The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, March 25, 1868, Image 2

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555 raur i»A.MTnn> *L«vjua. Oman iMMMki of mOmi Brire orrtcuL' jouwual or tm« city mccunon Urffa Doflj ObuMfca is Bortkoro 6«r(w. aSnta, OA vmßM?Kn.v»ii habch a. ises. run riinuMr u uh, CEN. U. 8. GRANT, or iLUioit. roll •OvidUNW,* R. B. BULLOCK, ur nX HMIU CMOTV. Fob Cnono Ihigu D«na»-r. JAMES ATKINS, Or hum Cui«il FUTFOBM. untnii, that *i rucoi ucm ati-fom tomr oorinn noi nu»n it *bi con- WUUUUim. 00*TE»nuA u< TUB “TATI HOW>. that », rfnn *o mi WBDiorlMMHcn>o i> nrifc Ulim 110.1 AO (X * n-ITTMRH a*i» tm- ICRU mem ntr tu BATirr it. tmO&TMD. THAT WE niDOt off! hr WOT ToTBMOo «. 0 BCTXOCK. 'X-B CiIDIDATB fob oomiioi UKETD TWIT WO WABW»TLT Ktvrtn hi ruisEooruooEaiti'iT: i to bitift TWE WOJCSATIOX or TWO WOW. * A OTU.OCI rs twer* nnuT wokeuaw. ajiu »nrrnrt HIM »T THEIR TOTEO TOiuiiTUu wmoETiin. Tt, Ikt RtpAKran FrOrr. <a <WA <mrf Oayfo* mrntin T*t» DOtHM. that A Cun Trillion war be twill in lb* city nf Atlanta. an Tom Hat Um 31« l “umE, for tb, porpo*. o< no«n matin* a But, BontTr lo npumnt tbs fttb District la oar Bait LifiAtm Iwt there b* a fall Attead asm Bj oh* o( tbs CosnoTTaa •narfl Si % A ( irtullw • Jadg* Doontog. ia kin Kmj[»ton spserli, was aair to ray *bst b# endnrsr*! I*l Altit*. This is tree to lbs IsUar. Tbs reporter shoo Id bare adM. bowsrtr, that the Jailor waraslj •arbwsed Balionk (be Ooearuoc JWT Tbs tniaereble old acakmg. J. K Based, of lb. Hum lOn.) Tslegrspb. is gel ttag op aseeiso of jpattttaal •‘OB-DU»-.l>r tbs aßmaaMm af lb, »o-c»il*d deal oarer). Sated boo tnor* iapmlnrt ami leas braias than say qaill-drrrer in the South, an ) since the sur render be has taken to the detestable habit of dying bia whiskers. Speech rnrmrnm. 1. It. Hill. toe orrasrrios rumitM We sboaed tbs other day, scry etenrty, boo Hr Hill's aristoerelie u.Aioes croppesl oat Ibroogb bis etrUir speech, boo be ooabl bar aeos tbs poor asaa doon bo bis ocrk,oithbold iaf all opproboaity to rose higher, bo* be "oonbl depose the ehildren of tbs Übonsg riaasss of rnssi of the beaefiti and bbashigs of a common seboal system. boo be would de tain the onset and etutdesa of oetfctsg sisn of tbs rigbtsoas pronstoos toads through tbs Host reload BiU passed by Um Cassacttoa. and ECS oe c-Mje to another featore la bw siaguiar wappoattioo. obu h by no means shoos tbs 'watssrsaa sad nrelor" up in an snrinble light. Ws quota from bis -j - eb Bait to tbs miaralssa, I appeal to yon. my My fries da Itea freahtln aatd bad things about O*o Pops, bat Osa Pops esnaual} |«M tbs troth obsa ho said the iorbso oats a ■Bit saßtnM reconstroetAon I oomid acuta tbs boahaad of ary bosom a* ouoortby of ms. H I shoald or so aid boar him whisper to bis prattling boy that be ws* no bodes than a alggsr I tell too, you most being yoar pow •ts to baas oa (Mb Tbs ancrrcaant ia, to daasads yoa aad roar rdaidrra -to brag job IsM sotlWna wNa tbs rugger to dayasm at* yonr properly - to daatroy yoor interest* yoar goreaiiseal- year Übarty. and you nmu oaks op Css year to are 1 powMU. bat not in a spirit of radiettrsasas This soaads wsll. ro doahl. in tbs ears of then* who are gmilslalMiami to sppror* ess IjßWllll and ll lT 1 tare, who tewor ttoa. To aa haosose. sad to the intelligent pahUr, who are wiihng to ana things in their proper Ufaiffms*,. it ia social oatiaafaa is all it, bold, glaring btdeoos latolsraat deformity, aad it is this psraicioaa prtneiple, asowtd by men of Mr HfU s auadtag. that is atuaoia ting aad Irtrisssag the oeiarcMy betvesc the psopis of dlfrsreol aeetkms and men of differ, sit parties (tea. Ootdca. a* brews an aOeer as esse •on glory to tbs "Stan aad Bars.’ may sap aad b* frisadly with a l ruled Mates o®»-r, aad Om. Loogtormt. the - War Hors*" of Las s army. Bay tie hnapttahty entertained at Um boas* of s gallant ofßeer who fought on ths Coion Ude In the late war but the H,-n Beayaanla H HtU. the maa who owwre smelt gunpowder daring the war—tbs ton* who woaid not hare maslt rt bad ths war laatad half a renters Um mau who left bis beme ui f aOreage for hi* fasoda to defend Again.t WBaon's raiders, bnagtng witb him bu piste and other sal ns hire. Hon. Benjamin H. Hill, cid’ontedsrate Mates Beaalos. cannot, will nor treat with rmtraary r warts ST men who bail from Um ffortb maa who f .ogbt in thernlon army, aad rasa who now want to rescue what little peace aad prosperity these is still swtri rag around ta tbs great maelstrom which ia rniniag and hamming the Month but be says to tbs people, to aaisMtere of tbs gospel and to ladles, dose tbs door of yoor bospitalUy open all oho do not Ihiak as yon do; badd year social wails so Mb aad clues that these dims and robbers may be kepr-. ot. cbm yoar hearts against them all alike if “yoa bars r basbaud, or a bn ther. or a father who thrall or a<-u on lbs Other aide, tear him from yonr lose and make yoar bceuca roo hot to bobWhitn. score all sbo fasor rseonstnMUoa; usabe your society an one, sod let into your esteem non* who cna re* right and patnoUMu la llw iweon strustWa now progressing in tbs State BaapsctsMs ladws will giw* no bred to aoch iafamoaa nooat hi ng* Host nee. last, dare not, if Uwy wore so dwy-owed. for lbs ar tostos oi commerce extend fanm Maids to Tbaa*, aad from Florida to Oregon Tbs uCßßtry ta on* , baainsre is united IS cue nets- of interest; and the psopis mast bt oa* aad BBiUd bnforc any solid prosperity may b* rwtorued onto the Booth This social ostracism m a toned baas of too many Mouth Bra psopis, it ia a damnably priaetpis that will keep op diet si boars aad broil so long as alto* ad to opsnto. It should be alidad at omoe, aad a broad, hHerat. ebsiatMa, patriotie principle encooregod la Us stood. faogxwrear Ike (’oospasgo. PMua *0 pares of tba Bsato some* Um ink) bganes of Success of tbs Bullock ticket Tbo psopis an axmktng in swasy souniv Tt rffrii Un I metoiagl are being bald Hm ofrtUMM* ia life are dreimns* fafHek rn* MJCMtotHnttoo, btoMW thy *ws pswos atgocac* of It* sfktptton. 11l ■ l« «M I mm ” Waltosß, ««■ iita-BdBE b thaw say real lfc!t«f ta the BBS Cogftuu hoc ’ That is th* gre.Boi tbs fcror aUHwcr* a / * m H*r* it It. M k 44 Jffptoilt npcm iku* rtirrctly. ab •ulottHr »b 4 frltoffrUiM Ut wmiimil; coo auWr tb* 9mb§mct. U iL« firopottfeeu cmnmat W ran Or too pUin for doubt. I k*n fiobody ta uk«d to stop tt Bootter tboufbt Th* Got*n« m to *wj jodg* to tbußtuto TWflmhtt ntify hkuppotot moot* Bnlioek m u strong EcM mtm ; b* kbor«a UxJ iot lU Btikf uciuora in th# CoKMtitntiou. If «to«tod. buvUl HpfouuJuuk Mos th# Sop«iinr ud Bupr*—< CourU who Wiwrr# that thrw* R#hff BM*«arw ur# OocwiU fwHitoul u md right- Owditon will go i»t« Goart tw eufmi* lh« oaUwchoa of tb#tr old drbtu, nod tb# will turn tli#«o <-*t, wwi my th# C <>un» h*»# uo jai dKUou u*« aid d#bu. Kallfcl wifi cos »p*j<nist mat um >a%* trha w»u 004 on tbk U them. tb*i r.Ukici bei'oek U)« EeUal |*orti*>u *4 the D*k v'oushtatkon will 1# held goed. mH tk* real MbMaattihl lUiief will be oUomed. Bet eappoee Irwin >e eke4ed Whet (hew • He w ofptieeJ to Hetief H* Mibw* lb# pe*'- ny— of the m » Ceß«uwih>;i oa tW m* in conflict with th. t*0311143)41011 of the Mil tU' ell tb#** pom*. i»me are ifmll mml rwit He will, if tUr(<d. point who heifer* ia he doe* on Um *ubjer-t Tuder th«ee J uiigee,- creditor* will <xmd# Ufrkf C t»urt tv «u# ou old ik-htu. oj*l ik#y tt*B bt mV'Hrr't to ih m am tk« fnmmJ fkmi H* luf ii mwetoHirffOM. Tkoa tb* B#i*#f mew uree of the new CoubMUofi win U;<#wu* m dr*d lettrr, nJ oiue-4ecthe <4 th# of ! Oeorgte wiU be impel e—ly raiael Agem Bullock beheece tbti tb# Hota#*(#ed gir**n br the new CowsUtwUon oiegfet to U frte frotu old dcMe 41 well m tte* H* wilt *r*twunt who will lh*4 it m ep free But lrww bobiw nielMfy optuo-n# 11* will appoint JuJgc* who wIH decide tbmt i\ r» •noooutitonowul to give a bomrwUeui (twe frueu obi debt *. Thtu, U U iimrni that uodrr Irwui the Homeeteud run ouijr l<- b#U free fnwn fu - tur# debt*, end that thmtouuid* U kaultto wiH eoow he torw#*! oat of boa** end home to pay old Aebu- Be4 (he eneenif* of Bchef etU uj “liow do yoa knew Irvin k appoued 10 Relief»” I an swer, he hue bweu charge i with oppoeitiyo U> it, end ueithet be Bar hie fneeds Eiti dented tb- charge; asd more (hen the*. 4 w*Jf M> hr |mt mm unfcju I kmmm 4# ur fvr Krt*J I Imut BaUoek ie for il - mry body khoem it Bel swppoue K could be estd that Irwin is im | furor of relief That, of iteelf, will noi do. I I mast kwew vAuf kmJ «T rtimf he » for la ‘ he for the mkef that is to (he new C'ouetiig tkto? We aQ kuow Uud Bullock ta He helped ! to fnuv- it, nwd wwied to pul it t* ns it >Uw.U S Iftink oi. finuju ‘ KUisef -m* n' to ew# | yo*i rote for m mmxx few wbjuji ; *patone and f*e4tno%; ado wet ko >« ! Some ' of juu have em*l yoa W vote fr rnOflce I tion to get rebef. Ul that yoa w vuld not veto 1 for Bwßoak. But you deceive youreelven. ! Too will be rained. Without # e relief mau to : appainf your Judge# t tmr ( onentntoMi np*ei thu eub|ec| im uvi worth the pAp#r ft is writt*u upab. I« ft poemhie that *eeUouel | or p#reou#i fnentUhip for Irwin wth lead you ito canssiit this uipmmm Ml of tolly the eler ti<>a of s mew for <k>vermot who end rob you of mh Um LowrfcU which raigki have been de t need trotn the new (' nstttutt *u t Toe omm* ; take th# Conatitotlon end., rwjeet Bail wik A friend of th# CanrtitaU.m »ud i#U#f ma*i h# elected, or nil that h*« don« goes tor ttoaghu. Think cf (>> y*MU neigb tora end friend* about it. Do no* dssh uli ‘ your hope# to the t-orth I> • not drug «k»we rain upon j .umirn cp, net t--. »trn the . beef friend ran have on enrth Oovstww. • < OftVtKUPOA DKV< K. »i .ruiss 4. « r tt* rp* V' <:n»tt-'V Kutourou. (it Aftirrh 11. I*6* 1 CmL James Ask •%s * Sc* The RecoaeteUcUon ('oa ( ventioti, which n»*t b#ru to -dey tm th# pur : pew of aonuaUmr m eendid to T«pv«*eltl I lb* Hffweth (Veigresiri mji DkUtnct of (iwwgto I tn th# rntiLsl fltetr* Oongreee. hevieg implirti | eanfidrwr# in ywur petntMiam en.i ft.h h«y to • « Bm—aut of our tuthere, anenisomiy [ ova. 'netod yno for thst m, end i we. vrboue names ure hereunto •uhembed, were uppatnled e eoauwut## to wait apos you < end eek ffltt ecuhpUnce of the um fmj reupeetfwily yours, W La. (tounwur, bmtUjm Ca J mm Guam, Whitfleid (\> B D RurusTK. rieKkbCuk t . . .cue. sruni w uurLT. ALsr h 43, IMft j 'rrefhwe Your fev »r of th# 21« t hwt , m*- 1 lifytug me (hot “the Mur« metruruou .Sanißl j ling Ccuumlkw, ' et ftiagetoii. ou th# dey ep •on which yonr letter bears del* wee pi**e#d lriemmoiisiy to wwisslr me ea eendi* dote to repruunt them m th# Her- nth Oiß- I greeutonoJ Ihefrvt of Georg)#, and rvrpirsumg my enr#ptoaee of the of eouw. he# fwen re i coved » ; In 1 have to inform y-u (hot 1 emept th# booor the! th# body which yr»u r#pr#eent hue non flt to tender in#, prun Ming that, m ##>« 1 shnll b# e>#et#il, 1 will th# p#opl# of the Dietrk. t with *ll lh« r#*l end elwiity *( my conjasetid Ro owe hue nwwe depkw*-*! then tnyeelf. (tor rnui that '«** wrsogLL hy th# i*te wer. no one h*j more regretted tb# angry rtrtfe re gHnderwd by the aueperwu ua which we have been kept by reaecm of our reto | ttone with tt- <b»v* mu»#nt of th# l a.t#d ! Scat##. H«rs. uo cm# hue b#*n e ioor# ear- S n#at advocate of jto»s»tnKtioo, ea th# bee mean* to |«rom«4# oar coinnstm ereul, end I pUc« Kyeelf upon th# CoDstitugn fnmol by th# tor# held ti Ate rtty. as my ptrntfnrm. and eeli upon ah to versos their country, taking ooun«#i .if tbetr jnilgmeou nslbor then of ttowr i*Mhb\ to toy aeui# all eras! tor 1 n—fd—Huns, aol y»ia us in reel or top pen## end <]**#♦ to our uokuppr land, aad aoetrrw Um- perpetuity of lh« £r*-»- r. Ulchose which have h#en treaesnitt#*) L* »* by mar htbvn I)cf«rn&K the diecoaei>>rk of th- of the day to more fitting ocraaa oa whrn 1 bop. to best tbs [sofib face to face. 1 tilaak Ju*. anil those ohom joa represent far the coot dcnce roposs-t in ate Very ns^Mctfuity, J sms* Arsis, Ta Maser* W. I. ismxloia. Joseph (ib-aa and B D Shoraats. Corasmiie. Icolasuea tor Stole Meant.. (iarrrre, Oa . March tl, IW* A cortTenUso of dslegates. repisserstlag tb* coonlM* oompuwng th* Mb Ssttatonal Iris trie! six Bsttk ffpahlis* and Fseette aoaem- L'lerf ta Ungin 10-dag lo aomlaoM a ~.bbi. to be sapporlad by the reconstruction party foe Kadbtnr at tbs cmraiog sicciioo. Hereu.l T. W Hiaur. of Faystt* county.ore relied to tb* chair, and H H Woodward, of Butt*, rogareied to ad an riser*tree Th* msotißg Ming organic-1 Wm II Kim iwougb, of Butts rsrenty. stoted lire, las Coo raalina anmlosM, by acolsmatioa. Bsnmsl T. W Minor of Foyeits cos air a* tb* recoo sWßdioe naaililalii for Boaakor of tin Mtb Bsasinriol District which roots n wassduptsd (Mbrnmli H H. tosssam, BasreUry — * HPBnaow or y - OOV JOSEPH B. BROWN. lUircrWAt Marietta. Cm.. Wadi iifrg. Matgfri | ■ IMb, Ufeß. [c - II 111 ] 1 • rarer,mix in errtr**. 1 au ashed obaiber tba new roßturMlrua glare lb* irredoesn tb* ngbi lo bob! offer I rep#. H> my opboso It lore sit i Musk b gore as Car *4 Co* acts of Congress bore go**, soil oo Mrlbsr. Coagtrm bat not coshrred that ngb: opoß -b. iM pmok in the b talcs la mm* of tbs Northern Its Ms Iboy do nut alio* osgr- s. to rofo. or to bold ufWs Ou t onsutomo ikies mors for thorn than lb* North*** Hints* do, as u secure* to there ibo right M sots. This may sttimosely enable ibsia luobtoia tbs right lo bold «#re. as sloe ty tboomad sotsss is tb* Bkst* Bill bssoarwd by both sides, and tart right mayoaose, with out coorabooa or rnnMaffrm. *b*u b>Bh seeks* ssossßt to it I predict that, vithia tour vsu* bom this 0«u, Bo* Bib will be '. inking u loud stweebs* ia Care* of negrt office toddirti •- be now maker again si their ngbi to vote And as tb* aagre ewbs at the ' Hootb wiU esoiiU os r-> owsr twsoty more maul* r, cf Coagtere than are vtmld hare if ; lb* I wer* a,4 coasted. 1 farther prods t that. witi'in Ms yw*re. tbs Sow ha ;(aad Nik, I ladic- this wots inthe*r way wtH b. opposed lo negro suffkage sod usgr» Tspnaniiaßoo while thwpsopls.rd lb* tSOSLbern Btatre will nsfmli dsfetkl It, bocs'isr It grew tbsta, powwr. Ia UM.'.. tb* opposliioti UI to coa ferrtßg a poo. til* negro** lb* civil rights which they ttow hare, of sociag sail t svag sued aad tsatifyiag ia all ire. was «s bitter as it trow IS to allow iag uistu ibs Bgbt lo bold offl.-e Bui sines tb*T bows safoyt J these ngbU fur two yvsre, who ulgsoM. Bo it may aklmalrlr U la reference t-> this glßSfl m of nßre bold ing Oor bbu k frtsods ab-mid be L Tiler bare slnaMwrj nrsdiy from saints of efsrerr to Ibair anosot j-rili -n I know Um oppusttio* will lake Ikmu said* and foil ! them that Mrr bare boon dressesX aad bare n e bod jitMtcr and ne them by ths t'oorsatiua Sow, oiv Mack friends, when a supporter of i Jovlge Irwia. or nay other caadHUie >.pni#*d Pi Col troiioew, case ret aside to PJt you 1 prttatclr that yoo bore best! bod It Irentod by tb* CoaesaUoa. >d him if wo* dbi nut got ail the Bkarsaan bill gtraa you. Aid ho ears you dn not l.wgti tu ask ku>> if ke r in fasi r of 1 giring the osgro th* fo rede. And if be Mil* yoa tb* troth, be will tail ,so nre libs ssTt b* la. ask hnu il Judge Irwin iv m fetor of silowtog yoa that right, aad It* wIR act 1 dare to us TOO that b* la. If be ilueo. ssk him if Ibs Judge, after be war sieotrel a mem ber cf th* Ctmsoauoo. did not refuse to take hi seal b*rasas there were negroes in ii. If CongTsos and tb* Contention haeonotMeoogbt u o tec, at present, lo giec yno all ys* desfre. tsoliset ths? bare done a great dea! for yoa, ' while those whs oppose tbs (emsinon .s Lars . dusts nothing but oppaee all tbst is pr.qKsvsd ' in yoor foror Hut Too mar ssk las wby l do not belietc the Consututkm gtee* tb* negro ths right *P. . bald o#c* I reply Tbs cm] rights lull n nil i by 1-ongToe, mnds tbsta ctUzc-u* of tbs ' Cmtsd hMtsn But tins only Conferral utcui | them cteil rights, sot political rights This ’ was sdaiiltoj by Uadnig members of Congress ta tbs discuss] -ui. and by the fhosulcnl in bie rwto to-waags when fto waa reaggenleng the vwe*!l 5# ta* tVT And it ba* aut been so ' held by tb* l ailed Stales Circuit Court for KeoTucay. Hr. Jamtos tmyne. ptentdicg. who is aa able jurist en,l a Usdicai m pedilice It ia Tory clear that C--agrees did not on.ler staud that it gat s tba negroes political rigbtv I whan H made thorn cUlsens, as will be sewn by dv subsreinent course Th* Dvstrvet >f Coluni bsa is aadrr lb* sxalaeire janadirtiou of 1.0.i gresn Tba nogreoa in tbo District, as Tel! nv all olbere, wars mo dr i-maows by lb* Cm] Bights bill But after tin* was poasod. Coo ifTrs* passed soother law to git* them tbs ngbt to rom. mad *U>o4 li ft Clirutmu# Lou itovs th#v wet# etnrftU#il m (L# p—m# » (toili 4Q- ltor tow, to give (brio th*- right to half! oi fio# Tbift sL«.>w«* U?v%*il Joabt, Uckt m th# ffptsxw of ( oftfTrvt Uw **H of BUkkirw ibu& oturCkf* litti u<K coul#r th#«# llu* >• Um kmiotj oi the natter ia th# I>u»tru t ofCV ioniUft, wbftr# ♦ *>ugrem hue exclusive leyfiaLk tiv# power. Weft, ofawnt iu history in the . Simtm Xh Merck. l*£7, l.‘«ogr#wi puaunl aUw . fuftemug opou lL«ui Uk« ngbt to rots tn Uk# Ua &««thftru Stamm, hwi it dul «ot coaiu th# ngh( to boi l rflew. GonenU Fope s|v . Mnied black, racu ms rt&aLam of vutenu sad it became Bvctsutj, 'n th# opuitoa of Goa flTMM, that 4D set b» pSi— d tn ratify thu. lor n fb# Sapul#«r.#ntsl Act, of July. IHO7. it i« provuiud tLfrl noGung in the set akt&ll l*e com ktrwsft to prevent krtktoi from s**Uags#reg uturw of vr4#rw They were esrrfal, bowcv#*, ,togo so fitrihet than that And b#r# tb# mst- Ur r#«4#d yil oar ConvvnUoo mat. Tb#r» were negroes etocted to ft. sn<l m they hsj been s« m««h#f# by th# General |ui txwuufid, tb«y were p#rnu(t#d to tuk# th#»t ##u Sow. the new ( . uetituti .n c-nJm upon them the right to bol l oA#« by suy e*- pr#«s grant Bat, ray* Mr. H*U. it novhrr# my m white uxan may told aAe«. The cwweti tisi diflercnc# m llu* It vu pert of tk# UrtL ngbt sad mkoritAort of every white msn, anti Lsd been ■»> ta ILm SUI# for g*u#> rstuuu pu«t. They wet#, >f you will allow m« tk# #ipr##ft*on. boru to IhU right. Not #» with the to#grv>. he wa* b-f» * »tove, wilb no poittiesl right*, nod he esa hsv# now#, except itch srv c*>nierr#«i or granted to hi». Tn# l.'i’UigTW— Ls a. mm th# conqueror, msd# no enrb f grant. The new Constuatton souk*# non#. Turn vtooof iff the right derived ? I edaitt, however, tbst the t'oeeataim Am* not pro hibit Ike Legutotorr from conferring th# ngbt 'in fetor# ft tb*y think proper It u simply mI#T)I vprrn th# ••bjut, snd ivnvee the ra*U#i where ft find* it If suy quration srwnbout ! tb# ngbu. oar (Vmne ran A#eid. It Or ft any btock msn sh->uM be elected to t he Logit tsiar#, tke.rtupncuve h»w### will be the #*cla- Hv# jetigee of th# electron «nd quailftcnlionm iof their own member*. Csmtov compuU rn# I to mmr, that other* who favor th* edoptnm of ' lb# CoMtftuUvjn differ from me on thu point. . I have mo ngbt to qacetiou theft batu»«ty, bat ! 1 think they »r# wrong 1 have given you my [ reuuooe, snd I leave yoa to for vour . mlvs» ret j Oar new (-*tu*U(aUou d*rec<* that ttolegu lstar# •ball prowl*- tor th# miitrtio* of j«nee ‘ fr»m wwnp U, |>#reacu, snd that then •ball b# no dut»»<t*aa between the chuw of peernuu who form ik# Grand Jury, snd th# j tnoi or traverse )oo#a Thu iss decided un protfweat upon the old eyetem The petit . jury u sbolUhed. snd sft jarorv wist be uhr»< toe eprigktneue end (ulelisgcnc# The name* will sil be drawn frura th* Grand Joey bus. snd the necweusry nnoaher will be ovgsuis' i into s Grand Jury, to attend to the dwtm# of the Graod Jury proper; wklW tb# traverse jo rfta will be formed from Ik# unu rtnm of p*r eona tor th# trial oi raoera, sad there will b# ' no appeal from th# verdict to Another jary se I h#r#t*«#or*, a* the ftr»t trui will be befnr# ss mielftgrwt Jary. The Court will bav# the pow • • er. however, to _gract s n#w trial ts, in the * optnton of the Judge, the verdict u wrong, i and canoe for s new tnsi #iut* | wru oeW'tcsKTT oiam» or twe orrau BOW. A few words in eoochmfo*. Mr. Hftl. the eo. j rafted lender of the eo-ralisft IftmocTsUe par ty of Georgia*denoa»««i tk« new Coastrtauorj mam/m mew#, and my, mhelemmHy. that th# Mute will be rained, irrevocebly rvnn#d. if it U adopted Tbcne r.iU U#<Ue« of the a#u democracy. Gov Jewlrtna. Jadge Irwin, Ju<lgu Krai*. Judge Cnfcenlea, Gen. Ran* Wright, Warren Aiken. CtncinoaUac Poepk*. NenbtC Henry G. tW and poor old Hn* J, snd sil the lerarr ItghU «k » like the above named gaoU«nx«m. bur# b##»> li/#-long me nuee of th# oid-fashioned, old-time deotoemry. oil ray erara. Asa imftmaunm If adopu.l th# Htste wf.U be irrefrieraldy reined Row. my old d—lOitnliir fnends, took at Ihe lrad#re j yon fallow, and look srvand at the company ts-i keep Tb* array of old Know Nothiug lrad#m are now vonr lender*, And th# rank end fib* *4 tb# old Know Rnoihmg party are now your poll Ural raeo#mtra, an.l you arc sakedtu follow then. Mindly and#r tba asm# of democracy, when they do not wean profraa to b* governed by one of iu old principle*, which they have #o long (ought and yoa have an long defended If eo, which one of the old mraenra* of th# dranoamey do they now yndmm to rapport? I* rt th* Sur ■ ra%nly of tb# fttotra, snd tba right of eeeaa non 7 la it oppo#*tion to s pn.«ectiv# umfl’ . Uft oppoelUoa lo tatara*! improv#«nn»u by the ganacal government ? fa It opoepituet to the lufaibntKjn U the prarrada </K7 pubii Lauda among the aevarai ki#u» > fa it xitwe to RatkmaJ Hooka ? Why yon, bav# no other emmmry, mu apt Kali, -usi ioea# and Ike UUt of Rafaonai IfanJut If ift fa Bone U thrac: I whnt old democratic peiacipfa fa fa whrah tbfa bow party fa bntfa wbmh teritoa ynn <o taßy under ftthe lend of yoar mem m and efafaudown Jha new CanuUMent If ISr.wSs^£ jtom mmfit\w*m to iMh mam In lb# onran- Bnl there nmpfa M* fmOara iu thajpaa* JElg they Mum> vUd * and the Ootigrem#kt paaead them ea a periOE# rnn Agi,- aa.itfl who gupport them ra palmed tfaftora , the Oonventhn* that mad# the ConetttwtkN) Ms nagre Oonvantion, com iwssad of hybrid a and raakwapa. sad a few K^udemon mi pfa raapcuiabilltyi aud while they denunara the OmiOtitauoß steals eo uft'*' moms mod ruinous to tbo state, when, tier find it Ii popular with the peopK\ end w» he ahntilil. tnetoarl of weehwg thtu hania of th# ihfamoOa oonoara, and tlutr baahe Xn all who aupport it with the dmgeat ch they hove mabneu with to mack | tended candor, they sra randy a4 any moment i If they cun only get the cAoaa aader ft dues- I moms and ruinous aa ft fa to pa* tb#*r hands | mpom tb# Btt A« aad owesc to rapport ft. Tee, j they will awoltow raouafarnerun under the , Shrrman biU, ilm mm*# hr th# laa CoaToalton. rebel.-rnegru *affo*f#, sad aih wittoxiT making an ugl? fra#, sul rarer to support t*. m faith foe sil tuna , to cook. If Ta'ib wifi only give thorn U>« «4Rcaa, with e#ftv |d*cae snd good aalsnat. Judge ft ' win. who wwatd nut taka a eent tn UraConvcu- { lion because It hod in it. will owrar to •upport the ( emWotnn which won msdc In part by MB— whrah eecure* *uArage to n#- groa# t snd which Ben. HUI, hm loader, auja given (he negroes toe right to hold office, and si) th# u4hur nghto. * ml sad an, L sft.* enjoyed by the whit# )-eopU of th# Ifaate. yei, hr will itur etrrnsl hmnag# snd per petual rappoet to it if yoa will give him thu office of (format lor his raesr.l Ail ovwr tb# Stoic you wjU find huuiredi oi luoa nomy oppoaont# of tbt- ftifamoas <'an»n tatrau. so limy Um 1W ranniog fur the legis lator# and tot the county office#, snxuma to •wear to rapport ft, (f fa«y era q*i fjßfar wader tl Whsl hucaat man doao not fa#! s rontaarpt f* r sft each eafaerahla venal hypocrisy - How nan any kigh-Umed bonaal msa who belravas the (hmstituuoa unomsl bywutoeewttd muuMu, ewear lo rapport U.for th# paltry con Mdrratfron *4 an office uud#r il ? Geatiamc*. ha *bo would do vk lance to hi* ronmvnra for ooeh s cxjamdmtion, fa not s oof# caotodiao of your righto and#* the CouaUlain u Then, let rverv trn# friend of rrconetructiou in th# SUw, both wbtfa snd Mack, rally to th«* raacur, sad never ceasa to isbag Ui) th# rrinftittifton ia aefop • ted, mod UaU*» k alii iU other facu.Lt who sra candidates, snd Wbo ran ocnaoieataoaaly awoor to aQppoit, or# inslalfad iu < to sdtninlater it. sua to protoc* tsilhfally th# righto of l>oth rare* under rt In the Land* of it# friends, it will be tb# in*trwra*at of returning pr«*#p#r •iy. In the hAodU of ita in am far, ft will be th? *>urct of fafah* r wi.kngling, strife am! coufuftton. If an oppoajtKm eandtdale m el«s*ud. we expect that h- will fkil the of firva with those who are thv euccnic# of th# Constitution snd of th# great ivlirl ui« A»ur#a -which it contAiUft. If CoL. Uuftoch I* ftucocftftful. ha will tee that th# ('onfttftauoti u tau iy udaoumi* ruj - 1 am anthomed by him toaay that ba will se lect jdfiicuU and oth#r oflb*#ro, withs new to httuna ami cspscity. au I that the just ulaims al men of character an«i atsading In the Hisle, who are well known to th# p#oni#. and who hav« tba confidv nrr of the people, will not t>* overlooked. TU* Fr*fr«i« at l.lf« laeirani, i iiott has York. Observer, om* of ths *h-*o4 | aubfttsntial and reiigit>as and nawa pemsia ta Aueriwi, of u«arl> fifty years' •taniing. coutsit** the Mlowitig. which we eo cum #nd tu the consideration of all who wmh to make provision* fur their wire# snd children: We wvH retnumbar, **>ua years age, utrat* mg with a «m*l) party of gentleman hi a pri vate par! r in thu city, to orgauixo a Life In aarwnce ( 'om pony VV. had not theu, hero not had liner, aud ctpccl never to haw any other pacuwuiXT UiUtol in it than every mau may who pays hia money and Ukes hie policy. Hat w# were Inter##ted aud had tong bran in th# principle snd benefit* us the life mrarsnra •yfrtcai. Wa bad and have a pliihmthrtkpto deaira that sil good people should aro and en joy tb# IAUM AC the meeting alluded to sl*ove, w. re laid the foandsttotM of the Kqvutabia Life Aaaa rwnce riocudv us tha TniUid fttstaa. No. Pi Ifaumiwsy'. N*w York, and lira, Hot*. Wdiisai l . Alexander, son of the lot* vea#r*bla Dr. j Archibald Alexander, of Princeton, N J., waa The primary wfva oa which tha Society was lweed waa tha confidence which the pabllc have in good mea; th# management thanldbe in the hauda of thuee whuae rnpa* lalioti, age am! j-jairum ahoald afford tha highf'tt hatnan guarani## that monger in th#ir cars for s long team of years, would be safe with all it# a- cumulation* at the and of s tea tarjr •-r at any diatsnt period townu raligtnaa denmninsliriia hare adopted the idea of farm* to 4 In# UiAursß r oinipAiuea withs new b> r- aching th#tr own members, who maj be tap |M ffod to have cwflilw# In men o! the Maine religious vfaw* with thcmoelvcu. This Equit*" able Society appaalad to a highet erntnacot than anything ara-tsnau. It auramed tha fact tbst th# public have a proper appreciation of thu value of solid character *caalr#d by year* of fatthfuluea* in !>uain«aa iilu, and would trust thorn i« tie I>-#C run, with their enemuge aud savings list there won auothar principle at the bot tom of thta owdertskmK Tt waa not nsly defennined t» appeal In {lab ile eun&ianra through the in< dium of g<Hjd and use men. but to exhibit to aa intvibgaut . onimunfty *|jirsetiea) plan of inawram-e which wsa snd fa probably aa near!) perfect a* any thing human cat) be. Ml UW pi oAls of the borvriy. it srsa alt pul u*d. ware to fa dindad equitably CMPM w Iwirnf. The pramtuma ware to t*a paid in cash. The i&VMtm#u|s ware to ba asade m opecifi* 1 sccurUiaa of tin ikmbt+A snd Lasting vela- With, jrwrh an idea s* It* hs*u. • and Willi s act of men ch<*a* n witb refer, uee to such s truift. ft began it# work. The axtriiaion of this principle of life insurance fa now ao wide that it Ls* very properly eotue to be regarded so one o 4 tha wi»# srnuigvmantaof Trovklcnoe, t*» enahfa tbsa who trust ia Pramtimet to pr t ». vul# for their own h»uarholda, snd the Bible tell* ue that he U wore* than ao Infidel whs tloau net. Th#n- won a time when moms go ud tto-ught it yrrrttvnfguvui to pi their lives in euroffi Ttory thought it too£#J like s diatrtut of Hun who hsa nromiard lobe the God us I tb# widow and lAtbariem, Hat so the ayfaean hsA I-##.»»# tharuaghJf undrrwbKut, ih# truth ha* been made evident that (h«y are pitsumpt aoat and loobah wh<> nagieet tjita prc>vuuon. God help* thoaa wh<» ua# th# mean* tt# give*. And th# beat ‘A ail ntaana to pfovula tor the help of ft l .-'uUr Ml beaillaaa. )• to aacitr# for it an interest iu.s well i**Ubli*h#.l, aaf» and repuisU# life Ijwttnnct Society. It |§ the « **#•#*( of all ways. It fa lb- safeat And so [ thcwff.agbly ha* ii bora bated, that it la aac4«-a« to make an #rgucu«dit to eon vine aan intelli | gmt jeratj of its -mportanee. B'« h«i« b»#n led t«* thu historical reamis e-nce rad these refl ection* by arehsg lha plan* Un a new tmikling to acc'.mnu»dsie the vaatlv expanded boatotwa ot that Inatitnrina, u whose btrih w« asmaud year* ago Route feast idea of tha confid#n< # it h#a umpired tftsy b# gstherrd from th* nUtitin’in that it boa a-.srpZdb i#a_u4 fbrea to the amount of alKjai tmskundrmi mitfcZtnA doUara, |hh! Its ■niraiit mew from |v#wnims ao<t iuWrei fa over t4.OflO.fWi, and that Ha #s»h saaala «r# naariy |4»,(|fls,CWl Probably the Mens!* jf Ufa lamrssrr furnish no psrwlb I ft thi* iu err nor of bu*in«%*, ind thu w.mld ba no satm mtcrion »f aaccrea were fta pobrtaa aought snd laaoffd wuhvut th# exarrias of that aontid diM-fffUoß which m ths basis of permanent preaperity, sod which i* <rriohU>f #jvrr«##/ by tbfa company, a# ia excmpUfiad by tha very low rata of mornriity a*nosg ; it* policy h -idcra It fa difficult in <>•• n<>t familisr with th# internal mschmrry of s Hfa masrstra# com pany. so I onscv|Q4dnt#d with th# progtera r*f otbm in*titan *t«, to re#lure or appraoioU |»n-j#riy the tnncuph which lis* bera achieved by thta tkmtHy Slid ita aupportara. utnfar s kind Providence. It haa ontgrows ft# office*, and socKHnmoJafeona or# uerasaplorily de manded by iu baainaan which cannot ba pro. cured in any to siding at fta dtaposal. It hna, therefore, token tba *oath#»»C corner off >d*r •treat and Rmadway. and ia now pr<>c##dipg to erect an edifice which will coonmn to ad vantage, ia maoaiva grandmr snd ItsoM, with snv oMuoHrtcfal budding m tb# world, snd wtU not idy be vwloabfa oa larufahing coto m xlion* snd tv nvenirnl office*, bat sa tb# brat poaatbia invaalmaet nf fan da, so It fa ax partod toot the. rewto |prodwced tram ibuw parts of the br toting not occupied by tha Catmuny wifi he more than aufficleot to pay ih# interest sn ib<» nranay inv itod, and U*» tmmm on tb# property In sAUtran to tba totsgsuif from tha (IS) asrvwr, ws copy tha following frvww aanfinr sowrea* which fa no doubt ■■reset. •Dratof tha yoar IfiflT, (ha Rgnttobla famed orar ton (knwnsnfi polraua, covanug ovar lor* tyffivaßußrara of Immmni* It avamgas tha fawpHl pffijafai afmry Amartown Oampsny It f!iuwmiiifa»nin '#»raa m* pnfru mgm #» j~licy liokteH. An ft* IM of PobftMrj Im4 ttm M kuM frn#f #t lorn. For St joun. iinUl Inn*»HWM—IJ 1..f» iD.nrttfr C I OBJ a W» and u ponlgr inniunL It, pMQOOlnfrn M MO ft uoul otiMfe. bIM Ihos tor aim •OOJJ'O u*. OBJ IU lute! jiifM.iAa, of nm*-*o' n oonfr rr-QMlnni rr»fr|ifr, in lonnMuOl »t Omtoom reff M- BY TELEGRAPH asm*jamd rote* oufkrcuM. i NOON DUtPAWmSft ViißteiTOK, Mftiwh it. (ha Buchanan baa bran anugwad lo duly ■ awU( • Brave i rank, wtfteh •httilea Inru to the command ot tha PifUi Ihatrict, pudirf (kn Hancock a shaaace The following fa lira genet al taplMatum to i the Preradant'o sirawar. upon by tha | ; ikiord of Manager* Tha Huna# having eea shlere) tha snsam and plaa, reply Ural ha fa \ guilty of high crime* snd unedemesnora 1 in the manner ami form daaarthad. anything in hfa aumwoff to the contrary notwithstanding, the H-«u*a fa ready to msk# good when th# Hetiat* u ready to hear iL • The radical* denonwoe tba King of pruvnaia a# a copperhead, fur iwag lb# word "rsce" in hfa treaty congratulation*. The Uossa silupiad th# rapluratiuii by s voto I of lIS to 9C- Naw Yoaa. Marr bil Th# Eptsoopal ciaa- , g\ and Laity ergv (h# buldlug of Biaaiiuga to j davtae m#su* us raltaf for their ftmtharn 1 bretlirvu. IttahopVotlrr -jfr)k« and rotumit lee- were app<>Hft#d. 0 - , NIGH I i)U4PATOHV,S WtWMVoV) March it -Th# unpcochiucnt | pitmaa kitgo to day ware vary Umu. lit# ira ' gvocs a re still ctitireljr cxcladnl from the gal lento. The pnblie promadingtf iNiaupied half ] an hour before, and ten reman * after s two I hoar • private antatoa. The audaeuoa waa dto aativficd. In lha prival# *#aaii_n on t oukling a ninendaieut, r#«la< thg the Urea to Monday next, th# vote WO* s# to at, th# following Ka put >1 icon* voting for more tun*. Anthony. 1 t urbot, Edmunds, Porno ud#u. Tow Ur, Yrt | hngbtiywpn, Grim#*; Hendenwm, M-wtoo, Shcrwoan Sprogy*. TnimLniU and YsuWinkl# (Vmfiruied tfxnwcl P. Craws, aa f’olfaetor of (.'uatoara for Teuw The Bupcutu# Court daaidad that the dap**- its of s Havings Kmk, though invested in Fwl -1 «*rsl ftwcuriuea, arc subject to a Hist# tax. Tha veto of th# bill muxiiuig the Sapraruo Court, wsa considered in lha ( atonal to-day. In the election caaaa from Ohio, thu com j uuUec will report in favor of Deinoo, redicgl, | and ousting Morgan. In tba Mfaaoaii aara : m faiT*r of SwiUct aud ousting Anderson. (•wgrcAßlawsl Pr«««««ll*(i. •BB ATE. Tha South Carolina (\mventi*ni askaw I ran j f**r edacut iona! purposes. Tha Mil regulating the presentation nf Lull* to th# President, was paeefal At th# nraal hour impeachment fagan The Jonrw«l w»# road ami th# r#nltuaUuu ■ aubmittud. Mr ( hsa# anhl the first buaraeoH in ardor waa | Mr. Ji-huam'* motion allowing tha President I ton days. Mr Hnmner Mibttlltled a aubsiitnt# that Uw trad proceed. Mr. Edmunds movt*l that the Heiialu retire. Meawr*. Kiiohmv, Howard and others cried i “no, no." j Mr O tnklliig called far lha yea* and traye, 'sod Ui# result vm, yes*— Mawars. Anlhuny, Ijpyuid. Hu ksl#w t'ortot!, l>avi«., Dixon, Pnoliftla. Kdwsnls, Feraendeo, Fowler,Freliug htjMiu. (trim**, H* ud*raot!, Hendrick*, How#, Johxuexi, McOeery, Morrill of Maine, Morrill •if Vermont. Morton. Norton, PsUarsou us Now Hampshire, Patterson of K«w Jersey, Haufabary. Hprsgur, Van Winkle, Viekatw, Wilfai and Wdlisin* 29. T~- Nays. Mcourt Cameron. <'att#ll,, Chand ler, Cob, Conkltoji, Cowueaa, Cregtn, Drake. Terry, lUr fan. Morgan, Nre, Rsmaey, Korn, Sli#rman. RUwart, Homner, Thoyar, TtpWw, Trnmboll, Wilson sad Yataa—l3. TM Senate remained oat two hour*, and it vm a* dared that tba trial ooaamenra oa Mow lay. to which day tha Court adjournad. The ffoaatr went Inin Kxecativa aeraion and fajoanai wonsß lh« baain#ra waa «nimp<»rtanl. | After thu adoption of tha rcplioslidto. Mr. Kpnlding thought it was too m rag remand warned tha managers ogsiuot faing entrapped by tba Prcsidant# eoonsel. Mr Ho»»4w«H hail m> apprrhcn^h'tt. Mr Hmgbaui •'onlaudcd that the demurrer hu th# part of the PraabUot wsa not a.lmfa«m bt.\ Alto lit# ad* pliuit oi lha r# plus ton, lha House proceeded to th# Serial# snd a»lj turned. Satjofr, Alfa., March 34. Judge Koon, us the Dalisa Circuit Court* bow hi session here, received official uotioa to-day that, otriera be >r«lapi bl# janes to be drawn from tha bat of registered Totar*. without reform## to er»lor, he will ba promptly removed (nun ibe affine. His decision will be made known to-morrow. The Court limtsa si KaUw, am of tha hast in thu Slab , wa* hurued fai Thursday night hc-t Ad tli« county books and record# wars loot. It wo# the work of su incendiary Th»! Cufitt House at Greenabofo* wa* fired on Saturday night loot, but no harm wo# done. Incendiarism. A fir brake out in th# businase port of Tal | fiadega tide afternoon, and WS# still burning at 9 .»Hock, r w. No particular*. K*v*iiaAit.Marah AA, -Tha largest and moat rnihttofaetLc meeting ever hold us Ha vanned), ..-tffvmUcd iu Juhneon tfauarc Uifa afternoon. The object wsa «pp*lHA# to ilia Hradley- Hophra# party and the miareaU of the city. U ws# coiled to onter by ¥ W. Mime, Johat KtrvldArd won noffirr.sled for President, and tetoty-Av* Vice-President#, cuarpoaad ol 4hi. tnaal Lnflnentisl citixeiu Khejuant • poaches wer# mad# by Tmtol fttalra Altornay 11. fi 1 Itch. Cwi Johnftcraven.Gao. IL It Jsekaoo, H. Y Loay. Dr. AmoW snd Mhvvm. Reaola tcNMi were sdnfUad ami a Coratuifae# appointed to orbet #uitable ronduialu* for municipal of ficer*. Thu utmoftt harmony and unanimity pravaitod There w#re pronent s km, no*. t„r of rijgitj prrnon, Vn, Hnr b IF Wm H. Bn- Uik, n |>t<nrJuMil Unyt, bt Hktoantppl. von n*uninnl<4 b>k m«*lil Th* aappnmMl ■!■«» hh w umM. TV K. K. K » bn*« mn>k IWr oppraman b«*. 1b Um ( jut.Mim iSu HCllon, at Um l«r. lakUE* Ull 1I» pn«M<l. hMn« lb* kpporlloß imbi tor nfMBOWwi W T. B MHekkoJ. * MtgH* from Top l«u. hu napU bU owl. Il.uu, Hmb -I Hnju- n Unm olnu I bnl tb. Corn mn Mmtri mi tb* Tib. nmt lb* mb; mIM; OairopmL A f«B*rnt BBUMnti Bakanaa i w pronteMmt 4 *tw« i»*B» k tenrlb tbiriy ,,mm In p*pM ItvavHtK Marob »«.—ObMm #«i mkinlp »-M..M.I;»k. tnbnkn. iinlpkff#; wll#t | b*M *IWJ* Km Vow, Manb M (Ww «aial ad uobAe, abka l.ffffo bate* # M|m. ffcfrl «*-.**••«» Sara era frßii.rbte hmnmmji W»ltt; pMmr tl 30 to I 30. ]lm> pc* fe»rj utM#'- MtanatKotk •iMtru.trm field 3*4. ’ *toHa| t| '*3 cospou. ft .Mta vt« firtHi <ges«4 niotaalg ouSdW **.- fWxtluc. book. MJto ES, New York opM 1< pwi—; Oort >»! b«m>a. MstehM.—Cotta* -eotktac Jo ist; enm—flj U Mi* fat mMdbng £MUM4 IMink 34.- LoUea tut snd SSt-.s«nl, mlm MB **!*». otolilliqg file. re. «f>u i*l tolw-to i |kk ktmtM, Huck k-OoMoa doll Mid MtoMl. nuu luud.mUij Hin; weetota taper*U' 19 *11; HotekfJ llrrrt fit. Wlm!, •Mr uJ wane, priaie Suatkern 13 *5 Cora 1 ataaij I‘roriMoaa Uagdj ul ui good de and Catcuttun, Merck 31 i’loor droupiog Cora qsMsMHs. Ku* &M 7* Damn daU. i •ad htUw a*k fait pricee. Lard Mfe. Wmi, V«rch M No hU< ot cntum to-; to* yrnoimuamm aiwaiml. Rrr*tip tr> 144 bntoft. A Bllrty Tr«4f*4y !■ lU»ti»t*■ Wr ropy u follow* from Um Houston Telr grai>h, of thf %\ uuL; Onr city tu the aoane of * fnarful tragmtv toatordy. at hboat one o'clock p M. Mr A. K j llimami, a you** rumu employed m tmrkaep •r in th< I‘h.i un Haloou. on Tr»»w -tree*, k«f*4 by J. 1). trcßiito, wa* aUbbed by J. H. luinrk, lu a 4jmm lty that ooaorrad them iu the saloon. IkHh theta young mao . had formerly baao friend*. had come to Taxaa ftoin the nune place, (Atheos, 0a.,) and had g>*m to the tame school tn that Btate, to-1 gather. From all tha informal inn that «• can , gather, oer nodaralaadtng of tha affair is fete A abort tirao after Patrick cam. to Taw. ha mamad a haaatifhl ran ok girt the daogh- ‘ tor of Col. Thumpton, ot Polk oonnfy, recently 1 settled in this c«*auly Tha currant ot lhair * uuitad Here ran amuothly along, not eran a | riffle appear lug to disturb the sarface of their -ly iyniaut, until recently. A f4w hn ago Patrick rctorncJ from Gal -i ▼cStOB, whlth« r he had gone to nrrru oil a jn* t), and Brail. lulorruuj that Li* old playmate ami friend lie 1 been circulating atone* detri mental to hiM character and reputation, tha dkitif of which wm« that ha bad left a wifs ui j Gaarfria. Whether young Harxiaob had vastly . dans this does not appear, bat Patrick fired, it may be. with a sans* of real or supposed I wrong, armed himself and proceeded to the j I'h-roti ftoluou, to hate a aatttofe'dtl with J Harmon. The exact conversation that «• . Miad previous to the terrible deed, cannot toe i ascertained, hat the Ue wee given, a blow was 1 •truck, the fearful bowi* knife gleamed in j Patrick's band, and th- immortal soul of a ! banian hem# vm launched into etemitr 1 It bae been definitely eacertadned that the lie was gtrea by llamsoa. By whom the blow 1 wes struck dost not appear so certain. The I wee standing Uhlnd the bar. his an- 1 (agonist in front of it, they engaged in a j •draggle aud Patrick stabbed him, the knife entering the left breast, penetrating the beset. i ilarrieou tittered e scream, and when those who heard it rualied uto the apartment, thsy umt Patrick with a knife in one band and a l>t*tol in the other, coming out. and saw the ugf irtQuat* Harrison staggering from behind the bar into e back room, hie hands premad on hie heart Ue came immediately back again into the bar room and fell near the door or was caught hi the arms of some of the bystanders Jyng in abosi three or four mi antes. Harrison had been a sitisen of Hooston for mnvttw, Kndwaa veil and universally liked by all hiii numerous noqtuuuUncwe. His on timely death will he a aonroe of grief to many who were endeared tu him by hie tunny good eocml qnalitiea. Patrick was also well known and liked. He formerly kept a soda-water fountain in f>r J. K Hand’s drug store, on Main street, and bis quiet, unseen ml ag deportment attracted hosts of foetid* and well wnfcrr*. A nsw law iledning and Urging the right of public marling. has been introduced iu the French Corps Legialatir. and is now under | The /t n»ir« newspaper has been i proeveeted for violatioa cf the new |wees-la«. HTiDecairen*, Twine Mnmsi Drams* v. i ißSprtmrtdfleem, Ftoncan ikkiwi.i { Auauta, Os. Mares IS, lees ) o-esrul Orders, go to 1 areersss. TUs Oqnutanseai iiouvaatiou us Um» Hiais id (MotwK rstf*s»Uf la ■■mi ni iu tins «Mjr, dU, 03 th* lorn 4sy of Marrh. ISSB, Dm tottowtaf (irOmaass, to wtt Am Orrtimmm* $0 ptmridr tk* d«r«We •/ owl Wb*nu. Ah Uta civil udkers of the Stats are only lad whereas. Tbs lntsr*et of <teem*s rwqaWe mat an iha ctvii •**— moeld bs ttleU by loyal rtttseas. arw cerOtae to lbs .proditoas ot th« Oswentwlieo bstof fiemed by ttut CVanrsattos. at lbs sertiiwt prerttea) a»omeaA. as4 lar tha purycea ot a«ol4iae any oaaresa •ary o*4ay or tm of U«as. as4 wsslrsa •tpmmm u> ths mala: It is wrilmei. That aa siacliea bs htU, kgh>h| .«• lbs twesOsm day of AprU. ISSa V* sash ptaeaa as may bs ths Ommaa4m« ttwtsml of tbs bistro* > lar *stla« oa rsliSestMq es tits UmstUatbw. for ms rtseusa of Oeverwar. wielim uMksUwwni Assamhly. HyrwieiilNi 10 tbs Ceagrem of me Pet tod malm, and all etbsr mxn b> he atoctod aa h*erl <to<l la lb* Coe mail aad saal stsetinn to bs bapt upen bean 4s# to day at tb# disrrrtioo of thr Oea»enl And at raid Slscttoe ue lb* rstsnraHoe of UwOua •tttuaue. aud fbr Ooeseeor, laembare of Ooegrcas, nnaUn of ths Osesral Aassmbiy. atxt all tike dffl mnpTs, U>« qaanSraCiom fur rotor* ahaU he lbs asms as prwraribed by ms Asi **f Coagreta. knows as me Bhsrmse 818. fhr rotors at tbs alstotan on Uto rtotitoa tine of tbs CaestiteUfle. and M an Stolwi we4sr lbs tvoetol r■* fortonmaei. Ae4 Xs#o t (Ssoaiwt Mseds la rssfmcCfulty rwqosetod to firs lias sautsaary ordeni to serry lale sSsrt tbs forsfntaf promtoa*. and esuss Jus ream to bs easds and mrttiluatos cf stectloe Ip isscm by tbs fswpsr sfiiisni. Aed he M ferthsr us dstesd. That tl». rrf wtaßotw rstaMtshsd by i\»««rsas for rones *pae ms rattSeaUae of tbs Oseedtetkn and tor r 4m* at stototoM «s4sr ttw Pronatoeal Oorsna msnl. shall apply to ms slrctloe of oßtests m rtursaelt. H.d thr pwieii so slasts il hr afyolalsd shall selsr apse tbs dattos es tbs sssrrat sßhs Is which thsy bars base itopsctirsly slsctsd whse aulhorlssd so to «A> by arts at Cwqtw or ths uchsr of the Uextoral c, mraandie#. and shall (wedtees te <4toi till ths w*. lar >si neeetne ftwrt4»4 far after the ymr IMM, end *»- tti sn I— nr» srs rtMiid and qstttsf, so that said >mwrs mall mob oMfeNNs hsMAbsir «mnae aa tbewfh tbsv wars siartsd ua IU Tasakey oAsr ths trat Moo lay to I* steamer, UB or eisclsd or appomtod at tbs General Aarrmbly nth thsrwaftor, aed ths roles for . tsekKUas aed tocAius ths rstares tharsrt shall be 1 ths asms as shall bs ptosortbsd by lbs Coto Otoe ding Osaarel tor ths slarUoos aed rutwffM sn the rshlsaSse of Um. ( nastitu ton. Bat Ibis ordinswiv ahaD not ap ify to ths Janios of tbs mass who shall bs ■lseWd at •itch urns as shall bs |To*t6ed tor oy ths AndOewsrel AssMahiy, oatti othsrwtoa ymridsd by law rpoa any rotor tu-to# chailsnssd h« mati tabs tbs Mkrwlai oath "Toe do »Jsnutiy sbear (or aft mg that you bars base duly rsyifrsd s«rMatity to ths Arts of Csegtwss; aey ysraon from vatieg at this elerttr n; that if ths < jrwntett a» epne which ths rots Is now IxU# takas is ratkkad. that few will trwfy and ftothfsitr Miport it, »> hd| you (tod " U —And eh was i, by so Act of diimam. wttisk ho mass a law Marsh 11. lam. tt w sewdad. that tha Cee •tOetowal teeranttena of say of ths Btatss OMnUeesd is the rwooestroetto* Aun may pewstds the*, at ths ttw*r of rotte# wpne ths relianstbei of tha« isrnmtiue, th« wgistored rotors may rots also far sasiebm of tha Hbwos f t hfiprsssns*tiros of the I mtod Sastos. and far an stostirs oAcsrs yro*hfad far by MM Orwstit ul«»c UL —4i M ordsrnJ. That at tha seeks tins and slew a* when tt Is srdsrsd by Uses ret Ordors Ho m, dstol March 14. IWt, that «a sloettoe shall bo bold te ths mats of Osatyla upon Hut rsdtoeation of ths (kmattir. turn wkeltm by ntid seeonatton; an sfartloe sbal ad# bs held to atld mats tor a (toveewar twwi. mn bors at tbs Oswerai AsssniMy. nsprnssutstirm a> tha iWennM ths Pal tod States, and ah oUwt oitosrs to bs ilntsd as pm rids* far In ntid Osuthikn. IT - Meld rtartton shaß bs sondoetod by thr asm# parsune. In ths earns naaawsr, and ths rrdnres theme# sbpn ba nab a* Is yrwrtdnd to mid General Ordsre for idertisg mA making teterm sf Ow risttlrie on tha ontmsntim af ths Censtitenue. ▼ for rw ting open fas vwldto ttow of thr and far eU ysrsaes who, tinder the Arts of Osegretii. may bs rots at ms itsdhe of.;*aid it*w% and nena <dhem at this rtoHlna ten» nd> as am# be rryalrsd erneSmg Me eJnr 1 »• »—>• •*“ »“H W>ia»il nMMi k. 1 A)'*n*w'Ma uw I>M t«M> k. V .Mill M 1 M—l ■i 0< Ulm UIT. I» MW., 0» k*k * ' , <k.*k.OM *k»«MMMSk» lIfWMkM kM garni MU to Man. tor lk» ftotoll ks to. ckUMlf ktotorl. mg OM Mk [tolarkictMk b Um I toy ■ i at Mi*k.i iki, 1* toMl Mtolltol IBS. >MMM .kk»M*.ll ma UM k*M kM n*k* to nk. k. sail tkM k. wnktfeMW. *>M k. u .SM, N|Mnd .mm 'of K« Mn, MkM. k*lk«,*> tt* MM. Mk* wkMk M olMto. to MU. mi IkMW kM MW tk MM MMf to- tk. *— toj* ml PMM IIII* IkU MwtkM. Or. Ifk.dMtoa kM** » Mto.M M MtoMMIk «>, MM> i»totr Ot Ik. tokto. «. MMI I,to SMIMt.Ik.MM. tk—* ,■■■ M* S MM oMtoktoM. ulaunfr ktotoMikUM Uk toku* mmMmMm •Md. Ik. ik.ttM*W ptrtj SMI k. |«mM to nto WUtoM fmbrr qtiMMto *MM hi to. Hu. t. tok. MtokoMk. -,) 1 | . * ItoS-nMtoS, tk. Ito Mm -SMkMd r-wsMkt* tkM Si n*kl of rkMls*. to kM .buto J, or nag tor lk> («ruto M or totojtM tk. Sts By unt«* of Mjgor Oc&sral Msada. M. t I>HUM. •israt U Assistant Adjutant itfnml August* Hs*.ubllyan c6yy. APvmmittninwrih. Ci. W. ADAIR, Xji£a.' laahm * JtiAVK bssn anpufetod Ansnt of tbr Eyl !lAHtoh UM ANnl hAMOB HOIWTT. toseisd to ths iky Ns« i«ft f twtierr H to bs (tbs duty of rrory bSsh*Bl and tMhsr to lay ssrsy suwwlhlag far ths bruedt ».f his wlf» and • hlldrsn, and thsrr Is (*> bettor or surer way us m skins su. h • pru«m m than in roe* l tag in a safr and •uand ldfo lasuibu. *- Oumpacy 1 aiu sail mtlsbrd |hst Lhs IqmidtU ts wsU ouu ducted, and sooed and rvhabis every way. bsywnd quewti.>a. and oahsaiUusgly reunned it to ths rot* Adam sand putrunag* ot mr }*aopls Call at my attics far fell lafanuatloe courareleg tts fitsnding and the advauugss it odors to pallcy-holdsr* O. W. AXVAIK. Itoal Cstoto. Life aed Ftrw tneerems Agsat, - » nailTwad Btooh *H> Kathed gibL «. w . adair, Attifaeatr. 11l Cait-Kdgr ttntineea I .of a. IWIU. orU on ths Ksmwm. on BaCerday nr si, the aach Inslaal. m 10 o'clock. Four Busdsm Lote 25x100 Feet, at tha career of Marietta ami Forsyth Wrests, fpwittac uu afsriktuuul ruxtniag back 1i an story, Tbss* are lids aow on ths markrt Also, TWO LiOTtf trwnUbg <H> Forsyth rtmot. on slthsr wgs of Flanry * Carnage Mean factory, s«4 running back to Uraoiu Blech. Hass era at a*y ofacs and will be pas tod Terms >wk. hsfaqrs to throe and ait tnnailw. mm latarswt -_to tt.w ai>Ain. Seal Heists and baswranm Anant, Otitos No. I Knlraait Husk, op# national Houl mar* id O. %% ADAIR, Asttlssrei. TRUMAN PROPERTY. | IWLI.L anil on ihs fwmtma, an Thnroday east, tha mk into . nusisisnrtng a* t u slack la tbs altor : asun. Fnrtr-Twn HniMftni l*mf a, I about V of a» aft eMfa. attweud <m a o.*samanding | bttl. near Um auethsmi lumu at tha city, between > k rsis' Brewery and Weal Bed Depot For suburban rstidsntv tbts prwpsfty Is vary dr Hats con bs •••■ at my <HRr. and are pootod «p all •m# tfaaaaty Maohs Isnrw my oAc« at I a'rioah TlUrs patirai - •ah poauv* Term* One half cash, habnirs in three and m mooths O W ADAIR. Heal Kstato and Lflaiwanoe Agent. Ofßrs, No 4, RaAfaand mark mark, tt Oppoeft- Rauonal Motai United States Distriot Court ; Far thr toetkers Dlatrtrt es Urer|l». rlh February adjuawnsd Ttom* of tha United Metso Dwrrnn r Ouort far tbs tomthsru DtstrWl us Unor gla. anpomtsd to be held on the 118 Instant, to post poned onto Monday, the fab dny of Aprtl, at 10 obfaek a. n The nfelar Terw* «# the Orncrn *-.fas us ths Dul led Rfatoa far the ftoatrtrt of tAnorgta will eommanaa on Monday. April IMh, lam JAK M.MM inarm It drtfa Ui Bankrupt*,. la Taa iHsraam. Gwrat or me Vnrrru Brerm nu tax Noaranaß BBWBt or itomtu Iu ths mat tor at i * I4MUD, « LIAK, j In Bank.up*, y Rta. U. Bankrupt. ) 1 f p H < anid Baubiuni haotaa putitionr J tha ; 1 a disrhama from ail InbUi proawbto undur ths i lsantropt Aot of Mairb % Mtf, Mbs to hesaby faron 10 au pwopßßißt mu 11 to mm on tho imk *S*fvf eas sf Ihs Raglatsra of the mid Oonrt In Bshbroptr). at ths Bsftafar'ssdtosln Orsa. nod shew moss an. ths pmy*w of the aatil patitiaß of ths Bankru|*« ahotikl Md W#kM# Wiititon tbs Honorable John m«ns, Jndg. :o*l ) of said Dtstrtot Onwrt. and ths saal ttoss 4 f. thto 3M day us March. IMB V. B, MMITH martS to wWw Berk In IBs Dttirtrt < wnrt of the l nltrd dtntoa For the Isrttora Dltorts* n# Uesrfta ln the —it*— at 1 ÜBONUR V. RIHARD. Jln Mnofihrwptay. No U Bankrupt \ fTIHK mid bankrupt ha ring pstittonad tha Osuto tor 1 a rttarhkrws Bern all hta dsbto aroTabis under th* 4 prti. UK*, ai kfo etocdtn thafarsnoon. at (Jhamtor* of ths said District Court, batons A. O. Mumqr, Rn|.. ons of tbs Bsgtstaru of tbs stod Court In Wiat rwftiT. to ths Ksgtstarts Ofass la (Btißn. abd abuw sdwm why ths preysr of the eto.) putitton bt tbs Bankrupt should a<4 be gruatod. Witnsna the BonsmbAu Jofan Bmhlna. Jndgs fm.t..] of aeid Ptalrtst Oonrt. and lbs asal thw of. this Md day Sf March. IM* W. R. SMITH. nurti AA wSw Hart •In Hankruptry. In ths Dtotok-t Court of Um Cnttoi ftatss tar the North an* District of ftourgia In ths rutotsr us ) JOHN M. BIDGKWAV, 1 la Bankruptcy - No. 2» Bankiwpt. ) THK mid Bankrupt uartng psttttooad tha Court far 1 a dlachergr tram all hia debts prriaukl unhr Mm Bankrupi Art ot March 2. UMT. not to* U haw by gtrea te all psraaaM into me tod to spfwr on the lfab day of April. MM, at w o rtodk lu Um far an nun. at Ohambwa of Um said DtsOrV* Oourt, before A. G. Morra#. Ib|., one of theJßtigtrtare of ths said Oonrt In Banbraph y. at tha Bagfatw s ofbss In drtfßu, and show mass why Ihs pmfwraf tha said pstitlon af ths Bankrupt mould not bs nmtii Willises Um Honorable John Btukins. Judge (Stuu) Os said Dtotrkd Ooan. and ths eenl tbsrs <#. out jsd day of Hamh.jiMlg^ rktr»dAwtw CVrl la Bsßkraptn.' In Ihs Dttortrt CwnrteMbs UaMadJtotos fat ths North la Um t***Q-» of ) WILLIAM H. RUHR, \ t* Hmkwpb-r No # r FIILR said BaatrrqpA bartng nuUttonad ihs Court far 1 • discharge bum kFhisdsbts ,-mmkds under ths BaubruptArt «# sjjg Mm Hii?rtfiR > infcßd& Aurt iuhSvbiSh! at the Regis'srt ofßca tn Tlrtftn and show same why Um prayer of the mid patttton a« tha Banbropf mould art W MMtitad Witnsas Uto John HruAdna, Jgfa* ; iiul) of wM Dstortrt (Vwrt. and the seal thsr* si (fata RM day af Hsruh. )MB V. B (HftlTfl. uaurM 4Bwßw dark In tfaa IHsOrfst (hurt of tfaa Uulfsd AUIm, For tk* Isrthsre INstrlrt es Ufisrgt •. lu tha ahrtnrs or JOHN F CRAWFORD, A. H. CUUMUUTH, JAR. M. RHHPrARD, JOHN T. lAMplk la fauln> t .i. < RtOMAIUI RAmgSTT. I K ADD’S B AXJdtmx dIAHOHH ADOOCH. BWBbTUptA Swfaam Bmay menum; Ths undarsigaud hs*aby »■*'— iili.S, at «*<■ MMr 'f ihto. mM M Joko Uigfr awp muti Mill H nn* tnitli liisaijpii OONOBHT. * (Muas vocal ub in - I mmaßAooKxH,- DAVIS’ HAIjL , . r ' T m* ramuiAT aviuiß. »»«(« *m. Ds4m th. Min—— «* THU MOZ.IUT CLUB, The Atlanta Quartette Club. . PMor. 1.. kakvukn- Tbs Frtgnmu mu rnmnat af the thetosrt oafacti-n* Frtsa sf ddfalnlm (let Itollnr. Twbrta to ht had at Um dillertiit Book Annua and at Um Hod-d* Boose opea at V>OMttart to romaUtiaa at • »‘d«»i HLECT ’ ITTH OOMUHTTTLK. ■nmoidf Moxsrt (Tab CONCORDIA HALL Ox'ftxx cX O ula N i.g Ut ’ UodßtMlsy Mrsnlng. Harrh ttlk IMt. Tbs Isuulifai and InVrsaUhg Drama of tbr MAID OF ( ROINMKY, • •x-xatnn.sM4e.-n1 vow. T* b. l*™l,, iktlwW'l. h—. ' THK l'*A» IIK A LOVER. T* WMh • t . i.hami IIINC-OUDIA line te -tetch te. .41,1m1. Hi mvlted to I— r4u4^*t. T v .m. I— A B. lu.l ui Mmto. Bmldum • K‘4.4,* ■ r " Admission Onr Uniter. tnartbit » if awnirtmays «. 1. anovv F, M. EDDLEMAN A 00. 11/H would regpsfitfuliy .nil Um »tlrais>u of onr rs f rianda, ths puldlc g* usraOy tu tbs fart that ws am now »ps- *g -A BllOf> fltOl 4^ on tba i hast rua. AU aur goods are n*w. and have been ealartad fa suit (Vts utaabM. and will is aoM a« ■Bbearit of low prirss far CABM. W# win a j Art* rrnl stork of Bonm, Ihto and Batinoatb. ala... l<ld Isalhar, fftmrh end Amnnn Calf mins, ap t Hh.- hndfbga. Olvs nan mil, W» Delator strwt, he tween BUrry A Dougherty aud W*o»rs A Marsb F. M CDDIX.HA> a Mi Ad sofa, to*.. MmrrnX IdfA. 14m. r. R.—our Mn. r. M. CwPKhMAji. has witbdnwu from Um ft no of Ranks, Nddlwian A Cos, su.l .fastrrs to my to his ftlands. that her low cafarr.l to that* weals tn Um host amt shoe tins far Um last twsalj ) rare la Atlanta, faela conftdsut that ha can *Ull pbus* all Us quality md Ransetuber th- ptars In marftMt sod IMPORTANT NOTICK TO CONSUMERS OF COAL. West ami * ATtotwn*' RetLnoau. f Qv»k» Henrvn u# Te> esrunt 'tti •>. ; Altoti, 4te. Mm. h M. IW t OR and ifai April lai, led*, ths rato of fvwtgbt on Cam Wtil bp rrdumd fa uns end a half <T»t* J*» Kills war fan of Mfto pounds. 1m rato to santtntM la laics uaul October let. aft« r which th* pr» «nt tan of two rant* prr ton win b* r. By <*rdar af th* Baprrtotoadrat. JOHN B. mb. nurh- hi Master Traurportatloti. UARPRTh, 41 KTAINh, MlAl)Kh,h< \J OW arrirtug, our Mprtug HtocA of Uti CWHbs. Msi .1 tinge. Dun tasks. Lane Cartalna, Corel, r. Uau-u. Tim ski, rta. Window Hhadas, m great verts*!. hsanUiui "Mu bto** and "Mahogany <JU (Bothh fur laid* m F*-t) thing ussiisd to furmm a himm win be faguj »' KENDRICK’S < »rpM w* Hi—. ywmi»lilat: S4mt, MsrMi BnlldlMg. Mnrlrtin •«., mar'M « ATLANTA. »*A Rroves* Ambrosia 3?* O i-» * V H S3 U A i H Improved!, It MMB rtapaut Pleating far th* Usii ll ransss th* Halt If Oort BsanftfulV 7 It krapa tits Vulp Clsuii and RmMli) | It IhrtgofUtas the R*>ota of ths Bair It ftmraa tttit pair and Board to grow tuiunanttr H Unm-dlel. lv sh-ps Hair FaDlui; Out 11 kropa ths Hair from Changing Cola# from Age It reelftrau Orry Bstr to tto Ortgtoar Color It brings ont Hair on bends that hare l**« bald f.>r n*» ■•4 fa camptifad sttllrrtf ot rtmpbs atid-pamfr ugrtabls mtiUMM It has rsrsivsd oeovtix thousand volauta. j tsaUmo Rial- of IU sfrrtlsarsf many of vU-U *r. from i>bv». rtane tn high atgudieg It to eoM la half pound hot Mss (ths name Mown tn Um glass;, by DraggluM and Dealer* tn Fancy Chvo.l* svunwbar*. at Onr Dntiar par ttottii. Whrteosl* hr Dmnns Batnss ACo ■ r. C- Wslls A Ou.. Kibtsft»itn A tia, )Ur Vert. marl* 1 v NEW YO&A MAOHINEBY DEPOI’. u. a c. pl. a v k , MS* Mini M,w Ink Manufarttiren and Dulara in saury deurrtptfaa of l’ I KO t> L A H HAW MILLS -msm/urr »vd roartsut Mete Kp|le**aeS lUtlrrt, S—<w»rtli*» 1-lssrw, «Win »tlwi Wmml ISsin. tX-te. UtolMr and Itakhn Mm. to kM* »■< *■ (mp«4Uio X, tU WIU..U Ml 111 MMtol I. Mtokts. . toll, rate Ikpnr Shov, tt( * CO.'l lIMUVKU It kULL SAW, WHh bos Dm. n4 ISM., to, MSn nimbi. In I* I "—te . a mos t I'jUJUteATSP AMuaujnua su aam». pcxrjns ash reaMOts. Hnllwtv M ■ piil tx s. aSoiax puct »c«e-4» , - ouilb ru<« DRY HTOEN WANTED. , 5,000 g | | im'LiLiteA-g^ft PROPOSAIi. M OTTK 44 Ikhii k Il»n>4m«ii L PTlkil4^a^tia S' •upvlylug «g.%,ooOHHKh, Wm Two-thirdsof ths SAHMiut fa be good. Hrtrk the trtlanrs . goml in«vbewShfa -rtirls^R^K aissdsft to. to tie*. TANARUS« To bs 4rtm«! « M< rheroun s Ifarrorka. Afffl dejtomv to mmmfthm at inew. V rrwfrimli rtMbutn tßßinni, and ml—4 lari ■ urtitm m B—ftk 1 VC* 'jvrt..MNMi torn isMOMij *t. SN*-*. arssjssv" 1 u *msr&2i. Tk* mtil Dagbmp* baring iiMßmi I Rat Oourt fc 1 u»* «#«ffwagmfetißtoto*«>• tiittr tm fbIE IU Xy*K lMLtoW•*#«*totoftStoUMlbat atom»- ■ <*** itoArt. htitoti A ft. Murray, at*-, t futot rs eatil ftihrtri 1 fiemi igtonv. .ErS #£"J<TL5*