The daily new era. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-1869, April 05, 1868, Image 1

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fxtfg |Uw (h*. nuiiir avowMpifffirf ' Daily, Far tenter ■• .v»<,ki, Er*,lAe ,j?Mß"i.i'i)7iijr*iß * °° ■ ATM O* AMI SUM*®* 32 g-Hyr Kj '■ t-tonwe. i hz 1 * -uAUw t*a|Uton (Sum' Mite •*.» &fe=— SRs StfSEfer.;: 9 £S 8» ffaSritatata*.-' M.M M.M MM T wr>Ufclwfcot4*:«n 1 fti! Mi! MM ,fM» MMft UM '.htrUkSMid* Mr • mmt pmnu4 ttw> llm ■U Ai(M fatfl b# HwM m »liN i>M Os tw««*jr p*r ■m fnq Bn >M i w»» •a ft, orw osAh —Uigawi uuMrttos to I mi Jwt rt 10M iwtwtu. or fas ®*«t*«lrttt I* *•». "SSRStoto. ra .A— M .so - MUQ*. UmUMMiU bs A«im>— in ■miiitaiiw raiifo hshiep ■- M* »Mll . I . uty p®r Ufa* to tort ta—ttlnfa. «i4l* c—*• ft* *«ry 1 M jj* ” *nM* eoutUfiS a! UMWiltfiMVwtaJty l*4r«d. TBI ERA OKKK K i* nr tii »***« ictLuyo on tuiait imn. armor* m hwwnci, nrvm fafaOAD AMO WMITUAia- no APRIL '. ise* “Bfalt*#B, Ik* < m ry« I-fa •***■» /* C«l. Bollock bs* Wa % re-o J®»4 of Georgia ten 7«rt tknaf tb®' fabofe nf that tin* be b*w Applied btmarlftn tm*inefai pursuits w»Ui Hucceaa, end has lustsiJMd ibe character of an irreproachable geoUemeo. In New York, his naUT«* HUte, he war fartsfafatod aa a geolle man and a man of strict bnemea* babtta and iiuqurti tietoed Wtcfpity Tb* ftapent where be baa H#ed and vw treat know n, apeak of him lu tb« hiKbekt term* Befaw, and daring (far war. be ha® Mist&iu ad a flu- rvj«a»atKm aa a Auacru-r and geu»«ral j bnaiwaai manager Ibiiiag the whole of hi* j uu year * Ufa in the Houih. be baa never done nugl t to forfeit the eaieetn of the Koulbeni peo ple. Rat now that the RaooeaUurtion party hu* SFlrefed him a» the proper men for Governor <»f (ieorgtauil ijf suddenly that lu- i* A “eariwt •bagger,'* a “acalawag." a •’Yankee an *intcrh»per. - j What a jewel t-t csmstatmcy wbea oarrt«'d U> | such eHiumby aa thU. What an mltuirable feat lire of acrthmal rUaraeUr this mode of pnvcedate atftfgoiiU. Verily, uu-n hare given them.Helvba ever to qpt<ir*ii#e ami intolerance, and are and vtnltifyiug principle with a tu<»M dwignatlng and Mmiw-witndwd l iio tide. * t • ■ J i \V, b*t® lb* higbaal aemcrmii'ea fbat Cot ifG«*4*d. will gather sboyt him Iks tir«t getitleiuan in Georgia. Hie appointments will la* made with a regard to the At fi—s of the appointee. To all tba judicial oflfcjns 1m will apfedni anob men aa will faith fully and irujmrltalty ltaenia the law* of the State To «3I other ufßcea of trnat and reapon* nihility, be will appoint men of eatnldiahwd ahtt tty and integrity. We bate nan*to In believe he U wndar no pledgee to any one. He ia m the halide of tba friends of ReeanatrocUou, end, if elected, wfll be true to the peopU of the But a, and *&e*tttw lha laws aa fairly and inlly an anjunnia. vw not ham In ihi* Htatc, t*n jwtrv dvvotinn tn baalnM bn* !••* outneil all ki* (wnotMl inivn »t* in lb* c mnmntty vrtt*r* b* rMfilwt H». M tatwb »« uoj on*, i* iuiorv*t. .l in * good go»»rn»Mit loi Urofgi*, fur It m wpnwAbl* to vfinrM* la. interval from Ibr IsUtml «f rv«y otUnr j |.i..p#rty tioUvr in Uw Hint*. Tb* grawt hnlUbalkw which I* Iwtng r*U*d | by tb* nppowttkm jtrvn oc*r hi* nativity, k trat the ullv nM>uffato(* of faHy It I* too in- ] .Ignilcwnt fit r*f«uliou or reproof It w » .’mfe**iooe(***kQMaMtd bop*l«Mu**« which j »Un*U vteftiv every *o-c*U*4 I>vtnocr*t in tb* Slat*, and vM him bi thinking It vhowv a lack i>( argtum3t ;U4 Mrl/yieid* the cam- I'aigu to the Hecooellaclioniata, and the eta«- ! ion will pro** ft. ■«♦«- i Tew <4 v ..view* l* gwgg* lew la. in the nun* of tb* voter* of ftoorgta, whom suffrage he eeeha. we propound the billowing luterrogatori** to fudge Irwin, and «*M npoa him to com, ont and *awr*r fairly end Caltyi 1. Are you iu favor of tb* mtifto.lxm aI the new ConetUutiou. raboultod by lb* taxiv*a n .ik or are you opfxwcd to it I a Are yon In fa*or of toe rvdtof mwuuraa uuMrporated iu that <Vu«tituti«>u. or are yog oppoaed to tli cm I 3. thi you believe the relief ueeaoree era .uietitgtkiaal or bnconefttoUoual ’ 4 Will you, it elected Uovaraor. appotnl .Indgre with e view to thetryavltln «i r.tief ’ I ii other word*, if you believe Um relief teea* urea nmxuMtitotional, will you not eviect Jti-lge* who bold lb* hov optoimw. with * view tn the defeat of tboe* meaeuie* ? It. Are you to favored the bum* duff, nefuonr jeirated tototb* (VumtnnUou. aad do you ba ilee* the (amity ran bold It again*! old debt* tried* prior to inu*. IM6? Would you »p --l-.iot Judge, not prejudiced agorae* lb*bome -fead ? * t: Are you le fever of eholiafciug Imprieoo ment fir debt? 7. Are yoo to fever of the common wdioal m. aa pmvidod toe to tbofSoaetilatoru f M Are you in three of *!towing Ike cotored . II of the Male to vote t !i IVi you not npeot lb* united eupport of iUomc who nppoe# the relief meoaune 7 111 Did you wot opptiee lb* raeomdruothui a .to, and Jemutwc* them when Aral puead ? 11 At» you tn fceor of to* remove! of the . *piud Id the Mat* to Alina I a 1 Tb* jw*itio» lit Oni. Bullock * weft km.on on etory one «T Ibeee *» hMOOOou . all Hearts The peup*» ibe* a right to know vnhf-ra Judge Iradh tUada (tome out. Jtb%e. ! not tell aa. Woo l hid* poor »•**, «* withhold vom oprafon* on ttom grant qneaAln to* r.mooi tnugu buth,to(ML Wbtoh aide are you put Crann out, «M «a»- ffM* "I- oaf . _ -- ■ rau-itwutobeitoeed *«• Dummy Into tavunSitn—an *tontd law pMMd by tb* JTHE DAILY NEW ERA. It pAJfIJEL BAKI). fvuM trn aa«WbU %4tmb*c*» V* AM* r«Wf>« Tb* addraaauf Cat B R Bullock. Um Owm if* OaMßdalafor Governor, will tw fowml ha low. Mmd u ctiUacta W Oaorffb. ami MM how UffMty Writbm aaHi paragraph ia. how rw —Ua NutiDeuk a/vi bow aiwwrij cirfl aad ta hi* position Thwre ia no veetiiwga, uo »ttHipiif*4»oii of wotiiv, no alt< supt to v«id« lha truth by to* subfarfogast so vft«a rwwortc«i !o. W* aggijo. rwml and poud*t it nw<l it t*v«*t} iUy natil you it by haart. Having been umumnuumiy u* uuudUtl l»r the often oJ (iovffrn'ir. by * Ctmvcoli*»w folly rwprw*aßtiog a Urga utajoniy *»i tu« voiraa of lha SUU, l*W»a ftw l al libarly to <l*br« g»rd Uf«4r vruhau by rvfuauig to »u*r«t|4 tb* gvwat honor Uju« couhimHi Mj owiy dtotir* ia |p ba o{ wruc« to lha whufa pwopla of oar great Htatc, with whom my lot ha* U«a *o long and pleasantly emmt, in l-nildi9(- up bor waidw pWa* and in reviv ing her proetratrd induatrial aad otauiaerctal ■ywtrtn. under the btuL u |uflut»ucv of a civil g<>rarciH>cnt* in which *ll her tauten* may pm ticipate. To the iof thin obfecl my avery aftort shall be devoted The (onatltation afiopted l»y ll.#* lata Ck>a- VfQtion is brft*rv ytrti. It wtu niy privilege to an! in the fotiuation of that and ibos to beoomr familiar with not only the UU ter of Ud* fundamental law. hot aUo *»»h the •pint And tb* iatomjon* ot thoaa who Ira toed it- kfy vote* are rvctmled Upon all its vari oaa branches and it U tb«ref<>re unneemaary for u»® to enU r into any »utvMn*m of uiy p>- lilioal principles, other Ih-iu t.> imj 1 aiaml fully cuuiunK <i_la ilk? ad C»>«*titn tioii. and have an « iro«Ml deakr«- t 4 ilalis thuae great njraaur*4i*—the ‘ RrUrf and the "HofnawtMkdT and thn« enable ont mined pcopW to take oowrag* for the lotnre, with a full aaaoranoe that the raenlU of their labor •hall be enjoyed by the iu** Ives *nd their fam ilies. It will bt tkt- duty of tl*e f Seneral A» -eui»»ly to provide a thorough «fy»teni *4 for tb* Skat* If «»JU4 by your vote* to aaanni* the exalt ! «-d powitton of yoor Chief Etrrtrtivr, it will l« my doty. ao«l uo lesM a pieaeur*. to uowiinate Ito the Renatc, for confirmation, |» r»«»uii ; whoa* pa*.t iwrttoi. well MiaChshed character and abihtv. ui»vt aaotU 1 confidence of their fiOov-tiliinui m their re spective diWriots, aud whose fitness, by rea»*»n of their known intelligence «ud moral woith, for the ixailiaub to which they iuay be recoin mended, will ensure their conflruistiou the iwprvMMMstai iven of tba peopLi. " With maßoti toward uon*, with charity for nil,** kxihiag uoly to the glory, p. imt*. and prosperity oar noble St \tc, and the parpe toity of frw*. ahrtl government ttiroaghout the land. K have lb* bowar ta ba your follow eili aan, H. R Brmiri. •ravumaolesled } Ueh*«( fiv UUb Men wMh Big U*«« Before tba election upou the qneation of oaJlmf a Convention to frame tba new Oast) tafooo, ii we» aeeeiiail. over and over again, that no white men would vote. On the night of the first day of tba rUcSxws. daapatefce* *«»- east from aQ parta of tba fitata, Maying that no, whßes bad wtrl flnt if was a Me. wia iufar te red and ebtmlafed fiw dbot Nearly on. half the white men of Oeorgla voted for Con vention. ▲ fall half would have voted, if it had not been tar intimidation and threats from violent man flow Is It now’ AH over tba op-oonntry. than* asm* men are aaaarting that ail the white people are for Irwin. UttJ* cownty officers,and others, whose interest it is to be OB the strong ebfa In the praetnet or oon»4y where tbay Hve, are loudest on this •ntyeot Agents sod mnpfayaae of the State Road are afao oohry on this wnbjcct, baanuae OampbeH Wallace ii for Irwin, and they think their, bread and hutwr ia In danger. This small bet bofatewme body of man will ba aeoee badly deceived than they ever w*r* before. A sow oouatios in North Georgia oan net central aa eleettoa now, aa they once oenkd. Irwin coahl not ba elected with ifi.OOO m&ritj tfom Jiorth Oeotgia. Bat hr cannot got i,OOO majority. HMa Hi* top rail .1 apon It la mauv cototM* ba vr!B ho beaton. The •jutot aad mrtou* portion of th* up oouutrv [innaim eili vot* lor irtlirulvin U tkrj do •ton, tbvj wilt aad ato vote tor BotltKik Tbej- wtH oot tok. tb. ?>m*tit*tM» aa talrrt an auaj to it aad thamadew upon lv Tt>. paouto ant bee* eradia far a IMIa aaaaaoo •mw*. Timm of tbm who have ton lb. odium of going for rrcoiwtruotiw. and bav. been daaoonrad aa diagraaril for ao doing, are not got a* to abandon the naw OoaaMtalton to it* *a«y». They bad aa wall not mad* it at ail an to to Ihl*. aim who oppomd tb. Ikmn rag of th* ar. Coortitutioo, will Bad it no **W Ml to driw awav in dlMtmo* tho mo who ftaraad «, tod waft off wHbUwltoto of ftaorgta ia their pockrt* lot ton Mondial rmoartnutom atoaddno. La* them dliv. hark th* hnngvj hard who wore not ablato have rnmm.a nopoat for them who wan wttttog to tea* a aew Oonoti totton baton tb* work wa* dona, bat who woukl now gmadibr raA itapaadlpUon npoo It Tba MmdedT thaOonoOtwtfow will alool ItwHoeb tnaarphaotly B. ■. •olto.b’v HomwVwo* am* ■»■*. mm am. 1. fwob brad lit * fhuntg. or gcardian. ot trnatcc. of a Buatl; of minor obildtea, aUall b* vautlmt to • htimmtmd of realty to th. vahl* : of two tboamud itnilar*. in eperta. and par oiuul pnpnty In tba vain, of oa. thuniwad doUur* in upri* both to be valued at tb. tun* they are art apart. Anil no Ooart, or klinirtniel idßrer in tbi* fNuta, *h*U ae.r buna Jarinliction, or authority, to »bo» nay Jadgtn-t* toll**, or rwention agaln.t laid properi V ao art *4«rt lectuding nuoh ini ptevamant* a* may bo mml. thoraon, fomi ttana to for hn*m raouay bonow. rd aad aypandad in lb. tui|>rov<Hnrvit of ihr, or tot tb* jrarrhew money of the aauev. aad far bbm to* > tbaavon. or m.t.rtol fhrntabnd tbnetor, or removal of .opmnbran era lharaaa. And it atoll to Um daty of th. (tonreal Aaarmbiy, aa awty a* praaUrabie. to provide, by law, for lb* ratting apart and rat nation of raid property and to mami town for tb* toll fbd ooupMa protection aad araurUy of Ibvarakißrnb ana and bra tot of raid figßfifom Bt efameetfi, II yiiijcrty qS the 'etfb, in bev'pfiMaaH aton to Um Um* ol tor mawrtaga, ami *M peop touLu. for tba totoa"'tor Vnvtoml ATLANTA, GA., SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 5, 1868. farlwkia A stag to Us* Cuaapalga •v tm uma Ttoipu a ssßytug cry. irt every area fas pssee smi iglu Owns toetoma towa to# MB aad vw*d I MUi i tm fastov Maw. Aai mswd Bw flmffaafa to <ha sfade Th«w css**, beys, eewa*, Aadjflto to# ttoftoe efaa; Tkse etae. tors efassr. Y*m to Hast W ear ms. From amt M.w iuMM'gem farU t**< o Tto Pales meet to aeveS. War ttos w* gNd our araMV on. f orttus «h* storm w«‘ve toevto to let tto aesnsmoe fie*. 4d4 WraAMacWaa dn« Well Mess toe OrastosM nr *a WMh sway s ton* horrah 1 Ttoa esm*. toys, asm*. And jem Ito Oaten eJea. Then toeer. tor*, etoer. FW Baiiort is oar an. Tto Hat* WCO need veto fawnir « +aU, Ai»4 serve eeto pnrM i heart. And toel toTasßoa's maart. «r- a when *M fl.wm* tain Um. Fuss pwpia traU a4 tow. KU& ttoa vTD aakt tto wolhla rlft^ With smmtj sleudhusrehl Ttoa cosm, toys, mm, and }ute tto Oatoa «iss Ttoa sheer, toya sheer. Fev ItoMn sM la ear mas. lOomaauiMrau-l i Ja*ti Irala and ■attar. If Judge Irwin war* not "iu favor of rb<> a.v OaniUtatioo." doaa any man tmtlav. hr would accept office under it 7 Thai Ouatitnlmn amliodiev rwrtaiu rrU«f ■main Ikee. any aaro man baiter* J udg. Irwin would tab* an oath tn rapport (h. Cna atitntion, and thru Ignore iu inhf eleuac 7 It i* the province <rf tba harwama Ooort. and not of tba EieeaUv*, to toevd* what lawn aud ordinance* are Cotiatirational, and wbat are nnnonatitntional. rvlil auck deehuoa jv had. the Erect!tiva U twun<l by hi* oath of offib. to emforoe thou. Dew aay naa man i msgisv Judge Irwin ospeble of periwry. - Daily tJpU ia*. Jfortfi 2H. It is (HAcoli to say whether the writer of the shove is most knee* av fool Does h* m*su to Ihst every msn who mss fo* office st Uj* spprosebiag eWuon fa *• ia favor of th* new Coustitutioa ?" Is it out remsvkshl« that th* tnlikw of the < even, should not know (tetter then this ? Wes every men who | held % test is the Convention in favor of “the CoavwotisT r Av* there no DvmorrsU, so oslled, who want '* Are non* of them to ran ? Urslly, it is sickening to so* so f*ebis sud .h'pmved su intelfaet se that which gsv* birth to th* sbov« extract laboring to produce an idea. This editor of th* Opfaioo we* hot r»««nt ly an advocafa of Nvbef.fsebfo. sad puerile, it fa tro*. but spfisrvntly rankest sad si racers.— He now believes, or sffa*ts to beifav*. that th* Governor has very little to do with th* Re- Im f measures in the new Constitution that h« i*» simply to enforce these Relief provision* until th* finprani'e Court d*clsr«i them ua ' OtisUfulioual, and fheu to ilittrvgsrd them He makes tba Governor s mer*v sLtometon, to move ss he is moved upon. What on earth doc* the mail mean * Does he not know that th* Judges of the Buprem* Court are to be ap pointed by th* Governor ? Do** h* not know that b« will aa all other mru do —appoint men who here sup}n>il«.| him. and whose views and opinions on Wsdtug questionssgr** with bis own t Now. bow will this work ? In order iu ntaks it perfectly plain to tks dun andsrsUndtti * of the editor of tba Opinion, let u* illustrate Suppne* lrwiu M elsrtod Governor, what ihrve men would, perhaps, rom{«w bis Bu pram* Court ? Gt oa mppofa b* would ap point Warscr, Harris and Akrrtnan Warner stif! Harris b&vv just dsewied lha Huy Law upcAUkstitutinoal, and Aknuisn was th** mor tal fo* of relief in ib« Convenli oi Wbst would b* the decision of-tbiw Court the relief mcasunw ’ ('iu»n<»( the ifarfaed intel lect of th* editor *■{ the Oj.irn u, even .«•» that Judge Irwin wontd be “U.*und by hfa oath** n«» longer to support them ? Again If Irwin 1* Governor, he mu»t sw«*r to support the Constitution of th« l ulled Htatas a*, well ss the Constitution of the Slate, and as between thaw*' two, iu case of conflict, b* must toUpport th* former iu praf«ret.r« to th* latter Naw t If Irwin believes th* relief portion of tbs Htsta Con*titntr<un to beta a»wn fijet with that ciaua* of tlie Htat*s Con stitution. which says, “bo State shall pass any law impairing the obligation of contracts. 1 ’ than he must disregard them relief measure* before any decision hu bean made sgminst them, or fa wfiffa qf ptrjmy. C-aanot this poor, weak aditor of the Opinion compre hend that proposition, also? Now. iwt ua suppoes Bnllook Governor Ha will, of course, appoint as Jmlges of th* H«- I-rente Conti men who have supported him, and man who believe relief oonsfolaUainU and right. We will auppoo*. far th* purpose of further illustration, that b« appoints Judge Walker, Own MeOay and Gov Brown Judge Walker dies*tiled from the opinion of the Su preme Court, whiah decided the Stay Law an constitutional, and Gan. MoOay and Got. Brown are both sinner* and able advocates of relief, believing it not only euajftitotkuial. but right ia itealf. This Ooart would a* every body known, lot quite ss able ax the Court which lrwiu would have, and it would unani mously decide the relief measures of th* new Constitution good and valid, far all time to oome. Who doaa not aaa the dUAforwao* in the two cases ? Iven the editor of tba Opinion ought to be abis to aaa it Again, suppose lrwiu. if steotsd, should make up hfa mind to betray the party that alestad turn, and rupsuin a Supreme Court favorable to Ralfaf? Where would ha get hfa Judges? What R*!i*Linen in Georgia are supporting him ? None, verily, except the editor of the Opinion -and even this mat's love of the printing of th* W. Jk A. R. R. fa stronger thaw hfa l »v* far Itofaef to foe peopfa, as hfa meretricious support of Iron efaariy •bows. What other Relief man. axoept this ihh«. weak Editor, could to th# tkiprwme Ranch ? The a umber of Jmlgee would have to be reduced to <wae. the editor of th* Opinion would haws Ms ba the Judge, end this glimmering, flickering light would ba the only funmiiiation which that ones augurt tribunal would have. * lay ten fssatr Bepwff—tallw*. Jmnmaoao March flfi, IBSM r.» ifa 1 hfors qf Oaffkm fbmmty: Having ooa f'luded the labors of the Convention, as lfele gnte tram thfa county. ! infaaded dsvoiiag my Urns aad atlaattoa to my private afifarw. Retag solicited by WMswofa ftrirsfis to be come a caadtdsls far th* Liffalatura at tb* t-rnmiag eleatioa, X bnve oosmsafad to du so, and shall, if elsstod, fay to tow bust sf my ability to f i yrsMiat torn Vmkm Bsssßstrusu ■« pohey My ysfay ahafl ba to|sm sad |up piaesa tad to «*d to sstobtototof Mm fo* ■to?lrfoTtotolk. I^lirril ' 4 * ** "** , * r * Vray rattwtotoSit, W ftira KllflMllt, I. ora... It may ravvra frml ami ai tnmbl* it I kora «k* fu«>b«*i to to *nad«U4ra tm oMm ra tto «,pr«rkto| *tortka. la ttet* tttaU. ud tto rotor* alra, *toaM orarad*r »-H rti« fß**> tiara ' -vka era to Mto* 7^ It rarat to tod t ami, tto* for tL- pwyo | M*aftM* Swttoa, tto pradUK eiraralrarat I tu ttoCoMCUakm at tto Daitol ttoira. kwrt I u tto IM ratteto. |>n(u*.l bj Cony 1 rad edoptol l>j o>u*t ot tk* Sort torn bttlra. mart to ra—idmJ *• nlrradr to fornt*. IBM. tuucti m lb la HUt« nutot. anttor Ik. Kraaß rtrtictkra rat*, to i*|m.ratnt tn t’.Mitfrc Bn til that Binradiurnt *U*H to adupted kj tto teqnUiU Buiator ot Hi ato. Tb- rtr.ttoa of Itot .flicl. tonring lu tto us riigltill ily to offi-'t*. raud. B» follow.. Hm 3. N j praeou uhail to u toßator or lUpra.rait.tiT. iu Coagrau, or atortor of Prm utoat and Vra* or told as/ otto, eiril or miiiUiy. ojuUr tto Uuiud Hum or undra uj Hiatt, wto. tona, pfwrraoaijr ukra ra iraib a. • (araator of C. agr.ra, or a* ra uflV oar us ibtraitaLSUtra or a*, mraator nf raj Hut* Imfuiatora, or a* ra nrauow or judi cial offer us ra; Htatr. lu rapport til* Coo rat lotion of tto L ailed Hr at MI. atoll tore <n ghg.<t to iuaorracUou or ntollttra againat tto u.. or gir«a aid or comfort to lit. racoon, tti.rc- f. Hut (ioogreara no.;, b; • rot* of tvo lhini. of each iiouwt, remove rack doainht;- Hy ra AM of ('owgrrto. paracd July 19tk. 1887. tt i* declared that tire wnrd. “nwutlrt or jadictol otßcia an; HtuO* “ *h»M be ooo ■tracd to iarlude all civil office, raveled by law for the admtntottaUon of ray general hr of a State, or for tto adauatotration of jaatioe- Teraou. disqualified by the foregoing pro rUtoua front holding office, ought not to pre eeut thrturai.u. »> ctoditlßt- A twt *b,.ni.i tbey «bi mi, ail the vote* cant for them will to more than thrown away. It cun not to raipeoted that ; duqaaitttod peteoraa. if adwrtrd, .til to oom ml**bißrai AW. lection* and rack fo-i-un. mu-t nece**artly to art a«dc. *nd th. office, to fitted a* provided for IB tto new t'-onvtitqUoa What Oppraltl.w Mean.. Th« oppoMtioo party, which i* rally ing so tb. aopport of Irwin for tiovnaor, white It ta without a platform,. Oppoar* the ratification of tbr ('ouitltulmc. Dppoae. a rt**U>ratiou of the Stub; so it* right, iu the.L'amu Opporaw ito Homeraoad I*. OppOM* tfie t tommou School law Oppoaea Kelief Aa.l. Favor, tto lntere.l* of the rich luan over those of the poor amn. Favor* aortal Favor, further deprraatcin ..of ail tuduaUtai | inUreata. 4 Favor* bankruptcy and ruin for the pet pie us the State. Favor, an.rrhy rad itoihlioo when them ih-mid bo peace and plenty Farura ignorance, mloleramv and cornu non. Favor* ra incraoa. of tba t.uritaa that w upon tto people Thia is the btit of iadictruent -ot dn*t the party that t. en leavoring to rlet-t Joiige lrwiu Governor c-f Georgia. Hal I*, k—lrwla-U.11.f Ila ttor. aoyrwai Uaticf in tto aew low.tun ttoa 1 That r. tto que-non Hat whai . tto true aaawer » Here it ia Tt depeai. upon udo i.» tUrlml Oetw nwr. It depan-L. upon tin. diracaiy, ah aointaiy rad alhgMtor. tot a. -raninety roe aider thia ewfayeet If th. propoMtfon raannt to made too plain for doubt, then nobody ia naked to give it another thought Tto Governor ia so appoint .very judge in tto H*ate. The H-rrate t* to ratify hi" appoint meats ttulloeh M a atroag Iteitet man; ha tailored h.r-t f o the H-!ief meaaarea m Ito CohMitutlon If elected, be will appoint 1 Bilg es of the Hupattor rad Hoprcai. Goort. abo totova that thrara itetof maarairaa air Court!- tuuoaal and nghk rteraiunra will ga into Court to enforce the enlieetfon of their aid debt., and the Judge, will torn them oat, ud any the Court* tor. ao jundiction over old debt. Huliock will out appoint lay man jodg* who will not do thin It m ptou. Hmb. that under Bnlloefc the Reties portion of tto new Coratitution will to field good, and thorn rent rabalantia! livltcf a til to obtained Rat aappoae Irwin ia elected What then ’ IU i. oppoand to Rebel ii* totorra Ito prv enaon. of the new Coaetitatina on that rabject are ia conlict with the ('•■natitatfon of lha Uaitad Hu tea, and that all thee, pinna tons aaa auii and nrad U* will, if tou-i if point Judgra wto toller. •• to doe. on thia .object, t’n ler thee Judge* creditor* wdl come into Court t- ana on old debt*, omi (hey wdihl ad.woi to liu so ua tin frouid that Hr to it wmartitahoaM. Thaa Ito RMiaf raaaa orea of tto aew ConatitaUon will toooaaa a tot letter, aud nuie-t«wth. of the people us Georgia will to hopetoraly raioral Again: ttnifock totorns Itot the HoaMrtmd given by tto new onaUt so to free front old debt* tt well aa new lie will apjadnl Judge who will decide that it ta ao ftre But lrwiu hold, contrary opinion. He will a,>patnt Jatfip-a wlio will daetdr that lit* niu-ouMitut>"ual to itivc . h r,, -t.v.l ffor from ohl debts. Thaa, It It clear that under Irwin the Hmriial ora only to told Awe from fa tore debt*, an i thaa thousand, of fauuliea Will soon to turned out of house an.) home to pay old debt* Bat thacueotot of KoUrf wall ray -Row do yoa know fcrwha la oppoavd to ReHeff* I ao •war. he ha* been charge 1 with opposition to it, and neither be nor hi* Inrnds tore -leaiad the charge , and more thaa that. I trig votr for an man unto. / iranw kt it for Kdoj I kr.o w Bollock ie for it - every My know. It Hal anppora u could be mid that lrwiu ia in Uvoc of relief. 1 hat, of itrait, will not do. I mast know w hot kind of rrhrf to ia for. Ia ha fur tto label that ia In tto new t'oortita tteaf We all know that Balhrak ia He Wiped to frraie it, and ruled to pat Rio aa R at and* Feople of Georgia! Relief menbeware how roe rota for a man for Ooraraoc wh-oa opuuoaa ami foehnga yon do not igaw ’ Homa of you hare aaid you wonld rata for vatifiea- Una to get relief but that you would not rota for Balloek Bat you deoMra yoaraatrea. Yon toll to earned Without a relief man to appoint yoor Judge*, your Coastitatiou upon thia aubyact in not wiwth the paper It a writ tea upon, la it peuaNa Itot aartiimal prßndioe or pita anal rural ha hip lan irwia toll load you t» commit thta aaprefoa not af foity the eleo tiou nf a man foe Govaraanc wto will rub yon af ail tto toaadt. which might bar* tow de rived tram tto aew OoaMitatioa 7 Yon aaanM taka tto Coaatttattoa ami ngao. Bullock. A frt«ud of lha Conadtntiim and relief mast to naught Think of thia Hpaat taynaraaigh tom nod frienda a bant it Do ant dmhall yuar topaaha khnanrt h, Ba pat dwffiliw tout frraad yon have oa earth Ooaanot, AvaAffia lewrtra Ra* ttttglMa. Wa irgpat that MUh upon ua hi puial oat tto agfart ia lha ao-aallaj Dammewtlc party, ia iilairipg aaadtdataa ahgihl'i so cdfie*. Wa fiat pedaled oat the bridge itot Jtfga Sum cwald not mat and now we 'bake to do ito name thing la idawm ta Jpdge Irwin- Wa tog la remind Menem f.htaaiaA Knead A On. that thg Damoavatie party aa ■ was, wa. Ihr (ao shrewd to Ip caught in •*,' aach way— Twt them, however, bold raothar aiaaliagaad trot oat raothar amn. to r aaniridly ail the eaten east for Irwin wilt ba auualad fur Baitooc, be cause of inchgiUlity, which hi pnraw by lha following fturn ito Allania Draly Ini.lhgeamr of So. fi. ififil For Praahcl JEFFERHOS DAVLH Far Vfon-Praffidiat. AIMX. a hTEPHESh tu aiai -vaan non In onto that our tandem may to aapptod with a printed -iartnaai liahW. to aaa at tto poiia ua Wi taraday nert, wa pahtoh ha lo* tto one that was unamend by the Con veutKNi at Mitindgeyito. which act wa attO protest agraast. though wa atoll odhr ao oppo attioo to tt: lat rhatriet -John la Ham*, of Glpui fid District Arthur Hood, of Kaadoipii 3d Dudrict J. ta Wmtoiy, of HtwwarL tih Uiatrt. t Dr E kfeteahm. of Hoaafoa. >tb District J. 1 Gorvta. of Richmond t-t.!. District Lha lat Fan am, of Mnhwa. 7th Dunrict—O G til toon, of Hpfoding Bth Diatnct—John Ray, of Cowrta. Hk District- H. W. (aoooa, af Itabau. loth District H F Frica. of Cana For tto Stair at large Hue. Darin imam, of Cobb. Hoa Two naa E Luitu of Chatham. staiaplan Car Ballerh. Uev. J. If. Caldwail ia oat for Bullock and , Kecoaatractioa. Ha ie stomping hia Diatrtrt for the ennae. H. will apwk at Ito following plarw Hamilton. Taraday, March SI. While*.ill*, Wrataaaday. April 1. Franhha. Friday, " A Grecnrilit, Taenia;, “ T. GrutriUe. Wadlwaday, •• 8. CarroUfon. Friday. <• 10- Tto praipie arc reqoeaAad so bold county ataav meeting, at all tto pi ia»a named Tto bail IS moving. The v*mpia an draranuntag hr leramaHnatoai Thom who do not fail in fo tin. soon, will ba iafl oat ui tto ooid Tto rallying cry w, "Buhook ud ReooaatrnctKia." ■illwh'i Rrllvf ttanaar*- I'ar.gra.-h 1. No roan in this Skate atoll bar* Jmmdtcttoo to try or datenanxo aay anil against any rmideut of the State upon ray contract or agreranenl made or implied or upon ray oon tract made ia renewal of ray daht axisttag prior to tto first .lay af Jana. 1860. Sot alraii ray court tu niintatenal off er of thia Stole bale authority to suture, ray jo dgrnaah arawtrou. or da eric, rendraad or iwaurai upon ray mtract or agrwvoraat mad. or irnpHad. or upon my contract in renewal of a debt aiming prior to ito first day ot Jane, lags except ia the following cmam 1 la suit, again-t tmstau where the tram property is in th* hand* of tto traataa, or haa tow ta vara ad by hint in ottor apactfic effete now in hu hawiia, and in anti, by tto rwndur of tba real I Stole againat Ito vradaa, wtoa not more than one-third of the parebnaa man vy bn* bean pai<L rad tba van Aaa ia ia pnmn aioa of the land or apaclfis affeta for which be be* sold IA and to iwfnsea so detirer tto land or raid rfieri, to tbs vendor In such cave, the court* rad officer, may entertain )*- riajictwa rad enh ree yadgneraiia agataad said trust property or land or effete Ala sails fur the bane At af' minor, by < truairo* appointed hoforw tba lat of Jaaa, MS 3 In sail, agalua. curporatioaa tn thmr I orjawate rapacity, but not an •• to aafortw the debt against ito afoahtoidan or iff tarn thereof in thetr individual capacity A In Bin by chart tabu CM Ua array taati tntton. for money lowed, property other than slaves aohj, or aarriaw rendend by ttoan 5. In a alia or debt- doe lor marhaaical nr manual labor, wbea the earl ta by the me. chant, or laborer 1, Id cane* where th* debt wamnp by way us defwc*. aad the debt am ap turned* ray debt, da* fay lafaadani to phuntiC nf which the courts ana dented Juried ict inn. 7. Ia all of bra aaaae in wfitah tto Gwerml Assembly ahull, by law. give raid acnrfo aad offoer. jorisdicakaa. provided that an off 1 r shall tors, nor ahull the OraMfai AaraenUy give junadictioa or authority so try or gira jadgaarat oa, or anfiww any daht, the inal erapoa of vrtach waa a tiara or aiavra. or lor tto hire thereof. paragraph 1 AH route**!! made aad aat sweated haraag tto ton lubaWum with Ito la iwtaao and for tto pnrpara ad earing and ea couragtug sold rebellion, or .here 11 waa tto porpoa. or mteattoa of mu ol tto portraa to •new oahad so ai.l hr ataaoarag. aarh rabwh Ixra. au-l trial fora wa. known so Ito athar party, a bather aunt anaumci wra mad* by ray person or oorpurwAon, with lha State ot Cau fedstate Htafow. or by a corpuaarioa. with a natural ptimon. wr hetwvea tan or rant, natur al prawuaa, arw torvto fislirsf so tora beam aad to be tttayil, and ail bonds, heads, ptosn toon oofea bills, at ether end snare of debt made or executed by the partite to sack 000 tract, ar aeihra of thaw ia unnaaattw walk surti Itoffol eaalrraA or ra tto rararai nmtuo for or ra tnrtheraaoe ttoranf. an hanbr d»- elared nail aad sold, end ahull be *0 brad la oil tViurta in this Mat- when ra attempt -ball ba mad. so aah wra any each .a.lraoA or gira roltdav so any tacit oGHgahun ar art due, ot dkfah And 10 all orara* a ton tto and 1 lea font, or wr on* in for rated m tto mat and the -utA will aaaha a (dan raipportral by km affidavit, that to to* tuaraui to behave that tto uhgev turn or .Tviraw. of iadebtedneas upon which the au it is ptadh-ated. ot a eat prat there jf. has travel given nr iraaral fur the illegal pur pura nf ■■« ai A. th* barton af peoof ahaQ to apuu tto ataiatlfi so aaUafy tto court ar jury that th* bond, dent not*, hill or other eei detiew of taifobfodna. 1. upon which wid wait so brought. laerttsmA nor raw; path af fonndral upon, ot ia nay wsy nnan id with wy such illegal eon tract, and bra act been need in rid of th* ratoihoo. and tto dm* of rati baud. daraA rate baU. ar oatoa ari daaaa of ladahtadnra.. shall not ha ivihan that 11 hue m to* not, sin*, ito Ante, tow opramd, Uniraforvad. or aned. ia aid of tto ra haffiw. Faiagiaph 1 It tel to ra Ito pusrar of a audoririr of tto Gee reel Araraatly ta trail 111 rad collect apw all debts, jwtemwfo, or ma la. of action when daa. tonaded on ray con tract mad* or implied fasten the lat it Jsne 188&, m tb* hands of aay one ia kra awn right m aa Iranfoi. agaat a* attorns* ai soother, oa or after th* Ist ui Jaaanry. IMS. a tax of not «* 1 11 At eg SS per rant. 10 he paid by the crwdfoor oa pain of in cfrat sis ra Ito dehfi bat chaaganhfo by him aa mws half affteal ito Arts or, aad ooUratehia with tba dsht: Frovi dad, that this tai shell not Ira unfitted if ihe debt or cans* af aarioa to * hi* bin ad ar act tied without legal prurasw ra if ia Jllfifiwi Ot to aettrad wtthnat iwty and aafo. Aad peori dad. farther, this fox atoll Bat ha iariad w King ra the oaurfo Os Ihra atari shall not has* Jatfidlcttw of each date* ar eaama nf nation. tend warn. Inkaraay rofot Mwimhmffiil tta» rarisf. and will nol ippofa) JnJqpm fi. Mate tea toa a hamaatitA. rad wttt not appnant Jadgaa apgaaad an R. Thaws aw tan mam rad fiirgi t. Ba so alw Im adaaattag tea pour ta mil aate. rich. Sa ta Aa foot tto prafapfafa* MBBflfafifafa 4Bkfl Miftfl fifaMBBMM XffßPfiM mJ* want without sa offiwt Itwvr am JsAfi IvwUUki IS, Os.a and ffgterari Danng tto war d.dgn Irwis waa one us Mr. Darts mam anfowt anppoatssu Hi- son ,sd son in sow wars in Ihs Confadawte army, and to gar* Hum and all other* every aid vwd ffMßfart posiifaß. Thia, w« andevataad was not all 1 for ws tn lafiorarad two! be sefed w Cnfein itr States Diatnct Attorney.for th. Kortton; Dra tvset us Gsargiu, s large part of tto teas* Jute* Slehuiu of Sws.auoh. was tto DmCriat Attorney. aad Jadgw Irwin acted sa Me depu ty. or aobsurate, in tto upper diatricA and raerawad tto sow ni awahnawt*. or part of them, an .-npnaeetiw tor ao doing, though we he tore ha took ao aaffi at effiaa. to Dra ins* AUonray. oa ertfog Dsefolat Attorney, to r.p**aent.d tto Cinfidteti Stetae. aad tod tto paopraty at Uaion man, who had psaa North, rnufiaralijl aad aoid. rad tto money paid rate tto Con fadarake Trawory. He hos iwed forward Ito job ia each rater, aad had ! lb* jndgmeam at tto court, whiah. w Coaled- . crate Sfotee Attorney to had obmiaad. execai- ; ed with wiagy aad daayafch. Did to not "rad lira nkeftina ■ by aoafisu tug the property ot Union man. aad paying the money R brought into the Coafcd-rai* Hfelee Trwaary, m aid ia tto pnraeeab ra of the war 7 Now. the reader will bear ta mind the! 0-- person bad Ito rghl to Inks the voter , oath sbo Iraki office before tto Bar ud look tu oath to mpport tto Oonetatattoo of tto Carud Stale, and afterwards engage! m the •• rv- Iratlirwi ~ Judge Irwin held tto oflkra of Jadge of ito Mopenor Coon* peter to the wra tad look tto oath to rapport the Coeulittniuu of the baited States, aad, ee we tore yost sbowa. engaged ia the ’' nbeitoa by eoafieiwlrng tto pauper ty of Onion mm and paying tto money into tto Confederate Tr unary If wr inforamboa n aonacA Ito J odge ofoo cantriunted asoney to akl rulaatera eoapa arae, and oAherwtae garw eid to the t'ssfshv ate troop* Coder ttos* nrvaauiunoe*. while the Jadg. u • regteteisd tutu, he w not (rariy ragralaeod and will not bs eligiblv to the office of Governor H sleeted We shall rand* copy of this paper so Jadge Irwin, with tto article mailed, and if we tor* mirarptraefile A him. oar snlnran* ore opw to any even m narration be will senj over Ida own atgnetara, pottlag hiavralf nghl upon those man ere- Aad we hrav pr- punnd thrve qaaaUane so him. let trid yon not am a* Cuafo-terate tfcatw I Itotnm Itaere.y danag tto era ’ U ra. si I how many tanas of Ito Ooart 7 had did you aat mb* pedgmenfo reaffirming, or eaqaerars uag Ito mw. and pay tto Sri?paid ml U SO* Whai coweetion hi yod hero with Itot office > fi. Did yon not ooattni-ut- to uh or more Vfealiw rnaepeaira’ And did you wot ter aafo a hoew tar aaa ia Ito CwArderete set tm 7 had dsd you an* do ottor acts A- aid ttora wragad m Ito '-rmrafliw *' fi Ike yon aat forue Mr Dans eoavrnpt BOA aad taaiet that R waa nnnrtltafieeel aa.t. t: at them wto affirmed it warodraforai mr AVTMORfTT. public acth 1 ForUotli CougrouH or vaa UNI T ED S TAT E S, fffin < ffit IS* Flrffi lf«m. mßmek mm hymm m*4 ktU mi lifi C*f) Trtffih.ffiptt.H- tee Shf JUSrhl trf framtefi—. » NfaSf faSiß * MmtA. A. if mr.. rnm w+mmmwTmm MBiißmß* **+•* Bay * Mmnk. JL • H, taR. fa wmm wm Wmtmmiaq, Bm HmM Map V'/lfa | A D imr. SMC SB sass mMWdnitmf Jntm. mmd twm mmrnd «m >—■ mM »M4«| fag S. teßrff 4sy MMfafasisfalifa|««|MnM4Sßffil tm IW a fa* tt* dm, ts .lUfffa, 4. D IMT, fid. far •mm+J*m Amy ts Hmmmmkm. mmd rmAmA fag tmmmA Ammmf Ommmkmr A.b.Wr rmamil—A» ia t%*rm*ymt mLmmi uttYM TttsCaLi BMh sf >■«*■» fa wffirL isffhlil, Tfat tW snibl afar trr fa« at Ifag mrtmA I far Bi feMs MgMMS M—Mrtti SfaJ fa ssefa * fff>4 ff»ffifa fa MfiFty Oi —— Imw far swfc ) wiim fa safafaiMfaSss' fa »i fa tfafafarf liiMSl to Ms MBS® fffffi rate »• ft fafaHfa bfa Mw a Stafa of Bfa> Imam U tfag ffafaof Ufa I ISM tmUfmm. ApfsssffJL MsF«fa M. IMT. CMAf XXIV. —As AM W RV«U® m fan far g—fang Isa Fsfaßc (If —it a ff 4 km Wfi feryiffA | W sry mm iMiinii i urunn I. fa fas ityiralii fay im : Ifacgtefary of ifa® bffrtN nfeifa Nfa®ff« mt ra* tL fff Sff4 fiUMff fifMffS Mffi CMUnL Mfah X Affd fa® BMMfaar Sfafai Tks aJI tvpffiics fayrnwil Bisrri, fa, IMS. CBtf. M M.J faSff AAnfftL U 4 -fa Art —)im IfafffaMMd tor Wfotry Ofafl fail iiT — b( «fa* il mmmmmt 9m (fa# Tw m4im fa®» rtufafa— faffsAr®.! fiffid mxtj MfaJ faadifiF rwr>ff*. yiMMi March ffffi fayhfa— rt tifaJcLfad •TulTfas uwMfaM *sT Ufa' <!L> > w*!® fans, fay tfaasr tivs •—yfayff. fart Ifa® s—fawr «f rnmmm tfayiffafafawnfaMlnsfafawffffil Ajf "■»* ***7 ». IMT CMAF. xxrm. -An Art tor (fat fartfaf af orffafa Isa- MNsUMfanttsMsfaUpUM. Ufa rSJTjfafasT tFkmZHU to OffhCTfffi fagUtefafifawTr fru— fag stffjr *fao faifa BMy —r* ®i t ii iswlfan fa fafa ishSffnn wrtfi tfag ifa SfafaTfast o«wc«toass faTttT^r'favi^rakto*firt T «faffi!l fafi ajffStrMd "Lir"a# s mm wT ®T ®ffy MfaMMy aM ®oWfar «r alinruj fafiff ff a—ffpf fay (fas sass Bt fafa rtfasfiMhty W raw '^fart.KMßHnr URAF. XXIX —AM Art fa irtsfalfafa Offifftffirt fas faaffU wfftolu^Tfa^Uff 1 tofaeviay I HAm llHifaHl to fafioo Irty »•. UM. CMAF. XXX-As Art wyytofa ofary *(a- as Art tmm fart "Aa Art to arortA® Ihr (fa* mom rtrtwt (tor wtraiSfeGtoßfifart om (far m u 4 «fa® Art BmjJmmmßmn towor, pi mtl cm * fa® tu »fa llifaf Bf sf Mtocfa. Hyfatoffa faff# Ml afal UfaHMA fafaTsa sffrtfafafafi oi Afftefas fa OafayraMfiff ffffirtfft. Tis U I® fafiMfay toUrpl fa fattkffi Wffin (far ■I faUfii **Affi art to pfartto* tor Ifa® fafa rtiUsM yoff mmmmißi UtowfartMato® ’ ®®rt si ifa# art ssyili faswyAfafai ~* siffMirtUK3SSsL/58^ ZZZtmZ STrtltfafatoMfa ItotfaMMlM MMM Mfifasof VfaytoSs, IfersA rsMtosTiffaß OsffoUM. TmuTmiA Afffaaoffsfast*MlUpflftßMtyMtaMMs; ■MI (fart fauwtot stol $ ■■■■fafa. ¥ IfaMfal fawtofas nil—tMlrtfail MMMtoß»ufl tun lac. X AsA fas U fetor utafafl TUB Ms Mff wafer mt my flUfefet uart ta «M Mahßhm H' *■ M l lfa* B®fatort of lfafi ifanfafeiy 11 rt fart art BBuKii mto®* toff# taUtam iffiSSSraSSS gg fay (fa® >Mi -itoff iM of Sfafafa rtfaar |iiff®®S to pw men iumAubmui was Ifani *n MM. Mi to a wrmmrim im«toi if tor •fc. I AtotoUMtoriMi. Tto (to tonl i toMnarwy to to Crtoai Mto*« MB to toM «MB M* *to of wwpawtow. mm amt, mM »*«A plfctol|P»3to to (to IfftMiH Mac. 4. AM to u htowiui That ito Mtt at (to oton «f (to arwy Maaiy to*ta nwaifaw to MUMirt « p ranaa hiwlWiim to* toaww—to >*»>y Ttoi ay yaan toe-a» tor» «r toMtotor f| toiii I by w*y »M* I pm Ii , to (to fewrtwas to Hflfl atom, an top* nn H •*« CM *wi' ■ >w_M> <4cU to mJcmiL'i Jin'* ** m hmmm tm snTn moa»« nprninny t*ADMIMan UirttFMfcb ito mw aßatoM jjmmimmm to «to ratal toaaaa, awi to Brtlftoli nairaa i, pa—i tori tmt? loaw.talttilto! to tor kto tto to teqtwsd to awfart *toa an* to narinan o« ntd. * *baa*d ato« totoXTltoil * to. and Hac k ywr to awaaalas, oaaa at* aaaaa tram ito tot a* barawtotoi (to yaaarai -rs tto dtatn MStt*a **lrHi j tot Tto a# Mraoa ato* tntofiSllt! aaccator aT aay board at r*&mrattorn to raaaoa o 4 r*r» nr enter rto C. And to tt farttor aaartnd. That Ito fan to ; pMaitaMan'teAki. t-rag rttor tAm**. ttot J^apm •to baa to** » ai aw bar at tto laglaiatara «and aay toaar, * *t*s to toU aay *t-r*n* or jadinal oAm m wy to***, wtottor to Mb Jafcaw a* «aU to ayyn tto ' t v.wawtofirm «i (to Pattedtoaaaa ar to*, md nbtebar i to waatoMav swot mlßm a* ato rnaaaiaai >a *n i at tto mtoltoa. ar toi btei* baton, sad ato to* ato l altod MWm, wr a*w a*i a contort *a Ito aanwtea 1 Itomot. la «*uii#4 to to ra«toaaa4*r to rote. atol Mb rtrf! *M»i natt by to* to Mb Mawaamtca at pastor* ■wc. T. Aai to M ftwMto toatoai. Tto* Ma Btoa to | yptowa *to aai#»aal waaairin ywito to ta 1 aa*4 art wa/ ta (to jtorrrttoa o< tto nauuatoal *V»r rt udaMTaTai «i ! Ma Mm to mna*. to | taaaawi. teotrSa”*** aaaa* at wart* paraaa* town ’Sa M,Mi«di M«a atoU art to aßnwA (a *W- Aai aaeh board MB atoo jwrMf Ma mm* paatoit. MU nma polUir tfclT*> («*£ iVat v«a raqrtrwl by •to to * • aat aaaa alssaiy wyMa* .^Mhwjuna* tarnoT art rt tAi*f °>mS>iV "2 MMWy. voakt 4Uqu*ltfy Mb* from rtgiawnm a or Ato to at turito aaart»d.Tto* mom. Mr to*a taT 4*l awtoteaw «M» n lalfttoi by to* to atow «T tto iwM Bar 10 AmA ba tthrUrr That tetoM or aay «T ito oAk» ar twtotaaa *r«a*« aSatow atoi; to boaai im Ma aettna by aay fiai M of aary to 11 4*4 to tt faxltor Mart* 1. Tto* aB Ma yaw toa «f ito. art awi'liM* MM m (to* (a a^p a1 ■ iii Wry atoß ba iwrai 1 Mtoaaßy. to MbM •Maß tto icicaU lkan>«4 aaajr to MBy atol ii—MrCf aamrrl ran. mmururn oui/*i toaator •* ito ■oaar M Biatnnaii l t to r. ni*. I*l' ia*M*l at Ma la*b pro toai f n i la ia* BK Ml to- towaßwartn-r®*. C. *. I tn, im*. tarr | (tot Aa art to aatittAa Mr*Mb" Mara ililat aam* aao*l of Mr mbal Mil 11. yaaari cat (to aarcaaißaya* Mar h Mb to-* bawirad awi am araaw. awi M* art wyibaaan iw*. •* Ma twmßH toy «yfeun* bßixjrW *M Ma SbTtlaai* 1 10 ir»i. ( Ttoi Ma MB. to pw* Ml MW to ai Ma Bt>«aa at Pr*v**aiac»* awr*atM to paaa Ma Attoat: BIVwTS Hrfl-nb. ClaM M. to C. to la r*jt sum am nu Cam* BurW, • i*ty ** iar Tto tonal* banaf jprwtoM4. i at Ma l***lto toir rtBVTMuI and atxTy-n*'**, aa4 tto art aantoMawawr Mannaa, P—— *«• »*M*f MWi top ai MM. Mto* baoairai *aal totytnaa. xtortoi to to Hnnai at Imi. mi imtatiT** by Ma PtoWi.a* a« ito t atoaA Miw. wnk baa obyarttuwn. awi to by Ma Btoaa at if.. ■ iwaiiiraa sea (to baaaar. ntk (to - !■■■»> to tto rm*> aiaau racwrawag (to toll Mato Tto* tto MU to pajm, vw v«MrU to Ma Alto 4. t. rumxi. By V. J. MrUMllS.'* Itoto Oaaß CHAP. lUa -a* tot b idaHii Mar* ato Ii la auator Itoiaaa Into tacit** at (to ( atoai it—a f Aaaanr* tt OB*jpr!!aa*L aria bind. Ttoi tto i of tto r*Wad toaaaa ba. jS^Tb^TmIF to (to tonal*, t A Tnw,itoMa A toabnm. atokil ton, awi atotorfrrte tototojM (MM ST I n*ffll^raaariia* l |Kr ttoJr' acta 'wai to (toir itamiina, antor tto tom tow to (totMWlwil. watoy mytoliw*, antto"* «»M* arm to Ma Mam, par*, atol a* Ms tow labtMM ib aaanrWy lav giraaa awi =HM£^£fg£g£« IbrMa wMMto »mo* y Mr A Awi WWMrMiir MBiMi. TM*aa*4 raaatoa iawwam*M»*i«»wMail aatee*atoatnrt «r atotoato aaaaMry torMp ■*■ toil awb mat. aB tto MM Mat saw aai apyWto tortory «aa*to Ma AocAy mammrnmm, mat waw p watoblly aw par- ’huT+aTS* m in VtocA Mi jaMtotort r%b»_to y~ Irto, * to* ** satobto. ao4 Ito aatanhaa laaiaaij by OiM«rMa. *tofl to *a-j fa ai(ib_par»atowi btobr atofi mmr to jawjStoito abir Mar«n« *uto«tt tto |i inaWabna to 4w trftw t*. tanasißi. a.ypt tobraw awi rnipbiyaaa to Ma Bib* bain . totkU Thi tto tortrt ar toajrtiiM Maß to •obaaiaiaatwMaMwßM tnto aw b*gb*rayi looMai by trftto eaitod Ma>*a, aor wttb tto rotate to tto Morttor* hob Baltriwi. Ma Cwkaw fb> «toto Baibttai. tto lTt*aa Mb Baffiraai Baton* Dm aoa. or tto yr ipaa»i wMr to Ito MM* in awi hnftr BaUroad by (to **p to Altb«WNbfba. Mac. A AM to«* bwMw awaaaai. Ttoi Ma MMaanwg •aaw* to anmaay am todf npnirtilU «tot to aaj in iia aya t* ttotr i i—ty.» ato; Ta aarry aai Ma pro vttooan to tto ar* ton*a aaaMawa to Ma* art. aaw bw»- M*4 awi any Mtoßßte* tbtotow; ba aa*h MaßarraMay to tto Itoanar b* aatocat atob %1—*1? awAtow aa wap ss rni^^srj?sr rrsr i»o* to (to t'Wbi Baa, Ibrar baodrad ttoaaan* ■ar. 4 AM to II Heritor —artai. Tto* Ito ia awWry of War to mqaerad to fbnuafe (waapnrlail in. aatoteb awe, aiad prub*ct4na b> Mr oaMaWan tortoa "lET 1 tertL? T>l If i.S» I S.*«| t, wir» «l*w'«tl mStt tfc. OMMa tTmi nmi»»o*i» y«°» Mi ■Mto. Hi H ai MM.., M ilii i lhi l« Man a nM.aunn7nta n .kaar ntnhn-«ti.a .. tp■iii ai ■ a mm nmiw»«n« ■«» m. im a nn an aatwptad atoU to plaaad tpa tto twaaa MMi* b ■■■ i a tv, «ak&(. i m n*iii mt a*a a anja>M. ai a.iM.mi rwaan i...r»n"m i<a nM naktalai Iw.aaaMMai f arnniw - «ai -mum “nwi, caaT. uuu a» m.«i aa Mm MOn- MM^anSonaTawaTn cjsSs , r ! £ , &gaig£g yJTtokrmay to M* Mb Mto tto IwMlMtoa to Mi Mat iito ■*■l to Vi hSTaw totowto ton Aaaj to Ato , Jf ftotoi totortPl '• I üb'aCCnM.IMMa.l ■ ima ■nrl.i.niila^aiiinitM m:w Mb < *i&o r ~ DIRECT ROUTE (diro, Chicago, Kt. IMa, ni *ii I umi fan WM n MM*a. NASHVILLE *JhATTAIOI»A NASHVILLE A*NOBTH-WEST« HAILWAYB. •m uaa a a in na. an» aa r»a luna a « l«n r non mi. iluuto CWtok Pna* innate t* bt L*au. Ito adftaa abortto ihwP*L Pnmubabw* Lstoa. Ito wßna Mortar tto* rta Ltowkb TWO DAILY TRAINS 1- *ana Altota, aaahtop ttoas owwaciiaw a* VtoMb, hbirt, Obfab, ObMCi, ft Lama, AM to laapnabwl Ibwia SatM-Waa* M ‘*s2iM.fsaC^ 3 s3S^^^^ tMwa^iabtW,^ And att attor pniWb.i iaW wad Bail Tm Tbroawh nctoaa, r*a Wrap ma, to TlMabwaa to* C.*i wwa. pnoi Mto* by BAAL ar BITOt Maw M wap I,l* ftotowa plrto la MwarHi. and a* toty a ssrxrrjrfcSsrr st^r. LivaaMmi ii >m. .jn tan, i , imi vr utDßOiit rmm mur M ~i, ONLY TWO CHAKOCb rmcciUkXrnKk cua ox iu rnaOT miua Ample Time Oteen br Mm* l>m' datkeH Thnuth. r» ■■■»" ! MiaiTaa. la a «a< .• Paithasing Throagh Ticket*. *"* TV ** l- m RwhrMa 4 tontto mom PvrkJßT towwdnd with Mapnt. b ato aatoy —rtoaga W La*i«._JU* Ortean*^ato Jn!!l mL.» aTiLa^L^ On M 1. Inn a 1,1 | mhi Mi M ** ** "•- 1 IT prr Wnl m ■,nn> to. an n »M wVt w » nw I O, MjkJ.(T ■ nn .aWiiet mihtaiir M win, On: mint am jmr-n n- DOLBKAB COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. «n Miiiemm, Da an «Hl»||,.. cnw« t«n AM (ID.II 1in,,,. SEW OEULV!»R romMli tOi Chntmd hj lU to* rs Umm Mfc Onnrnkl, A*n nlSuiL HnlMDinl uni JUlnmry l>^ui ■ I ilillßn.oiil.niMM ni M Inn in. ■MA a. Jam ft.ii.iii CMkn k *•» ■Mnn.AiH*.nM i. Ml. n4«.M fl wil| .Hln JJte a«i.ii.annian. m m«n a nft;. ranM M li n. .I.M smi ~ W *nim?i k **b M <to* Munn or imuwa tbm cumuk mJA ei* m hMaiftMM JTh! *. DM* >«*. .11 ■in n. in* n* II ■!« iMAa nDf nn. «?>... n. . m. Mr imv.Mlili.liilliiii nnlChrt. aM> Hi Mann ■—- *vr Ift. rmmirrn |l«m * l S*g*U ,l> a— m m JDJwAMMIft. IM ft • r I- . ■... c*. M*afl. ato. M May nw» wafi aaaawwli t w JlMtttoytoß *to Ran awi aawa yt , *m an MaaM to** *C patotot Thowa wba _art. w**t*wb paMraßy arbatomar tto tntttnp nn. CWntbp* wai fWW^n<*a*ami bdtk dawn M»*a ■nttCtor sm«b y*ara Ban OrtancTto* m li aaitof aa ito Tto ar Phto I B>li CaUfr llßi i. Bwwwa Ma. •. faawiawMp laiwi wll art toataai u wai M|pi wiry, ato..* . •Ma..... to (4 Iwatoraa wa nawaan in I Laar Mto JMmI ..*■■ 0, "“' .1 0* Tiplni._l.rWM» 1 m m -jaan wini. IM. On. i UknSSkSl MM hr M Inenni *■ IwMi M >.l, ■Sjtr n M*n *rrvE.M,nM. m.,.^ btaweb w atorn. to a litogto* to Mat Bn SnT TW an a*«th* pradnn ZXZfSLZ. aaw tepa a* aay (war. FBOULTY: _ H’Ptb bTAfiAA. VltWfetowC, LMUb ad WUa T ■cr*%'»eiLSiv* < M».ti.e i■■ y i.n.i« "Tyy.y* J yy-_ **'*"**' l *“ M^MiiiMi n^jn^is, n. WUI kjllMik .u JDMlnr, At U nnnm on>BU( Y MMUT7 Vbetoaaar and lnrtam •* iwawpl ObMMMn toafeto'wu* Dapnrtwal J B OttmtH awi 4 W PTBAbWC aai Lnctoiw* aw Bank Till,.will .1- Dn .KM*f.mClm ~IM ftTn.'i"-T *Mn.. »1«* KM mninp D. a DOTTOft, M MmMrtHMin Hi ftnnih. .M^a-asK Obnkr mn« Mm * '*7** PBffiMX PLAJiISO MHaL, «KAI aXUBAI. CULLDUK. ATLAVti MAW. NASH, DOOM a* BUKOS, TTTJ HNITURB ■am oa aocr aoncc. At Ws-rr York. Prion Tuning aad Scroll Sswbg LUMBER DREBBKU, Toacuad Mul Oroov n,j Ll-MBm WOW BAIjSi mt MnwMDHuews -n»-s ummmm 'xeL