The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, March 24, 1868, Image 2

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Atlanta £Hil« 21rtr €ra. BIT BA.BM. Orrtcui Jocliul •/ m Cmm :'th j o*ticial- journal or thr city. I.\»U.l>T CITY CIB( I I.ATIOIY Ltrgwt Dulj Olmktm ta R*rU«ra B«orfi«. ATT ANTA. O.V. iriSftDAT MORNIJ4O MARCH *fL 1*» r»K pairtiDKir i» «•*». ULYSSES S. GRANT, or iixikuii. rod floviuuot. It B. BULLOCK, or an aliuAtt COCITI. tv» C«mw -Suuru Ottmua. JAMES ATKINS, Or rvttu« Oorjrrv PUTKcfuR. KKMULVKI). THATWK l UlWf Os K Si li «T TO THU OUWrmTTKMI rUUILI* LY TUV < v* is ttaaioH. KUAJLVKL*. THAI WE MUSKST Iff >UV fricvu*or ucuafrutvnox is».E*»t* :i th:.- cjininm o» umruTpitM as»» i». mistlt bectott tiyb* i«* i*nrr n ÜBkJLVKL THAT * r H.Ki**r ut 1. '• TOTUIOM. a ■ BI*LU»CK. OIK * OIHUAU niß oofnihUL _ HF»>LYIUL> THAI *1- rrjM>rn TG *1 r.n fill FHIKSI’* 4 (>K IXiTiStfTtrt*Tl« N Tt» KA fl 1 1 THI fOMWATIOK or TUT U«>\ » >'• I’tLLtXT IS THEtH PRIMaBT MEFTTV'T- TYV *1 *TAI> hui by ram vote*. <M« . BlO« M. Tbki di«tuig«akeJ gvulh»tuan «** n»4 p*t tiitu dto «p*ak in tb* Sta.- lL |iv i. a King M-m. on fhtlurday l**C in U\*x «f ‘ J »* Roroo utruiUuu tiLki k M r- of_tlo-* U* TANARUS« *f t*Y. HT* Tbs KMBllCil 4fr!ir* that rw» white uuui will vote l*»t Balhwdt. y*l Um»v -ay •» *»*i take hard work t*» elect Irwin Grange on trsdicti >n! 1? Inrin was a* sure of Hrtww by Bollock t» of being (iumaof, it wonld 11 dead Im w«I1 with him t*l, r. a. Hltßy This gentleman setiC w* oath- nty L»m s-•« k to announce Li* ti«mc' n« a flUhli')' l, * *•| * * *rnt thi*. the Scveath INO/it tu tb* Oi jftrM Os tb« CfUltd W« ore gmtiftod to «ut-. th** *tih a p**-~ otuna deeidadly romoMKUbU w»*l worth*, * l mUniAou. hst haa desired hi 1 * n.* *l* t o h* pith- j drawn. and will oae hi** inffaem'** in l* half • f the regular uoiain**, Col. JAinr* Atkut c«t. v. A. OMkllt. IV4. GaakiU baring tntcreU iut* tb* p bt. \ ml canvas* id behalf of Jadff* Irwin tb* s Dainoeratic. Asli lilwf. Ault-Rat* AbbUou. AstiHoßiHAl cndUate lor (I'iwn-r, m no] Aoogwr ccmnmctod with th. liarwwa of R* k trail ocl Thu* w nfftik It m -CBMBwnily |Mop-T Uuti ail » th. <r» r. Uud«J in tL IPN - : Cos ion »•». frowm dowttall atumpU u i- fc »t rc'CoosirortKm, ratiflrwuor ao4 the elwrUnn of State hark into the luion jaiif hmk n*«n«**. A* w« pi- iiotal »«»n aftrf Jo*l/* It- • - w*.- V he ta* tieriinesi tt» run f*r tir "• ■ IW of li'nv* i«Ku*r, of -on the <n>ou.l •»/ »*»• h. bOit\. The Wd. ol lanat nnt.l afu r Thnrw i i <>n the Deni<*er>*'*\ *»*l mawt at ¥i,Uth*ir men t»eta*r«»l»e t* - no* «i held. Si nee they are in merely to wj..;- tl. Aght act way they ran, ai*4 a» Irwiu i« ptortaeiy the «ame way tin*re ran hr* o * fcaa.»«i why the two afennLl no* ran well We thall aIW Thttr-dat, what will U dose M« 41*1 >•< Way »« • Jut. Hrowu uAfia «•• ir tbi >«^h North (*e<)rtfm. aaklhtf the peofila L* vote I r a man for Governor wL<o> election ha h** aaid 1 w&«14 hoakrupt the Stat« r * I* b- t - have It all Lm own way ttp tl*«-n agoir.? •{- :r n*l or A Mes**"**. ' We have the beat of authority for earing that Gawerr.. e-Bmwn made n mu b atalement »a iHerenre t*> r<4 K*ob« t Th» tbiav w totally falar a Rin.yy tryrk gotten op to rh-U the rotor* of (tworgiA MW. h'ru A* we paldubr.l, ai»*l aboil r*mtm»»e to p«l> llah, the aome 4erlarati m v» «*.,* Brown, we hs»r thi* tn «ay The Ku e«tttor a denial amoont* to nothing. n**t l« lu* Lrot authority’ ary bet in a.* 1 **• h*- ke*| * that a’athonty in the tha <huk. Ibe qn* at. u»- Got brvtrn'Utj it * We 4ora him U*it, and if he should ww art- prepared to naine qsiU aa rrwpccioble. ami a f.u a; rr h uw. man than bivorit. who will swror h-hoard him *ay »L Now, aland op >t lark **jour nal, Mr. Ewa.— Maom Tdr>jm)-l MarcA Jf) Snee<l is at liberty to prove ha }d*aa**. a* he ha* already »uiUu bmw.f down an a*a. (>t*> and« uial ft -m na la quit# •affirivnt, and we *hali not oeenpy umcb *§p»re hi- ratilr JJ»a iHtillE-G-*? Brown reoiiiuJU u* of a barking ni a man mbeent, wall ±4 ♦-»*» trayritfrg at the rata of forty taiiea per hour f'nrley ran bank M long and load aa be pb-ne* i. We pre aame the * wearing -*f hi* craw will n >( turn a hair bn the Governor’* haml I|k.O> ml flea. H. 11. Mill. " Tirr orrtniTTTON hit «y A» an eiL*'fter Mr Hill<- uU d.-gi«.Mi vioa at a oomp meeting. .I».i he bat turn hiaer raiir step* iu that ;» He gr • n n earnest at timeA an«! « ie«» f» r ventiy. inokiftK .lerUraU<iu aw yebrmrntly .. though tiu.4 wax- *ll m vrde.l \m an ba it* ■ I tell <.<•** , ; HUH thu* Coußtitntw n am! you r*t\bli«b degrade U**u and tubhrr) » the luu-lxuu4*lal L*wn « f Georgia This i»a -««iy ian ..f u i oge |K<rttoti of bin wpeveh It .• very **rj earnest, and. to b«sr Mr ii*ll -lejiv. r u, it sounde very MU.Wr Uut k i«ti« >.|t. tmm-U- Ual point. It y* L-d *«uldi*b* ! uj-.u any shadow of proof. W. Ihitp ha.ked over the new (Vnetitttlmii »»ih »■«* rhyit. of rare, ani*ou* to find the auanudie* of at,at Mr. Bill assert* We cannot that it will rdsf liah anytlung but aiery fair Stale government, and one that will afford j i -lection to thi l pe. pi# of the State Again, a lift**- fuitb ii, h. .^y Now, thru I *ay. ctliztuk this Cum sutnt.'uj mi i honor left yon It iuu*l u«*i U ratifUd; for, OQUdde of all other quentgirv, it arud* yna down to jiosUnty with a charmer a bub i.. white man Lou Id (Iruire to |««r b is vary luporUnl tiirt s gem natn.n m mm individual should U.U.I A cU .lj record .L|~ that i»poit*ut tuiii iu U><- wori.l . fumr' , , uWl*.u poattntj IVtlMlul; ui.. u » nmn a to (mmiinml m Lu a«v uj , Mr. Hill t*. Uu h. . uujr that h» ■l »al. 1 I «nhl what Muixyml fwme lie aetMft* doty t pi«- *L*mdrv<l **•■ »• -b—*- If BN V**nM regard Ibis fuel toore, U*. •• vrowkl be fewer cHmew immouttml m lb- i. me tfWbmil lHxi •*! *»*•** bsox this ateodily in fIM lb# w«-fld would MVst bars had a Gwy OMIh or a Bwnsdirt Amohl Bow do«» Mi MS's pm c<Hß|ia«a wMh that principle' Ws « qmd' th* • ni, acyh*>i> of the |a danstion of I'wnd-nr-iiT .1 PrtOHfd, , Terfacf fieedOAl of r-l.gioae svuluuel.'* •till be aud the m4ui> u herfbv oar a ml. \ml no u...uL«tMf oftbiy State ahall arer U u. uU m |iera-a or fit pvahtUtad from butdiug say pubba oAce or iiust art eo i Li» rdgiosa Ofask a; bwl tb« überty ol f«>u*v*4u*ce, Lftmoy m. ar*M. * all not be so <N-n»trued a* to tfUOat *;-t* of lk'«nU''UeiK«sof justify practwwe iscuoad»-ut aOu the p«ae* nafi lj of the people, il wdi hr rcmasbwaitiMi. ta lifted?. Ur. Hill was moated amici a banner that fought Uir a f*t diflereat prim-tple. Onr reml* r» are all well inhume*! ko*,in tl .Uut two ram* Mr Hill way defeated uuder the Know- N(.-thing (winner. lie bore it gdUniiy. and subscribed b» Ihe rroed of tlnU party, and ili-* well known that that oral vai anything but cooipotihU w»th the high fifiMfbi laid down in tlw *b»vr wrtioi* of the b«» fat. ifc* •*. G- r # is tllS, l<v. hi e»p|K.!.' dby Mr Hul ami the po/ty hg u Uadrng. Tk»* *:t: xi iv an -nt-<r-np..-,. -f t!:- old illibveal »|«*d of Know N, tlj:i'ci«.Ai. *acl y*i »a> ad vocal».J by Mr. Hill teg *»r flfievn vajvxm eg'' lVr.usps h* wo.tild like h*r ti*t t-' be forgot ten. blotted fn in bis rvtvril, hid away from that argu; < j»--d !',»?« rity that will -it iu jmig un i.i *:j - r hir- li»- yf*«S I » i tft • | j*<x;TTta:!.- . r !v;,o. V but ti... ' Tlir: I Oil KVTIOV AT Kl\«*lHi\. *»AT i itmi. H«u. Ja« llklm >on Iral.U tm < oa|rrw. r I-Ithe rail . f th« lb j nbli -an E»e. .lllOKi -mroitbe f.yr tie th lHwlir>-«, tb« delegates m<>le<l a; hi ig«b'ii, •>«* Satnnbij, tb« il«4 irivt . t*» lumiinwte a ltep«Mi.-a*i can dl.late for At l o'rhuck f * . the delegates as*etiit led In the Ix-p i. and the lan iißi* *a» <alM order by 4-»pl Jiunm GUihj, o! W kittle Id ountv »«;-»-•, 1 that »sac How 1- -j f Hip ••••- • • i rlrwteti hie * hairun*u t 1 • i on vention, and OoL Hbutdey. of Kb- and r..»mty ( (•eruiaiunt Hrr|*tin iMt-mwrn m H m Win Maik - Ih-ir nu«M to u ■ before th** 1' ov< ulk>u for tin it<j*uination. t‘«4 Sbiihl« y*« name having t*e» u bietiti. for tb< tt (woicstj n. be. aU<>. iu a addrefcs, L-tog * candi -lore. A t omtaitte* «.f ft»- «>n rredenUola tiaving i*rea appanted. than* their r» j« rt of the following named f-atbuifß a.<* .k-itysn*. al lowing «-ach on* the same uuml er »( »- i- . » I ** it liad tr|Ke«Wtall*(« in the ton ntattemei [ C’oawhtiun -H ' ' l ¥ G w Evau. J.V L r>nn ‘ rung. I. A I‘ nJ. W H Jmninfp, Anettn j Wn*h« Audw-» lAlglir irwjw.f k.u.ii b.'uu«-.. JwN ! (tU-nn. /VA,, 1 J*me* Wa Ms. l» l» Shu ; mate <,i>r\lun Ti-nvAe 1* «t A A Burk /bps btiMy 1> N Brniley. V* I! Iltg genbutham. W li Webb r.Jtk tWttfy W Ua Uh.u o. Ills Fietebvr. A Fay Vfwrrtiy Omnty S K done* 1 . V*. (■;*:, A F Mm>i x U-N. Johns. /«#•'* Wy. Be»»j F iLgelow I /-j . - iV.Hty Aar nCiUrn-. W K II tr 1 "tai uuud-r <4 vr*t-a alb *el 1 . NouuruUon* ijcing nett m <>rbi Mr. NY. ! II J- noiilg*. **f Fulton, nncunated Mr Urn* ttkm*. > i Fulton, and Mr Iking. 6t Gordon • e-ynfy. w-tmmMi V(r !-»*• 1. l*-itinrr.- *-f Knlioti Tire .WtegaliuuN then arbeet—l thnr 1 nprvvwntAliie* t • **t lb-., vd. ar.d. I morn n. f Mr F.tao thevob wa* fykeuly ixdb Cl. r*at>iti»i; Dimftiu j Atkin* lu Mr liunrung n<4 v win » I pon uiotn nos >lr I 1 fi 1. Mi Atkuis was . iIM ■ ..1 If.. r* ,r- 1 the ( apt (Mean, of Whitfield, tb.ii t,ff red the ( fotivwing reanlttik. na *Lidi Vo» HAa.»iui Vsdy j * lopied J iter /mb 'hat ». fuMy end. th f o-l. « At Ur* a. nmlev «t . f *L- <..flhe 1 l uibvl Mo,U I />* .«/ That we fully eivdorwe tha »im ‘ ntr*. 1 < H i* R It I4u!.— k for «r*-vena r. i»u.l |l. l«# ..amtltm |.,J AiH|q*i<flr-l -up 1 port . •> J l*b-t the pt. f ts.»« < >-u rut.ou i.e puhltAir and :l the N> « i .? tt and »u. 4 elbrr i« M|4p rv • t J trie! as are favorable to r*' nnreturn. - After three r cml ■ h,.. - f,.r Bulloei xml Atkm* c: *t Atkti.s, tr. .and rt tyro h thank. ! lb* < <mveat.on f r »br h -i >ts« b.m in giv ' u. him the K.iaiiua :.. ad. ph and v 1 hiiuA- !f to>V full support r.fC, } p ■’ wA xi.. 1 the iw ; eonairtreiuth Urkrt Mr J running Ijev. boi .*i}a| f. m kl .j » J short tpae*k, p!-dg«« li' «- !f t G ■ earnwt | sa|tp**rt of Ihe tt-itnae« -f tl.« t «*i«tenti>.n.afi4 ! urgeil all b> oeorpt the (’..oafllution pr.vpuard i Ly the C <>a vent IMS) a* the q*j. ke<nwyd t.veivil , g<«t ernao-ut and |mmo« irdvr Cutivm'.ktti ib u adj >on»eU •: -• /.*, sod O* the delegate* p»x*«l out of the tb pot • tfcry •a bamocratic Kangwrtv-a wbv» n.i»t-<ok the rr4*y efle* tof |L«r l.o*l whisk v they La.l drank f-»r lb>' }>r-4&( t !i;’( of set,*. . in til u d* - j ceiw V ami »e th* G»i»i«* kn* . u- Wtur they Were tr t 1 1 ... »a i.h only m ; |U yaiuii of - • n i«4 the CVwivriHion who h oih-rwi#e -.-.I .fl i wuh the gTV*ta«4. barm- ut. ni»i:e( ii GOV JOSEPH r. BROWN I*, hvru. I M .VieCU w In. ■n- V \l , a» I Mb. IMV*. _ . T*IA S* UFF WK-AJrt ala Ol w . ••ati. I’pnii the aul»p. t **f reliefthe p-ei4r. Mr Hill *p< »k* a! ev nM lerol U length flc says, "a* Ur Icw k as neMrly flu • Vi-afw a r f g •u in tha fksle t«Riod i tr atUnU-.u ««» the aahyeet. Ac. And he tbet. t huiu the fwtlare of tUat/rw of whom he w, n-> the great es part, to ik-viv i.nv pm- tn-sl uM>]e of relief lie nay* L tL:ukv they. ,<iid Ua-. >.-*.•< ,J % - plan bv iwtiis- ,if thev ba.l Kbit, (kfftmnieni While thev aonhl gladly have luul c«/htrtd<>f the Gov. r*no* ttf, it tsbaid • tr* aea h«»W that Would Lave elrvut- 1 tilSiX Ca- ! iwtrtly b» the prrformonae of tin a t.,*k. which tIKV ioqM not orcoup4udt tv thr-e y*ar«. IU sod his frtwtid* are evidently t -> akiw for tl»- tiaara if they coml I devnu- notbu.g praeliml in three years, they an- not fit to rot»tr**l the Stale Government. But h«- daooancea ii*t wt. i- i.ii AMin, all the leaaer light* who I II .w him d-.. m » • heat snd a <fe-cwt*ton Why do il * r «ar « Simply herons** th*y w mi* to d-reive th ja pie, and prevent them fiotn'totoig f*wr tin- (<a. Ntitntioa and the candidat.-. f'ol Hnllo-'k, who 1 is a bald, determined relief rusn Gentlemen, I warn ymt not to U d*-*-eivnl by Ibl* dlah-*»»*-! and» ' i UiirtMoii i lief tn*astir* IU * 'l*h* Khvl**-hs *4 tha Ktatk ar* all inlereaUenn wvial* ailing y**a »»u this «ftiVa- Uon They nrv ail liie but* r • uhukr <*( (be Consilttttkm. Why »« Ibu' If tn* relief la all a and a «b- epL-m, why they | ♦ ara any thing abnnt it? Why flgf.t it, if u can do them «M* liATtu. and the pw*qde, wbuOl they are arekintr to min, no good' Tha very J fiw t that they all tnoi e vrar np<m the (ViMtito* ' t»*•»». shwtte that tbcar k|»ow it >!*<« r uUm • obttswtial rettwf Tbii ir.iaple fist is worth * I '-iaflHl J4l JiilLs mi|iC) iimlmHi'i^a up»u the subje* t If i« aai«l u»e I»e«»ett..- m tui oiuOitatiui*!, ami will Ui mi ajrvte by the eowrta. Than why dtrtbe o# rwtkef drwod K? i Hut how ar« th* court* U/grtatli? TbsOa- Btitutxon gives U<> emi t ui tha Shale ywnadir tioa of tha qmmmtum How is a Jodga to try I a cmm of which ba boa no junadietH.u f llow 1 j i* s Slot# to 1— rootpGlev) bs estr.bbob mUo [ - «hr sad fire th*io n Su t 'poae tba OmaOtoUou gava bo Coart in the bfoU aritatnal jariwiicttoa, a«d ahotisbad fraud juries; boar any Ja-iga get hnld us a etmji i*s ,a*r »u i tr; it? The OMi sUtuUow luuifx the ’iinailietiou ttf Ju«Uaa of tha Pare* to flTl If tha oppoaotife *4 tha’ CooMimtson ha rght, that a Court try a coaa of *rbich it hc.» no jurisdiction, why may not a Just lew of tb< !’««*■»•. ns* cogmaUKH- of atulUy xrw for a.Wd Tu* l luted btUe* f'trvmt v* *urt* try no case *4 debt nnJar g&Otk Why ant' H*M*ia tiny b»v« m-jsrwficbus of ur drb! La alraa •w<>oui. Why ccolJout tht C ounty i xirt.or tha lofenor Court try sn act too **f fy+otmewt to weaver land’- Hr etu* tlichujan r Coart abwas had jnmdie tioo iu each case**. Why caoc. t the Supe rior Courts grant Utters of odmuuntrnt) n on the ratal. -4 a dereaaej )icr*uu ? Simply W eWBBS that jmtuHdior is conferred exciu*lvrlr tpn that Vurt *4 Orlmsrr Fdrastlj, ftns4 divorws cow hi Imp granted by U»r Ugtaiaiarr Why -ann-4 th»* lrgndafnrc grant a divewe* now? The Constitution hs» withdrawn that jarualn-tiou from th«iw. and givan it to tha c <*ortA. Why m-V not tine f4o'»revM» t' .t * M'-ctoe- the Comfitatioii confer* the j«- nsdtrii. n wpnn tfc# bnperior OsUfC and thwiu. Whv ear»m«t a divaree be grant ed iu any tae in Soutb ( aroltnu / H*-«a3se ociilri Court* : <f t*i» l*gialvtar- of that Slate are nadrr»U**J b- Uvr ;uitMln*tion over tie *uhj«v;t. But it i*waid tl. (A.r»*titation of il.e Bulled Slates forbidsaey Kuk ta laiwir tbs obltga- U -ii rtunwtrsn This i* true. I*at tl dows u.,t any s t '-mrta With ja a*vL, t ut. . iii . u tracts i»n tbu p*'int, l»u*t...i.fUd L* ib- .-iHKiutt of I'hief Justice M *r*h«lt. the at Isat and moatl .ItaUAf Uiab-d jurist Amenea h.s ev» r. pr«*)ucad. Il is true Ur- ( hamctarUr* tU r-tuiad to aft rd a retrcly vt had Uith -i l »|*aka «4 il tu Itiidi Urun. t*«t *l*oll- that the State* art- not e-itni. 11* • 1 ttirmuh tb* remedy UavThe livetl hn 'J.;a »Uv. wkn-M k'ludirds of BitUton* of and. tar* iiMW iG tarth of *bt(*h h44* aetr» i vUliai ..I have Iv-ett destroyed by the war b. UMgbt .hanrriew.M| lh -j u-t u -f lad tilth in vary -L/f.-i ni iigbh (Tu* f Jiiati. - M intbiiil ,aay* Our country * abduU tbs e«Uao»diuarj vp*‘* ' facie -f (laUiiu-t Hiid, in r»*4*«cta, ui.le р. vvruiusnG ever t 4 *•*«# br*.i,.«> 1 n—TL. i “"“•e i arr r -tr„: .and tr iu unptur.iij tbs Gig« I*n «-i < ootfMh, but I bey furnish tl*« remedy to «o --| force tbem, nixt adnimivU-r that r<-tuedy tu Irt | bunals cundiftltrd by thrnfa»*lv* » It has Gen *di->*n obliflttlToii i«dt*tioe* *n>tn . . . zbl let I m' Ij »»dboui aflilag m i the vt-ilgatioXi To Afford a ryiuedy is ! rertaiiily a high duly of tb-oe who govern to | th“*w w'b«' are govermd. A failttra in tbepex |u rn Aurt if tbin doty subject# lha govv raiu-nt t.» the just rfprtsrh of the •»*cid Hi W tkr «. ./.• Ci* .-4 untirrUkijt U> f«t- +Ct Usjftr i tff ttie ('uuatMaUon be say* Ils languor- th, 4•»*d».*« ti. tt-*l »and .. ... It p:■ Lll~.tb- Stiles fr--ui p.ia-ung | any law ua|«tini>g tha obligation of coatrolca. 4 •< iuf * y«H then* ft enfortt nmtfriietA l SL- übl a Slat, ba snAciently m»ane t.> Abut ['op or abolish >L tv arts, and ther*Uy withhold li.. w«>ald thi» auuibilatH/a of remedy I aiuuhiUts tb*- al»itg**i''n ais.v of eoctrarta - We-kaow it would i. L If the debtor should i oovue wilftttu ti.*- jartadiCtioa of any court of awtUv Mute, th*- rviuedy wouKl W» immctli I at* iy spplu-J. slid the iahe>ent obligation of j the oh.tract mGrcad. Tbi* rann-t In | wcriliel to a rvm-wal of the obitgatKio, tor ! the poAaing th** Un*» of a Mate enunot refresh en obligation wb;.*b mas fSliuguaabed It mn*t be tG» original »n4igal»ou .irrivrd fr<>ui fhc agreement of tba purtiea, andwiuen ctiata *j.- «*HpU./ *1 tbongh tlld rnnfty ifHM Fl'fMniSll. Again If tt laav. « (he obligation untouched, bat tcufJuf.Lt Ik* rru.fdy. rvt *.ff**r-U one which m uiervly n>-mi&al. it u like ill other i-waea of tt.i»-g v 1-rum* nt, and leave* U»s debtor »tili IhU4o lo tbs ocvdilor, should ho be found, or »h‘*uld his property lw found icktr* tk* Imr» ol- Gii 4 reiiiofy Fruiu U.« olh>v« .{iM'U'tctu from th- chief of i Amenraq ju.lgt s. u sill br sr«n that there can I- u- ip.i-■» *- j: »In lb • Ji-wr of a Slat* to wutb'ta a*T T- only, of |». *UL?. 1 partial I I tiflH. bf « tftmial t ;r;r:» 1 . Ihe o«*untr> lURMI »u li»e с. ribti«>4 when On- f Justice limhall wrote not k»o ehsrv-ti-nml the. act ol *(ithholJiog 1 x T'\ U ith > \ m«a of tnii*^T«rnajctit It i» . to . --tv at 1 -a*t for a rmoonaUs time Mr )i;H »n«l bi» Ml*-a©r»• ti tha one ban-1 *xy tl.e'tei.ef u.t«iun*» ai»* » deweption, bwcattae a Mxtr catii t withhold Afeiu*-iy l>y a denial «>( 1 juriMiirtiua Chief Justice MoradioU »a>* a viiite boa lbl« |n«w»-i TbcQ tt - full* »W*, tblA great JQTlat tielfig the Judge, that It la the o, - l« uT.f* of the f'.institution who or* trying i*» dvi-mvc ti*«.- p->pki two the relief qneatlon I •ty to every rein f u.«u. »labd firmly by tbs ' ('• -uAtitntiou. and tua <-atidsht»r abo la its ; t: avowred frv i. 1 lr.d advocate If yriMiab I v. your o(>p-uj*-aU b) >lr- , iv. y,*o. , r b. gH MOlrui «f the g« v. rumenh and <rganu** courts i:. ' t. I * r-bes, you will hav. aupl* uui'* i > reg* 1 * tit Trn*t n- tu*n without a froak candid avowal ot ti> optniocis on thi« j'-u »ti n tl" *n » man run on b**4h side* I ti. < 'p:e-ti i If y* n .1. . y..»* harvard alt. and tu“t 4 c U.bly I>hm* ail f there am «Lfu Uin tbe J- ta.!* of the . r- •w? artaum; iv r.'Tt W nod. and that soma v»r* b«r*l cases a ill srvse a ruler them, is a>b tmti«-d AU hm.. .*• »fe i' p*»vb**-t No g.u«ral rule - t* practical inait* r» **au laid and *wn which h*a n t soimb Bat, * - - • -on* individual r.ot* *. the gen*r ,*i go,ia prom**ie.l by theac r*hef tn*-a»«rea Tbe |N*»er ta left wub tha l>gi»- lainr*-. to rvwt**r* jnnabetuni fC and ail eossM at pleoawre Ao«l av eipertcnc,- abowa the he.-e«ntv and pwxpnsty f , bang* it caw l«s tnA«l< My sdvtcs to Ihh1» debtor and crc«l it*.r ;a t . litak in a-! cwvea. im-lmle.l within the OBofM of the* . nn-asurca, ruaJjmiyuaA ’ up«*u jiivt and l.l*erai |>riaciplce. h i the de*.n r pay all be can Ajavre, an 1 let ib»- credi i-.-r mi**at* the balanee of th- debt It ia rqiottrd by U-.« enemies <•{ tha t* »rr*t»* 1 liad II that protuio'ent in the State h.Yvs |«4t* r» from leading mca.bsrs of ('«»Bgr,-ai to ! tli# eflWt that the t •-n-.utn'ioit will be rejsrt* | t-J with »bs rs2»vf cta-iae in it, or that lb- r**- lief will b« Atncksn <ut bv Crvngrsas I veu i »\ h' ti. •(• h fd'-r» w. . ! •» ! D M*e pwb(i-' If'they exist, why rod ; Ibem ml 1* fl h- p?*4*te M* them. Tba la [ the way h, settle tluU jMsstkon I lam informal, on tbs other bond upon g< x-I a nth nt y. that 1,-» Ur« bars bswn rscstV«al ill lh:A K(*t- fn to j roain«i.l ( which state that th- relief Tuew»nr*M Will havn , tvi inflaeuee, os*r wav. or th# other, with C%m- in ounaidering th- (V»uatiiution that 1 ail aach qocat»«»»js mU Ih* left lo tho judiciary CViogrewa will only Mk to tba tact that th*- | t VknaJitutom is K piiU.r-an in form, am! (hat it nie*-U the ie.j*iTr. :uenU of th* Sherman Bill, au-l other Re-e* mat ruction Acta. -CotigrcOa vrri! atrik* out n-v |wrt *4 tba f’lmstitotnn It will a-lopt or r»j* ct it a« * whob If it ref-i *ea lr» af-pt<*V'' any f art of it, thij vL-v wi>! , l*e r» j 1 till U i- made aauafoetory Ail 1 ibis Gam -r of lh u, j» nent* *»f rdief ale*ttt ( >ugreae inlsrfctciig with tbr r* il**f Bt< Maurea, • re» < a !«. urk- •Ut that part of the fottjill l*,lion, why atia4i.ey ao uinrh everriaed on a*- r »unt of its being in the < V>n4itatiou If it i to be atru k*-n out. Ik*w rag it hurt iu* opp nenta' They a»ate ti.w f**r effec 1 They and , not K Ik to it th«-m-elvv* ms BoMnrrEex* M. Hill - assan t Qfwa tU h <tu< -in 1 .*(% Cur|«Cttrd iq lkl f-Hntitiiti-n. wav a feeble nw Tins mesanre must and will *tnk* the i. r .. MpBIBF It-- Ift Os • *r • Aa l ' Wti future 'debt* n*- p>atb(c lOJ-iatie* i r upria the fa*tu of ihe botßSstCttd K* b* past debts, it »i|*t b-> retaa inle-r,-I that ihe war has deafroys*! w> Ivrge an snmwit of the pm petty up**a the faith of » h*ch ihe 01-l-bbt« were* contract* -I. that debt- . « ought t.» hare some mercy rtteodd fn tbam. and ere»bl»»ra ought l-> nuku N.- K * Ijcl vi. taiwily k«sp cb* bnßMbrt, so-1 iojaeJH* wnl! •-MiSB W d*»oc lam (4»ir t{ w ,t lha eneiuhM of the 1»w *ay it aui’j *t apply t*» d“lit» Contracted prior toil* p,.* .»g- < h-ifJtt'ti *, I an-y. of tb«* h»»pr> «,ie Guard »>f the l'lilts I St«t«*a. h.v said. 111 mu>‘ (4a* os, that |*r«»p**vty »i«n>|jt fn-ia Uvy sad •ale by hvi, may U exempt from th^ pnj in- i.l of ail sntecedatil drd4. without a vioUfi- n ~{ tb- < -mvtituGott wf the Hinted States, ilu( tbi* «h«es not iut|nir ihe Af.y-i tmm r»f his mubart. Tbs Court ol Appr-oU, the high e#t e.Mift in New YulV boa dssklawl tba WBo to bs law In lb**"« c«ses it la dn* to eatoth-r to ata:. t* af tbs tfuv/W <*( pr**|*e*ity • -tempt, was o**t ao Itfßi as that whn-h tbu new (on* Uitilti «1 « X'-mjHta, bnt »s hard to aer* |>r»w tb ttmoutd rmn vary th* principle. J am mmi*A- and il vn« vik t*• it ibi* tb linxUin’-bUi law. lha rr.hl**r ehon-4 ikH bs fv rallied tr* turn tl*s famtl; out to axrtidwHi for the *l*l4* of U*s bnatoni Neitbsv tbe littmamly M lbs duiu« %J lb* ags sill lungeT hdepats ti Doss a tmmn with on* anta bats an off hand { way of Aask things ’ BY TELEftRAPH JtkSOCUfkP /ttu i/VJftWJU. SuS)AVB DWAI'CHErt Vmuiutw, Marsh tk 4Joaun*o.l r< Bi 1- •1U v sword Lai lh-cu rscors/r«l, Ut the thief la stall at large. Mauaratis. March il - A dta)s4ch fiv>ui Lit- Oti herk, Arbansaa, aaya tbs elections art comptstm? m bnt few x-osalaea , IVrtud rw tnms abow a Urgs falling off in' liu u*gr»> vote, and the majority agaittat tba flosiStifßtkm . wilt be buyer than »*• an(Ki(otsi. Td»s whitsa havs vvtr*l alaioal uusutmoualy sgaittsi ; it H Tbs YsUsbouaktt: sod Yaa ni mvra art* over thsir bsuka [ r»inxp*i j»im M *rch ti The Pci nsylrw* nut fatlromlv arc now dear of snow, sad run mag as usual. mqxs>a* it noon w tfAfiam ViUivorw, March ‘XX The cWi««ofi iufhe M M 'aidiv- case gUBB over to lit- but lens by a %v»ir of fl to 2. The ground of the pOßt|*-*u tn-nt te tli. pcndiag hyi-«ljiti*>t» atT- ,u. }i nsdictii .a. Ths and« feat of lh« Arkanaoa ('ouvtttuU-*n n try v riw| vm<-« x*t a.* unat it The Fanaoia iiailruw.l Coujjany ti,-* {raid ! ous million dniton to Columbia for tb- n*-w • si tract * 1 o'clock, r m The Court i* atxmt organ- . ixing The routine like that of W*c *« *»•*« . owliiinw during the hmir ... MUHT OUTMATCHER » j I ■N|irul*n«l l*r«Mr« *<t Im a* ■ 1 jP»B»*Ta WtsKtxuivv, Match Zs Oa tnouoo. or dered "i-Vi oofdss daily. **»•*! finally 4.OUH ; .x 4»o ha id Ui. ißipoashifiyut provacdittga l«s pnui*-<t ” , Idle lull appropnatmi; for Impeach men t ex |Mfn.o*N *(, r« f« rre l to thv ('(tsuirilia on Cot*- . tine, nt E«|«snw* a TU* Ull IL* Ktat-- IteparLm-ut w*a referred to th* Committee <»n K Obßßt Tbe Ull the Circuit t >urta ..f the Called Statev waa ri-fnr* 1 ,! I<> the Judiciary C» meritte*. At l'i JO, Mr Wade SBUOUDCed th - ;*p,,». Ni,»n ,-f l'U»iu*«a f >r iiupexchnirut. I*bs or ii*r waa argue*! auiil oue o'clock, whan Jus- | twe Chaa*- proclaimed th^Court -»j**n«sl The Jt*urbal mm* read th* uixuag*f*JuA-»eiu*d and li« Frv*.deni's CuUUM-1 ap(>aare«l- Mr Bavin snbaiitte.l s raolmti that the K*-n- Ote. aa e-*nvt*lUted. J»d U*4 iXnaUtTil*- an liu- ' )>ex. buinii Court, sa couleglplaLsl 'by the 1 C* iiKiitutton, ten Htat*-,. without th«-ir e .ij ssotrising ign -ro.l liuly Me«xrv Ikavi* and MiCmry, l»otU fn»»n Kentucky, vote-*! *y*. Jaatn* Chose lutituaL and that th* C art wu i re*Jy f*»r tbs Frewnh-nt a answer. Mr. SiaaU-rry said it was rwa*lr. but the rotmasi ha.l dsvotc«l every h« ur alhawsd, igno ring pm %t* hia tn«* afid eurr-wu liing *>n 1 habitual rv,fr,-ahin**nt and r*-*reit»on. to it-* pr«-).trati- n Mewarw. ('urtia, tiLnUrry and Kvarta each Minima in turn. In a:.avrrr to Uxc Aral article, tin Frrvrdeot up’i.-d all th** .pi -tjouv invulval. and Lu j duty uu-l* r th* emiutitAßdkylaiuiiu4 th* r.msutntw'ual power of removal He o**iia»d snd ihn rdationa of the Ke*'rctar> of VV*r to hia ration. • utiuiiug him om bta coUnti tptiotial a«lviser, snd ahuwing tho Troaiik'iit v rv-«|Miuatl,ilUv for U»- Secrvttary'a If* pcx-ccU to »lius that Mr bUnb'n bod , Is-vuttiß boaub* to the adunmalrott*'U. and , cv*ul I no longer geenpy tb« |v*»it*«-n t- waid the odin'tuatmti 'ti couteiupGl-<1 by Ui«* lathers, snd tluU the l*rc-M|d*-ut could n-i h*tt g*r ON*mn« the respoßoibility for hia action. He further ebume that ths octi»#u of th** Heu i at* did not rest urn Mr Stantmi to the Wartif fi-* but that the War Offlcs was t*» hum *lly vacant wh«-n be appointed Gen. Tb-*uo-a. Fa noMnr laWv and pr*ee*ksnU w*rw qu-u.-vl at Udgth to auataiu this pUMtnui. II- >b-t. .* having nr intended vtulating ths ('oaatitNtnm or Lwa. Anaw*nug the m- • n-l artnl*. the Fr- sident »>-.-tta at length the War Ofll- e *»1 va ! cant, ai«i *)Hot«-* th* law* Ui **u»lmi TUou.m' | appMntm* at Ills answer t-v'thu third la a general ,1- mab Ai,aw*nag lh* f-*urU». bs denies any c. •» ! apirscy whatever Hu action was • miAticd i*» 1 th* n -ta to Tl -*uiv* nn*l Htanton. ap|**>iating uim and istuiwing the «4h*r. and in ati*w. r tq the sib. fUli and 7th, tin- earn* alkgstions oc- I rnt. all l*ack -d by th* oa-ertJ-'U that l*c- had u** -djjevi what*v*r but to maintain the p*p*ga ‘ lives of his office by legal ra-'nii. Anaweriug th* Hth. In diaavnwa any tub-n --, ti*»n of taking posssaai-'n of tin* MBOfiey or j property of th* War Otttc*- aud agaiu insists, 1 by argument, illuvtrati<m and precedent, that [ he »rtwd in a P,«ttitQiloMl manner. Ab«wriiug tbe 9th trllele. he quoles it.c in terview at U-ogth. and hiv protest against th* rid*r t*» (I/* army appropriation bill, in which he ehumrd. av he vtill clatma, that it deprived bim <4 his Constilutintiai duty <4 rmoaxand* n»g the anuy la an-war tu U*s KKh article, lh* Tresidenl 1 deniew that the •|**cificatKins give truth in •Aalemeiit or arguno-vit, in qtttUiug from { bis speech*#, and iu «*as* Hcnatore mterlsin th- '-barges; bs deioomla a fnU investigatiga . t ,*»«''4 tthal ha .said aud meant , In thiv anawrr th* Frrsi.lent clatiUH. m a ; apmt sjmewbat defiant, hia fwdnm of ' a|mm -b 11*3 -d Aimrd that tK .'-igh Fresideot, I h»* iv an American eitixso. \nasmng the llth article, he claims that i •11 • ci > a- -ign ' or attempt, involving action. whu-(,i lA-ui-i l*e r<-nsf rued into m h»gh ttjtml*- Tb- Fr«-ai*l*nt r« th* nght t*i add i** this TV* u»anager-* an o***l f?-r*rd thetr rspb* OtlOtt would b* r*a»l> t** m-wm* at I ocksk lh* Fr *»d»at‘« mnnefloaksd thirty tlwys. - T a j h 'Ox* argutnsnt entStd. Thirty tlayn waa refused by a vote of 4 to IJ, l« strict par fy Vote. A snoLtuu to |Mwtt|Niu*, fixing tb.» lime until a(Ut lh* rrj4*r*Uni by ill* House, isih-d Mr Juti?i»>u luuvcti, allowing t* it days, m atucodalury t*i th* mutton fr- in toe Freantcsl • , r<HiHSel for rwawmsbke lUR*. I*«t IhsCwurt »u*i tvoak* odyournwL n t'*K Cud r tl»* regular call • bill-was mtiodu.e l hUttjerting tnaot' ra and luatcx >4 the m*ft;hiuit I service t *«taMin »‘»*mi. and establishing a ma nna »b<4 >1 \ bill aiipopnating mu ,*> lot lb iiup»w'»- m* ci »? lit Mi—issi|q,« Ktvav Tl- Ilona* pr -»«-I- I iu iWin.u . * f th* Wind*. I** tbe Haurnt* Ou rsiuinmg. Mr Bii»gbaui nrfumtsd (ha House that tbe President a anaw*-r ha.l bwo anUcipaicd. and (hot th* manager a srat* r* aly (iu UI *ln»u, the Houas iu«- U at 11 Cr’clock t*»-m«»rrow t«» <smauler the r*j4nation Ad yosrnrd. In ths Hujcwui'- (awrt lh« rr eras no oftrlal ann-runrsmußt regarding ths inhotHM of the Catwri in th* Mr Arabs *■•*♦. Ia lha origmal, (*w*-rg's va. (irsat if. mL, M was ordered Uiat l»tvw of a aattßl for B prw bißißory injuttctioa )*s asvvad on tha parlies, r. tarnsbb befota Friday nnt f Hiring the lotp*wet*moot ausna thova was mot# toahum la Ihs golhrias U^lay The xxxtmmurn raffarding ths paosotlors was almost painfully svidswt J 'toftw <w he-! hL“ ItOAdK AIU in rn>r*m- ' | ilg Drake naut i (lit > strum I I kite a-otuuj t 4 th* an *Mh*i ablo, J : ami Uiltcf th- u ui nag U table tfc—u I The «#k ( of Uu> I'rtefakui'ft aftnrec vm i »->mewli*t c«>mUfto- .“d I Secretary Ruuloo'a p>ir;oCroj tba Pmideal *u u) wyty*H*r wtaMwniiiii «►/* oW- ■ oeter Mu'eal hiui to re (at a Ik* fbw. * inud a <|*ll 4’MB l«»tw#«0 klr Waaht tUft of IHI- j JHW. ftHtl Mr Brl*u-.*4» • 1 Uhi«. ixyotii which t ft- stiii *>i gryiijr |»r- uUwl The *>nu- | t :imu.c» of the iui|>ea, b<m Mi,l«afh kogth < m- I ax Ihr answer‘|.rOrCteUil to it* clung Vo#* ia.U-.aed u 'ilnng beyond a damxt* 9m ••" J vrt of i.V Ik-pald* can* t the matter through. Tli* Ihi'oblioau who are reynr lei aa car- j Uio to »-*t# 8t»lly fr«« the etiJeorn iwl the • law, wm*U. agaiUAt thirty -lays after ih«- rep-! UoaLiou I*he m*uag<*rw iuotai, uisndy «n* the K 'r»nnu I |of public Mu«re%\ that th** uaf »rtuuat* «ttn- j agwn.eiit betwaeu tba two br in-'hm star be * wsorel that his tnel may Lc |»uX .1. •»> teat peace to ay h rnt--fel !-• tlw c<utttr). Mr I. -* in w*» »|>nkeM*< iu of la.- j •onlay. lit* Lo-Us* *1) I.*Contrast* l strangely ! • Ith tliu *»f the I*l cat. lent‘a j counaal. Mr I>*\ia airritre .1 at Haiti Ui re < t. the tala fr ‘iu lUrana. Thr l*texiJent'* uu«trrovta< •• icu col- ! utana. Duriu. the anteiou !<• .la*, ltatlrr ajvolu *»»/«••! lor rl* utly cahiDg the Sst-ete a Court. Tue l*rrai.ti ut . <*o*m»el habitually may "Mr -4’hicf J u«Uow 4UiLt-:>« 4'ouit-' Hi« iimiiagers, • Mr I’ftJ.ul. «*t. Biol the Senate ~ Smusui, !, i»> Cot lor* .lull au.l Je cUimia'. loi.Mlim, 41 U< ilir. reeetpla bake. N’t* Yo&a ILorcb 43- Hltriutg 4uU at 3|. U-’M vUnu.X I > *«r, 1 .tsj silty la.> coil i«-* 10 ('HitLteiut, March £). -Coitott a tiv« mud dnn . aalea 1 .o>to) h.ilr« mi Idling kV ; receipt* (Q& Lab *, foreign rkpofte fV.3Stf ?«ol**s, C<M«I- Ni;w ADVRKTIS&MKN IV>. IMl’t >1 IT ANT N. »Tl< T. j CONSUMERS OF COAL. WioTKaM ft liutn- K*iuto*t< i * •. Humor Tium - Atlanta, lift , Mart b S3. IMS J | |N and aft*r la<. lev- 'b* r»u f freight on " / . o*l * til l-,- nttufMl u wu# and • ba.f cents jer taU« (ai L u r.f (-.auais. H.-s rau- i . • nunao in !'•. • v until • HrWtwf Ist. lAr( flUrb Uw pf aml rate <4 law mKi U>n will be |» , lljr ur»-Ur »•* I'm. ut J‘»HN H !’>.* h, - atailJ - 3ai U«wtvr Irstinp.euti.WL | I UII'KTN « l KT AINK HII ADKS, k., . NOW arriving ur HpHaalMcek at Oil o.wKa. Msl ttlir*. IBhimla ls.rCurulu». (VntUva UanOa. < ISSn.I. Cl Wwi.t-.iv |.| i;r.-st vsrMy. IteauUlul • War * bla- am I Mel. vs' » 'SI I 1.41 u. f»r lAbb uw rv-r> LLlfttf im. 4.-I to ftiruiAti A h usr will hr KENDRICK’S (arprt um«! Merc, Marble HalMlAp. Marietta •!.. iMirti 3\ ATUXTA. Uh Kccvcs* AnilirtMiu [•'’OH 'l’ if El 11 /V lit. l« is *« rumnt lne«*iti|f f-r tt;« tt*i- It eau»*A the ll*lr t-. fuel Uaulitull* tt kr. ps Uie Hi-Alp Men And Rmltk; J t* iurtir- rst-s «h. it- i* ..f tr.. f| 4 .. I It f.Tt. .s the If sir s.*«t hr»r<l tc fftos ta in Haul tj ' tl tianmUfttaty sh |e Uair !Il k* ■ i-< tl.- Hair fnmi ('--hr fr\»m Ag r |lt rwrtorr* Orsj Hair to us Onwiasi f'ukw’. |lt oat IlAlr • u b*«.U tliAt k«»« Im* u laid l-r ’ ! It aoinpi-ll .ntin-ljnf stoifUi and puH» TiertaUn j SllhAtAllCeS 1 11 hts*| out «i UMMiua-l v.duels ) Irabmo i I aiala af lie eiedUu.>, luAut of whtrti sn* tr»iu • lans in high • lauding it i« S.-LI in half pound UWti*s |tk« urn * Umti ta . . thr |lam bp !»rugcvsO and IWUrs in fan. r <i»odA eearywtwae/atOea iMiar prr tvwnc Rp i Itcn*. Ratnea *r« r V. WriUft O. .n. hteff, hn ft Cu . kew York. tnaCM -ly | lu ftuukrupfcfr. f Pmw IH TOOIVK SOViaklksl on th« >7lb day of I March Al» I**, a Warrant in Raakrupu-t was t0.n0.1 against the *-MW of iM.Hti.nj v.ixvHALnand JOIIH Ltfc. lodtvtduaUy and a* Cswertnrni of lh« Arm of M. l>- o aU ft Lms j »u the County ml and Mate .if f »hn k«*. hr.* Haokrupt. ,m tI»U 1 o«n (‘Miteu . that Uw Payment <4 any I*»bo> and the I Twdirery of any Prtiperty W).mfta« U. awrh BaukrupU ti. then, or fhr ll»el» uae. aad ths Traunfer of any I'r I by them AT*, fwblddei. by taw; that a Meeting the • i 'redltnrs Os U>* aaid liankwij**# lo pr»*»e their Urhta aud ] f.) 11u>. -me one or m <tv Aaslirnrea -»f their ftatate wIU he g, 1 *t a Court of Us'.kruj <■- *, to he b-kJ-« ~ai i t.»e iii.-s cf Hunter A M.'OaU. yuirraan. H«.e«ia. W ' ' r" »c ksrim.. >e.| Refttstrr -n -rU day f April. A I» at W V- J.- i * M Wild.l AM it Wlfton. L S- Maftshal. aa Men rwger In tto* Ills*rt* t < sari es ttoe V altHl Stairs. Mar lias Knrthrrn fklstrtrt sfUrargl . la lbs masters n# l johiv r nuwrußD. A. t crUIXiIATH. ja* m KHitrrtiti. j JOtDf 1 tXJOPrtI. > |*» lUukrept i Kit HARD MAhRMTT | TM4WISB AbKIU.K WRAIIOR.N AiWXX'ft. Bankrupts. rp<) stoffl II may reiwm The imdarsi4C:*»x» ksrsby 1 fires hatioe -f hts a|gei4(itmet.t as Amcms of J'-l;ii r fraaford Auguslns K. t alhrsatli. Jaiuea M -otepyar l ItM car-1 lisrrett. Ihad.leti* H Akndc* aad fW-sl.. ru ArV-.-r-k of.Jhft cnmlr <Jt Waium. and- f k*hn Y (is jer. us the . ounty of Markr. in said Htate and Inntiik-t srW» hare t-e« atf)udge<l Haakro|4a np-a taetr ««erral pettthius by the l aetru t t *u(iof SS..J iMrt. t bated Monroe. Mar- h »4*h. HMK JflH.B SIMM. MM. uiarl* -AV sis t set sue. Idsslniktrnler'* s»l». HY Ttrtoe *4 an exUf from U.e i *mrt nCtKxbaarj ,4 Wata.r -onnij «UI he a ut. .« lb- ftrsi lu» .lay In May I-*** at ttn- (Vmrt M<«*ae an- r ta «anl «-mats Mr-n ti e tegai sale her*, the MW«lk| pr»j. ertv. i*» *»• I> u nt land amu her Ml. U» aad »7 lu the JBth -‘tsartM aad id ev tv.u >4 Walker anal) n.«td aa the pr ,r’r -•< i ' Marmac Ade antkt ha the ben* 111 us On* heirs and m«llbs» Terma cadi. JAMA* H ROUMM Adm r mar 34 Wat pcsfeefS la III' IMstrtet t nasrl af Use t'allrd ktal.i Pot I to. Ysrthrra IMatrlet af Wratgla lu the matter <4 i ! WITT i VWk, J »■ Htsaai-m v Xo 41. Itaahrupi. } h«', Aaastgnea sai 1 baakrnpt tiavlng |e«Mi*e»ed the r «Nirt ft>r | a .toartiaripe fcua all h»a ftehte prusahm uadar the Bankrupt Art of Marrb l l«f!. mdt*-. ta hereby (hm to aU persons Übrastd is appear mi the lath day «and aprll |ana. at I* « cW*rft Ha the Asr-i*-m. at ('isunbera 4 the sai l lustrhd, before A«» Afnrray. Ka< t ana f the Intubn -*f the -as I ( uart to Mankmpt* y. at the BegJaanr s <dfc. • ir. **.t»n, W.U .to e *•«— *Ly the nearer trf tW sael p'Otl-. -4 the atu-ukl to- t lie *r*ttaed W iln-e the 11-uretAe Jehu Kraft toe. isaai. 1 laha >4 said iHstrn t < uart. and the e-el ihereof, this Md day *4 Man-h, w h *Mmi. roar it U ufta CUah. In HunkmfHrfr. fpHia IB TuJ»IVKK«/nt R That <m the ITthday of I Mar to. ts 4» i«h, ft Wanrawt ia Bankruptry vaa Usm*el agWaat the aalata 4 HUklll BKITR, of ftaraaneh. f>ua«y af Chfttham, Nkate of who aae beam adj.elgsd ft Baaaei ptoa hta i.»apvu-- ml •as, amt £m3w «f say ye apart y tog Mm. ftftu hr u vWahy laa theft A ams Wag of the eradtftam af tha and Baa a evA. fte gwwea thaw 4r«da amd ft* ahaoaft <aa nS&mgrEr metr-tss. I l H MnknifM* * muu ta lo oiv* noncr - W oa tha ißh day X <4 Mama. A. P. MM a Vprwl U Bauarupu j , waataawaAgjMaatthaaafcfcaf , hYANI AAhCU. at •aaianil. 4a Mw Oavaty wf Charkam. aad htate of Oawiti, »4a tom bee* afemlpad a Baalrr mt «*a i 2* fWMMi. that Rl.Payment of ufThb | aad the Iftdnmry .4 aay -party bebmgtag to aark haakrupt to krai ala ha aaa. ami ilia iVaasdw of My Bsopuray by km. are tartiirti hr Iww, tha< a Msetiw es tba Crodttnra af Mm mM lMbhmpt, to pr»ra Uwtr pshta ami io shoaaa cm* or axws ftaatgnses ,4 hi* •data. w« toft toftftl »t • Cowrt of lftaakrupto k- he b ddea at ha Uagftaasr a Otbce wmif Bay ami Pray •mi W i tft. Bar—ft aft. thorny hahme M. ft. Momeluae- , - IBM. at t WILLIAM O PtCKIOK. marvftki It l’ a. Manlul aa Msaarngm. lu KttnkrupfrT. rpHi . 114 TO GIVE NOTION That oa the ITU .lay of 1 Marrb A D.. HMA. ft Warrant la Baukrupiry was seeusd agaiLM tk* ratal i of MAYKA MAYKB of M'uiaab la tft* iViwkty <4 Chathaa. aad ftUls .4 dearota. who has t*ea adfudgewl a Haakrupt cm his owu fviiM, that the IXdmeat of aay lhdrU aad tk* Lehsory «< aay Brvparty behmgfttw ftn aaah Uauftnif t *• him arhr Mmh. wad ttou Trwaaftsr 4 auy Prwp arty toy totm. are fte-toidiea toy Law. that • MmMug of Ms « rcbwa of saU Harvkrwpt. tn pn *. ihear Ifttu aad *o . «umas oas or tarn* Aaaiam e* <4 ftia t-tate. wtil toe hold ala Court of »Uahrw)dry. i » be ft aka at to* 1 "80. us the H-v—ter i-r-ru*.- He- and I‘rav w Atrweta Naroituftft. ifeoeifka. bemrr t a HsaasMine I»t ktegtater. *a ths 3t»t day of April. A l* l*M at ft u rtud. * a WIIXUM «t Dll KibiM mac3l It t* B. as M.•earner lu llunkru|tfc't. 'puia LX TO OIVK Soncr—That an U.s ITU. day X of Man b, A D lsdA. a Atnul to Baakrwpk > Was lesuud agaUist the rsvate of PkdtDIKAMI' BH.rWN of Maiai.nah iu the (Ysuity of I'hatham. aa«t Wat*- of who has been adjadgwd a Bankrupt u Wo. oeu Mitom that the fiynical of any l>*Mi and the Del.* «ry >4 auy knyuv torloagtug to »u h Bankrupt lu ft»m or fur Lis uae. aad the Trasmfer <4 aaj Pn-pwr.y by him. ar» Wetoaddeo by law. that a Meeting us the Creditors us aaid Bankrupt lu pr I • their Uebt* aad ft* Cb -oee .ms or lu-w* 4asi«sees f Li. Kstala. will toe hekt at a Co'irt of haakruptcy to* toe h>-ldati al the dlßk-e of fti- Register. ooru*r .4 tuy and Drayk.i. r■ .1« S.'»i itsh Ue-rii», !*• f r• T - II- a- I» , H- ftisWr uo Ihs thl day 4 April. A. D. IftAt. at V WIIXIAV C DICtBOM. U.-LM U U H M*ruhal. as Moaatiigsr m. In IlMHkrtiplt). '■'Hi* Ii TO OIVK NOnO* That .m tbs Mth .lay T >4 V- heuary. 1. D lad*, a Warrsnt iu ItaukrupUy • as laauMkl Uie natals <4 K'JHKRT A BFKHS «r.-1 S Y UHISIk».N > As ('upartnora ami aa InX vnluale afAßmay. ta ths Ouaaty of lKmalj.-ity an-I • • L ha»r i>son aX-Xu-lbsi-krupij* t-u - ' Ke:. that the fVn.ei.t h- at. W * ad ll.e Dettrery us aay Ln-perti tmhmgtng U. su* L tlonkrupia *• them or ha their use and the Transfer <4 any I‘t.amrty b) them are turbnLl-1. hr Ia» . that a Mrekug -4 the i rsMltura of ths soul bankmpie ftoprwvathrtf M-lsar- i tu id..-me owe «r lours Am.gusee us their LaUle l»s held at a CVurt ul bankrupt*-? t*. l-> hoftteu at the U* »H#c- .4 Wrigid A Warren Albany, ileurgta. , r H flees, dtlne. . ling later uuth. Jftth I da* -4 April, A. If. 1 «*, at > -C. ft- k .- m WII LIAM <1 I*L £eOX, L* ft Mancha', as nger In liankrupfry. rpHHt ut TUitlYB Kl/ril'F That uw 1L« ITth day f i March. A D. IMS, a Warrant in Uankru)k-y waa isauod ftgai««t the mute <-( " <4 Wavauaah, tn ths rtxiuty us Chatham, and Mats >4 ururgia. Who has burn adj-totf'-d a Baukrnj t - u his -»wu Petition . tiud Ui- pay in. nt <4 an> Iw-bts an t ths Ift llv ary of auy Ln i-*-rty bcLiugtug to siu h tianknipl I*, him 1 or f*-r bis aa. . and the Transh-r nf any l*T'»|s-rty by him ar- ("rtAl-lrn by low; that a M-s-ung Af the Cr»- Hu«rs us ihe said llankrnpt to prore thoir (w-tda andk-t’kos* one <.r in'-rs Aaahrueea of bta Ketate. srill bs t.el-1 at a C-.urt (4 Kankruj-ky, to br b.>W|#n at the .-IH.-e >4 Un* lU-gtat* r. ■-*ru< r ltay and liraymn a«r* u navan Bail tMaWgtft. before V K lissoritin.-. fto-j . tirglsii r , otf lb* AWI .lay <4 April, A D. lAA*. at ft u .UI i m WILLIAM it niChmiß marrh'Jt-It IV tt Marshal, as Mresniger 111 Ituiikriiptry. 'pifl* IM 11) (tIVK KuTK'B-ThM on th# I7ln day 1 -4 March A l> liW, a Warrant iu ftauftrupU-y - waa iaaae-1 against ths retale us ALKX IM'KK HAiaiKA. us Msiannan. to the Coai.ty at tn-l Mat us flanrgl i. whw toaa haaw MjAmM a Bawhrwptuw Ida Petition . that the Payiu* nt of any Dsbie au.l tbe D*U« i rry .4 any Prupgrty U '-m, mg toaocb bankrupt to him ! or tor hts nee. and the Tran after of any prupert* by him, - are f--.Ti.TTsu toy la•. Itoai a lieetiug - I liis i Vaalltura j <4 aaid iiankrupi. to prose their Ivbts ami to . h-«a« uue or mom Asatgm- * ut hla Katals. Will be l.rUi at a c.iuri of Bankmpb y U> he ii-ddou at Uie lu g istei • iKh*-e. corner UAy aiid Drayton atre-ts. Ha.a*, nab. <>e..rgva. Wur* V i* Hesaalliur. hrgiater. -hi Ihr tittb day I April. A D. IftdM. at * o', lock s a wil 1 UM <) I.icmmiS m- bit tt 1 mi-4 MtaWs Marshal, aa M- .s. n«ei In llnulUMrtm riMiis is ru aivt sotxc*. rue on th. -Tt. .ur of 1. Marrb. A I).. Iftfft. a Warrant in Hsnkiupt*> was isauM against tha estate of nLBKABI) (1. TILDEN. of HeracmaY m the i'cunty <4 Chatham and Mate of <.e*.rgia. wb - baa beenadj-ulg—d a Bankrupt--u kia *wu I', till**o that th- I'ayiu-ni at any Detita and the Deliv ery <-f any Pr .psrty brk-nglng to aoch Bankau|H to tun. or fur his uas.and the Transfer of any Property by h'u are Pirbkt*J«a by I*v. that a Mreting of ths Creditors 4- sail Bankrupt, to prora their Iw*nt- and u. .-h.-vse • MvT'-r iu ,re Aaalgtisea of his CBtk wiIT he heWI at a of bsakmptcy to ha heddaa at the U-gtster • OflU-a, cornwr bay an t Draybm atrss-U, Havaunali. .letorgiA Ufura Y ft Uoeasttluc. »>j , Hrgl.ter, on th* 30th day .4 Apr*!. A D. laM. at ft o'rtorft i w WILLIAM (1. DICKMOK. mar 14 U l* H Marshal, aa Mrmtipi In likkukru|MC|. 'IUIDI LH TO tIITE KOTICE That on the ITth day 1 of March. A. D. ini*, a Warrant tu Dankroptrj wss lee ;ed against th* estate us Mb.'HkKL O. EHBLILAI. of v sidoeta, in tha t'oaoty of Ltvad-s. Mslo >4 .»e >rgta. Who haa hero Wijndgwl a Bankrut* oa bta own Pftto li m that the l*avmant of any Debts and th- Delivery nf any Property Lslongiag to su* b bnnkru|4 k> him ->r f*4.b • urn. aud ths Transfer of any Property toy him . ar» f -rbutdeto tor Law. that a Meeting <4 tha Cessbtoro of the aaid Bankrupt k> prove their Ifebta aad toft ChoiTee >me nr n».*r*> Assignees of his Kalate. will be held at a Ootart of bankruptcy, to be tnddan al tha Oflto * „f It -inter ft MoCWll. yallnsn i».-.rgis, hefbr* I M Nraaeitme. Megtato r. nu th- 10|h day of April. A t> laM. at ft n’dnrk a. w WILLIAM tl DICKHOX. man hit it t* H Marshal, as M-aaeng-t lu lluulir«iptc|. rpilld LH TO tlfYI IfOTft’JL- Tba I <m th- Hth day X <4 Marrb A l> a Warmi.t In Hanlropicy waa i-eneti s,-sli st thr Eatste of JOWEPiI B.DSFET Bt bTOM if ta Uw County-4 ! n -ma* and Mat- .4 Georgia who has been adjodged a dto hts own P*u- Lnn . that br feinat of nfiy UrW» and ths Delivery <4 any Pmysrly betaaging «.. su*h Hwnkni|d to Mru or f-jf tola nan. and the Tr. safer <4 any Property by him are forbidden by law, that a Meeting of ths Credibws <4 the said bankrupt, ft. prove their lwtots and k - rbooee tone or u.or.* Aastgnrea of bta Kamte, will toe held ala i -coirt «4 - Bankrnpfrt lube h.tkUn si tha Law OfV - of Hanker h M-CaU. lb gwtimnn. •♦••wkia Iwf we P - H earn Bin-..80n Wsgtai-r. on the Wh day *4 Aprd. A. D IfcA.- at ft <>V Hi m WILLIAM tt DICEhoIf. mso4 U L\ H Marshal, as Maafteogr.-. In Hankruptrr muui a to aiv* nonra- nuo .«111. itu, a., i of Mar-h Al» lift*, a Warvwnt in Bankruptcy was laaaed agslnst the estate (4 JOHX WALKER. of VaLboUA County us lyvwn-h'a and Hints of GeiwgtA wh-- tons been adjudged a bankrupt n» b.« »ww PftftiUon. that Iha Payment M any fftsbts and k'ie Delivery of nay I ropwrty betnoging t» such Bnahropt. t-. him or foe his was and the Transfer of any Property by him ia f .rt.iddeu by law. that a M-etlag .4 lb* CrrditoHw <4 tha said bankrupt toproftft their Debts and to ch-io«ei>gr or Ours Aaai*;ores -f Ida Ksta'r. wtil Im held at a < ..on - t Har.krt;}>fe>y. to toe hoideo at the Oflku of Hunter ft M-Cslt, i,ftutmaa. Itr'-ika county. (»e«gyts. Mnr* P H. ftrsaeitiur. Ls j tiagiat-r, .u. th" Iftth day • 4 April A D im*. alftoVL-rk a M WILLIAM G Dl« h-HOM. naar. Lit It VII Marahel as M--wa tixar. In the kktstrtsl i mart af th* I wiled fttaiu fer Itrr North, rn lXatrlrt of Georgia. UUX) j In bankruptcy 1 * Usukropt ♦ THE undersign* -1 hereby plv**n*4kw of hts app.uak iw- .it as Assign— -4 Hillary Br-*ofta. of W'lula Water of theeowaty of Faj Ml* and Htsk of i.-.-rgta, oithia swi-t ltoefri. t. ah- haa Imu adjudged a bank rupt ap*-w hta uwn _peliU'**i t*y th*- tudu-t Court of said Dt-trtct loud Rrwwao. toll day .* March. IW> WI4J.IAM C UAKNKM. 1 want tt Aaaigaee. • n kite Ikkatrlel « work sfghr I nlUd «isu a j for ttke ftsrlkrra DUtrirt sf brsrgla. In th# raittur ‘4 | PKI.RKR. WOWEI4. ft 011 1 tw HAsafti rrrr. hMITH. RITLIam H ft CO . f bank^pida f|Ni i wt.-*m It may concern The b* r. tor | gtr r# e-sbr-f his ■* nt as Assignee l sikcr, MoWeit ft tv*. aad of Hiuith. Bo lbs h ft Oo incbKlmg "farms W L Hmlth, an tndindual loilnvr <4 said firm- all <4 the .-minty -4 W dt-.n and -tab- of Georgia, within sal t DMtrt* V wtui have lew. adjudged tfetokmivts t.y their asveral joftJU' w# by the Dtatnri t-wrt t.w the B*i thsr»* DisiiWH .4 Georgia. Monro, Mar- t. «6*h. IRC* DICE RUM.U H WALEKR. wvwrftA M sis ftaamure to th* IMstrlrt off Iks Unltkd Itftlr# fer th* ftsrtksiN IM«lit*l af Utargla, L. tha WftMsr .4 1 IJtWUb RAXM.INA. [ 1.. Bstokruptry, Hr,. It. Bankrupt ) riUU aaid Bankrupt having petiUuosd the I'mit f s £ * dko harga femu aU tu* debts provable wader tba Art af Mar l. J. i**7. isuftira la h*r«4>y gtvvfli n> no paftwoaa tatseeetad W. appear oa the *wb day af Mnrrh. IMB, ftt tftoVturft la the i-nnat. at Ctoamtoere of the aokd Instru t Oksart tofts* Utmn Mark, Khi . mm* *4 th- lUijgfei at tha aaid Court m bankrupt y at Bm Stogtafter • (MBea to ithahud show mass stir the prayer cf Ih- aaftt pattftUu* *4 khw gkaaftrwot fkwki ndtopw-Hl And further natkes la toacuhy give* that the aaaohd and third Ma«tagw<4 -raft Worn «ctH tog toaM al the mate (Bee ftfed pthc- Wlftamw Dm tkmnmHm Mu CnUW, indge fMftfel af H DtMftM OPMrt Bhd tha —I rtagw I ? < Ut. th* •** dftf W Brt, X Ik. •- AMITE Owl Wrt* ftft-wTw «U»WiL AM ftSmifMAL odTsr OBET. ra»s»tfssAia«. D a!,u u DAVIB' HALL, TIItMAUtV KVKlIkb, HARi H ftftTfl. I’adsc tba angpieaa of Tllb HO/.4KT CLUB. »—l«t»«1 b, The Atlanta Quartette Club. C uapUaMwitary to> PROF. Is, HAK\I»KN. j TU<* P»ugra«a* will mwiaiat «f tbs *.u deal aafectiataa. ! PHk* of Adm las low Owe Dollar. TVA. t- lo br Us Ist the different Book Btorm sod at . the Hot* la Ducts opan at T- Coomt ta <vwa«ius at ft w'clorh. BXECtrmt (*OMkfTTT*as. n d.ll ft* Mcxart C>-ih I CONCORDIA HALL. «'• r;. iul O- aa 1:• NigYx t• j WnlNiwiay Kitalag. Marrb A.Yfto l**dH. • jeVfe *' Th# luowuful and lutrreaDng Lratna of the MAID OF < KOIHSKV, TXX UIIBSA'U vow. I To »w followed toy tha IsaghabW faro# of TIIK I*o A % or A l*m RK. To (-aclads with a OKAfIU CONCOBUIA HOI’ itn which ths and tears are invited to parttclpate TbT*4* -sii lu* had i-fMoain. HeßMiMan A Kurht r kl ft J. Hit Sell. .Htnliihelaior Broa . ftO*l ft* t»M- do*»r ut. the t-lull lug us thr «-ut- rWun - iih i tfmlrtloa One UsUar. m*ril M < A KPf'TS ! OILI LOTHt Sll AIIK.H I A kl M stork (4 i'arpeia. CHI Ck4h. IftloX.w Hhad-a. " f I Slum, L .4*l Cu Maine, .. su-1 all ne* *>eaary ft tlurv-a u now complete au-l being HUI4* AT VEtiY U)W HMJCCM ft foil tine or k.iegwut t-' IKeula. e « black and M htV Omnadlnw: fnr abftwla Larv bark Mid Glove# Ewibruidered and Itouahk tod |tank**r« ht*4« Huipnrr. duay. Mai Gae and Yaleactenues ls< r* iJneft an«t l*ap«r (Vdlara and Cuff* A • i-Undid let nf PreiM-h C«*rwrts A full lias of ldarna nt«d < aeiuirr-s fur genllouan'o Allufshich will tu- aPi tt small prnftAa fur ro*l* only* CHAMBIRI.IN, C01.K4 BOTNTON lurka -i 11 f.' m. EOOLEMAN & 00.”“ ” UfF. w.mld re*|*-« tfntiv call ths atlahtl->n «f *>ur frlmds. a -I th- pubtn gsm-rolly. tu lt*e fo> t lt*nl we are now Opening J\ Bhon Sturc ou the . iir.vr run. Al) «-ur p--hl* arv *»*••. an-l hare town srle* U-l to suit this mark**, and will In od t at unhm/d of low price* for CA.HII We will keep a get»- r r»i St k•f U - u » - I eat her. frm-li an-l Aru. rtosn Calf Hftitis and Mho# i rinXnga. Give asm rail. W- ars-4. Dnelar air -t. be tween (Uluy ft Donghr-rty-aud M Ar. ft Maral. V M LDDIXMA* A » *• t. i. 0« . Vard MB, tart. r. H. Oat Mi f M rni-t»WA* has wltb-trawn the ftr.o --f Hanks. k-btU>faan A Cos . and d**otr*-a . k*- MJJi Mt ffllßiffi that toi*l Be ootrtv*! Ui then years in Atlanta, feels emift tent that he ran still |4*<aa« all m qnaiity and l»rt.-e K-m* i-.)»r Ihr plaee. D- • cater street near renrbti*-* nrarTiVU i-*1 NEW YORK MACHINERY DEPOT. li. 4. ('. PI, A I K, -*■*■4 e.«rl V.rfc ManuftnHurers an*l l»«alers in svar > >Va* rtydioa of riKCOLAK SAW M IX- X# S BTftTItTNAItY AMO PORTABLE StfHMi Kiklhpihnl lloilriTi, •l ootlnorth's I'ldiii rs ill all olhrr H tod* warkintr Rarhinro. *< rs Drills, an-l Hublnr HeiUug. Babbit aad -Hh*r c.m*poat«b,u Ms ala. with all aril, les nenlful lu MarhiM ft Halt road lU-pair ktof* b* A A ft t U.'l I MPUOVKI) KKOI.I. HAW, j With Iron Frame and Tabic, other valuable Un I U. DICR'H cp|.VHHATED ANTI FHICTIoN BHEARM. rt’NcnKß AMD FRKWtER II UII>Y tt y Ntlp|> I I PM. OEobUK PLACE. ! -1»-U CHARLEB PLACE IIHY HIDES WANTED. i 5,000 POCXD * x Apprl. A k HhAni j m 01133 ftt c.uumiasiun Mer-baxit la th* Hlatrtet ronrt «af the Cal ted ktaln, fur the North*. M (list * let nt Unar^lm. tn th- matter <4 i JAMES K GVEEBY.J la Rnekrwptey be krnpt. ) r l*») WHOM IT MAT OOBGSfUI The ninUramoe.l 1 hereby gives Mtu* of tue appotahoeat as aaaigtwM. «4 James r. Orate, of the County of Oowoftn, nad HAats -4Geoiflia, wtthlo said ln*tn- t. wb*. hoe boa adja.lged a bsukropt up*-a hta own petition by th* Instrs t Court nf sal.t IfUtriii Dated at Rsvrnsu. Geor gia, tt.r :4th day -4 January. A. 1> . tate IH AAC N mH AMMaiM. Assignee, ft*. <ir 1.-t> -1 ths. me aowvw notice be publiahod auv a W-ek for three swroeaaive weeks ta the Maw Emv AC tent*, ira * . 1 MkHAUial tWpatttXSß. HUQAtA. f|* char a McirMunr. iulfnwx' ur Truiit***’ Xslir* of kp 1-ulnlWft. In Ik. Ill.lrlrf Court us Ikr I’nltuS -lain for the Mortheria District of tteargla. In the matter <4 ) Jt»UN H. FI4OTD. { la n.vmrp r Bankrupt ) 'M NO WHOM IT MAY OOXCEEM The X WtDtaiu A Turner, Mewnftn. fbeugia. hereby gives twdh-a <4 to)* appotoftnnat ft# Asatgaes of ths estate <4 John H. Floyd, of Nlis.tto, la the county (4 €hm|4>ell. In aal.l Ustrtct. an-l wh*. w*». b» wtt, on/hs Ist .lay wf January, A. D ia«M. adjudge*! Haakrupt Upon tbs jw 1.-1-m .4 MOMoR. tu Up. Dteftrh-t Court of U»e l/niled Hka'es f*>r tie N.-rtherti InstrtrA <4 Oeofgin. r%ud at Nrwtisu, the hi dsy «t F*4>rwnry. A. D »*»» WM. A 1 CRN KM, Artur.’ «r TrmtMtC Vtllre us A|>- imiHluunt. la lb, l-l.lrlrt In. I af lb. I all.S *l«l.a, fer thr Northrr*» District of Ursrgta. In the matter of ) WIIXIaH 7ACI*)M ! Tußnnkrnptry. Bankrupt. ) J rpo WHOM IT MAY ODUOEi&M 1 Th- onlerwtgn.U. 1 WiUtata H Zellnra. <4 Falui-tt -. (hmpbell rsngty, Georgia, bsreby gives n-.«kre nf n.s ns Assign**— of ths eatota af WiUte*a JaUtaou of Pahnetlo, iu the . ounty of Oampt.- il. la eabi distnrL aad vto> was. tu w»t. aw ths UU) day *4 D. remtosr. IfttT, ad j »dg* l Bankrupt, upon th# poUUon us kttoaelf. toy kh* Itskn. t Court .4 ths United HtaVs fer ths Norutosgu iHiutw of Georgia. 1 *nte»t at Mswuna, ike std day of February. A. D tww WII4JAM tt. XKLLAJM, Assignee, ftr. I'IIOI*ONALN. tfertrn D*r*»r ft Duacmras* QrvrrwnMsrmn. 1 V Unfits, On . Mar. h »V. loftft I S»- V LED TIIaiP- sttAVftt wtil ba rwomvad al this (MRre ontll 13 M . TMURMDAY. MARCH Mb. \*U* for snppl) log -4 i%.»«H» mill K. !•" U»lf I* of tbs am. untbj W ««-«!. sound, hard tlrtek. ths tsUsn.'- a gol merohantahi > arth-W hi t»* t ,ili* la ItMUr To he -Irlivsrvd at •klol’toera.n.* Bstra. to. * * Atlanta. l*ru|KiaaAn win bo tn rairurm. and eud-rssd toy surwttea ft* uaitel. Tto* <•»«*. rnio.-nc rear rice tba right to reject aay ng all bids, or Mint such paste «4 btda as may be few the toem piierusA of Iha oarrtcsi. - pr ipnaale ato-aild bs oddr«Mos.i tu the uudswotem-d o» 111. . ..‘-"I - "l-rnfM*l4 (he Hm am. MTMy of *rte*." mj nr*e vt OM Hrt( K jjbanu. L-bM gM. ; >M U*W MU. I «M«r7.4.k. ItliM.iaiOriklor'* KaU. Gk’MH nniDaonnrrV ~»,,irn«->r*>«r. ! -b» o. “ -—f 1 nul l f Vubux .—(into- 1 4akM<H.«».MT«uwVa, (>«•*,) u»-UM hM *UM> Ml mb. bnu* ta-u ; tMljßin*» Setter. In «ut tnekhfvr Cont uft Ts. Unrrni* ttt*vv. «..# tun MuarMass DwißM'* *» Oauarnn Is th* mhftar .4 J JAOOt* Mck'JiT BATVAJI ROftEMDEYL. \ lu Bsnhrwpf > • RILEY TUMBRIL | bokrakU j rrvi wbMHJM* 0044*44> Tb« ,-)4uM-0 b.h t* 1 —n. UU4 M bla uyulmal a. » aaar-1- J* o.b E*ckt ml \4bo baubK .< Ouloosohu'. UJ KUa; Turuar. rt MaatsaUaa oMauaj. OmuU .h • U- h*m a4ls.Usl (bskrauu upou (b»lr on I— -1004 hr UO, Lutrk • Ouurt of aaol Dbtai. t Mil at VnrtMs. lh. 7M* -hr of Kuril. A 1' I* - JAHIM J. MuKHfU.r. astlil -M—«« usr-- * - _ ivlQM’l Mir. OK Viktor, lh, 57th of Man h. IMU. wlii ha aoU haikMU tha tognl b-x*ra of ash... lu -ka O a:, U nUialk. OMnuhUl Coooutr. Urftvia. tha property, to wit Bhhdry ft fee. token, r -wlpt* aad amoutd lag in tha aggrugate to ths value of lu- th<n.- - hundred attd asveotyons dollars and seventy onr c« UG t9E.AH TLj Also, a toortgagw lo tot *4 laud Mo. ITT. ta ths 5 1 1 District <f Mawlvrihcr county. Georgia, and the 0 rm i lure, glass and damofers aranlty k< t « about a bar Huld as the pro(wrtv -( W.utaui Ja« ksun oud- r a dec*# Ui Ifulrpuptey. for a* beueftl wf hto rrodu r- W. B. ZQaIAhH. twn.NJ UJ Assignor Im thr District tonit of Ihr I ■ Ileal Bint** for ths North* rw Dlatrtrt af U«aigia. In tto* master *4 t lu Bnohmpt. y. JAMEH RI’EABA, Bankrupt. ‘ B-. 16. fpHKaald bankrupt having petitl<s>«d lb* Court h r 1 X • discharge from all his debts provable--under th i Hnukrupi Act .4 Morel. A UM7. noth*- Is hsrzt-y gives t ■ ail iMUWnoa tntervoarr-l In appvwr on the 11th -lay « i April, Mt. nt 10 o'clock in ths fuooauco. at Ctou-Ui* jof the ofthi IftArtM (Vjtrt, before A. U Murray. E* ( on* of ttoe Bogtotofu <4 ths aaid Court la Hnnirott.- ' at ths Hsgtabu's oAce la Grtfea. and abuw i*ue wh> ths prayer of the aaid petition of thsilnukropt stouui.l Tirt tm granted And further noUrs is her. by given that the second ami third luertlhgs «4 rrediu-r* will Lc held at ths aauM Unss aid pla- s. i l Witness ihs M.murobi* John Ei»km-. I ) Judge of sai.l District Court, and th* seal thereof, this imh dsy <4 Msub. tofu. W b. HMITH mar ID wtw ; Clerk Aiuklgm.’a Nutlet*. j It.ruft DtsyniiT Oi»e«r or ru* Dimu* tinrn » -< tu* BusmssM Durni- i uw <l—tuna. ; lu ths lu alter us ths finu of i •yt IKKtt ft bAEEHDALL. [ ta lUnkruj t- . Dnuburg, Oa. ) fpo whntu tt nifty ouussn Ths undersigned k. r-f - I. gtrea notice of hts ftp|-(U)Unni<t as Assignee »4 tb-- ftrtn of uuiuas ft Bsrtoa<lalA of Deiit.urg . in the county t felines and'sura us Gsuogln, wMhm said wh<; toav* tlecii adjudged Euikruj-ts np u their own p i»uon by ths District Court nf ssld Distn. t Dated March Mb lute M l« LANK, marts 43 st« A— Im tits Dleftrlet < sort of llu I aaftt.*l Btnt*a fur the luHtluia District of tleorgln. In lbs matter-f j I NOMAS k UI AD. k In llankru: I bankrupt ) Y|V» it luay - m--ru 1 ti. uudn stgoa-i <>l 1 Raywvtlle, tYdumlrfs ruunty. Georgia. Hereby giv* < nottes ot his e|i|k>liiUu<‘i>t a* |*algttc* us* k HUtocft. who has i-en a-Tjddg. J a tki-An-i I upm In own peUlhHi by the Dtstmt Court of said Distri-1. RIcfIAKD tt HEAL. rnnrS wSvr Asatgii— AvtiKittHo.* t»r Triwlfrt’ Calico of Ap pointuicut. Im lh* Dlstrlrt l osrl of tl*r 4 Mllrd ftlalt* for th* AsrltoriM Dtslrlrt of fl.nigl*. In ths matter of j JOHN D Tlfi'lkMGND. J la lUanni i*i- v UftakrupL J WHOM If MAY IH>M« KKN T!*e m»4.tik«iu l X herwl jt «iur« mdloe us hi# ap|>-.ii.lfi.. r.t u A* sign*# »4 the r*>taK of J >hu D ThitruiouJ. nf • lu tto- • MMuty of UusHa, in mi-I Dlstrv. t. who haa tern a-tju l*eal s bankrupt u|mni his own pthwi hi lh District Court us aai.l Dtelrut Dnl.d al .Nrwuwn, Um 6Ui day -4 Kebnasr*. A 1 N# HAAC N miANMI.N, Assign.*-, a- Annißuri'a ' Im nil Damurr (tovn nr ti»» i srroi- Him* r >fi Nuaruans Disrai* i «>» Uo>Mu.ia. i H-KUil"k***KltrTtf. j Iu lUnkn.|4-. WaahtngWu, On. ) ffN) ahum H may ouwsn IV nmimtuunl h<r 1 gives m-tla'a- t 4 hts a(*p*anuner>t aa A*aigu>. In th >natler<4 Cl.ariee K «*f WaaMru,-t-<u In l)»- . .uniy <4 Wilkes and Mate <«# Georgia, wilhu. said District, who ha* bfeD a*tjn-lgM a bnhkrupi u|h-i. | . own petlfiun lay U*. District Court ut said I mgr - I lMle.l at WMhliu Vaa. lie . Maiv h 9Ui. Do * ; M H. LAM A, j- WUrli »T-Una KVmT„; ,.", Anelgßgc'ft Sale. . , Msftß " " •*’ "»• • r mmi- I W' ;i - < I r * . . • l Moos*- In KuiUxi r-iotily A 1.--da-, an-l l.*«s 31 an-l ?J eorh . .ulaimn.j •- r*- ->ib McDoi.-ugh nt rs* i, in th- riijr AilanU Alsu on« undi* i-tovl half tub rest tu a lw->a. i- k>‘ r aablcily. numb* r not known, oa Uu- Matos, ralfr-a.i ironung on Deter* street Atom, <>os uodGUKd halt tn I«<UI) arcs . , l*u and ftdj doing ths ttv nf Atlauis. -n Ur*...* Ir, . ri*ad. In the I3tl. Hein, s »4 • ngiuali) Ifteury - -null Th* above property aukl free from li M «<nhnui. - - m thr (Wupsrty us Ls-wis tt. Nalmoua. bankrupt fiILUXGTOA W BpKK. mar 14 M-wJw Aaslgor. Im tftks Ittstrlrl Court us UfcL « Mlt**l Hiai.., For Ilk# Aumiliun I>i*i t i. t of Hruiftla. In th* uanttsr of t JOHN T. UAYXKtt. (Is h.sisni- v bankrupt | Al ftMMtmito. Utto day of Man h. Iftste • fJVU uudsrotgTu-d hereby give* outUm id bis np X pu»nfui*Bl aa Aaotgues -4 J<du< T. ftUees. us lh. t county us Laa an I tttai- us GeoruiA. within aatl lu> ! tnct. wb<* has loruadju-lged » Hankrupf n|>--u hi. l-eUltom by the iMsiri-1 -.f aaui Dirtn : * H W aRWIi K ■oarli ft)-wtw Assign. Im thr Dlatrlst ( sail sf the I uIImI ttlaiss, ►“•rflis tasih.rM District of Urnigls ! In th# matter .4 i Ll'CK’g U EVA.HH. {ln lUHom ri- i. DoohmifC J r |V> show it may ouoocra The nud»rni«imd to«r*hy 1 «lv.s uuftsoe of his app.nntu.eiil aa Amiga** «*| Lucius i. Evans. (4 ( hv-kssawhalehu- in Us coast 7 | «4 TsrraU nod Bute of Georgia, within aaid i-latn.t ; who haa Immu. adjudged a Bankrupt np->u tola osi. pa-Hiiou, by tha Dietrbt Court of aaid Dtetrti t Date! Dawson, (bvvrgla. Msn h 11th A. D I ARM. I.ET I C. HOVL, marl 4 «3 wjw AsMgna^. In llanki ti|kft ) . ! Is t»« DtaTteT CVuniT or ma LNitki. BTyirs run run Mow rums DisnurT or ÜBuksu. In ttoa matter <4 lln Bank raptor, to Usui* lu I’llll.tMDEH F FRANK. J mid DteftrbH. M.rrh l 0 Bankrupt. I lftfe mtfU Is to glva nuttsa ones a week f,- r thfau we«i. 1 that I nave hsaa n|.po4ntsd Assignor in fto- u»ei; , (4 Philander P Pvae-. edjndgwl a Bonkrupi upon u » , own pci-bun by ike Dt*trlrt (Ynirt .4 toe Cn.l. t tttab’s tor ths Nonb-na Distil, t us Georgm WII.UAM r J ammu ini tuarlS W rlw , Asslgu*. Im ths plflrblifturtftfltoi tatted Men. For Ihr Hooltosra Dtstvtr t «j. o» gls At Smite v tt)*, Uw I lib day us M.rrh. l'hw I la ttoa am ter of 1 FKAMCU H CHEVFM J lu Bnnkiupt- v Bankrupt ) rpilE nndswotgwsd tovrehy *l*<i l;i n. X tmintoiant as Asolgim- of Fmarts H (Nhw. - HmithvUD. soauty nt La* and State nf Uworgte with,. mid District, who has been wiitulgwl a Hnukrupi np.-„ bis own petition toy th* Ltfetrict Ctoui of mi l Dirtn. ( g. w Warwick, mar)4 S5 *l* Amtgtev Anal*!**'* JioUcc. lu ttoe Dtoßrtrt ttomrt of thr railed Rtetca for HtsAnitto ora Ittatriot «4 (toorgta. In the matter of liu Bsakrui.t. . ,t Cain TlloMU J OUM. ~ u.l toi. ,-i , 114U.m|4. | Maarl,. IK< -pifK >—l-rafatu-J km*jr .Im urflr, of kto iKvi,,,!. I Mlk .-MiMtflvw. J Ortw, ~, V, r r. II 404MJ a*. Mala <* OmrtfU. «U>H, 4M.1 lluinrt. ,k„ tua Um «-l)ikl»«l a Buira].! hi, hr t-umr-Tioirt «f .aid ihJ, im. Oiifl. M 5 OOU’.HI- O IMK4. ■K» MHrlclOawlof lb, (HIM It at ,, (U> ikr UWrlal af, J la Ui, luaaaar of I l, 1 ao(mi o g J..HM X 1-AYKKIMHT. Baak’U *, * ’ ft ITaSoJlihl! 35. 2?U51l" O,M- ■ • -n'.... , m ' ' !sr ” *’ t -1 * 11 ■■ I I J* th* prayer • said • t .) that the arc-u. 4 and held ftt Ihs A A aSy': V .:1' 5 i ■imkhh him ■fviSfSwH " -uVil-f BUY AM. w-te. Itaahntt* ■sa-s ’