The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, March 29, 1868, Image 2

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Atlanta jhiht ifi Cm. Mnu. >l I > «r ns Dam km official journal or the city tfitiiMfcm nwnunow gaT“ srHDAT *ORXTNO MISCH* »« run nwHtur 11 iw. GEN. U. 8. GRANT, Or tLLIIOII. FUft OOVKHIOI, B. B. BULLOCK, or BitssuiiD rntm Fas OtMM hums Dsnia JAMES ATKINS, Or fruw Oocstt ~>LATrOf»M. kssolyui. that we fledge ocm immi tuns oossTrrrttos rs»«n »» tse oo* srtmiosAi. cojmcmrT. or rsr trrtrt sow itnuLYUl. THAT STS rUSEXT tU TUA rsmcs or sauussisr-cnos ts obsoia th:> '•ossim nos AM OU* rLATTOSIL ASP w* rs Mi m: uM' oriSAYiuumiT. _ moiriij that we pletyj* ocs wrrosT TOTSESOY m. s tcixocs. ors cxemdat* , ram sot» nub SSaOLTSb, TSAI WE EAEXEEILi SSUVEET ' THE rsiEKIX or KSOOEETBC CTIOS TO HA Tin TEE WMIyaSOH or THE BO*. » » WJLLOCE Cl TBE;E rSIEABT MxrrtVV A St) ECBIACI BIS Bt T NAT* VOTE. "■new m*. Wr in pvjwird 1 o jwtw piomprty. ud b *ny qiuatity. EWtwD Tickata, ttd All ollwr rxmp»'«D mxtt-r Hmd in ynwr ardrt. wtlkoat Jalaj m tb* ,„rtr lb* Uni. (4 »l«cL vn xppraaefcw lb* gretL-r will b* Ihi (wrxure. xad tb« >x«x .Ms me Aail Im Ls xocmuKvixu. ) xi Mmk. your aoauatUosx mod wuJ (or yoar lid* Tb* • nu -rmme>umtrme<Km lata f*»l Ural the pfwwct U wttfc tbm . Ami* NrefgU. *nJ Ury work wuh Um cancxy ot Aemyrmti. «i The friend, of Brntifi-ww™ Bollock and the rnvon. moat work with equal aptnt. vi#ar and dAWMitW). BIS Neetlas. teXalM. The NttUful held a cocoa at Um OUy Had! yrderday A raootauoa war poaxd eodomns the nuodeacnpt ortuw of the Central low mil ■ taa. E M Tihthm, J E. OwßaAt and V. P. Biaaon wets nominatil fat Um U|uhMir Two of tbcw conlaialee ham baao beatan m proriooA alarirona Tha three oiU be beaten at the aamins electron We rather tike the nomination, a a U will not be hmr.l to bent them. Oo is boy. Col. H. f. ranee. Thte rcnUemaa. who baa bean owl of the State for'two ttcaka. baa remraed to the ritj and ta ready to enter tha campaacn ae a chain p.oa for Bollock and the C. oarttntlon fed Fetrow ta an able apeaher and a strong adro cate apon tha dap H* wiil make it tell I. this iwapaign. Ul. K. B. Bailee a Let it t« knowa that thia geotiriee.. it a. warm an i tnu ad roe-ale of tbe gieat Ait Line Battr a t and for every other enterpriae palca latel directly or indirectly, hi advance Use preerot ami future welfare of o»r glorioo. old , State. - Waraay.' We deeply regret that it baa come to tbe pnbltc ear that we are [eying Varney' abuse tba Caa. It was not our talentioo that tbe publc ■bowld eome in pneei ewe of eocb aa arrange meat e Baeeetl.” W II not Aoiaethkly etplain tatbe fataUtgea car correspondent "Knaaell,' thet all upel fdrfa lawn ara rrIaAJA A' la Cl • H* neeme to think that the K«u*f laws are or puh /seta.' - What a paty a*ea who know nothing About Uwa will undertake to etfronnd them to other* A few day* mBBd, wa predicted that t» staei- i ed Oomrnor, tied. BeUeek woaU call arouad him the eery first men in the Bute. Hu ad dram to tbe paopie of Oearßta. which we pnat this meraias. proves the atihr* troth of onr prediction Tbe address l* tines. akda houeal ami directly ta the p int Bead and ponder it watte' r Bail, marrwa. The rna y hiara* ■~y concert given to this gentleman by the "MiwaTt flub. ' nveated by tbe " Atlanta (Jwarrtta t lab" was aoetby af tba oocaaiou, eioept perbap*. in the die of the aodxvnee which was by hr two small. All preaent seemed Mr appreciate the truth of Uw aayiap. that ■•moat.' la tba medrater be twaea Che aptruaal and the lea nal Wx.~ - Sorely one of the moat emends! preparations fur eternity, u music the Evnaa SrATwmuat be rindicatcd and pre arrrad, and Battnak la tba medium through which to do rL Nothing short of twenty thousand majority will do ’ Tha peopls Imre willed It, and so it mart be. •■The eoioe of the of the people u the toier of Pod." _ Rise Tale. Let every voter ramember that Buiiock ieior relief, and will Uul epp i.t Judge, oppo-ed to it lie is also for a homestead, and will at appoint Judges oppouad to ih These are two important fsctv which Um poor laboring men mutt ant forget. He ia also lot educating the poor aa wail aa the rich. lie it in fact lb' peoples' candidate, and util diatAiice lfeiu el. I • m»! vriihowtaii efifort Judge Irwta'a Solllee ur nr** '.iiTU tee aa ax a*d Bourn »itii ru* Horuna All the so culled J> aiocralii pap* miu the State bare b**iete.l the uVine of Ih'el Iretn aa a candnhite forOorarnor. Witioul a emb iicwpUon tbaae aatiie papera opjco- in raU flcaiion of the Coßßitaiiop li i, eMimad fb> Judge Irwin that ha M a t oliv. rviUev Hepubbcan. Thiahyapapar that la vup porting him It is gßurally admiUeil by hia friends that ha favors tha raUficuiu.o of the Oonattlation. altbiragh ha is opposed to the principle embodieflhp the relief and l* l ' stead mcaorev Judge Irwia really does stand, aaevna not to be wall understood Ilia pawvibla that be know., but he piefurv to play dummy still It i* high time, boweeev that ha had “oyeoel hie aaouUi and spake." H. cannot run this mce through wiihoat de fining Me paatthm The paopla will nut -go n bliad" at ao anlkal a junctan aa this The ■miuMlrvintira pwiy sen playing an open Mad. Tba Onavtitntina » its platforjii, and this IP ha* aadaavurvul to plan* I* the hands <if arury wafitr ia tha Mafia. Tha say ••eota m 1 — Ike Coamtitotioß " Judge lrwto. thahfifidot thayfpoaWMa. la tmfiant.x.l io MU3M pKCform -5 A. y iu ■ 1 Mr Hi t* tt« rikpu m* TU *.Ur*m*t Col R & BvUookn the ■tiUitttkCMU QUkiiiktr fur flwwHl, vill b« | l»Uf, R«. \ it eiui«H of Oa»rsi*. •* ho-rn w ifctrn mtb pan&npb i*. bow nuulj iu Mutimrali, ud bow «k*rty drfliwd »« bu puritaou Tbery im mo wrbugw, no —HyMwtun U words, no to rad* lb« tntii b;. the tubtnrtagct no efun nmortmd to. W« uj ngnin* rmd and pooticr »t r«wd it tTtrjr d» j oatil roo win know it by heart Having bacs unanimoasij nommnUd for It* ufhea ut (,i« varu t. by a ('uuTrthoo folly a Urga onoontj of tha vbtnvt of tit Stall*. I ikio»t lea! at libfity to duvvfnni tbnr «uo«b; irfoUug U> Una grant booot Uaa coofrrrwtL My only tUara it tub* of anift to tU arbr*!r panf.lw of onr grant HUt**. with whom my lot ha* bw*j v.' r.mjj and | .mar.*!* cajit tn boibhug op brr wnsta pbr<h and iu mg bar pnaktl*) and r*w»«m*-r*ta» ' tyatrio. andrr thr l»rtn n mlhtev.r * *f m f-tat 4 gr»iwrn»*nt. in wtnr'h nit h*r rway pmr [ ttrtfwia. T«* tb»* (NWfiomntli'Xi of tbia objaal my ar-ry a#*n •hall he dnruwd. Tb«* CcmAtituUtia by tb** koa Oon \ vtntiMi ta tafn* you it war ur pnvtiaga to aid in tb» formation ot that ia«uam«*tit. and thus to baaoma Luulnr with not uaiy tba l«lr Ur tis tbta f«n«buuaotdbl iaw bat •»**» with tba aptnl and tba iatgfiuti.-«na !lw<» wb»> it My votw an* rf<sx«W apon ait iu ran ow» bourbaa, aad *»t u tbrmu»va aatirwatry for dm to awiM f* 4o n»y auumant ot my po- Uttcnl prmotpiaa, otbar htaa to aay that 1 •UtMl lulj aumnuUdMl to tb# o«« CunAtua ttoa. and bnaa no ruratil daatra to nUlua tbona irrvnt manaaraa -tba RtUtT at*4 tba UiiufiMMtl and tboa *tttbU <>ar nwi**J pmaplr to taka nvutf* fur tb* futora. with n foil naMronaw ttmt tba vaaalu of ibatr inb*>r •bail la awyoyad by tbaoualvaa and lh*ir Uiu iiiw. It wiU ba tba duly of tba Gouarwl A>m* mbit to |rorUU a thorough «y*U*n of a Iw-ati n for th* Htnta If oniiad by yo«r rotai to •mam'* tha *»«•!* tad pomtson of ytmr ('hvf Exaeatira, it will ba my datr. and •» Una n pUnanra. to nnmtnata to tb* Hanatr. for rooAno*U >n, p«*rwwi« wbv-Mm* pant aamca, wail entnbttab<si rbarwrtor and ability, bar* aarwraJ tor thmutlffa tba canAdao** of ibair fathm ettotoo* ia tbnr ra apaf trra durtncU, and whom itaaaa. by rvaaoa of tbacr known utUdbgawaa and m**r u worth, fjf tba {tcMuu *U4 to wha»*h tbvj bit b* raaoat auadaul wiU wmrr ibatr roaf mini u-u by tba rayraaooUUaaa ai tba pak>|d* . ‘ Witb uiaiir« toward moo*, with chanty for all. ’ tuokmir only to tb# glory, peaae, aa 1 (wwap-nty of oar rv Ua Sub. am! lb# parp« tuttv 4*f fra*, civil govrrmmant thruegboot tb* laa*). I bava U>« hour to be your feU*ra «tl m, H U Rm«x »« •■■waiu aiaJ Tkr l n tl«4 Vlat«a l«|ir«a( C owrt ami H«> tor. Tbe rtvemie* of Rctief are gT«*Wi«g .taapar at# Tb*» tr* raarrtmg to all aorta af arga eucdu. or rather a>pludrj. to deertre tb« R*- bas mm. and mak>- tb#o» behave that after all, mo BLmUmf nan ba obtained. Tbaar n,ra. who worwhtp tb# * , <k»ld#n Tair more than they vvwfaibuo with Mfltnai tmaaaUT, **>• alear ly that if Bdiluck '•* clacud O-JTrmo-r. *ml tnca ar»- ma-ir JuJgwa, tb# R*li#f •urea of tha a#w Conattotaea wiU Xm bhld gOk*>d and rw!i«l Tbair only h'Tpe t» in dp* cwivmg tb# (#> pU. m> that Bullock may oa da f ataJ and Irvic r By thu mrao* Anti-Relief m«u till ftton «U tooth, and tb* t»»ie di tirn and co*l * tii g lawyer* Will tbao bav r, a Ud. <£ Nr * Tb* ttfinHf and rmmed 4i4*Hm of State ire aa.-fured that the UdM JHatot ?f<;- yOO* Court t« tba (Vurt of la#t r*aprt -Ih»r* ail ttoae Rl'bef maaaurca muat be pa—*d aed wtorr*. tt t# e—»rt»rl ev*ry«btafr bkv Ra baf wdl ba pruahuoncad noli and toil Bat id n- *•* «pcni wLat tb»e aae*ft.oa M to^mi Tba Federal romatitnti. u #ay*» S * Stale atol* pam an; law ibapairiru ti,- obUgaiioa of rontracta,” ; Wa any thet tin# pr*/via4oo M not ia tba wey tjf tba Rebel pn>ii«ujQi of tb* new CuuittnhiD. for tbr** p«od and anßwat reamaa 1 It doc* not nay that "*tm Mate •ball provtfiia rwißadwe fur tbe * i*f /tv ot ail rod tract a " Tba r*ne#,|y tor tto entorcew—nt of (ouiificU ia a vary Jiflrrmt thing from tba obligation of cootracU. A !k<m«aad itouiom of tbe CoarU of tbu <-«mntry and i Knglamd. fruau tba btgbaet to tbe Ij«»< BMglt b* ettod ta sop port of thia dietim-ticn Ctoef Joabc* Maraball. of tb# United Htatce Sapr«u*a Court, tb* Jn4r# that vr*r pr*-v"d*d m I bu mati tnbnnaJ. atroog'y Mvr* that a S ala can not be comprtod to Jaruwt. a r*a» dy for tha mfort-*m*nt of coniracU a Tbe F*d*rai t'onatitu--ton doe* i»ot any that OfbpVM ahal! mot impair tha obligation of c.ntracia c ..ugree* owy n« t only impair tba oldtgwtMMk ot roßUacta it may deetruy tbeuj altogether Ttoa if Imm r 'rrycaa* wb*re a man takcatb* toortitef in* Kaukrupi act. Now. tb# mew Cowatituivou for Georgia ba# no fcrc« nor • fleet nnti! »pprr>v*<i by Owm rrtav It »a not Ilka tbe one# of tba focioalu/n at other ConaUtutioon which 1040, red no »p --pr>fil of (. h|twb to pot them to torce Ibia CofiMtitmUoo ia MBipiy preputJ to tomgr*aa If it u accapud by t’ongpma, it thru tocodßw tba art of * -.«»g#*w*. *n<l bacomaa. at tba edit tiiue. tbe fun data* uha l Lew of Georgia. If tbe obligation of contract baa bean impaired, it ban to*ti d>rfw by t.\mgr«a. *u aocrptobg and {nrtucg in lore# a (, <to«U(uu<>u propad by • CutivantiAfiti ot ihm people ol (Borgia W« yrmpomr it. rongrmui •narta u Wdl mat <bi* pamao filaixl tliff I«m»4 of tba iuo»t rigid judi cial ecru troy ? la it mot courluuv.t ia favor of the Uffiiih ’* ihiK portion us iba uaw (leaeti kwttoa? J. But there ia a*x>ih-r anawrr fbat ia. if |mm aible, etlil more poi.rluatve. fiaorgia ia not a lit ate in lb* U •*<•«* ia nod a —uaa that thia part of tba Fad*ral ConatHati »n, Io bidding State* to impair Ilia otdigattnii of coalraMa.. applien to bar. W* are ont <4 tb* Union, or, we are, perbapa. more propariy. a tarntory ot tba Uni tad tontea. * bar buu (ioiwMotal haa been dawtroyrd bj aac—ion WhaUwr oar atatna ta, w* all know that we aia now Peking and anxi j«nly knocking for adsauamn into tbe Unton of to*tea Wbßn wv are da nirti many of tba bbmduge ot thv Uumid. wa ’ arv aNo out from under nouie of the fwaCnmtn - impoaed apoa Htatea tn tbe Umou If wa pa** a law wow that uopaurt tbr obligation of crnitrm Uaod vr> a forward* admitted into ti*a Union with tbatUw. it of foroa. Thia baa U>*u ixprc—ly drci«kd by tha Soprwtna irntoiat IntHMial of ib« Uatod NU-ua, with a fid: I* ifi«*b and a unanimooe roari Ttoib c'- a}ob>« v-m rr»wd* in Um wa* that want up 1 from T*u* IMatw Tasaa waa admiilad. aba pained certain Uwa which wen mid to impair tha nhtigb'iom of corn tract* After bar admta mom. tha Uaihd ttmkw FbptamC Cnnrt waa naked to dFctarc tbmm Uwgpwrtl amdvoi i Tha CuCpl ralhaiit .*p'tb* groubd ibaA Tcufl wa* D'ti toatr ia the Union w).a* thaao |bwi w*r# pa-aed. So tha law* of |hrc*. rbcboigaag# of thaSoprcma #»nrt in to fol hi the pnopte of tb* Atate of Triaa are bound to arbwowiwdge coatrwrta or ittUa repOfihated by tb# let* republic, ia a to to deeatoi by tkeir nn tn banal i.i»d with 1 hark thin CVmrt baa mo ngM to ttoariare uu der aay po«g gmnted to Itorn by the Comat 1 twtmo and acta cf U myr— toe ttowa maaa fully reported in 11 R>w ard*■ Uurtnd Stair* Swpnese CVmrt Report* page 106. i Lwegtk* rm. DaTomnf L ami 14 Hot ar j. pwga 79. (Hertaar. n Phelan > A IVev <4 tm JfiMlffi ttw4a, la tba •vtua. at tba vot*cw of Owngu. wboa# voflrage to Beak*, wa propound tto IdUwiag laiwitemtAwkr* to Judg# Lrwia. and call up»u b.»a. u> 'A«m* out Ofi.l AMVrr fairly and folly i 1 maw CfifiuetUuiio*. •ud»<aUt*d by tb# Coavea t»o«, aw ara y»»a .•|>p»wr«| to it ? 1 Arv yom ui favor of tn* rrlic| awwvr* iucorpo*mra»l in that O *o*titot*« »i. or arv yr>« Pjnnm dUi ti.m ' 1 Do you believe tto rcfcef inreaur** are cooatilativ>nal or Mto—lltllloml t ~f 1 Will yon. if eifidol OoTrmor. ap|M>*ni Ju lg#i with a tu-w to thvtr pnaatton on o tof 1 * In othvr eroeda, if yon beti*v« tto relief m*a»- urre wr.«-<•neti»ut»nnal.. will yon mot aeN.» f nig-# wbo b‘4d tba aam* op alone, with a v»*w t * the ,i*fwt .Af* tton* u.aaaor*# i 5 Aj-» in Nv».f f tto b**m#*f*nd. u immff p>r«u4 intAitb* CV-natitutiom. and do y*K* to il# vr tb* Uai'iy ran bold it agaii*s»t old d*bU mad# prior to Jana, Ikrto* Wowhl you ap puiot Judge# not prejadicml agaiu»t tb# b«>ui*- atead - fi. Ar you ia favor *T aU liabmg imprt».»n atcnl tor «i#bi t 7 Are you iu favor of the xamoi »> Lo»l aptnu. a# pcvuhrd for ia UtvlAeatiioiioo 1 K Are you ia iavwr.of alio* tug tb* colored nifiU 4 4 tba t&tate to Vote ? 9 !•»< Jon mot expect lb* unit* and aupf*' rt of ttoa# who AvpfaiMfi* ib» relief n»...- ta/f v IU. Dal yoa n<4 o|>poa« lb* rwoooatnK'Uon acU, and <i<-nounr> wton flml p**—l 11. Ara you io favor tto rero<'val of tb* capitol of tb* Stal* to AtlmnU J Tto p«Mtttoa of f'oL Bullock ia wall kmow a T«n *v*ry on* cf tbwac pnota H* ba* no con rcmTtc*oU. Tb* p*»tpsc haVc a rtgtrt fc» louw wb*r* Judge Irwtn vtamda. («*a* nut. Ju lgr. and t*U ua Nw i tod* pwrto*. or withhold your opaa>(M oa tbew* grant You cannot ran «>a both ».!** Which aid* are jtm on' tam .ui ouuie out. Y u UlOll cfiwne owl L«lC«r floes Alpk*r«tt«. JLmurm, March 25. HbW. fSMtfur .Ym Eri: Th* campaign po•#***!* with epirtt. C«- Wraipy. owr caodt Utc for CutgTream tb« Hixtb. mi i* a teihug *p**cb to-day far fto i *wi*utottou and BalUi. H# ba* vuuird wtiVfil « •»intioa in the lH*tn«-t au l ta in fln*epinta fl* u»- that a po.] report may b* *o*Alinl)j fipclnl from tbe UtobntaftWL Two 7—fkw in Uww of Jtidtr* Irwin lia*« !s#ru delivered Lett tLt* week, by CoL Hol comb* and (be Judge a hja n. Ufi Onr of th#m apologised fur having a*rv*d m *ncb a CotnuUiofi aa fraanl tba CouaUtudon, tb# other ad ward hi* fnemda to boat 6>r a Jiuuc* us tto Peace, and ewore that tbay would never Yeet until Ito diagrae* which tba Coarraika basl attempt#.! to Qt upon ua, waa wiped owl 1 aia aaeared. 00 rabaU# authority, that tj*cir *p*ech*w atrenglbeard tb« caoa* of re s'fi-matntrti-at. and wnb at Isert Ally* for Bullock What a vitalising p.wer there m tn idle and lb* pr-Hkpe- t at Ua rnaolnßucnta Tto hop# of obtaining th*m ba# •*»dd*r»ty excited tba iwieaiart laurwit ta a a*t of aim who. lrea tbau ttx mouth* ago. errrut-d dead perfect nrgativee they could not be brought to act. To that t *tav«nti u they would a*n«l dele gate*. waver. Now. ttoy warmly *epoaea Ito cawea •* a candulnt* for Osiwanr on.icT tb* CoiMVitttU n which they never would coi/ernl kt* Tlmj Wot* beav.Ti and earth to obtain tha gwardsauabip of a government they denounce aa a divgmc* ' But. la tba taaaaum*. tto work of rerun ■frwot too goew alae iii y oa. All will b* well io Mn.raw ntf See flmt p#g*- for important puliUoal mailer •to Hon Jho 1 Logao M. C . be# <>ur thank* for valuable public dumaaent* Jerry Black atat## vary frwwiy that ba baa u.*> hope of acquittal of tb* Preaidant, and that ha haa an iafonw* 1 him. Whether Mr Jobaaou toll nip arm Uu mailer through, ia aat yet determined, bet ts to Uk*e the advice at nearly all hia coonwllora, h* wdl resign as •non aa th* ftooal# ord*ra that tba trial atoll proceed without farther delay Ixruntxm J*m« Mvdieon, who, he the Uabaoony of bis ova uote* af the pmew-d utga of tto (xMMtitntiooal Otmvaaimn. ia, more than aay .vttor man. th* father of tba < .matuution. laid d«rtra tb* authority of Com f «aa in tto matter of Impaachmenta. in tto 1 minis Convention tar delttorabog on tb# litinml f 'ofMtitbtmn •• 1 h*r»- i# on* **c<mty in this cans to which geatlcmeri xaay not have advertod.- if tto Ptm idem be con»~*t*d in any Mnpicioaa uu*n*r with any persona, nnd there to ground# to to li#v# to will shelter bimaalt tto Hoaw* of kvprwrtstativn asm impeach him. they can remove him if found gmltv tbay as a*#pen.! him wbavj *awpeet*4 and tto power wilt dr volve op th# Vtaa IVmidcnt Sbwubl to to sawpectad slap, to may likewise* to auspanded mil to to impMPtol and rctnived. and tto Ijagtalator* may make a temporary a)ipsjint maot.**—{VbL X p«4f*» 367 Tb* New York !!• raid »# M»j>r»-n*ely <!ißgi.t tad with tha Democratic Jarty for clinging to ci>pp*rhsadiam. nod not making comae *n -ause with Andrew John***) in thi# h«»ar o( used It d*c!*r«jf tt»#l tLr triumph 4 ih- R* publican party in tto Freaidautial eNcinm ia atjaotwtrty certain Among tto w**b» given for thia rational coorirtioa Is tb* revolt tn Maw Her a pah ire Oa Um point tt any* Agaiaat all drawback#, tb* Republican» of New Harufwbir* held their ground Ttoy tri umphed lo the lata stwetion over all ttov# ob- UructioiMi tn rallyuig under tto flag of Gener al Grant aa ttotr naudidata for tb* watt I’raai d« ncy This vm. in fact, tto Initial fight for tofitiDU U* of Oeneml firwnt a# • Fr*aid«ntial ratcluia!-. and tto result snow* b* rannot to beaten. ErcA/mge. hull Bom A T Aker waa. .4 Ra. l4*n. to* been id town for a day or two Mr Akevtnan wa* on* of the i»nt prouiiueul | metnlen of the CoMUtationaJ (*»av. ntioi., •ad We believe tbe author of the almirabi* j Judiciary system io tto a*w Oonatiiatl..n Tto rry*r\ started by the AtbuiU Opinion i that Mr Akcrmao hail an no a need hna«elf for lrwia ta wholly without foundation (An gusts Repablluou. Jumik law UL—l>id this funilramu. ai th ngb a .Uicgata to tha Oouwtttutioual Cow v-oiK«. aU*ud regularly tpm itawmMoa*. aud aamsS ia tto foriuttuu ofthw ObawfUato m sooa to be wabiaMlud to the ywylil Doo’t all souak at emus hot osotobndy •as war * ( Augusta RspabHcun Navy lima Ifrthfri 4 aaug aa» she »mnH*. * nmisßia '« ream w-wmahwiviAi a* ta# a## *h*~ jr— asslyiac .wy lagWvßr; waaSnr ps* emd rlfkl Sain kfia kb uasae* SSkk ism baton Crttuj «to kill e*4 Sreeed ewr tais. bo, tatevif tk# aritr—l #f U# Mrtlc W%u away a had karma : The*: to. toya «mr, And ;em m* rsbm «ma Ttoactom. Wya, rU##r. a*# OaOecW w our am* Pm movtk beta «b*n r* Tba Halee maul be w-md. Far bu •• (prd uar aimar «uu For as tbe vtarm v#‘v* Waml a# te« ta* urwtwu trt <-k#er Uw rtnantcfr u ea Via away a load humuh! TV#u >em*. buys mok •ad >m *• Imun aha. Tb#a flea toy*, rttavr. Far Bilkh k I# ear aum. Tbe rtuhl »UI need rert* freeman ■ 1 via. Joel wm «ueb plrta s taeFt •to IM e# #»f*p all wr uu . Aiad tout tb* autlau * Buam «*'ii wbaal eld Qinn tab> an#. Foe pragnaa, tratfe and h w. And Use* •< ll aul« ta# »*Ojji na* Vita many * kmd bomb I The* UOBM. bl)) SL . to, And >to Um l utea . la* Ttwa beer toye. > k»ee. ter aotock >#tnir am# WOMIW ITIIU KIMVKITWM. To (Aa HtywUir ttk IVdVW m i KU‘<h tsmt 'ie** r- ushe*. . Tab*- tow#, that a t'enveßtifU wilt to beki 10 tba oity of Atiau a a Twssiluy th# Jl«t last. fr*r th#parpouu of noS»mattag * Slab.- Heeiau.r to rr|*r*u»at tto 36th Dtadrud in our next Iwgidatiir* Lrt there t>u a full atteod aac* Hy order of tba t owrrrav mar»-Gt. v BY TEIJBgSaPH AMOfllf# raws P/in rraw. NOON DKPATCHE& WiauiuitON, M#rvb J'v Uwa. Haacxk c minrand* the N |«rttD«ot of the Atlantic LukUu. March ‘JH Th* Abyaaiaiau ann> haa (vaiUH iH-wl ti.e aavut to lb* liigblaifid# It is regarded a difficult and.-rtsktug Huni tari' rvporl favorald# Koa*# ui.juirtain |mumm - for muiabk. - - - o- NIGHT (•■gYreeloaal* aswara. W4hin.M4Mfi>- H*»efi l -Vfr—Tfrw frtsWWff i wa* asked whether L-, had eatabbatod anew | military dutnet #inc«- August and un l. r what naaje. Tto Tax Owafnevncc ( <iuiu:Um report wa# r« jested Mr Ny* *tol it woaM fill the penitautiariee with government oflb'iaU ___ Mr Howe *anl that it would to A good ihmg. Mr Murnll • ? M*m« 'lid n! l-tiirv- there waa ao honest diatilh-rin th# Ualrnn The S. lufii, adjoumcl t*» M >n (av at rl-.wyi ?»clock. Horae. After 10 import tut j*i «ec « 11b ALi lusm bdl was re * un.. and and dto'tin*f«>d at great length. Aun iom U> table wa# «lrf* ated by a vote of tk) to did A motion b» utriku oat Ih# ueuttfi for section wa# carric*! by a vote of 74 to 3A Mr Hfeyea* auuetsdment for nnivernal ntif trage wa# r#js>'cte<l without a di vum «n Vlr. HpanidinK'a aubaUtuta was mh'pttHl by a v«A# of Ti to 64. ft declare# ery Uonvcutioo tb# ftinslamnutal law af Uo IPnjvismual Grireruroeutv the ofllcem rec#otly ,a4ww4wd ta qualify and wntar upon tto diMt harge of thsir duties oa tbe Aral of May The Govern. «r may couven* tb* togtalatw# •leHes] under aanlA onstitutiou. Tba lj*gta !atnra *hall poaac»4 ail th# powers coot erred by tha M.tatgomury IVinstitution Tto Ijeg. talatare iu»jr *ut arm the Moutgomury t'onuti tation to the quulifl.d el*c(orv with or wiih oat tto ameopmant#. when a majority of thu el#ct .rv qualified under tha act of Cntigrews of March 23d. UMT7 «bail have adopted an atitnUun and tto laftoUiare ha# ratified th# f urfsoth said rowel ttntion may be prv- M«t*d to tiinrNas for apjiwoval. The Dw to provida a more eActent govern meat in tb# rebel State* shall remain in fr>r*# in Alabama, except aa modified by thia act. until Alabama ta admitted to representation Thu House adjoumed. New Oauuxft. March M Th* Democratwj ntatu Cunbral Gommittsw hanng mcirnt*-TT7t tbs impending stoat** on tto propound u*w ('onutitutlon. and for «*(R<*vrs thereunder unb i mil that all eitiscn* ■ymputhicing with the Domocratic party, who are entitled la register are urged to do so and vnt- against the adop tion of tto CiNMUtntion They nmsanul tha! lb# prassot u» amtonta. all Htat*. Uoo greeeioooJ, judicial. p«mcb»al and munirtpal oAc##. ao far aa they ara knowa. lo act in har mony with th# spacial parpne* .vs du/*uGng tbs t?unutitiitKw> to piaesd m nomination and tubed for as yumhdal## Ins thsir ruspsetivu ■4l'•eu Tto morning papers publish a letter fro*a G«u*ral Hancock to Gov. Tense, arguing the vfßcacy of lb* cin! Law and thu right# of tto people Thi# ie in answer to Truss' latter > one*ruing Hun* . --k'* refusal to order milita ry rotßßmnu for tb* trial of c*luu>u« in Tr**a. Tb* l*Urv covers two c-fidumav df trwttrr. and is commented wpou ig fiattenag Itraa by tto city prase H»r-'h 9H TL# Dot*veinu»n i# ■ ugaged oa tto uduswlioa report. An umsud? meat lor acparwt# arhxda for white# and black* waa hud ou tto talda PYvr prtsou#r« broto owt of tbe county ja!l ih»* movwing Tto United Rtatas.firan.l Jury haa fotaad a new ir.diotmcni agaiaat J.dlurw>n Daria. It *ovbv fifty pages, and details all hi# *fi*n*«ii Bine* tto opsatag of tto HMUroi. JaOKSOU, Miaa . March Ml In tbr (‘ooveti tuta tb# jOflufiarT nqort M still un kr cotadd #ration, making a alow prugT*wa N* pros pact fto a^iummsiH. Tba Miasuwuptd UuutroJ Railroad firopoauu b» pass, freu of rhargr. 4#)ugat«w reuhhag on tto Una of tba mod. uh«u tto Uouventioa ad- I j<»«m*d HavawMiu. March 2* Thu of tto schooner Isaac Baker rr|MtrU «><*rhuulitig tto | betg H»i*ry latmuer, Ir>*m Gcnrg«4owii. 8. C,, bouml for a Northern |»*t watarLqu^l, 1 and rescued Uspt t'imiidh-r ai.d new, »ud I brought them to ibis f*o*fi hum You, Marsh M. 4V«Uon acitva and | r triUd us 4 to 1# bettor, mb's better at over 3645; Finer rlwfl. Wheat cloeed | Oort dull; weetero ant**! S1 26 to 1 2h U*uu ; pork 925. IsH 1»| to lfi|c. Grocert## qgiet. Gold firm at I3bf. Tto govermnent ail toll mtlltott. New Obi4Uvu, March 29 Market excited and unaettlsd. Colton aa!r# (S.fJOf) balsa, mid dlmg 964#; rusuipka 1.H97 Kutou; cupsrtu 299 !*1»« Hngnr; prim, IS4 to ISJn, Floor J»I1. ~J«* «< o*w*w oxtra ,t *l4 Corn (1 to to* Onta in fioml U.U.X-4 w*»fc nu n k .»»vl tnraW |cy Xt 774 4) 7l- Hxy. prim, wnM» of fiflfi WSI Port doll xml unrbsxiod tM tn ,»» Hncra, roUßw«ntiSU I«,«m xb^ I dm and olrar Rdon UH firtn at I7| In tfir ' IS UO. xfrrlmfi. Innk. M)| nmnwreixl, mo sSl#rx York figkt |r WoOm. M *t «.fJpUi-ok * hlUra <VA.d tt mB •>od xiafig xl Si»r. ul«|X3oo nfifev W firaapti, Marth 38 jjLmrkot Mpmm: mfilg . i MUBAXaru.v. Mi neb 38 Oottoa activu and j advanced lc; mlew 1.800 half*, ui.ddttng V ; to icce.pta Mt> baton fUnfiia. Marsh 38.- {V k#a opuAe*! firm. ,ml toeam* uiaitad, and r iumgg gugalat, taku l.fifiO balm; middling Ja« lo 9fic Butuh*o, March 39. -Ottot activu and • firm at 36a Flour activu and totttt toebug. I not quotable higbor. Wtota nnrbanged | Coni firm; white $1 IU; yellow 91 IS lo I.9LA Oats 86c. Rye 1180 Fork quirt. Lard 17c, Rustic* «*r Cwurr Owliu. Tor fhu . iaform«U«m of topny perwnws who have made ' rn “jaulcv aa to what roouty ofPcvr# are elect ! i»t, Wo would a'ata that. fr>ni tto beat uifor oiatioo we cau at pruaeat get upou th* sub ject, all county uAccrs are elective that ia to **> Ordrnanrv. Sh.nff*,. Juaticea us th# Tearr, and Bailiff#; M- rutonr' ot the Hou«e ot HrprwuutUie, and ik-iiatora of the Dis trict*. Clerk* of th« I»x»t/:« i t'oorl# arc *jqp»iuU i Clerk# of Uu> Superior Court* utr C- Th« Inferior ami Comity Courts ar# abol i*b*d [Oa- Lxchaiigw. Cxsouviict rotOrru a. So uian cau know ' how much of a villain to ta until he allow# hnuM-d to Uiiav a < audidai* for au office ruie tl««-#biise and nouawoa# uttered cooevru tag Col Bullock our candidate for Governor W* believ«* au •‘angel of light" would be staved an ! depreciated by "all the dvceucy" patty if hr tdiould bfi-ci-iu# * -aiidi-ta:#. in thi# mondaae »ph< r«. to a road worker Bob ! & C«'i>>J»»u Tiaaurr W* are authorised to ' iilmdki Ih# report, • rvalitod t*» the Atlanta | Opmiou, that On! Furvit, Treuideot of tto CuiixUiQU>»u*l Cjuiiuatinn, tod daciarwd iu fa vor af Irwin Upon hie rr-iurtt from Weebing tott, tVitonvl Torrott will stnaip hts s«*ctl ti j for tb* regular noun owe of tbe I4M» rvuUou. U IL Rulkx'k. tto p«*opl*'a « oudid*ta (Augus ta Rcpnbioau. NKW ADVfiKTISKMUrrrS HELP ME TO LIVE! H’ AM ICI) tu rfiftl a #aMil amobwraMm H»ri HK. la a <tr< wul BFiglktkurtujiM] HoaU kiui!;. L*u4 «at • » #.»#J knee# Apt »i ni*rW TRW OFFICE. ZIMMERMAN A VERDERY, Wliolo m a I <• <J rooc rn, Our Manrtta m 4 Bread rtruuU. . || AVI )u#t rtt#>i«4 TANARUS» !>*** Hi-. OngW tmir to clm* a p» t>t»U Kaffir varU<a* fTS.ta, • tt " ItnlHfirfi. iljfh CaaiWaJCaxifijr. Cracker*. *o#i». Ch#e> *, oyster*, AU>rf which ate illerc*) O hca p for O/t mix! mar IV At «> -- v U. V% . * 11 AI M. Aartlaanr. IHWN'I I*o IX 101> HALK, TRIHVY PROI’EKTT. IXi i#uafiatni'fi ui tto anC*v*>r»liU Wx*u»rr last pvpoliv Um- -ale of •%« TECH AW FEOFRSTT «m Ull u#*l TU«fct#r. th# 31 #1 .toy ,4 Mar. h at I ivu u'clmx k in ito rv. *io« a <• W ADAIK. lUal Kateto aitxl lA#»at. rmew he ft Katina I Bio. fc. ii Oppomlr WataHiol Hotel. FRESH ARRIVALS -- Foulard 8ilk», Lonoos, OrenadinoH, I’t.Ri 41.4 h, M JNMEU POPUISK Anil Orfiuiullt, Ivl i ual ! r,jM, > ETKJ.I V Mfi HinhJ 1 KHAWIE for j JA 1 *oil a 4 lir^oaJiiie A lar§# UA of An•#«•*. A u#e U 4 of l‘ar**..u #«pe<e#xl mi W.-nJa, ta# vmt. uJ JO )<iww **f new lUl'Vft (K> *{lK%Nt Ito «Uui> d#l«- All a ill b* #«44 rhaev. t*# C IXll oulj 4 Ila if tlAKl.l X. OlliJE A maria n U. S. Officers, vrr HO xinJ fttux, "i oil 1 Ri»l • i ,*-*■■ ut.l -ira-o* >Y M-kof C.'AUPKTH. 041 < Infh*. ('artnln*. Shuire, Rugfi, Mats, &e, r>i^JoiriP4. KENDRICK’S CAltl’ET STORE. _ ioaiT* |t Marietta Utrvvt. SbrrlF’i Kafir. WUI X. 04,1. x.fto» tx-r.ore Hoora Omme tm «>. W’WTJ at I#a?fit««. Walk#* reaatj . Ueorfta. «n ta# ft rat IwaUajr In May *#U l#U«f land aaeUmra MU ao.t la tto Mb 4ta trtet ao* 4ta iM-tlf#. aa ta# umperty ot J W. lA. R Ttonaa. lo *ati«rt a ta* It* Levy ouml# l.jr a nooata- UU and Niv*«d U aa#. kUn-h li. lata W. L 4 OOJIALLY. UtoeWt. ami ui.ffifftlMi la tb# Dtartfii OuUM «oi IS# I althad ii#im, Ibr tb# Uawtbera Hlatrlrl wf <Je »rgla. In tb# **#tta# oi 1 J<*H> Him. [ la bookrnpapy. baafcreuL \ 'pH nnJfifiitnp.l to retry rtvwa n-tk# of hi# »p --1 pmatmwel am A—Pga## of John Kontmy. #f H*v#a r«ah. la tto *wi«y wi (AUbun and Man# us ttanvgla. within *alJ who ha# hern emw4r*4 a Bank rajs upon ta# i» l*toi ot has rribnet hr tto UhMrt Court *# to IN#*' i dot**! at Kuvannah. March UUtb. IMS IIMMT LATH IU IF. *aarm-wMv A—iqnaa Inaum.'ioo Hcdiicrd. TaxaapawTAitav Omc« 0» R R Oowawy. \ Atlanta. Oa . March *7. IMP f fjtal KXfiCI tm ttaemalui to*w##« Pee York and < ban#etmi I-. T flßth FoCKIIf 1 OF Obg ru nwt. A. D. IIAHKU marl# !w o«.neral Ageat. la lUEknptcf. THE rmUonot HarWy Pt4e«. tob cramty <tanrgta. rwnkrni-*- ar# berehy ivtiW that (to ear ; ad mamumg <4 tto ##*dltor# will to toM »l Merer* Hewtae a hMOB*# (fibr e. |« lit# lowa of gmaei. oa the inert *>v of Apwil aest. at 9 o’abwk a. a WM trCtMWVM. Aaebrcer Oarttaeii rla. M«r> h 9t. IWft# man# - w*it lai H*nkr«plry. ia tto ltotrtat t own wi tto toihMl Mta4e# ft# the 1 Hrmltom itohriot of ai Aaaaru-u#, StUMiee I Oeoaty. 14Ui wr Mamb. A. D . l*ta rjVMV rtelemeoad h#r-hy fit*# 0.41- *o« Ut» appmel , • a 1.4/4 Em r now it ,»f WILUAM W FoKTi, of BIOIIAKP A BKOWW. us WILLIAM A RAMIHCT. of rrsjAMTw r nri.i,. us HAMFBOfi p MUON, an.l of HK.VfAMIN r. BSXJL *n-1 *Anmm p fioovi, #4 tto ton .4 Ball b bona, *9 of ta- Omaly us Mentor au-i mat# <>f Or< wgta. wubts atbft dtautet, vhe bar# toe* ad;*l«-l Hankrepta upon ta, »r wu awaraf pwd taHtaf bf *to WafrblOfthrt f *a»l IHetrtrL J M. Anirtrw, Oa. To th# fftolltme r.f aaM **v#ral fUmkrn|K# mwr lb \ oil|B#*'> Krtlcf. is tbe Utatvhfi noon m th# fiattmi %#w aw tb# bfiwwwrn TNfitrtoi «fi *♦ Wort ftoet. Hit# tb# JMh bsy of Martfit. UM# r pH V. ootorMgtod torei -y ||i,i otfiowuf hi# arpuiai -1 m*«t a* Asatfibee of lUPtAKDUE BATA -f Kaety t m*(j. atat htato us Uwowla, wHftfin aa«4 Inairtri. who to# to#e etjubH • Hankre-.t epoa IM# «we p—ty m. by ito lK#frbfi Oowrt of #ahf dutnet marlto-wtor ALMMST UfNbfiL AaatftWee *< AMlfßM*i BMkw. Iu ito i quart Pur ta* bertb Ih tto raaktar of ) i*Bis>iwl r. KOtto tItuMAK 4 OMOUA [ torn ta# Mb toy or bvbWt ) Martto, Hm .-wtoii sfijjtod Qyfigia. wfiMftpilMimcy JrirsoCfßii -wtaMra 3Bu»agra.> ami, r 1 -so ” •«"■ E. 0. BLATEEBWICK, >•*- 77 mm* TANARUS» ft. M«r**« M»>t, Ki.SHTn.LE, mu., OENBRAL AOENT, fu« nu NTAFFOKD SULKY CULTIVATOR. VtfTMM to »nrt en Ml hra. MSI via onlMvato •ttiHly *crmm W Our* or OoNun !•' al*n»l n ik ImpUuioulM FIKLIt AND IUHDIH SEEPH, AT WIIoLCHAUt AML RETAIL* Plows of all Kinds and Sizes, I\<?aixsr*s and Mowoi rw, ThroaHlnM MaoMn^a, I AN M11.1.H. Ad., Ar. Men-hunte mU hanlers eu rwly a* having Uuir or ■Ur* rt'-twj-il) aU«n<Ud to. (I will Ilwsfi And my pri • • ihf Mm- as Morthera ud Esiisw deal res. m tuy n--«l» art rued* to «ij order and for aale at mao nfa. rnrsrw pH—A. ■ O. ULATHKKVa If a. 71 Mid 79 South Mark'd wt , (near oor Hrued mar—- eodtUnsay IS Keabvtlle, Tew A. Cabbage ami Tomato Plants. VriSK see*irU**ent o( thrift* early rJlBBA'il aod TOMATO PLANTS am *>t sale, to ooj> *«ttent«y at DOWEmt HILL iikirrv, about mil* southeast of ilia Oazuelsry mar— At* V. f. BoBIXBUH. Auction. « D«nrr »«n IhstcMßn \ ALoota* it*.. Mhroh —U I—A | Ur ILL ha aubi trubh.- surtioo. at (4e room# o# WHBwa M MM I onrner Wtotte aod Pee**trve •Uc*U. Atlanta, at • a. H . Tueadav War. b Mat, IN—, aod evmteanleg from day tn doy until .iiapnaad of. tha following artlrh-e of aaear>l* eeblu (Vtblng. Camp and derrtonn fopiippagu, eta. i— flat* 1 pair Boots. <M— 1 A*N pair Ntoct toys. Taaalt. 3*4 (franc panto, , »« t W, M *4«o Maakc*. its Bather 4a. lUpalr LoifursoTt aiart, 7 pair TYovaer*. rebel, lwi tuiiunn Cueto Th Jecksto ' 4a, • 111 ha* A An . 171, pairut Ihevrons. 1 Mil » Moequito Her*, r Prtwaro, M he*u , 10 H |—r Bmdeo*. 1A« yard* Lao*. 1 Ha«»raarA. 10 Hneptu) T«U I Camp lalll . 7 - film 4 1 Halbard*, ivies. 1 l»rtia —irk (Ami|», 7 Wail inu a«.| Fit— -10 Lrum i>«r*la. 7 ml* Tant Polos, • •*(• Dm a* Unarm. J bo b* ‘ Term* t'AMII My ardor of Maj*»r Ulaanl M«V m. I riANAWORTU. Ft rat Ue*L (totb luCeotry I* eherg- of Daunt ! w. M HILL. AurUoqaar < aaar— At At Inn la Mod leal I oil w. f |7!IE &«xt ;.*ular Oarae of Ledam In flhis I nail 1 tettoa win (vmmaar* -n tha Aral Monday la May ; uni, and roctlaua until tha Am of the udtowtug i Srjlrtßbrr. Ia rri.TYr A MKAXH. M. I>.. Fitnf. of M.naral an.l M«h«nl Oh—Mn. i I* t* O'EPtKX M L. t Thaory and Practice ..f Madtrina. W r WtMTMURRLAM>. U It, Tn 4 Pnurtptos aod Prattr* of Surgery Jtmt HoRJNir. M l».. Prof, el OhoieCrtra and Lta H V M V7I.UUA M D . Frol of (—steal Madte—a J M JOMMBOX. M L . Fruf of Msyatotejoy H h \KMMTHoM(t. M D., Pruf of Anaiomt ; J <• WR.HTM*HULL*Wi». H. L . Prof, of Malone Mad- I. a au.l ThrraLautlm. i r. [. lOMIh VT D . p. iu matrator of Anatomy 1 N L ALVIUMT. M. L . Curatur Tor hirUirr infonoatAon, addrrts J O WRhTMonKIJMt!). Daoa Atlanta, ri* . Mar» hM. IN— nkrTl dlaw «4t AUCTION, -v “ 1 nrn. H l»ar« <1 a*® Dnurt swiisu goa*T«*Marrjuk i ArrjurrA, 4a.. March —, IBM j \l 'II.I ha adil at pulihr aartto*. at tha room* of » Wm M Util, oaraar of Martatta aod l—htm *traai« Atlauta. romi*aoc4*< %4 9 A M. Wadaaaday, 4|»HI let. !• and aaNaang from dak to day uatll ail U* am* tea am dta|waad <d. Um fbfWv—« unaar »*.•*— artsrlaa of guarw»r*watar*a Woraa.-rli 74 roam* I * Tier Pap-M-. It Floraa (Wlara. »4 A- Pouto at* «* . , 14 Cowora. J uair AmUrona. 9 Hiding Mridtaa. I FTalat Maahina. 4 Wagotl Oooora. 3 lattar Praaaaa. I (toddle* a Tampa o*e! cri . 1 aat HMhfl' Tool*. I loataru, tote TVa (Hitter. h inwka. I Printing Praaa A Typ*, II Hama llnaahaa. MtM drain Ba—a, » Blind Mridtaa. 144N In* toUrtmls. 7 I'orry CVmiba, 1 AM i. a qnnuHty *if ('arpantera', Markimith* aa».l : mini eiiaoeuna To-4*. Term* tlAlllf. i By order of Major Heuaral Manda II J PARK*WORTH, lailuaa Mil* Infantry, A A. g M . In charge of Lnpp< W M RILL tooth*err m htl to IIRY HIDPX WASTED. .">.()()() rorw “' A|fp y to A. JL MLAUO. m*h— i'..nnwdua Merchant ( «—SIk«rUT» SmU. II’UX ha aatd hafum tha Oowt Bonne door in 7 ? i etuphaUta*. »ii the Amt TMerdny tn April. I—9. within lha i-aral ho am of mtr I> t »f laud unmbor ML. to the IMh dlterlrt and ad Mutton of orlgtikaily Charolrm. now Campbell <xmntr . WM M MoriOf'lßß. imp. —arid mart -Id pradmAl (i Koto-I A, CAMPBRLL OLHJMTT. T«j all atew Tit may «*>»<-«m itohartsao W. Tarry hArtem tn proper form appMa I to me tor nsrmanunl lam am of ad iuuua«rao*xi irn lha dlilii of Irwin Bosnar and Qara U®« r Toggle, into of aa*4 eonoty - T—a lato ntea all and 4-pH-Mi toltMam ■#—A •and kin <«f Irvin Borne* and Carohna T To—la to be am! appear at my tehee vtfhtn tha Mine prancrlbad hy Mv. tetoahaw oanaa |f any aha f « vhf ant—nwit admlaMtratton ah»nld not ha (ranted hill—it W. Tarry «* Imia B—tor end I—no 9. Tagßra dhrtr totafa only oenaUta nfa Mad vnmv—A—nß—r. WUoeaa my hand ward teßoßt H— —m. dj—Ht —tt. la— B 0. mill, urdtoamr. merTT and pn—i* >» ■*• DMftflUwiei* tor the Mart hern Dteirtrt of tlsergla iln IW rnmtn at ) «*. <>. Ham. | I* Miekf. ’|VI will u.'a may nowani IV andeiMM* —r | X atm* • ■< hu »|ir—lll *. —l*»* **• : Hl* Wm a m lk> muty n< 6o««* md ! *uw. at IW* wM.m mid (mew*. «*■•. m mm . *d)~W-41 hflniyl >m Mi •*■ r-nUatt by Ik* DWnet (’.ran < mid IWUM t>M*d l«k my at m** i*m j*Mn r Mtmm. • -y --inch—vfv. •« lha Mterkt < anrt gs the IMH— Mam Par lha Bart harm DtatrWt af Uaaa(la. . I® »h* htotter of t 1 WITT C Wt—E, J fa R«uwrm «o 4t . .J*' Bankrupt. ) n. a Wamaa. AaaatgMaa. 1711 A mU Maa—n— haring—tan— tha Don-fur a diarharga from all hi* dafcm prove—* otor the I ManhrnpA Aat of March A. I—7. wtetoe la hereby —ran t*> all pT*«»n« Uteraatod lo *pp»aj do th* INth day of ' prll, INNA, at 14 o’otesr* In fie Avnn-**n. at ('hamham > of Use aatd Hitertrt Oowrt, before A. O Murray. Bag., tie of tha Regtatara at the aatd (Wt in Uankrn—ry. I at the Hrgtotor'a o 4 a— O—Hto. as— ahav oanaa why ; lha prayer us thaaald paUMvn of lha Heukrnpt ahduild I i»'*t ha granted. Wttoa— the ManmahM tohm B—fct&e. i*n*i. | fudge us aa— DUtn.i (Mart, aod lha aate »hereof. thta tod day es Man h. lA— w p wm, -ai»m Clerk In tlaa Dlalrtcl t ourl wf Ik* In Had Blnlaa for the Wort hern KMatrlrl af Bearfla. ! THoioK **W»»iuOi { ** "Vo r fir kg ‘ IWkni*. 1 ' nil». «I4 Mmatniid pMikMMd Urn uwt Iw 1 • dim**** tram Ml Ma M* «n*M> *WMr *• mnkmiiWdSmtl 1«1, »mlm U lm>m« dm ■ k. *1) *n* la«M~l,.l I- ■»*, a* Ik* tltk d*/ at i P dl.«*dM«‘<*M M ** liimim. ** flkik>— dS r essiSTMi* a ji-jsaa .> m. kniMiri uOct. m. Una*, mmiamii* lv* "*** °* *•• MUn**l akmM j J*s>. »M mMmt f (>m*. l mdS« I I tool Umatt. UM run Mr at ItMTk, men ana W. E tKITW. OUrt ■ • ■*< DMikl ImritfUM lalud kiln k>lMM*lMra DMrMMSwftl*. mMHiTTyL. | naa—phr. ■•Mrap- | rno Ml *kn* « M*r mimi Tk* wd.mliMl •» iTt; banks f iTr * u>r in * NEW COODSI Con—f lapa-te lAA atoae M*m a. Beya’. Youth « and flhd- e •0 aanaa Maa a and Boy* Bahnuraia. •o eaaaa Mae * ml toy s Brogaaa. 7f eaaaa Wonsan a Balmoral*, it)——a Ham toed and Oat hate Lanthar. Began Pran— and A man mu Colt Akin*. I— atetou heat 80-ham Mamma Lanthar, M iltotei An—mn Ktpa. I>—*»■■» Ltotogu, Btndiaga, Tupping* aud —•«- ruahar-u Toot* la grate vartafy * ■ u New Goods Arriving Daily I Oognlry asardbanAa aparAally lavttad to aaamtua thla stock. He mean bay the jdaaa and alga - L T. BAH 18, Bavanaa Ball Alai lent ts out. Whitehall and Hantw Mraate PRICK* RKDICKD! KtHHIIII * CO. orm Greater Inducements than Ever I MIK.'HkHTH *ac IlllMPlflM' Ola* arm Tour ISonsy »T BLTIktl ~ t’raca«rv, V (ituawar* BBd j T«U« i'ailarv CROCKERY EMPORIUM. Comer WkHahaß and Banter atr#««a BIN HUM »1M A\T N( >TI< I to COMIUMCVI! OF COAL. Wasrana A An airnc lliaao*i», i Umi Mimt «*r TaAßaaevr—Mto. J Atlanta, (to., Man h 23. luo ) OH ak*l altar Aj—l let. I—R. tha ret* of frtegbt on Coal will |>a reduced to on* and a half cento per mil# par tun of MJU ponada. Thta I—o tw AmUbo* in Uu oa until O toher W, a/tor which Us* prunant rat* of fvo < anus per ton will ha re By order of lha feiperietoodeat r jrmn B PBCR, uiaTM ton Mae tor TraacporUtKXi Recven' Anilinisiti O n TUB HAIH. I mprured l It Is aa alagaal Dtaateng Aw Use Hair , It ranam the Hair ter J It keepa th* Bo—Jt (Vgg'Agd Htedihy.f I It invigurutaa the Kuoh af th* Bair. I It forrea Bsa Ualr and Beard to grow laiurtanHy ! It iaun#*liataty slope Uair railing Ont i II keeps the Bair ton (hanging Ootor from Ags R rantoms Oray Uair to Its Original 04— li bringa otil llair on lieads that have Um held A»r r—a I It la ••xepuasd aaUreiy of atinpU and purely vog.table i It ha* races rad over ail Ihouaaal vnluntov t*aUux- Mala of ita atrallan*w. many af —rich am from phyal ciana in Ugh -tan.bug { It la sold la half poand bullae (th- name Mean tn ' tha gthua). try Dmggiata and Deatora In Pancy floods I aver) where, at «to# Dollar par Bottle WhotoaaL by ! I etnas be* nas ACV . T. 0 WaUa 4 Oa. MchteAslUs 4 On . Hew fork. —to ly NEW YORK MACHINERY DEPOT. U. a V. PLACE, mt r.*rl Ural M*w Vwk MaanMcts—era and loolar* in every AaacrtptAan of GItCCLAR MAW MILL* «T»TK)**HT mil n>RT*Kl.m Htr*m Ka*ikn(kS Bellen, * »**w*rlk’* rUaen, uMI all ottor WmS warftlof Mkrklnm. l*Uu. namn. UHU*, imb, ud Rabbar kattfam. kabbM ami <dk*T til 1(1 Ilk I Ma ala. an* ak arti. iaa neadtal ia Mnohtne a Ball mad Bagntr Mhoga . FAY * CO**B IBPAOVBD ICMIU.L BAW. with Iron fnn* and Table. aa« other -* has Ms lm o nuts i-Ki.nuuTß* umnimoii mum, rcßciiM *vp rum* krii wr v<eu|ipii«k. OkiMi ruot "* * * cxuoJH njicm KkW KMEKOIT fiOCtK. NRWOBL K A N M ID _ 1~~ l ~~ ATLANTA. Via Grand Jc&otimi 4 ObstUuooya. X Atat.w rn TT. *o <***•« rou n—ußmfim. mutaox, to* ■■eiDW oa ruavAknnm. —— TOfKn!r.s? *“ - tte 4tet par I— p—i*>4a ~|l W a : 55 - 1 Thus— Bills of Lading vflt hs stem m pteata af zsttvShAZxssiaZr -isav'rriT 3^*^ JOB* R. TOOK. 17* tt M. t. m. k A > A aIKrMMrWOnmMI* Dkttad MaUa *»lka»«i*aia »kk«n*fkit»gU. •* Ika mattar id I b> D.abm, t,, jour a karnuoar. nui. I ««. _ raaag sc z Ihsn4m- A— af klaggh 3, 1447. ntefcw la 4amhy given u> ail imnm— 'rteiiii liffS m\ m*maumlai m* Aemomn!b—aa***!'i! »a* af U»a ruptuiri idlka add Own la Ririmift, M Ik* »■«*■)» • adka* m OrWm. tad ma* mm* vby lb. vrayrn tdlka «M aiaWllkadlka Hmi>i ml maaid MhiraaM i—klkir aidtia la iMaaby dm um Ik. aanaad »*d mus am* at madßaai affl ha baM a* 4ka aama ttma MM ***** I- I aajlkmid. tkla IMh day idMma^laa* la the mattam Joint 7 GSAWfOHKi. A. A OTLBBJUTH JAB KteftWOP, Riaafßafrr, THA DBA AKBXXM44. AEABOBB AtOOOK, 'Mtowpik. jfecgi»,ASS-MTi ?*r" **!*!«• «* ** ■*» * emmChgj.d,. L^2wa^su , «s l ar2 *W*m br**SlK?omS tbmdMrn.i .Wsrmutk. KB*. .meern J&ztzsxl mrvttMC -*-«• V ,W> ""sXh CANDIDATES * mmittr w satie Wf __ raaTcoKuKEu. •W W* in tetonrtnj to —I SAMUEL F. OOVE. aa a .tea At Aar ala rapes amt lha route Omg l * - '• Mkl DM— in As Co&graas of tha Lah— Btoton- AOT W# am antes*—aari ta aun unra W. P. EDWARDS aa a mn detail he Congrtek from 4* Thi*l (\mfran atonal Dtakrtev AT Vtsra anWntaad and resale' to teounoc- COL. JOHN A. WIMPY, a* a aaaddkMMrOaacraa* fnx* lb- «uk laaui.l. .i the iiisntgg etoteton. (V Wears ardksruwi toaonomsaa DR J. E. BXjOUNT. aa a tejl—B (or u> tha Om gr.»s awrnal Thteriet. 44“ Wa are gnthnrtaad and paqnoaUd to annena< • HENRY Q. COEE, a* aa iad*r*adml , «»db>al. *>r llou«raaa bUIH M>(k OaofraaMoaal DiaUtm. C ' KOK SENATOR—Ttttk DirtrUt. •*. W. ar* aatbmtaad abd r,|ll*il to ■»•*« DR. W. C. SMITH, * OMmieiir. i aa a omdldMa to nymail Ik* Tblrty auto batonul j iHterlrt, eompnaa.l of tha omnrths of Meriwether | Covets and CamploU. in tha next Orncrai i*eaUj TOR RKrUB(ESTATm:.AI»jtwi CmiMti 4#* Wa am —ul and ragaisl to aus»«t»n*-a W. C. LBE, I aa • kto-u-taH.i fnm rbaylo* aonaty lo lb. aaU ; Oenerai Assembly pout AMekirr. 44* Wa are authorised and raqnmt xl to ann -ou - WM. 4* HUBHAHD E-q, aa a *a» tor Wvrrlß tot raltoa caunly, al lb- aa ■Ud mmMa a. with THOM I* I to-a •* aa Daitoty KOK ORDINARY. *<- Wa ara aaabarla, J to mbaaa-a DANIEL PITTMAN aa a raodldato far rdatoathn Jo Uto aM.» at nrdlnar . at KaMoa Oatoly. at ftU aaaalaj atoaUoa SOK TAX COLLRCTOH. g%. We an authorized and rc*f isaeUd to arnsoon* •< ~ JNO M. HARWELL, aa a • audsdaU i<w rwaleoXon to tha oßuw of ins tkd l*>* tor of PulteMi ooonty. VOK TAX RHUKIVKK. 4gr Wa Afweutburiaad aisd SAMUEL GRUBB, aa a aandhlaia tor aaUrtbii to lha t*to* a* H— plt« at Ta, H*4*nia t.a riiltoa r.tual, *1 Cba aaaolnff idac KOH CL'S SITPKRIOR COI KT. kd> Wa ara aalbmuad and raqaaaliii to aamaaa. * WM R VENABLE, *a a -mJhtat* taa ta alaWton to la. am,-a at Clark at Uu Haßarlor Orntl at Valtoa Coauly. al Uu anantw alartliu J. A P. COATS BUT BIX OORD WHIT! ARP BLACK H T Ft R K A O , iaaarbS Caaa* at Hal Haul Bright Colors in Boxes, With Ihcir woll known Trte!*‘-M*rk NEW ASSOUTMKN'IX And Worn forty to A4y Nhades ol Oalnr In rates Bov TP IVE TJ OE K Na, Aseurta*! fMesa of H*> iSoeena --O bn 0 t BIX-CORD CROCHET COTTOH, Oa Apsaia ate ta llnnka. roB BALB IT THE PACKAOS (»BLY JOHN & HUGH AUOHINOJ'jOSS, Bala AfeaU tte Haw Turk Bov i. 4 r. ooATB, or PABurr, kootlavd )■!* M»WU 51,000,000 IN W ATONRH! FOR MLR OH SJU.-Flirt'!Jill 035T38 PBIOE P3L.A3ST who nwt Fk-raoM * Hindsoou ud Reliable Watch t tm tk* Imp Phoa at T«m Dollar* ! WmgOT KBOAID TO YALVE, Imi «•* to W PkM far Raima Darin-Uy ■ilSUiluj. aj^agawar::;;:-.:^S£"g £ wjetowue*!** on®a. 5a wnmmmmwmrn ss* uo* ** tovtom—wi**o »> SSnouSSSS aSEm*' »£ M \l i a »= f ■aUMarf.bal a atralßbltoraanl Uflitoi ■aatottaamitaa, ablab My toa ya*. } itolpatad laatoaby Mb* mu AamutUma. zrzxdF&a'i'a Si^SsrJrSSaSl II ■ AmlihmS Mlr«. ' u m. MTOMd m. Vftmi Rfatoa farm. maßteatteir vi or (ruosgia ~,-assa, | .fcuu, ■"W-W _ ' *■**»»■ ■ ttes*o»*» utter. W "" Oowe.oa ma liana* Sum m. teK I *l~. T!T ’