The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, March 12, 1868, Image 1

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anasn #***B wtr mw. rt.H» t tif H'W »!•»«««> lor DOy, #•* Asauoi *s 99 * M ***»**^r~ —* 55 Wto&fe Era, Far Ajawim —• * OO «r unraMAJiLT m awtahch. jj IUTK* Ofr AIHItMTUMiO Tw« H .»»* | j i] • i.. -m— 'tiu-M gm.uc «*w 1« v Mk«aar«« U-ifo II .. HOP iWiSa.-. *« r.«r aStr- -te Stao 4*oo >A«# ■***#* 40 go fort wi frjnarwa I,- ***** 4*l* MO VfOMforOaUmtu 40.00 Uuu 44 40 l(U (Utmn Muu 71» M. 90 04 i■■ i ihlrarT-Ti-i a j* m<* t •»* iVtiuAji 71-ac mo.*? ttt«a ft* t hwtgeii p*wv Uiu Ikrr* vths *4l b# il * tola cites of twra.ty j-rr • t»i fnw it a above r*u*. IV* sorb M|«a*n» rt 10 lirm ur im, * r tha ft. *1 iiiwr ■ .rj. foe ra.-*i j.i. !,: ig .• «U 1 .ii hare rt mUul ie>u}v*<. i!. us . « f*4ni««lMrt in spare, f*v i cash. tefor# or oa .inimiJ ftikr lb. fir— m < and rartisemsarae *Mt»>. wmi«l ft* xaem*4fi* l u«i tdTwU»iu,HU irUl »t U.M«Oa to b* cLerg— *# *)l » K'ftWiiiifill or B Rtfww <f» ■*»*!■ Till-1.. 4m »• - 1 ftMMM, A/- 'WvmW« kbe c—w I »«mt rt»« m*|, t Hue for *m:b lnoeu..n >•» u»r« w.U *«c a Woe an® then «»*■ Ihwua ■ lfQ.iA.aiAH under tto m ' I . .dyramtt per liur for ft ret Inesrtwn*, and tft route (<>r .•* «ul>«e<jne*»l inewrUo* i*ry r..iuiani*:.*t>ouA, roi tDUrmtu.g "f «n>"iv" u#wa. artirited from »WJ quarter New# 4WT> ■ ... u.r *»nou> count*#* rt ILe male «mp.« iftly |*Sfr*,| T»IK KKA OKKK K . i.rhMiu imk ro«i<»ma. Hjcruhut ttiu* Al> IM> ftUITUiU I. H R USA! MOUSING M MIGtl » t» A HPKCIAL JSOI ICICH. %•>(!« r.AagMiU, Oa., UMfMbrr *!•«. lift.' -to tb# (Mn.ahol.lrre ct the MUtedgwrUft or kUr.m and Augusta L—iruod Company C—Je ft«r pa) u.ent on MlocrtiAluii to the (Japitel Rb«k of this (Via pauy hav# towo wadoap lo fiflftev* par oat (Kocft Upott whlri» Ude smoiUlt Lee urt be. u paid «ill be frt frtfod lo lb* Company .. A further rail 4a an* nak k»rl*euly lu per cant. |A)eUi ©u or tefbr# Frbruuy fißth, Into, xl wfc© L date. eighty jet cal. «tU be due. and *4tvk brfnl«l if not paid. All ftiut-hUnblrra 111 Af.'Are will al .nice ourteejoi.4 eiUi tli* Tr-xsurvr The Road 4a no* In «»i* ratteu U> UiUolervllU, iM m il-'laf a larg* Imuntea It >• bdimd that Amnir inewta will be made by which further call will be »«>.U At, U priuupt pay aural u now nnk. by order «■# ll# Bta«i of l>lrtxi< >r« IL U bVLtAX ft. I'raaidrnl. 1 A. M UIUJAiR. . HiefrUfJ and 1 r. eeurt r MUM 44* HAVAnnah It.] uUl<«n. Me»a A Hr raid. Mat. i. Telepriph. ionrnal h Mwanpr, if Hied *e»me Her. rd er. Paand. ral a.|l pl#Aa« f**p7 Ihe Al-*rr rtxtyrdera. and a«u»J »*«U b* theTraia«|vr ifeoiti A tUiral, Al Ail •rueta. in um lit tkttkh: tki v i ku SCRATCH NO MORE SMATMK’S OINTMKNT l« warrant*.! a .pi.uft and **«•" ewee. U-atlaye all U* L. •<* at .ok* u jmiwj v. ts. t»!•!<• oan U and on tbe inoal l»ww Infant. ™;;:; J2SSS? : I ,w - '■" i **■ »■ i».m • umnwt - . , •ItiTUK'n inwTmmtlT t ; (w. «. L , hu.. . a tmtuvr i •Hwim'e onmm" i . .. lir% . • wwarwa w (iimnn i 1 n ,n " * 1 ” r i cure.«. *u> uw. 3»mr » iMwrwrwT" i , ar, ‘* »»*aa«* Inn •iillX*. !. • • »*"•* Woaaaf s«iTM'e darmui" i -fmin - ie«»«««A | ** 4U. Raiw I ~ |*iW WcaU. Ily wain o renla to Ur.ltiijer" •, S.U.. AA' HiTth wtr« I liilMklphia. a Ull Will Iq mui. Irv id . io . / *j lrr-». •Add by TAYljntt k 1»4?Ift. I>m,nclata. AtUnU Ha iaa>lt nod It '•pedal \i»tlr.,~Vulliinilr thwamr nil.— Vi.-ketawK. Mmm . Aa r ' ft. I»U I*r. Pull Iwr ftu I am* happy t*> atal# b» you that I havw lined your .4uabW Cudrua IdWn »Hb grant IwinM to arj Aeif, ui , . bixal a.ldJlty Wit pT’wtrainn xrt mj ey tem, r»~ • dnred hy the unhealtb/ and lulaaiatlic luftur-u.. if , Ihe Uiaal#»l).|4 rtv.r ar-on i Vi< keharg f <v.oftdrnU> r.- .aanrixl l«a «ee l > all phwhk wtw ar< ri|iaN) lo ! .inlnalthy «tiwalra 11. nr. rottlJC. i mi i ikf«»?rr or asim .tt atony l* -ut. White 00. Ark . May U. 1 id* Dr. Ikn Hull Hear fttr P. lomai y 1 waa In Lmiia*iUw : pan haatny dmn*. ands f>( aowe of your larut anIU • -and (VJruii It. item Ky ann In law. wbo vu wttli me In U«e alura, ba 1 t-een down with rfteninAliam for won* time. n>w no ii.'nd **u ID* lUltem, and »m l.nutd hia <»n« r* j loattli Unpror..! fir. 11tet, wh had been in bad health, fr#.l Ut> to ■ an-l Ire al* • iM|awf*.|. |ir. wU. had uee,, in bad health fur m. ral , >aara *U>u*a> I* Mhl H»«r *“* * ‘iirrii_‘'~ 1 **r. unn h hy tbe u«. of y..iir HiMera / aiudeed, tbe t’ednm Hltlerabi*ylem you *hA-»l*- darUy lu lb«a aeiUrtn* nL 1 think I < .mid •*•]! a »riW i.iaubty «‘f yofir Htedkoaew Uda till, of four **dr.*i Hitt, r* an*! Har»a(>artlla. (hftip »na, trla Mwr.i l>hla, rare Mtefcett ft hart) tfully. V H WAUfthU Foraah by I*. IL HUATinCU). Dmfgnt. >ao7 audly Atluia. tie >nan «>» VuHlh.-l Urnllemra nko ■ nfll.-red ftr f*»r* Ihm Ninmi liebtiity, Pracnatnra . t*e#a/. and ah Uia ehbrlau l youtWul io-lte. reUon. wtH. i ! r Ib4 Hie of anffniHß hwtuaulty. aand fir*# b> all wh. t iiwd it, tb. >«#|.t and direct lona for m aft my the stun [ |.W rrta«»!y by which b<< waaoaa*wd. Hufcnn wlabmy j to profit ny the adrertlarT'a •i|wtVitcr - ait <h» ao by I i l<• ui |#*fe, t rooftdt new. JOHN U. nuDKN. i 4#)| ly Mo 4t (War lie. Mew V«rh. V All ('an I lake Ueualifi* Hair So U»n*»»«jf IaMA Coui|nu< With 1 >w».lon Hair .uhir Uewhvrer and Hrraaloy letnd.m Hair Odor Ihftnrrr and Ihwaainy ** Roirtoroß Gray or Faded Hair, tan a» a i.atcwaiwn *» fupwrt •ywg* Mtth mw rtt I.l*o, a m nawnnt rr, miau j I.HK ami' UA itmaawa or ratuiA" Thr Mn»t Vurrel Hair Uealnrwr -lemdan Hair Otdor Kaaiorar. '* •• I xuda Hair Cufor Haahoer. * • I,.udo® llnld llratle Hair Ctdor lUetorer * l.taloa Hall Color Beatomr.' l/.ndon Ualr Oolor Kaaturer • Ie u4»n Hair Color Haaftnrar * • is.udon aaltb Hair Color HuOtarar ' liHhlm. Hair Oalov Sioftavor. '* ■I. ffnlr. Hair Oolor Heatnrwr.** > . rtifteate-a are dally encailUuL. JtfV*tt*| tta wonderful I are or tn r. «h«rtti * the Mr. pvwtli, oolor and »lyor to Un* wyak«ot hair. Ji pooltlroly aftofw ne telling ont. , i- the ooalp riran, cool and Uenlthy. onrwc eftw-tually MM irrttnfthoi or iUhlug of the aoalp. au.l aa a hair .inwitg 4 la phrfu-t, lilrely prrlbmrd. very cleanly are! .t#C Cm 4 Main the akin a parth 10. or 4041 hat bon .-ok*t the Au> at linen < (nlr T 1 rente 4 bntUaw hAU tbwwu |4. Addreee nr dere w*. fftr MWATMM A HUH. Phliailelphla. th.M by TAVI/Nt ft HATIH Dm«n»*e Atlanta, and all tba U#t jlrowgiele uterywh. re maytl—lnwul M. It. K. l*t>H.—Dr. Hndvenj'e Fltla. l)nM» r,w rrgntelhH the law*. dftwmarJi. So*4l>. aani pr wn-tm* DhrMlan. On* Ml a* night. F»*r ohoUnat# ■Uaeaaea and • brmd. conijdaluD 4b* fi every twenty. !••«» b. nre r Dr. Hadway a Pihe arc rotnp.mnded from o*Mikh • atm. ta. ouafto* wNh «*vwt gwm. and are the bent, .jww-hnat and aaf. at FurgaUra. Aperteut. AnU-Hfbone. ard naftbartk Medfadne known to needW aedanoe One of Dr. t lad way'e PtUa ««nta4na aaoee of the art ier yrm aftphi 4ft c«rv. and will not •fftMhft* *n» Mm liver, 1w.w«40, Hboua* h kidney a, Madder. Mood, ha., Ihon t. to a ui u»# ordinary common pnrgnbr* 4r entharv*. idfla. at id rarh«na nawkea. ar than lan geatne of t>tuo maoa. mH hr IWe van! he pal afh-Aek fhr NMnnr I'nr er'e Oocgk Salaam. InM aa havfng 11. agitata nniU row get A; UAe na oMtar If y<-nr Dmgyfm baa not icHIL have hbrt eaW ***.» got *4 ft«r yan. Tke oat of ...uWtelKrtm the I'aleai 14 aa great a* that of almuot auy *4her and higher prftW modinjie, and tbe vary low pew* at chbh Hi* hdd naftkee the pm«t tn the wttrr apphmnUy email, amt nnprthcii-Wd daabae w|il - ». M.l .Hb«» medhVtMWMU wtinh tbe !•#. (... nr, ter**'-. nuW* j«*h laelet um haviny for b r a. ami I».»t*e*fhrr - mar« 41 ibtlteway'i l»t*u.—UUlyr.i»«a, Mannt h a>*A find (VwnpUkrtft. Thma mrHlrAtea wUI cwrw th Atom confirmed cam of dya| iftdl. and ftteardri* m II iHii'-Vir'r — Thar ham roahwed mum ens ail Chi mm iijfcidkmHrf ■ «*—* tWvlww Mood tha teat ts a«y pmaa‘ oaportanca. Thay tenraam lb. appoum. hsrtfmma Sm nm.ftd «MI P«r Stf flka IIMT. n( i«i|Wcai**e.tMßi. !■ llnnil I. ■utHMlaaew .—«.»■■ oms MO mm*- *M uHh* iw—e*. —»« THE DAILY NEW ERA. BY SAMUEL BAUD. ATLANTA BU6ISEBB DlftECrOß' JEU KLKBI AH 11 MfAftMHtKlJil. WM. UsrtXMAJI. denim t» Wal«temXteafta.Fia# J*-* miry, >oU hu. ftr#m. ha. hr.. U aocond fmmm above M Lynch’s hOo‘a aha*.. AUao ta. Ua. If ami Ii t hat la good atyla and warrcnUd. ~v**y . 1,1 fc LAWhIUk. Wab-iaa. ducka. Jew . n . 4* . Wahl ■J k TohdeanJ Malar.*’ w -«‘ --t '»ba ttrwt. h*tw*-£B Alabama ut.l liuru t ati.ew HUKI.M AUK. btnUT in ftneto4.l hen law. «Wli s HH«#r Spouua and *--rh. r*aw mite Jearuj I tnieea, lluvdt, Cool, Ouy». Jet, « *r»= .u h- an 1-art, uw a he hack of Chain, ami CUni<* Marb Ua aa«l WhrUball MlWwte. OKJtrs KIMAinIIIHU tMMMM. I'VuITL ik,lo m iMtb y urxwhii., dad. • late UM hate loaf bm Franks and • \ 4m Hatuwjal HutcL Alienta. (la »>»<-J4 **, i ■ • SMiiH - KU :llH*«bD. T- »•* • o -te - Omul Couuaiaaluii 11. n baxu, AUlnm* »Uttl augku cm uitt uuiffTn. Cmi Drug Mur«. I arpen ft h-og. hhul-*a> wod 7 lit tail l«anl«tr« In I’nut, kf.dxtit.a. IWU. trio. k’«rfum«« > and and Amertron th'TO tlb*. hrtrvai Butbliug. a>mar Wbit. hall ami Merx4ia am. . Atlanta, Ua. Hti'M INK ft POX. Wh bnab ami l-. Ull l-rvygi-le and lu PattU, Oile. I>J4 Mate. Ac . A< I u#nrr Whitebait aad AUtwana wtr.- ta, A tier t. (4a. j i'artemtar itlrnba pabl u» ftli.u*- i r.a uc. u ijfr wnl, »iu n i ii,_ K> inuuuo, *.<. MHS K. 1’ imW*IK. mkr . iXlk, >i»l I'kJ. dr» i. ■ baorta ai*d Hale, MUmm, low, arid * vary thing j-ftea. tig I . ll« kfiU.uery Uuatn<-*a, ftl.-i* ; haU etn -1. n#U %U>«r J. M Uothn-k a Mai ahw*. •TuqiUKM Aft 11 mui. - ( to* ft DanAe.aot U >«>. and 1m meed t-lgaiw. T l#-, A« . pea. I.b< a •Ovr*. Atlanta, Ua liftV (MMIII*. M»TIO>». JU . JU WUITU na. WWianah and Ibtaii Iftabrwin • Hta|Je and Pam y l>ry flijuda, t7-Htdng. Uato, l*oo«a and tfbtiaa, H um-ball atr-x-a S<XITT ft PHPPHAN. WhoVaab jael lb-tall paabra in Ntapl* ami Pam y Dry tu-u, Mate, < aj- and ho thtra. Pthlttm and W dt>4i «'», AtloU Ua. 4 UNPftut TlOAltlt* AM) MAkPMft. / < W JACK, Wh-leeale Candy. (>a*W. i’ak« an I* \I« Urunl Manilla Jurrr, am! Oaaler in ran. j O ft bit. (tail rtrei HT4IVH4. TIRWANK, tet . TTTnrtLlWtri HtWWTfW. | IV ware au \ Buna# PnrtUnbtng tka<d*. PhiWhall • reel HAT*. ( API AAD Wl Ml. IM lIDI-HROOK. Wtedenal# and Bela I Doaler i„ • A'tlf a> and Wool Hate, ala... I.odlre I ur.* ball etre. I HOOT 4 ATmtDOKI. (V 80. ft . PHIOB, Ihnl-T la ttuote and rth/wa. t'afl J Hku.e. BipnnJ lh%ki Lmth*#, HI. * nodos a. 4. . i Inm hire# rtiwt, ueit donr to K W yfunday'a j m t II IKIIIV AlfP, tec. . _ * -- - * 1 ’ I and traioc <Wk. ft’bttrball Met, Atlanta. Ua.. j un luw-d a laiv- and »«U aaa/.rbd el.ak • f »J Vlii•- ft whbh U»#y wlb a, U low f..r enk ( UTTUk KAITOUH te 4 ON. HKIK IIB’TH 1 > P I’l ' v l At 0.. Oitton Parto»c and Cuiuuiinka -te * M#«. Lanta. ki II Alaliaic.i rind MRADOII 4 Hiun-Hru. U->#nl r.n.uil*n.m Mr i haiile ami Tuba*.** iwtun, uudof PUataaw' Ho U 4. Alabama *tr«-L 411101 KMI AMD f* 140IHCft. OKAI.KK Ur M. ft R. J t/)WUYft CO . bank -r. an-l tlroftorw. j • « «>mruiMt<-i. UrMui.n and Wholesale leali r< ! in Ueuwral Ho- haixbae, AlaWi ,» *tr«ot C lll t I'M AN A Ul't kIK U m.bwaie Hi BT.rj / t'ommteah a M* r. Uanta. ft lub-hab a|r*x4. Atlanta ' w. w cainitß. 'yil, $. *. at . UML I A MUM H ftVIJF. ftb«d.-Mte Urorer and Cum- j • I nini-Mt MotUiiii, Ornn e hmUUor** •Ue#t. FS »rd. itrninttwtn a »n» , j Wh 4raak- and Hde.l IftaW-r. in Pmdara 4*>.l Mr.* | ourtea, Mlh hell atr». t ks IHC Kl.l* A B KOCH. Sr* ADMAN h HIMMoSs, Wholoaah. Oneriw, h» I .litre Bn kere and Pmnniaatun M< is'hanla. -n r-wa Bnihhuc. Manettastreet THE 6RE€N LINE. i as i i-iiKiuiiT i.i nk mrnvF.i n St. LOUIS AND LOUISVILLE ASH A.Tlj A.NTA.. No ( HANOI-: <>!•’ (’Alts NIWWI , Louisv illx or Hickman aiul Atlanta. TIME REDUCEO TO 55 HOURS. KfCmU'TIOtV l.\ HATKS. T I'HK aMontlmi of UMIPI KHt U railed to the ftdh.w- X Ihft 1-0* ltahw by life# Urewtt Uaa to Atlanta: peota Loamte fYon ft Lwu lat Diana f 1 74 »| *4 hi item .'1 144 I4J ad t i*a* t is i aa 4Ui(lnaa 41 111 llftva, pr hk. lha %, I 11 PVmr. AppW. onhww. Pokahww. pr bbt IK* 19? Halt. (Vunent. Ptaatef, prbW . 21* 147 lloaf 4 Pork pr hid. ,1 7J 19» Con*, l-r hudi’l XA ftp Whtal, By*. Jftrt-y, pr bosket d* 41 ThfAMigli llllla ••( ii.l • at i-»ait« (-< akipmacit. and all .Ulna 4«r Da*. Daa*age and Ow*n charsa mil nc ndtlr.l | rarapOy at j">tnt <d ddivary. Tanffa, ah..via* rlaaalfUwU-ai. Hr , may be obtained at otenr W, ft A U H. JOHN U PfA R. M T. W 4 A It li tebtetl NEW FREIGHT ROUTE. IST IQ W -AND— ATLANTA. r|7lU.luth»wing Low Heh-a ha-ra be«n agrtml -<*» ba X tween X«w Orhaii* and Atlentx taking rib. t Pel*. nury I*4, IMS: —?Wy Meaner Memj.hta. . Train., <>r Un kman. Ky . All UMI vu Orond Jtux tkamw aH Bali without turn. No Übarire for In . tranahlpnmnl VaVoi m »ow*. Ptavaat, 0»M-i fto* Daavano ia Pan latOUM. tITMgtCUMn. 1141 44 Clue. 1 *KM Ctuaa IN sd OpBM 1 n\M CLeea I 04 4th Cum* I 4b t 4lh Cxjmw. »t Thmngh Bill* of Ija-nng will be given at pntnte of abit»u»«nt. aa*d all rkaMua *w Loaa, Datuegw and Offr rbarge* will ln> promptly *-Uhl at potnto nf .Ulivery Tarts showing . laaetn al «i. «4>-. may be obtaiand at tteev W. A A U K. JOIINB. PBCK. M. T.. W. I A. H H hbl ts LAW rtKII. . * S. JOH V (*«)>. ATTORNEY AT LAW ItawwMnUtr. Ihinnoa ('Maty. Hr ILL glee prompt attention to naßarthan or any Iwtalbtwkeaa In lb* llln* R*dg* (’hwlt. and tba 1 rt-trtet Owm at tba UniftNl Mabw for tba Morftm •MatrMtofßMlllNh W(IM *«*••*». «l.l#»l t) ndertaeuUi hk Aju^ettWAweMMeeawSa^ ] •- ■„TI. ~ ixitanevietawiißunw tasAiaca.’sjriaß^ asaff w i r ATLANTA, GA„ THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 12, 18(58. ■Y AUTHORITY. i* t; n 1.1 c *.\ *• t m j PoritiMb ognareeM m ran juNITtl) ST A T I: H, / J wM at l>« JVM haw, wA*A wae 4w*na and 4aM M LMftftf _•* (*« /NPn- ( ./ * •.««* wi* j , m itaa4ft, lb /ww«i 4a) nf i*te F n~x»— rv*r lg. MWaS an AQvUa. «U utrftrta **m <f gf-rva. a. /> IRS’, h neef M r«4wei<a Ur fA*rd d«g ms JtJ* { 4. i) IK7. —I .«• ‘ Unaad tn mho ShKi Aaf«/i«y. ua frnmit u tery U J *a;J /nAy. an wfthft .iw# g *rar*, l h «*eW mi T4nr, j -bag. he Mas «*«» -f Awewfcr, ft. p 1 at. ’ aed <M» u MU l#t/» ft* M* »/ X - .>r, , Uay Dronw, A /# UA* | A«i«rw hwvtna, ftrvaabi.t tewtMit P Wai-v. 1 nwidaal tba a ini* h MUUt ( >p «a It us tba Bimar n| Heprrab-ctativra ! ( lIAP I -d- \1 '-rt-uxJ an J-f ««'Q- f hdaiar* u*d .Tnpa.' n, K-'~r oh- tecany li.cmAled UjfL-r, .4 f aUN fta*. «)iprianf Jf««\A ta*aly«M, ngu** | Aamdred aad (fsfg h*. fb Snarlef hy U- Vm. tad //.-# A JKr/rmw(4 *»—»« m tbngvre* niiah and. ! That mtlos third vs the a t to HK«-rp#»b a aabwii •ayiuaa ftw dvaanied . Mran and men of tbe n-tantpr l ace* us the l i>lM •Unlr- epprov.-l Mar. U tWwat) 1 first, eighteen hundred and ality an. br imnuU.l h> >trikUi< «>«i tbe word* ••nut nrwl* nos ( I ArrnuWb. Manb 17. !«7 ! ‘ Ukp M. 4. J.fMl-n| *n r% t r "‘' m ' fwr ,kr 9r paan <>/ (Vamu#.#'* * rd hy »» /v»n (-,r u A/ /a u.aa fonnlry. , } hr W r+.uU lby CD -V.'Wr S<wi /fur A *f tk» (m<«< Jholra eA Am-rum in’ q.*nU(J, • I bat tWanm -A twenty liu»uaad d*d*Ur» W, and lU*. | «AU.e t» h>Twbj, ***** *•* #*** > U*« ’ traaaury not othrrwU*- appr ipruie.l. L>. peji (!».- •*- 1 lieUati or-ft try Ana-ni*. Marvb 14. It*?. (HAP. 11l -Am Am l» rrw /.•'*«’ex— .. . -J **4 4mM»m ia yrwwU M U* H-mm *».i’ >.f It- M>H •/ (hr hJeaeateU «ypv*r.i imtt, rigAUr* I »arfr.>l and 4e#/y kw*. /> if (*«W hw IL V«x > end /A#at iL^r-» q j ItWia/lL ratlnidliiri / ierrmii Tbat tbe i.gnt rreoiuu-nt *tilil*d A remdult-a* (•> pr*. ■ wde for the removal of the wm k Hf the ■t-wn -ht xcadten I. approved Jat.ue/y ia. ttty-liintk. • eg: Sen i ItOhdrvd and alvty-eeTrji. |m and *h< •am# ta b#f> hj • repented » ii • I CHAP. IV —Ja a.r so elate* IV ma.m-4 uuj d,g*e' ftefterrt d murnf h*.LV -vh an.l //«■• <A’ y- ' 'tv.j ] <TIL I mi-d Vr-*X-■ . / Amur.. IM’■ - i* Ui.«6ir.’, Tbat tbe Harmtery us War be. and it t.orebj author ued and rwpured W* furnish or.» >tnpU-U suit nf rfcnb itig to mrh invalid aoLtur who u a*, tnruahr of aar reg ularly lonetaiulrd ’fttnUlifa Umw Id th« I n.ft.! . Mg»«. uni uC the *t*» «»n hand Hi th quarLnitaetef • btartn. uL 4a* J Inlft « fmrlhrr mmeud. That *m b rh'thing ! » -hali * - * --T--I fir th' inanwftra ■ and ao. h InaUtutn I D|«a their requisition tbervfor. a«N' pacir l vrTJi rat 1 -•nhvUi ae to it amt wra sad c-unlil.a aa Uia llrn* ■ tary ».| War may juwa< rtb. Anft»m>, Ms cb ii. IM?. i CIIAP. V. Am A t in iLuiXnwv X . a «rf.«*w T* i(#/ j Land in UurUmf.m, I mm*. Air II swm X«d by IA- finmmi* *«i A/ee# - X AL>». •A Uu In* tod A trU-t •J in»n4 * f**mgr«ea uiw«h.d, l Let a certain ordinal**■ itepM by Ute .-tty munail nf tba itty f fturttngb b tbe NU4* <>f buwa. I daU of 1* ml., r uML *nn I Doaotet ..tght-« u b ttetrad and ; ■nil all entitled "An ortenme# tending Market N-jnair t-. icriaui pulnh purjwMw, m 4 prwv teug bn ti;e Ve-aiLm it rertalL teilr-nd Im ia upuu rertaic • •tteru, aad f. r «>»h#r pwrpuee- " la h«v#hy matbed. #p fritend. sod aiid Slid valid. tar aa r» .el#- V : eel l puhiw eptar. and ftzi said nilnan -e •had op*- , «wia to otivey to tL« BnrlDigtmi ami Miewu'i Hive* I Itailnml ( umpauty all right at. 1 tutar* «t if tb.- I'nftad I R*atre In t!.r )>r> >ubto* known aa Market rtqnar. >n th. , | aeid cit* of Harttngton, u|*ott tbe urm and r-utMiiLu** J au4 for’the tvarjwvaea and neea th. nn and« a4gOati<l and • liall have tbe aanx Lure. uprraUuu and «4M ar tru» frw atiupte till* to nald Market rt>|Uar«' and atrixtv wrr ! owned l»y said HtT al the date of said or«ft mtiff irrsortL M ar. L 13, !»' | Cll LP VL —Am A t .hi**-* *nt u> rr* AH gnfvN-- •An All l« prumuUfmr IU awrv ter*/ (. WfvnM-.f <4* ft* Sri .Vfntoft, - yu**l Hmrtk vrei, algtf/vn ham dead and nrlyn-ren, and h/idSMx P’A ' ibew Hr \i muut-J tef fD .VexuX* and Jf mar eA JftprcsrMu'.ev i «A lA* Cm*' I Mahay Jwiwi « ibnpe..* .u#*x'-..i I hat before th# ftrnt day of UepU J.ibec tigbU-m leu } deed and elaty •»*«*>. the eoir.mandiag gmveral tn firft 1 dlrtrkt dwftncd U> an act euUtisd "An act L» provide fur tb# luorr rjftnrot govrennwiit t*f tbe rebel HUb a. | |-wr~ 1 Ms rnt-mrl gftAP- e kaMrel and tltlt : Mtm, eiivU raa# a ngumUmi to be mad# of kbe »**•!«- I . .been* of the rotted Mates, twenty ot>. y.wra of ar* end u|.warde, nahtent ia ##*-h county or panrt. lo L»* i tut# or illU included ID hM dlacTH t. wlii h rrgtetia iUoo •ball Inrbnte only tb<w* |»r*wi who ar* qua ift..! to Votef>*r dwhgntee by the mi afoceetd. and who -had have takei’ and aube« nt» and the hdiowtng until or al rtrmaii iii “L do erdeomiy rvwx r afttm>i in i Ifcc pmemir# of Almighty that 1 am griUeen oi lb' slet# or that 1 h*TC r—td’d *t* «atd Nal : fur TUoutba Mil prowding u»»e 4») add nenr ) re*l »e m tbe count) t*f . Vt the parish us , 1* aaid mat* t*a the ca#c ii»*y br Unit lam twenty ' ob* year* obi. that 1 Lavs ixH b#ru di«rmo< Li <xl lor j ( iwrth-tnnUnai ta my rebellion or dvU war agaiont th# ; United Stake*, nor fur M ay committed against tb# . Iliad any Mate urns Ut* 1 : I«1 HUiew that 1 oav. newer lown a member of any Mate byl-haftm* n*w j held any c\#w*tiv# or iudwial •'•bw m any Mat# aim ; I afterward* « bi iu»am• iLhj or reWIUon ’ : the Tutted States, or Riven aid »*T nvmfurt L* th*. ene t mic#tb#rw. l that I have 0.-'Sr t*k- n a', ••nth a* a i uicmbrr us Orngrena id tkt I'Bltel Wat- • -r a. an > i.dtete of Urn United mate*, nr as ft member us auj • Mat. I.gietf re. ur as s-i rwwuUv.- «»r judu-al • m. *r j ««f any State, t** #wppnrt ihMVndUaiim, v.f i»* United - ; Mas#*. And afterwards nigagsd in koaurtev tivn ur re- ! I he'leiu agabtot tbe Undid Mates, or given ail or . .lumi -ct te tl*e meiniea Uwcv- f tbat 1 will fa)tLroily t • support the i .net I mil >m and obey the l*e- of Um ! Unlte«l Mat* * and -will, to tb* bc*4 *4 m* abltily. «»• ’ 'Mine* ottura an te do w- kelp me teal . Vhto'l* uOtlt } afftTvaaUn* may U arlmtelatored by any rv« .nste nog sfkrwr. mac. L And be It futlL. r rnarbxL 1 bat after the -midrt 1 -i of u. raglwUftikHi bemby pr-vhtnd f>r tn any Mate, at anrb Um# and placm *>«rwtt* a# the oaa> msndlng general shall apt- ;nt sod direct, of win. h at lewd thirty Oaf a pnblte nottee shall be giv#« an aiee- Oon shall be held of dategate# ' • a for the I'un-iw of #Mabliabtng a conatituttoo aaid .ini goerro men! for awrb Mate loyal te the Uahm. *a*d aooveotiua in #wdi Mata, atwyt Virginia, bo roaatei us the same !o am bar of m—aberv as tb# moat oamecuus btswe# h th# Mat*.* Lcfsatataaae «N such Hlat# In the year eighteen hundred and slaty. I# be wqwwtxm*! among the sew ral district*, irmottes. or of stacb Mate by »Se MQfuaudiug general, giving Aa sach rwprammtatu u iu tha ratio of voters rqirtoel a* Sfcrsmi l as nearly as may ba IVemvteMsla Ytr*nM -ball conatet o tha m*ew oumbsT of mombera a# reprsaepted the t/r rttory b*»w cmstttvttng Virgtnia ta the moaft amnerveia bran, h of the IsgteUture of said Hint# la the TOOff gtgbtemi (Lnndred and alvty, ty ba aj»;«rU >*.rd as Mr. t. And b* It farther enacted. Tbat at mid #tm Utm th# iifhbwd virtsra ct aarh Mate shall v.dw fcr ur inind a cwr.»«ot*on t • form a onnaumuon tbera*. w uiHkrf IhU act Thoes vottng m» iaror rrr Ju*-h as» v. frtkm shall bar* written or tainted an tb* baltete bv which they vote tor dategat—. as arnwiatd. tha w tnh» Pbr a amxmnU*ux: «»d **«*+ voting agolovt #«. L a ivnftuhM shaH have wviMan or printed on mach hal L<te tha "Against 4 (wutwh. 1 * Tb# paiaut • appointed u* anpertutatul aaid clertkm. aad te make r.toru of tb# vo4«a flvsn tbrrsst. os batnte pawvlded «»udi co tust #nd make of tb# ruga# gt« ea for an l agatuet a moventian; and th« cuatmamMag gvmaral u> whom tha tan- «hail have boon returned sbaU aacri tein and declare tha total wde tn aarh (Hate hw an 1 against a ooawanun If a isAjanty of tha roSm gtv*o- OQ that qucsUco shad be L-r a mavantfeet. !».«* m*u h oonvcnttoa shall tw held as lierrtnafter provided bwi ts a mapvnty of mad vote* *hail be agaiust a etavw nor, tb*n do swob shall be hi I t umb r t!i'* •u /VweiJef, Thai eiK b (wnrgitlua shsil ao* :•• h. 11 uaUaa a mverity us all such registesvd vo4#ra -hel. Lav* voted (<• th# qorwUoa. ( bidding soob convcntkwi Bsc. 4 And ba it rurUiwr enacted. That th# .oa mandlug general of each dtsOrtct abatt appoint as many bauds of rsgtetrafion aa saay W a wTiHHTf, eun ■teting oi th re# loyal oflkwr* or perwoos. te maka and .-omptHc tb* registration, superintend th*- akewthm, and malm return te him of th* vote#. h#4 us voter*, end ol the persons elected ae and .legatee by 4 pterainy of the votes cwt at mtd etertf an . aad rtWHvtn said returns h# shall upan the mm, Mhrteß th* pev aans vteefted a# deligatv. acvocdlng te th-* rHnuu .1 tba ->M-- who coadneted anal etetwa. amt nud twoeteinatton tbatsaf; and If a majority of tb# *ob« given oa that qur«te*n et.sH Kehrs ooaivwutbm. the •ugamonding gwsrol. wtUun sixty days tm a. tn# date of #tec4km, shall notify the .dklrgatea te amaklr m . oevontten. at a ttm* and pl» «te b# menu.en dtn Bm notkfb-aUon. and mhl (wavenkiuo. whan orgattlavd. shall prwcwcd te frame a cseeimti.xi and *srll gsvsrti mont oc’ardtng te tba prortnons of thta act. and th. set te wkteb It te aafglimtalarT. ami when tb* seas# shall law been so framed aakd cwemutnttaii shall W submitted by tba sun i. ate— Mr mb4 rate m I.»tn# jm sons regtetered aadrr tb* nrnvtetoaa of thte brt et an fdecUun te be e-wdueUd Ly the oMhwca cc paromm ap patnted or te b# appUnted by the non. man img geem> ral, as hcrrtnboAwa paevkdsti, and to V held aAer Iky etpttateon of thirty (ter# Iheu the date cl nokto# Msaa of. to be givca by mid NONOlaai ant Urn return* thereof skafl b# made 14 the commanding gtemrol et ta A And ba l« fisrlhrr mac4#d. That UL according to «4d tetwps. tb# omtelUitton abaU be radlad hy • nttertty us (ba votva of the rnrteaerwd atecter* qnan •nd 44 karat* agwwttted. raat af aabl atoteten. at team eoa half us all Ite-ngtetel vutees vwUteg mn Ik* uwastten of ench vsUCxtMi, tb# pidhal of Ins cum reetltea shell* a uufry .4 »h# saame. 4-*ty c#r4*i had. lo the fry#al 4ml of «h# United tote, wfra abaii I<wtbw4tti ttoismnit th* earn 11 te Lei mm os. If thru In intern, and if not te um«. than uami ttetn-b »p.w iu next assembling: fr ahofr naosnste* aapmr to Omgfom tbat Me stoctlan wna nn hi wfitech aB thy ifrlMfr and gnsNisi textem tn tha rttoin he lag «p --pwteoHy te vote Ms and aateu n eOralot. tear, nr the mfrn an— of frond, and If fra* rngroi aholl b* ealteßed frtet omA* rensMtaUun M—ta Vh# ngmr-'val of a wiafuetty ut aB th*qnafrhcd elates— Inth#Mah>, and ts OmsatdjntetenM mtemßtojtotenrwd^to Oegw# jwatha diarhsrge «f thser frattea. frtsate —I til • J t Us WJU nrvor rilaed by the art ayyroi#4 July anxmd. iqwoakaahad and wiry tw mrteli l * Aft a. il . ; 1 rvetnhe an -mh eg afrpw” Jwwowirf. Th— ts an.* mT*—thttf hNharttw Dig and bettg thered duly ’rsm— shall l « anbjort j t * Ih pal—. pcemttUa. and «WA Lg tew ar* prvridad tm the paniahiL#— tg to crime wlfrfel •u l cernrpt perjory Oxc. T. And bo U frttthor erw—ral Th— aft #vpatmm j‘ v urrrd by Mm *#—f eannl.q —wte ur Ly ' rtoe f.r auy orrte— tamed, ur Mn«-tfcxm*uu • rs-. by item, aad— a* hy fteft— af «bte a. *. ShaN te pgged! r «uy noar.4 Vi •» trao—ry art nu i * i*r #;ipfi>. prulol. Mns A And ba II farther ena—n4. Tlmt a— .mwn torn fcw rare ftdr dun prawn— tto 1?«. eatery, and conp—mVUwi te be pa— to aM ftotowalr* and < tear ut j S-efi and mo>L U-r*tn kHUtruA us uwfaip la i trrj Into eto-t ■ p-rpu*. •*4 V4.S a ♦ iad beer«la Aterwun jiton ted ter, sad ■hail pouvute to tba Irvy j at*i tea* us v* ta Uim cw the pruperty U. «M.h .ate as way u#.— r) to pay th* asm- I Id. » Axel be it farther - seated. Tb— Um « nl ert-b . in tte s.ltb entMiO c 4 tb* a. I l. wkvb this * ’ rJ ' nctfLiuaroMij'AX, I*;- ahvr *f ILrl se w ■epFrfigUMf—K B B. P ft ALa, I‘rMOikul ul tbe tenb i*'« ftnycr Ut ;a U-'di or Bxraiaawteri*a«, I rt .j j her u m, UC?. I\C Preoutent (4 tte Uoited —re us..ig| turned to IL- llnuerof BepcrwcaUtivee. ur wh»< h tL- bill mulled “iu art ■ Iwmri.lary «•• aa art rwt L- 1 'I .m 1. CM itfa Cm the o<< r* cScKbt govern ■will >4 tha nbelfrMtoS.* paae-d Mach * vixl •tgb t—e tvidrrd ae«l slity—t«p. and te tonhuU rweiu raUott." w:tu Lm ob.x-i’gtes thrrwUi, tte Uu— «4 (>) r. u utetives pnweeded, ta pnr*nanr* >f lh« (’<«- r.. wtfgtb «uu* , and Ztow-e-J. That tL* •*— h'fl d> (eu. two thij.b 4 •te House us lu peuseuUtir agrer-tng to ;<nas the mu, Alta— PA*ot* M* Phia*i.v Clark U. B V. R Iv Hav*rx r.r m t’o—• vmu. 1 Merh n. tm: j j Tbr Hrnslt' hivbip pr**wdr-d. in faroubix trf U# ’ "Aa art | »u; b ■ il ‘t.ti# .1 Vi. el t ■ w/»„lr i 111., lie-r* >-RWii-(.t g«.*»ri)«i*-Ot rr th* Steh-* I pass, and Marrh aerywi-i. eighteen Lniutenl a*«l e.ity j ve*•*» And to leuitil" feet.waiton." rrlurtet t- the [ II nee of Kef > e«m>taHv«* by tte TveeLL-t.l .4 th* \ I ~,1 l*Ut-« will, hw Lai, and wul l*y tLv i lionn f H#prv-#cnt»t. iv# to tbe tenet* with iLe aue» mr< of Uv« Pramdebt retunuug th# UC j Htmlo-d. Tli— ta* bill d*> pa*» two liar JU us U.« .w. r.ale agwetrg to j as# (te —me t''- J ft P'WRfrT* J « HkP. VU ha Art to Biwrtda t-*r a Ustnct and a i Ctrroit C’uirt «'f th. uiuted % tab# I.W VitVittti ’of NcUseka. end Lw otter I’orpuma. Tft it ml led Ly llu- Mruate and if -use <4 B* prm>-u I tibui of Ut* fnll.-l htstae of Arum-rum ui toigirie • -11. it IL- .wale • N r».) • »).-% ! t . reef f oi ueanate otto judical district, and U caiWd 1: ( f Nebraska. uJ fur eanl dletrV t a dtatrb t linlg* • uaarwosl. and a d.*tri- t atlumry -f tte United —es •ball La at ;>- -.t*ted Ly tte l*r—ide—. by and with the ' advrw and n -.remit tA tte den—l in. 1 And W tt-farth—jn—o—d. lb— tha aaid <Ln trtrt af Nebraska aball te v Awrhe-1 to ao 1 • (muatr a t«rt of th# atgbth Jadfcrtai t—ttt. as— a term af tbe nrvwtt .odri and dtstnet mmarx <4 tha I twlod gut# far mid Jutrt.-t shall ter hell lu U»* rtty of (YinaJte u. the Mato ol be break a. .»« the fir— Mj*Asj us M#*. lid on ti>* Brat Miwnts) of Nuvcmtet, lu aa. L year 1 hi.. J And he It further anactad, Tb— tba circuit • 3~t won a wed-ite l.uiUmi .’Nates tor tbe diatn. t f NtLrweWa, jsiid Uu judg— Uo-rcof rewpoetJvely. iTuc’T ; .awes U,< same poocra and jariedkclLjq and perftwiu 1. sain- l iu. ■ {>-.I and {# 9<rn»«d Ly tbs —te# •u. all and district court* and fn-Lf** of tte Uait~l 1 Mtafta. and *U—l l«e governed Ly tte cue. lawn and I r.-.-il—lone v, I At.. ! te U farther enackad Tb— the dhtrut { Jatfgv apk—tolrd fur Ui# de—rwt us S*Waeka ah—l re • dvr as hi* roniponaaitou tte sum of th:r- v -ftve hen d-evl d-.-Unrs a yaar. imyalds in knar *qoa* maOtUmaniv. uu tte Ar— dtya of January, April. Ju.> and Odnte r us awh yoar. (hu i And ba U farther enacted. Tte: tba rnarwu •< and distrb t atv rosy of u*<- i mtad m 1 . tL* enroll and dwtet owl*. Mr ta# aa— d—tzact ui \« Lraaka. ah—) •wrzally |<w»n tha i->wera and mi firm th# dou— BkwftaL/ j- and j»-rfor—. !by «1 in liar -Akcwr* lu utter (ham ts us the f uilad Mtek* j an-l shall Lo tb* rru»# th*) m*< pwt.wia r«-e 1. the (*«s and cenu pe«aatL>n a.towed hr tte act cattUed I An art u rugulata the fro* and co—* ( • jkaaihrwud | - LrV. tuara&ate. auJ att.mey* of th# eirvnif and (fl* Itrt. I .v.grte -4 tte Utuud Mates ands w utter pur puaca. apyw -v- ,1 ptoLruar) ivv&tJAUtli. dghtao'ii handre«i —I fifty-three i oa* 4. And te it further lu* v<l. Ill— a 1 ca—e-of appeal ur wr t .4 crr»r. bcrrtof’.w* proan,*u#d. au.l uuv pandtug Hi tte Omirt the United -laUa sip-m air> rv«x»rd fl-ou Uia euj reim o—rt of th* Trrrltury of TLTifaeta. or wtarft may Vreelte le - t rusecotcd from •%) 1 o-nri a* ter—n alk>«*l, may La heard d—ermifd Ly th# huprvma •’•JUtt >4 Uv. ln*tb*d Na—*—. an-l IM lam toi* us cvvc—Lwi ay af fktr thei prie-rwdii i, ■ ahdl bo AlroMed by the franrer.-.. (V.urtaf the I uttou £Ul*i L» liu- TtrrulY or die‘ r., \ ■tjx t rs tha United rttates (-r th* dimn— .4 • r to tb.* •uj-rra* «x>art *4 the Hi—e (4 a* U.*' ii—ur* .4 mid appe— ur wrtt of rr ww may require, and each ol thoaa court* »hah b* Um attevooor us tte au{-rvm« cuent of NehraaAa TtrrHocy *■ lu all awcL ; -yo. wiu» fftji power to tear and dotcnnln# th# mm*, and L. award iu• fr<*Bi aJI Judgments aad Mm «4 tte auprvm* > onr» j ■ 4 tbe Dmknf) us h—iraeka. pr—r to (to adm;mi.>a as a Mat.. tb# parties to nd yu*lgm#«U ami item ■ •!*aii Lav* th# man# rt*Lt to prom--ate apmato amt writ# .mw to the federal«. -irt* a* tL. y had under Mm law* us the Unit**.! m tK* el u ,»f ea ! fltotr -4 Nctrwsfta —to tte I'm— > ' And br It furtb. r at.a Y . Xtv ea: ! distrftt «l hetewake aha I te dulv • •-- , , li, di-DUt Jtutgr nf tb# 1 —te.l suia Lr jl r tj [ us l.iwa shall at u tte di—r>. t |.ditv. •>( Nflrvl*!*] and sbaU hav. and rter- lee tte oa u# |nn#>lMrte>H aad power 111 til dial" l torvo* •r- —• J x? h« hee lu th ' ilMrtrt of low j j An» »!n. W iilil*,:. } (’HIT TH! t . tet »u #4#mp4 T-.p#r u*mt- truie or 1 "cuetsiha. froa lut m— Tax. . sud i»r v4h* r pHrpa* JW .t MkR LJby (h ft-vet- am! House of IL prrarn- i tetm • 4 tL# l MM-• of Ameevw 10 1 ugrvwe j .VM-D.uod. That, fr—u and after tb# pavasg* us tbla set. • rapplsg-paper, made .4 wood ur r<wwetalb» { eiMli te wserujft from iui* mal tax. ! Mr» 2 And te M further wuacteiL'Tliairvrvy I—tLm- l si batikdtg aseev istioa aiel* bmiA. or banker, ur #**- t < I—l u. shad par a isi 4 ton prr centum oa tb* amount of note# of SnV tosin. etty. or —tiutotpal «w 1 I —4 out Ly Bm sft.r th# At— day us Map. ' anno Itenitm —ghb—l hamlrvd and afity •**-##•. to br ••oll#t tod iu the mod* aad anannrw .» wfcvub tte kai uu the a—ew of stole t—uke Is oallocted Ko A And te It farther enacted. That wrapping- * paper mod# from asy other m—onal than th— .v—d to i IL« f-r section shaß te al»> « v*»pt fr :n Internal ’ tfnc 4. And te It fartner us to.l. Thai frum sa l } after (Lr ceesag* nf this act, ladders taste wb- Hv at ; 1 Wood ahsll be • triupt fro— i-itsmal tax j imom, MorvL mui. 1—?. Ohl IT An AM in r—attorn to the Askn *w : us Iftwde tn tL# iHrtncl us ( dsal u. ; Be U eua. tel by ih# Heoatw and House us BafU—i tottv,« ftf IL# Uutiad Outtra of America to Ooagren# u*'ii.l4ot. Th— he rr alter arknowftdgiaeuU ,tod« ’ Aw th# '*vtiv#ys*c# *4 real estate latte Min»( **f CV. 1 I antes mar te S—m Ly tha fwonlw us drwds tor seed LRotrWt, « rby a wugle fusCtoo 04 ite wer*: and axy . sorb acAnawtedgbimt hsrvtodwo tib-e Ly a stogie ju*- Uce of tb” puac# is hsruLv msd. and deuiarad tote* valid Win wftdgmeot rortit,', *TL— n-whlng in this set shall te tehl to imp—r dm ttti* at bona Ade par haaerw wUu, bv .uarmate assd faruui i knernfr lueutv bar*, prior to Ite paaoas* of this ad. ecqttlrnd I er—uouat UUoe sutler axlattng tows. . ». nr- CH VP X -An 4,-t Mlvtano""! H«W#M I -til Ar, to n-inhnra» t.-.c *ur- «. V:r,-.ut* f .r ' Moa#ys npntol tor te Unite! OSalas pi mrufitog equip plug and paying military Pftnsm to sul in sup- i prvwstn# u»* Bkheinoa. afqwwvr*,! /owe twenty-an# j —ftLtewn liu mired and sixty-—A Ift It stte-twi bj th. tonas* and Ha>q*v -( B. , rear u fstiveo nf the Unite! fftalcs te A mono# it, (Vwgfrvos A» ■mabtet. Th— tte money ape*upM—r*l lo teal ta which this »• • mppfttnnut eLsU te dutoerwed Witt tnc dite iton <4 thr Hr-Wtsry V< War. Arrauv so. Mar. h M. IMI CHAT-XL -An Act t > salhons* tte toft, and com enpatioo us s Porto, ui of I sang Island, la Ihwtoai Harbor, tor mUltao Parjumaa. B# fr anaotel by tha tenate and H-vaae .w Brpeema taUv.o nf tte r tilted RUSsa te van ri a m iV mjrsm as sesaUod. Th— the ite reiary of War br an.l te t* hteo by itb wised to tsh* p«—nvoai«>a af th— pertsen te Long Island in (kwter hsrUw Maeea. hav tte bilcng NUT b* Jaaoe* T kusttn far tb# purpar# of oodaf tbervxwi # A rt aad such other —s lurw aa am) be seeded fi* military pun-wee. and there .hall te paal : Um the asm*, oat te any nossf* in tte treasury mu [ *thrrw»— appropriate!. Urn mm af #«• tt. —and Jai !ar«. as sgvw#4 npost htewoon Pr#re 9 Aw—m. th# agent sad Njtm T.tmv# te th# watd Jam#* T. A>—tta. and th# —r#«l of the VlOtni Na#tew .-barged wuL U— uc*i> UaU Tfi hr the I—W bass 4 aaSd peoprrt- h—ihi Tli— said si.i -ant shall mte bo paid until Um Mtotto-) (hurra! 4 the I'ottel RBahn «hal! te mL.Oed that (be Ute us aa*J )> rt).« vrf said tulaod has Uwa full) traue ferml to Um United MS—l n fee* fruau aB encutabror snJ that tha yoraea rosetvang tba m— > 1# r—np—ru: to art in the presume Apywwood. W-ch to. IMT7. (II ur. Xtl An Ac! to SMhxUe Ite Mcrte—j <4 tb# Tim tary to **i! ft* Mai#sfa)m**u Wa hioan oa Alhmti.. D«-ck. ItowdUn. Mow Xeuft |tc II knsito Ihy (ha ton and Bmise Mcprv—a acm af Ih# t'altel Bkahs# of Am* »rs In iUuurmsw isnsswMsf, That tha Brnomary te tte Tvaanry fr hsos bv awthutm and. tn kb Rirtidhm. to sell tte pov|utCy on tttmti imaA. Now Tort, bring wsertoma#* asnhre M;Mx, fifrj eiv amt 4(Uy—gbl. nuw urawl by Bsyswnn#*U th# sat* to te nab at puMt# ta- Ua— On too high*— and test (udder Ik —ten, in toady Hwuaaf. after giving noth* ttmrmd six wu#k* Is mw# •ton tn te fhMy ysfiwa pci nasi in Um city of haw York And upati ate# bftng *##■(• aa sloe—aid. tha sate —re; ctarv of the Tww-wrT •# Vwohv aotlMwixed and . iiipw—eood to mate, esswoti and hkm u« tn# pwr v hvo»r thveete s r v "' *od wnfrL-s—it 4o*l i w tte proas —M, ootavoytng sB lb* r—a«. title and latere— te th* Appoov . 4. March W, liC7- I'M UP Till —Aa Ate nvahi - Anproprcttoss to #opp*v Ifthvt notes la th# Apgw •«utoM.a- tor ceoltagonf frqg so sue - tte ftmabi te «h* Itofrodtftoks# nr tte Aaaat Yea* stMkng June tifrrteth. 4»(>.e tenfrM and —y vrs. seed Tor otter Parpmu u, djw u> =s«sa«a»sr^w?£fir mt m -ia— tmwrum*. m tu A*- 4 »• urMA>»M«#wr>#A a«r*i«ii row. - r-t ■ *f Ite A«A ta *« ammmUrn «• |M» ... use. .rs AM Mrfwuhn. luMrfNHWAa #M m 4 arfr#u mmt#U AMM *ai MrfraOl Mv. To eg tte oxaersae ItxVfei ooder tba n—lnttoj te d* tea— • dL-wlng the hydraoon of lha stxnoa gb#»* te tte Oaoa'ft*. tte —h te wt.t tteua e*d Eve bu—rad Aden ** kesvty appr pe —.d and wLtod to Um e Htpsiland of Ih# Ornate to. J And te U farther ens-tod. Th— ##rUaa ba <4 an art e—Orl "An sm mahtng tfry# iprf#tiur.« tar xmaicj e; ,*j. cipewem #f the gn-rsnanent A* tte over adiag June Udrtlath. tsghtote hundred sate at—y eight, and tor 'ter fr—d at Um sosiml teem* of ttm Thirty - th ( .rngm *Lafl ate te eon •tewed to afrow s pm r oops ottsu to# tha yarn*, rate* *4 the Mw# pm I bp 1 frf —si tuuOt. Umh voter i«|wrx And dm j ,*o* IdMarP* fttej sypropn—TwA te ■-■*) c*»4 e»»—SOm «4 ttegAirtUßte I# tha >vM e—Ol Jam ihirfrath. righto, a hnndr»d sn-1 st«( Mglt azul tor otevor frwr pwea. ■ Which have wr may to 4mi mated 1* yac • an, <4 Um {t'.nft w af m*4 mtMi tor to# pofth- I vaba «4 the pwkte Us* ad Ueatm# and dm tllßMl I Males. —m,.. psUdieh Um pjiAu Uw# and ixntu of tte ‘ TUrty i.iulb i'#ex— awtaaote >vdaa of, wt—h it —mu te Iho toxy us (to nenwSary 4 to—a to ffrahfe sa —NI as psnrtsrahu. afW wortng aha af such ' t Skgnvtl a. and the#* m aumj y*v#e —ad out td (IkstSTmm-dßmwMfomy 1 9£tr'‘ dad. That the meounft uwrvhft frail L# »o— n lb* a*u— nano nor, mad (to iv.eapos.aaia.*> •hall M.w— --t ito rate hand u. aecttuß amrw —n I Bn J And »• B fwvtitev evmrtod. Th— n» wad. 4 * j SHcmm wv— nf an art rnutmd An art asnhlag epqco- I rrtmne tor niolry ,4*U ragenaaa at tte gvxormaaaut I: a Um ymr -wlitg June thirty, ogktos tsair— and Miiy-rmrbt. as— 4w Utber psrwms. gps—l Msrah v-'tol. rtfli'to hsDdrvd and Oily seven, aa rwlm>» to Um pabtentteee ut th* tr*—ft* and laws ct ton Dnh ud Ol—m te and the same is tofwbf rtlrwdod to Ih# ! «U tern met tter—n de#ag band, abd to tte Terri lanes. a«*d ih— U sbaU to th. date of the Secretary >tf Mate, upon rv—rtai nrOMS «4 tL# dr—gnsfi m of nroopa. ’ pm* wwder the art *o,remit Oad torn aim proasy—) t to lanueh to on. ft sawsimpere auttewto rwptea .4 tte u-eiA-w and U— 4 Ite Untied Mac to to pw'dULrfd ta» •te.ftau » PrwvWUJ. Tba( H —ve" b lawful tn print tor lews and tr*— m* *4 the raOrdtUto* as af. vwemJ ta three new■**§#** it. I>( 1C n And pe- »L-1 fa ttor. f La#toe rote* fe—d Ly pr« v--oa lew* *ktU to te h*r#Ly trrrvfrsa l \ 4 And be o farther ante ted. Thxt f(ftwfr| -#m» to Kbd th# vsa.« are tereby appr-fri—ad —«< —*» s*u«#l tn the trwawery r.-ji (ter*.*' app^'petetsd. , tor the Jpvi* tor—tt—tor «l|iovecl. mv tte Le'ai ; : *ar rvehiig tte Ihivtoti. .1 J-##. r'gltna hbutr-d ai.l Mfy-ervra, namely War s«—homey lor th» Hoaw 4 i iDm, nlbe thousand deter* !.r riewopagari, Irt a- aand AoDa r* j 4)0 amor* ixMmrvas id to*, tea theusmud 4 liar* j I»*. 1 And to 11 farther Tb— tterv to. and t«r#hy I* *{|ey(Uk<l owt cd any a#w**y tb «te ; lev*>irT b -t ->tL*-r*W a{ftm.xp#i—• 4. for -4 tb* r aanilm eri odara m aad bis rtorkx lo#:*# U, .e*A.d f -ur Luodred iVtere. tow tte zi !Js~f ti> >btha. *nd.a< Jaw* Ih&ty. rtrk#.ti handrei! and •tityw*'vi. *M f#rtte feat (an* thirty, —g. - to*u Lui.,!re>l and alxty #»gh? r«ir fjiaiekn# Act* lOdlxvtHi >9ery. *>i Ik —• 41..1 d-diara. V * ite repair ct L«< BrvL' Pum-( nf r. Hiobta. ! U be dbhr tte diiwtan 4 Ite te- rwt*.- y of "■'ftir. Bft-rfi, iL ’beeuv! >h*jara R», C And tm M farther e* acir*l. Tb— tha Irdtow. iiig • ims b# and the eetm ai * her*d>> iy|#ii|neh l . I (4 m/ mommy ua Um treasury ms xtterwme appa-pr-.* led. U> aaabto the 4*. rmary of th* twasris# to Hur M{vr,*M ib> umd by <w*ta. a lidns dr togasioo* la risking a'i—jir.gtna r*v for tte yr—w of nagnaathig tor tc# Mctsx rs Lakv Tr-»««ra«, ton th- asan l l*t- ; ' Lara. )jf the te. l 1 of tte t j'i*: Miae art, f.ftooD ihuu* a i ! A—jars PrfT tte tribe* rod m* ia Ihe'SeU r lines fifteen to -uwbd dx.a—», Fv# the ('hkppewas "f th# Muß—eipy*. est ttonweai and And #a lews alluvtng th# Urrustebt, tb. iL<r> ta r y of the Inter*** or u.« (-aaMMooeT *4 Indian —ter* v . o’.rr into treaues *r*th *ay ladisa bile* ar# hereby rvjwaJwd. at*d a i eipcam •ual! ! «-r»w/to r b# inrgrrwi ta neg >'inkkn« a uvaty wttft aay H»Han into until aa ' *pie prlat# ft aaths#i*:tAg aid r%\ *mm eb—i h# Arwt made Ly too M. f Atel toil fojil.x® .tokd. Thai Um ssoerv ' •Vims of MWi-v a. r— #v *, pnogrl— #4 I > ha -if-a l AA— - cwr us poLh • drr tte dkrwessw, >t tto cbtof etA*tae*-v *4 tte army. Ap{Wovo>L March Ts. f—. I IIiP lift An AM to rvtiaburt# th- *UU* us Ibdi arm and «Ou • for Mi*t»'• • npidnl Lw th* Untted Htetes IB ear*rfllng. equipt—ig and {ftwvisbtaung Mill be Fore#* to aid u> »nppr»»iwx tte iisto.Wn in it *•/ (b« Lenats and M *w of U*pr#*rt. (—:>-* 4 (L<- United kuu* at Ani«rwaia » •temM— Th— Hums dm* ,-ly after tte pa—g> -4 this #> tUm l'rvsiisnt ah—l app «&t three > tulaisai iwf*. U 4.-l»Uk the »d*L —• ! uweeit f th.* wrTtxtr wto* - ar* m-i us tte at—* ut ladt—a wane* dot* it *L—l b# to tL* —» ont via v • • ip*»-l ILy tto Mat' of Is Lena to eqtiifqrtafr. mte-ng, ironeyejriit _ aad paying —wh Santo trmocm a* w«r* called iut«> *»rv^*—*U M—> a»x *• tb* fir— •t*v f Janoarv rtghw.l hr* dr**! and .*r«»T tw.c to •ua vnvorrl with the United ntatos f«»rre» .n tL< •*{- pr s—an <4 r% LcU-m ag .u— tn* ( mted -Melee rv- 1 Aidimfnihwont. : lb— u.. a* 1- . n weri m Hfriaafr* 1 abaii peve w— wi./ect to r» , tiueaa to be pr.wrnlwd Ly u»» ift rtUrj *4 War at ••;. ■ »- —a all t&r ft. AM sa—« to* th« porpeam her* to —ml afiowing o**lj L 4 ' iLUrwairau omd* ao.l auc unu mand by tL* Mate tor —rutting, aqnlgfriwa. *tfr—ug. (—*.<#— and {•») 4g *teh U —pe #*■•."•■ a. • ! .«• t the govooitor. a! th* r**j-t*— of th# I —ted Matos de part—- cvvnsaandre ■—aeuling in* dmtrwi as vs! L It diarm uisv at U.<- t.- . have tea* tnrfudevl •* by th- ripr-ae oolm. c*».**wt. o# aaremiav .4 #*»rh UU . maieler. *w whL L #•) have been #aopi *y#d or u«*«l 1m • »n «4 Mato twd ft*. aßowaaiWiaait Vtnwte'te eoy *«*•>• frBMl <*d **• jw-rl fia #>4b— lb—Ur) ktni. .to fail ■•eo—rt aa-, 1- ratton wttti tte ar tbortose .« tte Cartod tet # an.l •—fwi b> (tor Bxhr* UK* i An-* xm forth* r • ua. Sftd. T‘.— it* •aaAOkg up aaid sa cmmswv to* th* onekvmi— of tte axwwwfttiEg •tat wfar^,!/tte aru-->u*>t« nt|#aAsL 1 Mr —dfrng, eqtuptong.armtng. autmtsfrng. tmopni * A*-.- 4 A—toil farttorntrld. That lute ad ‘ jvmtAaent U meet unis under U. is ft— rweaism ju • res —.ah am ateW |.t any vxp*Mfrittuo or eenpwnaa t»-*n tor aarvtoe— a rat# gr*wk#r Man was Um Um* 1 uUvina and by th# laws .4Ate United tea;*# and tte ’ r*gwka4i' i.« pr«w*Titwvd b> the Jtorrrtary ut War in atiu j Asa A And be U Berthsrmvartrd, lb—a* svHn aesaid - -mmisTT — ui said svwuit Mi.l a*c r«ee»*d thr team*. ** b.wtn dtrvxOed. (bet aka. mate wnttoo r*|—rt there—, showing the dtOrrent , heme <W rxssnditarr ae tecrmshsAir# sxxL-d tu tte tary us tte Treasury , she i ana# tte a—o ; u L* examined by tte ten— —..—sun* 4**n i I tte trwasnry. and mhl idhrera .tell aadit Ite aaid at { a a uaaam ordmary can*, a— and fraa «nd rrp>n i ! »b*i: —fear th— any anm r matas dwetotteeu! Mato, te abed draw his warvwnX tor tha some, papa—* ! to tte (t>vtnnr if aaai Mate, and hf»w u to him Asa 4 And t» »t fartlver euseOed. Tb— tte ounuais -1 nrr— to te lypn—d xs af' -—1 1 ahsll. hekav prve ! . eevht.g la.» tte dia klfp *1 tb**r duUee. bs Mura iLai l they wu: oar—aßy MMua* tte Nomi* aaasatng hw j I**ll tL# Übitel Mate# ami Um Mate lndiana, and 1 tL— tteY will, a- tbs te— ut th#:? ate St v Brake a ]n#V. I true, ahd ttnimrh— —was lat Uwrwf. a* ro.{aired by ♦ tbl* tet They shall iws—w aacfc car neati n. h< ( j ttear emVvto may, Ur drOrrmioed (t th# *• 11 of the rraasnry nut cxceedtr e toe dollar# peg day Aft j ft#. ? An lb# M fttrumr *n—u-d. Th*( tte prowl- j •swm of tte# art abaii appJ j tn *> vry re—mi t to th* —at- vd Oto->. and Um *mw pfOCewdOnpe eh—* te bed aa ar# ksmn pw>vtdod few tte* am— da* Htate vs Indiana, and tor tte payment of *O. h aenowat. i wtev a*A<ertaiM*d ondrr tte IniUaiKa* and rr.C“Vtewui I us chte ad. a ■eternal am is haovi- j mkprv>pr«aaad Ha. a und (14 ft forthar «*.—ted. TVi t'wjtei.i j mub u ter#hy frprgg— to carry Lht* a t »to ! Anmwvod. March Mk DnSX. i .lit I*. XV —An A. tto grant to the I waste; i V ete Tehgrmdi U—paaty. «4 te w Y wk, tte Bi. 1 of Way and UtlM.*** to fry . land, and jvrto a tekanrtw Teksgropb Uabte #:ette AitOaU. Omt of the l Miked Matm. and mEewikeL T legv## —c Aeaci <»- ftiSlina Mvrne tte U—ted Male* and tv rope. 1* tte NenuuJas aad Am— I elan «. fr# tt rDarted by tte Smst# ami Hows# f Lepras*** tarter* at tte United ’l—l A—tvt tv. •V*n#rr.« Mwmlft! Tb— thr Antrtvan —(set. Oat * T*dw graph v'osapawv. of New York, be am! arw her. by e#*4- od with tha right, pewrr. and B—’iftgr. he > Leg * 4tttr*d th* wwwuTf land that —j». to lay. frad —— afareto thear iwtfra or cwhtos an tte AttwnUi sm—.n cep4 th# «u#et of oyfhtn the ;«rt»lkaw th* tNMtet -Mn . and th* right, pswvw. ami pnvikegr so to fry, lend, and ffreaat# tte— osKe or . aMo* shaU te vested tn the **M tewnren AtUnan ( aid t elegraph remyaa) for tte peood *• twenty '—re u ite *4- prv.v a! or Uue act frvjv drd. Tb— the aaid curyeoy Axil mnarsv —l** cperaC*—# ouhtw th# epa. * J two ywnm frvau the ap|N"v— of Uu* fcl Mv. 1 And L# It turtaes «- itactod. Th— th. tiu,, COU AUanUv ‘Whir tWpawj. Davmg a. qwired tte lutvoan hwt iterator, ah—! hav-.- Ih* rvrht. fwvr. and prt vdege t.. My. fond amt nprfr* th—r <abh «r <alte wtxhia any .4 th. hoLor*. w—A rw twiete hwM, #»( v itle* vWI Ukc ilhttft a—. *XSTf I tte '.«4 of Pbuoix ottering Ite m-wt |<kL L and .«wi*voi*at jjmAtag. and to*«‘w#trwr< or ererl *B tbe Sfrnmrr Aitnre* to awoipUsb the oLj*.4 Os thM at N*t 1 And te It fiartter ceeactod. Th— tte #'»•«# mv«t of tte- ( nfr*d Nkatew eh—! at —1 Uuk« Lav. tte prrfarmn ta lie war. npuu L-niit Ua— may te agTv*d wpoi, tte Pvitmtaar-ttonerwi ml tte sw— MfrHfr Oa. A Aad te tt farther «na.4eat. That Um.giwa# eMail hhw Ite p>‘«#r to alter, amend, at rv|w*. tht* 4r4. Apfwvrtisl Man L » 1«T UH UP. TVI —Aa A. * to *—ebheh a «4 IVhvrrj l be—rr. |v«n<)lrwfr IV? itanavtsd ha ite hafrr am! H ao nf K»-pr*s tr txt.vearu the I’mtod Wato* ct Amt-rum in v'w.gtves aamnfrM. That t he—, tte rtt—rwt .4 Phi adrqdua. •haO h# apart •■( dattvery. 1— a #ovv*y..r afoii to *b.» «L—! rrs*dv al seal n.— 4 .h Rvery an.( nrovftvw 1 soMxv .4 tte. hundred iKdW# prr pnowm. Ajqfvrvr.l. Mai\d» J4.JNI (MAP AY 11.—ad A t hi iamesr tte Pftraw ia th* Patent ttftow. M# II nsaoted hv tte Ornate and Heaw <4 B#t***! 1 —Mvii the Um(*d %hi of Amertea ut tftemr. ** a—frihteL Th— the c 1—nl» n Miuit ufpotento ta evlh*. lard Item ite* to hte tfr—kt, latte u.aswvr ahnib prv"Dtel ■>>»Ur mart a—stent mnieen. an may ho twgnteml to trxn. 4#a th* (Mail httefrtea# of Mte dfr > mtl. dws)#h b 1 hfrMi Th— th* oMete ■—h i* «f end. sddttb.u*l ■ fr—wt ahftll not OMvvg f.vM# <4 kefr .lass, a— thai Ite rypansr of tte p—ant .4MI *L—I ma tesaumuM*' CM AT (VU) Aa Art ta Mnewysrate tha LniA»4n M.wshmsol Asou tattoo. I (too of tte l'sated na 1 Asare -x m Lagan semwuhted Th— Afttawd.r H BendsK. I man Henan. Uexanrt.r Ue*.—y ttwbaa*.#lP. Bulttfrtsey Pwtea Jdo (■mw. John T. Wfrnem ttndteoe fr, Orth, baht' • tt Atfbtoy He.tort K. ft—a# (Vartoe (rfr*4B ttwrt Van • Mam. JwhM f Drama. fr» wb rvk X twAndgi. J* J< | Leman. John KlTl. HLefLy fr Cmloaa. Thomas .V : JohAa Orta B Perry fr. fr -r.ttbw*. Pnara* Them j ha— Ms Be*. Mo*are Meyearf. J <hn P ft-ay* j mta, ftafvw Matter#, Ostm y iTarh*. KkanWl •kattev A. tewtstgfiL Jam** Tett sad thetr | vi r uettteH a tody crpnle te th* DteOrV t at 4o ; I*into*, hy tha oanao «4 tte Lteh Monomer* Usw> i o«—ian. for ttm )«fpw> «i anarfrrg a —non is rat latte niy U Washington, nirtnaasm rwtiv* us tte «r*— <lot f hr— «—gate—tea ad —A—acßßatty In ARairtrti te X Ahd am a ranter «o*sisd. Th— tte pn*> I >atL*d (» ILe 3rwt #*rtftei us Pits art #haL ft (te so I •vneton* c 4 .tt* cryps vaEhwi. anrt *h—l has* p#wr to 1 All laasmte te (A#ar somber and to and to the— mb. lew »teev.dß,f OOS from *m-h htete te »M* Cairn te 1 lad h* tt renter semrOol. Ih— aaed cswpm f X—MS al*aL mv* power to —■ and e-mtrat snch pfr »rty •* —ay to ne eswary ter the tm tftea ates Mm • — ttm 1- -tetemi *nc 4 And be u further sOtetad. Th— aakd onrpm •at h rules sxd r*goe— >- «# m ttmy amp ft w noesaaary or *i to#rtfr nft‘lM Til ■ ——l aa— and. Th- so— sop#, rrtkrfi shad hav* p.,*-r V eypml a prmldr-d. a vwo yrftd—. a se—vlary a tn imrir and stow a hoard ‘•**n<>ie r eiemf sg w-t km tftoe seven nu# —or* . "ixn ftirtecr. #•%-.• *hoQ bar# a geamcaJ ri—ti 4«4 tt# ——us Oft •*—•#. and whu may to- ifrerti I frwea :>-rv«#m ad bmloded U* the 1— «f ovpevtcto e Th# trwoawrev •bill . urwtr » !. te soeh pbelly as —1 to myumi. «*, mt-nd for th# ntetegtef 4 tb* funds #f tte ('ey—lho ohh-h Us eoaoe Udr, hm kaL. and for tto Uitbf «U .bo Large <4 (te tt—nm rw- Nor « Aad b# H farther eamrted. Th— Mm prtfrsrt) —m— S4VO—M *r occast— hy them 4# tb* tow and p#y,se U tb—r iau#y>r*ua —veil to ti • «;* tv «i all uuv L< be levied Waster the aottowW. ai li- l ••it*d MX—ea. ue -4 any nmnctp— .vpnu a XMU 7. AtoJ to IB furJtor ■aatcl Th— C io>T»m wmy asy Lam ftm/ftr r. {ml,* -r imo) tLm art Appr-rt—, Mar- h » IRfit *4IAP. I\-- Ait A*A t- xtttX.g* T -J - Ai^*-r:u (4 r* rou, Viti koei,, xr»l Ice tfo'r rarjnmmm hm tt by tto- mu—* ar*4 D ww rt Lymm uu— 4 tto Ustead *tov nf iwrm m idfnw lAsv&U#!, Tb— tbs right wat<Lima «a> tto Vwm c 4 Um Ca—aaU th# .■ •{•wa.iiiii »##—•■ tto gaie twrpre am! wilrknea tn# irnust*K«rrua—ug tto • k—>l to bertefirr apprtnftd tv tto wv)— —-arm* *4 tb* tobstr. —-1 the freams;-—-arms tto B— TL— th# '.direr* as- wen— »•* aJwv aottoir\ie<l t»» pc#Bt thraw erbUlvm- wadehKrt. one me ancL of tto • pefirev sod (an—” at—rr th# Isk nuts— «r, apptDlrJ atall rowiv* sc ant ra— ■naywuati.« 4 to Uunasaud foten. )«a>aL>> on Um rftr.4 lb- of tto m n—c aad tto. erynut it arms rt th# B»ws* o# Otto# rt tto m ami th# f tawmy aiirmixf to pay oa— vtekora fc-a* tte Oal* *4 ttoxr c» nntd tb» end <4 tto pp*e*bt fiar— y« ar he. aiii tto turn is bar. by. H ft <Vrt*tol r e »>>- -1 f •*- • ••*■ wee-- irt tto year • nd.og Jran# ti.xrO—h rtgbtoc hundred aad 01 ty-eight, fb* *om rt rh Vea Ui*w**&4 Lo-*-rs is torn by a; |s I—nl I etkr »n|ebwho. « *1 ftfoMlrta— itewteoaot ? • and private . f tb* I'oast'd point*, n.u r,i*d to to sp )* Abted by tL* ur*—-km* efterwrv <4 th# too tens* 4 I . • -gr-«-e#. fruea (to dsOe rt Itoax Hpmtnni anti! tto clam th* >noaal fisc— ymr ttm rate pa— wsm rt tto same grade, au at k m**? as ms to u..* vary m hervb* afgw prka, i. an.l 4w tt- A*.#* ymr ■ iidiiAg the ILcrtt—a Jan*, rtgbto u hamlrwd an ! nxty • ight, th* na >4 U itnj rbJor hnadml d»«*inr* is tor*- Ky sppv vnsa— thr mnceoat uvu* of tb< Beoeft and th* a—gw— V. •t arms tto tow are km ft* wlheurf t’ —a P* tern to# a uniform for tto Oaf#*4 l*db-w and oahrO nea. and fonsek to an—l nmfti ‘rt tb# fore* two •nits jer ymr. —a *»» a— tc rgeeod tfky 44hn per •uM. aad —*o to ttnufr mad tone waft tbs nwwosiry tm frfr arm*. A xt x roe* t.rt to el-wed twwaty Vdlarv per Bi*= and tto nr v 1 —ry tt carry tL-s p*>- . t—Ate tMtcr ate • t te hecoby arywwprmttd —N w so* amw# h» lb tfiawry n>4 —mrwta. apfowfu-teaed fo<#bb Bpna tbe oerLfiroß* of th* ate-we* aharvw naiuwd. Oc». hsrf the BKO«yi her- u*;*i*Mr *p i# -prw ted shall b* |oSd toto tto- foml rt ta* to ate. Xhi tto baif Into fb* noogeut f«— rt iter II w. .4 ttrpram niattvs 0X4.1 And to tt forums * anted Tbat tto >erw*ani arms of tto nsmaae fend rt th- tt«oar rt X priaanu ;i**s are auttowisod mak* i*k rob-# at— rvg—s tet ** as ttoy utMj itom; 1 1 remary to yrwmrv* too I«acr a&i #er«rr th# (Ms fivea d< foresaw— and hrs tto prv##rtmn rt tb* petbte piuf vry ttor—a aa 1 Lav* power to nrrv— aad A—a>s any [».••* rUm let.O,- mid ral#* ont*! ees-h p##odt can be htowsht to f«»r- tto yrgwr aoitowtU* a for Irtai. oHimwt torttoi t'l'X* it further son ■ and. The! ail mrti je »fl-r «ntol 11 tb- «—saftMi »{#*.— aa— for Tte -ibnr pabie w—h* rt tto leatt— jf idamUa . 4 bar ~ Vo-. 4 And Lr It farther eoectrd. Thai *: Uwe .rises*** t w ta uu* art arw uamhy ra twnk.,l Vp;Twvsd. llerv h SB Itt! . H\i AIL —Ac fol auietoLfrrty af tto 'Wgnah t t 4 ■ .1 r»l ' TwrU #v ha 11 •A.d by tto (homfo an.l Hoorn rt Bepn*m Ufov ert tto Tt itsd lu*« .4 Anwwvw tn •ftgnw . smriohftd tbat I IV qflrj lira mam na s tto Ut* ****»!..v «T C sv-ra.L' T'fMV.J R— l to hw si iai M*mftm 4 tte oraotou sh—l ft • toted for tto form rt tow ywara. am! mseoter# rt the kerne for Um term es lw« )*ers «e—shah rawwtv* the snit. vs m hdfora. L—tte . aku twoafvw th- mot mikagw u-*w alfowrd Ly ao- 2 Ktu% hi K forttor •tinted. That « Imo • el a.) hav. aeth-nt) to ekt ia aUiU #1 to Ito <4h • r» ',L>w aik#w#d t>y tow. an rora-Uttv «l#rh. who ahxß r# Lrfiarw.prte TV rtort eftrh ahofl xaww m*l tegfoto'ora- ahntt to* foihio por ds? ench »rt A And to n farther ite vd. TV— ttm aural-re cf th< LgistoU## asormbly • Wrted tto gemeol #*ec u e» >4 aaid Tirmwv m tto ymr . gkw*c hondrad abd wvtyeeveo steel, omuivw U»* fir— Wvxefolorr aa Vr this art. and sate! egmtatrarw shall m*-< at Us uaa . DOW ,»X. 1 by mw for tto amrAing *-t tto kgofrat » iwmW. v 4 ("ink* Trrrvej Aptwftw.! Mar- b V. !*T CHAP I AIL ten tot for tto is ftoit rt the NAkOh frnldwra' and bilyri' (Vpf ea H m* » lb* , I asm. t rt Ocdnmhfo. Be tt nncfo-1 hy tb* tteemtr and B#« rt B#prw#m tetivmrt tto rag— tttoft# rt law*vs u* t mgraea seasuiftftd Tb— tbsrr to and (e tovofry appra pnntwd •at rt any a-wr an Um Kvatotry n— rttorwm* a« - psupitai«d. for tto anpfrtt 10 part rt the N—mnal mifr#c. ami ttmtorw ur|4mn H ow. tn tte ttdn J rt vtelaatlaa. tu—.x an a— rt Um twenty fifth * Joty rtktoi bnc In 4 and wxty • t t»«aH by .U* act 4 tto twenty see— rt Pehrwnry igtt wi i kuJ—rad and aittvft#w«o. to to ,tp>—N eider to j dfrartxw rt iw vdßr*.of a—.l hmntvttt-u five tto#*. at—«hdfrr«. tj jwvvd Mara L IP. I-' vim* XXBL—tea tot Stt.e—fog to tto —est of A* Nr ..As the IT3VIW#! rt an Art rwfiatiag to Ajrwn. | rural < • degeo B* 4 nr— hy tto torn to ae— H*«emr .4 lUiymn . teuvre rt tto ÜbMod tM-es VaoTWO m Uegr.n 1 •-ekk lb— tto grant •—* to fro rt toe an-.#— I d.v rt J—V uaghmm kmfol and aitytwx a> aorg -teto. Ut iaad ego— ao tt»*V tk omnd mam for ee* h. 4 lu mot.#* «nl r pci >"i n Otafrma for tto I ,«rpw «*. rrtahfoektng agmoUorai rv Higaa. ft #i . hofivl to tto toes# Ls S*Lr#eha m the mm* nmo. x C. ,f Nstoashx hod km a (tfoto rt the Toma at th I tat* k Um ftossfop* ■ > so— k« ■ j Apjevivd MeraL P. lfrt. t cUaP XXIV -Jtn Act to prot —* in Port tor grading tte Public fi rosin da. amt for ednsr Porpuna Br it ronefod to tor X-noft and tomm rt hymta Uinca of tto Lnattd *— - te»«waen »b Cifttffifr ,4 mkfifl Tb— tto son twenty Jkoeamnd Aaifora m her nk" aiffitfMM. #« #f any iamg tt toe trams or 1' art rtteerwtte to r. tary 4th - Ibkrrvw ttor tto vwpervkkoe. tto enr—tt— 4 tto 1 apem* iframa to grading. ftUiag ojv. rentetettkg ftattfonga. ami improving tto pobfo gruooda aa— —wh arsud tto (Opitrt. •nr. 1 fin* he tt further oantot. That aS rvywira xml ttesr—km rt the l buihlmj *hxn 1- ■mkm tto hfv-U« and mpervnase rt tto xrrhnraX us Uu t-Opttd rth-ka kpi-ranra! Mnrab tt. Wfi7. , Uv! I\N M .Uhl sandri •- tery t * V.t re* I Ito! XU -bra nmhinr Apiraffltb w- foe aandry iTwli • kipensr. rt th* tfo.iseasmoi tor th* Vox *hdln« i Jane thirty, mghtasa huc.lrad And ttitywighV x**J f fig attoe rorpuses.'*’ poased Mnrrft tfood. etghtsw* j handml and etnygtnwn Be it eanrtod hy th so mft# ac— lfo>*s* rt B. pr. art utivwa rt th* Pathl dttft* lmsrio* in (\mgram uvuto IB U * onnrindag provtan rt asrtteo ra. rt the art dso-Tibnt 111 th* tttft hetvrt shall o « >•* te— k pravest the urawo-gy printing, as hsrwart.#. i'W. in Iftfortnmnt am! tb# bwrawoe by ttoir .'WU rmidoftt*: b«« U»* aramfor rt -wwvom rmphvwwd in ihm earwo ah—l mo ha m rven 1 Apiro#—. dmiy Ifo lfrl v HkT XiniL-UlMfbr (to H-h#f of errtein tot durw and fittket Umrran dvokgtmtrd to u ctmresd by tto tkamft and H tom rt Bigtrao-u utive*— tte Uofttd tt—ra rt Ao—i# tbngrcm Mk'l,l wd TV— no nvldftr or ni .r shalt Lr fotec tehl'tt to * donrrb r frvwu tL* xrm v . r navy who foOh rmty «era *d m .untmr ta M# suite vassal until tb# otoe> h<*~uiL rt April, ctghftro hamlrvd sod caxty-fiv*. and wfov. •Xkm.t |gvg«rrMth W*V* obt— wsrt d—#*ba«. uTtiung h<ra4u .x#t—cd shell operaa* m a of oav hwfwttgaw tmwrrwd hy *oy maoh ato Atm* or aatnw «4 hm pay, hon—y. ivto*. ># «dlmr sh hvaram-oe. Uot thM a— shAfi te .vsettrovJ wfrrty m e Ina. v- rt any dmabOHy anto atotftw or rnafor nm> it. inmrtwd by tte. kma rt hta .-Mtamsbip In cm 1 of tt .Iwdiia ApiKuirt. dal) Ifi, Ufr. ‘Clive \\l\ Au A.-t • *t*ftlmh vvrlrtn ft»wk fowls H it cum-k-d I y the fr uaft an t M-w*. vd ftr)#vwrn I—ie#« ito l olled —ate- rt Amevfto tt s-a>eu(d«—. Th— Uu frtlowing V# wttoWi—w-vl *• p-*t Milt*# MAIN*. rra—l Xi StvnWiLk. vta B«-nnwlM»ukp*—. -ft- Up* i X.dJuk Prum tm—wd to too# IW Ayp«''vrd. Jnlj-lfi. W. / t IY4*». (A tte MI-BELL (XttXTt Jobs C. Ator If L dd having affrto! so to Hyrtpftd gwaadian ui th* prtwto and pawynHy rt U—h CA Barg* and Lm—a ,(k to#gw. nftuwrs «Mkr foortacn y—rv rt *gv. ra#4- vlwntt rt aakd .'wung .- thfr ttfingthaalt p rroaa acanmra# 1 tths am* apt#w# Um rvgnttr form rt ito C-Of* rt iMHaef), U» to to— uo Ito fivot kfr~ a* in Merab nssfi aa— sha— <wwa*. If any aaaa-a •f*MM ut ar !*•■ W Wj ", *,u,u ut, na* ■ C. liHMKMm. VI.. Tul M“'»! VOLtIHM lU-lIOBMIIV •i,000.000 i > watch i;a: ro» uu <>* m« ftrrtji* ONE PRICE PI, A_Tsy cmw rv-rxr raTßox » Handsome and Reliable Watch! Tor ?Sa Tow PrW of I>n D*.': sn» * WITHOUT REGARD TO VALUE, Aad not W U* PaU for bull** p*rfr« ti» MilAcUry* It* 'wddihdd £aaitn« Web-to* |3C* t* |U*m U* *wi< Cow) Ifadd Walitoe . »*J U> ’*•< M lAdM llldM. lUUrUI IH.fc. tofi «Me«l UaiHUMI i Vbcmnarf J£vi. All JUO Gidd Bects.-Mt Lr*« r, **ll., tfO Uo t u n< lmvWi **i I*o b, «u MOoliß«tu<An«fu*ij«tf,u* *o®w, ywi W aim Bwtiaf liw fa* u. IV kto Him HiMih Duftrva 71 b. lift IW€CM Udtx 1 #iOl>n u, low Oi4i I—nu L*ptoi ■' *u v* *& IftT If Hi fcai !■! MU ref - «to *. MW HftsHtAlf We* Im* ;a h> fa- MW ftnauto~d t»lr* Ml liata Min ar gw**7 rtor»e* •**«•»»«** * W*a*i. by Lb la arranr*- UM.I. mottoc I.ut lio. •hi> It Ml) t* wurtfa I !.■•« * »o potoultty Oon _#* w* wito. u. HUM dtadWr of tbe mv -ii»w wa I crtlrutM nomine Uk tTK-M. or* pU. **l in »*ii4 a*«! uiinl Matrtets MW rnuiM V» (tut MWM Ui..<l •«. Ourir rwr Ulnl* ep«n |4p»*sl *4 TtO iMbn. elatotor rttr i Wafa* wertfa !•«* erea* w..rvh V— Tto btarn .1 M| «4 -Ml ..r.iX a*>» entitles p<* L liu nrt~ i- uaa. I iUjw» wpua nimtii. -if i* worth. uhJ m •» astarie Km Wn |u»i> namM on may • *r- , UAoubt. it wUI «t Ktm* U MM) lial tin.* >• «• tkl«ry. b«l a etralgfa Iforwerd leglll* Ml* IraatMUoo, whlrh mum y b* pa r- Iklpalnl la • *•■ byr lb* m»«l failMUa«. A etA*.- t* will La bt! by mai'.. pal paid epoa receipt -rs *» <e<>Ca, die 1 f |!. ebirtl (a |i, duny-tbrwa tod eVtTMit w~*»taye for fi. nitr an a*. I mas** raioaJ>M- t r Jo. •>»*► bendmd u*.l na»-at eop* rt, W at. to fr f 15. T • A#-At*. ST :bc*«- wiefc. * io< napi yu.*«at tin* u a rat* It ta a 1 , tin- fkwirtijiatil vul -Vb Ic Ue RT*t rarefiil a*nti j i»y t*t r»‘ ' ' - « In,- r r ™ Ml l: rmlway. I ft erpii tl - important SHIPPERS OF COTTOI, 4c„ A T L A X T A U BALTIMORE, via IBIKLIXNIV S. f. Tur. brULMDCD faCkftW STMAMHTPS, FALOO9, . . L 0. REED, Oocomaoder. SEA GULL, . 1. P. DUTTOW, Ooßunmndcr. wi t* A Os kifl cmrryib* mpmc-itr. mailing iww trij* nf JR irt On tmer*, W-ar<* CUrtwint ♦ov* a «rr& f .- Udiitaurr, ao*l oflrr «nf«rW«r * f*w thniorh fp» irhu to axi-1 fntM thal pift. Am«Lv COURTENM b TRENHOUI, Shippimf «»rf #Vn«»i»M» JflYdUinll, 1 *,"« lf>«rwi, < A./W. »/.,« .-i. C. YORDECAI *CO AjnU, II.LTIH..HK. Mi. >i:w I i.Ol TF.. w i: w o i< «. k a rv.** TU A T I, A IS T A . Vi* Graad Junction k ChatUnoo^L JAk Xjlj hail*. w*. • H4K>X IMK nbH’RAKi .. riLVTiOls OC*. min**•> <iu r.i.wvu iv. r pil». (.<tt**a« V*m I*o Va> Uwb afp-sl I taking 1 .Srx< Jaly WUa. IMT I*4 (\ Ma. per lM> p <-U )1 TANARUS» xl •• ** lb xi •* .. i a ub - 1 * I oo Tbr <u-h MU'* of wx* br al mu f •b4«M*i *iml all <4aUt* ».r tmm iaa.*c« *•« ov«t • . rharfra »Ul b* praapUi •rtlt.-d at petal of tall wry.. Tan£*. afcnvtM .'b*«XM).«. • v j iuay ba »Mila 1 at oAca V. ft 1. k A Jt«!« B BWTL ;yH—ftf E TVI L I J. ft P. COftTS BEST SIX OOKD WHITE AND BLACK T H R K A. , Bright Colors in Boxes, With their veU-kbOvu Trxlf-Mu^ i NK W ASSi »IITM I N I'S. tad fruaa fnr«y tu Aft) SU4m of C*4or Ut aa-h bwi of F* L "V HI nODIENS, ft a** rtrxl i'wmmm ot 140 Uin-aa B 13 8 T BIX-CORD CROCHET COTTON, Oa ftpaai< aa.i la llaaki. FOB MU BT THE Kftt IftOK oMI.Y JOHN A HUGH AUOHINOLOSS, lak ft|tal* la Mow Mark far J. A f. OOATS, OF PAISLXT, 500TU9D. W» SBUVM NEW YORK MACHINERY DEPOT, u. a c. p i. A r K, r*ari Mmi ..%mm Varfc Majafbrtarwr* mm) Daftw In P«*ry dra-rtpunn <*f I'lKCt LAK SAW MILLS n-JkTIOIUBT ABU ruKTABU Slraa K*|l* r> Bwllrrm, WMiwMihV Itum, ud all athrr Wm - ! wartlar HarUlan. Ulke rtea. n. Drllk. UUvr ul Kabbr. IWUM«. UaU4t an-1 aftkrr iWmftmHkm Mr six viU alt FAY Aft Itl/t IMPIOVBBICKOLL SAW. with Iran rnaa* and Hbk •*« WAmt nluaftle La ix mck** okuoolAtmd Aim-rMonow muam, Rnttwnj Mmp|>UMr ori ».-«• tMUHJPt FlMOt I 1 —ststez DIRECT ROUTE < itlro, CMwi, M. 4.<aiu, AWI a*j tw 1 tm a Hlaifti W*«t aaA M*vtH>Vm4 NASHVILLE 4 GHATTAMOWA NASHVILLE ft"NOWH-WWM UAILWAYW »!-«. to to Uto *rm nri i tow <ito Mi Mauftla Wx Pn*B AUaaat*«.lA*n, M n>a Marta dan ru « nntk. » naa Atlanta ta WL Loaft*, Ml oWaa «b«rVi lbaa tm Fr-«i. iUinU b> at. LutAl, MB BB'.toa aAknrn r IWan *ta .. • a* 0* two daTly trains I^-ai« ftUauta. b»aftiat cLar <«jaaacHa« aft OWa -n IfiikTilW, PftHwk. Caitw, Cb«f«, It- Umw, A*4 ail faaportaaft hsais Miatk %ML llaastalt, farkas. Ttaa . H*aipbl% .'sthMß, Vlrftsbarg ftrw Ortoiax ttatlA. Aa4 ah *WT i-iUdu ulVwU. W«a» Hipoadi vbftMwaspAiu. to Ftrkala-rp aa»l >«« .ntuni. gna4 aSftkar by RAIL or IUVKM tram Miawkla 11»* h xtra ywcfta to Ma—pbfti. u 4 no Aaftajr aft mimutaa .I*lay if y«a ftava ttebt* »U Mmi|4m A < Wriaaftna iUilnad. ftt NaaurtU*. TrtiM of lb* MaabiOl* k CkAUu-w* a»d MaahTUM A Mortis Valaa ftafin.- ftK&ivE if aXT» depart imm mi bam* i»*w*rr. Diua OmmStma tmmmtm. ONLY TWO (HANOKM - ImK. wta Ua*«aa H*ala aa4 itub A»«m «m B.imio fr*. ' FALAS'E HLEXTIMU ( AJM UN ALL Mli» ITT TILAIWM mple 'lime Given for Meala. lUunct CbrChed Thrbuih. !•»*«*■»rfwr» aiaay• are Troobl* Timm ataf fttnaay by Purchaaing Throagh Tickets. b* *oa V* aak fur TVftrU «ta MarftwUlr ft M**rtb »ribi* kail way TH Lt *t AiH FMEIUM7 1-xwarxi.d viU. diapal. b aad ■ttf liw . acriae* from Ml. Luma, Me a Otiaana aaa4 ftnafhv ia4 ofkrr poUiU In Hk-ftaiaa. txl ffoai Hw huia to AtbuUA. ftaaiMtA, Marua ami Han^.toaarry. it. «ir«.Al < AaAeaft nr - abto i -,4Ti fr-Tt. * liuiM t-. ftlknu . ) B parlaafieL * kto»T •* “ I Epw Lary«i .ftml krar raft*-* ou all othrr foada. VM r INXXM. J IX MAMET. *ur-ns r usd (ira*) Mftp'L ftaal TMM Agt- M ifkAXT. CMa't Frwtfkt a«i )*»:? *aa DOLUBAH COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. ■Opw -■awiaally Day and Kfaftagj « aratr at < aaap aad ft taaaa ItrtsU. so U*<-JQ-'roxt and EjiaHasMlraa basidiac. __ NKW OBLKiNS. F malad in li£Fi Chftrtared bjr Um I*egiai*- tar -f (nuiniai. »iih Cumnn-rru.l. A*n rultars; Mr«*hAnic*l and LiUrsn lx nuenU. baa. try tta <rwn *mta a ml U*>a\Miab yra t>ai of aduraOua. oatOrad ah Um htfwrailj f-itok'Vvd Mat* C illiara us Iftu Md tba »mtftMrotiera •naira. U u ll< uUaai Cuanurdil CuHa*f ta «b L'bWbM *un« Errry atadrat whn gtvaa tiropar altaaOna ta Um ta •Cjnv u-jc tm bafnrw ta bay a*j Bet f Moufta. ;t uulbri vftvftM Hm taiftM may be. ai.d 4o tba ' orrayoaben of aaj ban. NkUab can arwnd Um f. xunsrrtti Oaana ar Iflte L*Mrary or the A xrb-vttaaat Cnaraa. or to Fvaaaaaafctf, Amtatatn rw Bnuft ftrwtaasr. or Um Eh<ttaft. Ffaorb, V*bb, fte um. Lana ur xtrrmk Laa#aa<a». HfcWfMM, Kb>*a« rapfty. )*raauMMlu|.. H-»b erttar kiftber Mall* rvaatftM. •*- , wjifibly. We K*»- umivto anaaoißßinla fee Oem TWasaaad aamtrwta fturta* tba cnrrrtrt year. X It Mffcb«ei«, Maataaw lAwyer*. Wnaiho.laaea. Bah*-T» etc., eea Mve leant to open. beef*, aad d*e* Uucir If -dt m tNCTvcUy ta • lea 4»ys BEMEFTTB OT iTTKNDfNO THU COLUMA lac TfteiUbQt a*w aacb ttae and naey -ta tbere ar* «f*e. sal IT-sfaww ead A;arta>*»u for aaeb braac b. ead ail tblapa an ftfftt ead |rtiMat I aa ka bl FeiimanWiip te Uo|kt aa a ftinhx (M»d u<4 by .Mbitadoai bea*.e ail can «eeUy Uant We ft*t- oar *4 U.- n*oat tbWLatpuabad pammuu lit tug. aa Frill ■■ r. XI Oar draiuata am *oq|kt by bruin Biaa. aad may to *uod. aa FrtactpWx toft topers aad ctorfta. in • tarv* pnrtaia <*f Um Baafta aad Badeeee If* el Hue rib aad ewer tbe Moatb. Tbey moarre f Ida*, I >1» or I nan per aasiwm Ttoa edacatma la Us# (Met mar pamote eaa ftre tbatr ttaa ILL. Tto Dlpbaaa of Uu* CoUeyw la a pt«|*et ewwr L-» i lauaaartal aortL Mb. l-aag «will*mm who Mere abtimfy vybdul tome. «ftft- Tto* OIIW" r»Mftg (abaa to pec ataubur iuMitr.u u la ail i»«etbim Cutoe. ton no. Lraatl. eftc . If ibey eaaa* aad maiMiiadai a* to ckurartrr. Nft. Cngtyimi aotftkara am) aoaa of dipwi ■ «UU ftava litoral dedaettaa mailt > K ItoM «to write far to lift ftunyra ar T*atb re >trMtkl fir* full parttraMrw. Tboae ato e*u l >o«a« wtAiib dinaWT pdtOMftr aoory m to ftma* trt tto-tr wrrtott or Dm ITiR litL Tto fftxHb man* «*d Um M-jrtb^*** **mabra aad Oiliilf iaaft to ab wbo toatoi ttoea Maard. K-xlruU eea board wttft tbe Friitaaanri and uftbrr cv»*d^fcua* litre at fW lPj|B> per oauaftb ae b*wdtby ae Mew I^orTbtltto^tot tall*r fMMrw, Been Ha. to Trrmi FayaMe fa adTaen l.t. i ai*ed* H- leeanaa aat laaltod .... t Mm* tv* A be«ton< dtotole and autyie eetry, etc.. a prrlMl.ntrw W «■» ftntbofti* —mx Imbag all anmmtaatol oakmbx V«l . W Lectarwa up C im aw rifts I Law. Ri »» - Tba aUowe cesaUtafae tba CimwirMl Oo«N».| •ULdawy tor OatlanwrMl Coarm, in to Waft idaaft boafta I»« statxwMry br Fiaanatbf|i 1 S« lei lumi. tor Maeftrr es fteaeaaft to wu Kmrwk. Freas-b flfiataeb. Oenaaa. Lain*, died - rail OoanaxbDt ttaatfted. Tbeabar*a O—tae ft Lde Tvtoittodl toe* Deoatlai t ato ■‘ I .1.. V! J tom For aay Ltacwfe for Drawtac to toaM, re>'b to W ILgbar MaftbrmatwwF-yrtcr hptada aa Um ei LxMlMb t.nxnur IBM. K. ft A atadeet baetaa petd tor a Oaarar ta aay bran* ft ae aWre. ie eaOtked to a Leto Ticket la Uuel U urr Ito>- am aeealbly yradnatsay tteem. Mabeiu caa to«ui est aay uma. FdCULTY : UL kUM bOLUUU. Ftiddtaft, t ifttolf tot toidaaa* . e-aaw, bwk-kttoaL tor. jAtrajL POLMtoUk^^mMjlilLLiti^^y BeepMW. end Dottat of fM|lnyil AftTi laftoral Utpartwtftft, MtMkatortl DafarUnsmi. —. Trtoetpal Tbe Lt tto tea am laHutlWl CMtto Mtry -afteo oft Fuitocal Fftat tmj tod 0b Maabtbli ■. r*. . wiO tegin * October ant Onatmerrtai Hajari meat. F. L Mvaroa, to% . Lrctarar to C'oaatoeatoal Law. ete- Malbrmefval I> parftamnl -OEOWOMfI- BMACmiCTT. and Hsober Uelftneaelsre BotoAartoac bepartaneat—J » OBIFTITH aad J. ! w S' ITLA M.XH. Fr. fttatum tad LadtoWW Ob Book -Jtov GMDJftUE W. RICftNL. , - It ill i tnr ead Lrrt«rer to Mb^i»|dtoWMb,d». Ilwh iseyarlaiaal -J. ▼. BHftCKUL . PrvV«M, * [eyertorelf r Famnaaldb M. & MOL Fn j teoaur aad lAtu«r to Matoboto aad Onaiwitafl Faa . tueaebip. 01*1* aft l art meat-- HJUTOKL MKJU3SO. toaOaaanr • Berman Lfopertmeal-Bae ft. F. HOFPK, Frdftat ir iniu and Oraak Dapaitaatot M. XXftZXU, Mar. A. V Ht>F?ft. Fr beaiwe- MivbaU utomded fbr tftle CXdtoye ebuald krif U*a ilrrular ar epactal dlrertioa*. aa«to dftwlf AURORA OIL I Tln« Oolobru QJ INJTOCMD FO It HAL F, AT IIDNYKU* A IIOI.LIUAY M, • uraer W lntebell aad Mitrfa. ll efte And ms . no it X* the pafafar. ve will ta tbe um place *|«r«A • 4 it* narett*. aad in ftong > **ar at U-ult. ii ts make UM (Dliwltf *lai I*4 He laehtlMy to bare!, by ea|*luewMk. a *ea*»| eua tauda< It. Ml- It stir a batter qwebty of fgM tfaoa yrtomd by o4bor •dM. 3d It aeolvwe ae odor While b««wia«. tti. It ftdw* no otl or rmaee. cinayitolty wIU n.4 •utl tba banal Idrte. Mi Tto lampe rryto baa tore wfcaa baraliij iba«> il* «Ui-|i WIU bans loader aad glaa a Itow* deter. M. CMMklftW l« fb tto.. Nee at 12. N Ibdeft tole Fmptoelnm ** Mm Bb<fal k* lUe (ttasr of (iexrofta. •f County ltiaht. *>r Hnlai. W» I' ÜBOCHB t DAWRAt WMOLdALC CROCIRI Commladon Miufaeef* ■o* ear •.»**«. -uvaxiuH ~ - • —— mmmmu. a IJtIUIK SUM -a aimtmnm a>qi m *al «»*.. be a~> Hw e*« e Sana* I asutas nans Ml* e