The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, March 22, 1868, Image 1

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frtUttte fftilg Qtw (tn. tkumi o» iiunumw ■ for ba** Ptt Aimum » •» 00 “ #•**«•* » ■Vo«ly Era, f*«r Annum * 00 m- imtaiiT i» aorjUKS. -*• Aim UK ADVSBTIMiU. Tbfaa Months Ttoa Monika , Una M K . *itimber *4oar* * iitoo |*> * rare- » lAtfi l WWrM liqMTM »»«• AM MM U. fJSaree MM: MOD till Mu.Trcr Oteaira 40 uu MM MM ■E.*' '.damn t MM TIM M M i MMi MM IM-M flAltcru»MMßU lor s longer p*rmd On* lln wui W in— log *;* deduction tt twenty p« jKu (ran Uto abr-vs nUE ' 2PIW eArh •quir* c t V line# or I—, for Of* •- tt tnrer ~l|ao. |l. nod lor -or! mba«q*mat li.arrt*un M —» f « -Tjfcu Unas tt Mini -r Da acyttvairal la spar*. jßte * .TS; before or on demand aft*# «Ua first »u mi« b- marked for Üb» ‘fiihmurinruu inserted at talarmis In We charged *• —I inmrtioa. . , .All v IrfUaammU. or no— •» adrornoommi*. ji.4« ••Urs Ituom—rlii-Bla ItAo raUjn vrruttmi rnwta a Una lor oooh Imrrtton Ho ..urn «.U nrir lor * Woo earn Uan o— boiua tt u ..o#«UuW W MM of -If—l Wottoo^" * «•. nty orals par lor tnasrtmn. and lfi rente for •a «qt.wgnrai trasrt». Vn*.». »a#j coaaMtaioii. eontainhig toUruUOl nr 11 purl m> < oawa, aalktead from aeary Quarter Neva •itTro r tba various eoantvw of Mo Mala reprotnup fiafftt4 THK KHA OFFK’K Ia I* THE IKIUI »UfLDlttrt OH ALABAMA muUtT. opposite tub wnoma, »n vua BBOAP AKD WBTTUiLL. HUN DAY MORNING, MARCH tt. i**i NPECI \lr NO! II IX. ftatlce—»A of oilA. «•., Uocriab* r Blot, lAdL-To ths JMm kholdara of tha Mifodgsvilk-. t«c Msrcm and Augusta luilmad Otenpretj: OOta for pny mattl ou oubacrtrano In Urc Capful Modi of Ihi* Uoxn ion; !**»• baaa u»ada ay to fifty Are par rant Mwc* upon wbirb Ulo atnoani baa ute been paid will ba f«»r fsiUd to Ui» Company A furtbrt caU U non mode for teauiy-fivr par caut. inyabWonor before February TUh. 1M», at wbkk «UU\ eighty pmr oant. will ba due. and SfecA flurfoiled if not paU. AH PV-'kboWani to tmn will at oara Mrra|.a4 wltb tbo Troaaurar Tlx H»ad to nan la oporatlon t» Mlllad««TtUa. and 1a tkolbff A iMfa- buolaaao. ft lo bdtorad that trrnr ■ si’ **• - .i<\a b-y wturh further coll *tllba art>i.i rd, ts j*f>myt joy meat la non raada. Hy nrdrr of Ct* Hoard of Wmtw« n. 1» nriXOCK. ProauUnL I A. H Uu-JJO**. liMwatMy abtl Troaaurar. ikclKM. Mr baiauaab HapabUoan. Kana A Ilorabl. Maoon lolapmpb. Jimraal 4 Maoaoßpar. lfllWdgorUla Baarrd t-r, Po'loral In An. Atlanto lutaUlptiooor aad Mm baa. will yloaar euyy tua abara atxty data, and aand btll to the Troaouror of Mann A Au*uoU BaHfoad, at Au ruau. rrt HiTt'Ht tbttSuu tbtteu SCRATCH NO MOPU. SW \ \ NirH OINTMENT !• WArrautod a quit* and auro ran* It allays All itch in* »i .«*•'. la yuonly vrgotabW. oau ba ttaad oa U»o moat trader Innul f ■yutn i utmun" | _ t utrraMrr" I ‘ H«i lru«t l»v»I : o— *—> =s:::s::2sssr : j o—a—r«-i "HwaYbb’a Uimm" i lW . r _. (Biliaf* 1 ntaaaa iToa ■UtiTri i Owrrtnorr ( R - . ■•swu*b'» (Himnun-" ♦ sss?: i _ - <>- 1* nBO ornta. By aan 0 oauta b> l>r Nnayn* A H.WI, MM Honb Bt*tb HUo( Pbllad«dpb»a. a boa *tU ba oral. Iran nf poaburo. tn . / addrao* n.|tb) TAVLOM * AiAVlb, l>ruf*ioto. Atlanta. Oa. may 11 and It Iprrlal \ntlrra~tflllirallr Ootowual*.- Vt k«burj, Ifioo.. Aor ». ISOA-Pr. John Hull - Doar Mir lam happy to oUtr to yon that I Karr aaad roar i Aluabla CVulrvu Httb-rs wt,lh froal brae At to mpaalf. It* c*'Drra! dvtiUty atul pmalraUuu of my oyatnm, pro duv»J by the unhealthy and mtaamaiK In (hue or us thr IfWotaMppl rtrrr around Victabur*. I toaAdantly r,. uunrad tu uoa t * all y*ra»no nbo aro axponod id' übhaallby chmataa. U W POOLE TKHTIIfOHY Or MEDICAL MEM. nr.-nry isHnt, Whlta Oa. Ark.. May SE IBM.—tM. J >\u HnH tWar Mr 1 Laot Primary 1 naa la LnnWrUla»-baoi»« dmno. aad I *pt auaa nf yoar Itaraat art 11a and Cadma HlUora My • * '• Aan, who m with tur la tbootor*. had bluett and >*n with rhoamatlem for »>«« ttmr, com me word on (ha fUttrfa. and *•» m found hlo goorra health improved. L>r. Out. who hat lxr*o tn bad baalth. triad thrm. ati«l ha aloo improved Hr (J 'ffrr nh > bad Inatt la bad baalilt fur aararal j i»r* —ofomaob and boar aEactad -ttapruvrd vary Binrlt by thr uao of yoar Hitler*. Mftxlrad. tho Oadron Hu tar* hao flvan yon great poy- Kiantr to thio art Hemet it I think I could aall a great uantity of yoar ■aadlnlnaa thio fall, eoprrtally of roar oadroa lUtUr* and Maraapartlla. bhip aaa. ta Mrm pbK oarr *lck«tt h Raoly. KeopnittuOj. C. H WALKER. Par oale by L. H URADFIEI.D. Ihragptoi. tanT-rodly AttaaU. U*. p.rnut of Tamil.—it (taatlaaaam nba riiOaral f*r years from Hsrrooa DahflUy. Pranaatara Denny, and all tho affectaof yoaibftl ludUcreUoa. alii. f.*r the sake of antfcrlug humanity, aond frea Cos all a bo aaad It, the receipt and Akranttona fbr waking Urt sim ple moody by ablch ba ana cured. BnAhrera arlablng • Midi oy tho adroitlaer’a aipananco can do no by a ' Irraoing. tu perfect cun&doaeo, iOWH Jt OOOW, -pr/O—l j Ho. 49 Oadar HL. Kosr fork. “All Can lU?f Itraiitlfn llnlr No Ditmmry Cnn Compart With "IxaWs Bair Color Reoturar aad IhriMtng." ■Loodon Hair OaWf Maotorar and Dreaalng Restores Gray or Faded Hair, up aa a hnaMOM m u«rtRTA -MTora tiara nmi rau um, ctmna pannnt rr. naan aens in* ai.ti swrnri tuanaa m nr in ao*L». M * The MuaA ParfUat Main kMUrtr • f/ ndoa Atir Ooior laatoror. “ ''l.ioiin Ever intro Bead Hbtr CMnr laoSorer " "iemdun Halt Cobr IsatoMt.' -leuutun Bold llemtlo Bair Color Bantorar' "LokdN Hair Color ReMoraa.’ •I-rttd u Krrldikfd Hair Color BantorMT. • Hair (V>lor Baavrar • -London wllk Hair Color Katorer ' London Hair Color laatorer " ■‘lymdnn !t»w Hair. Hair Color Bontorrr.” rrfttßMtas sra Unity rerefred, proving da wonderful power ill roMBHng tba Mb. growth, ooior and rigor k 111* weak eat hair, ft paalurely aSoyw tta Calling ont. krwyn the scalp clean, ootd and healthy, cor** effectually any Irritation or itrbing of tba aoalp. and an a batr draaatng It la pavdpet, atroly pwftiwad. Mry aWanly. and d*Mv« uot stain tba akin a i*arthla, or aoU bat. bon net or tba Basal Uoen. Only T 9 canto a b*«tue, half don— H Addrea* or der* tr. Dr. gWAfWJk MX, PkUaiel|«bML MHdby , T.TUJB » Mm fmrnemt. AMU. IJIM ka.m. *. eiu»—or. M-.r' l ruu— Mm— rm m ,wi« ui- Ur«. Mnun. iv—.i. <tn. nil U .1.1.1 r -» HBH^magnai.'■- - ■ •a “ 'j ’‘t'i :uaK • • M-to -til DraatM KM ■ M ~„ inn «w ■w »*•' « ||yUn>«.>'< pm- mipmw. •> Sl^Hmeeiwwauie. m* ■■■*■ * tu—>Ml». torn Km. fcrtM M'*K >*■ »«*mUM »■■■ ell An oMtr niltwniywiAlM" nnttod THny bar* —M*rea »i ——Tk«km— mm mm* —• <M, _ - -| „■ - —»e THE DAILY NEW ERA. BY BARIEL BARI). ATLANTA VOSDVEBB BIRECTfIin JKWKLKRIt ai) ffATtHRAMKR*. WM. BuLLM AN dealer In Mao Jeo mry. toAd rmto reoond (*act above M- Lynch s hOo s b--to tow*. AiUn tto Maßtorlng dooa la fim4 M/ls And wnrratsad 1711 I, WsSchsa. CkMAm.. Jwwslry. A*.. Wau l makers' Tav* s**d Matonai Wre*-*. k Wt-ifh* gnsl.Mwaw Atobnma and Mantar sirre* Ik UERMaM*. Dealer m BnaO«4d Wale(•#«. CL<ck* gMeae Mp«6n- and Purb*. Pure eeUs Jewalry Rruicsfc. Ovs<l.. CuraL Onys, Jet, OwU-h an preri. aloo a An* atnek r *f Chain* and Cbanus. r«mw Martrtto and Wbilsball *tree»* UERTI PlHklHHlktl btHIIW. JB HEAVE DreJKta Oento* Pnrntahing Mood* K Hot*. (Jape, Bui* tent bar Tranks and Bn*-* das Bsltnnal Hotel. AUaafta. (re. UtokAdo. TOM AC COM i>Tf. SMITH A HICHMOMD Wb IsnnU Toharcotiiste *m General t ••wmweuni Men hernia. Alabama atreet ■UIMn imiCrtJISTN. rITY Drag Mura Tarptn A Ring. Wbolreal# ami befall Dealer* in Drug*. Modi. l*ainla. (his. Pstflfs 111 end French and American Window Glare. Non,rare Building, corner Whitehall and Marlrtu sia. . Atlanta, (la H EDWINS A ruk. Whtdasnlaand Ketoftl Druggtew and dealer* la T*i*W. oik, Dy* Bluffs. A* . *•- owner Whitehall and Alabama atreota. Atlanta. «*a . Particular attention paid so Ailing lire l|>u.»n» Mil. U S—ua Late with Ed Wilder A Cos.. LouisviU*. Ky. MILLINKHV, At . Mu.-i fcl P mtisTNoit, I paaWr in Ladtaa' ai U flrr»« * lioaoeto *n<l UaU. HIU« n«, Ixe»*. ai.ti •varything partokuag tu the MlUiirery l.iidnea*. it un ball street, next aheva J M U.Hbnmk a Hat -C re idHiimi ABO i\iNt> CIO! A If ILL. Wboleaale Daator* In Fotaiiru and Du / meaU.3 Lluuura. Cigar*. Tuhacoo. Ac.. I‘eacldn* •treat, Atlanta. On. OH V UOODN, SOTiO.W, Al . JB. WHITE A OU.. Wholanala and Masai 1 Uairr*:n • and Fancy Dry Uvii*. CUdAing. liata. HouSa and Mhuaa, Whitehall street SCOTT A PRERMAK Wboleaaleand hetall Dealer* tu Utopia and Fancy Dry Uooda. UaU. C apa and Mu iy>u*. corner Haachlre* and k alion *ta. Atlanta Oa. (OkPIicTIOWUI AM U It %It Kit v / 1 W MCI. Wboleeal* (Mndy 'ra.krr, ('•k* ar*J j VI, Urea. I Mannia> tarar, and l>«a.rr iuv*n*7 Oexeta. Wbiuhall atreat. ITOVKt, TIBWAHE, At. UICIIARDSOH A HAVrnRK Dealer tn ton re. 7'.u ware an l lluua* Ptsmiahlug Oood*. B hlWi*U k xaat HATH, I APB \ l> PI lin. ID MOLHOOI « aQ Dealer la • Pvr a*i and Woof Hats; alao. Ladi< *‘ |nre -Bhlt*»- hall street- r> HOOT! ABU SllOEl, / * EO. w. TBlCi; Dealer In boot* aad «•<*#*, ('all VI SkigE I‘eaohtra* Street, nest dour to H TV Mumtay's In. HtRUWAMK, At . rIMMEY A STRWART. SI Use Mgn of the Dt.. H-a and Oarua Ourk, ttkilelial! atreot, Aliants. Us, bare on band a Urge and well **»*rUd stwl vs UAUI> WARE. Wbtrb Urey wIU sell low for «-aab t lITTOk PAtTOKI AfON. MKltt IIVTM Pl* peaky: A CO . Otto® and Own w 11m • Merr hauls. No 17 Alalwn.a ssr.wL MEAImiHa UIiUTIiKIL (*ei.eral Cumuuasioa Mer chants and Tabaaeo Fat-tor*, under >'’.aau*rs' U » tH. Akabaui* street. URIKEHI AID PROUrtA DKALRK II T M.ARI LOWRI II « i.Vupiuiaaion MarrhanU and Wbob-eal* 1 water* la Ueaaral Mar* bandu*. Atolmitia sUaab CIRAPMAN A RUCKER Wb«>Wnala Orerera and J Comaslanlou Menhauto. Whitehall street. Atlanta. | (is. » w. cnontaa jyll. * »■ iwua JAMKH H WkuteMU rtroow .lid CBM ■ Ismon Merchant, Urure s Building. 1 htrre 1 cheat TTtORI), IHdIIToWKU A (>» . (\miit)»relou Me.x U*nts r Wholreni# and R. tail Dealer* in Prudncaaad dro I oartre, Mitohall Street MinCKLt.ABKOt*. STEADMAN A KIMMONR Wh**le«a»e Ufdcara. Pro* dnoa Bruhera and O*>taiuiaaiou Merchant*. Murrruaa PnUding. Marietta street THE GREEN LINE. 11 aht i iikioht i.ini. nrmvnKN BT. LOUIS AND LOUISVILLE —AXU— ATLANTA. NO CHANGE OF CARS BITWKim Louisville or Hickman and Atlanta. TIME REDUCEOTO 56 HOURS. HKIIKTION IN RATES* rpHtaUenU -n of HIIIPI'ERN la ealfrd to iba follow -1 Ulg Ixiw lute* by ihe Green Line V* AUauU from IxDWlsvUle. Pnnn Nt Lonto IstCUae »1 71 f! W %\ n— IU l« hi Clare lit 1 *S Alh (1—......... 91 111 Bacvin. pr 10011** iM 111 IVur, Apple*. Onions, lVitatoea pe bbl I W 1 97 Halt. Cement, Pleater. prbb1...... 11* 1« Haas A Pork ur bbl 1 Tl to (Vwn. pr bu*bT *4 ** Wheat Rye. BnrW?y. pr bnabal » *1 I>l rough BUI* * Lading wIU ba gtren at potato of shipment and all claims for be*, D*ni*«t and Orrr cbsrgs will fa setUe.l j rompCj at potnt of dsllrery Tariffs, • Unwins atr , may be obtained si ofboa W. A A R K JOHN B PECK. M.T.W.IA LI BAA M NEW FREIGHT ROUTE. NSW OX\Li 12 -A. N fcJ - AND ATLANTA. TMEHewtac Law Rtore bare boon agreed ou be twaan Raw Orleans end AUanf- tahtog *•*>- HTtM l—l My Rieaassr —Memphis, Tana , or Hkksaa >. Ky . AD Rail Via Grind Jun thane.* all Hatl wltbont Uoa. Ho Charge for In tramahtpraent to* Ch na srasnem Dust son. (Vm- von Dimat os Poa msatoM on Pk»» wsaniw** wamnnw. latCLasa; »l 79 lat CLoaa . sl*2 M Chans IBM Cua 1 M> Bd Clan 1 to M Clam \ ih ttb Ctsss 1 »f4th CXsaa M Tbrourh Bills of La.ling will ba flvaa al points of shipment and all Haims for Loea, liamsge and Urer .'barges will ba promptly settled at points of daMvary Tariff, showing claa*iff ation. at'., may b* obiamo.l at ottos W A A R. R. JOHN It. PECK, M. T.. W. A A. R. K fbU-tf LAW CARP. 8. C. JOHNSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW UawMarllW- I»kwmmi (’•nlj. xl rm.,,, HnK wmm to c-*Uoiw». or ur VV MU—n «h. !»>• «l%- C—!«. ud th, MWlrtOo ct Km 0»l««l »MM* *•* UM I— ««W tl W«.l»li —l* « V Wjyjß BTAi hi It . aatuw w«tu.ciin,c*m*n,a. IM As to o— —I K B. ICSS me* ATLANTA, GA., SUNDAY MOKMNG, MARCH 22, 1868. BY AUTMOBITY. *l* U lIMO ACI M Fortlfitli OonxruiiH or tws iUNITED HTAT ES, , i eased al ft* JVtf tmn. msisA «M« tegres aad WK mt tte CUpar Wl.'W*—. tn (hr Blstnrf •/ (brew, on WsndJM, tor Amrtk key qf VareA. J. 7> UtoT was agMSMin ysredst. toe MfiMd daa .( Jfare*. J If I BIT, ami n iTsdnsadni. Ms *red (toy V J«r and. If IJC7; ml w% /As* ia*4 G»rt' 4as ey Jn> and >»* boned i« ssssiea mMi fnb*. *tsy, tor to»lwtt day 0/ 1 ms y«Ky so toUd day if mtywrmmi i* srerf ea Tire. | day. Ste MM day (/ V.nreitrr, J. /> IM7; —< mb I MKt rmrety-jlrßl doy Arenatosr, and smtot Uv ssreni day q/ (Aumbv. A. if. IMT iibSiv Joss«usi. Prmdmt Nnasis P Vux, Prvnidant us ths Nenalo. to urri-aa Conrsl. B|-wA cr of ths House cd Lr^rre*a,UUt« | 1 ( MAP. I —da Ad Is (s/ai a* Art mbiinl “is drf * onred oa Art mmftOni ■ Am del fa> imwrperab: a .VsftssO . if unary ood .V«NI irylsn/ur Os K*U*/ of Uot U ti-tUp j dtmoMifJ Ojke» t ood Mr* ,/ the Portre of Uot IfaWni .Uoei, ' «fyr*W Mmrtk befy ewe. tight orn Asredred and statreu ho u nmrtrd As tor Are air end //rear cf JD^rearnl^ I (rers </Ur t a *uj Mats* re iomgr't futaemoUrd, That section third cf the art t> iocor)fums % iislxail 1 aeyluai fi.r diaabled <•(&••#* and men of U.s votoiitoer 1 l‘*v*e of the I bUM NUIm. approved Marrb ivn&ly j ftrre. eighteen hundred and si sly six. ba emend*! by striking out ths words •not msatbera of Congress." | tmunu. Msrrh 12. la« 7 • j CHAP. 11-—da id areirtog dyrereperebuos f>r (V f» preSM «/ f"s*wha/fi onU ly Ite I rttoAnU is Us /a --i d«an Ci>« airy. Bs if anaebrf ky Us .Treats ami /seres •/ Asprcoretob ess I ..fur Catted Wo/sf #/ darrice tn Qvnrgtm ossraiAUi, ! Tbat the earn of twenty thousand d'dUar* Ire, etui lt>« ! saw,• lslurfeby, appf'.pnoSrd, out of any money lu Lbs I trwnanry nut otbarwiaa appropnatad, to pay the ex f< bare *•( rotuiattMwbais s*-!.t bj L.e Ir« *..l al U>« ndiau csjuutrV Arrsmx; . March U. I*C7 Out in Am Art trn romroU • Jm*A. | **d hroolutu— Ur prmrvft fitr U« Rratreat Us to'rsrj «/ Iks JBsaaisktn IwuTfuwd. opprread /(ssny busniy . si«A, sigkAwa iumdr-d and SLrtysrvre. Ms U on utrd ter (As .Sreoir and /fares a/ JtrpeeereLt brer tkr f a*w*< JUldmsrwwin CVreyrrex <w*ra»MaU. , That tbs iuUtt resolute a entlhff "Apa-'KiUou to pro vide fur As removal us th# wreck of ths sUremstii McoUaxul." a|,pei, <tl d Jax;j«ry twenty-nmtt. elgt.U. 1. Uuudrol and uiti wvat. ba and Ihr same is hereby CHAP. IV.— da art to find* Us *w.mJ and U stUutt IdAm M/V Wsws »*Tf f f U« Ate «b andU aus e/EsyrsureUfimx <7 Us Catlsd kte ijf darnU tn ossraureti, Clul the Hactelnry of Wsr W, ai»«J is hereby autli r laml and required Si furuiah uoe rxmptrla anit of cloUi lag to eneb invalid soldi, r who is an tamale us any rag hiariy runabtuVrd "Muhlier a H ins. In the ( uited but* a. o«l us the stm* o*» band in the quartmoaaUr 0 | depnrtasaot Nb . 2 Amlin and AirfVr snoslod. That surk . •bah bo Ant ter id So Ui« n*aitogers ot gg bMI 1: t- i t its ax req.ii*iU»u lb r* l*r *. < ■ |*mi. t« .1 wrfb su« U renßrateaas to numbers and rutnlUi.-n as the Meerr Ax •*■> va.-. kl* < b a lafT ( UaP AcX w* AWarmn (s a eertoia fro* 0/ Load uk iJnrUngUm, I on. it' tl smi (sd ky Us Vk ii' and linn* mt Ayres*l,Uoi Us f'mbd .Maiss #/Aawrua *a ( *y»sjt i Uai a (eruia urvlinan « by ths oily onimU us th*- riiy of BurUngV>c, In th. Mate of Xnwa, td date of IHweniber t-ath. »«•> Dosnire aaghbren hundred and silly-ol*. AotiUtd Au unlMMSti fnUuii Mum Kquarv to cofinin pobbo pwrpuora, end pro*.ding for toe bMorL ii <rf i—rtain ratiraml tracks mjhki <vrtain sirreu, and fbl otbAr pnrj-**-w ** ♦« bsrrlry rat hed. ap pn.vrd, and suxdc legal an 1 valid. So Isr ss relates to said pub'.M sqush . *n.l Ibat *aid urdtnanoa abad oyc r*!s tu aOiU|f lu Utc lbirUngVm ami Mimouri lUw ltaiirun 1 ( orapacry aB right and Inlsml of the United Hub-- in th* prruusoa known as Market liquor*. in th# a*i 1 city •>( Dur'lngtun, uph the Irnus and r< null turn* and tu the pnq* h»i-« and uae* thrnn designated, and shall have the same line, oporatlon aad effort aa if Ih* fee simple title U* sal» Market l*.|uare aad »tr<-ete were own ml ny aaid •Uy at the data « f said or .11 *me ArrwovtP, Mar k 23. IBT7 CUAP. TL -da Ad nr^s*'.;<»ry t- It A</ re.wvd ‘•A* Ad to prarittr for Us nor» *fteuns (/-reeramewl rs thr Skitoo," press.! MnrrA swwnd. otgnUmn hun 4mA and srefp-sre. a, ami %m ftUAItUU Jfeshtru-'uflt. Ho U snv'/d te tor .Veto (red //•«* •/ H*rtr*mfnUr t Us t ntlrd .SThaxrsy dtodr'Ko ia (Mgpfnu as**mk<s.i. That lre! *r e the ftr»t day of bepls-mbsr. sighloeo bun deed and silty seven, the ooruiuaudlng general mrak district detnad by an act an titled "An act w* provide fu* th*- luon sAcleal govern menl 6f tbs ratal HtoU-s, ' pasted Mar h aeennd. eighteen bandrrd anand erven, shall cans < a rrgtatrath w te be wilts of Mae malt j rthisas of tbs railed mates, twenty -an# yehr* of age j and upwards, rsaidvbt in as h oonijr wr |«n*h to the ■ KUtr <>r ■ tales uiclmbd In kls diecrKt. which reglatra- | UOS shall Incfade only those perartos who are anh'lttrd j to vote k*r delegates by th* art aft»rsmld. and who ah*;l have token aad snbambrd S»«a foUeetog oath cw al- ! ArmaU ui "L .A< - tasnolv sawar (ig aßnui, In the preaanen cf Almighty God. that I am a rttisen of j Ui Hist* >d ; that I have resided in said htate (oy month* next preceding lids day. and Sew j reside In the county of . or ths parish of , In tntd Mote (as Ih* ease may b* that tam twsoty •me y.-are <»ld. that 1 have not been dtafrhuchi ad for parucipauun in any reireUi>*a or civil ear against tba ' l totssl suto*. LOP for (ekmv rosumitted ag*:i)*t the ' laws of nay Hiotf ar of ih* UniUd Btenre that I have ns«<w lonismoabsr us any mats ksgialekare. nor 1 hatl any e*oooti»* or jadioial <>A.r in any Mote and afb-rwards engaged tn uwnrnvtautt ur rrUrl.i.n. agaluet 1 th* Unite-1 Mai**, or glk • n aid or comfort to tbs- sis tu*s thrrvuf. that 1 hav# never taken aa oath aaa member us 1 oiigrsn* ul tba 1 sited Mat a. cr a* an uftowr of the VutrvS C—to*, or as a mviate-r « f any Ntale IrglaUture, or as an sxecuilve *«r ju U. isi cIR wr 1 us any Ntate. te *i|>j»*rt IbaOoostltntiuo of tba l ulled Ntetea. and afterward* engaged la lusurremon or re be bull against tb# t ilted Ktat. * » girwn DO or comfort te lb# cnciatea thereof, that I will fkithfuliy snppKt the Cuosniallon and ot*sy tb« laws .f th* United Male* and Will. tb* t-«wt of my ability, so enrage otht rs *0 t« da e> h* Ip me God*'. abb h <suh cr a/Tnc*U-m may b* ailtotowtered by any registering Mm t And be it further enacted. That after the compte-tuai of th* r*gl*tralK»n brrvby provided fur la any mate, at anrli time ami places therein *j ths com mandlng general shall appidnl aad Aire«A af whnA ai taaot thirty days' pubtk neStea shall be given an atoc tew shall be bald of delegate* to a coavenuun ter the purpuer of estobliabing a c-joaututteo aad oivdgoxaro moat fur evicli State teyal te the Untew. mid cimranonn tn MM-b mala, except Virginia, to consist of the aame number of membara aa tba area* Bxiosnas bran h <H the (Mate Lrgtalnlorv of such (Mots tn tbs yaar eighteen hundred and sixty, id b# apportioned among the acre rel districts cunUsn. or pnrtehaa of such mate by tba vmi mending graemL giving te each repraaantaSteu In ibe ralv> of voters regteterad an aforesaid ns nearly aa may ba lhe .'sutooo to Virginia shall c- uetai o the same number of member* as represented tbr ler ntorv now canotttntlng Virgin to in the m>>at xoisKvltv branch of the legtaitoare of said Hula to the year eighteen (hundred and «?ty. te b* app<.wtiubed as abnand. _ tto A And ba it further enacted. That at sab) aftre- Uoa the regtatsre.l vi4sr* .4 each toais shall -rote for or *gainnt • confsotion to form a oanatftaUua ikwtov under this act Those v otiug to fkvor of each a con vrntbm shad have written or printed on tba hnlluta by wbtrb they vote for detegatea. an aforeamd. tba w>-rde • For a uanauus," ond those eotfbg against suck a convwatoon Shall have wrtuea or printed on such bab tote ths wc nls Against a cxuivsntiu " Tb# parsons appointa.l to sujwrtnten-1 said alartion. and te make return of the vote# giver, thereat aa herein provided. ■ hail count and make return of the vote# glean for and *galn*t a runventowi. and the rommaadiug gaoerai te whom tbc same sludl have been .returned shall sneer and Jc lor* the total vote In each Bteia for and again«t a ooeventoui If S nuajorlly of the vote# given on that auasM m shall be for a convention, then six h cocremitU* shall be held as bareistoftar |K..rided . but if a mayontv «( aabl vote- shall ba against a eonvexi tbm. then nu gmffi oo&venUon aha‘» bs held awter this aid /‘rurfdof. Th»l tocb convanUoo shall not ba held ■ mlras a majuniy of all sw- h registered voters shall have voted on the question U Mohlmg such 0001 couua. Sto 4. And l»* it fBTOIrY exacted. Thai the ««. ■an-lint general of each dtotrlct shall *fo-A».- as many banU of registmtoon aa may ha nrewranrt. out* staling us three loyal ufbrara or paraona, te make and Vwnpfote the raglaarattuc. au pert..tend the altetion. and mat* return to bln of tba votes, list of voter*, and of Iba paranns elected as dofogate* by a plurality of the votes mm at said wlant/wn . and upon receiving raid retosrna bn ahaH open the mm*, sarerteiu the per *>u alcoyd as dakagatea. arcardmg b. the rat urn* .and the officers who conducted said ric-fcn. *nl make prudamattoa thereof, and ts a maj«rff7 us tho votes ■ivmt an that aunation atanll ba for a nnshllßn. tba curantotodiag graaraf. wlthui sixty days fMm th* data of election, shall notify lb- dalegataa te saaanbD in oosrvwßtMm. at • time and ptoc* te be mewtteoad th th* nofeffceUnn. and said convention, whew organised, shall peocegd te frame a oonoututooo and drfl goewrn mant accurding te tb* prurtaums of Vhto M. and th* set hi which Ul* tupptetnaoury. aad whan the same ■hall i ti. been #0 tremad. mod mttmumnmt shall be •ana registered under toe provisions ot this a* t *1 aa ejection to be c-rndu. ted bf the (dfcwrv ar person* ajw pointed or lo ba appointed by the oorumaodteg gene ral. mm bwrclnbefure provided, and to be bold after ths expiration of thirty days trtmu the date af notice threw of, «o ba g;iY*tu by said convunliuh; an t tho returns 1 hereof Basil ba wade to lbs commanding ganaral of the Imtoi I BBC- A AIHMm tt forthev mated. That ts. accordtng to saht returns. Urn poastituttoa shall bs rented by a nuuurlty nf tba votes «f tba raglatered slarsnre qwato •ed aa herein nwctßod. coat at said amotion, at l*o*t one half cf all tba registered rater* wniag ink the quswttew of nub rattbnhMnn. tba prenl.trat .4 the aon vauduti shall transmit a copy of the mm*, tody earth o*4. lo Ibn President of tba United Mates, who ahaß forthwith tgunsnatl Um some b> Coagmaa. if Umn tn small in. aad U act In aaantun, than Uamadtetoty nicn its »eit nmsrabbng- imd If it altaß BBoradVkr aDpaar to Ocxgtraaa that (Me stertton wwa on* si wtocb ai tba rsgftered and qmdtß*«l slreOrre in Mm Btete bad an *|v luJ'tniSsKce us traudf and Tf^t* 1 0omuraa W ahS!£‘ •attabed that sorb ocnwtttutten meets tfifo apereral c 4 a mojurtty of all tba BBB>ll>d afortara la Iba Btete. and If tho said ortiieutHuh Bml bn bdail by Opngri ■ to ba tn ranformtty *Hh tom prevtetena of tba act to which thto kNMMMNaD, and tbs other pruvtmreia • f mV! tedsbalharalin mxixlli j wRb. and the ana uimteMtolia shall baraganreJ Vg Ommi. Iba ffteta dariarad oal^K^V^r’^mis latoSan. yd rena .^wf nuit ifam fa— • Lmancb prvo- nW by Ms- act *pp> v*d Jaly awonnd. eigbtera baufadrad and mtytwu. isniUs I ‘ An eat to prwacnba mo. m<h og offkw* tm-oAM. That if any peraun shall kmewtagfy and foteoky tabo and aubnmw say oath In thta am praaarfont. anrh gcrcia au affnnd teg amt being thoreof duffr «*nrt«l shall ba autoact hi tbs pain* pK-nabtea. and tomtelutaa which by lew •m provided for the poaMhweni Its Iho crime of wtUfal «4 ramuit pmthffy. Bso. 7. i»l ba U renter anneseo. That ah axpanoic tacurred bp ho aararal owaamndirg gauarels, wr by virtas of any nrdora 1 eras 9. as urnd*. By tboca an for cr by virtue of thte an. shall be paid oat ; us any noways to tba treasury a A Hbrewtar kpfwo j pteUrd. ! ftzr. f And ba K farther enacted. That Lx onovcw* I llm her <• h Mate *ball xnwnte tte tore, onhmtj. and Ictiwpraxwtioa to ba paid to ail delegates ami other <4 Sum and agent' hnrtoa suthonar 4 ar a itmsary h> csrry Into (Hu t ‘he pnrpoasa us Iku art m horsSn I Mikcrwu* provided for, aad akafl hr tba levy ■ end eoUatwo us such lax** m tho properly u. anrh Htate *• may be nocnamry t • pay th* mm# MB' • An-1 he It farther *sm«*l. That the word • articte.’ in the math aarwun of U»* art t. which Uda 1* supple luc a tar f. shall be ouwolroed L. mean 'sartiuiK " BUHLTL/Jt * *»IJ r AX. HjwwArr of Urn vtoaac of Repr^rantaftvsa b. r Prreaieal us the Ha pal* p*' toopore. Ia m ILusb oa fcmgnnimi* V so | March to. lATT | Tba hteilmi us iba United Mate* having returned to tb* llano* of MeprrwrnteUveo. in which ti rtgond. the bill aatitled *Au art niptdejuodUry to an art «t tied An art to srovtds for the more >(Rcisnl g»rarw mrwt of the r. to I Htate*.' passed March saouml. atgb irea hundred and wxiy-aavee. and to forthuu rwaXo rail nil." with hi* übjartlixas thereto, th* D-n*e of flepr- •vtjtaUrvo prc»*md*d. n pwrvuanrv ■;! tbs Oa * to rerciudder U>« nib« , and /haulerd. That the mid b*U pass, ta -thirds 4 tb* ll -o** < f liepreastUaUß agreeing V> pnm tba aaia* AlUot l : *j- M Pnsauus. Clark U M. V. B. la HaaxTß rrw rug C»rrxi» Hrxra*. 1 March ». 1097 | The Hreiate bavtng preceded, taos u*e ( u-yn, b > rrawß«dKK tlie bill eutiUcd • Aa art eu |-piemen (ary to an art anbded An act to provide f>w the man efAriont goverruaofit of the rebel Rato*/ ps— 1 March a*c-jnd, bnndred and Msty •even, and to Canumte rrai/wataan. ' ndureed to the (Unite us Me-Jreaentaxivaa by tba I'raei Iwnt >4 the Uuttcd Btstea, wnh objection 1, and uni by tba House >4 R-prwe#natives to the Banal*, with the nr* ■age of tho Preandeot returning tho bill IduUmmA. Turn* tba biH du pore two thirls of the Itenale agrvtag to peas the same. Alteat. J. W P-.nagT. iteervtary An Art to provide for a Diotn t mud a Owwi ( cart of ih* United 'taiea for the Isrfrkl us Nebraska. a&<] for other Purpose*. He it ai acted by th* Heuate so! H<m*o* of &-great o tativm <4 the Unuod Htau • (rs America lo (ongrvaa asteinlilad. Timi th* Mate di Nebrraka ahall hereafter ronatliut* an« jodtewl dtstr H. and be rolled th# district ot Nebraska, aud fur aaid dirtrb 1 a dMtrtrt ixrtg*. s marshal, and a district attorney of the l ulled mete* •ball ba spp>dota4 by tb* President, by ss 1 with the ■drtee and roiaont -of tba tenai- Bao. 2 And ba tt further annrted. Thai the mid dm tn. t nf Nebraska shall b* Misted to and rooaUtnts s 1 art nf th* ah'bth Jndbdnl rtvrult. and a term of the rircßtt aonrt and dtatnrt murt nf tba Coiled Nut •* 1 for said dletn • ahall be b«AI In iba rtljr us Omaha, tn the Htate ul N( brashn. un ths Bret M -odsy us May. and an the Bret M *Ksay of November, tn each year Bee. i. And ba H furlhar mat ted. Thai tba . irruM aii.l diotrb t c urts us the Untied htate* for the dletrw t t f Nk broaka. and the judgas thereof rmparffraly. shall pq—n« tor aa*.ejf.»aers mtu\ JnxiadtrtUui and perform the came dnttew imm-inl and performed by the other < trend and dwrfrtrt ouurta and judgvo of ths United btatos. and shall ba governed bj the sexto laws and regglß/iawa HOT. A And tv tt further enacted. That ths dtetri- t ju.fge apf- Mit *1 for the diaartrt .rs Nebraska shall re reivaaa his x.eipeeeatto* the aiun of thirtydlvs hno cl'«d dollars a yaar. oejmbto ta tur equal installment*. 1 on tha Bret -liya of January, April. July, and OMobev 1 of aarti y<ar. Hat ft And ba It farther enacted. That ths marahtl sod diatnrt slu.ruay erf Ute United htate*. and dark «rs Uts circuit hifa-f d’atriat r«mk. few tha aaid dlatrl.L of Nebraska doll aarersUy preneos ths pr-wera and per- Ire (hedutka law fully poaai »nJ and jerfonasi by stoillar ufltoer < ta other dbKrtoia of tha i bitad Btate*, and shall lor tha arrv«cea they may perform rere(*v the (era and « •-cti j<-t,e*i»<»f allowed by the art aatlOrcl | “An art to regulate the foe* aad mote to be allow - 1 rtrrh* marahi la and attorneys of Ute rircun aad die tru-x courts -f iba I uud (Mates, and f>r other pur Ewes." M-r *vd K«4>mary twenty Math, rtgbtraca iio-lred and Bfty three ter. (I And be tt further - ns.And. Thai a 1 moon ,4 j appeal ar »nt us error, heretofore prtimvud. sn-1 | lots tending Ut Ihe Hupreise Court us the United iK'-sl#*, up-lb tiy record (khb ths supreme court of tb* Terrltiwy o< Nsi rsxts. or wbkh may hereafter be t proarc-uted fr m said eonrt aa heroin allowed, may ba heard and debwmmed by the Hoprcuna 1 - wit <>( ibe I. niled ntates. aud ihe mandate of axeeuUon or of for- ' thcr pruoeedl »*•# ahall be diverted by the Bupreme , Court of ihe lotted mate* U* (•»* rlrc-Kift «r dte*n t oncift af the l trftod HLates tor tha iuovtot n| Nsbrsahs. or la the eupr tun court of tha M ate af Nebraska, aa tb* os Lire .if call appeal or writ of error may require, ciwt cark of tkeaa re-urla shall b < Ut* aocreaeor of the mipretue «*mrt of Nabraaka Tern lory a* to all such j rae. a. with foil power to bear and dsomiv the aame, j and W> award uiean* or nos process tbareoo And ! turn all ju-lgnients and decree* of Ui- anprear oourl j of th- Terrttery of Nr breaks, pnor te lt» aßmtaaloa aa ' a fUI-, the pa view to aaid judgments sad decree* ahall have tha *oaue right In prcwarute appeals and write of error to the federal courts as they had under tb* laws <rf tb*. United Btevaa pr! »r to ths ndmtesioo of mtd (Mate of Nebraska u to the Colon Har 7 And b* >t f-irtter enacted. Thai nntd a judge for sai-1 dielru t of Nabraaka aha l ba duly asq»«»nUvl. thr distn t JIM ga us the ( toted Mtatee for the dtrtrv t of L-w* shad art M the .liatnrt )-*dge of Nebraska. . and shall have sad exorcJee the sam* lunsdictem an l power In Do duMrwt hereby mdi I a* he has to th* ibatn.4 «rs luaa. • ArvteiVKu, March *5, iwrr. CHAP VIII Au Art to *xMupt Wrapirfag Pajwr. made fn»w>. W-,-o«1 or 1 .wuslalk*. frcon Internal fax, and lor o4be. furpa** He it eo*rle> by the Hroste and House W Ropes sea tabv*a nf ih* 1 oitod msi.w of An»»rwa ta Oongreoa s*. ambled. Tb*L from end after the poaaagv of this Sfc't. w rapping -pep* r. made of wood or oornodiks, shall be n«i.i| I frvis internal Ux. Hm\ 2 An.l be it further -oh-i-l That every nation, al banking a*»*-tab»>n state bonk, or banter, or a**- . is»..n. shall pay a lax of ten par cent am ->a the amount of n rfa* of nay town. city, or mnntccpal oor poratiou paid *«t by than, after tha Brat day us Mai. , ann<> Domini igklren k indred and atxty-arvan. to ba ronorted In the mode and manner tn which the tax on Ih* notes Os at ate banka te eoArcted Bar 4 And ha tl feartbar enacted Thai wrapping paper mad • Cron any other material Umn that died la ths ffrat i\ Uio ahall ba also exempt (Yuen tnteruol tax Bm- 4. And ba tl fbrthar smarted. That from and after ths iwoaog* of this art. tedders nmd* wterflj of wood ahall be exempt from internal tax Aratteaa- ’darc-k BMh. Mtel. CHAT 1 TT A 1 Art In relation to th# AcA»<vwt*dgra*bl of Ira da in the Inatvtrt of Columbia Be It anarteil by Ih# Beaate and Houns of Moprsfon tab vM of the L’utlod Htetea af Am arte* tn C angraas axmwwL-ted. TLhi horaniter aAnowtedgnsauU »f dead* tor ihe convey affca of real sntete tn th* Wffrtd af <X>- turabls may b- iakao b> tha recorcter of deeds for aaid Diairl. t. or kl a amgte juatire of tho noma and any •O h ackiiovru dgmoot herakufvwv taAeu Ky a otngta ina uos of th* pxwor IS horabr made ant declared to be a vahd ackoowhdgwsent /V#rwL< Thai nothing ta thte art ahall ho hold to Impair tha utte of bona A-so por rhsssre who. by uoarvywroe and f>.irwnl nchnawtadg meats, have prior to tba \ crags of this art. acquired paramount Ut aa andar aateltng tewe. Arrte>vßi>. March 3k. 1887. CHAP L—AX Art supplementary to nc Art entitled tu Art W> 1 aim burse the (Bote af beat Virginia few M.’msj t asp rnded for th# United Htate# in saroUlug. eqalppang sod Baying military Phrrea to a*-1 la anp preaatug ih* Bohol te>n. appro red June twenty -00*. eigkuea Lu tetrad and atity ait He ii aoartet by the Hail ate and H-om <rf Kepramn tail rea of the <'mtod (Wales nf AmervA tn Ouogrena An *eml>ted. Tha. the money appropriated by the art to whwh thta la onppisMKsul shall ba dtehursod under In# dtrartiou *4 th* BncmMmrj of War Armcrvxn, March kk. »»? CHAP XL—An Art to xuttowis* the Entry and Ootte* rupatem of a Ptwteon of Long latond. In Boatoa Harbor for raUWnry Nrpnui Bs U sum-to-1 by ih* Banal* and Howe* of Bapraasu thUvea of tha United Mate* of kmnru-m in tViugrms so asm bill. That ih* Bmuehary of Var ha and he is here by authorised to bake poaaaoWun -as that portion of Lrmg Island. In Hnatow harbor MasanrAaotol*, hei-mg mg lo Jams* T Alton, tar ths purpose erf arerttng thereon a fart and aoch other stru. lures as may be needed for military purposes, xsd there shall bs paid for ths atone. ml of any moneys tn (be treasury net eUtfWwte* apyroprtnSod. tba ram of ira ik -amsl dol Ism. as term Optra bokwaao Ivor* J. Aaeixn. (b* agent and rsprcweatsti«* of ihe said James T iuattn. amt tha agent •*« 1 m United Blsl ■ -barged snth the ►»' ttatt>« few tta pure bans of rati property rrovtdad. That said asm-uni shall n-4 ba paid until the Attorney Omni f th-- United thataa alwil he sattahed that the litis us mid p tflhra of nasd island has beau fu Uv traam farred to the ‘fcitod Htotre free than ail aacumbrane*. and that the jeimwi reraivtag tha money « rcvnpstoxit k.hlww> l-hh loo* Approved. Woh M. UT CMAP. XXL —An Ant ta authorise tha Brnreiarr at tt* Treoaury to nidi Iks ttaoar^arrant Worehonara bn Atteaßio lu> to. But ahty to Maw Tort . Ba it rtei by tb* Bmnti and Houaa m terprvara tail vaa of the l etted Btatos af Amswwu tn (.tetupaas aaasmbted. T i*t the Rrcratary of the Treaoury is tea by autfortaxl In b4a Btertrtfeju. to aad (tea property on AMantir Dock. Bpaoktra. Raw Tort, being wnrahouara numbara Bfty four. Bfty-aax and iftyrtght. tore awusd by the fecart leant, iba sate ta be mode at public auro (tan ta 1? a bt (beat and bast biiffgr thsrsß r, tn ready mtomaj. after detng astte thotanf au woaha ta mw* •tea to bra daffy pBiW printed to Urn eWy of Hew Tort. Aad upon miia bd*g madn aa niteitelJ. th* aaid Baersßary of IhaTxoamny ta hereby auth.wised and •topowvrad h moke a aerate and deliver to th* parc chasm there, a sod and raffreeut (tend tor th# prem teee, eoavey n g eC tha rtghL IHte and tn terete af tha UtetoditatoM Appro vad, Utrtto Sk. MB7. CHAP, tni Ah Art making AMteffM to supply PsAteurt* to ihe Approunathma few ronUngoni tape*sea •: tba ffennta of Bs United Bkota* few the Beset Year nfeng Anna thlrtoth. ilghtesii hundred aud sixty w van. and for athar Pwpaass tt* u aurafed bffffea Barak* and Brass of ■■greaan totfveaof «fe* t-rttod Btataa af Aiwirtf Ih 0 fTHi mMßßhfed. 1 hat tha ftetewfem ram* ba and tbs oune are hereby a| paoprtatedout #f any aaanav ta tha bean T * pay th* oxpaaaaa teartd radar (ba lanltkxi of Ue Bsnutw iMbflMklfßiai af toe atm a JaTiv^ iramfertefoirtogre Is sod *o+l to tba nnnffaf Knt land af tfca to ml 1 Boc 1 hxU halt funfov aracßad. Thai nvrtfou ten of an art exinted **Au art aahlßng aggrof «te«h«a tur sundry tertl iquci af the pfratote forth* yrer V- ■--*>—l~" poraod at tba nsai arashra <4 the TMtrty-ffftwth Ofeff—. art ba coa *tread to tafow a yrutw r.raptemastou for tha pubi. cteWte te rnm la** yii aa 1 by CtnMrmm and aioruL «- p- —m t and tnouw *a tha paptew te toa to sari 11 of Cteam tea tote, te prwxfosl by law for nsrh fbUrs tiun to rthar p#(-*« And tb# a- *sp*pv»Jx to# tw isakfaOg •ppr'fwlteuma few sundry rwl lay nai ■ te to* gw#urnm#ut few Ifea year radiug Juns ihkrttegh. «iMr.<u hundred and Maiy-teghL and for aahar pur I rnas.” which Use* iwa <w air be Bategnatod to por s naa re <rf Ih* provite me te mid rertua few BsMkd return te the pnhhe sva and treats** te Ute tutted testa*. aa.*il pattewh Ua pohtw laws sate tnsuis te tha Thirty tobUi (tetgrras. atU-au ~*%Am of wfjeh 11 shall be Iba doty te th* footer) te Btat* to forotoh a* moo ae prartbraht*. after raratvtag ncUtea te auk JrapiUn o. Site there u nareby ayvrynuni ant te ID Iroomit. from say m asys sat ao*t v>«* myv*- prtetrel. a ram ateßterat fe» pay few aaid arc-row PnrcL dal. That the aearanu therefor shod b# *rtherl ta the the rate fixed tn mrtfem •#«*« afewosoid Hn - ft And bs tt farther arartod. Thai so much af sera.* •even te an art anttttad "Aa act making appro urtethrae for sundry c**ti expanaas of the g>rcvrmnant few to# ysnr eudtng Jwpe thirty itfkhn hundred and silly-eight and few other yrajuaea. ' appsuaad Morck Uj th# i uUksUtt te the Irani ns and laws te toa Lot ted Btete*. ba and tb* anane b fesrehy 1 xH nifod to tha ui ■ nrf Thirrtr 1— * and to lb* Terns wire. *>: lot it temh be the duly te tha B. Vimry te Btote. pars under th* s-1 afe-eewaid and thta wLs, prouaggiy ta furbish L- rart newatnpars authexrfb. >Jp« te the treaties and tews te tha United Blatea ta ba pubfeehed as sfeweaold Provtoud. That tt aboil ba mwfal to print tb* laws and trenfoa te to* United Btete*. aa afewraaol, m thria Mvamen u Louisiana And jjf-jnfol fnr tber That the rate* fixed by previoua mot ba H* h. X ad ba tt lurtbor aitetod. That th# febfowtnf •310* ba and Uw mu< ora hereby appropriated cut te any money in the tranuurr ute ihwvm appropriaand. lor the te hervtrmflar mn —1 -or ths feaeai 1 rer ending tha ttttrt rab 4 June, atehtera hundred and aixty-aavaßL naswriy F«»r KUkoten fear tha lira* te |a|r»auiinA nuia ihmimnd doflaru Fur rtewwpopart. Uc Iku-JttJ dtetor* r rrw misrallansriu* itettte. ton ihremand Bodttre A Hsu A And 6* tt firmer amb ted. Thai there o*. m»4 hereby la. appropriated, amt te nnv money ut tb* Trre# li-r n-4 teterairc few aalorvea te to# comniismunsw te ttswm and has sforka. Iran U-reaand four hundrnl Außmrm. tar tba period te threw miatliA. rndteg Ju*« thirty. »i<Li*v hat-ire*: aad »ixty stirii. aad for Us year rod.og Jan# thirty. «r« tern hundred sad ttxty-wtgk* P-w furuMhlng afLse* and few atnuonary. mt thraa- I af Ufa* repo.! of 1> ug fir- i*«. DtetrV 1 te Cteuxnbea. b> U# eipt-U'led infer LU# Airmtlau te th# to. rotary te fear, fifteen itoramwd dreiare ha. 6. And be h. farther rafoi, Ibat tha faflre teg mu* ba and lha Bams are karehj ag|«repnalK and. out te any um»m ui lbs treasury :*••* otbswwiaa appr'-prm ted. to enable the Brcregary te th# fttirto to pay th# aiye-ita* incurved by oartaia Indira 4»hpkni ta vialttag Wanhingtoß riiy forth* purpura te nor dial lxag troaiKea and is 1 Mir rvturc foun#. u* wu lor tha tboua cf LaAa Tr-vatv. to* thousand dol lar* For the Muw te tha tpinr Miaaonrt. Bftara thoun- Pur the iohra residing in the fetoia rs I in ms. fifteen r*T the Cblppewa* of tba MtsaUtoppt. nbt toauaaad dtetore. And aQ h»Ba P r Praaidabi. the Becrwtory te t-e la fork w or ths coamtora te 10-trai aflmre bi enter mb' kraoifoa wlff any Indian tribe* are hereby rcj»-afod. and no expat ar steal! hereafter ba tnrurred in rag stating a treaty wife say India* tnb* anal *n aailforttmg ask rxprara shall ba fin* U *£m $ Ax*d ba tl fut tbear euartod. Tbat tha several sums te narnt heigb- are approprlaaed la U expand nfewudar the dxrvottou te tto crwnmira raar te pubhc bfoldings ba tranaforvvd to and may ha txneuded un der u.e direct km te the chief engineer te th* army, <w aucb utoerr te the aOgUHw-r corps aa * e may (UrecL Approved. March 7*. ltaA XfV An Art’s retoeborve th* ftu*e# te Indi au* sod (Jfeto fe>r Vowy* expended few th- United msecs ta enrutiiag. a|ijtppiag (“A provtowratug Mill Us Furors so aid in a xypr wuag the Krbdlwa. Re It enacted by th- fernot# ai.4 Hons* te Bsprve.rt tativa# us the United Stale# te Auxwvota (• mgr era ararmbied. Thte imotalmtoly after Urn parang* oftola by ad uiUt tha advuw sraul te toe banato. who are not resudrau te th* Btoto-te Indians, wbnra duty it ahall ba to ascertain ft* *mou*t of monej > etpamd •and by the Htra#> te In ban* to ran-Clog. ra tram lag. tresaapcrtuK and paying *»h Mata fewcaa a* were railed mlu tort WW to #*id tea*, s.u-v th* ferM day te January. eightmui h xndrci ax> 1 sixty b» not In ooucrrt with tt# Uxut-1 Httera forces !n th- tnp preateuu te rebettfon ag.toat tha l nitad mates Bac. A And ba it further ran.tad. That the cununto sumeru so hP4**atrd at tel proceed aut-jr-rf to regul*- boos to tl# pNwertbrcl 1 y tba forreßary of fear, ml amem b> examine all the Items <rf expenditure mads by am 4 Mats few the purposes Kern i named f^r Mot* tor enrr.ulog. *smppu»g- subsmUag. trerap-wtong and paying amh Lroope mm aero raLad tnt.l mrousr by the governor, te th# re|raad te the I atlsd tabs do pertrarcil c—msator .v.nuuaxtetag th# discrete tn which ladiona urn* tt (he U*ue ha*# bran tncludsd. or | by the arprera order. craumL ar rcmrra—i"» »»ft (vmiuttew. nr »h»#l ma* hae* brar. rmptoyad or u*e.l ta snpprcraihg stthen ta raid lata. And no aitowoaev ahall be made fra any troupe which did not iwrfewiu actual nuhtsre serw e ia fall rrcnrart and cv>- operetKm with th# sutLcwiCtea a. tha l otted Btete# and •abyete to thaw urdrre. box. A And be it f irtfoer enacted. Thai ta making ut- said teCMStoL few th l c<mv«mtonca te tha *<kluttm oAcwre Mt tba gavsni tatiA fb# «■ ram tom laira tonu , State #r^oratedV Ihe ABi-raßta sipaoded. reap»feOvsfy for raroOtng equippra;. armrac ratmaaong. nransywt *~y and paying said troop*. H>- t And ba It tar b#r -narttt. TW. in ih* ad iuetuiex.l te accounia radar tktt ate. th# -vnairav er» shall mrf alLra for say ■ xpradnure ur rcmtpanra- U>n fur aarrerw »t » rat greater than was te the urns authiwts and by th# law* te tb* rutted fetatta ood tb# reguteu-n# peswrrtbrd by the Bm rteary te fete I* atm Btu . 1 And be U tart bar enact'd. Thte aa aeon ta said comm took mere shall to. vs oak ap aatd arrwute ami tarctetel the balaiu'K. •• herein directed, thav ahall mass written report Uaarrr C. showing to# ditorrat Items of ttMobtm as b#reu*b«fore ttalsd •> Use (terevmry af Uy Treasury wto tottl orara tha mm# the treasury, and ated teCri #B*U radii the raid arc o-aaßtaiarabatry raras and if fro** raet ref. n A ■boil iff — tlata any mb pern am* daa ta th# sued State, be shell draw hi warrant far the ram*, payufoe ta to# r ''rerooi- te stad Htate ami fern war it to him. 8a 4 And ba tt farther ran nail. That toa raramte teas re lo be M*prtnto> as afuritei 1 ahoU. bnfewa pro reeding k> the diaohor)w of their duUes. ba aware thte they win carefully sXMIUia tha accoontv axwttng be i» . n the i foiu and Mai#* and Mm mra# of Indiana and test User Witt, to th# kte of their abtbly. snake * )mL true, end impartial •tttararm ts arete, k# by Ikunt TVy ahall wcarre rash *«iaattU>r. few their am fora a* may 1 • dsforoalMd bv toa Secretary r lb* Treasury. u ( ejoaedtag ten pta day Lw te 7 An iba it ffcrthar smarted. That th* provv- UOM erf this mni shall apply in every rsafart to th* tonic of Otno. and the name praursfoiaga toafl ba ktt tlfo ow-mnt dra the tontoof Dhk mi ore bwrera |>«wktad tar omtortainrag th# araonai daa (Uot# , I Httiaha. tab! tjt the poquimui of maeh anraocL wbrk narwrtniana nadir Urc iiauaum aa-1 rvatrvtam# te this ate. a raMnteat sm ta hsreby yrpmßl ffwr. t AJtet ba tt farther smarted. That a aotortant i ram la hereby apprapntead ta otawy tota art mt,. Approrad. MoroA iff. ItfTT CU \1 XV .—An A-4 b grant to tha Anrc- .no AU*«ite ihtds Tittawrak Cmxpamy. af H«w YurA tc* Rig t rrf Way and taitgr ta lay. land, and operate a Itabmartn* Tteegpoph Chbia .* the kl Unite Oonta te tb# United mates, aid araanhak TeUgraphte cwrnamn nn-atom Mwrc* the United Mate* aad Europe, via Urc iiennudra and Aanrra Utah- * Ba tt rsorted by tha Baa ate and Hook te R#preaM»- tafiree te the UnlteO tastes af Imrus tn tVmgrera trasmhl.l. That to# Imirtira A toon Onto# Twfro graph CVwapany. of V* YarA. ba and are hereby vans rd with tha rtaftA pt wow. and pnvtlnge. having n* uutred th# iinrar? And thore/oc. ta Uy. tend. aaU operate thesr rnifo or -ah4#e an th# A tirade rente, ra refrt toerontate PV-nin. nttom tha jormdirttan te tha United Mate*, ouff Wto nghA power, nod nrxvihma »* to Uy. Uud. and <*»»*• ***** °* ttsttl ba vested lit (he raid Ararkren Atlantic 1 ntoa Tstegraph Uorarany few «he fwrvd a# rwwnt* rears foam the ap proval <W tota art : Prevtttad. Thai toe stad sampan y •toll tit art!Vi up Totems wtthth toe (par te two years foam toe ap wwval te thte art. (tan 1 And be ftlMhtt inerted. Thta th* Imrt rae Attantte CUM* 7 ■tegragb Company bav’uKg m> paired tha as rearary Umi tharetar. ahoU here the ngut power, and p»iv Ugw to Uy. land and operate their ratoe ar aabita «ltotc toy oi the barber*, aakera. intrta. town*, and rttea on toe AttanUc b rate, except the «reata te Florida »tamg to* monl practice! sad raavraxmt Unding and ta ciintarnrt or arort all the necessity fixtures l» ».renpilsh toa rigid te this art Sr. S And be tt fe Uur imaetod. Thta toe gwvorn ment te Uw> United Abate* ahall ta *0 tone* tore to* gwitanarr ta ite aea «pcm terms that may ba agreed upon bekwara toe Purmßtore U.asri l sod th* amd rosapnny. tac. A And be it ftrttor aomtad. Tbat Oreagrera shall tore lha poser » alter, am re A. ta repeal tom W V*roved. Martel ». MB7. CMAP. XA L—An Art m Btofffik a Port te Dating) al Oidr. botajlnan Be tt enacted by the fitoti and Borate Bininanra tatlvaa te tha United taataa te Ameratt te Uonffvnm aarambtad. Thai Oh.tear. u. tha dltanrt te Phi afiitobfta. •taaO baa port of dtttvary and a aorreyur ahefl to appointed, who atoll taaade at aaid tort of dtatvary and PKctava a aalarr te firc bandred dteUrn pur annum. Approved. March SS. 1887. CMAP. XT**.—An Ar, ta inrrenta the Ftern In tha intato Otom Be It enacted by the Bsnata and Moure te Ra|a< •relouvre te toa United fftotaa te Amarira tn Ooogr>a* » "iprtfo already piftl.l few ky taw. rash ra addlffiram anmtor te pnartpal ixanita ih. mat aratatant raraalrara, ud aro and bsantant ararato ra. as may be required te Uoa* rot tha rartratt to* tefica with toghk: asamfnwn shall net sure finar te arah store, and that to* food snare! cqa is te ton pßtant teßar tool! ate exceed Us aniral rrrcfpta Appeared. MraaAh. lift. <MAP. XT ill -An Ate ta foMHrywte 1 ton Iteuteß , taUves te the Cnatarf Bhfn te kml— ta Congvwna ■reasoned. That AUnnsder B Rmdaff. Jreras Barton Letaxfo Ratnary. NtebasilelP Bank*. Mdney Ptatieta . J ma t»masse, Ann T WBaia. ttottieva tt Orth. Dale !It Attttey, Bataan Paftne. Chtatos O'Brtß. Bart Vra I Ham. ftftn P Dnmra Praderick K Vcmdhrtdge. Jnroh brata. John RuU Htotby M Cstore. Ttomre A ! Jsnrha. (Jrtn k ferry H R Bonlkors. Franris There ran. hufem Maiforv. ttktoJy*CtariU. Create Pitaliy. Walter A Ifortugfo Jftn Vad*. nrf their ranrsnrare. nr- -eetttute.'. • body w> rata ta the Dtetrvt te Cm lurnbtn. by th« raane te toe Ltncten to mt Aero 1 ataSftoa. tar to* pnrpnaa te erwetteg a mraamst l In the 1 j ty tt Week 1 m<tnt . ■iramsmoeattv- te in* great char , ter te rcaahtyrttan rad aulrerm. hbraty In Auarkra 1 fern 1 And to tt fenksr anarud. That (to pmwrjoa ■ named te the first ratonra tt this art shall to the hre t I t costa re at toa ereporafosa. and shaff bare power m . til rnrana m ttosr a amber, and ta odd to thoir nuns ‘ tee. me n rrrting ana foam raft Mat# ta tha Oram, am t A:tt tott further erartad. That stad aarpo nttbre ttU tow pernor ta own acsl eonirtt racA prop erty aa may b# rc rarary tar the earrytng sate te tha by. '-tm mt the ara.tottra •tar. A And to tt further anartad. That sttd oarpa J ran 7= sb*a tov p>.nr-r aa fubte mnsa^nadu^mato ‘ to tt farther rpaetad. Thta mid aorpo | ra*v.u shafl tore p>*nrom spp'unt than'Uttrteen. wto* 1 shall bare a gewerm mmtrrf te tha mMm.rm us rarf who may to ttearfd from ] pevaama art iraladte tn toa tot te rcwpnrrawtofor n. • Ihe ircmrarsr shsß saaewta a hand tn tato praeity m may ba required, aa mmatt far tto mta kaeymg at I to# foods te the rorpurettao which may mm# tata hu hands, and few toe ttsXhfoJ dmchargv te toe doffoa re qauwdte hire ttm. A And to R farther ratrtad. Ttot tern property te ante cerperanra tote or by them few tto aaro aarf pdryere <rf their lanerporntina ahall to an > ampt teem all (asm to ba fovmd under tha anltorUj rs 1 ihe Unurd Hum. or at ray munirtpnl oorpiwaUun . witoia ira Iwtrt te (‘-huato am 7 And to it farther soarted. That • mgrora may at ray time berrefter repeal, attar, -w amrad this Approval. Marc h M, 1887 i CM AF. XX -A* Art ta eottowvx* tto Apprenimsot te .ertoia Vatchsara. and tar <rfh*r Purywam to II #xmrted by Be Beaata ral te Reprsron muwß te tto United Btataa trf Aorcr *to Cuogsras . aißirakla A That the eight wnfohmts J* ths ftan* te ih* • nidurf. At tto ml f ra^stahfos^ . ihpaaei. to W-reafWr appointed by sos aarwrat si arms I tt the Baantc aad toe •> irea aborma tt lha Hew ! Thai thy tetrare aforesaid to o!n> antosnsed to ap i point thrm adrtiftanal usarhxnra raa ar rech of to# . smsiwni purticoa rad enrUngrcways ander the aara*. Each aafekau m — prdataif shall rarewve an sanam ooupaiKMO-m te raa toonsaad duUaro. pn>ahljratoa >wd#r te the tajgemt at-arms te toe Itaoale serf ths | rc-rgeanf alarms of the Hera* 1 m*4 -TThLr" mar th# and rs 1 Urc present tocui year to. and the oarae k* tortby, a*- >< nn l qi[ -q-x** te aaid wittrhaaen few the Boral year *adA&d Ju»# toirtarth «ighu*B bandred and «»• to* ora f tervoaThraipinf dutora le torahy *TE?*r^«e—«fa» m “ faMa-orc H~fa«M.l uj PTMU, A Ik. *•#“ #>“•»: puM »r >fa* iriiilifa -mm--1 t— -*■ trim Ifc- KM- M Ufalr ““ M Ufa , MK ,fat »lfatfa|M K Ufa WM pfa. fa MfacK fa—faj Ufa, W Mfafa ■n fa fank] m.t fa *•.*#•* reding the thirtieth Juxrc. etgbtero hundred as<l stxlj Mt, t>u the mm te thtry three hundred dttUr* u toro f 'ikegUKi *wn* te to* bsnata and to* sirwr t mh-mrrnnm us to* Boas# arv barefey eatowlrod ia uhrti pa vra for a uniform for tk# Cfepttrt pftew aad wa^- raon Mfa) fn up* io snrft member te the force two raita per yam. at a cote not lo earned fifty dteUrs per •usx. aad tare to furnish aaad force wtth toa 11 »ratry belts, arms. Ac., at e rate nte tt aacaed twrety Bdlara per anaa. and th# o-.xmnt a#oeomry ta sorry Ue pro vmtaa ite* afftn * hereby ar>« fermtai anfi te aarr aararate to# tnsrery are xtarara as propnaraL payable open the osrttocata te th# cffLwrv nboe« to* no*#yi barmnhte wv anwpru. ied ahall ba paid mm urc awoHngvul fond te th# wre Jfa. faMTCfatjlM tfa. Mfaptl f«faa Ufa IMMKIfa Ufa aifaM M KfaUfafafaM UMmafanM fa aut. mcA nim mJ WIU ISHrcKaMeTLsess SS IroSS - - | - --- -- Ufa paMfa li.fai IK MU. arc ra*ii rave power UI mrrmt and detata say perron Ho- Ufa,rcrULifaUU> m.fafalreifa I I,fa. Ufa rr. ,«fa faifaraM fa- am mfa« '"Ufa order A ( wagrra Bar A And to it farther snorted. Thai aC to wi#ya ■tfafaUWfa Ufa Kfatafatfa H«‘» l “K *» to# ether Ntfer works *rf ih# Instnrt -rs Orfxutts tooll to asprodsd ander toe AlrtM te the Secretary te fear. Bat A And b# tt farther aanrtad. That all hr* tu rramnal with thwart ar# hereby rvpaored. Approved. March ta. IBC7 p C HAt XXI -dU Art araenfotary te the grgnair Art te Odnrod • Tvrmory fie tt tod by the JttfthM aad Moaee .rs Brprcren arerraßUd ruttebr to- aremuaa te «b* te-- itw ‘ - te urft*nd.> T«mv'j shall to Id rental Member* rs to# rotreml ahall bs teertad for (to tarm of fora yaar*. and members te lha braa for to* term of too years, aud shall romsre toe rem te mx dtetare per day tnetred te thro# dollar*, herekftww atari wad. and aha*, olau racteva to- aorer mileage ana itllßlf by **nnc A And to it further esretad Ttot staff bra * •hail bar* author.ty ta start, in AddUam ta to* storors mre af bread by kre. aa #nrte2tng rt#rh. aho ahsil ro Crt w fiv# ftdtaTK par day Tto fttaf ctark tonU rartevw «x doltarw pea day sad tto a«tor etorcre atactad by rad wgmitears atoU racteva fire Lrflara pm day each Mac. t And to it further ret raid. Thai tto atsretor* te tto 'lgarni a—ably >l»ftad ai the grastal star U.m te real lamfewy in the ysnr dfffira hundred rad sixty-arvan trail cimpm the Baot lumHnri ra der thta net. and mni agmtaxmrc aboa mere al to# toa# raw; fired by taw tar Ih# te toe Ugwtauve Mtaatti te nsikwodo Tcwntary Approved. March ta. l*t CHAP. XJUL—An Art few tto tappet ut Part te Urc ytattamai fenldxwv' aad tothwv* Unban Urea* la the LHstrlrt te (Vitninbm ft* u satotad by th# tore and Mams te Reprra* murea te tto United tttatae te insrvs m uapiei aresinbUd Thm there to. aad u hereby appr->pcmi#d. out te ray sacorcy tn tto fete—y nt a«h#r*ia# ap pr.yru.~l to llu -Pfafal *- P«< Kwlfa—fa* fafafa SOM. lfa*fato S—fa. « Ito Dfafato •< ....—rp.u.l ito lufafaQKto fa JMj. «t,KM<fa boufafafa MM fairffa u fauMfa bf Ou Mb —I Ito Ifafafatffa-urc •# r-bTfafarr. M«M.fa» P.fatoK M>4 «!»«-«. fa W OfaMfa Ito M Ito «—■ -I MM MfaUfatoM. » tfafato ulUbn Srcb *l, nr. cm, 111a An fa- nlMtol fa ito tor K V tototo Ufa MtoMtob < —« -bn,| to fatnl lunl 1. Bfafa to tt t- - J far Ito Ktofato toJ Bfatofa <l l toprtofai HU-ffa oC Ito I'Mtol Ulfa -I Itofafa m Ci to-,- bl~t Ttol Ou (Ttol Mfato to fa« <tt Ito fau.fa< to; o I tol- fai(bl— boutout tod fan- to to art sufa -t Ufafal to— “ uirty Ibtofato mu to —* MMi--- - MI 1... lUfal.fa « Oryi. to tto urpnfa fa fatofaiMirfa fa-v alurfa I ffttfil. to •» mil fa Ito KUto fa !tob»»tom In Ito tofafa Mntofa fa if -TI br fall II fat bfafa fa MM al Ito t-'tonn fa tto tofa fa Ou pnfaW* “• #-* Urn. Xn—r-i. Sfatb to, UK cur HIT M Art fa I«<Mb tn Fm to «l*Kla« Ito tobtoc itowto. ml to obtor torfafa to ,1 faurtoK by Ito UfaMfa tofal B<-fa M tollfafa <4 Ou 1 ntofal Ktotofa M IbilM M Oupfa - - TIM Ito atm M MW Mem— I ImUara u bfanfa. «M»i'|inMi,t. fail •! mij fa toy in Ito Itm» „.,Lto!Stofa»Mrci»to«totoi»ito fa lfaul .4 U. ÜbfafaM amOmr Ito toto— “ #• ntbiUl fa tor Ofabfal r-fafafa to fafabto,. Utto( ,[K mM mini fiHIUM bifal tofaunlM Ito pnUu gZmmta ami ——-l Ito Cbpofa to. 1 UK to tt fnrtbfa falbito.l. Ttol faU rfaulfa UK fabfafafau al Ito Ctonfai bnlbttn, atoll to auda •Ufa Ito <»«« ato Mpn '.aiaai fa Uu utoafat fa Itoifaklntoaia IpaurK Manb to laKT. l-Übl* IXVIL- Aa Art anrvtomaaury fa u to! ulfa urc -u ill —fa—y Antornaifafa bj* aanby O-U - - T fa Ito liruian 1 bu ito Tauaaubna Jana Ulfa, MKtoto buKtoK uK att)«aU. afal ||» totor rnryfaaM. P—l Safa b auai. afabuoa Kail rairarK by toa Ibtoato afaK tu raa of Ito In.UK KUtoafa Kuuuato^Ooafafau fa aurnlfa < to” atott*rc to tout fa pr—Ol Ou 1 1 liliarr ynaw. M KfaaMMR toau u ito Ttoaury IH|Ui.l ami Ito boaua lharafa by Muir aam ato.laiyaaa. bat Ito a oar tor fa ptra—u aMptoyM la OOa aarrfaa atoU afa ba ucraaaaK. IjiaarrK Jaly 11. tt# CHir inm Üblb ito toluf fa oaaaadn Sri- Klar. arc Kfafara IbaMa KafacaMaK. Ka tt rauraad by Ito liaab uK Haua fa Kapaafan uiiraa fa Ito I'iiuK lain fa imrav n to Caacraaa afartobtoO, Ttol ba aoMur aa aaur atofl totatoa fa tobltotoa toa.fa rttfaa.ato atmf aa may mmaAUk ftotr aaa-aKaacoaMa. to toa ..a.lto-l naul Ufa alto ** Ttttt bl. fa.tofa fa MOMto rca. *** f ...... aararraK by uy aarb aab- Klar fa aaator fa bu pay. tofaobr. >a—‘ia. fa fatoa M iraura WlbbM atoll to oualraaK anbfay M b rau rol fa aar KtoabUty aor. aolKUr fa aalbfa aaby toaa orarrfa by Ito laaa fa toa MbaaiMy la au ’TJULran. inly a. ue. coat UU.—Aa.lfa to 111 bKib orrtoa Toot KoaKa to tt ■■■■al by Ito toa»»r uK Sanaa fa Srpaaau toO aaa fa Iba lallrj Matoa fa Ito ulna la IVtogaraa ■aartoblal. Ttol tto btoafa to itoilMbfa M pofa mam mu laa.laib ala « t al, tt> Ofau KaMS man HblKaifaK la Kara FuL Ippro.rJ July H. KMT. car XXX -ia in uutouutory ,ba Wa» Out "ia id la r— Ta toa Ito toaa, Oau uatoaaa fa lb. bub I KIM I-- I iUii -to Ito iinrub Kbb fa Sank, iteiiib bfatol arc Mao rc to? fa bu rrcuK artyaaito Ka O [to ‘i n by tto Karcba aTC Euan fa SaK****# toatau to Ou l atoK touufa i-~u to Itof.. . rcbbbb Ttoa Ola bfaiby KaatoaaK la toaa bau tor Iru babul uK aaala fa tor an fa lb* aaaaTC Kay fa *lO.lOl QuaMoXiiei 11 ito ito iiaMOiK "4a aM to MoabKa toa Ito UuaKKajtol>~ ■ ■■■l fa aba tobfaKKaau- arc fa Sa aMaarc#- i- ) - - - yaaaaK u Sa totoay IKK-K toy fa men iiufimuitt «uty *2 a u * rwto rare Uj be continued tubj*ct m ail w>« *■ turf an wiiaulf if ikt wpiiin 4Mr«*. aad w tu pina*«a( ittirtg to (V«fim •A. X lid be u further *n*rtil. rtmt the aom > »f «rs iuiivi 1 m au irt ikftil ha*« power. rabyw-t to 14m dlmfTromi to U* Omani to Ur army of lb~ Crated tUftae. ad to b**r *#*rt «B U**fv proeed. • urn*««r la Um cpy, to larit waiMtoir to MU(«d a* muafi toxm nUn*. nr Hun Ur portorw aata to ertburl latM and Ur n*rcto to tottrml pow ®rtto** to bald or rarretrr. at? rtrt! or ■littery JEkX or tot/ in matt torvt aadar uj power. UcQua ■gprtiitmml or MXntj i.-n**d from. or fnolid by. or ctelamd ato, any *D~ml>d took or Ur fn*m ato tWato. or ray auairtpto or Urr dir- mm to» ■ >r<rr. utort to Ua 4i*n*proi *i to Ur Omni or •tormatou^ubi to pr*'rtd* from tune to ttoJ to aoMM^Tnap iam?oSk*r or nudirr o< *iL* army. '< nrty Ur nipiatawi to *•■«• other paraoa. to art fbna *U* aamr. sad to >9 moac-tor oatt—awnl by dmth. rortguruim. < * oltomtaa. Aac. a 4*4 br tt farther roato4. Tt*i Ur dumJ to Ur ant./ to Ur bolted Mao. *h*Ul bo tsramod an* afi Ur («,etn to an*; - aaum. r*« appoint n»*yt- ad driail grar.trd in Ur pto tooj aoctloa to dvc. 4. And bo U farurr mart*.!, Thai Ur art* to U« A rrt to Ur army ilial) done ■ naMttf torti odtorro. ato Mywttoi- other* a UMr lUal are I i.aroby r«lnMd Prandra. That aay ywroou beroto t m or e*r*nltor apT *mu< > / aay dwtn-t —i-omtrr ' to rtrrciee Ur function* to ajart odtor. may be m. i ouTr i either by Ur mittur/ Uc*r tn waarad to Ur ! dirtrvv rto Ur Omoral to Ur army And it UaA ] bo tb* duty to ouch »aor. Wto tmur* from toßn* J ar aAroaaad oil pore wr obo are dmloym to Ue |»i«ra- ' torn! to Ue Lotted heir*. ar who sm> iknr ndlwal m- la aay maar or «c hinder UUy. pew* oat, or ! -Hburoct tbc diar and prop* r a4rr:nie«jm*>n wf Use act and Ue arm to Thtti H to eoppUearatary flat 5 And bo A farther mart* A. Thai Ur board* to ncsAfMka pron.dod Ur la Ur ad aafttOrd An art •upplunrntory to aa act muttod *Aa art to yrwtii Ibr Ur awro (Oewat paortmamat to tfaa robot sue**.' ; and to lornluato iwanoaa paoaott March twenty- 1 Uror. elffbuos bundnri aad atstf ar»*s. *haH bare power, apd M *hnfl So Urtr oty Wdoro altowsap Ur to any parmn. to aanartata. npoa «wt tor** or 111! I rum m Uoy can obtain whether mt prroaa to —tla Ito ba rrair mod under aaad act. aad Ur <*tb rap aired try m*j At abail not ba onmrtaase on aasb guealeoa. aad ao | ■roan ahull bo riptoiarad naira* mb board •fcafldrckto Uai bola entaUd Uaro to and oath brand abad aba bare pernor to agamiar, under nth. (to be odn tni moral by any ■amber of (rmadbaiar rynunc bnt ■ rrrry care to ro fttoai by Ur board to raptator aa appMcaaA and ta a*ary .mar to atrt)un« b« aaao* from lb lid a bramaaAer frmidto. U* boar-1 ato itor a not* or ■rmoaandam. which abnJ bo re ared rat Ut^to Si cilnto!?n'. h itooato aach dnhmtL Uo Hat hnrrulrd. That prrwti obail br t» toahbai or ■araabrr to BhJ t ort to R«.«frnUoa by rearm to rare or oolr.r or f li.ll- tfuffW rnitoad. Thai Uo tra* b trti aad onion to ato tb* <«U. proombod to oo*d oap oto Ir. tanamp tobrr Urru*.’ that aa parooa oh I*4 Wn o oonaabw to to* toputataro to any Uea*. or Ob her bald aay Mima or jwdlrsto odbro ta aay l Ua*r. wbotbrr ba ba* tahm an oath to rapport tto» ( laaHtfana to Ur t uMrd Btatro or not. end obrthar : be OM bvUto* aub at Ur wouMikoaunt to .Ur rr htobm. or had bahs h tore and oho baa aArr ward* » Uwn <«r roltoßm >polar* U* Urn id. ta ■auJtoU re,. <*rad or to onto and Ur word* “«uc«ti** or Jadv. aMr* ,h any ttn* in 1 aotd oth momma* 1 *l*.- S. .mtoraid to urtndo aa ctnl tdbwe rrraard by ie U* odßunsounuon to ' *boT 7. And bo n fnflrr m od. Tbat U* ttn* tor omoptoun« U* oriptail mrutorum trrtUi tor u •aid ort nay tn Uodtocrtn. to U* rmnmandar ad any tomet bo orien.l * I to Ue tom day ad Uatabar, •Aihioan handrail and au.y-w -an. and Us board* to r-anmratMw anatt end it Uall b* tb» ui«r artict Hid opm to the ttm* md pdaeo UanrK. tw roerno. tor a period od •*# lay*. U* npmni.-e ttato. and npoa b-»op ooti* bod Uwt any p*rwrm » « rstlthod U*r *0 > baa boon rep ■tonal, to «tnbo U* ops to owed parooa bm Uo bra. rod ouch parwaa ahal not bo ilrtitblU- And aach bum! obeli t* dortnp Ua na* paraod. add i*nl roputry Urom to aH oh » a^Uet *b> la** ant boon air wdy ragitoani. and no pwooa - w - at my tamo, bo «nuCr4 to bo reptourod w to tor any act «r unp otv». *Uan aad pardon or inaiPf. ov**id duinatSfy bint from ■npurronrni .w am. A And bo I* forth- r rorirt. That oartAmtonr U* aimi * or goarrol maned tbrn m. wbonreer ho bmr/oTrmnrtron.m and w appoint amdher In lua auad. and h til anr recency U each board. to. A And ba tt farther eaaraod. Thai aH mroabaro to amd b»wrd* of wpdiun and aA prrwma brroaltor n*d«r aay r nnM I toato or laaalrtfnl anUortty, ar by Aeanl or spy oatmrat to Ua ttton-t e ■■■adore, ■hall b* fopoirod to UA* and to mhacrfho U* oath to ndl r preaertbod by Uo tor idlflara to Ua «mtod to . »a And ba tt fmto mhUU aa^totot ummt m bw wSoi by to any ctnl tobcor<toto Hanoi totoa. to. 11 AnJ bo II further me toot. Tbat aillhapse mkaa to tin* ort aad to tbo acta to wtorh Uw U up ptomeatary ahaS b* rimunwd bbaruQy ■ Ue rad Uat all U* mam to tool way to tally and perfectly aarrtul rue acanrucß cxiltax. ItpoaAcr to tto Mm op ■ »ii roam rati roa. lf lilt, Print at to Ur tonal* pro lMap oi. 1* tub H ru ■* Imwtmmn. C.S.I July HU. IMT- i Tto tto l otod toam to*m«^n<urunl IM u SwK’»d* lor Ur art* rUtant town m«M to tto lehai Uatrr. pawed ao Ur *w*md day of Harv h. lUblaan bundled ami Mttwm. and Ur act ii. iilir-TH tta*«ot< pair lon tto twonty-tord day to Harris, i mbt i ■ bnadred pd a sty no* tnU to Uarrw. tto Memo *-f toy ro* on to tin* pro i- | to tto i ndKaua. to romnaat \w tto miac and Iwimt. That U* Mil d* paae. to -third* to Ua Rwa to MacraacnutN « m- ■■o< to parr tto anaau Aturn lUWP tocJHEJtaov Clark aiC.I. la nut tlnuATB or na Camu) trims I July I*. UMT f The Senate bnrinf yr fMiii to pnrmaam to Ue Ci aim atom. U retoodhr Ua toll eautol "Aa art to^ttoHujr^rtUuanTgH*in mead to U* robot wtoOaa. paaaad mUa second day to Marrh. eiphtooa bnadred and atsty '■won. and U* net auppUmutory Umrea . mart an U* twenty (bud day to March. Ugbtoin kandfad and dttywm roaunad to Ur Honor to iMiuiaa i by Um Pnmdoat to Uo Uattod Stotoa. ouh bn dpctwa*. ami orr 1 by U* ■•mu to Hr pm oMUUtn to Ur ttmili. urtb Uo naaar to Uo tram , toaat rontrniud Ua US Mm it to. That Ih toll and * pane. loMbnb to Ua ibMli nrnMj to peaa lb warn. Attoot J. w. n»tt*KT. »j e. J. «r4*JVlIJ' r ' cm./ Wtor*. ci.r ma-u w» hn »•» °inn. ! Bank IwUu. Tnk. B* It mi*l *T »• »"«■■< , uo W IW MM MM '( I »Ml. a O 1.l M a— ■ ■.hi. TIM Ik. i 'MM' M ik. l-MW la. W. H4M. k«h. ..IkMMHI M MP“I • lo Os IkrM *«« < Ik. mm; m Ink.. Ik. , IMI of ——t «kM MWkM- wltk * li. I T..10r. I I. MHHIIIIII of tMIMB A«Mrv Jofui ■ H■! mill.. >il ill *—— Ikrl i rfikfOnw.* » h... !> .« Ml M. krtj lo «Mi u.fMk.r M» mk nad fc 111 IB lto euch hmoda or tnbao to tnrttoa* a a are ZZ Ik. UMtakla ■t “« ■ T Mr Ikk .» of > iMHf Ms l> > IkMr fMTMio kukor Iko ilUMCllkk of k. hmkki j to Mk >k4 nkfl'if. tnu. Ms kkk* <» k*k. ~ck , OMI arokkiM. -k»f •>lk. MkkkfjkkkM. I Ibk Bk» « (kiwi MtWkk l nr2.*ml lo Ik. N«k mt Jf irk.H k> Ik. |k« M win M HMj ! far Ik. .kk. _ arc t fkk k. M fkrlkH oumil. TkM Ms rn.lMll ■UM H. kf.Mf to v UM Ikttk. SStkTkW Hvrsmm fi.HIWJ MM of Ik. kodT BOkkfklkk, kkf k#w po. Mfllk? r.k tlk« ok pkf-- f,l - - gtf. t(kkff Mi. tO •kk* k Ik. fowwkwil k. Ik. rt*kt of mptlkt or M .ktcfc MM pit MM Mr . Ok tt.^nrkljif ikkilVi tkillllkl f -Qklkk lom4 to ktthk Ik. SSMSTJCSa-JL^eSTSS^S trtoM.trkkk k) ilk* 1. «r • t.l.nflM HfoMltf . ... - - . o - |intMwt fiwk kr aas«r. HM. rmid. Ik kit., t 'rtrt M eMrtcfk Mkfl l» M klMftk M kS M kIMM- »kk Bktkl M M«kwkf. MMkfMkint) Jit. r .MjkMtM. MTttkik rokt. of tk. Hortkkn kk filklf. IM. k -**— BkltroMl Um Ckik .'MIL Bukikf hkHt Dirt Mow. M Ik. ,f t ..l MkIC Os Ik. UktU. Bf rkwtr MmftfS.Ml«kMfwWk. Mkr. 1 us tt> fk-lk« "»M. IkM Ik. MiwlM MMM J MkkkJ klk tkk| l||l »H I »«' Os tkj Mt.fl M tk. k .MW 17. W Wr* iHM of Ik. kiMMkkt Kkw M IkM kri. ow. tu MMI t*j fcukkM a '« wkn of tk. Ikkktor to Mkk.r«Mk*f , kl»>».J.MM rm kMtd i or mbM tk. kk e. pi Mu MM Jfk. CkttkA MM k *lk t.kkll Ik MMTf Ik-, t us to a Mnkrr mail. Ttok. aiwikrr of In b. (Mikirwl k. ft.(MM wtt i| iitUM. tototM- of umu- um. tor. a km* to It ftofi. I Tto. If Mtd m. M.nM«. Ml Mk Mto HM. Mto itokfkn J fk k*r «to toktok*. •17 ■ Mtik.. m totoVfT i«mM k kkyi totHM ’rESSSSS^^ •a? * UJ baHUtCnCZd. WsMunU Mnno*o(Uir4MpHit Umact to Ow luto faat, to Ur uywd uu, httUbj atjcwtotoUn Atmuud. duty h>, »n. CAA9- Ull2l.—An Mban Uca HUot HnOua ■itt «MU»2b-4»«551t0 TuJaaUnunwatm uirtiri, Hat. for Ua panp am at nnrfbi Into #d*r* Ur ooaoonltoa wtU UtiSlb to to u. i jjaatoaml to HU to ■Ua. to Ua Hutted Metro on Ua 0 i—HI to Um< liwlil, dprt al Oaue* an Ua twenty ftfift day to M*%l Hfllm hundtad aad nuy uj. U* UMBUttnUncy to Ha nppatufi by th* Pritt I at at U> Parted Itona. by andtrtU Ur adrtrr md Bonamt to Uahn>, Ui ba ■ bowel a rates atom UfsJbrUi irttt» eTfcbß Uanmnd dtoiac aad tan dnlHw a day la i anUttu to tr*il>*i *s praam Hr Ua Um* iitonlfr and ■■ ■imartly aaruywd In feme Hun Ur place at hi* Nadu* to Cum a* and niwuai to hta hoaaa. aftrr ttw lanuianttcu to hi* he 1 And ba » t arUer mart.A Thai ts Ua fbato- Hmi HUM Upn to upaHrt Un MUistor Handbni to Ur t'un»i totom fa TmatU H. to pociMCU.Ua duUtt to f’ imu fat nair under Ua eanronhan adwuaabf. gttcb to fttty par swatnm to towaatownl iHn ■ialf* to pwmmi to U* pm-ntin* toU* amU mrtfaa to the aol to Aapuat rmtitoentX. aldhtaaa bondaad mad t*y ■l **To topabn Ua dis am and i. a*utor ij Un ~ °*£* i*4ndb*tt*unfcar ■aetod. THUUnHruMaU h*. md hereby t*. intbiirtail to arnba nd pw iHn tor Ur <-**u"a|r*t cap mam to Ua C«m»mtnu ■ under the oonoo. twm. torUdlat Ur utoty to Ua Catted Mr too tor Uo omymnttu to Ua tnyrn. and to Ua sicrrtary wbo maybe ebtaon by U« Com atom owe, porunant to Uo prwrtUana to Ua roowutonu, or br Urll deem j art and proper Snr L And be tt tartbm inartil. TW naU asm to utonay aa may hr Binary to carry ant Ur proertaan* to Um oat l Uoy are borobr epfrapnetod ml to any money tn th* tr nmai j oat othrroto* eppmprtotad ▲ppraeod. July to. IHT ~ " NKW AND MOST DIRECT ROUTE «n < rtiro, Chktoo, St. Loiiln, And afl Important* peusto Waat and ■orU-VmA NASHVILLE NASHVILLE fcIiORTH-WESTS RAILWAY*. tram AttanU to Bt LonM. Ml nutos Unto Uaa rt» Hmu pitta room AiUntotaU. Lonto. Tt mttaa Uortor than *io Oartnth. Worn Ailaaaa IO tL Lout*. U 1 arthto ahartor than rta to SL Lama*. IOC milaa Unrtor than rta L*tom Mi two daTly trains Lance itlanta. mat my ctoaa cannrcßfam at OHntton 1 if Xasknik. Mnssk, Osin, flfcug, 0t Idw, And aS Important Potato ttorth hnt llanbrlt. Jnr beam. Team-, Htwpbla, Jar hewn, HU.. VkkUor«, ttaw Or lama*, Uwhllr, Aad aS oihar poaaia Heath and South Weal through T 1 bß Hempbw. to ThUrttonaad haw Ortaana, fwod SAIL or ElTttt hire name gat her to Maamtu. and no drtay at rutUMbn by Um rant*. |A«n bam and twenty auautoe dWy bar* Octtata rta lHanphia A At HaattrtHa. Ttatna to Ua HaabrtHe A and SaaOrtlto A JtarU Woatarm SaUwaye AHJtITE AT AMD DKrAJKT FHOU THK AAVC DOUT. ONLY TWO CIIANOKH Batwan Cbattu nu ttttd U- Lanta, rta Mj*Xs*a H»aia and Atoto Beam* an Uanuaru ftw PAiacs SLBraa gash o* all nan teaixh Ample Time Given &r MeeU BAffttgr Clucked Through, hunpn aheap* mm Traubto, Tim* and Honey by Piimhariivg Through Ticket* HaanrounU Ur Ttcbtoa rta XaahrtUe A Worth Vaaiaru Baltwuy FUIOHT Urward.d wtU dtopatob and aaUay motor mi imp* from M- XmUa, Vrw Ortoonr and Mretuhn and —br~ ntonia h Hlchmaa. and toons Helua* to Auaota. Auguf. Haaon and Hoadgoeaery. Cura from At Louw to AUant* 9 H» per buabrt Flour - - * ... IFTpmburrrt And rgwaOy tow roam an a3 other pondu vtt r. nit HP. j. and. maxet Bare* T.r and i tonl ttup L rton’l TtofcM Aft. M tiBAXT. Gan*! Freight Apt. yanlT Am DOLBEAR COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. Open aonatantty. Day and grantat J Caruar ad C amp aad C/aaonaaw Itrarte. la Ur tli—at art Umbra* Iran Dmktln*. NEW ORLEANS Fotmdtoi in 183A Chnrlcrnd by tha LrgtaU taro of Lottixuiu. with CammorctAL Agrl rahniui. Marhd»t«ml «ad Lilmn Dapnti- BUtA Tbm CbH*— ban by tto m marua and Uirwih prusnra) aton to adnentom. outttrad all Ito Bba*aA) wi to wed Atoto CuHapm to tbm and th* HnnU ■■*«■! e mtma It to U* todaat Cnunnriai Ototo— to tb- Camad Uato. Brary to dent rtojpiw toßanHan to U* to Sat to BnaHu tt amdura nut vbat Un bntonau nmr bo. and do the Onrraa—adanto to any braeo Bafam ran Bttornd Ua Ouauanmai Oanraa an Ua Uttuy «r Ur AgnatoUral Oanrm. or to Punma Ito. Arttnto or Si A la*pu, at Ua Bagltob. ytmtoUhttandU, Her ■an, Lnttn arnwafc J *agua—a. TUnupbittg. Pbra, mulcft. ton ,aa— retoty. W# tow aaapto arran—*nanto Am One Tb—>w i Uadanta dun** Ur aunaH year. > tt Hirrbaaw.Vtontoru Lnwyuru.lltoawbn n- r HiilAmo, aa*.. aa* brro toaru to *—n. Utor fc I ibi inruittty to * tow dapu Ejumm or Af«— tu ooulbux ton aroapamal Pratoaaora and Apnrfni* tomi. tiranU, md an Uta— ar* tough I and panettr*.< am k. V. form >nub tr to tongbt m a Wctmwca, (and ts< iby jfti-toai bmr* afl cun eerily toaru. V* tow am* c* Ihr mam* duntylahed PttMgn wmj Wtonnd. m PitoM—ah Mi U barn ire ani UrtV ! U a large —ton to U# Santo amd Uamnaas Hwuw. to Um etty and orar Ur Honth. They ruetou* #l n ' (MB «DHI par annau. Tbto nto ratton I* U. brat tortnai mranw mn giro Uam am* AU. THa BAptoaaa to «Hm Cotta—to A >Attaport over trap II ■ rul Wtofcl. ttb Qanururn who bnra cnttoaly uralw-w.! abort On* •U TbmOatta— wifl guaßCr young g—Miwmu to | upre mm liar laattUtmna In all la ntbara t-totoa. Hrai ! rat Braail. tot-, tt they earn* watt renmnnl. 1 or to 3»Sr£!is:lTLS* —•* *’ p — **“ J! JkMlri^rMu'pMt^kMk^SM." MMMk PMM|"ly m kkkmf Ik. kkknp mu of Ik. Hunk' Ufikii.kkftkliniiMlk4PWke.lkM ■ ■k.k mu l r- ~ — -—‘ Mk tk. .fr.lMkin ■ I Hi OOMT p~J IkMllMk M Ok M M* .M kMI. Ilea It b.~por ooran yenra Xow Ortoaar h** toon m baatthy aa Xra Torh ar Phili tolpiti, CMUp. or 11. »Mk k. T.rMk—Pmp.kl. Ik Mmm>. r | -. f —— • Ik* kklllllk iMkl. Mk kk«l. Hkf, Mk... ■ k* ®k (Tk. km kkUMM Ik. OMMitW Oki»., kkok. Iff uk Pknn.irj tor 1 ►» Wpf to tor IkM UMM.I .• >•« riMck. kkjM. Ommm LkMk. knk -uiinrkMniM: TkOr. cwm M fii.inkip. M«fc. nmmt 4 Lkr TwkM Ik U Ik. I I il 11 H. *«k Ik PUr Ms IkkCkkC*. ftk “*•»“« l« Mkklk. Mkk >» M Mnl Mi f'oklUk- Ikkllkh OMMMkT. ..... J 8.-» Mkdkkl hkrtkk f“4l tor . (Umiu. Ik Us knack m km w kinU il to . LM» TtakM Ik IkM Ito pkrikMi H. iMaMi Mk kiuarkii Mk. mm kr- Mr. TkMU MU kkMMy glkkkMlkk mkM Mljkkki kk. FACULTY: Kinu nouiq. Pn.iimi, lakini m hMuk bereft V DQI-ltolA**flM FIII *Jl it IkrtkMP kk HP Ml OMkjMray. OMMMMkI ftfi , aidtri »k i. W muAk. iSSST f lm»« - *»k *'■ otiTr i, - ■ x-- a*B*o**• antn. ■^jssHrs’s— ;jgaaia«wmA!f nraiu- nmumowm-aBU totfh AM l*** 1