tra'. nor time can mb them of .m l Lm, iu 1. r that »l he Mtiafartnritr imjxirt- I t. , tnU important work into their own hai ds, m d.-r th» ir own immediate »u{#e. v lai-.n. *ad haw. m prpraaa couij l. tmn a»- nitful a •vUmi deaigu.-d hy M* -an*, lay A l orput. whi-h i* to he fnmiatiCil with the beat and UnM aj* pri»vr*l edura**<*fial appliance*. I»r A B Bntmlijr h** buna area ml m Su |m nnt. n lant. than whian a tw*n» IhopHiitM* c >fH|*etuni oar o*nild n«*i ha< >* be a rboarn ! for an I *|»p receive it nf the neddr and nx. ffjl profaaxton in whtrh'hr propo • « t.i Tte\ L ni> life. Ur. 1> la a gradmle ..f the S nth t’*r.> Una (' dlage. aa. a*J Uu .-vi mr-l. cal <v4le#r« *in the eonntrr hr f »ir \eai j,reo*-.ling the late war. bfa »iv. I'liUt .fMd «>! t’laaaical Heh«v.| at Cv4nful»iA, St' Kiitn-r --ing n*■»i.-«»* of 11-. .»;id i • .in a hi* ability iMtifj to Ida ■ . •ducator. Dvdak the »ar b •** a |.ri»a>* A .Idler lathe rver-gl .Houa bat Ivt c . f naa the flm aiege of Sumter until tb #nr r-o lerof Lee. So aum aa MuAnmtlj r*-*o% erwl from hi* wrmuida, he reeum* I th* pr*p tire of hia pm4r-.v4.rn in Atlanta, wh r* It. h-. kiueciw.ii j .mi pfkaaipalaV a lugb asbowl until mUaMU*.! U* lake charge nf "Wiml Knd Academy ll« haa now i h*nt(fl*.l him-ul 1 with that laatitnitom ami will dcv«>t« ht* lit. to IP thing It ae.-oird to »>* in llo* s II V Av, i a tan'* will he acleetcd with . *1 r» !. eretire to thru ability and | > rohM«ioiial bt >*. I'n.lar such auepiee*. Wc ho|H> and pre*b. f.»r *• Weet End ' A. edeaiy aticcev* >.«• t btd if happv and Bee fill New Year W'e Invite a* trillion to the eimtlar of th A-a and. nir tn tin m nnag a bpi>(l>ll the N..w ) a* TmtriA— To fhr Southern Cq>u<M •« an |rt|l '.te.l f.*r fat! flic of Lout**ill# an.l fin . omxti piper* <Ha Anvßgnaaaa -We aak the pneiU«p»«d fci.cung thw attention wl nar rc.leew t*» ih* wiieWiHetweivta ekieh wjq#ear m the Kai I***7 depift—at of m remit lie Uawriewi t< tueii tiled by th* ->au«HHiA*e»»taU es t- Ip ft ota, rdywen • to* Fittflßlii the *•»/. n*«d n**t go lallhl Pan 'Mir to find a g noi bnemc* d.rei |pry *A the eHy. U Uon. üboua, Pta, jpixtm#, e*>ol* . ne* •»). churka Aalcline. jeaahurpe, bm<k» flnU-'aery in la* 4, anything it*t will Pol to prummae the romtitm— tA lit* *i,d ke j pa*ce i/l a Uu.ily. ta 4«a uuioi isy oor tu.-*.ng au.l rflhueuf u*frUaU. h bee U«a Mid that the face of a daily p» 1 |#«r U a feir type of the b«Mi»c* atandi-ij r.*J |»h« r > - r city fn which it la pubheio 11 U that beau. «n»r nirrchabt* ne. and b«4 aunnij bom the impreMpm are c reel rug akiuad I 11 ih- vw> literal nr- us ibr «| varti*# menu abu« ' it tiiefu t« en«rgy. g»-*ii.ed»<t* a.-o »• vw m th. that wrote them, ftrad ill . I*. i tieeru'-IMa aiut WMe 1 ii*- |, i.f .• ■ » t»‘" •< Cu t*. Tl.«« U tu. klbliUu,« ~! W(‘l • Al*iut tii*.ui Situjj*i 1... a Q u*- —n hat A It A Cos., on t . a treat, have AU. I and a, i, to Mil X**thing ino«e. N«* clap 1,4 p Terbueity aiming u mflaiai aud incorrect aotiona into the minda of th* At Unfa mernhanr* advertiw jovt w.i*i they have to veil, an*] no more. * here are few ctliee where m*-rrheata *| rrt • ao liUraliy and a*, rff.etually a* th.j I*» u tht* city They aim not t*» or*-wpy mi uU U* lr af> vue. val they afe liberal awcnigti o bring their imti.v* . ff, t»r, ly befota it..J .•cvqdr They have h-amed lie j*hil— *j l | i the thing, mid aar.-rtalßCi] that alt. rt,vi,,J »»M a mere ol r»tif**f ring fav*.r <•« t! . j printer, Uil u n wtd *own in g«*>d gtouL i] •kit rrturna a hundred M<i harv-et to th<l bin ->f the *-.w* r | A n 'iin We call the attention of the matter I*l lb* 4r**ti**Hil adviithnug i'->!unin» ut id** E*a.l It wiiiailurd a fair tip* of the bwunr** bemcj ihm- h» tc | RfrtikOo.. under the Nytiooa! floiri I Would hav.* y #n Hateu. while they tell Ab. nt the h .r-**iii.v find rare | Whichtht-y * id give, If >nn'll only *j» •- I’tirfe ennwgh to m ik> ■ . ftft | Vud s* . a hat they *». i» n>H *ll f.J .j. ruil. I Their Clot bin** tutbc very beet. | t*l ui eh • h will aUnd th- ' kiwi \IW klitjw. that * thu thing, l To •• I tli*- t'-* -I* —which will bnr.-ir * j (Th - w hai\ In. m -.*» with !Unn< r j [l «.’• rw. ar! underwear’ unj-.w *r | bodh.u- ai l-ieti t-» xaj lT * Ml th. kind that a a*d I l.r ft*-V# * I .. ! I t II I 1 «.. ■ : , ■ l.a* --. i.•. n . , .j I- , ,r,V , . ,„j } •( , j j V ~l|, l . J I I,‘ ! ‘ t —i | r.««»u <• i VI K l • J 5i.;...., V . j j•• » l Il» T » h -l>. Il M.v’ii 4 •*. r* | I «i to I . rg. iN • .Hi \ « [: < I’.Ji •rtr . I 't, f li. j L** ruin will h.i litgra Vlo Ui. ir r— I J I I I .»• Ji u I M wrmaAM.Ouni r>> Ju -u: A ] I rt. oUr art* fill uol in* tr .*« . a » lau J | : : ' I W HAW. .*.i *»/- v lil M [nid Ulaa- Fmuim ui*4* t otd. .. • I drv-*~tf ->l i ax A C*. I I I | [ n > A ** ‘ V . j | * pun .o-lltiq* m. ili. ~14 na,. Tj . | | “ '!"»* *""" "V -I • '*• I" j ' iiU,l.lco, n T 1.,» .• aa Ii ~ I'.. I .. II of .» ..« N . Vji. I Tl, r,. w tun 111 ;hn . !,r n- ~h 1 J ~r imi , Vw ru. 4 ! n .*. ... . ,v J tl« • 41,J l. i I rtW ..1 1...1 | 'I .r 'ilith I..UJ. » ,11, - ,1. i Ih-*" "• «>•' J •<• - I j .tu .(; «t" »»‘li - u.. .f.. 1 ' •; J ,rC w 1 ~1 11..1U ; .. . V .1 ■- n.i-i i. . . . • . If I* - * * 7- ~ „ , , , X f , i Lt * i ’ ; | •-1 ' • ii. f■; * • ; r “— ! f ” - 1 i ! It S ir* *. Will be «l TAT. a! t *„ , r < fr t natinv* 111. a-.Vus .... ... u M * I 411. - ... K . „ . f : ... 1->t Sau A N 1 V-. i„ ■ ■ » • J II ~j, 1, ~f a .4 \, a ... j • nr'i-a ... . ... .. V .. ■ I IU i.T-.W t . iHftej- -* 1 al«4«* IV n N 1 nar. ■ lacll-.V f. .. t f lu„j. j In. A ■ ... .•I tb. I. ..... -I Mi s t .- . .. t, i,u. i- . r*d cat witii a idatikef. Tb - tniming i. . u I k«t we* thrown <u ih. *u.*-t, th . ,*.,!*., J i u **" “ I I-Kiw t ni 'th* ! a.pir. U -l i irvnt i . |i--T If* 4 **-t*r N-'fr-rfut H *.k At *t .•* ! W I* nner i t.I • ‘ 4 !.x*» ll' linen will And it ? l their; inter* • "|c -M..»,a wv to give tlx a • 1 • ile-v I ••' '***’ e Ckmi.ii Tmomniim • h<mi Ih % f 1 ltui‘l l> |l will pi. a* h i>i the t.. , > I’nabM* Man < hur. i. el l.vl uM 10 .*. h » i W. ( » ila> f'ok i:»WT " 'I he late r* *.d.-n*e nf \| *■ (i, . ■ i Hull tßi'-f* • 1 .ree atr-'-t »x * ,»• ut - IhnyAM BB Raw iVjbIwBI » dwell I M «•"* on llomMOB atrert ahnl:* l f I lUhta- - h NitiMMji .•iu a *j*- ial n.* c. tb-xl kta ' h.ep UU i'nfTiagea have e m. !• - Uati« r l»*mrT4*T ABBaKHLWBWT - The fnltoVH** th* 81 IcMile IVnMerg r*ler« t*v m aaet Wr hae Irnrnm a ia4*a <4 ]p~ ‘ h~W*I ~W U n and to which we bate feed I itoP— Ut f» f* 'U* before. TWJinuOfrJ m|»- ”T!m aib we. <4 the (fW| New* AeMU ii « With Renter' • Itrvywaw Ne we Cwpwny w 1 l “ , rVinT-|ii iry i! hi paoiierxaiy «w mfaw üßd tk< »* «»brr Corupwwy a fame American «nfcrp-W H «»n« • Monopoly, thto rnmnn n lm* fcHfevu h: ii*W) new* in dee— >|f qg War to# lm Aieev.or a e»|crprin». lU* Hr t r-ig will, pf /balgy juwet upm Ika vnk f Wp. ami we aha!l have a pMCnce of bntf V ntifcaßlaevvrjr morning | ft-r*. why in in- «ie*M« don t yrnn »w j o«b 4 o*. i bay anew muU of Ctolfaan and and *-a ) -»i>*a up /er OwtetoiTA t Kmi k i a, Undrt MetnnwJ R/d DictiiM*, Ctra -The HettV Hw U'dnr litti., «f law i ity, <* u*t tweooi ia* aa ii luatiluUtm api w« atfvn-r y .mg g-MieuM.ii ri Uaitv *wi go-id moral ctaamn* t* f to make vpeedy apjdjvauJß Iff nimlm V aipecl lurncU of lU J--tlrg men of Aiianfa. an ! d«sirr U* am* tben a sail ia .. •w*-metTt* re**-*rtvTeJ f > 4* v4<»p fb-|r moral ami inMleetaal power* The Club «**h o**9s Friday uight. *1 lU Fn-xtyUrian t. Lurcn. on Ha/i-Ua an * t ! ' w * Turk, a flue aaanrt mc.,i of lading (/lie l\aU I dal- U N<woiv «a Cos. I A;i*vn Hu»u Sn *t - \u*iiUt>.i is d»- Ines. J t tJ.». anr»* un * ,e«t of the above | ‘t- and wit or *l. <n h »j,(# ir* in tin* umrit 1 l-ue ' f it. late f- t:»al* . .. „• . at*d .s in vliarg f>l g« ntl*n»enr wh*« * - rw . .nph-ij 1 l-a her* I having bad u» .n imi «g|»ericuc« in tbn ptte k-axi .li Jney tzeve taa ie flrrw jsiii, or * f r * [ net i.*r. : c at.d -..ah *! . Vr a. hurp - Wh . * u .a, i a ih» y 1 - tl u S * V 1 * T •* i Z.4MSavt A Wit.l,l .j, « perf*d ayu ! i 1 i * —! i- m . |. n - » ; ! ■-* "• - !-;■ ! ■ I- • J [L itmA” - - I t* <i- *r. .a N . AlahiUiaj r..f I. • fi..., 1 . , ;... i. }> 1 : ... i ! j Tl' FH it ud .IV r «tw > Uiv-j L'"i uj-' uw l, v..* * .:t I I ■: - • j i • *t " : V . 1. i . 1... k;\v i .'-a*; ..if | -f . . • . h .* .• I.** i|r. V I i * - I .***•.’!.-UI--:* yu] - . n . 1 . -it . J, -i . N , S y* / * ’ ' I v , . .. ..... , ~ ' ; - ' • »' vj • ■ ... : IF.! s \ * ' *] ■ s *i--' «•' I ; ;. r ■; | ; idn - mun .1 At V 4 Tn* V h ,ve gro-aiJ J• * 1 [ I' • i*- ;• • ... I- ■ -I- ,4_- J * T. "T J a 4 . , : * i*V I • i I ' I •- I- 11.. . I I. I mourn n I del m Itnuri 1 IV * , >4;. *x > I t fi tun. k ill i gri » •»N • WjlJ.v.u lx. wav • . eta. ait* w.<»■ m i* ilirK t. 4 t>* U*e t>l. W in.. in »ai. tu* 1 e ;u»a ol cat |>et** » •iay It all ttf* *.. n th»( he »wj re- ••« t. v* -I - Manual c*MM|««n 1— Vurtlvan I S*uii f I > 'I I . . : and I m ** >l ' A * *' ► .«• ... and if i* ■■y in lux dcf«aitri»r At «*r hux.u* x [ «»** >t .'i«tr m** »tir n** ’r- •»* t t%t n* I . t»r- .11 tti* » »»y Who haw »*»'«*«’•' l 1 uto, . In >U* .ca »e> i.*d ty th* iVtt.joUlea fvfMx - I l.UdbvC.d WbltflMT ft • J>A IXinVU U4>al l v and e%j»*-,i*i»tnf-*ix- r-v a >ted at trie f.ra *dl,a | NOh*l . A flue krf 4*l \t inter Vre» Ink M Ixx at F»i * if ; CONMCnoI AIL* r. t n nnur. cmmmm m i inn. BHKt U* AA. I Bar* es-is l»oia«. fat* tk. tvaa | A- nlaj) fair butn#«i W U— Am t'lay. bat tbeew w— i-s* fafliar «ff *» m wu MwtarAay, »oa, the whn4smle <Wol m I 1 - r ■ 4O 11 w•Ca iv o* *xtj »ine ■k. oWi«B We ptee-iUi. tu 11. (»MU<ki mi *mr i«ok*rv bnin art afraid, kokkfi • »ww n' w* m .*«• wp*y epmi-v« W* I Bute 32 Jht . -ut prcwousi, b«)B4g. aaad M* par «*B*. wditßg The rrM-iyt* *•! t'/ftm lm Be— Ugh* a*d Cm market *l » win wnat »cj. K'» j ,Mm tH‘ -* txe i-x, leeet b#f ttr- Imrf w-rfVj » lecitumg l-c jm*.y Toe xapply 'il l •|en«T;-i for -rH*-r i IM..U• one waflMtf wrt a* ayirtrj >-*•«* ia* *od prv* a are :.*pged bn t*rb Mirk# l. The J aernnl ->1 (.'<Tnm*roe of the l 'Nli nay *- *a u*.ii *J.I pf * mmi ‘ted ititle move amurat* »o u. BM 4*i«x#l «4J« le H»n-« w—tn active »* l ie«t frutu *j- u' borrower*, ilh the !». am *IBt tti ««fpln* caplU Jeriwg --ai lau were aetlf ml* wp wo il*wca at n p*u want . a#»d ««-m nmc iit w-'if f or-* iMfyt- aims at '> jo-r cent th bd mi p*p*T aa* -*« iamand a' fig a per cm nt, p*-v ankrun diar-i»aw*. f-*v »k-f' ‘id k>u/ lau. Z/ul UiMS <n i**u*pafeMt«<* iltßc cun—o ‘y f»r natue* --ff r-d at a nigber •b Tb U’.*l r - at iuc ."tab ft«a»«r) w«e« in total |e*ym* at*, tl irjy «$7 IP a liiltk e m-tutd IU #petA and paper j«t'» of *: 1- 7-:7. *.#- 41 Th* f a..• wing * . i *b>w !b- evp*rte • rwlfl - s *v of qaeics ir—* N. **ui i fa« gu poll* f/r th* we. i ending fi- «mu«-r and aa*c< Be ug. oi iu. > ear. jwa ;a.i iai r-#'W • \ f> hi —*. n». o ft *-.»■ Fn-5 ;.)hR*« > - *?m if. •/? a*' xs:u- tee I fT**. U Aj |»'» 1 *ci ,r >; -*f F • U* 14.. U 4H.VI f bir ; : -tox. n'pii-tn* at x» Alt t i ’Up . . " -le I . »|p« Vi 7kl '-V S lyy*v -mi au.l ill 1 i to 41VI f*• Bomb* rn b;.r vtcady hmf j at ox - l*ang»i rule* Us * ♦ 1 •* * v *|t t* 1 M —re Wrn *x It A, -• .* x dr d.--» 0- * tr# iiaiiun JT- at 1 k.iff) uvi and tl mi. a*. I l;.r j.. 1- r f i. r S-~ M| W. .- pm i -o« | : :* -> i- . *ll7 t IT, >1 .. I . . • uU. i urdin ,ry j;.; <*4 U . I „ -i- to 17 J.u iat • 1 *.* m-i -xr.tx nafcv. -C. ;• ia. ■3 - t.- -. f?-« i;’, t *r ■ •'*“ I* v®‘j r. 1«■II f t In* pc l» -5... ■ii . ;•, I r !«■ m.i#« ..: . 1.-.. i\ . I .**ll >•«on ' epr Uq* x U j*r at #• a- -J ta.i |v# l . attlfl IT*. IMto, x fail ei*f %» sf! I 7:. ir * ~ • [• , i "* •** “• ••• ■' »*• I 4S -...i-M ...Itrv,- 1 » -i ■ HI -* *-• • * . ‘ 1 and r.t ** J " ‘ ■■ - « \ 1 r " 4i M - - |.:il ll«l I T r«. r ;p« dII tu* wave rather m »ismle. ! » 4 • : \ . and »-riv pack tug and ft 4ti i -u i tar iff I- wsith *r itr pa-king, I w-x mei wtf x.twly, «ati the ruxrkek c; - I . TANARUS». rang* *f |>ric «pnl by pa-*ker' I i• * • * 1 L . j tr *. -v t 7 A few Ids'were dcbvwrvxl 1 n ■ - -u.. d.>*. ago, at *4 te. I .1. **• ‘ th- rihag jiTicn. (mil—ell lirkfl. -•y« the rnenip«« I h* ‘ vac; It. I rs * in **» from IT ragu. al-i lhv declin I ti i ... N'» Vo.'* aas -an rid a o } ■ and j. * - *r the. mart • w» I fjnt *m id hnym *s -V rav-kd cjoa. 1.-al• :HtN dvv tr ex-i h•• sold as high ’ 3-" ' - r . i 74. »> - J ari > * It- -x At buy rx r |- In - - • .IT ■ r«* <i..*e t ; H, * !*■ V. * x Lint . .5-4. m • 11 T- L.. 7. . • x iI Ir 'I - . k • l ; !• tv* '• • *i 4 » • u tb- a. t. 4ti I d |C x-1 - 1 1 ». * toy , ~ <■ - ' \ ] X- *: | * * ll* * /w*l* » ir. ■«’. dcrfi.. it Ii- * • i r...f r ,'x I *u I «>t 1 < «* | >4»r*t x.. II \ 1 . I I U M A !• |« . , j Vrjy \..,k 1 'S '* T *T > !■■ ; 1 _d s• . •• ■ .i. • M • io ti A . rt:«. V v-1 Id. I 4 rwenii# x lvx •■x ... A . r.v. v in;, . v' ; e*• Farr* -x-vni ..a.; • w*u,.t j .( ov i . 1 l l l _ 1 • - ' ' and « l »» vi! ■*lex ,>( +& Karrvde t >1»- *»•» "W I *< r S' -TTI ft iV ■ ■ ;* . I ‘ V e: 'V- cv-au U Tex. j .ai i i#"**»*« ar»* qweeC \ i O| " ' . ' liaT 14 , x N* W Hi, , * S ' * ltd Wiser, with *..»• x l . . .1-5 li; X..ML Italll—are RarkH I Ik at v I —mbit 2d -Ffaxtbis j l. . rail graiUm. R beat »... * [ we -to ft sbv Rh«te c«ww ft x 0.1 “ *> .to fit Rye »! »> u> <1 x " tt Wiafor old and Ut fnrt * I— n? • i eat*: b*m» V> to Ih o—u - x * . . * .< tri fin t»» »**. ih. d«s lm< .-4.1 bro.igh* bw«Ba- - t.x t.U u-. b l ix»r fx.r b* *ln i«' « «V, -i i. xcrij ti..ji« #.m; ■ in the ctiv M bixk> jj 2: U n * ifflß- rn -i |j mihii Sbsiiua Ivorwbw ft For the flu.* tins Wilton Mu*tv yeafw. Kt. aawge .<a« X--v S **k i« at w illwitWiit H .alter- t-ni M f* v .sw,t rfl % Meerpssl Ba*kH. i*’"** -la, s.«. iw a*- i < « •e>'«i'«4- mt H».«a h»W ~.,L. .. 1 * ,'i J. , u ... M, -q' MJ. ► fc'k . a 4’ l if* 4#f I le—B—n BsHm«. U-wrrTir TWtkiU 22. \ »,.rt«ea. mmu tkkft tu. <a tu. rain * s«neji, * - iruwy swrawvx — >**< *-* 'O j |^B«a v,. !***■•• 4 l M l»—*Va Iwc** V** w [* *W v— tx»*x i. iiakfsrteiV— I Rlaor -IT*" ■IU e 4 F •- » b Bax- - . t at * c » - • Be—. 4 a to— We » ' -W-Htj- M— W— Wft to-• *r» * itr*_ 1 ■ *»*v 4tf Fa.4o* To * 1 l R •«.*- l*N i« hie S——- Hr n -ae-rs hru*» ■ tr I u.,g. I-. I , Fiaewt- a. V|l—« aa r ' re-teva - . 4 ! b Stodli** * Xaa I. r Bna& ««tVeMB llynto ia * .4—. a 1 B / k4aa o. t m % » I n am. 7• *aa j M hat—, a. B H Wr* t V J l/Mro l tat W) u * a x#e< • 4* ft Bftecvdrv. ti B SUUU To— ft W B—r i mU rnmf. S U gl,h —. (W« 1 * '- **■»* - * • B“#le— »*• Utoe e ala r r f—e 1 - m * s ft a Bum.*** w B* A - » •*-« led,*. aa lMe.lM.ia | - 1.1'.» a- V eW. SI ft a M -w* I ar toe kLe a U * 1* B S >u. k«- H* » MB—- >ex». « ift-. Irr M* * »a H *,*--'*' . tr m.< ■ » t - 8 . -* • *Uil. 04 **. C —x- -x. R * b* > » a* a —*. Bi ll- -wnen. ‘ta n ..ft tom-: V* l i • Wl Bdmla ft - *4. lew* 4 lUtM#'. Ax f> fteie—ea -au* WWW J»— aa »- Mm* * IM—- 4-x '• fc •.i V* a- B«Cfti: fa Amasse. U* muuee n. um. I * *•* • '* • • x ns b -A- , a* M**#-- a IMBiee iwft*e 4 f free*. Te C i- x. .»„ if - v. r -.VaUv; . • >i:v 4^“*' .. '. ■ * ’• Kill, Kltli (OVxtnVKft.x. • a.l("< • » F* • B*(WfW *W u < P * ■ - - * • 7 i- B m-v a itf>W] fc # W • IB « * • * B i to*7 *- h » .OMi ft 4. 4M 14 e 1/ <»«xg« -. |h» toatK > Hell rated. | [ 6i ; ECULL NOTICES. l*rx.Ue.t..«-T. F..MJ IV V ** . l a IM ■ i ! *. r AU. I- e, «h • . . at %(Mi varr » i • f i*« .to 4-4 • ft A V.- TH* «>|..»* Hew*. '• - • aaft Mr«(aet. .v i-vr ' *- 'U--* HeHawai *ri lx • tad A.«i m.r I -P.l 1- k \alrr llaai 4 Bk.k.r* —' ■ ' ' Va - 1 * X. . m. .X • f a. , • AwxvrtL ul, , \ . •-»-;/ ft fti • 1 . lx ..»»-> Pia-eam ae» Vr k r? . - Ba «* -■ ■ «• w 14 W WUJex, X ft 4 •» BM4 .to 404.»%. «to Hst.ltrje. * ll*l. »»*. -ISO aptewdM Bair I .* ‘V aft -em „ B •• - X . w S I.IV to . » - .«8 . e4U v. V . . c a«-t toe-:- al TW v# •* f a.- 1 ’• " * • • H »-' - 1 •**■*,' tftexjutot ii * fßlfal# llaer) *«af.—T*.« eMeuol T.«ft 41 - ' Be at*-:- ia* to I _s a,- frecrow ae «Btj tft.Ol Ito ra Bre m, fw» MS m%* 1 M'WwMßm MW«i« at.« at... to ».x ,»4 4.4..11,. a—- toe. •* • SPECIAL MOTICES. <>n lm l«<* •« U»4Vffc«M U« frW * M* - -»»• Mm * . tl?«M |u is « erir^ V«Mf> ( . W Mll»*r immmrrnmm* if»Ml IV-a Vra u 4 *~.eto. |» k. w I to* U fl Ufc i»4IM Kul*. •)» 4 Ltd ttut Mh* M • rtW/Vr*. 4 *W»B«Mk* i*< .--fctMto-toa 4 Im iMUib Ji to*: : < .«»«(> , t * <M*B«* . rat. * «*» 4i.. M*Bto»? * tttrt* »«. L ■* 'Mtm :. M ‘ W%- kj*_ N •-«-*- i T •%**- *». T ?\ May** »•*# n*r4~ a iat X Uj«t , >to M I** ■ V-» 4k, * •"T* ♦« ■!—»—▼- • |«-4 u.mi w -rito* ■to* »•»»•*“ •—a ‘•9lokm. a«*t * i * wm * • *>.. TS. afUaiU* W mil l«rm4«4 ft# 4lr*«t. mb. -4 Mtoi to «£• Mb BrrfMy mlmubs X* i* ••*«• M to. « I*4 *-» k *4** V~X. -M it ks«,( c ADaaia ( *4kf*, Ot«#aßto>r I . m to to-B «s*.rto Af' Bf Pr_*w.* V Cm i*B/« AM <«»4 >tIMM. m * *'»A a B, aa b> .< m %c*«t r* i.t m tar w MMu-n il’ LvJ*6.f.:i' iM* w«. P.^aaiap! fc’ «to«r 4Mb Imbl _ ,• •*' >*4 ißMtf; w «•'• fr»B Ilk* la*|B«nif % • BTfAwll M »IM « ■*■*»«• * I. • » p -AU|» 5 nsa'BMl **iu Ml tV«| .« »* i* iJ f • » Wmi nto*-* umm kmvnm* *f-*toi «*c #**- ft «m to»* at? • '■ • :• S3IJKZ i. \ .< : nifc ' 1 » % *T*. P»> UfaMalmiaM a bb*4Ma** fcf - | M .afvy »1M to«k a4 1b lb* €»• -a *t»B a-, i *•••»» * - *4l -': *•-* - f*- r.'T-lt i >«• aal l*raaa Kfath lap B.lblb* 1 « ‘S»* n.- a* « ■ ‘*4r" <ab> • M*-i- - rjtoMEfc J **" ■ * • *■ m w Mt * - •- * HI rsirm~± mfj * • a*4 w- >»«bb aa*. b JP. a W a * ♦. a# to* >WVB .4 aa* I»«k - t? a * -ta t—**-* *... *■ -'irtoc MU**-* u§* . V* B. ' «Bia«vi I «l . 1 :.-i* < )• It VMB4 TV* '• •»♦»■»•• r>« >t*> |* v* a•> <1 OikM ' H«M ...:.*• • - * I* » »i) Laa4 4<flak*r * ko »( ■ «* to-**. to***! Im-.X to*. mb< p-d 1 | -* i **•-•■•- •* B f » v- HB»< tt* ,BM vv:j( •■%■•* * rtrrrr». a» «4 bb .b-4- k- t-f.i ar Mw « 4 MKHKI iVI) TILLEY IK3irEA*\n: COSTFUnr rn %a*M. •«»• T.a»*— ♦ n 1 v. > rojLiv -rVi at m.m Mi«r.i» ih»lliilv « M « kIXMOU. A|*b«. \aLcnai Karsc Insurinre Campiny It AH »%\ II II kKMTt VI. [ <xa |>i« 1« I . [;SSUFJS HORSES AVP IfCLES, I \ gmSmm* laa U% Tla.ft a*4 HralM. • *'• * ' - ' !* * » * -fT *t i. v sii-v yJMT, 9%-wafcMft. ' /%. ». W>iTT\!V »**•%. lnw. . - » tialkiß NOT I t H nv ;■* a \* * » !..-r* •■} • \-. ■ -v »»*- .Md* t>a -•• • • it o«, > *-t t "T)*—4 IT .ifciif* SockswaT4. mi Wapm. . fcvifclSMaj r*t B«k mmS b~> ►« M* m * * » • . wi *. P -Baja - *'.iAm • •* a. i» *x .it? K*^. B-- aa*». - ib—i brap »» A I N T HIIO 1* !t M 1 T II U O K k >• fc ti-Br BMMUBIIBIw ■ l.f* • k *a- bWb. B* I fcM tBBfBTB* to *• *B IMM lto.4H».Ua«. a. » nun .vashinotok house, Cwav tovnaitiwaitMtoMi \\ •.ki.|<*4 Mortal (Btaaibla. A I. Hruiliwr* PhfrtHmv u v. ►rv»MHk ,tot MX Hv}»lX\. i t*W4 Ks Ua J'toftw «* • Bifan-a •Ml Uiato 1 4ABTHI f > IBM I T«| -*r «< B to* «'*•« to-t IS Man a? to I M • *.V (toa* ito* Ablbb mm aUh ato4.*fc mb* 4to • < m>mS» . iV >biA? ' i*'»-.**'• a-* 1 1 TurUaar B Aaa>< •« M ttoja r*4ar aa-.■** • tomtt km «> fc- * and. r***.twM ik* .4 toaiVtft 1 i. M.JJO a *b*V * C*f U toaaV \h— " --*ra f“M» •* * •• aiwrß «X a» I •'M'* « k «'4P9 » 'ft Nr » • •»- -a «4J* «* i.ronoiA i.fioM VAEUFACTUEIMO COMP AMT Ham I'ACTriiKH* PUMMM iOK Tt» UH R imJKT f *» W*T fULTJ rjul AT TMP Oin 4Hr» ZtoCkr}’* Nan, M*aaia i-aigla » *T. tor* m oHim x» ■aalaaktU-a bajrrrM VaMAatiM HAKO AND POWER LOOM! y.HiiLK rkbr.Btr.4X> EA a I 1: n TO nPCRiTC, ikt) HUIU' M(U««U. 1 m nmao* .rrr.TTi'.K. 11l K ALL OTIOK IO» LbOJBs U X lit *.KPL* 4*t» WtoABLI PLinti r* * m Vto I tt4rpra4fl * *-..•• a• r..» • s‘ cr* *-BT <4 tor ME* r>l Ml k(.l t fr* * , tol* H \ Mi i .SMI. r. ( n: ;; tq. 3g.ialw . - B ■* • Lj- -to Lto imp t««; & IT«UV .. ** F4t ii ** * . 4 Erato i- ta flu A ill rii. I* Mkil •« fc. r: 7fc*s« ill 4mm.. • it 101 • ■ '4. r.ia„ V -B » A*-tor -* i ..u*> ■> - tfc trt- *• *• C«« ißSai* 3( Lv . / ' V. »V. X ; f- # k.. B4A-i« I . t 7 - - a': «■ jaJ r«t -* - I * »t MV I* W .. 1?‘ .Na lUNi^ivi "U k 1 ipv.« iirrr to b tottl '• .* ato. r-M fca amu *cb ».ilta4 .-J* L t» &. *• tr Bf to •• »*■-•- *a r; a jm4 *■ - ■ '“fcfcMM.*. -' - Ll 4 Lacin', iid Cavity Vrita fcr s»'e. i vj> » T*mu*..u.. DET G3ODS DRT GOODS' (iKK.v 1 io;m«Tio> x • »v* (4 fc- „b«< iMprlH 3HY GOOD: BOOT? AST SHOES, kc. in |.M». Aato'V-*. K Pkait ) I >\i: 1» 11 t € 17 ON.LY! JOES K 6AKVON II ••'-* ‘ W 11 * * * * FALL ASD WOTEH DRY GOODS. Cir>v;;t H utrains! >prriil I if-n-J •« n* I.mA« iwnii- wtn v N-»i' it. f the Lea. * lc A-*.'.;.** Kaakto a. u Pato:' - *• Fj* * «iw>. to > %,-■ » w* 4 * ‘ I. H-* .* .'■ *Bk **■!• | l A BEAJTmTL LINX OT CLOAKS to .. Itot to*, lean. * I» ' 4>b» ■H lny.l tIPBiB. totto mi ■MI T B«kat Watoitii 1 ibJ ton»ai Tk to- itoaato 4 • VI b»4 tM V»l*« bbJ e ►.«i. toto-M ,14 . Le La*a aui *>«,« (mib N* V.clV X Lap to*, ww .<Vp it* in •-• -f Evtot-d a»i Mhatoto Stontotopi I yK. V .* y* -to to. KIM w 1 fißi'Uaak. tat * -*->■' r*4-a 11 tAlkr. Ul Orv. Mki r«B rt av*»- r lato.’lMka riiaah I«ar« MU. tad l>4 festoia V<«4 tto,M Utoto-ol tkaltto . «Ntoto V’» tad vtetoy I rwatolt Vafato *to< Vto-rtoß* fa—up ■ tad 1 •at-ri; l*« m. %fc-jt..fß fca*. Ttoa 1 iB. lija ifßl aifct Wtolklto, OatoA Vnb «M aNßmi U Ttatoa X «mm IbAm KM. (M MW "4 at «m \ datfc Utowrt i-ato CM •aMMtol L-Wtotr to- 4 «'%Jf W« .at* «4 an-. mmm ■< >mt9 m tm»] NiMH r rKV»> Os, vA 1 • - ' - Mm UPT* VAI m'l'P, iUUJ ( » IIP BAtHH.It - ?g\:.rzr: ~'T ITUUTTA mom DOtXCTOKT Y\ Ajynmwi »uhb. M 4 i4>d t UAStm. toWttßt.* BM4 n -BBT T- aj —* I -*toi V«4. iVal* tot r'l. LiVtoifL. ,-7ffrrv»i h| ft. . *B*t r. ii.jM.tto.*. nL-k— --| in>a > r>4urT*« * >«w b. *lT«v* r^w.totMt >. <4 *» ».■■ ■■« N4. 4' _ • 4—**r « LM.4-.fc4M 1J 1 » Am7* —--- - CM. Jk » »—fcß. M.atot.w tov»Mt— |) k.» Ll»a.r to j |M*f ‘>i STiw if u . — 4 J 17* Nil*. BMairr*‘torikkU. —-siK-a Ma- iPam* f • * rto**B-B Bto4 Or* • Uto»<«TT f . « C 6, KLe-ttoi tofcl a-wIIa«* a« , • o*. *M larrto«u*Vf Ob. «jiU M k Ll.t-r:, iY ** *— Mai » 1 *MH IM4 - tX (MM. to* bBUBtHrw Mfctto to |T*k trafiX M BPt UR VflraßP Mr—t b*4 (Am- Vto to Ca . «V*f4aißia«a&pakßi* .* aa. ■ HU*«ir«aM» m-l. tol4B*a««M F IN»*ton—4> T r toiimt • rr» » **>.—* »ad mmW knimb » toMtoma** J iVB L HEWITT <V M*t ato-X , 1 M-r JOK L C!Nf tito» ilia bb4 K tkito| Vf'Bto NatoPfM 4p>« " « to «-r MMI. MMfct’a 1 ItlMt Nb 4 JTT to ban, -•- ~ -—1 M-r ■IVy. i-*tot »•*< ms Ctofcilk to «.«!. «u»HfcM atd MM. w*. «4 gl lTtoßt mtb ht a. OR*, toto. Illttoi * • r k: x«.vT-*L i»B.tof» *b4 f ■—« *— f- *+■‘ *Me -ktoe Utoi V> (« - t I’Wi I»t UJKI iJfIPkVT UMt »♦ - * •“* fcfßfc*. -«»-toa r«toa» 'art-# ill 1 mI tofc.f.^l |frADr« » pt >r*u. totMPtoc** n > ■ m*- nr • W-to—B*. "v. .: i nan aufß. y t nijt« * O utoMi rnititoM. -*** • -to- I— -- 1 —Or- fc»4 tMtofv t>fM*ra «b 4 n 'ttr: A XjHTJLT a . O Natf tod to-tor-B. J\ •* 11 tar BBC t» to? > Vtoßtoß Vtto.Pl to. .'-'SlAdl )*'* «J| ' 'W t*-dto»— 4J - -4 n» a ~n.-Mtoto'-a to XvtßA Id iu»* ; £ • «= KUjto* mdTmkT :-T «*-'*U . Mk ; j* M»r a■— f-to* * . m:. *1 «y 4 j- «!** it. mb 4-4 -M. r -t it * *l4 4 M *uißt4« v-tw., ff« rb kit. '.J **4tofct miM. l*.>f « . Iffatoi - • Vfc-t, b*V„ ;*4 mb I art. 4 to-t*- pt. —'. «to Bata torVT'toto UtrkAdt TtW* *d g* - tf«T I * Vi—b - fcw K **to rw^*s . rr. rrj«.S’NiT vahtn 1> It J* . It . O H M 1 , !i ousir opaffeiltt. ‘ tL-T.. PnaC* -*■* -'-toto -i- * urn. torf*. ;* tot >--tfc K« LMTU Pin to«« in. IR . W . w. D T 111 A H % . y VTuyn. *♦* %4U - r-*TMr» . V -totem -to. b-B aa T* -ur*. r -.-tr tr 4 at.- .'totto* v r -4 » ' --t C.-to&t » tm. Ha- l> > 'TXiIXLi. V.-toto-’i >-Ttoi to'-to-Mto B f.»M W r to»«a bb b* > t *bM-' K toU* IMkß* T‘P. H. WISNUUL. •• urif«• o w D«*ut IA C . ui^-»rvtj7 fc»« ■ DSS. FCBD4HAPE. Drill lats a*. % Ikltt tt k tint! AlUaito, Ut?| k> 444 M u- •»-* * to. - 4.-1 ' . ill , wtoj «.w - - A <to -• KKYm iifc U* to L- X- j«< r-88.-Bt i bto Btvvt - ■ u» v *»-* :. -b* s 'ki-w. Mml mbm >4 P.-. - . to. to .a k* r ?i-l Lk. . - •* 1. . • • *j kX*-4*tk "to to! to." tk* tfc- B* B*- .-v.- - 4 to - k au. fc-J-4 let •»*♦ .4* .; -••'» b a # .fa* kwn. wttA «M> ¥•<-. a - tot. IUM A «a Br«l« * JOHN F. . HART. I ' * .Utm rmm. . i tkr «Mk dto r«M CMmlt ItTOt 111 At IAW| m* Itoßtßßto. M«ap (tototolf 4M -ti c 1 rrt> tu -* t« »<* pilmt* Mart, »r f -Mlat to SB U. Mb Jb4#» 4- - ' -*•--* ■ •.*■■ - N* 1 - to. :.*M«k kMw Mfitß-u ivs * y kto**- tr HESRY P. FARROW, ITTOHMY AT LAM lIUaU. (ABBTfU ' ) » vtß Ukl Mfc.r**iLfcJfcL'arMto 'iu JtoTTT JOHN MILLEDOE. Jr., aT O K X r. V A T I. A %% , * iIUKTk. OfcJkUlL HIU oXMik* lto MB* r*B*»a mp«4*,-to- i< M*tß.B*-‘ T •' ►•ktototo. »lfk mV? kill Mifi,|Mto»rm«to u* Ibto I—»* Urtoto* AMtoP fc «»%. MtoTM^V HEW STORE! OOOOt ! Wto. 11. TAVUH. nONI +** fc-ftto 4 TaJW*. Brmrto V Ok, » »*b * Mb,mV Fatorj t*ry Ow4*. INtoff -CiV W.. to Bbtcb * M t-r UM tomOWlto to! tot btoPßrl a * 4 tkM Ilf Itotl* Nbobb Ttot totoea to.M • w aldktol. tokiJk r ISlipt Ottim alCtof. ■M Vton (k«w M* wisk • aaV to Ml - mud I rrkV Mbcl •! IM * TkalH.l »to* iMi/Haa 4 VfiMto, ami tomaul BMP’ VB tkM - * BIT . . S t;r*a -Ttßlkto* B.Pfcrk.**- k* -k*. OV