The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, April 02, 1868, Image 2

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Mott fall* H» ita. Official JenaAL w ra ■55*HS_ orriciAi. journal or the city ■ -^-— — x: * I.AIIUKMT CITY CIHC’I)I. ATIOIK Urgwi Drily >|AH« b torttan 6**rf» “^EantXToX. THVBHUAY HOUIMIi. APBIL i !• ruk nuNiior 11 ut*. GEN. U. 8. GRANT, or iluww- ftccoManivcnOM ticket. rim uoruioß. R. B. BCLUM'K. or pm—l» twrrr run coWttMM*. w. curr M District—lt H WWW U Dotnct —WkL P EDWARDS 4tb Di*tri/t -Sdlfftm T. GOVT Sth District C. H. PBIbVE «th D—rick-JOHN L WnCTV mDmirt JAME* ATRISS F— ftßßaTos 35r* Dmucr JAM KM I- WUNSINW. Or* Cacm * RlfrowT> iutii rusm oc» ■*to>*T tot— ooMimno* nua sr tbi ix>* »tnrrno»ALOo—rw» or m>» ts agHSloS' KUttlli 2JBAT VI 1-AIMUU rur-VERpi H UlMvami » TANARUS«!» OOMTimtOY U OC» TLA iron, AXf Wl rs O—TLI —MOfcT rm TO UTUT IT. «**OLTtD, THAT STS TLOKIt Of* IW*I TOT—BOX. «. h. bTIXOCt orm O*TOUUT* TOR 00TEA5OB ut. ti" Thai x r xaixcsTiT —vma rat nun* or ■■■— ipirnf to onn tut nmruriuv or TVI box. » » bajiaoc* IS >»,■ nUUJIT WTTTSOr ASP aißTalß ui. bt Tana tot— Tv *1 * •*« rieStoe* *- - Wf »d»i*e BBT brelbrea Os Ita" OrB«. L> •nest clrsr of aU abcett reunru. iami. TLrr* » trouble skead Twton— All uiicrs *nl bUckjiar tv hate ou r penm*- 800 10 »b«A« Ltd deism* lira Ea* L> tl»* b»*t of depraved ability w« lib*, oov and lbM>. to w .loans tta fcry ofiaad un-.nk.) ftr Tks Am >nt*. drumon prr«- ar* If” is, Judbf. lx»uv * rsiy raratom And f«U» mppori Tb' Ojiiuov takes tbs taut which n irad to bar* aeiiedj* Ut drags” « lk * —ata .>f lb* toiitafbl. sg- Ltftlr Dingy ea’b «!.•’ Es* "A htork Uedimi Or—u " Pm), a b*u ibd Dingy g*i white! The begin * P«k«» C.—|»;.»oii can 1 piay off on a* ut tbu way. W*r never )< ,inr\! a ‘T-’aion longor ' - thngj did g#-Th* editor oI “Uulr Dingy* Ira-u.. chief oflt»o. (Oral «a»* tb* tnsik' U anon* bit ew* history. tamdral •FuUuaai lawbi iackA V* kiodar Ukr "Hilly Hatton, tad pronounce tu. *W.«t a cooipta* »o*cr« Htllrck and Ira la. A* ti rin u luritvibi* and cannot Lot.l tb# oSm of Uorernor if etanad. rrrrj rota r«t for him viU coaot for Haltak Tb* tattdr oldfomllon Wbltrhollvlrrrv »tll mrr al tacli lbftfl]tatiutb«*r, ta Ur* **} ul I—wit ta rrhut tt It can tLr .ltd, and »h« ka *ar .t. Tita * ad tkr krttrl. In order to pro. • to Jnd— Dria. ,M» i bt* (rwam. tbal h* ia not rfigiWr to .«oc an t- 1 tbd nr* Pooktitotrou *r «U 1 patdiab to nrof rn. AtHSt iliracta from tin opHu. u f Allot ary Gaarral Mantarr). wbich ritctuallj «” tba mtur at ram Jod«« lrrta u no eitgibi* under tta f. artu-la tbaa ■> Jodi!* Errar ftr If a. arrrr to attach impoftancr and dignif) to lb* tuai; n)aiU of rtrrrjr httb oatrtpapri coerr rpcaulrm, at aboabl (Jta ostmlrat upon an aqaaiitj with , them -a ptraaaf* tr« do n*d arvih or tntrod to afbrrd tbata. “Wa i*rr. r paaaa bj tba aap to bank tbtcwcaaauf a dradaac” Cato bring anr nloßv); yratrd b* a low and rwmaa frtlow, gjatrtl) raid to hia "a coatrat Wl a ran ua U awry nartjnai “ Right brta Cato qnit, ami hr did aall ao Vo do. Lv—ntao. W« bop* tb* BreottiAmctloo party of tbn eoaßty aiU bring oat a good and dna« ticket for thr Ingialat irr Vs« tkall aopport no other Wr aval m» who rrprataat proprrty. bmm mad adaaalun Ptraoßaily ». know litttr or nothing of tb* foetitmri alraady is tfcafcid. bia mnngb 10 know that tb»y at* oppowd to oor plan of KOonWracCao. W# aball do all aw ran to d*f«nl to ran and wa mtut bara the proper material with which to do dir work. Orr* oa wim and liberal ram and rktorr will Ira oartain. t Bara It Haa4. «P Irwin was pp on lb* rlmtonal ticket without hia knowlnlga at eouaauL Thai ticket m objeotrd to at lb* uaa*. Hrana* there wet* ura aaaaay Uaraai mrn oa tL Jadge Iretn ooad no effort to fra drwtod. 1 but ana pi) caat the rot* for Georgia, paOforn. tng, a* u war*, a nrara oknaal doty. —/al*Hi 'jmuMT us yretadoy Mart bar dbl fir. Datia uaa anjr adort to be elected? H« enhrpitted ktaaelf to th* will of tba people, and warred tham to tb* beet of hie aplendid Judge I rein did no more and no l«an Alb. .1 bta dat) aaa a mare <d*ri eal an*. ‘ _ _ Tu* u^iwiww. Thu paper la tba laadtag lxwia paper u> lb* Stale, i indk af th* Grifßn Star think* It a good ibtag fbr t>* Opinion, bat rather hard on Irwin. It ia hinted on ow atrect comer* that the .eeyeeSedKSry rojfau giiotier. turn up the r pretty at tb* adraacr pueitton of th* Opinion bat a*o obliged to acknowledge that it ha. th* rantago *ro«iad. awd that a aileut yielding u better loan to kick up a dam orer apilt inilk. We areicoaie the Optnioil aa th* "Ifora Worthy Grata Cyclop of the Ir win f n-*», at lrnat for lb. prraaul Owd only knor-a what a “V or two may bring forth ■llly Hellea. W# lin t atop io notice : Btl(y Hntu n t' Id tie Awe* at the Eat W. Ua* Italy aa we do all the real of mankind, and if he will make an argameai at .at tun. during the oaaraaa, it will aCurd ua no ordinary pt.-aaur. to de rota to him a p rti. nos onr ralnaW* lira bailie waa* ka warm. Hilly, aad you naoat do bailor ta raur*. or yuui - state Road nag" trill t» led oat lai Utr roM. The darling old fetal oa Wbltahall to aot eapeated to kdbrd yen mn A aid Hi th* oaoipaigri. beeao*r;of hrr chronic iatimattaak abiaaf .re row mu a work the luthier. Go *L BUty pB" Tb* an called democracy of tbia Btnt., U eeekuuf a caadtdai* tor Goeemor. -up pear at betrihhnad jaa ike lathe* la lU. wood*. IWfhtcgo! Tba bob** wrt. cor oml with dawd faakroa. ata u> will Irwin be at th* boar nftmarwt ira> the SM of thia moath B#-Jb«j uMWTMMM W Snltoo Mp ft A-«Mhw«poata<s. Bedhrah Yb. bta mmmmmbrn Jfk r +*** 1 W«4o »o 4 fihr tfei (W Im| »tA ikmi IWm t. | |jf 1 lN loT Ua i dry Irwi. eangbißß 'll by. i* B lagrae* to gig pioty -Surkl>Bß>ffabraa .i, ■ I bear aa la gpptaM by lb« eo-e*Sd Ita« - crattc forty, ia aufMent to *urn Sky ta|p. | taught. H can only rat* aad Sjflrlß MQ» autaa, gulp uaorw meaa wblaky aad aaaoba taaaacr mgan tb-tn rear How la Aba mighty fallen Hoar baa tba grata of tb* "dacetKy Aayad with k*oaa katal. - A tatr la braurd In th* land and H la a two, of iadignalioe tee.perrd with wr aping and modraing. tnowrmng orer tta own feUy aad laaaanag raa oau abort aigbl. laam Bat Ut the lion raw and the whangduodl. moot n bra i«a»*rrw*w born. Pallid He aha tw,) corpaaa. aortly afltaed wdb Taelhgil ihir They ram* Ibrtb ra their glory They rathe aa gaih a baatara beta* - aa* atarnhe from the wing of a lord oi the barn*yard. Her the ad silaaon: The kart rmhtaeni in tb* fearp nug. tbal Jtdgelrvta wtaa a member of the Klarteaai Coileg* that voted for Mr Pane, no on* will dmpote. !*i> B»e ia needed. Type# oerer ibd do I better aeme* in the eawa* of 1.1 nwaWaoabm. , Sul lung ooald be lu.rc .uiid*4. end fir .... an hooeei contamion v era t* _ W* bojra tbeo I trill trapeov. by it, aud And it good ho tb. aonl Tb. attempt to turn (be table and apply the an., id I.' et-Uo.ernor Btuwr, ia a. k 1 Me aa it i« f (icrernar Brown ia uo| a ragiaieted rater, but .a be a iwadidal* tm of Act Whence, then, Uc ana'ogj httaeeu bn cara aad Jwdge Irwtn a i There ia aoaaatah. The ia l of the baranam la, the party la bl.ekrd ap It* way ;• hedged tu on all .tiho li 1. leaa in tba rook aad la frightened at theacraarh of every owl. let them takv down lb* name of Tto nmy Irwin and pat ap ' tbal of teem, teoadon. abo ought to hft** ka.) tlie n nhentioTT nt Ard and would bar* hail bad be not been cheated eat at Ik. rh* •*) ,of -iafaraou»**'ia rich, decidedly rtrb. But wr gneau w* can atand It, a* the rwpcaal. ao far. » alt oa tb* aid, of Baliock and taeoa atruetton * % Heeler .1 #ee» Ward , aiegieyk;. Mr. EJdce. W* do aot propuar to trace lb* iiilijin of”. 1. artacl* Leek to fck. birth at s-ao-ihay. New Tork, and rkarity rml. lb* proapect of hi* erantaal return t*« tta .vert apol of bra origin. Bum* leanty year, ago, Samuel Bard a.ul to IxntfaVaaa aad followed tb. nailing of a To .tb Carpenter Whether or nog he piwd hunralf aa adept in the boeineae baa not Iran, pi red. there baring taea ao atlura. af TerpeefahilHy lo a Ural tUcreoni Howarrr. Iw anon became a member af the M.lbodi.l t borai pr jenrta a iinaaiaa. and aularwd upon bra .laic-, a# a lineal yadilta. Hot bra era of uaefulneaa. In tkb doable lajratily. waa es abort daratlom tiamual became ndtoaa. by r ra*i in of . etuc pec.-adilkve Toothache became acawr.. aud abat wa. am. tbr Cbaich th iugLl it necraaary to rupel him - Some oa* ba* aaid "tb* leal raeort of a rogwt ■a patrtotmm ' Staaael became a (ratruM. oaited lumaelf with tb* IramocraAac party.and lanaebad into n0i1!..-, aa editor of a village n.wapaper at Lika prendeac, ia tb* Panab ut Cnnull ll* war n.4 long in that maan nity befoar hi* pnwrwc. becamr ao .dmoanra. a* W render a ebaagr of baa. the chief object of pabke dtaro. kconrdragt). traranal craned tb- Mate, and lonngta ap at Airiaadriaaa tba Bod R”ar 1 taring fetrad him aefnl hi dt'ty wort, ha waa retained aa rdtbw of the mow rtnirrikaia abort »rar employed by lira Derr, crane party in leralaaaaa bat oartxta nal.lj, Samuel did not poaaara the >al*at of it* paenoma talk* Dara Martin. Hi. black ll liiiillni war pi ta—. it I trie; bat wit or point th*r* waa two* H#b-a tb- taper km ita bold upon th* Democracy us t. wer R.l Hirer > K-mrthing had to he doa*. Ao ftamuef uni ted him calf with tb* oU fvAW PrabyVnnf. and attempfeel to preach aa noiiUare to hia rf fori. a. Eln * w Bather* again liio idmey. Tscia crept <rat Hr *»* rijraUed from the t batch and auciaty, and a tranefer to other takta.d lal era became tb-alternant, gbrwr.- p>rl higher ap the rteer -a ext fbil the * eight id bta being atillm the roeatioa of Eliior flat Una tailed to pay. ao .Samc.-i Churned .dbrr tram bu party aa tba ta ward of bt* laNw Ha wa* placed rat tta Stale ticket ha the uHoe of (tapenatendent of put'll,- eh catiou. wbiek hail attacked t<* it a mlary of **,<**> Me do tie. Bomiaai Ha waa elected There is »> record "I bta aerruraa and eery naturally, km "ex aibllo nihil St * Hi. terra 1.1 nd&cc rxpire.l after two yean, aad. fading to receive tbe ocmiaaiwii a oaaf tiara, another renegade Mctbodrat prrnrber gut the |OKUaa Bud nni muted to M-M-e, ou tb' IVm-hlta Riot, end .-.aunieu.,- t anew kw carver aa Editor of a IVioerv k- paper tbe rankmt' aac.aeloniat a-. l blu- rakad-t in 11.- Ktai*. bat has wind ga*< out and th' |>aper aaa far burned by lt» proprietor. k -bang* came o'er thr .pirn of ba* dream. Hamas! panel the art* ackoof Pru*6ptrriuo, and again unde, took tbe 'WaSealion-) the aonl* of men ~ Trt. ata > u ratal a. tba naw acboei wa* aa lae. iaapai >tde wnb bta aaCnte aa tbe old. Oor edoorrai I’ojth Garpaute: and Aomdlmg-Bmger was emphatirally aaleaewd and aipel ed. A bowl tbm iiraa tb* war wa. laaagumied. aad ra tta Ira Audi of pain a ram. tiara ae I Waa railed to a (foarterauaier. cnmmmaioa trader Uaaarai Ruaglc, who waa withoal a llrand *ta wbaar cab* rear for away trow the mttac of th'litil, e .mling con lha Doctor (’) Bay* be faad a regimen* wider Drorktaebte* at Baton Rmge. against a bng ad* of Vaakcm end scanned them like .'bag before the Wind. Wa kare nerve bean! Ik* remark traan any other source Tb* war coded, be Baade aull rartier ta.rt aa edit.*, of a Aaw.og Suatiarn abe* « at Tleiu Irarg Tata rxpr v*! with tu aaeuad aasna. and beaegt tarm/ap at be* Uriean* -uraai estate brotar Bit bar* tamer! raeloata wrtbwm tua >W. Thai city bad reason to know hrat too weiL lie oaedr me apaamadir. edoct and went op - Bet hm warwaid oxuaa wa* aaf yet run. U* ynit tbs Wmt that Wired him not and ta shortly after quietly anted in tbe aunctimof the New Kai .«», Atlanta. Ua. tb* Adifaeuba-iUbf of that august journal, and ; a rametatent member of the fritritpul Cbarrh Hoetoe t?i Bard a puaf >*Uum expemeice will 1 lei the eutij.-ct of oar trail, after wincL. it ia ptuhahi* ta wtli tat Varney tlnakiil atone tjnrn .Iffmfo, «i, Marrh SBfA, ISB* Wr dip tbe shore from th. Alt** ay (tta.) New*, a* a specimen of th* aCamos* rraanat - rag from th* rmpertn’d'a, prra* of Georgia. The product ora need, so rafamxtou si oar kaoda U ViU r.p*r- amnl th* fame* of tU own infantj Beaten and driven to tb* wall in • fair aad ope* Aght. abom sod aoarrillty of tbaluwesiaad moat depraved character me. aa a Aaaiity. he tract tta to Wa are pfaaaal with this .adtratiua of wrakoraa • a tb* part of the Amortte, diauuk o enter*, and it wtil at all tiaras, afford a* an waapeakebir amosnl •f i -a, u• • • *‘i •• 0| t . tT by promoi -fl-waag Ui*u rupecitara made us walfeiv The odor af the Adi mark«A will bang opera the garmenb of aocb aa deal m (be article Wr know "ijaid" very evil, ami oar |aiy for bun i» beyotid tb* power id word* to *r preae Ha.** n.o* yonng uran. sad if bta talent* wrrv (goparl) dir-ctad an I applied, b* ww«|d rtoubtioo* breotn. a bright and a abta tag Itgbl in tta privet world, aad. after sbof* Aing uff tbia mortal coll, ruin with Ifewl.m, aad tbooeandr of other* of aqaal literary aad eirauie ruae.i. apua tta plaadag and *on d.rful task of coulempUtttt2 tba gran dr or of tbe aun. moos and stars If oar trramL tba ■ Pmk.”wiH taka our adtiea.we win do oor beat to make a man *f aim yat. We look ttpoa hm aaitata imply aa tta tkoaghttoas afTuaiou of an ardanl youth, wirtiog to bolster up tbe lost Aelaara of a daapana* party. | diM'iur.l to .West and an aSrfy grave , Iha twofeMiat am* of tfuara Viokwm ata, lilaeciua, "Itopcfßl aooe." but me* Mlttc na ira. of lota, to make (ha Koaliab peopla hope ■ fall* thou, dhr Pea., of Wolr. ra aboektag th* moral aatd rattatanaamatUlitiaa of chat ah going people af borne, aad tba best yoaagrr. Pile.. Alfred, am lbs uppudle tads of la | ktagdm 'She* rarrar am th* aau go down, ta vbaaiin tar o»h*r than getdta ops akraa In ■jbrara-,i, 1 to a call aPW lartfto lb* Cbarakm I irorgtaa. taPbbtai t—ct i romtaaa batd today u th* dbnta Baa aaoUim of Gi J. A TpP>-hSaCi the aAa, waa *agiancl by ■JMlußachaif i Or, takioj tta aha... Coi M a.ra raii. * brief • adder**, actio* lb« aaceealty of doing trace I 'bwg lauarj. tu ixjAajih mu to r%jirv ] ; i-akAiua jn Uatgiart. and to fail, tvatotalnm j to the t'sdon I’jiou motk<n of Cot. J W Avery, F M l4Mg<«j. , • Aa »)ipuu4t<ti hKMtor) of the , u.erUng J.J*. D A Walker tb— addrasaed tta ■ueeUag. •drocatinp aa immedme roaremvm 1 to all the rrqmt Hn'nt* of th* bill kujm u the Khetmaa amrniWah th*t-fea« Jind |iaa*cd iitagnafiett. n- nan ma ta tta tanik : «rn btmtea, and rahred rt>* appoeatmeut .•( a -otnarauee af aerrn to draw op matie* for til' -'wfiem es tta mart mg Tbm aau.'Vaa w ear - i oral, aata tta lira maa iate.l th. l-ilce tag nw.u'in. H-ra D A Walker. ChatMOß. fold AW Jobaa u Harao-i H Baber FI F Cooledge. T. H. ruan. J.uopb Gntbrw and C.d C. E ftn.ytaa. Tbe .ram-ortt'* re’iraban 1 after a I". 1 .. •eoca. repertal lha Adtowing im-dutraa. Tb.-tarturaof oar baling ptaend tba Houlh .rn HMM In tb. e edition of a Joiupie cad to. liumimut of th* Cnitr'i State* in tb* peition of a coaqaeror. tta uetial to—lt n.iawrarfly sos low* that Ita coo oaarad ar* romptUmi to a*been to tta term, ditalad by tta w—'ranor, aaJ toeiiraqtrari.ra being prupuerai abai i. known aa Ita Court, tahoael Amendment to th* praq.l. of the Heath. bs »n *a!jfifties- nt wh <rll ws« r wvtf I b? tWtm. (kt Cwbi 1 mkich citamtm tb* t** ovrr th* 4usßta.lva, by «n Ext Wrlblj moj**«. tii th** Bi*«jthrtn vbtrh by skM •f > 4 k* tw MHtbr affittty f at Uukt tL. y taltaul U r«-A iKkitu i bo < »ft.j rvrtU>rr«i U Ibfir rn Udt? t uum np.»u »bk‘ mtb»|?OA<ti bv rucb, u j*«rl t»T iU Cum*Qk*Lb -pi. •f anUrrml matyth* nUActli Ml by tiw litKMktafi to b# fWiMtsi «!>< n»v that* CMMtMIMk of th* tVnBUtuU >u*l Ameudmv&t. ud U bi«g •rlf-vrKkM' that 4ir rotttino*! o -f tb# Uiuk p» | u—J by CoogTKM, *n ftte l>iv»* i*l «UU o| pnpvlir seatiment N«rtb wui only i»cr»K tba t'UCtK«« B|y« IM unit) It VtU Qlrataih rtiii 1U UK MiUia iluf.-taarti—lUtrut o| tb# »boi® oiem of tb#-vbtu p<A*f 1»* wt<* y >1 mun'j »i 1 •<it* th# r#b#n:on. indrUoi th# Bu.m gm •mruroto ib tb® bfUkai* f1 Mn naaU null*' _ ot wJaU#® *t. I th* fr”V’iui* u atTT vTTI al •Itoi ui lb# rum of lb# of tbr Srmth HUtl to# btiu£ taAtmfl. 1 that tLt» r# 1* uo .1 • honor m th® u f vbr b*«« fkMmbt brmtciy. of tb# Unb* ttfiUt *ii by lb® «K>tt«tu*ror». mul wkith u*rn.i they ku*« eu> Bbtluy to r®*t*tk ®**'a if tb«> hx \ tie lachtMkUon to c!o *o th#r*f >r®. hr A rtmJr+U Tfc*t »# h -tTbr iMMt a ll **- IrTliA t®U»l«-rv«i tty th# Oto|rfM *-f lb® l'u»ir.t , su u#» in th® bu* buo«B ##bb«#i«MAu • Au*-u t , meat, BOkl Uubt «e w.U do all in our power t > bar# tb®tn oarr: <1 enu in £«xkl faith, ax*.l will, to the Qtiuoat of oor ability «i<l tn tb® impar tial >!■#! Imm #4 lb® U>a aß#i^hi fc ®«fnai pn» idcUOu io all jxrum* of «v«ry ra*.® au i ®»«ry •iitail- i poliUrul OJMt, : fttf -fmJ, That w* r#a|«tArlf«Uy au.l upon tb# (iorrruor of Gporfß to wa nt# tb« L#g>®d#twi® vitbowi »i#iay with a ymw lo lb# raUtau of a Cobtecuiou lo proriJ# for to aard "tort of Coopi*. ia vuch nucur aa any ®#wur# an aariy r*-*Amimum t*> an i rap rMWlatwa is that bmiy. «mi a# m ay a®c«i® to o«r p#ufti« txmuptwu from tb# ngora of ramtarv Rorvnioirut an*! a rv#tortolio& t<* all tb#ix n'rfhu in lb# Pu«ou Ftci *e*d, Th*l w« »t#pr«Ki*- aii dtvunou# aa ) iainug an *, all »n* tolwuift <v pr aenntiofl, an*J f»na th® for nation of a but® < *<marittttioo. wh»cb wi»l h* ahk# yam and Ptu4#®tiv# of all t»l aif ra r«m and of alt p®r®oa# an«i prop writ .0 et#ry part of ti® Kluta, and th**t »- (*..ißinfu.i tbo •lorfioto of noibnt*. pftortical man at mvatobrr* of *h® OfIMMIM. who wUI apprrrbal# nan rmt litm and 4<» for na th# that fhrtu al time *ill permit rhat w# eatn##«ljr apo#iki to tb# pttofii# «jf to adopt moslwrnte coau #iU. wrth a y»#w io tb# #urlr n#t.'ntwn of iitui riiuttoß# btftw«-#B th« poopl# at all ®#f tl >ll4 ul the Puiott. that tba 'lOpfctMWOt 1 t t«U of tb# [««i may b® toipiun »a<l |>#fta*®, pr - ptrily BB*i bappito®#® b# r#u trwl to th« abai# c<j*ntn fUwirtd. Thtot lutiag ko-ivU*! Uac JOTW Jtloo, wr ptodg* owrt#lr#« to diarharß® faith fatly our itabw aa tuyal rtfiiM* of tb* l'toiled H-'ot®#. an#l to bl. r. i b«r uJ to ibtiin bar rrwdii aiui l*#r i*uo tat auny a(ta Jihce and tl my coat Utr 1* now onr A*k and h«*r honor 1# our honor Col J W l##ry th®n off .-rot! tb# fr4to*winri{ r®w>iatkana aaa *oK*tx»ttt# for tb# commttt#® • Eftroratbijf thatr pa®wur- rm tt>w gumnd litaft *wb«# *l~wjm» jm n*ajr> b> an promptly, y»t it «#• brlhr to mak# too c#u»- m.ttai of ctotoltY*, bat rra®# tb® t*«*uY* utK>n or -> act hn ottr bdj#t uit#r#at<. a cordtog to the light* brf.j®# tif#m wb®n (b#y might «B#t i 8® t fOßrtCwf. Th*: Ua® •«>• r >< t.i' but# • f (ioufga t® r«4|n##ud u. totoll a Goto* t) nos tb# p®opi# of < a: Ua# hx laaat to mubU and or lam for rh® bwt intcr*«ta of thr Btat« m th# pr®«#nt #» Uaonbaary rrwa*. t, 8# if fifrlAtr nafbi That if th® (ior entu® alk.oibl cU>xn bnat#®U unaqtiu«c:a#»l t» ctoU to GonmUutt that h# b«- r#qn— t#d Uicnn ran# th# tv#giaUi«r® tm tb# mraiiott #d hi th# tnt rwolatia®. Upon thi*. an aiuirntad d«-b*U •nuaoad, par tmrptot—f vn by Jadgn Waihrw, (Vi Jobaaoo. J. K Sbamou, Col Ayctj, Ect Mr Cart#r. Major J T Anh and t N. R C#hb 00l Av®ry v a ulrftoU vu lo#i l>y fo«r tot ®« Tb® ronivatU## fwohiwai wet« Uim p#n®. rd, sad on motmn of J. R. Hfraatot® xt ytm carmd that < ’#t Hutb b# fumiab#d with a report ot th# BM-ctijig (ut pahhcnUon. I br an»-tia<| thca aijpmrtoarf wa<fU W K. Moors. Chairman V M Umu. bacy Wi iflaf tn < rAWferd ( •■*! j. Uakwvoan Cos.. March Jto. lbtto Juktm Am Er*. P«rhapa tb# iarg#»t aod »o#| rctbndaatt' politioaf *»«#liag rrrr b#M ia I hi# mmotj, tor>k |4a cm today Tb# #b >#rt of lb# mwtmg wm itated by th# nud#r aign#d tolMto a nandldaU f#r tb# liagmUtwr# ato*lcuntdy nli»f. iabtab waa don# with th# grratrtt hjomony sad good Ming. Tb® Botnu»«ra ar# ah fiatim»a of grail worth aad iat#!!igr«e#i Thwy ar# of th® aa#4a> that bar tb# Uff hi flnff. Th# foUawiag rwHotnUotM w#f# tnii do.-#d aod pbaand. wuhoat on# dl«a#nf mg toi#*.*attd th# gr#toU#t ebaannm K4*‘hr+ rf. That w# hatovttty #nffor«# tb# fbm «Uiutn>B CnutHid by mar d#i#ff#l'*« in Uu*m iron. Mi l do all »•#« i<n it# mtfto#a<icu Ac#>d##ri. That w« do |m#( LratUly aappun tb# totocn# A C-,1 H H ftollorh lb# Oorrraot, and pi#dff® ooraairwi to do all wa can ht*o##tly to ai#ct him JK#wnivt(i That atirtt hk«t oordUlly sup port Col W P Rlward# for Covgr®** from tbU Dwtrt®(, and oa® onr twwt alnfity to har® him «hot#l K®g Jw-.? That a® and.. m **»l rh##rfnlly ratify th* D‘ ls B to® tbia tb® 23d H#na( mil IX*trt#t. and piadg® him onr nnitad anppoft Thai tur p#oc«* liuga of thu UM#t> ing b# ptobhah#d m th# Nrw Kti and Nation®! . EapnUuan J Th# »*##*tep ib#n *df>mru*d O R Vumw, Chartton Rooov str Jvkt -‘HFKntwioua’' Murlung MYwtb hnnittid by »«* of «h# Kdgliab pa p#r», who (hflgwt him of botag a Mt#nUon» fallow Os# of hi® oppOtoosiU t#U« him “In ifei.iimUi that bn offnamb m« vtrtdmb aad that hm manner to tb#m v^nh)^muE>ik«iw > jUw%kl; to a It ia mo njatai, yrt»f‘ tta* Aagrew Jit HIM, tatag A tMtar. rttsiM vtab to make or —J tta kreertrtrf tta Onißßtllßttai. t- to i^eanSbKr.!"'' UMvATtll he Waaud#.N t|B I— Uttaß—te there UP— M I#*inure rarasra —ra monrag Al 1> o'rkock tta lmgrschmaat trial tagns Tta Hapieura Unrt be* adysamad until - K akA ata— tk. term *JN #*»• Tta gaUarbe era this , There era two Ir—traea in lowa, rtlil #om pate aiccemially eilh tmpeackmeal taawrae'a crals yealenlag, that i GR>f J urtiee t hser bad ao rigtM to girs tie s.rtng Wrt*. Ml d.«> start by a rrrta of XI to K. Tta Utrarar aa misil ling, vast lato Uas atiMaa of Ita Wild*—4 (wornratal to fb* Haw sto without txaawrtia* —T bnaraess Tta .raa* *f Strang, a fngttir. from Virgin ra. sum ei irquirttme fma Uaa. Hrhe taM 1 ;>rr>gra**>iirtt m tbe DUrlct Hrs—■ (X-urt liOYDgx. Apn! L LyJ Olnbluiii biuna th Bbobsi m o( th> irmh hwUbtnb I m«it and ®t At#d that, nn®* th# r#p##l of lb pen#! low* again«t lb® Cniholn;#, th# uurnl ex *4 UitaicntßtoiD in ltrUtod i® *m#-iuh ot h®r popoiauoß h#i>c« th# mjaette* of makmg the Whcd® ft rt»WTi-ti for th® ®np , poti of ao small a miticrty ll® prised th# ('athoi* vUcgy fu« and HPtoNy Ux Qp pnmmgth# f'rnian* Gitodatam# NNMtoMdtg |*na#d SUi»!#y*® « LO*3(M>to to poaifMvar. liladrhon* WM hoaariiy nhowgmh >»t*n!#y i«fdyiag aaid tb# !m!i p®opl« cared m<w# for iar*d® (ban Church a, and moved a patp lIMBIUt doftuit# vbufl tb* Moow a<!>k«ni#d 6 NIOHT Disr v IT'UFS % U rrhikotviM. April I • tlum Hat)#r (abr th# kmd, ®ctir#!>, with iba mauag«m. H« ia t brir nutfrga&cy man Tb® practice ia ' «*ry aharp, pm ta®iy aft#r tb# iubuu#/ w p»- lie# C-otorta. th®t th# YhniM* *jv toorv k##a. Tha Sana?-, in u# #l»y® hnmiou, irjoriutl John Hancock a® *b»ncrai st#n.tiuan s ®ae###- aor - Th debt »ta(tauj®nt will »iu>w two iiuliioto® tariYiu* v>, . Internal R* Y«au«rtoradny t 'ixstouia for the j-a't month f lft.UQn (MW - uiiu»Orti]y Urge. Hm»oJ flan, ock r®e®ir#d bn i»®j»aiißt#«t flkwwa to-day dimw* M»uUt«r liurtingam® has arrirad al Sun Frtoitcwaca Strong, Ut Virguu* fa*(t(iv« c ##, wan ar »pi#H and the dccuuon iwrrtii Tua frwhUot i conn pal aiimucuhl Ibr fgi- . lwWkUg wiliixHtataa. John Moiiiunia. of New Y.wk: tawi. It Campbell. *t4MaE HiiiTi- ' »'f B*rt Ahi.Cof dt IfOtth; o#n Jtm<*w R * SiAwdiuaJu U#»i- Wu». T Sharukan aud Geu. i I#v®ii Kdumr tu. tbagm*l®aal. wurr. Atl#r ra-uliug lii- jt/«ru«l, wutch waa mt*r 1 rtopud ! v Suianar ® iße*(lcct«i#i #tt#wt|»t to d#- flarr Chaan'l th® d.fidiug tot® Ulrgal. j th# •pitutljou of fffivWoc*-. wLu-h aaa lUi#r- . rwpteil ya#t#nlay. th- pr* -cwodinga wa® r®> ! ■totoamd Both iu»Urtg*r»i»oJ cunwi #oo»aoud their • bour. aud Mr t ba#> ha. •iiumrv I by a strict parly ®ot® IVnelmg th# <iue*r%u\oix. tb# d#- J cUucd aua«rricig whalGtat tb#y luUUbhxi uiak lug us lu# dukpnU-d »»t.i-«ic#, aa U woaid » a pent# th#ir |4au of prnar< tttwwi tli» *|®f»(l«n | at umqi w*u» w%<th»r, what Th «tn*Y mud an ! j dial aitottid 1-# tec* ived l nJ#i litM ruitug a j wa* pr -*eti th .t 1 bnuia# Mul ha laUntUd n*- j mg fori*#, ®nd to hrwah th# «l»w»f down, bat af u-rwjrvbi hr mid be w.*« .1. t#md U oui tu mu • forißt by lu.- srn*i Th* uni cottiwl mum ! ow* th* UnkaihilUf of shut Thomas did i IS ! ui l pmkxu t * r®c> i*ing #fd#yt l«x taka | th* War fffir. « a mm. rai#d >t out. Mr Drake app#d#d and th# app#ai me j UiiMtl by a Yotef of 28 to 21 Tb® tnauAgen »utad that prnvt fu« to lb# j ▼••ta, ibey t.»icu<lcd proving by thu ®yuUbc# tbal Tboouu, in lh< hn#wf hi* r >n#| inu y. tot- i tcm pud to corrupt the employ®* * id the War j ( Mr Biilbw vvosanlly a*aaiUd ti®#. i bomaa | du rmg the i ontr>i my. a# haring !•*•#»«!** j grace*l I.y ].iu«-olu and .HUnlon, aad that, j wdtie from th# l*reai*Ufit tn bt* eon -.piracy, ba g rati ibd hie rvrrtoff#* I adar thu illtng it provatl that eh riiy af- i i#r Thonaaa r«m*( itrauni a# AdjaUnt (ba* ' erat, h® railed up lb® b«a*ia of th# btoraatta and cb*#f #mploy®«a, and iuf mU lh#n» that th# aUrtetvto'a® woaid l«# t»U>Mi Th# or»«* ®i*mtuaii m eltoat«d th# Urt that thfta* Apw'V' srer# c<rnAt»#d lo tb# employ##® • 4 lit# Adjnuui (it aerai a D#|wrlxa«n'. aod that bo aiiußkOa »m tu*d« to Tbiiwai |>®v>!«ta Idy U re.mmg >W#rrUry «»f War. Th. |»omt revOa l quiU a bar • Further ewwlaoa# d.*#eß Ibnt (bit. Tbomaa *aid h# tßUaded applying l* dm. Grant frw - i-iTT-4 <•> prt him ia poaa*a#fon Bat ibre# w»i«M«a#* *s*miw*d to-day AAtnarsnl.^ t Kaiairtß April I. b—rgmt Hl*. (Sire In* His A*g. smrt'd tar* this morning He wse resrteed by Ut* Mayor *nd Gemmission 'ta, sod tesdarad tb' kuspitslitfM af lbs city. H* wo* r-roral'dli rb"r-,1 out r M Buaby, Kraj.. si as <>raf«iWrmto soldier, ilelireiwg a .taw. and tsatefcl iprasb of wetassua. He a *iripping alike Va br uyt, Ita—a Tbe riarsse *c lb* formtoAton m Being iwi-AJr Mr. Rdilam. tta Rcriiesl -sndaist far lierawr. sad Mr Asks, tta IVsiier i a Bra see ba-.b in lira Aeld Hath soles (Mini tta rratocy. Tb* wbHe poepde af *ta Male tars no* been se mart ar—*mi ra AST cieeti— suae lAM Hit bss ih ii April I tu tta (VravnUjpi tta r—utniion* 'nq Hiring into tta roatlnni of J i I?- I’n !-•*•» I wrm —ltrd up He crad* * statement denying taring ofXsred say Wrtta lo tbe YsecsUss (V—Sltttoe to ta paid by Mr ftpwsgw'. if ttoy taeosrA I'hss* lor rr-H --riant Th' resohitio— wars then tndeAsitely p—Apnortl eyes 61. nay* 17 Mr liask-htir-t < Sslrman , f tta Kteoatre* i iraissrlt'r. too* Slterwards sod o —isrtsd Hr* pKiblmbeil 'tsl'mecto. , A soioreit tnemtar was la tta rtair tor Ita firs* Mas* Ala** Ita no*— be—s. Harass**. April I. A. A. Hopdtoy. tbe t— tna argil- i* nmUiing ll.raagh tta city sral —airy Ita Mlaarag torwadtory eiseolsr. asaraog raraeutrrsLl- esettwrsebt. Worm —All tad m— ia tta city af forms ash. wb.. saw tkrrsto* tb* Hess of tb* lander* sad nontii.tos of tbe ItepuMic— party, or tta Mrrsutsats «sd —tare of tta ('at— I regie af America, If pos Xioslrf strik* s blow. Ita man or roes wilt ta frJtowsd. sad tta ta—a IH Which be or ttay ataltor will to horsed to lb* gmood Tsbr haul Mart wsß. Mm. Her* of tta I'nion rally ' rally ' rally • tor dad. Itf* and liberty 1 Jar—, Ml—. April I. -tl tba OAMdUb- Hoard C-oarenfe* Iba —port of tta MgMh4f» '•o—mrttoe *,lifted oa tta IbtJ rend '■« Tta laasigrsiwra o—r—Him iiob-itlsi s yds* of t—asfgfMtos. wbrai* p-rid tm Ita frwmhHt oft sleek ra—pony, whoa* rdgart wi* Ira In porebaes. law* aod Imprr i bad. sad hoes powsr ta bawoo money mart. usiot - Y®|-- «n -roMta KAsbb ta'b **— r*rr. . . - gk 4.Wts/> . <*f! Go*. Tag sand other Bfctiag ®to ear s® i itaffii ttaAs. aad & ealegkil thagll ’ Up® f »—i l - . M BI. f** *"**. aUi 14kdtmi toYlghto, tu j i -nr rffiiifi'f rTtißfiTurmihi uun baba, at Me. ITur *H> IS; lower: Mata »»! 3d to It banttasu M— to U(T. Wbeal 1 Jail. liu to lo*. r. u«— bsoey. to toasi. wtatottoolbera 41 iltol tb Peek stai lord lot to 144*. ' OoUISSJ, statin. Caisirarra*. April L --Cirttoa ui—raar and 'ta—d; satoa AMP hato* Xfor Holders ssklag M tdW-; raesfpt* ttx Cpainii April L- IRu quirk. Own boast a* »to Mis Pn rmtmm kaayanl | tj|ta sjwealeAiv* totting Pork MA - I si.oaldrri tlif; clear order life Lard dull at 1«r hr I# uia. Ap®il l- KthMtr. hasdar faJii.g O- nt #tt logMT Ml hb la ffdc. Hwk impaovfv) - i stk Char Mtha lh| I# l&fc a®4 rhw>Bg ai • 14k, ahonMam 11 1«. loßCrmYTkixa. April I stuwMm llr H#ax ' ndt® lh#c Mgmu. April . 1 (\Abm maHral floM | Arm . BMthttluff mS*\ r»®aipla BT>l 1 •#!#*■, «•!«« hMShakaa. Lowook April 1. ( nitmU W barn la 78 In leiYßiPom*. April I 4 <4liW rkMUil l.ony aat Winkle® C’pUti'l-i on th. «pni ll}«t, afloat 111 U> Ilf; (Wleaji® 11 fd. M a tfTEM, April 1 -R>>bAs 74 j. iUvtviti, April I . ~CMUm op®®#! ft nu rtttd bto#auu ®c#H#<i; ®Bf#® 1,840 Wt)f®; tuxi tiHnff* *27f#; t###ipi® MO tml## Aewwirr®, A pry I 4'otlni, i*Mrk#t arttr# aala# l.lfttt bal®#. r>-#vt|>t® 47«> bwl#®; mtrhllin Bft to B**e lUL-rni April I. -CcAloo ftnu al t7|a. Klonr qaul ami aa#h*np#fl Wb#«t aa* fhaagad Com doll, yatlww $1 18; whit# lIS U* I 1& Oal® ri#Nw# BR to Us M#h# p,. r k •ctiv# al $981) Vi hfS l*arff qii#t at !7p Ut® b«t»* r. th. rtfbr®. aa tb# twopU bow ci«#riy **H\ lh#i lh® !*®#aidaoUal %ulho®ity ' *h.»uM bav« U® iu-t«*® hu*l I>iub*l> cloarij *1 < Bc*f! Pggum iformt J»ut chang# (hit but »#nl#n## aid sot | bouth na<l iboahu. rh« "PrrndMihil aaiborily aauuM that it u b«u* r u km#® bu ‘ taf aU rti.vl •Inuk'i clfily JcßbwJ"- capectally • th# falter. ■lr«tl®a tlfkiii. VN « ai «• prepan*• 1 to pnu( quickiv piabmpUy ami la Mij iiifuililjr, klotiuu I l'ktU. nut ail j othar Crainpa.ffu uuUUr. ttt-0.1 In your tdifW® wubawi (May. mm lh# i i Baa®« r lha 1<I4” appnauftbaa lh# Ki«ah r will b® lh« pr#a®ur«, hb4 Ui® sW* w# «haJi ba t-) -\««H>Biu>.Mißla yoti * iUbft yutu n uaMtiAUuM vital a»x»J tor yoni j IMfciti Tha Miii-r#c<»iu4>utiliim>ftU fn®l that lh® ! pr«f#rt.i I® wilb tb«m a ‘bath atm^xi.... iu») t u*#y vnuk wall tbe omtgy «j 4 4hx«p#r«itam. Th# (rririaU of KaUAoa(t* ik llait«ta k ami j i tba Uuaoo. aiuat work wttb atjunl «ptrtt. vt»p-r j Utol iUl< ruiinalta ti' Kffrilllr®® ft*—# | |>i*tt*t Tlib tb# Party •’allvl ; I h U-iAigia .ai tl*# < 'il) Hailg for tb# purpowl | [ of county u/Bocr-, u U®r#by pu*4 ] p.u. vl U> iu< #t ou Wto.lwtoftoUy April ftlh, j at tb# * 'it) Hall A prwiopt an ! full utlan## •> driiral, aiui will b# i V M'llWv, ( i ti*mnwn HiamtiT# (‘ntorem •• ] I ’ < #l. Atkina* ApptlalMtnu. K. 1 »• i. Ufowu ®iml i'rol Alkiaa, cß*ui*.lalt> ' tu C’ ingroßri Irxuii lb A 7Ud IlMThi, Will B*l- | JrcriM ib# paoplri al Ibo piac* h ana hat, MMi*‘ (.’■arts r.*»iirii kUiur lay, April 4tb at 1 r. u. \ ®Lihonri, Mon Jay, April UUi. at IJ| r.M. Dalla®. Tu#«4lay, April 7tb, ai I r. m Rom#, Fri'lay, Apnl HWr. at tffl r m tfcjOMUd mil# ihtoiftaf. April 1 Kh. al I r. af. 4'wl R fi Halim k w*M aun I »b# m#wfiaff in liom® on ib® lOih. V## ikf 4 oaUluilftßi ft>Ma»(f*f(l ia mmd l®ii®t>i. (‘. -i S It kniK'Uwill aJ«ir* »# Mo* fxojAri al llu U>iiow\ug placaa, uam«ly Uumstung, Toakiiay, April Tilt, wa#k. I iMhU»u®ga, Tuwbthky, April litb, ** ’Daw#r.n»iii«. *• iUI, ‘ IsOßff « UMtHMHUaIioHt. W# luuki Iwg «»ur many fnrmU who ar® wntinff to ua. uui to ®*-u*l long oummoßM'aium® : for poUieoUm Wa eaanot pomibly lluil room tut fcuch Ml all ootn mruMr.i'»«*u» l>a bn®f an<l potuwd II VMRYR IL. ' Ot «a» V*lAri> MV«#. aa TOftiiy araalat. Hama «»t ( Vs h#a. W T. Braaaif, o. p.. j#«n n Hawn, of KtrVmOßxi. T® . lo UAMririß fcMbSk fftWßfcifr ai CoL ! J*af» If Oaift'ttii #r Uhk4 tty RA- BlflMaonft. Ta*. aad KUmik. T.ou r, j (Arinm ®ayy ; NFW ADVERTISEMENTS. In Huahnaptff. 1* ra® (UVTMCX opi at P# tu Cairau ftr*Y*» r>*a ra® tn*rmtcr or fbtotr.s* HAU Ihaftrwpi J mmrt ' 1 ” PV»R th® mfhoahuß of Oriac®M« O. Broußa. Aj» 1 UffiM#ofW# a®M># ®f —mpßfta P Brtftv«a®n it ka# liririto rxtaMtod Ukrii » msmmi urn aril MkririOa# of IB* onnbvwa of ®®M BriakmyA b* #B3 Ml Bowoob. Tottmli »#atj HMralft. la a mtd auaum. an ia* MB Aar#f opal. a. V (Mi m ta# Iftrf of C ft. Wo®ua, for lh® pmrpomm twtm*4 ia Ifeo TftJl •mRo tk# Ao® of Mat-1 RA* Iftil. riOLnCBTf O BftOOßo tiUta Im Bankrupt!'!. U*rr*o RAT** HAIUBAL 1 attic*, i Ltl.»*Tl. Ob . April lAAA I own u n> ant mmrt.- runt kahuid 1 M MM. A D IMA. • VMM M »l«bte.H, *m t«wd the mull to JOXXFW T OUTMJUE, to nwumUh. In ita ftomt /of ud keart <4 i (rterpa. •»«> Km tan S—« * (tanp< or hu own ftstttrtu ttartta Faym#*t to myfebt. ».Uk< Da n*«rr to «r it'fttayi *» «k tary m : toty ly Ss%n <4 <*» Crodttemto »• M Baahaeipi rt pm« tta Mm m 4 to Cmm «m or mom ‘-'nnn <4 h»* MAM. «A KMA a.A IM *V AiMupl]. U W sc££ cr «mAi«*|VlvA A. J>, KM. MMtTSa* , ■Ditiji ■ am •>*■*» Lap'll M*Aan AtMAM Varrm krlp tomui. KmncA i . I It* IU.WMWM ***** Hta, «« Frtdft/. ton |*U> Ts toLtovmtolMWftf iitailtatoib . | Jte ftft 1 ia<l ViMMl!*.!< ! mMMmaMM«h pMAMitMAMaiMM Mprartgr •M* AAvlt ■““'SSL MtW. I »• eaaW pen IWMirnM mo li Mr vmMmX > [ *» ten*"***- * * mmuai antes. r ■Bwi a*. avm - .MR 1 * rtviin ■pumMMK.TWu »• »* Ai f-V 1 tmn. «VC HI%I. aaßmi PkMMr«W> *v iS—rfSfciaßrimair i Amo At mr«rM! LMt« MM tMAnuM At , »-■- ------ * —n~r —-*~r < MmimaUA Ia»; Am • ihiMrAiiaA t WA MaAMmlaam lAM-Jab*. nad A* •mkA.AAKiImamx'MWa.mHAM | AiiWaMmAi a Si AIArA Ai HrMaW . ißMita ! »to. Mia obich r M. c. r ».m tort- »* <*to tar ti l. mm HMMot ta»kr«|Nr). r. x u a rjnsal’4 ovtu% i fruvn.tiA. up**—, IML I —j , rpmn ui To air® wrniT -ym <m tta iim o*y ft <4 Manta. A. Ik MB* • W«MI Ml lto»ni,.»r T >, ; r fehfli. *J4HRto to, : a4 Aitoato to ton Itotaljr to total., totato tto-ry.a. [ who tontamtoita lattamfl «m kto .*»* M tom. IfeM ton hpniM Ml/ iJ.n ata ton tMKnrr [ to Ml totafUtaifit Mrt Bankrupt I. L’tu «*r UlntaiMltoltataMMy h«r«<iWl»B nr* :■ rrtddsw to ton, 4hta a total* to ton Cwtedtuw* to ton nnto •> prom ita Into and to i h Aan tmn M ta-m Ag*£t»m to ton talc, will b* told M n (tart to tatata. to bn button n« ton K««trtm‘a Orton. IB is« United MM Hotel AUnntn. tmungto. Mw Uaa-ai Mato. Wight if. mi tor ICO. 4aV to April. A I>. !•••. rt l4u 'rtac« an. , - c&abijpi a kavka. •k-rt »l !*j.Tf 1 XtoU: uMnnrrp.. lii H«iakriipfc)! c. *. majduul a omo, i Ituma, On.. April -. lata | fpMW I'* ro uir* Xrrnc* That to ton lint .Us ft <4 letrtMSj, A 1* MM. A Wbrneut Ui bataant)*., •a* tAAunl jpiiiirt ton nata 4 Atom C. VAX KMT* i4 aiuuu. Mittal Ml tor to JfctaMi toil Mnte to Ctaw in •b*> knn bwsu A on kun uwu PnOll M. Mto yi AIM h»«Ml to to/ tMkM nad tta . lMU*n»7 to m* a*r%Mmr|/ nttU* t.. Mu .at tn'iua tor. ud to# Ttwtar of to Pn>pnri; b) hu. irv ft.rMd.ta to/ Lnv tort n Martin/ of (ton i r»iu.r* to Ui. nntU kertiyi u» prut# Inn Ivt.i* eu l to ttaMn ocenor iu.-rr totonvea 4 lua Cntta. nt'l Un tart nt n < o«rt to Banktapt.-y to ton Atoro to tto* hn<lnrtr n o*m. to ton I'tortU tort HMnl. AUnotn. Onwru. liiMn U—MI ItUnA Mn/irtur, on I<>.| IMi. day of April A. (A Into. At 14 o'doc* n. a. nr*»i rn h alyka, Ai-r* u u X Dnpj Mtartiai na Unnn.ii/*. lit Bxxkrxptn. • WWfll MdJtfttAXii umex. | AtKeWT*. di .Aprtll. im-> rpnit IN room BOTTI% -Ttoal '• tb* Itol. 4a/ oi X Mw4. A U. ItaA. n Wnrmiii u> lintarnpi. y •an l-nn-J 1/aiAto tta ntaUa of *D«X BBOOKX to onto*, la ton ootatr ad toMBI aato Mart to • laarata. vtow kna ta ajjvtotfta a Xaafenpi. a tola ova I’-UtoMi: that ttoa Ta/narst of an/ lirMa aa l tbr Dnll* rry «4 nn/ Traptaf IrtwpM to tank Xatorupt w kua or fur k.* na* ind Urt TramiW <4 any Property by UUo am brUlta by Law: titto a Mentor* of ton OnadlA.m us tAa aani Xaaihnepl U frown tutor ftnUa audio Chowan otar or acirn Anrtpriai« of bla Etoart. •«’. w» Uw to n (tort to brtknytey. to ta btota w tta lu« Intel * (tana, te ita Farrar btotal*. OcMU. <»a . b« kww Al< tau.W n Harm* H**lnrtr, cm tbn 1 lib day to April, a D. UMb, at J o rtweb r. m. <'MbXl.fM M II.VAi apri It. ? V. I Ka.aliX. an Mannau#nr 1* kiuukru|»f(>. INITBO XTATKM MAUOIUJ. 4 of rich i kruerfa. Ua . April 1. Irtn. i I rpm 1* TO an-E NOTICE- That on tka lint May ft to Maroh A b. Irtb a Warraal ia Daabrupic/ 1 WM innnn.l krtonrt UuJtak ui zepßanu nrr^i, i <4 H .wotain. Ctaurty to tsgKtob. rtstv of ryworvta. •bo kaa bans ndjn%eit n Xaobfupt oa bln m Pib boa; Ukto >ba Pnyotat nt i£y iuota nud Uen IteXrrry to any Pmpnrly bnk«*i‘*4 to ««cb Baatrapt to bint or I Mr tun ana, nod tta ThMbr to any Panart/ by ta>. arw f. rbieUru by tan: that a Martina of tbn r« ■ to ib* aaJd Xaukrupi. to pme M thwtr Drtrta and to rtaeiaa ( Ita oc beurn Aiilrtto to bin ktate. WUJ bn tabl ai a | ('Hurt of BaiArupfry to b* h >WU<i at tbn U./inU?r‘e Odrtm ta tbn Catted tan*. • K-drl. AltonU (iaorfia. ( btoiirr U«nua mac*, ftnninrtr. art tbc HU» day f «pci). A P ita. atlotoitab a. ». CUAJU.M* li EbIEA. | f S li#p') Ekitol. M Mraevn/.. In ttoa INcirirt itartnf tb« Caltto •tain Per tha lnalb*ra Dietrtr* nfatargin. In Ita tunUi r to 1 Im lUakrop* ;. tiMTEL LEVIV Hankn., t f ,R« A TBF. Mill Xabbmpt haw-Udptoilt rtted tb* C*M,rt for a atartarya frttn bit bin dabrt prorabta uvi> r the Hatarapt Act to Mar b 2, 1441. notion iabamhy yiwta I to afl pemnwM tninreatnd to appaar oa tb* rtth toy to April uta. at 14 O'rtab In «b* brtmuauo, at t.bMntarn I of Iba naed Ptatruri Cos a ft. bafUrw F 4. HaaawiUlii. En.j , lum to tbn Bnytartra to tta tad (tear* In Bnnbrvptey. 1 at feu* oflton, ouranr to Pa/ and Drayton etrwnU in u.r | ,-tty to Handball, (vnor/la. an t nbo« rauan wbr tbn Mfrtrttba tad pattarm 4lt Bankrupt ahwetti uot bn /ractaO. Atul farther itutt,* In h<*rwiby aiw*>. that rtr w.’a».l u i third metotbfi to (T.’.titnra ▼ill ta hatol at Ita anion u«t« and btan. Wtiuoaa tha llnnoiabl* John Rrakiar Intel 1 Jndt" to M4d brtutat Caart. at Marona nab. (ta*nfta, tbu hlib day to Marrh. ita JUL VoPIIIIOR. apri •*• CWrk iHtpm', !l«Mrr. In v«a iUeiaor Cant or jar Carton ft err* r •* ua bu rwN" DrtTbu r o» Uaoanie. lu Um matter to ) WM. I! H. PMXI-l**. In Mniebtaj-Wy Haul nipt > r|h«> •bom it toay onaemnu Tta h»rrt.y i ft at van btobnto kin altwluMi an Ae«b(o*« f li- Law M li I'hatpa. of Cohunbaa. in the c»nuty to Mua c<f*. Ua aaid Mate and lurtri. t. vta ha. tonu a«l- ■ judged a bankrupt apun Lin ova. pnUtiuu by tta D>a- UVT Cmirt of mV| Plnlrv t. Dated at Uobanabwa. trt . March *l. Iton JOMS /OHXbOV. apri •/• *■ Aaatfwta. j HELP ME TO UVE! VI;'ASIIU> f. ML * Mull. cv«.(urUL.U HuC'M. lu If e d»<*M i*«ijM»di.-«t Small toniUy. but want a (ood beune Apply at inor/* Tam rtpriti .Aa-iritar’a Ms. lbY i.rUw of an , r ter fn*n» H,o Ut*« IfUeli Jj Xa• •tar lb Hmabrupt* ) . «Ut ta auU. »a tta kmi Tanadar m April ft*n O, urt n .uaa dobr tu tta <*lty to Atlanta Ota tot af <’pata a. e. mate, t > |J44 96 Alta, on# lot of mmm atALHitilaf t*> fth Ob Mertt-td X. W VulLk. AMtgbra, ZIMMERMAN & VERDERY, W (irnccrn, Off Mintllo ae4 Brooi ftfkbld, | IT ATE jial rwwrtrd I ?S bag* tuo Onrtaa—fair to a M Übla. bn car wartnira pr*«t*«. j .Ai Mwrtaaaa ! AJumi. i a»idi«*, cjuuly. (. racbere. Muap. t haraa, ijjratrra. AH <rf which are .flared Clie«p f„ar> y Oa«U! mart* At e FRESH ARRIVALS Foulard Silks, Lenoee, Oreaedinm, niUUM, M MHI'.U l-UPMNs eau.L Orgaudlo MuidUut,, ntl.l k n.,t Mwrf I'lWvm HSLWUI tor e»« Law. ptaihto aad a 4 «.r*oa lirt. A tore* N to Trior** A btaf 141 Os PWrtAl MJtertl Oft Monday 0»n *4h. and M prttaa to ante 9XBNA tta miu* tart Alt wiXta imwbttj. brfiW <>a)y chkY%rmu% vtnm % rocwh man* M I ii»nmncc Kcluccii. The Nm»>»ferfrt* Orrsut r<rtrr* m. j ►M OCMT. a i> MAhkix. aartrXt lor m* rtwml Apeak ArtltxftV Hale. UTtUbitoan tta tat taata ta AfrJ wmbt. ff bafora tta C Wrt Mkuute door to Moi*au (vuuty, < fa. tatwano tbn to«nM »<mra to nala. Throe Umpired aad Rtgbty-bwa Arraa to Lbod. more <*lam rrtJnOOad Itatoota to A T Bird, Thomaa Mam* and Uovwfl XaMwu. Tta aaaaa tatagr the proparty to RX>ab Xna SaMMSu^ 1 * n ¥fm&. ,k * ~»U M. )W0... UeileMr.l.c', Hale. t . aei> wb«ct« oonert •* tH««a «, naeaeeiei umUmmm v.wi»— ita ■H Iwi. Mat M UMta. lu* I. IW l«k *utHn UK «VmM •«>**,. ,Wm lm»» In* eenwniwe—cniu HmHmM) mm lan.Mil !M» CM*. .. M IS.. ML '•Msaacfif; AteleMreta. Mala. jfirtjiytoHiSiltoHgrtL^ E. 0. BLATRSItnOt. .Mm. T 7 aad Ta S. flukrt OCraat, leaaviuJL mi., < J IJNBR A,T , AOBNT, na m rrerroßD SULKY CULTIVATOR. w.rm.i, a. »ur, am aaj Vhll wn «UL ntoww •cell) MM f, I'WT, or OMA Furiulng liu|)lc mcn t . AM* HKI.II AN a 4MKUCN HKEBH, AT Win UUU ANIL EXT AIL. Flow, of all Kind, and SiaaM, Rnuijenß mid KAowors, Thrnslilut Maohlaaa, FAN M I 1.1. H. In., to., to. Marrbauu «iol liuto. .«a rrljr an k>,<>< IMI « nn IC- Mtol .M.M..1 to. HO Mill Umu mm* toT prv. aa U*a aaiun m ¥ nrttara aad lortirw drtlara. an Ufnt«to>tot.b«,tolM. Ml Wtot-tototo nfactur*e. prlana. %. X. rt. BLATMBXWICK, TT Marbat at., awmbnad Atlanta Medical Voltage. THE aaet rwftular Oouiwm us Lactwraa U> thin laau antt, aa,t ,-oetinnw until tta bnt at tta laUwiw rtnprtmlvr. - V Atl'U'Yi k. MhAMh, M. D.. fr»t .-to it*oaral am) Mad teal «-in mtury to ** * Crto to Tbrary aad Pitak. wr r WBkTMOXKLAXD. M. D . trto Trueeiplaa a»d Xratotr* to Hwfftry JIUtaE IMMUXO V Ptto to Obatntftea aad l*» n. Y M MILLER, M. D . I’ml. of (Jfeakwl Madtetaa J. M. JOMMBOX. ■ D . Frat tofbywAtamy w x AbMpmniu. m. and , pwto. «i amSou J X. wnmtOUUM), M. D pm* totftMana Mnd k a add Ttarape ultra. u La MUAV ft. Thimnanrtmtnr to km+amy ¥ l> ALVI iMY. M. D.. Cwrator. For further mfoßßatioa, lidreqi J. *i WrirtTMDXELAXD. Data Atlanta. Oa , Man' h S4, I to* mrtl dlao w« AUCTION, I~ * 'bna Uarvt ami I’macaauNi UtumuuirtA.» ATLrtWtA. Q* . llarrb *5. 144 b ) WM| ALL U nold at pabta ifttea, at tha umim of Wot M Hill, comer to MartnWa aad FaasXtmn ntraart. 1 at » e It.. Wlltßlbirt, . April lat. 1*44. aad CMUUaaloa* frvua da/ Lu 4a/ uaAU all tta aruoton am I>W iui 1 to, tta A4bn»b« ih*r wicaahla arttt laa 4 yaartermaniitr e a*.-ran, wt* ®V NHMtiKnRv; —iiiMfßWlC""* 1 HI ” Fuatarap do . 14 M Cowara, 3 pair Aa>Hroua, 3 RkUa/ Bridten. 1 ay* lei Ma, Ulu«. t Wa«ua (Viwara. a fntrtr frwan*. 4 8n441m, a I—lpa aiiat «u . l ant uiMiw Ttmla. 1 laairm m tat Tin Outlaw, I Daaka. | KrlaUiw PrmakTypx S Horn Bnmbrt. haw itrata dackn, 4 Bund hr niton, rt« Iroa Xada>a>4a. 7 Carry Comta. Mao, a qomtNy to Carpaartra . Blatoumaltba aad miarrUanaooa Tool* r■* nan UtaH By .*rdrr v»f Majo.r ( tohrtoU M«aJn M J FAHRXWPOXTM. HI UnOt Mtt. Infaatry A A U M . Ia rMrye to Dapoc w V UlUs Aurrtoaaer. aahkVrt HflJß* of the south Portable Grist Mills, roa 11 mi Weal, Wheat Hourlatt ini (Uw-h UdtA«i' lvt»r«le, NwailcnuW | MU! Wurl: Orincrally. i Our Mill. MO built ftotorttokw lturr BtncJuL MlrM OU. guar rim ♦« Fracm. by lma- Straab JVkS jln lrt»»d rtr Itearrtjrt: a* I ho.j.hht, Ur Un. uli Mi.Ua/. law SUaab t 0.., Oat. Froal aad Jobe ata. LF rOfcmXATL ti. tuarkb—«lv / f -r-.-e . , • lu Himkrxptri, la tta IMaArtct ( »nrt to tta ratted Xkarta tor tta XoAtlham lHatrwi to ito rfia, Albany, itottghart/ ■’onaty la tkn matter of ■SNBY MOXA, AlrtMhjr. D.,aatany ooaaty A MX EX X HOWARD. Albany. Daa«ta*T Axmaty JO«X X MOUEMF S ’ jomx t. nan. - MXXHKTI jAXHBa. - J AMKR H *IU. a .. JOMM WBIOMT, Worth aematy. JOB I ATT A FAR*. Lna coast) JOMM to WWrrtlfXAD. IMrUmd*. —RMS "oonnit BBTA*. Wo.Mu', Vtallun. Im must;. fi- au «»aa n a*t Curuan •a aa uapa ar artry pat, aaaaw s. now DouaWarty aad ktoto of X nama. tmd daha W—ii to isev* Md <tuo4, Efjup, M Ufoutau’, MM, Ac imra«M tMnt. ta* ur non. bM Men * Ml Mill *e M> um MM b, Ui* Utano, court of MMOM. _ noted Alfcoujr. <>. U.. 140. dv at Man* A ft. 'T. l . WfcULAMOCIVKE. Adaelalermtnr*! tea. G i r&saaaw&wwa jr-s wuWr I«.UM Mm on, M Moni.i, of— - - < M*> J| | M> Myna l. Thom non. r M. OfWMonr, Ada',. «obote. MU of rnoete ON Id il tH» nei |ooi ha G*>mna. cwtmu comm t» m a* uanvMOMm MWM,*. EtiftoMo oaoAnwiM An im M omhu tetten tea*. Akn «MM «and !nrip TANARUS, ter .od Owo mj v>'» a ooea amaom onSaMter nod Oho. an. u on, Umm. »k. imtHmC M «JCnV^i^tl£ J haem. DSSSSSS »»te of uitkio UM htetetet ten. knn Mm Mm*, rr—nr AMoteo In UAO Ate Oft Os Ite t nltod tl-TTT War in. Vortbrro Dlotoirt *t bte,n c wir |. —*. EcSjSSaSSK^ Aptel lamjdnA aanteruom.uArtSteo Uc Kvnljlk.tey Iteftteu us a, tftaTSa ndliM trraartd. teTMtef, Aba hr dlwh —-T ■a Mo OMrtft room or IU. i nttod enobou aw Ate ■— igt, i "W * «m*—m w. » emt te J> iitfßnii. rt anatomy ta prtoan. fob o aair . A Lot# La* R NEW GOODS! Ooaolrttof la part to 144 mart HnoV Xaye'. fimlk i aad (Wtt -c *Hitoto saraom Waa'a aad Ibnya* Baton jalk. __ II rtam V<m«o'i BalmuraU, « XaatMtor.' dm. IM4 rtdas Samiwt bhd (tok Xbte ImrtXar. XltoX fW— rb iad kmartrwa ttoif kfcteu ita rtdm tart ■ams arv Sam— Lrtttar. U doaow Am arlaaa Klpa. j Bartdaa, Lrttkpa. Hading. Tuppuua aad State j uAßar'a Tmto tm grata oarttop. New Goode Arriving Duly 1 * i i'nwtary rtarabeale i/aUll) Uv.u4 ta aaaudan tfcu eLwl. Xemambar Ita prtre aud alga I. T. BANkr. m Htwaini BulUlqq. tota (f ror. Whitehall aad lawtor atoaart PSICFdI HKD I fV. ll' XrMIIBE to CO. % tom QreaUr LiducexaecU than Evsr ) ani<An> axil ouNaumita. ■ava Xour Money IT ecrora Cre*|**li iilauware and Table Caller, CROCKKNY EMPORIUM. Oaruar WlittehaK aad Huater rtrwnta iFIX-a IMPOIVFANT NOTICK TO CONSUMERS OF COAL. Wcwraaw * Aruaimr R/fUtanx>, i ttortcw MiWii of TtoMMUTATu*.! Atlanta. Oa. Karob ». 144 k ) OX RNd tolar April lto. (44k ttoa rtaa to freight oo Coal afn ta rrdauad la oan aad a half m«u pet mtln par tea to WM poaade Tkua wart la rcmiton* m Um uoUl OcSutar lat. after wkbk ttoa pirnaa t wart to lma carta p, r hm wrttl be r* By order to Ita Saprrtntaadaai. Herves’ Ambrosia , f o .'g.Mjjn -w .a I 111 pro A (Ml ? li la an aftatfani Doming lor ita Hah )t<aaaaatLeHalr to Chtr! BmoUfaU. J U haapa ita Pcalp (laaa aad Htot».r| li latogrtart* (ite ktnoim of ita Hair It f«r*«a ta Mato need Itaard to pat Wmimaatlv 1% tmanadtrtal/ akapd Hair Falling Uai it bar pa Ita Hair frwat nhaagißg (lota from Age !t Gray Malr to Ita Ongtaai ctalot It briapa not Mato <*a taada that hawa Item bald for ymrw It tw tempi tend eaUrtov to a4aa|bla aad i-irely wogrteld < aatiatoiuiM titan mrrtwadw*f rtw S—■ 1 wolnrta.-y tfttwr rtala tottanrmflwwm, many • which tr* tana 1 hr« etnas Id high oiaadlng Hta sold (a haW (stand hot Mm (tta >uu btanu to ttagtomy. by I>rng«ura aad DnaUra ia Fbo- j Oo.«l* soar} BStato rtOaa DoUat /ar Botol* W hole. .H by Dooaaa Vtaam AOa ; V. C WaDa I 00.. tahlaXettn * Cr„ Ritr Tod. marM ly NEW YORK MACHINERY DEPOT. «. er. hi, * v K, oou Vein an***. v»*a cißci'UM a a wr mii. i.n rriTAonuai nno nmiu i Mnaae Ke|to«ee4 Helleru, WatewarfhS rinon, art all other W. 0.1- wertiae Setekiii. l*Uu. Moomu IbiU*. UteMr bad hahUt Mu «n,bn Md na.. M. ib. wm. *ll bOM.i. Ildeiu MuMbObb Had robd Bteter dko*. rev and. ro.-u Tevaoreo acAtoix uw. WHO I ten Mm Md note, aoo UA* ntabM* In. a. uice-n .Ti.tii«iTn) Am-rei. ri'.l khuk ptiamue ajtd pubub it ia Ilaa n > Huppllee aaowoz PLeov. - me- u auwi-M neo* WkwrasuiMt iflJTTtc N lil W O UL.U A M k VO ATLANTA. Via Grand Junction A Ohattanoo^. a rx. NO CHAXOK FOX IXSTTBAXtIK, DXAtAOE. (XJM MBXHIR OB FOhWAXDIXO *** Wtartdtatabtew IrtOtoaS. pm t4t ptant1a........ SI t» ti ~ ** Iso te « “ IM msUdO!, mi srunnyM. .., assnS—Ld IOHD a ma. u*-m w. t. w. TANARUS! x *. u B te. MOM.Cb»tI id Ik. lIBHAd Mai*. Me Mb* ei.Miib Mdih, bfe..»|U VO^^SttiS«T.> H hfti “VST tflKMm** lah,l b*»in*e*ati .a.~ Um (ten i„. Mmudi. MAd mOIAu. :t u» IMohnaA nhoul i sK?=.SSSc^sS&ure I «tSr. MoTUMme Ml* Mb dn at Mama, IMn am !•-»•* W. ft aaiia. Cbbrb In lb. |MMft«l <*«rt at lb. l’nH*d Mill, Pa vlib Mu. taill a Milrtn aett«**gl . A**"u nfUeTbS" , ' z:;?£b 1 T aaaa3» Vm* j«>ft MM. >|| mmmmi IwteweeS Mm nOrjM ft. *m JJ**. A. £?!? affIRfiKRKSS^S ' 'tehjap^mb» nohay (jyRPiRgSjSy