The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, March 17, 1868, Image 1

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Jtttxsti fifty ®nr tn. Tkutu u» K wriiumul • .o-POy, #*•*»«■« ** * - “ to . » Mostly Era, Par tMM ••• • * W- UVtUUU •»»***. ■" ■ «TU U» »U»a»Tt.l«u three MWh a | Ttokntta Qtoh M ■ Wntan »i«n rtonefeUAreß. »H 6 *u» *4.** uTgntarr- SU» *Uh MJI L. _ ... ... mm mm mm n :,m- . Mi- itao M -•» O-to - - hußeOrtomh. «. .. toto Mhtt - J iMr 1M» «Ml> ij ri inir-nr U h p-rod lUc Uw* .till— wt» b* Urarrisd rt a —durttox K "STwa •» Wl« a. Mkw .Mt |Vt. lilM ans retd —pairtl. og He gfcolrrtaht 1* ■§—*. . ** wh Udcgr ..» - ter.,.. » d-M »to *«>* »• cdvocXk»„.. .a. is crock to- ro*rfc««.l taw a—*— .tod 4km*. \&X m<Umf . •••. U Istervrt* k" to -e»HI lue.rU>* ~ ~ "** , Ihe* 1 " :£ & ntotaw L. . .._- ■ | ~- TIIK BHA OKFKT ~, i> tuk etb-t rhlmmuy ii.tiuN, mm,. • .ri>««rr» n> rommx. »rrwr,\ ih> ux> mnniiw. man*AT MORSINO MIBCII 17. ISW «I‘K<!l aT, NO'l ICKr*. \ollrr—t«|Rtia, lit., l>K«ab*r <•»<■ lat? Ta Ura Skv kbuLUrc U the. HdfoOgtin U*. «. j and Aortalt tUdnu.l OtofM}? AWtol-r #»> meat on rnnbtctitfkm fa the Wtnctof tbl* (Vm- j |.i,f l,»\r UaO f*Jv Hp W Wis lilr |IW Crttl- Hiti J •»t»»o wilt' b tbl* —noutil bra **4 «*-ra» paid will to l*W- \ fxtrlher mil i» M« mote tara twtt.ilg-Av* |*-r cut. jra«ahh.uO'W Wofr IVtonary Wti. !«•#. - »*>h UV». eighty per wat. will to tin*. aorfH' -i if i»4 paid. k I *t>. kl*»4«b-r* tn arrant w.U •! —* «tUI Ur Tctaum TV R «4 1. MW m <i«™unn V MB 1 li— liM* It I* (mitered that tTTanr j wtH hm titit by *UW. r«nkM ««U wUom t>«aU . rit. if parttoi ie D >w tit >rcUr us tt»* rtuard O t I»tr» tarv K. X M* k, l*rr«Wt. ’ Hi reUry tad TntMitr. • « ■tommtii lb j-abln-aa, Kevra A H rtM. Maoti ■ ,1 at k llwtaiif r. tUci rxl ft, lltM, AUian mJ »’« in. Mill |4rtaf •Tip} the ibarr diit dt<t *a>l MiJ tiitf tr lh« 1 riuMiier .4 Mt>«>n A A*ttfuete Ktilrutd. and tn- I« « 111 A«II T TKTTKHJ TKTTKII SCHATCM NO MORC sWAY.Mr* OI.\TME>T l> *utm.Ul a ffufa-A tnd r>irr mm. U t!U> » til tv b .■« at m<»; »- pnvely ».*«*»*»W . .*u ha Uml <w Iba uaAl totxtor teAut hvtmv't Othwurt" I 1-rM in •dwtmra mjrr*rrT* | *-•»*• lto». »"■ '**“ i > * i *nt*. i «*—«*—• 'SKSRSSS-'I a«at«i‘« AJrmnurr* i . « 4««TNr’> oiinrmf i w . •<*»T*r*t <mrn»A*r » * " oiiissii" i IMrrWdrnl*. By »I c>etato lh iwijw 1 V t.n. tw f|..riti Blxlii Him a lam »1K ! U arttt. Irrr i»f m in~ nij’tj cm1I« -p«rlal h aal tr r •—A at I !»•* mt Ir Doarmi atla.— Vi kii-tuv. Mia., .Vu*{. J, 14&1 I>r. 4*4ut Lull l>ea/ Sir I••« Ua|>| r U* ataU t» ).m that 1 !*•*•' «aad }<str x .laalto x —tn-.o HiUera aiUi grmat kiaaaAt to atyaaU. j ill /rtirral Iteldttty tin I prxton.imai of my ejrabm, pm- 1 • liv«4 by Uta tihaallhy *nJ iMUaoiaUo ibiitatic >J ] ii.. Mt«d«aip|E rtoraruuiHl Virktharg ImmAOmiUy i raa wuff-il it* tta* I* *H j*T»<v.,e who AT* riptoM to | >ibWithy • itaub t u w roam ; TKirnaftUMV.u*' itkoKhU. mu> imy KW. tthu- IW, ArV. May U. IMA. —Ur. ' I -Hm 801 l far*r Mtf Lhit BfViraan I aaa hi Lnultoßß ; , -ir• l.aatUfi drur,a. ta t I |-4 of ym*r fUrati aill't ii>4 iWn* Rttteaa My »4i4a tur, wh*. »aa w.Ui me to the atom, had j 1.1. k-tsl o« Ikr tlttSr*. M>J a>« fnnn.l ' • aKii imi'ix.inl IV. lllai ah . had •* «i la Imd Insdth. tried Ilia • Mil H»’ tiro ttU}.rOTiVl. I»r **h„ had iemn in l>aJ Imailh for aavarat ) i ■• ami hrxrr kUrtbsl laiimuad t wry <■>!** Ii try tw ua* <4 y.rar liiM— m MlndW (he «Vdron Bniera baa given »«i iml |r-|- . tartly in ih.« toll—ml I think I cmM aril a rraal (ttMilUy o 4 y*mr nmvH*l»*n Ikt. fill, aapartatty nf Y<mr • ednm lUUora and MamapattUa. nhtp ma. ita Mem ~hl«. ram- Mk-heU A Bmdy KeapertfnUy. a Ik WAUIKIi Pur mto by I. II tt&A WHWdF». Umcplrt. tan: crdly AUaula. lit Krrai* wf \«»ulb.— A UmlUnrn nhu «i.llbr*vt fur ymri fsan Merrona DahiUty, Premature 1 Wamy, and aM Mm i ffmiauf y«mthfnl taitiTfrettmi. will, " '"t* ‘>l mMlrrtnf hanuntHy. aranffraa to al win- 1 • • «■! it, lhr- remt|d au.l dlrrcibnw lur making Iba »iiu ! fly rruirdy by Mkloh be waa .amt Hnflarrr* aiaktng pedh wy Che alwwvrr'i riyrtnicn can 4o ao by j aMranaMMC. in |erlrf» ■•xmftdenra, l dOUB U. UUUR9I, Ip Xr tllWtr W.. !l« Y..r|, “All t mm lUvr llr-Mtatin* Hair No Ihm-orm ran Oonpin With I Mfutno Htir ftAor >b«Utrrr and Prmtuf ** •Und m Uair Oobr tUMunr and lbaming ~** Keitorei Gray or Faded Hair, tint u * tmanaivo u aioruaTa. •ms ntia raoWium. cwnpa Dimx rr, krai* a.-MR a*:> aid. tauitu PMUto o» TOK MUAr Tkr MW I'rrlMl iUIr Hr.lar.r u-u W.u Hair Otour laatorvr. ** Kx.riulr m-ed. Hair Ontor la toner " "Inmdun Hatr {Vdor Haaturer 1 I j>• ..ft*>ti HVI.I llrad# llalr Color Baalorer l .x.dsu Hair Oulhr liMtorer Imud.m lie* talKrM Hair Ooh»r lUnt.irrr Ixndon Hair l olor Haah.c r IpWna. tv lib HMr <W t->Bl r ' IraMtmt Itogy fVdor Itemnm ’ Wear Hair. tfafr t'nlnr Beah-cr •• • • rllAoaU • acr daftly medwd. pro«lug ila vonderfbl t-.wer ea»e. e the laa. mama ednr aud Vigor U> lit.- riabvt hair ft yntliwty atfa Ma toiling Ml, h. Urn **Up < !<**. ootd total haaliby, mm affc tuaDy viX ftrrltaCW nr fttohfg **f (to a. alp, and aa a hatr ! cuaing ll fta pertoct. iihdjf imrfttmed. vary alaaniy, and d«e • not atatu th* akin a pnutria, nratol hat. bun . *i -c liw An««i ttaan- < tally 11 rent a a hottto. half domm to Idtoem or •‘.to irtor. MWATXB A *»M. nnbka>phM. IktoLkg . Wtotna. MtUm H N. fe. Pill Dr. flUtdvrny'a PI I to.~ ihM» VW ragnlatlng Mw Uvrr. Hkm UKh. Bovmto. total *-wth« l>|giiMaTtoto VW « night K- r abaihitoe HMAtofr and r*iy»*lc mmptotuto, 4 b- • every ‘wanly. I nr. Ua.l«ray 'a PftHa am ouanpovin.tM (sna Tagelahl* . lirtbto. rxnbd with »weed gT>m. and am the heat, ,ul boat amt «n#*at Ptogative. Apertoat. Anti Bth.nia. tml ratoaMM Vexlh-ma ktomrit m m<sCMd amnv (tale .if !»r Had • ay'a H Ila cmtala* m.«ra of iba ael %e pHn i|de i4 ror*. and trlUart qnlMto on the liver M .»*>». ftkmnarh Kidneys, Bladder. Mtond. to Ibau w to I at him ordinary mtaapvnt pupto* «r oatAtrp. > *"- Idn BMI-f* lid Mt toe pnt otrt— %ato tor Madnnaa Par er a .\m*K HdMw, in**-r"on having M. agttola autil t«m gadM; »ak-na»Wf, $ PW l>P»wlto baa not »< «M, hare him eetef and |d H (or you The mat at litaanfa. taring lh« Katokm « aa grant aa that at atod any «dh.*r total andldto. tad lha very • -w prb-e at atiieb M fta Mkl makes the |>wM t« B« ■m iim • t*pa retail) nail. u«4 a nprM»cipled deabra eIU •Man rs-mm mi etivr metodnaa tm srblrh the petos tr> toigtv, otab a >O4 ittadet un having Madam* Fpr •*r*a. ami b am ««ber. wank «l llnlintvay'i VlHvlndlgtMftm, ‘ldMirk Old Ltd. t * OVapitia**- Threw tn**dl.Hnea *ftH me# the .ondmiod earn .4 atmpata, and dtoaptor* id ihu -t.una.-h And bvar. They ba*« nmttoad ta*«* •nt lantag dynimpAMp to ggtmd to»4 pprwanenl health than all lha other ephepx. ral,- 'gedto nnftlad They have ■Vmhl lha tend at ifty yearn' e spent an e» ftoay towear Umappnttoe, tnvtgurata Uto dmirt m 4 ttvto Ip tanmel omytainU thay are eiinkDy adtoarmna. THE DATEY NEW ERA. - . , r "dftgSKC KBto- ’ BY H.AMUEL BAKD. ATLANTA BOSOTEM DM£"T<‘R JBXt tLUU ABU •ATXBBUU.. II'T noLUfLi. v)»»»*e,n>*.»v. » gumu- —*».*«■.wu... tmmmi iM. I. i~ X- L-~* • tOT. M *«. uk. U. O* Iwr... AuM U BWI —Jk •. Tamsuk ~r» 'f ni LAWktiL. »■■«■ UW4 AUa. V- i ' E , ■ T«*. U.J KM- ~L rt.V Scree*. tart warn AW ana a aul gntv tow*. HliCiOJKhh. Lmaim • totver iW* Vwb*. n» Kti ma. i. ibnwtt. (toil, Onys i*t i a»k n^t# harl. tie* aAm it*A A < W.b uJ CLtlu *.#»■ Mm ir Ha aud flfbUtoiitotHt UKITK VlNllkUllb WHMi*. I ta UiyVi; ]>«lar tta nttota kacuablng bud. gs v HatA lapa. ta *r | igtk l TtV -* And i-M* V and r Maltmml lluiri. \Uaa%S. (Aa. to dm TVftHAC « «»*l»Tta. SMITH A mrmcoxm btoAW. T.dmrt. atoh. an (uaeral itoiiu.ami M r. bnato. lUlsu* IMAt bOjBTk. A liXT. UriHf tomu- Ttorpin-**- tUtag: toh-bwnb- end V toetml beaters in Unm, Med# tnea. Vtoat* •* to. | . rfttmrry at.d Franch and A »u- Wuei* a uUm. Nurx r.aa Mutldftag. OtofteT Wbltrtoail tali Mar.. It* •*» . fta. H^a^Wbaifw'ißtt'ere rWI nahall aad W*to ataedU. i»touts, (la. ft arU.-ultr atX. |uaJ tv Kiting Pse lpttaa,. - * ■ , «f*eap iSSha MILLINKMY, A( . MKto Jta I*. o CUMNoIt. ikto i in lmdtoa tud(»E drrtu ikmßt-fta amt Hal* leu. amt ! errrytinn: }arrtatn ug In Ua* M-iWri Bhii. 1 hail iir-fl nett el*w. J M II 4Er - k . Ual .1- .* I.ltiKMtu l>(> Vklhjth. CUiX A lIILL.B h#il#atoe Ureters n> Vwrtoga and W | aer*u. Ltouwra, ttgnrs. in beaus 4t.. i toafaUea . Stesu*. IftHl taooic. atmokb. am:. I H MHITXa oa. B huftsutU totd ketoftl itaatomtn * tJ • Htaf<i« and raury lay (toel., iltobli g, Itato, B—toa amt Hbara. Whitehall duel SOUTT A PKBMMAB Wh.Wato amt Baton Itoskrra i to btopta and r»nnr »»ry Amtoa. Mata, rapa gnd M*> ’ |Ua. crarr l w-ktrw and W tik.u eta. AtUc.ta «»a « lINVKtTBMKHit *«» HiKRMI. /V W. J \Ck, Wh de-afa Catutv (Whrr. CM* an I ll s Bread Maniltorturer, and is ator u r u*. y tbtauU n ta-rrhtll Btrert ETUTK*. imt AIIK. A* UU tl tiuco.V A nthhx.iU*. Imaftar la TUe War.- tit Hotter VuruAtthliu (nuuU, BhAUIMhH 1 IIATM, t %P» AMI WVH*. JM iBH.IHHKftB. VhWtoi* aud luni Ltoator la * • ft.»r a U U«ud |l*u tlu. Lmlftr* far* - Wh»u htll atre. I •4M)TH AMD ntaMIOM. (‘ heft W LBIC’K, lietthr to at I Mboat. t all W dkiaa. Kip ami Mole Lauib. r. Hh-w Findings, k»., pemhlrea street. 801 l door tot W, Maud#) a But. , IIAHBW ANK, At f|ta MMftl A MTKW Atn at the M*gn *4 liw Lli. *aa 1 and Oame <Vu-k, Wtuiehall ate- i, AUan:*, (to. have an |.at»! t large and well itofted abtk t U ‘Hi* j wA UK vhJ.ti Uiry Witt a. If tom b*r raab t OTTOt V M T«»M*I Ah t €»*. MJCKi ll> 1 s 1> l i Mnyam, > nuea A~e man aad OtwisWi ■ j I « Men l,aide. Un ft J stoito. MKAItaM . idUHHHi. (toumral Uertaimon Mm i rknili tad toUrtv factm. nndar h uu# j u ». Alahnmt tow* (HUS HMI AMI I'UUUI t'K UKAI.KK Hr MaK J. liiwnva AVI Hanker, an i |(ix*.-r. . a (toanbUHi M. wtoirt* and Whuhasata Ibstars J b. Ueurral Mrs haivltae, Atolmme etreat (t 11AHklAM A HI>«:AKH. Wbetomi. (iswars ami J l aa ml eaten Meenbanto. WhMetmll alee.«. Atlanta. n • «u tm am. Jy«. A w. aura bo. JA Mt* K WVIJK*>l- < to—er ml t)on»- ntattoß' ilwx tmii. Oram * BuU.tUm. I'.e. Utoxea Bust FV>Kl>. klKftirroWKM ACM . t tornttßtaaem Man-bantu WbetosttUafed HaUul ImW-c in I‘rx-laea ate! On. I e* nan Ml tab el) ami «n»rKi,i.ivto>r«. bITKADMAM A hIMMuytS. Wl.dmb Otorgn. l*:m | H dona Brokers and (\duwlanMn lira, btjits. Xurrtudg ( UnUdiHg. Marietta etrttei. THE BREEN UNE. I'ahi i umkiii un*: likrrw vkMi •T. LOUIS AND LOUIBVILLC »M» ATIiANTt. N'i > < 'll AN* IK OF C’AUSi umruM Louisville or Hickman and Atlanta. TIME REDUCEO TO 16 HOUIB. KKIHOTfOIS IN HATH., rfHt aiwuxti of KHIPhnM to rallrdto »A. tatton. 1 H*g Lovr Kale* by the «*nran Idne In Atlanta: rram laubnAt Ban Me bon to. idChn ' ft T* ttM AJ Chtott 1W !• Vi canto. ; 1 id lto «th itnaa »l 11! H» lbs ** 111 rwmr. Apple*. Union*. htooM yrldi I W 1 MT > salt. Foment. Masker. bbl 1 h* 1«1 Itof b P.J.A pv hhl. *»‘ I to | ‘'or*. V* bW*i ..AS n j 1 Wheat. Kye. Bait y. pc I hoabei » 41 j 1 hrungh LilU .4 Itodliut artll fte- given tft poluU «>f j ■hlpment. aud all rUliu* for le«m. i>eutag* aud l»vat . bargx will trilled i-Tomitoy a* putut "f daUvery. rsvilft, *hk>«Uu( rWanKexaturn. •!«• . tuay U. ohlalnvd af om . w ft A H It > iOtth B VKI'K. M T . W . A A . B K. ft' 1 (I NEW FREIGHT ROUTE. NEW OXUjBANS -AM>- ATLANTA. f|T4IK ftdhsvtoMr Itto Msk#a baea tossn agreed ou ba i twmm Bra Prbaw ami A Mm. to, tab mg-e«n 4 Pab mar jr K MM; Team . or lli- brns--. |fs AH I tail via Or* ml done thanee til Ball wntomt tu-M No Charge far l»-| transhlpmrut N-x'a'N -i’liAK.'#. UußVtoa. u* *ia-| into Otolaaß ua Mato biliMM M lAlto fTissn.. fiH NOmm I4>,M Clsto IB sd rua iJbNUuu . I to 4thCba« liMtbUue M Thnmeh httta ..f lading ar«l ha (Iran si point* af toiiimiesrt. aud sll rtolms h*r lee. Itomag* ito MW- I'htrv r * «MI la* aetiied M p*d**to at AsMrtry Tint tUottltag <'lt«uio and im, rb . taay be at .dhre I . H B ft mn b. m, M. T W. A A R. It Md U UM ‘ ABU S. 1. JOII.NSO.N. ATTORNIY AT LAW 1188-milllr. I*VM ('***lf. XT’ HJ. *'• P»r»lB v ■»**•—«• or Mtf VV tMalkw—Mßta *k. BU»*l*r»«*-*l. tmA 18. KMIAMMe I'ntuß I*lll ■ <n» ta. B.rtVra «<-uu(e«ta mbibu Alfiilg. OnsMtortm rwu M»r*TNtT5 «. eMee. nonmueHik ntTßLir *nuttOtW*S«lJtoa>l.ta.. MM Mr ttMMO, ta-e * Q», o. u*ii*.iM»eMe*M«m, MHT ATLANTA, (.A., TUBS DAY MUUMNIi, .MARCH 17, I^OH. •T AUTHOUmr. I'l 11 I.U A V l ti K at ns !•’. * I- 1 i«• t ii Cv'i.fe; 181 of rna UNITKI) ST AT I )s, / «i*j af %j nr* Pton. aUff ms **4 (jlf g LtotdfV Bsritogtto. U* Or iAtor* u-id-k, ' aa Vatu. »< Wtolaa JfnrcA i, >. I* M‘ mtfmrato sn IpiMay. to* l*»rtotot dry y Jfm,*. A It IMR, to *M m irtos today. MM tttr f X«y .f /v, M, « laaf, toto aa M* total 6dr4 9m v dtots. aad. sm '-ttaii v* M*e« tatai*/ Kstorday. flto ha-a/.'to • ( eutfby.ratosft ato Btopamsed toa»r-f es /sac i r g t‘ tmT I aaod <n«|>bg dap *4 A«eo kir. end spMgg saW toy ms ito.«seUr, a. A t*C? I *v«i» l-<«»vo*. FnakK-lN rgwix'fit r W»sr preawtont of tba Hraata. jhofv tMto (W|(, *-r *4 (ho tfanea ..f Rey.raa*ntal. * *a ' IB4IM. gaAdb«mm aa Ass stotto-i ~ And to to ' a***ad «a 4<( "iMW •de A<* to neufyeto a .S.ileeJ JfMtoarr aato Awtuto 4eto*<n tor tor Ik*/ *4 Mb eda- y dßttoUra and Mae «' f*r Frtomtorr f rr+* iC I'm*mt to ton.' " ayfrve-l Mac A lanSyas', w*ntorra | knndrrd ami «>d| e*. Ar 0 «noton/ ly to .Mraat. aad /fmmm f n*r*l« | toeeti as- i*re*p.u iiirntou. J Thai hw ltawi third .4 *ba el * . tav..*-porw»- * say lan f<« d*aas*'«d om>nrs ami mt> -4 me idutioi f--rawtt of thr T*nfttefl Mat* *. g;*|*r-red M»r<-h t»* .«v lr*L eigbbwn handrud su<l jliy ml le UtoWleJ Uy j a*raking »*ul lb* n»ndß S>f turabl* r« 4 ftingrea *■ | Asrsnuvau. Marsh IX In? ( MAP If -4a 4cf ateAßMg -r CAe V* yaun ./ (*eae#ai' r esi ly far / -mv to <V* /*• I U. 48 /VaMtory i hrfwnri I kptho Jtoa*to and Urn mm ms M’pn itovto-i . to ( tobto AWra tnre u* urstol. 1 hat lha «Wi <4 lie»e-a#4 a- .Itara bean 4 (ha enui# to birrby. spprvfpnaid. -eit of auy nonrf lu lie tr-ena*try not nibs calm spy*, pr- *u-.i to pay the n. riuaae id ; r* *sul by IW L- U«. ■el ban anitntry. A rvntn «»». Jf arx h 14, inr?. I HAP All -4* 4 4 to cpraf ad-as CWaaa —WUW , j *‘.4 AbJßdaftee ft* /trmndU Urn It*m c' to Wret | ms u-, Strmmfkty ~>t Jam* -V -wafve j I ngkbra kanfrra aad *u /*nr**«. I Jh U mrd W fto IBs tor >«J /#ra*r of /fry r «rttok rb nr* to (A* t mini .9to(«« 4mma u* < vugca* i Thai to. )ofat r. nrCuUon entiled "A reAr4sH.m I . pro ' » dr fxu Lha. ramtranl -d tba are. A ul lb* totauu.., MrutbiiJ " approved is#nary tsuity u.eUi, Hftite f btaedc-l Eltd «E»J a. *r*L te Si* 1 *d»« MUM l« h- I*-:./ | j rapanir.l I irrto«ui, Marsh it, I wCi. \ CHAT. IV —Aa a* to .toto ». ernad **./ 4 go ' g/t> it ngCxl by to .bnifr «wl M»#e */ H'fm »ora/e/rer* I »' Ur ( *<te( JO.sir* W' detrrion -w. < -ur-ji uuaboi, That the Hn-n-ury f War W. si .1 I* l- rehy mtlu'r I toe* l and rwtiml b • lug to rack lit valid soLi.rtale. I« su lumstr id kuv reg- ’ atnrtv esMiluhl ‘ib ldior ■ Home ■ u* the r*jit4 I »ub * oat of the state oh hs>..l In to >|oark* raua*W * AspasMamL Am 1 4*db 0 farfArr ravfrd. That »H<-b r-l-dMr^l shall ba .Wlverad to UiS nmuagsrs t-l aush tan lAlu- j apiai their ri*|a4a»%tantl*rr»f>*r be.' |anted «.th Mul. j orasßenta-e u to Minton and .x«mlti. n a* t « >*c •ary *d War may prm nto Arrm , Ua L AA l« : • band •* f*u« /.eptMta. / *.**. fir .1 nuiNlf to .*Cr*.*/« a*./ |to««r «/ Hr pi •***.' ».**j y Mr r tatrra Nbra .»< t■*-*** .* togr ~ «*nrfto(. That a laokalh -mUnau. *• *4 pt*di by tb* « ftly t->utwU ol ] the est ><4 Bariti .gtan- la t».e raste of l *w*, of dab- of ! P-cukiur truth sun* lutu.iii Mgliiari. buudml aud < mit rail i ntliied "An "rii.-aarv befiot Msrket 1 toionrt to <wnat« ! fW**tic uurpoara, ami pra« .dit>g fur i ktoarto-i -4 e-atoJri iml! rt?CT : Ptawta. aiul Ad olhrv i nrp.*a* ». it rsubv *L up , prrxvrd an.l Mads %ey*i bnd raL i M> Ikr *■ ra-isto* t- I tuU puMi tayusrv.aud I bet said >;<Utn*n*« sbsii ppa ml. to . .wrvei l» sh.- Hariingi*•« aa I Nlsm>nn tlrra ' Baiitoia ( Cxnppl sll ng'M and tobtrryl i ( the l ulUxl I metre in tl»r pmoßn ku'Hnt) a* M**lrt .u the ] ental city Buruugtadi, uj*ei the U-rui« a»u .utadUi-ma . and f»r tlie parpens* Stad as»* llartn Aes'.yttold. nnd ] •titali have the es/ue k-r.*-, -lei toftei and egt* inf the . be »in<iilr title »*i sai l Market K>)uarv and »trert* were owned by said nty at tba da»ao| aa*d orb usu j Marrk ll iva* >ing and ligyans. ad b/* i.'ifoir H> W ~«»* fb W ra.irbd kp Ike Ato> nnd fleaM* *j/ Jbprae-a/.i.r . a/ Eke 4rmlad M MSt »/ Asn*4 m iWyrc* .%mrmU~l 1 Ual before ll.e ft ret day id K.»4. al*f, (tghb.-U hun 4red ami *l*ty ar««a. Lb. onutmandiug w.neeul la eanb i dkeCgo • ii* tn*-d by an tol. ulUlnd "Au aU t*. pruykis tor Uir lu*-re .m- letil mmi»«il «f the rabel Alato* “ : yawed Msrrb Smamd. eugtakenn batolmd ami toxtra i Statars*. shall - ana. a r. gnirau a* to he made •*( the male oi U*«* Called htaUa. la. uty ous years of Slid tipasula real to-tit ta ea.-K canity or parish In Wit •Lata* or stales to el ad ed ta bta fbrvMi which n gtsMm town shall Met uto only tbwe* pfaai wlh» at* aa* UUd |r. TOSS fur del. *ato* by the art ston sail, sp.l who *hhd have taken and awlm-rlbed Bta- toltoainv sth-rti 11 —ii hi «|. .do ta ftemitly awrar (avaflUsuL lu ttm praaaft»■ 4 hlMigbkjr Uud. that 1 an* amUsaa of lh BUto *4 . that I hare r»akle4 lu said gutv Kir —-- luonUi* we*i invaxedifig «him dsr udmw rentd* la Ut# earn ty -f * —* «r the pnrtah <4 —* (u aMd Mala tae the gbs# Juai too lkta l»u. iwunty <>o« reale old. that I Maw lad l>*aa Jtsfrai; h! ed tor parti t|xatl(-n ts *ty rahaflhwi or ftttl war agatotothe l nltod Mbto, tao» far Ivbtoy eammusksd agsmet She • Law* of sax Mm* u* us lh* liaStod Matos, ihat 1 tuus , IM-irf UeeM a w Other of ai.y Mall- k-gt*Uturr, nor ’ hehl any (toktiS nr xfß> • a or OOMs and dweeatoengapnd to OfOresiOl mag rat idtoa sgslosS j Uaa l otted Halos, of *UeO aid or cwtadurl to ih« earn ml. a thervof. that 1 l»*»e uev«c taken ua nath aa a bimter nf (Nuigrena nf the I ’nttral OSakra. nr ns an •fftnew <4 B.e Utotod Mateo ur OB h Mae*uher <4 MU i Minis Irglrbt — or a# an camuUvr or ja-Uuui ohL«r > id at*} Hiu|.\, to snppnrt the (Vn»tl*ulimi the raitobl State* and afterwtartia ra./age-ft >•• tnaurre. won «a r re- ’ Stotwm agstoat the I toted btotoo ar graua ant nr | i ntoß»n |n lha rt—lT- - tw.xe.t. lhal I will fuddi .Uy »<U>ta«f th • ro»atltuU..n h»*4 wy tlse hra «f the tSßßftd Bfali-v att*l wlB to the tew* of toy ability. «m --■ oarag* ottoraeo u- to» auto ip ion UDd. which uotk iwndtrmaUM. may In. udmiutotorxd t y any regiatmug ofhwr HUP 1 And he ft birthra Miaetal. TbU after thr i iitopletbis at the tagtoarnOon tardy pramdad tor So any (Mala, at such lime and placx# ll'raviu aa the com ■< a> rsl a ball ari»4',t aad dlrtft, «f »h» i 'h ui boat thtrtv day** pobhr aourw ataall he gtoso. sn ator tm shall he brU nf datogotoa to a awomotaua tor the porpunr of setnMtohtng a uoaatatntmu aud uUUgtHsni aorut kit such fui* loyal to thsVultot. said oxaveotom in Sto-B turn, ratorari JTW «»***<* yjo* I legtstomra of m u sutaruutWjtoi alfhtoc.!. to he I . mstoostoagf iml. grataeka oaah ragmiiatafmo u. ““ t? may be TV ctoirttioi Ta VTrgOWa ton (tow o ' rtory ra* totatacSng Yugtom to the moat , taitotah of Iks Igtophwars of said ftlate lu the h: ' rftgbtern and sdty u» he apprntamed ns gtoD. A Awl ha M faffthar rum tad. Ibul at said rft<v turn the i MMdTi * vtdrrs of rack Rale shall Vola f *r X.W spalitotlrooveottoO Ltorm s ravotoHort.»n them - « i ntona shall Bora wrtttao or m u « haik üby • fsr a itownoos. sno wm T,,u *l again** »sra a . ■• nraokt— shall Boos onto or patatsd o« aach bai s-sarMCd rsa: return of the given th« rent, ak Hereto prswtOML ' shaM raooM awl Ototo* takoru of kha raftaa gt*so Cap god -g-—» » —...**.me. nod the tmnnuutdiag gaaeral to nV>m iba saw shall hats beam rx itiru and shkQ a»»T tain a* id dealers IBs tt**f rake lu so* Hkkto torood oS that shall be saw «* • craoventbrn shall lv held aa tanlstHkr prodded, hat l> a omyssup af atodvokm *haß h* agatom >ua»o U«SL khata no aoah ooatnbtam -hail toi hula undue in * m l AVeraho. That sack naUtggßhft shti! nd be t^U .miens s B»A>raVty r 4 nB *meh exgißtaOta* vubwa ah«B haws enkad so ‘ho qoskUata .4 baitoogaorhaaovonUMn. am 4 Aad ba m torth*r oa*.kd. Thai the cmn •TT*r'* i -i L |en*ral *4 oh h .listrVt ril‘B snuomt at many btota and ragtahntmn so moy he msy «a. .toting of thaar bn to MtoSi oyawa leotoh* awd ! ■-anßdtoe tha rnotoirntAuu. aapamtood Um atoctaou. and tuake return to htto of toe rotoa tht of ratora. snd <4 ths paraao* atari, .1 u* Sriapstoa by a pkoeaitfy 44 th* rakeaoaat a4 aatd aftH huo; ami apou iwwiitp naM roam ha shah aoam U*r same. s*.*iUUi th* pay- , mhi y etocWl >rtl>T^*^ f , pondtooodkto khaawof t aod if a aaayomy of ‘h* wv* tans an that aoeakhai stWl to- Kw s (vmrMßu, 'to canoyodlKg ■ vrittto rittf day* fraw Ihedwtr roe vaottoo’, s« s ttora aad pWr to hwrsaoiinua.l «n •w ita>#Bia4tot>. ami Mid cuoveuttam. wk->. urguc.Uo.l shall j»r*Kva4 to fraoto ft eoftauaittoo and tavß »,*rara. omot srr.edtou fta tha pOMton ai of this a L aod Bm aaft h* whlaik Mka BHBiMkaMff. ami when itoMV* «hall >.*%« toon ta> IrnUMHI »*.d <cx»*UiutkVi *Ka I s>* raibmftta.l by th. ramrautoto tor radißratom to to* ora oama HjkMwil ha Bar «ha orawhanoaaf thiaoekskao ta^«^ta^ta» < *^i'*ta»«~Xll , y weTITI •ta.nitMl.Miu. taw tawbtali,|M srs i..l»*»i* .«■»*,* ■ n*iitata»Hil » l», 235553385f3555 . ■ei«> C*—tata'< I *.M I ■ la Ita *•*». ««. Wpwa IN* dim-barg* c 4 th*4r dwttae, lake vd aitovO* ■ tto mch ps *m rthml by tta tfft bppo *" * *oW asonag “Bha*ta**red sad a it> lav. MlHtol ‘taklt to-ertfto *2 jato Jf 90** rftad- ', Tuo U say evra-toShaßba akraglp i■> ta taskj td* and aabsrrtw . any est i la this art ir.ernW sneh p> r*ao n* oßetad * ‘ -f *od total* th-reaf Only o stVita *itofl to mkftmt j t - tha lean*, ,-nail.m. ami dmah*l«ta> a Utah Ut to* * ara pr **4*o tor th- 'Outahmeu' rt g. crime of wjf Md ,rrbpt ,-rjary Ba* T AuJ bo IA fartlmr aoaoUt. Th*i all rsgmM** i Ir.-urre4 by (Ba ueraral ncm sa u. v f- raal*. or by ra/iae -f icy raArr* tsaoad. or nko Obtata. by i them, uada/ «4 by virtn* «and ili* *•• >4*. ta ml «*t j efjmmoofh toe to to— rv <b erbr spf»v> ft* t Aad to U fantor nx* u 1 ILst u.* rtxjvsw * Uta Hr ,art« sum shall jwnm Me tto tar*, salary «sd •ma jtnnnra l> to pafd to all to>otar* mn rahra af * f rs ••> . mreut* her. In »atLnru 1 ur u-4m*i to JR} ftp- fl it *to parprenis mi On* ert to 4 tom Ib i- 1 i ■ . w 4 sbta' p* is* lot the btv» , sad i .dto-leat «-f eu-fe ta»#a «o to* la Wrti Hftk S* -uay to a raaaray to pay lha ***** a*- 9 cat be it further aaa laL Ira IV (#1 1 • raftoke ■ fta «ha Wwf, «f the sr( to wtat h Or - . I- . i.u(). *t**r t- u*phueli>mu aiOEta rBPm « (»M#a r-l* e* tbe tome- nf Rejw seuAedven 11 r W Aj<f_ Pmetdsnt nf th* Ksosta h r* Vey^ Is rui 11 x*« (j* lUru/, I #..» Mar k iA Mu 7 Tbx Hr BldlWlt «4 the railed Rftuto* U*v 1 , V mturi.rcft 4.. «i„ H.ta.m -4 fttopv. - . sfaj- j. j rlgftne.nJ. Tft« hui eaUtoAi 'Am *■ i ••ppu wotary L» ** *tu.; IleJ 'Aa S.T fta prxrtVSe to th-* rift totit gor-rt. •n- nl of lh* r- tol Mate* fnon.,l M*n b anraod. stab U«ti hMlrel W 4 aii|-*rx.a, smi to bnliuto rm*> rVkat.’ -Bh Ml* eddeei -ns ttarta*. the ll.etm af l-'BrsMOiftl >eO ptaMWttdrd. ta paraastavg at Lh* M »» t-tlft. L. t oceelrf l u •***.'■. sod toe .esf. ftn sal bk de pam. kvs lierh 4 i tibilsua id B> pram mU<, > imM pMft 1M *s u * AH-*< >nta kPuto. (lark U B f #. la **».(• u» vas i inu» Oxsxa*. | March n. lftT | Tlx Ann having yeveto, 1* pavtaars *4 tb»- ( -mstaotom. to «*-■* nitaQ. r ta* bdl eatotoml Aa act auivh-meutary to ua tat »-uli tod Au »ri •-> prx.vridta f-•' lie »»see e4h*lis i govtrauem <e m» vet-el Wm*. j p*es*»t Mar- h ne»-n*4. rtahtawn Load ..1 uod sigLi. ' sr% i, *»*d to fb-T. .-tab- rr <t.«rafk<-i," rrtariie l l . thr ( H -lira of n*pr. maaaut.* by Out iYmidrot of thr ' t'Lti. vtstra, with h r phyr.-tartsv, *»id fc'nt by the i II «**■• li.-ti I wlaktrwn to Ms* maw.-. With lh* mem ' « »<• «U# 11 • *ui- ut rcuunuitg Um till | kWml. Thai 13* U.IT .1 pns*. tw.l ttor 1* -f Ui .rt.. 4 1 *"* rTron*.. Aecrctary 1 rilAl* ni Au Act to pr .Ur tor a I irirt I ands ( verat « -art <4 to- t inted -tsu-e »T the Itatan. t us MkfU i pofaa ' be ll vos- tod by th* tousle amt itoosm .1 ll»,vxe-s --| Utivr« >.f Ui* I'uite I tttsUa'<4 UMkl ib (Vrgne. i narat-U-.l Tbn< l -e lui. at Knl rseftu *LiR hrmnftar i .*>o*Ciiaie <ue ) dl*U cl. and be ' *ll*>l U. (Leirt l J of Nr».ra*V* aud far ss.-t AlatrVt A dtatnrt Jitge, * j *iur*ii*i. *ud a -betrx. ( Uft>-fhr j us ta (*mmd toel, » ' UaU to- Btassuto-l by th* tree-toot, by ual sill. It. . virten ssd < w-e-nt >4 Che Meant* ' g.v, A Aud be 14 iaitber ratarb4. That the said lu tr . t i's N. tirseka iWI be attarhnd u» an 1 —artfto!* a part at the .vUk/sfMtl Bkoaalt; aod a term at the j ran att rcnirt und di*tnr• react of th* Tutted Mbto I to uuid d»*l* ft • *L*:i to I.«M in th* itiy of u»ubu. ra I v* mate to hrbmek*. ua th* Brut hUmday of Me/. ' (nJ <as Ui' Best lpoftyof Xc»f««t W, « eurti ymg wt X tod a* it Amu** eras* tad, lost the raws* , and diatru t auaru . t th* Cuded a Lake* 1-a do- dram, x jof If*Hrask*. Wl th» infers th -fv-xf rmpertiraty shaft pwnaa* the am posers SSkl /orsedb tom aod parfurru | tki- aae d-itke '*srs*r Jso l togKrued by thr -Ato r ei'-mi und dam« t xonfk* ml /wxlgsn at Bra t'lrtta : Atotoe 54..1 .Lad l*# g •-rued By the oou,- laws sod regalatkio* Mi t - • ■!•■;.-* loorftnrt Ota th ditai I ' v. 1 sxis .be ; r. . «h> m bt* .muftsnsslisn the saua * ihsrar-*en has !dxd d-AUrs s ysnr |«'sbls In k«r scjuul M.vtsUaftsuU. sn th. ftr»i and y* <>f J*u tury. April, July, *aJ (rantra of stab yrsr. Os* 1. And ••* it furttiv-r iwtod Thst iLe nranfi >1 s-.tal it em. I S(t rneV cf Ura Ended Htstee. end rbrl <4 j tto tar. u*l so l diekru-l tuiuU, M |1« sutd dpttkl of ’ }- ! shu-'t srverrit* i«x**c o** j-c »«r* *«>d p-' | •'mu tl.e .lutir* issf illy |.«r>al end prtl-*rhle Iby j sttullsr v'tH- *r* ta cttor <|i»UKW of the I'ullwi KUto. ♦ sud uttalf Pw thr wrrvwn the. may iMf— rametvr , tftw W<« and • -r»prt.*akM>:. atovt 1 by li»- M tatlt i- l j *■ tn art to rvgalst- th* to* snd i<sb t • be alhr* -d clesh*. amvfthsie, and *u-.mrx • at Ura emu it and di» » tab-i c urt» «.f 11.- I i.iw.i Htate*. aixi f a .‘tar pur 'a- 8.-iux-i f'« bruary Ia ruty-atvlh 'Aghterwv. f hundred so.l aft i Ihrtw j au. -u. Aud to. It forth- c »ua le-1, The* e 1 -ss. s 4 , u- a pan'llog lu U»- ft’.ipsvuic CoaM of thr I'uiiwl < autr* upic sev tra-ordfiuiti the *tjj rvmr *4 th. ■ ( taetvaeAu. wi wt. .rh araf hereafter to ' > nm lit-’d fr n> ssftd v-tut ae b-'rtQ u.k»a,d. mi) le k-*rj uu-t I'Ve# lue.l hv t-ir a rpr. m« iVotrt at tto I MU. 4 hi era*, and Use um*. Ist. to hk ahou or us far •thr prareedHig* sltolt L dlfrrtwi by tur isyrm- J O'Mrt.xf ' lilted Ki*t« • b. the rirau.t «r dletn < a mi id il. i nui . (si u.c fMaad Hi tooahh ior !• the supr-tnr -Mm of the th-te of Htdvrs*ka. to I Ui« naivu* at said s*P* B •» Brat ol *rr-r me* rv->jairv. »*-*r «4 the j niMva* .X»***4t4 B.bvnski TVrri»ary a# t# alt a*.eh ' ■ s-r--. »*Ui full p;««r to l>< *T und dft* niui. U. sUIMe. and In **urx) iros* s/lsai yffw* ther-oa And tom u.l ju.tgtt.. lit* sod ib. ri. i (ha iiym** -c art at till- t rrib*ry >4 S. « ia-te. pc.or to Ua S.l iu.s*l o* se « *tsu, th- (mrttrs to wood ywilgmrwis and A«r»*« *t*aß bay* th* aww* ngid Pi yrw- to uppoul* aul vtiUif •wv-.r t. lh- tal-rat • oarte ui!. * bad nml. r Uir limf lh- I'nit-d IBulea prhir t • tb- elalt-Mi to «aJ Mai • 4 M* c.d* into lh-- ra*w (Wr T And lv »t farther enar*M TH»I ardftl a jodpv f*w asst <U*Cru« of Nstouek* she I to duly apfasnU-L il**- datnrt yadge 4 tb* I'hHhl •nsir* g,r th- dbftrt t Os b ars si,ail ftr.*. M lh- distrl i p».|gr--I ' ‘wli. -0-3 »aah E*T III! *\ r. i.- lx U I . pixw-r In th- diatriet torsbv rr. ct t »* h «u* tn th- AMrftd .4 Ut I Arrwv*;., Mur. hU, IVT CHAP VUI -As Art f* -a-.. ,-* WrapOa. Igra. I and *iW I mt,.—■ 1 Be It* nor 1.4 bp the M»a*S «.l ftbsu f lUyrf-rt L totalt«< ( lh> I hl*i.- to Auißgi-ta u* l/oKar-M | mm rn.k r-1 11**1 trim and after th- {nraage of this • a A wrapid*, v-tj- r. mad* at w-*l nr * imstallo. Bvull l— < »«-Hg« tnu* .iiuruii Ui I ire. V A fut tn ll further ftsawd. Thai e*ee> *SUn*- Ia! i-cuAing astasTuMmi sub tuoUL or tuairr. or aaao <S*U-.ii. -ball par a tax <4 ten per <« utara no Ura taaoOntaf n*4.x* *4 any town nap. or manfe-lp-l cer poraUwb J*a*d .ail by U*«m*. after the ft rsl day to May. anno Mmifl fdgMSMi hn-.toraxt and »i*tr•*» **r w» be c Usitad m th- mode aod tuasoer ta which U»- Ui uu tb* notes .4 sta-r bunks u rulbrtol HO® A And Ira H fttriheV enaetoxl That wrapping paper ual* tr •«» nay other ousturul than lhal cft tod to , C.t Srst asetftoo *h*l! bo ak*>> emmpt tax-to irb-roal ] u* Ha. 4 And bo it furtwr ana- ttsl. Tbsl train and ! artsy thr ywiiasgi t 4 tbk* art, ladder* tana- wta-fty to wend shall to eraoipi fra-m Uttonm* tou An-a-'TCI.. Murx-lft Mlb TbifT * ( HA! rx Ah Art (n rtosnon t« the Aekhewto.!gnaent , I to Used* *u th* lktariri to Uiutbu j i th it eoartot by the K-o*t»- ufcd House to R-jw* sen UMMra .4 Ora I’hßed State* to tarns Ol Uougratas , 1 t*sr<*bled, ThalheixaUto sshn -wiiu|gtu«! t* to deed* 1 f>*f the ramreytooe to ngft ■ *4o4* tft th- Dtstrirt #f On I I lima his may to knftao af Ura fmx*r4ss *4 «to*4U tor oft.l | llsrLl of by a *iug*« »u>Uce to Ura j*u» and any | rai.h soft howl i ftgm sat twgteja*- i i ties to the iraara- ra h*r«*n nand- aod BeclsrsA to Ira a ‘ v slid sc-kn-iwtoVaft/nt f mA 4. That rawhlng in this art shall I* bM to Impair Iba title *4 bona hb por> (heaemoto'. bj ii*ra»yicn» and lormal nkoxw -I* I men** tmse. prior to the psosoge *4 Bds ark. soqaieed ; lunraotft Wlo ks4oti‘*fts« laws. ( Arrß»vsi>, Msrvu M, 1*47 » » HAT. X-—As Act soptoaoL ukary sa Art auUU-1 . An hes b* rombktstu* Blake >4 Went Vtrviuu tor Mtm-y* -i}wnd*tal f r lh* Tnit**.! Htoto* m cn.-'Ukog* \ i*|aip|»liut raid PMy‘ L 'K tnilMnry f<Wx»e to aid ftn suj i prvratang iu* HrvraQum.*' appr >«-d Jan- karewtr-evra «I4M W toon-in J and t He .1 -ota t<'* by the ttoouto and HrtOO >4 ltopr-nr«i ! «*«.*• * «xf Ihe t ntto.l males to Ann ri.a th ngreen A* i -sni'M. rhsi the wrae, arr*o«Mm«*.i by the s. t to j s hirt* th>» ia * *ufti4uu*>>l absl! he «lt*b.■.?-*»■! uudrr tae dtrsa mm «4 Ura ftsew-urt •-* War ; Ar»%’' iol Murxk M. Ita: i UAH. KA —Ah Ae* te außgxi** the Fa try »hd Own i (masktoo '•* a I ■< tK<4 L-nig Ltßu-d ia tWwL«n Harhv Aw twHßory Bt/pMou Be it eu*. tad by Urahra*iea»to M« nn# -4 bpimi i '#Uv.» to tha t nil. .1 makes ok Aorartoa m iVmgrsn* a# I ■erabks.l. TAwt the V-vKurr *4 War he snd be ts bswe , by sniburtaad to Into* usanara to that purkbau to ! to mg Island, in iW-Soa trarhr r Msaraurhas. Ika. UvLmg r log h' Jamas Ttonotn. teg tto* por\ w .* mxih. Uurrvtft * lit uni sn*:* other Mcu. sa may b< nnd—l A>r Mil tkhry pbr|s<ene. snd there -hall ba pa*d tor Ui- sum- . t*al *4 e*»y mnueys in *S. uonsary n.4 'Mharwftwe uppr iprvalevl. ll*-- *u.. 1 ftr* >* iraii-l .1-4 tori an agreed upon bM*M> f'.tol An*i n ihe agent ajtat f> ;m.<A.l.ii! to lh- a*-d Jam-* 1. Austin, aud tha agent .*f ‘to ftiM hum* ctaargvd w-tb the iragn ttaMxia tor Ura 1 arshs 1 to sold prvparty IWv -Mtod. Tbst said aiUT.nul shall n •< la. paid tudul :h< tltarary ti tnral .4 the t Btird fttou-* autol U uata-hed Ural tbs Utl* to Mil purAMSB i'l said ftsbunl bsa bexs. hilly trsss f. reed to *Jh> T'stbnl Mate* ffw* tVogi at! .msuiWlu.. ami drat Iftspons wo mug ftb* snemy ra o<o|MbAt to art to U> nreoriera. Aiiwwmi. Itmwh *1 I *•». 'MAH. Ilf -4" Art utotmrlsa tto Benrekar* c 4 Ui* Tft.«Stacy In rah the *M>vmf n |*ftaot B srvdusmaft ou AtkanU- IHrak I'n.ftlya, New YwtK. He M fttalal by the BoOMftr sod tuto rt ReprsOtal- UOhr to ftn Uokkfti »**■••• .4 ll—n a ts tA—gi I iT.Tr- y>ta‘i^Ctara*uTr^!Sr!T AUsnih ItosK. Hruaklrn. Mw« 108, twisw aswbatau nstvbers ftfty Mir. ftftj els trad ftftv right. 000 owned hg Brag- the-*<n to to uradr at pattatc so tain h t e hvtw-et sod M IhUrr ttvndr, ui rend* MO—r. utter gtvmg to Bp* Hom< rtu wwtototo fto—os SI^^SSSSP^^SSSS ta|*>a.<! tofto toftk., euegoftr * pv ■-haataUNfrved itadrank 1 1 Mbs ittodtotopm tees, reurwyftng sk the right. Ulk snd tsterweft at lh« t ’ntta.l Ntsken Anven-i Hurt tft. to x H Aft* <lli la ill b si|ply Itobratw to to* Aftaroostot* me M ««U«r ' to tto .‘-'rake *4 Ora I ntod Kt*t*-a Mr tto iHk-et vw • raOMt hmm thin rah »fbto*in bondnsl hi. t sUi tort, and M uttrar PtilMga !W tl enacted lit tkfTrmb and Mouse td layrrua Isl'vns to lha Hulled Blftlee *4 Alnwtua to 1* —Wto rrs»s jftarKSiwrsr sry mo sfOsaWtsa ft—OOnß. ftoP Ow skgaato h ortto ta ii imasn l inn iti pft(r fnrita*in jgg*s, Bersgu srisrarysllu, -■r XkXtj Sw. Mn fX»ntan«((W «M* N. Ik* i«n» SESfeSS-SSS?^ 1 V < nl/ to tiwtas h(wmt s»4ef tk" mdEttui to OrlrssihraiWf ftw ftgiotba «4 lh* asm ra ptrara to 'to hsaM's ctasmtor, .Lra aura to as* ,~0 to- ra ac*d te- hvodend dvdare M to—*»y apprn-wteh 1 »«to M tot Av (Be aUASsvMKIid »4 'to ejokv Ha S And to It VirrCft-r raairi That *%rth ■ ten *4 an art iblfsJ ra< map tog *P»** W*nf w»« for eud’ydtUMM|Ma4UW pwsftikl Ml toys/ • fu»* 'htoStio -gß’srgi Swodfed sc 1 vfsfy r taß>L—ftb/eto pwT fto at Ova tvwwi eaua -4 lh* :d th vKsdl urt to ra toslbnr s grmft * - sy *—bn Aw dm pobft* rtrtrm <4 tto raw* V Iraed bf Flppr VI so* sne.oU. . ftrthitEft cm aud icou* fta IB- papers to the Dftrtrir* •> Ulusbs 'baa Is partbk to rnu lfcw wt (MUka n - Siftkmg atprpiw»m.x U tsnlry evil espmn ■ M tb. g*r*.rj.es4*» Aw U- )«ar wlta Jaa* *h*/U- th. Stghf.eo bwsalw«l nod cltftvrahieK srd hr ra.har pair . pra*. wbach Lev* a>(> .■* map ba dnstgasud m pai •MW tr to ike yr -VoL-n. to nil a* >«. Aw Ike Midi rsftraw to lira pohOc taw* ssto urwule * to (to rastato . beta Md padtaeu tto pstn*, raw# aud ireatras >4 tb* Tttrty-tonth Oofiw s-itOrokra rapae* -f mt it «*raM <ra ib lay -4 >bc aa-mnsrp of rtau to lacnrau (Wta irabh. t iw to raraJv 1 ■>' ■■lg'nsrti.n . au.l Onr. Is be>l»v appn.prtaSed oart to Vmi- I. * *ab toK l.ul I mi L< aid striM Hr- »i S- 4 . J tart A * rnraWl Ita-eto « tol br .died .S tbe ti>* rai# ftva-i ftn »».«***» ex^'gieaM -MU ta And ben Jfcrth-r -w- lbet ee to »- 01. aex**i to an a*< ruuc*J An rat a*to.og spp-> i nuhat far sraadry rtrlft eipase— > 1 'be * a*w ■ 1 ■* t a ora / taC ranlißg Jxme IbJrty . •—» «*« kuaeU-rt Um 4 *-»*y -ight and Av <W pSJOM." Muu l lh- ptowanttrt* -4 u»- tc-toew nnd lags to the t io- W 5 to*bra s* art to* mm* ra b—ton -wa tto to lh* Slel tual *4 etauw b» lb* doty 4 tto. AfCTrXMfJ -4 ton'- ttpnra fHi**wg new n *f iw and raunttftlira to ai a aps per* rafter U# tat ntorr— 1 *a- the* set MSB, twutthjgtj A • fnrwiah L» *wk n-vaj*j-r* ar'Hefrtw- *4 Bra ■ I'*mm and law* to to to rt mu m to be tnmftoi a- tlrtaUJ PrvUftrf IVM H ft* lewfttl in |d l ! IMbvtkMtruhn 4 th- ( i.stod Aft*«-e osf x«nl 1 b. hra MS'ftSpri .*• leisa.a. Aul pr*.v«U«l bi ll*/. Ihsl kb r*l>« ft'-y jw -tvw law* tliai ».■»• ft ua. « And b- it f*-'.. r*■ n v Teal U.. l . - #u»a be Sfrt th* suu:'' irv h-Tv'T ap*,eeprlatavl o: 4 ra-y mow? ro tb* trsusury Bpprwymnesct. ; j - ra -n-i! ?>t lh th Iftt-bi to Poo*, right see hundred >' -r ■tsti.tao'ry fcg ih* Ilcwitar «4 ftb.f - rpet r»«, Pur "t **j*|-r», tea Ur• .sand -toiler Fi u.tertoton*- -.a ttvttnu. Wi. th-aeasnd A-fttra* j He. ft. Amt ftu ra sxi>d, Iftsut lexcra in, sud ( to r-- r U. >|*pri (glnlrd, nut of any raoaev ftn th* ' Vg * •< Uk. U. -.«u*xl f-sr VdMrs ho tb- p-rv-d -f* I lutatlg rsd n; Jla« oly. s/'.tai katoirj wto j aUf-wdi. Um] t>r lb* y-nr n -ft Jans tbi-ty. -v , ir»s hnsdr-.! tr-ft ttpywrfci Psr faralrtang s# 1 and tow *.*■. y. *1 in.-- . P-w Uto fSpSar *4 iraaaghewb- Into**- <4 « ;asuu J to* to »»ptt i*4 toitdaf Ura dafsktota. / ito ps • r- »/«t, aur ft;l—o iL -natttkd iVdleve bau. ft. Aad I* -l further -nn. t-O. Iral Ura l iw* , li-K axirr.a W u*m! lira uu. aJ* um w ’ by app- ,* *U k -at • 4 an* rnnoev la Ura tr*aeory i*s Utarvio lypr prs I ted. U. rwM* the ftltl PI) <4 th* l»ttotot to pay lh-- , rip- ■ are iu «md ft* crautii I-.dran 'VicgsOr-ua (a ' ‘ raun* Bsshiugtott cu 7 t*>r Ura ;e*rpnae *4 iSgtotsTiag 1 »<t th* - Lest 1 - Tr vrTra. t s iVnsnd dnL > f oTlira (toxu t f Um I pper Miss-ori. fiftrwn lb*i» ' end .j ira« \ Yu* the inU* rasad.ctg la the hist* cf huuss*. h/V i. U. -ues.. ! a- Ilsra. 9m Ura I'klii-*.. W th* Miras-uii au tb-manud | And all lew- sltowing ttw IT* tod. »t. tbe Hr-rotary *f I Um* .ul nor or tb* «■ smrara.-i *4 ludias sftbuira to . ec.trr rfcl * lf«* t-a wlCj an* India'-. Ultras ar* h-rrhy . rtpnukMl and a #C|ra*rar * rail i.vreafi.r tw tmmnwd | U» I fit- sun* a rx at j ait * # Itatrau tnh* ouUl su . ■ - be* »l*a" Um tm 4 I irart- by Mu r . ' A»-l U t far'B'-r • uector! TbsA the net. ' srn* r( r*w-ti.v h-retert- . *) t w »Ettrtid b» be wap—ft * •rt uutof Um Ufnctieu <4 lh- seaftnl'Wf nf puUk hsrjittg* to lfS» *?HTvrt tn *t»! tnsy hs expsaudrd mt : •Jre tbs ill ear! u <4 tb- rs raf • auta*-r of Ura- nrmy. j W •.• h .rtbvr .4 fh< *'ifDM orje ue Nr w»y ilimet ] Ai .gx VHd, Mur- ti TV. fftftft. •'HAP 11V Ait At to HiiaUir*. Ib. Msir. .4 imß | mum tau 4 Oku- kit N ur) • alp*— 1-d lor ALv I ailed , HEnien i.-ur > L w. «•.ft p ’ / *- 1 ft"' 1 ' *•- Mil la. ran,. .ul in lk» l>te«kim | Br It eirart. t ft.t th* tb irate and il tore of Kepces* a- j , ■ aa- tuMr.l Tftrat u.aiwlltal.' eftor tba parang- <4 ttrta I a. I ftfc- H*' * *a ahull sfaswv-t She- enwransr-torrs. by ad w.ihUra ftdai-s bud .* . »ol of th- «ho arm wot rt tb- Mat. rt lu liana, wtorae ifmtj as tin. rung, usinpfla.; and yuyiug rat Bint* ft.- ♦-* lev 4 isussr* HcftiWr Uc.t.iM ui'l • ii) tw l tat *6 ttb arl with tl»r Lmini n*u« lurut* tu Ue *u j a-. ; ti >4 rrhalh- (» ug t:xat th- l uttad Hta - -. Hs» 1 And Ira il rurthsf enmftrd that lh- i-wanml* sbxnrarr • > spft-.u.t' ft she.! pau- * *. *ot'/*rt L. r-* ’.t* U oi* le Ue pr* -ugiUrt Ly W « Be*g> tec 7*4 Umt at - » to ruarulß* all the H- «n* f- »p.e»<!:t_rt »uad. tty ra* t tost- A r thr irarpoms hervis (toOrad ulAsww.g .sUv tof 1, nbaagwrec-au uaad* awl aaawwir.te as*raw and Uy tb- MLsU- to- survtorax -!»**»-•>•• L-airaft-ortit g uud pay rag *'Kk w -i** a* » • ••*! *rt fta' - ■frrha t tb- povrttmr. *4 th-T-ittwat nf Os I'tdftrd Mam* dra •witurU ra omasa tor ■»«n naertrag Ub- di*tr*r4 la strata Is-fiat a m*« at tb- Iw « b*«v bras bl-U w tra Um exprera octoi. ouam s „ ar t -worrem* nf much ca*. • tnsi*-*w whi. h 'ns* fcs«e W« smpknyvrt «w arat is •atfctoni! nWu«s, ft »srt vista And ao u.->eOi*«Ml!bartrlrM. strata 4.4 uoft 1* eturw a-A-tsl au-Vcn ui l-v owart awl ar Ofnaske- gtfh t * tdlbvl'w. U. tkr 1 blurt matera sml -utj.rt to th.-d wdrts pgx a Aw! he It fnrt-. r .*»s-irai TW at an»ag ga. esftj tacStbL M |MriS«*UM ts * of Ura s.vat4bj|> id the g ri.rsiVHU. thr eraii-imwra ahail •Lab M Ui* aui raate r»j- ttdrl. rvwjx- •«• Ij Aw rfjmrtlhg TWilitaOWL afOOf •u'brtamg. ifttta*j-vi th« »*4 papnag mU t ramp. ttar 4 Aud n* U ftgntaer -.*s. t aft. I Irak ia he ad ,1 -t!WSt i4 aouauula ao!*# the* art, tb> .. tuitmsuto ere ahail u 4 allow f r toy rtje tvLtnrs >r fern pm— u t- f -r rargtra- at ft iwfte .(■•». r (has wee at th# time eitaxru dby ttasOwsad tb- l (wales ml lh* Hgubta a* pmarr.iml hy Vw i*.-. rsiacy of “ sc m suit ikr rraettO ta. S AbdW It farther -aw-lra*. Thai aa s.«os ar raid •.H.»«»ral..iw»**hsil hare arat* oj arid a-. .«*. t and nsnrrts usd tar tsdsorr. aa ftM-ra.s AMtinl, they aA*wl stake sUHftv 1 rvtwwt ih- nrad. rhd*u*g U»r Us»« rvtl ItetaU of sairtßdtfttura ae ber,-i*b*4 *rv statod k-» tk» Hrv-retury <4 lb- TV—ory •h-’ »*»aa *o*e the aam* L> b- tuwiart by tb# j-n |to LI.UINM *adbsf* us th* tr*raury. aad raid nriKi ra ahail ftuld lh* aaU s% • sou ft* m (Wdrosrjr oh* . a*. J ts ft\*m saftd rwpmrr u •ball appear that soy asa rramadm dn- ta» th* au ft •bake, hr shall drew b*a wsrroat tw Um asma. ftoyato- L- LL* gxirantiW of sakl Skau . and defimr tt to Bin* Hrv. 6. And b* ;t farther euartrd. That Um- ctataV •toner* to be apt* * a tod stir—id shall, taertww praw rarartMag b* thr discharge of klwrr -daSUa. be eworu th— they will oar-fully auouu* Uw srsxtoßts • * atthg bs twe.-B thr ft nrteJ hk—-• a*wl lh* Ptab at Indiana, un*. ILkt the* will, to th* hr— rt thot/ etoilly. orau* s ‘weft, trxi sn-1 taipsni.: .sigi. ui U at***, s* rvaisu»rt bv lh*.* a- L They aba.’*, rrartr. so b .'rta|--una'wn» Aw khetr rnutou au* ftr itaucstart hy the Avrto*.-' of Um 1 r—array . ta* *>MW«rttog too d.dtars -*«r day f*c mob wtnlwft EirT Nt. 7 An tbr M fnrUvc* • utaXrrt Tto*l thr pra-'« sums ff Rib art shall apply lu every #—,•,* b> the A«ub of Wikv ut*d the saw- pr-s-rwftiagft shall be bod Air asvnmlaf the asumart dn> tb* sac-1 hastrof Übir. as •«« bras (OiUrt bra a* >wts*nU*g ‘nr mjaW dor NUta . f twOian* und tor Um payment of srai. uora>tutL wben uer v ctulo -d tuid.-r the bmttuil-taa end re•trbrto«M <4 thi* art. a enrtrtrnt *n»w 1* herto-y appraxftfbrted Hu * An t bait fttrih t #*ra—«wL TVI 1 «vBwS» sum l« heowtaf uppraipnama b» uerry Ura ol into uppw»vrt. M—vh B. lift". CMAA’ XV - ka lUV> grata! to Uu Aiursraac. kUanttr C*k C*>n*|«aoy. <4 N•# t rtk. tow Brt fct . f Vw und fnrtftegr t- My. Mad. so ft i mt* » .Hahfxraetne IMagraph OabSa «* th* xUa—S* U*n— «f Um l'—bad (Mstaw and MHanhsh Trtagxsstawr itaa* uxstm hriretto th* Failed Ik— r anJ King*, rks th- ih-r«it».Ur and torn Islun a Be u euariwd by lb# K—irte ard H «• <4 HgywsrtßO- U :yt« rt (Be IBM Htab* rt Anefta* ta Crag— saarmOMd. Thai the tmsrsntai ArtanSxc Cbßto TBr graph U BpMil, rt Nf* knrtt be aa*4 are hrenhy vest •rt wtkh the tlgl*L powse. aud i w\xiAr-,v. hg'tog ar 4-j.rrd tb n.MSsiry l.nd CxgWSCW. B> My. Uud. snd « n —-r«e their mbta-aw<OhMw<m kMAUnM HWd .vift *V« She lonsk rt FVwwis. « Wot tM|Mtaht|.n rt Me rcut* 4 iefts*.—rt ue* ngftdk grawra. and parilagr *a to lay total Mril iprau'V (Leer tal>M "X .aUra shall be *.•*.■.l u. tto s*Lt in—rteoa AJU»un. • state Ti4.graph i«>aftrk) !.« thr pitaJ rt Swanky year* Ins* tb- up I rN.\sl of this *•<. Pwintanl, TW Lu raid • mpna y •Lota cohuhritav n-tfr# .xfer%M<*iM wl'htn tl.w wpnrr «4 too jsars ***** th*. approve! rt tow o*. It**-. 1 An.ft Wr. 'ttrftto r wwiri. That the inter 1 an Allas*tt* (bta* 1* i|H|* * «n*|w«> bovtMg m -I<*lM Br Munrrx Mod d»U! bar,- tto ngMt iwraSP. soft pPArHrsr Ox tap. Ural and opr rata* vrarer «*bfe w «*M- «*4hi > —>y kto hartsirs, wuUnr*. udkka, towns, and otto* •'a tSi AUaniw- «<*—, • leaf* the 00**4 0) Ik.rßu dta rfH.- thr to rt pmcthal an.l .xwEStaat krttat- avwl As ■ indrst «w ww* «H kh* tMwwntaswy axtair- *kn no-nnn Itiik Um rtto'k -1 this act. £» A. And to U fwrx.ra r ftvlxl, IW Uto gu***® iwttMt at tto- IW-J Mot— #hn» st at! kune* have the. pri-fv I— h Us ne*. spa tan* Mud may br tgftto.l (tpan trtttwm kh* ftortmmksrdftrumal sod the ***d T rttoV Aojp >* It Atotlrar eswV'l TW Cwagtasm <toHbh'(Lf*ctr t slug, anw .wt or rrjesta lh»« Ayygrivdlbiri »- MBI rs A p. m- An Act t* -odabßah o Pwrt (4 U*iv«cj at tbtata*. IvrtsjUaw TU It rasw-4-d tor BM Itawta snd ll—Me *ta Ury—OOtt tUbxM .and the iftmmd IW** rt Anmu m itagts * MnrnMftL That (•towtoc, «u U*. dft.lrot rt It.! ad-.uhU. •boll to- s pori riddnet. uud u snn. y.w uto H ta* apt - dwtrd wto* tttagd r-*L» st sahft rael 4 d.dOrrrr and lemtxe u rotor* • Bar bnudewd (ftrihe* |*» mmmm* AppWiior i Msto-b is, ÜB. OMAT Ulto An tod to lat non* the r*wv« to tbe Nrat nObw. IW It ru—rat be tw onto- Mrt draw h<)r,; amukaStves rt kb* l’—tod task. * rt Awsarta a tn AVWjtrva* ume—titod. Thai tb* c ißtnil—l awwl patmt* le««Uww ltod IVttn time ft.. Ou.. «p|>xdL.t, t*» tb* nxuahrr already i(wltou br tow. wash wo s.takßMtai wnmtora pvs— 1 pal >-sornk r*. hrsk am rest ■■*m**.*rw > —wl rac* Otttd Itat*tsn» eMSßtoers. as —ay »ra vramirtid «o ftn— nrt Um rue— 1 dttin <a u 4 tho rtb- talk Aranah k rtwrthd. Tw tb* •%.* i n»»vt rt swell tottbsa) runlMH abaftl 0— *v«-e Innr *4 cart, rtssn. nod kb— the h<hi loonol vifnsw at tow patrol db* *hoU urt . utamd Ua spwnat mwupu ft MsMkft ». I ton CU.M* \TIII An Art l*» BrarprH* Hta» U»'<B M.-swraat Ann HM bra. Ms U ttttoti hy tb* Batohto total Braa rt IgntM BMkas^of^Ammlm^M 1 u!Sl~i, o-!>I *Ju- I * ooNxt. um t (WX O'XrOL Xrf la H-ras. 1 is T. DriiP. fr-tol k I Woodbridg*. tort ft Bftlro itof MM MBetby M < «A«n Itara*. \ . d-ranha. o her* V to nasißtoStt. Frs—to Tboan ** Mnrt M-rtm. Bra.* Minrnd. bM V. Ben**. ; mo* ftwf** lhdcucw. Mb.; itok Ctoolr! T-d-hry. Outor « Miftnpc /too Toftto ond fbrtr s—a-raram ft* MhSi by kb* MMa rt < B*r I—* MoonMant*k^.t ' *jr rt ftf sri> I JT? Tioitti lAstlm rt tto kvest -bar 1 r (/ rtotadphtt and Eriwvm fbavey M Aar—ft » Ac*- 1 Aod U B fneibar eparted. Tb— u** ptso* ■ artwfttrlHt littrad tan wi draU tto hg«t 1 Ad emdx* j; (Mr av intow end kr arid toßkrtr nun j her. e * rt-reding ram fv«— •*« BtoSe to th* »Bra. tt*M a Aod be m fra vine marred. Tb— sort rtwpM | rvirara «*raf k-v* pnam to raws as- raMfttrt snch v. .cp i -cxy n.aj b* 11 n onto -7 bt lh* aorTyMg art rt Bra HO « Aod Or U fttrurac martoO. Hra: jM and nepx > sal r*ra so*i rqgn*— s * at thnj tuag d-ms vreoagy m um iditoß A» I Aof ’-e ■ ta-ther —rted. Tb— a—rs ratye | ixM* anod bavw p. *,r to Mi*' l > * P-ftftisL among* r* y ng rt Ix 4 Irara tftiV* seeew »"* *• e- I <hon tben-ew wh • *h—l he#- S gw«M-f%ft rontrrt •< the 1 Sl*.'* .f tb *—!*((■* snd etn any kra seb«rv«t fr- u. , fh* (Hkcsr t rid! 'lemtrkUiU ui mk ft- u—t, a* o_*r r- H.|>rfr»J eon harmed tm tb# rt -4 Laud*, and ft* u. luU'«. ’tisM/c' 4 th* lwU-e ta i .steed «4 tom mu. S Aud to a favstoe -H-!. Tb— tto 1 4 *ocd • ■ rp.rsti.*. ta-LI w *ra o|*ed by thew fjr «br -twpt ?r niTtu#* to to Wtv4 anirr the asttantx rt 1 Le t%li and **.*-• -e «3 nay anoo*r«|ral napwilira ! * tou tb* l>Mbak .4 (U«nbu | Hr * 7 Attrf t- n fartoer <sato4. Tbit C" r*-m Ml* h T lUT CGAP U As Act to ettsbwxo* the rtj r- rxran w— r Imasn. and Araoth-r Au. nralrd hy IW feraatr so.: U *us- m»LI -* * UMtt rt th- t)MM **mb* rt Awx-r*- •MX r sra-mLttad. It— ura >«M «a«rbut*» -ra Ura itaran. id j th- * opart al U-* cT.-ogrr era. rasl «*t#L«#* !he_ |f*‘e- , • ra—H to tor-sftor spp>«< md Ly U*e rt-arm* rt tb* H-oeta art tto x*r,tti(iis»ar»* '/ tto nraw * TW tlrarttov-r dun I L»f am- sotoonrad to *p j i»*toi tar— adderara— w*l lm»-i *o*# > » meb rt tto , -norm pmra sart (wnqfcMri w—tor tbe arm* xttopsu-okl *1 >4 aw ito> mend Art.lam. ft- »U *ra Ura J arxVe rt U- rarg-e-H-eUarms 4 kh# Pteob- n 4 to. • 'wmnt nftsrraa at IB* H—Me. nr • BH— <4 then., oral j tto oau-trl f M arai n-wranry U pay mj* «*L A'"'» fr ra tb- isle rt tfcnlr g-fMotoai ontfl kh* —*J 4 1 t... i -rra-ut lyeS- y— U . eral lh. man. M L.why. »p- , Jp f.^. t -fttttl.a rt o*l ar»arto»*ra toe tto •*■ to - • •- -raf ng Jane .bkrb—h. Ma*•—* bandfrai and mmx- , t, tb* Oar., f vtoram » ■■mng.-. IM- as toe. tag • -**raia a rt an nklnan*' nie*-u*l ■ sol )Wl«—* rt kb. Caprinl pullre aotb--—aed W- op •- »ut rs hy the tr—Aaf “•#— 4 tto t*- hi nm 1 af «\ r.srrrara*. ton tto 4- *4 ktosr gp—i. an«*» tto » -Iran thr pr.aeot hranl ymr Ura r»to port dtors rt tto earns grade, m mm L moto-y s* may to orra-> mey aoheevtay H v*vm,ratod. usd Aw tto hwwd foot 1 the <Btrßrt3 Jnara. mebtoe* hantosd and aguty . .rtßta Bra wan sd braraMod totoa- M tore- | Tm’rarLtt—rf*avoru-r rt Un K—ude uoJ tto rargeauta 4knu* Cf tto Btma* are Lerehi anthona-d u> rt—a . go Mex Aw a srafrwaa Mr Bm Ogbnrf ptow mud amuu | »um mat *«nr. —a ou— nokko traced Ailjr l per j •tn. .nd aiv W f-andah *—d kwtw wwh tha nan— wy » Im Ta arms Ar Ms r«rak a— to rural rasoty WI are pt mo and kh* m*m«mA mo —O w carry ura pm- , <t—mMlsdvrf M h-Bhv an—tn—ua nft 4 *-/ 10 ttsey *0 law U*—• ary nut .rttoxwie- frajoto* ijno (to uitrito rt tto rti sr» hßoso * named One half tß* Birunh—raNx * pewpeW ■ t*>» tool, be grad mao Mr cnaßngnM land rtito tom { era and toatnrMfßb tbe ccrauog'bl f-md 4 tto , Ho- 5 At— to W factor e-v—b and Tkn4^tb-^rawg>ranv let"m Tu»*Uj^msmj l 1~ nr oner ■■■ri hi p »ra -ev *to * i-*rs fnraa g.4 Aw I ih pr—grtora Mno pnbto pewpmy n—s<n. ; • Lag bar* pwwrar %a armsi arah Lis* may >w* • - . mt rag ai ruler «**•> etoh pcs* ua* b> tox-agha to fwrs tto prop*' utbnu* Aw uUL wntoul farxtor * "SS •[\'XTx -n- ! tnei— 1 ft# n» ViibkfWO a*— taw th- jCk* pttOk# » ft* «*t lb* InslVSn rt X-ih-Bku , •toil to apt -»W*i ivW u»> and rc'-Wrt rt ito VtHwt * , f War •raw- 4 Ami he B f«lUrar era*. »*A. Tb— ah taw* tn> ) ra— -nt win to* rad —* bantif rry—rad vppr rol Mant. to MCT ( UAL UL—Aa. tot nota-wl—tari rt Um ket 4 X jiwralx TertStaW? to a ttaftd »>l th- IH I*4. a*J Utt*w rt Bcprswrm i 1 lat.x.r -f U- *♦*•.* *4 VmrrWttls l-ncw». f *•- i„M«d T*.— toWWr U»- *■ **am* rt kh* trgto : -,..ira»»k; at Ohßwwlm Irittky *w b o*.w I Mmwn rt Ito o«an~U shhil b* *k*-«nd Aw tb# term of ii«r tears ami —cn'vrt of tto bourn- Aw tto trrm rt tn.. ***** a*nl rtftsjt r#ort«> UM *aa rt -* 4-dMr* i frr mj -rs sea Ma. aaMM— I L 4 MO •O.aMnSaa. .M- aaa.onoaM K, j **»ao rartW •**• TV.I -a* kaa , I Mol! M>, .rU. to -mn tt aOXO-ai k> V* r* «,.» a, um. m ,aaUua Mrt. MMI j mah,Ma>x>tt TV. ««* MaUr—< ~ 1, Aiuoa |M Oa.< aul IV, - cSrm OaMXr ! aH|Mn"V.mluM.*nFV,-X ] or. v ui »• « HMV— a,M. naitaauVn ' ,« IV. uraun ■■■■all’ cUUM • I*. »~«l Ua, , Mu.* mul tt IW —' «*w» uatoJ OH4 U}W>, ttU3 ..m.Mr iW Srrf UvuUX.,, «a- ' WIWMaiaU | wa ua X i« *•* u»>«wr <* tw auM- i m«Mi at ff IWli r—Ur,. XUr>, Vi, tar. cuvr. vui -*« w» i» tw taw— u, rwt a tv. | NutoMukl •u.tklcij*' sa-ft AvikWtt' Xjrydxan PI no* tw Ito ' iHetrk* rt XAxtnmbm to U nooHad by Ura Van mj - TVMtt— W . u. U WrW, ortrai a. ,«,« U. M,} WM-J -U tt. t«~»o»v M *rr» p, , .* .j ir-u- : —a 4 ‘m '—tt MCttu— w—«- c liwnlds. urgent—d —Wt sn raw rt tto tmmmdj UAk ,w Jttiy. ctc—cctti bon-,tvral sod uity* V —ended by th. art -1 tto twenty -era nd 4 T thammtj, -if* —n buudrwd acd Baty *rv—L ta* to . xpenlrt mad— 4B* il 1 1 raVtam of tbe uton 4 mkd namcra. C»* tiamn hfpmmed Marxh »• Uc:. Oils*’ IUU -A» Act •#■ b> lV Htske «4 to- Omaha tbttfTwttumme c f sa A t reAultag is Agvrawta tarsi O Blf to H etratod by tb- torn-# and Monm <4 top—n ttt,-. rt thr t —nd Ante* of inmra l» eMngfNrts jjKItA. Ib— tto grant nob H Uw of tb* —unl and » of itß>. «4gbi#*ra kuadoxlsn) aatf N*. bnri tttstr . f Mud e>|da! n Curtj ibrtkesod srtes tor *n*B rt. sn.'—* ond » warn mb-Hw m Ovnggn*.. Aw sßn s.i.-.*ran* .v a—AMMflg BPB oßinrai <• bp*. »* ou b Itttoi to tto beam rt Nrtwweka t* tto s— -urar o« if NrtarssAs bod b— * «B*<- Os tßv l Ohm - tbe 0.0 - • r ~ura rt mad Mw. A ppm*. A Marcß AA, IW I'd ti* XXIV -On A— « pr—rkO# m Put br grodmg Be Pubta **M»ndu and'taw Miner Pvpms to a eusr-ed by tb* tonoM hud to o— rt Umpn ran lski««a of tto l rab-d AUtoe of Amriri tn Onpw n«#emto«4. lb— tbe MU rt twenty Ikmnl *4o» i» torriiy * n wMpcmnd.onrt aey —jr m n# to-w ary art ib—ttrlns «pi-ew«*mi. 4, tu tan .tj-hW bg «B* w itt tattfiot tu*. r IW eftt. urViw, j, IW I'w-tt-i .«,!-*». tal rwVon mum* 0». mwtaq battttwr. awl Iwjrawaa IVa palOw l ~kj* tr .V-WM aawSTfiwl WI ratal « end ' f th' ibldUd beutdl*Wl be uisde vn.|*r tto Aihl 4 Bhd sttprrrt—Oß rt tto srxtou. trt Uw c aptol itaininiL an—aa xwrrt, tt. M»:. OU! IXX U Aa V, w«p«tttt,r..Wrj ta«ta oat- Itad -tt W. laMta* "t—•“ ►» aattVT t,aqw a. IW Uwwww.l W lha Vow aa-taa, Mo uunx imt I—TT1 —TT hnodrrd —d ——y-«mbL sort ter .rfbee fray i*er ‘ ABMI KwxA «-agbMwa Lundrcl And sUAf • tou mratacd by thr ton—* md »*EH 1 N tope ora mere* *4 tto Pottod BtsCre rt Amec kata Umpxw rasemhbH. TB- U # fHatof jarx(*m* rt mn* ma rt tba actdnmkbnd ua tha Lira towert *B*4l b— be behl WO prr.rwi the —T| to-L- ra torata 4- ». 4 tuo in (be TVm»xtrr Deportment am! the bwrmtt* tlratort. by ttotr mBo rauptorare but tb* i*ahr rt jttttmJM. amptoyxrt t* Ahanra shell nrt be lawwtas-e4 UygeWWSd, Awls IK, Idttt . Hkl» XSi 111 -to tot k e tto B#»b4 rt idblii ***4- dbw* and Sslio thereto JH|x>nd He It emorted tay tbe denote and Hun** of toper—*<. t*t : . x-s 4 tto fx.tft ‘ -Baton rt AmvM tm D>Mnra ami n.H t TUiMskUra «w snrsra shod to tsto>, t bald n bs• dtamovtog frunt Ura a-mj «w *i«; who nuk rwux served sraxwißmi to bto ■ubU.,4l ««*U lu. un ■Aa B«kS« FT* —Btonny nr Msee nr#» 4ABbkK Bhl qe* ms smnuMl ut vaduwr hi wrw sftar ami mn bnio—bay kmu mwal—nod shall o|ramke a* a rrm-rt- of any taw#—Cur* by au» »wA rad , tier or niWw at bar pay buna** p—wtom. '+ rtber al ftrawwbreo. bnt thrt *H aba » bs .-,w*rtrtt.B >*4 •» nsirtif 1 BnbUt) am h arthr er uto ray itara mom-red by (be torn rt bn • 'tw-neh.p in ,n, a*os at tan (kraerttam lyin<t#l. Ikh IA, WT •TI VP XtlX A# A»4 V' ert xtaix*h certrt* Port toad* Ito and rfttotod by tbe .H osts aa. ! Il.#an rt U- pmh tot tree .4 Ita. PntSrd —»'•• xd Mmrak • to ( . ragr, am m T * * ‘ l'.mk Bra At oning tw eOv—raftad ae »->•— rxittta*. „ MUTt Dm Koooohnok. rks KrsuartMiiikpntt. L. Cbpa NrvLlkk 1~ rrxttn IMUrAwd to (ttaro IMoA , iftyMri, >a!y ». VC !CM At XX\ AA AH wqglHH'Wbrr t» u« AH ewtft ! ttori **An Actnpraraklatara Ura mwe toM.t»ra -1 ,i ti meat rt |be kLt*,: «**• - ft“—*4 ,m the -.o—l .Inf of March. etgbU • n taondrad aa#l ►*««) *• cm L nm! Ura AH •niytoamotory rh o' x. pram-1 “« the t sranty ttairi! day rni in-i. • iiß-raX** red and sixty »vnn j Ibi it —Mrtrd by th* bsah M*4 to— rt k#p*m- «» of the t'MM —*»#. <4 Km- •* t'-..»fpwm ra «r j Tb— 1% to hereby Brnbawd *• have bwvb kb. UAI n and mwum Lb* *.a rt lh« ra. mad toy j ,4 Hagx-h. on* tb—i—Trigbitattiidn •> said »iaty n*v*M. ' mMM "Av M to —sMuto to# the mm .B—U g»*% eraan-M <4 (Be retort «gbM rt Ura ml *uppto ! iiiiwUhry tbrni yamtd on tn t**—y 'hurd day rt YOLLIU UMIIUBM W AI March, tha ywr one tie n— t rt—u •■adred snd . ul) • Ed— tie givanua' !t- ttof exrat.Lg in tto U I at T* —nU. North • vn—ioo. heath C«r>m. O Mi——np«. t talon. • 1 T rvmuM. TrtM bri Aftawna n*re » 1 ftr,**! tost. .- * tun»»-i u •NBt; tb—Arr «! »e«»mto n-» :f cnattfiv. .1 wen nbn —iOued swbynrt ft* — 4 r*-t •tsto in itul ! <Uy CMl—l4au.cs - / um r*i# x**e cisu-ut . snd to It* |omnrano< arfthnruy at L to 2 Am! to :t fWrtL-r ins—. Tto-- •«. • . -n. pen. sneprax n the E.a|fitt. L rs lh. iramegs. rt tbs trrnj at Um CJolted to—ea. mux ta> hoe# Hbrt Ito drasp prammd. w tom* r .a tb* " pin raw rs mn. h c-au im, V; Ura proper Siifan irtrsUen <4 ■—ft art .Wl r.-»je 1-» i* ho • rt tdU xm, dialaee scarf lh- *ur is* rt t-fM -oi ft- • e»*. any wfborv or person k «w k» 1 h—wj to tv44 » *m.», a*it Hrft or m. Kory rtM or sets b »*rfi —Art-, and. soy rto ton •Igm—e— ee mnUartty dai .mJ (nr criruo l Ly. 'W «4—aund wndrr. say 1 hi— iirar>«-iv ate— lharert, ct soy team r rtber dir *OO il »ri- W. and tvpra worb » imy»M)r. ~r rvine**] math ■■ tr. oisoAra. Mkbymt to Um di—| ye .sis kto ikne«! a*. ; rife—i A «bea bar* pd— w. proidr fr s. tune to tarns Aw the jrartawmoiv. - *4 tto veto Juto-a of rav. . ‘ZJL-T rt ymrmati at Waprarfcxl or T-tCv->o.l. hy Ul.- ■» I—l rt mama —[-Ml oThrer -e a l*ct cf Ut. wm l or bp kbr appattittnrant 4ra•• ether n. r Awm tb* same, —ad ta* Ail vp*>»b» ar*ra . srt by 4nt!i. tteto—wn ‘jr'Abr».e tt*< . g Aod h* !» fwrtto r etou-t- 1 Ttof tl. (k*m! id tt* rrn. f <1 to L'uMod ms: « •hail le nwaml »Xb sll tt e |- m.-r»_ ’ stt*trao<g««n, tv-o,<•»'»], 1 >»i and ‘WWym.tnt u. tta prx w.iing s.«-t i >*% 1 bn) aisuato* but, And le at furtb*r isartai. Twl Ue (Wto -4 Ura iftaer* mi tto stay alr«s>l) Ick it. r> 114- :s *aad ftMkrve* |» row «aeertwxu u>. l**.fm,« rt '-•■tl aKrrrx so 1 sftn.MiW <dh>r* .a itoir atm4. ar>- b*r*hy .mtrtnmf. rtarfA-' Tbst rax pwext, b* rM* toe or h*r* stow CVH—n ted by an. —(rv- iwußOMlrr ta- tumor Ura fxuwLtm.. ,4 —*f «ini ■M> -. urai l»# e»- i» 1 eWtahe by tra nxfbtrt • dtor a Irt kJ>> daeu. -l mc hy tto - ran. Ami 1: >; ui n Ito Only of awk ft, r-n»- •# f#«. oft.-* *Ara*«ai,l an ;wf -#>• erb>. ar> ,lral. .ysl to (be anave Sttl ml Ito I—tar 4 betrr. *r «rt*M ue Ihor „f., .4 ft . Artir* >• WfttMrar ta* lender rfrtgy jrtr<af r>r 'lag—lkC Ah* hta 1 MTOfrar ntl ilS.'oCr*. w u i-| U,e> • ' and th* *.*• v efe,ch M M suft^tomentary W» * Ami U- A Vxsrtto-r rtukd ftit Ura I «Ma us rrgMtr.U.tta pro. vied to in Ito ra. —totted last •ftjtiL-fc-eAt—T to «Vi i-Bt.tte'l Ar. #H Is f T ita* numi.- mdti leal »»ers*sr» r M Mm r>toi MraU— jneeeil Ma/'-h two. eigtatoi. taarnl-ml acu wgty « •». sndto ftrwrtit nrsOr—. n.,’’ ywsm-f Ifm*. iwnnky■ ttanm, eagtatm n taundrrmft aod stlj•*««*, >UU u«r puttt.e. sod and rtaa ! 'ra Ctort I II) !• fk- 4ft *Ug I'u rettiaSr—MWi rt a*r u-cenci. to a*C*rial;;. e|»wi sa !. UaOm ut mto ;e—a-n ar they .on ‘4a*l, sirattaer *m b ,m r»m ft* evuiU* t kr. I— r*v *hrrrt order ***.l a* t ami th-«—■ rt»[ Hie-! by nmd a« t —«oi! SH to -• u*a.• ttft swrti -fu—«. a*, ti# |ram..o shall Ira r fUbfc t atoms r«Dh hoard shall d—nto >bkf be m -xtotl 4 thra la aod rmA bttgxl skuml sle> have power to rE—iv.--. tol-r . —ii. ;tu b# kin, nlgraM If toy mmr. • r l^rxw... MLs..vaa retoskmtkT. bnt in every m- 4r f44 by tfc* Vw» ta> regra—y an m-UmL and tp rsrry ■ on- rt alnt; t— ta • nsioc irra. 'he .rat a* toreannfl-n fc-rt»l tto '•raJ sUa-ft auaka s total.; ararcureorf ias wtateta ah—l be f«niram4 with the Hfktrwvtt irag v lh* o'tnuaudug general af Ura to*tn v *—ur.J* fork th* rttcaiet* af sac k iriLah *W ttw h flgrikm f ■a— h- <vk and. lb— to.; jrJTOO rhsli be daa>t«o..hnd ae ahtttotaec SAJ Vuorrf rt r*-gar'r*f. by reae»-o trm e eg rt* viol Aad ta Uftdrtsw «nwm,!. A,l Or Dm-in Mm and cars. ml a.) phenetttorr set a*, lamnt g <4to r ttai*A. lh— no ftMenn* WL X La* bw a BMttsto r of the W-. .*U!nr« of any —afa. eg sVi bra bft! t- Tft csttra t-r , ndftrssi rtß-a tn any Atom. *kaU3T ta* has tolas an a— hto *npp wt tto ( cj**' h 4U- 4 tto t au*>l m*uo at m< and ebrth« bewseboMing .urt «■" - lie 4 tn rvhraUMML ur had tossd 11 !*ie*. and «M bra dVr ward* -ngsg.-l lh itoeayvna-Lfwo ur Mrt* tto LuMed Wto Me. —g», -n Md <w camhwt to tto > nernra* * —whs “ttsnmtse* er jn tiAsi rMr 1 .dn any IBai tn •us n—B nerfl >to' -! she.i •-■ - uatfu 4to 1 lu-ke !• sa • g«il «4Km ,-TxalH hy Ue fer tb* hdn. ■ vielrsto -t, f jrntbm tto T A <5 *. I! fe tu- r mataf Tfest tto Lai - tor inujiMA* Oar rig— regutte—a..o provide, 1 lug 10 mat: ark —a/ an tto Lvirmc. of tbs ,«nsmsod.~c of s»y Batrnv br Hknid to tba hr— day 4 umber. ■WhtottA kwrtto *n 1 aul) t»’«. —> 1 to- umrde rt raglaMsfitajc *VsB km p,*«. snU It th»ftft to therr 4to,—auswnf fc—m rfsys pgvw to ssy start*.* and- r —ad act snd *i» - .to nsl w putda orto- rt tto tri*ra and |bo tbrm.-' L* Veekra tag s ymal .4 to* day*, tto rrgMO—*>a ..sis. kui uy»a U-mg a*lis tod tb— ary j«rra>a txH rftl/Uri Iterrii tara Vm rag Httee~l to r»h- UM ms* rt snro ywraoe strum Ura IWL sod MU. prra—, stow. Art tw ad-xwrd b> i-U Ami **> tVor ' -bast! »!• dnrtng the- max 1-eVxl add to m*h reg—tr tbuon rt aL persuns snu th— time ft'Wnra* (to ,'vs-U. ac.-jn* by mid OH wta-x bare nrtt v~a s'rvady regMker-4. ami so i-r> a •tattoL say bam. ba caO.:-cd ta. L* r frtual at to rote L> ro-m-'ti • f any rxc atJr# ;*rLa ot ißid-Wy lor *■<▼ art ur *Uta. wtkb «* soch pardon oc -r-s*ni). *-3atai -ft.r> bun frxwu rttirffo*-* w ttsMng Wnc. s. And tae .1 f irttor ra -L la—w» u t* #*r of mid ks—tu> 1 o t » v x 3 -•Ttttr'H-! •-■ - r- Ura rmna 1 - r ,- I'nrr— mk— ibir-n. eton. «rg to ■had Orem it u-rtftti to r»m#, any u.*a»iw-r »• * board ■/ mgrau-stvw —kd to la bra •tool, and to AJ soy vm ancy *■ aweta tamnl gg, 1. Aod be rs firth-r -aaisL Ttaal * menter. rt —l.l board* rt regt—r*k»on and s.i per*-era *-*■*»—l r rbrfrt « -fy ‘'- - 1 to rt|« ia mil —tary 4—rkti. arwU/ say su.alhd Ht—- «r tuutaknpgl tailknt, or br k tail or i.t-cUsuM rt lb d-rtnri -tornsi■•»»*. ahao Ira ufd ta and .at—-: Ira the *n ib 4 > <WA prrn nl* Jby Is* far w!% ft* rt tto 1 msad HLsran. NX i» And he .1 fnrttor ma.-t*.l. Tto*. ou drt rvrk 1* in wan li ~ eg *i.-«bra of Ura .4 re*, •xr—v-n. -g nay rt Ue -Jta *n •-r n Un* iwki Vh- m. , ■haflbr Isicml to tara wnW— by mt u|ttft« ri soy .fr* dtaer rt tto l —tod Mata* toe. ll Ami to it tartbsr •wm-vu. lUiul .c |*. vo > era 11 this ad sod rt (be oto to visli HW* tm map phanrok—T shah to *■ n— nil t Ltorady. ta- in —rt , .»•! —1 tto !—•«*« (ineti a*) to folly so I pwlratly ] rarTV-l rai dt'HTTUJI Cktl P.X Nfeiicr rt Ito H'ttO rt Ikpresoui. »•* IL > BADta. Prettkb at rt Ito Hecrakr pr» Wo*ptr. I» thi D .dor lUriurwrinuA l 4. fair is«h. lac: 1 IV- Pm«.ktl of Um I'biM Mn*n>. h**tti : T»«n BrJ 1 w tk* *i un»c»-«ntm w.» h lha toil ruUtlod -'As ».( —pidrmrbtnry In m ». • »*»• drd •Ao ort to. p*Vrtda l»r «V ■«.<&irat^rwa r-m~*o and XUmm t Unr»-G’ pa—d ’• tV iMt} Uot.l Jk». • ,g MtwA ntgkj'H kWMM it and • >lr- *■"«. »*U» Ua uL)n-tfcmo tVeo*. Oj-* •» »■ fwwwaNw V** • «n |Of«»u» ■ »4 »tw « to i*« uimniar . Uk< Mb' **<l JVtonto TV* Ok* »»fl da P<M» t* C:.rU *4 Ik* ■ -mm id He**—abMtl *«'• u> M V Maw. Attest El»Wt* tor«E*l*MN Ckri U li T si. La ms 'Kiais or m rwrw Stare*. I i»ij U, MR j > IV InMir trnav nr-*-*4 -d t* ymraaaa !■ •*4 IV C rmatiiiH —i *•> r '«A*Oir the t«J uUttnl A* *• * aup(l—> ntort I" to net ckMirl Jl« id U> , tut tv am r& MM ir»t*r«aMkt l IV »W. nuu*. ■ .« u«r ar***mi taj '4 M*r*-fc • «*tkwa hctvtr- l Md rfity-Arffii ad tM art “Br* tVrm» l * .at (V toanly 'feVh d-> SUr A. -**.-btoa« iaadnd t*J *»t4y «rm: M«M.<.l l> Ikf Haw u( liMißTf' Ayr tV Pnwkcl of Ur l«Vxl lut«a. wit* Um oby. ilkun* wd * at i*' M ■ *• l** - ' trPtbt*- r* )" It- *■ Nr atom rvco flux tk# I*B Jt w o*4 rs*» U‘» b*.i V )##•. -f IV Siam* anriaf t* |#h tk* «r.A Attr.t J w IMISLV. Vrrtar . B> W. J. Mrl> .XALi*. Cum IVefc , CHAT. XXIU.~A» Art t* «MAbVt Necr *dh n*t» Buarfc 1 u*u TrtVd. R It *aMrt*d At tt>* kill **»d B«*4 *1 K -»v i 14IVW .4 tV I Utr4 M*wa af Ajiark* t* um„ AmUbl. TV tb* Pront.V i .1 Ui» l u.hd MM.* < Awd V u Vx-I-J. BUllfrtVd *• A M.liVi 3 |» *o*ll* of Ikrv <«dh~*** 4 lb* Ana.» ta* | ln».•» l » 'tat .4 btv*dl*r *«w«4. wh Wtohei- *TUt > U Toyfcw. OOiaiM'iMr <4 ltuban Alkirt. Jdu» B ll»v dona*. ikmiM O u_« voumiUr. . / Indian Wr» <4 tk* tb-uat*. it A fut i'oc. and B. BWrr »b*'l ! ba** *’**! tu-l tut), ntj t.’ rol* IV vkl*A i Mwt VMLowti '4 • v A tiwW or tnbr* Os Indian* *> AT w —ij — L - «xr «_«ut«a tv l *tVt M*U a r o«m#I tut* J.tnr>.'W» ■r-t tk# i-‘T • tn»r*«'f. l w-fWi) (V »IV* '1 rr*» r>» * tU**tr »,.** of U #ti By. *■*•! ■«« |Vtr fiti-Mvat redo- tH* » ■* 4 tk* 1m l*»t, |.ißiaMtiJfnh-l iJ< »ti mM toa.h 4 InV » , U>*lf *•*• •<.4 A> ik- Mtkai «4 th- m-um* out) rrti.#-* *!•.•*' v»wm» .4 ■ <b|4*>sl ..'ti Wr irart. a»4 At C.r *M«- »*A*UUk M<unty f*w |«v *#4 *Wk tk* U*m of n n*t a* Uia>c«»» Mr#c*4 to tV UrtA. **m! *Owrf urw ul to IV Wt <**ru 1> rr .tuor*. M-l ««* hf* «>U -}kml ut.itrr vStiluaVoi M «kr lna<#a* m*4 pc#cr *fM mtrt> U 4 U»* wkiwa. Sr> 1 A Ltd Vit (ufttM# fun*!. Tb*i *VI .•**««* Mum *r>' rr.j«trod V *vn*» *# I mV t * UMrn \ or j UMr*.t» 4 eoAAlry k»n*| MSkaAl XT'"* to iv«»-it* a1: tV ItwitAb trtUk tt»w on-*n*7iM mmfc rjr ■#*« *4 lU* KoiXr mhmUUO. cm 4 #••# tut fully rv«i.Uim ;» r rT * nuuw ai rvvKkuM mt>lrf U>*tj rOymiM v, t* | «htch tV f. J %T***wwst Um tfcr i»f % v-«p**wt» >«r ... «turh M4«ai»i**i.<ii*r> . Miui IV o#b' «M m»4 ». *ktrh .Vrvi .>r .UMrU-t-. Umfr .ban tM .44t -;rnt we <c axto* Um«l *n *»>»*• il* •aad trtb*#. mywii.vty. W Uuntael' m by rw*«ur*l ac l |M*U*ral l4U*uMa. ■>*'.» dialrut **r 1»a trKV. #V *' Mtr.4 1. w*-l tto* aVMi •'V l*n>fm- *k*U Vfvi rova-x* tmuarHirl Vi ■us lnflww 1 Kv m. I a<) n o*4 anatMn .4 autd trtU * •!»•!» **wr la r«MiU*>l *■• ro«rr tlwo.M attVat'. tbr p*nuVn ..f th- UfVa i»- t«ra*4.*ur|4<>i..-n a»4 to* t t.tu-1 Til*; Tha* iV JWirVt "* djatrv t* U «w iucafcrU w aMt) tnVr. h . »ah iraTvl •*» At* *.«•>.- 1 (*ti l by aatbwn'T f tbr t’uli.d ■*» ,H ' rot.- *1 iBXTVrk tv u;. Ik- l*a ctbc BaUrrod. U»« ( »>m. lv-ifl li*lr *'l »X»a* .n l*»n. Mo* or tha «4 tV AtlMtlc aud f* ■ Hoßrval by IV *»j «># hltvivc^ (V.l baN OirtV-r ««*'!, IVt U»r .#*!»>>• im. i*u *f momi ar» uro-b) apt# -priavl •u« of **o ■BM lu tb« UM*nr>. t.» **t To carry wrtl u.* t*ro *.t «* .4 !»>« fTMO-MAM .rot.* ** rs tfc.- w »U* •- n frM ao.l Afty sci Bbi 1 A4tar» «o**J v v. r.-t*a > Os UM liVir tu Mtotat *vh I*»* IWA> i tan ftblotv? trarronor opM- Oh*w ... from »v > -oblr Vnda or tnVa -uJ vl p/Uw - tKOt .4 U»a I’uitnl thrr*- huk trrd th.,*** ' .toM*. a •BL « Am! be itt. iU«r.u«-u. lh.U)t*S*.. r-4-r. Ml lu W *• (bbuß a \> !•«- pea, aa.l [irulotivU t • tbr tnmtat U> **-r* Vr* ‘ nafflot fiirttw to* and- *4 IV»r 4utl-- «t* A AvtV rt mrtVr 4k Thai U ■**! wu mir r- -- •-* —— •-* u. iwutw » r*u»kt*t« to. rvaikoi. a»> CuT U< avur* » r*c#. UkM tv Sks-rtVry of Y»V. Bad. r th- and nvtt<** of tV Pnttboi » horoba aathwo .* *« *<«% \* V* «h «V Ot BKMiml lottrVit Na IV - m»»Mt Uw OT • ral Wtba *v4 TMrtVrte*. Ul we**aui»4 ..« |W*|M a«d liaMatl Ui«. to 4 ilaat<lti>N bwtr th* u*a»i.l tw»*Bt ■>*W «Jb4 f.a MiMb b-rtiM hi a.Hr. o. I* injaljllr U dm * *Aa4 V M fuitVr aa*Ho4. tkd *U rhluw UVtl Apf.-#. 03. .tily 08. MPT. v Crn ' l * N raaotrßVy tV ttW - *VI UtM *f MMh i uw.ra cf IV IwVMMmb AjaMTUa u- . M t*j»!*ii. That '•* tv por|KM*CfMlpiSi . it* itwHtU«* ortb okc B^BobßV«MUhhrßk *djuaA»-r.( «f rUitua td I'Bia*Of B» MV Maa ■ O* tV G»« r: Herat af that It il gVtb Baas *t Un. . »U ViroiiyAUliytf 1 t ity«i tV UMUNar V hf Vo fr>4ictr«t of th. t*tt*4 MMa*.ky aAMßtth tv W* *ro aod ■ ■ com of tV Vitb >V IfMtMV *.'»•« m (oil far hi* aarrlnao of IW tfcn*—ff kdkr., Mr! IM >4*l a day la ■miniftna of BvoDto* oa tt,-ra f. t tv BUM MbaHy sa l MMV) Mio|M rfoiu* fr .tn (hr pt*#a at kb Niter M CWM tad irturtux;* hi hi* kMM. tArr IV lonabHWof tua »* A And hr m (ortVr omVL TVI V *• fToa* hoiwvt to MUM v Madv Boa-Vet *f IV 1 oil. and iftatro 1* Vru-oaolo. V por*#ru IV 4aV of ff any par W 4 IV a.!u trMtwJwpKS I » »ra*taut h» tV ywnlOWH oA V uVtB o IVf* «f art »' A.«vt aitfhtoeaUi. bwt*l»4 o#- ttt '•Tone:*!' tV Bplno.aU c V «o«* V mpdmJm kJlod h. woMbai. TVI IV l-TlU^Bf IV . xaiVMlt apMMM af IV Cmmu* n jßd* Ua U..t. iMliolUi* tv ■Bty Os fVfHhpir orrrtary *h otay b# rbota hy Cb* l!onat0i*BB , irvuani V tho yroTtokM* of IV -aamiUon, v AP aboil dorm ju*t atot myr Be A. AaiWuhrftcv*flvM.ThalMlaVifr m*mao aa r*Cf V Vnaooa y t. rorry out IV prurtVaa Mtli .ati.pk4V) v kr It > tl r«|inM*d hM4 o.y e. a*) in Übr trraaory f..H '-IVratar ifTf-yna.l on* *f Jd'.j B. IV MW AN!) MUTT DIRECT ROUTE ain». Uiiearo, St. Loui*i 1i.4t1 ftoj-oia»t* h* toU Waot aaad y<*tb VaoC .ASHVILLK & N axhville a nokth-whspn uailwayo frr.'n \lla*U to Ht. [onto, BB otilao oborV# Um*. *l. M-d-M*. Tn AIUbU W# fM ln*K T 7 Mila# aborkar than via Irr Mbai.rit- 4 (- mu* . 151 t»< tr« atknrtar IVo no lo.l»a*Mbt*Ms l> m Atlaota h> M. Ijmtm. IB ouloo abort*r ibon *B U.OMTOr. * two daTly trains AiUttUt, OMbiias duo* cwbhordtnb at ihatv*i*i -ShAiTtlk. PhißChk, Curt, CkiMfß. 1 1 Lavs, Ud a£ Itoportoßit hnaU M.«tb Boot. 11 u 11. Jarhaao. Ttaa . Vaphio ia.hM*. IV, Vlr b.bor|. bow Orloowo. Mobil*. Aod aO -Ah r pBB Booth aod Vtb Vot i b- trfb TW-Vta. via to TVBohorr w l >•0 lavof, r<w4 «Uut by BAIL or BIVkN fr on Mmpii. n**b un. <|otc*«r I MaiUßbia. ami v -Clay ai < "UMaor* -afa b> Uua twtb FuUn, bwora ami toooty Ottawa Wy If y«o bovo urttota m M.u.|di«A • bar- • .. Ua.ltoa.l AI NaabrtV. TftlM *4 lb* TfoobrlAn A OVllaoOp ao4 XoabrOlr A North «*abn Railway. AR&ITF. AT A!«) DtPABT FBO¥ THE SAMfc l>tpriT. Tbr a Mtollo* Owulliß To»4 I. ONI.V TWO CHANORS b*t*r**n • hauoc «v* and 8A LoblO. vta HlcAjoo rxLMMf HixF.nvb'CAß* on all murr tbai-xa Ain pie i ime Given for Meat.. Hanna* ( htek'd Thnn.k. -1 On. • IMM. m. iat M- ».) tiy Pure baaing Threafh Tickets. V abr* to aoa Sir Ttcfc.ta *to BoohvUkr A Barilo IfMirt Railway TUVAMH ruunn Wttb Bb tl -h ao4 aola-t* Bator -o. noc* Inn ** Lutiso, N-w Ortoon. and M*ot>{-bw tod -AVr puAßto hk Hvfcoaoo. and man Hi tow to Atlaoia, Vdfoaba, Mocua and 80ni....0r>. V . *mm rttSva .4 rasa. tWo (Mi «. btw U> VUaaMO | Byrr boaboi IW * 1 Vt par horrol AitT . (Holly h»w ratoa utt oS .Vt i-nb «x p !sTila<. f l>. Mas*by UoMivf and V) Mfi'l I tool lVArt A«l. M (iBANT. (toa't Eretjfbt A*t yaolT Vt DOLBEAB COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. >yo«>Mtuß7, tkay and EiroUi* . - 4 or nor of (ony ond t oanawoo Slrttla, lo tv klaitaol ami itpoc*m lent Va*Aitu« NKW QRUAXH. y.iau.Ual in !<H t'borVr*-.f !»▼ tbo I/ogto!*- tar* ul IsmibiiM. with ( .wiwntsi. A|ti ealiaroi, M-xLu.v.tU wl Latwrory Itr|tnrt aw i t*. TV i 4>i *r hao. bj it. woo naaclt* aa4 IVotft. imrttool Phan af afo-ato*. "otflTod aU tV Bfcarah. 00. l w*d seal*. OoOmco of UV and tV Vtonn. Siam It la Um >4Ja* t'uanmiol CSdtoga to |b* OMbdMabv B>ary dafrtl th' ftv*o rru|wt attooUun to IV in •tourtMO >• foaliVl V*urr ccodoaiiog to l.*y an. wt of Mtoba >1 aaaUora m( whai tV t Ba lai on V and VIV urrMiVaoa of Ob) kiM»» Modont car: attend Um i .aaaortrtai IBM or tV Lttotary nr tV t*rvmltMwi Coatroo, «w V VnaadNb Anib—i rapby lv« enaabip. thrtloyf. or IV bfto* Mat*. . *4. >a|| M«Vab dokint Uaa ramol jr«or N U -M*rchaoßk lhabw. L*wya—kMbißl nttu. • IMiWrs.M..Mk«nlßr*lßVß boa|>. and.h th* a Unha anofij I* • tow dsyo. IttkXDTTB Os ATTOnDfMO TKW CDLUBir. ' not an isbawnaaf Apart an—to V .at tx-wicß. and aO thinga •*• lo«BBt and p—rto*d -• * . Ul Pa—nattp to UO*U aa a -kTSW *. (Mi .-4 hy ; isj tatton ton* ah cob waSy tooIB. Wa tot •■** «4 lb* nt.o* liiMmiA* l pon— ttVIAB. aoPTah— .i I Ad. Ov virataao an aofk by Vatoaoa on. and Bsa* V tonnd. aa fru»rt«n*a. W ho*p*to and tWa* Ui a toe** pans— 4 the Wa and Bbbvm U< * .4 Uua twor th* f V to *l t -rtutM pormu. can gt** iVB —so. a«!t TV Mph—o <4 tbn f4hr to •RB n tn* ’ b* t-nnermJ woatd. *tb Yo«m >Rntoib*tt «to tow anttraly to«V.i»«1 ala MM. too W V n«BBV V toaw ««* a| TVeCoOac* »ni nuAhbr ro*| «anVto**i to t va .lauUr iBUtHU.— Ui *ll Mtont rtV h*t* ebarortor. IV 1 anlihnr* and sun* of o*r*AJßaao Bill to»* b’ an dodacti « mad*. * B T-W who WTK» a^Ta*rb • 4uVto aVtUd pot tbou annoy to Bm band* las thoAr «V lYw u la— TV B—Ah moot i« o *4* pruiDcaßy ar W hwotar tV toßtof vaaool of Uaa N-olh! .v. Uiara *ud i. .UU.'tfUr* a—tl V All who <Vf» ttorm Itonral.—con tonrd with IV hdaW nwl OJwr e--l tanaslaa at *3O to $Xi pa* aa—Ui lire lib —T / ~-*ro yoora Saw Ortaosa hoa haott a* VoAthi o tv Y 1 -r ntitotolpV t oM*B« »4Bka. Honan 80. ». l.(Mo-l*syablt In afnar*. r i nnaabii * aooaa o»-< Limited .. IH N Ik.A ta(>tof• ta<dagh«My. t00..a • tr.uu.-v*. oniudu.* *il .-iiuiaaroriil Mhiila ' * a* t'unbrrdd low • V I>.m .VUtutao V* t iin a* into I Ootor.l >tau.«wry f t ’ *•' Ousro, hsrludßto* ‘•toi.k h»*»4a Id BB SUniwr.) U i I'. uaM«.UH' * ** h r Baab r us A., . out M W LW ofa. krvmh. Hpaotob. itowmon. Latin. «*«oaA loli‘\rtito.u.4bnuVl. TamVr'a (torn .4 rw.«onab*r. *»U «••;* “• A UK TYolui to all u*o ls-^i*—to Md ftt r -r aJUj UranMK. b* !»«»*■« »toa*b. ; H'.»L< f MdUriun.* - pnoo dr ten da on Um as iMt.d _tw». rneftoh Urobatokf y «»•• " m v u I to*itui pold (w a tvtora. to aay ulnrh v» •»*•*> >• -ntUtod h» a LHa TYaArt to tool IV WU.U H. J.I .MM.I .w ■>■■ m *.JM *- me —to* W *» *•« u»— kacu i.-r V: mutt X l ~umtv ta«« om —■■ prtn.«l«t TV Inrdoaa* V BfVinnl IV mry .V. IBVnol LBMf »Bd Ob Manhvtco. u. . wUHrtrtolH itiiVurt- ftoMMMMM^kpnrt i«»w ucoao*eMucurrr. . . I II fcb.f UitkrbuMMt. .1 k—|dr« Hrjortßid -S. H (YBITOI and J. 4 sTEvuNh. it. (—n— and ob Bwfc i-Sags^gSigg—ar l, b J. V-PPOPUPp. -H i.M.t,11« i-.q> iMtodP M. B. KUdTUHjM»n ,«r«*l u - tor»n* on Bm tot Ida tail OntoßMttol Pan SOWtikHMO-- trsssffiTSSafcCTßcttt r iTto i;»MM«n*.n—ago- CArvoUr .-1 Jifnidb**. ■M*dartf r.eoiuiu 'nauwrnnui cqputt * hotiral —I I . u». r-Uto W IPB - ■ 1 1 J3T -• .JWJ. ' fcbd-dMI • ll>l>,,