The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, March 21, 1868, Image 2

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Atlanta Irw €ra. ■t ■▲mmi BAitn. OmcuL Jmui a» ns Psrrn 8r itu official journal of tnc cur ÜBI.KST CITY ( IK< l I.ATIOI Lur«t Otdy CfassiMtos Is lutkn OssrfxA. ATIaANTA, ga. uATTKIUr MORN I WO. MARCH ii. IMA rus i*tt tt nUKXT l» isss. ULYSSES S. GRANT, Or IU.I9UU. •r«m Mivatmoft. H B. BULLOCK, or ■nwifitjwyy. PtATfORM. komlvcu. that wr ruuxts ur« ruvii t>» mt oownnmoi fuamio, k the co* srrrrnn* u. f> or this heat* how i si asfttiox. KfikOLTK* THAT WE EEESEXI Tw THE i mkEiM or EKrxmmtTiTHU* rw mhoaci* mre «**»?ijnTn'no3i a* om plattoum. *jio wt i'e i.HUTLV RAftfKKT THEM TO IAIHT IT. UEHHI.TEX>. THAT W* Pl-EPOK OV« TOTHKffOS. B. t WClUr*’*. «»Tll ChHt*I»AT« VMM UUVEMK *» KIMOLTED THAT WK MAE****.* MAv* W** the womor **x»i«*r»r<Tin* r<* EATirr THE NOWEATioa or TUP *o* It E- W^JOTE ix mm rmniARY nni»rf."*w- ’^wrai* HIM bT THOR VUTW P«wu RfMktMf F.i w '(’•Toor Jovpb tv Br< mru uiH Rpeak ■* h'iayetau onfcalftrday. Marsh *l*h It !f The u’-of rfttefr-uteTO sm* w li<»u isi *r. • -tfaHr nrtiffed that th** tv*A u to «V» »tl ki®Al» of work A* ■>t * lull An&oun##a*#nU* will be wwif »* #lO r-ftrk Tke luoar) re a* l aceeiupauj Ik# uare* Ouap|i|H ikuwaieotfl fill l** printed mth • !• ihaQ) ore! pn oipllj *t the lour ret rain. Ticket* can Ur gottau up m attractive *>!«. ui Any Mitalwr. ftl short Beta'#. Send in your onlwft. Tow uoM work and w.>rk fa* L ■ llßki Or W# have • ito Herd of iLe j Li a. We btvf not rjstu kin. jutotr*- ikt* week J. I lari. Smjuii * r-t/flu i j fftflfc Tliis ftkank bs* our eoUre p»n»iiurem to i nttuk w toad and tong sv b# phases* provided be tieps a nwj>«til4# (fifetaft## fn« u s , He j 'belt hare aR tbe tuu by hiiaarlt- VRIRtf A UAftkUJ.RftA. It will U a*-«u that we bar* given Varney a j b#o*ftt in (I># Kafttn.Uy, Lwoose »• bk* j tutu penooalty. > ■« | We wonl I sdvis# th# Irwin wiof <4 tke ao railed Democracy to .pNtSW At least a (Tas of '-Npaldiug » Pirpurrl Glo«" from Brdwtm# 4 F>l. hirtkkld* bun to itifk fwl t* bis pf***» ( eat pUtfrwiu RT 111 teas than four year*.. tUn ILii wul rfttiitM <*#-wgta m fi»w of a*i;rne« h>»ldtug . lH r Mark th- j* Jft4|f. K»»#» ■ R>t Irwin. We v« miemeftl that ikn«* rtU-m- ; wiil» J thru (rttads were to kasr kdd a Council U«t aigbt !*> drewis* wb.ob skould mak<- Uu gubernatorial ram It fai lAaskritl u* im which. •MASIW Wtlftftß. lU<A>'bowttft bn (krkml f>e Ui ' guUhed gentle mac. for Vice- IVea.drftt on ike Gcaat Urkai Haaatnr Witaun u a pacaui of mariu*i *b»t itj Raj large popwlartty II « stated, la high public*! cuvlee. ikal ail tke New Lags I And State* will aaitalty cek aci eoatarui for bn n<«mstiub Ma•••«k•«•*•« wiair * mrti smn Tbit body race ally owt •* W«w*--eN-i. aurf paaaad tke kdlowicg meclatbm* Hetoimi, That tk« Hcpabtanaß <4 Mae* . to<Wa J nraaae A Grant at Ikesr ran.kilatn fr*r Pree > kat of Ike Uaitml State*. Bcndnvf, That with ucdiamtiMbed turtitom in km bnnJ psstnoUsm ami bn tovd fbklity, Mud with tsll A|*jWi«ttoa • i bn r«umeat nr i iree in tke cauee of hoccau right-, tke Re pwbllQa&S of Maeam huaetO* |mnoi H«m. j ll.i.ry W dawn aa Usett eamlaUlr U Tic# IVee idcfM i*: the l aited Acatea RcmJaU, That we apfw«ft- U ei«a i tbe uAUoaal Howae «4 >o|irmsaLUu ru. which. | ti.rr.agh impeachment of tke PmUmt min > U> rehere tke enuwtrr n# tke great mli iiwrla to 1 • a speedy rubnikm .J the political and cietl ‘ rights of tk# people bsU4v in iwbeUi«*«. and to . tke ptuuxitotfi <•( tke inJ«ft4i».%i aa<l ftno»u- J rial mUraatiL Krafiwit Thai wa tender V+ Ike ikpubb- , i'abh *4 New Hanapebirr uor cordial rongrat j ulaltoo upon theif WRlcnt at the ia- j cent StaUrlMUdß SR-Tk* IriruA* of Hi»w «r« sort- | tug io liutrunulv. tm* ttr b, so omn calks- Huuiio m cuakU-st of sttopew. Kraryhodj , u t »ak- Mn.l»r «f the Ms. hst «sy H »n«W U to v.,u ft t lam, m L. caiiH **■ *t ; l.ulj tl.p uAo. :.f 4L>T»sa>cr if tlrri..! Oi l (irssn, Hu*—*l i» r. portcj In k«4 Imlrh. on sf-cAssl* of tUc Jnil*e.« inpbjfbtltty *Hdj • Whig know n.Tlb«lHi»' srs faair ...ones**c si . t*«si, KO<l ll*c to-allnl bar* to J I.Umc I Sit Ihcmasins A ilaul oyster wnaU \ lit t a. sail u. Haoml. sk Ckairswu of tko "tkst. < . uutl (iomn>ltl.'t " A W more M ind, rc writ t [, srlcr iLr OosusiUcc loucortaL . - *■ »■-■«»—COcf-l L~ »f MS. ( ivist.rt Msioli kH lt»p Bcntocr Mao : „ r»,. W i 1«I *o*l M«r>»»«* "#•»" !-»*•. . t whioL Ml !•«. »» nsoi lo .1*) s ith *l«nl I . .1,0 humiru.l .-.tuu |*» 40* »•“* » l»m« | luu nni of IrnkLl. . tplo-W“l her boHoc «»d.« iDlltr tio'Tr the city, St half (0.1 iw f* the nlimiiaHi. I'ttc «» tawhun >.f the csblo a a. 1-arriofl away ilwl tk*- Wat sttovssnl took flr.v A1..11* f.wtjr penwiui sera klllwt. scrunl la-isg bsrurJ U> fkstb Tbcliost t*..k St., luMsnlwUty sßsr Us Loilms . M'todwt anJ after tk* r. aiswuim sc r surka *«ra destroyed wsae pawdsr is tbs megACine ev ~1. .1 I. dawtroyins *T#rytJjm« tmtJ ih« kail *h ,k SU.SI aaaft.' Msoy #f Ik* pss i-Dgi-s jompsrt ..o-rkarl soft wscs drowned, a hil,' otl*or. war* burned to desth The Cap 1 ...I of tb* laMM i* ui-c: Uh last. Tk* bus! s-sr rdsnl »l k.SJ,t*JO. iM.ninl for I JO.tfl 10 Naiiias ol Hustkcmcrr .to s>< ““""i Ihr Wit «r —rot lilt, b iisai -Woles.ii that on W.dnr. dor. ttli i not ant. Mr. tt~H7 Makard. wMl* al- Iruiutimt lo remora s abb fosn Urn rtrenlar nr mill of lir Full, f, on Rabdn i Omsk, is oarndd os it thrown n|»a tk* saw rooms* rsp idly. cuiitu* ssd mshi|t«»K k» body u> s frimtful inshnor Dr» Wulfc asd Toller ros dcrod sU ywU. •>‘A*iA»L.*Mdaoeo. bat to so potpoao the uafortastf* sms imma, aboat ton fcosra H* kami hr iliMn pr***-tsw *»■«» er Mew. B. M. M4U. imt orMomaa ruihits Tb# »v<>lls4 Pemoor.tUc part> in G*ui{k n eery ikv m a.- uating tke pla<k»r«H lately wr t-tej Ibr Rby the HonnrabU U H. flift the ayuftU *.4 ike uppaUMiifttA They ho4d off fmoi U, aa tkoogb it ware a danger ai* Uuag for them w» toweb. aa, in tretb, it ia; for ts they dared W tkUr tke campmgw. Bpou au wilt) and fanatical a platform mm tbk, their 1 faUwv ia inerUabk, and they know it Rut tficy cannot gwt wwand tbe dHhcntty The; kare not opeuiy diaart>wad il. though only e f*w bare pubituked it, vbilaa few olbm men tioned the fact Out he h.vl detiewred kimeeif of e bug# RprwJmen. It still atamb, tbe principle* and creed ot Ike party, tire i«M uuent of all that tm (eruioioaa and il'ii-enti. U.e B.A.i;fc«(o wbick (w&cUftiaM rn&xnml tbe it. W re»A of th# poor n*eu &ml w rkteg am of dl clam«jr. No woodnf ikc> arc b-ib u- «tcp upon the rickety (trunerr. I\»j fear it and well they ua?; lor the time has cun* f**r Uu Umu* ami kitxis of tbe I*iml In amk it tbi jr claim* in tbe eery teeth c*f a wealthy sr* letooraci Mark oar worda. th» B*e«-batiieand laborer liaee no m an opfairt i'ti a-c ire xotfis|irc(*''ti<iu ttflo ihc ii c»u'*! U« •« .State, and Ui*) aiA u I«H ib. Kt r f ' tumt) *bj* ten li»«<u Hepcv. th» aw i-ird {j-u r -J klftoWß that it nuiiw't bsJdljt rwa with Mr Hill, for it a.*tiM .*aly b# n»»iftjt lo lie own JeatrucUon «toe iif the Vtfrft. Afwl bast, ftai lit ai JQ.ii .11)0* art* of tb* tai the Jt tk« Ibxxientrad Bill Th»* K*H Mr Hill read to bn tnbean'. and nntnrtital t*n it a* I JiloWß . Nell vitor property , you that bare iu« b<»u*ea. iny a meant k*t that will M b* uppraiard it raort than two and tht*u«;L y-x iciiy t u»*d a wa>bie jiabu-.- ott it, cannot Ire • friuebed. That eH v-*n Wa»* t-> <fc to *» | rare youraclf frtuu ail >u*t claun.s. That in brte-'t eec.agh. io uj I Lo »**l *f »t It a not an t itended or a laborcd let it »« wily a»*i tuNinnating m» m e rj-ot oriiutg to dciotle au infatnatrd bird lulu bu greep Like Utßt iH Mr BilTe »d«je**«i*sa* to the M u a bar.* aaa-rtKm wkkk hr Aiiriapi* to put off for argnmnni. Tbit U* glee# e-rere tnau tb# right »r. a#« Rjwrt. as a’ bom—W*J. rwdtv, to tbe valiie of two ikon mod dollars, which abaß In hi* an J hie chill -1 rcu in #p«te of <Wk4a an-1 tutekoWm St W e eiae/enligbtrned and rbiiaiiauly iae. tiu pro- , tcctiif* of koweat indtuXiy. tb* heAefaetor *># * widow# and orpbina. It »« agsaal law. and ■ Ur Hil! knew it li »K>«« not rtiatraphl'* j Anything more than a me< down m it# {Jain au-l awd*ag<n*G 1 pforiakma. It vLao# ad per nut a man to put a palace on hi» howotead j and wmrvc the wb*U« fortiw iu Kpu and hi* .-Ki jjwi..•»» ■. and Mr. HUI ki.vw it uot * meant t*» doftwHd tyulUnw and <4k r a premi um for aooamirwlimu. anJ ibm Mr UJI well j knoura Tb# law will operate <.pally between j debtor aod endltor It saru a mao tua) *#t •part realty to tbe rairui < f two \ lb *n«aad doflarw Tbi« i* ib# limit. H# miy Hold no m«»rr than that, end tbe ngbt of a creditor to qweation tbe aj ppus. t;i*ut n tn , •trutigiy itupbed that it ae**l u<H have h*eu put down ia po manv r*>iaU H*aca, we me ! in Mr HuTe oypnuiioti k> tbi* pronaefl «n« \ lh#r tru k by whiek b<< Rime iu depr«a* the ,|i-r uun f x_ih‘; bem-kl if tb. r;. ‘ Mr HiM h »• He wm otliit bin •», - iW L> La* cuktivalrd 11. maanwr of m*e u>at j prudiginrety Tb# • nl) a*# b# -b#« U t-mag men tn the country ia, tbaft he umv i add upon them . * It ft Mil give them each pritreium ts wilt aid U#* tb I tbe »*'#un»uletu)»i cl* properlv 11# a. Incwl edge. tbi ir YnJn# m peamatr; . t’Ut bw* want to admit rttnu tutu tke raiiha of tbefrwe b old era Think of the*, ye »#« who arw <*-*lmg from J -unnee to mu***-?, tiou yuar'% end .!*> yea* * •ud. m iuety abope for an b *uc*t living Think of it, y# who ar- felling Uuibar and delving m tbe vail *A iHUw*- Tbuik .A it. . qiacknnicu. working a. n. jr *b- i.a*« Urge * IwuUft U* aa|*p*ftrt »*a with tk# hope of »uA« «iay cwmag a c which •Sail l«e your* lurerar, «rin eaaeof v «irdeath a hotb# tft }&mr eib* aa 1 Wtih* »u*> Think of it. Mr Hill. Iht ■f tl * called rs-«»*«#c*ey. my 4 * t»- ♦*- . tn till* LsU-lable Bl *9*uienl, ILU l * I lu.ef-if fane may owurkakw j*» and »ir»p you «and uU ] Ttlr, yum wife and little one# muM U robbed . of ttib h>... t.> MaUitc the buugfy Mkrli-hft who arealaay* revel> 1-. lalUi. up*»»* the • Lai*•<>•* of utbrr*. Thrr.k of alt f*# f'»r ike paitjr Uuil ftolfOi 4 tie* tour rwtu. it dare. ATi.ftWTft, fla., Ma»eh Ed. lAoa. "Tbi R#nhftwac |>r» e vs <b **#|r i * ar# y wiiu hot Rbiil 'in their npm w>■ ta« ■ halUj* 4. hnt t he ;* |4ii;ti with h«»-l .*»#»!. lad np •<)U d«»j" mm lunauorrty adi •'** «i mm TWoraaMT* ••Yarn* . t nd (>• havw rUrM the dew## w ith !»•« *!*• • u ' The Bel li k etti-kir»sf pin t#r #,* r 1 qnt»- atoms? ra'Higt* * titlkt be : I ft*»•» lb- »!«•*• in T*'if |sa|» t of tbia m*WT»ti»g Alhiw ui# a 1-w r*-uiark», IH m you# Hail.* k p»j».r [We fra *»tn#r toittd* teai4r« lifttkehs lud gu wuh l ead mIuI tail ap,** and «boW u* *lre A can»H«fate Aw (Lernur ought to S 1«# guilty «»f Bollock r tyro iu yo litua. not , aware of »b# a*p#ct he i« prw*«.:Ting. lia<l ranch j liitier. fur the #r* Hi of bimvlf au 1 Hit party. I (If tiowu m any erwilit u» the naUni nreply content hiwxwelf b*<Hing ku b#a<( tip. . •*<>!# Jo«' ba» ctatauien* .-I tb# lw« H ' gam# He kid k‘ n* -r?!j been 'ffjk •» *•' winning mdc ; j hut it i* A i-»i*g faaue that newer turna “Ole Joe" bold# that U»« new (lonatH'tOon <ioo# uwt r*ikh; « urgro eligM>.« (o uflk . aad yet W '••pp'-rtv Halkirk, who boWh* that a »* < brftfakr *#> oftb;e. «>u« #ong t o Ht* >u .u --ulna End muc 1 *f tbi phuwa Will *aeh blunderm? em? t (hu •**#»,»*»> ma j »rity of tW< roue* b# hambaggod in *<j ftiuo> y ■a way ? We wball a##. All bagrua* (aniuK bo fooled by ro patent < I truk. Van Burou in dead. ••Varwey" rtawer conM U 4. waive nn»l«>th | ab.uUwv, w>«Ui on* tai# tot the white man. t ad another for the negr» j N*> wood** Boris ftte kit.y piaater was i teH tjtttb afcxmg “WHali. ‘Um tbe *)ua!Hy of t the vflfkfioa f« the. piaster h low ipfervir I * HeiW long, to any maa wbo. igitoniig eje «b. \ I can take An aamewt, h'inout kd At the prr- j mencta ppuaymtity of (ieonria. With ov«r • •na ibohannd minor s/fh. ee. an 1 or* :r onobaa- • drcdimpr»TtA»it appoint men’m nod#r the eon - ■ trol of the oomtog Gotcrnpr. wkv*r blutxlera vUunM bu cured under twrtwa year#, the mag nitude "f tt»w tram est • tb# penia th*i hour will, baf**rv> ftltu day of election, tear the Bul lock planter* o€ rnuny *C bow©#* anwr da t-nwed • mn'ft ba> k. and tfwoegm'a mlwatmt* will i«a awenred by hie doUvJ. unlaan Rallork v opponeuta full *»ut by the wuy. nnH. tpwrmling oeur wortbleuA pvinoiUlMm. divide, to be digr*™ i I fully cotMju»ru.t. Unity of action will mcarw « yksrioov wicUiey. and Varney a dowgb will j l.e enokod to hi* ration A «*-dh! < tiSumn of • hot «bot” from * tail will drop, and forever. V tawiy. J I HfnuiFWUfT. —A btiwinewa ftrto in f hnctfinAti j Ailvurtmed laat week that they aiabud fu cm- 1 ploy four p«rw*>a« in their * •tabbabmeot Be I fore the boot of Ift o'Mark ia »b* morning uo lea* than 780 perwnoa ka<l applied for the no tilirona. aud the ad tviiimtm were of the opin ion that the number would inueauau lo ftfteeo hundred before tbe day cloned oouw e mmm with one arm here an off-bawd wuy of dwtaft thing* ’ HPKBOH .* * (JOV JOat3*H E BROWN fVfivwvud «t LArtutta. .u., Ti tnmdi.r Mwroh MNk, \^ftK « *tu uiMiruum ruu rewrmnoi AWbWT TU AMIiL BTATtU. But ukl Oomtjor Bn»wu. I wok pm *>n l« aliOtbs-r powilluw of Ml Hill IO rtftnWft IO the eiiimel aflufee el the two raowa Tbe 11th Mwi-teow of tbv Rill of Btgbte t» tn them word*: • Tt.e aecial *ut*u of the cuiweu kball never be tii# «mbyaci of Wgißiatom * Mr Hill aeaumee tb«t Uue patkiUU all Uwe c rbrddjng tnemegt- bct«c*oo tbe two racee UnU ki prevwwta ih- Legialwture frua paaUb ing vojfTUtscy; that Tt gteww tbe wtrau ih\ •moic rijhU at Mkb with white people, that it give - theta tbe right to nde «ith wbiu peo ple iu the Reave railroad oara. and tw ait by ♦ lute haliea ui the same pew or mat in church, and that n*> law can bipeawc*! to prevent thee# eula, •ad that UJn* arw therefore kft w itboat pr\4«*ct* *n **rt*i» in cknrck. if thwft'Hm a adopt*-!. Tbia. I uo*l#r»iao>l. t*» !>*• tike »al*fUai*cr of lii* *U!«nMtit- r Now. I abfthpv rarU ro e,b»*w that the very •py«mi:.- t all fhtft IR the truth. I admit H usir f- ■Hin.-' U Mine accurately e*»rt i —|i .4 lh« phraae etatu* Os j j»m- at ■ r* o Mr HiU Ray* the h adn*g R»-ciai j trial**'ll m» tb# marriage rvdatnm. But tb# law j < . a!» owUiiMg** as a • >**** o btiid, and tb# re * Ut*.»u . finummt* r. f thr aaks v*f tb# argil# I m#ut. b<*w* v. r. Ia Uqu'bra p mu**, and ftmr 1 tin 1 r.vne tC' ii tb*i •»»» I j-MUt. Th#o what I ft.n.>w*? If tb# marrugw rcUuoa »v «h« hqjti «t otmln» ot tbe c*t*a*.ti. tbe law which { nl jrn g veruw thw biarriag# r»!*tloa. ia tbe t Uw <*f lb* R.** iaJ *la4ua. A repeal of tbia law , * iUdennn.l mIJ law. on Vbe aubject of-mar I riag*v am w«-B amon K th# wkitea a* the bU« k*. : f.I IcaVv mnr+rty in a aU*e of anarchy It » |j, t p4> nde*l »•) Mr fltll hiui»c!f. tbai thle ’ f u ■ ( i. npunb al! liw« j. m tb# a«b)*ct of n»arna*t# Thru »t Mr Hill * 1 iv-%i!.«*o U OiCrwct, it nmpty pvwMbtta any ' m hgirjr* ; .i 'li’-'u tbeMtt&wcft, Tk# Uw.. lae >t now Rtai t «U. pn-bibiU aj! intermarriage i*f t a ■-* n thr# tun tuc«Ue Tk» o »ib*4Umx ttp*lU • t tftls *iMU n«LV«W {nrt any iaU • t:l , *J tiitr pr« | - -4 at-tfuA. and tb# U* *L. k . I ffteufuu prokitala all uUrmariugv l«etwt#u the | racea, im tnvti# |-#Tpeta%l by ik'HlftW l on»UiU- | ' i repwel it would be , legialalion upon tbe eoct«) ■ Utua. which m p witlvcly fuel kddeu. T'» extend the lew of eocvnl wtnta*lo »Agr*,n cy. u a t-. uy tbe Iraat <4 it Va* grain't tm a sitt« ag siuet noculy. to U tuur r They truly tUgSkriu >i* trre# If. thru. tt»# r 1# gißialur*- rann’M para a law t<> pooiah va- j gtauA-y. it can pm none to puumn maribr j Hue | «r*ui<>n *4 Mr llill w» «u»»urd and can- i net b*» the meatitnx ,4 «b»a part of tbe L\m > • Ut!.' .W I•» !'* all It . # law* mint rr- j . reive n r*-*lc mt#r|>r#«aUoti. But. *np l poe# M r lltll b# right. b>w dom »t help hia j j ram W- n*>vr taw very severe iawa agtiiuit J t* t ik »agrancy au i umrlcr, wb:**b «in ucv«-r b# rw|MMftl#*l without iegiaialNtu »*u the • > ial j •taint Thru# Uv* rear be otel f#r tbe J *ij prw-Aton of tnith am h***g av the new tVm- ! i **u tut ton cuuiim in force. f ; Without kgM«t* nou tbe ■ul'pM't Hulr >• 1 i a >siipHni#e uiaj. aa th**y n ■. contino# to j I prv* nb rwgrsiati .* ‘‘t lb# a*«#oaiM >J*li»n * >if tb#ir paA«#ogen>. and may #t-|iarate Uie 4»f- 1 : fMTOit claar#s of j>#r\'WiA, ami pnt there in dis- • Prml cur They mrs* bkv** the k*lic« car. j the grttUeWß i.rir. Un» OiAii ear and tbe bag i?age car Tb#v •*? what cUaa of p#re»o» mar j ! fotar each. Aini rcguiatA thetr con*luct while ; in tbe oar. For uutaud# ; ro* 1 -king la prohtb J ! itrd IU lb# u*li#e’ car ll# wbo vndatee any ; of thee# rcymlations may b# pat off the train, j X<m. nothing bat legialatiou can .nintm! them I i m tut* nistur : aud t > ptevont it, this pn vi ; Ms-n f the Bid • 1 It gbts iu the U*W C rnUl- * tduirr prhibtU that h#i«UUoB, ami i ; h**»*•* lb# c*»iu|sun«a to eontiaue those icffnAa t. re*, tn Ibrir ikvrwtiea, f«»r the prc4#ct»<>n 1 and rinalort of tb# The Railrorel . - , r |.#r;’.ft can (-xbtiQin t»» *-telude Mr Hill i < r alt other gft*ut!* iuan. wbo ha* n*>t a lady . . lib him from ;br oU.-r car. and it cal* ■ c.kuunu# to exvlrel# all wipuw fr*an tb# car* » «. ecu pied t<y p.opl#, or wbitr p*-‘pl# (r»u cam ueeupved I y n. gr <%. and the Ixifi* | [ Kiue# #wn iwrvi# intnißf#. Again, a cbmvt) «*v kew w mully j ib, prt/perty oft! . imr-b or congr«-gatN>u wb*. w .rftuip tb*-. . ■ u.l the Utic i* oaually , io tru#t» * t ibeir bcUtfiL Tin* giTWM thrm lb# min* |i*>wwe po**#wse*t by other j 1 prft pn«terß. to nay wH > ah-1 who may no - en- ! Ur’ Wir Iwnw 1 !.#t haew p»«wer b> i*iak# tl*. .f own regnUMhnni pewv or *#ata. and i-» #y#ft-t intru-lcrv and n*i power hot th» J !#g vlfttiir*- can interfere witii th# rwgaUiion# i . i l t.y Ihe I'fnrn of tb# ch«r#b p» petty lh# pr**pr.# »r* now h»v# the ip lie » j-utftNl ngbt to #»##i any o#gi>> vtw takes a a*wt b) a whit# L»*fy m v»<>!*!#w any other rwg iilali-an .if tb# charrh. Now if tbe ehnrcb retail- n 1# included, aa Mr UiU ms U in. in ttv# term mrmti »UUm, tb# can L«v.-r p.\jw ar. law prohibiting tbe rboreft j fn.flß making ami notorciog it» own r#g*iU* in j# ■« thla mn tipwl. ai#l c-ali tb-vaf prurvol a cktlfk oiPpreM of *kb- from rydine Tdftck yw-pl.\ o? one composed ot bi .#4 |*#t*pU, fr.*ui cj cling while p»v*ph» who ‘intend* upon *ith*r it tbwyrhmiaw to do ko. If Mr Hill »-» right a* W' the •ppli#a*»*»« of eudul th- pnUHUI Uw for Ibr pc*t#»*- iu*n of rhurcbm ran n#v* r be vepwaU.l. nor ran tbelT premrat tn nr»b* thetr own rwg- 1 oUti *n* upon th# •>»lij#rt'uo t*'r con m*\* ration ever be unfriage*! K.eery oUxwu hw th# l#gal right lo pr.-ar.nbe bn «.wa rul#a and rrfohii n o-»t in el-4atiou , < flaw. i»>t the g*>v*-fHttxul ot L»? own hoive b*4«l. and t«> way who mar ami wb*» uiay not eulri It‘.A houee. or «r in pAtVor. and after an inf**- .WriA leave. i*r may on* all th# hire#- aecenm ry l** e..tji|# 5 kiu I*, i?» Under tb# n»-w Con s'litntM’u. Ib* Lrgi#Uture M*ah pa#v I aa> Uw tb** riliacn of I’jm right .1 (Might multiply rxatoiple*. but it im unr»* c | Mary The C«>:i*t:tatinn.n-b»*u adopted, pul* aa end to ail legi*latj i* rcraapetitag lU*!r-*et 1 nufwniH. «tr#et earn Lc .b> admit u#gr«ea into tb# Mm* cur• with whit# people, and | IftUae# ll»e uvaUwr. mm LerwCof »re. to the regula [ turn of the nuln*M»l veupnalea tbctuaclvm The Pcnet|tuti*>n effect unity guards Again*! l aj*d |»r#v#nt» tb* very tMng wklrh Mr Util ! Mnima that it eutaldUhva. It w &A f<w the liapvinc-ftft "f eifehef rmr* that they should l>e thrown t*archer in any aucb manner a* he seem* to ft«i*flgfe; nor #wn rt ewe-r be done if tbe institution to nulled Mr Hid »e#nn to be eery mm manly ex ercised nook the btarnage reUtion. That would •e#n with out daw fegsiiilftj itself in tb# future, -eeto-kne don# in the (met I have no feet that white pan:.le will pfef. r InUrmftrmge ft'tk negroaa In their own rare. We bad free ] n#tpo#» m OuUßffli ieasy yenn before their w.o» any Uw ib tb# Htah* f *vbi.Liiu« inter raarrU4p« between tb* me mm: and the m'-rnl I wnw of ihe cr*aiifinniiy was never shocked , lo siiclr nijuTturvl marruiNxuial conac U.i# f tv* nr wrnvrxu.) Muirm, Oa, March lit IftW. Lhfcjr Srrr tm . According b* appotnUncnt. j i • .v Brown adilrve* and the jeopi# us Cobb to- ( day (ii being dap* .*>r C urt week) on tug Mt aud in d#f#n#e of tii* iwv (xkMtila* . twm. Hr rwidtcaiod tlw **.{»*rt-*r eUuna ot j f>4. IfcdUek «»*er h- rmnymiiuirm' lodges Lo# «i*d Jrwkn Toward* l#4b Ui<ea gen ilee**eii, be (dawrroft) the u*m *«t eomttmj, but ilctiNAdstraioftl that o. it her *4 |hecu wae a soil * able person lo pveaid# at the uuingurmtum of the Coueltouttom, an.l U. curry il into effect, j lU A- wjn. h aa t»w fcnn»r ia utterly opposed to j its muffenihiu. wbil# to# lattew doea not avow whether be ie in Lvov ot or opposed to It; but fixing tbe statue <4 Judge Irwin, il w*a a fact of some avguiftcnne#. IW tbe cnemlea «f lb* OmMtottoi were enpporting him. that j a inun to k now* by the company h# keeps. - { In three tintoe Ihe pw'p!# here a right to d# umnd Open end 1 ftlentibg, to kre*w how i i a cnrelUUt# f'W Governor eaiaU, affecieil U>- j ward* i feu-titatimi which, it elected, be i would bare to carry into *•»#*• atom. | Tkwiw was a foil bow## of rctWmM thinkini? ’ 1 « *t#n |*v. sent.who gavi j»rr»(.,ood attention to (an a*Mm* r u*ark*l4# f»r ila full atialywla ' | and Maaintawtclnpr. Ifepaot hw r**p*«tts to M/. Hiii's ••hjroteooe to tb# 4>jitwtitulioi>, arvl axpneed thetr utter fahsey. / Ho arceplabto w U»e Cotmiitutton.b' the peo ple iu tbia auction, that the opponents of CoL j Bullock do not «lare tn n*ako a ou it. but make a wacftaaw OO the eaudvdato who takea the CraatlluHou mm kto jdatf* wm I U*liO-Ow«vTlTrt tm*u. JauMft Ouvdou Bennett Jr, to on- a vtott to tb* Booth. BY TELEGRAPH ijjuterr.i riu> mmtrn rrrmAs MOOS LUPATCULti Hinmiu. March »> -Chi. J. W. Lmwtorm. nf tbe Mb Leutucky Uegimec J, vs* mortally wouaded hi a rueocouutwr here. Vasuunitima Maeek *O. Bmiuuvrjr Mc- Cutlougb Retire atoe tb«t the recent aud peudiog tax U«a will bring the revenue one hundred aud twenty million* iwtow hm aaAb males, and applet end* that tbe caetome wiU be affected unfavorably by a rt WM teNtortug here tbi* merbiag Now Youa, March JU. The Tribune pro po#ft* a pil mahl to M-wa M. Buck f»*r bts vueoemful batlhug tor the righto (4 ti**- pram A briiiiaui Auixwa Bvweali* wa* aca Lai Mgbtr NIGHT DtHI'ATOttBB. W raw lire row, klarob J*J Tb# ILweec Judi ciary oummittau are oonAhlcring tb# bill *V - taring the fourteenth ailicit: ralifted- Iberutolcaa nrvcutaci* iu the Turenij liisn at any tuu* tone# lb* war. 1 b#rv woe a fall nnrttfig lo Jay. i«- clu bug Geo. Thotu**. The IVesidcut n -etnalcl L U Smith an ; ('tolvcinr 4 r*v#uue bulb* find district of | Booth (aroiUM* ami Wm M Hally as U#ft-#iv er ot public money in New Oilcans. Oau. HaO(V*ck and (Yioad Mitrbcl have ar rived. In Ib* Buprvra** Court, ib# Ktai« of Georgia 1* Grant, ct aL. UU*ui*>tuiu «»f Judge 111 wk * procees vm «>rd#red In l*#u» iu lb# case. A motion • pfidituioaiy iigaiN'tiou vn h* 1 1 under ad rwetuent. Secretary Kiantou lau mvrJ a ipcul u J«r rwHvvtoif ftoflL A-’iinc k. dovernof if tbe B*d >bcr» Rouim in tfiw* (iiunct The* wan »*>t | done by tb# rreUthtl i order, and ia r« it 1 j :ui aa advance rtrp. Tbe Hcnat# to etill acting ;on tbe Troßideni a nom'.uairoua (Jo# r* ut in i.» .lay was co&llraicd tbi- evening. (oßfoMUaei IftNitolafv. INURE. A resolution was adoptc*!. that danug the aeasioua of the impeachmwtil Court, tb« Hlhu# j woq| J attend, in a Corn tell tee of Ik# Whole, j I to tbe bill e«ubliahtng a mail, paaectiger and i [ euiigraut hue ot Rt«#ua<-ra L«t««.-«• aN« w York iau 1 on* or more Liuopean porta. It* f#rr*-l { to tb* Postal CixniaUlea Tbe S#UA Um aiuendmcuU to the tat bill were referred to lh# Committee on Wayn and Tbe civil appropriation bill pam#J, inclu i tliug®* for pubho buildings at tboro,,a Tbe Pacific ltoHlroo*!* wae dlanam***! It win* iVOej that the Vice Preaideol ol -one of tbe i md|«tiiM U«>i charge of a half million dollars which he s{t*at in a oon&denttol way in Wash ington. terming tL# paßaagM of the bill in lM'd Mr Waahbarn cU.uicd tLat at the pr#w»nl rut* of pr*greßß aud ei|>euftLuir«, when tbe toad wun completed the from Om.ftha to Han Frau mu-** would cmi PiUU and a cur haul of freight 15,000. Without action the Hones adjourned ftimra A pefttinn fr**ui DeUwuru, compla-ning of dcpnvat.fin it political righto mmm raferred to the Judiciary t ooimitice. with inslruoteon# to [ inreatlgat# tbe genouieneua of Rign-fttore# Mr. Brake r*ff#ntftl anew impeachment rule, tna*. luring the «ceß».*na of the court, that i 'base Ire called Mr Preeubiui. and tbe enurt shall b# aa tbe Hcnitr. Mr. Duke remarked that the President's counsel slu«li »*ntoy aiblr«#se* I Uum re* Ur. Gbiuf Juaticu, and alia led to Pi# Hen »t - tho (tiurt. The y had 1 1 diet-not purpceei in llua, vb»x would l*e «kvvh'|>«d during the triel Mr. J »hner>n objected In uuuardiatc oouaiderution aud or- j d#r went over. Kxecativ# eeatoon adjourned Aoucm. March *( Judge B. Btarnwa. dt» tmguiehed jurist end former Judge of the Hu prem* Court of Gemifia, wax killed to day by on accidental diwharge of a gun iu tbe hood* of kto son. RiruMouo, March 90. Tbe Conrantion ap pointed r comcniiiet*. conavating of th* Htal* Auditor. Lb# Preaideni andj a re. inbcr of th* Ctjnvmtem. to negrAiatr a Ham to pay th* t exiveuam <4 the body Th# loan will be 990,100. There bai l*#en a heavy snow storm !«••»•' all -Ur. Naw (hiLJuv«. March 90 Street C.'<minn*- Rioner llak#r. recently removed by General Haocock sad rnuaiated by G#n. Grant, h • bargi dby aflkiavit and ew’iru brffwe l’mt#«! i States CftMttmtetoooer Wilier with perjury, in turisg rendered ruloniary aid to rebels in arms by eugwgmg tn maotid#*'taring mamlu rh of war far tbier u«#. and having voluntarily performed military service under th# wwialled ('onfaU-mt# ofljoera. and afferward taken th# r*ath of office aa Regietrnr of voter* of the Aral Ihetrict of New Origan*; also, iu having ! «wi>ru before the S<»Ury that b« was a iiritiab j •übjeef, to cfoap* 4tmA into tho United State* i ft*rvtcc, when be was in f*rt a ualuntliaed rib sen of lb* United State* Tbe river at thie point to rteadily rising. Tk# laiest n«w« from th# Grand Levee ia. that it to incotnpletc. tb# bandi an' scaUenng. and nothing blnih ts known as to tb« oootio uanrft* of tb# work. Hboald this leteo break thirteen will I»# overflowed. Matiwvui, March in. Ootton dull and n NBinaliy ceipt* IJ>T7 ('aiXLNTtir. March 20.' Coilon dull an l j nominal, «ol#« 100 Lab s, middling 2sc. re- • ceipU Pf» Jiai.vntoax, Ifareti ‘JO. Cotton dull at iVe., | nrvl hold* ra very ffrui Ftour duff eud uuchanged. Wheat, pn< N ; toMttly m«retai«HNl. pri'ne Southern tl *5. - j , i’orn tom km. and r#e#*pt* large; whit# . Mio(U «i it. r*uow ii m to «t ia. rut.! Arm M.l >r«re« s» S8 In ICr. Kj» dnt! ssfT j 1 low! ,1 OS In (Kir. I-Mtsiou ftru. tfsLk I '..l'Wr. Nk , p*ck».l ad« It.c Mass pork wtiT« st |£> Nssr \ u (Ur«k aa--Cotttis bssrj Sbd U.ww HsUn of 2.000 Ulsr ,1 Ui in SSc. Fk-sr Want .iroopfw, Ooru Ic. t» t;. r; wMu HovtUr, Il 111 to tl 25. jr-Uow II 2 r U>ll •# Ilr.fbi.b-r; |Uin lu.-ss (14 (ti »»■ M.i. 'jiok »J( »U Uft lli io 104a. Oroosrim qrirt . 1..D-.I (>!.l boruU l«i. Hlsrtutft 94 Oobl st J»t. It*. Larv. Msral. » -Floor <(Uo«; Wnr ,rs<ks sooros; aapsrftuo (7 7o ho H f>o( P&rk 924 50 Hsooo Y«»p »ir»«g; •boolftns 11 to H4e; rlw nJrr Ur. Lord 154 to U(e. t’is.-r»s»Tt. S»rt-fc *> Pork 994 90. siinsh 11 io tl (r; riosr rt'ls* 144*. t*r.l 154*. Kes Rwrh 10. ~ Ooitoo and 1 ivkmral. rslas U,.Uv 1,5 m balsa, MifkHtng M- to '4l (a.; lI.H 34; forrton rnfts 31.474; roMftsw 2,ftM; ftosk KftKlt Kloor ! in .rot ijaDSi t wfartM 4lOto 904; 'ksUr , ,m. 4101 ho 10}; akoWr 4141t.> 15. Corn «tos>!t »r I 6rt». nusod 85r. to ,97. «bi4r srui i Xe tn 41 Portl astir, stul sdrlMsd tU* lo 41 *iS. «tt»r and sdssaosd; ohtisUarr fft-., ckrs* sMm 154'-.; holdars ask M.,’ It. bigbsr: stoic* bote, 144s lo IV{. LsrJ f!ot„nr..l 4s. (.. 4s. (hti 41.4*4 HSrrtts* t«nk 414 to 18. Coasimcßl 444 k» *X Res York M*b4«r lo V MouU M.r. lt JU 4V4M siwkot silks Msirr, srksr 900 bslrs; reoeift* WR bsiss; •slat (or Um wstk &«st>. iweipu hr (bo sink 2.M1; forri){n sfixst, 1V499 msslsts. 1.9 M; os hood *1.997 imt~ i ftisrosTA, Mors . 20. —G.fti.o.ssukst dsll soft IrrtssUr : sstar 19* h>Us. rsssM, *4O hoßs; 1 —.,>o- r g,, tut-, for tb. swk I.Mft: rr eft#, it# b*Us rintt Wbustass -• ftstits#.» L mjosri— bnrtib om.l r,tis« uml. List ftftssgb R* soodft (Hi i.-tisr niuirul lot is#4, bt'. ftkcthsr k* Srot Uft or Slow, Ibr Rl.ll tutifi bim. srisstcc orrsr t sot* tiftnissmi Ova lli« snofts. HmiM tkrlU, coranft, sss s tiLrlMoo. This kits silk f-%kL Bsl tk, sunt m jt* lo uw A Munirs )srk kNftl kir tssis (0 s tisnft. No totiaor ksd b, ,topool thss bts oompsnksi ■Topped rsrssd IU ,4Mrtns brad, took oft Ms tittle so.) ni.i Wou'l jrus bold IM vtuls t li nj book hooo I’ Wksr ru said ur doss old Arthur essnst MT. lie left bu mule sod took scrota U>« *j Jr nor .lopped a,’U hs laJ sacanlj Wl rJ bu dour, pul ost Jh« llptu and aanrsd binuelf ap I, bad vttbotl rrsD taking oft bw titoss Tbrrs b« ru foanJ next and « o< >' lieu be bsa not tun oft the burn. Dusts skw s tti, (Aw ie s true oust e> it aid Artber man bar fkftnsku Traa. MrraU Tu»; t stiis—thk toiuTiiirmri HftMXfft .(«N.RH<miiiM4iUft 1 At ,fhc urgent achcttati-m ot nmneruua fnciKla of tb# I'ntoii. and lb# early r#»tot*U*.»o of Georgia to that Uoiou, lhrough<>ut tho Tha | t;Hi, the na.Wftigued anaoono## bnu«elt a i to rrpremel Ihe Kiiih k>i*tnct in ! the (bCgtou of tb# Toiled Htatca Kvar having r#g#cd<al the Union of tb«we HtfttrfJi a# tb# paraii»<*U!»t |»nhtiral good. I have alaaya. and at all Uum, oppcacd ib*#r saver anev,. aud now most «uyamtly cWuire tbe iwrlo nfttioo of tho Mow t-idifcfcd Htota to lb# Cuioti, foundoftl in *o tnunb wisdom by our falhcnt. A* lb# rvodi* it and Uwt mod# i»f at- Ibof Burnt demiratiU cud. 1 tmhcaital inttly plant#-! mori/, at an aaH? day. on the plan ol Ibtcoualmeutin jm»ffrr«-d by < 'ougri e*. ku*>wn an (be IL * '>nßtru*'tnm Acta. I have .•ruifttly n 1 vised my frtou l# lo do tb# same I. hav# InUenl ,n aw«'Q and oat t*< Reason tti j# • .}l4 thr re Ci-ptaur i us that plau. and *Lsll xrutieH 4*. mo to the e«4. This |4»m» may uoi be tm favorable as »# desire, but aa a conquered people filft Uto !>##« we can expect ft'in tho## who, by the imm*** of war. olaim th# right to dictata the tenu*. To regain oar lost i#Mutiou as oft* of the bratee forming a gr#at aud powerful C'nioo, aiul. a «s*ftVolin# pMrt r among the naUoua of the earth, w« mot re rrpt tbe leinur offt*r#<l To •iirpiwta tbe prtM|t*-i ity we once enjoyed ; to ex ceed that which would bare been pomible un tb# old ♦•frier of thiuga, w# must pmmptly and ueMkt cordially accept tbv term* t<tulx>died in tho Kc'fm»atrurttcii plan proffar#*! by Ooo greea. We con rightly expect tr» belter, aod all bopv« held out to the are dalurivt, and if indulgvNl m will plunge *mr Stale and Rcetiou into a yet tu««re depbwabU* condiUoo lhan that iu which we ar* now placed. Tk# ('oewation recently in of s*w>n iu Al leuto b#e friuuwd a (V*uatitulioii aud uow pre •* nte it tn the pc*>]>l«' nf Georgia ff»r ratiflcaiiou 1 accept that ('oaalilQUoa, aud reruerti; and couacicntinoaly urge yon to ratify it. Ail ita prnvtointta roay not meet your uiwjnalifled ajk provoi. but under tbe peculiar eircumataoeea surrounding ua, tw better, in any jmlgniui, could have lecn framed I, therefore, stand fat Ij aud epiarcjy up>n it, and ROp|xirt it - In couclmuon, t lks*g to my that, aa hereto fore, 1 ahaH anpport, with all my heart, and with all th# euergy and abUity-I p*w»»#*a, tk# couatnicUon of tb# Georgia Air Lm# Had rood, by wboe# agemry N<irtb-Eaet G#«>rgto may to coni# tb# uiim4 pipulona. the moat prueperooa, and th# m #*t wealthy portion of the Stale, ad ding iMitumiaoly to lie wealth and commerce. ll.«Rpi ctfuliy, Jons A. Wntrr. MncA 12iA. lurid. NEW ADVERTISBMKBTTS. i;hU HOL AM IVSTRIMEMiL Wo IST OERT. nraiERK «m besieeu a oxujtxi vocal. *sv in- I rrMUMKBTALUMU'IKT •» DAVIS’ HALL, OU TIIIHUUAV EVRIIRfI. N4N(H «!Tii, t’nder Um Rn«|Mrft« us rilK MO/.VIIT CLUB. wM.I t»J The Atlanta Qnartettft Club. ! f aiiillmiutan i** * PHOF. la. UABMSKK. 11m Pregraree will r reeUt of the i kr4r<mt maim Ihma. PrWft *r AXmftMIRR Or* Dellar. TkleU lo t*« lug el Ihu dilirrU UooX Wow ml at tk* H-Aeta Du m or« Mal ? CoR%-n*t to euaaniw at X oViouk. r\»tl • ri V* I'Oll MtTTKE. m*:h7l-484 Mosarl c»ah. morowAij®. Ovrtca Dtror aae PtRRi-awuu QvAirnamix i Arun*. U* . Xank 30. IMM j SL IGP) fk* (POHAIJI wiU u rerwt«w4 r« On- cflto# until 13 FftlDaT. Merck 37tk. lift, fur ire; tk# QmUnuarr i Dnortmant. re Una ettj. WHh— heaft Cor*. lf*U#o - o*o. J3A.W - TUa-rlhjr Hrj, taado - aw**. •Wo to bs. pul ap la flond. fttnuMi eacta. of lw» or Tfcroß kartell earft -eftadarX IX (be to Um b«aek#l - iJot* b> b# out ap la aacka of tkrva -w Umr baakaJAnack -ManiUed- « iba. lo tke boaW. All to ba b«a frwoi •re-4, (tot. -c aim Aafurta, re! deUvoa# 1 al rmaaUr'- earokorere. Porajtk (bet. Atlanta, vpr* tk#7 will tjw w#t«k«Nl ami laepoetad. May ere! Ntraw wuat to wAI total, free from dirt, *m>U or uUkrr iMh-U. ami iMlTMrwd *1 iSnnan! Nreklea, cwraar l*ry-*r and Lis* atrecta, AUaota. *tar* Umt will b« v*i«!kui *ad taapeoted vUirdrel lb*. to In, (or DaUvwrr ia rammamw April Ilk. »«. wilk oaatklrd ■l>* marutata of rett, mudcoaUnmm lm aotoooU ■ftyarao ftdft RWi v read* for -ml arftcfr aatf ta rrtotowf- aa newel, with a mpy <* Aft ftffe—umt ■Oacked b« ft#rb mdd#w «rv tavlkad to ba praaawt nr rwyma ■ atod M lkft#r»«tacnd ItoUft Tto (laftcrnmaal rcftc Ik# rigkt t * rejftkrt all bid*, or Aivm <»* aeevaa •«■#« nar* or mow -a r»t wm w> nu aaar inuun <>w ran wiora Pmpoaaft aftyoW b# addraeaed to tto wmtavftgawd. and itukrtw! afoe Um aavwtnpa, "PMyaeh for tto , iftUft«ry *4 Evcagwaad Umw" By nr«toruf*r«rv On# tlm ft Aartore Ckftf g. M ?! J tAKXtfWOItTIi lax. li*at. X4lk letoHry. A. A. U M.. hr-mi-m ißeaanrrwfrftpot. la flaw Dlwirta* l#eH wf ik« t'altalftalfi far Ik* XwHkfra DM r*w4 wf Uiwfta. ta tto matter rrf j THOMAS rxiLCTUEE, ! In Baiftmn. Iftakrnpl ) Ha. 11. rrud «w4d ■aokmpt bavins pwOtomaM taw Oourt tor 1 a .Where* fremaU bw tobm wrwvwtow wader Ibw Bmtoust Art of Harrk. A UST. rqU.» m torvbj stvm tw aft paini ma mtomwtwd Ie «ts>aar on tbe tata to wf tprti. rem. ad X w'claek ia tto aftomona. at (toabn o« Ike oalX imrtct Ostwt. to lore A O MuIW. Bare, ma of tto Ifttom wf tto aftd Court ta ftaohmpo jr. ftl to# lowtakrr’a «•« !■ OrHn. eret atov cMM wkjr tto prwy-r of aalU pw«Uwb es tk* ftaukmyt tone Id M to ffWlVd. Wttoam Ike Hau. Mm Emklu*. Jade* of «M •met.) tVurt. a»d tke awel Itoeit tklw IMS 4ft of ..A a». »- sum!. Otart. In Maw IMwtrtat Cwwrt af lkw Vatftd Mate*. Par flaw Rfwrtftwrw IMetrtat es toargla. tattMtnaMsv to | T 1 *’*’JLtmti ’l “ iklTi'' *' Ell MT OMWiIII —l"r V mw, 1« Owl hr • AMTtaTST (Um Mi tti. 4>Mi u4m tk, miiUTisltiskt.Mrt.Mt*s—t russ lo ,Tt fiMMSM WtMi Mi 1 4> up, o (hr l—h 4,' r 4 April. IMS M 1 »'<M t, tk. TWlp.| U rkM.lill i sikt sti ttirliWA N» Itw RM, *~i otui or ik. rsr> mm. o' tk, —ti nrarr fs Si,,r,T« i ., AT iMhsr. 0«b, Is XrtMrt,. M 4 .0.. W STM sk. Ik. of tk. sU pMtSnn M tk. STiiATSpI *mH *"* i *"tSSswßsftWiss>RJn(Hilli. J—q. ISuti cfmfA (Marl m( tk. Ml ikiTttf. -to Mtk iWt o» MUnk. IASS. smb -,,, w. k. mum, as, Daw i— F,s4f«nl RatTi Hals. Wnj. So sMg. SSw tint Raws, 4m, to tk, tom tt •tomttoto—iiimsisi it»s. mi Sm IM TsmMmm Atra suk miss to, toss*-, Mto. toMtosmtoto tos « Sm tom M Rtotoia srew. «s toMtiNSMtiosMts to—rsrst MOatsM jUMOIItoM (w totto-lOktaM. «*.. "njiit ■MI lototMTO tm r UM iMUoa Sfatnn wf »Uaa*tri | WILLIAM I, WOUTMt. I (» ythKhtrh-t, (L, HA HrgUishJ—H.|| it Ih. Onwi Im * iUSnJ ■ *Ua. ua,atSka..iw^t* •> *■• mM Ban Owl, Win I.IIM BW. Bw., «•«!• »»<«w nan mi owi la onmin), M Ih* uffU*ta Mhllti, «•.! *M ***** why *• W N Bl IU I»|iW •»* lh* iMlnyt too«»M (W>«-1 ?3? wSTlJiiilil. tfcs'ltS wcßMwtn. W. & KMtfH. Ck W Adw»inUl>u(«r i Sale. /iw>anu ncunamm VI .tar «f WOwnllMWn <* hitni wwmt. mil to »«. un ito Inn, la kl toil. il«i M tan Conrt U.-u. W» la w rutu.l, Mam Irru akii,an.lWMWlt(kak So. It, to MU> £» W“* w wrßw. Wrt s auk tu- OH 04 mlia .| nmi Haw toll tn na« Ik. pta* Hwa Jaawa OWKaa mW-l u «w .< in task. Taw of wa.: mom «* ono-Wwa W « tohtto. wnoVdrO 10 aia»i Kami. lOW.I M* O AKOS OnfLiML Urnr, of lawooCtoiUai •AOW p! m±o:a la Saakrapuf. r. * a i stmi s orrics; i O Arum, to 1.1,1 00. IMA ( roiui. in IU uivt aunim-Twi.«iao nia 4a« o* 1 Otar.a. A IX. un. • Warns! la Baakniploo n* «w.a *g*ium Umm<hi at WILLUXV ELLIUTT. * Itii'fkft, Us Uoa '.‘otontr of Bartow, aad m*U of • •.jurct* who ha* ho** adjudged a Bankrupt on hi* awu WB-hi that th* Payment us *O7 Debt* Mod the larhtcrj of Ms 7 Property U brngfog te nub Bankrupt *» Mm 1* Aw hta ■•*, ud nw Transfer of **7 Pro*. *rtj »<r *s*», hre forbidden by Low. that * l lk« i rvditoro of mid Bankrupt. to prur* thrtr D*l>U an 4 to rhouM am* or BOM AmUtom of h«* Fatal* vUI t~ UM M * Court of Bnahrvlplyto b* ***** at IbJtA NouW to ta tb* Veiled Mata# Motet, At taatai tMorgt*. before Lawson Btecb Register. 00 U»“ »Mh day at kUrvh. A I» lana, at !• o’cmcft. a. « <'HARUU H IULYKA. martl-lt Dep y 1’ t- Mars bat. aa M —t ijii ZIMMERMAN & VERDERY, W fti olem n1 o Cj» i* ooa rm 1 nAVK juat received another supply «4 that F.XTRA FISK »YUI F, soul Ua <paKk>wU> *«il purvhaaer*. Alik). .'j j ju.uacumjL M DU* KdiaUai. ft* Itoam ('rmftwrw. .Boiler. Hod* aud Jo- *.*.) 7> " ttMOM. 1* - (nndy. M •• Soa*. 40 » Cnndtae, an BhU Huger. *U crania* ) Alt at ahl- h tu*7 athr rWp foFt'AMtl itti h Ittltr. Adair, Aartionerr. Dr. Joseph Thompson’s Property. f tnu. Mali, this ti*7 *ll o’clock. Twrltr* rrry d**lr 1 »Mr RUIIaDINO low. l*t. T*o l**ta oa fly Itraet. a<J}ui*i*c tba Market Id. J *«r !•>«•. ronwr Braer and Butler atro u. •lle LaaiUlwrc A Harrt* Hauutw MUi Id. Wk lota, on i:alho«n a*4 *far*«* aweta. opyoatta tk - Orme Hi>las> and adjolnum FarhW • M rrwary Taman. Qa* half nab -haUuiaa «ti aad t««iv* mouth* with inUwwt. CUitt acainat Dr. take* a* ffmbarla. lUnataber, louatmorc at the Market lloo** at 3 u’ctoch. O V. ADAIR. Real Fetat* and In**rant* A*«t.t. Vo A, Rail Road Blo'k. apyoatta NaUoaal M »t«l 1 nilctl M*tr* Depoty BarnhartSale. t a MAMtuiAL t orni’K. i Aturu, <ia . March It. laM. ( I T MißfiL aui bf itrtM at a writ a 4 '•>* t fac%ai.' U MMMt I»*t of the BoaonOil* iJUtrw t Court U the Cattod HUt**. tor the Northani X>tamrt of Oeorata. at Use Hep Una her Term. IM7. In fhtor us iuho M r* WhHw*U L. Marltac. I will aail at tnUir auckou. at Km Capri Uo«a*. la the a tty of Atmuta, Fkltvns roots ty and Bia4* us O*or* Um THIRD TTEHDAY tn Iptsi ant. botWMXi the tatwtal hour* of *alr. the follow iae< .i**. mmm p ratmrtj. hvwtt (JM(l)Uoaßi. ‘ihmac'a ■aafc*. , ‘ which ran b« •eaa at O P Frame'* runtUorw Mtar*. under the rhi lad Wata* Court mom. ua Rmad *tr ret, Atlanta, •ta.. Inlad opn« a* the property of While err U l* RterJ l*C. to aatiafy aald t h. CHARIJBR H RI.TKA. D. A. Dep t Marahai. Rorthem Diatrtct us ( Wurgla AtliuiiliefTHtor'a Hale. GeoNulA FICERMiKXiUVTY Br rtrtoa of an or drr <4 the Court of Ordinary "f IVkas* c maty, will br aoli* oti the- ltr»t To««day Ut May a*it. lain, at ta* t uwrtHoua* d<>orta aald rotantr. between U«al *al« hoar*, th* tract of land wheneoa Fran. I* Whelchel re eeUwl at the Uat* <4 hi* death. b*ta« forty acre* of lot i.umbwr Ut. la Mb dlatiicraad hi aMUuo of PleketM . maty Pta** loleraUy wall uaj>n,»*d. T*rm* caah Man U I Mb. IR*. F. M. OODFRIY. AduCr. Aebout* aoa us Fraact* Wbelehal. m. Itjiebhl p*«few |lu. \ ttniliited iitur A Mil, / t RttfUilA Pfr'RKVacorMTY "-By *!rtot*u ail or- V I d*r of Um Cowrt of twdtaary at Ficbwt* cmnti. eriU b* aoAI un lb* Cr*t Tnraday tn May a**t. (IMA.; at (M o—4 Vaaa* tout. Mv«W M •ala In* b»4 of land unmoor •»*. to ta* IMb Jd*UH t aad hd action of aald county. *fa«M* Lawrence Brad, ty rwubkl al Urn time at bk* death PbM tolerably well impro*od Term* «aab. March lJth. M. J a WL».»Ia*T. Adni'r. «4 Lawrence Biwdi*y. la tk* Dletrlrt Cowrt mi (Me t'altal Nlatrt, h»r Ik* Northern Diatrtct of tlforgl* la tb* ataiterof ) WM. It. Hevrta. J la Baabruptry. Baabrapt. > r lA* t rkun it may roucwra ~XJ)C oodere.tciMd 1 sore by i (tea* not no t 4hu iypoiuu**ui a* aaklna** of th* . etato of Was a Memim. to the* ooitaty us twwota aod Htaa* of ttourtfla, wiUUa *ald iHrtru i. wb ha* baa adjudir**! a Bankrupt upon bia ova pettuoa by Un I name* Coart us aald Di*trVt Dabwl IMb day of Marwb. l*a* JaMEM P IIRbWarMC Aaat«in«s. —BH til. fa the FHatrt*t loart mi the l aited ktata*. hr th* b*«tk*fa Utdrtft m€ U**r|i*. la tb* matter of 1 JAAFV.B HAYNKH, also nf f RTVTK3II b BRUTHLU. iwnpeevl of In JUnkmplry. jAj»rra n rmr kvh% \ PTTVAJIR. trVTCT*. Bank nr pf. rAabaaa ft auy roarer n Tha antlccahmesl hereby piu and** of hi* typiMtual a* maiffiio* <4 Jaa per Hay in*, of the ewtnty «f Rebtey aad Mat* of tt*«W‘ eta. and alao. of hi* awwl ntioewta* a*e.*me <4 they ..a* a Br« , nanixmeit of Jaaper M. Bl*«oaa mb) Putnam * Mtrvrna. kMlmm TIMa. Marlon cnaaty. (la. wlUkia •aid Dtvtrtet, who h«Tt» been adit,.Umt Hankn<ut* «p <m their own p*d«l.»na. by Un Uetrtci Oatm .4 aald LUkict Pwbad at EiUrftle Oa. Marrb ITth. IMA CHARLDR HUMOH, unhVbtl A*atin»** I** th* Ulatrlrl r«art at th* Cal ted State* hr the Rorlhtr* INrtrtrtaf tt**rgt*. In the matter of \ . iunkr.,i^ ISAAC McJLLMOY. liaakrupi- | 1 Ban*r»p«ey THk mid Haakrupt bavin# petitWmad tb* Onart fur a dt«rhar«* from aU bta debt* prwvabi* under lh> Haahnrpt Aid of M*tub I. UM7. aoMa* ta hereby glvan k. all pwe<u latemted to appear am th* 14th day at April, naa. at H> o’dnek in th* floraaoao. *l (Mamher* 4 the *ahl nmtrW Cmirt. before A. O. Murray R*q . can *4 th* flagiHer* Os the oM Court In Baabrwpiry. u the RiufiMknr'a <>tßre ta Ortflla. and *bow nsm why th* prayer Os the *a*d pdUhn of tb* Ra*»kr«t4 *bo«M »4 t»* grunted Wttaaaa tb* Honorable Jodg* Mrabla*. fNAIa | Judge of *a»<l DmCrVd Court, and th* **ai themf At* !*th day <■< March. IMR. mar lk wtw W B. «MITV CSmk \* ICO I*6« A LH. Ornoa D*ror ft Dmiftaa 1 AUaala. Ua . Meruh |». IBM I SKAl.rn PROP CtALf) will b* nmetvod at tbl* «4llo* nntll »l w , TMWMOAY. MARCH Mth. l««t. for Mfrtrthp •aifttW BNItM, ' Twu thlril* of Urn amount to tn goad. w>aad. bard Brick, the bataar* a food WMrrhaatable *rtirl*.-tn be 3 Willi la ta Mu*. To h* delivered at u McJ*h*r*oo*a Bafrartk*.” AtlanU; 1 b* la twih j. at*, aad w liuni by Th* (IHtrkattl r Merer■ Die rtglit to rujeet any or aU bids, or aatod neb part* of Md* ta amy be r. w the b«ot latsraat of th* antb. Prop Mali ahoaWl be addre**e.t to the aadev«l«r!ed and end m*d oa tb* eftvMopo Pmpoml* hr hr da it very of Rrlek ” By urdar of Rrcvet Brig U«a It haitou. Chief Q M H J PARVRWORTH. l*t TAraL Mtk Infantry. A. A. g M mkIMl ■ tn charge of Depot. Aui«Rff'n Mot Ac r. In Um Dtatcict Oaart at th* Cubed Stau* far tb« Dnalßma iTftiirl <4 Ovotgia. at Pori Oatno*. tala tb* litb day of March. Ifto ffYHE nts h ratfpad hereby ftvcw not eaof hu appoint I meat a* AaHga** «f hLRIAXDfcJI B UAYK. of Marly Ommty. and Make of UouM. wtUuu aald DtatHoi. who baa beau *4*d«*d a Baakrmyt upon bta arm a*lTl~r by lb* lHMrtrt CVmrt of aakf Dlatfkl mar th - wftw AIdIRRT MCUon, AaalgtHw b«v In flßMltr«|»tcy. In the Diatrvt (horl of th* Called huiaa t o th* hrtvtkern rhkW 4 flHßtt, at Aauwtrwa. lhahr ’ Omaiy. I4tb of Ihnk. ft. D„ MR: ( fpMC LndaratgMM barabj give* a**b-*<d hta appofnb i I burnt *0 Xadgmtm of UkßAßtiftP Mo«Rida. *f WILLIbM W. FORD, nf RICHARD A. BROWS, of wiLUAtf a. Ramsay, of hHUAVts r ihi,*i aAMPBON P. ROOM, aad at RSRf AMIR F. MU and BAMFRUR P. BOOM. j af Mo ftm >f Rail ft frvm. ail rtf th* Conaty if Bma—r j aad Ru» .*# Qnfp». rtthi aatd Dtatrirt. wh* haw* Mama" by" thTpuWrht t I&MMpkh TANARUS» Ihaaradttaw of uatd BBM—I RMrtph Mr M- 'L“* S!= ffiSS2EI! oweiotMiii 1 e c .# u. 1 nw 6w* *4W 11.1 III! w law law— I eewtUmoswe w. MMewaihaw »wW Ml taw. 4W. »ewi » <* Wa AWaeOw#wawweeei>aW««aawS (MW, pao a* * and to Sam* iOnll it >MM ■ and M ymrvamt •ur th* »bn cf Mirwgta, aud yrmih Mr pkbboa MmtfaMciMWS>ii|«hHMhghi. by an or« MamafaßtnnftM adoptud March 11 Lb, ftMR. anhaut Mr wMMmßiwi «B fhft g-aoai la ««* mm fkr ■tarwd and t* b* rayiaaatnf aa vuftara Radar th* ftau •f “* MRyiai ~trrmTit irl ~n rli rrh ta bfh oa fho axb day of AyvU UM. aad lo ba kept wpaa. tom day to day. afttba dlacnM of (hu (I—l OomaMadtag. *4 amah ptaam *a may ha daoAgaaiai by hhu D Ami mtotkm. By aa ASS of Oengroa* whieh ba> ataw a Jaw Raiwb IMb. UR. it ka provided dtat Uh aAar. any ahottaa snahortaed by tba Auto of Chayka m Dnrraatit. aUll ba Ab ided bf a of tb* voaaa i a. 1 natty ml. aod at tb* auction, in vkhb tba |Om a m Os unadoptkm or ro|m4Vm of any oonßtakhom to oabmttted. my porwm duty mguured to tb* «ato ! tA) von* so tba otochua dUttiot abet* be uAr* So ‘ i«»t whraho baa roaidrd tkarvu tar Am day* a*a« i ymoadlai Ruction npms proaentsMth of hto oar- I UOoafta of reylatiatksa. hu aJßdavtt. or other aauaim lory evktaaoa at irgattmikm. hhiar aucb laghlailuoa ao the Dtatrtri Coodnaadc« iuay proaoib*. in. iafatmu, RaU AeU ot Oungrmo pcovida that .h* oiaeuoa hr rmUAcutiua of oatd ooaaßUbuu ahaß ho n—Marti it by tba oßrvra or potoaw ippatiiUd or to tm nrpoutMt by Un Oemmaadtng Oaaerai. attd at th* dut* |aad by aald wmov—tlam IV. Riiavdrml. That aa aloribm bo htod M th* But* us Oourgfa. owamoartag am Munduy. tb* VMh dny of April, IMA, aad maUattof four day*, at which tb* re* stored voters of oaU MtoU may vote hr or •rant Use runautauon oubmatUod I* Ibota by th* or dinaoc* aforesaid Tboue voting to fkvor us tb* earn ailtatam atudi hava wrttftam or printed aa tbolr IsaJJnU U»* words. "For tbs t anihiuoa. end tbooo wda# a*taura« tb( maattlatlun a ball have wrttteu or printed un thru baiiuUlba words, Agitato tb* C«jnotltaUun.’ V. ir*baUUtb*d*ty of th* Boards <4 rugiatrtotum In ••woegta. tft nvordaaeo with aald Art*, nummooring day* prior to tb* atortlon borota ordervd. and k '«* raaannalJo pußMc noiV* of tbe ume aad piacn thereof, to rvvtaa. for a |erlv<l *4 Bv« days, tba tnumn hat*, and apna btoa# aatiabed that soy peunaon u 1 eatul*d tberetu baa Wen rogtotarW, Us atrik* tb* UAi*** of au. h pare>a tr oa the uaft, b per»on almll mot ba aboard to vot* bad mob Hoard* ahaß a*»- duitis* tb* use period. a<M so au h roftatryiho uiniM us ah inraima a Um, to po**ra* the (jntoißratlotu roqotrvd by aaid Art*. Dot been Already re^faterrd In decLdiaa wbo are to h* otrtck*u from ur added to th* rtgiatrattoo Uata. th* Bonrda will be guided by th* Act* of (Vnogre** relating to reoo—uaotton. and their aUoutouu is t apes tally odfttod to th* Bupfd*M*ata ry Act whbb beoawa a tow July IS, IM7. VL Mai J *iec4bm sball b* htod 4a aah maaty to th* Btate. under tbe superintendence ut Ut* Board* ot mg latraßtm, a* leorided by tow. aad poßa *Ol b« upvavJ. af)*r da* aad •nftbHao! Botfcw, to a* mas v patoi* ta •ach oooaty. but aieeediog thru*, a* to tb* ufitoio* of •atd Hoards may b* required tor the cuwiaw of votera. Aad m aay idly, ur oilmr ptooa. wbaru there 1* a tor** aumler of voftam, U m barney made Um duty of aunt ttnardi to open as many jw4la aa may b* norn* nary to euabla tba vutera U» r-ato Iholr rutc* -withoat uarea* jaabl* (May. VIA. Aay parson duly rag*to*rad la tba mm ua m \ vokau*. a*ay tub In any oonaty tn the State wiser* ha 1 offer* to vote, wbao ha baa ruatdad therein tor leu day* nevt preeedlog tba cioeti«*llg Wbe* he ogee* to rote In tbe ooualy where be wa* is giaiered, aad hi* ttamo ap 1-am on Um list of registered votes*, ha ahaß not b* subject to qvmti.m or c halUmge. airept ft>r tha |-ur j pnar of ld«uUhaUon. or a* to retodatu'e. And aay prrnucs ao who naay bats nuuitol Irons th* eouaty lu which be wav regttoared. abail br lurmltted ■ to vote i* any eouaty ta th* Mat* to wtUrh |*e ha* r». moved. wh«a he has rtohJ therein for tea day* boat 1 iwecedjag Um <>U-CL»a, upon pruaoDiauua of hu oovtiß rate «f regtatrOioa. ur upon nvaftlag affidavit bator* a member of Use Board of rwgitomtton, or a judge nr manager nf tba etaetkm. thto |ha la Mgtotoml utr* ter. natuiag Um lounty hi whMh ba to *0 rvgtotemd, I that h* baa rraidad to th* county whom bo oßurv to veto bf lea days anxt prec*dlag tba aiaefttuo. amt Ujpt b« ha* out voted aft this ototooa. Blank* ter ooch aflldavita udi be supplied by Um liuarda of rogia IrUtoss, aad th* aam* of th* voter making oath auto b* «mdor**4 on ht* baßot amt all ourh aflJdavtt* mont b* btrwardto sbb th* returns <4 tb* oW-iton. VTII. Tba poQi abaU b* opened atoach rtotog p**>'*. during tbe day* of election, to 7 o'otorft a. M . and toon* to ft o'clock r. m.. aad abtol b* UR4 <rp*a betwaaa Utoa* hour*, witboul iMenulunm ur adjounmmit IX MU pubic bar aaluuoa, and othar ptaoe* tor th* ante of liq**r to retail, at th* several county •cats end at otbar ptoßag ptaemo. shall ba ato*od true* '< oVJocbof iba ov*oiag (<rec*diMg tbe elarttoa, until « u'chtob of tba muratog alter th* last day of tb* atoe ta»o Aay parem W>ltoiag thta order ahull In auhjaot to Ram or inprWnnrurnt Mwrilh aad tb atr dopntto* and Mvuabipai ufhera will b* btod rvnpooaltoa tar th* otto to ontoommaaito thi* pgnhUtoliui by Iho atvoto of all poroona »b» may Imnagroo* Um asm*. X The toertf of each onvwUy la hereby required to br preens lat the county east, aad to appoint dopwtto* to hv prveoot »i aa-h potting ptar* la hta eouaty. da ring th* Whole um* that Um polls aro kopt open, and uu til Um olocUua to completed, aad to mad* mog ,moi hie that ao Intortoreuc* with tb* judge* of alertton. or othar tatorrwpUuii us frond order abail occur And any Hhanff, or Deputy Üborlff. ur otbm civil <MR*rr ftoltag to perform with tawp and * *od faith tb* duty restored«f Mm by thto ardor, will, apao mpoto ua-ir by th-* Judges us tbr alatol— t, be mroated and dealt with by military authority, and paotobed by Ram nr hopk—Mßi XL Th* OnmMandiDg ußlosr at lb* District us Ucor gia wtil !mu«. through the Mnpertoiaodeat of rvgiatra g<*n t*r Ibis Wale, a ich dtoaftod Inauuctioav u may' h* tie- mnry bilbe contact us said atocAiua In con h»mtliy ettb Ibc Acta of CWntgroe*. XII. The ratanta roqntred by bv to be made us the rvewlte of aald klkHo* to tha (Vuntaaadmg (Jenera! of thi* M'l'un will ti* rend*rad by tbe persona •tvpoititrd to aitpcrltalond th* mine, through Us* o»hu mantling nßcrr nf th% Dttonet of OeorgU, and to an- Oi>rdnnc«< with iha detailed toatnirUona already re ferred to. Sltl Mo p ram wbo to a uuUdai* for offb rat said «dor4»o«i shall art aa » rayutMT, padgL. iaopatonr. man aarer. clerk. or to aay uthor offtoUl capacity coonertod with • ••oducting th* IbrUou. XIV. Violence, or threat* of vkalemv, or my oppewe tova nr frauduicjit mum employed to prevont story person from ai.rrialDg ttu right us aufftaga. to poto- Uvoly prdhibttol, sod every jmtoob guilty *f tsaiag the same abaU' ms noortetbo* thoreof before a military l i ifnnilavlim, bo ixtutobod by Roo or <4b«rwiH. XV. 'So contract or agreegnent with laborer* made for th* purpoa* of . >ntrolling thrlr votes, or us rw •training them from voting, will bo permltUd to be enforced agausvt thorn In tbia Dtstrict By ardor of M*p*r (bovnl Meade. R. C. MU M, nmrtv td Aoottoant Adjutant Omoval RE-OPENED. Tfcf Old AtIRRtR Drue Ww. r(R Badorv4ao*d, having pnrvbaoad th* Rook of Dmg»Mdl(*dtet«M* *.7tkn Ml* J .. A. Dsvfe have opetted at kl* old stand, comer White hail attoto and Raitrend < baton*! Rotot Rnlldtog). Botag fcatotootl Druggtet*. of auy roam* oafartooc* In too bnattmoa. they Wtil t mat'd lately oapnlf all daßotaactoo. aad pur pna* booptag a ftrot-ctae* Fronrrtpteon at Wbotoaate aad Retail Drag MiMikßtej » mpUU t»» aillte ap> Cdnunenu. and rasperlfMßy galteßa obaoo of tb* pn> •matt* of tbs ctUaana of AtJaate and vtotatty Tbe FrMrtiptkm Dapartoiont will bo uador th* ante' ■taAlt oapcrvtooa to ana of Mbs Arm. tor wbVb branch Umv bars aagagod fb* oarvtomi of MR W. FATT UgRRY. • ctrtoto and cenpotont Apothecary, wbo will be ptceeel 1o meat bia aid fnmid* at tbe atom. WIiROR A CRAMS. I* , DmggMta and FUanaamauata J. ff. Wimov M D., H. IT. ttßAire, tnf ARftota. (to 1 (FhannaceuUal scut Cham tai. U y*are with Uavibrnd. Rlaley A Cto. ) (Ut* Ilaviland. (Tilehealer A Cos . ftogoata, Oa. They rafar, by permission, to Um following gaaftto- Hm IL X porter. Atlanta, lia Dr. H. tt. Orm*. Dr. D. C. O'Katoh. IM. H. Y. M Miller. « l)r». W. f. ft J. 0. Westmoreland. AUant*. (la. Dr J F.AUiaader. Albata, Oa. R I‘wtera. Rm).. Tbe F*<mlty of MrdVal fWlnge. AagnvU, (U.. and p*’ aateivto Mombaat* of Angneta. roar It taw In tbr MUllftlt »n*il es tb* t nllrd Rtnfeo tmr tb* Rentberw Diet rtrft nf Ororfta. (.»>«&7%»> l , j «u kw taw ■ ne>iiWwiiAw .n?. v -Juspt? ie*»ii Mtix. A. mmernk. WSWJ,LI>I<e "“SSL la Um HMU«WK at Mw, t!«HW wa... Sr ika ■■aSuru IMiiillatew**. (Aarmrew*^.) ttoabrupt AM of March X Iftto atotmlo MUbf Rfrven b> gtej: nftto mtd Ptetelit (Wt bofuro X <l. Moq.. dnato tRo Ritoiterv aftte said Oaart to Bn fciwpl j. aa Rm RafteteTa offtoe to Oridle and abow oaner why to* arayn of tha oatd fiatiMon of M> Rtotropi oto«i4 nut hagrabted And furtbaf Rottm 14 barehy #iv«a that tb* Hiral and tolrd mortengo c 4 creditor* will ».«■ WM at tba vaon* bam and ptorr. f | Witoem tb* Himyrebto John Rroftu*' \ f Jidr <4 (told lifted Cwl. tai ooal tWrouf. tbia lRh day ot March. toas. w. b «Jtnm toar Il>- wfw CWR AltJrwr** Kottft. La tbr Dtetrtot Oonrt us tb* IXWd Bto*** tor tbe touthere lißfrtot -4 itorngla. la lb* amt ter of 1 lb Banbyapicy. at (totbWrt. VMl* RAT, j Rw »th day <.f Man h. INUB IteffkntoL ) TANARUS« ffafmßf l|lL * kwtey gives im.k* 4 to ap 1 Wtatmant U* fMgevr of fame* Ray. at Odcbed be*, to to* OPtetr of lIMMII naff Mato at Oerwgw wRRto and ItoutrU. wiu bbo boom adjedged a Ba at rujjjwji own petttbm by tha toted Onart «•< corjJMMv* o moo***. I . . Aff-towe* In HmtULrvptcy. la TRff Diuraii r Cot rr or ra* V*rrxi> Hta t* ru« m Hoarnana Dtrrau i or (innutA la tb* matter at 1 JAMtt R. BIlLDijrX { . UffnMi* n. gtUBIL | *" IBbAruptry. Babtonftte \ fpo Whom M may ooocont Tb* uadarotgued barebv , J f*w afßuo of bio ippaliilia iat a* Aoafgnre at Uh» —Rates <4 Jobmo n. BnUncft amt Tbeama A to«e . f Um cmaty of Wsitus, la aaht Slate aad DtetrL l wbn bava bom nlyadecd Benkruto ope (heir own ietim.ii by tbs District (tort «4 aatd tttetnrt t. W M< IJRfTKH | amrto—ftl—wßw latem* l«a Hffnkrnpfr.v, ! FWtMtog hark**, t-ta r bn, ♦ ve { Jn Equity Ham* ( mu I lateb Packer. I «y BRpoitor Coon. Thoa Umtod. at al. ) ! 1 taMwarUigthat aonl*(4(b*d*f*Qd»ijter**kd* out • r 1 1 (hi* ta ordered that aarrtoa tw asAfrcted by CaltoOUfißtß the How Bra. SfpmoCte bobWbed at Al to. uooe a muntb fur tun* montba. bafore tbe u»n term us Ibis nourt, and that d«4ai>daut« appear and pi*ed. anawvr or demer. at tb* a*st term of tbia Ctenrt • ur *!•• mid bill be token pco confess o agatnat U-un (tranted B. JXJRumaal UrklW MrvtWOuapßn-tola A traa *1 tract fouta thr ruiv.av * of Harris Kuprrvr Cowt, thi* Oct. loth, IRSI 8 %-IUKMI, t eeek 1 buvttoOaa In tbr District ( earttof tbr ( altsd Rente* fer tb* kortkrra Dlotrlrt es Brargto. • \ | u tb* matter of ) IJtWlrtß RALMOIIHt I In Bankrupt.,. No lb BaDkntoi J rrtUR oatd Banbmpt having nobUusod tbe O-ort tor I • 4l*rh*r *«» from aQ bio debt# prvvabl* ander fh* Bankrupt Act of March X. Iffffl. nutlet la hereby ntyvn ta aR parooaa interested to appear on tba SOtb day of I March. IMS. at lffo'cke* la thefaranuea. at Chamber. 1 <4 tba mid District Court before Inenm Btacb. ft>-i . do* us tba Registers of lb* said Onart ta Bankrwj b-j. at tom kagtatar-a Ofßce la Attonta end aho* comma why tb* prey** of the arid petition *f tba Beaknint ebuuld 1 u»-t Is graoUvL And further Mtrr w hereby given that tbr arroud and third meeting* us i redder* will (a* held at tb* mm* Ut** and pter«* Wttn«m th* Roaorebte John Brokin*. Jedgv 1 aAUu'l us MU.I DUtrtit Ofßi *fol >ba a*aJ Ml ah I | i of. this Um lfftb day at March. A I>. i . IMb. W. B. IMITU, fterk. tnarlfl il-*7v In tha District ( evert of tba CnttoAl MRltv War the ftarth. re IMaArtct of (iaargla. In to* limiter of 1 JOHN W. MIA(*KLKFURD. J In Baakrnptry. N... 24 bankrupt. j THE and Deokrupi having PORtertiad iha (fonrt for a divebarg* from ail bia dehU pruvaid* under ll- Bankrupt Act of March 'J, 19t7, a>mc* Überehy givn v ail peropp* I*l*rested Ao appear oa tba 3ffUi day -I March, Ifftk, aft Id «>'• lock In th* forvouna at Cknutorr «and th* aald Dtetrtct i«urt. hafor* Uwaon Mack. IU-j («• of tb* Begiateru nf Um mid Court tu Baaknrpt 7 at th* Hagister'* OflWw U Atlanta, aad show cava* nh> tb* urayor of tb* aant mtHßm us the Bankrupt atornld nut be irowttnl. Aod further notice ta hereby given that Iha sMund and third meotlngt of creditors wltl b* held at tbr same t*nw and rUml WUmentb* Honomltte John Erakto*. /ndg* 1 I of aald District Court, and tb* eai lbrn« l mAU j *f. thi* Um 16 h day of March. A. I» . IMF W. 11. MMITM, Oerfc. mar in 4* *2* Aasiguri'h Sale. \i riIX to aotd on tu ATM TiMadayln April meal. TV b«torv Um OuVt Jftoaae door *f Morgan «*-. Oe . between lb* Ht*i hour* of sate, a tot nf land, (vmtal* lag at toy-two a<wen, oaor* or Ire*, tha aaiaa being tb pray arty of Renton Wtnfrvi. at Morgau cognty. ai..i *»dd under a (tecroo In Rankruptry, for tba bct.-bt of hta creditors. Itom* <Wb T If N BRORSTON. March lfftb. lW inai U- md Aantgu-* lav th* IMaArtct Canrl of Ate* I'nttrU fftatM War tRo Sortbvra District of U**rglo. La tba fftelter of I AABuh F. VURRADLY. qf l . . tto firm of F. X Multi 4 [ 1,1 “■"* r »T*T On. Bankrupt ) |)rrmoH by Dtrtocoon H Walker, amignre *f aai * X Bankrupt, for anthoruy to rcmpotiad aud *«4tU a •'-mtrovorar anotug with Ira O. IhJJvuvl, of AKaUte. Oobb county, ft*. touching a cote upon Iho latter. UcM by said laUAiicv, aud given tn poMiao* r>f ooMhlrd iMtoroot to tb* brick store bona* on Whitehall street is lb* oily of Atknta. known aa I o IL lnuvcl a »u.r. Bona*, npou tha baste of a return by the o*l.l tie o H lteiri of tha sold property . and teyment of rent tor tb* mum tn sottleAuant us aald note. On reading Um for*gf4ng pctm.m, it la ordered that «wi th* Rite day nf April n**t. at tto Oourt Uoim* ■ Walton county in tto town of M«*. at 10 o'clock » «A.. lur tb* baaring <4tb*ahov* potttioa. that ail crWi tori of aald Bankrupt, and other urraur* inte«w*tcd. autumr and obmr cans*. if any they bava. way no order ■could not to passed upon th* stov* prtittan entto.r taiag tha art prayed f< r an th* juut us th# • |f -- mml that at tr**t ten day* Doth* before (h* Aral of April ba gtvm In Um Xkw hu, Atlanta, Oa Feb. «(h. IKK. UARXnT ANDREWK. Ap; roved, thH the Tth day nf March. IMA*** JOHN ERBIINH. mar It 'Jw U. X Judge V. K. brnuui Unvnnnn. Kn axu (is*. Dm ,» ,• omprtetng th* Eoutba ot J uifou 4 Dubai b . ] NOTTCR to torohy girsn that tto Itet of vnlnatteo •o*l *-i!UiDeration* at pmporty subject on ms un hr (to “Aff* la prvrbt* Internal Itevcoua" to mryn>.. t the u-venuamt. to pay interest on tba pnbktc d*b< and fur atbor pvirpoma. approved Jobe XAl>. Ihm, an 1 the aoMndalnry art March Al. IW7. made and tehvt) hy the several AooiatmA Aoooannrv of aakl Coil.. tkmilMttvlcm, wtU remain open far the axammation . f a(V parauna latunastnd. stir th« a pare at ten days (Bvuutor* esarptedj train Um date tteroof April I*L lift to tween the hour* <4 0 a m and 4 p. tt ; ami Uutu. and. otely after tb* eiptmttoo of ten day* term dm dot# to wM. on Iha lUa day at April, t wtil rooter* amd -Inter min* ail oppoate rvJabva p. orromoua or atcoonl v* val •tettou or «vu»-r*ti«vi mad* and taken by th* oatd As sistant Amv as one Tto Bat harul3 referred to eoapvtes tto tnso* fur Ite cnaa. and tba tai npor Oamageo, BUiiard l»b; < rtilvor Plate, and n«har .gmmaraiwl arttete*. fbr tto yarn- aadlng March 1, IMA and to* talc* upon sot«. for tba y«ar vn Ung Ducumtog, «, &: AU appoals to Aoaemiw u aforesaid mast bn mad* In wrtttng. mdapiatey th* parternter caam. mnUec or thing* rrvpweUug which a decision la r*rinested and affatetoaPimwili or prtnrtpl* of inaqmaty or wrror Dated Attonu. Um, Mareß ILIRL ~ W. H WRTHON. tnarlT-titept Aomooor (Ut Dtat (la PUOPOMALS I'mrmn Rtatus InutfiM DtnimtUT. 1 Attento. tto.. March I tth, Hta*. ] SRALRD FROMAJLIi. to trttoteat*. ora Invited nnt.l If o abtak to.. cmßntnrdey, ftUrrh llg. lam. for for "Mfcit in usm mum sn,.w.. (....«■■ n Boot, of •|M .4>SMi <|iuLiit. >• US oi wgetiMEsr. ass «i ■•!■ , imt** KfrU Ut. IM. TtbMmSkillKl' llm u L11..5, Stsllu «LU b, nntnd ull th. mmo Ua» HTskaOh rMak ****** am rnn mt thsr kmitba MlWtnwill I, Mta la. OninsHln(LlU«>il. a. mm MU mt us now. *> M ■«•( talk* utfsilfiwl. u>l "Fruporato** l«OR» €, MUXmVAX, RljACkUaiXh Ah. ( btef c, i. fid MU. tNaftrtot, BS-lh-M MMS**. 1. «**M.«UHS|. MW IRUHHT UOOTt.. NK W OBL W.jyMi tu v 1 i, a •i . “j! - -"f J JU *■ Wm H - !>« K V. tu.u.luUl (Li. n.l .U, nt tamJflMHßßm rSfis-KJr - toto^touen tmuii a, wuw. ■■» * We •■(■»»■ mtm~t> IWM <3iate SSTcw