The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, March 14, 1868, Image 1

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§xttg Witts (tv a. TKHMI Of* UUCUIfTIOI » * ur Dhiiy, P#c AiHMiin —OO “ ••• * Wo«kfy frm, Pm Aimnw 2 00 «r oruiuiLT n adta»«. j« RATkI OB ADVKMTtftIU. Threw Miuilhe 1 TtoMt* Ob. H’ t Mirrttmr fajuare vjiuh 4**-<*>' liiou s—» !..mL I4M, ».» tt» K~r (fajare. UM AOO RH r,>,».,Wv* *•: *•** v, MOO *4 01, H.-0' ~>.72., CrAmmn te UU «» AM UK (-*—n ttuu TOOj to Uu l. UUr4.Oi4.m-. •*■»> •>» MMt .... • V*MM Tittfe 100 01 I'AOp 111 ultifi iii< fur * tougar pmnoi Uomi «M» ..,«U» w»n be fe—rtret *t • dwrturttem ft twenty per • fl-.ui Mo* •*—«« m> ►» sqtt*(i us W u* Is—. i> -t ite &. si Un—r vU . fI. as— ter MT*I vjueut H-anrtfa 00 esute l MM MM* Os wHit OBIMMU, v* It* eqm vstent In * *i**h. Tifw * rte,WM> or —i *mim4-tertUArt*iu- UwUmwmu mutt 0* otiltwl W» U—w. U»f.t*r«u.ftt. iMHtoJO Utter*sis la U fWu-d m Os MlkM ft • i.dar - ImO Hi mi n ii—»' 0— rJuryMUr «t Urn rU» at *nm n«« raw— k Mm ter K te— rim*. Me .KK* Bill lM*«r 1 ,#T* tee* MM Him Wi HIM 1.40. Iruli—KOto Ui»4er 14* o—4 ft “tips— Nrt*rw*.~ j « . .41 orate |mi Imm ter Orel In— HI M. *o.l 10 < rata for j .4 ul lilerrUuo » aHt» >*ry ommimlmOma cmi-ism I—swfang or uwwra. *otk4fed from ••err guartrr. Now* 4Ura Umi vurteaa mb*U>« us Mt—r espn »*i!f TUK Kit A OFFICE I* |N THK NMl<’« orilJHJtO OM ALABaMA OTHMTT. oiixmiti tok iwomri. orrwizN ojmv*d amo wmrnuiux. SATURDAY HOMING. MARCH 14. MH wrartit ivpi io*m»l i- ludMili, <4*.. lter«Mter 41*«. )~*l. \3te MfeMft 4<fete ft tte MUtedyvill*. pr Msrufa tel Augusts BAOtued Camp—«f —CMDrS* pkj .1 .». lu Um OifHil Week U OM* Duxu l«uy have two made up fa» Wl) Oi P*i r*ul. HAurO upua which (Ait amount baa uft Imtii paid will be f**r f-ttwd te U»* » if A further .ail Is iww made fl“*rfwe«jt) p»r .—it. l«)*Ueo«ur before February **h. InOm. *1 wbteh :tsin, r—bty per r»*L vtU he due, and Hunk f.rfHkrd U o- l |eU Al!»V« fchobw-r* lu oream will *1 —are «KT«i|*rt*J wiUi Um Tr< v eeur«r I Im k-ed m e*« lu oporUbrti W. M.IWU«> > tlte. *«4 1* .l.’Uir a Urn* Until*— It H b. 10-rM Uml io< ut* u U 1 U« mad* by u tik'b fkirtlMr cell win be avoid cl. U ttotuy* pa 7uwut t» now mad. 11l ontrr of Um Hoard of Director* K. l: BULUiCR. Pr—td—it J. A. K Hn uuto Mn.-n.Ur> aad Trcaaurer. dortl-Olte •#* Mavaunab B«|uibtk«A. Mow* * lUrakl. l<'U-pr*)di. Journal 4 Mrmm *m»r. Milteteirvlll* rr. Fcterai Uuloa. AUanta lairlli,.. ur*r and K»e ’tra. will f>»—» cwfiy U>« aIMV* auty day a. and aeud bill tn tl.r Traaaurer of Maun k kugUßt* Rallmad. at Au- ITUlin 111 TKTTKH' TfcTTKM SCRATCH WO MORE HW AYN K»S RWT li warranted a i|*lrk and anrr rare. It allay* all It. b m*. at onre. can la u*ct t-o the tender Infant I C.M. Ifni! If.*. ! It* .' i «—t—.i ZXSt •“*“« 1 Uamnrr" i .. , . n* iih i niwm—i” i 1 “r*a lc ni»u Pu—i trim i orvTMnrr" ! Cm»—Sbaa# H»a»I ie*T»« * otvTMUT • | BaUU • Inui hJIUK SSS? ; ! • »•- w “*« 1 «!”M oirrsn" ! •* «* »*•* l*i t< «M < < »H* Il> iNuidii and ceuta to Ihr. flvajrue V !*<*». Am Mocth Htxth »trr* Phlla.tolj.hi* a hoi will i-r arnt. free u( tm«ta«;« to . / addi.-a HbM by TATLfIH k DAVIn. Drujrjftefa. AttenU (ia ! inayj) eodlr ( sjirrlel Heitrr*— Aallaralie INh mmi* »»ta.~« Vi Ml** . A*fj. *. INH Dr John Hull D—r Mr I aui bappy tn *uto bt you that I hav* u*ftl your > d-uihtr IVdroe Ikten elUi greet ImimOl to iu>a»lf. in general .tofdlity and prrwirutkw of my ayatetn, |«o --do. dby the on health) and lalnauiite Inflom.-. »f Hi. Uuaualppi rfrar arnoml Wbaburg 1 conftdeiitiy rw/nimaad It* «m to all |Mr»r*o* who are expueed to rmheeUby chmato* H W WULK. TKSTIIfuNf or Mkdiltui. MEM. si.Hiy Point. Wlatte tte. Art.. May U 1004 -Dr i Ad Hull - Iter Hr La*t February IV— Hi LtwlarlUa !>ur> haaiug drag*, aud I cut rotn* of yimr tare— anil* and CeAruu ItHtor* Mr am tn-tev, ete «w with m« to the ■tore, bad u-«*o .tn*u eiih rhruuaatum ter you*. Um*. .-um ' lurocftl.« lb* batter., and ao»a tened bu geuere h. aitb luijiftired . Dr uMi. elm bad been ui ba.l heaitb. tried teem and la* ato ImpmieL l»r r.dfee. who bad been tn tad health f.*r aer.-ral j > ear* dnoiarli and ttfrr affeetftl mi proved very I u.urb by Uae ue* of your Htttoee Hlidaad. the (Udrmt Itotar* baa fltaa you great pup- . ...ant? tn tem —MBmint I think 1 coeld mil a great . {hanttty of your laadlrme* Una fail. —pmAaily id yourM . edr-ai iv*tor* and MaraapartUa hidp um, via Men. , hta. r*r* fUabetl A Neely. k.-*pft4fMHy. C. fc WALKKR K. aato by 1L If BUADFIELD, Druflgwi. ■an .-.-Uy Attanla. u% ¥■ unii af \*»ath.—-1 UrßlUntl who • uttered f*.r year* fr*-*n Mcmraa Ihblluy. Pram afro I >ecay, and all tte- ..Hurt* of y noth fa 1 iu.heemliou, wilt. i-*r lb* **k- *d mijfrrtHg bnmanMy. aeud from to all wb« urail it, tb. receipt atvl dim limn lor making tba ten. pi* r. inftly by which he we* cured. Motto re m wishing i. pruAi oy the a.lvertl**r'* njufacr can 4u au by ■ tdrtewtug. In I’crWt nmtelrnra. - JaMRoOML —^ •i *» 1 y No. ttfhfM tv, New Torh. “AM <mu lUvf Heamftftt Hair No Di—M.vuf) Cun Oonkpun With "DmiAw Hair O»4or k—torer and Drraalng " - Heir (blor Ibteorw and Drvaaing " Routores Gray or Faded Hair, amo aa a mumiki u nqrrarrt. ■ evoreNUm rune vauin, row tun—rv. wkao aou« am* Aid. ikcrmi i—um» or tub guu." Tier N**t Per feel .Half Restorer •tomdou Hair Outer Bautorer " ' h4d.4i **%-r intro need. Hair Outer N—tin 9 " -I, JUSPH liter Outer JleabT— -lrm.b>u Haiti Head* liter OutoV N—Hwer' ■ tomduo liter Color RaUauv.' -loteutou lir. lathed Hair Ooter ltemr -totudon egafr Oater N—torrr to.ud—i with Uter noter Naatorvw/ loiMbm flair Coter B—t.frr ' haAa »*w Mnlr. Hair Outer B—torer ' totldoeU* are daily re-trad, pro*tug Ha wonderful power to —tearing the Ute. growth, rotor and * Igor to the weak ml hair. Il petetirely rtopa tte blHttf out. keep* the a—ip te"un. aool and beaHHy. fureoadterfafly any irrHalkm or Itching of the acaip. end —a Hair dnmingtl la pwfad. nicety parfemed. very rteanly, and dueUAut Main lh* *Atu a patehia. «*r noU hat, bon- M * '.rUi. aawl Uu.u. TOAHyTI rent* a botete. bait doaen »«. A.Ure— <w tore to Dr. HWaVICK A NON. PhHadtephln. iteM by rATixm k DA VIM. AUaata. and aU the b«et DruagyM* everywhere. may?) lymd M N. M. Rllfc-Dr. HMilway'i HI I to— !•»** For regnlntlng the luver. HubaH. Bowete. ami p» imdtng IHgviiitiiu. ona FUI te night Fur obtelate* ttaea—o and ehnmte «o—platole, I to 4 every keenly. Ur NSdwer'a hIU a-* ftm.j—u»d*d from vegetal to »\tract*, mated enth lewt gem. and are ter bret, (•iD-kite and eahet Perga Ue*. Aperient. Ault Biitoea, and I'aUnrtk Medk-tn* kn>>«n to modued ateanca. One of Nr. Had way . Hit* mnWtti then of the art- , i*.- prtefjte of cur*, and anil artqntrher m Uu liver, j Bowel*. Mwuwk KhAo*ys. lUadder, glnj ha.. Uua « to ate ter ordinary .-ommun povgauvr or ntterti. pt to, aobi ntotew tarteea name— or than ten |ntau of lhi'not tee gnat eftoAth tear MaAam Fav ar'i iv—gh Hal—ni. land n having U. agtmte until you get 111 take Hd other, if your Urogrtte tern Ml guA It. have him —I and pad U tor you. The cote of ui an n torturing tee teal—le m grete ae that of ahUont any Uh*r and hlgW pttoed medb-ine. and the very l. « prk-o at whkh N U erdd meh— Um pndt to Um ••ttor appareutep ameM. and un|Wlnci|tod drote,. etH m n r. —maa nd Bi«f ptetetew on which te* pftdbe a>. larger, at,!* »no 1 write roi having Madame |W- Ur a, and mm* .ohwr. mard R liallaway’eniliv-laflfitll—, ilamarh awd Lit-r i ingldnH- The— retehrtnm wtU cure tle the te ana—hand Bver > TW taw inlwt—.l .a *• kOmv I **" ■*■ I ft* taw ■wamitaeiw n*na»i i. ft**»*.■! itaafMi ■•* wta m -i • mtd rmmr w> HWX eiwl »«**■*»»**> ■*■**■«. «lta*»ii»n« >■*■>.. mm mat mm <ft witilMM* mm-m THE DAILY NEW ERA. BY SAMUEL BARB. ATLANTA BUSOUSS DIRECTOR r JKWKLKRI ARU M AD HMAhKHI. U' AC BOIJJdA* daakT tn Watohwa,i.V* ka.Mnw Jew If *lry. (kd4 Pena, ftfmrtarW. Af . Whitrhal)teiaet, ancond « oar above M Lynch'a hOo'a boo« few*. AUau ta. Ue. Impemeg done t* good aty to and warranted, aephty LAWMIIL, Wah bm. (hteha. JeVdry, *r.; WaV I Vj atom Tor— —4 Mteerlai. W—t-mto VUUwIm terete. M«wa Ateh—na and liantm ter. Ik lIEEMAdN. iMaJ.f tn tuatldd Watch* ft, Ctorka Xjw Mlur dpiM— and Furhe. Tei **U» imm miry ; Fkm amruete. Corel. Uuyt. Jet. t'arbaiicb. aw P.urt. also A lie »!.«* Chain* *iKt irhwrce* Uinm I Mcrt. ua and Whtlehnli *tn«4*. oatftTß* n HMinno uuOini. JH NBA YE. IwaUr in fb-uia Fnn<i*Rlng ' l.«* a Hat*, i *!*•. toto Iftlbr Trunk* and Bui* « I d. r MaUonai M -Ut. Atlanta. Ue a«_- :i dm II oil 11 4 tIIIBTR. 11 ttonwral « <•luimaaUHi Ibr. t««nu. Alai— *lre*L I augW dm DHI UUIETB. CUT ¥ Drug Mr* I urptn A kwr. Wlet—ak* *w-l / lie tail Iweler* In Druga» Mnlbiu««. Tan. to. • "U. I'rrtaaim and Fr*a<-h and American Wimtoe fil***. N.w. roaa Building, rarerr Whllrbtel an I Man- Ue «Ul . AUanta, u*. RKDWIME A FOE. WboW—toand RwUU Druggtot aud Aulin tn Paucto. utia, JDy • mufU. to, to •-unaer W bitohai) and Alaham* atom—. AUanta. Ua Particola* aUrutoon paid to Attiag Prmuiptt—ia. Am* rot. na c. L wi'Ciu. Into with hi Wlklrr A Oa, . LouSavtlto/ Ey NILUNEHI, hi. Mlift K V trtXlNWtHt. Dmlrr m ftedtr*: aibl Cbll •lrru'ft I>• mn.-ia and FT ala, Bibtaam >***. and itwylhinf jiiftotiink t« Ui. M.fU.i< n fanatic—*. Wtm bail tenet. Mil aborv* J. M. ilntbronk a Hal rtur*. LIRYUHk AND Wltliv CIOX A Wh.d—to Dmtor* tn Fo—gn and Du j lufttl- LAqoora, Vulgar*. Tdaitv. kc., Isadilna •trml, Atlanta, (to DMI UtMIDk, NOTIONS. 4C, JH Will rhh uu.. WhoAmai* and Mcttel Detor.iu • (Maple and Fancy Dry tiodi, CloUdag. Uata, Boot* and Shorn, WuiU bail ativ*l. Set HT * FIIfLKMAM. Whotr—lr and Krtail Dratora in dtapir and Kan^ Dry tl.rtea, Uali. • aje and N tfcma. roteor Peachtrc* and Waiuwi tea. A Urn ato tie. CUNFRUONKHM AND UAKkCUN. / ’ W JACE. Wbolmteft Candy. Cra>-h*r. Caka and "I a Hr*a.l M anutolurwr, an.l i*ei. r.n fancy (kvala. Whit*bal! itnrt »TOV*«, TINWAtIiC, 41 . KICIIaHINMiN 4 NANrtIHD. iMaAar lu Mb>N**. Tin ear* an! Uuuvr Kuruiahiae tkooda, % biloh*ii HATH, (APR AA IP HI It a. IM ilol.HKook. Wbidreal# an.l llrtall ltoaA— In • Kur and Wucd liata, %lao. item Kurg -Whito ball street IHMITt AND aIIDICB. (« Ib» W. I*HICK. DwaArf In tt-uta and W.-ma, Calf f Mkiua. kip and tod* Lmtear. (tb >* Fludiiurt. hr.. Fenchirm tenet, nest doer to E W. Mnudcy a 3 to. IIABDU AHK, 4( - r |AOMMK.Y 4 MTEWABI. ai tha Rgu of lb* Mil; Na» i and ikteur (XkL Whltoheli *»rr« t, Allan:*. <t* , hare .Ml hand a Urge and etel aae»rted etooh of li AHi> w a UK. whu b they will ai-U tow for raah tOTTON HACTON* 4(011. XIKNi HM'TI. II r. PEAAUC A IV) . Cotton Factor* and Ooauuitaetou • Merchants. No 17 Alebaiua atr—i. MKADtHI* UK. (l llKll. i.onrrai Oooilulmi.-u tl . rhai.ta and Toba.iv Factors, under Ptant* r*' li-> j Mi. Alabama street. UIUH KM* AND PRODUCE DKAI.KK ll' W AK J Ink KY A tx>.. Hankers and Hn>tor« IT * r«>n.tuiJ*KM t M est haul* and N holeaal. i»»ator» in tn nrrai ilr i. handlxe. Alabama atrout. 4 111A PM AN A UI'CEKR. Wbntoaale f>fterrg and V > Cotomlaalun Merrbants. N l. i. kall ati<-« i. Atlanta, g| w. w. iuara.M ijyTl, t w uc aan JAMKM II WYIdE. Whole—to U rarer and oo—- •ni—ton Mrr.-hani. Onus'* Bu tiding. l‘.-arht«e* atiaeA E>»JU). KJUim>Wk»4 A On . Comnnaai.m Merchant* Wb dewale au.l Hated Dwator* in Pnalucu and ttm nwrtoa. Mlb hell Mr«wt NUCKbLARHOI'N. STEADMAN A NIMMoNH. Wtod—to Prr iloor hirers amt Cnimu'.—too M est-ban to, N.trvm— Uuliding. Manrtu terewt THE BREEN UNE. i I'AST KHKKIHT J.INK HKTWKI N ST. LOUIS AND LOUISVILLE -*in> - ATIj ANT A. jNO < N ANOF. <»F < AUK HETWHKH Louiavillo or Hickman and Atlanta. TIME REDUCED TO S5 HOURS. tetKOI'CTION IV HATES. rpHK attention of HIDPPULM is .eltod to the <Mlov 1 tug Low Kite# by the linen Ilnw l<> AUanta Krum louiavtUe. Front HU, Lunin. Ite CU— * 11 14 UN Ml Cl— 11l I 63 AI Cla— 1 1* t » iUotofta VI 111 Baron, pr life kb« . W 111 rWmr. Apple*. Onion*. Puiutom pr bhL . 1 »J I FT Hall, Casneut. In** hr prbU 3« Itefk Purkpr bbl . )TJ jto corn, pr bush’! * M» Wheedi Bye. Hark,, pr fact ah* I . M fl Through BIN* of I—Mtig **ll ha five* te potato of •btrecal. aud all chum* tor L>*wa. lacmagw and itoer . harf# wtU nr arttkwd jeoaspUy te point of d*t| T rry Tart is, ahevtng «la—lo. *tn«n. tee., way he vtitalted te .4hro w. A A B. B JOHN B PICCE. M T . W A A N IL febd U NEW FREIGHT ROUTE. isr la *w o x_i ia -A, njs -AMD ATLANTA. rilM Krofbrwiag Low Rat— have tom agree.l <wi to 1 tvoru New Ortoan* and AUanta. taking rfet Fwh ruary tte, UW: IBy Ntftamar -Mw— phi*. Teem, or Hirkman, Ey.. , than— tel Mail with—it ■i tounahtp—l l. No Cn am f *** Pfevaer on FDm i, Ite Chess .1141 4m al— i a pi Hums \M ►JtehCh— ms Alt Bart via Jem- j turn. No chaise tor ta-j m; ac era, Dteiaas, O—r-t WMiieoA Nuiuimai ! 1 te Csjmw )itt. M Oaa— . l *•. M t'l— IN, tIhCLA 1 Tb****t;h Ditto «and la.Bug will b# term at potato of ahljmtmt, ami all . UUn* tor lai—. Damage and Ovegv ••barge* will b* pro—jdly —4tied te jwdnto es daltv*ry. T»rtd ah.-wing (ImHl alum. «b . may h* uMnnnl at oArw W. A A. K It. JOHN N PEON. M. T . W A A K. B. tob& ts LAW CARD. ft. C. JOHNSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW McwmttiU*. llcn-MMi ('•■»!). WfTJI. pr.MU( .U«Uon *> i.Jtart».< mmj kwiiH. ia «k> Ua. «*tar» iHf> u.U ata Ita. laMnrtOuanM tb. OaiM mmrn h* lh. Corttam MW Milt-ts ii It? N DRBTAKSIH. *■<**» m oamm. aiaw. « ■*T»U« Rl’MIA* CUW. f tlKtan, *«. litaaalk>ita«,ftW||l|,(|MtM|,Dl ATLANTA, GA., BATUKDAY MOK.NING* MARCH 14, 1868. ■Y AUTHOIIITY. P(TIIt« Y C ACTH rm TO* ForUoth Oojmr««teD or tub UNI T K I > HTAT EH. Pm Wd te /to Ptesf /hewn. wdhA *-u tog** *<te told te (to PU» ■/ Wmtkmpt m. /A. flufrte •/ fte-—. Mmmirnm. (to /—riA d— •/ MmrtA. A. i». Idl. if—redM Aw/aft/vy. tie UirMA 4mm of MA. D. 1807. M ate tfvw*4*7. (to (toed dag */ Jml % I D vn7\ w/yaudir sate t*ir*itmtf Jurf ite baaed la Mft ~t mmlti Atea-.Ug. 2>- tor«/tei toftf »/ Mte j te*. wild 4mm a rmm a to ate ee Tkmrm 4my, (to Site to; *</ .V—ctor, A D 1)47; ite ik> —ad *m-wifJru V A—rtaW. tte ctef lA' evoed deg e/ XAw—•tor. A. u um: Annimmw Jvbm». Pr—hluL Boomm P Wane, prewldetot ad tie S-nato. !t> in TLB a< '• nr* j. njo-ak «r ui tb* Hon— of JJvjweaenUllwe. I liAl* l Am Ait I* ernmad u Art rmtaiml "An Art I* we*l ee Art —/üb>f 1 Ae Art to —rpmrmU e .Va/e—te PUiiarc awd .Vweal 4fg— .hr Mr tde/ •/ (to tote//y Ac—id— </Jtorr« —A if— «/ (to I'wmtor Fwrrr* V (to tatoJAtoi.'" appro**| tea. * (era/g —r, <-«gAlr>a totorni ewd artyvw. * (to il mortal Sw (Ar toe*to wad i/eww v/ Arpr—rate l» err »/(to Cactod .Iftoi </ (ton. i w Onp<w laeAtod. Thai am i cult third of tha ant tu inoorporeie a natlurcal —>lnm lor dl— blid <<fh«ara and u—n of the voiuair— infer* of (he I'nltwd Mate*, aj>j>ru««el Mart h twwwty- Ar«t. elghtwwn hundred cu<l slaty M«. bw ajoeudwd by sinking mrt the wagtis i 4 sUh ms of cAspwi." . Arrsovmit. March 13. IW7. ( H kP. IL—A* Art —dreag Appreprot/w-aa /hr /to g, ftaftE/r/ l YeMMuarri umtt.flA, fmnjrmi to lb /w --•iote Om/ry. /to </ retort lay (to Amato «ad ffewar **/ Jb-prramtoWia> I y (to fail'd AtetoJ */ A store— in I'warpru uiHMte.i. Thai the imu <>f twvuty tb.ans.nd I '.lUt* to. Mid O»o same Is hereby, «*ut of any money u> th« trraeiiry not uth«-rei— appft>j>riatrd, to jwy tie- .i Kiiiwa of eaauNimmluNgrv tone b, lh dtsn teiiMiy. j knsalto. March U I*o7 1 CHAP. 11l An Art to- rqwl a das/ Btes/iei'WVM j "A UrmUmtum to prweato /-• fto A- wm «/ *Ao N rc«A #/ (Ac AfratolAca .*to Atewd. wpproe../ JjHMrji (w-top ftistt, ftpAAem Ualml arte adyvift. ' Be u m.* tote to* lA< .Umato awd Ji— */ hyr'vsto f (iwi yIA/ failed .tfcjf * y Awtrrttrata • ’Bmgrrji irweito'./. That tbe Ufot rtwilulk* mbu .l ,- A r>w.iuli>« hi pi-. Via# far In* reui»v*i us thw *r< • k of the cnaru»L.| m<.tlamf. approve Jauuar> tw- nty-ninth. tegliMft, hundrwat and aicM-wrtett. h *ud th« —n*t: ia hereby repeukd. Won*. Mireh 14. CHAP. IV.—A a art to r/rtto ito urte ./.tectof. TO/L Uma to./ toy (A A *.»/• wad U -**- y teepftote i*»er. | Jib f »i.tod .Vtel.r -/ Aso-rtoU ia ( te—r*u •maisd. 1 bat the hft-ft tery ..f NUe.W, and M hereby authcr- Ised and requited to hirtush one suit of cb-lti lng to each invalid wAdU r a ho la an inmate ft say rag ulaHy ftmeSituhte •fi-ldur • Home’ tn U»e tfuMed Mato*, ant af the *u« an uww m tur .jaarv rmweter'* : af toil fmrULtr iwadte That *u-.*h <l<4htlig •ban to* (Wiiicrcil feO tb- mauagei* te au. b lu.Ulntn• ! ujmki their re<iuia.Uob tbered'r. *«>• with •«. h n-nOi'cie* A* t- nuiul» r* and aa thw N-n* lory «.( War may pnoMeribc- Arrwrvmo. Ma rl, 21.1*67 CHAP. Yv—a- Art ia H'Uimrn L. a carte— Trm- •/ (.■■mwl ia HartMyitaA, /—av. Ito tl ciMirtaJtojr Ur Vwoto a*/ //.aito < J Mrprrmnt .*vj u/ (to f cilnl Aten* e/ Aarnm •■ Owrymr wwa ; —-I, Thai a certain nnUnanrr totopte-l by the <*n> tsHtuc'il « f tha cii> of Burt mg t u. In U*' Hiate us l**wa. of .Utw of Itoftetutier tenth, anno lrnnuni etght—n hundred and *iit) mi, fttHkd ”Ah ttfahiunw*- uteruStng Market fi.|M*rr n. lavituu pnbb« purj'^-a, and prvi ding for the local ten of e-rtonu r*ilr-—l tra* k« upou certain streets, an.l f«<f other purpoaA." Id tod. by rat-IU.I. ii. pro***!, an 1 nitole legal and valid, t ton rrhto* b* —tot pub;n square, and that —ld oftlißAu.•- atoall op. rate to ouuv*y to ttic Bcrlingh’n and Miftaoun litvrr ftailma 1 Cu—i—iy all right and Inh rvwt of the L'mlted ■Male* ia the prviuj—* known to Market bquarv. lu tha *al«l city of porlini and for the purposes and ue— therm -IrsigbtoMl. and shall hare the same to-rv'e. ofterailoo an t affec t as If the fiw rißii-lr UU* to said Market rtquare and streets wcr« owned t-y —tol city at th* data of aato! oral mcc. An-utovmn. March U 1*57. illA I* YI. Au Act imppimm-m*ary t on Ait rtetobd Au Art tmgrm**-U for U* "•»« Ummmmrmt of (to Jtotof Stmt**," peaerl AferrA frrvmA. ■ ■»••► dml rtnd nrtjrftrem. «ud fa Jontrt, «l« nwm Mr 4 raadte toy 1A« lM«ll mrn-l Jl mm of Jbperseaiarie * us IA- l rnttr.l Xl* Ur Iml Ame rmm la fwuprete owrtete That befora the ftnrt (U> IMptoiahmr. vlgßU—i hut dr*.l and mty crtrii, the ocmituandtng grb\-rai lu each district deflnetl by au act entrthte ’*Au ai t b* pn»vlde for the n. re *lßcto ut g..» < mnomt id the rrlwl NUlcw, |«sev) Man b —coitd. eighteen hundred and stltr awsn. ahull ruuae fk re«i#tral,-/n to be made of U.a hum the bulled (dale*, twmiy <•«. )—raft agr and upward*, rrwt.b nt tn —h county or pariah In the Male or state* turtudwd In hi* dtwcnct, whwh rvglatra Uou shall Ue ltidc only those |>wr«<ifia who arw .iua tn.d to* vert* f *r dslagdles by thw ai afore— id. and who ahull Bars taken and *abto3tbwd Uie follow tug oath ar mi Artaattuti "I, . and»» autemoly sw—r for mfhrvn). In the 10—0— «»f Almighty Hod, that ! an* a rtbaen ft th Mate of -J that 1 Kara rrsklal la said 84*1, lur month* neit jovcwdlng Uu* day and new r*stole lu u»a oounly ft - ---■ or Ite panah of —■» in —id Mate ( the o—ft may he,, that lam twenty on* year* oM that I bars mrt been durframld ed too j-artto iwrttom in key ruhulUou or ctetl war mgafrtst lh# United Htates. nor (or tekony mwirolttnl a»rainrt the law* ft any htete ur ft U>* I'ntMil Mat—. that I Mve leaver ttewic a KiuuWr ft any N—le legtaluture, ** h*kl any eteitiUve or jmttoMl oflbw lu any Mate and ash rward* eugagftl In in— rrrcttoai or r*fa*4lfcm agamat tb* I'nltwl Mat—, or alv*u utol or cuaf. -rt to> the en* mb a thens that I hav*. nrvur taken an nmih to a member ft Otngr—• of the l ulled Mate*. a* an odbvr ft Um- rntud tttmtrs. tte —a uuiuU/ us any Mate legteialnn-. ft as au rxncuUtr -*r olte - r of any Hiate. tu *upi«»rt ihe < i-n»U' übon of th* I - uiL HUAww, and mllerwarda *ugaged in imurrm-tioii ur rv i hwlltoiu against the l'ntte-1 MUt—. or given »t-l or i comfort t*• the thereof, dial 1 will laiihfuily support the t -nwtitutto-o told Oh*y the Uws ft the l acted Hiatea, and wIU, lu tb* bwwt ft toy alsiJiy. e« . ouraps other* wo te «b< *» help m* that" , which ft*k or »/L m**ti-*i may be mdintel*t—vd by any rvgtetcrtmg oNUtr. Hu E Amt be it further cna* tel. The* after tha romnhKitoU »f the r«mtortra(H>u famd-y pnn tdeil h-r in any rt-‘- at au-di lime and jilsc— ti-eretn a« tb inaieltng general shall aj-potut and direct, of wtuch at lw—4 thirty dsv«' public n-rttec ahull W givi-n. an rlei ■ thin shall be held of delegate* to a coivcatc ■«» ter the purpo— of —tatiHahlivg a . -mahtutem and oltil gov ere meat fur *urh Mate ky*i te the I’nlca —id conv—tlon lu —«h Mat*, aicwpt Virginia, te «m*tei ft the atonic number ft me—tiara U»* must nuaiurvmt I ran, t, ft th* Mate legislature ft such Mate lu thw y—ndghteeu hundred and Mmty, t* h* apporttei—d tMf tk* *o ral diwcrtofe, eotthU—. or partsh— of soch Mete by the commanding gft-rml. girtng 4o «aeh reprea—ttoto-n u. the ratto ft TOtoare regtatered afore—id a* nwarty as may be Th* o—v—tlop la Yhrgtttte ahull oftertst o the —toe of rue—h*r* as rspg—eoted th* ter rttorv now cuustuuung Vlrftm* In tbe most nmacrons branch ft thw WtaUlure of —id Mat*, in the year Llghlrm Prntlrrl mod Maty, to bw mpffc#Uot>«t as sfo—ai 1. Um . *. And b# tt TOrthwr —acted. Thai al —ld eton ttoa Um rsttMßwrft ft such Mats shall rote f--r or against a ro»nv—tk*a te form a .MusUtotl-m tbcwh r under Urta a t Tb—* voting In tenor ft nrk • con vmitoja sfasu h*%s wnttm or printed an th* htoßoU by ■ bleb (Bay vote for delegate*, a* afore—ld the wft\k •Fur a —ltoi,” anil those voting agaiust such • emv—hfty shall base wnttea ft printed uw such bal ! lot* the words ' Against s nanv—ttw - Tbs pwreous spn.rtatml to • apart*tern! said atecUou. and te ia*Aw return ft tbe rut— gtv— thereto. h—vte provkkl. ahull (out aa 1 make return of th* vwtss (It— fur and agunst a oouveattom, and the comnutnding genwral te who— (be aaaaw shall have I*—a rwiurned shall aa—r tain and Mortar* lift total vute «a—• h State lor at. —tel to owttv—tton If to MHtty ft the wehp ftren * on that qursusn shall be ter a uavrwth—. then —I, mmvaaUnsi shall be hwld as bwrciaaftor provided, hut If a mayorlty of said votes -hail he s/rtoast • wn»»u tton. then so am v—ban shall bw held audwr this aft . pr—*.ted. That an h iwnvvnßau shad aft bs test oak— a mgyartty ft all wwch registered voter* ahull hare voted WO Um questtooi us Bnldtog »«rh ■te, 4 Aad bw u fartßer sosftwd. That thw oo«u msndlag geawral of each iltsArlft aball appoint *« many boards ft rwgtetrwtma may bw ngre—rr. con- Mating ft three loyal nlwH ft porw—M. to toads snd complete IB* regtwtraUon. sui>wru>lwttd Uss wtecti—. and maks rwtwrn to him of the votes, fast ft voters, and ft the peronow ftweted dotogwt— by a plurality ft tßv vats* —at ml —ld idsrttom; and upua reran Ug —tol return* Bw shall op— the —a, ascertain tha per mu il—teJ fdtfilii. according to the returns ft th* cißbiM who conduct.-d —tol aiwrtMNl. sad mak jwofta——■ thereof mad If aS—)urtty ft tbs votes gtv— tel NUso—m shah b* k« a oohv—flftL th* c -inmaad—c fvnwrto. trtthtn sitty .lays fbn— th* date ft steed—, shall notify the dslsgaUw to a-embU lu ibr II iMßintlrmi. a— mate run. enuon. sfcw ory—lss.l. sßmtt f re— sd to f—e a —astHwtam and HvU gwvore m—t swonrvttmg to tM prvvtotoa* ft Uus act. and the aft to Which it la *nfpta-watery . and when th. -mw Min ha— teamed. —M eanftMWUuo shall bw • uh-IMod By tb* u i—■•§ n■ IB ——km »•» the n— so— —ft—l —dor the prevtob—w ft this art >1 an ilscdkow few Bo •—ducted by ihe ftßrer* or rwim *p pu—ted or to ho mpfotuted by the oo——a-llmf gw—- rsi. s» bM.tedftnrs urovtoted, and to W BwM after th* evptrwtton ft thirty tea from tte date ft —tt— tfawre <;(. to be ftrer bv eftd eouv—ittow. and the rtounvs —ft —ail tm made to (Be n—rttug ge—rwl ft the ftftlllit •aa and. Aud Bu n farther enacted. Thai ts. —e—dfwg to ftto! —t—tta. UM eonsttlnttom ahaU he raUded h> a majority ft the votes ft thw r—totored wterteww wuaii A«d bwoftn apoettted. rest at amid oAsaAK—, M knot rmm half ft All thw registered vodor* voting um the ■I n sail— of —oh —NtbUtton. thw prvuftdreit ft the own vctHhm Nhaji traugtnit a ogpy ft the —a, duly —rtt fted, w IBs Prewblent of th* Ualtrd Mates who shall forthwith tffO—l it Uiv —o to iMßttl. If thro In — ohm, and ts red la ——ton, tßon ttmuwdiatrtj upon tte aoat »—wwJbt—g. Ml If M shad Nk«*»vor appear to On ogre ft Btl tß* stertnm —a o— at wN k th* rvgfttorrel Mad gtaaHlM site— tn 0m KUtebuJ aa op imrt—Mdy to frosty *el wttßreH —lu Bor. or th* Intn Ml— ft Bu—t, —d ts fee IbSttot aholl he —uwdwd IBM vorh Mmdflfhw marts the Approval ft s tagrtfdv ft wH tte ft—Bdtet ste< tors to the ft*—, aud ts Mm m— a—atttntlun sbag bs drntered by ftengre— unal—ttj wtth tBo pro rtnlna; of ttje aft to Sd tert shantovTb*—Tl mated trft, ifttteuM wa diMii fhoß Bw a——bud by O—p— «B»ftst» ■s.s Bwdafta—d wtt—l to r—*—tt—l and n— tor*mad ifiHINDM MfVftftftt Bw-tessn -tßwrrtu ir—ladi Bti And Bw it ftußßsr —ted. That wB stertta— In IBw ft— —tor ft to to* -hi -Aft to fftwldw mSSSS2K£sa£ —ita m tairwm an. ta—. *mn up— the dtw—nr ft their dwttws. -Be sad —haftfew (ha oath t—mM by tßw red apprwsd (toy n* > if. •sahto— ha—rod an I wtrtyrtwo. sgmttsd Asaflw preorrtbw ofth ft fthre" r* totoft. That if y j-ereuo Shall bnvoingly aartl falsely UA* and swbaftfea —th to UUa *1 tfeOLrthwd awrh pwra— tftead >mr and \ itng thwreft duly *c. nwtsd shad bs —lgoct to the pfttm, pr—Ml— and 4 Lit— wto. b By tow ar* pnrvkisd lur Ur» pnuisßu.srA 4 lh* uu— of wt&f ol ; *<ft corrupt pwrjfty. Hsu 7. had boll furthsr waMteft. Thai all rej—• 1 Uasmred By thw —vs*al —asm—adui./ gvuwrek. or by I t irtuw af —y orders I tea id. wr wpp ab;om».u mad*, by 1 under wr b? rift— ft this act. shall b* jwsd uwt i "f any —*)* t* IB* Ir—ury not •rthwwl*. sppnV | l-rtutod. Mte 4L Aft bw It flWist a—wteA. 1 nrt tto- <—f—■ 1 tton too each Ma/s shad pr inert bw th* Is 4 salary, sul i • .►«* .•i.tsikw to bs pahl to aB doi—abw and rtfcsu >4 [ rarry tnt-» »lb-t *U>- pvjusrt ft U»k art uft heerta ftherw tow prrrvfctod <*. and ghad ptertids tor few levy 1 *Jkd miki tlMi ft sorti tei— '« (he pr>p—lf to OUrh (Stale aa —ay be m o—rv t>. puy Um aa—r. ► Hsu • And be It further anurted. Thai Um surd "arti. L m the anth oertbrtl of the art is whsrh th— ftpeakrr *f th* H«*us» of Brpr s—Mstlv— IL F WAKE Fry aft re I ft tte* Hrewte *~f—~ fa iha !!•>(»* (»v Um ■*• or ir vn, IT. *..» Mareh A tor: I TL* Pr < wsdeut ft Um ( rated Mat— u*> .ug nturuwd to Ue Uu— us Kwprv etoOvsw. 1U Wtoch tt-rtfUuasft. th* uu entitled -Aa art «*j l|siblUtary to art mh tied *Aa a«-t to pw)h .tor Um nwiv eihew—t *uv*rn —« nt ft thw n Let Hisu* • pas—d Mar<-b seeotei ngto lew* lisnJrwl and Maly —ran. and to leilrtsU rr— u rat a Ml. ‘ with hi* wbj.vt> >us tberrtn, the Ilouaw ft Eepr. MDUliin pteemded. m poouaure ft the Ooss st.iuti-m. ts re-uMIJr/ the ison, sad JtoeftUj That Utt soft bill do j—. t—fthlrdw ft the ii— ft to pr—muh * ante*tag to jw— Um a—s* A that L..a M. Puauw.•. Oft U K. U and lu Hajtszm *.» tu Hum, I March XL IM7 I TL*- h. r.ate lu ting mcrektal. ia porauaure A Lb* Owassbt—ton. to re.-—liter Ut* UU entitled * Aa a. t auppiein# atsry to an art wt.UOed An art (o j.r .vuk L* the —• we rfmneol (MStenMl ft tbe rebel Metre, (wsiel Man It seentd, egktsrn liwulial an*! «My uvrb. mti>l t-‘ fnitital* rnkntku." nfnrned to th* Mon*, nt tu prvse»dmttrre By Tha tTOHjrat of tte I biL'd Htshu, With bts fttywrthios. and wttl by the Uws ft l.c|.nwr uUtlv.s to U*« Mtstalr with the Bits sag* ft th* Prretdwul returning th* tdll• k mAmrnt. Thai tbs bin and * paws. |wu third* of (Be Nettale agrre-tog to {—a ffa* cause Attest J W P •**«*, —fsßry. CHAP. VII Au Art L'provnAe fvr a IHstrttt snd m ( in nit ( *.url ft the (n.lad rtato* tor Ihr Duma at Net r—ka, and Ift <>tiaer l urpowsw. Bs it enacted by lh* Men—g as»d tion— ft iiefwvwru tatives ft |b« I'nltwd Mate* ft Aasnrs ti> Cwngre— mate midsxt. That tbe Btai* ft Nftir—k* shall hrreufter o.ust.luU trtm Judical disteMrt. sift be called th* dtaArttt of Nebr—k*. and fft said dtftrkrt a diatrh t *>».lg« . * marshal, aud • dlrtnrt attorney mi the l usSsd Mates shall h# arpotule-l by the Prswsdi nt. by and with the adttoo tol c»m»—til us th* Heiists tec. 1 And ho K forth— snorted. That the —id and» tn« t ki Nebraska shall be utturbwd to and ermsUtnle » at th* wtrhlh jmlsckal ftrentt; and a term of the circuit erotii and ibrtrtrt n—rt ft the United Sts las tor said district shsll t- behl in th* rUy ft Omaha, tn the Mote ft b< brasks, «si the dnrt Monday ft M*r. snd on th# tret Monday ft K-'** her. tn —.b year HK* 3 Aud be it farther reacted. Thai the circuit and diStrnt nitlis ft thw Cudft HUtea lor the dlatru t of Ni brasks, and Uie judge* thereof rewpe. tiveiy. shall jets mw the —me powers anil jortMlkrttcns and Lwrform tb- same duties [» ■■eased and jwrft rmwd by the other circuit anJ d»strict cwurt* and judge* of tb* 1 uito»j Mate*, an.l ahail b* govrmod by the —me lows snd regnlwttons In t. And be tt further reurtrd. That 4**e dhrtrtrt s; vta'.i.ted fur tr.s dtetrlft ft Nsbrssku *bail rv on• ess UU .'Mapreswitoti the sum ft thirty •»■ ban j .1 -c-t dniltft * year, psyabi* tn four eqmal a sUllmout*. oo the Ur»t d.ys •>< jsuuury, April. July, snd Oftobwr «.d «w*h year. H»j \ And be It further *—a*4od. That tbe mMfab.'i i so l dv*m. t attorney ft thw I'aited Htetws. sad clerk ft Urn i in nit and liurtnrt oo—te. fur U>* said distort ft Kelwsek* sl*a.i seveesll* j» s»rsi lb* [ta'vrn and per IVTU tbe dU(4«*Js J Wfallx pn—r—e.l and perb-rmed by ■i ui liar > (Vers tn other <TmLrvrt* ft the 1 ulted Wsln and l«*r the —rvlncw User assy perform reresvw the fees and r»m|eDiaL<in allowed by Um act eoU4Je>! •An art to regulate th* Ire* and cowte to bw allowed cU-rki. atsrshaU . and attuniey* ft thw circuit aud die trtrt ctaMirta ft tb* I wiled mau-a. aud tar other pur frWta-s. si-|> c»l Pehmary Ivmly-Mitk. ctghtewstl wndrwJ and ftftj three Ha- C And fa* U fDriher ena>ted, Thai a I cawcw -f ajt'vsi <»r writ ft free, bar re dure pro—cu ted. and now j-ending la tie- Kuprvme Court )>f the l ulted (Nates, upw any rnritrd fev— th* *«|resue wwt ft the Trmi'-ri ft Nebraska, or whuh may tor—/tec to j r-MMM nl* and said court as bsretu sllowtd. tesy bw to-ani amt den ruiitod by thw Boprvme (VMirt ft thw l r.ttted mates, aad lh* munduse ft —s I'Wthm re ft tee th* r pr*««Mtat; .■ sUsil to -tirvrted by Ills §*[ r— i Ddttof U*e l nlie.l mates to thw circuit re distract c-iuit ft tb* Culled HUL • fur the district ft Nehraakh, or to tb* tui-nw court ft t— mate ft N.•breaka. tin iMlur* ft —ll apprei ur uni ft error m*j rwqutrv. Slid each ft th«— courts shall t»j lb* fe-.-ss- r of the suprtnae (twirl >4 firknoks TtuMfy as to all suck • sees with full jv>wer to hear and dcb-nulue U.r use, ami to award itrsse uc Baai prv*re— Umrson And from all judgment* and decree* ft tbe suj»r*tnc court ft the It mtory ft Nebraska. pr»or to ita adm.—»■» a mad-. Um parties to sard judgment* aud decree# than bare th* a—nw ru.hi to pr—cute appsuls and write ft error to the bsterei coorte they had under the law* ft th* Catted HBs/ws prior to Um admlmton ft —ft Mate ft Net>raeks into the Cuton Mur. 1. Aud be it further enacted. THwt wnfal * ludgs Aw —ld district ft Nebraska shs I b* duly s W -uut«t Ihe diwtrt. t judgw ft Um I’ntted Males Aw tbe district of lows shall sri tbe dtetrfe-t twm ft idradu. and shall bare and vterctee fee —me p«r.-4»,t»u> Sod power tu th* ltetrti-f hen-by ttvsb- I a* h*. M»'tn tl. dutrvt ft lows Vrruovri*. Mste h 23. IvCj. CHAP VIII A Art to st—upt Wr*p,M*i laj«w. /- -«« M «and -w C so-talks fio— Dll.real Ta». sasd bw .4*»er l'srj>.**-*. Ik- tt rra> tol far tl. (teuste and Rouse ft Uepreweu tatives ft fe* i nilel Males of AUWVS IB Cwugrn— annuli-ed» TB-*- ftertw and a IU r tb*- pswage ft Ibis set, wrappiug-papur. auuto ft wood or iWugmltt. slisll »e. , irtnpt fnwu lou-riu! tea. Han, 1 And b* it further enacted. Thai svery uute-o al liuliklDg awscM ;sn-*ii state Imnk. or Uaakrr. or ms. ciaimo. shall pay a tax ft teu per reutuui ou the siuc-nut ft note* of an) town, city, re moulcspai ore. I-orati->n |«U out by fe—u after tbs IrU day ft May. anno l<uiuinl rtgbtean haudrwd and ality-#•■»*» V> fa* oolterted in th* *sod< aud tuunaer tn which fe- Ui uu feu a«dr* of Mu«* hunks i* o’Hefted % Hi- and Aud bw tt further unset, j Tl.vt TOraj j nk jtasjwr mad* ffaku y Hhre matesns) than last reted in the Arm swettou shBU bs ahr* nrrapt fr—u teternui tax H»- 4. And bw It farther enacted. TVci frv./u and after fee txMwagr ft lhi* art, ladder* ucsd<- »h iiv ft wrs*4 shall be exempt frvun Internal tax Arruuvcn. March JCth. to« 7. —- CHAP II An Aft tn relation lo th* fekuowtedgtnriM (4 Deeds in th* District *4 Cftutehta. |l* it ruuc-ted far thw Hroase and House ft Beprewsu tsUvrw .4 tn* Catted Aoiiew ft Aamcva In t'ongr*— sswrsvfated. That arknowtedgiUecte of deeds for fe* >c«ifjsmr« ft real rstsh to tb-* Distric t wf (V himfaia may fa* takwu by few rrerefev ft drefts Aw said District' re fay a slug!* justb-v ft the uu*. aud any ■urh *cknow.*dgm—l hwrxtofcwv t.k.u by s <dugW jus tD'« ft fe* pwwc'w Is hsrebv m*d«- and declared to be a valid arkreiwtrefarmaat /vwswdft. Thai uutbtttg Ue fete art shall fa* Babl to uwpa/r few lift* (4 fa— lh pur . (lasers who. By ouavwvuncw* wad formal wckaow edg muits, hare, prior to the pa—ug ft this mt. acquired l«rxai-ÜBl title* under sjdttrng Urns AritoTfe March M, LNST I t lIAP I—Am Aft supplem .ntsry to au Art s*titled | -An Art to ufttaburw* th- Htute ft Wswt \ irgitus tor ! Moo*y* expended tor the r—led Htute* »a rereUiu*. I nquipt-lug and paying military Purer* to s*d Us sup ! pressing th* Kebslll.m. Approved Jane t«ft»tyret*. nigktewM hnndrwd and sUty aU H* Il noadnl by th* Bash and Uou— ft Repreweti tsUvcs ®f th*. fTmlted Mates ft Amrrto* In t'ongyn— As •rwMft. That the m-mey sumjirtai-J by fe* wet Dv • tit- b Use ii • (Ul>pbD | 'tat talcs!! fas disburs'd tinder lac directi- «i ft th# Herrftsry ft Bar. Arrenm. Msreh M. imo7 CHAP. XI Au Art to authorise fee AaC/y and Ore-w - upxUou ft * Portbwt ft Lung Maud, to Breton Harbor tor —ilttao Purpo—. Be ti smarted by fee WnßOr Wtel Uua—ft B. jwreen uu v— tel fee Cu.led M»te« ft \umrv a ia t smgewsw aw ern>fated. Thai the Bwnetiry us War he aud b* ts here by auth-crUrd to take p —a re ft feat petku ft Loug Island, tu VtosDto harbor. Mssascbusftta. faebmg mg b> James T. Austin, f.w fee i"Uj»re ft sr—Aua^ , Uierecm a Awl and- b ftt—r struct ur— —ay be uer.ted Aw mt diary |»«rj>o—w. su-t there- »Kali bs j<—d f.w tbe asm*. out c 4 auy —ost*ys lu th- irew—ry mtt ..ib« rwter appreiwusscd. fe* sum ft Are tb >**aad cDO tsr* a* arreref u/wui Mvw-i. Ivrre J A—tiu. tb* agent swd isp—■■■■'tsl.V-«4 ib-- wkl lames T Vastus, a»4 thsugrttl of the Catted Htate* charge.! with th* Urg*»- baU-w hm fee pttrehaae ft said pn«.*xlv Pn-vutod. Thai said amount shall not to |>wld until th# Utoramy te ns-ral ft the t'sitol Mate* ahaN b* sstmO-d that fee title ft said portkui ft said —land h— tore fully tratv*- AWPMr t* tsm OMVM Btetes sere from —Hi—r . and feat fe* person receiving fee —) M cu—patent to aft Bs Mm twwsus a*w. Approved, March N, l*4T. CH AP. XIL--AU Art to aufervis- tb* H—iwksrv ft the l i airy to —ll fee (tovwrfb {meal Warehouse* on AI Matt. Deck. Sr—X.* T~tt. Ite tt mn—tad by fe* fkmats am! Brew ft Mgrre* tuttvwm ft fee ('totted Ate*— ft A—to* to (Viugrwsa aw*r milted. That tb* Hi urstery ft fee Trssewry la here by satbnrtte C lu bts itksiwstt m. to ssO fee wo Attesttte Dook. Brooklyn. New York, bwfea wu-BoNaew wunbm Afty tuor, felly-wU aad feftj ftgßL. a*re owned by tbe g. verniueat. fee aft* to bw uiaite *1 pubike au. turn to V# bfartowt aad heft ladder therefor to reedy money. alter pTOg Awth-wferrn Os Mi wwrh* to Move stem to tore duOy papers pr toted to ttm rHy of Near York had upon —te hdttg.ttmd* as sdrrs— U. few —ft Herr—ry ft (Bw Trewsurv is Bsreby mufeortacd aad rwpo<m«d Dv mamba —ret* wad deliver to tb* pan cßwrr feereft m pal aft mtkrrsl feed Aw lh* jwvra toes, 1 esiSMlag *0 (he right, title aud interval ft fe* Apprumt. Manß fe ttfef. CM IP. TUI. -A» Aft toSkttttf Ap|wnwistteoa to m»p\4j DihctottMsw to ttm Apjwvw rtsuusvs Aw cuuUi%aat PmisikMft fee fen—ft tfe t fttod tttau • Aw ttm A—ft Year efthug Juue ttdrtrth. hundred mad sfktj-tere*, mud fear ttk/r Pups— Ite It sou Mud by few ■—iM —I Bwaws ft Bspresn. lattvww ft tte ft A—rtre to Ckogvu— Mbfetek TBut tßw BS—few au—• bw aud few sa—* mrw Bureßy s»» ret ft w«j am r to tb* ten ury uwt uferew— iff—feftwtt. tor tbr h rftu ater repreused, ws—sty JfUt rfer%*teMregltto>s. ptgsa, Bn—sv. uudcarryuM*. pirn -tocftMureas ktessm. thirty (Bu-atot d-aters ter wftmry ft few wtefe to tte lowcittes oh kpr^. fe—i i— hh ft —saaßs—at to few - I'-iii r> vis Ita. -i; i—■■ taw»itai *»4« Ita. mUM«i <A Ita tataW- *•<«"« •iVta.J 1 >ta* m* #*. btaSnta Mtar. u "l mu*l ■»p»i»nn 1 fU UMtalta »<!■«.»■ "ta ta ita. fc-.ta. «»C-1 Ctadteta (ankn m-M. Tie hcshi tm ml Mia an. «|l. M ita. ia. ita. J~- •BBM Immm ItaJrttaMk. MS »iif M«kc M 4 lal oftaM ta"|MMta-- i»—«1 e Om Mta M-,<« « (ta M)TM mujt MtaM * trued to sfew a greater e»*j unsmtlnm lav few tout •ttm ft the tew. paw—d by o—grs s-i uawrettw* jrv* t—stems red Mumti i m Um —y*r» ft few Zfttrfct ft Ofßtobte than tw prevbtwd l/y tew tor ssseh jiftH tare la ifecr pwprru. And fe* Bww—s—rrw to tte are rfeA Htotri sited to i—hi afftto ft **4u aft —iditog appcwrexwse n* Aw sundry c*vU sxgre—a ft tkwf—rxixMt Aw thw ywwr iodUig Jrem fßjrtkrth. etgbhew kuadred redMityftgbt. stet Aw awßwv jft*- wbt*4 ksrt l-m *r a**y to Ckagxuft tu pa s— ft tbs fvrvm—* ft —ft warttett tow fell fell cussre ft tb* putttsr law* Mad te—ttsw ft CBw United atsis*. shall pahtteh th* pabUr tew* —4 treats— ft few Thirty teeth Com grvo* >*>a uttr ft** ft vtkfe H •Dad bw tb* duty ft IB* UrrrvUiy-4 U—t* to fwrntsfe ama as pr—te eh Is, wftew r—smtag ar— ft a—B drmguettou. Mad tows te Bcrehy —|wuprtes*d ret ft IB* tees—ry. fra— any uumjt ant -fear wma uppr<> cttshl, a sum snßdsM to pay tor said —ret.* Frost- U. ItalkuMMUtantaM ta.«M«lta usual —uar. wad fe* c—afwi.s—t— shall —d rxrewd fe* rate tint to aertfco* an*. kf->r*—ld U«c J. tad fa» to further reacted Tbft wo mwrb ft mmelium srv—l ft so act rftittsd "An uft ÜBWhing appro prtMhius far suadry ddl expmwm ft IB* tow are—rut Lr tbs year redmg Jure tuertj nghfama Bredrei and Sixty-rtgbt. —d Ajt ftW purpc—w. ' uppvu*wd Mtevb •miaiL rlgb'reti ktednf aud Wily —teas, m v«d*uw t>> lbs pubtoatswu ft Um te—hr* sad tew* ft fee (.W favd nuts*, b* red tbe aug I* hereby uteadsd to th* mau* art torn* wtoi to tß* Twuirk. red i bat it ahaU bw fe* duty ft lb* Hmre—ry ft teas* up— re-nag —re ft fe*- (irlgtisfl.g. ft he wop* l-w* under tbs art mfurreakd and few urteu. s-ldly to fitnusb to each m«t—«n suferuto eta>p4— ft fe* trewU- • and teww at IB* Untied «•*— tw Bw pwbttferd s* ft vrewM Frre td.<* Tba* U ahaU fa* towdal So priat Lb* uws red tr—ti*w ft Um I attsd fasts*, a* eAwwaiJ . in three imwstMf. rs kn I-mMim Aad |wnd*4 Air tfaer. Thai tbe nttru AssJ Li p—wkw* tew* shall teU W 1 ha- \ isd Uit furfesr nmrtsd. That th* folk wtug mu. Iw and (fa. —«wr ar* loweby mil of 1 aaj tovfa*y lu IB* trmmmrj u<A «Afa*rwi- sj-tw-priuied. futfer -vbjv-m ItaersSttftter express*.! .<f fee LW-al year wading th# ft lusw. ngfeei. nwteirwU tJr 4—aft lor fee Boo— ft B*yu—rm;*Cvrw. M • tboos—d dfttere. V e eewapapiT*. tm feo .*—d da sr k Pnr aiMcefl*—* u*—s. tea tfammsnd dftkarm. a*- A Aad fas u farther sourtwd. That there Be. ami hereby Is. sppraprtotsd. out ft —v naan i» fe* treasury nu« ofeerwm* Apjwopriutec; kw uunw ft IB* ■ uu-latt-toner ft «H&tt-tetoU —I bw clerks. Iwrtvs tita.usaad fuur ban4r*d dfttere. Bw fee pwnwl ft (hr— —uitlte. —diug Jutm thirty, nghtom handrett ami sixty wren, and Aw the y—r nefaug J*»»w fetety. «dg* - Wen hundred red muj-uyhl Pur fantwh—g o—res and Aw stauunwry. Ms thoue and iluUars. Par Uir retwkr *rf Lnsu/ Hridg-. Dtetrtrt of ( . dnmfau j L fa* rxpradwd red— tfa* direcfa-:. ft fee to • rvingr jft War. ftlVen tbcMi—ml dollars Hut ( A»I Us tt further c (tec fa >l. That Um Adlow i >ng sums iw and the mmiae w berfej aj7|«rnt rl—s and. out ; ft ar.y money m thw treurery wh utbwrw— approprta- j led. fa. suabte thw toerefery ft tbs luterfaw to puy th* rtjw-iSM iiMwmd by oftsls ladteo -V** to vesutog V—htogtou city t m tfa* |terpfl— ft iMftvttkaUng tr—far* —4 to U»*fr texoru bonsr. to wii fur tbsUtout f Lakw D-»*r—. tan fe. u*atd doi tern tm the toons ft feu I*ppCt Itekn, Bflren UK— and 4' Ur* Pur the irlh— rsufatti'jg to tb* Htate <4 Eansae, Dim thou—iml drtter*. F-v tb* Ctipjewsw >4 tb* Mi-vt—ippl. Ms fe.—nd ,loiter* * . Altai all Uua allowing tfa Fred I**l, Ihr Wr.m ft j Ut* interior or tbs ouxi*s-usr ft ImUud aßnirs to afar tutu treat l— wife any I—itsn in bow arw hereby repaafa-d. snd n-. expres* afaali t enuttur be :nresred to nego-tating a treat v wish say inIUU tr|B* sofa! au aptrevruUijk author! nag »u- L bw first lift, by Uu Hue. : And fete forth— That fee several •teas* ft mouta* to-eskor**re prated bo be rtytft j rd under tb« -UreftMte ft fe* uutuate— ft pubte. Uajdiug* I* trauftrxTed to sad may bv exj-md*d use , der thr direst km ft fee <hfa-f «d«tuerf ft few *Tt*J. : *w sash sfe •rft Um teftmr r*wps b* wsj duvet. I Apprwsd. Marvb 24. I—. CHAP XIV Au Act to rod—burs* tb* Htate* ft lift) 1 sus and ohm f->r M-usvis expended Air tfa* l otted j sut** to rerulUag. •qunufavgand pr Htomuig Mifa | Ns FftVrs u aid In Mipprewstu/ tbr HeheAtoU * J IW It soartwd by fe* Id tea fa aud U*n— ft ■sjiissw tauv.s.4 tfa* Lulled Males ft Ateerfatt Ui < mgn-ws w. rutft l. Thai lmtowiTlsu l r she* ttm passage -4 feu art (he PrvsrtMtt shad umsHDt three -Uteniiuro. by sand villi ib* advww ai.J cos*- ..t ft the -fa nut*, rfa. ar. M rteftroto ft tbr Mule ft liftmen. »bw* duty ( tl shall tw to —certain ttw an., uni us —oemy* e*pr—fa ad ty th* Htefa of Ittimna to rmrufttug- —juippsag. , mhassttog. tnumj-rtln.- snd paklag such MtMc *osc»* —Usd tol • *rrv». l* —al Mate atttr fee Bret day ft January. rlghfaw. bandved —4 rnTTyTOm, to art to ruocwrt wife Ufa Cartts.! toau> fora— m fee sup presstok af rebwUum «g Inst Uw l idled btetee —i. 1 And fa* It fuftto-r .astod. That fee oo— mu •l mure so appointed shall |>«* red i to rwguu tsxu lu b* inxmled by O # Hr* rvtsry ft War ai one* j fa> exsmUm ail Um Umbs of ripftitufa an* fa by —>.l suK fur the purpms* Uwreia ua—-d. only (-H dfafaartometite tusd* and a—u —n— and fay few HXafa t n apron—B. S4bslstu%, ire—wpurctus. ‘ and pajUig *uch Irwy* »*n —tied tutu wn re bv fee frmtn—r. at fee I ft fee rmiled Hum— fe port—t ci—and*r ■—uialin fee fadnrt to which Indian* mat at the U>.m haw lews turl—ted or M nin si liter* "-f whfa-h Uta> bare tog *—|4ayvd or orel in supprmdtig rvttrHfav. Jr. te— —ate. And »•> «r,w«i.v Shull be tn—ke saw wef Hrnjs which 4td sH (•erlunm uiusl military sere fa* to fail nm-rfl awd •■*• upMtfaiu with fee retli->nuwa o. the Cult—l —ufaa a—l •ufajert L> their orders. Hk* i And bw ft tmrfe.-r rt.n :ed. That to txxak.ny up —id steiH—L tor the <MUV—)i o. r ft fe* Kvooßtnr .tadfa-ers of the fnnmnl. fe* ror.nji— ahsfl •tsfa- »etunteeli lh* am mat* rxpssft.-d. reap—prely. Aw rarrtUug. r.pu|>P*ug. arming. *abms(:ng irsj.-j- n ing and joying «o*d troop* h» 4 And fa* tt fttither -martft. That. t. b« Dl jUwtMMnd ft arrunntu outer hast, th* ex.m—toWfanr era shall aft sltow tor any *xpcmtttore ur o mj—i ti o fur srrvMir at • rate gr-wfar than •as al fe* Urns sothuru dby fer Uus ft tbs I'alteJ saat.* and the mialilMis prr—vfewd By few Hre-rrtory af War tn ain. to 4 \al W> ii furlksr durisl, TUt is mu s* sn! oomnuaatuuere shall Buv* uuule «l said srcokirf and asrertauwd the bnlu—e. br mu cLrertnd. thwy sh-i maks written report ttervot aliosujg the LOrrett luons ft nt TUilimr- as berembaf re atsfa and Di the MT»U/) ft fee lysSMirj. »k> Shad eswo the aaup fa' be » cammed by fe# prop— umanting eftkoere ft fee trwasury. *ryd —<td a—r»n shaCT andtt fee anfal at ■ e uuts sa in or Itt—ry enm—. and ts fn—i wnfal report n •haU *rp*nr feat may an— remain* da* to um ssl! Htsfa. U* shsil draw B(* warrukt fcrr the am—*. pwy**,k L> fe. g..varaew us —*d Btefa. and drttrer tt to tUai hr. 6 Aud b* It forth— enacted. Th— the do—— *• re.—ilSV sppemarted us afora—id shall, bwtere .•ding to th# dmc-hurg* of tßrtr dutieu. fa* swum that tb*v wiU rorsfully cisaus* th* aoouoßte uxlattag be tv.«n Uw l utted Htete# a—l the Htate wf Idl—s. attl feat tbrr will, te fee b— ft «Be»r sbttMy not* • Just, iron, sml uapartlal statement feftvft. a* rv«|okrwd fay this ScL They ahull rewriv* —ck (vi— pi— —roa bw thnr acrvfavr* •* —oy Br drtrrwsiusd tor Um •—4—7 ft the Treasury, nut exoredicg ten dftlurs per day fur sm T A*(fa* tt Amrtber eoarhxl. Thai tb* pem u—s ft this art shall stf.y to every rewjiec t in fe* Mate of Uhlu. and th* aaui* jnresmurs sDail b* bad An Mta-vrtalntug th* a idPi do* to* —ft He—* ft Ohio. *a are berrsn prvvid-aPAw aacarteluuig fe* a——at dim Mas* . t* and tor fe* pay—*to ft ato h a——nt. whan ao'erhuued under fe* bouutfaow a—l r—truVus ft ibis art, a Mh—l on— U BuruLy arojvnfad Hta. A Attl Bs it Asrfewr anted*d. lust a sa—. wnt •um U borrhg apprnprt—*d te carry tbit art —to • to-t Aii-rreft. March ». I*4T. i HU’ XV —Au Art fa> pruoi lu tbr Aaxorftud Attautfa* o*l ;• Tvdeuruph tv>—puny, ft N*o Yvt fe* Eight I’s Way sad I‘nvfaeg* fa. Uy. Und. and nporate a Hufamanas Tafaftfeph Oafate nn tbr Atlantic CW—wt ft tb* l uited Mate*, and *a— t>hsb TYWgiUf'Bfa Oa— ton ns—Uus brtarwasi fee t utted mates and Europe, vte Um U*nau ts* and Anar— I*l sa * Bo tt marked bv fee hosb aad Huns* ft Ueprwa— Uit*w# ft tbr t'nlted MkuAcw ft Xtuan.'% to i vsngrr— as—mfaiwd. That fee A—to— Atlantic Onto. T*L - jrrapb xftmpnuy ft Nww Turk, b* mud arw Bwrtdvy vert ed wife tbe right, power, and —reflag*. Bs-uug —- as—rvd tb* (mow—wry (an-? tberefar. to to ■ Lft and operate their cable or oaßt oa Um Altosskfa ouoft. #»- cep* fee itawwt ft Pturtdu. wilton th* jnfterttekfato ft fee Catted '!*»**. aad th* right, power, and urtvtfa—* tu toy. tend, and operate fe—r —lda or mfak— shall be rested to ih* sokd lawtvm AlUatfa- t able Tftrgvwpfc (~.»usp—v for fee parted ft ternsdy year* Ira— fee ap proval— fete aft: fiwrfed. Thai fee wwd on—pony •baa rc—snoe active ups rati uws within fee spare ft tw* v—re town fee —gwoml ft fete aft A«r. 1 Aud fa* U further ranted. Thai IB* Aauvt «ntt Atlanta * ahh T.tegraj 'i iVospsuy. Bu»4*« Ac <|uirad (Aa re—ary land Arfrfar. shall ba» > the rtgfal, power and privilege to Uy land and nprrmSi tfawse oakte a* —fates within any the hast* re waters, tufa-te. faiwxuL a—l nttes <>u tb* Alt—lk- on—l. wmcept th* eousi of PVwhkn. sdfertog tte Ute— prar—oul and mu wap—I k tending and I* cximdrurt wr *re»k aB IBs u-iwoswry ixtures to uoc-.uophsk tbr ohpert ft fete art. Ms*' 2. And be It fterthe* eon Wed. Th— thr gw—- —ml ft the L ulted Ht—ww ah—l atl U— Buva fee prvfrcvto-e fe (is one. Upon terns* that a—y Be Wtf**<e4 upon between Us* Putt ms drrlksinl and few sail xsT*/ And he M further ewmtel. TW Oangre— uteaJl ksrr th. purer to utt—. a—ral. or rejwui this si Appeared. March ». IA4T. fOAl*. XU Au Art fa> ettufatlsh s l\ut ft Drtlicr, at iVdn, IV .may Iciutsc Re l|atm ted l/y U»- S. as4e and Ibe—e ft (topsesna WKH ft Ib* ('attxcd Htate* Os Aunren to l\ mg rows —reuufafad. Th— (Treater. »u Um diftinrt of Phs -D Iphia. tdtall bra port ft delirery. ands on»r<v sh U be apfsHnUd. who ahull —<W - —LI mmi mi .b Uvery and tevrlve s —Urj ft Ave bun te and dolUra jvs annas— Appn*'»d. Mart* TU. U—7 (HAP. XVIL -hn Art to lucre*— tb* Ifew ih the ■ PuteniOdtoe. Ns He—rled by th* tealr and U<«« ft ■ea—lva ft fee I*mud (Notes ft Anrertea in O——new ■ —sasbbtal. rhsitbarw—to—toncr ft pwt*ntw i* aotfa.*- •awd ffa— fame to U—• apr—at. in Use a—oner already provided toe by tow. assvh aidifa—l k—stef wf prtuefe— eumtssn. hr— aaatato— rxaawss—. tad aw*- c— saatotoal n—4n rre. —ay he regwsrra lran* m— Mw curvvasl butturns ft tha (4Bi mMk dswjwui. lYwvided, TW the Whute t—Bshev ft —t«ix tddKlosal n—facer* shall Stt rtrent tour ft wmrh (fate and thw* tbr total asiaoal rag—an ft the patent after* si—ll red exceed Ns bs—l natfi— AHWfared. March ML UML OlUr Will An tot fa» Uta.ei-orufai fee Ltefe ■a tt Steads.! by Mm Mk’feto and Bute— ft tops—* •Ml* ft few CUltad Bdtt ft Ammtm tt O—wn srraii Ad. TB— Atom— H lli niiolf J»— i ■ Barton. Wuatotsuur NaC sansei ?. Naasßa. flt4—ry Pcrbrnn. Jftia Cr-na—. Jcfen T Wimoa. Oodkwve %. Orfe. Date* E AsMry. ■slh.rT E Fain*. CB—l OTtol Burt Van (fare. Aft— p. Drjwga. Prsdirtck E Wiittrttoi Jnufa tt-sfa—. Jut— H&T Mhttby If. CteN—. Wfeii A isocka. Gate E Parry. I E ttwtlh—. IB—itt TBore —. tt—fel MsEre. John P. Broji luin. tenfns Mattwr. ttdary xSarka. I ton kail Frtafar Malta* A. ttoricWgß. iafe TMte ate* fe—’ Sf-ssrs. are ftttU«tad a holy warp—rnkw Itetta Dkwßrtrlft Cu hteshta. By few no—w ft few L—tt Mibb-i-I tan> ■•iwifao.. tor fe* porprtea ft atwcMMC * —mm—w— to IB* • tty wf fssaiag—. suara———Mywjtt few g———• teTfelUftl further stew—wd. Thft the j—w.« . —ncssi in tte* tir— aarfara ft (Baa —I aßftTßa tts tost trust, re ft fee crwpwe-ton. rad sksl B*wu power fe mfa vs surtM in Uwttt —IU. and to add to feawr —mu tow. St (irwd— ana tta— safe ttsta tt «tta C— msfa a. And be titottf isaftid Hat tttt Mp rttfa— afasM be v« power to wwa mad cotetoft sssrh fnp srty as —ay lm s ris-ry fer tt* I— ryttg o— of Um tantaev ntataU. Ttata taU rnrpo race ti wt* pumm ta <.Jtart mnmmf. mmd U' Mtaa MntaUfStakvtaHW taw mmmmn ta C Cad tot U star HOC Ttata «tad ««ta rta.« tatal km ta lir.illta. to tatotar » Utall ■»' tad tata. to tart • Ihu toutofi tohto tatofl htota to rtatatol mrmOfA A Om taW.tatt.tomntoHta.tad w>»—f to* ..dtota.l frota peraosis uA Msttwdsd to IBs bft ft vdk' ~ A Os tre—rer snail nor—* a bond » a—h fmmMy - may te r» putrid, ran I Uou— Br few —Ma-Basp—g ft Uw f—da ft ttoesrpr—an which akny ««—ww i—w to* hwods. and few fee taohlnl tefep ft IBw ttsu— jufad ft hi— Itar. 4 And Bw If forth— ranrtod. TB— Mm prwpsrty ft said orrereOou brtd or cn—pkad By few fer fee os— snd pterps- ft fetor tocorp—u4kra ah—l Ba #« cns|d tew— tux— tubs tattad umtor Mw aafe—tty ft IBs l icit, and mates or ft sary outrtptal —r»o»— within fear Dt—rfat ft rftmmtdn, ttk 7 Aud be It further —srtoi. TB— Cwn-e— --is*’ si any u— ums/far rrpral. ate**, ur aosrad this Apprwvwd. March » Uttl CHAP. XX. -A* Art to kmtk‘o\*r the in-tslnHct ts strlsui Wafahaa—. and tor Ufa r Pur-, - sow. tfa it soon Mi By tte Hr—ite mm 1 M?—*. f tu^ammu Ufa Tew ft the rutted Htate# ft A—ert— IB Crag— s——ltdr il. Tb— fe* stab/ wttrbuw ■ Cto fee dote# ft the Oaptacd. at th* eoangr—afa—si nmahA—. few fate- Wsprr. and wxLksua ft tha * round* anrrrandtog Uw fesMwL b* BrTSOfV^-SpV 1 rTteMri*^ wri—i srenu ft the Uo—e. or enter ft th-wa. and thw as— ft —ey be—ary to SOJ fte— Ihe data ft 4 '•■■•(•—•.* NhSS fe* —d ai tte preweoLhwrai year Be. and fe* ww—w to Brreby.ap **l 1 (lu its—tt — of said wfeto— fair the to—l yr*r icd.utf Joue tfalrtkrtfa. stgbtari* ban tod snd ttx ty eight, tte waiu .f eirv— —hi—nd cfadlare to toreß) ta u taMMta Iwtatotat tad pnv.u ta U» OMdtaJwU™. tototto nltod Cos to* •[- ptatad toy cto. Wtaiiat tatom ta i>» '.LCnc. tota. Uta tata ta Ctrt. CfWtota .-r.s taUl ta. tatata tto. jmillltajtatoto. rtota (tad ta. ta ttoc «o- «tU-. ta ««to tauw •• tota,b. »tata mn k* Beraßy swrWtsfad. and ►* tt# ho—l jmmr rndtem the ttxrtertb June cfehAswti hundred and Mxty •vu*ota totota'ta ttomjctorta ktotoJtaC totjtac. » tota. ta - s-reren. -re* *t >rui a/ ih* lira— *r» to—J —ttoni ft m^s— art a j« uru tor a uxtt4uo& tor the Of— pftfaw and wsfai, lutataTil.'tataC'ta*' l “• **“• »“ Wtatak ttakUC taU Cm wtta Uta tatatata-; %r—s kc. —a etef a— to ex*—sd tw—ry duffer* ur—•> and lh* u*— a. >—ry fas—fry this pr vimm -to Wttart m hereby afpawprtwswd rat - am J money tn fe* tr—wary •- ftterwme -gwo;>nsD^ ua—nd On* L*;r fes Bm—ttb*——• arfrtyra .... tafasll bw wwsd —fa> the cdotisp— Kwasd vu -e —tbs teMgvat fstel ft fee 1 fel bs it further ease tad Th— th* —rr—dr ar—a ft fe* Aanata and of thw Moose ft Ifaur**—ts - uv— are uifei rta fl to stake soch rutow a—4 regoU utswns -they mmj dura n s—rr to pr-wrvs tha n—ns and swxn *Bo LUptfr I fnra ratoresamut and tor tte prftoftfame- fee pnMk peopsrty thereto, and fesS hsvc ,ta—er to -rift —d «tos-n—y pere—r»v isstne rule* tat! ■—:h per* can •* —asugnt ur tore tLc faltatalUta *ta ktaC tata t.rtata .J. ta t'mewee . . i ita to tl fullta tatata. Tkta ta tataj* ■mtavllta Uta *«*»*«• ta)<ta4taa ta4 to ataMcc wo.*, ta tto ItaUV, ta Iktatato. tato to r | ' ■ ictato tto iimtoto ml tto to.T»Uor total to »Unto. totaW 1 Tkta to •«• W ntatata wad taic tart ta> tortor wi-toto Mmh »■ IW- (Btr XTI —JU Cta tataitototoj ta ito or»to»c Crt ta . . total , Ter. ii .rj lie !t«n» -to* k| ito touta etal Bum ta C-t o “ta- ItoTtataUta I'ltata Mta. ta CtoerC.ia < ta«T».. to- taU. .1 Ttot toftokr Uta tamuto M tto tototo Uta tototoC J ta . .total, TrrrttoJ efcto to to total Mtotore ta Uto tatatawl total to etorto tor ito tan. ta tto, tor. tol atatotota ta tto to— •" •» cr» ta twu jean, tol tataß noet. tto • u> ta tol Mr. oe, tor ui toted ta Um toOere. lerMSww fat total tor to. tar, to. eca, .lief www ■•■» I to Mr 1 Cwd to a fnntor tatoned Ttol eta* to. e total tan MtUtatt, »> ettoC >• eddiu .. to tto eStoto are taVtor.! b? tow, eo .mritotf totaC. wto> total to. tot„ •„ SSere m U, Tto .*ce» rtart tatoOtotato ». tatata. rwc deu tod (to tatoemutaw tar—to total total recta,, m A Her. per *mj tore dec. i end to u fertto- totatod. Tkta Uw to we to r, ta Ur Virtaetire letatotl, ikierd ta Uw letotota taer ttato el total iwnewrj ee U> Jeta ■«•■— totoWm total tovtf ewtoto etota tetofuto Ike toet tartatawn M dee Hue ert. total total w-tal.r. ek»T to—rt to U. Uto new trrd toy lew tor Ur towtanw ta Cto I r tan.. MtoiiMy ta CtaorUr Trrrnerr llffotod. Ctrl to, ttfi. (HIP ICU Cos bttrto toUW-wt to I-tart rs Ita. Jtotoi totkw,' end Mtan urytoe Hto le Ito linnet ta i winnlee Hr II totclta by Ue denetr end Hu .ee ta H. frtoe unreeta lb, Ptotata toelta ,J »retake to Itomw eto inbled Tkta Urr. to, ewd u toerreby •Wtotol out ta ur towwry to Ito# Ir-eeerj to t .dtorrwto ej, •r.MMtal to* tor tops-n I, l-rt ta tor totataeto Sj.brre' end blbn l»T*toi Ibwur to tor Leetowl ta r.mut i,ir- 1 uttarutclel Ue rw—ljtau. ta Jjl). tadtotrM toetoW.,l end »Uy-e «. etorMrd toy lh- tort ta tbe lewmeo-J ta I-kreer) totota-o kuednd end taetytaeeeu, to to .qtatol end,, to, Jn...u. u to- ewe-re «el retail ut. - to.w» end and. .Mere , Ijl'e rwl Mini •* let CHCT CXlll in Act etteedtotf b Ue toeto ..I Ireete tbe Proeueone ta eta tort iebne< to C.ri ,i toiwl Oi bp. He U ewwrtod by Ue ItNtoto end Bower ta Bryreero teli'tai ta tbr t ectod (Uto ta CWtaltre to « taertobtod. Tkwc Ue (reel ut. by lew ta tbe eeeaM dt j ta Jolt, wiwblnw Hbbdfed end * tty -two, to ecru fatrta bfato?toltoUiu" dwtartobto e»rkb»«rel e*rc » rt Urtktod to tbr HUto ta H.breed. to Uw tom toebto-r to ts Srt.reeke bbl bre« e rtelr ta tbe Celeb et Ur detr ml «br |.e.ta«. ta teU be. Jtpyritocd- Mercb 1C IHT. CHir HIT —Cb tort to jrortbto te rwlto|Mb< tbr Pttblb. uroubde. end tor uebwr rurv—e . lb it eutoewd kj tbr beweto ewd Uwm ta btf—■ teutae ta Ue I'm tod Metre ta luine to llefei -rt—■ Tkta tbe em ta t«et) toitoeebl dtater. u hereby wemeebtal otata toy eueey to Ibe Ice. Srvrt—eery ta tbe totonor toder tbe ewmebm ta Ue u hMta ito tkyuta eterwtoto. to ptabl Cup toweurmr btatdaee tod imyeoenn* Ur ilt am— —— «mU arcx—4 Um lUpstft. tec 1 And te tt Hotter —K Tb— *h rvpws.v su-t —nfa— ft tte Chpkßtt bniitUD* shall U towJ. attolor tte dirertfa— acd —prrnasun «4 *rc fann-t ft tte lb—Dd extension Apprered lUr.ii M 1447. CH %/P XXTIL -Am Art suppfesnr-i.knry ku au Art cat Ifakd au Art —shfeg A|*|ireprkslL—* I m aondry Civil Lins— th* ttevKwu—— i for tte Twufem Jatre thirty, ttghkatti humtrrd —ft wiitj ctgi.l sa t far cktettPu *L" yimst Match mmenmd. rkgbfare haudrsd and ttxty Na tt wrartad By Mm tenwte rat Mure* ml R» r f*w.w uurea ft few l’sited State* ft A—art—, fe Drags—* H.l-* TB— Mn cionhnt—g pwvrt— ft msrttra fen of —a a— il -T*—‘ fe tha fails Bara— shall mm te tekl sc prevent tfe uwerasary fr—Mra. hrnnv4re- An*, in Um Trewwary Ifafurt——tt —J fer ttwi Itetvft. hy ihwst own urepfarewre h— Ure nn—a— ft )• reoos e—pteyeJ fe —ls sores— shat , —tt te »« *—■' ‘ Approvtft. July ID U4l i H AP. XXTIIL -An Aft Bw tte Bftkft ft rertaia Aft dim and HaUare therein I sigualv I Batt noru.l te ttm Eramfe and Ron— ft Nsfrft n taUwaft fe* rnhn* NUfe. ft kmmmtmn aratuSksd. Thai noaoMmr or a-«r ahuA Batete* ur kdl te bs a i>—arhor ft— Ur ar—y or ravy wßu EIU fwih aareavl —afeng to Bfe raßs«—wett raffl U* a«—- favnu ft April, ftgbirew kmmArod and mintr*?.** wb\ wttte—* props* authority *r fenva Br— •‘‘•“ft; dal mu Bfe erasun and rr re—**' te asrvw ate —id data bnt soUite fa rsiu i nulstnr and shall opri— —a •—e— ta eny tarftabur tomrrrd by enj ewd «* dbrtw enlb.r ta toe fey. bewtoy. y—ec.w. er elbrr to hwtow. btak Uto eel etoH to eewtarwed etayui bun ,ta ta ewy dttotolty ewtat eetoeer er wtotol ton. Itowmd by tbe tab ta toe tarn■!» to m Harare ft Ww Js—rttwsi AjUSrwd. Inly N. Ml CHAP. TXIX- Ai Art te swt.blfeti .vise P—» N—da. »• it ranh. .1 Ly the hviate in i ll ft ttpreara tefav. -oi tte I re.i.'tt stsfa-a ft Atuirt— Oufagre— aaaranhtrwt. TB— tte f Braing ba es— bNoted *s f<H MAINE Freon E—-Mini, via ImmUoßport. fa» Cup# NrehtfaA PTOon Itfalteterd te tero Pool Apiirrorat. July tt. M4t. rmun * A«imi cw m Btt( Adrr VJT Bold having sppM te bs g—nlra ft Ur a lira an aud property of D«rw '• Nsrg» *n>! fesma U Marpi. —lours os—rr A tute * y—re -4 age. to— dsnta ft aafat <—4y.-- IBkafe—w—w wNp—on m—f read—Bw and appear Ifewgalwbmtfifei—rtslOsßttiy.lsWßMtt Ur Bret ttrafey fe Maroh nrxi and *Buw uattsw. If any they era why a—d J—— 0- Aisrt li NiMi not te Hi—*ret wife Um K iii Nausttii ft feu tttre—a and in—srty ft Id r* O Itesge and F—a th l—rge Zkram —9 ftNrtrai ttttfek feks tt du» ft Ffere ary. Utt. E C. EKA Y hJMfa * fattUdSc \ AM tttf p-fmtk men iiMnuii •«« I • 1,000,000 IM WATCHEM! rom auA.os tut rorvLxs OISTB PRICE PLAN amid mil nnoi > Handsome and Reliable Watch! For ih« Low Price of Ten Dollar*' WITHaUT ETO4RD TO VALUE, And mot to be Paid for ai>toM pprfertlj ulbimrimrj. •06 *44 ft M lc«« WeCrbe* fJ* to |KOT> Mo < Onta Vaftd m JOB to ten lOLsftri WaScfte*. SaataWtod in-t- ft* WO Md Uuila« Chnaubrtef «r*ui-aa I* W .«* to* to M MooUlnia|lM|ki «nv« t»w* tew flft QsM R«0»k imeteron Wurbw u. 21m WO Mb war Smiting Lmn ft* to i>. W W«*f Budiu l>apkse« 7'. to Ate ■KMJLMm'ViMm ... mv. 2ft* MV HftMlsiMiW ft!r«r WabiiM Sot*. l<* M lutnrilm VlSrhM lltr. SO Ml 4na»rt*d VMcL**, ofl ktteto . 14 to 7ft •O' fcmy p*Mtn aUutx • Watri* by U»* *'-Ar.go mm. t. t»<oting bat |t* vbb M stay —* ft *# W» ; ■>a»tity Onra «• wmh U* ttam Ratety dtepoo* ai tft aftoxe tong aiftcant H*-k irriSraft*. —l Um *nb tea. ary P*r < tc mM CTTaaop—. ud or**} artKl Mlti faulted ft* Ite srtbte uani »n, tWir *wr- Uft. %x* spaa papist ai T«e fMAar>. «Mber it U * fUrb wrnl'Miraa* e**r«ft ftaa TV return t any ui oar i«nftma eatittoa yue ft* U*- *rto.e named nj* 4 * J«yw»t *- . t it* »urAh. 1 Hint., M VtU *| 900 be teen Utat lbt« ,l *• UHleryr, bal • terelg lit forward legist aiatc trmasartl«a, or ft te ft nany V par- Iklpaled la *?#a by tftc wst fa*(Mla«*. ft stogie oertiftat# will W amt by mail, j-at paid tsfxm recetp* at Jft renUy dam I f fI. VtM ter |2. ■hmy UkAf aad eftaraot i#*at«om t r »> MxtT mi and aanma eaioahl* i«r*m«om toy fIA. ««»*- baadr—! *bd a«*aatpfrt Waft ft ♦* CM I» ViKbU, or iftm abb i»g aenvtoymaeV. t b*» 1* a rsrt «yp..rtUii'> It u a ftyUnuft*? .oiJalal h—lam. luJy ulbrtiMi by tfta tKitanwa.l, sod va b* to* a. at «Mul anil* •y rwr r»' WhilIWT BtU> ft <tX. laapurtmo. Ml Bruedw*;. lira Tort. •rpM «f important SHIPPERS OF COTTOI, 4c,, A T L A N T A to BALTIMORE. Tin CHCRLKSTON, S. C. TB* HPLITOID **•*»» *TE*jnnPH. FALOOS. ..La SLED, Oocmundw. SEA BULL,. I P. DUTTOS, Oarominte. Os Ur—r rmiTrine cm p—-Tty, making mwrmgc thfn of *k! (,> CO Umum, Ware Climrirvlcn IKK, » Wr, k lot lVklUßK<t'. SB-1 (At ■>l»Ti-x Im iliiii- f T lhr>»iL'b freight* lo u>l lr»that [**t AM«r~ CQURTENAY & TRESHOLM. Shi/,),inff au,l f'nmmitxion Hrr.huut», l i.tun irfuirvtM, t'hurfr»fon , .S’. C. On, ■O&DECAI A CO.. Agtuti, ItaLTiu .KS. Mo. M, M S*Ol MEW KRKII,HT itOt'TE. is i: w o it i. i: a .-s h TO ATLANTA. Via Graiii! Junction & Chatunooga. Alala n. AIL*. fti ouiuE imr iXbrnjtwrn mutuii, cgm lIMJIIA OH n»kWAjLDnit. •pill' f«A*«uu tea rate ksa tea jrra.l b. Uft.of I rMmct ialy ft UK. I«7 laa IW pra Mft j to It 1» std - t *» ftft - - I AS 41 ft ~ - It» ■ffcKaftrb Kll.* •*/ Uuliaft w.'l W «it*h >t ( .nnta ol • l;naain. and a*! cimmo »>*r tm. UMMy* a*4 as** .ftaryei atU to prtMnpU? mttbd *t putot et .ft-b««ry. . TartCft. abovtiKr riawn Voftftm. We., stay <*« bbUUttrd at Mtom W ft ft R. U joint il rrtx ijca-af RT.w i v » J. ft.P. COATS BEST SIX-OO&D WHIT* AITD BUCK T H R K A. I) , baortel i ia* K 6 am*. Bright Colors in. Boxes, With th«*»r ar«'l!-iii*>wii Trft.i* M.wL N E\V ASS« JRT^IF.NTS, ftad ft.oi ftirty ft* City Hh*.Va M lV4r la evb t i .< r> X‘V E DOCIENiS. 4*or>rtesl at t«V.|K.Ma»A. U B *• T SIX-CORD CROCHET COTTON, Da ll|m.u aad Am llaaft*. rc)R ftftTJi ITT Tiff rat it-rs om y JOHN & HUGH AUCHINCLOoS, M, la »*w Ink hi i. A p. com. or PAISLET, SOOTLAMD. W*h«» NEW YORK MACHINERY DEPOT. U. A C. 1* I.AI K, m Puul Mml *.» »•>* M—fcihrin —1 Lmhr, la i'., .Wa. H|Knm u* CIKCtLAK SAW Mil* l*H MTftriUNftJT AMD POBTABLE Steam Ksfiae* nut Wm«lworth's Vlmm, mwd all othrr Wood working Mach lank 1 ijUftOh IWn. Unite. Laoiftor a»d Rabbrr Batting. IteMut ao*t «Oftar OnMpoaMAoai Ha ala, atth all arUrbm naodlW In Machte* a Mail toad Magolr maga. WAV A CUT IMPROVED SCROLL SAW. WMft troo Dim Mlftoi. Ofti oMbar yaloaftla ha a DKTK-a nJABEAtM ftJTrVFSftCll<>M SBEAfcM. rvmcnm and hwum Railway Mapplftaa ommaiimß* | mow-* GBAMUBI VtabOL NASHVILLE NASHYILLE aHoStS-WESTTI HAILWAYh, From Atteftta to tt. L«walft m outer drrtr toaa. nt WamgMb. yra.Alutotoa.LedA EoßMAntoiteafa Pt ob Vitearta ft] ML Uotoc 1U toto aftoMpr fftaa r\m la tft* acaftto rnou AiUnlt ft* At T*oote. muSwilaar tftaai ate latotoffa*. TWO DAILY TRAINS l—a*h CUiatA. oubai eba* c mainßia at CbiOur •or - BbftkYilU. Pfttawh. Oam. Ghmca St Loom, Aad all la-pxrtaat P >uaU MavLft ft<at •‘««teU. Jsthtot, Voaa . N.. H ata, JifkAta.SiM Vbft.b., v .i. N Ortoaw. M oft lie. Aad tel <4twr yumta OHR and looift Vai rftr«»u.-li TVAtea. *» M itojbliA to amd ’*-• ‘*rto« M . f<Ad efttear bj MAIL « UVTuk 7, . rr «a Moaffti rtwv a *i* jn>:ft«r ft' Mammßfti. ami m> <teteg at Cftanaai-oa sty uua rooaa. fdai boar* and iaoat| »‘Mto detey ts you bawe MOW est Hrnifto A « Wlata Itetlrwad. AS teaeftrite Train* of tfta Maaft«Nto 4 •od SmOw dte * ft**rtft tabm lUUw.>. ARRIVE CTOS I*44*ART FROM THE ftAMS IREPt/T. OSI .Y “TWtT ai ANI *KH BOwaJ jMttaAH*nira M*d 01 Lmtoa. na lw t%a . EEWJft* CARA OR AiJ. IW> Tlftlßt Ample 'lime Given for Meals Hftuiigr ( kcck«*il Thrtush. * ***eftl*n alaaya »•* Tftwalate. TtawaaS M-o* j by Purchasing Through Ticket*. te. •«**• »o -;t fbr TVftwta Yta MaaftettV 4 Sorto Wrotewa Railway niliul uH nujuld liraateel e.U. dteftel.U ami oftcj Water .enftage tmn MR La.*. New URuin *aj V-*ite Mwl -Uff testate ft. Kte4maa. ato ftvae ISrkjwaa t.. Atteota, aU.aMd MauSq -oeewy. tV.'u fn*n* >R Lnblo VUaAta f R p*r touftto » n in-l kam Aa l lately tew rateq all <<b»t ruafta Wbl Y IftteEH. - J. D. MAMKY ter,, r eod caft'l Ont*X tten l IV4at i^L M t.ILIET. tkal >.■l7 tei UOLBKAK COMMERCIAL COLLECL rrtptai ormteafttfy. Day and lamer of leap a Bed torn aeon SSreeSs, la lb* Wyant mmi Mpurl tea Inm Eatidimu SEW OMLJUII& Foandft in I<W. c'hnrtarrd bj lb« I rgioln tar** of LoaxAAnjt, ntb I7.uuu**ri ud. Agn c Unnd. Mn Luural soul Literary Iftpart* sirtß TT-ta 4 - -dega baa. by tto eto monte aad U».*e«m«rft pn.W pUu <4 toetew, outitwod aii tfta Klowoßy end *T<I Mate ' .dte** (jf tftte lad tba Hootbaeatei i» Rte* Il to tfto «Uea» rail arm I Cottage la ft* l’i.,Ut) MteAe*. ftkrry atudeut aft*> ftwaa aiiaatftia to tfta la •tro<~it<w> II •{ttte.Aoel bftaa gradaaltag ft* boop any •ten alftead tb* t-.mmac aal Otmcfte ir (to Lftnrr'S iftr enruttaral Ceum,or ft* PRaam Rig. ArtthaiU or te-d k«••***«. or tfta Engliaft. Fraaiab. Hpaftftab. Oar- UUU-. Wlreoft f IBgloa Tetegraftoo* Ite o, r»|4.’ peumaaetoi*. Roost-• aia|dag. or tfta blgftte Mnlft ea-aft»ae, ate- . a*t*r»iaiy We Kara ampi- arraag' maata for Oea Tbaaaainl VekiU dunag tfta . amate year * tt - Mt-rdtuiu. rtoateta. Lawyer*, blramb * -iaeaae. Du. «l*n. est. . *-%n bera team to ofooi. kaap> aaj rjj i toexr rcarea tly to a tow Raya. LLftcms ud Amuibuui this txdjtftoM. tten ar» agartoi Pn. Si ■ in aad AporteuaeuTtlnr^ ark ttrao-h. end aU (lung* are tuftbt sad ymrSlrad ae In ML Penaiaaablp to teagftS aa a ftnar*, pmd uol by « uattttoni hau te os a«ly ton. «« haw oat *4 th> m ot dnunruivd yaaaaa ttrtag. as Pmftwi»r ft! tjwr vlraduatea are eiogftt by baatoi— waa. and a**> U fcaitel. aa lift! *to ala. ttuoSt baryaw ami .V U in * U tf* partite at tfta Rmafta and Boßa* Real.* ■M Utie ruy and aoer tfta MiioHl Tbey rotate. ftiuM* |IDW a* |JuR par i—a TWte itewart w; • tto beat t art one rareuu can gftra ttetr Mb* IUI Tba Dtptoaka of tftto i VSloga t* » eea toe r.-tumerdal wwil ftlh T wing tbnVato wft-> bnaa enUndy te gfteafted tftear at idle*, roe ftrra ba qnalilU.l ftr btedftrwa Uj • •ftnrt Uiue Oft. TUteCoUega will geoftto 7**ang to pan ainutor ln«J.tuO*a*a in aii tetortbern Otto*. Matt chase tor, Tift, triwad * dten and aoes ot Her gytnee anil ttaae ..towel dedeoSSuu mail* ft. R- Tbuea wb«» wna tor Ria4 Xrrfmt% ey Itearto era atottdd flaw fell partftretorm. Tbaaa wto» mom j"«t» aiodrnta ibad pat Iter naoaay la tfta team 4 UteT aarcbanl «r tfta PreatetonL Tba Nr*etb eaai aow • locate prateicely or ba Rteeiai tba lutoog »ml -d tto. Mortis! . Ctnoelan aad « etatoguea aaai to ail wbo fter* ttoow *n.l (After fxU faailbea aS Mo to $M pee UHatft lie a Itb^—Pur ar«ta yeaaa JUw Qrttoai Itoa beau aa ftoalUy aa Maw Y~eb « PRitodiMbl* Callage »»•»#. Ewa la. •. T * raa—Payable la advaare. INK ntiesbn liaami aat mull 1 1 ............ f to Uu tod tMp«|-duetto and angle aetry. adc.. a pwrlort - oerae SO ft* Antftmettr—frbitong aU rema mcml cakefea- Ooaa .... SO a la»toArsa oa Claim irrtel Law MO 00 totanb boabs. SO Ui r ti -j *~r T in-fy tin Lttpftima. ter 111 aft U Amwaft ftt ow Aog .est rvwarft. apaeiab. Oirman. Latin. (»r«ek - toii item, oosmatoad, TaocftaTe Cuare mi Kpaenwbly. aaaß..*. fte* tte A Uto TVbeS m an tfta tea, rtmiote te*» ** »■* any Laognage. tor Dm wing par tooatft. «mrft ... —— to m Higher MaSbcnmftca frta deynli on tba a* tent o 4 < omroa. KaKftiunaaur .... to* m* ft. IL -4 teadoat Uawtag paftl fur a Oueraa ft. any branch aa aftuwe. la retetUrd toa ldto TtebaS to tot l*r arw m.atLly gredoaSSngciaaaae. Mn.irni« can bagus at say ttam. r acu ltyj MUrVS LOUHUJk PTfilaart, Liafte oa fbisSaaa* ('aftana, Raul bnalag. aft*. lil'FT. * L PUUULAM. Visa PteNlmS* Laoiarwr on tuaMnarctoJ Itoaraam. Raablteg. Ptirbssgaa. Buu4 bfwiaag. and Deteia aS Agm-eftufel tepartowt. Maababiasl IRnertaianl. eto . etll begin in Ortottor aeiL Qn—mssilal Doymrl ei.nt. P A Kog.. Uterw aa fWinuiwwi Law. aav Matbematftailb poru&eat OBDEOKE BfUCUTT. hteoa atnl Unttew cm Cbteetotnei and iUfbcr Xatftsmalfta. Badtovift Dsgsrfßt I. E OKWTTTB aad S. W KnuttiSß Ptx.fia loga aad Laatoraa oa Ma*4 a jao»atn:fag. prafttaur aad Uimr aa Rgflpfc Idmßasb, Prea. 4 l*ev*rtw^ul—J T. CTWTfßßtiff, Fftitoas r lVporttneai ba Ivnmaaafttp fc E. Prx faoonr aad Leaterer ua Heasasas aad Orwn-MBTa* ttsesiaft MAJK7XL llklMk Pwßoas '►rtuu Defai-tuiaal -Shaft. A. W. BOFPW Ptitebq m* Lto and 'lraaA Tl | Irf ■ ! -M. nURZRO, Row. A I MOPPt. Pr iftaarwa. NteHto nU itumdad tor tftto Udtoge tetoeid bring tftto iftrrelar «r apaxtai JmiiOok legto dftwu AURORA OIL !I Tliui Ui H*tt*crxu FOR SAI j K TIIiWKI.I, * M Ola I* | I>A \ », l -ftef w btteinH and MtSrbaß ate [ la4m f..Mni..eadlog Rto Sft* pablii. tea abtato brat |ft*r *|ed <4 tu aaeoaa. and ft ceiisag ;**ae mi I trutiou •* make tft* bdtowteg lei Ita tnalnlHy to band, by aigSaaiwi. a tig rjf Iniutng tt. to tel It gif* * totirr of bgbi tftan pgudanal by utftat oilte VI It • TdNS to* odor a tote l>n»b(. «sii U eeuivaa ao ad or gram. osacooßMhly edi ate ■hl tft* kiuat CdbHr. Mft Tb* haape laaa aero oRm bandog ikau ■ ■tor •-■tte. kill ll will bare 1-afN and gtoe s Rtgar iwaaa M. IMMMJWIII St UI.. ft..w at t’ R Hotel. Bote PnnwtoSnra of Um Eigfti Ut tfta Site. .4 Uaorxtte Rtf' County lUghta for Hals*. Wi laolfttoi LaROOHI 4 DAVIIIJJ WHOLESALE CROOIRI Com ml— l on MwnliinU, W Stop BUMS. NAVIftVAH ■—URUI* 4 LktMlE teucß «f Hri tekte aßtopa ae kanAdß A let-end adtoaaae made •wftNMMMares# *4 OPkia Hanoi and After pWla e jzrxr’