The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, March 20, 1868, Image 2

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&*Mti §*itg §tv Cm. Ornsui Jwjii «r m Owns Btits official jovsmal of thi city i.aui.ut city cun uno> U«riN|| «MWki a hritMtarfU. (>A FRIDAY WJBJUSO KAROO*. *• ran r»r»i»**f •••* ULYSSES 3. QHAMT, or »■ ■ ri<M P4*UOT MMfNI, K. B. HLIJXK K, or KI.UKIWUIWW PI.ATrOKM. ktnm-rui mm HAM* wu» BCFiter to tie: OBSSCWIMK nuanoi ** i»* <**« mnmuu.i'jiiomas urTS»«r*T« n«ni lynOMOt. kkSUMkB. THAT •» B*in »* TM» I’UBUui .MMWMitwmillßlim TIM itiHim nua wt ».H*k auraiAM Alt w* an .■rYTTT UVBT TIIM TO KATTTV *. UAOLVdi. THAT Wf riMliat '<■» *tk at TO TUT MOM k. A kOLLUGK. l«k CAACIUATT ,uM OPV kkkuk. ul»Atßi. THAT »« AAJUUO(TI 1 , ha rklgNirauJ ktallillXTkl'iTti'H Tu MTKI THr '.OMULATM «*l »*. A’* **l-*.«T II j HKIK r.HIM.kt MKHTIXiI- IXI. XI KTAUI HIH *T Tarn VuTBl syMßlfcta§. bAmnw Jnavph fc Run xiM H~* k •* Kuuntoa ao Hatur-Uj. Much tUi mhha! »>n>m F.n-Gov Incept! F. Brawvi kill »W.«n «h». . n,-,.. ol MwwMn. Q*» fatal , .juutrj, od Wii- w*‘i-l* *• on Static* ,|*j, tka tilth i*at. bbJ ttwaa .l Kl»gara».tlß., latl vicinity, on Saturday. Hr ttx tax 1A .v.rvhnAv nM-wl cku* tan. Xkc Utauda wl nliLliua auJ <«'Oli*Uar- Ituß aiu rrafirctlilllj Mt.|al that tha Eaa la *ui|»tv p. -aparr 4 , tftdv aN kWa at «a»t j miftdal Im a a ■ : t‘ 1 *- at sll> rack. Thu 1U..1M7 nkat afcwanraky tha , 1 < mu, | —■ i.■ * tn-k*- aritl ha jannu-l with Aaapalah m UtV and ]tara>r»l> at Aha I■ --ta rataa. ■ T.ak.'U can ha g.-Xtaß a|> a* atum-uva *tyl», m asp kcaaUi, at •fa"'* Botlr<T NanJ in y*>nr <»r,Ura Yoa Mat a act hard. and <TOT% Bar - " • 14 '■ c#“ la oil grandkta Saaad. of tha Mama T.latfraph. awaaa that Bug-, la a. ,u,|.*.Dt lot good a. hla pro i« for taatai ana’ MT HitHr rm, va Htll RfaiWaa Wh, rataa ? •#- The loan aha rp. agufata Mnlhark aiH atari him by tha Mr loti- atatonty oi. «•) nr- Man .< mat "rvn f rartahßtar' and “hon j uv.- arldotk art* talk abaan R kaayaataMlMr. t-ropia whu tore--* *r» *h»ir ability art a> a (aoaral tbiax. doacamlaata <X aloauofin Sv oaaahaanaAahaitahrd taltot ahr van atarnallr Iratnrtag tha an tha •Vila at pvtira*’ Artak, nhih th' -oU J»F bad not <lun a aobar breath in rear thirty Tf»r* 0W Meat turn* ht «(t »gL ■*»»*’ »*«• ih. ■ ..lUU IhuiiM'ittu ptu. It. flt.r. h and rlnrahere tim e ail I *l*l'. at|X«*aan*toe ara thanaha.l iiiatrnmaatx of warier, atth tbaaa I art dow For InatAß-e. if yon dlnt-rea with their nrn hi matvara i Jitteel yon an a wH kWkg.~ a braaan In vW nlkn, tic- Hall ia fall of aH ntrh ••patliatani atal • .aafm laUI Mr* Aaold ”Torbay uehlai' .X tha ”ra yrglat.’aFfwaa." pul drank the other day and awoae by alt tha «w«l» that ha >aa lha .Maiy —i ——|ot U leipartak.Uy in aH the State of naxytt What a yttr AM* A '*Tuapaatahaiatv aaiaat an kh*e htata ia aahi to aatafl racy aUwox of -*mJ-«ob * «M* Re who wearhh Kr angry and m » *. Mat not ha a Ipi ' r Mar* klrltaf A Maaa lUtikeath* Meetny. nil ha hakl al ilwia on Qktnnlay Mareh tha Flat Iryin uing at IS o elnob. n. Hone Satu net P IVwr ltii* tteetey. J K. Iterant, 1 tXarke Sarayaa and aaher Jiw.n By today of the State Central CommUtm A»* Han IUH Mt hre ■ami. la».wer. weroordatnad to nnnJiOinalino and defeat lie leone of the unfortunate anm-ta airarh heptoot their Aral wOata la other wwnAa Uaa la a eh .nd with.Hi: water, eairie.l th,Rt Ilf with, a tree whoae Ant wtiberatk, withont trail, twice dand ami plaakad ayr try the matt AM* I >kr ehartAei aod Tfacalia frieiul on Whitebait at reel la beematn" vary unhappy in hr* liiihnikg daya Lika tha common planed pan of the day, the ye aH aaai and nothing hat aoand We bnpn tha (aaeinoo ..Id lady may ha i»Jlir«d to Mow on, aa her noparOtriad faey Lmi HWtalhM oi m finite aianaemaot b. the lent 111 tile frit XtS* i I.UU|. event unfa rid ante ere anting, letter r >id the politn al lean*** of the day W I e men net*tom lotutll eo. ii IdUCdeft We bad a ear}' plaamnl eatl, »a yaalanlay. i tram indpe E. a thhent-, nf Forayth. Ua . ] w hom ara were glad to tweet Ml good haaltti Jaigr Keaae Judge Aogaatua Iteaae. the Dmotaae ol the , *Ji, g) '"in'-ra t;r j.aiiy tin OotWaM, aa - to the etty yeateeldr Car tieailal tAarant. A g* iiiteiuau nf aiaadra.f In wmuagUi ua Irani Warbingu.a (rly nan Urar lUrwe luuiilu of lha Htaha wtU go lor Oytirialtlmni . for Prratdani, and I now hare tank than <i~w gta will be one of them " If# ia right in hie perdirtioaa, aa »* ha proaau aa rarely aa Ho irmler runnlk AM* The ti-altonn praaa of Owipa ara punfiDA hot thot (la their optakmi wta M hah bat ha ia toil Ituta* It with head aad tad up. "Old J.w aaya hla win nanb nbonl faraan ntorarHo "Varney ia aatd W» haaa ptayad tha danaa e.ti. hta duogk ' The Bollock atickinp planter waa not i|k»# rttny — ifr“ AM* tjutie n nmnhtr ui tha Bmd.. u*d horn* hart taken rMant rpeaaaa near Jadjp htpi card taawaiinn* htamak a aan.lldate Wrßtitid Go M, y* mItWR Rf tha ptuiiikiii Os Mr baa is oar m»A i »>..dipoie.iamr>aHKM».o(a. Ti«t R** Mh«k (pda ■Trlill Wl fli hraad aa the ratth. aa mH • «•» «ir« mi-' Jwet hare WvflKi and aonlWnt tea «*»P^ Hera. B. M.Hiii rap*nan (Wi orroamrmAlAmA* A jeriuMnnatt 1 wK| Mr Hi|f- ( a V arM e rMvncaaJS MW Vann *"ta eywe raily imagine that lha tonaki aafcaoi atnnaa of the Con tin acton woald kaea bean the eery iam ana that ha wowtd aWkat Bat Mr. Hill weyi in for the ptupoeeef gotngthrowgh with lha whole thing, and ef WWF oiaima of ft llw .letocmHnttan taaa te. appaaa ty*l pravtaron of the fVmaCrtntion. and ha did it to the brat of tua al tltry Keen that happy and liberal prarkm.Hr tar the adunclan of lha Mad* fell* a pray to kit rwnomnleea Mpt Ha men if yna kamMMlekhn goterntoau, fair a.- dtinil, CM win jurrwal i~th* Uxalaon if Her State ahhtwt ihatkie lwntea.l of ntoraia* yoar childran M hafatiAac. per will te- It* i! h> adwcali aH tha figi. ad the State And why rhanhl thkkaid " be tated to eJo ante all the aMldratikf%ndHete -*' Oar pro poaira all tea while baa SMih.the: the prop lha Stale than Id edncMe the ahtUnw "ft he Stale, and wa ara right. Win. t— fda wdTany wa ara right w. ii»ot»ia a vary brief ana. Mr HH lawrad “ Wou'Kg'rwry eftjSel* ..ypniai nf pg n ih potul. tnfi what ha delaay wyaat a* l | a» hatl ethanatnd kraraetf ..(• ' I It -hoe. the Hi*, bean*, the pm* bran. J working nx% ia whoaa latareat Mr. Util n lat> crag Unhuwa that ha wonfcl huU kp tha vtnoig arm Wf wraith and rrwah ihvam th* waarve.l form «f lari Thmk of H. laboring man! Think of it mechanic' Vo whn. are totting for, the aappott id yratr. • her and y*M darye famtlieo Mr. IIJI, tha Sir Oracle of ao-calU.l rontm retire, the weath)ae.« <4the appoaaboo par ty. en year . hihlrr i ehail id* he .*}ooale-l by the State Te who are raaioelTWfclr, thcoagf year I no t and le eamfaie hal h aaanrefaa.l ami liutnoi h-f youi Laiilbw. hear hint while he myr y»«r -httlr-e . Wiidrer wta m yua arc notnbtakaadacale-ought mi b> lw tnled at tha riper,** of ttir Kratc I * ihw lih rvnit Irawyel ia tl ywtreHre I UHlieaa ..rate * Ia It ehiietieitky J la it pbtlaatbro pic * la it jam >w ;.■***rum » It M vial the Anna nwaa to the man wire ara the yrnhon of bar trot wealth and raflnroce • p* »o a< wan Ante ml aay that »A aa it u mod ■ agnponyon. It ermdew y.ra J.-wu Wral'.k. | nnder tt> oparnUoM, rant* edwente taw »». I handad rnne. while the children of ntaehen .r •ml laborer* must grow sp in ignorance of ill ' . Whan the Confederate trail* . were pc. I I j ibarn war owe compnny a company of Oaov- I gta man. rttty in namber, of nh*im hJtr-*., Ll had to make their nurka nbra they ttgned ftiew parolee. Them- Were Hi red y lahonug i l They were fund nUun anJ true mm. bat being tlm anna of poor men, they were I ant ant from lha benrStv id aa adaralias i The aanme Mr Hill rar.wnmanda wonld arm tram Inal eorti a atata of aShtre to the euaa | tap. Hot wa hopa lor a better civihratinti hr ' ara mmk mi imm m him o* m, bhui Im ol If ! t« wnb tn •ymtiaw hit Ivn-mtir al mi if Mil t am pMiplt qmm Im rnimm lm< ' U »• iMiu W ffatMT* Ctmr am rbnauaoiiy. «u nwuhlY. wa rhmc htt« * good mjrnkmt* v«/ r*la<mi*.’U I%* pane DUi'i ■on uni rich Riaimi rwl tha I Uaal uMirut U*Aa Wa rauonl be »»‘i pmpmus, R»’i friw waakhv vHtmU it Wr waat Hts mM»haAW-M tiw Ui-w, th# Krtd <wrriar the wtmkingm+n *4 aH Hat... *to Nmt that Hou H IA Hill. Uk . ptaaa of ahalW cunha-i t alum, tn Ujin h 'daao th# pUtlr*n»i •'•f bu P*H* oy»(MBaW a MHNHI nrb*Njl M-MWhki a mk.Atviti. L#t Rian | u vh#o be go** to th** |>oH* Aay porrr wmm wh*» waM ww* lat >a b a ilmliua - ! Ufa pJiajr, «wqU «uU t> alcpcifr hi' a if# tn«! * little ami of br**4 *• ••- Ha* Ra# Awiftat. Oai mlhilUMiteti. U|> U* a lair bvwi Uat Out { tng rt* that fa Ipc Ri#a hmA h#4 rurtiuM t fn fepsapt th* aaumfwg nai bar*aw* « c**a*it 'Jala Oa*«riK>r Tb.'rtr onnVrtWf * roam hi JnaM ha will <fc- a* lha JikW* *• a 4ik »M „"M»»ln:u.i mo* Am awAaattUaiafn*wJ (ft • b»f Jo«a***» < bus aayv he wtU ia* sis imaan ra* b* a trtf lb# Prr*»tlraf » t ._ »#“ •• KlrwMtni with th* aai* lUgllrak |arra» uifM» m, Mm] ptrotr of it 9B* k certain .J 4 f.ja*4mad" a*litOf ia ‘ n«jrgt* i« a»U! to n.arm wti than ladkaat 4 bifelhaiHtt *kU *arb a U wnbh*a<l M kiai4jr rviKokMn I A good writer oa* «4ttL th# t**« vrt a MAO h*» lha law* b# hwT>w» Im *«nU it. ThirtfMMtttl kraslorlAt IMHitrl. Kiiktr Bra. Allow tua. to raggeat to lb# ro- Ur> af the Thirty-with himatwwai DmUiH, that if th#> woaUl aae«r« tba Mirrfrea at a faithful olid hard wurhtof aa (hr NUt* Mraaie. «he> niwwA Awi -aa* mm*## 4m J or U4l* r rahutale.l to a banr# dtrii t Utrnl latfrwU. >w thewa# *4 th* Kate at Unf** I baa la W. C, haiub. 4f»li*riitfp Wrap ai hi* |*m« 4nrtaf # the ettiaf of th* Omoac ' twwi. l»* won lb* rvdfsdi of all bjr his raraeaf , Aar* l» (l«» hi* «b>4 inly, *nJ to A* tl l*ar Ualy r<arm. t al. AI bias Oar « m«fms. A< wncTi <ia, Uart i* 1\- ItdK. FfLU* w t/ ti* Kim : I U»a bam mjo#*Ul by 1 aaawy at tkm wt«w of lha Hwr*wrth l) to arp B|aoa r>«r •UmUxi th# «t(h.iUu(r of •acofißg fhd aSfhof errrVew nf «V 4 J«•*>#>• Atbla* a* nmr eaUtir* in » tK^na A baL »* of th* HUM*, be 1* tb'-refthT*- ly ac-joaint#*! wJh her want* *a*l >4eataC#.l vikb bar uat«r**U . wbal* b«* Wyahy. i*i#frv ty and #*|iacity oil o»abiB« to rm*lf r him a mrM A time aafnraat for tha after. Very reapertfalfy - ‘ “A. Vfrra*. iMManitr Kta*. It ta rurvaaily r* iH*rU*l la*4 ©rerun# |bu th# ienim if lb# lalerv>f Coart mtmd fUm« a f«er>tion th UhU rapbrjr b#r the cooMf nf Cbaibaa* Hrt#r»l potMMM who loohl -»rf pay twr; bar? ; M*d that the (Hfamri •*■«.-»* nf the law tin *lay whtd b Uaey ara la*#*!, ar# iH. aa<! bar* \ >nlM|inaai! legal naihtJa# b> tmh mm extewt that at. mam* y aaa ha #<al!«a«*.| The eimoty U wtthoot fottdw, aad w* are toM that tb*> Jus ' aiiM bar* eowaUdad (bai tba aod w«4 , MftMiia mi aaartiw# lha daftroUy waoll be hi hare th* rowoty tab# lha lwae«l of tfcf j RaakropC art. .hiwmA RrpuUim , \9ih mm H«« hiuwra H fhowaaiw Tki* the iHigarthMl awHliaiai amrad ia nwr erty lart crania# aod ia the fwaet of Dr K M flaap it, Hu. 6flt | airaaf, haUraai* Hull* sn t Mr. aiaphaia aa no Ma iwiaaa v» <W#u. , ate Aft atean of aerara! wooib* .pecuia | tba aity of Vbfladalpbia. wbar# ba baa Imms mirlilmftaa lha pabhnaOn*! M ha* h» k. The War ftwoiiiiß te Wtabd " Mt. ftaphana, aa ara ara tefbraort!. ia watt. *a4 ia hate baalih thao ha bo. Uat M yaaaa fta taste hoi a Caw day. ha aw aswh( dano# vbiob tha* baa frtrade ta ftebiqgum Will, ifciaUUan .ran fb—malree of tbh h«M- , £ ** Itofomm. lßS.pnß4.glnl In th* ntmWm Ha*cl. tmpkmsink. ft. on Tbtuedny mght. and Mm fasSilmy va .eraearned. A-tadwtag MlSlnga warn tjndty lUwmg-d loMS. •«*. 11 gum '‘ : " Bnanotl Jr . In oa a »i*tl In -'T”* I j P r . JOSEPH K. BROWIV at Marietta, t.e . WBaM dA Mac It wr- . -t T a not Htimoi <ht aaa. bjxx. t» oxiut m># rtat t dt. |«f fa.n tlTn * »ll*k Tha MaUitaal IXmoeraUc (Marty of . •o-asM. pr«Ha«*t* .* (wcalwir aotdfry. hbmi A* .•■iraAiriitini era tianua*-*! It* *c kaSSTA Uhirt .« «!*«)*• ia n wm abo teteS wMy ait of hi* aofclaead Ui* tn tut let dttaatrhslkJO aa*l rithtete of lha Urm oratk It tha nrwaant ao-callad Jb atoemey atawd by *wd dwinadarl Ah* fjru- ipf* - of ft# te HUh' ktfhca I>—oarani , UAohtdiu# Ih* doetjinoa of bfair Horatauarty, «r n#bt af Mootti o, ofyqrtUjß Lo hioii Ulilf. Intrrasl loiprwvoaMnte sa. ha woald jwabal ly It «till He mW*h oroald H la* iMrrwt wa* eatboiaada* ButhaU-ootateae la tb« rbaai powahif us lha aaw |tartji ibal ha* eaaumrJ the mo* <4 d—wrary with eat aodorwio# It* i)liacilf«a TodSf* Kdwaa. th* #*» ilakw foe iinjvv*B»<, U a liX# K>ok #o#aty of ah* fid L> aecx iw< Go*mn*« i«oAia*. Aa iu*j . \ r «f H># |e**#»t |Mrt». whoaa ouesJkn.x *.#*u wdt «Hu« tirtO t*» fMif <mt mtrmey fre m ib# TiraMut a**(siopmual i y tha o*.*or*mp m of li t. #att*t oa>hw m os'* *4 Cuaxtiw. tu ti.JsU.dta »* hi w»)«, «»f the »sL*t* « v( Idt whuw a»n«riinr« did aiU w haw tu twrawa aaaaikp.truw* tba Tiauay, if I ik». A»rvMi#nl by tbt' riHirMtiUtm t 4 IJOka, t*h in | lUs! uu \ r *xj K-b-' of the hiwlffit <4 tb# | l obnl SlaU s UI tltJiUiOß of th* *>td {Vu»ll | taUa of tha Ktoo wbach he bad ufl«u **•»• •* jto sopjvtrt. I aay tlowraor Jwiha*. wb*> *ui- J Irtrd ukartyrilotu mm a f*lw t**a#. am! in aopf* rtwf • pruartfdi: which bw La*l l» « u « af th* bw>t aod a.o*4 far* mm dues it h> ~. a* KO tUrt lewder of thM new-d**%ol U*ohh i» £». Wl».> are It* other pro ram eat laadera f im d## t nhUdiMk. U aiwal Uaal Wrigibt, " « reu Aikia eod list<4*l e*iaa>oi*tfr >4 U« rail# porlj. Hawed, of th# k» vkhudii hyaUidtu. aoa of th* X*oon Tale C>b rbfm or* *«»w foot ISwMhditK er». whthw || r*ll Ctddk, *bt tls*l eUn* »4 !Vm#rrst< ar» to hnH •#.*♦** *m mj; Uis *• «U»e*t. } I u**k# Ui* JhLovf *il(i»t*>tid to th# |»r*--*nl i lK w«d)fdb «uJ »U Wxml*Tm c «.t .* »» t ftfT wUm au*~'h* Lue4- L> Uho. »W u w ■ ti- -* lUiaOCi *4, uin.b oltl Uut: IhiUcO-ftis, wiu- and • Bui M>. Um uii uwilr* iU LLia U<u» <M ; fOQMWliea, oo«l d*» o**4 i* I brood by i *B#gt*UCK» to h»M dawn •*<! rtoabip tb#' l I *tr»u#* p(Okiv e i Wlui. DfUciw# tbi« aaar baojocr** *. i mart *»o»tt<# the I*4* eitn»«r(iia*ry afM'*vh, | delirrtad f» Allant*. * few dayerta#*. t#r ibu. U*U. tu *cAouai«ai#ed J!cWui Lib* ah oth •r of Mr Htll a fi i* br*. Ka# pru«io<iac«.! hip M!c>««ia bwawlwt #dbrt A* aao*l. b# MU Sir Otari# He Unu-nt* orhr the 4hpr*« nr of th# uors. th* i'omapiAoQ of lb« (m*v(>l#, *nd th# fart th*i bo aatitei.. , h*g lai«*|M ll# «(•««« U purv au*l oiulaJalo! * pn>f>hi t who** rintoo b ttuemn# whit (todicim] all oar ilia, lari a (f«rr«r%# jraoplw * »uM iwt h. **d baa wur# *»m *#b» { A f*»rwi'*«* old Udy. wb«». wboti aauMortum <scarml tn tho faaidr afwars elaiinod U* lw». ! jaadicW 1 it, oLa.i toft.l cm* by tb* laodissMtl Uaal the Du* l**sl s«l a(j lo> #iui l htow*, pronyrtlj. Etr*H. ;l t«*bl you *n s.> «lU. IW Htll >'•’ matter rksi IM*W «*lnia* |ly iwialla u*n be wa aiaay* toady to r*|»>Y I i predicted ll" Hut to tba aueecb Mi Util j layv “My frtewH*. * p4tue*i lie i* tba versf of all Uah ab*l onafA to ba haM more ia famous . thaw *ll other*. 7i* who b» gailtj of it oupebt I to re#en* lha fro ara, ami aaora. aad omsltoj aaitaii of crety man aad erary member of ao ciaf#. lu a MnUcjusrat part of the apeerh. wham swtraaa -ariaq a bow te i haal Uliou aow •ahmfUssd In th«* pMiyprtu for rabiAntmo, h* fa far* to that part of j» arbfeh provide* fbr tb* •lactioo at oia# J untie* of lha Taaoe ui t-adi Militm IMatne*. mod mrnmut* * that *•>•*•#- have * ri#ht. th* t'aasUtaUon, tn bm office, »ud that in kivrtr Oeofft* the ia«tic#s us th* i’aaee will Im Ua then call* rtwhsi W* thr hart Um 4 th* ;mUom burr ;u risdtrtioß tn a»» maa* where th* xnviuol t|n#« art rxaerd uio bau.!r*«t dottaru, aad asaocc > br-wdly that Uhtv t* *t tpyrnul tram tb# dem ote «»f th* JwAirw wb*« th* aawonat dorm not , #»aaad fifty .bdUrc He eruWntH iao-utU fp , Mtntuoc' lb* u*pt*Muii apm Ibe mind* nf ku« uwrrrc (bat tb# (Wlidon nf tb* m ami «nd erwwf.j* #*. I hb raat*rates! ummt . lh«s, Mid rr*ii dun >*df#. U« aay* "Thai JiistiFMui th# I'i*- • liuul lumLjaMstbriH i in 4f«*ml nor*. wb«r# th# ajnouiit not ex ceaal ua* haodrvsl .UilLtr*. sul obaerr*, in *U , ommm *U* n tb# *Um*ihl d«# » not nmil Ally i doHa—o fMbr ■« * » Offarrd. A «|*iu \ U | that -t*na •hmrid nrt *rr*r«l dfty «*«>»«*#« b* ] it to that nijjm’* ile>*b*e»n mUhatit rtk>* . Ur fwyUt# A#JkUi “Ami wh#o l#*tn I U.MI arty nAi-te*. tl nAafi b. MX/btataJ had atilt afpia * / flwa» met *b. Urc !#lda #aii Off' r«F to *.* to tb# b*v'H*r rwul- ! i ahd* Umw who *r» « ou»|*w*iu#i> poor bar* ■*# ayyw.d oAetsr. f bm4 auart lake lhr (laailibia 1 cit ih# ifpa Hb» t-M #>latuiu* lha* l*k*#iAa#« doubi | that Mt HOT* mt#jntt<M* t* hi prodkw# U>* on , peceti’ko apaa bis aodi*n<w t»»*t tb* d*#i«..>u *af tha iartjngt, in *»*>#* turd* i fifty -K.U*r<s >* biadtam amt #* tartoatr* wribrai th# n#bt n* hare the #rrur rorrrrted in a bitth* r p<«h. il*»a#ml*er. 'iuen. a ix litaral ia th# .*««./ k>f .If W Waa ffcal am ia I fa#ta. li«*r#udore . lh*„ • d<Mt»swa *»« Ua Tree* bad. lha iUtda us 1 »be Htats*. ywnvdkathni of amonnis not aice*d . lit a fifty (kHar*. a iwt there vu an to , th* ttag-'rvt)* Court, in the krrin '.trf a«oa«c f thr; i term, leal Uar-m aa* aa Aifiwal lu *uUudc ' aad mi fart, aaaay daemiot* of th* Jnrtio# .rea ; plained Os a* n mnaxw mitfbi b* earrvwt to lha Hup*nor Court, by orft of rrrfi.jrarf, *od ' thaarrsw. if *r,y. lw #\jcraat*d Jt not ' fit hbe **«d tb#m wa* a© ay ( W mhsU<+r bom | tha driHaton of tb# iaatb# W*H. wh*t #xtetad* the jansahrtaaa of th# Jeaiur f llu- Pear* to ou* hundred kdlara, aod K d*«* an an peal, in the ##a«# at tha Lwm, b» ti# hafcerbir Cmrrt when th# amount fifty duiAara. that »m, *lb>va tb* party la n>t#e aa Afifwal. Uho b# <a*« aow do la th* Court us Or cltaArv. lor x iUt m #juw* that do #»re#d fifl v d*Bar* h# la left tu Ik# < bi mud* juf #»irTwtfos the #rr»r by crrtionrt This I itifhi of Anrwtari •■rromta. laCrnor Jodi-ietu | me, by **rf•••. *n. w etprawdy Kinn U> lbs Ha- T peter r*o«rtJryr. mrynher ■ »ia>* 1 rtataUuo 4 The r*«u*dy i« past a« auntpbd* in th# mw naae a* In the <*h-r Tb* ••nly difuu »c# ts in th# hwnn-r rt the appeal, nr the us rarryiag Uk ran*# up In «nth#r#a*e th- party , *4an*v<al by the (WisJoa of the Joatte#. 1 » hatl. comj rti r#aa#dy. aad may carry aa the iictrtoa, and. If vroaf. bar# it rarenwitt and i*» t a*id# hr thr Sopr. tu* Cowrt Mr Hill w s Uwyv-». Mad well kuaa this when hr was d* ; It err* J of tlw ati#raw#e« alsrvs q hb-l Ja%s nf the mrtte* Bnt d<» aiA fortfrt tb*i * politirai ba U die «c V of ail ti#* and tltat h# »bn is fitttltr #f it uOg(hi to rveeive th# aotl worn. *ad ( •■ndemtuUiun, us iverr tua ll sad of #»m m«.-mbev of society ** Prubahly Ur. Hi I! tiuuls lb# ab#rr« sUt#iu#*t w»th «be low upturn* us thr p*-*|d« *od of be* sy-l»♦**#-, wii*«*» i* |«artau*nl wt Ih# folio* id? 1 from the aaiu# apnert) He a*ya •The tfreai difficuity of th# tim#* is (luk, , Ih# paopt* haae i#> regard lot initli, they baas tm turd at th -pot » parte* Y**r 4link m* j l#m nf * man wbn urt«wvmaly aa l avowedly j MygteaJnvjAi'i. ptro aided * wff<r thaa y*m do us a Chnetbvu ?-oi!. r.i*u I raib#« Uttnk yow think w*r ( .!#. • p!a>u (Usn you «!•» of truth. »ihl liiat HI Uh# r. «w.«*a *Ly*tj raur-b dex #p(tnn is |.r. t ,n#ta,| ArtOijf ap»»« 1 (hla halbif. ua <inU. Mr Hill BrntortixA to wacboa te *!#»»• auida-Ltn*, <l###p(iori lint i I thipk ha a»l audefratad U*tli th# in UHitparc *a*i virtu# of baa audirti#*. »a l of tb« aaopfv ot th# fNai. Tskiw? this a< a spar laa of the btnmaa aod rand.w of Um opaaah. jmm will bar* an difficulty, g«utl#a»*w. | ta (iwttMßff th* profM« *rtioaal« *|-»o th* abota prodtfctkm [•o«Vwa» ra>«omhfw. ] Tur Ara f.m Uiiunin this eatariJUM. i* h*i'tuitidif rerrtr* cutiauleratd# *IW atmn by tb* pent4# nf borthern and rv<rth*-sLu u | fj*asya Th* Air Un* K*ai« of iw.t ***k , ooatams tha MUiuuig notice Let our prop!* torn ofik ia mam on TumtlaY i«d eart week wad *t»# awarutf of their wj luoannas to routnbut# iu seary way »a th*ir power to ikts at! itarpv>rt*4«t anterpn*# If i|*V pt'dfda aiott? tb* im* *1 fete rad nf ft# n«d Will do what they may. and ought In do. w# at* anew red by thorn ba*h ia authority th*i tha work will tpaadily b* roaamml Tb* , Prwantii at aad Urtdow «4 tha mad will bokl a metitf to Attenta ouamt*a*a between tba Mlh of April aad th# lot nf May. fen te Ao ba ilgeigaafail by tha 1 r»aul#ut, at thrti lima, it Hofttiibl ranraymaat te gir u, it to aspeetad atofsl OTIU be lOm la tha WOrk. The boiftrt of th* Ktoaamt difira Bylraatar. tewia fiiirtiriii amdudad Iwinir hiifltm t ( TANARUS». « Tkwßhy. WiHe iikullitam. *m4 gisiti vccMlßg Mr pwkkgn BY TMI#B€>ttAPH ijsSkr aiMf jtn iiiM ■ N.x* fcl-JITCHItS. | .InMK Tier. Much Uv lit Sir ran, nil] iippm th# or* Aialaan bdl. than?h bi* »» kaiity hysiiJ* *0 tuuJh (A stUIUSIAQtI that the , l>eaorra4* hers ltetlr r*k*oe* am lih hire a oca. > ftam V<ma. toaaahoibaaa i <o*4 tn Ih* e*u sgruuei Mr. ftbart for bbal. Thr fine Kaitnod ha* I •si weed th« five# ta Buffivl * to fir* dflthWk and vtH *4ari »a»el* b* , fiibskwv at fifty c*uu. to carry on wai with tt>\ Oetral Bml i Cm nan, M*r«h ll*. Pataona Whoaa. J c&prd from tt»* M«c *dra bar# afrlmi a( Mayiyfile- th. eipkM*-«i by wbwb h<ty aar# killed -*»'* tamid* a< <*iiuoU. aom# were • bb<wn tick, wlnl# t«tU#r* w#yv blown mio lb# .nor Ate! #> h*es »• #» buriddy lasuglot WuJ , U‘ death wu U»* wxu»-k. Hiuxi. M*r#h If. HtyUeit ahicAi rep 1 rvsietit Hsmmms s array u«ai Cb t - Heytinn aa j 1 rouUd. i Tb# FWii Admiral demsuiN (b# paym«ot ; I <4 tha arrmrafui Con***rfpr*«»!i urtir# Jkikkirx «!>’## »bU>* the! tb# jifeaiiu r |.« I , IrelU lies l*r#n mu !#tur»«-l kl Kyra h** Usa «•*#*• I ib* Comivw *iup J i us HA Kate Maasttoo win#** indtnU# Ibal sltsirs in (i*rt , I•• #igi*u will reanU <u »**•«»*#m AU Dm N<iUi j : wash ia SUtM »r. op|x>'#d to lb* United j Him#* KIt.HT UISTATiTIES. ! |:t I tic ~(1111,*rr»H •*t j i Al*ia*ios was iaui taken iipUnU). Tb* is »* s j ; sertoii* uikli In th«* iuatl#r. Mr I*-*Uii« pro- j I p.ifcr* n tl* w <ln ll.m Ulti.Ul Milk lisVk. It . l SCSI ms t** be NNHwUtI (I**l AUlmvius Will t lw ; J mlmitt# I axhn'it wiie th#r tl*#tiou i The Ittip**#httl*nt luaitaissni Wcim i • to d*y with i#rs*' rl.o b#aj«! fb** Piisi.b-tit'* ; ( b-r#land *p#rcb. Tb* Pr#*»d#ti( iiss ibuly aoaa*ali«iU«iis wiib ib-COB-l. j Gen l#tf C lK»ri* i* t«» cotunuind m Ala*- * kB. Au *(»(.r>»pruijnn for tb# St*!# «b (svHru#ul ! u 4##r.***#d on# b*U. Ylw -Mb su IbrUt v«k i kdikg • ■ th* i (11th vu IS fSHU.OOII ( lion Ltorel Wihacd. Ju«lpe **f the t\*nrt nf J t'touas. I* dead. | • Tb# dtptomaito b»H wubb.Tt.tH pay fmw Mr. j Ihnii. Mmisb r to I« (i tf.‘i| (suit *'r f»- i tor* a#rrlraa Tb* llerxld atlnbut** Ui* Ilatlu'al t han?#, 1 AUbsiiJU 1% <vdilti**l()ll, to lil#tr ItBU i . thwt *b# s.>uld rot# tlw l*. ui'vraWr ticket Hi ! tb- l*ri'~i.i*n»tj*i ■ l« (i»»u (-«agvra«lßkal Pra.M*t,|i. aniTa. I Tlw- bill rruionug tho JiM*bililJ#s of tba f j Itcpne* iit*Uv-« fmin Tennrmee wws disc a** I*d I Harm? th# discnau*m it tr»u*pir#d that > tba H#aa4a Jodtriary CoauiUcc. no coaaid#r • tugths bill relteoiag perwon* wbo bare twin hnal mims HUM: alao. ihU'tb# Hroabtrs don't J roQMiUr tb* Lath articl# e part of th* yeadi ■ lkUs.M.l Th* iii.*ttar Ora* pnutpunsd. Th# Un toil v** rwsume«l Tbr bill was ’ rtstlor#<! totto’ripnal shape. *udafter a *fnig>. ' **# to retain tha Ist on r* fiu# I Mtgar and ,u pmdartJ an.l taqwnUne. (t m staled i dwnny lb* .Ulsu ln?|sulm# yield*d u#*rlyr ' half n*iUt(Wi rurenn# Mr Hk'HriiMß, in ilurnwini: tb# iwvlt#? u> J , Muuaiul tb*t tbo i#(wwl of talc* would r#**iH | tn a deficit. bnt feared poMi# aroponty eonbl ! .<•#•!> b» *nf(ir#eil b» d#Uci#»wY ol iur*ua J Tb# Inll. as fliudly fOMed. rsqutre* lb# •*»* 1 ' - urrenr# of th# Moan# in lit* reduction of tb* ; tax on {rtruJoMH «nd bitna)ii)('U* sabstaa#** | | to uUi hslf. and auy drawback on ItLs *i|M»ilatioti of arliflw tiruiplcJ after j April I. sad one fifth of one per rent *•« mles ) . nf uutaxvd articles ahor# ten U#*«**ad d»*lUm. I I Adjourned. ■cent. ; Mr IMi w#s ti. trod net* Ia tall for oouaUoct- ; ium a redneul aod l*hut#*pli from Mobil# tr> 1 1 New tHtoane' Won r#f#rr#-l •« ( #immii«-. on ! | Tly r.««4 Master was railed f..r 1 the Hat and <w»i|eßsUi.m «.f s; e. mi aa#uli>, • mod • list of comptuu#alary c uumiaaion*, and ' ; wbyiaanad • A Hill i»rmi«liui< f**r t r utiiitj m Chief lus w*» ♦ Tb* Tr#*4niati'« Itnreaa extension I**4 wa* 1 raaanaed. ' Mr Maynard Oatd b# had rertrhrad tbn*al#n mt( iiitimatam* frufi tb# It U It. of J .•mo* i a** It wa* lUiiiwl, daring tha ihlnte. pom | lirrly and indignantly, that thin. Howard was i an ata*l«amain>tu*!. fi*i» Howard * wetvhb i waa ala d*nt#d I Tb* riwulwlhra to table th# lull woa dnfeat #(l fi4 to I(*> awl th* lull passed, tel L> 37 •triel iwrty vota Tb# bill r**ntmn#s lb# Hurewn n«»e year from Mar n#xt. and aatkoiun it* ra #*tahhahni*At | ! in Kentucky and Maryland I A j»pro|(nation far the bill was mump* and and ; dtacosaed to tha atTJoammctib Mrs IhififiW, March 19 Th* order of j frwti. lUyuobU. on coianiAnd of th# \ FUlb Military Diateiet, wa* rwreiratl An ' tm l»y this wining flop. Ueyaobb: ! was u> lap*© Austin to-day for New Orleans I •Ja* «ko*, Mi*s.. Msrcb I*4 Four «H*ti«.psof j } tb« Fruicbis# Bill w#r* s»lopt<sl tcv.tay. fit <• i# i, Mar ii i » nfiMpafetov B s '' - | ph#ns Mriiwt her* thi« rnoramg tram Wash- * i »n*to* I KtsTiis, March 19. Th#r# was a aolliaiop I . fjci«i tu ili# bn? Anrote, ami bark Ifiartb, from M.*b»lc Mm#*»#b was sii#b(>r injnrnd by Uri> Aarons a*i to**# l aa]*.*#. Wxrruuu, X. Y , March 10 Tru <kM|(b i t#r» nf Capt. Idam#. b|(ht house kc#|» < r. at | Crown Toiut. l*#ok# th* ire an.! w#r« J ' drowaed. ha is*, Usidi 10. Al.y sstman advices indr j #atc that Tsird Nrjucr is nbmjt a ilwih ii*-sr MadnU. tioiMtm b* fio> the r**»live* du : r . i tux: th* l onftuioii. Ciwiiss*T! M *r* h IV It is asccrtAincd that #u(li(y pcrsuih* wura lo*Ujy th* I divnaix r. 1 AroWVA, Marrb !'• Jodn# lUwne has ar- j i < •»|d4>-| lit. liefiiis* rattc atuiioalioo for fb»r •rnor H* vans an. March 1 *.* Tb* Hccnrau Houaa j waa aold tn day at AWtioa*, It was tonight by th* well-known llo4*l propnetnr, T. H. Kw»k- N«w (btlOM. Mar.’h 19. CoibMi qmrt and detuand m -!#rr»t#. sales Ualea; raid • lliuffs fit tn 341#, receipt* 3,157 lodes, an rt j-.rte Flowr Ui irkrt Imre of low grain#.aataa couApad to choir* rxtr.x at fill to. 14 75 f’utji I'Mia doing; priraa whM* y7jr to fit. M#w* l»nfk firmer end beMrt rt sl* ttecun IwUef; shoaldrrs lie, (ter soW* life. Owld 139| ' M4#rltng. bank, 611 »o M|. New Tork sight Uoatui. ktarrh Ik .’..ltok umrkv* tlutail : |HU.kraUlltigSl|:italMi l.ntuhattai; ftatatpu Nxw Tax, Marrh li Cotton steady. mla* I 1,500- hßlta. Finn, Ntata MSk l>: 1 Soatbnvn U| ta UI Strata rata total, Hunt anchangml Mirat pork *rm rt M 4 TOO I XT-1 linn at IV. ta MJr~ kagu rathra, Mmiu * v*Jo Ul \r ta ll|g. Miihraiug Imbv; 11-M |I M| Mtavlwg .101 l >i ta »{ 1 LivtlHU Uarah -Cotton m *f -Ml tad nomtiMi at I4( to Me. FVar d.H aad •nchttgM Wt>«« ML Cam Mlira; toUto U N#i t(> »»><>-jl MogH. .1 bIM <- Ky. lj*al UWWc. ft*r>- ; > 4(rn ■ lltttlk ~4jp «..(«« gin ff I jfc: 1 {Mtjl Ut. Kkoaldcra 11 4 to Lite, *ta*r teiU* i lli to H|t. IntoitoM, i.fii J fIIHU, 1 Odd rjTttiw, Ifurl T 9. Co4l/x }uM arJ f itrt<y; ttplnndi* KH4; «hW Maifk Id. -tinlbwi <|Ud but i Arta, »*!« IW Man, 25c; rr*i{»te I.W bet**; ♦tjwrl* *lfc; Mpifci foi the »r»k, ail ruMtaiM, 4.4 W. f-cwtpl* 5,189; Ahlee 3.- j 3C7; vtook tS QSrt. -4 which Rtoonut 15,u : »«* *hl| b*«*Tvl W ihauhoD**. M.»n .'a 1,1. ( atlon , uttd. d!«>y *Je - A(W«t4 9uch I‘J Uirld |U4«* h 4 *t. *!r wnlawSftt hate**; rw w»j4-Jb> KU»v* mwl ul.ifc - * Tfc* Hrl|«r ««<u«r». They who Utuik lh*i lL«i r* ltcf dauM in lli. | uew » .HwhlMiKMi wtii lm *U* U/<*l uif oitAua ( Unftai I*} th- AOtbontlr-. will AuA ' themarl %*• -• ict«t*krn P.yery p«»iul Uno well | gaaralcd. ami Um MiutituUniul < •!>)«•♦ i«m< aro ••i ■killuity tiuU no U«> |' ->!• »~ 1. It l'»» *vlat<* Uwtm U* m« ri * |i>v«r l»y whirl* j tb< stn>< tfire can tm o%»*r>« t Ouu of tb* | i*|.|« »t Uvjrev in Ih* A n»* mWr of the • i » xtunut ii u* ik rw«t. ut ab I vlnWat vut-my '■ , us Um ntfMouv, who 4*cUtf«*l that. he nmhad Um ruufti uii||b( «Wri\fe Um r. h«J | rtemw utn*<*tt*t itufnvhul. jrvi be fmrtel tlmv ■ <4»UI out so d««'i(k- Ui>«i tu«* i» UU uiMdi Ut.Ai • lioim' oJ the j K*kr«i ( onaUiutiaA vltr-k fcirUb any Hint* I any Law im|«uinn}» tfcr oMi4**t«>o of | JUiU (rote thu {jeujiUojj wUctlu r •intTKln i» * ACtO* a* !H|»Ute<l I*\ the I i CodtelttMitftll .f«»| if «b« 4-« it Wnlf. *ln- I' l*r.*4- | e*| »wy tun*-41 m* it ehe w.-v. a trmfo|jr>, 1lu» • > « frame*) by tl* lal* t'.♦tiTr.ntian i i»* n«4 * htw Hurt| tt id rwtifl.-*1 l»yr j i Tb«- .u'iioit ufnl». i’out. ntion dotn not vim it [ ! IlnlofM ol k«, Ul U»t rntilcalMu «-f ('«« ' »;r<*n* CoaprMM muh U th* law. mot (bo hl.tte !r* |.r**isnUJ Hi Owminay Thoajfti nn aui. ; u» iin|MUf Um uUigAtMM) ou r>«Ua<-U. Ui« r* , ila liu4ku)| IM tbe t VnaAilattOM Ui |*rt'v.H.t (W trw* Aat, *n«i B»*ny <>»h«r Uiiimt* ?u»- | ' i»uiJ«o hy th»- iumc rWn« If b*t. w»r im> i •Unci, drrUrml ifTtonlm. V * » k ndrr, : n*<l tii«r> liv mi|wii«il lh«i "Hi*Uiun of e«*M- ; ; tnu*U, uiKti. nr-Tirnit to tli*t iLtUruiion, to ' | lUo aiuoubt of Um- «tifT**r» ucr iu t*liu> bctwivu j Kta-«uUu k* nnd «|mhuc, lint in*v i •*/ C<*« >«{?*■■ ; to *lo Uus, vhicii i* turbi<i<l«Ji tti liic hUlna, 1 Um mtm Uuii aucoWully umm!. l'h«M« who ituuk th*l ( 4WtfrM «iU h*)«cl (to : 1 OijMutilation on iK*-«w»itl *4 Um K.tief fniiam, | will fltui OwlWilKt rv|ti.klly M***t .of U* «]. U« U|»m w hi<-h *4 oi«iaU .W»rt 1 fouudixi mi i «mtm kt* U n»n«iiruUoiK of j were tor "krft, mit tire n«*. ttiecrfon* likely i to nie* ( with utu* it f.tvur; CuU(£, In l Me* td tUr k l liinl the )w«ur of ' < '»U nd* erea to tin* ot i em.trnet*. Cangrr** will rot hi- «|>t to Hm|liii> ! Cariloa a* to o«tr (-o*4/.tat uU.m» tLnu to 4*#>L if tl > tuiAiU iko r«i|airitt>«ut UmU it UmioUl U rw- , H*Wl«» tu f«>riil A»■ I**4- 1 Hr MV*H, I tirrk ■ml TASK I IIUD-THK I UHIITI TMM I Rat tie n< *l«n l At (be atlmuiKin of aunwt.iiH frieu.U of fhr rniw. ninl r*at »nitirui lof flc r,u U» that Union, the Oih trust, tit* uw.l. »nn .ui. . . Uuaa. ll a cau.IUUU U> r.|>rca* i>l tU.- Diatrict m ; Or* f'mgto* of tb* I'nikl HteiM Kht baviug r«u»nUil Ui* Uumai of tk*w HtAlr* aa v ar kOVMin * i har^ aiwava. a»4 ui *ll oppo**d Unr arv» r »ni*r. un! now u>.m4 t ainwily 4nur« the nato : rntkni of ibr war wsrlu*|r<t hiKi«a t*» the' j t'**•!*, f*Mi»tl-.l in ao iuholi wimloui l»y our : | Utber* A* the rrxulirat ai*<! lawt mcalr of at I tAititn* Unit Dual ikwr<iM>i *n«l. I imkn>iiiil- , lugty phuitoU iiryar!/. *4 mn »-**U .lay, on tk. , ; |*Hu» of Rerouitnirttoo pndhrM by ha, \ i known *a lira K«MianUn.'tr>ii U<t« 1 U*v«> i ’ • aruyaUy *>lv*a*4 toy fri«-uiN to ilo the iniae. ’ | 1 l»*t« UU>r*vi in NMmm ioml oh! of m>mod ■ to Ui* av«-c|>t*M4 > «>f tlial |»Lui. imm! | shaft noTithmr' to tfr» no to the ovl Tb4* f4*n | bur «•* I* *« ferankie a* w* (itwri’. b*t m a 1 ••Ofxjn.Marti |rt n»U it in Ui* t*4l W. ran i>i|ww?t ; fVon» lho*r who, hj the |«mrM of Wfir. rlntui tin* ri|*ht t«> til.-In4* Utc tanriu*. fu oar :I «t pntAUon m one of U.« MfaftK hrruM»u i!rent *ii.l p»*nft»l I Uimhi, nn.l. pnwfirrti**•!/. • . outtiUuHi |K>w*r aiiMMif: Ui-' n*4iotia of th* | 1 r«rth, we most -u-rejM Um* trrnm offrrr.f. To aiir|M*«« lh» |>r M|i«nty w.». .H»r«- rrr«l that which WOttUl )***< l*r**n |n««*tbb- uu | «U r tU«* uUt or*W %*t wo mn*t |>rom|itly i »ikl 100*4 cordially arropt the trrina emlHaliMi ! in tl*r Kcoia-iru- tuai |4an |»rvltrrr.l by f*ou ( ;:r*wrt We .no rightly etjMnM no Iwiter, kii.l *ll ho|ww k< Ul mt UitiuMnkiiry «ro .U'lunivc, j <u».l if lDihilg.>l lu will pfungi* wti St at. and ! amotion into a yet umwo deydorabl.* eondition ! than lUt tu wlueU w* arc n.»w plnc.l ITh* (’ourfiitkni rvwwnUy in Mwion in At lanta iu. fnunrd a t onatiluU.mi an*) u>»w |»re m b4m itb>tU* ofU*<>%iafor raffA. atim ! ! accept that t'owatltiftkwi. and rtirao.Uy nud fußfcmil nmaij naut jfim If rSab _iL. All Lli * fwowtabma may not inert yowr tt*.jn.»lifted *p pn.vai, bat uu.lor lU* pcrnliar rlr<wtm*ialine* * *«roHßH)inf »». no twMU r, in my jii«lt;tu* J}t, ronl4 ha*\ Wii from..! o I, tli.yrf »r«‘, mlioxl i salty and «|n«|. ty %*)» mi It. and mIhiII anj>|M*rt I ,<_ * In rmHwiion, ! beg b> aay that. ** h« rd*»- j him, 1 *lmUi with all My K.wri. and wUU *1! tU* »u»d ability | pOaMoi the repatf*i*4U*i nf lit* Ui nr;dk Ayr Idn- Italiyad. [ by wlkmui adwtiry N.MU»-fUw.t Ootirgi* Uiay l*e ‘ rome the mo«tpopnlmi*, fh r moot |*rnwywr.*a*. and U*« n><wi wooiahy portino us tl.rStnl. , ad ; ding luHiicu**iy U* it* Wnailli and utmmrrw Joux A. Wtwrv VurrA im. um. NEW ADVERTHEMKNTS («. VA. Adair, Aartltnierr. Dr. Jorepb Thompjou’a Property. JWII.I. m*i IbteAar •* a*«fcM"k.T*«l«» *«Mr mhW m'II.DINH lAll'rt. l*t. Two l*y Mm.l *dj«>mww Hm> M. tear tnA% Xiwwar KJwmW ww! HwiW w»», ■II# lM.lWw.ry a ft*m« Mill M, n,\ Into, .*» * *IHc I* an 1 tf*rrtt iyp.a|t 1 tfc • Onw Bme and totjclntu* r»*ii*r i Mrowwry Tturtrt iin*» Imtl rtMAi iwtoan* *.» mml Kwl»«ih. all** : »U!. h.bwwt ruito* Ur Tltotoi m* token *•" groeuWk* IKmewkcr, I rowtotm •« IK. Mark** U.a—r at 1 ‘At* A- ' ii w auiin. Mo a. tun towdmew.. PUOlHhriAUi. t’xrnio Hriitw* «K, *adnK* Daril WT I A'Uoto. Uk, Merck mb, m I SAUIJBI PbiinRULM «tn b* me.>**.( »t IbM IMMo*. «MU tl » TMOMIMI. MAlfc if Mb. IW> tor nMrtwr>. T*Mttob*l lb**M*«Mto k* r»A mummd. heel Mrvflb. Ito* ha ton cm m pat MNtokM. wWH to hm 7UMMIO. lb tmrn. I *> '‘JMwWiiW*— * b*rra>k«, ' AU«j,to. toSTTUto !%■■**■ PWMIMI ton* lb* rtobt to aajr i* *M toda, m wibX—*i ptoto mt tod* mmy ic tor 11.. t«* l*to»*1 Ittmrn aartoww bi'ip ■l* *b*wld tot itbi win 1 «•> tk* an 4<rMitiiWl wi ■liwM Uki—to* rrf >—l* tor tto <to ismjst!. j * M lm. um mwi. *. *. g M., ■.*•« a *n u k>. ZIMMILKMAN h VERDEBY, W kuln*nl« Oronom, H «aßr^TsaKSS^ar AMO. | IMtlOOrfß. iMw.MiiMlv Ok l S- . t 23R‘ t bIM SfertM towt? ■antwr* Sale. ’ T* nfgrg. iurg|F I 1 l'' 4**"' B«Mc< «!»'■*» •» I u* mmmt** latoiutT.i* J -*. m I«.i j 1 r. «**l 1. l*Ll 4. I vtn k. at yrnJm IMM,I mi ts.. ■'uCtiL.d**.MUr.ii«rj»( *wji<s>44 rttoa af A|»U U*t»J koano. mU.«U •mw M a. f ritof i K-nittto CArtrw. ud* *>.# O-Oto* MtoW* Ctort rowru. «i to« 4 AAkrnto. Oa.ttokto Mpa* *. Um . us Wk.uwnk L Mtorl tu«. lo nikh *ud • b ' UIIMJI ■ ILIAA. r » Dp i M*rto**t. MDftbto* i'Wait »f iwi* 1b UttHkri4|»f«-%. »puts IM TO atvm JiOTh’fc Tbat n* Uu> to>< May 1 .if rtUrowy. A TV lbb. • W«m*l to lto*feru|Mry •w lani M*in*< Aba .-UK of fcOMKST ft WlMtlUtl Y. »t irff.wwwifiM*, i* Um Ap*aty ot T«>ca-. a*J «**u of j wUok**b*On«di<*W«4a Üb*KO*|4ou known t’MKMrt. tk*l lb* Kymatt us mj Prto Uwl Um Into rrf tM any Ynffmtdy him »rfr bk Wto. tot* u« Trinf* at **jr Ik'-awOf by tow. *• tortokldcw by law; Out a Untaur •< Ik* • Vdiini nf todd ban trap*, to ywo** totor D.W. and t > (tone# MM> «w m.w» 4—tipir— of km RWM« a ill to bakito k foart af to Ua todd*.* M 111 lutoa i nbrt. te tka tk«*n Hcu». Mao* Unwyta, | '*w. Afnafetow i> Murray, lUrtotor. on AbrYTUiday i of Mar k A t>. twin, to I* • Vtort a u. VriLLIAW O l»U MtokN | rndi’to II l? ft Mirabal. aa M.anw.i . r | Adm itiialrutor'a Stole. | « Ri.lbiU MCIVWIXIO'TY Hy rmna <»# an «w j A f and. r Um VamuXol ortliua r> of I*l I*m wniatj, aiU U a*4 * ... Um ftr.l Ta-toU> In Maj nr it. IW*. *1 j ,>*« ..rtft H..taa.ti -«r Hi iOtoly. Mvw lawalaala j hnan. lb- tra. i • f total vbwma I'ran. to Wkakbd ra aaK-dto the ■* Ltoxballi. tout* lutly ar r— "t k»l j unito r I*l. in Mb d.aUat ud ‘id nrl*« of birk»».♦ | ! .«rtin»y rta* t*.iaca .ly wail mi] rorad Tartu* .wah. j I >Mb, luido r m ooi»rukY. uu.. d-bueua non us Vra*.* Wla kbri aa-UWKAUd rirab-a A to. \dmiiii*lrnlor% Stole. i llJUbllA MCI ENA rocimr Hr ortuaUau nr -1 " I .b-r .»f Hm C«»urt *4 Ontinarj *»f Pi. Irru MUih, wm Im ankt *w th* fttotTMain in Mi) AMXt, iltod.) jk( tti. s‘.7«rt H-’Uar Tbxof, m «a*d *--*»»»l_< U n U^ai I maim boura, W>l of taint umutor Jl*. iu tin Ikh diairn t I and at ar. Uou of aui.t .-moljt. wKeren* Uwrror* Itrad- I l» ram lad at lb- t.m» .4 bi. .V-ath Pin* U4*w*ki)r n.*U j umuamU. t«mi mb March i«K !*»- J. tl HUU'IM A4w‘r <4 U*mi.o Mradi-) In Ik* Ikiatrtri l oan of lb* t allnl Mair«, for tt»r In.lkrrn IVUlrfrt nf Orargla |ln tin* msUH-r «4 i l WM o llrfriii. [ In llankrufk J. Kai.kmirt. 1 1 'lVißhow il mar ma-uit Tka i»i..toto«al torrl') 1 £ ftr*a MKa .4 bto ap|a-'***ia-at aa .4 U»- ! -slat* 4 Win. tl. M-rOo*. i* ii..’ . **«n»i > of Cowato and Ktoto .4 «.*«ryla. w1U.1.1 aal.l IdaArvi. «l.< Ita* (>-«** a.tju*towJ a Itoakrwpt Ula uwu |ta(iu> a by Un i tktonrl o*o >4 aa|4 ll«UH IM-1 Iftlt day -4 Marti.. Ik*a /waits 1 lltit ftHrkt; t. i iiMkbb«3«r Am Ik* I Mat r Ir t < aari »t Ito t Mllrdniafra, Air Ikr HuuikriA IllalrlrC ml |.aar|l«. f 11 U>- nwttrr of t Jol-KKIIV.MX H-iKU.iMiuiuim;n. *ilt«|»a.| of lb ft»nkrti|.b y JA>r».U U. STTKVrNH. ; HTM4M ft. MtTCVrSH. Uankrapta, ! f|k) whom tl may • •merm Ito uodomiyrti-d h.r. bj I rim u.dior ..f h|s ipjMilntwmil aa amfunr of Jam p-r ttaymw, of Ito- caul) nf ik Ltoy a*4 tM*u of liaor ! tfU. *to». of hi a a|l»4nl wiaiit a* aaat*u. - .4 m. *n.« | k nro . -nenpoard of J**yu<r H Mtorert* **.t IMA*aiii H . 4li-r. ua.-I Uortna, o.anty. (to , wttbin * aabl tViatSct, who k»w harq •.l)..<Ur»-1 Itot.kmvto «r ■ o* Uu-ir own icttHnM by (to tntom-l i of »*U * Mail, t Dan<4 at Btovitta. ito . March ITU>, l«b* 1 i H Atti.m 11 iniwn, ‘ in.libMt Atohroan. lu Hunk rtipf t|. r ft MAttHHAI.H nyrn K. I A nuJU l, ‘ . March I*, laft*. ( fIMHM Id TO OlVr. MOTT Oft Thai un th. T>! .toy -f X ftabmary, A D . l* r e. a Warrant In Bankrupt, y •u twntod a**mat the raUtr nf u. UHVHkI.L *of Mrbelon. to ito CVwty of Ptka. and Mat- ot (torwwta, who haa haam a4j*d«rad a MaukruM <« kta ..wri f’ thal Uw* l*aymant '4 any ltobi* and to- !*. ;*» rrj of any hr«*t*rrty todaactng u. a*ch tta».kr..| t W> hint or lur hlanar. and lha TVwnaf-r >4 any Frotorty by kim arm f.*tod4*« by Saw lhai a Mrettn* of ito • Y-diMr. .4 tolj Itonkmpi. Ul jwotw n* r l*-bto and iw rtumaa nna er rt|«r* ttoya**« <4 Itii KataAo. wiu Im todd at a Conrt of Hmkniptrr lo ba kobton at tk- IbyUUr . nftbmMnftto Farrar Hnildtn*. OrtAft. ttooryto.' before IU land—r (». Murray. Mw*taaar. «n Um «k day .*< April A. I» fftbl, at UioVtok a w .HAHIto H ftLYKA. loarwd It r s Ibp'y MarakaJ. a* Mraa-n*•. r. In ItHiikruptry^ rWITIUV HTATM MAUHIIAI. M OFFl« K I AVUlti, Ot . Mar. Uli. I ARC. j . at «to lb* aid .lay 1 .4 February. A- l> Ito**. a Warratit In Itotikntjd. j 1 aaa laaual a*atn*l tb> .wtota <4 JAM ft* P. M’ITUUt of onlftfi. (''KintT .4 K|iaMtfiK. Hiatr of ito<*ffto. ! -wlu> haa lam a*tiu.tfrad a Hankrtjpt on kta own |-.u , to«. that ito I‘avn.. n|.-r any IWH* and Ito IMl*aTy of an/ lYwparlr K hwclntf *•> ftamkrapt to bttn or |bw Ula and Ui- Trtnkfcr ot »ny ftr»*p«-*iy by bin.. to f>irl<i>U.ii by !-»« that a MMlpk >4 u»- itoiiuio . f a• mM ftonkmpt « • |«uva Ih-ir ItobA* ai»l U» ; ( hoar ■•»»- or roof Aaaftooa of flta KMaia. *UI to ' h-U at a Court of itonftrujiVy, to Im h.dftmi a| «to Uiittator f flHksa, in tk- Farrar RntldtfUf f)T4B*. <»...*• £k, tof'W.- tlauifli’rfl. ffHiW), >•* th.> *O. y 0 1 April. A. ft. IWk. At 10 n rluok A. w CRAKr.rM II FI.YftA. mar>Ut P»|>*) Mar*U*l. *• M*--a*»g. r. In llunliriiptt'T. V ft-MAUftll u. ft UPFICB. 1 Atu««t, tka.. Mar. b lit. IMM. | rrmi < TWTfi fifyp xerrtev. tk*» •« u>* mu .uy a I Maoh A IV, IWt* a War-wt.l lu HankraiA. y *u ia*n. .1 IH- -alat» .4 . IMNSI&ALJ KlMftklJ, .4 Allan la. In Aka c maty <4 I'uMon. and Mat. <4 j i Win* ton* 1 man nljud«(«d a Itonkrupt -a, k.ta own IWUk m Uiat Ito fttyiuotfl of any |>rl>U.and Ik -1 (Mdir-rr .4 any Sptt| Mw'iu V*> auck Hat.krn, I : b> kim <-r tor hla waa. aial Aka lmuaAoT .4 **| H 1 ! id) b l»i»«. ar.. • .1 by law that * M—l'-u t > U*a (kw.iil.M-. <d aatd Ilaukr ~rt. A» prow- thrtr Ih-bta I and to rtowma -mia or w»or» \mynoa .4 kia Pa*at t wilt to told at a «kmrt of lUtikrnpi y, k> to toddan *t Aba ft*Mater a.ftbrw IU Ika I ntt.yl Mtat-a H i- l. Ak lanA*. ttoww. to-*>r- Uwm h Uia. k. lU*iabr. <a. tk- IMk .law <4 April. A l>. I«AM. at I* u .tok. . M. rilAlil.K-t M ftl.VLl. marftbtt - l»*f»> V. ft MarakM. aa MwHriitf«w , In Ikr ntdrlrltnarl of Ik. 1 all.rt Rlalri i_ Jnw lbr bartbrra Dlilr|ri of (torgt*. iftAAC M, Kf*Si»V. ftankraifpA. I In TIHr.MiJ liaiArnpt harina icUUon**! th- ftoirt fwr £ A dbubani* .'ru«n all hi* dfd»t* pi* m able nnd*r Ito , Uauki jpl Act of Mao It J, I<MT. noOo- to h*r» by mm. ' la all p-rbw** tuiar-wU dto appear <m tli* lHh day .4 , \urU. IRftk. at 10 w’.Jnrh In th- torrnonn, at Phair.K, r » • Tu»a aaid idMrtct Court, tofor- A <1 Mnrrwy bq., 1 on- of the Ibajt.krr* -4 Ito *ald t'-wirt In Hankntpb ), j at Ik- Uw'ftrr'toft.'.! iuOrtfftu. and ahuw rmmma why tlw pray-r of ito aai.l prOtlon of Ih- ftankrwfd ak< ukl , not to Mrantol. Wi*tt«rtui th- ftWinlb Jadg- Nrakinc. 1 |.a*u j J «-lr ufdM | Court, and th., •-aI 1 tk.« 1 Hlh day of March. Ilto* • nrardA *4* W. B. ftMITH. t! of. rl. T IIKAS H i;il, t Al t n iONKI .il. \ft f I r.I avd on Tburaday Ito tWk mat an l. . <4M \T iu.-urtu«i at 3 o ebwk iu fto aftorn -m. j SI\TKE\ WU;TIHI. RESIDENCE LOTS, ! atAuat. and (war U- PMMhMI «C L 0 WftHk Ee \. TKU pr.marly I* a brlMy UaM, in a foo.l uo*l.l--r knad. and Urn* k> to »r*n ft. Im apprrclatad Tunua. un—- half -••ah. ona-balf ala Jt-mlba. Pw rnrtto* imrArtKiUr* apply Au f ft. (UftSKn. I !• -it ttu*l Fatalu A*( Ul lulk* OUtilrlt onrt 4 lb* I’nlteM flair* | fur Ibw ftndbarn IM.ArArA of (baifla ‘ In the matter of \ lb Hawkrup ry, ! JOjt 1 t DAVKMSiRT. I lank T. | If*. B. j rittij; aaU FUnkrupi kawiiw |.4Ui to-d Ih* Omni f.»r Ia dMakani*' frun. atlki*<)*bu pw-..*blr *•>(!— Ito , itatikrti) l lUM M*ok l|M7. tedb • M h-rrbj niwm t to ad |»ra<w lift. o-t«d to », «u Ito ItUi .lay of J April. Iftto. at 1* oVhMk ill Ika Iwrum, at ("hawtor«, I ui tto *utd 1 Crmri. tofora A- (», Vtnrngr, Uj . .n*« <>i Uh> lU*ftwb r« .4 U*u aukl CmH In llafifcmiftry. ; M lha to«St«r • <4k%- la Urlfftn. and atocrw ran** why . tka praywv of Ito -ant pat4km of tto Banknipt atimiM Mk«i>*.irtl AndlxwUiar uolU* |* harrty plwrn , uiM ito -11 1 amt third nw* limp* of errdttora win tw 1 tokt at ito MJM Mrtn> ami pto «> 1 t Trikny Ikr Honor»btn John Pn.iii.< , I | Jwdwa-4 Up *m»4 lUMrkH Oomt, aa t Ik* , aa*»tlaTOf. tlda »«th .«y .4 March, imam Im, i. ... 1 w. n surrir (•►rt. . . . AuUnff’. Nrtlo. In Ito DMrA I Onnrt of tto tlntod HUM* for ito < ftnuthrm UUtii t of itowifta. at P*wA lAaltma. lb I- Ul* ( Itlfc (toy <4 Marck. I«B ■ fplf ft nn.Vrwtftuad kareby per* not am of Ma a, n -.HI . x Saul aa AaaAffk*- c 4 aLkxamdui U UA-nt I Os Marty o»wn«y. *«4 Rial- «4 (tourwia. wkbiu aa«d ! Owtrvt. who haa hua adju.bfa.l a Manhnapt mpn ht* ■ f*wb naUAton, by Ik- IftWrmA ('nauft of aal.l laabrkft. - t muVta w*w U.HKIT ftUUt.N. In%AM Ar Ib lUaiikrtipl< 1. In tto KtoUtoi Court of tto Catted ftAalea r..r tto WAtota Ttolrlt ( «l at A marten*. H.mtar 1 kMAat) ■ Hth *4 Macb A ft, IftM rpMft t mlarannmd kanby ptmanuAAo* of kmappuAwb IJAftAHCft P. NOW Ml do nf WIU JAM W. POND. (4 MOKIIDA. MfeMIWM, of WH4JAM A, MABMKY 0/ lUniJAMIY T UtLU at l SgX2S:r^&b.Zi- , ftAMMHM r. mum, ar a Amort—. (U T* Bear«dMor* of naMawrmwl Nik>S|ft Bar fIF B IBH TlllßJ HtTJTAMT tm» t. [ l mmrnm. iw *• *• r—» a -j*- ii*r~ in — ll >■<— »*>o..i.m« 1 tu. m..ii !«»iim.i ■ m im. -ir ak » t j I OnUn.l paataad I* San 1 OoMbbMbm an# tbll #naa> -»d br Mm i|*M— JC pMtf. IW —• |M». taWiMwMka.—Hmr. >7— | o. aa«u«mm «u»ut mm* tun. m «bw nr nUMIr wMm prww.. u mtt mm i-r ! MvMH4bhra—< mtrrirUM —i Ur rtbpcM. i— —r mwart— * —• *y to Ur. to —. «i.i,rtoto« u ft. Ctooml tvrr—rrftf. to totop ptao« to w b. nto«w«»il t>r w» 11. toto ........ Mr Mi to. to U. 90. . tor Mud. lift. lift I. M ar* l —* ft— —- I tow. mj .Wu. nun—l»J br tP> *-to to O-ft »«. 1 ttoriiMl ahtol to MIM bf . mtlrMtty to Ito >«w actually cant; and at ttaa ctmAten. lo whKrb th* ()*e*. t*ue .4 Uu adopt um e* nation of Ray ronmUubOQ m •ui wukni, mj person duly rep—feed la Be HiaA may «wt« |* Um akwtldS UlaAff t wkere kr -4>rt to , »oa# wbra ha haa raabk-d IberAa for tra Uyt u»il | praoaMtmc *«c* akrtkon *pa ynewUlk* «f Ua , dfl.ala .4 ww7 e. id* nr* of i-irtatratW. umWr MAob f»«whwk»tta I aa ikr W*lrt.ttV*iiaubr may yr**mtm. 111. Ami murrrru. Maid AcA* .4 CimyTMl prockla that I | Um cMkm lur raUAcattua at amid oowalsbUMn abali | b* tuulu. lod by th* aßaira or po—mm avpMubd or i W» In *ii<oiukJ tty Um Cnmm*iidlan lum-rmi. and a( j ih- iUlr nsrd ky aald rmiyniAaa IV. fitiwArai. Tkat an ataaikm b* Amid In tk* | m*u .4 (A-onrta, oinu«M*| Monday. B* >ak i day if April. UMM. and o>uUuula« f.*ur day*, at wkuh ! Ik* riy urroJ token ot nU fttoAe may vein M or aauiaai tk- nmUitUo* aabmtlAad t* Uwn by Um nf -Hamor aboanM I- TUam r im* Aa larur of ika <**► •illuUou diall Laio writiau or printed on «h-ir halb>U U*e wumla, "Pur th* iVnmtituttoa." and Hama rodin«r ft*rain«A Um- .Ma*tunu.m akail ka«* wratton or prtkAod Oft UteiT battvta Un word*, "Agiinat tb* Co*mAitaA*na.‘ V. Ii akail k* tlw duly at lb« H.«fdi 4 kxi lu «imryk. ta a«»rdaMr* with «n4 A—. lourtoen day* |*l"r K> Ik- BnHow b*r-«n nrdrwwd. and iriitaf rra»4i«lik puU- imAYwoI Mm ton* aad idat ik-rrof. AujniW, (.« a prrMid of ft«.- day*. Ik- r*£l* tnMi.>u Ikk. and upon l-uif aaUaft-d tkat any |-ram •-4 . iilakd tb*rek> haa k-n— t, to atrik* Uw ttaiu« *4 *;u!» i- ra'Ui from Vk- kai. aiul »n.-k p-(«-** ahaM not ba aik>**4 Ao *wAa. Aad auck Boanla akail Alao. dun On; tha mat. tenod. add m aucb r*f iatrj th* uaum* <4 all |--r* r* who. at tkat tint-. p>>a*faa tk -t’talic. alum* rmfuir—d by aahl Art*, wb . haw v 4 A an airpmdy Tr^iaUtxd. la dacldtag who ar* Ao ba atrjcfcan from or ft.t.b-1 Ao lb- r. Um*. Ih- U mrda wiM b- guKk-f by tka Act* .4 Cuaenma mlaiautf Ao n—malnacUoa. a**d ika IT atUHilion la -«pa. utfty ratlad to tb* HWppi-m.mU «>. A»*mkl..k knaiao a law Jut# 1», DM3. VI. rukl ulaftk* akail ba h«M in each <ma*ty Am Ik* Mtaie. Mild, r Um *M|MWlnt-nda«tre ot tk* Muarda at W| lairatum. aa pro tided by Uw, am! poll* will k* «naked, •ft. 4 dip and aiOknal aotU, at a* many pefftta in -a. h eowaty. not -*> —dm* Akra*. a* In Mm *t*ahni of •atol Ikmrda may ba raqwirvd for Aha loaimnki* t 4 T.d-ra And i* ear city, or other |dar«. wb«r* ib-r --la a larva uuuil-w of tuWS »t Aa korwky mad* Um inly c 4 aakl Hoard* to opaii aa many ptdla a* may ba am -a •ary lo raabta the roiar* to qaat ih-ir ewkm wUh»«l uaranaonabU delay. VIL Any imratk duly .'•Aar, may rota la any couuty ta lha Male wh-rv he 1 t ■4t-r» to ».*. whan ka haa rMklml Umrrta K rAm day* »»• U prmmdiu* Aha election WbeU U. ofFara lo rote hi lh« • » aU> r« L- waa iwpiatamd. and hla name ap !«mrs on Aha Uat us ruftdtral ruiur*. h* akail u>4 be •nbjart to qoeaAmu or MtaWan#-. aaeept fhr Ilia pwm pwea at t l-ntiftrailon ar a* An mai.lenr- AM any l-f •» mi r«piai-n-.1, »»»«• amy ka•« rwimral froau tk* county 10-wkvck lm wa* r*w»rt**a i, akail tm |wrmUAad P> m|r in any amatj iu tk* Mat* to wktoh Im kaa ra tutored, when h- ha* r*at<al tharwla bw lea day* n*»i pro*odiaa.Um aUrtton. upon prcmmUiloa of kia aortAA ••ate of rogUtMUi*, or upon mllaf afhdar >t b*dur« a member of Ah* Board us «*ftt*UwUcm. or a Jod«* or uuaftK of Um alarttoti. UmA k* la raftl >tar*d aiava tar, naatlnf the -aunty ta wHtoh k* la that h- ba- r-aided ta the county where ka oßar* to roto fur ten day* u«sl prar-dluy tka ahktkui. an l that ha tma a.H voted at ikia atort tom. Blank* tor aw* 1. aM da vita will ba anppmwd ky Ih- bank at regia liaPfa. and Aim luune of Ike voter tuakltt* u*tk waa* Im -nd-.rwad oa hla balled, and all anoh aMda-U* meat »*- lorwardad with the rwtuma of the atacWna . VIII. Th* pul* ahaii ba npeuaJ at aark vottn* pAace, .Inrinv Um daya nf aiariion. at t o'dorl an . *hd dun at C u'rAwk r a . and akail I** k-|4nfwai between du** IX All |*ubt r bar fnm, aakmna. end oMmr pta—a t a tka aalc of lK|i»ur at rated, at tka mvcral co*aty mate and at ><b. < imtkna y*an*a. ahaii ba rk>e*d from • .. . kwk .4 tb* •ranbwr pr—*d«a« tk- eterbon. until « u rftodi .4 tb* iu .min* after Um teat day of lha dw tkw. Any poraun vtotetlntf tbm order ahaJ Im enhyaa* lu An* or hutrupwuMtl. Munfi and their dafmttea ' •nd muuU i|*d .ift.-on *1)11** K*U rrrjmftaidfc' fur the efrud -abow-amnA (4 thi> prohtteuun ky the arrmt of . alt i-rwiaa who may tranapram Uia ■anm. \ Tl.- Kh-rilf .4 ranli wwwly ta hereby rwr|ulrad to be pr.meni al Um coWkiy wit, aakl to a|*-4al de|>uU-a M> I*- prrwent at *a.'l» polling place lu kta roqUlj, dn rin« Ih- wb>4- lima that tb- pull* ar- kryd >•»—«>. *nd iiubl Mm etewtem 4a oauptetad, and U made ra*|ional M- that ao lalarferauo* wtlii Um judgua .4 etoctewt, or MW int-fTwpUua .4 J***d ardar akail arrtr. AM any Nb-nff. or Ivputy Mberiff, or oCh-T etvtl oftrw tatUng to pottotm wtUt mtargy and poud fatik ike duty rwptlmi *f Um by tUa wttt. upon «*i- made by (Mr Jwß-v- af Ihft 4i»ft. ba mg» I and d-alt with !.y Wllhury antb'vHfy «J*»l pnnlahKl by Aim nr iiuprtareuarnt. XI Th* i imiuamhfitf uft.vf us the Ikatm tof (Kr :>«* wBI tommy Ot rough the HgparAateoJrid *f K-vUtra Bam f<4 tlda si au», amah (Matted ti»*tr>i. •*• »i* aa mag i- Um ■ -wy P> IH- enndnet .4 aal.l glaMfbMi I* nr»« f -mitg wtlh tha Aria (4 Oongrwm IH Th- rv-tarua rtKjnlro.l by law |u It- made .4 the (**uH» of a*id -lerAkrtt to th* futamaiidlng (t-tmral of , fbta Military i. will be rrad-re.l by Ih- perouwa •pp.Hnk.l to *uperiel—d the an*, Uinuigb the cwna utandiug <4ft. • r us Um Dtelrt. t of (tonrgia, and 1* am —ihtoir.' wltli the d-taikxl tn*tnicti.*ia already re f. rr«d In. EJXJL To p. man who b * eemUdaie ter ofte* at asld -l<wi|oit ahaii art aa a rogtafehr. Radge mepeekw. »mw agar. rVrk .or ta any ..Urr <dlW Ul -a|wel|y . -uin-tod wiift . .m.ln< tiup tk- ele. tU>n XIV Vudaoce, or thr-ate ftf dokhv. or any opt**a aive or frandnl-nt tneaaa nepP-r-d to praaatit a««ry |tow*»u from iu rciaiu* th- right (4 anirrav. I" Utcly prohltdted, and avory |mrwnu gwilly nf tming Ito uuir •hall, on cunvirttoa thereof baforw a mUltery .••nuiiMV'ti, lie ponteb-.! by ftna or .dhaa wte* . XV. ft..' contract or mnwawt with teborer* made fur the |H*ri»u«»of r-wUolßhg fhktf vote*, og .4 rw "training Ih-wi frwta vtdlag, anil ba panlftvl to ha .•nforro.l apainal tkem I* Ihla iHVrkt By order .4 (iauaral Maade B. O. IMtHM. marl a td A—tetent Adfwtent (lenorwl RE-OPENED. Tbr Old \ I Drat Marr. r CHA Krtd-mgaed. having porcka—d Um atorh af 1 t >m***kd M-diruma «4 the tel* Jo. A Dwvta, Uav* , •TP tend iVMe Okt afcfad. -eraat Wbhdmil aweat aad Hailr.ted i Xat.onal Motel MnddlngV Being gteltiwM 1 l Tagglete. <4 man» y*ar* eapartenoa la Um >'«*aiw*aa. (key WiM imm-tHalrty *upidy all d*ftteaw. tea. aad pttr l-m > k—«4ng a Brrtrtteaa ITaovwipteow and Wh<deante and Itoteil Urate Bgßßteheaaait comjto to in all It* ap i^^BsrstsXiis^. m ~ Th- l“r. #< npttou impartm-wI will b* wwdar Ui* oou ■teat •ftjnrvtot.ift yf one of tb* Bm, fttr WfifcA branrb (key tom- -wgaged the nrvtoi of VB W. PATT MfcliKV. a < uaftel and .xmumtant ApAtbarwry. wto> WIU lie ptraw.l to m-vt Ida old fctorul* at Um BkOT* WHJHW h CMhMK. DmggPte —d FbnmiaukftUali J. H WifjtoY. M Ik, _ B W. Chann. -4 Aiigueu. i»a.» ifMf ißUttelChaft M. Ii year* wlNi Hartteftd. MM*/ h On > date llarttemt, fMrtehteßr k to . Aftg**S.<te They r.4er. hf penuuat.w, %•> Mm ftd»*wtng gantb- M*v. M. IL Porter, Attehte. U*. Dr M. It. (kia*. *• " I>r. D. C. O'Keefe. Dr H. V. M. Millar. - L>r*. W. P. A 9. O. W«aAaior*lend. Atlanta, (te Dr J P Atetander, AtteoU. (la. 11 PeAera, Bag.. ** " Tbe.Pantfty of Medmai (Vdtege AwgaH* (la. Abd prumlnewt Marchaata nf Angntea In th* lllaArtel < a*rt af AM* United SUba ba* Uia fa*th»r* OMrtataf Utargia. OinMFpT ll f«imif. { In Banhmptcy Bnnhrwpt ) ffkO *ll whom it may conoar»--- TOte of «a*mm bte apFotettertU *a imiS* *UU*£!aT Who km S*m QfiiaMMwi»m to mart wtw I—lfiiV Mm, *i —wnft. ft* ■* *m a K*»m>. a.mum. T'XZttLSZ' SZL E B^SffiEKKuHS m ’ r ' 1 te th. VMrtn l*«l rs »»* V»M»4 ter U— *-Mn **trbl “tr w to* towuu. • .dk. Ui UrXU. ktol ahow m**, •>,. Ua pawyar of *uJ ofJfe* Iteetowpt oh*.,.* *Vi WruAHt Ate* Varxkm tx*u* te Bwany gi„„ tiWltto *#•■*.. J ami -bn 1 nm-tu** teccMttov* wig L y r i* 4Um urni Unm akd piece. I j Witeea* lk- llrtnoratdc Jobs Uakin mAI I Ja<u« ufaaid lAaMMUnit. and tL ' ami UacnU. tbt» Mfth day nf Mai c im. ~ . mar !» w3w Otot "AaßThM'i \*licr. U Ah# D.atdrt Oahrt of t\» l -ltod Utah, kg lk* tedtUtmi Pbofcl .4 u-«gu. In lb* anttn .4 i 111 IkuUyupAwy. alOntnbrn. J tMtfRUAY. J Ake fth day *f March. I te* tealrojA | rjAHK ingrrrtgvmd karaby give. mWAre nf hia if X todgunaotaa Aangn-a.4 Jaaeaa JK*r of Ode to-1 to. In tha (YBAty of Ijnxinaa and HBate of Bnorgt*. within aakl IdetruA, «to * un hmmt idjiwUal a fir • Wy tb* Dlktrtet Court f OOWHW o. Bboobh anrtl-fii! tit Ahtyaw Iu Hußknaptcy. ia rw* ttermt (An mr mar mi C«mu bitu »r.e tab Noaiiute* Duraai or ua.-awi* Tn tha natter <g r JAMfM A BC _ THuMAk A. fTOSh, r ** •"* fc MßbX Ua&kmpta j fpo wbuaa U may aenn Tim «ndm X |o**w ooiu -.4 lu* apfunlamnl aa Amugtme of 11. ntlbi .4 Jawtr* rs. Bulk* a an*l Ttenua* A. Sbuu-. .1 Atm ounnt/ <4 Maltuo ta *aU dial* and Ikalrki. *i«> i ** , co a*lj'id.od lua.toupo ujx.n Uoo .mu p. l*t by Ike IHilrid (Vwrrt of aakl IHain. < W. ft. McUVriK iwarlo Aa-igio < lit HMitkriaiitc.x . i-arhag. AJh'i Ac - \ y* . fk B)*Uy liarrta i\mn ‘‘•'tor. | ty *Hp*rMr umt Thom Iteblrt, rt al. ) V t appeartufthal amn-of Um .W-mUutam-i.l out .4 1 Ulla Nteto. Hte undar>a that aerwh •Iw pacbx U.l by nntol mil a tn Mm How tfn> »*>■*(« imhlmhed al Al tente. oneaanaonlh tor tonr Mftuuk*. U4o«* tn t.m tertn -4 Ihla (Start, and dial>4* an*ar an ' pkwd, ana wer or demur, at tha next term .4 Uita Um i u* ton* sold bfl be tahe» pea o*Kn U againet Atom Uranted It. if Bionau. On W Ml'Udtos Complta. Hoi* A tme -ttrwrt from Ui* mtmrte# .4 Harrt* fb>prr». r l oart. Uil* Ovv Utk, UW7, ft. li.totbDAßi. « o » MpylAntiiu IW tk* IHstrlef faarllaf Un tlkltte Main brth* Nartham lllilrlrl af (ivwrgla. Tu the matter <4 ) IJWIv a HAI.MoMH, | Inßnnkraptoy, No. U. todrtip. | f f\HK aakl bankrupt hnvtng naMUmmd th* Om t f..< 1. • dlacharga ftopi all hla ff*bt* nvnto under tb- I lank nipt Act <4 March X IMT. niW* t« h-reby giv-o Ui all perauna Inter-Mad U> apj-ar on th* Bth 4a> . I Match UM. at Ue cteahlh tha torahuon. at CkaaoU r* .4 the aal.l HtMii ~t Court, beftwc tawarm HU. k kr-| ••aa at the ftagtarm .-4 the anid ('aari tn i. . at lb- Bagtetor a (Ufte* IP Altenteaawl atom can*, wb) tha i*rwy. r of Urn aakl poUUouaf Um Bankrupt at-mid not be granted And further noito* U h-ryny *»*'■•* that the aeoond and third meettftgaof creditor * will Im. todd at the aaom ttiae and ptoee. Wdnaggtha Uonurwbto John IrMine. Jadg- I WAL i (4 **ml UatArt (Vvnri and tha —al there > I <4. fhta tbe lfttk .lay of lUnb. A. •» . W 11 SMITH. ( l-t t maria—ha wlw • a flta UtorUUanrt af lb* l aitad Hal*. r*e tba hm rib era UUirArt af Uvargla In Aha matter at I JOHN W. MIAUI WORD. Jln Unnkruiib y. No. i« Bankrupt. J 'l3llk anid lUnkrugClmiUig paUteamd ike Court l .i X * (btebarg* from at) km dekU provable uud-r Ike 1 ifti.kmpt Act of Mnrelit, lAf7, n«dka te hereby giv-n to all k amwiatoteraß Jto agp—r owtha aotu day . ( March, IM gt WoStoch taltefWMM *1 ('ka«..U.<* us th- MAd Dtnmrt Court, Ualora Uwaoti Him a. k- ( . on* df *h* llegtater* af Urn anid (toad to u > at the R-gtemr** Odtoa ta A thin to, and abww *anae wby Um prayar of tha aald urtluon at ths TtxaXramk ato •«»! .1 not b*granted. Aad fnriher Mto I* hereby given tkatlto modw!thirdwieaMnga afeandMar* lm beta Bi Um aaumtlto* and nlaaiv Wltnenathr HctmrwM* John Krahkm. Jadg- I .... ( of aanlDmtnrt twurft nnd Ihamwl ttw-r- I I c 4, thla tim l#'k 4ng es Mervli. A. I*. W. B. HM ITU. IVrl mar lft-tt-wlw VaaAhnerS Nilr. U.MU. ba add on th* ftrto Itomday to April u< at YT btoorr tk* CuTrt g»<ta* door of Morgan <*k. (U . betwwaa Um Ugal kuora <4 ante, a lot *4 tend, eutilain tog aixty-twn acre*, morn t* hm. the anm* Udug to. property .4 lew too Winfrey, of llantoii omaniy and wetd aabr * tato* to Mnaikrwyl ir. tor the bene At ..i hla orwdtkira. Tarma uank T. M H. UHoßlfl i V Bank Mto. IMR -mar IK -Jftd Aealxu-* la* (b* Dialrtrt ( aavl af tba I. wiled Rlalr« Per to* Rartkarn INrtrkl af ftaaryu AAbiJITrNtINNAIXY. of I . wrnmma* e the Arm t 4 k A. Kiuiiu A { *• **«*ni\*. r Cos . Hankmpt 1 T>mTTON by Dtekenmw M Waterr. aartyne.. of ante X Hnnkawpt. tor anth r»(y to tHwnpwnml and artl Ia uawaxoaeray ariWug with lot O. Melton HM, >tf Allan - me (S44i -ouidjr, (te. hmchiuf a n-4* upon lk« latter. U-l i tis nakl jngljrnec. and rlvwft tn pwrrtinaa at on-too l interest in «ba brick .tor- Una* on WklAakall atrv-i. »w Mm any at Atlanta, known aa I. o. M.-Jteui-i • *»or. tiouar, HiMin tbe l«aeia (4 a return by th- aald lia «» Mr Dental of tba ante pawn arty, ami payment .4 rent«... Um mu** iu sat bona eat i* aakl ihH- On reading to- tor-g»4ng petition, |t la ordm.l tkat. on the Aral day of Ajwft Mit at th- (Vnrt llonar Watoaa count). m the town <4 Moaiws at 1* o'* k» k * w.. for Um hearing <4tbr petalkm. tbal all crr.l toe* (4 aald bankrnpt. and other luter—i. .1, ai.p-ar and *h»»w ts any they h*»«\ why an «.r.ler shown net tmpameil npon tom above |mut> «i mthur uing Um net pray*tl f-r «*• Um iwrt 4 to- eaalgi ami that al least t**« daya" netk - Tmtorc Um Aral . April b- given in tka Nr* Kka. Athuita, (ta. pah. e«h. matt. oahnkti' ahukhna h. Ilrglrl. » Approve.l. |ku Ika TUa day of Merab. IMft. JOHN KKHhIM , mto H» i* l. H. U. H. ImfUMiAi. Rgvftjiun. k'u( atII Out. Du>r . i ((k.tegrteiwg too CvHUUea <4 TultoO k DeKaßv j NUTIaI* la hereby gtvgn Umt the Itet of vnloac >. amt ewnroorwltona of property tdy«< t k. Ut un d'r tl* A.I (•• provide Internal Mavvnna ' t>aupi«-it lha (tettouttMut. k» pay interest on the pwh»- d*l-i aakd far otb*r purpose*. June Wto, MM . an i Me enmudetery art approved Marnh hi, IM7. iuad<- anrr tahan by Um sevatwl Assistant Aaaaaeurs of anul Onto • tkvn INrtrten. wti aranmn open for Ih- aßamtnad..«» . attp —in intaraa'ad. uw Umapacateten i*c *»mgded) from Um dgte hnnauf April Ist, l«w -*~ tw—u Ui- kour* us i a. U. and I f.M , and lmn«-.t> •tety after Um exytewthu* nf ten day* from the .Ut> v» WW; oaths 11 to day »f Aprtk 1 will twaatva and d-«< i mine all awaeto rrlaUva to arroneou* or nramive >•) uaUrm .if enmnoratlow mad* and taken by the Said A. Tba hrt karat* rrdiwnd to cmwprtaa ih* In* • • T. r lirawe. and tksta* upon Oarrtteim. lklkmd Tabb hUaav Hate, and oUmr eftaomrahvl arthd-a. foe tl. y—r We Bag March 1. IM*. and tb- ta». . ». k „ . for Um yaar ending iHrtNwbar. Al. IMT All atgwala to Aaaegeor aaaforwaakl mart Iw mad.- b. wrtteng. and wmrtfy tha partkmiar raaaa. Vnatt. r . - Vhmga rvapertuw whteh a drrtaton ta rwunertr.l •• i ■tat# th- of prt art (do of iseguakiy or err Doted Alton ta. da. Marnb ft. UMI W. IL WAIH(>N. tearll—Ulapl Am—orith Dfi «.• PItOPOKA LH Aiuaft. Um. Kvift '' | UUJJUI riul-inoji. in iniduk, w.iartM.l U„|,l O ISA'aUnk H., cllntHrte.T.llwvt, lift N—L m. fur •hkuw Um United hM Wtete.l hftnnni.l Frouh "< » —nd. nu—MnW. ftuillr, la ninal prut*,.., -n I bn ul hlaW—d um (tefte. katetedkUn.i uUMwUtm Ur*mtA.i to aad. ,„iaaUllaa m in.j l . • toVa. ra«a(tad, aad tat .m l, ,U,i an alull to <l—tea.tnd bj ton n,waaa*dln« ndtear. Ito a term -I ■ i mnutoi, rawa nantoa And! tat. laaa Tte todaUatead te Uwl;. K 'toauaa at Atotete. Oa. aitrcaE: »W—MlUtoatedatoOnaiatoandtoatoteonii, It. wan dnllnrr ladaiiatoan Bda te to <Umaad to da aadarrtgaad, aa.l mnk.., •Vtotedate.* rUum. ft NUnvo. 15 « ftna. *n. J. J *-r ' >K« CRKKIKT UOm. jd|| > »•: W O U tn v 'i' i. m ** ■ ■ Atftoanuab u •—rr inf flmriHii!? ICS *4 rnom-m \ ' nHSSXaTSfVL