The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, March 27, 1868, Image 1

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SUtaft* §«%' ftm fnu TItKMI or « HUPTI« * •* Otiy, frir >Btf—i ••*•_•#* £} ** p«r#«^ W*gkW In, Ahmm— * <X> *g- WVAJUABLY Ul ADTAECR 4« H ITK4 Ul iOV*llTl»l*U. •TOmn »e»th« Two Mas *.* OOA 14-7 * *** a-iWt ... 'll*.*! 114 0. »au<x rw„ -Iraere* !••«» »» um rbvreTlJqanru* fW *-» U-m r.*» Cun> liM «*-* 40 00 nv-» iuy*r«« »0U 40 WJ 00.00 Tjwrr MOO 4*oo Mo Cftuwn 40 00 MOO MOO . UOJaw.,.. M.4* MOO *o* Mo»> 40.00 IMH ,i i)uta«m TfoflA MRVOO IM%t :-h«KOMMIi Kit a h«tfW pvmd than U»refl ~ ••.Ur» wlli be »iift«4 at • d*. Incite*. rt tuerrty per <«i from Um above Nl«i »•* r«Ji aautn ft 10 lines or Wm. lur U»* Atel !»■■» »l. amt for Nk h SMb*~4 i.-nt lnM»ll«0 M. 1 tine* rt subd n-*«pare«t. ur ho egwlvalant in epnn*. fern a*!mk. l-efare ur on detuned after the firs* tu e-rtton. AdrerttaereMii* wwimarked ?~r ■ ji mm A Uaw IdTMDMiWttU IMWH4 te interval* 4. W rhMf»l M Ail or notices al hdrertteeiuenU. Ji 4v > Uul MMMM." IM nharprahla a* r»U ft rt»l <-*rra aHm kw reck ißUfi** Ko al u »|»pmi (ur aUm •um than f*w* dolua MMUMMUSIIdM tIM kM4 4'OfMMl HotM." Is. .HT NOM PM line lur »r»4 lourtu*. end 10 cmM for -• 1 inewrttrm. Vuiu. urj eomsiwiMAOMiA oowuiwu.* mtaruuig or •piATanhrttai! torn every q— rime HmW •U*r* .. to# rerure* mentis* ul Um MUM eopertalty Uj (4 THK KHA UKHt’K | A IN THt NOUS BVUAHBO Oli AI AO AM A OTOOKT. oi-fonuT* m* rtJMTorrrro, bktwkkx aon ah AND uamuiiu. FRIDAY MORNING MAtt< H‘27. IM* INCXI ICfcX. (.‘omiaußitAi* ! , Mallnotai ■lrwlo "itlMif. Ii tlirrnnrijr rnl itrlirl in lln* nr* C<m»Uin- Ut*u ? I Ire! i« li»r t]Qnlion. Hut wlul’i tb« Una aiiMrr l HiVO 14 to; ii <ki+9*U «|NM **• io rUcttd »»..»(fMT II <lr|M«tHD 4|M>ll ll.lH dlltM ll). ftb bi.lntaljr Ain I altogether. I**! na MrioOKlr roo* , U* mo<tr too plum W doiiWi, thsn yob**!/ l* vikiMl tn in* 1 ' R ouvtlw'LliningLt. The Oov«*ror>r in io Ap|*>iut avery jmltfa in Uir Si*U- Tl»a SwifeU »• lo ratify hi* h|>j>oint iirent* llnllork U n "Iron/ iL-lul nino; hr Übufi.l luml for ibr Hrliof ii»«*anur«'* In thd l iiiatjtmien. If b« will ap|iauit Jm4;- « .of ihc bapnior anJ Kuproint* (Vituio w!m» lu ll****' that tbroo Urlirf iu*(umreK am CoimU- UiUimial aiid right. ('rrdiloni will g<» into -tirt 4W uX ilici/ »>I'J •b blo. and the JnAgrA wiilturu 3**'■»•» “us, *ny the < AMirl* ho*** no juHAfrtibn over old tlr-bfM. Ilnllork will n<4 A|>|-*int any man who will not «|o thi* It i« pbtiu, tbrn, I hat under Ituliurk ttru lUIiH of IL# ih’W f'AiiiMtitiitiou orltt bu held (food, and Ibn* real Mub«(Antial Rrlid will be <*ldmined. Hot •«|»fioar Irwin io el feted. Wlmt then ? He te o|»fHAted to Knlaml Hu twUuVu* the vtAtoiui of the now ('onstltutiou ou thot nubject are in eouAint with thu t-onutituiKMi of the United Stute*. and lhai nil theme pronr ions irr unit tunl itwf He will, if rliyfed, »p* |H.iui JudifM Who loll* ve AA he doea uu thu >utijcrL Under th« e* Judge*. cr«HliU»rm Will Otiur intot uNft Ul one Oil old dcldw, <*ml thry , Io do AKW Uir ,;ruM»ef that fte i.rf in utioinxttl dtr'H't! Thu* the 1U lief Uie*i urea of the new (tenHilolion will become a d* ad kitor, mnd laiue-ioutho of tbc |mu»|i|i> of U«H«r|(iA will be la**|M*le*mly ruiued Again: H'llliek U'lieiMtlwt thr lloiaeotMad given hy the new Conotitation ought to b« fr.. from old del*tm a* well «* new He will A(»(M.ia4 JadgeN who viU decide that It is oo freft. Hat lrwiu holdacnnlravj o|>inion* fie will ap}Munl Judge* who will d«’idr that it ia uioa inotitatiooal to giro a horn eat iwd free from rdd dehta. Thna, Hi* «4emr that nnder Irwin llmi Humenttad cau only be hold free fmiu fa* tam «I«bU, and thu* thoiuomla of fuuihoa uM noon he tiirned oat of bmtfto and home to |lay old debt*. Ilut the enemies t»f lb tie I* will may; “How «!o you know Irwin im to I ou on*r, he lim Imcn eUargri w»U» opfMNUtion to |l. and u* nh»» be nor )dh fnemiA have denied lh<* eharge. and more than tliat, / triO r \4t for iio inn*, toiif v I bn*** u/w Urt*rf I km»r IIuIUmA !*■ for it rrwry body know* it. Itiit *U|>)>ONe jt could be «aid tlmt Irwin in in favor «f relief That, of lUelf, fill KtPt 4a. I lumt know uArt/ kiml rrbr/ bt U f»r U , be for the relic I that h »n the bnw bomtiln- i lion? We ail know that liallock w. He hel|>ed , to traiuw it, amt v*4ml In pat it in oa it otondx. j Peofde of ttnmgiof Relief men* bewore b«'W you Vote for a fUMI for Govenior wb<ho( j • •ptntoiim aud f«*cdmg« you do Hid know ? bourn «»l you hoie Haul you woahkvole lau mil tiro- IK4I Io get relief, but that yon would not rote f«»r Hulloek. Hnt you deceive youtwelvee. You will lw mined. Without a relief man Io MfjxJiMt your Jodgee. yo«r ('ouatitutiou npcm tbiM Nhhjrrt io «to( wimrth the }Mt|w>r it io written upon. Io it |W4iihiff that oectionml prejudice or fieraonal tnendabip for Irwin will load you to comuiit tbia isapretne act of folly lh* «lr«* tioa of a man fbr Oovomor who will rob you of all the bcneftU which might hare been de rived Iro»u the new Coutlithtlon ? You onwtM take Uw Conatitaiion and reject Bollock. A friend of the (YmotttnUoQ ami relief n»u*t be elected, or nl! that hue boon done gooa lor nought Think of tbk. Spook to yourmigh l*Or» and frieuda about tt. Db uut daah all your bopeo In the * «nh. Do not drag down min npou youreeirea— no. n.4 to wl*<'t Ihc heat ft tend you have on earth Governor * LM4MI (fr Llllto Km wtlli M4g U*|« Before tho nice lion Upon the queation of calling o fYmvotitiou to frame the new Oonoti tuUon, it woo aaacrtnd, over and over again, that no Whit* men w.mld vote. On Um* wight M Hie flrvt day of the rloetkm, diapatebex were oant hum all parU of the Hi ate. naytsig that no . whitee had vt»ted. But H wwo a lie, nauak tweed and wtrewlaUd Aw eflbet Nearly one half the white wmm oftYirorgia voted for ('ou wniion, A fall half would have voted, if it Imml nut been for intiwMdatfcwi oanl thrwau freon yMeat W*ow. ftnwfwdtwcrw* AB «w the np-couuUv. thorn aarue men are (moertHig that all tho white people are lor Irwin. Little rowwty ofiieMra aiid other*, wbone mtervet it i« to br on th<* atynnw ride In the precinct or w unniy where they live, arc lmulwl on tluo ilbdijeot. Agwute and employee* *»f the Hkatc em 4 MW olno VKitav on line ouhj«* t, becauet ►A ompltcll Wolhu'o |a for Irvrin. and they think l>W bread and butler u in dangwr E ThMomaß hnt br4«4ar«Mia Uady M men will V Imnwivn Inwlly deceived than they cVir wrrv • before. A low oowiiiieo m Nawth (ieotyta can wot control an clertkm now. aa they oae< oowld. Irwin . onld not be eieeted with »XOOO •uajorUy from North (howa Bat haoanwot gat r, n& majority, if kiolßo depended npou if In many conotiee bo will be beaten Th* quiet and aeriona portion of the np country people will vote for rnUAcatkm. and it they do Kaf they will and mud voU fur Bollock- They wilt noi take tbe|oowaoHwHon and elect Ml oftwmy to tt and tYomaelvoa upow it The lleophs moot boV# credit for a Ifttfa) common nenoo. Than# at them who have taken the odiMi at gniwg far in iMhuahno. and hove been denounced no dhtgraond for m doing, or* not Wping to abandon the new CowaUtutum to iiaaSeintM. They hod aa mwli not made «t at all oo h* do fbbb Jlw tug of the mam OomUtulibn, will find it no «a» budh to drive away M dtagrace Ug mew *b. framed iyand walk off with tho fitto of (Borgia In th«r paakota. MUm frUndoof mcwntiudiwiobtfAm Lot them Adm hack the hwagiy hard wku wwtb not atdw In ha t> onmmnw lunpwct fm AfliXwwin (o inwM »IMI«(W»«I --tathu betow tt* **'•* 4M MW Me MWtMr •* e«f> mm m« *~m H, Th, fnMMkTof tie. *0 iJSi aMl»al»(«w>A«ily THE DAILY NEW ERA. BT SAMUEL BARI). ATLANTA NCSnIXM DDUXTOR > JKUKUUII .VIU OATUNIHi H*- H. ItOULHA*. 4aaUar to Wawlm«« Aa. * n# i »w Naa. ■MMti ourUMK M. Ly^ : ahOoThad* AUaa, U. Oa warr*im4 •n* -J £| LOWIBIL, WenOew. (TmTa. Jewru-r. ft • wmu-i anOanr' *noa «a4 MmU rUI. Wma-a-u- Watna* o . a*4w*Hm .Ul4Non l o*4 H«*vr atrwtt ii BKKWAVS, IVOW to oa««mM W#wi i* < A--A4 Bv # fdmr Opema oa4 Vimac V e<M >*w«lq QOC’-t*. C*nJ. <MVI J« lWbt4lirir *»- poml; ataa • oe* aUmk t 4 cfcaitta fled < OartcA C*wo#r Mwmim and WmieUell atr^i*. ukmtn* pogiiiiniiu at • iZXTK. Imhr ia dmto* UdO.iT - IUU. «‘AIW. Hi4r lMtb«r Trunk* •*»<! 4«» - • tW Wmrt'nal H«4rl. AUacila. On AW*fM On, TosAiA'uninTu. SMITH 4 KICUMOKD. 1.4*-.w.»U an, (Mer,i I . otl—ion Utii INUA IMUtti oritri AUgWODI UKiuqim. Ctrrr Dni| wnrr Torptu a ling. WhntMAlu ml / HmtaU iMtalNTi In Dnifa, U*nuaH«, I*bi*u 'hJb, pMfmnrrT And Wworb mud Aujcn«-Ae <*Um. Mun-mw IdilVtlnr. r*jn»rr Wltw-Twlt «rad lf*«' *u AttmntA. da U EDWIN* 0 POX. W'boUwNlA Ai.4. Kmcei.U mnd dmler* la I'alimn, OUs. Dye **»*•, Ac., Ac. CON Wti»W*aa» AOd AtAbmaw •tr*rto. AttAliU. (Am. rvtimlmr ue ntu-n paid A» filkog PrmrtpUcar AW"« vox. (IB c L KXnwnre- LmU «lU> YA WU-Vr a Cos , •--y- : J? Louun.iU. Ky. M1L.1.1 'HU , A( a f Hit E. P o‘COmaoß. I«4Wr hi lakUa- *i»l Chib ill dr*b • Ik»lie Mi aim! Haul lUU«*>, lew, ml nrr>ihJn( prrtmlulng lo th» Mtluurry VuMmoa. WkiM- Iwli atewi, or it mbov* i M H<4UMuk ■ lUt o. LIAVORN AVI) UIVIC*. COX A HILL. WbclemaU IVaWa In Pi rMNN AC l Uu ■NU Llqwoem, LTgan, Ac . t‘c«ct,(rLO MraA, Attmau, <w 1114% UOOI)M, NOTIUXR. AC. JU WHITE A (XL. WU..UW* mnd lUUri Uwi*r*iA • HUmic mad Im j Ur/ UuuOa (4.mume. iUtm. Ik*4c Hi 4 tUtorA, Wbltebmll Urrrt. Sixrrr a whaiaooii -a u*a*n in NtApU' aim! 1 An. j Inj (»<*<*U. HaU, c*B4W ma 4 S*. u.iLi, corner I*tw»liir<«« ao.l U aJIou atm. AIU..U 1(0. 4'4>M fti'Kt TIOVKIIM AVI/ NAKKHI. (~4 WTtlUt, WliulNflllß Crmrkcr. dmOomakd JI • llremd Mai.iit*. tnrvr. mod iwitrlu rm. / Ucnl, WOUebAiißAnei. ITOVta, TIIWAHK, At . in hu em. TTa- NAr* All . flMDr WkM*# 1 a mi It ATI, ( APS AID riKA. JM HOMIRIIOX. WbnUAAlc Aed MjNaU Ucotri ia • Fur Ae and Woo) Um. i)»>, laAl(|‘ t*ur» -Whit*. bAI) A«rm( HOOT* AMD IIIUKI. (i Ao. W. FHtCK. l>«AA*r lu BuoU mod HttorA, Coif r Ki.u., Kt(, ul LuUu, Mhu kc., t‘*AiibtrcN Alrxrt. acxi dnur Ui t w Muudm/ '- 3ha II A lti>\V Altp., 4K irOHlIl 4ITVWABT, At WM atau Ul* Mill Omw J. Oaom Curb. WbIWAmU Atro*(. AUmu. (la, h»w on bond a largo mad »eil lamirtid «L>cA u) UAtiu WiJUC. wboii Uker wlli a*ll low to* cnaU t'OTTOM FACrOitK ALUM. NKMCMM'TO 1)11 Fa. um ANd CniumlMl A • Her. Uaola. Mo. 17 IM«nu Mro«t MhJLbOttb EIUJTHKK, OMMTAiCoiulutAA'Mt. M«*- dUuiU ao>l TiAnttc FiuNta. übdnr FUutor*' Ho 4AI. AlaJmiua suw 4 (•KOI KK* AMD PROnmi DKAI.KK 11 r M A It. J UVWRTKOO .Hauler a Ai.'Uli'.fe err. 11 # (\ MoroboiiW A»d Wbobooto IwoVr* m Onocval Man Imui liAc. A Obama tuwi Cl IIA I'M AN A W U..i.«aW fiiwNO#* 4Ud j I'omialAAloti Men iion n, Wlu(. boll o4r«- 1. Allonta 0a w. v ißirMii. jj-i i, a w. arc baa JAMAH H. WTUL WL..UmaI« Unawr au.l Com iuio4.Ni MonAtaul. Uruu i HaiUlUig. fS ulltm AtfAAi. I sorb, nuvibiri . 1 Wbutaamic mnd HoCail U«Mi iu Hi*»iin e mod (Jro rertma, Miicbail lUvH HUCBLLANKOt'I. STEADMAN a HIMMOXK, WbohoAie Oeomra. Frn dnm broker* ai,d (v>rufi.UaMm McrehAoto. Mon-noa HaOiiUM. MarIAAAAAXnMi. THE GREEN LINE. FAHT FIIKIOHT JUNK I»ITr\VKI.N ST. LOUIS AND LOUISVILLE -ASl> - ATLANTA. NO CIIANOfi OF .(’Alls MTWIOtS Louirrillo or Hickrnu and Atlanta. TIME REDUCE!) TOSS HOURS. KKDIOTION IIM HATKK. fpHE oMcatfon of (nHTI’FIW !■ nUU*i W> the I<4)ow 1 In(i Low Kates by tb* ilieno liM In Attonta FroiN ramisvtfle. prußu n> la>«ia. in «*-T tx 74 It ?M od (Me 1 43 I 03 0d Ctma it!.. lIN ISN Mb CtOBA N1 i II IQDlha M 111 Visor. IgqUa Oaiuoa fuMkwa whbi...... IMS TIT Halt. ('oaNAbl. PtoAdor, prbbi 110 1 W BaOfhVWkpr bbl 3 73 in Ctoru, pr D««h'J M W WbJmt. Kjro. Harte/. pr buabel H «1 Ibroogb HUU nT led Ins wtll be given a* partita of Ahiumeni, and ail .iaiota b»r Loss, * Manage obd Over .<Hem w*U neAettle.l prtwnpWy at |*oftit of deiWsry Tvrtffa, Abnwtag . WabiO.oli.xi. We . mmy W oiNoined at oOeV .kA K. K JOHN B Mlt, M. T. VkAkt WbOtf REW FREIGHT ROUTE. TiT in •w' on.Tj jd isr ts -AXD— ATLANTA. TlfEfnttewiOM I/T* Bates haws Wn mowed "»« be ivwa Mew Uriamoo and Atlanta taking *pr, ( F.b wr; Ist. loao Jf/ HUuuur M' , TeNu .«f HK kma >. Es., AB Rot) -HO T«»c ! thwicc all Ball wUb<>a( nrui. Me Charge tor la-j troamhifNiieNt NoCn'no AoNamNi.PnaT4nf.Uim roa DaaVauo on Foo- NtMAUJ* (Ul Fuawamuixn 1 WAOIMNO IMClami ft 70 In! C»-»as $143 >t riJAAA liOMOue i» 3d Cl -MW IW'OdCLAOS 104 HbCuam # *l ®oi4th ClJum . M Tbtuwuli UM» of lad lag will be gt«Mi at putata of •MiMomt. mod aH • tmtma t«c Ice, bNauage and Ova* rkare* wtU b. a«4tWd at poiNta of daHvery T-rt*. abnwlHN • lAANii tU"«, "WJ he obtained at uAee W. A A R B. jo hr k rmoK. M. T . W. h O. B. R bM U UW C’AHU. K. C. JOHNSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW HMnunllir. ttaWM* CmmXj. wsyasn: IHMM&mn* 4k. OldM nrt«V* 4b. IWtol ««MU I.IUI «4" “ IT I* D *RH m « It , 44KTV»"l^W'li»I4LCA«S.CABKlWA,A.. wtAgntltr ommocb gna44OowAbMEamM, 01 FOAmurv -kb- Etioat. rrrr Trai«t 1 ATLANTA, GA„ FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 27, 1808. OV AUTHORITY. pit ny. i c acts or VMS ForUotU Cong i omh ‘ osr not UNITED STATES, Cased ad Mr fWW hale. e*4Hk aw Hp* * wed *aki af ur CUgw/ ViNKfia 4a «W XbjevX *f ew JfeidNJ. Ms Amok iff * Mar*. A. U iw.: »*u ■gne at moema fL imam me V o«m 4. 1/ MW7, W atsaf n Nbdn, aw OWrWdae A U lhm . mMmUr earn Med dso y >w4*. ak msM to aaw" NNto AM '(.»*. W> fra ill f I day r »aW JMg. to eAato das tt aßearato M ne ca fW dey. OW Otaf day V tote, AK. MOT. mU mm Ue mad hnatf Oral de* «/ add mfd Uu trrmtml day •/ Vmmmtm r, 4. £A 1007 1 kenoatw Jonaaos. FraatdeaL Bsajocih F. Walk, Fraankaet of the (WriAW. ib arTLCa Cutin, V ( » •r id tka E«m wf lUvneatalKH ! CHAP 1. —Aa ArttwmmutU ea 44 "4a 4cf fe aa 4«» rmnuM Am J t U, a * U- dnrm mmd Aa4rW«» <••»* ik/ If.. •/ Uu UdmUg •hmUimd npumrt imj Mm -/ (A- l'<Waah-r /vr~, ../ n« V atlad JMMrt.'*' mpyr fmmtf —. ogkmrn UmUrmU mtd tUArnm hr .1 Xiato H 1A» .fraaie and /f«w JhfTMcnia tomrtm/Ou tW>Md OUNc* */ daarrma to * kyra I bat BBrtom third WUnal Io laenrporato a uato>na) a*; turn fnr dtaaldad uMexwa aod IMA of Ui« rutoi.Unr t»re«aof the Catted teal—. ag«irur*i March »vn.(j ftrM. Maftteea baodrad and at at/ «a. to OAaetnU l bj •tr.klu« owl tto wurda "not mentor* of (toigrete " Arroovun, Marrb IE UK7. I ( UAL U 4* idaohaf dyervprtaMoas «W K» , rami «/ Cbaielei arrt araf Ay (Ac /Vnuadm/ 4s to /» dtaa (VBHMry. h U aoactoi *y to Jfewe)" end f/Mjr •/ Oyr rwaSwO -x ; »/A* F'lhf Alato •/ America 1 a Cvnrpm aunmkimd. j Thai the «am of tawnßy «h.*n»aai d«iUav* to>, m.d tto j aotne 1* h» reby .nil ftf any m Arrnj Id tb« * trnMry nut itertw a|tfmi|>nakr<t. n> |»ay th- n i oettaM of flMasiM<ui«ri MStkf (ba Framdatit to the i todkab (xnbust/ imunß). Marvb 14. DM7. CHAP 111 —da Art la rw«uj a Jmn 4 totonl— to tili+l “A JUWMto to t-rvmUr fmr to pan* Bt *f (Ac N>'. k »/ to Atoadg N Xle(" agyrvsrU 7 v <*-«/*. mnXA, rayAtoea umtrnl «nd iuJ/enx in U BaaMml to to .W< and i/m»«r •/ lUyrm-nH Hwrtof to LnSd Odn iarrvxa CnyreßSMß.'itot. ■ Thai the Mint renoluu<>u ruUVd A wolhimi t.> , £= rs»?v*i .ju. »i«r4 .4 tto at«acu»]. H ' tkotiaml." Jacma ry t««ut/-<m.lh. -.okL-rn ‘ boadrod mod ditiariru. to and lh« saiaa w tor. try | ragaaiad Vrrwn an. Mar. U 14,4007. I CHAP. TT 4*l or t» r/«to to *wkl- i and dufdah M/-' U n n. (>•<) bg to >r. Hr wad // «/ Hfprmml ./.*»» [ Bf to f mtoM .Vf.Uvl W ' to*r*«* uwniMrf, j I Lat lbs Iteereuiy of War to, and la b.-ertf an lb xr- Lacil and reinured to fnmloh nw r-rtnpWte sail <jf rlmh- Iny V* earh in valid soldi* r w)n> teas tnansk* id an/ reg- , II tarty tOOgnWM *T VtJrr * BbSAi ' 4a tto I i.iteil Ntabn. ooi of the sto. ' oil tuUKt IQ the qwarteriuaeter a Mmitawot Je< J JhJ ir tt *m'Uur mmclrA. Thai Ste k i lotluny ab’aH I* *«drrsret*n Wwr mswogßr* 1 f sawh fsMbit 1 n. , #/«•• OWSr raqanaitlßiitttrTgfett. aerrr i/wwied • «k : r* rtOcatm aatoibatutor* aanl (XMtdit) >a aa itofk ere : tary of War may pttamln. <*. Armn ai'. Ma ch tt. 1*57 CHAP V. —Am 4.1 in MrU/um to a r*.(«»n fro* of Laei in itohnyfxn, inaxi. Ife u nmdd ?-f to HtgtOk and /)«•*• V Mrprmrmtmttmn 4/ to f tod .Wifri •/ 4nm.ii u Ctogr-at aeaiM, Itoi a certain ordioaorc adopted by tba rttjr eouaeU of tbs <Ol/ of Burliiuftin. in tba Mata of Lrwa of dau of I Wee oa tor tenth. anno DoOMOI sweatees hundred and alit/ali. ratHtad “AM ordioaac* davoftny Muta Mquar* o* certain pahiic ptiyian, and pnc.dtnK fur Or- ioratj"*! rl r—rt*ln rnl tread tracka uyxin rertaia Btrreta, and far other porp.wes “ l» hereby ran*, and •(► jieuTad. sod aiade Uyol and »al)d. n> for aa mUtea to mi.l poUlta einara; and that aaid ardmaiu-e atoll u}>a rate tu (Vines/ to the MarUnyLm and Mianmirt Rhcr ttoilmal fVit&paa/ ail fight mod tnter»n4 id tto Called fttmlea to t hr ymnlns known as Mark. 1 H4|oar*>. tu Uie •aid dt/ of ilarKnytmi. a|nMi tto Dnaas and and for the pwrynor* aod aaaa therta Osalgaitsd. aod • toll have th* aanjo A WO*, operaimu mod eWac* aa If (hr ftxaainiph UU* L> amid Market Mquari and AUrete Were • •wnud »>) amid rit/ at U>* datj of said ordi atu r. Ai motx 1. Man h 13. URTf (DAP VI -Aa 4« mgT*'~'*+ni *« «• *'* mid od ••Am Act M /mnd to a«r» »fk umi uvmmmmrml of to MrUrl Mat'i fxe*t Mar k aer*xnf. makfeni ten- Armt and luf/en* mAV-MnUBAr Jtetorar*ml fie u total if to XmaU to Jlmmm ♦/ jßpi asalshsgs •/ to ImAt.i it oto c,/ iao>4 fa f\ayr*w tummUM That before the Oral day es OeptLSator. OfliUm hou dred and Biity-aevao. tto ouauiiaodlng general In h .lintml ilaWnad b/ an mat mUtU-J “An art l*• peond* fur Ito Baore fdOrinat geimirarcil of tto rwbal Mat— paawd March #e»--nd alghtetn handred and siitr itr«. atoll loutr a r»v wtrwU.xj k* be mode wi the main citiaaSM us the Culled Ntahra. twraty-oar rear* of are and npwarda. rtaUi nl In ea. b county or pariah in tn. KUte or etataa lueiaded in hi* dtaartrt. which ragMtra- Uoti a hall Include duly Uioae peroau who or* fina'lft-d u> iota for dcligatss by tbs a* aftiresatJ. and who itotl tore taken and adbeorlbed the follow tug oath or a) BrTuulix. "L .do •• dels 111/ twror (or tfflriu .in tto of Aim tab (J Hod, that I am a n«U*n of til ntate of——; I have maided In bald Stale f..r month* orat precMing lids da/, and now rsatde in the .ount/ <>f 7 .or the parteh of —, lu aa.d rtatr ia* the came mar la ); that I aru tw ra.r USB /oar• old, that I bare not Imwxi dlafVaoeid*ed for (•arUcipailoh is any rebellion «w rt*U war agofnet ito T’nited Maa<-«, o-w fc*r tmUmy rummltbed again at the Law aof aa/ mate or of Ute Cnitnd Ntalen: that I ha«* jie»rr tw**n a member of any Mate legialahirc. a«r iieJl auy 4 xecatiie tr judicial «40re tu any HI ate and afierwarda -nga'ed tu inanrrectioa or reballi-xi agauiet tto UaUed Maine. .* airaa aH or enatotl V. tto eue mi«a Übsreof: that I have never taken aa oath a* » luaUssf of OuogTSSS us th. Cm led Utah* <w a, an (Wear of tto United Mat<*. or aa a aaeiab.rvf any Mala legtelatasgor as so siacwtos ur Jadicia, uilv»r l -t maty Saate. la support of tto t'i i. 1 j balboa ag»m*t tto tutted Rules, or g.r-e aid 01 eswbfcst to tto (RMwaiks ttorwof; that 1 will toMkluli t MMOurl the OnnstHaitna and obey (to taws of Uie ratted Staten aud will. Id tto bast us my ability, rn courage aitor* so to do *• Mp bk* OuJ" which .-ath or afhnnation may be adiatuistemd by any mgtstertag ofl’Vf. . - . Mar T And ha it further auactol, XV*i after tk< .vwapteiiofi of tto ragteiratMJii hereby provlir.l fnr to any NUU- a such tune aod plane thereto as ibeciuu manning rvWcfhl shall spfWtiit and direct, of Whirk at least thirty d*y* pwbib notice atoll to glvea. an elm tioa abaU be toM of dele gate* «a a oNovaoUon tor tto jxuiK>ao of sataldiabing a cuhsmutioa and <*vU yovern meut lor each Ntete I ’/ol to tto Caioa. soul . ouvecUoa In each State, aaoept Virginia to snoots* o* the earns number of member* aa the m et nunovtu branch of the Hint, togialatura of sash Ntete Mi Ito year stgbtaei. hundred wad airty. to ba aptkirWuaed among tto aeve. rat dtatrtaka rmasllaa, or parte toe of each Mate by the . ■ 4nßuui.lhg general, riving to earh rryrweocan.ti to the rotta of eutars mgiatsreil aa adoreamd aa marly as mag ba Thf uflWTwmton |o VlrgMWa shah soMStet o tto aaaua Oußtor Os WMOdbms a* r prisiaied (to ter rttorv now coastnuttag Virginia In the mnal ntimanm* bran oh of t hr TtefOSnia of aasd Mote in tto row eighteen khuadred mtA sixty, to ba apportioned aa Mac. E And ba tt further anartsd. Tto* at said elm tioa tba ragistared eaOaara of each BOMe atoll vote Aw or mainat a cwaveotteN b> Am a couMitnU. -u ih<gaA*r uadar KMa arc Thom voting ta Mvar of sorb a r« ntWm abaft have written or printed oa the halite by which they vote for delegate*, oa a* reamd the rnl* "Fooa ooaveaUoa,' sad thorn voWbg igalmt •n« b a enambtina •toll have written or printed on aarb ba) lute th* word* "Agaißat a r.*T*wib ' Tto pereoua appcdnte.l b> anperteteod amid BlajSten. and to make return of the votes gtvwn thereat, aa berate provided, atoll cuUßt and make Mum of tto voten gtvm tor and w{|om 1 bean .IStteail abSTaawr tain and dtvlara tto total vote tn soch •tan lur mad against a ccsnreatton If s af the v.tee given 00 that an«wtio(i atoll to ter a cmnentexi. tton »»ch mowemtten shall to told aa herertmlter |Wu«M«i: bat W a ntatorlty of aant votes abaft to againm a oouern Uon. then no sorb cvnvenuan atoll to held under Du* a. * /Veeulml, That • 1-h ftinrruß.a eh’*ll not be held intone a majority of all nek rwgiaterwd voter* •ball have voted Oh thexfnaetiancf totdtng wouh muvnH.>o •or- 4 And to H further enacted. Tto* tto com. man dine general of earh hdrtßt ah»fl appotut oa many Mania of reftstratK* •» toay be bbussw, coo- AieOng of three loyal eMosru or persona, to mak. and complete tto ragtJWfwtton. ruperlNlcßbd tee vie. tam. and m*h.. rvtaru b> bUn of tto votes. Hat of voter* and of tto persona alerted a* detagates by a plurality .4 (to vote* east at aahl election. and upon reretvti* •aid return* to *haU open the *eme, ascertain ito per eaoa elected aa dsteqnteq according hi the ndnrna of Ute ote<ri who eendoried said olartteo. and make pwnatemsMoa there../ . and if a mnhwity of the rote* given on that qneatioa atoll to fur a convention, the Mnamteggmaral. wHhin x*ty daps fKwn tto dole of election . shall notify th. detegatee lu asonteble in jammtten, bt a time and place b> to teratkxiM tn the notefWatlni. and said c«mvet*tKw». when orgautae.l. ■toll proceed tn frame a coaottiatewt ml civil govwrn nient accord log to tto provtaiens of Uu* act. *od tto act to which His sapptemmterv . aod whan the am •ball Lav*, been so framed, sanl mmatltathm atoll he enhmitted by (h« ermrentAia for mlhcntlea to the pm sons ißgisterud aader tft- pnwnoflrms of this act at to •testing Into cmtoited by tto oMteom or permos sp> pointed *r tu to appotaUed by tto mnaonlha pa* rol, m hsrteNbaters provided, aod te tea tote after tto ipirsTin of thirty hays team tto teU of nettm there of. to be given by said ciwivßSHten. an I ito vtewras ttoSNNf atoll be mote ta tto tiwamrnirtlNg gaassal af tto daatetot. tea A And to tt further enacted. That ts, sosnrding to Sted tottouw toe eoußtilNtito etoß to rotttod by a I.riuorttw of the voted of th* 1 idtetsawd atestem auaß bed as hawte apart A id, mat J said stehtteO. at keoat ana tots of aB ton regtstsr* I voters win* Ufaw the gOßeteon us sash fated nstene, tto piuMisut of tea dan vanStea atoll teuattedlt a aopy of Mm ason, dial 9 <wrte had, to tea Fteddsal of (to United :he tea who shaft forttewMte tmnsmM Mm asm# to Ctosamua ts (ton In soankm, sad ts ash (a Usmtoßk. (heat tiuosdtetedy upon tto goat assßNohteng; sod If ts stenM assrastor appoar to Cbiugvms that (tea ejection woo sms sh wtoch all the P?teSff temSTsitedr Ito ladumivr of teawd. md If (to iftermsßrn shall be BateßteohthatsßßsteNOaslteuteim smsm (tea mar si U u mstertty of aU Mm faaHted atesha— la (to mate, and if (to mid 1 < BisMiaM in stoh to Aastemd hf Osogmas to tolayaterteM»7 wtfte Mm pwatedstes us (to ast ta ySd mdttehJtovu baansmiTisd wSTteffttomS tu* mrh yaws rihsfl by tto oak oppravd J«y aam-u4. t •tetemn bands* f md Maty-too anLMtel • An act to . prmrwtea ta «shh of odtor frwd/. That If ary T~raon shaft Lapwiagty aad hdaaty ufc* and Mtfte ift any note la thSAUBh ismacrfbod. stote tmam bo sdbnd i u>d ste* to(f Mmmsf dtep ’mnvvaed atoll beoabyert W (he ,BNI. toOhltesa at dim ta ’’j um *ub by Uo Art prorVied ter (to rmtebmatat of th* ertam af wUlfwl an I corr ipSpartory. I IA 1. And to tt flutter ana tael That a.l«i|m^« . tiimryojhy thi tami ssmr.n n 4 muak « : . r -rtns of soy orders 1 abbs it. ar apputi unenu iaad» by I thsm. asisrdrhy virtoesf (hten* -toil to palient A any money a th tts trsaanry mA ufherwma spfro prtatad. tea E Aud to h fatter award 4. lima the nr.iw ■ Uus fur MuhbtaiaahailPftocrt*.* tto tee* oakery, and I c *rte permalioo to be paid la ah (Maga&ea oat uthov «E 1 Accra and agewte heiate fc a«h rwd or necreaery i# 1 rarry late effect fee parp-wee af this art not tor. u ottorwise pnmdsd foe, and ahad pwunlw tbs levy ! i'd tothifka ot such tam* on tto pef/rl/ la iwk mete u may U ton—ssry t - (my tto aaan* ffer » Aud to K forth*c amerted That th# v«4 I ’ artiste m tto taxth amtlcn -A tto art D whhk (* •• 1 l» suppl nsnrtitary. atoll ba mms(ru«il to omen -asrttow. - RCHniXt: COLFAX. HpaUr «f Che tfr-aa* of B F WALE. President of Ito hamate pr* tamper, lx vaa Bow or kmanasnrivju. UL f.i Hank tt, ltal7. j Tto toil at A the United autee having rsterned L> tto Horn* »( Brng—aMMNufe u vibk it wigmnM. tto bIU entitled “An art mnptefecMarr V. an art eat tied -Ana. *Jo provide fee (to atcr* >toml r**eru team af fee r* tel OfteLm. r—' and Mack aeoxiil. rtgk u«n hnodrvd and taatywceen. and U fn UUato room r*Uuo.” wRB his tl*f-fwt. . the Bon -d flefn-eertetn•* pr-wccted. m puninar* ,4 (to < n | xwiiika. to r.<msiw fee same; and MrmAmJ. That fee mU4 tell do pan*, iaw-thtfd* 1 the Uuxsi A hrynm*aia/n NSwiig tu ten tto asm■ A»tewt Tfcrtn. ■< runßßHi. fhrrk K.JL 1 I* tniTt ur tau rim» Uv«T«a. 1 Mar* h 0. UTT f The toante toeing pN .»( i. to paiasßiin ot tto ( otete4M»«.u. V. rm iistdsr (to t*dl multoi Ast a. * Bupylrieasitery U» an art iiqEi l• -1 An act P.j Ex tto more ipivcrnmcn* "I tto rebel (bu« paea, .1 Mac ti ac .ii. i, cigbiacn hundred and k.i'> aria, and is ta. ihh.te c -lorai! m rtonmed te the Monos es Heps.wruiatl.e* by the lion Itei 4 th* rbtU«i Mietee. nth Lu* oLJrctkiav and ■'bl »7 the )l >iiae of H. { rea. litat *ee toAhe Uamste.-*riUi lh« ar* aag« *4 (he President rstaanuug the UK) Hr mimed. Thai the till and • iwea. two third* of tto fe-uoie agreeing to pea* tto aaun*. Attest J. W fißKi. •tevatery l 11 Ai*. Til. —Aa Aii lor a Duirl t wul e CuwuU Court us tto Itaiai um Ev the IhsOV <ef Nebraska, and far other Purpctee. Be U mb I by tto ten ate and Iftoam . f E*peea> ». htiirtuf Uu LbUrl males >4 Ain* rva in < uni case asactnidcd. Thai tb* Stale • f !(. Lrmka •ball baraaficr cwiatituiv >ne judical dtatort, and to *lhdto l*o. t of S. braaka. and fur said dtetrui a diterVV ladg ■ a marshal, aud a daoCnrt attorney >4 the l tuiad met** aLoft toepp«tfitud by the frwfeni. by anl witb ti.- advu« and oobaanl of the Uenalc Bn*-. A An-l ba it farther smarted. That Ute mid and.» trtrt (4 Nebraska abaft be aUtetod to and cmsUtm* a jnrt A the eighth jOdL tai .irrujl, and a term 4 the elitMimri 0«1 dtßtrtrt rosrl td the rnitrd Rtat-w for aaid diatnet shall to told In tto ritr rt Omsk*.. th* Ntete ( f Nebraska, ue tto Krai Itcaday us U and oa tto (tret M'Xiday of h> r. in ncii year ha*_JL.Ahd to it farther enacted. That Uu rtravut oxal d-atn t court* of the Prate.l fUetea f> fbr rffiu ii 1 of Wtbraaka and tha ptegee tk rxrf res;tern -roty mhmli | oa«*es the *em* powers and lunadab e ard liafiru the some duttee poaaaaead and pteform*4 bv tto utter limit and diatrict court* and Judges >4 ito United mate*, and ah*!! be r-runted by the said* law* anl rvv’ulattoue > Be. 4. And to it farther metet Thai Ito dtatai. 1 jodg* appomted lur tto Mistake! 4 Nt UteAaahaft r astv* as bia oompenaetlon the sum of thtriy 4*# (utu dmd doftera a year. ueyahi* la twr eßiel lß«Uonuiu 00 the firm d»ya of January, April, July and Ueb-ter of aech year. He. A Am! to ii fnrtlu r enacted. That the mar*)... and dtetri.'t atu-mev us the Untied Htetee. amt Herb of fee ctnult and dietnci courts, for fee aate dlatrt. 1 of Nebraska ahail acraral!) |.ite«« Ite p vWBBad b*r lurtu the dau** lawfully u.ieer ••ad au.l Ix.lf.xm.-4l by aim liar o* Veer* ta other ditervta of tto United mate* and Shad for tto services they may jwrfxxn rsrmv* the fees and canprnamum ah .wad •by the art asSC-l "An a. t to regulate the foe* aud ousts te to allowed clerk*, marshal*, and attorney aof the circuit and <l.*~ UV-t (ourte of U»e t’nltol Ntete*. and for uttor pur- Exae." apprv44r*d IVfamry twcwty-etxth. Hgfetoca I iiidrwd and fi fly-lb re* Ha. A And to U further na ted, Thai ai <se*e o 4 sptM-nl or writ o# error, herded.*> prrxw fltad, and now pending in (he Supreme AVmrt of tto United' Stall q, spue ant reourd (rum th* supreme coort es itw Territory of Netoaeba, or wturh tuny her waiter to prosecuted frvRN sa*4 cuiart as kervla Hlcvnl, mar to beard and drtcnnfrre.l by th* Nupreme Coart of the rutted Htatea aad tto meiidal* of eaecutfoa to es fUr twr pn^*edi„ w * atoll be directed by lb* bapr^.* (Vxntuf U.« I iute.l male* L» the aircwii ur dWr> t .••girt of the Lulled Ntete* ( X the dletncX es Sir toanke. •r 1 th- *t:j',n.« MOH the Hfate of N« brasko. as the nature us m l appeal or writ of error may requir*. aiut aarb of them curts shall b* th sneeaaow us (he (xxart, • / >«bfaeki Territory as to til bv* .AM*, with faM jf'wtt v- h*ar and a- w-ruilu* the aaiu^ from oft judgments and <Wqywaa of th* saprasr .wort of Ibe T emery of K«braeAV so Ito adaiU*. mi aa a Mete, the parte* bt am.) judgments and dxtm »b*U have tb* man- right lo prumrute appeals and wr.ta of crrui te (be fsd- rol. uurta a* tb* » had under th la* • af tto United (Motes prior te the atnaAntaun of so. 1 Htele 4 Nebraska into tto Union. HOC 7. And to «t further *nee*M. Thte *»«t) a Jahtt lor aaid dtaLi.l of N*hr»*b» aha ( to del* ag»-eJ.L-l the .UrtrVl )udge 4 the l ata, and Ntete* fto in* dtet'trt of low* atiail ac( a* th- .!l*trW )>*dgv of 'NeOtnek a. aod aboil bav« and .-ten ie* tb. ten. {uruait* U<4 ai> 1 pu**r TH th* dtatrirt brr*b> <r, *U-t a* b> ba* Ui l— distent es lews Aprnovgu. Marvb U. iw.r i’ll Al* VIII A. A. t (« t anu-i't Vnntay fault. Bimle fx Wn-A to C xrwlelkr*. bun lot. Tba. 1 an 1 ter rt‘i-r iNirj. w^ TV .t enartc.! by «.i- ‘L-onl « and tfosn ol llrpreacn- UUv.-a >4 Ui- butted HUie* us America )a Omn *• 1 ABteinbUHL Tb»L ftirm and afbr the puny* 4 this art *rupplQg-paper, ma-1- of wood or oms talk*, •liail to etampl fr m internal tax Km- *3 And be it furlli-r -na. t*vh Thai c'Rry nation al liouktug aseacaauoc state bank, or banker, or a ten clothni. shall par a tat of ten per emutum -n the kmcoiii of bcdes of any tnwn. city, or nnoklptl >t»r pout out by Atom after the Erst day of May anno itoutinl MgbWa hundred and eiit,-erven, te. lx* ts ÜbrtS'l in tto nuxle and moaner u. wb'Ui IkfUiuo tbs nrtw of Stale banka la collected. •nr. E And be H farther enacted. That wrajguag }iaper made from any efeer material thm. Umt cited in tto Area eecdaa abaft be alec? rxrtnpi from internal ■or A And be it further aamrtrd. That froth an 1 after the pomngi of thi* act. ladder* made wtoftv es wood *be!l he exempt trugn Lu Israel tax ArmertU'. March JSLU. DMT. CRAP IX —An Art th relation to tto Aefcnowt*dgu>«nt • 4 Dead* tu the ntrtrtrt 4 Ontomkia Ite M earn-ted by tto H«xfete and Hoe a* of Iteprwaen of the United Hates es Amarine (a Oungrcw •tocwbted. That to re alter a. k nawtadgmextta id demtv Ex fee cooveytatew es real estate, ta (to Inetat-1 us (V tnmhte am; to Ukte h. fee rxinlir of deeds Aw eaul Ihetawt. or hv a tangle juetace es (to mesa, aud anv •neb aekwtetedmflMM torvtef *re t«k.-e hyadfel* jue Ore af tto pansaia tor*!.. ai_l dsetarad t- to a valid aeknewiedgmeait : /‘nereded. That aetbtag ta this art shall ba told te Impair tbs Utte of bom Me par . baser* tL... by conveyance* and formal erknew «dg insula, bav*. pri..r tn tto pie*agn wf Uu* art, acquired porom xml UOaa ander eitetjng More. Irranxr, March E ltft ( BAB. L-ik Art aifei ißtecwtory te an Act smutted -on Art te rateahSEOAlto Ate** af Weat .Virgtnte f«w Money* eapantod t r th* United (tate* in «nruUtng. wfntri'tag and paying mafttary ram b» aid In sap y resetog the Bshafeua." appro,ed done twwhty-onc. eighteen hundred and aUty six. to it .aate! by fee Non ate and Monas of Ucywwweu (all MW wf tto I-'noted Male* us Ataeoca ia Akmgreoa Ate am.hlaL That tba BP-niey by tt. act te wI.L-h thi* ia a anppivment ahal! be disbursed uod*r fee dirertkm of fee (terretery es War. Arrar>rtu>. March 30. IMt ( HAT XL—Aa Art te anthartt* tto Entry *odOa> eapatns! el a Turtten of iemg Utand. in Beetiwi Jlarbor, ter aJUeq Turjxwea • to M enarted by fee Nan at* and Am* af Bepaw art* UUne Os tbc l ate >ta( 1 Os IbmtV* m Unagrew as •rtnbted. That fee (taw.darx es War to and to is here by sottonned to lake pmmrnemcm es that pwttoo of Lag Utand, in feween beebor (jaernrhaaetta. behxig tng te Amkx T. bnadw. for the pwrpeew nf aoartlng there-n a fort aad seek other etrwefure* as map to needed fbr mcltery purposes, end ther. abaft ba paid for fee wtanc owl of say mwneys m tto irsaenvy art ethrrwrtes apfwoprtwied. fee sum of Are ihooaawd A*l tar*, aa agreed npoa between Ivor* J Anmul the Agent end npriaaaitoNTi of tto aaid Jan*-a T Auaun and the agent of tto UhMed fei'i -h*rge«t with fee nxr'- tleu u {or fee puiwheec of aaid Thai aaid amowwt abaft art to \mU aatil U* Vtt *rt*»j fe Mral of the Llrttc.l featae aholl be Blair l that tto title of aaid pertNwt of mad takwn.l has been Mir Irene /•rred w (to Pan«ed fewbee (toe free* all fn.-umUr*o>*, and (bat (to pwr«m rwawi vtug the mevwy is mart ta fee pnatwiß Approved. March M. kid CHAP. 11l Aa A«| to ghfeartm Ito Veer, tary of fee TreaNOfTteoaft (tea Merest Bteemt Waretoreeww oh iteateW Bn iißtyn, tettot •x U anested M Ito toante and Hox re of toprewn tatavwa (ft ito United Btetm of A«b«ikw In aaaomhted. Ttot (ten »*fwwtary c 4 tto Ttenanry m here by ontoortawd. to bt* Atoortfem. te waft (to vx* Alton tb' Beck. Brook \;u. tow Xork. tolne nnrwhoueee nnfetora Bftj tear. »Ay-*»x and now owned by tto MremsMtat, fee aate te to mod* *1 ptahto ante (ten (at* highest an 4 toot tedder thereto*, to ready money, after giving note* fears 4 tax re ito to me mm team In tow Andy psnare yrteted In the etty of tow York, And Bpofc oale tola* made a iteim L tto aaid toerwferyof feeTvwnenry to hereby *a(tewtew*i and entguremd to make, enemt* and dehver to the pwr- Btoser tb mtt ktodMdafhnnl deed tar fee pram teas, ten waging aft fee right, title and totem* of tto tbtatoA Stotoa tiprvni, March to. MAY. CM AT Kill. -An Art mnhfeg AyprcyrtaUana to top(dy KipexrexOf thegimatoe*lbe tJaiita)ftotoß for the 23TltoS5i!!55rStoSHB5r^SSr i »^^^s^^®® -r— tetawm UStairHfetoo 1 JkaSS hTigrm fettaHto Xtotfee foltowtog wo* to and ttoanme swwasSarsLWLMr pd, 1444M■ tow. mtmrtjou. ! K» p*y (Ac names ieenriwd mbr tea meutntem 1 «f fee turner Lruetaag fee hyArete 1 S f?-C Ms \lTl* tolired Atatare is J(eata*.i an ! *.lted to fee . rmNegofo fond 4 (to Nemta I am--A-And. he a (etatew eareS-d Tea e-rt An-. vw •ne Try rtvfl e*pe«ism of tto frtiWNOi! Pv tkw jme ! «odt| Jane tturtiefe. wfMrn hnndred and mx(y rtgbt. *Ol for oxuer pmp me. • rtred u fe* noxd ereta • 4 (to Thirty tow* Oitagwna. feoß nte to era : atavted te oftww e m ton am feta tan for fee pte*. ; cetu a<4 the law* gome* \y «> xagresv and aaertfev l ywclMiiifWin end rrmnre xa fee yapv* es fen Lnetairt f t f Crdumteß than I* rwovtaL-d to taw foe ocvt pntfe * . fern 11 tow papa. And tto Kwwgigwn ate to . rdcD,x. auTr (.sard in reteß swan of “An or* j xmUu i.g appP’iprtiMr. aa for ewadry «srt/ np mb of j fee p •wan mi Aw tto year ommg Jam fefriMfe I BSgteech kxudr-d and si sly sgH snd to toher -pwr ! pram." whteh he** (ere er mew to 1 iiigw—wf w p* v> i • .ar ,- <4 th* <4 ewtJ write to feepnbft ; ran mos th- pwtftlc n«s and uoox to fee P*ted i dfetm, iheft imbhek the pebnc mwv end traattee of (to ’ T3urtr-u.t.u< enfeentw o-yxm us wA :t ‘ ahoU to the fery JT fb- (xt-tey es Ntete re ftartoek *e *dob oe prartVabK after rw*tevtag tote* es such •taagneure . and there is torefoy arvmgrtaate xta of tu, trmswry. from any m-vt-i» r>x 'tame appro txratcr!. a sum (tflonit t pay l-r aft »wvi t * hwV tot. That fee qrwa*»t» ttorv-f W tofeed .a tto x** U .k * Aril to M further nirtal. Thai aa aatarfe of revx vua to an act restated 'An act marine a*v - prtaU «« for #<4retry rtrtl fee ymarnaaenl for fee y-er sauhag Jxne fefrty. taghmew aas taw fl sate nil/ eight, ate to toher jamew. agpruv-d Mer-fc «o«ft etgh'eea btafod ami wily wre. to ntal 1 to fee pentawOe*. to fee MfeM— ate taw* to fee u*i taeue. to ate tto nub# ia hereby -tier, leg te fee —. Bll ( ii|_ 1 **m Se/toft ret tu tto TmaMeWe su-1 1 bet ft shaft to fee do«y to th- Berrtaary to MtaL,. :pon rectevlng atotce of the deflflgbelfoe to newwpre l fort:.ah hr eneb Dewepoper* •nfhsßfe' c-p«M ■/ fee treefi,* aud t*r« to tbs rata-A tael,a te be ttahnafc to j ae afovweonl Provided. That U ahto to tewtwt Hjv(*l i tb- lava eg 1 trvatwe < tto United NUt-*. me ti •rtonul. { iw L'jrw* neawpwf-c'Li ta»e *iree And prvnOmd ter | -lur; TtIAX tto t*l- it—.- Wy -*** fe*.", art to | nerrfey itr-vrew ! b. Ate no rt farUree et retest. Tbe4 fee f-ftrw-f : *u*ws to au 1 the mm* at- h-r-Ly 1 any meoN-y in fee treasury w,.i ofeerwis* eppenpatati 1. for fee rtgexte kraufto • 1. nor (to t*to | -or Ml Lug tto Uurb-«t T Jau-. right*-n Sb irwi . Tv* *4eh nrirry for th> H<mee cf tafto«.Ub»n, I 1 try th.resend dUleta gor fkewepeppr*. tea thouearei dtotar» j fir reueeSsto-xta nemo, ten Uextsswd toCnr* Hi. 4 And to It farther eflareoret. That three to. ate L. ».y ta *i*VfT.rteleft. ovt id ary »-x,ey tn fee v me .ry mA .atorwfe (.-[ey'iiUj, for eaiervre 1 few I . 'emta'.ou to taamwe and tea cforts. teerve ; tbouaate Ear foiadieft A-tor* for th- v-1 to feme ] i.r/tiU.i. ending Jan* thirty. -»»bte-e bendred sod • eu/wiwk red for tto year eutog Jua* QJftj rtg . I (■ -u handred ate atrty-eigbt ! T-w famiahuw aud for stationery, tax Ihous- I an 1 d-Xtara. j K v U>c- rttnir to Gxur Hrtdg.. Ixetcu tto ' liiubu i to (•* ripreded ureter fe- direxUue to fee »«*vUi; to War. Altera tb- eeal and •ikara. ■ ou t Aad to it furfe.r . nartrft. That fee foteu* J*g sum* be ate Ihs oom* are hereby apprvpngtoft. uwl to any money to fee treasury rex dherwmr Hprpn* • led. Ul reobta tto hM-remry «f ‘to Intartar «o pay fee ; npM.acs incurred by certoiu Ihdun libpti to te • wiling Waehiftgtue «lty U>r the ; '»r>we to &■ gihtaUiig , tralM* red to th-ir reian. tewee. U» wit | IgltatawK) Ul* Tr-ttofe tep feouaen.l Aft ► (ur thi Kami ’lUrtUvr Mmamr. hfteen ibrns ! ate and .ILxr* For tto mtww revidlag 1 tb* mot* to Kansas, kferer. . 'th resate Aftiara. Fto tbc Cbljv-wee f f th- Mivoteton't. «( feuuaahd , Afttara Ate all lew* aUuwai* th- TrevN-t-nV tK- tocreflary ( i tbs Idlerl Xor fee creatta-Kin-r us Indian a Metre U> rutrt Ui‘ treaties wUh art* tribes are tore by I r-)«-aiad. and no rip-ase •.nil tyr*afier be Ui -wrred , u> iiegudattng a treat; wife any Indies lotos onul oa . epprvprtatowt eufeormng tuck express aboil to Ar*t T Ands- !t iipMtai loait-i The* fee .m««l2 1 *.i!u* to m-erey hereluf.ire awtvpneted b> be vxpend -1 *d under the .Urectaon of fe- .*-mmise* ncr of publte I building* to inadarr] w ate may to empwnded mu I d-r tto Ttrembw. rt fee rtxtef eerte-er of (h-army. | ar stall »flW«r x fee engineer corps ea • mo/ daret L Approved, March 79. Ife. ’ CHAP ITT An Art te reimUirre tb- Ntniee of !nd> i ai.* aud tfetu f«w M ta«ya expentod for fer> UnMed I Met.a .u enrta'Uug. ujui* 1 ing aud |C ueooißf Mih- I tia Force# te aut ta su|»yire —taag totollion. 1 Pe it actarted by the Oreeto- Orel Meuse of to vree-u tat.*4* -f iL- I’L.led HteU-4 to A.uxVAU t. •agrees i see. Uite-I. That tmioaliatrtv efUr tto pa a*ng> <4 feta I ert tb- lTeeul.l,l shaft aioexul three o ibijiiaeien*r*. | i by e and wub the advice aud ,«H»acot # fe* Bene**, wte ; me ert residente to tto Haste <4. Indiana, whose duty | ; ii aheli he te amwrteui U-* nm .uui ft b*m».-> a eap-ni •d by tto H«Me es lu Laue tn mrfthng. eqprtppfeg. • xtoia’.iug. transporting ate ta/iog seeb max* fovore u were relied lute wok. iu saw! Mate' aire - the tret | day ft JauoarT right*, s. hnodreiar. ! sixty two, t . out ta onoarl wife fee United Wen • f-wre# iu the •*4'- \ pn aeu-n I refwUi 4 b i»- - mat fee I'm let metre (•c A And to tt fjrferw erected Tba* the .>xmu* . ktanrr* #>» opptont-t ahte proceed ntod lfl reguta ! tlL?us to b* preemto 1 by the te-retery <4 War, at orerx* ! teeoeaei'-te oft fee ll*lu* of upnfthr* BkM by sort f ittetc f r fee purfoms hernia banal eitewiag only Aw I dulmre. monte Bead* ace! amounta iwieH toy tb | mate lor rerftiuig. oqtaiTfeg. onkitaXiM. trenepurtm* and pay mg so* b tr.--; *a* ».-re ,wL«d uit» •—>-». * to; I (to rnwtnr. *1 tto r—yweel wf the 1 atted Otoiri J-- ixruixti o aaiblor IA. dtatr. 1 in 1 Brin *1 lidiaua ms« a* tto* «*-.«* have b—«n tnctß Vd. or I I b> lh: rapreee wki. tormanL xr wiiwao to am b I [ ~1. luorek-r. or wbnl me; l irr U»-n empb'/ed to *• lin *4i| prrewag r, »W»«*e ia «oM Mate tad 0* ; x'.cwuk- ai.0,l U amu h'T eur U\e»p# ehnk did Brt j ■•. - . j-'ol’. *i! : - ~*» ?.’.s-Lj ■ 1 taele at» ; . tofe—i irder* * Al> . 3- And to it f mij-w • tinted. Tte 1b moAing , l uj- said *o*'uut Ex (h- rwuventeurr us fee aecwußtme ft-ere <4 tto- r *rrun**nL tto coma»i*ei W»rr* abai! •tat-•> peroteif fee eremite *n*-od-l yeepe*m**Jv I if, r rerdUng. wpuyteng. aranug. B*lms' iig. tranap wt lug and pay tng mLI troOfta. I NS «. Aud to* Itlbnter react-l. TheL ti 'he ed justinrrit to a.cable under this A»L tto roiumiaeKs*- I -r- of all not *IK»w for any exprxdimre or <-• Iti uL c etoT i- at * rate grata r Ibsb was at the Uaae • xnth wis and by fee law* ft fe* In tel toetev ami fe | rwgeletnxia pr*errttod by th- ÜBivitary es tt or uxax Ai S Ate Ntt forthrr ena. fed. That a* wxw as eaaft sloe are shaft be ve Orel- ap aatft eecoent end M4*rlUiir<! tto betac. • , as Lrf*U kfwtat, Um cu. tuakc emkrv. rep-rt thereof, efo-eiaig few dlß.re«.< • tenia to wiimiwttfar, a* b-reuitatana rest te fo (terntary to th* Treasury wh» shall iamb the aon.. i ta be Bimndisd by the jewim acmxtattng fe»o es j ! th- treasury, said Mid efßcwrv thall audit th- aaid w . utils a* m urdinarv «nrea. and if sown nM rvj-wl ft i Audi aptwor feat on; sum remnas due m fee rest . fttoU'. he shell draw hi* werroet Ito Ito asm-. Wife j ta th rwfvur et soi l Mate aud dstfver tt to him b«- A And to it further euartsd. Thai fee >unni» | taotiera to to apt-vuitgft ae al.xwaoid shall, before pr«- | c emtoag te th* dm •* «*• u dattea b# rt we that ! the; wft! caretxftj runtar tto *,c auta axleuag be -1 twem th* miknj Male* red Ito RU»» es todmcro, oi*J 1 that they will, to Ug beet es ttotr ateUty. moke a 3*mL mw. ate tnipartlel •Uwtu-bi U are.ft. as by feta art. Thai aboil rw«wxv» such neipieuttm Kft UteU aervires a# may to drtonuiueft by fee »■» rwtery if Ui- Ternary, wft riMoagiiig t»o Anitara per h? for H*. 7 And be U further tuactel. That tto psst» mum Os this a*ft Bhan apply ta MWi-RBfnl-te the Otab cf Ohio, and th* mu* *a»Wte f»xr aecertaiiilng tto »««uu: da« tb- red Nteh q/JThta. as er* hi rate prv.rtdwl for aamrta*uieg fee an. -e*i doe blate ft inAmu soft for the parmeat ft su,u aanfinal, when awrwrtaieed oitdcr th- healtadixta and TtetrvbvßM af feta art. a -ufewat sum m hsrrt y agpsopnoaed. Hau'. a Ate to it further -earleft. That a • ifeftret *'i.u ta torrb; apprvprlated ta ,wrry (hi* art into Approve,). M*tvh tt. lAT. I'BaP XT —tn Art h grant te tto Ibimkxs ttlinn. Unto* Teb-grana i,ue*mn;. ft *-w Tnk. th* Bight us Way ate Prtvttagv u- lo? told. on>l ->prr*a* a Bnbeaartße T*> graph Oabta on tto A (ten lie Oeeet ft tto l'u>left -Were aud Botani-ahl iggsrouto. < XUeX Übwtuvn toftwrxn fe. I u:wft tiuu* ami Bhrwfw. via fee temftM and Ae, eve laUow* B« u eiua.'tad by fee femat* ate. Honor ft hr preset'- UUvee .ft (to ratted Mates es Amrrv-e In tlmaneo eemMft. I’M fee AMiegvwn (Static (hfe W gra««h ( ( . of H<w York, to and ere hetebj vent ed wdh (to ngbt. power, and pmnEg'", having a, Naired th* r -aeamry band ttocta-w. te taF- kate ate ..(4,-ratr their .-able <v obtee <*o tto A Lou to .vast, •*- :Vftft the reee( ft Fieri*e wafeta ito >wna Motam ft U3R United rtetev. and thr rurtu, power, aad nroilngc m U la,. Ute, and ogamfe ttotr ah’- *r caldee eheil to reeled in tto-said Anaertren Atlantic l state Telegraph Uunipaoj for Ito period * twenlv wear* stem tto 04* Ita'valcf this art Pruvteted. That tto re.! cemprej - ti —1 —* ertß**' <n«'nnt«u vilku fe* spmw ft two rear* fo*ni th- appv' val es Uu* act R*>-- 3 And toil forth, r sßmrted. Tire th* Amor! can AUantW Oahk T bvrapb tfeepan? tovtwg n.'- ftuired Ih- fenaary lewd ito—for. shell have (to power and |wmtagw (•• lay tend, end tkair mtalc .«r ,otow *uki« any ft ito harbor*, eater*. BiKk. tfWM and . IMr* eta fe. AMaaUma. -x,wp4 (tocsotet ft (VW4.U. oA> ring Ito **.**l penctbal aud cwnvfxftrni 'ending au.l te . ,x;*tmrt or -reel all fee rnvMSrv A ■ term te ev eiptak (to d»el ft thm art Kg* -3 And to U forth,* ruuteft That the govern ment us (to United •tote* shall ft ol! fence hare tto n—teren w te Ma nae. upon term* feat may to agreed ape* Mtrru th- Beefereter Uixueol am! Ito said )mITa And to H forth. - aouteft. That CMUgn *a ahall to*- tb- poerr te OMrr. amend, or iv,**l Iku art. , »I W If—t. CU XTL - An Art u. ee«abiuh a Port ft Itelivvry al Be H enacted Uy fee foamta ate M.m— ft Itapreeeu lattven ft fee UuKed State# ft km~*oe m (Nxigvem mo-fohkrd. That I'towter in tto distn. 1 ft Phi ad-tifeio. atoll to a pwt ft dsitrerv. and a surrey,* atoll he app,xn(,ft vV< then reahVc M mid j> rt ft drtTrerr ami •eemre a onUrv v 4 •** hundred dr. Darn pwr nnnnm AKta>red. kUivh J» Mf7. CHAP XVII —An Art to I merer fee Force In th* rntettl Otea Ite « enact.,! fe tonalc ft foyrv* HrS»rft,'lhta •* a eta - lord tore time te (tarn appoint, in fee —fewer already pfovhtetf for by lata, euah n l AdtOanal ami rof mtnilpal examiner*, knt aenetnat -ramieare, and err and mi—Rial -xaaatocra, as may to vmintred te treas art (to marvel heafome af (to afor* wife dremfoh rtwidsE That fee e beta —Mbit ft am h addin mi I eg— re* oknß nrt oaft tent ft each rtaaa, and feta fe* total annnal axpan— ft (to patent fttox ahall not ''l—rtaTSbßk'M^^ OMI. IVML —wynfo fee Unsafe Ba • enacted by (to toeate and Ren of fefew— ’somea ft tto Data I Metae ft tntaa tt ftaf— •• x i_ ».i. That A*-laednr H EandoC. Jaaeee Martas, Ataxandr? Bamery Bftheaial F Banki fednry Petfoai Jju ...ere, J «* T. Wfieußi (ht dtefo h Orth. Into K. Atad-y. Malb-xT K. Pam- ' ha*Ua CPBeaT Bart 'aa i (tore AAa F Drt—a Preftlih EWo —ai Igv. Jar -b i hanam. Eta tfe. (tefo M xaßem. Xtoxnes A I J "**foinftlfoßlmTifenm Ju—Tf* B—to . ml*. Bxfes Mslfory. fodo-y Uarb, DeOhl > iftwy Wetter A lfortefoh John Tad- n 4 tar aßores* r» m« met dated aMy ospree m ito Distal ct ft Cos hafe by tto urn ft few Ltoia M ire • rem*i. for (to p*s ft twtaf a neer m ial ta tbc «*jy ft Watategfutw ,rmamurtau ft tto grre Lar br f «'estatpsu >n an 1 tairwul liberty • A mdtex. to 9 Ate to and fnfe r —art.ft. That fee pete <-» ! oaai lif te fee Aset ■ wtanu ft ta— aft ataaii be tto ftna I -reetrre ft Ute ourpN—fem. wed eheu to*. puWov tu -■r- - TO foir BBBBtog. and %e bdd ta ttotf naci | tog aft vt lading one Crum -nek Ntete ta the Uni—. Bar A Aud to t further airtei. The* red **rp I ratten nrt to*# pwwoa ta owm and nnaft anch prate eri, AS may to re.—ry for the mrryxmg ent of fe* tar 4 And— t fwtot -o*ca»d. That ■*> <•*?» such rtalt red / itAJobotx an feey may I-i 1 imemry "toy Sta U Mrfe-v rental Thai nurpo ttoV'frtreL etoT fete bsv* s f-wr*. eaatreA ft tto rtfoir* ft fee saw xxrturn. ate wh* BfeV b* efteraed fr « preeuna nut >rvded«l la fee bet ft arprecres . | Tto ts—ever ahall ex- ute a bote m reh i- uaity m b*i to reqsteed crelM—ft for few ant- *re|-:ng ft i (re fetes cf fee —wp—ettna which assy .ufo tea 1 I arete, and for the ttafefui fetksrp ft fe* dsu«* rv- j ’lta? Ate be K forttare reart*.!. That the property •A ami rrep rntaim haul *r ap-epted by them lev fee eme mil wru— ft feme moirtedtasan onnD to «l -ve.t treu 2 tax ns (u to toned steer the *ntto*-ity ft I so Unlvd “tote* «w <4 any monlrtpol r«rpara*wo ( *ju- 7 And to is further reartte. Thai ' mgr-** ] irey at OBJ bare berenhre ripest alter, aiereJ this AfpT-te. Mrevk 7NT. LkLAp. AA -AS Axx so onlA-dU- tto k t -y*uiszie*l ft wrtsea WiLanea ste ht Odtor rwi» mu F- .-t rented by fee Nreato on ) Ho«re ft Bey-ore (Steve* ft (to UOiled tee—* 1 '•£**** fee (e( iu.. ta fee oungvestarere ■oeb—e. Ito *»»w krepog. end wet. bate ft ito guufta tto C apftdl. to brreeAre sppr xuted by tto rerx ret ta arms t tto focal- ate tto aregmMta-arm* ts fe- .I'm* That fir ts r aforesaid to steu Mltonte op- I pgi4 there sthli T 1 el » watahßuoo. SBe tor each ft thr rreirrii puruou* and (anfepi waj • and- r few aan.* Bach waL • Harare w >i ana* ft fe* Senate ate fee •re. redtaJre ft tto Btres. or «ttter ft theta, and tto ■»«( ft b> ney u-wreo ry K» P*J ■“*; watohmen toxc fee date ft fe-ir arpemtsownt stall tto red ft fee prmat Aetal year to. and the aune ia hereby, ap pappßhknt- p - e fee a ai| - n-rr —r ft mid wsh luorei tar tto harol y«nr reding Jen* ttortaefe. -igbLwa b-ndredredrti I t; vxghL fe- we ft stales ttoomte -W4i*f* U hereby HHWiiirtatad iw tto (veipriufee ft oa uLUtWmta Urwtanaa* acJ prrtoU ft fee ( anfed police, state xtaed to to sp pu«Lted by the -twrebhng afßmtV ft fee te h •xma ft •* Um >■■■« O.U fmr U ». to. I» J Mtrr. Jt u. wm gnu-. “ “*> U.I «» *«• 7"U ■*• tMi4M.h /■»-. "WV* u* •gkl, fee sen ft Mur /-ferae hatergd talkrt is bf* 1 At-arme ft tto bate and fee arncaant reerms ft tto Hww are brreby safe- rm I <* teeta s patera tar a aafMa tar tto Oapfed pdtae end esarh - ir aud farnefe to rech men rer es fee fosve iwn Ntu per yarn- ala eta nut to exceed Arty itan p t su,L and ata* W> furum* ad tore wrtb th* rere- wory beta*, arms hr ex a ret nrt te vxread (wrety tafear* per eta and fee nreoant wearer/ te entry (taspc vta'.e into ag-x k u hereby ma ft ey uumry l» th# ti art ottorwire aaftwyneire re,ebte ea fe* reriahcata M fee effoare etow agreed ite# hntf fee ia.«cy* hurt* tod .we appr ywie. tud to paid into tto eenttagana fete es th- tew al*. Md tto ehev half into ito oathpai f red ft fe* H anT E Anl'tolkforttor raeefed. That (he aargtani rt-enna of Ito Nsntai end es ito Beam- Bwprvewnte Owe ar* aoltansrd t* nnk- anrh rufee ote^regeU (to protection i* fee pohbr erop-rty (torwu. ami ahoA beva power to arr-ot and taamn ney preaon fe tartwg mid rules. MU sack petreo can b* breugbi to tar» (to prop** 1 »«fe witwe for (kite. vrKtomt iarttor j order ft (' ißgrißA on X Ate bw it f*«rth-r enarte-!. That all enemyt apcmpnaacl tar fee Waahmgten aqreder* and fcw fe* other puhl" taws* rt fee Dtanrt ft Uuksmbis •hte to expredte ntewr (b- dirtefem ft tto torrrtery of Wbr Ku 4 And to ft further anorted. That all law* to exoxtateta Wife thm ad ar* bmeby rvfxfeed. Ai-prevaA. 3Mrvb ». INI . BAP KXL-fott sot am-ndsuwy of (to •s—k Ut .< ( Uuredo Temury ! tt, tt rented by tto foaot. awl B-xi#* ■/ Bepr -re i utivwa ft Ito United ttete* ft America In l-rngieee sm-nMed. Thea rereafte* thr Area* me of fe* to dn ti-r > nv-f >>>% ft (ufanta Tsfntoy *AnL (■* toeuisl Mrrator* es ito eu-ctl stfel t- ted bw tto Urt* ft foot yrer*. anJ mrentof* ft fe# b wbw tow tto Mn of twvi yrer* aed rest rror.'vr fee seta ft sax tofiarv per dav mound of three dteero. hen-fef w* ellewal. T - a re ■*• «*•* (hr rear ludeege an * alb • ■'J by 1 Ate bed furtjtar —rite That reck how shall to»- anthem/ te -tart. 10 odditl « b* fee efe-vr* now oIE wed by tow an reeding rterfe arto rtmll w*. a, , a.. Thr tilof rV rk -b-fl •si Aftleni pwr dx; and to* 4her egb-wre rtartft by rest totestnr, .boa rwetw Are dftlore per dav .art. Pec A Ate to it fwrttoc raretod. Thta Me Bite rt few toffetaßi* w oereesbl; . larteA at (to gv».anl -to fexiu aeft legrttury In to* yrer -<gbtevc hondrwl ate mt' ewren vto ! l ectapne* the Area l.gtfeferv an tar this art. ate em 1 o+Uetur* tell aft at tto O* a e ksed us taw tar few um* hag es fe* iegwmuw asawmbly ft <«4rwuka Term r; Apptv wd Marfti hi. 1«7. i'HU XXIL -Att A*t for the fogfwwl m Fort ft few *-rli -r 1 hdders' ate Ssilwi* On-bee H *n< in tto Imtnrt ft lotemtea Be 11 reartwd by (to totnta and fe— ft Beyere-i tetiveeft fe* Uwrw t Ata:-* ft fere* 1* Oaagrre* re* mbtafe Thnt (her* b*. and u berehy amwciwiared exit ft an; —any tn Ito trreaar; jaWwnr a* , »r irtoi-d. ta» UN* aajX'Wi u> pen ft ito Natxxaa) - xetorv Ate Bntkww* orftme U xnw. » tto foDWA (.•HartHA organ lard wbr an ort of to- (wret; AAk rt July, rig birr: betelwr.l and nxty e x. amrbtad by tb* art ft th* tww«i«ir-#r*\vte f r-feRJ rtgbtem bundrad and eib arret. V. to ■ tpemted »wk fe dirwtaaai ft Ato ,Abwr* ft amt meawefen. Iteaw *°J,ixVv*a. Mar h », ik*7, CHAP XXIII —An Art #it*teteg te the Mate oi %* i ,-reka the Pro visa uc a ft an Act rateuug te Ifibai tarsi O. Urges Mr tt renter! bv (to Into ate B ee ft Bepree*.. (■lt re* ft Ih* Urea* 1 Bmtee ft A re* rt re |a Oan«r**a osewmbtad That fe* grant made bv kaw rt fe- Mote 4< j ft July, mghtwen bend red on I atxtydww. b» each Bta ft land eqeei tn Marty tb -mean *. acre* ter enrh ft sis tint* — ate 1j 1 *Binh(te>a tn Oangieea tat fe# parpeesft itaahU.hmg agrwnrtnrel ooHnge*. tt ax tended to th* Ntete ft ftferaoka ia fee earn* manmr e* -A ti i- 1 reih hte toes 1 flirt ~f fe* Unhtt a: toe data ft th* pnoeagw ft ted law. Approved. March BA 10*7- 0B AP. XXIV -Jfe Art to prwuto m Part for grada* fee piston uruunds and ta« o*E*r Parp,nre »« rt enertad by fe. fotthta ate fejn« al Brpreeae tanvre ft fee United State* ft Amettea te (Xmgrare resembled. That Ms anm ft twentv Mm.eanl dcdlarv nharwbyanaifotetei etaafjny reemsy te featea— ary not sfeerwma be expand* 1 bg Me totrtary ft few htert-wander fee •apervlrton fttfcr m, hturt ft tto Chcaaal ntoe*. u. gmling. ilfe>g ay. ranaivtttg I ntlitfog«- and improving the pnhto gronnds amt atreeatfoevund the OmdaeL Anr 3- Ate be tt farther eon-tod. Thai all rvpeirß xml ot*r rota.-us ft th* Cofdfol breMiiy aha!! be made under th- Atrertion ate anprrvnann of few archtteus , T th* Chpttnl ntitee Approved Mart U M. IM7. CHAP. XXYLL— Aa Aft *ap(ilan 1 retery K> on Art ret fed “an Art making Appropriate•• her semlry CtvU Kxi ree-e ft th* (towmeaeoi (er (to Yaar endu Jane thirty. 'gT hundred ate oiUy eaghL and bw tdhet Purvreeo." VheeeA Mere h eewred. algbireu haterrd and sixty er . «n Be u enacted bv (to Areata and Hon**, ft I*l-,•*(. tenva* ft the United MaSre ft Aaeerwa tn Umgrve. •aorrehtad. Tto* (3 # mmrfodtng ptwvxso ft Bwrtoje hri' ft fe* oct dem r.Lte tu few ntfo toreft ahall net W b-14 fe prevent the awe-weary printing as Mrckto tame, te th* Ttreewnr Itaftetenamt ate fee bmreeue thereof, by (hear own naplnyeee. tart fe* number ft p r,,). nßMji)—rrr! to feieeerrtu shell nekbafertvner l ((.p-x-wwd. Jaty Ik, IM7- .MAP XXVIII. An Art for tto K-Uwf of certain H-: Awn* ae J ttoifor* ttoreie and« equate ! H# It - acted by lb- Seealr and Hone# ft B#,.rv«.*. toT.vreft 0,. ! uiUd State* ft Atuerirn to (togw-ee sea tabled. Ttoi n-> eitalNr .w as \jur shall tak#e w tol 1 t. l 1- a draerter fnm «»• arw»y -r a*v> vb taxb fed; en «1 awmAing to Mi retoasweet until tto ouwr terrrth ft April. -Ightare betered *te Bflt/ Avw. ate «bv eifenwt iw 4prf safe.wit; <w leave Aret .*61010*4. tid end to* «oaamand «r rrfuer te irrw after aaid dmU bat tortkeeg torrtn .amtnined ehaD operate aa a rrrnim— ft anv —feature inrerred by any tab aita J-r (w soitor ft h» pay. boonty p-uaum. *r >Ntor al loesnrre. but (hi* art aha ) be .vmatatod aidfty a* a rem. val ft any disability ou-h mtalaw or aataw may have tmmrved by fee lore ft km cfeoreatop ta nan lurere ft to* fererMre lypved. Jul) 13, HM7. CH AP XXIX An Art W eatahlmh Poet R-feU. Be .1 onected l-v lb* wreota and llmise •>( Bepreeen i tehvee ft ite I H-ted Ntete* ft ABiena u. ttogrt ta [ a—mbiwd. ltot Up fcdientng be ertablmtod a- p--ft I rate (Rater. ' Freen Erenebunk. vtt Krmnetau.kpuri. h. thpe 1 Km4kL t Frees Bhftdehwd ta Moo pool. Appeared. July I». MM. i CHAP. XXX -An Art B'uplam.mtary ,t- an A.t reu -1 fed ‘An Art ta pewtre* tar Mm atewe •Ab wm! <i<wr erumrel ft Um Mato. * pneewd re th* ewreuft do; of Manta, hundred ate atrtl a-vre, 1 I.,nt, rh.,o Mr * «*«» »•* --‘“J I ki«M>ii>.t4#e rn.~mt tt a,-. • mum. IWktMMN 4. hnU# M IftMlM wM| e 44. 404 4 44. —4 Mr 4«M. M. iSm. mm-ew". MW -U4114|444> 4» 44. 4444#Wr.' MW.4.M4M4" 4WW4. mt Mill MW) 4>im*i. H»4 M a. 4.MT 44tfJ Mr W men 11 »—mvMWMm [ tor*, the yam ama fVwwM afaty. I toH**r>ww.Myu itM ‘^a*| CU y?** L<ml#» •*. -mr*. - mW *- < r'~c!«tt«w' ! »#** to ha oonnn—d inbfartth Aft . nary < n ruml nos Om mpo u* , mm ititU m 4 to lb# pmu >ui aadtaurfay of Cntogr—■ • da- X And be it further l-nlil TWI th* M matador «f any tfMfli t ti—n —ilia a—d act Mali bar* ,<rm*x lab *, t »r- tor dLaappro—l at tt* #/ th* I mr «f tt- Cau*d Mm. aa— to tan odtox Ufl tai| .Tarot ttatefrC to tke viM kii Kkb am wandor UM claj atoio- -1 mtd art ataail rage— U. ii« rov«4 «r raaort fna or tna <ta iurttoto car* .f -A-toi tutor* ut tta rumo A attrtal por •ra «i *«Unr or par»r» to—g •!*«»»«*<. or ton or. *- bold or < aacio, an j u*U at mthtary afar* a 4av ta each ttan.4 w>W toy poro *tori»« aftoacam or MMtantp itor.tai fMo. or (nabdb;, «r >—mad aa4«r. aa; nxtlM atatu nr tta* gn<**ra mtmi itatW. or any or ttor At* mam itarr of. and tpoa tact ——rn.»i i* or nojiai nrt no ■>ajiT otoat to tta* iMnr wto 4 ttoa WiJ aa afwamil. ataail tan power to promt* tram ttaaa to Ufa* lor Ita# prnlorm— mad d—*** of^—rb «r by th# if f -.£to»rl of aoava cdh-r ,##*«*. »o am fro ttv oo». od (. In mranrto* aaeamammi by d«—ta, rr*m3*»U.»a. or Utortan. bar. t And *»# to farther mortal Tka* tt# fhnaraJ at (too in*} ut tta* l cited fa—r« ataaU bo mvaaied • iU. *a tto- j--oora of ni#p#ano«. (-#*#>*»!. appo—t -1 had *further natotl Tbai tta art* af jra a.*, lairv-to pa—■#»* 'tfruoa* tta roa-twaa at I noy -A-n* and epmax—ag ottarra ut tt#xr mmrnd. aro aatfOll mdtat. I tat Mn*r»o Uarrtov ‘ t. ita- taudMa* at aay anl uttr*. amy bo ro -1 H'-nt attar by Ita ouidary odbcar ra iwauaatt cf Um j Detract. rbjtta ■ »aarai of Ita* army tad « ataal >• a/- r**ni J all prrauo* ota< mo daafay— to tta* *•.***-*- o mi U tta# ItatoJ bun. or who aa# ttau fafteani m . fuapM o ta aay aaaaaar to hta lar. today. pr**«ot. or •*—met tta* dn< aa-1 K-pr admi—at—Ma ot Bub ! act sad th* arba *o ototak to to mpfiil latary. •to. ft bad ba to tnrttavr mar* 4, Thai tta* beard* at nyatntao prwidad tor la tta# act ia—lil “A* art . *»p»to*p*aiar* ta aa at MUltied an art to proa (to* far • tta# mara ototanrct I n*..raa>#*rt *f tta# ratal flmtaa j t aa»* 1 Marc* too, ban— Mat auyamo I wto to ta Jitatr raaCrrtataA. ' paaai 1 Harr* tea—y- | p arr, ami tt ttai> b# tta#tr duty Ifanri aOuwuag toe to j ItaT" *aa* by am ba wachuiw to aato *tarta board aball atao btoaa pmrbaaatot. <ta b* by aayjtoamtaM #/ j taTuatoto tompitarr taa r*wd rnt tta# r»<tatraQoa tut to tta# p*mib at *»t raTaata or aorta ocnkia* ttoaa Hta .tat Prcmtoid. J* •• na- i. kal Ua >1 firfbar wrtM. Hat tta# troa La tata. and UMoaui arf Ita* praacrttaa4 ta atony v* ator J mmr atatataar b# baa tab#* aa aaA to eaaport tta# tonutH or tt# taa* to tobaaaoaraata ■■ I rtitoa ta* aa* toitoai atncta atoto# ai Ita# cMaiama ■■! at tta# ntaitaa or bad U#d ar*l wta.’ baa aft#r aay terra, taa a# * *»*». or far tt# ariniraMrartna <A ' am* 7 taato ba tt fnrtta#r maria 1. Ttoi tta# tuaa tta tta# rifal prwttd tta tt •atoto art may ta Maa ta rrtttaa at ita* -#■■ ■ lir at aay diititn ba «xl#a4nl to tta# tay af^Uctotar, nVSatJ’-a Ua#. barT atad It ataU ba ttaix dritr. '--aaaawn ta< bartaa toay* prior It aay dartlra ■ator aaftto *rt mt ipa raaaaaabl* pataltc aototaa at ttaa Qa» aa-1 pi*-# Itanot to rane* tor a mad . 4 ft.# lay* tba r.*-tacraa aato^aprmjtainc^aita taarrrJL tJ*au{kl**ta# nam# at acta parana fhaa tta# nat. aato aorta p#rana ataaU aaft b# toorto ta vote. - taato aacta board ataettahaa. towrla4 ttaa aam# pnrtato. atod tom a ractairy to# aaan A at paraoaa vtao to that t-aa pma— tta# j uhft anm* by aaM art «h; ba.a aato baaa taraatoy raettoerato. m 4 ao pmana ataato. u aay ttaa#. b* pattfttodto bm r*pttto»raJ or to tor*mV*£*•* ttau*to ta. tattton** aa-'ta partoua or ant anas; rail dtoiaahfy ba <*>■> meuanuoa ar • H» rt ' 4 toad taa M ton bar martal. Tba* aatla to«r lo< aa.4 U#t t maail *< b« to yilta'a-mi attaUto-ata it KraOto la rmr- aay la—bar of ta )-jnr l jf raru'nbr. aa>t to appetatat aaottrr la km Ma*i. aad c til *ay r*-aary IB aucta buarto. ta* . i. tar#*, ba to f trvtaar «*•* ui. Ttaat aU laiMbam «4 m.! hoard# of rapiatrattoto aato at parmmo baraafW •anal or aypomted ui ttn m aaato tautalary totatnrta, nadrf tar »>-atooto tota*# .-r d.natrtpal aattortU. to by to#tMl cr a| pitoatobaal of ita# ban a ooaaaaaatoara. •ftaii b. ta Mta. a*#l to aitamhi tta# oaftta af oA . prmt'r.bato »/ b# ft r flb#r* of Ita# • aitad tan# •U. it taad ba « further martad. Ttai ao toMtrtrt '«na«eta»>l#r or aa#ml*r of tta# toard us or at j »f U»# .4boan* or iftctaim a-tm« aatoar tta#an. aaml.b# bo«ad b» btt *!#.« by aay opaatott of aay jest ttw af tta# rattad toatoa. arc 11 taxed b# to faittaar natad. Tba* afl tta# pao •*. ( tkl# art and of tta* acta r*> abk b tbta h* au* toanary «Wi ta maatiimd Übiaady. ta tta# and that aii tta# airub lta*r> •< uijT b# fail) aad paftortty ' ctarrb J otot. _____ J a* HITLKB OuLFtal. -pton id Ita* ttaaa 1 <4 b i|raaaataft**a. a p WtaixK. |T#a* l»at <4 tta# ta*i *!■ pr* Il| nm, U nt D «4 or lirMtortinTtt. F. 1.1 Jaiy l*tt lar f~ TV .4 Ita* rutnd Su(M Ura* rrtnrn#.! U#-l tarn art ta ararida iTtoTimMittiat P**»—n M ■# I*. #»-»-- mml ,# ita# *r i*d lay if bUr ta. rt*Lu#* 1 and ml acJ «i*y arvaa. atod ttaa acta ibnt> y*a4 oa tt# br*arty Hard day «and ttar.ta. -total#— band rad and •lQnna —tt ba* otay#.-t#<aa iban- ttaa U— of to pr—ratattaaa an -**M ta « Os ttaa n ■ utob n ia. to r wiaaiir tta- aaaa.. and ttmnW. Tbai Ita# taU ta paaa. taro ttalrto <4 tta Uamaaot tt#vr#aratot*aa arr. mi to p—a ttaa —a. 4tt#ai Ei»wi> ■«rm*ttta* Chart E. B. C. t. ta m (Inaxto or m Pwm tx*raa. 1 My »* tta -' j 1 » u*t*utw i to »A(t"bM bill aattttad ' ''ia tto Mntamatary t.. a* * t a—utod taa act ta mantoa far tta# ■*»# rttrt—l l^n—Ml af tta nttokto.' \ an* 1 tt# *1 oad day at ttrto .*«**#— bamtrad , aad ttity-ar—tt. Mid Ita# art *typi#aa#atary ttarroao. paaa#l tta# t—ty tbtrd day of ttarcta. ttfblaan Waadrad and dityi—a ■ —raid to Ita# ttuae# #f H#v—a—aum by to* friaidnt af ttaa taxoad ttotoa. antta baa at——<•#*. and *— by to* H mea cf Ba—#• ##atoU«#a to to# •*■■*», ant tta# biib|* af tba Pm#- td—t Muratti tta* bit ■mi Tku tta* b*U too paaa. two Ibtota af tt# !>k oat# atora. .a* b pa** tl# aaa#- tamat 4- W. fumi. By W. J lfal*u.Ntal J* IW (.hark. OUP. X.XXIL-A« drt to aatotaltak P—w attb cartom H.tttU# Indian Tnba# to It ma-bd by tta# fbaarr and H—• o* Barnaaa (Mima of tta# ( aitad ttaia* of tamancto in Coayraa* a# -mbfed. That tta# Haaitoar t of tta* l’att#d Mtoaaa ba. and he ia b#rt*y. oettnrttnl to appotat a maaailamia i b> of tkma ofltoara of ttaa army an* baton ttaa rmxck <4 brtrf*d*#r f#o#rai. wbo. topattar wtth » 4*. , Ttybv. C Itotolta tb of ladton Attlrm. Jota tt. Ham i d—oott. baina tof ttaa t'oaamttow at iadtaa Afar* f tta# tun- » t Tappau.attd Joka tt baataara. ataaU ua*a a. war and anltaurtly to cadi togitttor tta# rbab aad b—dxa— of aacta band* or tnbaa at la Inn* a* are *->4 TTatainp war a+aio* tt# Pttlbad ttataa or —to ÜBjr tavrotatt-tM opoa tta* pnnpl* ttaroaf. to aacwrtoui { tta# *u#c— mama* tor »b#*r at af and Bp Cbetr torrrtt >a, aad#r tta* findkto at tta* Pr—dnml. •*■**l. **4 ronciada antta aaid baa da or Ivttara amta ati«miau-w* *ut«y#rl V tta# aettoa of tta# H*aatr. 1. My r*oao«# aU jwa* —am af comptamt am ttaoar t *rt and to ita# aaaa* atthUat aatuity ter paraon and r : i-rty aSu-w tta* turn* of ratal—d aowWw ; —Witod to tta* Parttc and attar tborooghfarm af te»*.l . tu tta. *• **#ru Tmltorma. and to h aa wtU aaoM Mkafy . ia»aro untuatta tor tta* Indian* ami p#ara and aafaay tor ttaa wtaitaa. Hrt- k And ba It fbfttaar —<#L Tbai atod —nta Moam am vostorod ta aiamta# an I Mm * dtatrw t or iTotnrda at laaatry taaviap luSnrot arm k> —a afl •-ta# Indian brtbaa a am arcnyying %#mbwy —of tta* i-jcky luowitain*, not now poacntolly rmulin* 00 par I.eonrnt p-oarrota-n* «xad*r treaty to • to. ta tta# «o**caa»*al bna tta# rtghl 4 o.—paUon or > 10 wtork and I— iomaaa can --Main tta# r«bt of aad iu wtocta dOatrvrt or tadn-u U*#r# •tanU b# *utt*#«( uHa tow or fraalag Uod (0 • aabto tta* mtd tnboo. raapacmafy. to topjewt thtmarlrm by M nmllßitl and paabwal pamia. Mtod taauto ar dm tneta, whw n* aaMtod. and ttaa abrtkn appro rod by ('——aa. ahafl b* aad maaala para—« taoaaaa far •aid Indian* to to to— ttaa#—. and no p—(»■ not atoaaNar* of aakl tatb— ataaU a*ar to pormitted to aatoar ttaraan wftttnut tta* parm—na of tta tottaa ba (rrmted. ricrfd <dbc#r* and aanptoyoat of Ita# ( attad Mama. Prumdad. That tbo d—rbrt cw dfafateta ttaO b# «o tocatod aa ant to latan-far# nttk Uwrai oai Mptaway* located by aatbority .«f tta# Veiled ttatoa. ear wttta tta# rot. of tot* Hoctta— Pm-ttoc toallmbd. tt* Cat— H ,-itac BaAkr—d. ita* l attain Ptdfa Jtatorood Kaatwra DlH at—, ar ttaa y tooftt** AU—u. aad Pbatß# ''ftoVk Vml enaMad. rbal tta* fattoMto« —1 of Munay ara b#rofay apuroprlatod oa* af any moarya tt ttatiaa—ry. laab To tmrrj eat ttaa pro -tataia- f tta* araotUf aactiima of ttal* act. a— tana dmd aad Oitr ttaeaaoal dntoata. to a— ala tta Burittry of tta* latartor to mtoiol anata taicadly India— aa may bat# a*v#mard or may tomJVf arpumli tta#a i bn tram (ta# I aatil# bead* or tnba* and ml tt# 1 win turn of tta* l ailed Baba, ttrrn taanttorad ttaonaaato •tatoar* HMA 4 Aad b# tt further enacted. Tbai tt# -VcrtottT at War to roqmmd to fa—lata traaamartatton. antaafata anr#. ami protorU— ba tta no earn inn *am barofttt aatu#d donna th# derbmpa af ttatr datoaa. Bn. k Aad b* II funtar inarfa 1, Tbat if mtd aa— Btu#iun#*o fall la a—iba I—l ml af tt# fa if an t# ttaaa tt# ttrerotan of War, irr tta dlmato— at tta Pciitortmk la taaatty anttartaal la accept the wttni of am—tad ant—faira from tta Oa—am af tta am ami and Trrnbwww. h* irpaaliil c—*—■ttaa nattb—T—itor ntotunrauaf *wtl<*''"i* M » at—A may to —aary far tta aay pc*** me of bdtt Btor. t. And to tt farttaar mi.!. Ttoft aR >» I—fa ara Iwmill** MT o**>. UMUiM.t *. #M *C» —m *» **##■ # to.- a w *» I’nwtnlt'r? a#Ti|iru^. ** PMM #•• h<«*4taaa* MbM. Inni.- —l«aa af ttMtadttbpto 1 ■ artoa a C——— an —to* (.TtatokNatta—in *d —map mfc .ffaat tt# <—adft— rttt tta ft—totadfa «« Tmasaata, Par tt# ad/aataaaaat af toataa# «f —m*f tt* Qa—to tototm ttaOnoa——lafttto ft—*ttfaa. ttpnaf attbaawi tta laaßiA ftp «f ftpni. uitjai. t— CamtotoMtataar taa ba mpiito I by ttaa Pa—itti af tom Cattad Bta—a. W and —ta tt* adnm aLrsSSLTSLrs^-ttiL'r-: *■ CMwilm » >»» IMteM’o (Mv *» 1 1 It- 7 ~ . ■ 111 I■. B.n*|u iumtwm ar y | lfciradL«# '■ !*{? V- J jr7 1W...M to 3U, yri.i*n» mt *• .Uk MM tt *• mitt Aaftm - ir lu. 117 Itor x Atadbaßitttt I Wirtto. tftal tta tPatodaad b#. and harvhy n. mibnrtaaf ta maka —eta ppiwflm for tta* rontfafatat rrpa—aa of tta* (ton—na *Mw uawa**.— «a—g tta mataty af tta Untaad Mm** l*r th# 11—pm— af Ita# amptm, and of tt# B— 4. A*d a# aOn mini 1. Tbai aacta —ma *4 dtaa eat tojn I lta#y m ? tartty i t —y money ia th* trimary not ttora* ipyrnymiai lH»m4 defy to. HE NKW AND MU*T DIRECT ROUTE I alro, SL Louis, And— Inpurmu Pa—ta V— aad farta-VM NASHVILLE * JCHATTANOOGA NASHVILLE 4 NOCTH-WEBTN RAILWAY* Pram A—al* to PA Lam la. —9 aula# abortar tt— m M—pkia trnmt AO—u torn Lou. 9V ataaataoHar tta— rtt C—tta. Prom Atftaata la «t L— Id! rnttaa ibirbar tt— via PramMttaaam ta tt Ln—a. I— mtai ttar— tta— via two daTly 'tiiaiiis Law AU—ta. anting elnaa nrma»r—a at Ctaa—naa— lar*n.a.l***, Uanbalt. Jartwa. Twain , Bampbla. iarkaaa. Elea., Vkkataarg. Raw Urlaaaa. ttatall*. dad aU attar puttba ta—tt and tooth tom* Tbsnfk Tktaatt. «* Miapba. to Ibtabara and tow Or—, —ad a«tt— by lull, or El VEI*. fa— Warn phi*. fl»* bear* {uktar ba Mam—la. and ao today al Cta—m —by ttaa ra—a. rtftaan boar* and —ty (wS—BattaaA. 70C **”* ttck * u Er«lbiak At tooktib; TWto of^tta^ Baaknß# A ( 'batten.-wa ARETTX AT ABU UCPAET FtobHiltiH Tboa **aldttg (J—nth— Tmnattr ONLY TWO CHANGES faia—Cb—a— Mdjk L—fa. via HVtau PALACE ILEZENa CAES OB ALL JIOHT TEAIftE Ample Time Gieen for Mamie. ihan|. CnchM Tlnnfl. 1»V M TMU. Tim. md M JBX *1 Pnmhaaing Throagh TiokeU. ta* —waak far TVkHB va VmbvtE# A Berth V—an ft—wpy TEBaH’OB rEEtaiHT tr—lief Witt lttpil'l and toatar taarfaga ft—l BL Lota, B#w Orbaama and II imp bn and attar pnttti to Mdmi. and ta—a Watt—taAtaata, Angaata. Mar—and Me—gomary., Oo— Dm Bl La—a to Alton*e .. $ tt par tanabit. PVmr - - - l PI par barrel And ngaaßy tow rat— an aU arbor pood# toM- r WSDi 4. D MABEY. ft#ea*v»r and o—l Snp t o—l Ttotaat A«t M ÜBAJTT. tt—l Pvatgtat Agv jfatl M DOLBKAB COMMERCIAL COLLE6E. (Op— «—liy. Day aadCvaa—c.) bl tt# P—at and Bp a -Inna Iran tatobiing. NEW O&LKANii. Pc-toftmt m HOE Cktaft—i bj Ita# Lrgtain lu re of Lonfattiia. viih ronarrcitl. Afn euXlanti. Machtaaimtl tml Literary Drptrt Ttato Oattgpa ba*. by awn ttar— and ttaaa—— p—amal ptoa of ad—n. a—lived *U tta hbarttt laliaill—tNidmi «f ttt# and ttaa Bo—bva—fara tta Be*. H to tta <Ato— C— nnrlal Outtog# m th# r—tad Btotaa. . Every atoto— wbo pvaa prupa all—tom U> tta ia I— ii fa —gOta— b—w* gfafaiaifbß tttaaa pm > 4 Baak* It,— miry ta— wbat tta b——a——— be, can a—d jtaa On—ma— Oa—aa ar tta l.faamry or kMVBH.Ttto Wm£+ ~rtm man. L— ar —aak I—g—a, I—ngktag. Ptaot« ■totay. Pi—n—akfa. B 1 k ft 1 aptafa. arttablgtaar Bub 1 a—>l a. eh- . aaparataty to# —v* aaapto arvangomiata far Ota* Tta—mi J to* Imta dwrtog tt# a—ft yaar V B. —Margta—fa. Manta—a. L—yam, tta—b ■ ta .u. B—lll ri. ado., a— ba— ft— to dp— fciipp. aal«L— tt— boa— i—a ally In h fata daya BEBEITn OF ATTDCDfKo TBB OUUJBiL Paauamab bpgu» sand ik>« by w , * k.IM tt a facto* par— af tta Ban— aad ftaattaaa Baa# » af ttto—jr— daaartt* ft— m—r* $to»». beat i—a —MHI c— gtr* ttatr a—a. fata- Thadptoa—af ttta Oata—a Aa a pa-port ever ttaa 0 11— ir —I warld. fata. Ta—g o—ll tatata ba— —Mr*dy t#d U—tattta.w h—baftaOtaf far baaata—a ta a Ml Tbta Oaftma win a— Mt yam ag g—fai 111 Ito *toan—fator laarttofa—into aE toaltaara <*»— too a— #1 at—* practaaaEy taa far a— Eta tagßtag —Leal ad ttaftarttl CBrctafar* —4 Ctafatogta—aa«b ta aE «ft» B—faa ttaa—. faaard faartonta a— heard —tt tta fa—ax. ami fataar good fi ailbao |tt to jm par aa—tt. Haa I tta.— r*r awe— year* An Qrfaaaa baa bo rn to—thy a* B#w Tarta or Pblla iafptti Callage (MBrv, Ba— Ba. B. Taa—a Payatato In adiaar*. (Tta* tabu** conaUtutm tta* Coa—Mvfal C—<re*.» —all an Iry far Cammirrfal (tom. toaiodtag b—tobaoka »« DBl—teftato dtoottM' to w Ttoaeta. bp"*—**, dorm—, leftta. **r— - fatl Cuaram, not baa tod. T—«r * Oo— of (Voaaanabip. aacta too A Ufa TVAfa ia all tta# Dapaataa— AOu tu For any L—g—g*, Drawttf pm m—tta. aacta tt tt Bfbrr Xatb#m—pan# 4—aad# lta# #a fa—of CO Ptagtt— •ina.aa . / tt X B t a—lint kawiam paid far a IX— In aay branch a* Ah#**. *• —Aad fa a Ufa Tfakat ia Ik— 1^ SU*T—r* g— d—togciaaaa*. » a— bagtaatany torn# FA.OULT V : ECFVb ixH BBd». rwfalml. La— ftaatom# r w t -.r > D 533ar »m. r»nMi asyasr? Mi e.en*i.l >!»■; —I tm . M. M . Ortota aul Onxki hf.i M. r. k. *■■■. b.. Mw m CMW...I iLai—ita—ttnl EBIMW 1 MillUßll aM^STCiMi^/SwSMMm^iwi—■' ii.. ttn