The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, April 03, 1868, Image 2

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* Aussts £mlg §m in. nriiau r~rr— m rta Dam* ***** orYicTii jowkmaV o f' TMt city. LUu<rJT crrv «*<:i i.atj<)> iMTfMi Bttly OMrta I■ fcrthu •«-*» ■ ATI AN! V<i \ nOMT vomvixa. ajtul a. mh. fua rnrarou r i* i»*«. OKU. U. 8. CRAMT, aw ibtWOil. HKCON«TWUCT»OIi TICKET. ran tttauMom R. B. BULLOCK, »r waw»w nor*, nw e»i»«ui. ut duuim—J- w. curr std Diatriet—B. H. WHITT LEV Id Dw*ne4- - WM, P. ED W AMDS, ttfc DtaUte* KdWrKL F QOVT Dli Dtatnei—C H- PKISCE 6th DUBiot JOHN A. WIMPY Tib Dtafct-Uin* A TUNS Fob B».to* Sstb Dterkicr lAXEN L BUNSiIXtt, 0* iVuma Pown PUTfWKM. unirD t*at we ruDMi oc* »crro*T to m ooaanrmoa laoiii' H tb* con kMOTKtekt .iwt*mr**Dß or TB» «T*T» row n ■no* «»,ngl TEAT W« rtBUXT TO T*S ruDMni aatxMwrwrrnaoi ooioiaii ran oownnsnoi u «>c* riATTtW, a» n w» c»- i»*ITLY WA BT T**M TO *ATTTT rr. T4iT W* fUDOI OC* ICFFOIf TO TIK SO*. A B. BCIXOC&. OC* CAKDIDAT* FOB OOTIUUML UWLTO. THAT W* HABXBRT.T MMQ/CWtTT tbs rassw or uoonTU' nw to BATITT tukhdutio* or TW* WO* »- » UCIAOCX a TwstH niiuHT i« m»o- A*l) .narrarv ■m wr rwa Ttnm ** T. MM.M Mb Mb Mtowt. Wa adfttea oar brethren of Ibooo Ordon lo Moor steer of ell matt mmcu »»»«»< There to trouble oh rod Down r«fb it. It muM oot bo forgotten »boi JuJgr Irwin wo> on .ton« for Jeff Dnrw. end iWt k» can't aorro at Governor H eteeteA Be Mroof. aM Wo mu have to oob owr ronwopoudottU to oowd wMkwi foam—ooonoww Wo «n«w< owkt room for tb«o. end of cowroo hare to with bold tbra A abort nrtiete t> Mwob mo oaoilj wnttow. and calculated to do amah non good. Mo too rood, loog ucoepepor Article* «T«Wp. Tbs Mlki ere kw«i «p lor osndutals* lor testens*. is Mmi Four h Con rr—inns! District they hovw boon tarred to th« nso—*i tj of nominating Jadf* 0 1 Lochrsn* for Confrere! It ft* refreshing ufioow test Loch r«M an om of tbs big apothers at IU Pope reception tn tfcfc city ’Oct For*' atiil nogs in tb«*4noftk« fsithfsi m€ a. W. »- We understand that orders hare base treavd fitm tba Raadqaatiara a# Ihla Mdtfar? Do tnat far a ra vMUgofe-u of tba ***** stent ion of CoL G. W Aabbera, atCotmabu-. and tba unmodioU at net of alt parurs who msy be found u> bare Uk-o part therein, that they tasy be before * *W ftry for trial an 1 paotahmanL A C*rf t-4Uff« • Tba lL»ooa Journal 4 come* boldly ap and tb« Uol of carpet-bagger* It aacoounec la the formation of a nrjro Dwtu ooratic Club m that city. Who wouhf ta*e tbouicbt it? Tba -ioo— ey m will bare t*> look a ter Ou* orgau It ia oa the eroon key-note )oe u<r» J>4«« Irwla. A* tbia diotiaffmahod |pmUatt«n baa oot an* a#n.*d the tot* rrof*fx>no* propounded to him throufb tba Oolnmna of Ibis paper, i afatrb nan be f<uud oo the ft rat pm*, beaded. * A Fee Q wapoca to J idgc nosr dr ebr* in** an »n—rr to tee "Ntw Cowrmr non." truu U aad—aui front lota an ab*li ou ktm. With the r*oopuot> Jt ' ‘Little I> uicy "Um papers lidire I ret a art Mpeay and o poaed to the ad* pt-.oii of the Coneltlntma It tb* Ju lire i- he the Ounatiincbm. or any part of »t. h« u u» fcMii «f »f*any and e# can't ie» rt. The *ba-« U«t*« ed upoo Meom>e<roetfon»f l#y bacti *h<-« t- as the lutrlluMieif.rili euaur* lb* tnompeaat snoewen jf the enure But fork tic set The Retbodlat rburoh, for loetanr* an o«ad* all p»«erf*t through tb« medloai of *t>av b*-«pe«i Qpm it by »ther dap.-m»ml>»ia f Jh ia- **i «Uu it tdt 401 reepeefohk U) be ▼ Methodntt. but that lay baa p**ard array aadaneah rabipui ibaicmee prooecutadbody ia now a paespor to raapeeb*bilily We ad mire the lotailtpeiicv r • mode of warfare, and trunt tbit oo o>ue*deretiob m«y induce her to depart from it Violence and atmne. let it omuosie Irom whatever —tarns it may. will ereoia lly retxxind upon the pa t r % of tb<*M who deal m iL Mtrsnss. afT.i* our rscosstractino incut, ibe Suae to uhwm m wlerauou and fatmees «c el their iDimeore, private and puUia. with Iheuppowiu >n. Be ftpiilp. fc*Bd and Arm. Abueei* beueutb . th« nWf—pMf n x—: fftt.i- a*-, and w# hope OOT frMtt— u*a) aaebvw la* they would the a—t pomonodl rip. r that crawls upon the earth li Bollock can't be electe-1 without th« aid of lb» font moneier.let him be defeated. Wo are too strong to require —eh a weapon and no g—tinman in the recooetruni »n party will r—ort to it We hav.> no objc, ti -n to plnrf'UlHU, but ookl Uoo<le4 abowe abows « bad heart anda depraved raud. not fit to di ract in* aft nr* of buu. Aw iy with tt It ia an *nnl—n thing Jft* “Ab.e and gallant gUolurd-UaNra. each and erery one of them to do all and to dar* all to support of the democrat.r —e." aeam to be p» t phiaa* s wttn Jadirr WbUaki r'aorgan grinder Sow, J > ig«s the*. • stale, worn out eaprewaif »us, and we w<Kii<i adri— yoo to get nj • h )jretiree batter adapt*.! to the time* The word* # Wb*e" and “iraUant'* *pp y wt-11 to such m< u fen*. dohnwCcn and Breckinridge, but really Any don't ftt every aspirant f r ftfihmt# poai Bona Far God'a sake Judg-. give US •■.UiC thing m«ra ta a—ordance wb4i goo-l taaie. or raatgu tba eaure ftald lo Dtngy at oner. i«Af. It w bwn ai«r«praMotml Jadg. Irwiu ui bbj pßiticaUr, It. him mbe lb. oolwrti n owm hM own »lga«l«iw, and w. wlil pab.wb iL Wtpopntt t hir awd utudul OgUi S> rii I*l iftaJßfTlW 1 •• ratorf BSd tba bMWMi.I Vl\ Lrt mtr wto row torllteMesi' M *to*- _ TV roßßg bA h BAugr pmtu at *k SbU hare been > wry arilv« u. formi*f B—ucrafac dubs and—Bß time ago w# Jldgwd tha acme <Wvr— wmAd be {Ad ta Iheir tid- ta the selection of a candidate for Oovmcs.- Bat in Ibis w* fwsre dfmppolTitad Tha young wwj smew snubbed through thetx favar iw randtdaU, General John B Qm||A Oczt. Gordon, who an<«g booth#— g—tW mcn stands pra ew, inently nm r— #4— re procke, was put forward by tba young men who ftnd in him manly quaUtiea caka lated to enlist tbm approbation and support Bat the old hack* had no notion of yielding tba reins to new haode. They ton obbnona to the fact that the young men must eventu ally take the ram*, and are loth to let them pass from the gripe that hoe cling to them many yearn G*> Gordon would bare named more of the nppoeMoa sheafth than ' y manta tk« State He baa no record saw that of gallant ry and success upon the battleAeld. Ia osaa uar. be la chanaing fa fact, be wwuki be rslier a dangerous maa to l*a "pf* wed to in a campaign But Cahanssa. baaad A C*» . could not a— it a this bgbt. and could only trot out spaViiaed old ong* that have long ago raa their roomea, and arc uo langur ftt for the turf. Bat this aUnng of the young men by no means is j area the aanse of raeonntmc'tioo. wr are content with the manner iu which they have done things ap. This line nf policy has created a—riotu dis turbance m the oppoadion family; but that ta their fault M well *a their mUfortaua We are aet disposed to quarrel with them ahmi* It They havs fallen into a ftr* of their own kin 5 hng. and mint bind up their own *or—. The young men tad that they bare b*rn alighted, and wall they may They thought, aa we did. that some deference should K had art tbetr w tabes and now fowl that they have ba*n •nabbed, and defection* from the party am by no mean* an!exited for. Their ardor ta already eoolmg Tim Alisreiy Aemcral** As we premiss 1 yesterday, we quote below some eitmcts from an opinion of Attorney General Btanberry. upon holding tdhs under the fourteenth article of lb# ConstiUtttonal Amendment, and commend it to Judge Irwin aad hu fnenda. Wa think it covers the 90 completely that there t* no farther non fnr a farther qaiLole about 11 It meat aauafy every thinking man that J adge Irwin ia inel igible to the ofttoe of Governor Her** are the extracts “All ihoac who. lo legialaurc or other oO ciai capacity, were engaged a the furtherance of a common unlawful purpose, or persona who. in their lodtvtdaal capacity, bare do say overt act for tba purpose of promoting the rrbeliioa way wall be said, in the mean ing nf the Uw, to have engaged ia the rebel- Ben.** “Ail per*.ms who, danag the rebellion, acted ta nffttaal capacity where the dalles of offtce use—mrily hud relation to the sop port of the rwbellKm -such as members of reoel Legialatoree. and rebel CVpgrms, and rebel ConvenUaae. Diplomaac (gmu «>f the > r-b*l Contaderacy, oc aach other aflruU, ; whoec duty more mpenally appertained to thf • tipport of the rebel caaee—maH beheld to come within the terms of excioaton " “ But wbeoewnr so act ta do— voluntarily ia aid of the rwh*l c one, it eroaid involve the p«r»ou. and U mast work diequeliftnatioa an* der tlh* law “ Maw flNf Wark It. Judg- Irwm wmh*« to haw it- pTfaumrd that he Maude upon the W* are informed, howwver. tnai tn trawling his ou cult, he Wi ac com pan ad by his » o n-Uw. H a U N UsUr, who. *ftec aa «arly ad jonrnment of thr <' urt-. the p«o --- A tr '.in*! r;* l ?,*»':m and ia U»ir if h« father-co-law This ia “lulhug o— bird with (iroitooa" but will hardly work oat to sett ibcni At bait we think rt hardly will SR- Tha lnteliig*>oc«r ta in a pet with W C. Lee, Eaq , bceaase ts» thinks Dunuiog will be vlectad by s Ur**' msjority We think the IntaOlgcncer man would do wall to open an Aaeumaa* ofll «\ at ooea Hts prognosura uon- are as aeloaodtng aa they are won Ar- , ful J 8T D%ddy B—ed ia snorting like a mad boil over the taebgibtitiy of Irwm fto bold ( <dftc«. If should take a fit and go up ■ the epoai. what would become of all the re j f B«llow on. grandady -ms like to hear tha j sweet moete of your roaring The Augaata and mai j oilier of oar Georgia exchangee, (ail to hotel , the name of Irwin for Governor ’ What the deace oaa be pay ? Every devil of them would have go— in for Gordon W*~ “Alt oagb tb« davilbe the father of Ilea, he eeema. like other great inventors to bate io*t much of hi* reputation, by the con tinual improvements that baw bean made upon him” by a eat of soeduag Georgia newspaper rorrewpoodrnt*. pP A gr—t Btsn o—a eald “Kewee chase a lie Let it *looe. aad it inll run iteelf to death. I r*o work oat a good cbaracCer m—h faster tun any one can be as# out of it" pm- V*h-n Dingy u defeated in hi* plana of viectiuK Irwin, be dvdaree those detaaUog him coatempUbla! fto ib* fiy in JEeop'a table thoagbt the “Bullock ' contemptible. Ge in hot— fly -Dtagr” Djd you not proposed to borrow a certain -am. on certrvn terms, from * certain eandi d*tr tor Governor ? Be ceuuoas bow you an rwar, for the dots are aloe* at baud ■egre Vesea. Tba ao-oaUed damocr—y are moving heaven •ad rurth all over the fttate to *ecura tba *— vom tn the coming election. Alas lor the rtspt&bJdy “ UHl* tMeff.” The Union Leygoa aet “Dingy” up in bust- D’-aa. and uow “ Dingy" tc down cm tba League. MT* Ben Hill baa convinced all the friends f “reormmruction" that they are right His great AtianU b*a proved a power of _- *xl |r> BeUoek Loag live Au. Tsruy. v This gantleniaa asked a friend the other day if be wm surprised at baa poeitioo. Tba •newer waa no ! pm- It la hinted on oar street comer* that Tiißla fbngj** Till wm apply —ba psi j abatraol “L." Who would not rather be “a i bl— bottle ftyr i pmin&m* Irwin m in favor of imfti—*• 1 mata tar data. 1 a-TD-ML Y aw-iM I««J. vjfr e WiSi, '■UlWlmwi’ilMl th> liWiim el f**eky TV pom. (») it »d«ißiß| |*««» a! Mluii. »Ug»ttl to wanfliw kai aI«M Mltutluw S U«ißV,,Juu «r««kl lala ik> eanpßtgß. H. IIV Brilar ulriwi Ikr poo-' pis la pwk «p t— it-M. bbJ b.l k* puiM ap OM kaprif. ki prrbspo. ;»n 'to— rar (pod fc> tk* oaaauj '* HUIUL mdLXK rOBTBT Eat • tmJ ku imp »al >- k»H R*MU*tmloaf tnv u anakac eel ib *»•> Ob to ii»u»i U to ruw flats m« Imy let A* —wet aed As *bb m > *«» tor to —ADck. Oak 4 Cos . #• will km aaa rtAa ta > at Atone nuetl b* I llu ilMan «t lag *b» to a*ai oa to chin. 4a *• be* dam clam *» Alb vy«a Uk« t.«U am uraAr bar u.— rtepeatk ia. Ia to be* eb to pasa«dua p«** lag down. Ac. Ha t—yam btea 44m <Ujag Mr* «a AS wj* mw/m rod U*. to Wet Hm U»ri mu SB few ob4aMar*fle« star** U»- Uj im. to. fy On toot "to? awM w» iH urn a age**- at 4* aed —taseal tar, WeaUgotarwak *e A* Belleek wts ke* Aa 4a Faltork wm to ft—l tot Lay Soww. he got barry kag sitar tor waa • algr ' bsJ. a* 4a *k——ee #O4 4a cea tn* Bahoffc ttooe a lam is 4a prvaae*-i« »*.. Aa a Aran w»i 4a B«apr aea. ta* 0 Lay 4owa. be Ota farrow ana to? gaC Atmeatf tea av«*i. As ba aar* Tn baa—far to lea. As I ( ’ aimgbt over to 4a Daatnvai ymt b*t If to Bailocfc aea 4a aa*a I av •* HaemnUa a— gr.eL a**4 be <—a4aWiw«.N**. SB b» Hit Wtnr Ac ail ■—*> ta ber lit ba aoe wto cb* rt or 4e nistt; *- » ♦». far lo aw|*r by 4a mb * era Lar torn*, to Pis toitok an roaana oa to ■mar- aJ- r*..- dto M Jmpr a* 4> abb A£b mtor *M 4a balbaßS am to mat 4*4 wtU it u t xi r*se* mu Aa balr ob 4« «ra#*a« rv% Lav Sown. *c Vinaatl. Wa h*d a call ye*tcr«l»y frou ll u Sauiaal F Oovc. rexxiaetmctioa candidate f r Con greea ta the Fourth Dietncf ffe gives a glo rions account of thing.-* m hu Dietiict. and •ayi “air# Wrir tar Bullock end recoustme toon This will nltlruataly l— the rvjxirt fr*»m the whale State tm “Dingy mode no get tba Cmgr—iional printing lroot \I-*Pa*raon H* would not have it. io a horn. wm “Dingy L»regv * heap about iu lit tugnty It i« well, for ltscreoitocs talk other wise wm Jedgr Irwin t« opfanecd to tbe removal of thv Captb 1 from Hiliedgwrille to thi* city wm Little Dingy miataAaa «ili m for wit. Daltoo, Ga.. April 1. 18£& Bliky Ero To-dny wm tax-gathering JejF. tae thte . Whitfteid) county. A goodly num ber <4 citiara* assembled el Tilton tor tha perpner of paying tax. as also, to brer some Speerhr* ap».n tbs raco—trurtioa pfUcy The sppatntm—te tisviug beau mede by that party, Col J A itl nn ma.l- a l-*giral. re epectful spreeh of i—hoar M r J K Bhu mate. Dreooeratoc eandi-lbte tar the Legisla tors. replied, speak tag some oa* hour and e half His opponent. Cot. S H Baker, the I'bion ruronetmctioo cAndldate, proceeded to reply, ami wa* in the nudat of a very effacevb ergaaeut, when tbe eo-callcd became r*etive. sj mmctfmted by vary uncourtwoaa intemge* trAftno of tbe speekar To the W'ttiena of thia kocality this undignified procedure ia in uo *i*a .mpiUtlr. bat wee gotten Bp by * aet of mm #vi«Vntly eeot for tbe pnrpoe<> By the wanton and unprovoked tneolecce rs th-ae men a diftculty en«acl. which same very ucar privtug of a vary wrioos ebarxeter Sou* slight brad bruise*, however, cover lb* dama ge*. This l* lb* g*u>e the democrat*, -o c*U*d ~ ar* Ffopoatog In play at. but tbe re auite. tn oor upiatoo. will not jo*Uly a rvpeti tton of this conduct, a* they left the field see oud best “An Erx Wrmrn " A lit—< at Week tea bbA Fell tve—Letter free* tlltlivp ftatststA. Fiucx, Eli. Jan. Id My fMend Caf —o M f Maury b—put iu cor bands a copy of the rtoathern Churchman So* 2t , contAining an article on Church . Bella " Lla an eecoant of **a ball gotten op by church people" la my Acdtu, lor tbe ben efit us Chna Chirrb. WiUftwUle. lam lo fonaed u*a the !arg« h*H wm last-feliv deco rated with evergreens that a band of mam.:, wa* in at leaden*-* - that dancing couimence*! at a •pacified 4<»ar- that a ills aired Ukraee of the Iftaitop of the dtac—a “in full canoni cal* wm ao cu—p*-uoo4y |hlso«U as t-> gi«« that chief shepherd, tnough afaaent in Earopv. the eppvamace of being tbe petmu of one of the moat painful occasion* te oopmate tb« priaetplea of Cbnatmmty. that b*a avrr bee., inaugurated or aaacUooed by a eongragbUou <4 pnifasecd rbnstea« ra the Cnieed tame*. And it la farther stated that “th« hands of ’ rhmUa women were axe ploy ad in presenting the inioxieatmg gie*a. and in admunetermg the deadly puieua wbieh iUetroya both body and soul- ’ My own view* ore anfficfently an davaaood by th* clergy of my diue*—. bat u* my own and m theu bvhaif. I desire to my a few words on the evils and abases of which era aach a great scandal to the church and to the boom of Tsantoac I am thank! and ta the wnler of the article id the < h arch man that he does me «*e jwatasw to aay that ra my annual addrvaa in M*y hd ta tbe learmuoa of my diooMß, I *zpre*nad myrnlf m vary atfwngtj opposed to ail aueb ngeocim in the work M tha church anybody of ( r f-serd Chriauana. vta claim ta hove “put off concvra .ng tba former cwuivarmlaon, tb* old moo, which la corrupt according lo the daenefol taatn. aad to have pot oa tha asm man, wbicn. alter God, M are sled in ngbteo—uawa aad true bolineaa, eon 1.1 have U«n educated down k> s«ch a eoandai. ia what I cannot onderatnn*!. With God’s word open, wttb a boose set apart for Hie w-i-whip where we cenaot i>ot txliAit Hiui to be ewpecmlly present, with •*- cramenu and ordinance* which are abanneL of gross and overflowing wun heavenly food, with all these tdewwd inatramcntabt)** for growth in grac* and m Cbrist-Ukvnena, I mn not understand bow * congregauoa ooald *o outrage tbe principles of Ctatatmnity. and of ibat eh arch which oar d*ar Hav»or bought with Hi* moat pcactoaa blood I know full waU. my dear brother that the eiergy of my J loose*, M a body, feel with m* Ibat o— nf tbe greatest hindrance* to spiritual hfc true ctorch work «im4 ta tbe agancie« which are ao oomaotUy made aa* of for replenishing the Lord’s tre—unr Fairs, eupper*, rafft - Vntteriea. balls and aU aacb abnmtaatin—. st once destroy *ll lra< principle* at making an offbnag to God, m s*. set of boty worship I bvUeve that tu proportion as they nee made urn of. lb* hie of my congregation will to eli— and tbe —efuinam of a pastor be <ir atrovad, ba will ba “a Hoad to rain, not over Arabia, the happy, but over tbe atony deaert Alm! for the woridiloam of them days 4 trial In all our land there mao flock, bow ever watched *%d tended, but o— dead lamb ta (hew. Tha ary of the wviow and tha or pb— .of ba poor and tbaafttaeted. of the hun gry and the nuked are hoard on ail *des Hou-w arc de* dated and hemu ore bleeding, aed yet oar pentds do not tarn ante the Lord In weeping, end taxiing, and mounting lo via# of the pra—nt seeding diotrwm, of our late Maks; nf tha -'ark f—are that looms ap betas# aa. may M —t be ashed I* thm s urn* f..r wcwidG frivolity, and woridfy coaior.-t ity, and worldly pr*cu ee. that outrage t— g.»p’. *1 of ChrlaA, degrade the ehatch, end lower th« Btendar i of personal boh—ea? Hervly God will visit jet morv Cm. Tom Qciirv*«r>. Bmhop of Tea—earn lifakllias MeeSftng Pe*t—n4 Tha meaCthg of tha Bepublieon Forty rolled for to-aight ai tha City U tar tha purpom of noahaauag county ofttaers, ia bersby post at Lba City Hall and udfi ba upsdal F, fimAM, Cbalmoß iHNIn (^nmbMb* ' AflUTiag OF THE fIUAfXMAfc t otal ■* illl .<■ OtatiHl I'maKW. t, m >■«•*>•« ee V t The Cans—n *o übaemided hy authority <»f Ocagraww and iu aegordanca with tha will of . the legal voters j ft Dus rtmte haw comptatvd its labors, and the result is betkicv you Tha Cb—tftatton berawteh pass mini, ia ' not, te to extreme seme, tha OoaetAutroe of • pasty. Men es uM ehmtaa uipMHhmfa—> tunent nniiad te frsmung U, aad u may ba ta ken aa —i xprsMion ol the eramga views of *ll Bmim the sndmsement 7S tha aotfte t-wnpla may be mked for it. mure —royrbli ly Uua foe —y other instrument, —shop*, that baa ever befurv be— mbianted lav tkidr *oftkagie. Ail wa aak for It is, a madid —d fair examicatkwi by the voters 1 4 tba Bute. 1 *nd th«a wa shah confidently awaM 8m re—K. Tbe prov—o— eonbu—d m the Hdl of Harht* art amt air *esh ae have <m asmadad inrnssclvm to the wi*doia of preriom Cog ma il o—, a* those l»ml cslcubAci to paaaarva and p.i>tart she precta— privflegve of the people. A few *411110) have ba— amde, «hub were icodervy*. at cea**ry fey • chaagr cf rirotta atoacee. or mode »| -pn -prista as— axprtasioc of that Hyalty of avuUmeat tcuurda tha Ns • to'aol Gomseunent, which bo* an— ng up in tb* hearts of oar people, sin or the close of tbe Ut« war It msy lx taken msa omen of happy angary, that the rxpramio— referred to were most warmly supported ia tbe C—• ventioo by genllem— who bad themeeivFß participated in the reoenl effort ta never the relation* of the State with tbe O—crsl (Vu ernment, and who rightfully deemed that «ach vx preeat one would tend ta rr store, ibrnaghout the State and country, confidence iu oor patriotism, sod in tbe sincerity sad in tegrity of our motives Tbe prrmaki— contained in the Executive and Legislative Deportments, ore the re—lt f on anwaanrd sod irolous effort oa the pet l of those who hod those IVrurtscat* in chugs, to lay the fuandetxou; and oa tbe port oft— r<>nvrutian at large, ta prefect the mm# Whatever rbangm have beef! made tram tbe oi l Cuosutettan oT Georgi* in these Iww art) <•!*•*, wets made by the almost ausuiato o* eon e*nt of tbe members of the t onvrnlion, laclu din/ eve© the taw In that body wh> were op p> *to*d to any Eeco—truettan at all * Tbs At tide of tbu Ja-lniwry iim-MU.-i!; nndertfono lb* tea— ctkm vs tha —si legal minds of tba Htate. and baa raociMN tbotr un %]aslified approval Tbo— who have b«i eta tare '-.►nudered it a duty to be lmuii ta our work, hav* to— struck by the beauty and competent** of ear jadicisl nv*taai, and ih* friends of the t’onsutution pr—ent as* .1 system to tbs wMexu of tne Htetr, m a proof of tbe wiedotu and core which cbaraeturise ! the proceedings of tbs Convention, and of the fidelity and lumeaty with which the member* vs ibat body labored to promote the be*t in terests of the people The aubjs t of Belief and H j|ue*Ued ill emntioa. engaged s large share of tbe time ana attention of the delegate*. The views of aim-sit every individual member were brought before the c'oovermoti ami cercfally conauier pl The wishes and wants of ibeir conafitu ents were freelv OM— uHctl btr tbe body; and it may si most Literally be said that tb* tire people * f Georgia ssmvtad in frsmlng tbenr Sltides. CM thsir l>e*ieficeot rfferts,|ii thv fu tuiv, u*i« can be no doubt Wkiic rvTrtU* in/ tb" people frem a » irden that bod be come too heavy ta be born* or shaken off. they will nceore to honest industry the fruits . f toil, and by rvviewinw and (mimAuag lb* niatrriAt proepenty t*f toe whole community, will ev—taaJly benefit evsn thoss Individuals •bo h«oi for the mom—t ilifanoualy af fected. I’poti the subject of EiacAUoa. there was great unanimity in the t’—veul jo, end tbe Article udod the bicct in the Co—tUoiioo, was finally adopt cl without a iH minting voier. ruder Its prurmnuis, tbe Maie ran be gin the great work ol educating her children, sud then inlprov* and rosnnWt* her system us K*ublio imtoructiou. as rapidly m the wealth us the peajde will permit, or m their require menu iiamand. Soffragv ta limited only lot the usual t oo •mnii nai r qnirenicut* the ConvenUou. in obedivare’to what seemed the wish of tbs people, stepped. 111 this fo the ex treme verge A Uheirslity. Kat a rnsa iu the Male u 4i»fraachi*rd (or |«ulk'i(*U4o to 'be fa—bl wsr Iu extendi— the suffrage t » those c.lss»c* hithmc deprived <f th* ton ventioo complied stncliy with tbe —fitioM Uk. own by the S*tion*i Govcrnmoai, bat it e*s not vtasted by desire to comply with those conditions ol >uc It believed that nn i dvr oar rhang*d drciitrMancc#. such vxieu v.on of tLv *ufi tge wm ri(kt and proper tn It vvlf: tb l it willingly and cheerfully recogni *ed tba card. nsl principle of B'pabbau that no freeman should be deprived of participe- U n :n tb* Government, except tor crime Ba h, fellow ntirens u the CVmalitotiou preoent-d for your •tzffmge. We *ok for it a volm sod car. lid penmoi Even its enenuea are *t a !>— tn find in it aoght ta condemn We brliave the taspartial paupL of the StAte will gt—rmly approve. With it* ratification, oar beloved fttaie will ooce mors be ictarnad a* bsr old reioxio— ra the American Union The ur»toxttt unsettled and unhappy condition of afrdr* will pass sway Our Representative* wtU sgAin tread the Halls of the Matioaa! o<mgpe*i. to advo—te and dstmid lbs internet* of Gebrgi*. Tbe defa*t of this Co—titatioh m v*»t lead to aoarehy or wont* It* triumph will secure n« order and peace Which shall tt be ? Let eve/y lov r of the Ktste and of good goveram*'nt prepsr** to saswsr at tbe poll.! F atu BLootrrr. Chau man HepuUican CUU Central Com mittc , Pslltkal. Aa Uhoot* paper uoaiiaole* Gen Log— for the Frw«sd—#y. The M*ripoea (UaHfrWtota) Mail bertets tbe —me of Fendieton for tbs Presidency It j pr*qvta. .i <n tTi M4«Achu!i«tts Lagi. let or* t / m*k* tbe per diem us th* maaiber* At tn The Mi*st*sipt>i Male J<mroal. the ufltalal orgau of tbe txM—itsuooal C— nution of tbol H aic. raises the asm* >1 Grant for Frreu«i—l om) Feuuui bar Vice-Preside— An Aug—ta ;€ru ) paper pouiuvsly cuotrs duiG the report that Alex II fttapbcu- *e vercly ceuatmd Jeff. Davis for his mum dar ing the Confederacy, and that be {.Mr 6ta> phe—) want with the Koatb only for the par pcaa of betraying it when a favorable oppor tunity pres—led itself. Fee thv «—tit all—., lUresWniMt-a sail lelUik, Col. N B Knight will address the |wopb- si tha fdltawimr places, namely Camming, Tuesday, April Ttb, (Coart week. > Dahloncgo. Tnesdsy, April lUh. *• “ Dawn a villi ** n»t Ax Aurrm Muih*ux.--A young gentUmsn by the-asm* us ftankwy. having asi ted in the holy bufed* nf wvdk> 'k. moI the man lags m> . tide, witu * couplet of hm own to s local p*P"r, for piiblmat s* follow* Marr.mi <iu Au/« t Ist. A Cmk*v. t«j.. Atloravy *t l/»w v> Um K-iphvtnia Wtggtn*. !»*# I* Mm waioa at •*. Marta 10*1 b— ia *.»— Mhfr Time witn »t* r*4A*K* art* *< bM)«r fuMvi to to Mr Conkry *itb loach lullfty lar tiw immar rt Hue p|m. Ibat tM Me lit* a«ro»i in pno: Tb« ijrpo iwi> v!km* rL*.-,.. U>« |,Ue«4. Iwwpmawl ta be ou » iprcr et tbe tune, u. 4 inule noiaft wi.ajcrful btumlftte m ftftUiaf it ap. tba*: Murri'-.l oo XajfTM l«t. A Da ik«T, Est, . Erm.ftliy tt Ib,. t > Uieft Eupliaai, ItgglM J‘-*» u m ftfti , tk mu tuti tku bM* in efiut Tum «uk Iw rekOft,., iiap, '.« i>' WtV. .1 so m >■„ tear A hmnwniii Wubb«. —A puminao *nta« m: -An *• not , % ■l’tfk-ftrHimriE * pctint. * iVtitaftrattft p»e pi*? Webr»k. wtiAM daM, moooil kßtni <rfDok<-. b. rei b tkftn <-bmwM to ptff it tuto oar fftrftft, BTuI »« pßft ok. Mailing amt paliftt.L .V r Fiftnffty Vmt Oftrnit Hrnitb m/B ia aaawa, to aa article la tba la.l.p.»Aftm. regarding tbft motor that Cbiftf J iMiaa Cb*ftc may rarMTt Bad or pi tb* nomination of the Deu Krary lot Prrftt dftDt Am veil OUT ii b* lmre*l that hftafttui oi:i be irawuuatftd mt > bell, aa ibat .'bear will laoft fcia totftgrily " Tba Kicbranod Kaqairer aad Eiaainir vaateaKiog ■ftalf fd lba aooM ibnoagb hftftd rojml atrwk * Welt, wa abnaid Stab tba Old Domiaioa, tba Mother us Fraaidante. ■atabt bring lortb a little Tnoee al tba *Ol oagbdimd royal atnok Or weald *e rather -W a btepumotl »<4 I mg, ! Keeport. ttbod. latoiat. baa OM rt tba boat noao*- tt 1 •rnagogOM tn lba ooaaUy. itiougk law if uj lift, aow roMde there Tbe Me Aadab Tonro. a aotira a t Bewaart. left amh to koap Ibe balldlug in good repair BY TEUKeBAPH itohi <- rcaca MTAimm. J V xoo* Diupswaas# gw WaaaobTu*. April L -Thft dlrowg coot wot further Mgaid Tbe attwoev ' held tien Mqhatafcf, r.,.tatoa with* tbe | law. MpOM* baa and ta boar fiiHbw or Tbe oaaal Maßai at *a d—i Ho IrgU : let ire brwnefta A mwft Maw baa fmMmte l tbe tenee I North. Bwruwts Vt, A|wtl t— Tbe- Franklin I Hon.«■, Court Moore, end aWTMaI otkot boild . tag, were born* loot kigha. Ukoorai baadii I ! pwaai boealy aarag.b frobi tbohotet FaoriMUH-a. S. L, April » ~ Born■ tab tan jorttp is a utawakt r.nio Lomoum. April t -AtpiMkii adnoeaelute ’ lba dOßcotUftr in *a awy o t binpier • adMum ! iaenaw rrery nib. The natime are hoerite Tbooker, boa tlrwpiated (be cuuutrr ia from . Mirant. Aped 1 Ktota are apprehoadad et Naenaa ia ftonae»|aeuee ,4 rkarrk mdnw- There am no war re mail al Vt nnww, and aampghag fnra kionda la oponl) eacooraged .MOHT DIMPATCHKH anun Waaaiaoaun, April J - Altar the reading of Hie panoi, Mr. Drake awead Iu aurrnil tba Ttb mlo.wi.iah boo oeer Two rltauor w. ro ftiaaiiwiwerl bm nothing now oftemodv tiw«. Kamry ami Cd Babore note ftoeonar J, and l.rwitaii m ootrtoaee aa tieretohue pnldMliud. Tba Pieaidcuit'e letter te Uraut oaa rood. Tlio PnoodroA a rouaoal daoteudett tuei lba r-rttauiai af Aha t a Inner e*r,r, I* ngd aa p part af tba .toeumrnt Mr. Cbafte put tbe goeeliou. ami it wm .le ftwiiftl yatm 'AI. navt *>. Hn the maatgvVe ware not ran aired to reed Ike eeruhrmlre Wa k. t band Ur. Uia Aamotaol Haem lory of TreeearT. woe mkealarad. Mr trftti&ed rr gerdtiig tbe Treaeary raatine. Tbe defeaoa "bfected te tbe tpreoUnue re garding Edwin tUnpapa kpixuntnieut Mr Matter atatetl that be luteudad proruig by line avidware Ibat the l'reeident appouttad Hr Cooper, ao tlad Mr Thumaa aigbt kavr aeoea, to the 'I raae nry tbmagb Mr Cooper, aien that tbe Preauient hnl noiated tbe tennre ofoS ••billurkli Co.)per’« appmnt arrnt. Tba andotior ana ngeftte,! by a rota of IP te bi. C A- Tinkftr. tftlegrapb manager, waariam in. ! rftgerdtu>t tbe trlegrarni between Ika Prvetdftbi and Dll l'amon*. and ragording tbe adaption of Mr. Howard o oini-n tin.lll by the Alaberuft legieiatorr. Tbe defrnte ebyoc ted Mi IViutvilliUtwllltdl llii t«l«fnato >»f Iks i Presw*ivnt dlt tik off Cotigre** ss * set of ladl f vulnslx . Mr. But r t'outsudsd thsi tha adoption of Howard'* suiuiidurent wn among Iho reqairv txiwiiU of tii* rvc.invtrootioQ sell Tbs Frest | dstii h*d no right to oppose ii Ths Iclc i gr*nj« w.-re ttc 1 by s vuti us J 7 ta 17. I On S uiuliou 1 > sdyjsru. ths roUe bUvml 2*J ta l 21. Cht<*f Jnstice Chs** votail eye, end tbs ' Coart sdj mriital MOL'SML After (he retaro from ths Hsnsts ths House : e tjournsT No Isgislsilvs busincm t »-4»y (Jsn. Huivirk *nd Presitlenf hsT s i prolongvil interview The Coosal itaf)‘*rsl ut Uimbi reports io thiri.stu Di-in.uaeot that he hot obuuasd s rcun**i>Hi of the Ussvy fins sgsrast ths schoon er Hot* for defects ui bsr tnsnif*st Thv | Consul doubt* whether future reai4e*ji*i<* esn : be obtained, *• the,. Cnb*n Government i* | wesry of vioUtirms af its Uww hi this rexpecr Chief Justice Chsse decided no qaeatiotie ■ Lwdsy lie snbmittrd iu*u; ta th* K*nste Hi I th- first instance Ru.HGffD. April 2 - Th* urdrasoes salhor ixtug thr issue of osrtifioslas o l imlobt*dasM f>ir thr psywM* wf fh«i sxpens** of the Con vention. re -nyshre foe taxes an 1 rodtcroxhle at the Treasury, wm adopted Ths trial of Jeff. Davis wa* U»-»U» sgstn postponed ta I lie 24 us May John Whits, a respect obi* riLsso us I'uw hatau wm foand deal in that county on Sunday with five bullst holes ia his body. Hsvsjresu, April ft -Dr. ktaokwith. bishop elect of Georgia, was eoneerrated to-day UenerAi Meads arrived this evenrag from Florid*. There are rua>< rs of invsstigstians going on. New Oai. sa a*. April X -Cotton quirt and firm, sale* 4,20» bales, middling 28|c re ceipt* l.Ofti. Exports, none. Floor scares, i prices unchanged Cam aaares, ordinary i m»*e«l #1 04, prims white 106 Oats firm at i »Wc. F«wh finnvr, held at sff7. bacon active; ; silvanoed. abonUfcers life, visor sides 17c.— ' Lord firmer, hahl at 174 ta lfic. Gold 130 tu IMI. HtwHng. bank nominal. ]i umuisrcisl fifr to r )7. S*w \oxh sigkt |c ! prvmram. BarTTMosE. April A Cotton firm nt27i ta ! ftHc. Floor wry firm and prices am hanged Whvst weak snd d<dined ut\ . Corn Hall, white fil 10 to 1 12, yellow 41 16 to |IH - Rye aad pork steady. Ilscon active aud ex -itad with an advsuciag tandency. shoulder* i 12|< hams 1H ta fific Mooilm, April I —(Jokton sales Vio bales, middling i#| to 271 c. New Yonx, April A Flour uto 10c lower. Wheat Ito 2c lower. Corn Is lower. Mss* pock firmer at |2u to 25 30 Cotton steady, sales 3.800 betas st 28c. Money very Ught on coll st 7 per cent, iu gold ands coinmiesion Gold 13TJ, Htarling fil ta 31. old bonds 9j. Virginia six#* 47; Ten , o-resa atXM. new, fi7f. rnsauDrrow. Apr! X —Cotton firm, whs I bales. mild hug 28 ta. rereipu 340 bale*. export* re wot wise 147 beta*. sxporU (or tbe i w*«k 7 3Vrt bales, stack on hind 13.7&2 bsU* HitAViia, April 2 - Cot too quist: mire 1. ; 300 hates, receipt* 3,013 Export* 2.161 Ciwr iv,xsTi. April 1— Flour ra moderate th maud and qutat. Mess pork, large opecita ■ tiv* sal** at f2S. Baron scarce: ahouldvrs in- lard 16fv totreilaa T4*ls«Sb. Wo are prepared lo pnutqwiohly, piumptly : sud in soy quantity. KtacUon Ti hot*, and all i other campaign Malta. fismd te yonr order* without detay, ss Uw a sorer the Uom of shwtaou appruaohss ths greater will ba the pressures sud th- tarn abis ! we shall be to asaoMiretMlats yoa. Maks toot hosauisltaMo aad sea l for yonr | tishsts. i Ths antarecouoireeiionisu tav! th*t tha present » with th«m a death airnggta. and , they work with ths anargy of desperation Ths fnswh a i Bntifio*lran - BuU*>«k end I ths Union, mast work with sqssi spsrU, vig r Co*. Atkins' ApffSlntsnents. Ea-Uov. fitownnnd Got. AUnu. snudalals for Cniffpw from tha 7ib DtatvtaA wm aj ! dr SMS Iks psopta at ths pteoe* and Mnw. assnad Cartsfwvill-, hsisrfiay, Aprd 4th. st 1 r. g Cnlhottok Motoday. Ap*tl fith, st 121 % * Dalta*. Tastafesy. April 7th. at 1 r. is Irtta Mky. April 18th, at 10* Y. u BammarviiU, Hsuarday. April 11th. at 1». tc l Col Be 16 BMfiash wf wtawnd ths mssfing ig Bmmm om its 10th "Cimtogtota BttoiwwMak *t wilk-M*. ! Ate " Will no* Ute Me kMly to th* mtt efkbtakC tete *te »4 Ate* Ipikln r f MOT * lihw HU I. ru<s r; R. A. iTRAWTORD ft (XX, l f f 1 i. fegJfP M *■• hole am Ii» AhoHob -**»- COMMISSION SHI If CHANTS, P«Mr>ht»*t!»«?r otr«W>t \l r * W now rearing aan wkad SU.C*A us luervW ’ » <— pubu Ml* nmmm »«a ia»hu. eu«l by pnrtm ft—**. I ■ MM U»CA MMI ag»mftl—OllOO lo Mr- Uoo pr«< MM toasted »o "UX« «Ju* antic#. ud «w*»m thunael—g IMwftl#> " h<Wil tb Atlanta M*J eta* is lwt» |ir—■■ IB* fto etas— Mil thaur «etlN Mr>MrTLf iron qenw. ar bmog ofMlft'M la Ary —»* u |»jfti uk! dMrlu lo Wtrft-i'a |h* .ar..*, Win fto*4 onr liouM ft food y *««li TV** nu&M« *4b— «4 touU »r** of OrftwlurU. frailer ft Cos will nr* be it*»on*d (KM* Oiu o**ulu« i abhc mu* «Ui niftwnw an WninmUy »•■«. itt* •prS 9m It A ORAWTORD ft iX» «. W. ADA IK, AMUMftr. Fine Blooded Mare, and Fme Buggy - tad Harries*. I Ml LI. tot no Hol.r-lop MIH Hit in. 411.«f i April, ftt to wVlorft. ft bftaattfal BLOODED MAMA. pMfMHy kind aol r*otl* la borne—. —d a ta« Many ftbd Horn*** Heta In fm«*t of my oM <4b». weartb* Retlro—l (>■—ftft, Tftniift c—ft U. w. ADAIB. U—l p ‘ J *lr u.l Inaormfto* (XAaXe 3 HWi « nn , M.tumTi ||.,4*l iprt-M TiriM IHslm JUnksTa Hoi*. V. I M omi\ l &TUR*. tl*.. April —. I AM. | | T KDEB ad bjr flrtaft of • wrH us Bert Brio* mM V Oft* of tb* Wm-robl* U>* Dt—n. t Coart of the lo* tl Mm V (Aft Kortbert. DteOrtrt of OmmA Id toror of tor flat a tiff*, la tlw floftlvwtag oaoo*. t » wit totft f| HoUxseb va. Loweh* ft paruil. Mtow * NR ia*th« « pnrt*u. Rohe— ft Hndaun »« Uvilm ft Kartell. I ft*** tailed «MM ftft Ml* pru|Hert> of ton Mid Loarah* ft rartftU. the F flowing Beocfbed property. to aril (n—yaeal pan* aft land Wt »oaaher «—• he* dr*d and nro tl«>i aad UM Uuadrad aad lor Dr mo* (WAV o/origiaollr D*M*ib, now Pblton emnty •o art —eon—* aft to* wmr oft tot* at Uad *ea ft- r |TI, ITS. &I0 and lift. mussing north mm Luodrtd to aitoy mw rrtn ft—.'l lo ft aftobe am B Turn* aftoM • Uod. Itewr ftftftft throe thn—ond torn* ftaa draft and aio*«y-—n ft. ton Mld ft *Uftn oa flracn't Parry mod. 4ft—o* alon* —ftft ranft two kaodrod mk! ftU**<y *4ftM l9i: (NIVJMIAka, U—a ikxig New *<r«M. •—t of ftoato. aft boad—l fttod tftlrty-6** iftAfti Art lo ft aiftb*. tftcn** v«a Uwrty lftrM bai dral and fttnmjr-thrft* i|IH l—c fto to* b*«iaatftf •■oraar, coa- Mala« MstMMtr 1l« (Aft I Mi) aora*. m«ra —l— a taa Uuaal lot, * part paTr-ol of lot fta—i—d aa4 ftftrty flftA*. ort#u*fth> Data)*, nn. Palson «-nMy. U> arMt ( .—Miriaf at a *tab* oa Gr*a« * Parry road, aad, raaaics aki«a Mro *tr»«t, •at Oft ftoatftL aa—a hmadta ft aaft tarty (T«D tarn lo JuartM—nf Uanrutt • MIU r*—l —d Oftiupb 11 re—l. am* ftoadrad (AOD mm. to Ju»«Uae of ar**o'a Parry road, lb—ra atoag ij—aa'a Parry raad —a btmdrad and *tabty—•*• |M' f—« to tt>* h*«toai*a rora*r. .xMtortalat n ▼ tft ft Vl« a—, an—ar t—a. Atoa. dip km amaabar Mar t 4i, ftV oft t»—tyn**hi m» aad ward a—abar two Hu to to* niy of A ton fa O—r fift. at» inail aa Oaratt aaraal. abMtaft T. D Lift* • on to* w—l aad John A*a* on lb* —al aaft aowtb. tl Ada* ft pftK of laad lat on—bar arraaiy aa*—i (TTi. of »n«toaUy H—ry. aow Polio* —aaly. Ua.«nh*. ro— Ui.dnf oo**lfftUj M) of ftn arm mo-ffttM AM*, —ftp lot, ua—r am kaoara. W not known, ward aum)»*r tot— ill. la to* city of A tool* p*ir|ft, •nnatad aa H,* —at, adyomiag kM (•• Mr* PoW*Q an to* anal, aaft *tb*r* n* 4 baowa-u b*tn« a part i>f Uod Jftd auaitor fUly-tbra* .All. ortctnaUy Haary. now ruftoa <*maty. ftoorfi*. oowtaiaiaf em* to l ow* hair 1I) a—aa, ftaura cw to— -1 U»« aU« laatod upon, aa tft* proparty of Ja— H l u rial . om of to* tod lutoadaaU. *ll that koi. trari ar parvut of land. with to* apnurtabftoc— tomato ft* toOtftaft. attuaUd. lying aad todag in tb* dtp Os Atlanta, to ton ooaaiy of Pala— and toatoatßan to. aad kwowo aad diatlftfhttoad la to* »Ua of aald city a* ftltawi of dty k— aambar <«• Madrid aad Aim ilM■. am• bnaMwft aad Imar aad own h.iodrrd and toy Ar* (lift), bouodad and ft**rrlb*d a* Atftaw* r—t— at to* wa—ta of «>Umm Uwrtay t toe to tog Ugh i l-M wan of to* ortftnni ba* of Paaobtn* rtf—e ftod mo*iag aorlb parmiM with —id w—« Ua*. OMbmadrwl aad forty two aad 1-10 (UP T-M) Aam. to lb* aoatb aid* of (Jain rtrwm. to—w—« dou C«|o Mr—4 tor— hundred and aiaMy twu (MU tout lo Aprto« Mr—t, tbaa— wmto along Npm« Mr—4 forty (ftta fa—, tft—T* aoutbWMN aUag dprtngMr—l oo* hundred aad forty f—t ta Char— a«r—t, to— * utb«— t ab—g Cbarrh Mr—t ak—aa (IU toast, to to* ao« tbw—t ooraur of William Herring * ltd. tbaar* —M aloor toa north ft— of tod ■•rrlag'a tot la lb* bagtanmg point it batag a pari of land lot auasbar MT*n«y-Mgbt. Into* loari—nth (Ml ftk-trVl of originally H—ry. now Pal toe oonnly. cuataiolag amm aad one-half arr—, aw>r* Aad will aril to* *%n»« aft pnkdte aaeUoa. al toa Cos m Hon— In Iba city of Atkaoia. rowaty of PaUnn aad Mat* of Onnrgto, OH THK PTBAT TTHHDAT PI MAT MHXT. ft*lw*aa the Lawful hour* *f aaU. ( HARI.r* H KLYKA, ftprJ -14 Cl H*p y Marwha) HELP ME TO LIVE! \JLTAXTWiJ to ranft * —*ll. mfftKftbU Hol'ftk, ia TT a drrtiii ael,*hbort»<r .4 HmaU hm' * bnt want a good ft— apply at B*rt» THIB omCI it'lfoef't Half. T>T tirtui of aa ordar frm Hoe Lawaoti BiacA. n H—>— ta Manftrapftry. *il, ha aohl, on U— AiM To—day in April —it. bafwr* toa C arl Him— door la to* rtar of Atlanta - <to* k— of open aoroaafta, juanoattog to |W yg. Alao, oa*. lot of not— aauMmuag to |»39 ta* I M*f«T Id H W TOHK, AaMgw— ZIMMERMAN A VERDERY, W liol««nir Orooer*. o*r MuwtU u* Bml *wU, j J AVI; JuM r—rtr*«l 7ft bag! Rio CoP— Our to cbokoa. •0 tibia fbpr vulom gra.l—. A3 « MoUa—e. 1140. 4'aiidl—. 4'andy. Crarbar*. B—p. CL—, urrlrra. Ail of which ar* W«r*d Chnup for Ciiuli! iuar?h M f FRESH ARRIVALS Foulard Silks, Lenoes, Qrenadmes, n:i*-*i.r.H 1 hi mbeu run’ia jSftAicl Oi*n« i ac,Llo K<t\ i».ftl iiiu, BTU4-I —d Printed TAARMPIC AIIIWT* for •PrtM lan* Point* and M Uvwwadlo* A largatot of Prtof— A Daw lot of Par—uU aapartaft oa Monday. Usa AAU. and 10 |—a of a*w DHCHH tba —to* daft*. ilivtUb* anld rbaap. far O UkM only X Tuiumsiini Omc* Oa. B R Ooanpasi. I Altoafta. CM . Iftarrh r. lAAA ) (TfATRftHCP aa M—aaabtn twtam Hpw Tort and l%arl*M m —do—dla TfrRBR- POOHTHB OP ORB I tJK CUT R V BAAR 1.1. luer-JA 1W n*a*Tftl Agent Aifti«Hve v Nftftr. WILL ba toft aa to* ft—ft Ta—day M April ant, bwftare iba Ct—rt Man a* gaor of Morpaa oonnly. Oa . boftww— to* UgalW— of to*. TW— HtandrJ and lagbty-4»* Am— «f I— »A. —or* or I— aftjalnl— iba land)* of A F Bird. Tba— Mama aad Mow*n I HWBnia. TU n—M*« u* yr-toy *f HtyU Am w*M and aakd aaft*r a darrwa to Inki—ir far tb* k—Bt af bU *—dUor. A M TIIXIAHU —ar 11- Id* ItogMi AdslßMrtlAr'i Nblb. r 1 BORUU PtCBU* 430DHTT -My n—of an «r. If d— *fto*o—Kof Ordinary Os PMMtaft MAMf, K wBB kn baM ab-Ra Baml Saaaßab M MftM Ai% “rss%J ,, a&“ £ 1 “jnafcita. E G. BUTHBBWWI, Na 71 mMI 7* 8. ft—M Mnh, HAMHTILLE, TBrS., O KNBHAL Ml fit RTAFFOBD SULKY CULTIVATOR. Wariat«t to rut an any Pftrm and toll rnUX—fta —tody mtn of On ar Orftfton Far iiiliitf Im|i I him p» I • aoo FIELD AMD SARDS* MSS DM, AT WH«*LKRALB AND nrram Plows of *ll Kinds ud Sian, H4>« porn r* ncl Mciworw, TltroMliluß Mi oMtlitoi. jF A N MIL LH , ic., Ao . . Aa . Marrtaaota and flaolar* —a toy baring thtor ar da- prmnpftajr AMto |p. and tod atoapa Bnft my pno— to* aa«— WiMta— ftto Ito sea d—lara. ay pood* ora —ad* to aiy —tor tot At flaU ai omi - ufacftar—i' prtm c . «*. BLATHKRWICH. 71 and TA Brnttb MftrbM M, «a«v eor Brand; torto —.Htbnaglft Waftbtoto. Tana Atlanta Medltml (oilego. tpU£ mm regular (>«—• «f Lactnr— In M.i* InoM 1 tuiiou wfR MNtoMtoa on to* Bnft Man top tollßr aaav *&4 runtlnn* aatU tb* Am of toa bailntong AupM—hsT FACULTY) A. MBA MM. ML &, Prof. Os Oanato and Madtoi (hmiblrr. D C. O-Ufcrx. M. D., Prof, of Tbaory ftad Pmrttra Os Madlcftna W p VftAomioßikLAbL X U . Prof Pr—pl—and Prato— at Borwery J BHOA HtllUJMi. V. K Prof, of (Iba—a and DU U. V M. MILLER, M. l>, hot of CbnUal Madk— J M JtrtUfftOM, M I». Prto. of PbtooUgy w a armhtbohq. XL D, prut J fifany l a WBUTItOiLELAIfI*. M. D . Pto of Maftwrt* Mad sen and TbaransoM— O L. i OHMA M D . D—nttoer of Aaaio—j R l» ALVIOMY. M. D . Onraftar. Por fuvtonr lofor—afthm. Mlrm J <F WKBTIBOHBLARD. Doan AlUata. «»• . M—eU tAAA —arft 41 aw wit AUCTION. ; Omi 4***o* *»a Dtaai mo— apaAßHßfgftflman. i AruewT*. a* . March 14. lAAA ( \I r «> benAl aipgbtv antoaa. al Aa ro— *f M Win. M Hill, comer of Man MU and PantoA—* •treeln. A (Uni* menrtwg al V * Wedaeaftsy ; Auwl U», Iftto ftftd cntsUauihg tram day to Bag wnftll aft «b* artuftn or* dUpnaift of. too tatowtoft wnaar ! ocaakft* art—A— of to—oaf ’« Alo—a. rU MM rrn—a Lelft— Pa|— If Bor— Collar*. 14-A “ PuaUrftpdu. 44 •• (.'«•—*. ) pair Andiron*. « Riding Brldkan. Ii total Mnatoa*. • Wagon Cares* 3 Lafttar Pr—* « Aadftk—. 3 tampe r—) *, I—( -addUre TooU. I Laa—m. at fa— fin <—tUc. • Drab*. I Prtabag PrwaaATypa. ft M— Hr tub—, XMA '»*ala Imls, « Mil u.l Brtdl—. J3N Iron todal—da \ 14 airy Cuniba. AMa, agonwily *f Carfi—iiura', Btarka—uba' and —tat clUaaona Tool*. T*naa OAMH Ry ordrr at M*>>r (kaaeral Mood* H J PARWBWOBTH. 1M Unto. Mtb lufantry, A. A (ft. M.. In rbarga of Danoi W. M MILL, Auction—r. ntoffdl TJDeeb of the south Portable Grist Mills, run (orw Mi ml, Dbrgl FUmiHbc and Stork IVrd, Bvltlnir Aptwiralos Hmuttpr* and J ivllli Work QoutmtUy. Ovj MLU* are built front ebalra Harr lU*j*a, aaUtod aft too to—r ru* lb Praa-'e, by I—a< (Mressb /| ktasaelf JUtabtoDn f9aA Daarrirfty. PasasnbUi. ykjgj j|l .-eeuistiag Mi.ling. M Imm —i o*., ~ r«r. >r (-inanuTi <i etw»-4rl* lu linaki‘U|MC|. ru to* LM*trtci Canid of to* r Uitad And— lot to* bowibam Motrin of t—gU Albany. DangbaMy oonnly lb tor —oiler of BXBRT BORA, Albiay. P^igb—tj oannly ABXBB B- HOW AH b. Albactftungb-ty rrwi. yoSKSMounm. 1 MWf. ns mm.. MUfUCI BARMRB. - jdob&Bl ii*HM wmiOHT. Worth —natr Job LAB A PARE, L— mat; JOHN B wirfEHBAD, Me-Bel.mile Ml I RRTAH. Worftan * MaUna. Laa nunaty. iUaknrpU T* *u. wwow i* MirOwrm r pHB and—lgwaft barato gl—anoti— of b— kpniial I —ant Aaatga— of Banry Bo—, Ab—r B. Maw ! ard. John S More—. Jabs T. to—*. M-ttaW Bftra ftnft Jam— B. BML »arh af Albany, to toa jnnUf of | l*.H-b*ny —<t A—as Om—and Jataa Wrtgbi. af Worth enn—y, an* 3—lak A Kota, of L— eaemfty. wad Jotab B WbMabaad. of KatMnawiila, MftabUl oonnly. '—4 Good* Brym. of Wo—’« Htoßftb. L— ootoMp. Atat* of 4—orgta. —tola oald DUAKaft, ft—h of «Ram I ha* been adjudged a Baabnud upon bfiovu paHboft 1 by lb* UMtrftrt Cbbfft of WftTUMH ' *• *“ DAISSMt^ ASulalttnUH Mt. , 11UWU ru-uti* fOTKTt —»r .irm. 1 u> w- IT tort U. OoM o* LlilMi o* bum mm, ! .111 MMl'ctt. MM limli, to Mto to, MM. M »• Court Bum. *wrM Ml IMI,, >■!»■■ limlm), a. tori frt Ml toMtolUrt. niffil r» totodM lb. tte. irt U.M*. MnM, to. M tot utoto,UI.kWIMIM,MttMUt. M Mm ""Mir IB" toW»Wj >MtoWi T«u Ml Bort IMB. I MB. F. M. lIOOrUIT irttM'r mb *m tfMBTMM. McklftM* m*m SW. Gbimbu. irtuntu ootnmr.-i* a Mi It MW llktolßMi W. Urn hWBM M I FM« b™ «w>o» > to bm lurf inuMi I ton tCM niiitoirauaa oa Um wtotoa to froto tow w (Bk 80. r TtoMto. tot. rrf mM WB - .Uto to to toto M and Btpto Ut. WBSitoM IBS BBBt 1 of Bta of Irwiß ton Ml (Bn Itoi r TBMBB to bo I ooJ IBM u BW o*~. vttkM I*o Bat praaerthod *j tow. Bad Iktortto. taftofia, wti MaßMaoat MUaiaaantooa MBaM bo, Bo (PMbS to Matoa » I Twnr *o Irola tow rad Oarwao F TW.'taato üßtor totot. w>7 Bioaw M • Mad TibMßm . »*—frSKlffls ~rt:-*Bd , r.ii ifi la Ik. DWrhitaartsd Ut. lalMdaw, tori*. Bwtkora Dlrtrtn of Uurfta lln tko Mottor of ) »« O bib. j lo Btokraptr;. T 0 *“* 11 BMF ™>Kto» Tko uodantoaM tint, I itottrttoJtoi npiiaiaim 0.m3w00 of Mo rttoto of fa a. ■■■— to ikowaatFofCmto aa* I aioto ■< (toor(to. wllkla Mid Dlatotrt. «too kaa koaa odjodao* » toooßrap, w kto ova potoaaa bj tko Inal rat Own of "U Uotrtrt DMod ttofc dll .if Man*. IBM lAMPI r UIBITB. Ibw.i wk»-*0» 1 la I to. Bl.trt.l taart of (too la,M MaM Car ttoo a Ottawa Ptrtrito af Burgto. w ™ T ¥!Li I irwc lunkrapl Art of Bareb J, MPT. m£« bMp *n i—mai***— to —— an tba t» ffiy of April. ISM. Al It n'ckwft la & tor—. *1 fWi uMil t the uftd Dta—irl Os—t, MM— A. O >o* <4 ttaa ■ igiiftw sf kb# srid On—ft In Bbmkmyft*j. »t Us* Regi— s est- U Orittb, and abww —anWh y »<* bsf—kftl W— tb* Hot—Ml takft R—ht—. jftbek-l ibdga *f —ld I—Arkrft Oa—t, and Mn a—l ib—f. tbu Mb day af Mbd, l AAA. _____ . w a ""S* In «Ma Dlntrle* (east Wlb* Vnlftnd StglAa Bar tlka ladbera Piifrtiftf Biargln. T **£3**"i ta *s?ar f - JMT Wd —trap. yto t ywto,.„|g.0 I p t Mr taankmfi Ant us Marah % Ifni. aoJ—U)m—bgU-n sba gr—-a Ty— -A« AmUmn' BaS ©IWBMMB . toBPM-aMr «. a. HTlft 0— TT ft slurs’ p—tonwattafaeWMM. P O VI O A U H.- A iarftr l*l * NEW GOODS! »b—a—X Bo—', fles— eaad (td * dr—*a Bank* » M—Xsanl Eksya* BaknoraU. •A aa—a «—a and Roy * Bngpu»*. lAM *(4— I—W—fc and QM BWs IdnftUw. A* Am Pm** and Aa-Ata—i Ofttf iu M Hi— ban ■—WMon Bar— La—Bor. 3ft da—n A—aa I gw. baud—. LUuaga. BtedU— Tepfia— and Bbf* —abar'fl Taafta in g—— —aftaftp lew Goods Arriring Daily! Owtbtry BM—BmM spacAaßy IbvMad U aba— tb* IbU ai—B. J. T. BAKES. Haw—‘a Bntldiu*- toto» M n T * P * lr f* * *f>r«K i> Greatw Indae—mb than Ever! —Beams cat) m—nr • *▼# ▼ our BCo ub p ■» SOTTSa Ctecftary, lilauwarr mm* TtWr f'wllpr, CbOCKSbV KMPOKIUM. Ooobm WMtohtll Bad Ho.tor diw )Jlkr IMPORTANT NOTICE *D CONIUMBM OF COAL. Wnnrb** ft Arumr Bin—a. 1 Urraus K—n—i «s Tba—sn»y. J AUaoM. Oa. War* M. t— S i\M Abel after A|wd Soft, MM. lb* raft• af frasgbt an V / Coal vtn b. redocad u aad a baH .wnfta per ■ Oa por Un af MM panada Tbu raft* to te—w In hue anui Orftub»r lai. situ which tb* pawn—l rat* of two —a per —n will h* t* •ns—4. By order of kbe Bnper—Uißbftbi VOHK B. PECK. ■MBB m - MsaA-T—mpimataf* Rwm' AmbroNiH r’on tw® ha t't* Improniil! II to to. 111 Mi I ItiMH too Ik. Kto. 1, <MBSM Bta Bair to CbM MnatlfUKr I It tap, tht toMlp Oat Bad Utortk. ) II totolMu Ua* toouto of Mo lair It toMBB tot lair oad toaard togr«w totniißßUp II IMBtodlßlolp Mopt Bill raUIBf Itol U Boapo Kto ftolr Itoa Cui.iu, Cto. ha l r It rtatofßo Hair hi Mi IMcnui Cotor II hrtttft obi tool, oto ktoda utoi Bat. Wo Mid tor roar, tl It rOMpi ltd lulirtl, us BapU tii-l plftt, i,i.|iU. It ko. rwtotod toi Ikiiattal irtnu.l Btohnf ltoni*MM. Btoft wfcirb in-IY-m 'lOßOla fertfk toßßdlnc 111. told ta half poßßd boltlot llko ua. hi.un m too atotol, bp Ilrufaloto ud Calari In ItoßOp Ihuxt, •tor, wktot al I too Ihflar por kottl. WVdoa.l. lop ItotoOt ton boo Sc.: 4r. 0 W.tto k C ; HrktoaWln 1 C Nov Tort atorto It NEW toIIMAOmiERY DEPOI. «. a r. *L aV r., »bb P—rl bftreef B—r Vwh Mbnwßri—ere and bnalaro la rttfj da—HyUf a .if CISC IIAM HAH ■TkTHIKART ASK FOSTABU Me— K.MfttoM ■■* B*tl*r». Wesfttoßrth** riBtoMS, mt all sUmt WmbS w«rtl— ■*—■»«. UUto. Ftoaoto. DrOlo. Lmtoir aad toakbar BoMa«, ■ektoMßSotoOT OBMSBBtotoB Mo tto. «Nk aU taad tonyato CAT to WSOTU MAftU. BAM . VUA bto. Ftoto. oad fthto. tto, nthor toMahb In, ft. wren rti cMurm ASTvcmicnos unto PCI— ASP MBMf K*Hs*y Mtopft 11 ii a. ort M-tl nsuue PXrtl l saw rftllimY ftoitv. N®WORL R A ,N m TO ATLANTA. Via Grand Junction A OUttaiiooyn. azaXj haxib SO OfLAtoftS SOB MSOBASCm MUIAfU.. (Oft. •pn—a«nn m-«t M Ctoaa. par IN T | |: : !5 *>as ». pacts. ftrto tf_ a. ft. A a. ft to to Atos HAatitol CtomM of ttoo Pallid nan. UM fttrltoia MMrtrl aftoattgla ONrt ■™‘»“d Bl b lUgfteiftii Ms. JPwrsi—*» "»to^. MrmyMaotof. w. w. was—n ■Mil II to—Ma