The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, March 18, 1868, Image 2

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-Mum* §*% Bnr €ta. ax *»sTYis i r rr- •—*■ Oman Jnuu or m Onn* Srana OrrtClAL' JOURNAL or THE CITY I.AUGEST CITY ( IK< I I. \TIO-S I irjtit Duly OmWm ir Hartfen #»r|u ati/anta, ga. HXDFUSnAT MOWING UiKt H IK. I**A rut rii»lot*» •" ULYSSES S. GRANT, or ILLIIOIt. H»H UOYkRIOH. R. B. BII.UHK, or rorw». PUWDRM. UauLYCU THAT OTI HXDUE OCR Wfpitt to the <x>Kartnti<-ui rRaMEU ht thf cos KTrrmnnn <•<«( «i»« ur nux utatk v.n tn JMIM KKHOLVkJ. TUiT WE FETSTST TO 11IY rMEXOa or tatwxwrttu Ti*<n in «.f»<r<.i t thi* COERilll TIUN AN IXI I'LATT-IRM ANT' WC It! orrm-t utrjren turk *u tunrv rr RENr-LYEt- THAT W» ..I t M t-K'hl To TV Ron K. * BTUJX'C. <TR 0»«l*IV»TB IN<K<KIVERK<TH RBKotrEi'. Thai «< kenii •-“l the »<s«niAW>*rr t»< hon a a wuov IN THEIR TEXHaBT WAIT Pi. AN|. RrRTRLN NIK *T MrtlH 'on> PaIIHoI NR«»R1»B Kx-OuY- Jj—eh K Hi-.NJI till L-Ui.- »« . iliiroA of iltn- Ut, G» <,•«! -Atut 'ub Ju-S r»4«t»y,<® tk< (YMiUOtUHOATI 'l. 11l WrtloA. J*y, u»* KHk ml rk<) (boßß<d k. tnd ricmlly. ol rwiarOt* tU 2l»l ta* 1-rt ar«rfl>n.lf ttt- n<l wbo tn K»lUH»Hr»—»""‘ ,r *' 11 "* Thf fn-ix!» of rßlifc-RliJO Rn-I r«N>u.iinr j lion tr< raapcclfaTlY cr-tiNcd Il>*t Gir £ii <* j amply fa do til biada of »«A do- U»Ba1«1 r ' i AuuoObcemeuti will In; made at sH»**d* I Th« u»ou#y »uti auermpsmy Ah* ( 'hui|«iK« tLcuikitU ttil printed with d*spxit*fr xmAtly And ft -at the k>»« *t j ratal. Ticket* emu im g>#U<*u up it* •UrwriiVt •*>*' ; in any uucubtr, at Aortiwk' 1 * S*ud in vow ordcn*. V»>o mu; Iw- <ik brl sud work fa*A tt»v. anww (• *T**k »l MmrUfm, tk»v J E. Brown wdi oddrcoithe ci.teit e f Marietta to-day upon lV ml i**nr* ! of th•• h-~mr The addrrwi nit b« puUisHrd in tb* Eat We predict that H* will flay th* H.u * 11 HtU. Tkf r«utHattM< Th* printing af th* w» GmelHuifoi. w t-* in. podtcd >nly farwanl. ami a»U U» nwdy hf daiivary. h th» m>l*nc- Ik b« (4 ibt UitiniiM i4 the I'ruiUu,' f*oau mitt***, in a **ry f*w UaV» liia <*+>y r* 1 havw In Lami w the only cornet on* that P>i»t-i1 (rum lh« luiih *»f tb* SarMWrtnry It : will b* l-'f.'rw th* |—'pU 111 a vary abort t«m* It raquireY •oia* ti»* U* |f*t it ap, j*art .. alar \y nitW nn n—nry that ti sL nhi i- to* with K rr » l r * r^ CnA.U. W «•»*. t\4 Hanry U. Col** w* an«H*uu»*r*l in »hn j Eia Uu> inorntag a» a caOfbdnL* fr>t i < »•**• -*» from th* Semnth l>i*Vn« ( tklifii* -* , At a n.< « o-k hald in thi>»« U>.A n ~i) uight fLc #vlVi#4of *4l nr ••aav#*! a* <t#U i gau-. I • ih<* Hrrxtith i'ca/n iwacnal Sotu I M taK ( aw v« ntiofi. »n'tvu nt.lay i»**t 1 !- j L DmUm ® *A w " 1 L A, Fond. A* T' .f - Wright, Aod4«w i . Mieha*i OMf>hr Marik < Mi|MHt«MRI PMrkl. Am Dr Whimb*wd ban airaa.lT h**a ibtr .Ideal tollivpaUir a* a mutabtr caniidat* to | ifpru—l th* Fourth Congr«**k nmal l>i*tn»'t ia Coograna. **A V**u» rauat • tx ua* »-< (our j *pme+ bring luai|nd,; sot drcKniog *lo |>wbl»h j hi* lainotk wjmmaMttoa. n< Kin*r»l mt tha We are grwtiinl In know that thn fmopl* •« Atlanta, without a «n«l* «sm|*Uob. a* far a* w* know, juatifr thi %£l*m of the r»tr t own ml in offering iudneeinruta f..r th* i.notkl of j tin Capitul hitiuti lu tLU at ion th* Coon ril r meed a poUic Njnnlrd. * **n •)nrt wbirh tt Comtn*n*urufe wrlth th* g«onrat cbar»*Ur t*f thi* cwubuunity, aa«l which I* «|i,in»fw| by all urn of *▼*!> pertT in th* city. N»» one take# th* tun« 10 Jwft * th* 4m * lion of abtlttjr, for nil know that the credit of th* city b* good, lha <1»(H aarall and tha cor- amply abi* lo perform iH that ha* l**wn promised Th* peofdn e*an »rra *a a ! v* illingncs* to bear a little h*avi*r taxauon rather than th* p*o|»*ct '.hoahl fail But this is tinneccanary, if tb« Canned Will taka iUr|i» U> a«v>uri th* Opera Hoaa* building As w* raid yratenfta>. ti »« raUimatot Uuil> wtd oay and com pi* u the build-ncru The city can nflurd lo iano* eighty or on* hundred iheunami doMars in t<o»da. ami aren then her d*V>t woo Id he Inuigni fount rn com j \m mnu with that of other cttiea A»*o*e Ik* J ground door of th* Opnra Rons* k abumlaat space for both halls of the IngWlaioiv, and for kll th* ottcea and coincnittar woo» that will l>a needed. Ou lb* gronml are ait aV-w • »ou« and conrenient store ror»m- with ha*** merit under each, admirahlj adapt* I for any kind of bossncaa Tb*a* kCot** would 1 out maud a good rent, which would go Car %•+-• ward paying th* intar set nu th* bonds It i* < la lined by good flutunm that rmt enough • odd U derived froui the baildluK U> pay the 4 hob 4 the intereat, than rwliering the ruy, ns it w ere, trusn ncy *ucutut<rao*« by tb* mat tar Agaiu, lit the Bier* light of an iu*aat«n*at. it ta& ivcalb* approval of th* beat l»u*mera uit o m Ati tints, for it ia not at all rraaorwdd* that tb** value «»f tb* j»ru|*ity will «buiifiul lit fir* yanra Jo4*«hl w* think that by tb*' tim* tb« city wants lo dt»po** vl it. it will •'ommautl a figure above what it will now coat. The walla of tin* huildiug are complot*. th* 1 v**f, or a greater portion at »t. m fnascl, and it will not rwtpiire a very bnavy outlay of time ur money to get it hi or tier, and, wb« n once hi rea linefcfl. it will serve th* Lcgielatuie for 1-xttar than th* old Capitol at M ilicdgcnll* WV*r did, l*ow it is larger and more a*c*a •Ail. 10 avert portion *»f th* Htat* W« aie an nous that th* City Council should took at tb* mailer fr«*cu a ptactical ataudpt»ml W * ar* no taUauifiting U> buiLl a rasdu In thr ait forth* i». fat uat ion of any ou# W« r tn*V* a nor* >4atein*nt of facta, with tb# b*»yi* U indnciug the tbrnneil to immadiat* nation, and will r«»r dkdiy aWpport the IVmiim iI iu auy «t»-pa it may take tu thia ilirtcUwi Tb* |*<'pl« expect prompt action, and fouis il will U »«*i»iuui |fl stitliififf sfne thv ffi|M|Urtl> fttepohinau. has - A AtH|Kj I" u. MHHBraPUBIHP' 1k« KMiH,* lEHMnia yi<«t. nmt lull ... Ikr --ynMBMIMKfIK hof.'i. me " 1 i* H. Ittll a foto h T«a utram« > riakWoaau The first point that Mr ittl lUfoipb to l toakr. iu h>* of sos Cos »• W> MT%!rnd as to hi* left thoroughly thread- * ban It u w fLrusy as to ha nUflrtjr toofMl j Mr lid! ha* a certain manner of ahrwwdnaw. ! which he la able l*> paws of upon 1 an un*u»|xs'tmg audien a for a eery good switch «of logic, ft all a’und*« very w*H. but » ben rncuaul, clonwlj it amouuts lu about u much s« tbc school-boy's irlkipani A hmrrnmtm eocw, * riUWWaemw Ttwffcr* s fears* uiM We »V» not prrtsttJ to say that thi* 1* at »*y« tL- *»•* wtth Mr !!ill for rk*s he s«* ctibnti fiiramtors spa tk* right mb of a political (puwLow which u very seldom he •'an iual*s rory fair wectuwut ft do n*4 m*%*n to detract an iota frun hla ability hut ao-rwty t*» ebow h*'W far prwht«W*i hi* p»#wrr* j t*» fanaU. at par|nmtn 11. takes up tb* Elrrmtb &-c<kHiuf the Bill ■»f I light* ••'rii* >-vsl rtatits-af th* •iti/ow j dudl Htitr lei the subfr-H *4 l«^w>b»la<4k ** ■ Ns," says Mi - IfUI. *llll4*l that pmvi* | •ou, wh it 1- tb** rvKtili Hum«c< r»-b» I U«o I, r RULM.I Alii li,. ir*4lma* -«K-tal n l *t» <«. 1* the tliamajj* » *e»it u Tbi* t'orusUtoto'n >Uk »• 4 *m% \Uu< 'luUuauar rwge IrlSttil tb« sLltri iU-i th< I'Ua'D U { lerrlu m*d' r»l».i or -hereby *utb «.#—l l.ut I a »*y* (i.ti tb* «us*ial 'Ulm of th*- < Uon f »hali r.< v. 1 U th suhycCt of IwgiabiUou,’ by i alweh. ««f G'irw. 1* nosmt that ih« I tore shall Uv»« r h*\« pow« i to prohibit tb* in I trrtnarriav** of the race* Mr. liili kur» « tliat. tb.t »»*■ w «ying U'#lj H ktw w tb-r. 10 n M-iuiviane*- -t truth tn hi" eWnidLs of tb. j He knew tb»l on the C.kW .4 G.or kii* thcra is »vtu an-1 good Ur |*rt>hiUum; tb* 'uit< <4 it. r**-*- It* ko*w * that that law ha* u.-t U- u rtt{*sdrd. Hew mtufiwd that it wilt as b* r*p*ub>t. Mauc*. hi* shallow sophistry is im4 worth th* breath ■*t tuck to utter It, It tj> i.ll**. and fooltvh. and oirprioing, comiOk,* a* it vii.t from Mr iiiU. Again h* proceed' Vavrancy aU •i' * ■ » isi 4.1. ti Wlo ibet tb* Ts K md>oTui ilk. lounge* through your 1 •Inrtii shall U uken up ap-l * uh*r usa.l to w.irk. or p«nu4ie»i. tm a —nn— 4W>wt lad! •me of Varg* tnfiriencc >m th* w*4for* of *• ei* ly Thai clause lorrefor* mewua lhatth* !* g ißlatnrw Shall never have tb* [»*v* r to pntush for vagrancy. Tha awm* an*w<-r is r**ady for Iht'> ulie pst>- |N«ttion; for Mr Mill ktowa, and tb* (wibhc kii-ws, that Oworgia Iwia good la as. ai< 1 that ih*\ wtll t- f rc-J ahk. in rkfarenoc to black and w bite But we ward not pursue kuu further upm , this point Wbat we bare giewn u a fair «wjd pi* id th* wboi*. !l W Bu »cr. than the aheurvwt* luaig&ificanC bug bear, a j i>>oas and €ub«t eickamatnm. ait anmng to th* dignity of an argument Mr Hall u«aai> a grtat deal la* mltaence ami! trpntaL.m cr ba oertamly could not Uava ex' |*ct*J tb* pubiu th* mtcatigeat which h* vldrcasad. so reewivw tua tore mwmw ti u nuauhatanlmlcit.aM if *w. l»y auy shmb>w •and an afiolwgy Ux ptie.f H* his vc*r*d Ua» touch th* p ill s! Wiods lot the pa> |4* to beliei * Lr wawftlway* right without con , nett si,'. Mm vLo change *ifl*u, n*%y '•apart j L> ba'** *-•♦**• Odhcuitr iu tokir-K ail than* friend*, with ih«Ku A cun wbo u conrcrlrsi very often, 1* newer couttftwd souiwily ami j th.» »a Mr Ho, caw*. pt*ciiu*»jr li* shouts with errry ptditicwl gvm), and foils forjm 1 as ana as tb* wathaaMsm Wuhmira. usWrsatsrtatAassasr* imsi Maaitrri. <.a March. IM> 1 Lava cow Islor* m* (■••muissma ‘ f* a:« fr>HM diil*mit parts of the Stair, signed by < nu'. rr* TTT*«pcctJva pnlitaowl *»r patty <bff« r*«i**-». urym, m* t » Urou* a • »n h,l*u . f..r th* < tfi • of tiorcni.-r at th* apj nvwhrwg *lc*t I'm. ami th* **|h)*rt li)V<4vo«l feu b*r-a rar- fully CA>t»%»dwr*>l Preferring .juictud*. and wiidoi with tb* (hulhu 1 now oct-apy n»v < • u |*rso»l • feeling* and iac!ins‘l- »:s e. nl l pmiwpt me t-a * ikcliov lb* j*rop—rl «ai* iuUe> l»«« if it is thought that< • f any rvi** u- tb* p*oj !.* of n 1. *frv« Slain in this iim* oi (Mil. 1 ato willing to forego si) po<wsfci*l <'<a*si.bis taons, <u»d am r*s»ly to uuk* auy reaMouald* Ufliflts for lb*»r rsbrf. V ib*r>-f<>r* yield U> t lh* urgeut riHjarct. imul*. in i runwot fe* bt i'«4n* a can. li dat* forth* *®‘#of tloreriw I hais oady to say. list should 1 ha rhrmtni so ’ that high and responaihte ofo, I will, to lb uiUMWt of my aLoity. slinibcb i ih« (juvrm aural <0 vording t-> th* I • 'Ustitnfoiti and Iswrs, ’ and f.«r th* haul uifetsui std w*Uar« 4 tha * w hoi* |<*Mpia of th* htat* Tha Una batween this *ud the «kctl<»n is «6 j sh«-rt that it will Lc iiu|ww.Nil4. t -r m* bican vswm lh* S*al* 1 muu rvf>f«x. l**v« that matl*r-to my frteuds Miwmly grateful for th* •onbbsus sad partiality whphasawt lu U** isi'khu cuiainaui caLousaliadw! to. 1 am, very rasjwctftillj. youv obedient servant and follow niiim, . • Dirtt» Iswrw fran Rsrhfeaa. blifer <ftk< Kni Th* interest I hav« la tan m the great .|u***ti »ii of financial r*iu4 so tl»« fo-jpl*. sine* tb- rlma <4 the war. has j nusu*) m# fr»«ods m all of the Biala 9001* fwh 'tu, d-*uhllcTUi. afoetd U gla.l to foaru wf my prefrrenrv for Governor aw ag tb* cn n<l»*lat*a alrwaniy. i*r wto-» easy hereafter beouiac such. Theta 4 <i.. iu answer tu th* tor|uir.«9 Uing Bua.l* of n»* h fmmds fey lt-Uwr slid othcrwiae ton wdl pisasan give , spm-r to tht>* hrbf arfwlc, m which I pro-; 1. tiu. - 1 r li ut It li Mml, <4 kscbmmui county, awd advwwi ail lu) fncods thr- ugh ut th* Btato. whom 1 hsv* mat and with whom I j bar* l f«*f <hr««e ywnrs ou the suh yact of “Relief." so rally k> tho *up,,ort of tb* nomine* now befor* the p*nfd*> •*»«■ tb nr suf frapra Mr Bulk<k was mn abi* turd u»cfnl mem ber of tb<* 4 '••nsritutiooal ( sSamfo fully •'omiuiUed ou this vital subject of fb* lief." nod fought manfully for |ls succena, as well as for lh* tfrwut cans* <4 K< .-on*trwcUn«. during th* entire Mcasioti of th* 4'n»iv««tir»u My mlric* haa been, listm not fe* the syfwa song “nothing *au U> •lona.’* \|y advira now la, since something lias b-*ti .1-sm, Is, ! rally so the polls fen the i*Hh >4 April, take ! for “RrtificatiOD and for k B Ilolhask 1m tJoveroor, and nil will yet be well rh* *|j. mg wall of Shylock, end th* of the new fleged Dcniocmi’y so the contrary n<4 withstanding JieO W. Jacxkun Burk hert*l, M*trck 14 |kM Tb* drvakupiDCbt philoaophr inuat iw right Men did deMwnd from animals, ami tha?’ is tb* rrwaott so uiaay amoral traits are still left iu th* race There ar* men bt*cgieb.*i»d sew n j piggish Ic*v*rs are oroserftially ahaeptoh. i sn«l dwindles nr* proverbially puppyish There i sr« turn that drink like s 6-lt, and' men the! eat lifee a dragon h n*»* men sre surely bear*,. »< uu* sty I .m*, <h«i> slippery eela 'I her* an* |wopU who pens current in the crowd a* stupid owL. snapping turtles <4. at mats nmtra. s*rpeuts, hawks, w.dves, tigers, ! jarkaaacs ftiKiety tan show yon. in human ' forin. the HiWfel-*ftjj««, th* thtgia th* manger. I the rock at the walk, the biggael toed so lh* I pod.ll* One euttiw trtt* »u the r* mm*r*ial world is made up of boll*, ami »q> (bar of 1 Uar* A laige portion at the fhrdkital cnrrsncf in { tha Wig mi raid to be npuiwus «m. a. a. KR>*k> r» Sir tiXm *a - TV. ur, H OU. N R Muvlb. Or.. HNlßnMldi RMI. | lo npirlpal MTU. l>nlS|) o 4 Un•■ >Nr rii>u4 Scßtrß(Jon 1 ■«Ka%ki la RU.>gß<k«t ,|W>«I , * x. Or KteSnuou <4 ths Nrn Matson MWI rutty laeoartructum tbeicnndcr ! Ha ts a marrwr of dccnlei ahlitiw, huvirg rasided in Marietta bar near thirty years, win. I Be has tar» aagwged in tbe |wmctica of his tmfiwdm; IS now the noting feiofo-iior tiau erai of the Bio* &el|s Circuit Re served sereral year* ns Solirffor of tha OowreU fkr cuit some teculy five years ago Ho V* a ripe enkoiaf. a man • 4 tha profouodewt i»t«t ntysmi vmwtts. has a grant many tinted* in tteurgw. and fuructriacij in the Seventh Con <{*YSMi«xl Dtdikt He has been. fr»**n th* feeguMPng, a ousistant advurat* l«r recou ■trocUor. ond» r the 4\a*grvasi<>na l plev Hu aouiinatwm at hiigvtoc. on the diet mefont. 1 w Ul gbshlmi the baortaof his many friend*, sod hu vl«*4ra woolJ tie certain MA . % 14V TELEGRAPH insM finn r»fjrf*t**’f**^ \t»o\ I»ISPkTCH» usumua March 17 The Pusih ut *n d !f**d the (iriiit su-l Thomas Teom-asee fur rv-jw.u.!<-»>• e . UwU lh* Mate y*h-2tiu*s bar mg iwsd* u< ■ r.-it-i apphemtioti. V* \ ♦ral fofffrlcutx In uitsulhoroad. Th* kukhti kfot. vksli poslm-sd iu*h a rar#. is the S».u* if Msha. writer s *• w name Tl* o l klsvAMtalti f wfot in Portion l Main* n*«ll*f iu on rhoirv Kcpubh.wu d»i*l lnd*|*aud«-ut, i*~t w l*«*-«nitK., ;.-U NIGHT DISPATCHES VTsMUm •tvui. March 17 AWvan b i Steplw*ns <l*psri«-d foe Craw fonts* 4!*. l««oe K»a. * John Har . •cA.wa* nominate*! as e>»!l*rti*r f lutetual B*v*nn* Ux N*w 1 triesuA tisiMrai iiau. or k s vis*t lias l»o g. u*nd |- inrevi npmftfwev IV Pr*amlmi merely •ksirsl so CoUSWiI hlt*J |>ri*••«**] 1* V«X*l<llb , lh* j--wt.btia* of ndirving bitu h«* |*r* arut y*»st. i i omens li, ore B»ddl«s swofil, *alu> latt* n ihons-md tbdiara. w»s sfedeii fr.*ui thr 1 sUnt Ofßra Ue**nue to da> two hunir*«l arid silty t« • thonsand dntlar* It ha* tramfer* 1 that Su**us all al •,, L* oppoawd Aloha ms m vkmiwnn u>i4*r the recent election, and that be is BtfuggUbg lot suffrage only tfoiwtel by th> r*«fiTlctHwi for cum* Tin. ffof rsm* i.ourx granbid Uso to ril. lh* new Georgia lull, Mr Carpentwv s i4ya*tn»n that J<ukms was uoC OtYwevnor. « sag»»*sUasl PnKoSlsx* ■mxft -Ut ismekoa t4iairwran *4 tha Us4rv4iA-hmei.l t . ruuoU.. tkudurm Van Wirka*recent wL>* by baud rap- it ra th* vnwuth-msa.l of an liidivwiaal mssitei us the'*, •ass!* without th* copwak kahwladpe i*r S|»- proxaJ of the utlev us* asferws The rWratary -4 th* Treasury w\ iskr.l In v (xaude sr« an-1 <l#t*rii.l m {•riuting t'al* Mi Wilsa draaol k> make w «ipLusii«u regarding lh* 4 lan-b—tins Judiciary Amend meat Mi. W«*>l ob|.*'te*l unfera* ih<. iKw -trais war* allow«d so r*|4y Th* bill I ‘iu <viwg dia»bdlt4*H WaY. resumed. Mr BuigUaaa am* u led it »u m* to ir|*>iv Jr .is JusUlitfo itapral by foith the ****i*4*- and law- Hi ' am* odiu ui in- rtu.* Mr «»ilni*i * name wae withdraw:. Am* rid weuts addfnp oth*r name* so tb* <*rtpmsl list were rejaeAwd Mr. llill*r Rai<l !.■ uptr*> nsitj* ifesiM hr omitted Mr Bingham sonJ ** Oh. no.' A Ju<a»-w eugg*-«4fe»as warn i (fried Slid Bu> ; Uam begged them rwH fofewd live talk VI W U Abi w.mbU be the nest tforawwor «,( N.orth Gatulina. and ronld nr4 act nnlrs lb* b*M pnnsed. Mr ju* i. n* I ti *- in r Or« < •v» !*»*•< of koyalty Mr Bingham said Mr Orr bad •*•!« tu »u ---*uraging spec* L so th* South CafoUna Con- VrOUcu Mr la*gan waniml so km#w< alio it Mr. Orr * Philadelphia »pwfe. Mr Hmghem was u<4 k-**»K mfe> i Ums. but thought a tu ui who hjul«cn< * enough so brat Wad*< Hampton •ogt»t b» be annnuraged so a** that »ufiu*w*. iu favor »( lh* rrevHtstmcti<m laws. Mr ftciietick pr*>pu*ed a m<»ufli s posl|*<n ai*t*( t>» obtain facts Mr- Boutwall C*v »rs taking th* rewp-rawt btlity Mr Logan wai*l*«l fruits iu*et tor repen tance. “ Mr Partiaworth u prated what Mr. Hcbetick tnid of Mr. Orr. **lding that Mr «>rrs<*mirae at Pbilmtclphka was no »* r* tlailfr. lUy moa»*i< an*l Mr. Uayuond was afl«-jwar«L fedmitrad so fUtswl csMseuaae**. Mr. Logan iknouncwl Ora Bnvii us Ora gia. aa a meew pobtismn Mi, Eatiy raid Goraraor Brown had work rd leufouwly. and ought In be forgiven Mr Mnlhnra wuntssl so know how h*ng Adam had so he .rat hwfo # <fe«d gave Mm a rtmnae. by IU berth o, n>r. so rapeni (laughter ] Mr Karusw »tb intimaU 1 that some plan must be Jraral so iwliex* the whit* men. otherw*ee there vrould ba two |>ur lies South Imitd **n cofor, wrbcu the Mack umn s party w<<uhl go In dusk The Bill was r«cotofciiUwd The Burraa s n •wuoaaiton Mil we» again ywtpmni Alabama » was rmramwd. Mr fihfiiw said ** After a full etaiuiua tkm of th* mono, f am satisfied so fora* a vote on this bill and admit th* Htaia against «ur own law While there nr a difl* r*n*e *4 twenty «uld Uunuisiml against it, it undid not I* d'MAg such ywatie* in l*f?iaie&«4M! as wirahl U by lh« paopla Thai >wung the case, I (nor* that lb* bill be rw*.raituiiie<! ' Carried. Tha ifouth (Woluia C i'..nv*u IV>n prntwaa against the repeal of the Ist iff on nee H-Kuei adjourned swwirw Ncmarta* unpiratafit perilo»n« and ru*Ui>> rtajs wrr*- pr**wnfod. Mr kdmunds chars*Un*«J Vsu W i k« wtiiwky rw|w>rt ra unaothorirad » The bill the time for hob bug Lbs tnet and Cl re art Courts of Tenarawre was .ip porad The tat Mil wae resumed An ametvimrui was adopted which leVias a Ut uo wholmle dnairas U one fifth of un« p.» emt tm amounis over ten thourand dollars <>lkc» amend meals pruptewd Tha ftennU adjourn**! bAMOnwan. M. V.. March 17 The ar.pta duot at Cvaarunt. with thirty oaual U*-i» .mi brhlgra, at Kcheneetady and Water*.*d war* washed away luuuaa, Mweb 17 TV. C>.»*iiri..n«| iw«lHß«ljMnH*ha 4 TWatoaMg.. R<CMW Sat bitfht uj 10-day nn »»i» S,r«l . —i a—i —Li 1 1 — ■talk Akjftu.- ht S*aS« *0 UjKrfkiiiSK,««. rw UuSSS *>ttk.U>o (War raiivrw Jiavran r«t*:sad gh* n * u *• raurwd tr«wn ; tin hsE Hr cspithfMwtl *m| ufekrwl so be ruhg »*» h- ran. and the flodr la* ckarad aud ulnwh and akfifo riditais j*«cafeh han*K form ing a cirahfe and ivmmc need a wort *4 c«*rufield bu.v n*h songw as -Old John Hrowu s utral ts inarching on % ’ and “Msig; ' While this latter won# was befog nag fe | you «g r»WI h***k»ug «*a should tknecjmn for Jet M>*. stub was given with a Will Iby a few in th* lobby and gallery. Thin | casnouwd a mnmrnlnry ynr. hut tha Can ran [ tk*u lulanty word ou UI! it «u exhausted. To-day, aflM pawing e«rtW iMMnpmbiit onii wen can. M the hour of adjournment had n 4 anir**d. id*.Jen* wviv r»ftc»4 on for a -j-<■*.: tu tg tbrm rata towgw totte- Isiahi crasneeted with tfis Wwß- ihrert Hrdtri' *i Nsw York, and wbo. u is wml*rs|(«*sl had <juil* a Load in maiupfeWrii the Aaaw*«al - lw4u** of the C<UidilsiU. «i*« UtticftcM •uuofigotbri*, nudi <|Utt* is ijb nfrwis* of Hi* Coov* uti«Mi. sud <~l■ ***•*! by « *ilu>g iipen thr bo«lv t<» »h! him iu * "Old biflß Brown's wahil i» marching > h»imr. »Ll u «A* ]< IH 4*th«r ffMwrhw and werv given !%• ! vub< char wUr and tlw* ethibitiou rfoeni at | IJ *•«'!••« k mam, sfibpct t,» lh* »*ll us the Pr*- ! wdt'bi. riiUJsTOff. Hsr- h II 1!.« C<mvi i.U*hi | a*(p>u)u*'d mime *tx at m*< n to <Liy ThcHVm : stuutew) srm and two Lun )r**d and tkirlieft Wflitst* K>- |a.<* «-«diligs fuvpt cufiipthuuUry rvsutsUum h|aech*e n*d 'iHkiumm sm*>i)g th* d*legai , w. t'is. (wsifi. March 17. Th* Oais •*« Vhc j I'lorlDtlti and !uduuiapvd><« i vifr ad w*ra M*»wn ts th* track Slid Wtreked- All aboard w*r*> injure■*!. and some attkHgjj. * ui. %aro, M »rrh 17 LbtrVng a *t"rtn a fiSifts bntidir • was alcvati4iahe*L, and a wuiuao viiUM Ai»ii■•>)». March 17 There wa* a lari’* pruccasi n <*f Irish b* .Is) m Urti«,r rs Hi. t Pstini Kumu.i 4 iMi»i. Mart’ll 17. A gorge «* *>pi awn.y-lh* Iron btidg-* .n»d »nnn*Ut*d ! il** firau. Tli«* worst IWskl ye*. A.asm. March 17 Tli- whoso Lvly of jrm l<x iw’h»y miles Houtii i- rfH»viti“ It is j .tilt linn M Schenectady. The Hu Urn ri»«-r r<'.*•! i« siiburergtd st Co*t)*to«i Tt«" water is bi«d» tfer<>«i<biMit the Cewtnd rustl. Ijsri'Vht* M*i 17 Ihe Wdaili val j* 'ey fs flo.-l«sl M m-It 17» B**. ul and« veh>|«Qi«nts | h »and I * ti.< (did llint tb - (ti Ireland;* ; Ku*;Uu«l and S iitUfel -no < )|ieiing with the n * 'll* Ther* is » dd*n«*e <4 alarm ! mg di'»f*ct». m in • •!*»* of tbs Irmli v*gi- I ments. lu lU> 11 tv td 4 • lulu >n* hLuiUtri m reeo • lutcnv relative to Irish reforms was lcsiuoeti -LWwtui i>pfa*aL.<l and Msgutn- vilUrew them. Arur .n. Mar< h 17. C-(it.*n very dull and • u -ale* l? 0 lsilt rtrcipt* 409, ujtd • lling s4c* J, March 17 C*4t<m dull and udosml a» jt to 'A', Flour tiradv Whaat •lutt So«tth*rn H *> t .r u a lute fl 111 lo ill! ycUuw J 1 Kll *4 kiis quiet Rice dull. IVtnki<>ai firm Hunt) shotihLr* P<2 >. Soumh 17 Col bin dull and tin j chaugpwl Inxfiuk. March 17. 4\.|rsoU r M. B-iDaU 72. Lnaaissm. Match 17 r>4inn Horad d«lh j-.Haiaw K.tiMii Imlsu at l»>,d. Cukki.i.nMar- h 17. Ofilou declined Muer.l KA, Mivi-'h 1 . gt u**i dell ■ ■ 1 Mii | .n ' I «cr ralra IJfiOhi. Pl-Mtr dnri, fa* so 111* b»era Wl**nt ilorlin . _ 4 •i :< hoi slut s. ,U.*ru it \*t $! T 2 I yellow slil fe. M< »s|»>rk SJ4 flbe, laid doll at I ti* to \C Kiofar fairly active; Mua- 11 .and i MJ lliniag I] I! Sun Hujvp Htx llcwnann A, Ran its (France) pa|*rr states lit* f<>Howuig. A foruier was foutul hanged by his 1 Snapinhm fell ii|a»n bin wil*. >*he was smaLsl, and when *|»*suon.-d by th* uia*l« > tl»* following affecti.mote *vmfrimnni “Well, , m Lai Ur. AfeeicS (lot UtUt hto ls» told. <l>dwg j 'i mm Uai (Mghl, I brand luy hnabvnd by th** ; sldc nf the fireplace trying so hang bttu*»tf ; | the i .|* was slrrady r<.nn>l his thrust As b* ! had afrtvuly t*»ld svrry - u*. that he was deter win* I to ti-iug himraib i endeavored tin na turally so assist him by -passing the oftev end •>f lh. ruts over a rsA* r an*l palling m hard m I • nnhl until hr was stispened in lha ur.” Judge **¥•*« •'onlera, then, that yarn stiwnulcl Tour hn.twuiil L-*. a liltl*. but uof mails', IscsiMr he pull, and He rope ale > B*aidt-s. 1 I knew tu* pis bisii a»s used ui his life. I was well aware that 1 slrawld b* artwsfod, but before yon srud iu* so prisem I k»tg yon will I Iri ra* aitrml uiy po*Ri husband * funeral. ** ! 1 fee alcwstw cvprra«c«» bylina ruwihrai wife 1 was fwllv appr - ited try ♦>». i .rari bnl not | roUlplud With. *Oi i Ulifuui ftfivivfii \ raftiraMfl <4<i Wly rwsotly die*l in Wiuafow, Me , who lufel not heard <4 thr lair war/ bccauas. Ling so deaf that )« was D. i-e.ary so eonvwvwe with , her by writing Done of the family wn»h*d so arae w« the task .»f ke* ping her posted. Wli*u j two-of her gran*laona aaliated she saw them in then uniform, as ttk* hmi H* her childhood ; ran lha sokbers of th* first Kevnluiiou. and ■ itKywirv.l wnat it HMaiit When fold that U | “wnw* tli* feafoow. nil the Young men w*vw ' vrenriug tfieut,** ih* r*|di*d With animation ' lost m they used so -L w)**n I was a kittle girl, and 1 t*4J theta they would ooum- in Lshi.iu Again. Kit ■ .swiyist. wh<> evidently knowse*i«u*Uung • f hitman nature, camaaily, toeMta spun tb* ilat> of fi ttAhng ihjK Mritupfing to make th- in tieltcr Il ls .hftvuU, he mj*. for a fnuiiabrd so f-cbeve that there is a Kath*r in Heaven until he fed* tha« he ima brothers nq urtli, b it surprising, theii. that rabguAM* truth aLmJd an<l usr-ra luMM+rrn*r than wch orri* among Use hungry and 101 l nowrtalrad t Krwry •tie knows how ißSonakt. even th* beat f*d are ltal«4a ta Imoarnm, if hapi Ura foug WAifoig f»vr thcar oirala, ami how in* iva-v. ra*l4. tkrf ar* at -u* U tunas lo appraU which after .inner, met runas grnrwras re •ponac. 1 Th* New iMtiiiuiott I'arluuueut iwojA-n.rl at • Hla wh ><u Tbnrwlay liai few ap j<«nuug. Ihv scasuoi L«te*l » nly ft ft* i n mm ulce TV meraneea UiOI Mill rhifwg* |h« at fonti -n of th* House •»* most itupoVtanr. >o clading a fliiau*ltd pnliey. a ravwfon vfth* tariff. Ah* ttililla, aud the luier-cohraial rail 1 way It M reported that the Ursnsrs this ra Nion. to American ft*b*nu*n, ars to be ad vanced fruui $1 so hi per foo Assignee** , In the urann «\.«n «r (fee t'ctrai eume tor to* Ife-itfe-rtt lHatrv t ot irawfie. In tie mA«i»r X \ In ffeuifeyspu-y, sA r*»U*)<*vi JAMKHUA). [ lb* tfu> .Ur »f tUrefe. fafis / tuatnjjrt 1 r|IMK anfenuud fov*»r ««♦•* MUrr o( hu m< 1 [.Hoiorat m Aeyoo >4 Jmmm so o| (slefead 111 Uw . i v/wi’meu sn<t suits n| «|erroe eitfein east fostnrt wfe. hss w utj«4fa4 s fiaah raj* vga lit* nww pUitna fey tfes Inetn.* Cowl 4 ; •**•) lnstrv-1 t'tjiJ much a niouxa. u.*rl' A) *l* Arafowas lit lluakrnplrt. I * ra* UwiihY Oocwt »w rws tlvmc mn* rut i as Moaranae Ismn v «r (t»4feu la Ute ntAiV-r 1 JAM ItH H W UA»;A, I- -a. fiuiK. ,n t hmtikro%4* l r|VO efe an ti mmy raran. Tfes tuelarsvaucl fe*ret>) . ! 1 fi«se trak . nf feM sffo-istsnewt «• Asweaec o 4 tfe raaiAJi |4 Jmmr* * Matlm-A a»«1 Tht.mmm A flfewt*, et ‘ ifc* tammy ut Wstfejfi. ta eaM ffess* ml fraritcX. wfen hra* feera s4jnfocßl ffoafemraa rtf»a Urar eww foittUm hy UK nwnfoiwi >4 said f «utrtci . w v urumnm. maria At wfiw fenfifwse. AnMfrnee's .lolkce. At Usrratwh tfelsrXfel Mj <4 r»fevwsrj A It MM. -|HB | l-Ratß-Ri “ J U.urj > .MU. NR-RRM*. In Ik. <«W7 « IWK> MR Rut, at •—«R. »>«». RRd INRUUR. Wfe. Rm W, -II 171|||| R I fSt-TS J£ c—. »TRZZ «™»rj> * ««**w>. * asase—Sl-wWw *~rtgnii Wt IS* MM. mt VA*««e* iMlni« apm % poUfc-Rl <•»• ia%k ut Mklvr Kwal Wkl r«j Rto Wrxi |>AR9#lllbAl>l#« oEUnAkmS «■ vr«*R<. MA W«« ms- 4 apm ib« LiiSW «RR SinOfei. tifkw ew» USRV m aagtil at Um hRRRcc at pRRRR ml IfeafipknaAMk sued ii sa suliui OftT |WWR> MBOR to <uWf. vtflt .wjr. “Ii ut •ud kuo pMRRuUti to Ik. fßilf lu lormlSi RjRoB. R OuWßtlMttcNi WtpRTHW IRRVrTY fNRf X t»W.Y tm Wjir "f Uwl giß. Within ahw J*js tt wilt br printßil mil oat Ihroßßhßßt lh. Htklß fa, ttk. j<r*»|>lo tu •RrKtUIRR kaj |MRR tfalß. ExrJ it. CuRRi-h, K t <oo.l-1 o»<*t IL >uJ Rt tiu i<ru|>Rr ti»» r-«»- faraara hr iKr boo irk) t hop ini, aa-i ;w»- rb‘<a its UNojof hßfa ir its rob-xi Trvt [«m<nm rim roar m R|<- (.<ai.Nl so by tb*»s srh<> have wall u |?h raiu*d cur once happy loud, to |*f*vml yon (nwt »e --tunung so tUa tfov. mni nt of (>xr F Uftfix J'btrac who will tha* imporiun* you tn aid them in defeating this Constitution, you will find by K*»kii»g ba* k opera thrtr |ta%t history ara Uiamc who sought to tfwi .lowti the proud r.kstn ■s-s.-l l.y »Ir, j lampt so |fec ('onvlHutiuii au l tin 1 tfovernuirnt un«Lr which i>ur ffohcr- livt«l • and pniepeecd for ntorijr wn h imlinl years. t as itu <Hh« i |*i »‘ph ever imafwfiil tu the his lory <4 they have brought upon tin j prsaeo i tp-nerati »u wvUfi ii|Ri>ueViL, which will - not only be Mi by thus? unw tivicg, Irat will < prove naif perpetuating wviL, »‘iLdlinr tUnr | misrtn s throughout timv* Oft* **» utiltiou * atnl | Uiilliows yet unborn. IL 4 te-t their t-rm* aticf*’ | R*a»4va u» irinru u» tli* Oovcrniffaht uod tb* • Flag of our Fstln n». by Ut* ov*rw hfltumn ■ j r*iifi. <»l of the ( oustiLutioii. and triumpb I ant >1» %-Uou oi lion. U. B Bollock Ii ia with Um u*.s*t profound tense nf gran tu.l* so my winy warm ar*d 7eakra« frnrads I sud supporters, that I r*«*notbrr ,U«>w urab) public nuM throughout tb* Htat* did tu* lit# honor so eiprcm a pawferenc*’ fur iu* lor 1 U>. high puailfon us Uow«riM>r of Georgia. Tlm pruls and graUmoti-m vipYtru-tsl fax** *•»- >l<ii«sD*ut is thr greater when I rvfleci that it is an < odor** hirnl of luy eemrs*. sud th.a tlitter nprtrains*. r*vntmg from rmiiv pof- UoOs ul Uaa: blefo, W*re U<d ttluitv tL< Voi'V nf th* white men of Urn cutafuJ m.u but th* I « a** nf th* pc*tjtl** *4 ibofyt* \*f, my fro u<L and fidinsr-c»U/.etia, w<- most «vrt L-ar i«> mind lhat. in oil great and gtonon* move - nientM, soch as that In vhleh we are now an K’ tWvidiM aid pu firwiacA us mt ou« < mdivitlual »di.<nldLa.(*chl panunonnt »«i th* J vital lute)rain of thr comuiou eauwe. It is with thu fweliug, ao*l the dr*ir* to saertfit r all personal etc I*o ferali.ra* for tb* ksm-M oi a 1 canaa no deal so us all. sa>l th* mm «•** of I which trill once tuora restore to «nr vreary i~oph that pra pruefonty aud hn)t|*me~« which wa l< m 4 hy the crmrs of |!KO, that 1 pro claim my nu pLibfled and earueat support of Hen. It. B Balluck for troraruor, and call upon my friends in all portions nf the Htat* to 1 antic with me cordially ut hut support, and 1 f>*sr him trmmphauUy through with a ansyori i *y greater than thnt f»y winch any |*vcvt. us < iurrmor of Georgia wan aver wiwcfo.l. HfiXfiT r Fucmiw Ifeafi, so., A lmrrA 12, liw4k TMJC tCMA won THK ( AfiPAltil. fe * un run ie*ro nwwu. | Tl.r Pat in enlisted Ux th* war it in ,«L> ! Vrturned ’in tight the yrvM».| Ifohl." whether • tint attach is fey a fmot or a flank munmuL | A •aiap'ttgu m al->ut op* tiin»; wrhich. for bit letfiMfife'Mfidi k»-a4e«l «Ua<tu«iuoi> sud ut-un; n tons vropurtanrs to tint wfeoia r**an4i y, »*• portall) so lha South, ha* U*Vo< L*n r-podL.L A uca ruMUititkin. raobeaoiug u* w pnuci fdea, *s,ii»M*pfeu>t npt.m out uhafigewi six-ml aud ioduwLri*i 1 wLLi-tus. will m*k»u he pr«w*ui*d in lira jtropl* for ralificatkku. Op|*)aftioii to U. on the part us the disunion proas and leader*, I*. iu alt probability, a fhrrgvme c-uiclasnm The t-onsfilatina, no matter how entiglilewcd SI. I liL ml U* I'Otvi-M.nt, Will In* ssaailed with s fury and obarinocy. nf which only anclt a <luapp*M(tried iaciioM c«tni*l bo ra|m«*«w, its they lam U«-ld ihctusrlvi-s iu reserve ft*r this coulrat. into wfekh fh*y will bring all their •treoi;th m unoilters'and sbara, fob ear spatnst r \Uftcstion, ts they cam make politW) capital by no doing Th* nrerthr>»w *4 l)»* r«*cvra •irwctioti party, an«l the defrsl of the consti tutfem has been deter mi o*4 upon by them, if thereby their ‘*»«hi may K* K <oinad Tha war n|Min bath wilt lw ahatitmte ohntav*, an. reasoning -tsd unraisoit mg. TH* fn. u.l-4 ut lha Uuoa aud rwoaarso tioo auwat lw tip' ind <foiitg. They have Work so do. Nltd they sm»t do »t They >m4 re|»*l evoawlxa. wo«! carry the war iwfo lit* rsuipti of tha dhtvranxitats Tha r«s« «4 ih* I toou. of raconalrwcrion. and ml the f'asmtiiatMm must It# iLhmdcd with aa much vneagy, tdrarinivcy and varasst 11 mu. hoi ooi with tlm Santa uoaens pnhmanaSN. as will ha dispLyed by (he .U*.uu ionwU The Koa will L* litoral, as h* reiofor*. In lira for. frout of th* feoUle. among tha feohlaai and sUanchast us tha odvueolc* and dufrtuVrs of (bR tirw r.xiatiintloa, ot immtotnuUm u<) Hr I’aißi. To *1 rr rh»*. Rad wk.< iti mßooi. 'r fait far RRfal fa Um cttrrl wmk m Itßiul. ><< |<Wiu, it In (be bßud* ot Iho poo -I‘l-, it )>n<|«».» (Ur Mlmrlag l/rw Rvrr. r-oi the ronmi. ifaUjr. fan«l* l opl. a Mrr ta kinmra tl iu use Kfa-td •'<<|RRR i Brr. <r AdTßaro ID no WNobly, Siiirlr I'< lOf Tl Moo in All [ 'RUT. ......... no r Wißkly. Tlnrtrße i <n-<o» 3 M— la-id | AMUR ... ... ft 00 i »ad r ropy L< Um R.ttrr afi us lb. (Tnt> Lot liir frn-ada of tb# I'nlan RR<) n-vimtm<■ - ON go fa work nod vnrk wifb R mil tod Ui. rn mat lo Ike m.l of lb< Kat. bob! nj> Hr Uri«l« rk-I giro it r b.Rity Rnd En-rouß Rap port IU IUR COUIIKR llfaamiiv Rl«l R Ulß<U|dlß«l Rial mukmi <U'l«ry »ni la uam Die I’aiun • ill lo aad Eraily ..aunlad and pnißpßrHj o»or an**. Rail lumar saatfa <R> all iba fa»l Hack amafar at Ik* Ona • eutma ob««U at <«or cuaatiCafa hiMaair an Rgoat far (fa* Err re* *o * «”•* Wp-maßly to Ratand Ka ca-alaara. PHOPOttAL* SRALBIi rCUMERIA W.MpfanM. •ralartM aakl ■>> [^r ß | MRRfarfar. Ink*** PrnMli Ucnf, <R » RRO*. RWVail I. qaaßAr. <a rmrl pr«p.Rt)oa I Irrr rr< ili fanlii WRRL IRRdat Saaka aai Mda-r aSTttyuSi.7m ITSwii i _o . dmm~ j IfKW ADynaitttßWTf. *1 [ fc “ -Tt-. ktoin. A... 4 ” raca low on finer ut ntrkhk. V WMU. rati. eu Atiwln «■ Wsdwcsday MM. 1. to* IKb tu sisal m i oVImI 1" too (nr ■ IhUfcllQtf L4H Ob the k«Mi ant* o< HunUr MftH. W "N* Hnwl (Mm 4 aad (M Maouw Bollrand. ««w Uu , *««»»• M '*•*. rah W by 1M Coot, known a* % li«*iti» Onrdncr*iiProp< % i*iy. Two cl ttaw Who tau >4d Wmmm ..a them Tto ,- oiw J»nw o( tkht pnj#rty w U»« (Uilr-H.l gopaks, I u«l U»« i«tlr» ouj buofimao port* ot Um city mat —a ( rshtsbb r.-rmo rash /a. w. U'vin , • lu«l buw ll>4 lMurw<« Ag-». i No ft Ivter* tUMr 0.1 Him k. wage NoUjojol U»l.|. j OMhto-td .1. .1. TH KA S II KU, \l I'.Klt, aa Toumlv. th I 111* imuol. c m. WiWWft M ft u j*< k Ut Ih* ,-ftrrw .* u. SIXTEEN BEUTIFIX RESIDENCE UITS. •tt noted car Um- rraidemo of I. C W. Ot V*., 11»M pr'-eerty to * igU'i) touted. u* * guud u.lgblwr y rab and Lav oO»jr to bo seen to to «»tiro uial “ I rriuo. COS*. QQe-UaH all ntollUaa ►«*» HoTt**ul»4 0 U T * o AftNKlt. 4*OXl (LSTIQ3 M Kll* M AMUI. HJJf* i Dili I-iNo Sill |«|J tli< U oral uoit't (•OH t 4*l*l ion l-all and M tL*w UK.. J lUtlmaJ HI., ft W»AT 11-11 Nolirr. la Chr I»iHilH ( cart v*f tho In.H NUUo lor tW J>*-t>i,i .4 d-..-*.* at Ton uum* ib<« ib« ltlh day of Mar to. IM4 * I * 1 wont a* Aa*tgit< • v | K H TUiWDJLN, us ito C uiutjr «if Oaibuau, uM Hint- of Ueorgta. within » v i DWtk t. wild Um bo»n *Xfu4god • NutoaH awm Lui o«u fa'Ution. by th- Dl-lii t t'uurt <>r »«ul f»i« trl. L ALBERT ftCfKIH, iu*r IS vfiw Asoigfioo, 4.S tulinrr'i (Voiler. lu Ito lft-lru I Ouurt us the Ckllwt Mali * for Um fen-thorn Insfrt. t of tftoutgto, at r,.ri iHoc. ut- Um ■ 1 Mb do> (4 Mar. li. Wn Tlftb l ulrndvnod h-rahy give* no*-re of l.t- apiwtat Iponf a* t-eigne- or A!Jnu*t»CK B H.tVi of Karty t-uut). ami oiair us iwurau, auiai* u 4 iHdArbi, wtm baa Wwt o4ifelg*d a bankrupt OWU |M>b-Q, by lira liobkt t. ourt of aatd btrtiM. »» w»» Al4U.kT&A\krb. In llunkrnptc). 11l lb< I'.atrl. t IVwn of UlO I ultad Haaftra far iU t oihru, of it«or«4M at Aai»rv. u«. HutuU r « OUJ* i>, Utb of Mar* b. A D . loan '■AHH l «.l. r*wu*4 Uorrby «uUr« *4 t<Hi a|ifnH«4- I i— nt aa of i.Af Akrs r nowri.r* »f wn.UAM w roMD, u |tirUAU> A. BlloW S 4 WII.UaM a KAIfHF.T of hbNJAMIN r 1»1.1.1 . i AUIPAOM r au-t of MDUAHIM r UCIX an 4 simi*»»n r boos, | »./ tb<* firm of Holt an I Mai* ..f tk-orvia. willtiu aaU 1-aUut. obo bar. ! b*ati a.lj.uUi«~l HaukruoU »p«>o tbairoon |>at» i ttona, by U*i I'i.ln. t (Narrt of -aUI Dtatrt. t J M <’I.ARK . I To Uic cnJik-n us aai.l *c#ai Uaairaua t.“ ,s . - la Mac ftfttairtrt t aartlaf fit* 4 alim Matr* fkr (ho Aartkrra Olatrlrt f»f Hraigla. I 4 Ibr ualk-r «and i- UiW'tH A tULMoSb. J la ltouhruiH.y, Ho. Ift HaaAropi. ) fftSHK aabt Uankr**| » ball ay (atltWuaJ Uo OuuM M 1 a .11* kar*e fMMH all bra dotMa |mrraft»4o uaikr Um* 1 HoaKra|4 A*H <d Man b i, IM7. ••Him* la IwMby go«a ! |» an yaw—i latoreotod lai a|»|*aar on tba 3lMh .lay of Murk IMA a* lAoVbwk in tbafcrMrooo at Utambar* ! of M*a M*d liffrirl loori traftnrr la«M Mack. tU. t nms of Ikr la|ia. r« of lira aard limit in lkwkru|H y at Um* —rtakar * (Mbao to AUatoa and atom rau M ok* . Ho (*r»pr of ikr aa«d yotittno <f ihm UanknatH abould W.<f bo mat-1 And birthoa wdtar la horoby yiion Uiat tk«* a* . .i©.l and third iuaotUn« . f . roditon a ill U. kaWl at tire aaw.» tlior ami ultir. Witnaoa (be Hou*»rabl« iubu KMmm, Jmlyo [ | aauu i of Mid Inatrk t CVttrt. and tb# oral ifaerr* I I of. tkta IK a lfttl. day irf Marvb, A. I» . lttft w b RMrrn. Ori. marl A &J wfw la «iio UiatrUi loori at llaa LwiU4 «UU« Far liar Dl. rlri ms tirarfta. \ fuflft wT MIUCKLAPOUb. ( la lUukruplry. »o. 2«. Aaaknwd ) i fIAM r. maul Aaafcrayt taavioy ihUIIumJ iU Omit for Ii a drtrfcafft all baa d»b«a paoraWa «»4a# Ura , KaalmifH Act of M*r* t IMBT. Mttu !• Koraby yiran t lu all iwrai iota— rd t > a»f»aor aa Uao MMb day of MaraK. loan at td o’aiorh ua tto f«*raooan aft Chaadon I of IK- aald Matrtrt CWairt. Mar* ftUrd. Aaq.. -moo at Ho Raymkara of Mm* aatd i »tri in Man kni|Mcy at Uao IKfMk« , i < ttbc* la Atlanta, ami aboir xao wt*y tbo arayor of tbo aatd i~HiUoi. .4 U*. HudruM abuatld m* Wftratitvd. A|4 nrtktr mdkra to Koroby ptra that tb- or.*md and Mitr*l mrr«ii|( of rnOMun mill bo hold at Um* mom* tan* and nlara. K iOmi lit Kr*ov%M» Ada kraklnr Jatlr* i I of aald IHotrt. t l ottrt. and Uu> aral Ib. re t ,MUI - t of. Urte tbo IKK day <4 Mawk. A 1* . W H RMITM. Obmfc. Ahlikm'i Hair. 11' HI b* odd on tbo ft rot Ttoabi la April oil. Ts Wfnoo tho l arwt |uho dtpr of Hun an iH.lta. . tdvrva tbo topal koffi of aab . a M «and land, contain I tag Maty tw*. a. too. nun cr Mai. tho anm* botn*? tho pronofty <4 B-aKon Wmfiwy. of Morgan nandi and I odd uad-r a fto-aa in fthrah roptry. tor tho boo- At ut ! L.o rrodltora TeToM raab T H ft. AfttofMTfoH. ■aroh I— I— mar In Md llfii. ■VtilfArr'i Not Ur. In I lie l>idik.l ix**m nf tho I'uttod Htatm i.,r tho Strtbrm (hdr|rt <4 Ibrylt. U tlw mat tor <4 i Aft 1». MUIIWKTUAJL 1 1.. HankrupW). bankrupt ) ■ rpaift u* to also notho »wr % woo* fur tkr+o am. Ka. 1 that 1 ha* r boon app mil kaaignra us tbo Mato of fa I*. MarHrothoc. <4 OuvcK nonnty. la aatd NUU and IMatrftrt. «b» Kao boon adywdaod a HaukmiM opon Ln own potulaa hr tho I Matrtrt tMirt of ml IHoirwu **MH W. ftlfrui, Antioc'* Notice. | In Um* DtalrtH .'mart « 4 Uio t allot Dtatoo bar Uao lu tho mat tar of l | SAMCKL WALXIUt [ la Daokrapto Uaaktut>t ) rfWiH ia to gtto atbw onoap work fur Ihrro «aok«. I that I Kara Vrra huholM ilmlonm us tbo t~ltl >d Matnarl Watkor. af Ouwoka < ouuty. in aatd Mata ami i 1 datum. Who Kao boon adjmht-l A UaaKrtapA on Kia I .wo int! ahofKa ladri t t oort af aatd UMrtrt Jams wTvov&X. mar »-rtv ftaatgarn. In IK* Bfttilirt loan .4 tho lalhd ft Antra Mwr tbt Sarffttra DKtrftl n< Dwrfta, In fho dhaMrr of i AiMir. HCINALUf. of . B|MknMA ., tho Arm of A A. MnJib A ,u ■•"* rn P» r l f - Ow. AankrapL 4. PrrmOß by hAWwan IX. WOhor, aaUgnra of nud tionhrapt. ft*r oaihoony b* manpotrad an.l aontaa atitfag wtth Ira O. Milauld. af tbln a*. iohb tMtnnty, On.. :..m Amt» SStc =po» the tlttg, Lei! by aatd aaatgnaa. and aftvan ta pnrrhaa* of onodhlrd laftaoaM ia tho batch aiara baara oa WKiiahall afraot. I ia atty of Atlanta, known aa I. O M.Amniol a atoro honaa. anon tbo ba— ad* rvdara by tb* aaftd ira u. thaw—w t* mW p * r *** l ° f Frrt< fc,r on rwadtaw tho ftwagntag paMOon. it b anlorod that, m Mo ban day of April aont, at tbo Ooart B. itao us WaMoa aunnty In lb- b.wo *4 Moama. at id u ebefc o n Mriba Kagrtng nf tbo above pohuna. that aU cradl toaa of aatd Baakrwpt. aad athor |«cooao wbmbd. BH—i aadabowoanoo Kray Utoy Kara. vKytanftor •braid hot ha paaatd aprm Um atonvo potUMwi author* tatag tbo i. i prayed f. rmi ibo part af u. aaat>fnoa. and Miftt at law* ton Aaya iMdftro b»«noa tho Aral of April t*o Moon Ut Um Raw raa. Atlanta. f«a. r*h. «4h. I—. nAKsrrr amdhkw* Aaftotrr Approood. thla tho 7th day <4 March, lftgg. JOKM KIUUISt mar Ift Tw D .ftfa^o T A Iwtmioal Mwvaava. fotiarn Out. Ih*rr . | I‘MtaprMtng Mm ibnatba of Pwtvwi A DolUlb j NOTH'* U hereby given Uutt Um Hat of valaattcu And MutnMWdinba of property |n tat an I JUi Um ”Adt In prorWl- lakomal Aovrnaa'* toa«n>i>'>rt tba OortmtatnC l*« pay luioraat <m the public dofct anJ Air other pnrptmoa, appe-r.-d Xtfi. Iftgf- and •ha —atfetury Mft .vod Mar.h td, UT. made and taAaa by tho aaogkftl AaMaftatil Uaataara Ks agM OoM« U. u THWafton. VIA rmnfUn .mm tor th- mpluUn of an paraima In— M. tor tWapwvof tondfty«{Hnbday* < lorptod) from tho 4»to hrroof April lot. UM be twran tho huiun and < r. m. , and tmav <h •fttUy Kllor Um -ij4ratkm of Uu day* to— tha date. to <m rathe nth day of April. I wtu ranfra aad doom min* pU Upmli relaUi* K> ammraaa or aaomalra sal uatintl or —tigartkm mad- and tnftou by Ue* aald Am *t*M»i Ammon Tho AM brrMa mforrad to . umprlm thf. tesoo f<*r «s srz imMuiImIIMM. knapwiiiMa. *« a. rw »«e> a. an. Alt n»-** W lew M «nwd WIMK b* wU. er.uac —J aerlir «» nWlilii’ nww. MM or >**-»** "■>■««< •*«■.. lipMMw I. n IIIMI ISO ntu* .hr IrU. .h |,'lrw nt Ut .trot Tarai. Ua . March tft. MM* mar 17 fikp A \Jr £*££*&- Anifurn'k Wnikm. A* AaoaaMh. (hto Any af fobrwwry, A. sh MM npMw*ob|»* and berohy witk* *p wJSTM Me* Z^.Tr„ nmt mS'SLtr oir O—r MMIM. * IOUIO M-.U ri> MOM. Hal|Mie.-v ImOU IMI. 4M. u r>— »*W*a Or M. ;«M a,«.4i..>M>ttua: Mid<udruibw. », ona M..MKMMM .Mm« Dm* um. um, •ahull lur oUMra hi Ik. lenow la mi aw> rr,- Mdah Mfhl.iai I U l«M Ml. IMMI n i ODUM I.OMI waa —Maiml M tofla aa Ik. M krau,* uat uav>*.iM*Ma Ma Ur I • lUi. at lb* fUn*roUvft c 4 Um Uenatftl Onmamadfag. at anoh ptftoaa aa may ha dratgnaaod by Ktn* 11. Amd lakrroak. Ay aa Act of C iftgraot which ba- ; . - «a Mw March Uth, UM. Kto prpri.Ud u»m Krrw afior. any oUtAUiu awiburtrad by Um Acta o# Coagraaa ] H.vtttU. aholl ha tothd by a maiovtty of (ho voUd U Ipjly < mt. —Aftk hM aftacUoa, hi vkk’X tho qwab k-o 4 the aiupftun or rgo tka of any .tw»-titou*»a - »»y porw.u duly r-*ttUwod ia tbo H-.oUi may » -U iu tho rkcbiii Jbtrtot wltrra l« W , i.ho when ho hao rradni for too *Uya oral pr**. odtag am b •bribe apua prrmatoUna us Mr car- UA. ate .4 rran•irauun. hi* aflhlarit. or «>thor U-rr evblem o of r-kdalraMCda. «i.«r attrh r-mtaU-in* aa the Ik at iid C*>atmabdrr may prfwilbr. lit wA*r «w. W 4 Art* of •VorruM t ,e..v»40 that U*« rin’toa ft.r rattfbnUou of «atd cuu*Utub« ahall LUon/lirffg s.-' A*r>nu> ippouitc>J <*r a- 1h aptaaobd t*y tU- Ouuiorading fVan« ral. and at Ut - data ftat4 b j apid cmvou*w»u -J tv tl m -Cvl»reJ. That oiaclVMi be Kohl tc Um tblc "f tbervu. f .aiu*>i ia| ua Mua*tay. tho Rtk *Uy of A|*fU, I*o, and eoatiaaiag hmr dayo. at which tb. v-A*4a of aahl Ntob- may redo tv or agamal Um > aaatlt*«4*wa a«hawtto*J U Uawa by tho or •Loam-* ah ro*tl. 1 Ttoar voting ta IKvur of Um <h>«- atttntbw ahall haio wrtUoa or poratad <*o their balk*U U.r ra*b. "Fur tha ('.■tioillaAir>n. ' au4 iW tutiac wi thoif Inlkda tba »w4*. .ig.itul iho ('■ otautoiom. ’* V li abaA be tbo duty us Um ‘ Auacdo us rh|rtotratu.u lu • ie.wgta, tu ar.x*rdatu-« atth aatJ Acta. «*»immoa« lag lurietj. *iay» prb»r to tbo aloctiua boraiu or do red. and gi«ia»r rrawtaablo public aut'ea of lb- tluu amt place Ah-ra.4. V»w4l*, Ibr a porwat us ft»<* day-, lit*- trattoa Uaia. and ii|-u being aaAUfVd that a»*y i-rra-n n*H rntttlfti tbervb* U*- boon rag lob tv4. to atrtke tho uotaa of tali porw*u (non tba bat. ami attcb poraoo at.c.. -I W aMuwod b> rata And nrh tvmr.ia ahall alof. doiung Um aa« per. a-Wl b» on. K reg Miry the aamro ui all jwrauu* wbn. at that Utnr. p , aaitlW aUom* rcjulra-l by aabi A. U. wh > Kate i*ut Ura a>er*ady mgUtitoJ. lu dccbUbg who are tu br atruiAoM (mui of iJ-Ul k» the r*«.oUnb-w Koto, tbo lk«rd» will be fnwio.l by U»e A* ta *4 t 'uugtowo relating a* r~ •noftrai ik»n . aud thetr afteub-*a Vo -opoctaMv raltori to tbo An; pb'WO&U ry Art wi.k h Warn- » Uw July Ik, lag? VI. Nai-1 etc* XMm ahall »■«* bold to each omtaty in Um CiaU- uud*-r Um snpmst.mdi'fioe of tho &arb '4 rag. •aUahuM. ao prvtblod Ky Uw, rad polU will ho uponod. trtrr dun au ! ■<Hft< lent n.itke, at m many point- lu aarb *o«a(y. «w*< er.eodtag throw, ao In Ua* uftdnlmi of tan! H*«r\l- may bo required t**r tbo ..Hiraoton*- of • Hera. And lu aa) rlly. or oihor |itM, whore Utrfo la a larj’- BiuiiUr ot vulora. It to hereby a*U tho Aaky of aaol tk-hrda to opru ao many pfU aa tuny b- n*rw oary l«> aualde Um Vtder* b» Mil their v>*4oo wilhwt atircao-.bahio delay. Vil Any pemoa *luty ia th. wtau- aa a *•4or. may >«•*• lu any o*mnty in Uu KUtr where bo Otlera to %dftg. wbon bo Uao raotded lbe»-|it for tan lay* ant |•deeding the .U. tk»n Alien he i.Aera U» volo la Um cenuty »here ho wao rogtotenal. aad ioa name ap. I •ear# oo tho Hat at rogi+vgrad vuUra. ho ahall not bo •ul*Je> t t«. .jit-el <>u or •ktalWagt. < i.opt ft*r th- i«ir- Os tdrirtTftrwttan. p- to rcaid*tloe And any lieraon w rcci-wred. aka may bav# n moved from Um c-Nialy in whl- h bo wa« ngHbml. ahail te pennfttftral b» v *t- In any connty in tbo tUal.' b* win. h ho hao ro ntovod. - bo hao rtolial therrta tor t-a daya boat pci-cadiiiki Lhf Up-0 pr. -.-uUU..u .4 Id- cerUft cate us regiolt di m. >r upon making a#Q Ur it before a m«n»i*er *4 Iho board us <*r a judge or manat,'- r <4 the ehM-lion. Uot ho u rcjl tired ao a vo ter. naming the count) tu which ho i« o>* rogl-tcrvd. that be Uao molded in the •--•uniy wh-ro ha uAor* k> vote fur leu da>- ima 1 t*rWoding the «Kk Uuu, and th-l k« l.w u«*t voted at tblo rle-hou. Itlauk- for otw-b aiU.UuLo Wdi br auppilrd by tha KorU .4 regto tratu>ii, and Ut* name us Um h.fc r making .atilt nra-t bo .*uii >racd mi bla ballot, and all au* h aftkUvlU moat le lof oa*.»wd muh Um MUrna «4 tha dortk a ■ % Hi. Th* i*oiU -ban bo **p-u-*l at uadi voting |dar<-. during the day* <4 rioitioa. at 7 ./.Jock a u. an.l cioo*- a’ A o rloch r. M.. vud almU Im k«pt npeu t*etwaa« Uwom b nr*. wiUinat inlenaMstmi >*r aitjonrument 1\ All putd c bar Men, -akem-. an.l other pioi an f •rtb-aai-<4 lk|nur at ratal 1. at tho aevmd «.*uut> oral- and at <>Uier poilmg place*. aiwUl be .howd from 6 ...luck .4 (h--veiling pre.—liog tin -te. Uou. until A u cluck *>f the monelug after the loaf .lay *>f the o|oo tow. Any |*era -a 'i .laiing th— order alkali Im awbyoef to ft— Us uuprt*<-«iUf ut rthortda And Uiotr .Irpnliea aad munlcti**! ndtowra will b** held rra t *oa*ioU lu* Um atrid eafonwaieni «4 Uu- prohMntmu by lb# arr-ot -4 ail porauno * Uu ma> Iran-grew- the aide. 1. The Mh. rid (4 oarh eouaty ta hrwohy required to bo |*r«acni at the .■•<unt) —at, an.l tu tpp*int (tey.utmo b> l*e |.ri’*ant at -a. b polling place lu bio count), du ring tho Um-that U»r I*oll- are h* (and upeu. and Kutil the cleaAouu M i—iifiHwl and ia made nwpwnai Ida that ao taterferatww wtUi the jndgea U aftertiun. or • Umr luU-mipU-ni us {good order ahall omu. Aad any Rh-rid. -w TVi-ity M&arlff nr ftk-r .-fell o«P-.r &uiiu«w«oie~-'U>w-o> Mlieoi iMlk>k» r. ~ulW*le by li.M wOm. -A W<’» MOW. Ok*, by U>.‘ IndftM of IK- •Kdka, be a* meted aad halt nbK Ky military authority, and panl-h-l by tu* nr \( The tkoumamtiag nth.-er 4’U»- Diotrmt us li.-.r gia will laaae. through the HapermUndent ut r-gtotra lion fur tbt- (Mad-, -ech Aatmhkl taotrm u n- ao may be ho. .<—ary b* ih- .-.wv lu.d nf «.t rleetidn tu«..n homily with tbo Acta us Oongraao XU the ratitrna roqnlrafl by law to be m—l- of .th« is ando >*f aaUI eh«-lt**n V* U*o ckanmanding '•• n«raJ of tins Military Inatrh t. wilt be rendered by Um iwro— -ppatatid to onportatead tke oanns Iftwdjfi U— «<m mao.ting ..Iftrar (4 Ik* IHilrt l of (Knryia. and ta a cordamw wtlh lb- ih taib.l tuatru Mono aJr-ady re bvtoMl he XJII Hd who U a candidate f.w oAtor at aahf aioctiou ahail art aa a reglatrar. judge. lne)*ertor. man ager ci.-rk, or in any <Hhor .4b. tai caparity cvMiftr* tod with ixmdtv ttng the eieeftfu UT. Ttohnw. or tbraak* af vtoi—o. or any opftndft air# or f/audnleat tuoana coi|duy*d to prerdat every t-raou from auiwftatng tha right «4 -uffrage. I. puel tivofy pn>htt>iu*d. and aeery |—rsan guilty of notng the aarue ahail. on owTlctioo tKere.4 l—fnra a mUtUry c.*miataotou. Iw |mnlabe*t by An* or othorwta- XV. JIo .\olnd -r ogmomaat wtth ÜbdVora made f..r tho purpoee ..f > .itU<*Utng their redaa, or us ra ■tratatng them tom voting, will 1— permHtod b» bo -tifoared agan -i i!„ , u , n thla IHatrtrh. hr order ft! Maj.w aoral Maada. U C I>AT*M. ruiri: td Anatatonft A*ljwkaut Oo—rah re-op Wed. I loo* I»M ViinntM Ortix Starr. -V 1k.4 • '' fltilK n—taratgiMd. having part haeod Um atook of 1 Drugs and Modicum* af Ibo late Jo. A. Da via. have >«i>ened at hi- aid -trad, eornor Whitehall etreet aad an U-y Wiu nmnadtaUy aurnty Ml datoMomdo*. aad pur poa.. 1-t ingaAywtHtoMVMMtlFtlpb and Wh d.*M> amt Hatafl Drug fnltmAßMl fttMftlub th alt lie «p I ■>..lament*, and raopertfulty aoAcft a atiara of tba pa towage of in* rtbaen* of Atlanta and vicinity Th- FraacrtpUoa Dopartm-wt wIU bo under Uie -«» •lank ewpervhWon of owe af tha Ana. tor whirh branch thovhav* owgagad tbo aorvtroo us MJL W. FATT MARAT, a -refill and coup-t-at Aputhcaary. who will twpiroee.l to inert bta old fri-uda at the -tor- WIIMUM A (fHAWK. Druggtofa and PhanmacowUoto J M Wrije»*(, ftf I) . H. W. OktAUft, (of Augusta. (ML) iPhertuv mUef iMKKwh b*. If roar* Olth Mai .land. K.dcy AOu ) (hue Havthmd. Uddialg A Oa . Autwa'a, fta. They r»lor. by pormiaa|.*n, h> (he f.dbiwing pen Ur Rov it. K Forter, AtUaia, Ua Dr. H N. Or rue. Dr Da O Keoto. •* - __/* v Dr. R T. M Miller. - Dm. W F. k J O W.ntramoian l. AtlauU. tto Dr J. r Ah*iawder, Atlanta. Ua. I. F#t»r«, R—i, *« Th* tornwMy a# Medical t'ofloge Aagwotn Ut . and promtaawt MoarbaWta of Aagw-ka ■Mr 17 toftca. Il—nh rupti). In Um MMMMrf UM 11., tod bta AmUm UU*m MOM U <ll ml. HuftftgfeSu,.} »*m*» _ A VAARto, do*.. March IMb, IflMk -W- ml3utt& ■ -IL eraui'lißL HI i 1 1.1 Ig! urn cm. LAWK or THE T KITED HTATI>, I— .Ot it ami fc— tt Um JWOO* ayrli I—UU -ta lk|. ' A* *CI uuuUigO.Ho. Or a* ■—klol I Q Ik, pilot, i —a o—» —a ofluo H. u mm ettd by Ik. .Mil ul Hmm U low, Mita u( Ifco I taU Ota ,< iMta.OOM. ■nMM. TWU-m Um br nojbOfllU. ut ml- MO tram Utap.iuu l tty. 1. Ik. OMrO Itan. ko *< at wkMk ta.4. «ta PMJ U, UtMIMM MOwn ft Ml mm. hf Mt MM Ml. nob*.f . ,1.. l at ok M to MUM ut tm Is Utri MU ta.UMM ta 04 ~ Ik. Manuka ut rOrak „ Od HOU. ' Mm . buy niuroth, rj..ta« fa.D.lrr 1 «ittr«,OO.lUu O Mbihl MUI Ik, An. (Or of U»Wy. obkui liobOrM* UJ .u.) *** ul—l UUm UOO* U tai art . Ih. ni«Oo It Ob’ Uu. taut, hum rwna.,l |Tbu! mM mi oa W nuinM <o Um WM |n »MO iw. brnyrf «... Mi ml hit frOf. ta »** Ms HU. Mr UOU U M Ml .UU SOU. Ur. Ota. <■! oUtatal »*.«, Mi lir W.lU||!>W> UMbMDuOw<yOU>UM<b|.M). -bbto. boirri oa •M.jkiiu. Mi UmO M U, mu e Mb. ikm burr uu.. Mb m: oi Uw Wmi—OoMniM <T mtad. ui uo. UMl.mmOam «J uJno< Ot ut mi OaMUbbiMi oibiu MtaU Ota ta u-ol«l,*ob»bl vt r—u Or oi orpim Ita-rr oI.MM. ta O.UI to Mi,. iim twoto. moat** torn the pwaaag* .4 thu act. aad pL «nta -ball toaa* tor ll tracts ao aahwad aa a>rai m aa tr»-o of pviMic trad- .. Appr.-vog, March ft. igftg. IFvgftAu MautATVkua ho XAj' r * J«m»t huainii* aathortaioi’ the liasno*... t. through th* made, free of pooka**, of o-rUnu Uet. luoutal- by the adjutant g. a-rsb* of th* ■**«*«a* Hr HrmMrad by the Renat- and U.moo «# lUpree. i.u tivra of tho Dulled ntake* «4 Amort, ala ( Ongrra- a- I oumbleand, T-bvl Mm Nlatoa sad T-rrlkm-o U anthrale, and to tranan* l • ttircmgh the mail- tra* r 4 any medsi*. coctftft t-Mkm Vi thanka. . r ether frotnansAala, awarded c. whirli way bo aaranted by tha hwiaiatorra of —-I male* and Ternium* tu th* atddirrs tbriWT Kod. r anch regujaWro.* af tin Iwetaiaartrr •Aler.-rvJ wsi and Irani. Apprev-d Mao. b J, liftM. Tpra SUmnJimnn Nu. 14.) J.-thl K4-*i-» i»*’« auit'.ri.ias (ha i .*mpt/oiler «*1 u»- rurn-iK) to Iho uf rvcnitr f... Tanu-ra aad (Tltx-aa Hatu>aal Rank of William, barg. Row Turk, aad to mature aatd bank tu Ms 0 «u era under lartain outuliUnas. Bo it reoufvsd by «hc ftraste and ll.owo *4 Krpr* unU Uvas *4 the I u I led Htat.-o us Aatartna itt IToagrea* as oetnbftsd. That the Onat|>tr»li.T of tl— (’arrvn. > hr an thortasg. with the sppra»al of tho ftoaratary ot tto Troasur). to ravohs ths urdrr a meaner fui II- Fornn-m aad thuseo* Hank us Wllllamaburtf, Sro York, and raa.«wo the aatd bank am! tbs manage me. 1 tbrrrul to ths dimwkoaa for ths purpura nf eaal-Ui., ihuaihaiatftua bxvmunas tbs bum nara .4 banking Fnivtdcd. That said hanking is..istton ahall 6r*l |*c sent t» ths OUMptrutW aatisfScWy soaurra thal UM* pahftr Ihtrrrot will be pruanutoel Hcrvlij. aral -hall oocure. in om h mat nsr aa ths Oompbrulh-r ahail *Dra» i thr full poymeat us all tha crodllor* us the asom tathm. snd -trail raosar* tbo rapMnl aftnrk ku in ortgiaal ranaini tu cara Um <*ftAlal has born Impair.d by iimrwcl. March X fas*. (Ftmjc Ho. Id.) ! s« A«*t r. ot>*rtin| land* U> asatkel along th- itn# of ih . IhulL laftlruada and branches. 14 tt enacted br Um Swith and U rn-e if In pragon tauv.w us the t'albd Btakra of Atn-mca ta Oaogrs a ». ‘ sombini. That ftntblbg In th* set approval JRly tot •Jghlasa hcadrsd and st&ty two, enkitftrd “Aa s.» »• anl ia ih® -rgisknaetiuc us a nltruad gad utograi * Maa toon the MMa»oH rlvvr |o the iVUk ucaaa. si-i lu aacors to IM* govarasaent th- aa* of (V- eom# ?■ - I natal, a unary and other parjawaß.'* aad the acts ataomiakurv tnamuf. shall W hold to aafhona* thr vtthdrawai us ri.iuot n Uwt solMaaaont pad aairv >m<ter Um pmviaiuao us th* pre oaspktoa or twkarsti n I laws, thasvoa nawbora.l ssraiuok along Mm mutes . » ths arversl nasds thoratu] which ha*, toon I or may h* hsraafVrr tooalrd: Pvuv tdad. That aorh as* Iwuas -hall bo rats.l at tw<> A>4iara and fifty tssU per a to, aad oulpr< I uu|y In entry under tawa. Aral Ui- Hot votary of the futertur to. ami is horoliy. antb >• ls«d aad directed to restore to b saootoral o> tUetn. nt pr<c—mpliuii. or salry . a«v*r*Hag to -flaking laws all | U*r *v-a uuml—rod aecti.*no nf Und baioagitig to Um* g ivsnunent and **>a wtttolnvra moil market, on l'"U Btdso us th- Factfii- railnral and bram bro. wlter ever mu.l rua.l and bran, tow Have to*» d-ftr.ii. I* to j Appft*ve»l Uan b ft. taw IPi ai.i. No. 174 Am A* r tor th» roitsf nf —dfi-T- > a Ito Ut* hiout It* dtaa anarraiina . la th- atato of Mtan«sot> H* It masted by U— Mr nato u-l llouso (4 lirprssut, tottveo «f the 44rHed MtaV* of Am—to* H* 4 ~n*-M~ oemhb-d, Thai all n-tasl -«tilers, wbo bav* duly hied ttolr drehtratorr akotomonU unJrr lh.« pr-empttm. Uws with thr ragi-tor *4 ths i*-Mp*r ).«al und oftoy wnua th* unsoU land* now lucJndr.l with n If- Uaut* of Um lab tiluui Indian reservation. In th- Rial. 1 Mluusonta. shall bo allowral two y-or- fwa*. aral after Um lasasgn v 4 tots a t vrOlua whn h to maks pr««4 an t p*}ia*a4 tor thetr .hum*, in acc wdarao uith tho nr*- vtotoaaof toe amend and third s-cUous .4 tto act ap proved March tklN, -ighto* n huudrrd and «t(y thra.. l-rovidtng f..r tho (Uopuaal «4 aanl rfM-rv*t».*u t)4suv*d. March ft. Isgg FiMh ? r'iMii • -|j uir uiuutui s • 1. -■ .mi» Ut>. ta- Jo, I.UOJ-' I ott< < : ( iiHrr! «H •. s Hit 11** l*‘*'*,U tOIUM *» .kuM . Sutwrl NllK.ll ! .*- UvlIKU.s nmnicil AXD R.IW SHUARS JO for uta AIM—HUMAN » VKKUCkV Xeico. ra PUOI'OHAIJN. i MtTao kura Nvaur*-» ParmiourT; 1 Atlanta, tto. Mi>r. h )VU> IMM I SFtLkJv Frofosada fn dapilcato. am tarttolnart.l ll a okurti M.M W. JusoAay Man h lath. Uax. foi turaisiiiag th* bulled fMafteo Habaiatrawv Depariu.-ui Tlirfte Th*maahd ISvfthd* (T.M» U«* ) ,4 Fraoh iin*e».l Itolkod Wbke fxiftß MKAI. In a* k. PrU-o to to w. tod per pound. Tb bo tolirafad at aalMistera-r * bouse AUanta user gia. by th- ARh day of Marti*, lgfta Pay moat wtU bo mad* In ttov-rniur ut fauda apui. ilellawp aad ■ nsgikaai 1 rt Bid- U> to tho ainlersigued. and tuarft-.I tt <jjbftpl» nf ito UN*- ♦•* the ' TIIoMAR C M U.IVAN ('htef C. H 9.1 Mil DUtrw 1. marl* 4( Rnurn I- I. Willingham Itnikin.. Valuable Buaineae Property. I HAVt toy m*. . ta. nluM, KI .INIM. litTN 1.. I <*» i-Un K AIM.M, Ut.talyJ um MtaMita uul li, • )Ut MnMta .OAr'ITAMHTrt WIM Um. to Mvol In yorjr Jy.lAltai, u rrmtr 1,. mu Jo Ml ta «U ta oita. M.J in. 3m. at Ik. —O-o*. Utalullk MU J.J., II Ml tata yiuu—i ui Mid M aoettaa. u w And-. ruJwi!ffnafraSraaEL In Bnskrnplc.v. r*M«U>« Itartor. Ain't, kc., I ~. „ . ”■ 1I» IW'iliy Hirrn !Vmi Ijtaß ItarkM, j ty -llWotar Ikon TW. UuM, .1 ta. I 1 1JHOMM »00. .1 U» Mtau. 10.14. oil ~l Alkta.nta, U toontand UvAi MTT*yota> p.rfo,-lcJ b\ MboouM. in n. *oo w. .taoefainrn Non, onto • lotafe (or (Mr oyooilM. hHOr. Ih. mtn tans o( Iki. noata. mt* Uu* (OOmu Itata, m i Ita o#tt tarn ut Mta (Atari n. tata aoid 1411 ty. tata (n ooailW o Umn, UraMtad - -. M. UM. W HOAUMCotaiJ*. ttob A Iro. nltal Irony ih. oihnlta. at Itiyd, Noimol,,, •WiftWOß IWk, Ital N. It —AltaißN. utarh la IN.trl.l (Mtl of Ik. I'mli.4 Mat., tar Ik. (.altar. Ul.lrlrl of (ArorK*., I. Ih. utatar ol 1 IIRWON T. mr*N, J In (tanlyoid. , ) IJ UI U! whom It sm( ronton,; Tho tmAtmmnml ol J taj—lta, OuilusU. > oouti, tawr.ita booot,, tauo jtata.ofht.jpptaUm™, ta Atanji., S2r,TT Bimi. who hu bMU ►tm.l.od Clih»kronl opou hl« ™n ptatttan hr tho Uttar., ifcart ot Mid itairtrl _ . HU'HARU It SEAIo -»»• Wi-So SEW l-ItRIHIIT IIOUTB. NKWOHLi R A N n TO ATLANTA. Via Brand Junction ft Chattanooga. azaXa atnud. -M—AtatK um ixkVßanon. ukavaua. iuu sdwon o» rmiWAKuiKii > TUBseeap* w M«WI*INNMi (i is “ ; & - . « IS Z- uTStTVk